Extracts from Swiss papers Objekttyp: Group Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK Band (Jahr): - (1923) Heft 120 PDF erstellt am: 24.09.2021 Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print- und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. Die systematische Speicherung von Teilen des elektronischen Angebots auf anderen Servern bedarf ebenfalls des schriftlichen Einverständnisses der Rechteinhaber. Haftungsausschluss Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr für Vollständigkeit oder Richtigkeit. Es wird keine Haftung übernommen für Schäden durch die Verwendung von Informationen aus diesem Online-Angebot oder durch das Fehlen von Informationen. Dies gilt auch für Inhalte Dritter, die über dieses Angebot zugänglich sind. Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, www.library.ethz.ch http://www.e-periodica.ch Che Swiss Obserocr Telephone : City 4603. Ptt?)Zis7i.ed euer?/ Frida?/ at 21, Garlick Hill, London, E.C. 4. Telegrams : Fkeprinco, London. No. 120 LONDON, SEPTEMBER 22, 1923. Price 3d. PREPAID SUBSCRIPTION RATES M. Eugène Virieux, pasteur de la paroisse de 3 3 6 né admis clans le UNITED KINGDOM Months (13 issues, post free) - - Crassier, en 1861, corps pastoral AND COLONIES « CM „ - 6,6 vaudois le 7 novembre 1884, suffragant à Yverdon 12 (52 - 12/- Have not once, dès le 11 à dès 12 août you J 6 Months (26 issues, post free) - Frs. 7 50 juillet 1884, Rougemont le SWITZERLAND 1 12 (52 14.— „ „ - „ '1885, à Champvent dès le 26 juin 1886, pasteur à by a hair's breadth fSuiiss su&5crip((ons may 6e pate/ info PosfscAecA-AConfo .* Rougemont dès le 20 avril 1889 et à Crassier dès Bas/e V 577S;. le 12 août 1894, qui a donné sa démission pour le only, escaped an 31 octobre 1923, après 39 ans de service, dont 29 //OME NEWS à Crassier. Accident Ajoutons qu'un des doyens du corps pastoral 0/ ZuricA, iSu?(7zer/an</. suisse, M. James-Alfred Porret, agent de l'Union A Swiss mission, headed Col. Arthur Eon- by nationale évangéliqtte de Genève, a fêté, le 9 has for and in sep- jailaz, left Constantinople Angora tembre, son 80e anniversaire. M. Porret est un If so, you need order 011 the to study spot important problems in ancien serviteur de l'Eglise nationale vaudoise, né relation to the establishment of trade relations with admis dans le le 11 110- en 1843, corps pastoral PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE ; Turkey. vembre a été à dès * * * 1869; il suffragant Morges le 1er novembre 1869 et à Provence dès le Following their protest against the extension pasteur 25 juin 1871, puis à Lausanne dès le 3 juin 1877 of the working hours, decided upon by the Swiss you might not be 4 1889, date de son à Genève, Federal Railways, the Unions interested are circu- jusqu'au juin appel où est en fonctiens depuis 34 ans. as lucky a second larising their members as to their attitude and il possible participation should a strike be declared. (Fa time. * * * The exhibition the Basle NOTES AND GEEAN/NGS. buildings belonging to Ask Samples Fair were destroyed last Sunday by fire, for Prospectus. There is who haunts offices, which broke out a few minutes before midday. an imp printing he confound the best efforts Within an hour's time, in spite of the heroic efforts where lies in wait to GENERAL ACCIDENT & LIABILITY of the scribe. not to of the fire brigades and a company of soldiers, hapless (We are referring ZURICH INSURANCE COMPANY,Ltd. the wooden structure was reduced to ashes, with the the "printer's devil," who is an entirely different exception of Flail V, situated on the eastern end. personage, executing totally different functions.) 1 & 2, POULTRY, LONDON, E.C. 2. On the to be from this practises The roofs of the buildings were recently newly type printed imp Telephone : CENTRAL 2772. 7— addition, subtraction, and transmogrifi- tarred, thus rendering them an easy prey to the transposition flames. The damage, which is covered by .insurance, cation with a freakish and malignant ingenuity. .1 The results that the reader is is stated to be in the neighbourhood of I million are not infrequently instructor the is incensed. years boxing to the Navy, was equally san- francs. The work of reconstruction is to be taken puzzled and that invariably writer guine about the prospects of the ' future champion, You the famous lines — in hand at once, the plans being ready, as the know from Shakespeare; especially so as he had just had three ribs broken in " a sparring bout. erection of a more solid structure had already been What's in a name " A rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet." Roth is to be introduced to the boxing world decided upon. The holding of next year's Fair, when the In this the notorious imp above-mentioned Beckett-Carpentier fight takes place. which had been fixed for 5th to 15th, will passage, His present ambition is to take on Beckett, which April the the sublime the probably take place somewhat later, towards the accomplished step from to is not possible until he has climbed the boxing ladder. middle The ridiculous by the change of a single letter, thus: — He has the following proportions: Height 6ft. 2in., of May. cause of the conflagration is 14s. reach " What's in a name P weight lOlbs., 78in., neck 18in., chest 52in., not known, but it is rumoured that a former em- waist 33in.< " A nose, by any other name, would smell as sweet." biceps 16in., forearm 131in., thigh 25in., ployee is under suspicion of arson. calf 16in., ankle 9iin. When such, things happen to Shakespeare, we ought * * * He is a teetotaller, a non-smoker, and a born not greatly to complain similar things happen fighter. It is said his of is The Secretariat for Swiss Abroad has transferred if evenness temper nothing to us All we want to is, that last week that short of marvellous. its offices from Geneva to say Fribourg. imp visited " Notes and Gleanings " and filched We have all felt a natural gratification in read- * * * one letter from one word in one of our admirable, ing of our fellow-countryman's previous An successes, encounter, accompanied by revolver firing, alliterative phrases, whereby the whole sentence and hope he may likewise attain the goal of his took last Sunday at between place Lugano Socialists was well converted into sheer nonsense ambition in his new rôle as an exponent of what and local the pretty Italian Fascists; latter were returning Our readers generally would, no doubt, at once used to be magniloquently called " the noble art by boat from a when manifestation, thev were supply the missing letter and lay the blame of its of self-defence." refused a whilst: the " black landing wearing shirt." absence 011 the real culprit. We are aware, A Few Pats on the Back. * * * however, that clever boys and girls read the many Most have amiable Printing works, for the present a branch of a S.O. who are " dabs " at other things besides rifle- people an weakness for hear- well-known Berlin concern, have been established shooting, and therefore spotted the printer's error ing pleasant things said of them. If the pleasant said at Zurich by the Hugo Stinnes interests. This of the missing " a." We ask these boys and girls things are also true—and, as a rule, we can ourselves Zurich branch is in charge of Col. Karl Egli, who, to write and tell us the word from which this letter easily persuade that they ar<? so—we ex- the it will be remembered, was tried during the War was omitted, and to the writer of the first letter perience uplift of a sense of conscious virtue and the by the Swiss Military Court on a charge of supply opened which names the correct word the Editor justly praise man who said them as a person the of penetration and ing information to German and Austrian Lcga- will send a postal order for 5s. So now, young discernment; if they are not tions in Berne true, we plume ourselves cleverness to the. detriment of our neutrality. folks, get a move on on our in * * * seeming to be what we are not, lightly ignoring Frau the Transforming a Giant. intrusive reflections respecting the difference be- Welti-Hcrzog, well-known concert sin- " " " ger and theatre star, has died in Aarburg at the This arresting headline appeared in the F«Z/ tween esse and videre," and with equal facility age of 63. TlftfZZ a?z<7 U/oée (Sept. 11). After our first gasp of suppressing any sneaking suspicion that the other astonishment, we read the article itself, and then fellow may be more soapy than sincere So many EXTRACTS FROM SWISS PAPERS. we gasped once more. It is probable that, were pleasant things are constantly being said about we to receive a straight left-hander from the subject Switzerland and the Swiss that our heads might be Démissions de pasteurs. — M. Paul-Louis Mayor, of the article, we should gasp once again—our last well turned were it not that we are, on the pasteur de la paroisse de Cully-Epesses-Riex, né gasp It is all about our compatriot, Mr.
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