Extracts from Swiss papers

Objekttyp: Group

Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK

Band (Jahr): - (1923)

Heft 120

PDF erstellt am: 24.09.2021

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Telephone : City 4603. Ptt?)Zis7i.ed euer?/ Frida?/ at 21, Garlick Hill, London, E.C. 4. Telegrams : Fkeprinco, London.

No. 120 LONDON, SEPTEMBER 22, 1923. Price 3d.

PREPAID SUBSCRIPTION RATES M. Eugène Virieux, pasteur de la paroisse de 3 3 6 né admis clans le UNITED KINGDOM Months (13 issues, post free) - - Crassier, en 1861, corps pastoral AND COLONIES « CM „ - 6,6 vaudois le 7 novembre 1884, suffragant à Yverdon 12 (52 - 12/- Have not once, dès le 11 à dès 12 août you J 6 Months (26 issues, post free) - Frs. 7 50 juillet 1884, Rougemont le 1 12 (52 14.— „ „ - „ '1885, à dès le 26 juin 1886, pasteur à by a hair's breadth fSuiiss su&5crip((ons may 6e pate/ info PosfscAecA-AConfo .* Rougemont dès le 20 avril 1889 et à Crassier dès Bas/e V 577S;. le 12 août 1894, qui a donné sa démission pour le only, escaped an 31 octobre 1923, après 39 ans de service, dont 29 //OME NEWS à Crassier. Accident Ajoutons qu'un des doyens du corps pastoral 0/ ZuricA, iSu?(7zer/anGossens, né en 1849, admis dans le "I adds, that corps périment is being carried out at the moment in London. it can be traced to three sources. The first is pastoral vaudois le 8 novembre 1879, suffragant à Robert Roth, the Swiss champion wrestler of the natural beauty from the peak, dwelling amidst Vufflens-la-Ville dès le 16 novembre de la même world, is under daily training to achieve the world's the silence of the eternal snows, to the deep blue heavy-weight championship, and in the meantime is crystal lake in the secluded année, pasteur à Cronay dès le 30 mai 1880, qui a resting valley, all is beauty. ambitiously prepared to meet any leading British boxer This beauty has, I believe, and donné sa démission aussi le 31 octobre 1923, deeply profoundly pour who will give him a chance to prove his mettle. modified Swiss character, eliminating many of the après 44 années de service, dont 43 à Cronay. * Roth's transformation is under the care of Mr. uglier sides of life. Turn to England—London—with M. Paul-Louis Gallay, pasteur à l'Etivaz, né en Arthur Abplanalp, who also hails from Switzerland, its miles of factory-smitten plains, its hundredfold acres and has achieved fame in his as an of 1847, admis dans le corps pastoral vaudois le 5 own country expert ugly, monotonous villas, its streets disfigured by trainer. unsightly telegraph poles, and consider novembre 1875, suffragant à Vufflens-la-Ville dès sports, how far we " I hope to prove to the world that a wrestler can have yet to go upon the road of before le 10 à ' progress novembre 1875, l'Etivaz dès le 30 avril become a boxer," said Mr. Abplanalp to a Pall Mall beauty of environment can help to form beauty of (L876, pasteur à l'Etivaz dès le 9 juillet de la même Gazette ' representative. " It will be the first case character." A second contention is that the Swiss be done. (année, qui a donné sa démission le 20 octobre on record; but I maintain that it can people know the meaning of work, and that activity pour " The against it in the sporting world has given charm their 1923, après 48 années de service, dont 47 à arguments to character; and, finally, that l'Etivaz. lare that a wrestler, by his very methods, will always Switzerland is great because she has been loyal to the M. Daniel Meylan, pasteur de la paroisse de remain slow. Moreover, wrestlers usually have a good Reformed Faith. " True," he says, " the difference in Champagne-, né en 1861, admis dans le deal too much flesh—a thing impossible for a boxer. Swiss churches is that they seem cold and bare, and " based corps pastoral le 15 novembre 1885, suffragant à I am training him by my private method, too often closed, but there has been, as there still is, the science of physiology, which guarantees in that Reformed religion a Ependes dès le 15 novembre 1884, à St- on pure power which makes for pasteur elasticity, endurance, and flexibility of the muscles. freedom, brotherhood and morality. Very, very marked Cergue dès le 2 août 1885, à Ollon dès le 14 juillet " Three months ago Roth weighed 16 st, 10 lbs., is the difference in tone between Switzerland and her 1889, à Lausanne dès le 2 mai 1897, à Chaillv to-day he weighs 14 st, 10 lbs. His waist measurement near neighbours. There only too often there is much (Lausanne) dès le 29 octobre 1905, à Champagne was then 40 in., to-day it is 30 in. He has gained the open observance of religious rites, and the churches most amazing breath control, and can do twenty rounds are the objects of devotion above all else, dès le 16 1916, a donné démission but other juillet qui sa without rest, as though it were child's play." things are wanting. Here one hears little of the pour le 30 sept. 1923, après 39 années de service. His boxing instructor, Mr. W. Nuckey, for fifteen church, but finds that the leaven has been, and is