German Word Stress and Lexical Phonology

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German Word Stress and Lexical Phonology National Li Bibliothkque nationale ' ISIof Canada du Canada Canadian Theses Service Service des theses cahadiennes Ottawa, Canada KlAON4 * NOTICE AVlS The aualitvof this microform is heavibj dependent upon the La quallte de cette m~croforriiedcpcncl qrc~rldtwitwltit: 1,l qualiiy ofathe original thesis submitted for microfilming. qualrte de la these sounxse 3u rr~~crolrln~xj~NOW,morl~l~ Every effort has been made to ensure the highest quality of tout fa11pour assurer une qu,ll~tc supcr~t:ttrcdc: rt.prcd\rc reproduction possible. t~on. If pa es are missing, contact the university which granted the c? egree. Some pages may have indistinct print especially if the La qual~ted'mpres5on de ccrtalnes pages pcttt I,i~~,~~t~r,I original pages were typed with a poor typewriter ribbon or desrrer, surtout SI 1t.s pages orlg~rinlcsor)! 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W; GERMAN WORD STRESS AND LEXICAL PHONOLOGY - \ . - \ Helmi Braches Ubersetzer-Diplom, Germersheim, 1964 THESIS ,SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF \ THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF , MASTER QF ARTS in the Department Languages, Literatures and Linguistics @ Helmi Braches 1987 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY All rights reserved; This work may not b& reproduced in -wbl~mart ,--by photocopy or other means, without peqmission of t-., Permission has been granted L'autorisation a &t& accordhe to the National Library of a la ~ibliotheque nationale Canada to microfilm this du Canada de microfilaer thesis and to lenc3 or sell cette these et de prater ou copies of the film. de vendre dee exemplaXres dy P film. The _author (copyright owner) L'auteur (titulaire du dcoit has reserved other d'auteur) se rhserve les publication rights, and autres droita de publicatton; neither the - thesis nor n$ la th&se ni de longs ' extensive extracts from it extraits, /de celle-ci ne may be printed or otherwise doivent 6tre imprimbe ou reproduced without _his/her autrement reproduits sans eon written permission. autorisation &rite. - -7 - - ISBN 0-315-42558-X APPROVAL. Dcgrccl: MasLer of Arts Title nf Thesis: German Word Stress and Lexical Phonology 1;xarnirii ng- Comrni t tee: Chairman : E. R. Colhoun err^ ,k. Senior ~upervisof F - - t-----c-,- / R.C. ~e~krnond N. J. Lincoln - - External Examiner -University of British Columbia - - Date approved : August 31st, 1987 ii" PARTIAL COPYRIGHT LICENSE < I hereby grant to S1mn ~raserUniversfty the rlght to lend my thesis, proJect or extended essay (the title of which is shown below) to users of the Simon Fraser University Library, and to make partial or c- -- - single copies only for such users or in iespdnse to a request from the w library of any other university, or other educational Institution, on its own behalf or for one of its users. I further agree that permission for mu1 tiple copyi69 of this work for scholar ty purposes may be granted by me or the bean of Graduate Studies. It is understood that copy lng " or publication of this work for flnanclal gain shall not be allowed / - ki f hout 'my wrI tt.en p0rrn.i ss ion. Title of Thesis7Project/Extended Essay Author: (signature) ABSTRACT - - - - The two main research aims of this thesis are firstly, to examine and characterize Gemword stress within the framework of 'i - - and secondly, to develop a model of lexical phonology 1y incorporat& the resu1,ts of the metrical description. > .r - I In the literature, German st;e+s as so far usually been interpreted - R. 'as falling on the rightmost heavy syll le of a wordYsandthe relevant studies are briefly dpscussed. / However, the metrical description presented in this thesis suggests that German is in fact governed by differentlstress patterns. The,pattem found in native vocabulary is quantity sensitive in metrical Lerms and g~vernedby left dominant metrical structures, while non-native vocabulary produces right dominant word trees. A significant difference is also that stress assignment in numerous non-native deriva- . & tions does not depend on syllable quantity, but is-always word-final, - - - - - -- suggesting that in those instances stress is an inherent feature. It is proposed that the divisbn into native and non-native vocabulary in German shown to exist with regard to stress assignment, corresponds to a division into native and non-native morphological operations. A model of the lexicon is developed in-which these two types of morphological material are processed "at two different levels. It is proposed that within each --- f eve1 , t m-rrative and a rrative %eve1 , ckerivatlon a~&m~Er1cziT structm , -- assima take p+ce eye1iealf y , b&, i~ aex&mee #iHi ti@ncipks of - -- lexical phonology, level-internal morphological information is not passed - iii - *. -i ? - on to the next level. This phenomenon supports the hypothesis that in cycles of morphological operations~atthe specific level. , I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Th'omas A. Perry, for 9 supervisihg @is thesis. I am grateful for his guidance and advice at \ L every stage of the kroject, as well as throughout my time as a Studdnt in - the ~in~uistics~e~artbnt. I would also like tb'thank the other members /r bf my supervising qopittee, Dr., Richard C.. ~e~rmkndand Dr. Neville J. <,2, . - Lincoln, for thorough readings of the thesis and- for *valuable come& and $ suggest ions. 4 f. - - - I acknowledge with khanks the financial support received from Simon Fraser Univer~ity~overthe years. And Aast, but not least, I would like to thank my husband, Fred I Braches, for encouragement and support. -. " I, A- Pa~eNo. Approval ........................... ii ,, . c... 7 , ' Abstract ... 4"- .................. iii 'A ,' Acknowledgements .............. ..i.,I - '\ STATE OF. THE ART - A'Review of Recent Theories about German Stress ................ 5 2.2 Austin ...................... 8 2.4 Benware...................... 1$ 2.5 Giegerich. .......I.......... 2.6 Summary . ; ................... 6 i - 3.0 GmWORD STRESS ANQ METRICAL STRUCTURE .... I t 3.1 The<Framework ................... 0 3.2 Vowel Quantity and Syllable Weight insGerman 4 Nati ve German Stress .I........... 5 .. 31 3.3. 1 Unstressed Suffixes ......._. ... 32 -1 3.3. 2 Stressed-Suffixes ............ 35 3 -3. 3 Prefixes ................ 37 3.3. 4 Compowlds. ...........-..,.. 41 - - Final Stress in German .............. 45 Penultimatestress ................ 52 +, -- ----- ---Ap----- A- - A 4.1 The ~r~ork................... 57 \ * L 4.3 ~eval2 2 Native Lexical Stru~ture 82 , -- ........ 4t3.1 . Unstressed Prefixes ............. 84 4.3.2 Compounding ............-... 87 4;3-3, -SchwaDeletion .... .......... 89 4.3.4 Umlaut ..................*I 95 - 4.3.5 Morphological Conversion ........ 101 4.4 Summary.. ..................... 103 5.0 CONCLUSION ..........; .*.-;. ?..2 .... 105 -- h d", . .' . - Bibliog~aphy .......'........ .......... 108 . -Appendix: Index and Glossary of German Words ........ 112 vii , The purpose of this thesis is two-fold: firstly, to provide a phonological description of stress phenomena in German, and secondly, to examine and interpret the processes responsible .for these in the light of mbdern phonological theory. That these two objectives are stated and dealt with separately isae to the complexity of Ge,Eman stress, which, as will be shown, is guver-d by three different stress patterns. This is + in contrast to what has generally been stated in the literature to date. _1,_.. 7s - - Chronologically and Pogically it seems appropriate to start this investigation with a brief ov&view of the analyses of,German stress - available to date, which is the object of chapter 2. The post- . structuralist era in phonology'has also pr~duced a few studi'es on German - ' I .. word stress, she most extensive of which are >h& work of Kiparsky (1966). * 1 Wutzel h l97Q a, b, 9801, anb Giegerich (1985). mile the discussion of - \ these studies is brief, it will point out the assumption shared by these & - .. ' - authors that German word stresg works essentially ,like English stress, as 'well as the problems associatbd .with this- approach. Chapter 3 will present a metrical 'characterization of Geqn stress, 4 based primarily on Hayesf (1981) theory. The choice to examine metrical - . - t 9 theory separately from the framework of lexical phonology has been made f%r - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - several reasons. -In the first place,> as mentioned above,kqce the - - -- - - +- -- description presented here is so different from the generally held view, it .I I I seems necessary to give it aiiequate attention and space. Secondly, it - --*> P --- - - --L--A - -- --- - -- seems indicated to develop a counterproposal to Giegerich's metrical pbofogy & -, 'uhfch is %abased-on- tlnr3iyporhesis that .one type 07-'' metrical tree captures all incidents of stress assignment in German. Howeeer, as will become apparent in chapter 3, an unbiased interpretption e- F -- of the krman data will produce t&rse- si%f ferent t*es ofc metkcal - ,-- , . \ ptr~~t~ie~,reflecting different stress patf erns : a -native patiern' .where , Y - <- tr 1 the maihst'=eSi falls on the root syllable,and generates left dominant I 4 metrical feet and tree stmactut-~s,a-nonsgafive pattern whefe the main - *- * - - stressalways falls-on the final syllable, regulting in right-dominant word, trees, and'another non-native pattern with generally penultimate or I . - - Q anipenultimate stre-= which' can best be.described as a at in ate" .
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    Western Washington University Western CEDAR Modern & Classical Languages Humanities 6-2010 Review of: Auxiliary Verb Constructions Edward J. Vajda Western Washington University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Modern Languages Commons Recommended Citation Vajda, Edward J., "Review of: Auxiliary Verb Constructions" (2010). Modern & Classical Languages. 27. This Book Review is brought to you for free and open access by the Humanities at Western CEDAR. It has been accepted for inclusion in Modern & Classical Languages by an authorized administrator of Western CEDAR. For more information, please contact [email protected]. REVIEWS Auxiliary verb constructions. By GREGORY D. S. ANDERSON. (Oxford studies in typol- ogy and linguistic theory.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Pp. xviii, 473. ISBN 9780189563296. $55. Reviewed by EDWARD J. VAJDA, Western Washington University This new monograph on auxiliary verb constructions (AVCs) is noteworthy for two reasons. First, unlike previous interpretations, Anderson does not limit his focus only to constructions in which the auxiliary verb serves as inflectional head. He includes complex predicates in which the main verb (the verb phrase’s semantic head) carries the inflections and also types where inflec- tions appear on the main verb as well as the auxiliary. This broad sweep permits examination of a much larger sample of complex predicate types crosslinguistically, yielding new insights into the nature of canonical types of AVCs. Second, the focus of the book is diachronic as well as syn- chronic—A uses the term ‘panchronic’—a vantage that leads to interesting observations about the diverse origins of V + V constructions across languages.
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