—Previews— Scandinavian Nor-Fishing Shipbuilding JULY 15, 1984 Offshore Northern -An Update— (SEE PAGE 4) (SEE PAGE 4) Tailor-made marine coverage. Imagining you have it could leave you out in the cold.

In the maritime world, your business is as individual as you are. So, doesn't it make sense that your insurance should be that way, too? At Adams & Porter, we're known for custom marine coverage. First, we study your company from every angle, using our experts in your special area. Only then do we develop a plan that fits your exact needs. There's never any guesswork. You see, with Adams & Porter, you're getting more than 75 years of experience behind every decision. And as bro- kers, we have the entire insurance marketplace from which to select just the right combination of coverage, price and security Whether your business is on inland waterways or on the high seas, you can feel secure that we have the specialized knowledge of your hull, cargo, liability and other marine as well as non-marine requirements. In short, when you choose Adams & Porter, you can be sure your company has truly tailor-made coverage that won't leave you out in the cold. Adams & Porter Associates, Inc., 510 Bering Drive, Houston, Texas 77057-1408, (713) 975-7500. Also in New York and Bermuda.


We take the myth out of corporate insurance.

15,1984 Circle 296 on Reader Service Card Painting courtesy Norman Kjeldsen, Esq. Bear a hand for the Wavertree. In 1895, the Wavertree arrived at New York under sail. This painting by Oswald Brett depicts the historic event. While we cannot say tor certain, the Wavertree may have been met by one ot the McAllister tugs which have served New York Harbor since 1864. Legends are made of such moments. The Wavertree and her sister ships, in their day, were our responsibility. We at McAllister take pride in being part of the history and lore of New York Harbor. The Wavertree is now at the Museum and we support her restoration in order to keep maritime and nautical traditions alive for future generations. Bear a hana. Send your donation to: Ship Trust, c/o National Maritime Historical Society, 15 State Street, New York, N.Y. 10004.

McAllister Brothers, Inc. Towing and Transportation tttjft ^ A II '1 •aJIi Jk fltf / I 17 Battery Place, New York, N.Y. 10004 (212) 269-3200 IHIF P II • '' 'V. '?" D\ W / | Baltimore (301) 547-8678 • Norfolk (804) 627-3651 II • • d / Philadelphia (215) 922-6200 • San Juan (809) 721-8888 • • MWHT^W • MU • U / I

Circle 210 on Reader Service Card The 1984 Annual MARITIME REPORTER ON THE and Engineering News Editorial and Executive Offices OOVER 107 East 31st Street, New York, N.Y. 10016 Cover Photo — Trade Commission of Norway (212) 689-3266 • ITT Telex: 424768 MARINTI Nor-Fishing '84 HtUiyiiiHWT A Preview PUBLISHERS John E. O'Malley PAGE 12 Charles P. O'Malley Offshore EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Charles P. O'Malley CATALOG Northern Seas A Preview EDITOR Robert Ware PAGE 16 SENIOR EDITOR Thomas H. Phillips

Scandinavian ASSOCIATE EDITOR Kathleen Reagan Shipbuilding MARINE PAGE 24 EDITORIAL COORDINATOR Lilian Irvine

TECHNICAL EDITOR Tacoma Boat Awarded L. Parke Adair. BSNA, PE

CATAtOS $110-Million Contract To INTERNATIONAL EDITOR Build Passenger Liner Robin F. Burnett. MRINA, MNI. London, B. James Lowe, president of Tacoma Boatbuilding Company of BUSINESS MANAGER John E. O'Malley Tacoma, Wash., has announced that details of a contract valued at ADVERTISING SALES DIRECTOR $110 million with Gulf Pacific John C. O'Malley

Cruise Lines of Houston for con- ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER struction of an 800-passenger cruise Linda Niepokoj liner have been finalized. Imple- mentation of the contract had been PRODUCTION MANAGER Katherine St. Onge contingent upon Gulf Pacific's se- curing of final financing. ART DIRECTOR Ellen Hemmer According to Mr. Lowe, the CIRCULATION MANAGER M. Sottile Houston-based company has now obtained appropriate letters of credit from a major financial insti- tution. Gulf Pacific recently ap- SALES OFFICES plied to the Maritime Administra- New York, New York The WorlcTs Most Complete Annual tion for a Title XI mortgage guarantee that would cover 75 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News Marine & Naval Equipment Catalog 107 East 31st Street. New York. NY 10016 percent of the cost of the vessel, Telephone: (212) 689-3266 For Vessel Owners, Shipbuilders, which will be named the Galves- Marine Designers, Naval Architects ton. Approval of the application, Houston, Texas and Purchasing Agents. expected within 90 days, will sig- Robert Hawley nal the go-ahead for the project. Gary Lindenberger The new ship will be based in Mike Sullivan 1 1777 Katy Freeway, Suite 155. Houston, TX 77079 DETACH AND MAIL Galveston, Texas, and operate Telephone: (713) 870-0470 cruises in the Gulf area. It is esti- Mail to: Marine Equipment Catalog mated that delivery of the U.S.- Italy c/o Maritime Reporter Mr. Vittorio F. Negrone 107 East 31st Street flag vessel will be about three New York, New York 10016 years after start of construction. Ediconsult Internazionale According to Gulf Pacific presi- Piazza Fontane Marose. 3-16123 Genova, Italy Yes, I wish to take advantage of this Special Offer. Please Telex: 211197 EDINT 1 reserve copies of Marine Equipment Catalog. dent Julio Giannotti, his com- Telephone: (010) 543.659-268.334-268.513 pany also plans to buy the former Name Position Matson passenger ship Monterey, Scandinavia Company which is laid up in San Francisco Mr. Stephan R G Orn Business and now owned by American Mar- Ab Stephan R G Orn Address itime Holding Inc. The passenger Box 184, S-271 00 Ystad. Sweden Telex: 33335 ORN S. Telephone: 0411-184 00 D Enclosed is my remittance of $65.00 per copy for capacity of the 14,799-gt ship would copies of the Marine Equipment Catalog. be increased from 350 to 600. Gulf West Germany • Please bill me Pacific intends to request a Title Wolf O. Storck XI guarantee from MarAd to aid Schiffahrtswerbung Karl-Otto Storck • Please bill my company the financing of the conversion, Stahlwiete 7. 2000 Hamburg 50, which could be accomplished in Federal Republic of Germany Telephone:040/850 0071 Circle 157 on Reader Service Card about 12 months' time.

107 EAST 31st STREET Maritime Reporter/Engineering News is published the 1st and 15th Member MARITIME of each month by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. Controlled Circu- NEW YORK, N.Y. 10016 lation postage paid at Waterbury, Connecticut 06701. REPORTER (212)689-3266 AND Postmaster send notification (Form 3579) regarding undeliverable Telex: MARINTI 424768 ENGINEERING NEWS magazines to Maritime Reporter/Engineering News, 107 East 31st VBPA Street, New York, N.Y. 10016. Business Publications ESTABLISHED 1939 Audit of Circulation, Inc. (USPS) 016-750 No. 14 Volume 46 ALL MATERIAL FOR EDITORIAL CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO ROBERT WARE, EDITOR.

4 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Hitachi Zosen Delivers Keyboard entry Synthesized triple - super hetrodyne 200 khz -17999 khz Bulk Carrier To Greek Owner OPEN YOUR EYES ... to Simrad's new technology!

The bulk carrier North Marchioness.

The North Marchioness, a 61,177-dwt bulk carrier, was recently completed at Hitachi Zo- sen's Ariake Works and subsequently deliv- ered to its owner, Polaris Transport Corpora- tion of Greece. The North Marchioness is the eighth Pana- max 60BC Mark II-type bulk carrier built by Hitachi Zosen, and is designed to carry var- ious ore, coal and grain cargoes. The Panamax Mark II type is a Hitachi Zosen-developed standardized bulk carrier of the largest size which can sail the Panama Canal. The ship employs a low speed main engine and a large- diameter propeller, as well as a Hitachi Zo- Synthesized Automatic sen-developed stern bulb, to reduce vibration Direction Finder TD-C 338 HS and noise, while at the same time improving $6995.00 propulsion efficiency. Also, .anti-fouling paint of a self-polishing type is used to further im- prove propulsion efficiency. All together these 2208 N.W. Market St. and other design features ensure fuel-saving Seattle, WA 98107 ship operation. SIMRAD (206) 789-6482, 1-800-426-5565 The main features and approximate specifi- Circle 318 on Reader Service Card cations of the ship are as follows: length 705 V2 feet; breadth 105V2 feet; and depth of 584 feet. The main engine is a Hitachi Zosen B&W JANCHORS 7L6MC-type diesel with a maximum continu- V WINCHES HONEYCOMB ous output of 11,750 hp x 103 rpm, producing a trial speed of 16.44 knots. The North Mar- CHAINS PANELS chinoess is classified by Lloyd's Register. Meeting U.S. Navy Specifications

Complete Honeycomb M.J. Bulkhead Systems, M.J. Doors, Cummins Engine Announces Sanitary Partitions, Shower Enclo- New Engine Model Codes sures, Waterclosets plus Decora- For Marine Product Line tive Sheathing and Work Stations. Cummins Engine Company recently an- Panels available with close- nounced new engine model codes for their G.J.Wortelboer jr.B.V. out extrusions and facings of worldwide marine product line. The new models Eemhavenstraat 4 Telephone: 10/292222 are being adopted to identify all new products P.O. Box 5003 a.o.h.: 1892/6970 Aluminum, Steel or Stainless Steel by liters instead of present cubic-inch dis- 3008 AA Rotterdam Telex: 28393 GJWNL and coverings of Vinyl or High placement. These new codes have been for- Netherlands Circle 321 on Reader Service Card Pressure Plastic Laminate. mulated to provide a consistent marine engine model description covering engine series, as- piration, displacement in liters, market appli- • Habitiably materials for altera- cation, and in some cases special or unique We'll build your tion and repair of living spaces. features. The marine models that represent Cum- barge your way. • Materials for U.S. Navy Self-Help mins product line for the 80s and beyond will incorporate the new nomenclature. These en- Programs. gines are the B and C Series, which are being released with the new nomenclature, and the For free information contact Sales Dept existing K Series and V (1710) Series which are being changed to the new nomenclature. Other engines will retain their current Our design and construction flexibility, experi- enced craftsmanship, and advanced facilities nomenclature. produce competitively priced, quality barges A brochure entitled "Engine Nomenclature" built for each customer's shipping operation has been released by Cummins Engine Com- Contact us, and we'll build one your way ADVANCED pany, Inc. describing how the new codes are formulated. Brownsville, For a free copy of the brochure, Pennsylvania 15417 HBC Barge STRUCTURES CORR Phone: (412) 785-6100 235 W. Industry Ct„ Deer Park, NY 11 729 Circle 80 on Reader Service Card (516)667-5000 J

July 15,1984 Circle 230 on Reader Service Card Circle 241 on Reader Service Card 5 Engineering Partnership Formed By Kongsberg And McDermott International A/S Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk ADVERTISE IN THESE has entered into an agreement with the international corporation McDermott International Inc. for cooperation in a joint venture for SPECIAL EMPHASIS ISSUES offshore oil and gas engineering. Kongsberg will sell 49 percent of Kongsberg Engineering, a.s. to McDermott, and the joint company will operate under the name of KME a.s. The company will oper- ate from its headquarters in Asker and a branch office in Bergen. KME intends to build up a strong organization which will work both in the Norwegian sector and over- seas. Particular emphasis will be given to efficient coverage of the international subsea system engi- neering market, based on the ex- perience and expertise which FOR MORE MARINE SALES Kongsberg Engineering has devel- oped in this field. McDermott will use KME as their capability cen- ter for subsea systems engineering SEPTEMBER 1 SEPTEMBER 15 for their worldwide offshore engi- S Advertising . NORTH AMERICAN OFFSHORE cS Da.e * * HAMBURG SHOW neering operation. Auaust 10 International Ship Machinery, Marine August 24 OUTLOOK Technology (SMM) Exhibition and Congress United States and Canada The aim is to develop KME into Hamburg, Germany * • CORE '84 a highly capable engineering com- SPECIAL • GERMAN SHIPBUILDING (Canadian Offshore Resources Exposition) pany. It will not on its own com- GERMAN Special feature on the West German shipbuilding NORTH AMERICAN Halifax, Nova Scotia - October 16-18 MARINE INDUSTRY industry, pete for large integrated engineer- OFFSHORE ISSUE SHOWCASE ISSUE • PLUS — A wealth of current marine business and technical • PLUS — A wealth of current marine business and technical ing contracts, but rather cooperate information first — weeks before the slower monthlies- information first — weeks before the slower monthlies. and support the already estab- OCTOBER 1 OCTOBER 15 lished Norwegian contacts. Advertising * . FISH EXPO '84 Kongsberg Engineering a.s. has SeSno Boston Mass - October 17 - 20 cSffSL * * GASTECH '84 been operating since 1975 and has Over 500 leading manufacturing companies exhibiting September 25 Conference and Exhibition had various contracts for most of — and numerous seminars on all phases of deep sea Amsterdam, The Netherlands — fishing, including support machinery and equipment. November 6 - 9 the Norwegian continental shelf A full program on all aspects of the marine transporta- operators. • DECK MACHINERY AND CARGO tion, storage and handling of LNG and LPG. HANDLING EQUIPMENT McDermott brings into the Nor- • PLUS — A wealth of current marine business and technical The latest technology and innovations in all types of information first — weeks before the slower monthlies wegian engineering world exper- deck machinery and systems from leading manu- facturers worldwide. tise and experience in most fields, • PLUS — A wealth of current marine business and technical including pipelaying, processing information first — weeks before the slower monthlies. and large steel structures tech- NOVEMBER 1 NOVEMBER 15 nology. Advertising * • SNAME ANNUAL MEETING S n Closing Date (Society of Naval Architects and Marine cSg 0 a.e * NAVAL MACHINERY & Deutsch Metal Offers October Engineers) - November 7 - 10 October 26 ELECTRONICS Free Pyplok Catalog plus A full review of the latest developments in naval Deutsch Metal Components, Los * • THIRD ANNUAL SNAME electronics, machinery and equipment as reported by leading manufacturers and suppliers to the Navies of Angeles, Calif., has announced the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME the Worid EXPOSITION • PLUS — A wealth of current marine business and technical release of their new detailed Pyp- The most important U.S. Marine Industry Show. information first — weeks betore the slower monthlies lok catalog which contains techni- For the third year, the prestigious Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers is sponsoring a cal and dimensional information marine trade show in conjunction with its internationally on the mechanically applied pipe renowned annual meeting and technical symposium in New York City. connecting system. The November 1 issue of MARITIME REPORTER will The catalog illustrates how Py- contain full details covering the entire technical pro- gram as well as the exhibition. plok is designed for the shipbuild- The November 1 issue will receive extra bonus ing and ship repair industries. A distribution at SNAME • PLUS — A wealth of current marine business and technical cutaway illustration is featured to information first — weeks before the slower monthlies. show specific design benefits. Pyplok, the system that elimi- TWICE EACH MONTH - FIRST WITH THE NEWS - FIRST IN READER INTEREST nates welding and hot work, has been tested and qualified by Nav- Published TWICE each month . 24 times a year MARITIME REPORTER delivers the latest and most important industry information FIRST . weeks and sometimes months before the same information, often with the same photos, appears in the slower monthly magazines. sea for its 6,000-psi fittings (70/30 CuNi) and 3,750-psi fittings (316L Here is unequalled editorial performance providing the industry's only source for complete, current and fresh reports on all important marine developments . FIRST. Stainless) and has received ap- provals from virtually every mari- As a , MARITIME REPORTER is the industry's most wanted magazine 100% requested, in writing, by the world's largest audience of marine management readers , thousands more than any other marine magazine time approval agency in the world, including ABS and the U.S. Coast Every one of the 1984 special emphasis issues listed in this calendar will also contain a full measure of regular current industry news . the key to the consistently unequalled reader interest enjoyed by all 24 issues of M R. Guard. The catalog is assembled in a Your advertising is bound to work harder for you , produce better results and more sales in the high-intensity reader interest atmosphere created only by MARITIME REPORTER hard-bound, protective coated binder and also details sizes (up to MARITIME REPORTER js^the best read marine magazine . thousands more marine management readers have acknowledged and confirmed it by requesting MARITIME REPORTER year after year. 2-inch), materials and tooling re- quirements necessary for Pyplok installations. Total circulation This informative catalog also il- MARITIME 107 EAST 31st STREET lustrates the simplicity of Pyplok 100% REQUESTED NEW YORK, N.Y. 10016 installations, explains testing re- in writing REPORTER (212) 689 3266 sults and gives ordering infor- ANO mation. ENGINEERING NEWS For a free copy of the catalog,

6 Circle 259 on Reader Service Card Circle 87 on Reader Service Card A TIGHT SQUEEZE—McDermott Laybarge No. 28, owned by McDermott, Incorporated of New Orleans, La., is shown above loaded on the very large submersible ship (VLSS) Sibig Venture offshore Mobile, Ala., for destination Singapore via the Cape of Good Hope. The voyage The all-steel scalloper Traveler has living accommodations for a complement of 13. will be 13,200 miles and has a projected transit of 43 days. The Mc- Dermott laybarge No. 28 has overall dimensions of 421 by 129 feet and a weight of approximately 13,000 long tons. This huge barge was floated over the submerged Sibig Venture with hardly any room to spare since Bender Delivers the free deck usable space (clear deck) is only 423 by 138 feet, but yet is still one of the largest submersible ships in the world. The ship has a 98-Foot New Bedford Scalloper deadweight carrying capacity of 44,000 metric tons and is 728 feet in total length. McDermott, Incorporated, with headquarters in New Or- Bender Shipbuilding & Repair livered several scallopers to New leans, contracted the Sibig Venture with (I.T.C.) International Trans- Co., Inc. of Mobile, Ala., recently Bedford fishing interests, but this port Contractors Holland B.V., of Haarlem, Holland. I.T.C. Holland delivered the 98-foot scalloper is the first of this type for Jakob J B.V., contracts and operates the mammoth VLSS Sibig Venture now Traveler to Jakob N. Shervo and & J. Built entirely of steel, this servicing the worldwide oil industry in rig and barge dry transportation his sons, John K. and Jarry, of double chine vessel features a for Tschudi & Eitzen (shipowners) of Oslo, Norway. International New Bedford, Mass. completely enclosed shucking house Transport Contractors (USA) Inc., is located in Houston, Texas. Over the years, Bender has de- (continued on page 8)

The "old masters" of waterside corrosion protection.

... old reliable? Call Nav-Com for the alternatives

There's a whole new way to pack modern capabilities into your shipboard communications It's called Nav-Com. T1 Nav-Com has the background and experience to ^^ or more than seventy years, Apexior8 Number \ and Apexior Number 3* develop complete systems that can include every level of Vj coatings have been providing effective corrosion protection for metal communications necessary for today's vessel management exposed to fresh or salt water. needs Electronic telephone systems, complete with J^L Apexior Number 1 is a heat-resistant organic coating for the protection hailing and paging Satellite communications Computer of metal surfaces immersed in hot water at temperatures above 200°F (93°C). work stations such as our own Busiship™ system All of It protects the water-side surfaces of steam generating equipment, feed water heaters, these elements can be integrated into a complete package, de-aerators, evaporators, steam turbines, and diesel cylinder liners. or individual systems can be provided Apexior Number 3 protects metal surfaces that are frequently wet or exposed Nav-Com. We design it, install it, train your to high humidity, or that are immersed in water up to 140°F (60°C). It provides basic, personnel, and support the whole package anywhere you low-cost protection for metal surfaces that are difficult to prepare properly. It is sail through the worldwide Magnavox service network recommended for service conditions where the use of expensive high-performance Nav-Com. The communications source. Send for a coating systems cannot be justified. free full color booklet today, or call for immediate action Take advantage of the corrosion protection the "old masters" provide. Apexior coatings are available in the U.S. and Canada from your marine supplier or Dampney Company,Inc., 85 Paris Street, Everett, MA 02149. Telephone (617) 389-2805. Telex II 710-348-6716. Distributor inquiries invited. Maqnavox Marine and ^^ Survey Systems Dampney Nav Com Incorporated 9 Brandywine Drive, Deer Park, NY 11729 Other Dampney products include Epodur* and Endear* corrosion- Tel. 516-667-7710/Telex 645744 Navcom NY Deer resistant coatings, and Tburmalox" beat-resistant coatings. 24-hr Facsimile 516-667-2235

July 15,1984 Circle 126 on Reader Service Card Circle 312 on Reader Service Card 7 (continued from page 7) TRAVELER Philadelphia Gear Supplies Major Suppliers New Propulsion Drives For on her stern for year-round fishing Main engine . . . . (1) Caterpillar Reach rod Penwalt San Francisco Ferry Boats on George's Banks. Gears Caterpillar Alarm panels Murphy In commenting on the new ves- Radar Furuno Generators ...... (2) Caterpillar The three ferry boats that carry sel Capt. Jarry Shervo said: Steering .Electro Hydraulic SSB radio Hull thousands of commuters and visi- "Bender was willing to incorporate Controls WABCO Loran "C" (2) Northstar many of my ideas on what I felt a Propeller Columbia Depth sounder/recorder Furuno tors daily across San Francisco working boat should be; ideas that Anchor Danforth Autopilot Wagner Bay between San Francisco and Winches Hathaway Stereo Cybernet come from experience. Traveler is Larkspur will soon have com- Winch engine .(1) Detroit Diesel VHF radio Cybernet pletely new propulsion drive sys- a quality vessel that was delivered Heating/AC . . Carrier Course plotter Furuno on time." tems for which Philadelphia Gear Corporation is manufacturing spe- cial gearboxes. The original propulsion on the ferries was provided by a triple- drive system using gas turbines. MURPHY'S LAW Because of rising fuel and operat- ing costs, the boats are being con- verted to twin-screw propulsion with two diesel engines. The fer- NUMBER 76. ries being converted are the San Francisco, Marin and Sonoma. They are owned and operated by the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District. The conversion is being accom- plished by Southwest Marine Inc., San Diego Division. In addition to the work being accomplished by Philadelphia Gear Corporation, Southwest Marine is modifying the structure of the vessels to fa- cilitate the addition of shafting, rudders and propellers. Additional modifications include advanced engine monitoring and control systems. In addition to the Golden Gate ferry drives, the company recently supplied new gearboxes for the renovation of the San Francisco Cable Car System. These pro- grams continue to demonstrate Philadelphia Gear's leadership in supplying high performance power transmission drives for marine and other tough applications.

Gennaro Oliva Joins Atlantic Coast Enterprises Gennaro Oliva, former hull de- sign engineer with Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., has just recently joined the staff of Atlantic Coast Enterprises, Inc., manufacturers of a widely diversi- fied marine product line. Since his education as a naval architect, and receipt of a Bache- THE STIFFEST PLANK ALWAYS GETS NEXT TO lor of Engineering degree and a THE BENDIEST ONE. United States Coast Guard Third Assistant Engineer's license, Mr. rn the other hand. adhesive This patented process Oliva has continued his advance- MICRO = LAM" Law #2 states: eliminates almost all of the flaws ment in the marine industry. MICRO = LAM scalfold planking and hazards of solid sawn planks- Combining his knowledge and splitting and warping are virtu- will have consistently uniform experience in the ship design and ally unknown with MICRO = LAM strength and stiffness. We guaran- construction field, with specialized tee it. Because every one has to planking. And it cuts costs by training as a marine power-plant conform to our tough manufactur- lasting longer ing standards. Available in any specified engineer and certification in ma- rine fire-fighting by the U.S. De- And every MICRO = LAM scaf- length up to 40 feet, up to 24" wide, Name partment of Transportation-Mari- fold plank is proof-tested for strength and in 6 thicknesses Immediate Company- and branded to certify compliance shipment. Write or call today. Phone time Administration Division, Mr. Oliva will add expertise to the with OSHA. Mail To MICRO = LAM engineered Walk a safer plank: ever-growing staff of experienced and highly skilled professionals lumber is made from ultrasonically MICRO=LAM TRU5 JOIST CORPORATION graded veneer, laminated under 0 employed by Atlantic Coast heat and pressure with waterproof Scaffold planking PO Box 60-E • Boise. Idaho 83707 • 208/375-4450. Enterprises.

8 Circle 332 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News NABRICO Names Gower Marland's subsidiary, Allied American-Standard Offers in order to cool more efficiently, Water Corporation, manufactures and how they cut operating costs, VP-Engineering SweetWater, a well known reverse Free Bulletin On FanEX® save energy, save water, reduce osmosis water purification system, Air/Oil Heat Exchangers sewer charges, and cut and various state of the art treat- maintenance. ment and purification technolo- American - Standard, Heat Detailed information is given on gies. Marland/Allied boast a Transfer Division, Buffalo, N.Y., which of the 12 models of FanEx worldwide distribution, sales and is offering an eight-page bulletin heat exchangers to select accord- service network. on its FanEX® air/oil heat ing to one's needs, along with a For additional information on all exchangers. simple step-by-step selection pro- Marland and Allied products and The well-illustrated brochure cedure and an example of how to services, contains general information on use it. the advantages of FanEX heat ex- For a free copy of the bulletin changers, the Amaspher® turbula- from American-Standard, Circle 98 on Reader Service Card tion principle on which they work Circle 99 on Reader Service Card

Charles Gower

Charles W. Gower has been named vice president of engineer- ing for Nashville Bridge Company (NABRICO), Nashville, Tenn., ac- cording to an announcement by A1 Zang, president of the shipyard. Mr. Gower joined NABRICO in 1978 as manager of design. He was named director of engineering in 1980, and held that position un- til being named vice president. Mr. Gower is a graduate of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and during his term of active duty he obtained an MSE degree in naval architecture and marine engineer- ing from the University of Michi- gan, and served five years of sea duty. Licensed as a professional engi- neer in Tennessee and Washing- ton, D.C., Mr. Gower is a member of SNAME, ASME and the ABS Western Rivers Technical Com- mittee. He currently holds the rank of commander in the Coast Guard Reserve. than conventional polypropylene rope,plu s higher Bob Daniels Named New abrasion resistance and lower stretch, at the same price. Marland President & CEO

Wall's STEEL LINE is a But best of all, STEEL STEEL LINE is available newly developed, super- LINE delivers these prem- in 3 or 8-strand construction, tough rope designed for ium advantages without a in diameters 1 Vz inches and marine use. premium price. It costs you larger. And it's manufactured STEEL LINE is manu- no more than polypropylene in the United States from factured from a unique of the same diameter and, domestic materials. configuration and combina- in fact, costs less than any Want more facts—or tion of synthetics that offer synthetic, based on dollars quick shipment? Phone us a host of advantages. For per pound of tensile at 919-835-6888 or write: example, STEEL LINE is 40 strength. Wall Industries, Inc., P.O. percent stronger than poly- Box 560, Elkin, NC 28621. Bob Daniels propylene rope of the same Marland Environmental Sys- diameter, twice as strong as tems Inc. of Walworth, Wise., a wire rope on a weight basis, leading manufacturer of water pu- and stronger than nylon... rification and treatment systems pound for pound. and services, announced that Bob What else is so special Daniels has been elected presi- about STEEL LINE? Be- dent and chief executive officer. cause its specific gravity In addition to his corporate re- is only slightly higher than WeilWALL INDUSTRIES, INCl. sponsibilities, he will be directing Service centers in major cities. the company's newly organized polypropylene, it floats. And marketing and sales program. His compared to polypropylene, responsibilities will extend to all STEEL LINE stretches less Marland's products including Sani- under loads and offers System and SweetWater. superior abrasion resistance. Marland is a manufacturer and worldwide distributor of IMO and U.S.C.G. certified marine sanita- tion treatment devices, with man- ufacturing facilities in the U.S. and Europe.

July 15,1984 Circle 302 on Reader Service Card 9 New Raytheon SSB Is preprogrammed for all of the 192 vides fully automatic tuning. Last ITU channels, and provides mem- station used is automatically called Microprocessor Controlled ory capability for 44 user-pro- up when the unit is turned on. —Literature Available grammed channels or frequencies. In addition to ready coverage of The user-oriented RAY-1285 worldwide marine-band channels Raytheon Marine Company is transceiver provides digital-dis- and frequencies, the fully synthe- offering free literature describing play monitoring and keyboard sized RAY-1285 provides a num- its newly introduced 150-watt mi- channel/frequency and mode selec- ber of important additional fea- croprocessor-controlled SSB radio- tion. LCD readout on a backlit tures. It has a sea-watch automatic Raytheon's RAY-1285 SSB Marine Radio- telephone for commercial vessels panel shows channel/frequency se- scanning mode which allows the telephone of all types. Raytheon's RAY-1285 lected and operating condition. The operator to monitor up to 10 se- SSB Marine Radiotelephone is unit's remote antenna-coupler pro- lected channels or frequencies, in- eluding the International Emer- gency Frequency, 2182 kHz. Quick- select of the International Emer- gency Frequency is available with a built-in, two-tone distress alarm. A unique "force-transmit" control will provide communication even under emergency broken-antenna conditions. The compact RAY-1285 trans- ceiver operates on 12 Vdc. For op- tional manual tuning, the RAY- 1285 transmits (1.6 to 25.999 MHz) and receives (100 kHz to 30 MHz) in fast or slow steps. Selectable modulation modes available are: standard SSB (AJ3), modified SSB (A3A) and AM compatible (A3H). Push-button listening to other ves- We understand a shipowner's need sel transmissions is available as well as a push-to-talk telephone to care for his equipment investment. handset. The RAY-1285 transceiver is supplied with antenna coupler, mounting hardware, interconnect- We have invested $50 million in ing cables, and complete installa- tion instructions. It meets FCC re- improved facilities to provide that care. quirements and has passed Raytheon's tough environmental tests for shock, vibration, temper- ature extremes, and resistance to corrosion and fungus. Manufac- < MAIN YARD turer's suggested retail price is Two graving docks: 900' x 150' $5,995. For free literature containing 550' x 79' full details on the new RAY-1285 1984 Additions: SSB, • Two graving docks-750' x 125' Circle 95 on Reader Service Card • Two wet berths • Assembly/erection building with two 250 Sonat Subsea Services ton bridge cranes and auxiliary cranes Appoints Senior VP Bruce C. Gilman, president of Sonat Subsea Services, Houston, Texas, announced recently that Thomas A. Angel has been ap- SOUTHWEST FACILITY • pointed senior vice president. 11.0 acres of covered fabricating Formerly vice president and facility complete with: general manager of Santa Fe Un- derwater Services, Mr. Angel has • NC plasma machine more than 20 years' experience in • Plate and shape preparation line underwater services. Sonat Subsea Services, a subsid- • One 700 ton bridge crane iary of Sonat Inc., provides high- • Two 200 ton bridge cranes technology underwater services in support of the offshore energy in- • One 100 ton bridge crane dustry. They have headquarters in • Barge loading facility Houston with regional operations bases in Scotland and the Republic of Singapore. S&H Diving, its Americas-region operating subsid- iary, has support bases in Morgan TAMPA SHIPYARDS, INC. City, La., and Galveston and Cor- pus Christi, Texas. PO. Box 1277, Tampa, Florida 33601 Sonat Inc. is a company engaged in finding and producing oil and (813)247-1183 Telex: 52-637 natural gas; field services associ- ated with these operations; and A subsidiary of the American Shipbuilding Company transportation of these energy products.

10 Circle 331 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News YU

Twenty-two reasons why Curtis Bay is the towing choice in three major East Coast ports. Twenty-two tugs make a powerful dif- (and cost-saving) efficiencies. Perhaps ference. And with over 70 years of ex- that's why more marine managers are perience plus trained, expert crews, saying, "When you go with Curtis Bay you can be sure of time-saving Towing,you have more on your side." CURTIS BAY TOWING COMPANY Philadelphia • Baltimore • Hampton Roads Headquarters: The World Trade Center Baltimore, Suite 800, Baltimore, Maryland 21202, 301-962-6500. ...More on your side. Since 1910 July 15,1984 Circle 174 on Reader Service Card 11 The newly-built fishery research vessel Bei Dou. a gift from Norway to China, will be berthed near the Nidaro Hall during Nor-Fishing. NOR-FISHING '84 Trondheim, Norway—August 6—12

The organizers of Nor-Fishing ing list. The organizers had origi- be covered will be energy saving high professional standards, and '84, one of the world's leading in- nally planned for 4,500 square and the utilization of increasing topical seminars, Nor-Fishing ternational fisheries fairs, report meters of indoor exhibition space; herring resources—themes that are should be of great interest to that interest in this year's event, this has now been increased to currently attracting wide atten- everyone connected with the fish- to be held August 6-12 in Trond- 5,400 square meters. In addition, tion both nationally in Norway ery industry. heim, Norway, is greater than there will be more than 1,000 and internationally. ever before. Because of enormous square meters of space for outdoor The organizers report active ef- Seminar Program demand from exhibitors, the exhibits adjacent to Nidaro Hall. forts to attract foreign visitors to planned exhibition area had to be In previous years the somewhat the fair, through close collabora- Wednesday, August 8 expanded. Every inch of available limited availability of hotel ac- tion with the Export Council of How Should We Use Our Her- space in the Nidaro Hall has been commodations in Trondheim cre- Norway, NORAD, and the Minis- ring Resources? booked, so that this year the fair ated problems. However, since the try of Commerce. It is already Chairman: Ole Johan Ostvedt, will cover more than 6,400 square 1982 Nor-Fishing three new ho- known that both the exhibition research director, Institute of Ma- meters—with some companies tels have been built in the city, ac- and the seminars will be attended rine Research, Bergen. placed on a waiting list. commodating more than 1,000 by important individual visitors 10:00 am—"Herring—Quantity This year's exhibition is the 10th guests. Thus the organizers are and delegations from every part of and Utilization—Yesterday and time for Nor-Fishing. It was first confident that hotel facilities this the world. More than 24,000 spe- Tomorrow," by Jorn Krog, direc- organized in 1960 at Bergen. year will be satisfactory. cialists from some 40 nations at- tor, Norwegian Pelagic Fish Mar- Trondheim was the site for the Nor-Fishing '84 will present a tended Nor-Fishing '82; an equal keting Board. event in 1965, 69, 72, 74, 76, 80, comprehensive picture of the lat- number are expected at this year's 10:30 am—"Herring for Consump- and 82. It was held once in Oslo, est developments in the field of fair. tion—Requirements in the Treat- in 1978. The organizers are the fishing craft, ships' equipment, Another attraction at Nor-Fish- ment of Raw Material," by Prof. Royal Norwegian Ministry of fishing gear and other catching ing '84 will be the Bei Dou, one of Ola Magnussen, The Norwegian Fisheries/Directorate of Fisheries, implements, navigational and the world's most advanced fishery University of Fishery/Norwegian in collaboration with the Norwe- safety equipment, marine elec- research vessels, which will be Institute of Technology, Trondheim. gian Trade Fair Foundation tronics, packaging and transport berthed close to the exhibition 11:30 am—"Processing of Her- (Norges Varemesse). equipment, fish processing ma- hall. This vessel is an official gift ring," by Wiggo Tangstad, senior Some 234 exhibitors represent- chinery, and other products and from Norway to China. One of the scientist, Institute of Fishery ing more than 400 manufacturers services connected with the fish- Norwegian Coast Guard's newest Technology Research, Tromso. in 20 countries have confirmed ery industry. vessels will also be berthed in 12:15 pm—Lunch space for Nor-Fishing '84. New ap- Concurrently with this trade fair, Trondheim during the fair, to- 1:30 pm—"Marketing Possibilities plications were still coming in as special seminars will be held on gether with the more than 100- for Herring and Herring Products, late as May this year, yet in spite August 8 and 9 (program listed be- year-old, yet still fully opera- with special Reference to the Ger- of the increased exhibition area low). These will be addressed by tional, fishing schooner from the man Market," by Theodor now made available, late appli- fisheries specialists of interna- Faeroes, and several demonstra- Hubsch, director, Norda Heering- cants had to be placed on the wait- tional repute. The main subjects to tion craft. With its wide span, shandelsgeschaft, Hamburg.

12 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News 2:10 pm—Panel Discussion. Furuno Norge A/S (N) Hocom A/S (N) Josef Kihlberg A/S (N) 3:15 pm—Conclusion of panel Forpackningsservice (N) Asbjorn Horgard A/S (N) Kienzle Datasystem A/S (N) Glomma pap & papir A/S (N) A/S Hydraulik Brattvaag (N) R. Kirksaether A/S (N) discussion. W.R. Grace A/S (N) Hydraulish Aluminium a/s (N) Kleveland Elektro Diesel A/S (N) Gram Fletteri (D) Arnold Haabeth A.S. (N) William Knudsen A/S (N) Thursday, August 9 Grundborg (D) ISI-FISK A.S. (N) Koden Norge A/S (N) Energy Saving Grundens Regnklader AB (S) Jacstone Froster Ltd. (E) A/S H. Koppernaes & Sonner (N) Chairman: Finn Bergersen Jr., Guru Papp A/S (N) Andreas Jensen (D) Krupp Atlas Elektronik GmbH (WG) secretary general, Norwegian HaBa Produkter (N) C.C. Jensen (D) Kumera Oy (F) Johnson Pump A/S (N) Fisherman's Association, Trond- Erling Haug A/S (N) Kvam Batindustri A/S (N) Helly-Hansen A/S (N) J.O. Jaeger(N) Kvaerner Kulde A/S (N) heim. Hiab-Foco A/S (N) KNM Tordenskjold (N) Lagan Plast AS (N) 10:00 am—"The Outlook for En- Hirtshais Vad & Trawl binderi (D) Karmoy Winch AS (N) Lehmkuhl Radiosystemer A/S (N) ergy Prices," by Johan Nic. Void, Holund A/S (N) Kemers Norske A/S (N) (continued on page 14) managing director, A/S Norske Shell, Oslo. 10:30 am—"Potentials for Saving in the Fishery Industry," by An- ders Endal, research director, In- stitute of Fishery Technology Re- 11JI i :VJ k 14VP: search, Trondheim. Marine chemical science solves a big problem for vessel operators. 11:30 am—"Design of Energy-effi- cient Fishing Craft—Hull Design and Propulsion Systems," by Aage Ml AMEROID OWS can be used as an effective, WE'VE DEVELOPED A heavy-duty degreaser in almost every area of the Berg, senior scientist, Institute of ship-in the engine room, on deck, for cleaning Fishery Technology Research, tools, painted and unpainted surfaces, bulkheads Trondheim. POWERFUL CLEANER and machinery. It is also a dependable tank cleaner. 12:15 pm—Lunch. Bilge cleaning? Yes. AMEROID OWS is easy to 1:30 pm—"Operation of Fishing THAT WONT HARM OILY use, employing the regular "rock and roll" method. Vessels—Correct Use of Speed, In almost every area of the ship, this is a first class, top-to-bottom cleaner. Especially where the Propulsion Machinery, and Pro- WATER SEPARATORS: slop is pumped through oily water separators. peller," by Torbjorn Digernes, senior scientist, Institute of AMEROID* OWS quick The proof: leading manufacturers Fishery Technology Research, of oily water separators give OWS Trondheim. separating degreaser It takes a powerful solvent-emulsifying cleaner an enthusiastic approval. 2:10 pm—Panel discussion. to do all the degreasing jobs your ship requires. Leading manufacturers* of oily water separators 3:30—Conclusion of seminar. But a powerful degreaser can also be disastrous have conducted their own tests with AMEROID for the operations of the oily water separators OWS and confirm that this advanced cleaner LIST OF EXHIBITORS required under international pollution control when used as directed will allow the separator to Country code: A = Australia, C = Canada, D = regulations. How? An effective marine degreaser perform at design parameters. These tests used Denmark, E = England, EG = East Germany, F - dissolves oily deposits by forming an emulsion- various concentrations of AMEROID OWS-all Finland, H = Holland, N = Norway, PL= Po- a collodial suspension of oil molecules in water. of them strong enough to do an outstanding job. land, P0= Portgual, S = Sweden, WG = West Cleaners perform this task because part of their In each case, AMEROID OWS will not only do an Germany molecules are attracted to oil, and the other pari outstanding cleaning job. but it will do it without to water. That's how it lifts and holds soil and turns harming the separating capabilities of the oily Alpha Diesel (D) greasy deposits into an easily removed solution. water separators. Arentz & Amundsen A/S (N) T hat's fine for cleaning, but just the opposite of When equipment manufacturers approve, H. Astrup & Co. A/S (N) Drew your oily water separator's function, which is lo recommend and list this cleaning product in the Atlantconsult (N) Ameroicf separate the oil and water. Therefore, an effective interests of their own machinery's performance B.N. Marine Consult (D) marine degreaser that can be great for cleaning and reputation you know that AMEROID OWS is B T Elektronikk A/S (N) Marine can be very harmful to the proper operation ol the marine degreaser you should use! BT Marking A/S (N) your oily water separators. Fortunately, Drew Baader GmbH + Co. KG (WG) Ameroid Marine has now solved this problem for AMEROID OWS offers these Bakelittfabrikken A/S (N) the marine industry. Bergen Bartz A/S (N) additional advantages. AMEROID OWS is quick breaking-important Bergman Instrumentering A/S (N) AMEROID OWS: the strong, in allowing oil to separate from water after the Berkel a.s. (N) cleaning operation. Reduces slop disposal costs. Berner & Larsen A/S (N) effective, multi-purpose and It is a solvent-emulsifying cleaner, and therefore it Bergens Mekaniske Verksteder (N) degreaser reduces cleaning time, minimizes normal cleaning Bjorshol International (N) Drew Ameroid Marine has developed efforts and cost. It is highly concentrated and does Bjorshol Mek. Verksted A/S (N) AMEROID" OWS quick separating degreaser, its thorough job at low concentration levels. That's Borden Kjemi Norge A/S (N) an outstanding cleaner that does everything the a cost saver. Brinchmann & Co. A/S (N) traditional cleaners do-except for one thing. And since AMEROID OWS does not harm oily Brunsvikens Reperbane A/S (N) AMEROID OWS doesn't harm the coalescing water separator functions, it not only helps keep Braathens SAFE (N) function of oily water separators. you clear of pollution violations, but spares you Brodr. Brunvoll Motorfabrikk A/S (N) some costly problems. Bruusgaard & Blindheim A/S (N) as Bull Industri-og skipsteknisk (N) Carritech (D) AMEROID* OWS-backed by more Centromor (PL) than 70 years of Drew experience. Cerfil, S.A.R.L./Euronete, LDA (P0) AMEROID OWS is a product of Drew Ameroid H. Clausen A/S (N) Marine-chemical science dedicated to helping A/S Cylinderservice (N) vessel owners and operators minimize costs while Dansk Eksporforening (D) meeting required standards and regulations. And Datasafe A/S (N) behind AMEROID OWS stands Drew technology Distrikenes utbyggingsfond (N) and commitment. It is being introduced by Drew Drammen Stal a.s. (N) after extensive testing onboard vessels, and meets Dyno Folier A/S (N) exacting standards that have kept Drew in its Dyno Norplast A/S, Dyno Cipax N. (N) leadership position for more than 70 years. Egersund Tralverksted A/S (N) AMEROID" OWS quick separating degreaser is Euroclean A/S (N) available worldwide through Drew's network of A/S Finsam Industries Ltd. (N) service representatives in strategically located ports. A/S Nils N. Finnoy Motorfabrik (N) *Names on request. Fishauction Lauwersoog (H) Fishimpex Rostock (EG Fiskaren (N) Drew Chemical Fiskeriindustriens Landsforening (N) Corporation A/S Fiskeriautomatikk (N) One Drew Chemieal Plaza Fiskeridirektoratet (N) Boonton, New Jersey 07005 USA A/S Fiskernes Bank (N) Telephone: (201) 263-7600 Telex: 136444 A/S Fiskevegn (N)

Floor-Tec Norge A/S (N) AMEROID and the TRITON logo are registered trademarks of Fosnavag Fiskevegnfabrik A/S (N) Drew Chemical Corporation. © 1984 Drew Chemical Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Frigoscandia Contracting AB (S)

July 15,1984 Circle 302 on Reader Service Card 13 Nor-Fishing A.S. Lowener, Mohn (N) A/S Myra Bat (N) Nils Nordoy & Co. (N) MTC AB/Frigofrance SA (S) Morenot A/S (N) Norfo (D) (continued froim page 13) Mapak A/S Maskin & Pakkesystemer (N) Navimor (PL) Norges Fiskerihogskole (N) Marinco A/S (N) M. Neemann Norge (N) Norges Rafisklag (N) B. Markussen (D) A/S Nett & Tau Produkter (N) Norpack A/S (N) J.H. Mewes & von Eitzen KG GmbH (WG) Newage Norge A/S (N) A/S Norpower Brodr. Malo (N) Lehmkuhl Storkjokken A/S (N) Meydam (N) A/S Nielsen & Johnsen (N) Norsamek Maritim (N) Libra Plast A.S. (N) Midat A/S (N) Noack AS (N) Norsk Marconi A/S (N) Jorgen S. Lien A/S (N) A.S. Mjellem & Karlsen (N) Nogva Motorfabrikk A/S (N) Norsk Mekanikk A/S (N) Projekt Lindholmen AB (S) Mobil Oil A/S Norge (N) NORAD-Kontoret for Fiske (N) Norsk Olje a.s. (N) Lorentzen Hydr. og Mek. Verk. (N) Moltech Norge A/S (N) A/S Norco Solo (N) Norsk Scania-Vabis A/S Lubrication Engineers Norway (N) Motordrift AS (N) Nordic Supply A/S (N) Norske Signode (N) Naskin K. Lund Div. Mesna Brug AS (N) MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union (WG) A/S Nordico (N) Norske Fiskeoppdretters Forening (N) Joh. Lovold A/S (N) 0. Mustad & Son A/S (N) Nordlandsforskning/Nordland DH (N) A/S Norske Shell (N) Ocean Products A/S (N) Panther Plast (D) Pasilac-Therm A/S (D) Pay & Brink a/s (N) Pelitronic Bjorn Neuendorf AB (S) A HEART OF RUBBER! Pettersen Spillfabrikk A/S (N) Polyform A/S (N) Professional Fisherman Magazine (A) Pumpeteknikk A/S (S) Rubber-lined Cutless® bearings prevent Pyrofabrikken A/S (N) Racal Norge A/S (N) premature damage of propeller shafts. Ranheim Papirfabrikk A/S (N) Rapp Hydema A/S (N) Designed with a specially formulated BFGood- Redningsselskapet N.S.S.R. (N) rich resilient rubber lining, Cutless® marine bearings Refa A/S Fiskerredskap (N) cushion abrasive particles and roll them along the Reflex Oljeovner (D) Rena Kartong Fabrikk A/S (N) bearing surface to special "Water- Renaco as O.L.V. Industrier (N) wedge" grooves where they are picked Rishaug Maskin A/S (N) up by flowing lubricant and washed Robertson A.S. Radio Elektro (N) Sabb Motor A.S. (N) away without damaged to the shaft or Thomas Sabro (D) bearing. Sambandsteknikk A/S (N) Not true of hard-surfaced bearings. Scanmar A/S (N) Scanmar Industries Inc. (C) When abrasives enter hard-surface Scanmec A/S (N) bearings, the particles are held firmly Scanvekt-Avery A/S (N) against the shaft causing excessive ScanRope a/s (N) Scanvest Ring A/S (N) Sand wear and damage. A/S Ragnar Scholberg/Bibun Corp. (N) Soft Rubber Stop expensive shaft maintenance Sea-Tek A.S. (N) and replacement, use resilient Cutless rubber Seametrix Ltd. (Scotland) LUCIAN Firskeforedlingskons Seatech A/S (N) marine bearings. Available world-wide from yards Selo-Gjerstrup A/S (D) and marine stores in a full range of shaft diameters MOFFITTJNC. A/S Selsbakk Fabrikker (N) and load capacities. Servex A/S (N) NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS Setsaas A/S (N) P.O. Box 1415, AKRON, OHIO 44309 Sildemelnaeringens Informasjonstj (N) Simonsen Elektro a.s. (N) Circle 176 on Reader Service Card Simrad A/S (N) Skanti Radio A/S (N) Skeide Mek. Fabrikker A/S (N) Skipsrevyen (N) O.S. Solhaug A/S (N) Sotra Maskin A/S (N) We are Car and Truck Carriers Sparebanken Nord (N) Sperry Ltd. (E) Strangebye-Hansen Ltd. A/S (N) with 25 specialized RoRo vessels Bertel 0. Steen A/S, Marine Div. (N) in world wide service for all cargo Arne Strandberg A/S (N) on wheels. A/S Straumplast (N) Stray & Co. A/S (N) Our main routes are: Japan-Europe/Mediter- Leif H. Strom A/S (N) Per S. Stromberg A/S (N) • •• in ranean, Europe-USA/Canada, Europe-Ara- Syberg Agenturer A/S (N) bian Gulf Som og Prsse Teknikk A S (N) S *5 BSE isf Sovik Mek. Verksted A/S (N) ill Yearly some 650 000 vehicles of all types are Teknisk Industriservice (N) shipped by our modern, versatile vessels. Telaeg Aksjeselskap (N) Another five carriers will enter service during Teledirektoratet (N) 1984/85. A.S. Tenfjord Mek. Verksted (N) Tico Norge A/S (N) Agent: Trio Maskinindustri A/S (N) Tustna Plast A/S (N) General agent General agent O. Tysnes & Co. A/S (N) USEC & Gulf area USWC Unipower Universal Diesel A/S (N) Motorships. Inc. Fred F. Noonan Co., Inc. VVS K. Lund (N) P.O. Box 1157 272 Main Street Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 San Francisco. CA 94105 Valmet Corporation (F) Tel. No. (201) 871-0700 Tel. No. (415) 546-9111 Vega Vekt A/S (N) Telex TWX710-991-9744 Telex TWX910-372-7235 Vastkustens Maskin & Kyi AB (S) WU 135342 I WU 135343 ITT 470094 West Mekan A/S (N) RCA 276369 West Norway Shipbuilders Association (N) Please contact us for the address to our agent Vik & Sandvil A/S (N) Viksund Nor A/S (N) in your area. Volvo Norge AS/Volvo Penta (N) Walderhaug Engineering A S (N) 1934-^21-1984 Sigmund Wenaas Konfeksjonsfabr. AS (N) A.S. Wichmann (N) World Fishing Exhibitions Ltd. (E) Owre-Johnsen A/S (N) WALLENIUS LINES Aas Skipsbyggeri A/S (N) P.O Box 17086, S-104 62 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN Telephone 08-14 11 60, Telex: 19010 owline s

14 Circle 185 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News KNIGHT

DE-MAR® MDX: Fuel-saving diesel engine oil with a 20-year reputation for top performance.

DE-MAR® MDX oil has been pro- DE-MAR MDX allows very Tell me more about DE-MAR® MDX tecting the engines of workboats little engine wear in normal use, for marine use. for years. Now it has been keeps intake ports clean, neu- improved with Exxon proprietary tralizes corrosive acids formed friction-reducing additives to by fuel consumption and keeps

bring you fuel savings as well. deposit levels low. Company - The oil meets the tough per- Mail our coupon today to Address - formance standards of most find out what advantages DE-MAR marine diesel engines, including MDX oil can offer your operation. City. EMD, General Electric, Fairbanks- Slate . .Zip. Morse and Alco. Quality Phone And you can use the same oil you can E*ON • Send information. for your auxiliary engines as well. count on. • Have your representative call me. Mail to: Exxon Company, U.S.A. Room 2323 AH, P. O. Box 2180 Houston, TX 77001

July 15,1984 Circle 302 on Reader Service Card 15 OFFSHORE NORTHERN

Stavanger, Norway August 21—24

The sixth Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) conference and exhibition will be held August 21-24 at the Siddis Centre in Stavanger, Nor- way, one of the world's leading centers of offshore activity. Cur- rently scheduled at two-year inter- vals, ONS is an international forum for communication on topics re- lated to the search for oil and gas in northern waters. Resources, policies, technology, and environ- mental constraints are among the subjects covered in relation to pe- troleum exploration, production, and refining in this increasingly important offshore region. The location in Stavanger, amid one of the world's most concen- trated and technically sophisti- cated offshore sectors, helps give the ONS event its unique charac- ter. The exhibition provides a meeting place for the oil industry at three levels—the local, the na- tional, and the international. Off- shore technology from all over the world merges with Norway's own impressive accomplishments in northern waters. A special feature of ONS re- mains the close involvement of the oil companies operating on the Norwegian shelf. They collaborate in staging both exhibition and conference, emphasized by the participation of many Norwegian and foreign oil companies in the show as exhibitors. The focus of the event is on tech- nical solutions for the future. At the same time, the potential of the Norwegian offshore market, val- ued at more than $30 billion over the next decade, provides a solid business attraction for exhibitors and visitors alike. Stavanger offers a potent set- ting for pursuing such commercial targets. A number of oil compa- nies and service firms have their Norwegian head offices there, along with the Norwegian Petroleum Di- rectorate—the state agency re- sponsible for regulating Norway's offshore activities. Uncertainties and innovation in the management of northern off- shore resources will be the central themes at the ONS '84 conference. As before, several sessions of vary- ing length are planned under this

(continued on page 18)

Geotechnical research vessel —Hollming Ltd./Rauma Circle 91 The world Leader in HFO-operated Marine GenSets

American M.A.N. Corporation 60 Broadway New York, N.Y. 10004 USA • American M.A.N. Corporation West Coast Office 235 Montgomery Str. San Fransisco CA 94 104 USA • American M.A.N. Corporation Houston Office Suite760 2900 North Loop West Houston Texas77092 USA • M.A.N.-GHH (Canada) Inc. 6600 Trans Canada Hwy Suite210 Point Claire Quebec H9R 4S2 Canada • M.A.N.-GHH (Canada! Inc. West Region Office Suite 707 6940 Mac-Leo Trail Str. Calgary Al. T2H 2G4 Canada.

July 15,1984 Circle 302 on Reader Service Card 17 Offshore Northern Seas fresh evidence of the way the in- shore industry in the Arctic and the planned sessions on markets ternational oil sector and its asso- sub-Arctic regions as well as the and prices, which will look at (continued from page 16) ciated industries continue to rise Barents Sea will be discussed at these subjects from a global as general heading to give broad cov- to offshore challenges in difficult another session. Where technolog- well as a European viewpoint. erage of relevant problems and and demanding areas. ical innovation is concerned, a Global problems, macro factors, solutions. Other subjects will include the broad look will be taken of explo- the state of the world economy, Political and technical uncer- northern seas viewed from the rest ration, reservoir technology, field and the role of OPEC are among tainties will be the topics at two of of the world, raising the crucial development, production, and other the important considerations that the seven sessions scheduled for question of how much importance factors. The significance of new will be dealt with under the head- the main four-day conference. The is attached to energy supplies from technical advances will also be ing of political uncertainties. discussion of uncertainties is to be a stable area—covering markets, emphasized. In addition to the four-day Gen- balanced by an overview of tech- prices, economics, and finance. Evaluation of markets in rela- eral Conference, three concurrent nological innovation—providing The new frontiers for the off- tion to policies forms one aspect of one-day meetings and a half-day conference are also included in the well-filled ONS '84 program. A session on geology and geophysics will look at the techniques avail- able in these fields and examine NEW HIGH EFFICIENCY how they have been applied to achieve better reservoir modeling. Actual field cases will be used, with the emphasis on specific ap- ON THE HIGH SEAS plications of special techniques. The half-day meeting on en- hanced recovery will aim to iden- WITH MAXIM® HEAT RECOVERY BOILERS AND tify the practical lessons for res- ervoir engineers provided by the MAXIM® HEAT RECOVERY EVAPORATORS preceding geology/geophysics con- ference. With the aid of real cases, it will show what has been achieved and project this experience into ENERGY CONSUMPTION=ZERO HEAT SOURCE=FREE the future in a bid to examine These small Maxim Heat Recovery Boilers produce Maxim Thermal Circulation Flash jacket water heat ways of improving recovery even over 6,000 #/hr of 60 psig steam using main propulsion recovery evaporators each provide 11,000 gpd of further. engine exhaust heat. 2 ppm fresh water. Two units are aboard this Atwood Transport and logistics will be Boilers are aboard the Falcon Leader built by Bath Oceanics, Inc. rig, Shenandoah, shown operating in the topics for a second one-day ses- Iron Works Corporation. Steam produced is used for the Arabian Sea. All material in contact with sea water sion, where the themes will in- the tanker's heating system, evaporators, and for tank is of 90-10 copper nickel alloy for maximum corrosion clude multiphase flow, dense phase transport, conventional and un- cleaning. resistance. conventional transport methods, operation and maintenance of transport systems, as well as stra- tegic considerations for their use. Finally, a one-day conference will be held on the increasingly important topic of subsea produc- tion. Its purpose is to identify trends in underwater technology that can be expected to be applied during the coming decade, as well mm as to examine the development ypTrmfn testing and confidence-building mechanisms that will allow more innovative techniques to progress to maturity.


11:00 am—Introduction to Off- shore Northern Seas 1984 and of- ficial inauguration: Leif Terje Loddesol, chairman, ONS execu- tive committee. 11:15 am—Welcome to Stavanger: Mrs. Kari Thu, mayor of Stavanger. 11:20 am—Norwegian Oil Policy: Kare Willoch, Prime Minister of Norway. 11:35 am—"The Challenges of Northern Offshore Developments," by Stephen D. Bechtel Jr., chair- man, Bechtel Group Inc. 12 noon—Lunch

Political Uncertainties RILEY RILEY-BEAIRD Chairman: Finn Lied, ONS director. A DIVISION OF UNITED STATES RILEY CORPORATION 2:30 pm—"Uncertainties of En- ergy Supplies in a Geopolitical RO. Box 31115, Shreveport, Louisiana 71130-1115. Phone (318) 865-6351. Telex 50-7472 Perspective," by Robert Bel-

18 Circle 330 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News grave, head, British Institute Joint & production, A/S Norske Shell, Towards An Orderly Stanford, president, Petro-Can- Energy Policy Program, London. Stavanger. Energy Future? ada Resources, Calgary; and Jan 4:00 pm—"Natural Gas for Conti- 10:35 am—"Development of Res- 2:00 pm—Panel Discussion van Dam, head of production, nental Europe—Norwegian Gas ervoir Techniques and their Effect Moderator: Leif T. Loddesol, Shell International Petroleum Mij. and Implied Aspects of Energy upon Field Economy," by W.R. president, Den norske Creditbank, B.V. den Haag. Politics," by B. Bergmann, ONS Nation, production engineering Oslo. executive board. supervisor, Amoco, Houston. Panelists: Robert Belgrave, head, Special Conference: 11:15 am—"Engineering/Manufac- British Institute Joint Energy Pol- Reduction Of Uncertainties Wednesday, August 22 turing Companies—Doers Only or icy Program, London: Michel De- By Innovative Reservoir Market and Prices Contributors as Well?," by Hans velle, chief economist, Compagnie Geomodelling Chairman: Hans O. Bjonte- Jorgen Frank, director, Moss Ro- Financiere de Paris & des Pays- Tuesday, August 21 gaard, senior vice president, senberg Verft a.s., Oslo. Bas, Paris; Arve Johnsen, presi- Chairman: Douglas W. Ellenor, Norske Hydro A/S, Oslo. 12 noon—Lunch dent, Statoil, Stavanger; Jim M. (continued on page 20) 9:30 am—"Price Fluctuations in the Energy Market—Causes and Consequences," by Johan Nic. Void, manager-planning and pub- lic affairs, A/S Norske Shell, Oslo. 10:45 am—"The Gas Market," by James F. Allcock, director-petro- RAUMA-REPOLA leum purchasing, British Gas Cor- poration, London. 11:20 am—"Oil Trading—A experts on the arctic Changed World," by David A.G. Simon, managing director, BP Oil International, London. 12 noon—Lunch 2:00 pm—"OPEC's View on Petro- leum Activities in the Northern Seas," by Prof. Robert Mabro, St. Antony's College, Oxford. 3:30 pm—"Impact of Market Con- ditions upon the Northern Seas Petroleum Developments—A Nor- wegian View," by Jacob Oxne- vad, executive vice president, Sta- toil, Stavanger.

Thursday, August 23 New Frontiers: Arctic and -SCALE ICEBREAKING TESTS Sub-Arctic Areas Chairman: Ola Wattne, manag- ing director: BP Petroleum Devel- opment Ltd., Norway. 9:30 am—"The Role of Northern Areas Petroleum Developments as Seen from the West," by Finn Sol- lie, Fr. Nansen Foundation, Oslo. 10:40 am—"Petroleum Develop- ments Offshore Northern Norway," by Henrik Ager-Hanssen, senior executive vice president, Statoil, Stavanger. 11:20 am—"Sub-Arctic Develop- ments," by Jim M. Stanford, president, Petro-Canada Re- sources, Calgary. 12 noon—Lunch

Economy and Finance Chairman: Nils Guines, senior vice president, Den norske Credit- bank, Oslo. 2:00 pm—"Risks Inherent in Fi- nancing Large Projects as Experi- enced by Banks," by Lars Uno Thulin, executive vice president, Den norske Creditbank, Oslo. 3:30 pm—"Uncertainties and Problems Created for World Econ- omy by Drastic Oil Price Fluctua- tions," by Michel Develle, chief Full-scale tests in the Arctic and the Baltic are of vital economist, Compagnie Financiere importance in developing ships for navigation in ice. de Paris & des Pays-Bas, Paris.

Friday, August 24 Technical Uncertainties And Technical Innovation Chairman: Asbjorn Larsen, pres- ident, Saga Petroleum a.s., Oslo. RAUMA-REPOLA SHIPBUILDING DIVISION 9:30 am—"Development of New «2610 0 RAUMA . FINLAND Oil and Gas Fields and the Need TEL : -358-38-12800 for Technological Innovation," by TELEX: 651 17 RRRAU SF Chris E. Fay, director-exploration

July 15,1984 Circle 302 on Reader Service Card 19 Offshore Northern Seas tional production, Conoco Inc., cialist, Exxon Production Re- British Marine Equipment Council (E) Houston. search Company, Houston. British Overseas Trade Board (E) (continued from page 19) 10:00 am—"Conventional/Uncon- British Shipbuilders (E) ventional Transport Methods," by John Brown Offshore (E) exploration manager, A/S Norsk Bruel & Kjer A/S (N) Special Conference: Fred Weir, exploration & produc- Shell, Stavanger. C.F.E.M. (FR) Subsea Technology— tion manager, Mobil Exploration 2:30 pm—"Synergism—An Inter- C.R.C. Chemicals Europe N.V. (B) Extrapolation Or Norway, Inc., Stavanger. CONTROLASCO B.V. (NE) disciplinary Approach to Optimiz- Innovation 10:45 am—"Reliability and Eco- Camera Di Commercio Industria (I) ing Hydrocarbon Recovery," by Thursday, August 23 nomics of Pipeline Operations," by Cameron Iron Works (US) R.M. Sneider, consultant, Canadian Dept. of External Affairs (C) Chairman: Knut Hagen, technical F.J. Alexander, head of engineer- Houston. manager, Norwegian Petroleum Canadian Embassy (N) ing, Total Oil Marine- Aberdeen; Canocean Resources (UK) Ltd. (E) 3:30 pm—"The Current State of Consultants A/S, Asker. and Olav Furnes, president, a.s. Development of the Marine 3-D Caseb A/S (N) 9:30 am—"Two Fields Case Histo- Veritec, Oslo. Chantiers de L'Atlantique (FR) Seismic Survey Method," by An- ries: N.E. Frigg/Skuld," by B. Weil, 11:45—"Planning of Start-up and Chantiers du Nord et la Mediterranee (FR) drew L. Lucas, manager, geo- start-up manager, N.E. Frigg, Elf Chubb Fire Security Ltd. (E) physical interpretation, BP Petro- Operation for the Statpipe Trans- Aquitaine Norge A/S, Stavanger; port System," by Egil Sael, gen- A/S Clausen, Kaldager & Co. (N) leum Development Ltd., London. Clemco Scandinavia (D) and Marc Freudenreich, Skuld eral manager, Statpipe, Statoil, 4:00 pm—"Porosity Evolution of project manager, Elf Aquitaine Coast Center Base A/S (N) Haugesund. J.S. Cock A/S (N) Truncation Traps: Diagenetic Norge A/S, Stavanger. Models and Log Responses," by 12:15 pm—Lunch. Cockerill Mech. Ind. S.A. (B) 10:00 am—"Advancement of Sub- Coflexip (FR) R.C. Selley, consultant, R.C. Sel- sea Technology Through Experi- Computervision A/S (N) ley & Co. Ltd., Surrey. ence: Tazerka Floating Production Computervision (Europe) Inc. (E) 4:30 pm—"Prediction Techniques Conoco Norway Inc. (N) System and Cormorant Underwa- OFFSHORE NORTHERN SEAS Control Data A/S (D) from Logging Tools: Are the ter Manifold Centre," by G.H.C. EXHIBITORS LIST Results Confirmed by Testing?" Cooperheat, Int'l Div. (E) van Opstal, section head, under- Thorleif Corneliussen A/S (N) by Terje Helgoy, manager of (Country Codes): A = Austria, B = Belgium, C = water technology offshore R&D, Cubic Western Data (US) Canada, D = Denmark, E = England, Fl = Fin petroleum technology, Statoil, Shell Internationale Petroleum Mij. A/S Cylinderservice (N) land, FR = France, I Italy, Luxembourg Stavanger. H. VAN DAM B.V. (NE) B.V., The Hague. N = Norway, NE= Netherlands, SW = Sweden Dansk Elektro Instrument Fabrik A/S (D) 10:50 am—"Production Risers for SZ = Switzerland, US = United States, WG = Dansk Hydraulisk Institut (D) the Future," by G. van der Graaf, West Germany. Wednesday, August 22 Danyko A/S (N) senior project manager, A/S Norske Det norske Veritas (N) A E I Cables Ltd. (E) Chairman: Ingebret Gausland, Shell, Stavanger; Christian Du- Detronics Scandinavia ab (SW) A-H Skips og Industriservice A/S (N) chief geophysicist, Statoil, Stav- Dive Supply A/S (N) mazy, project manager, Elf Aqui- AB Controls & Technology Ltd. (E) enger. DRASS (I) taine (SNEA-P), Paris; and R.L. ACN-Articulated Columns Norway A/S (N) Dresser Europe (E) 9:30 am—"Frigg Field: Production Vernier, senior marine engineer, AEG-Telefunken (WG) Du Pont de Nemours International SA (SZ) History and Seismic Response," by AGA Navigation Aids AB (SW) Conoco Production Engineering Duesseldorfer Messe GmbH (WG) Michel Revoy, manager, Geo- ATC A S (N) Services, Houston. Dunlop Ltd. (E) Aalborg Vaerft Offshore (D) physical Department, Elf Aqui- 11:40 am—"State-of-the-Art for E.T.P.M. (FR) Aeral N.V. (B) taine Norge A/S, Stavanger. Subsea Pipeline Connections," by ENI (I) Aerospatiale, Helicopter Div. (FR) 10:00 am—"The Use of Palynology ESAS A/S (N) Robert J. Brown, chairman, R.J Afton Pumps Inc. (US) Eason Inc. (US) in Definition of Troll Reservoir Brown & Associates, Rijswijk, Agusta S.p.A. (I) Efa Elektro A/S (N) Geology," by Michael F. Whi- Netherlands. Ahlsell Offshore (N) Eiva A/S (D) taker, palynologist, A/S Norske A. Ahlstrom Osakeyhtio (Fl) 12:15 pm—Lunch Electrolux-Euroclean (N) AKER (N) Shell, Stavanger. A/S Elektrisk Bureau (N) Aker Contracting A S (N) 10:45 am—"The Valhall Field—A Elektro Union A/S (N) Aker Elektro A S (N) New Geological Description," by Elektro Maskin (N) Afternoon Session Aker Engineering A S (N) Elf Aquitaine Norge A/S (N) Martin T. Steinbis, chief geolo- Chairman: Bjorn Husemoen, di- Aker Norsco A S (N) Keld Ellengsen & Sonn Teknisk A/S (N) gist, Amoco Norway Oil Company, rector, Kongsberg Engineering, Aker Verdal A/S (N) Elomatic Oy (Fl) Stavanger. Alfsen Og Gunderson A S (N) Oslo. Esbjerg Erhvervskontor (D) Peder Alhaug A S (N) 11:30 am—"The Norwegian Con- 2:00 pm—"Norwegian Industrial Esso Exploration & Production (N) Alsthom Atlantique (FR) tinental Shelf—Discoveries and Euroconsult A/S (N) Involvement: Potentials and Ob- American Embassy (WG) ExploWeld AB (SW) Related Challenges," by Egil jectives," by Anders M. Liaaen, Amlab AB (SW) Export Promotion Danmark (D) Bergsager, deputy director, Nor- managing director, A.M. Liaaer A/ Amoco Norway Oil Co. (N) FAG Kugelfischer (WG) wegian Petroleum Directorate, S, Alesund. Monrad Anderson Group (N) FOA 3 (SW) Stavenger. Andersen & Odegaard A S (N) 2:40 pm—"Critical Hardware and Fabricom N.V. (B) Apram S.r.l. (I) 12 noon—Lunch Control Aspects of Subsea Produc- Fabrique de fer de Chariot S.A. (B) Arco Norway Inc. (N) Fagersta-HAAK A/S/Sandvik Offshore (N) tion Systems," by Tore Andvig, Arcticon (D) Ferno Norden a.s. (N) manager, Kongsberg Subsea Sys- Arrow Chemicals Ltd. (E) Ferrari E Figlio (I) Improved Offshore tems, A/S Kongsberg Vapenfa- Asea-Atom (SW) Ferros Consorzio Fergal-Rossetti (I) Recovery brikk, Kongsberg. Aspelin Stormbull A S (N) Fine Tubes Ltd. (E) Chairman: Tor Ivar Pedersen, Aspelin-Stormbull Maskin A.S. (N) 3:45 pm—"Troll Development—The Finnish Foreign Trade Assn. (Fl) ASTEO (FR) vice president, exploration & pro- Technical Challenge," by Donal Flopetrol-Johnson-Schlumberger (N) Ateliers et Chantiers de Bretagne (FR) duction, Statoil, Stavanger. A. O'Neill, head, subsea & export Gotaverken Arendal (SW) Ateliers de Construct! de Jambes SA (B) 2:00 pm—"Improving Recoveries GEC Electrical Projects Ltd. (E) studies, A/S Norske Shell, Ingeniorforretningen Atlas A/S (N) GEMEENTE's-Gravenhage (NE) for Offshore Chalk Reservoirs," by Stavanger. Atlas Copco A/S (N) GKL Gummi A/S K. Lund & Co. (N) J. Ford Griggs, manager of res- A S Atlas (D) 4:25 pm—"The Future of Subsea GMC-Gruppen (N) ervoir engineering, Phillips Petro- Autronica A S (N) Production," by Jacques Dela- GPE Controls (US) Arne Bo Pedersen & Sonner A/S (N) leum Company Norway, Stavanger. cour, director, drilling and pro- GS-Hydro Ky (Fl) B0LIDT Kunststoftoepassing B.V. (NE) 2:45 pm—"Improved Recovery from duction systems, Institute Fran- Gallus-Plesner Industri A/S (N) BP Petroleum Development Ltd. (N) Thin Oil Sands," by Sverre Galperti & Figlio S.p.A. (I) cais du ' Petrole (IFP), Rueil Bakelittfabrikken A S (N) Gam Raccordi (I) Hamre, section head reservoir, Malmaison Cedex. Bekaert N.V. (B) A/S Gentrade (N) Elf Aquitaine Norge A/S, Stavan- Belgian Foreigh Trade Office (B) A/S Geoteam (N) ger; Bjorn Reinholdtsen, reser- Bell Helicopter Textron (US) W. Giertsen A/S (N) Bennex A/S (N) voir engineer, A/S Norske Shell, Special Conference Jon Gjedebo (N) A S Bergens Mekaniske Verksted (N) Stavanger; and Jack J. Zagar Hydrocarbon Transport Glamox A/S (N) Bergenske Services A/S (N) III, staff reservoir engineer, Esso Systems—Operation And Graesdal & Korsvold A/S (N) Sigval Bergesen Group (N) Expro Norway Inc., Stavanger. Future Development Graco Norge A/S (N) Bettles Ltd. (E) Graenges Metalock (SW) 4:00 pm—"Problems of Reservoir Friday, August 24 Blohm + Voss AG (WG) Gram Taeffefabrik A/S (D) Management in Jurassic North Chairman: Magne Reed, vice Blue Water Shipping A/S (D) Gray Tool Norway A/S-Gray Tool Europe (E) Sea Reservoirs," by M.G. Bayat, president, Norwegian Shipowners' Bo Bygg Vedlikehold A/S (N) Gulf Publishing Co. (US) Boeing Vertol Co. (US) supervising reservoir engineer, Association, Oslo. Hoiness & Hoiness A/S (N) Bonney Forge (I) Britoil, Glasgow. 9:30 am—"Development in the HEEREMA Engineering Service B.V. (NE) Braathens S.A.F.E. A S (N) Simulation and Design of Multi- HOLLANDSE Constructie Groep B.V. (NE) 4:40 pm—"Improved Offshore Re- Bredero Norwegian Contractors (N) covery—State of the Art," by Den- phase Pipeline Systems," by H.L. British Steel Corp. (E) nis E. Gregg, manager, interna- Norris III, senior research spe- British Embassy (N) (continued on page 22) 15,1984 Circle 296 on Reader Service Card If you think you see only one towing company here, you're only half right. Because in actuality, Bay-Houston Towing is the product of two companies, Bay Towing and Houston Towing, who merged in 1948 to form the largest and most capable harbor fleet in the Texas area. So when it comes to the question of which towing company is better, the answer is easy. The one towing company that's really two - - Bay-Houston Towing Company.

BAY HOUSTON TOWING CO. n HARBOR AND COASTWISE TOWING [1 Houtlon • Galv*«ton > Corpus Chri«ti • FrMport • Tim City Offshore Northern Seas NL Sperry-Sun (E) Norges Handels og Sjofartstidende (N) Norwegian Contractors (N) A/S NORMARINE (N) A/S Normobel (N) Norwegian Petroleum Consultants A/S (N) List of Exhibitors Namtvedt Offshore A/S Ltd. (N) Noroil Publishing House Ltd. (N) Norwegian Petrolum Directorate (N) National Supply Co. (US) Norpipe a.s. (N) Nutec (N) (continued from page 20) Neles Oy (Fl) Norpol Group (N) 0 M E (I) Neptun Transport & Marin Service AB (SW) Norsea A/S (N) O.S.V. Group (E) Netherlands Council for Trade Promotion Norsk A/S Philips (N) OMC BWF S.p.A. (I) Habia Cable AB (SW) (NE) Norsk Agip A/S (N) ORFE/GEP (FR) Sverdrup Hanssen & Co. (N) Newcastle City Counil (E) Norsk Hammerverk A/S (N) Offshore Supplies Office (E) Hanstholm Offshore Supply Base A/S (D) Noack A/S (N) Norsk Hydro A/S (N) Offshore Engineer (N) Hapag-Lloyd Transport & Service GmbH (WG) Nodeco A/S (N) Norsk Hydro Control Systems (N) Offshore Supply Services A.S. (N) Harding A/S (N) a-s NorMar (N) A/S Norsk Kaberfabrik (N) Oil Industry Services A/S (N) Hauland Maskin A/S (N) Nord-Offshore a.s. (N) Norsk Oljerevy A/S (N) Oilfield Publications Ltd. (E) Helikopter Service A/S (N) Nordeutsche Seekabelwerke A/S (WG) A/S Norsk Viftefabrikk (N) Oilfield Consulting & Services A/S (N) Hellermann Haugerud A/S (N) Nordisk Ventilator Co. (D) A/S Norske Shell (N) The Oilman, Maclean-Hunter Ltd. (E) Helly-Hansen A/S (N) Norgas/Norweld (N) NorTelco (N) Jacob Olsen A/S (N) Hemco Corp. (US) Hewlett-Packard Norge A/S (N) Hillevag Elektro-Diesel A/S (N) Hindle Cocoburns Ltd. (E) SPERRY MARINE TECHNOLOGY: Hollming Oy (Fl) Holta & Haland A/S (N) Holte Industri A/S (N) Honeywell A/S (N) Aug. P. Horn A/S (N) Humphreys & Glasgow Ltd. (E) A/S Hydraulik Brattvaag (N) Hydroscan A/S (N) Idhammar Konsult AB (SW) INTEGRATING TODAY Oy Imporex Ab (Fl) Inca A/S (N) Industrial Pipe Line International (D) Industriele Raad voor de Oceanologi (NE) Industrikonsult G. Draxler AB (SW) ORDER 071.0 Ingeniorforlaget A/S (N) 1 i i . i 1 i T T ' T J ' I | 1 1 | ! 1 1 | J^ 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 pT~ Ingersoll-Rand (E) Institut Francais du Petrole (FR) Integrated & Modular (FR) )50 060 070 080 Irgens Larsen A/S (N) Italian Institute tor Foreign Trade (I) I i i i i I i t i i i i i . i I i i • i 1 i t i i 1 i i i i 1 ii i i 1 i A. Johnson & Co. A/S (N) Johnson Metall AB (SW) HEADING DEGREES Karmsund Elektro A/S (N) Otto Kind GmbH (WG) Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz AG (WG) . | . I . | i A i | i I i 1 . Kurt Kohorn Ltd. A/S (N) Kongsberg Vapen (N) Korody-Colyer Overseas Corp. (US) .3 .2 .1 0 .1 .2 .3 Kracht Hydraulics Ltd. (E) Krupp Atlas Elektronik GmbH (WG) , 1 , 1 , 1 , ¥ . 1 . 1 . 1 . Kvaerner Group (N) A/S Lowener, Mohn (N) HEADING RATE DEG/SEC Lac Component A/S (N) Lanne Elektriske Verksted A/S (N) Lanza Nuova (I) Alt I. Larsen (N) 1 1 1 | i | i 1 < | ' | < I ' Lauritzen & Thommessen A/S (N) Wilhelm Layher GmbH (WG) 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 J.K. Lindberg A/S (N) Ljusne Kaetting AB (SW) l 1 , 1 , ¥ , 1 . 1 . 1 i Lloyd's List (E) AB Lyckeaborgs Bruk (SW) RUDDER DEGREES Rolf Lycke A/S (N) Lynes Petro Tech A/S (N) Macdonalds Tubulars Ltd. (E) Mannoet Transport Norge A/S (N) At Sperry, we know how im- advanced tech- based collision Maris (Oil Studies) Ltd. (E) portant it is to listen. We've Peen nologies required avoidance sys- Maritime Hydraulics A/S (N) listening to the marine industry to develop tems more than a Martin-Decker (US) Maskin A/S Hamo (N) around the world for over 70 the new systems decade ago. In Maskin AS Zeta (N) years. As a result, we under- your ships and their years at sea, K/S Maskinfabrikken PcP (D) stand the challenges facing you fleets will need to these systems Master Marine A/S (N) today. meet these chal- have proven them- AB Materialrontgen (SW) Hans A. Mathiesen A/S (N) We understand the eco- lenges successfully. selves in the only way that Matthew Hall Engineering Ltd. (E) nomic and competitive necessi- We understand because matters-helping merchant ships H.C.A. Melbye A/S (N) ties to be ever more efficient, we've been listening. of every description pilot safely Mento A/S (N) more cost effective, more profit- through the world's busiest Metalfar (I) harbors. Metier Management Systems Ltd. (E) able. COMPUTERS AWEIGH! Chr. Michelsen Institute (N) We understand the envi- A DECADE-PLUS Moreover, our leadership in Midnor A/S (N) ronmental and regulatory im- OF SPERRY LEADERSHIP. computer-based technology has Migatronic-Export A/S (D) peratives to sail cleanly and proven itself versatile enough for Miltronic A/S (N) safely within tight, new operat- Sperry developed the digi- a wide number of specialized Mobil Exploration Norway Inc. (N) Frank Mohn A/S (N) ing parameters. tal computer. And we've been a applications- including cable Monberg & Thorsen A/S (D) We understand that tomor- leader in developing computer- Monopol Hempel A/S (N) row these challenges will based systems for naviga- Sverre W. Monsen A/S (N) become even more tion, command and Samual Moore S.A. (B) formidable, more control ever Morco A/S (N) Morgenstierne & Co. A/S (N) intense. . . since. We intro- Joh. Moritz Rump (WG) But most ducedthe Murdock Machine & Engineering Co. (US) importantly, world's first N L Industries Inc. (US) we under- family of NEBB (N) NEDDRILL (Nederland) B.V. (NE) stand the computer- NFK Groep B.V. (NE) Top to bottom: Sperry Ship Control Display, Autopilot Keyboard, Radar Display, U.S. Coast Guard Medium Endurance Cutter. 22 Normann Olsen Maskin A/S (N) Proserv A/S (N) Sonnico A/S (N) Scanvi A/S (N) Osel Group (E) Protectors A/S (D) Sigurd Aorum A/S (N) Torben Schroll (D) The Otter Group (N) A/S Pusnes Marine & Offshore Service (N) SAB Nife AB (SW) Securitas A/S (N) P.P.S. Norge A/S (N) Raychem A/S (N) A/S Saba Molnlycke (N) Semperit Technische Produkte GmbH (A) Pl-Consulting Ltd. (Fl) Reime Zink A/S (N) SABB Motor A/S (N) Siderexport (I) Paguag Flexible Offshore Pipe Systems (WG) AB Resmastservice (SW) SCHOTTEL-LIPS B.V. (NE) Siirtec (I) Parker Hannifin A/S (N) Reson System ApS (D) Apparatenfabriek SINUS B.V. (NE) Sikorsky Aircraft (US) Reidar Pedersen A.S. (N) Ring-0 Valve (I) SMIT International Marine Services (NE) Simrad Subsea A/S (N) Pennwell Books (US) Rister & Trading A/S (N) SR Automation A/S (N) Sitai Holding (I) Petcon Engineering A/S (N) Rockwell Int'l, Flow Control Div. (US) STC Telecommunications Ltd. (E) A/S Skarpenord (N) Petrovest A/S (N) Rogaland Jernvare A/S (N) STU (SW) Smith International (US) Phillips Petroleum Company Norway (N) Rogalandsforskning (N) SVAFAS-Stavanger Valve & Fitting (N) Sofregaz (FR) Pneu-Hydraulics Ltd. (E) Rona Belgium S.P.R.L (B) Saga Petroleum A.S. (N) Sofresid (FR) James Polack Norge A/S (N) Rosetti Marino E Figlio (I) Salzgitter AG (WG) Solbert & Andersen A/S (N) Ponticelli Freres (FR) Roth Pump Co (US) Saven A/S (N) L.S. Solland A/S (N) Postverket (N) Ruhrgas AG (WG) A/S Scanarmatur/A/S Scanpaint (N) G.W. Sparrow & Sons PLC (E) Pronal (FR) Hakon Rygh A/S (N) Scandpower A/S (N) Standard Telefon og Kabelfabrik A/S (N) Niels A. Stang A/S (N) Star Carboline A/S (N) Statoil (N) A/S Stavanger Elektro (N) Stavanger Oilfield Services A/S (N) A/S Stavanger Rorhandel (N) Stavanger Verktoy & Maskinlager A/S (N) Stavangerske (N) Steel Trade S.r.l. (I) Steelproducts Offshore AS (N) Stolt-Nielsen Seaway (N) WITH TOMORROW A/S Storm Martens Oy Strombert Ab (Fl) Strathclyde Ind. Devel. (Scotland) Sun-Tek A/S (N) and pipelaying, ocean-bottom tems are continually you can be pretty certain Svenska Petroleum Exploration (N) Svenskt Stal (SW) surveying and undersea seismic evolving. it's proven itself with the Sverges Handelskontor (N) research. Take our devel- world's navies. Syberg & Syberg A/S (N) The step from collision opment of baseband For example, the Syminex Norge A/S (N) avoidance to full ship control was radar, for example. same collision avoidance Syncom International (US) a logical and easy one for Taylor Forge Engineered Systems (US) Simply stated, it's a technology that goes into Technip Geoproduction (FR) Sperry technology. Today, Sperry breakthrough in our commercial systems Technor A/S (N) ship control systems, like Sperry sensing technology. is helping U.S. Navy hy- Tecno-Forge (I) collision avoidance systems, are A technology of the drofoils "fly" safely over Tehalit Kunststoffwerk GmbH (WG) the most advanced in the world. future. the waves. And aboard Teknisk Kjemisk A/S Wa-Mo (N) Teknisk Presse A/S (N) Microprocessor-based and The capability of the U.S. Coast Guard's Teksisk Service A/S (N) widely adaptable, Sperry bridge baseband radar to new Medium Endurance Teledyne Hastings-Raydist (US) systems are designed to in- provide sensing accuracy Cutters, our integrated ship con- Televerket (N) tegrate today with to- of ± one foot within a trol systems put all information Tentech International A.S. (N) Termoelektro A/S (N) morrow. That is, they mile dramatically needed for effective command Terotech A/S (N) anticipate your escalates Sperry's and decision-making at the Thermon/Sonnico (NE) need to have ability to provide watch officer's fingertips. Thyssen Akeiengesellschaft (WG) ever-increasing a new generation Tingstad A/S (N) numbers of of super-sensi- Tipak a.s. (N) TECHNOLOGY BACKED Titech (N) shipboard func- tive systems for Total Marine Norsk A/S (N) tions integrated precise offshore BY TALENT, SYSTEMS SUPPORTED BY SERVICE. TradeARBED S.A. (L) and displayed at mooring and Trallfa A/S (N) one central navigation in con- Trelleborg Gummi A/S (N) source. Functions fined waterways. The point is, when we apply Trosvik Offshore A/S (N) a new technology or offer you a Tubemeuse S.A. (B) ranging from navi- Vessel traffic Tuflin Morge (N) gation and com- control is yet an- new system-no matter how ad- U.S. Embassy (N) munications to ship other area where vanced-it's been proven. And Uddeholm Stainless AB (N) control and manage- Sperry technology is ad- this can have a rewarding impact Ugland Management Co. A/S (N) Ugland Group (N) ment. In all these applications vancing the state-of-the-art, on your bottom line, too. That's because your ship doesn't risk Uni-Cardan Norge A/S (N) the value of Sperry marine tech- state-of-the-science and state- Unifab A/S (N) nology on the bridge shows up of-the-system. being an expensive "test" bed for Usinor (FR) clearly on the bottom line-in im- Sperry's Vessel Traffic Sys- a "trial" case. Utec-porten ab (SW) VIKUBO Elastomeer Produkten B.V. (NE) proved fuel economy and safety, tems (VTS) for harbor control Sperry supports the ship- ping industry with more than Tore Vagle A/S (N) and lower operating costs. incorporate advanced technol- Valmet Oy (Fl) 250 service facilities worldwide. ogy in computerization, Vanessa S.p.A. (I) And when you arrive at a Verktoy A/S Industri (N) NAVIGATING THE FUTURE: communication, sensing, sys- tems integration, command, Sperry port, you'll find skilled per- Vetco International, Inc. (N) NEW TECHNOLOGIES Vetco Offshore, Inc. (US) control, display-and you name sonnel ready to provide you with AND NEW SYSTEMS. total service support. Vickers PLC (E) it. Once again, when you add it Viking Engineering (N) all up, vessel traffic surveillance Listening, a simple idea Viking-Mjondalen A/S (N) Besides Sperry's expertise is another area where Sperry that's taken us a long, long way. Viking-A/S Nordisk Gummibadsbbfabrik (D) in adapting and advancing ma- Association Vincotte ASBL (B) systems promise big returns on It can do the same for you and rine technologies from one sys- WIWA Wilh. Wagner GmbH & Co. KG (WG) the maritime industry's bottom yourships. tem application to another, new Oy Waertsilae Ab (Fl) line-in terms of port efficiency, Write to Sperry Corporation, Weatherford Norge A/S (N) Sperry technologies and sys- safety and development. Electronic Systems, Great Neck, Sigm. Wenaas Konf. fabr. A/S (N) NY 11020. Attention: Marketing Wemex AB (SW) Department. Westad AS (N) t» WHAT ELSE IS A/S Wichmann (N) U? Wiig SGB A/S (N) NEW AT SPERRY? Wimpey Offshore Ltd. (E) ASK THE NAVY. Gebr. Windhorst GmbH & Co. KG (WG) Wirth Maschinen-und Bohrgerate-Fabr. (WG) Before any Sperry marine Witt & Borgen A/S (N) technology ever reaches the WE UNDERSTAND commercial maritime industry, HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO LISTEN.

Top to bottom: Ship Control Helm Unit, Collision Avoidance Display, Control Room aboard Coast Guard Cutter. © SPERRY CORP. 1984 23 Circle 244 on Reader Service Card Photo—Trade Commission of Norway


At a time when even the lower- Scandinavian shipbuilders still terms of tonnage, Danish yards in- a further 11 vessels were ordered cost Japanese and the aggressive have a well deserved reputation creased output to 28 ships (up by from Danish yards boosting the South Korean shipbuilding fra- for producing high quality vessels. four), and 839,940 dwt, an im- tonnage figure by a total of 34,000 ternities are experiencing some Recent examples include the "Sea provement of 21 percent. dwt. difficulties, there are signs of suc- Goddess," a luxury cruise liner Indeed, figures indicate that this However, these successes have cess in the Scandinavian coun- yacht, from Finland's Wartsila; relatively high level of work will not been won easily. Yards have tries. The shipbuilding industries the ACL RO/RO container vessels continue, in the short term at been forced to make workforce re- of each of these four traditional from Kockmus in Sweden; the suc- least. The Danish Shipbuilders' ductions, and it has been reported maritime nations are still active, cessful "Multiflex" freight ROs/ROs Association's annual report for 1983 that more may follow. The total with a few yards doing relatively from the Danish Frederikshavn revealed that there were 36 ships number of people now employed in well. Vaerft, and the popular UT708 totalling 1,164,823 dwt on order at Danish shipbuilding is down to The Finns, with another spate of and UT704 offshore support ves- its member yards on January 1st around 11,000, representing a drop Soviet ordering and their own spe- sels from Ulstein Hatlo in Norway. 1984. In the first quarter of 1984, (continued on page 26) cialization in high technology ves- sels, are in the best position; the Denmark Danish yards are kept going by On the face of it, the Danish their special relationships with shipbuilding industry fared rela- shipowners; the Swedes and the tively well in 1983. Against the Norwegians, with their industries background of a slump in world organized along radically different deliveries of over 9 percent in lines, both face an uphill struggle. terms of ships, and 17 percent in

Model of Carnival Cruise Line ship built by 24 Aalborg Vaerft. Circle 94 IT'S FAST ITS SAFE ITS ECONOMIC ITS VERSATILE ITS DYVI-

Dyvi Heavy Lift offers a fleet of 5 modern, high capacity vessels - DYVI SWAN-class and FERNCARRIER - capable of carrying any deck cargo — both floating and non-floating — from the most delicate process module to a massive semisubmersible offshore drilling rig. This fleet excels in seakeeping capabilities and carrying capacity. For more specific information on how Dyvi Heavy Lift can serve your transport Vy needs, contact any of our offices. Y\

DYVI HEAVY LIFT Oslo: Tel. (02) 41 01 00. Tlx. 71728 DYVI N Houston: Tel. (713) 782-3151. Tlx. 790937 DYVI Tokyo: Tel. (281) 1466.Tlx. 2225130 NEPTUN J

July 15,1984 Circle 302 on Reader Service Card 25 take advantage of the heavy ferry Mercandia Rederierne, coupled Scandinavian Shipbuilding a shipbuilding yard. There is, however, a bit of com- traffic between Denmark and with the success of its standard de- — Denmark fort in this closure story: Helsin- Sweden. sign "Multiflex" freight RO/RO. gor Vaerft was part of the J. Laur- The two major yards in the During 1983, it delivered four 7,000 dwt "Multiflex" vessels, and at the (continued from page 24) itzen group, which in conjunction Lauritzen group, Frederikshavn, with Frederikshavn Vaerft A/S— mentioned above, and Aalborg end of the year had another two another Lauritzen group member— Vaerft, have both been working— similar vessels and eight "giant" of some 25 percent during 1983. set up a shiprepair company to op- indeed Frederikshavn enjoyed con- Multiflex ships on order from A large number of these lost erate from the dry docks and quay siderable success, and indications Mercandia. jobs occured at Helsingor Vaerft installations previously used by are that it will continue to do so. Two more orders, recently an- which, with delivery of two RO/RO Helsingor Vaerft. Frederikshavn's lifeline is the nounced, bring the number of vessels for Iraq in the early part of Situated close to Copenhagen, special relationship it has devel- Mercandia vessels on order at 1983, effectively ceased to exist as the yard's location will enable it to oped with the Danish shipowner Frederikshavn to 12, and the total of ships for which the company has contracted at the yard over the past few years to a very healthy 70. Aalborg Vaerft, having done a Production fine job on a previous vessel for Carnival Cruise Lines, and with good progress currently on a sec- systems lor ond, the yard might have hoped to pick up something when the ships, barges American company was looking to order to additional ships during the summer. ana offshore In any event, the contract for both vessels went to Kockmus in structures. Sweden. Aalborg Vaerft then had one ship on its orderbook, due for delivery in mid 1985, until the gloom was lifted by a recent order for three 7,750-dwt fruit carriers for the USSR, the last of which is scheduled for delivery in 1986. An additional bright note was the delivery by Aalborg Vaerft of DWB ship transfer system. one of the most talked-about ves- sels of 1983, the New Zealand Railways ferry Arahura. The Ara- hura will run between New Zea- land's north and south islands, across the Cook Strait, one of the world's harshest stretches of sea. Aalborg Vaerft is hoping the in- terest aroused by Arahura, cou- pled with the yard's already strong reputation for building good-qual- ity passenger ferries, will result in more orders for this kind of vessel. Both with favourable positions on the east coast of Jutland, Fred- erikshavn and Aalborg Vaerft con- Beam line. Panel line at Bath Iron Works. stitute the main ship repair indus- try of Denmark. Frederikshavn has recently increased its maxi- mum capacity from 40,000 dwt to 60,000 dwt while capacity at Aal- If you Ve looking borg is somewhat greater. Burmeister and Wain of Copen- hagen has enjoyed continued suc- cess with its 64,000 dwt Panamax for productivity, you should bulk carrier design, with five of these vessels delivered during 1983, including two for Wheelock Mar- den, and a further four on order at talktoTTS. the beginning of 1984. One of the TTS specializes in solutions that offer major factors behind the popular- ity of this class of vessel is its immediate increases in productivity for your highly economical hull design. It yard. Shotblast and paint lines. Panel lines. is intended to perform at an aver- Beam lines for N/C cutting and marking of TOTAL age speed of 15 knots, while con- suming less than 40 tons of fuel stiffeners. Heavy lift and ship transfer sys- TRANSPORTATION per day. Mass production tech- tems. Material handling systems. SYSTEMS INC. niques have enabled B&W to re- Proven, flexible, custom-designed to suit duce costs even more, and the yard's naval architects have now any size shipyard, any existing facility. 813 Forrest Drive adapted the basic design to pro- Give us your particular production prob- P.O. Box 6127 duce products tanker and contain- lems. Let us propose how to reduce material Newport News, Virginia 23606 ership designs. Another Danish yard to benefit handling costs, mechanize production and Telephone: (804) 595-5153 from a special relationship with a increase productivity We are just a phone TWX 710-880-0003. (continued on page 28) call away NEWPORT NEWS • LONDON • BERGEN • OSLO • HALIFAX

15,1984 Circle 296 on Reader Service Card Long-term service experience confirms that Wartsila Diesel engines are capable of burning the low fuel qualities of the future. For example, the recommended time between overhauls for the Vasa 32 engine on heavy fuel is today 12 000 hours.

PREPARED FOR •THE FUTURE WITH WARTSILA DIESEL Which fuel quality will your ship be running on in the future? Whatever the answer, the Real Heavy Fuel Engines from Wartsila Diesel offer you a way to be prepared. A way already in service worldwide. A way already proven in the toughest operating conditions. And what's more, a way that will start paying for itself immediately. Safety, Reliability and Total Economy — for whichever fuel quality

THE REAL HEAVY FUEL ENGINES VASA22HF AND VASA 32. FROM 530TO 6750 kW. THE ENTIRE RANGE FOR 700CST. WARTSILA © L •THE FUEL ECONOMY SPECIALIST.! WARTSILA INC. Production plants in Finland, Sweden and Singapore 5132 Taravella Road. MARRER0. LA 70072 6776 Southwest Frwy. Suite 150. HOUSTON, TX 77074 420 Lexington Avenue. Suite 2613. NEW YORK. NY 10017 Tel. (504) 341-7201 Tel. (713) 266-9300 Tel. (212) 599-1360 Telex 810-951-6386/6917058 wartsila marr Telex 910-881-5031 westpark hou Telex 752707 wpinyk ud. 971358 wpinyk ud

Southwest Marine, Inc., Sand Pedro Yard. 985 So. Seaside. Terminal Island, CA 90731, Tel. (213) 519-0600. Telex 910-345-6638 swm term

Circle 281 on Reader Service Card Scandinavian Shipbuilding overseas, and indeed many of the yards are actually owned by ship- — Denmark ping companies. (continued from page 26) Finland shipowner is Lindovaerft, at A glance at the list of Finnish Odense. In this instance, the rela- deliveries in recent years shows tionship stems from the fact that quite conclusively that the coun- the shipowner, A P Moller, is the try's shipbuilding industry is very yard's parent company. Orders from heavily dependent on orders from Moller account for a large propor- the USSR. It has been estimated tion of the yard's currently healthy that around 60 percent of Finnish orderbook, which includes a pair shipbuilding activity since 1980 of 15,000 m3 LPG tankers, and a has been for the Soviet Union, and series of 48,000 dwt products indeed of the 33 vessels of more tankers. than 2,000 dwt delivered by Fin- Indeed, Lindovaerft is becoming nish yards in 1983, only five were something of a specialist in this destined for non-Soviet ownership. kind of vessel, with two further At the beginning of 1984, how- examples on order for Torm D/S, ever, Finnish orderbooks were and the delivery of two giant 97,570 showing a decline, due almost en- dwt products tankers to A P Moller tirely to the fact that the lion's last year. In addition, a $52.6-mil- share of the work resulting from lion order for two 20,000-dwt prod- the current Soviet five-year plan ucts tankers has just been an- had already been exhausted. Hollming Ltd. Shipyard Rauma, Finland. Circle 91 nounced. Due for delivery towards Therefore, the recent announce- the end of 1986, the vessels have ment of 21 Soviet newbuildings for been ordered by the Danish In- Finland, all of which are advance vestment Fund, and will be bare- orders for the next five-year plan, are expected to affect the quarter 5,000 dwt arctic product tankers boat chartered to A P Moller with has been enthusiastically wel- ramp design, accommodation, and will be built at Rauma, with two an option to buy after the first five comed by the four major Finnish engine room layout. ocean-going tugs ordered from years. shipbuilding groups, each of which These orders were announced Uusikaupunki, and two hydro- Of the smaller Danish yards, will be getting a slice of this very about the same time as a $50 mil- graphic survey vessels from Savol- the most successful has been the lucrative pie. lion contract with Swedish owner lina. The new orders are particu- prolific coaster builder Nordso- The major beneficiary of this Birka Line for a 21,000 grt pas- larly important to these latter two vaerft. At the beginning of this latest round of Soviet ordering is senger vessel, representing a re- yards, which were rapidly running year the yard had nine vessels on state-owned Valmet, with a 52 markable turnaround in fortunes out of work. the orderbook, including a series percent share, in financial terms, for Valmet. Hollming, although smaller, is of three multi-purpose dry cargo of the total order. It is to build a Although state-owned, the yard one of the country's major ship- ships with container capacity for total of eight new vessels: three is required to operate efficiently builders, and is now becoming Elite Shipping. These vessels are 400-berth accommodation vessels, and does not benefit from govern- something of a specialist in the de- due for delivery in the last quarter worth $40 million each at its Turku ment subsidies. At the beginning sign and construction of research of 1984 and the early part of 1985 yard, and an additional five arctic of 1984 the orderbook was at a vessels. It currently has four such In general, Danish shipyards multi-purpose cargo ships, of the particularly low ebb. As a result, craft on order from the USSR, two have managed to remain inde- successful SA 15 design, at the corporation merged its of which are its share of the latest pendent from state ownership, and Helsinki. two Turku yards — Perno and orders. It is now looking to capital- relatively busy. They are helped Valued at some $52.6 million Laivateollisus — with the loss ize on its experience in building considerably by the fact that Dan- each, these ships will incorporate of a number of jobs. Shortly there- this type of ship, and has recently ish shipowners rarely place orders slight modifications. The changes after, the firm decided to use its set up an ocean systems depart- large building dock at Helsinki ment for the development market- solely for conversion and repair ing of complex electronic systems. work. Without doubt, the most suc- RAY-1285 SSB Valmet is Finland's largest ship cessful of the Finnish shipbuilders Worldwide microprocessor radiotelephone repairer, with capacity for over is Wartsila, one of the few genu- sets new professional standards. ,400 ships per year. However, with inely healthy shipbuilding con- the Birka Line order heralding the cerns in the world today. Despite RAY-1285 is the most advanced, antenna coupler automatically fine corporation's entry into the pas- only receiving contracts for a pair compact, 150-watt long-distance tunes dunng transmission; can be radiotelephone for professional controlled by the keyboard for broken- senger vessel field, and the Sovi- of dredgers in the latest Soviet or- mariners. Economical and easy antenna emergency transmissions. ets' timely boost, Valmet is now dering spree, there remains a large to use, at turn-on the last active For vessels on the high seas, coastal looking forward to a healthy future. amount of good quality tonnage on frequency is "ready." The keyboard or inland-and for shore stations- Numerically, the largest share the books at both its Helsinki and quickly selects any of 192 ITU RAY-1285 provides complete of the Soviet order has gone to its Perno yards. international channels or 44 user- medium and high frequency round- Rauma Repola, with nine vessels The major element in Wartsila's programmed "memorized" stations, the-world communications. or calling/safety frequency spread among its three yards. Five success is its specialization in two (2182 kHz) with built-in alarm signal. RAYTHEON MARINE COMPANY Exclusive SeaWatch scanning 676 Island Pond Road. continuously monitors up to 10 Manchester, NH 03103 ^RAYTHEON: Valmet is building a series of multi-purpose dry cargo ships for the Soviet Union. Circle 97. selected stations. Raytheon's remote USA (603) 668-1600

28 Circle 333 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News View of Wartsila Helsinki Shipyard with the cruise liner Royal Princess currently under construction. Circle 93 Kockums shipyard in Malmo, Sweden Circle 89 specific vessel types—icebreakers and passenger ships—to the ex- tent it is widely considered the world's leading builder of these craft. Last year it delivered 13 ice- The Abrasive Blast breakers. Prominent on the cur- rent order book is P&O's Royal Princess, destined to become one Performance System of the most prestigious cruise ships afloat, and two "super ferries" building for Silja Line, and two By Clemco smaller "yacht cruisers" for Norske Cruise A/S. Wartsila sees a market for less conventional cruise ships in the future and already has well ad- vanced designs for both a four- masted "Windcruiser" and a 2,000- passenger SWATH ship.

Sweden Shipbuilding in Sweden contin- Couplings/Holders PVR Remotes Blast Machines Precision molded from tough New Pinch Valve designed 39 models, 50-800 lb. sand ues to make headway, thanks in nylon, brass or aluminum, for production, safety, ser- capacity, new pop-up valve, safe no-leak fit, static con- vice. Blast machine does quieter air bleed noise. The no small part to the government's 1 ducting, /j"-1Vi" quality not depressurize when heart of Clemco perform- apparent willingness to write off blast hose. blasting stops. Straight ance systems...Continues large amounts of capital, and to through 45° abrasive feed to be the best! is unique to Clemco. the slimming down operation which has been underway since nation- alization in 1977. Last year the country's only two surviving large ship builders, Kockums and Uddevallavarvet, both reduced their workforces by around 30 percent. Shipbuilding capacity in Sweden has been cut more than in any other European nation. The current workforce of 9,450 employed on newbuildings is Vacuum Systems Operator Safety Systems Big Clem Bulk Blasters 50 h.p. electric or diesel New Apollo Supplied Air 9 models: 60,120,160 cu. ft. about only 20 percent of the figure models, cyclone separator/ Respirator System with CPF/ abrasive capacity, stationary for the early 1970s. collector, storage hopper; Air filtration, more vision, and portable. New remark- moves 12 ton/hr. @ 50'; more protection, more air able features include Pinch In 1983 Swedish yards delivered extensive tool selection. distribution. CO detectors Valve Remote Controls and 17 vessels, totalling 501, 156 dwt. and alarms. Pop-up Valve. Of these, the two major yards ac- counted for 8 ships and 464,500 dwt, leaving the balance for the Clemlite™ Nozzles Lighter, lasts longer, more smaller operations. durable, costs less! On top Under the scheme instituted fol- of all that, Clemlite nozzles lowing the state take-over, Kock- do more! They're all part of Clemco's ums was dedicated to building RO/ performance System, an inte- ROs and other medium-sized ton- gral part of the balanced nage, although it is geared up for equipment that has kept Clemco in the forefront of the construction of large ships. the industry. The yard's 1983 deliveries were a Hexoloy™ SA Silicon series of three RO/ROs for the Na- Carbide Alloy liners, a major tional Shipping Corporation of innovation in blast nozzles, are available in a selection of Saudi Arabia. thirty Clemlite nozzles to allow At the moment, the yard is ap- the precise choice that does proaching completion of the last of the job best. ...and the best is Clemlite three RO/RO containerships for with a price that's right! the Swedish partners in ACL. It appeared, temporarily, Kock- ums would experience a gap be- tween delivery of the last ACL vessel and the commencement of Clemco successfully manufactures, distributes, sells and services a complete work on the two Carnival Cruise line of abrasive blast equipment on six continents, in sixty-five countries. Lines ships which are due for de- Because it is the best! livery in 1986 and 1987. However, this time slot was neatly filled Post Office Box 7680 (continued on page 30) CLEMCO San Francisco, CA 94120 15,1984 Circle 296 on Reader Service Card July 15,1984 Scandinavian Shipbuilding book appears thin. However, the last of three OBOs for Philippines — Sweden Transmarine, together with a pair of products tankers for Anders and (continued from page 291 Wilh. Wilhelmsen and an ore/oil carrier for Ugland Management will ensure work until the latter with the announcement, towards half of next year. After that, activ- the end of 1983, that Swedish op- ity will depend upon any success erator Wallenius lines had placed in obtaining new orders in the an order for two car carriers, with near future. a 1985 completion date. The real success story in Swed- The newly constructed North Sea Hall at Haugesund Mekanlske Verksted's yard Circle 92 Uddevallavarvet's future order- ish shipbuilding is to be found at Gotaverken Arendal. Since facing a crisis with the collapse of the tanker market in the late 1970s, Gotaverken has devoted itself en- tirely to offshore building, and has established itself as Europe's leader in this field. Since 1980, it has turned out 15 rigs from its single yard, in addi- tion to four conversions and a module. The current orderbook features four supply vessels for Stena Offshore, and four diving support ships and a semi-submers- ible rig for Consafe. At the other Swedish yards, the outlook is less encouraging. Only Falkenbergs Varvet has a vessel under construction, a small supply ship for Tunisia. Oresundvarvet has been closed down, and Oskar- hamns resurrected under private ownership with a 50 percent re- jV/r-c" duction in workforce. However, Cityvarvet, the repair and service group, reported a small profit in 1983. The Cityvarvet organization has ten docking facilities able to take ships of up to 240,000 dwt. These are strategically located around the Swedish west, south and east coasts. An important part of the Cityvarvet resources is the world- wide ship service through its Ciserv-organization.

Norway The structure of Norwegian shipbuilding is very different from y that of Sweden. While the Swedes have opted for a small number of large-capacity state-owned yards, MARINE each specializing in a particular vessel type, the Norwegians have completely avoided government COATINGS intervention and central control. As a result, the coastline of Nor- way is peppered with small ship- t^THAT yards. Once again, the story of de- cline is revealed by cuts in the labor force. Before 1974 and 1983, WORK the number of people employed in shipbuilding in Norwegian yards had declined from 15,082 to just 4,541. The building of large ships in For Norway is rare now. The biggest Technical vessels delivered in 1983 were two Information 55,000 dwt chemical tankers, built at Horten for Th. Brovig and Toro Contact: Horten A/s, and a 38,400-dwt chemical tanker built by Aker for J O Odfell. JOTUN Most of the yards with capacity for large vessels have turned their MARINE COATINGS, INC. attention elsewhere. Aker has gone 840 Key Highway • Baltimore, MD 21 230 over to offshore activity, while or call: 301/539-0045 Haugesund Mek. Verksted and (continue on page 32)


CABLE SAVES saves you money. Uses for CABLE $AVER When your new moving steel cable • Skagits • Boom Cranes is kept properly lubricated the • Tension Winches • Drag Lines CABLE $AVER could extend the ATLANTIS SERVICES, INC. • Fixed Booms • Towing Winches life of your cable by as much as 1057 Kings Avenue • Elevators • Drill Rigs 3 times. Durable. Installs easily. Jacksonville, FL 32207 (904) 396-8606 • Many Other Uses

15,1984 Circle 296 on Reader Service Card Ulstein, known for its offshore supply vessels, also designs and manufactures propulsion and The Al Jabalaine, third of three cement terminal vessels converted at Cityvarvet yard in Goth- maneuvering systems. Circle 88 enburg, Sweden. Circle 90

Scandinavian Shipbuilding Only Moss Rosenberg has ves- establishment of a reputation as a The work which stems from the sels of significant size on its cur- specialist and leader in the con- offshore industries is extremely — Norway rent order book—a 24,000 m3 LPG struction of a particular vessel varied, involving the construction carrier for Helge R Myhre, and type. This has been achieved by and maintenance of rigs, accom- (continued from page 30) 13,200 dwt chemical tanker for A/ Ulstein Hatlo, with its highly pop- modation platforms, modules, sup- S Havtor Management. However, ular UT 708 and UT 704 supply ply vessels, rescue crafts, buoys, Moss, too, has joined the rapidly vessels. A number of these sophis- pipelines, tankers etc. Neverthe- growing number of yards looking ticated craft have been delivered, less, it seems doubtful whether Bergens Mek. Verksted, which re- towards the offshore market for and the yard is constantly work- there will be enough to enable cently broke away from the Aker future employment. ing to improve and refine the de- many of the small Norwegian group, and Kristiansands Mek. As has been noted elsewhere, sign in order to offer prospective yards, unaided by government Verksted, are all concentrating on one of the keys to survival in to- buyers a still more efficient and subsidies, to hold great hopes for repair and offshore work. day's shipbuilding market is the economic product. the future.

Thomas R. Dyer Joins How to Comply with Imo/Marpol 1973/78 Glosten Associates -ask GOLAR! Golar Marine Incinerators will dispose of all normal shipboard waste including sludge oil and sewage sludge. Designed by experienced marine engineers to • compact design and easy installation • efficient and economical operation Thomas R. Dyer and maintenance Duane H. Laible, president of Glosten Associates, Inc., Seattle, • ease of retrofit recently announced the appoint- • 4 different models available ment of Thomas R. Dyer as vice • first class workmanship and president and director of operations. equipment selection protect your Mr. Dyer began his shipyard ca- investment reer with Astoria Marine Con- • world-wide service and spares struction. He has held manage- • 900 units delivered and on order to ment positions at Marco and Todd Shipyards and most recently at numerous types of ships and offshore Foss Shipyards. installations. He is a graduate of Stanford University with a degree in me- chanical engineering. Mr. Dyer also received a Masters Degree in GOLAR METAL AS naval architecture and marine en- Main Office: North America: gineering from M.I.T. P.O.Box 70 RD 1, P.O.Box 70 He is registered in Washington 4901 Tvedestrand, Norway Chester Springs State as a Professional Engineer Tel. +(4741) 62 600 PA 19425, USA in naval architecture and marine Telex 21275 Phone: +215-363-5864 engineering.

32 Circle 324 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News We'vereshaped our engin service map / Now Colt Pielstick* and OP Engine Parts and Service fs even better A ^ _

Today, no matter where you are you can get Colt engine parts and service centers in Seattle, New Orleans, Norfolk parts and service fast. 24 hours a day. 365 days per year. and Beloit are being expanded and better eguipped to We've reshaped the Colt engine service map to provide meet your parts and service needs. new centralized parts warehousing and enlarged service Yes, it's a new map that we're wrapping around your Colt facilities to better funnel our service to your maintenance Pielstick and OP engine service needs, with facilities and needs. Plus, new computerized inventory control and programs designed to assure better and faster service, order processing means you'll have the parts where you and parts availability for you. need them—when you want them. For parts and service program details, contact Colt To minimize engine downtime, a new regional ware- Industries, Fairbanks Morse Engine Division, 701 Lawton house and fuel injection service center has been Avenue, Beloit, Wl 53511. 800/356-6955. established in Reno, Nevada. In addition, our existing S.E.M.T. —Pielstick is a registered trademark of Societe d'Etudes de Machines Thermiques Paris, France. Colt Industries Fairbanks Morse Engine Division

15,1984 Circle 296 on Reader Service Card Study Survey Available From Lubritech On Fuel And Maintenance Savings A new field study report from Lubritech International Corp. of Bethesda, Md., contains detailed information on reducing mainte- nance and fuel costs savings. During one test an operator re- ported a seven percent fuel reduc- tion representing an annual sav- ings of $76,000. For further information,

WALLENIUS LINES is a family- ocean-going RO/RO vessels was the addition of two similar car-car- Circle 86 on Reader Service Card owned company and the youngest commissioned. riers, each taking 5,900 vehicles. of Sweden's major shipping com- The mid-sixties were important The eighties began with the con- panies. The name is an overall for Wallenius Lines. Japan began version of the two Polish built ves- name for several companies that exporting cars to Europe and the sels into pure car-carriers. At the were all started by Olof Wallen- USA without suitable Japanese same time, four new PCTC vessels Magnavox MX 1100 Series ius (1902-1970). The parent com- tonnage being available. In 1965, were ordered for delivery in 1981 pany—Rederi AB Soya—was Wallenius was able to sign an and 1982. Navigators GPS founded in 1934. agreement with the Japan-Europe The expansion of the Wallenius Upgradable In the mid-fifties global trade in Freight Conference that is still in fleet continued. In 1983, orders automobiles and other vehicles was force. were placed for four sister vessels —Literature Available rapidly expanding. Olof Wallen- In the sixties, containers were to those delivered in 1981 and Users of Magnavox MX 1100 Se- ius foresaw the growing need for introduced for unit loads, and in 1982. Delivery is planned for 1985. ries Satellite Navigators and Sat- tonnage to carry vehicles. In 1955 1967 Olof Wallenius took an ini- A drawing of the 200-meter-long, ellite/Omega Navigators may soon the first two purpose built car-car- tiative that resulted in the forma- 17,000-dwt ships is shown above. retrofit their receivers to accept riers entered service between Eu- tion of Atlantic Container Line Two are building at Hitachi in Ja- and process signals from Navstar rope and the USA (the Great (ACL), at present the largest con- pan and two at Kockums in GPS satellites providing position, Lakes). The ships were custom tainer shipping line on the North Sweden. velocity, heading and time displays. built to go through the locks to the Atlantic. The partners in the con- The company's own fleet con- Upgraded Transit-to-GPS re- lakes and, by today's standards, sortium include three Swedish lines sists of 17 specialized vessels for ceivers will initially be single were small. At 2,700 dwt, each and three European shipping com- carrying vehicles together with channel, C/A code equipment be- ship had a capacity for 290 auto- panies. Wallenius owns 22 percent eight chartered ships. All the com- cause, by policy, the U.S. Depart- mobiles—all lifted on and off. and manages the car-carrying op- pany's own ships (apart from the ment of Defense denies P-code ac- Between 1959 and 1963, the size erations. ACL's fleet consists of 10 ACL vessels) are named after fa- cess to all but a few civilian users. of the ships in the fleet succes- container vessels of which Wallen- mous operas, e.g., Aida, Otello, Thus, in the Magnavox upgraded sively increased up to 15,000 dwt. ius owns three. Carmen, Figaro, etc. The Wallen- receivers, only Lj frequency sig- All were combined car/bulk cargo In 1975-76 the two first PCC ius fleet of car carriers is the most nals will be available at 1575.42 vessels. ships were delivered, each having modern and flexible in the world MHz and C/A code signals at 1.023 The RO/RO concept was intro- a capcity of 4,900 cars. In 1977 two and the company is one of the MHz. These signals offer 30-35 duced in 1963 when Wallenius more somewhat larger PCC ves- world's largest car-carrying ship- meter accuracy depending on the built a number of ships for the sels were delivered. They took ping companies. quality of orbit parameters and North Sea traffic equipped with 5,500 cars and could also carry For a free color brochure detail- clock corrections transmitted by ramps in the stern or bow. In heavy or high vehicles (PCTC). In ing Wallenius Lines worldwide satellites. In time, civil users may 1966, the first of a series of six 1978,. the fleet was enlarged with services, be given access to full system Circle 96 on Reader Service Card accuracy. There are currently five experi- mental GPS satellites in opera- tion. By the end of 1987 it is ex- pected that there will be 12 operational satellites which would $190,000,000 be sufficient to provide continuous two-dimensional navigation world- wide. Meanwhile, users will have only a few hours of full coverage per day in most parts of the world. IK FOUR DAYS? Since the current GPS satellites are experimental, the U.S. Gov- Impossible you say. Try again, for at the last While Fish Expo has always been known as ernment cautions that it has the Boston Fish Expo in 1982 over9000 qualified buyers the best marketing medium for reaching fishing representing nearly 5000 fishing vessels and work vessel owners worldwide, it is also the only large right to modify or terminate their boats negotiated sales orders from 435 companies. exposition that draws maritime buyers from the operation at any time. Sale of GPS Exhibitors said that the show stimulated industry Northeast. More qualified buyers attend and more wide sales in excess of $190 million.* buying takes place at Fish Expo than at any com upgrades is subject to U.S. Gov- parable exposition in the world. ernment export regulations. Retrofit of Series 1100 Satellite Tell me more about exhibiting Navigators entails the addition of The numbers speak for themselves! at Fish Expo*'84! a GPS receiver and processor card, a software update, and the re- placement of the antenna with a For exhibit space availability. call or write: Company combined GPS and TRANSIT an- National Fisherman Expositions, Inc. tenna using the same coaxial ca- 5 Milk Street, P.O. Box 7437 ble and mounting hardware. In Portland, Maine 04112 City _ .Zip (207 ) 772 3005 most cases, installation may be West Coast Office: quickly accomplished in the field Fish Expo SPONSORED BY NATIONAL FISHERMAN 4215 21st Ave. West Product/Service . by authorized Magnavox Marine Seattle, Washington 98199 October 17-20, 1984 Dealers worldwide. (206) 283 1150 Hynes Veterans Auditorium. Boston, Mass For more information,

Circle 83 on Reader Service Card

34 Circle 278 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Ingram Materials Expands ager, and Mike Russell as naval Jeffrey Gordon Joins ney and in 1978 was named senior architect and engineering manager. contracts and sales representative. Bulk Marine Terminal Desco Marine, Inc. is a modern Sonat Offshore Drilling From 1979 until his return to Ingram Materials Company, a shipbuilding and repair facility lo- Sonat Offshore Drilling, he was division of Ingram Industries Inc., cated in St. Augustine, Fla. Desco's William C. O'Malley, president employed by an international headquartered in Nashville, Tenn. capabilities include steel boats up of Sonat Offshore Drilling Inc., re- drilling contractor in the field of announced the grand opening of to 200 feet, fiberglass boats to 90 cently announced that Jeffrey B. marketing. its expanded bulk marine termi- feet and wood boats to 73 feet. For Gordon has joined the company He earned a Bachelor of Engi- nal facilities in Paducah, Ky. information regarding Desco Ma- as division manager of the Gulf neering Science degree from the Ingram Materials' Paducah Port rine's products and services, Coast. United States Air Force Academy is located at Mile 2.1 on the Ten- Mr. Gordon joined Sonat Off- and a J.D. degree from the Uni- nessee River and has 450 feet of Circle 82 on Reader Service Card shore Drilling in 1975 as an attor- versity of Texas. river frontage. The recent expansion added 15,000 tons of covered storage and 80,000 tons of outside storage area for bulk cargo. The total covered With the continued steady rise in storage is now 17,000 tons while energy costs, the need for new and outside storage exceeds 100,000 more economical modes of tran- tons. To date it has handled fertil- izer, petroleum coke, Arkalite, sportation has become yet more gravel sand and grain. pressing. Barge carrying systems - Ingram has a self-contained integrating ocean shipping with tra- dredging and processing facility, ditional inland navigation - provide the Floating Plant Ingram, which operates on the Ohio River near one answer. Barges are cheap, and Paducah and produces specifica- water-borne transport is indisputab- tion sand for distribution at river- ly the most economical form of side facilities in Nashville and transport. Clarksville, Tenn. in addition to Paducah. Furthermore, it is a well- established fact that the more time an expensive vessel actually Emerson Shank Joins spends at sea, the more economical Desco Marine As VP it becomes to its owners. With the Sales And Marketing Valmet system, turnaround times for the mother ship are greatly re- The system developed by Valmet features a mother vessel for ocean traffic, float- duced, and loading/unloading of the on-float-off feeder units for 4-8 barges, pusher tugs for river transports and port contents of the individual barges use, and a patented loading terminal. can take place when the ocean M/S BORIS P0LEV0Y, the first of the two 8,800 tdw barge feeder/ro-ro vessels carrier itself is enroute to its next recently delivered by Valmet Helsinki Shipyard for the Soviet Danube Shipping Company. port of call.

Emerson Shank

Desco Marine president Tom Collins announced recently that Emerson Shank has accepted the position of vice president for sales and marketing with the St. Au- gustine shipbuilder. Mr. Shank will supervise Desco's sales and marketing program for new boat construction, repair and marine hardware and supply. "We will be more aggressive in our efforts to promote our products and expand our capabilities," said Mr. Collins when announcing Mr. Shank's appointment. "This is a continuation of the program begun last year with new ownership and the addition of several new prod- uct lines." Mr. Shank's sales background includes 15 years with V.A.W. Aluminum, a West German man- ufacturing company with over $2 billion in annual sales. Overall, he has been active in marketing and VALMET BARGE HANDLING SYSTEM sales for 25 years. In addition to Mr. Shank, other management personnel to join the VALMET Desco team recently include John L. Leonard as production man- Shipbuilding Group Valmet Corporation P.0 B 910 SF-00101 Helsinki 10 Finland Tel.+358-0-317 300 Tlx 121145 valyd sf

Circle 217 on Reader Service Card +• Navy Adding 19 Ships Chief of Naval Operations for the Six ships offered by Delta Lines Standards and certified by the Navy's Military Sealift Command. for $8.95 million and 13 ships of- U.S. Coast Guard as capable of To Ready Reserve Force Vice Adm. William H. Row- fered by Lykes Bros. Steamship 180 days of sustained, unrestricted Nineteen U.S.-flag merchant den, Commander, Military Sealift Company for $21.06 million were operations. ships have been procured for the Command, recommended acquisi- selected. These ships have the The Ready Reserve Force cur- Ready Reserve Force of the Na- tion of the 19 breakbulk carriers highest military utility at the low- rently consists of 32 ships, 26 of tional Defense Reserve Fleet ad- from 51 ships offered in response est cost of the ships offered. All 19 which are berthed at the three ministered by the Maritime to a request for proposals. The of- have national defense features. major sites of the National De- Administration. MarAd executed ferings were followed by surveys When delivered to MarAd, by fense Reserve Fleet—Beaumont, the $30-million contract with Delta and an evaluation of the ships' November 30, 1984, the ships must Texas; James River, Va.; and Sui- Lines and Lykes Bros, shipping material condition by two Navy be within class in accordance with sun Bay, Calif. These additional companies at the request of the MarAd selection committees. American Bureau of Shipping 19 ships will be berthed at James River or Beaumont to be in or near their designated activation and loading ports. All ships in the RRF are kept in a 5 or 10 day readiness status, meaning they can be activated, crewed and ready to sail in 5 or 10 days from call-up by the Chief of Naval Operations. THE NORWEGIAN MARINE ENGINE Delta Lines of Teaneck, N.J., has offered the following ships:

Name Yr. Built Type Santa Barbara 1967 Partial Container Santa Clara 1966 Self-Sustaining Santa Cruz 1966 Breakbulk (C4) Santa Elena 1967 Breakbulk (C4) Santa Isabel 1967 Breakbulk (C4) Santa Lucia 1966 Breakbulk (C4)

Lykes Bros. Of New Orleans, La., offered the following ships:

Adabelle Lykes 1963 Breakbulk (C3) Aimee Lykes 1963 Breakbulk (C3) Charlotte Lykes 1963 Breakbulk (C3) Mayo Lykes 1963 Breakbulk (C3) Allison Lykes 1964 Breakbulk (C3) Sheldon Lykes 1963 Breakbulk (C3) Margaret Lykes 1963 Breakbulk (C3) Christopher Lykes 1963 Breakbulk (C3) Gulf Banker 1964 Breakbulk (C3) Gulf Farmer 1964 Breakbulk (C3) Gulf Trader 1964 Breakbulk (C3) Gulf Shipper 1964 Breakbulk (C3) Gulf Merchant 1964 Breakbulk (C3)

Although MarAd is the con- tracting authority for the Federal Government, the ships are being paid for by the Navy. They will be used by the Military Sealift Com- mand for strategic sealift during emergencies, contingencies or ex- Designed to give ercises to test their readiness. OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY in a demanding international market Robert Allnutt Elected New VP, Government Affairs At COMSAT COMSAT announced the elec- 1. Over 20 years experience tion of Robert F. Allnutt to the position of vice president, govern- 2. More than 500 250 mm bore engines in world wide service ment affairs. In this newly created position, Mr. Allnutt will be re- 3. Burning fuels upto 700 cSt efficiently sponsible for the management and direction of COMSAT's liaison with the executive branch, the U.S. Congress and regulatory agencies. WE WELCOME YOUR INQUIRIES He will report to John L. Mc- Lucas, executive vice president and chief strategic officer. FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Most recently, Mr. Allnutt was BERGEN DIESEL INC. vice president and legal counsel of Suite 203, 2110 I 1 O Service Road, Kenner, LA 70065 U.S.A. the U.S. Committee for Energy Telephone: (504) 443 3004/3005 - Telex: 78 49 80 - Telefax: (504) 443 3051 Awareness. REPRESENTING: A S BERGENS MEKANI5KE VERKSTEDER He holds a B.S. from the Vir- P. O. Box 858, N-5001 Bergen, Norway — Telephone: (47 5) 19 00 00 ginia Polytechnic Institute and a Telex: 42 735 bmvh-n - Telefax: (47 5) 19 00 00 ext. 291 (dsy), (47 5) 19 04 05 (night) J.D. and LL.M from George Wash- ington University.

36 Circle 159 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Cassidy Appointed New Caterpillar Offers of new on an exchange basis. New Both products are backed by nozzles are designed to match Cat- Caterpillar's "same as new" war- Manager-Operations, Remanufactured Fuel erpillar engines for optimum fuel ranty, six months, unlimited mile- Burrard Yarrows-Vancover Nozzles And Tune-Up Kits efficiency and performance; being age/hours, honored by over 2,500 factory-remanufactured ensures all Caterpillar engine parts and ser- Caterpillar Tracor Co. an- fuel nozzles still meet these origi- vice locations in North America. nounces the availability of factory nal factory specifications. Tune-up For additional information on Remanufactured Fuel Nozzles and kits conveniently include every- warranty and specific model Tune-Up Kits for 1100, 3100, and thing needed, including Remanu- coverage, 3208 engines. The nozzles are factured Fuel Nozzles for a com- priced at approximately 45 percent plete tune up. Circle 69 on Reader Service Card

David Cassidy Burrard Yarrows Corporation has appointed David Cassidy as general manager, operations at its Vancouver Division shipyard. Mr. Cassidy joins BYC from Saint John Shipbuilding, where he was project manager during the construction of the $160-million '""""lil • ,,, |Ml| Bow Valley semisubmersible drill "•""U ' Mill 11 Hi rig in the past two years. ii iim He has more than 25 years' ex- »••' »'• i...... ** perience in shipbuilding and ma- rine engineering, mostly with Swan Hunter shipbuilders in the U.K., where he held several senior posts, including assistant yard manager, engineering.

AMR™ Is New Name For Transamerica Delaval Line Of Three-Screw Pumps Transamerica Delaval Inc. has chosen a new name for its line of MARINE TRANSPORTATION - REFRIGERATION three-screw pumps: AMR™—axial multi-rotor pumps. The new trade name was chosen after Transa- merica Delaval terminated its joint technical assistance agreement with IMO AB of Sweden. Simply the best. The new name joins those of two other well-known families of ro- tary positive displacement pumps The new screw compressor for air-conditioning engineered and manufactured by Transamerica Delaval in the installations in ships. United States: GTS®—geared twin- screw pumps, and CIG*—crescent MINISCREW from STAL means the lower capacity range for air- The screw compressor is a rotating internal gear pumps. screw compressors with maximum conditioning installations. At the machine with accurately balanced J. Kenneth Lippincott, vice reliability for the world's shipping same time, they offer the same high rotors. Consequently, vibration is president and general manager of lines. Compressors which provide efficiency, low maintenance costs virtually eliminated. In addition, the Pyramid™ Pump Division, pointed efficient refrigeration under a wide and long life as our well-known large new robust design has no sensi- range of climatic conditions. tive operating valves and is much out that AMR pumps have been compressors. During the last 20 years - ever The secret behind the high relia- more resistant to liquid carryover. reliable pieces of rotating equip- since screw compressors began to bility and low life cycle costs of The strenght of MINISCREW lies in ment onboard ship, in utilities, re- be used for marine refrigeration MINISCREW is just inside the cas- its simplicity. fineries, chemical plants and fluid installations (where we have long ing. MINISCREW has only four That is why MINISCREW is simply power systems for more than 50 been world leaders) - technical moving parts, as against 100 or so the best. years, classing them as unique for development has made continuous in a reciprocating compressor. simplicity of design, smoothness of progress. Our new screw compres- flow, high shaft speed capability sors now operate effectively even in and very low noise. Change to more reliable Trasamerica Delaval has 19 op- We assume full responsibility airconditioning erating divisions at 22 manufac- Our job is to ensure that your entire installa- A worn reciprocating compressor which turing locations worldwide. The tion gives trouble-free operation. We have often causes expensive operating disturb- company makes a line of indus- an organization that provides all the ances is a drain on your economy and a trial products including compres- support you need. From planning to main- burden for the crew. Save money and sors, connectors, controls, diesel tenance and service. With STAL as your improve crew efficiency. Change to engines, electric motors, fasteners, supplier, you have at your disposal a full MINISCREW and your investment will filters, forgings, gearing, pumps, range of knowhow and technical resources. soon pay off! sensors, steam condensers, tur- bines, valves and waste treatment systems. For further information,

Circle 85 on Reader Service Card MINISCREW STAL MARINE Small, but strong. Circle 192 on Reader Service Card For further information, please contact: STAL Refrigeration AB, S-60187 Norrkoping, Sweden. Tel.: Int. + 4611139800. Telex: 64110. THE INTERNATIONAL STAL-ORGANIZATION: • AUSTRIA • FRANCE • HOLLAND • SINGAPORE • USA • AUSTRALIA • JAPAN •DENMARK • GREAT BRITAIN • NORWAY • SWEDEN • GERMANY 'FINLAND • PHILIPPINES Comsat Dedicates nications satellite earth station in sat system, and is jointly owned by thirds of all international commu- the Intelsat global communica- Comsat, AT&T, RCA and Western nications traffic and serves 170 Roaring Creek tions satellite system. Managed Union International. nations and territories. The $50- Earth Station and operated by Comsat World Through the Intelsat system, million Roaring Creek facility is Systems Division, Roaring Creek people in the United States are located in a radio-quiet area 55 Comsat World Systems Division joins other similar stations oper- able to make international tele- miles northeast of Harrisburg, Pa., announced recently that Roaring ated by Comsat World Systems Di- phone calls, send and receive telex near the town of Bloomsburg. Op- Creek Earth Station in central vision for international communi- messages, computerized data and erating with Intelsat satellites po- Pennsylvania was officially dedi- cations satellite services. It is the fascimile to and from points abroad sitioned in geosynchronous orbit cated on June 1, 1984. Roaring most powerful and advanced earth and view live television programs some 22,300 miles over the Atlan- Creek Earth Station is the newest station complex ever to be con- from overseas. Today, the Intelsat tic Ocean, the Roaring Creek Earth and largest international commu- structed for operation in the Intel- system carries approximately two- Station will connect the United States with nearly three dozen other nations. Economical ORCA Three dish-shaped antennas GEMS tower over the Roaring Creek Sewage Treatment complex, each stretching 105 feet Level Switches for across. One of the three antennas, Systems offer: which began service in mid-May, Shipboard Service. operates in the lower of two satel- Space saving physical/ lite frequency bands, sending sig- chemical design , nals to the satellite at a rate of six Where high reliability is requires 90% less space ORCA II billion cycles per second (6 giga- than biological systems. hertz) and receiving them at four

required for monitoring liquid Low installation billion cycles per second (4 giga- costs hertz). Another antenna, which levels and signaling alarms. will begin operating later this year, Simple, automatic transmits and receives signals in There's a GEMS switch to meet all types of marine liquid level operation a higher frequency band (14/11 gi- monitor and control levels, signal alarms, and Low operating and to provide oil/water interface. Ideal for use with diesel engine gahertz). This antenna's 105-foot maintenance costs fuel tanks, lube oil reservoirs, ballast, bilge, or oil sump tanks or size makes it unique in the Intel- for other common shipboard uses. sat system in that other high-fre- Reliable micro- quency band antennas usually processor control measure about 60 feet across. The 38 Quick delivery ,965' f"01^ ' larger size at Roaring Creek less- 6 standard models Model ORCA 11-24 ens the likelihood of signal inter- fyiL. Jt^ Model 11-12 11-24 11-36 11-165 11-330 11-500 ference, which can be caused by Number heavy rainfall. The third antenna, people served 12 24 500 - •» 36 165 330 the first dual-band antenna in the *lf low volume flush toilets are used, the number of people can be doubled. Intelsat system, operates in both USCG certified and IMO approved the lower and higher satellite fre- Call or telex Dick Lambert for technical information, quency bands. That antenna will 58000 Series brochures or a quotation on a specific model. serve as a backup to the other two Single or Multi-Level antennas after it becomes opera- ENVIROVAC INC. SSiu,,. tional later this year. Switches. Telephone 815/654-8300. Telex 257-415 (ENVIROVAC RKD) Custom-made switches, Toll Free (USA only) 800-435-6951 (except in IL. HI. AK) using standard components, Circle 135 on Reader Service Card are supplied with various mounting methods, lengths, floats, materials, etc. to suit THE MULTI-CLAMP SYSTEM the application NO SHOCK, NO VIBRATION, LOW NOISE SNAME Issues Call For tube and pipe support. Papers For 1985 OTC The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers has issued LS-35565 (brass)/ LS-270 Model a "Call For Papers" to be delivered LS-56060 (stainless with Protective at the 1985 Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) to be held in the steel) Externally Shielding for Turbulent In-Tank Astrohall, Houston, Texas, May 6- Mounted Models. 9, 1985. For use where access Conditions. to inside of tanks is Small and com- A 200 to 300-word abstract limited, such as on pact, unit side- should be submitted on the official lube oil or fuel day mounts in tank Multi-Clamp provides a total system of planning, installing OTC form by September 14, 1984. tanks. Custom-length Ideal for low level and retaining pipes, hoses and tubing on machine tools, in housings. Provide bilge or sump plants, on process machinery, in vehicles—anywhere line Authors should send the form to ease of maintenance tanks, and oil/ runs are required for hydraulic or pneumatic, cooling, the Program Department, Off- and tank cleaning. water interface lubrication, refrigeration, fuel, etc. shore Technology Conference, 6200 North Central Expressway, Drawer With Intrinsic Safety. Supports tube and pipe in singular or multiple rows, and 64705, Dallas, Texas 75206. Cop- Zener Barrier Safe-Pak relays, FM approved, from stacks in "Building-Block" type construction. ies of the form may be secured GEMS provide intrinsically safe operation when from OTC or from SNAME, One interfacing level switches with your AC or DC loads • Off the shelf delivery in sizes 3/1 6 " thru 6 " O.D. • Provides for simplified installation. World Trade Center, Suite 1369, A true "do-it-yourself" system. New York, N.Y. 10048.

For application information, call toll-free (800) 321-6070. OTHER HYDROCRAFT ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE INCLUDE The papers should be concerned In Ohio call (800) 441-7733. • Suction line filters • Filler assemblies • Reservoir end covers with new knowledge or experience GEMS SENSORS DIVISION • Flange kits • Weld risers • Glycerin Gauges in some field of offshore resource Plainville, Connecticut 06062, U.S.A. and environment. SNAME's rep- Telephone (203) 677-1311: Telex: 99306 Carefully crafted, quality controlled products from the designers resentative on the 1985 OTC of Hydro-Craft Hydraulic reservoirs and Accessories Technical Program Committee is Fred E. Shumaker. Monroe D. M Transamenca Macpherson is the representa- tive on the OTC Executive 1821 ROCHESTER INDUSTRIAL DRIVE, ROCHESTER MICH. 48063 Committee. 1 ll Delaval Phone: (313) 652-8100 Telex: 023-5677

38 Circle 290 on Reader Service Card Circle 171 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News CLASSIFIED AND EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING

HOW TO PLACE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: Mail clearly written or typed copy to: MARITIME REPORTER, 107 East 31st Street, New York, N.Y. 10016. Include any photos, drawings or logos if required. Specify size of ad and number of insertions....Classified Advertising — Per Issue Rate: Classified advertising is sold at a rate of $55 per column inch....MARITIME REPORTER'S classified section carries more advertising and sells more products than any other publication in the marine industry. MARITIME REPORTER is published the 1st and the 15th of each month. Closing date for classified adver- tising is 20 days prior to the date of the issue. For further details contact John C. O'Malley at (212) 689-3266. Send all advertis- ing material to MARITIME REPORTER and Engineering News, 107 East 31st St., New York, N.Y. 10016.

f HELP WANTED ^ Career Associates SHIPYARD PRESIDENT Maritime Personnel Consultants flCCfulTErS Nationwide professional recruiting, placement & search Southern ship repair facility has opening for an individual services for all segments of the maritime industry. BROKERS OF MARINE TALENT 2200 6«.h Avenue Seatt le. WA SS121 [206] 343 33Q7 with strong credentials in large ship repairs. PERMANENT EMPLOYEES • CONSULTANTS We specialize in recruiting key management personnel CONTRACT PERSONNEL for the shipbuilding and ship repair industry. All fees and MANY OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE ! ACT NOW ! expenses are company paid. Mail resumes (2 copies) w/salary data at once to: Call Mr. M.A. Weeks at (205) 661-2294 as soon as possible BOB SLEIERTIN MARINE DESIGNER or send resume immediately! P.O. BOX 86-A (583 State Road) No. Dartmouth, Mass. 02747 WEEKS & ASSOCIATES (617) 997-3311 A twenty-five year old custom aluminum boat builder Management Consultants located in Southeastern Arkansas is seeking an ex- 921 Cottage Hill Avenue, Mobile, Alabama 36609 perienced Marine Designer tor boats from 20' to 50'. Job requires design and drafting of construction drawings for hull structural arrangements, propulsion systems, piping OUTFITTING - JOINER and electrical installations. Competitive salary and benefit package. Send resume and salary history to: DESIGNERS Immediate long-term openings in Southern Florida for experienc- Personnel Director — MonArk Boat Company ed (5+ years) outfitting — joiner designers. Excellent pay and P.O. Box 210 comprehensive benefit plans. Send resume and salary history to: Monticello, Arkansas 77655 Box 618 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Equal Opportunity Employer 107 East 31 Street New York, NY 10016

Program SALESMEN WANTED Major firm with several related lines of Technical marine Manager, products seeks experienced salesmen with technical Expanding marine transportation firm requires market background, proven record and knowledge of the ship- ing executive with extensive marine marketing and building and ship repairing industry. Firm has continental sales background. Must be knowledgeable in field of Logistics exclusive on products. Some travel required to set-up market planning and implementation as well as project dealers and close contracts. analysis. BS in Marine Transportation or Engineering American Maritime Logistics, Inc. (AML) provides preferred, MBA desirable. Excellent salary and Com- complete Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) services to pany benefits. Opportunity for advancement with grow- Contact Mr. Orald Stewart private shipyards and other maritime organizations ing Company. 2400 N.W. 39th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33142 throughout the United States. Projected obligations re- AMT, Inc. (305) 871-4094 Send resumes and salary requirements to: quire a Top-Level LSA and R & M Logistics Manager with recent ship new construction experience. AML offers an excellent compensation program as well 1984 GUIDE FOR THE SELECTION OF TANKERS as growth opportunities throughout the entire American BULKFLEET MARINE CORPORATION Over 3400 tankers rated on scale of 1-5 by Arthur Mckenzie. James R. Colman Maritime Group Send your resume in confidence to: Compare more than 800 parent owner fleet averages. 20 Vice President American Maritime Logistics, Inc. (AML) years of casualties. 7 years USCG inspections. Tankers 1800 West Loop South 859 6th Street, A-102, Dept. 12 10,000 dwt and over. From one source book. The best tanker Houston, Texas 77027 Bremerton, WA 98312 for the job. $275. Airmail outside USA, $290. Tanker Advisory \ or call (206) 373-2686 , Center Inc., 10 East End Avenue, NY, NY USA or call BULKFLEET* 212-628-7686. Chicago Philadelphia DEGREE PROGRAMS IN MARITIME TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT Floating Assets Of Canadian No residence. Credit for prior learning. Student loans and grants if eligible. Recognized by U.S. Dept. of Towing Company Education. Ask for brochure: Tel. 314/727-6100. Clayton University 7710 Carondelet P.O. Box 16150 St. Louis, MO 63105 For Sale

COASTAL TUG 105 x 27 x 16 Built 1958, Port Arthur, Texas management PORT ENGINEERS GM 16 Cy -278 A - Diesel Electric GM Auxiliaries - 60KW Each Join the AMS/AmSEC Team Fuel 30,000 Imperial Gallons position wanted [owing Winch & Hya lowing Pins Ready To Sail Corporate and entrepreneurial experience has American Management Systems and American Systems enabled me to develop a keen insight as to what Engineering Corporation are providing experienced Port COASTAL/DEEP SEA TUG is necessary to make a company a successful Engineers who maintain selected U.S. Navy ships under 129 Feet - 252 G.T. BuMt 1912, Great Britain a phased maintenance program. marketeer of its products. Rebuilt 1975 Sales Policies Advertising Sales Promotion Analysis .Media Selection Applicants must be U.S. citizens, have a BS degree, GM 567BC Installed 1975 Forecasting Pricing Materials Management Finance .Marketing USCG license, and prior port engineer experience Kor' Nozzle • Tr.pie Rudders GM Auxiliaries 25 KW Each New Product Development Product Engineering.. Administration Competitive salary and benefits package. Fuel 21 000 Imperial Gallons New Process Development Product Desigr Transportotion Positions available in Norfolk, VA: San Francisco, San Towing Winch & Air Towing Pins Packaging Manpower Planning/Control .Distribution Diego, Long Beach. CA; and Seattle. WA. Ready To Sail Recruitment and Training P/L Responsibility Production Public Relations Both vessels are in A-1 mechanical condition and are AMS fully geared to sail today. Many spares. Vessels are Resume available on request. 1777 N. Kent St. offered at a unit price but will consider separate Box 515 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News pricing lor complete specifications, please call Arlington, VA 22209-2166 107 East 31 Street New York. NY 10016 Capt. Bill McKay, (604) 461-6960. — or — Attn: E. Donnelly Phone (201) 850-0583 Phone (201) 533-2271 McKAY MARINE ENTERPRISES v. Room 817 , Evenings Days 180 James Road, Port Moody, B.C. Canada V3H-2S4

July 15,1984 39 WANTED Diesel engines & AC generating units TRADITION 8" bore and up Gas & dual fuel generators MULTIPLE TRADE DESIGN Surplus diesel, gas & dual fuel engine parts Beautifully built in 1976 of 3/8" and 1/2" shell plate for Diesel fuel injection equipment — research or trade applications. Boasts a large shelter American Bosch. Robert Bosch, deck with accommodations for Bendix, and foreign makes 24 crew, galley, showers, laundry. Complete Power Plant Ocean electronics and extensive Removal at Our Expense additional inventory list. Principal HAYNES Corporation dimensions are 127' x 29' x 13.5' Main propulsion is caterpillar D-398TA (2200 HRS/TT). Also, ADECO Fuel Systems auxiliary hydraulic propulsion. Two D-343 CAT 250 KW P.O. Box 179/Jackson, MI 49204 U.S.A. generators with hydraulic power packs. Fuel capacity 23,000 gallons in 10 (517) 764-5600/Telex 230-223425 tanks. 10 refrigerated wet/dry holds (8000 cu. ft.). Bow and stern thrusters. FOR SALE: Recently surveyed and is in San Diego for inspection. Qualified & Serviceable EMD, Alco, G.E. & Baldwin engines & parts available. G.E. 752 & EMD D77 D.C. Trac- tion Motors with tig welded armatures ready for oilfield conversion. Latest Inventory Catalog upon request. Call today: Naporano Railroad Division, Box 5158, Newark, N.J. 07105, (800) 631-4479 or (201)344-4570. ^AV "Pride in Performance" WESTERN MARITIME MARINE MARKETING LARGE STOCKS (619) 234-1686/TELEX 695202-HQSDG ANCHORS--CHAINCABLES WINCHES -- WINDLASSES -• DECKCRANES FOR SALE OR LEASE - N.Y. HARBOR GENERATORS -- ACCOMMODATION LADDERS TANKER AND BARGE TANK CLEANING HYDRAULICS CAPSTANS -- LIFEBOATS -- GANGWAYS - PUMPS FACILITY FULLY EQUIPPED, READY FOR OPERATION. TERMS AVAILABLE TO CHOCKS -- FAIRLEADS -- ETC. QUALIFIED BUYERS. CALL: SERVICE • REPAIR • PARTS (212) 442-2112 - STEVE W I L L E M POT B. V. 45 Stationsplein—Rotterdam CONSULTING • DESIGN Tel: 011-31-10-11 98 70 Telex: 22496 (wbpot)

Floating Revolving Crane CUNNINGHAM MARINE 35+ Ton American Electric Whirley Crane FOR SALE Mounted on 145' X 50' X 11' Steel Barge, HYDRAULICS CO., INC. TRAVELIFT TYPE CONTAINER HANDLERS Steel Deck House, Electric Capstans, GM Diesel 15 KARRICON UNITS TO BE LIQUIDATED Generator, Air Compressor, Welding Machine, Lights, With Shoreline Power Capability, Recently 201 Harrison St. • Hoboken, N.J. 07030 Renovated and may be seen in Operation. (201) 792 0500 (212) 267 0328 For Sale or Lease Call George Frentz 2030 E. Adams St. •Jacksonville, FL 32202 Industrial Supply Co. New Orleans, La. 70186 (904) 354-0840 504-944-3371 P.O. Box 26087 TWX 710-730-5224 CMH Hoboken, NJ

15 — Owen Karricon Mod-3043, 30 ton cap. container Handlers, that can handle standard containers stacked 3 ® high. All units are equipped with hydraulic spreaders that adapt to either 20' or 40' containers hydraulically from the operator's cab. All units are from the same well maintain- -MELE-SHAW ed fleet; complete service records are available. Yrs. Mfg. *1YDRAUL_ICS 1970-75 specs: Each unit is hydrastatically powered by 2 Perkins Diesels Mod-6-354 through a variable displace- ment pump to 4 Staffa Motors giving all wheel indepen- MANUFACTURER dent drive and steering. Tires: 32 Ply 56 x 16. SERVICE $12,000.00 ea. if taken as a lot REPAIR PARTS ALSO AVAILABLE 15 — 30 ton cap. Container Spreaders that can handle CMH HELESHAW, INC. both 20740' containers, hydraulically adapted, easily modified for forklift use; or use with Paceco Cranes. 201 HARRISON STREET Price ea. if taken as a lot HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY 07030 $8,000.00 We would sell any of the above separately. NEW YORK: (212) 267-0328 To arrange inspection or for further information call Serge Harrison at: NICOLAI JOFFE CORPORATION HOBOKEN: (201) 792-0500 9171 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, Ca. 90210 TWX: 710-730-5224 CMH HBKN rv. (514) 637-2566 (213) 272-2055 Telex 67-4638

Maritime Reporter/Engineering News ICFS '85 To Be Held So far this year, Norcontrol has land have now bought over 40 ma- signed contracts for 35 complete rine units, April 12-14, 1985 remote control systems for deliv- For more information, in New Bedford, Mass. ery to Korean shipyards in 1984/ Circle 84 on Reader Service Card 85. The dates for the International Drew Ameroid® OWS Commercial Fisheries Show (ICFS '85) hosted by the City of New Approved By SEREP Bedford, Mass., have been set for Asea Stal Receives Order April 12, 13 and 14, 1985. The lo- — Report Available cation for the show is the State For 11 Sets Of Infrafone Ameroid® OWS quick separat- Pier Building in New Bedford. Soot-Removal Equipment ing degreaser, recently introduced The show this year will feature by Drew Ameroid Marine, Boon- an added emphasis on the proces- After three months of sea trials, ton, N.J., has been tested and sor industry with displays of ma- a major United States shipping found compatible by SEREP (So- chinery and equipment and a spe- line has awarded Asea Stal AB, ciete D'Etudes et de Realisations cial area featuring displays of Finspong, Sweden, an order for 11 De'Equipment Petroliers), a lead- product. sets of Infrafone equipment. They ing manufacturer of oil water sep- will install the soot-removal de- arators, Le Havre France, for use vices on the main boilers of their with their oil water separators. vessels. For additional information on Norcontrol Renews A subsidiary of Asea Stal, Infra- Ameroid OWS or for a copy of the trial report, Long-Term Agreement sonik AB, makes Infrafone. The devices use low frequency sound Circle 72 on Reader Service Card With B&W Diesel Norcontrol, a division of A/S Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk, Nor- [Q) way, has recently renewed a six- c Po year collaboration agreement with Burmeister & Wain Diesel A/S, Denmark. B&W Diesel is, through its own and more than 30 licensed MARINE SALES manufacturers, the world's largest supplier of slow-speed diesel en- REPRESENTING gines for ships. gjtud QohrtAon (RubbzA Norcontrol is the only Norwe- gian manufacturer of remote con- Rubber Sleeve or Flange Bearings trol systems for ships. They are Stuffing Boxes and Keel Coolers Heavy Duty Fendering one of only two approved suppliers of remote control systems for the WESTERN BRANCH METALS B&W motors. In addition to the Armco Stainless Shafting Systems remote control and safety systems, Machining — Propeller Nuts WATER INDEPENDENCE the new Norcontrol/B&W Agree- DAMAN INDUSTRIES Capability • Efficiency • Quality ment also included the recently Ceramaloy Propeller Shaft Liners launched Norcontrol Digital Gov- We invite you to witness and compare VILLAGE MARINE KAHLENBERG BROS. ernor Unit DGU 8800. This ad- TEC'S superiority in Reverse Osmosis Desalinator Systems. vanced regulator can be used on Air Horns — S/S Propellers engines of different makes and NATIONAL FLUID SEPARATORS, INC. • Energy efficient performance • Low Maintenance Cost • Full Instrumentation • Start-Up & Shut-Down Safety Devices sizes and is designed to be directly Bilgemaster Automatic Oily/Water • Highest Quality Materials & Workmanship compatible to other instrumenta- Separator Systems • Field Proven Design • Supplier to the U.S. Coast Guard tion and monitoring systems of SCHRADER BELLOWS Norcontrol. Pneumatic Propulsion Control Systems After many years of effort Nor- Sold Worldwide • Service Support Worldwide control has recently had a break- TWIFLEX CORPORATION through in South Korea. Locally Marine Disc Brakes A WATER TIGHT REPUTATION Propeller Shaft Brakes & Controllers they are represented by Scan-Ko- 2000 West 135th Street rea, a subsidiary of Scan-Interna- P.O. Box 33, Glenhead, N.Y. 11545 Gardena, California 90249 pillage Marine Tec tional in the Fearnley Group. Scan- 516-676-3738 (213) 516-9911 Telex 182445 Korea is an agent to several lead- Toll Free (800) 421-4503 ing Norwegian ship equipment manufacturers. Circle 247 on Reader Service Card Circle 291 on Reader Service Card ^ V Offshore Marine Service Company FOR SALE For Sale ACQUISITIONS New Floating 1500 & 900 Ton Drydocks Company established in 1974. Currently operating its WANTED own six (6) tugs of up to 2400 H.P. in La., Texas and Mex- For Further Information Call ico. Also operates as a brokerage for outside vessels in- (504) 384-3060 We are an international company supplying products cluding tugs, utility vessels, supply vessels and deck and services to the marine market. We are interested in barges. Full service operations base central to Gulf Coast acquiring companies presently supplying this market and Mexico. Includes maintenance facilities, dockage, 1200 sq. ft. office, engine shop, spares, inventory, com- with annual sales volume oi $5MM to S25MM. munications set-up. Could operate more vessels as is. WINCHES—Steam or Air Operated Candidate product lines may include blasting clean- Equipment priced below fair market value for buy-out. Stock less Anchors 3,000 lbs. through 27,500 lbs. in stock, ing equipment, filter, fuel oil additives, oil/water Management could stay on or participate. FOB Jersey City separators, paints-coatings, safety equipment, smoke Box 418 Maritime Reporter/Ensineering News Large inventory of surplus chain and fittings indicators, tank cleaning, vibration analyses, water treatment & maintenance chemicals, sealants & others. 107 East 31 Street New York, NY 10016 Supply of new chain, including ten shots of 2 5/16" and twenty shots of 2 5/8" In addition, we would be interested in companies 9 x 12 American Hoist & Derrick Winches, reconditioned whose product distribution is limited to the industrial equal to new market, but where products would have application in DRYDOCKS FOR SALE Spare parts for all steam winches the marine field. (2) 450-Ton Floating Drydocks (1) 800-Ton Floating Drydock Please reply to: STANDARD STEAM WINCH CO., INC. Box 501 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Good Condition and Fully Operational Agents for The Crosby Group 107 East 31 Street New York, NY 10016 For More Information, Call s / (800) 325-9047 - or - (314) 768-9716 191 Van Vorst St., Jersey City, N.J 07032 201/433-6974 July 15,1984 41 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES ADVERTISED IN THIS ISSUE CIRCLE THE APPROPRIATE NUMBER ON READER SERVICE CARD OPPOSITE





H) Write for full capability information and specifications on the SALVAGE CHIEF, the finest salvage ship afloat.

Headquarters 6211 N. Ensign, Portland, OR 97217 (503) 283-5285 DEVINE Telex 36-0994 DEVINESALV Galveston: DIVING & SALVAGE, INC. 5709 Port Industrial Rd„ Galveston, Texas 77550 (713 744-2900 Quick, effective Markey Holds The Enterprise response to any marine Interstate and Ocean Transport's "deep-notch" tug/barge units employ Markey winches to assist holding the tug in the notch while pushing. The good ship i casualty worldwide. Enterprise and her barge ply the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts in all weather. Her Markey winch, spooling 2Vwire rope, also makes the towing connection between tug and barge when necessary. Call Markey for dependable hard-working winches for your tug fleet. [[MARKEY]]

REPRESENTED BY H J / WICKERT & CO . INC . 1550 Burke St • Unit D San Francisco Ca 94124 • Ph. 415-647-3500 MARKEY MACHINERY CO.. INC. J H MENGE CO INC.. P0 Box 23602 P.O. Box 24788, Seattle, Wash. 98124 New Orleans. La 70183 • Ph 504-733-4871 A. mj 79 S. Norton St., Seattle, Wash. 98134 J H MENGE CO INC . 1011 World Trade Bldg Ph. 206-622 4697 1520 Texas Ave Houston Tx 77002 * 713-224-9750

42 Circle 329 on Reader Service Card Circle 212 on Reader Service Card FINANCING—Leasing A.G. Becker Paribus Inc., 2 First National Plaza, Chicago, IL 60670 Gulf Western Leasing Corp., 1500 City West Blvd., Suite 300, Houston, TX 77047 BUYERS DIRECTORY Yegen Marine, P.O. Box 25504, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33320 FIRE PROTECTION, DETECTION, & ALARM SYSTEMS This directory section is an editorial feature published in every issue for the convenience of the readers of MARITIME EEV, Inc., 7 Westchester Plaza, Elmsford, NY 10523 REPORTER/Engineering News. A quick-reference readers' guide, it includes the names and addresses of the world's lead- Gulf Publishing Company Video (Firefighting Videotape), P.O. Box 2608, ing manufacturers and suppliers of all types of marine macninery, equipment, supplies and services. A listing is provided, Houston, TX 77001 Walter Kidde, Walter Kidde Dr., Wake Forest, NC 27586 at no cost for one year in all 24 issues, only to companies with continuing advertising programs in this publication, Wormald Fire Systems, One Stanton St., Marinette, Wl 54143 whether an advertisement appears in every issue or not. Because it is an editorial service, unpaid and not part of the FUEL OIL/ADDITIVES—Analysis & Combustion Testing advertisers contract, MR/EN assumes no responsibility for errors. If you are interested in having your company listed in Ferrous Corporation, 910-108th N.E., P.O. Box 1764, Bellevue, WA 98009 this Buyers Directory Section, contact John C. O'Malley at (212) 689-3266. Fuji Trading (America) Ltd., 17 Battery Place, New York, NY 10004 McTigue Industries Inc., 1615 9th Ave., Bohemia, NY 11716 U.S. Borax, 3075 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010 FURNITURE AIR COMPRESSORS Indikon Corp., 26 New St., Cambridge, MA 02138 Flexaust Company, 11 Chestnut St., Amesbury, MA 01913 Kongsberg North America Inc., 400 Oser Ave., Hauppauge, NY 11738 Bailey Carpenter & Insulation Co., 74 Sullivan Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231 Squire Cogswell Company, 3411 Commercial Ave., Northbrook, IL 60062 Leslie Co., 401 Jefferson Rd., Parsippany, NJ 07054 Comfort-Mate, Inc., 7988 NW 56th Street, Miami, FL 33166 AIR CONDITIONING AND Marine Moisture Control Co., 60 Inip Dr., Inwood, NY 11696 GALLEY EQUIPMENT REFRIGERATION—REPAIR & INSTALLATION Maritime Protection A/S, Box 100, N-4620 Vagsbygd, Norway Argo Marine, 140 Franklin St., New York, NY 10013 Bailey Refrigeration Co., Inc., 74 Sullivan St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231 Megasystems, Inc., 1075 N.W. 58th Street, Boca Raton, FL 33431 Insinger Machine Co., 6245 State Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19135 Cospolich Refrigerator Co., Inc., 949 Industry Rd., Kenner, LA 70062 National Control Systems, Inc., 827 Hanley Industrial Court, St. Louis, MO GANGWAYS Flakt AB, Box 8862, S-40272, Gothenburg, Sweden 63144 Rampmaster Inc., 9825 Osceola Blvd., Vero Beach, FL 32960 Mario Coil/Nuclear Cooling, Inc., P.O. Box 171, High Ridge, MO 64049 Nav-Vue, Inc., P.O. Box 1175, Huntsville, TX 77340 HATCH & DECK COVERS—Chain Pipe Mechanical Resources, Inc., 210 West Side Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07305 Norske Telektron A/S, Drammensveien 126, Oslo 2, Norway Camlock Flange Sales Corp., 60 Inip Dr., Inwood, NY 11696 Nance Industries, P.O. Box 1547, Beaumont, TX 77704-1547 Offshore Technology Corp., 578 Enterprise St., Escondido, CA 92025 Hayward Marine Products, 900 Foirmount Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 Stal Refrigeration AB, Butangsgatan 16, S 601 87 Norrkoping, Sweden Pandel Instruments Inc., 2100 N. Hwy. 360, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 Marine Moisture Control Co., 60 Inip Dr., Inwood, N.Y. 11696 United Technologies Carrier Transicold, P.O. Box 4805, Syracuse, NY Propulsion Systems, Inc., 21213 76 Ave., Kent, WA 98032 MacGregor-Navire International, Box 8991, S-402 74 Goteborg, Sweden 13221 Seaworthy Systems Inc., 36 Main Street, Essex CT 06426 MacGregor Navire U.S.A. Inc., 135 Dermody St., Cranford, NJ 07016 Unitemp Inc., 3590 Kennedy Rd., So. Plainfield, NJ 07080 Teleflex Inc., 771 First Ave., King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mock Manufacturing Inc., 777 Rutland Rd., Brooklyn, NY 11203 York Division, Borg-Warner Corp., P.O. Box 1592, York, PA 17405 Transamerica Delaval, Inc., Gems Sensors Division, Cowles Road, Plain- J.E. Steigerwald Co., Inc., 5515 Belair Rd., Baltimore, MD 21206 ANCHORS AND CHAIN ville, CT 06062 HEAT EXCHANGERS Alfa-Laval, Inc., Dept. MR-2, 2115 Linwood Ave., Fort Lee, NJ 07024 G.J. Wortelboer Jr. B.V., Eemhavenstraat 4, P.O. Box 5003, 3008 AA Rot- Valmet Automation A.S., P.O. Box 130, N-3430, Spikkestad, Norway American Standard Inc., Heat Transfer Div., Buffalo, NY 14240 terdam, Netherlands Wesmar Marine Systems Div., 801 Dexter Ave. N., Box CI 9074, Seattle, WA Riley-Beaird, P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130 Neptunia, Via Giovanni da Verrazzano, 12, 16165 Genova, Italy 98109 HULL CLEANING ANODES—Cathodic Protection COUPLINGS American United Marine Corp., 5 Broadway, Rte. 1, Saugus, MA 01906 Camlock Flange Sales Corp., 60 Inip Dr., Inwood, NY 11696 Butterworth Inc. (USA), 3721 Lapas Dr., P.O. Box 18312, Houston, TX Engelhard Industries Division, 2655 U.S. Route 22, Union, NJ 07083 SKF Steel, 20 Tower Lane, P.O. Box 745, Avon, CT 06001 77223-9989 Kaiser Chemical, Div., of Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp., 300 Lakeside CRANES—HOISTS—DERRICKS—WHIRLEYS Butterworth Systems (UK), 123 Beddington Lane, Croydon CR9 4NX, Dr., Rm. 1128 KB, Oakland, CA 94643 American Hoist & Derrick Company (AMHoist), St. Paul, MN 55107 England The Piatt Bros. & Co., Box 1030, Waterbury, CT 06721 Appleton Marine, P.O. Box 2339, Appleton, Wl 54913 Gulf International Divers, P.O. Box 1342, Gretna (New Orleans), LA 70052 BASKET STRAINERS ASEA Stal-Lava I Inc., 525 Executive Blvd., Elmsford, NY 10523 Pacific Maine Services, Berth 10, Pier A, Long Beach, CA 90802 North Star Marine & Industrial Products, Inc., 84 Wall Street, Farmingdale, Blohm & Voss Company, 55 Morris Avenue, Springfield, NJ 07081 Performance Hull Cleaning Services, Inc., P.O. Box 655, New Orleans, LA NY 11735 Chester Hoist Division, Monogram Industries, P.O. Box 229, Lisbon, OH 70059-0655 Riley-Beaird, P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130 44432 Petrochemical Services, Inc., 3820 Dauphine St., New Orleans, LA 70117 BEARINGS—Rubber, Metallic, Non-Metallic Grove Manufacturing Co., P.O. Box 21, Shady Grove, PA 17256 Phosmarine Equipment, 21 Bd. de Paris, 13002, Marseille, France Grant Manufacturing & Alloying, Inc., 600 Schoolhouse Rd., Souderton, PA HIAB Cranes & Loaders Inc., R.D. 22 Interchange Place, York, PA 17404 Seaward Marine Services, Inc., 6269 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22044 18964 Hertz Equipment Rental Corp., 7 Entin Rd., Bldg # 2, Parsippany, NJ 07054 Stork Services B.V., P.O. Box 2013, 7750 CA Hengelo, Holland Johnson Rubber Co., Duramax Marine Div., 16025 Johnson St., Middle- Machinoexport, 35 Mosfilmovskaya Ul., 117330 Moscow, U.S.S.R. • Taylor Diving & Salvage Co. Inc., 701 Engineers Rd., Belle Chasse, LA field, OH 44062 Marine Travelift, Inc., 49 E. Yew St., Sturgeon Bay, Wl 54235 70037 Lucian Q. Moffitt, Inc., P.O. Box 1415, Akron, Ohio 44309 National Crane Corp., 11200 North 148 St., Waverly, NE 68462 HYDRAULICS Norton Chemplast, 309-150 Dey Rd., Wayne, NJ 07470 National Supply Company, 1455 West Loop South, Houston, TX 77027 Aeroquip Corp., 1130 Maynard Road, Jackson, Ml 49202 Thomson-Gordon Limited, 3225 Mainway, Burlington, Ontario, Canada J.D. Neuhaus, Hebezeuge, D5810, Witten Heven, West Germany HRS, Inc., 3334 Victor Court, Santa Clara, CA 95050 L7M 1A6 Superior-Lidgerwood-Mundy Corp., 1101 John Ave., Superior, Wl 54880 Hydronautics, 6338 Lindmar Drive, Goleta, CA 93017 Waukesha Bearings Corp., P.O. Box 798, Waukesha, Wise. 53186 DECK MACHINERY—Cargo Handling Equipment Washington Chain & Supply, Inc., P.O. Box 3646, Seattle, WA 98124 BLASTING—Cleaning—Equipment Argo Marine, 140 Franklin St., New York, NY 10013 INERT GAS—Generators—Systems Marine Technical Associates, 195 Patterson Avenue, Little Falls, NJ 07424 Apache Equipment, Inc., 10690 Shadow Wood Dr., Suite 112, Houston, TX Camar Corp., 186 Prescott St., Worcester, MA 01605 Markey Machinery Co., Inc., 79 S. Horton St., Seattle, Wash. 98134 77043 Foster Wheeler Boiler Corp., 110 So. Orange Ave., Livingston, N.J. 07039 Murdock Engineering Company, P.O. Box 2278, Irving, TX 75061 Aaua-Dyne Inc., 2208 Karbach St., Houston, TX 77092 Maritime Protection A/S, N. American Agents, American United Marine Schoellhorn Albrecht, Div. of St. Louis Ship, 3460 So. Broadway, St. Louis, Atlantic Sandblasting & Coatings, Inc., 2700 Guy Verger Blvd., Tampa, FL Corp., 5 Broadway, Rte. 1, Saugus, MA 01906 MO 63118 33605 Salwico Inc., 5 Marine View Plaza, Hoboken, NJ 07030 DECKING—GRATING Aurand, 1270 Ellis St., Cincinnati, OH 45223 INSULATION—Cloth, Fiberglass International Grating, Inc., 7625 Parkhurst, Houston, TX 77028 Butterworth Inc. (USA), 3721 Lapas Dr., P.O. Box 18312, Houston, TX Bailey Carpenter & Insulation Co., Inc., 74 Sullivan St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Selby, Battersby & Company, 5220 Whiby Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19143 77223-9989 11231 J.E. Steigerwald Co., Inc., 5515 Beloir Rd., Baltimore, MD 21206 Butterworth Systems (UK), 123 Beddington Lane, Croydon CR9 4NX, Superior Energies, Inc., P.O. Drawer 386, Groves, TX 77619 DIESEL ACCESSORIES—CYLINDER LINERS England Waco Inc., 5450 Lewis Rd., P.O. Box 836, Sandston, VA 23150-0836 B&W Marine Service, 50 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 INSURANCE CLEMCO, P.O. Box 7680, San Francisco, CA 94120 General Thermodynamics Corporation, 210 South Meadow Road, P.O. Box Complete Abrasive Blasting Systems, 18250 68th Avenue South, Kent, WA Adams & Porter, 510 Bering Dr., Houston, TX 77057-1408 98031 1105, Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 Adams & Porter, 1 World Trade Center, Suite 8433, New York, N.Y. 10048 E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Co., Inc., Starblast Division, Room X39186, Wil- Golten Marine Co., Inc., 160 Von Brunt St., Brooklyn, NY 11231 Assurance Foreningen Skuld, P.O. Box 1376 Vika, Stortingagaten 18, mington, DE 19898 Haynes Corporation, P.O. Box 179, Jackson, Ml 49204 Rockwell International, Power Tool Division, 400 N. Lexington Ave., Pitts- Van der Horst Corp. of America, 314 Penn Ave., Olean, NY 14760 N-OSLO 1, Norway burgh, PA 15208 DIESEL ENGINE—Spare Parts & Repair R.A. Fulton & Company Insurance Services, 100 California St., San Fran- cisco, CA 94111 Schmidt Mfg. Inc., P.O. Box 37, Fresno, TX 77545 Golten Marine Co., Inc., 160 Van Brunt St., Brooklyn, NY 11231 MGA International, 419 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016 BOILERS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Midland Insurance Co., 160 Water St., New York, N.Y. 10038 B&D Marine and Industrial Boilers, Inc., P.O. Box 5702, North Charleston, Argo Marine, 140 Franklin St., New York, NY 10013 United States P&l Agency, Inc., 80 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038 SC 29406 Jergens Inc., 19520 Nottingham Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110 JOINER—Watertight Doors—Paneling Combustion Engineering, Inc., Windsor, Connecticut 06095 Marine Electric RPD, Inc., 666 Pacific St., Brooklyn, NY 11217 Advanced Structures Corp., 235 W. Industry Ct., Deer Park, NY 11729 Forney Engineering Co., P.O. Box 189, Addison, TX 75001 Valad Electric Heating Corporation, 162 Wildey St., Tarrytown, NY 10591 Bailey Distributors, Inc., 74 Sullivan St., Brooklyn, NY 11231 Foster Wheeler Boiler Corp., 110 S. Orange Ave., Livingston, NJ 07039 Ward Leonard Electric Co., 31 South St., Mt. Vernon, NY 10550 Isolamin Panels, c/o Consafe, Inc., P.O. Box 40339, Houston, TX 77040 Howe-Baker Engineers, Inc. (Econoflex Burners), Combustion Systems Div., Zidell Explorations, Inc., 3121 S.W. Moody St., Portland, Ore. 97201 Masonite Commercial Division, Dover, OH 44622 P.O. Box 956, Tyler, TX 75710 EMULSIFICATION SYSTEMS Megadoor Inc., 441 Lexington Ave., Suite 903, New York, NY 10017 Way-Wolff Associates Inc., 45-10 Vernon Blvd., Long Island City, NY 11101 Cleanodan A/S, N. American Agents, American United Marine Corp., 5 Simpson Timber Company, Third & Franklin, Sheton, WA 98584 BOILER CLEANING Broadway, Route 1, Saugus, MA 01906 Walz & Krenzer, Inc., 400 Trabold Road, Rochester, NY 14624 Asea Stal, 525 Executive Blvd., Elmsford, NY 10523-1296 Fire-Brite, Hoffert Manufacturing Co., Inc., 3749 Progress Rd., Norfolk, VA KEEL COOLERS BROKERS 23502 S. Danoff U.S.A. Ltd., 2050 Coral Way, Miami, FL 33145 EQUIPMENT—Marine R.W. Fernstrum & Co., 1716 Eleventh Ave., Menominee, Ml 49858 Copt. Astad Company, Inc., P.O. Box 53434, New Orleans, La. 70153 American General/Levin Corp., 445 Littlefield Ave., So. San Francisco, CA Johnson Rubber Co., Duramax Marine Div., 16025 Johnson St., Middle- ECO Inc., 1036 Cape St. Claire Center, Annapolis, MD 21401 94080 field, OH 44062 LIGHTING EQUIPMENT—Lamps, Fixtures, Searchlights Hughes Bros., Inc., 17 Battery PI., New York, N.Y. 10004 Argo Marine, 140 Franklin St., New York, NY 10013 BRONZES—COMMEMORATIVE ASEA Stal-Laval Inc., 525 Executive Blvd., Elmsford, NY 10523 ACR Electronics, Inc., P.O. Box 2148, Hollywood, FL 33022 Duramax Metals, Inc., 2401 Wesley Street, Portsmouth, VA 23707 Band-It Division, Houdaille Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 16307, Denver, CO Keuffel & Esser/Kratos, 20 Whippany Rd., Morristown, NJ 07960 BUNKERING SERVICE 80216 Midland-Ross Corp., Russellstoll Division, 530 W. Mt. Pleasant Ave., Liv- Belcher Company, Inc., 8700 West Flagler, P.O. Box 525500, Miami, FL Thomas Coudon Associates, 6655 Amberton Dr., Baltimore, MD 21227 ingston, NJ 07039 33152 Fitz-Wright Suits Ltd., 17919 Roan PI., Surrey, B.C., Canada V3S 5K1 Oceanic Electrical Mfg. Co., 157 Perry St., New York, NY 10014 Gulf Oil Trading Co., 535 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10022 Genstar Stone Products Company, Executive Plaza IV, Hunt Valley, MD Oreck Corp., 100 Plantation Rd., New Orleans, LA 70123 National Marine Service Inc. (Transport Div.), 1750 Brentwood Blvd., St. 21031 Perko Inc., P.O. Box 6400D, Miami, Florida 33164 Louis, MO 63144 Harvey's Commercial Marine Div., 2505 S. 252nd St., Kent, WA 98032 Phoenix Products Company, Inc., 4769 North 27th Street, Milwaukee, Wl CARGO HANDLING EQUIPMENT b.v. Holmatro Industrial Equipment, P.O. Box 33, 4940 aa Raamsdonksveer, 53209 Alpha Technical Services, Inc., P.O. Box 446, Hamilton, OH 45012 Holland Port Electric Supply Corp., 248-264 Third St., Elizabeth, NJ 07206-0434 MacGregor-Navire International, Box 8991, S-402 74 Goteborg, Sweden Imperial Manufacturing Co., P.O. Box 4119, Bremerton, WA 98312 MacGregor Navire U.S.A. Inc., 135 Dermody St., Cranford, NJ 07016 Juniper Industries Inc., 72-15 Metropolitan Ave., Middle Village, NY 11379 SSAC Inc., P.O. Box 395, , NY 13088 CHOCKING SYSTEMS Kearfott Marine Products, 550 South Fulton Ave., Mount Vernon, N.Y. 10550 LINE BLINDS Palmer Products Inc., P.O. Box 8, Worcester, PA 19490 Maritime Power Corp., 200 Henderson Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 Stacey/Fetterolf Corp., P.O. Box 103, Skippack, PA 19474 Philadelphia Resins Corp., 20 Commerce Drive, Montgomeryville, Pa. John P. Nissen, Jr. Company, Glenside, PA 19038 MACHINE TOOLS 18936 Stal-Laval Turbin AB, S-612 20 Finspong, Sweden Republic-Lagun Machine Tool Co., 1000 E. Carson St., Carson, CA 90749 CLAMPS EVAPORATORS MACHINERY MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, OVERHAUL, AND TESTING Bond-It Company, P.O. Box 16307, Denver, CO 80216 Alfa-Laval, Inc., Dept. MR-2, 2115 Linwood Ave., Fort Lee, NJ 07024 AMT Inc., 2400 N.W. 39th Ave., Miami, FL 33142 CLOSURES—Marine Aqua-Chem Inc., P.O. Box 421, Milwaukee, Wl 53201 Amermarine USA Inc., P.O. Box 9205, Baltimore, MD 21222 Cornell-Carr Co. Inc., 63 Main St., Monroe, CT 06468 MECO (Mechanical Equipment Company, Inc.), 861 Carondelet St., New American General/Levin Corp., 445 Littlefield Ave., So. San Francisco, CA Mock Manufacturing Inc., 777 Rutland Rd., Brooklyn, NY 11203 Orleans, LA 70130 94080 CONDENSERS Riley-Beaird, P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130 Essex Machine Works, Essex, CT 06426 Riley-Beaird, P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130 FANS—VENTILATORS—BLOWERS Golten Marine Co., Inc., 60 Van Brunt St., Brooklyn, NY 11231 CONTROL SYSTEMS—Monitoring American United Marine Corp., 5 Broadway, Rte. 1, Saugus, MA 01906 Jered Brown Brothers Inc., 1300 Coolidge, P.O. Box 2006, Troy, Ml 48007- American United Marine Corp., 5 Broadway, Rte. 1, Saugus, MA 01906 Argo Marine, 140 Franklin St., New York, NY 10013 2006 Argo Marine, 140 Franklin St., New York, NY 10013 Gaylord Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 558, Wilsonville, OR 97070 Rosan, Inc., 2901 West Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, CA 92663 ASEA, Inc. 4 New King St., White Plains, NY 10604 Hartzell Fan, Division of Castle Hills Corp., 901 S. Downing St., P.O. Box Scotchman Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 850, Philip, SD 57567-0850 Autronica Marine USA, 280 Industrial Pkwy., Northvale, NJ 07647 919, Piqua, OH 45356 METALS Avicon Corp., 7750 East Redfield Rd., Scottsdole, AZ 85260 Joy Manufacturing Company, 338 So. Broadway, New Philadelphia, OH Bayou Steel Corp., P.O. Box 5000, Laplace, LA 70068 Barringer Research, 304 Carlingview Dr., Rexdale, Ontario, Canada 44663 Inland Steel Company, 30 West Monroe Street, Chicago, IL 60603 M9W5G2 Zidell Explorations, 3121 S.W. Moody St., Portland, Ore. 97201 International Grating, Inc., 7625 Parkhurst, Houston, TX 77028 Biospherics Inc., 4928 Wyaconda Rd., Rockville, MD 20852 FENDERING SYSTEMS—Dock & Vessel MOORING SYSTEMS Bowmar/ALI, Inc., 531 Main St., Acton, MA 01720 Hughes Bros., Inc., 17 Battery Place, New York, N.Y. 10004 Murdock Machine & Engineering Company of Texas, P.O. Box 2278, Irving, Cooper Energy Services, Mount Vernon, OH 43050 InterTrade Industries, 15301 Transistor Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 TX 75061 Eldec Corp., P.O. Box 100, Lynwood, WA 98036 Johnson Rubber Co., Duramax Marine Div., 16025 Johnson St., Middle- Samson Ocean Systems, Inc., 99 High Street, Boston, Mass. 02110 Louis C. Eitzen Co., P.O. Box 1210, Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 field, OH 44062 NAME PLATES—BRONZE—ALUMINUM Ergon, Inc., P.O. Drawer 1639, Jackson, MS 39205 Samson Ocean Systems, Inc., 99 High St., Boston, MA 02110 Duramax Metals, Inc., 2401 Wesley Street, Portsmouth, VA 23707 Failsafe Motor/Generator Protector, Marine Safe Electronics Ltd., 101 Jar- Seaward International, Inc., 6269 Leesburg Ave., Falls Church, Va. 22044 NAVAL ARCHITECTS, MARINE ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS din Dr., Unit 24/25, Concord, Ontario, Canada L4K 1B6 FILTERS Adams & Chute, Huntingtown Road, Newtown, CT 06470 Fluidyne, a Div. of Electrodata Inc., P.O. Box 11366, Santo , CA 95406 Dahl Manufacturing, Inc., 2521 Railroad Ave., Ceres, CA 95307 Advanced Marine Enterprises, Inc., 1725 Jefferson Davis Highway (Suite Grumman Aerospace, 111 Stewart Ave., Bethpage, NY 11714 Mueller Steam Specialty, P.O. Box 1569, Lumberton, NC 28359 1300), Arlington, VA 22202 ITT Mackay, 441 U.S. Highway #1, Elizabeth, NJ 07202 Wm. W. Nugent & Co., P.O. Box 948, Skokie, IL 60076 Aero Nav Laboratories, Inc., 14-29 112 St., College Point, NY 11356

July 15,1984 45 Japan Radio Co , Ltd., Akasaka Twin Tower (Main), 17-22 Akasaka 2- Diesel Marine International, Ltd., c/o NORSHIPCO, P.O. Box 2100, Nor- chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107, Japan folk, VA 23501 King Radio Corporation, 400 North Rodgers Rd., Olathe, KS 66062 Elliott Company, 1809 Sheridan Ave., Springfield, OH 45505 Kongsberg North America Inc., 400 Oser Ave., Ffauppauge, NY 11738 General Electric Co., Diesel Power Products, 2901 E. Lake Rd., Erie, PA BUYERS Kongsberg Vapenfabrikk, Norcontrol Division, P.O. Box 145, Horten 3191, 16531 Norway General Motors, Electro-Motive Division, LaGrange, IL 60525 Krupp Atlas-Elektronik, 1453 Pinewood St., Rahway, NJ 07065 George Engine Company, Inc., Lafayette, LA Lorain Electronics Corp , 2307 Leovitt Rd.. Lorain, OH 44052 Golten Marine Co., Inc., 160 Van Brunt St., Brooklyn, NY 11231 Magnavox Navigation Systems, 2829 Maricopa Street, Torrance, CA 90503 Harbormaster, 36 Hancock St., Quincy, MA 02171 DIRECTORY Magnum Distributors Inc., 1000 S Dixie Hwy. #3, Pompano Beach, FL Isotta Fraschini S.p.A., c/o Italian Aerospace Industries (U.S.A.), Inc., 1235 33060 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22202 (continued) Nav-Com, Inc., 9 Brandywine Drive, Deer Park, NY 11729 KHD Canada Inc., 180 Rue de Normandie, Boucherville, Quebec J4B 5S7 American Systems Engineering Corp , P.O. Box 4265, Virginia Beach, VA Navidyne Corp., 11824 Fishing Point Drive, Newport News, VA 23606 Canada 23454 Perko Inc. (Lights), P.O. Box 6400D, Miami, FL 33164 KoMeWa, P.O. Box 1010, S—68101, Kristinehamn, Sweden Amirikian Engineering Co., Chevy Chase Center Bldg , Suite 505, 35 Wis- Racal-Decca Marine, Inc., 4200 23rd Avenue West, Seattle, WA 98199 KaMeWo, 1800 West Loop So., Suite 1620, Houston, TX 77027 consin Circle, Chevy Chase, Md. 20015 Radar Devices, Inc., 2955 Merced Street, San Leandro, CA 94577 Krupp Mak Diesels, Inc., 4329-33 Di Paolo Center, Glenview, IL 60025 Ail Anderson Associates, 148 First St Bremerton, WA 98310 Radio-Holland USA, Inc., 6033 South Loop East, Houston, TX 77033 Lips Propellers, 3617 Koppens Way, Chesapeake, VA 23323 B.C. Research, 3650 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6S 2L2 Raytheon Marine Co., 676 Island Pond Road, Manchester, N.H. 03103 Lufkin Industries, Inc., P.O Box 749, Lufkin, TX 75901 Del Breit Inc., 326 Picayune Place (Suite 201), New Orleans, LA 70130 Raytheon Ocean Systems Company, Westminster Park, Risho Avenue, East M A N.-B&W Diesel, 2, Ostervej, DK-4960 Holeby, Denmark Bretagne ACB Corp., 344 Camp St., Suite 1000, New Orleans, LA 70130 Providence, Rl 02914 MTU of North America, One E Putnam Ave., Greenwich, CT 06830; 10450 Carl G. Brimmekamp & Co., Inc., 102 Hamilton Ave , Stamford, CT 06902 Raytheon Service Co., 103 Roesler Rd., Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Corporate Dr, Sugarland, TX 77478; 2945 Railroad Ave., Morgan City, C.A.C.I., Inc., 1815 No. Fort Myer Dr., Arlington, VA 22209 Rivertronics, P.O. Box 247, Godfrey, IL 62035 LA 70203; 180 Nickerson St., Seattle, WA 98109; 1730 Lynn St., Arlington, C.D.I. Marine Co., 5520 Los Santos Way, Suite 600, Jacksonville, FL 32211 Robertson Auto Pilot, 400 Oser Ave , Houppauge, NY 11738 VA 22209 C.T. Marine, 18 Church Street, Georgetown, CT 06829 Selesmor S.p.A., Casella Postole 9, 50020 Montagnana Vol Di Pesa, MWM-Murphy Diesel, 12 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1100, Houston, TX 77046 Phillips Cartner & Co., Inc., 203 So. Union St., Alexandria, VA 22314 Firenze, Italy Mapeco Products, Inc., 20 Vesey St., New York, NY 10007 Century Engineering, Inc., 32 West Rd., Towson, MD 21 204 Servo Corporation of America, 111 New South Road, Hicksville, NY 1 1802 Maritime Industries Ltd., 6307 Laurel St Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5B3B3 Childs Engineering Corp., Box 333, Medfield, Mass. 02052 Simrad, Inc., 2208 N.W. Market St., Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98107 Michigan Wheel, 1501 Buchanan Ave., S.W., Grand Rapids, Ml 49507 John P Colletti & Associates, P.O. Box 13378, Pittsburgh, PA 15243 Sperry Corporation, Great Neck, NY 11020 National Marine Service Louisiana, Inc., 222 Bayou Rd., Belle Chasse, LA Crandall Dry Dock Engrs., Inc., 21 Pottery Lane, Dedham, Mass. 02026 Standard Communications, P.O. Box 92151, Los Angeles, CA 90009 70037 Crane Consultants Inc., 15301 1st Ave., So Seattle, Washington 98148 Texas Instruments, Inc., P.O Box 405, 3438, LewisviHe, TX 7506? Omnithruster Inc., 9515 Sorensen Ave., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 C.R. Cushing & Co., Inc., One World Trade Center, New York, N.Y 10048 OILS—Marine—Additives Penske GM Power, Inc., 600 Parsippany Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054 Design Associates Inc., 14360 Chef Menteur Highway, New Orleans, LA Exxon Company, U.S.A., Room 2323 AH, P.O. Box 2180, Houston Tx 77001 Inland Water Propulsion Systems, Inc., 580 Walnut St., Cincinnati, OH 70129 Gulf Oil Company—U.S. (Domestic Oils), 909 Fannin Street, Houston, TX 45201 Designers & Planners, Inc., 1725 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 700, Ar- 77001 Propulsion Systems, Inc., 21213 76 Ave. So., Kent, WA 98032 lington, VA 22202 Gulf Oil, New York District Sales Office (Domestic;, 433 Hackensack Ave. SACM (Societe Alsacienne De Constructions Mechamques De Mulhouse) 1, ECO Inc., 1036 Cape St. Claire Center, Annapolis, MD 21401 nue, Hackensock, NJ 07601 Rue De La Fonderie, Boite Postole 1210, 68054 Mulhouse Cedex, France Parker C. Emerson & Associates, 17935 Cardinal Drive, Lake Oswego, Or- Gulf Oil Trading Co., 535 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10022 Schottel of America, Inc., 8375 N.W. 56 St., Miami, FL 33166 egon 97034 Mobil Oil Corp., 150 East 42 Street, New York, NY 10017 Karl Senner, Inc., P.O. Box 10055, New Orleans, LA 70181 Encon Management & Engineering Consultant Services, P.O. Box 7760, Shell Oil Co., 1 Shell Plaza, Houston, Texas 77002 Skinner Engine Company, P.O. Box 1149, Erie, PA 16512 Beaumont, TX 77706 Texaco, Inc. (International Marine), 135 East 42nd St., NY, N.Y, 10017 Stewart 8, Stevenson Services, Inc., P.O. Box 1637, Houston, TX 77251-1637 Fleetweather Ocean Services, Inc., Rd. # 2, Box 260, Hopewell Junction, NY OIL/WATER SEPARATORS Sulzer Brothers, Dept. Diesel Engines, CH-8401 Winterthur, Switzerland 12533 Alfa Laval, Inc., Dept. MR-2, 2115 Linwood Ave., Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Tech Development Inc., 6800 Poe Ave., P.O. Box 14557, Dayton, Oh 45414 Christopher J. Foster, Inc , 16 Sintsink Drive East, Port Washington, N.Y. Biospherics Incorporated, 5001 Forbes Blvd , Lanham, MD 20801 Transamerica DeLaval Inc., Engine & Compressor Div , 550 85th Ave., Butterworlh Inc. (USA), 3721 Lapas Dr., P.O. Box 18312, Houston, TX 11050 Oakland, CA 94621 77223-9989 Friede and Goldman Ltd., 935 Gravier St., New Orleans, LA 70112 Transamerica Delaval, Inc., Turbine & Compressor Div., P.O. Box 8788, GEOD Corporation, 73 Oak Ridge Road, NJ 07438 Butterworth Systems (UK), 123 Beddington Lane, Croydon CR9 4NX, Trenton, N.J, 08650 Giannotti & Associates, Inc., 703 Giddings Ave., Suite U-3, Annapolis, MD England Turbine Specialties, Inc., P.O. Box 207, West State Street Rood, Salina, KS 21401 Centrico, Inc. (Wesffalia Separators), 100 Fairway Court, Northvale NJ 67401 Gibbs & Cox, Inc., 119 West 31st Street, New York, NY 10001 07647 Turbine Specialties/Gulf Coast, Inc., 1900 Industrial Blvd Harvey, LA John W. Gilbert Associates, Inc., 66 Long Wharf, Boston, MA 02110 Dahl Manufacturing, Inc., 2521 Railroad Ave., Ceres, CA 95307 70058 The Glosten Associates, Inc., 610 Colman Bldg., 811 First Ave., Seattle, WA Hyde Products, inc. 810 Sharon Dr., Westlake, OH 44148 Ulstein Trading Ltd. A/S, N-6-65, Ulsteinvik, Norway 98104 Microphor, Inc., P.O. Box 490, Willitsj CA 95490 Voith Schneider America, 159 Great Neck Rd., Ste 200, Great Neck, NY Phillip Gresser Associates, Ltd., 3250 South Ocean Blvd., Palm Beach, FL Marine Moisture Control Co., 60 Imp Dr., Inwood, NY 11696 11021 33480 National Fluid Separators, Inc., 1239 Hanley Industrial Court, St. Louis MO Volvo Penta of America, P.O. Box 927, Rockleigh, NJ 07647 63144 Morris Guralnick Associates, Inc., 620 Folsom Street, Suite 300, San Fran- WABCO Fluid Power, an American-Standard Company, 1953 Mercer Rd., cisco, CA 94107 PACE Maine Systems, Div of St. Louis Ship, 611 E. Marceau St., St Louis, Lexington, KY 40505 Hamilton Cornell Associates, Box 188, Snug Harbor Station, Duxbury, MA MO 63111 Wartsila Power Inc., 5132 Taravella Rd., P.O. Box 868, Marrero, LA 70072 02331 Phoenix Oil Refiner Co., Inc., 330 Hill Ave., Nashville, TN 37210 Waukesha Engine Division, Waukesha, Wl 53187 J.J. Henry Co., Inc., Two World Trade Center—Suite 9528, New York, N.Y PAINTS—COATINGS—CORROSION CONTROL Welco Industries, Inc., 9027 Shell Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45236 10048 American Abrasive Metals, 460 Coit Street, Irvington, NJ 07111 ZF of North America, Inc., 3225 Commercial Avenue, Northbrook, IL 60062 Hi-Test Laboratories, Inc., P.O. Box 226, Buckingham C.H., VA 23921 Ameron, 4700 Ramona Blvd , Monterey Pak, CA 91754 ZF of North America, Inc (Motive Power Corporation, P.O. Box 365, Hoffman Maritime Consultants Inc., P.O. Box 186, Glen Head, NY 11545 Argo Marine, 140 Franklin St., New York, NY 10013 Mineola, NY 11501) Intramarine, Inc., P.O. Box 53043, Jacksonville, FL 32201 Bareco, 6910 East 14th St., Tulsa, OK 7411 2 PUMPS—Repairs—Drives R.D. Jacobs & Associates, 1 1405 Main St., Roscoe, IL 61073 A.W. Chesterton Co., Middlesex Industrial Park, Rt 93, Stoneham, MA Argo Marine, 140 Franklin St., New York, NY 10013 Capt. Ernest James, 2849 Beovercrest Dr., Lorain, OH 44053 02180 Jim's Pump Repair, 48-55 36th St., Long Island City, NY 11101 Jontzen Engineering Co., 6655-H Amberton Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21227 Chugoku Marine Paints (U.S.A.) Inc., 1290 Ave. of Americas, New York NY Megotor Corporation, 562 Alpha Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 J.L. Konopasek & Associates, 3523 Scrimshaw Dr., Jacksonville, Fl. 32217 10104 Penco Div./Hudson Engineering Co., One World Trade Center, Suite 3000, James S. Krogen & Co., Inc., 3333 Rice St., Miami, Fla 33133 CLEMCO, P.O. Box 7680, San Francisco, CA 94120 New York, NY 10048 Rodney E. Lay & Associates, 13891 Atlantic Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32225 "CONSOL" manufactured by Contact Paint & Chemical Co. Inc., 200 S Sims Pump Valve Co., Inc., 1314 Park Ave., Hoboken, NJ 07030 Alan C. McClure Associates, Inc., 2600 South Gessner, Houston, TX 77063 Franklintown Rd., Baltimore, MD 21223 Transamerica Delaval, Pyramid Pump Div., P.O. Box 447, Monroe, NC John J. McMullen Associates, Inc., 1 World Trade Center, New York, N.Y Dampney Company, Inc.. 85 Paris St., Everett, MA 02149 28110 10048 Devoe Marine Coatings Co., P.O. Box 7600, Louisville, KY 40207 Vita Motivator Company, 200 West 20th St., New York, NY 10011 MacLear & Harris, Inc., 28 West 44 Street, New York, N.Y. 10036 Drew Ameroid Marine, One Drew Chemical Plaza, Boonton, NJ 07005 Warren Pumps Division, Bridges Avenue, Warren, MA 01083 Fendall Marbury, 1933 Lincoln Drive, Annapolis, MD 21401 E.I. Dupont De Nemours 8. Co., Inc., Nemours Bldg Rm. N-2504-2, Wilden Pump & Engineering Co., 22060 Van Buren St., P.O. Box 845, Col- Marine Consultants & Designers, Inc., 308 Investment Insurance Bldg , Cor- Wilmington, DE 19898 ton, CA 92324 ner E. 6th St. & Rockwell Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Esgard, Box 2698, Lafayette, LA 70502 REFRIGERATION—Refrigerant Valves Marine Design Inc., 401 Broad Hollow Road, Rte 110, Melville, N.Y. 11746 Chemical Company, 234 Lawrence Avenue, So. San Francisco, CA Bailey Refrigeration Co., Inc., 74 Sullivan St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231 Marine Power Associates, 4475 Mission Blvd., Suite 235, San Diego, CA 94080 Port Refrigeration Div , 157 Perry St., New York, NY 10014 92109 Glidden Coatings & Resins, Architectural & Maintenance, 925 Euclid Ave. ROLLING SYSTEMS Marine Technical Associates, Inc., 95 River Rd., Hoboken, NJ 07030 Cleveland, OH 44115 Hilman, Inc., 2604 Atlantic Ave., Wall (Belmar), NJ 07719 George E. Meese, 194 Acton Rd., Annapolis, Md. 21403 Grow Group, Inc., 200 Park Ave., New York, NY 10017 ROPE—Manila—Nylon—Hawsers—Fibers Metritope Inc., P.O. Box 2366, Littleton, MA 01460 Hempel Marine Paints, Inc., Foot of Currie Ave., Wallington, NJ 07057, American Mfg. Co., Inc., Willow Avenue, Honesdale, Pa. 18431 R. Carter Morrell, 715 S. Cherokee, Bartlesville, OK 74003 2425 Fountainview, Suite 340, Houston, TX 77057, P.O. Box 10265, New Atlantic Cordage Corp., 60 Grant Avenue, Carteret, NJ 07008 NKF Engineering Assoc., Inc., 8150 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA 22202 Orleans, LA 70181 DuPont Co., KEVLAR Aramid Fiber, Room G-15465, Wilmington, DE 19898 Nelson & Associates, Inc., 1405 N.W. 167th Street, Miami, FL 33169 International Point Company, Inc., 2270 Morris Avenue, Union, NJ 07083 Norton Chemplast, 309-150 Dey Rd., Wayne, NJ 07470 New England Engineering & Marine Services, Rt. 2, Box 50, York, ME 03909 Jaegle Paint Co., Inc., 1912 Darby Rd., Havertown, PA 19083 Samson Ocean Systems, Inc., 99 High Street, Boston, Mass. 02110 Nickum & Spaulding Associates, Inc., 2701 First Ave., Seattle, WA 98121 Jotun Marine Coatings Inc., 840 Key Hwy , Baltimore, MD 21230 Tubbs Cordage Company, P.O. Box 709, Orange, CA 92666 Northern Marine, P.O. Box 1169, Traverse City, Ml 49685 Magnus Maritec International Inc., 150 Roosevelt PI., P.O Box 150, Pali- Wall Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 560, Elkin, NC 28621 sades Park, NJ 07650 Ocean-Oil International Engineering Corporation, 3019 Mercedes Blvd., RUDDER ANGLE INDICATORS—STEERING Norton Chemplast, 309-150 Dey Rd., Wayne, NJ 07470 New Orleans, La. 70114 Hy-Drive America Corp., 3629 Vernon Blvd., Long Island City, NY 11106 Palmer Products Inc., P.O Box 8. Worcester, PA 19490 PRC Guralnick, 5252 Balboa Ave., San Diego, CA 92117 Marine Drive Systems, 519 Raritan Center, Edison, NJ 08817 Pile-Gard" Manufactured by Osmose-Marine Div., P.O. Drawer 0, Griffin, Pearlson Engineering Co., Inc., 8970 S.W. 87th Ct„ Miami, Florida 33156 Robertson, 135 Fori Lee Rd., Leonia, NJ 07605 GA 30224 S.L. Petchul, Inc., 1380 S.W, 57th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317 SAFETY EQUIPMENT Precision Systems Engineering, 824B Eastgate Dr., Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 Products Research 8, Chemical Corp., 5454 San Fernando Rd., Glendale, Wormold Fire Systems, One Stanton St., Marinette, Wl 54143 M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc., 350 Broadway, New York, NY 10013 and 667 CA 91203 SANITATION DEVICES—Pollution Control Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94105 Seaguard, 4030 Seaguard Ave , Portsmouth, VA 23705 Argo Marine, 140 Franklin St., New York, NY 10013 Schmahl and Schmohl, Inc., 1209 S.E Third Ave., Fort Lauderdale, Florida Selby, Battersby & Company, 5220 Whiby Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19143 Davit Sales Inc., P.O. Box 232, Jefferson Valley, NY 10535 33316 Sermatech International, 4401 SermeTel Dr., Moss Point, MS 39563 Envirovac Inc., 1260 Turret Dr., Rockford, IL 61111 SEACOR Systems Engineering Associates Corp., 19 Perina Blvd . Cherry PETROLEUM SUPPLIES FAST Sewage Systems, Div, of St. Louis Ship, 611 East Marceau St., St. Hill, NJ 08003 (Publications Division at Cherry Hill location) Shell Oil Co., 1 Shell Plaza, Houston, Texas 77002 Louis, MO 63111 STV/Sanders & Thomas, Inc., 1745 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Arlington, VA PIER REPAIRS Golar Metal A/S, P.O. Box 70, 4901 Tvedestrand, Norway 22202 Acguatic Marine Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 326, Williamsville, NY 14221 Marine Moisture Control Co., Inc., 60 Inip Dr., Inwood, L.I., N.Y. 11696 Seaworthy Engine Systems, 36 Main Street, Essex, CT 06426 PIPE-HOSE—Cargo Transfer, Clamps, Couplings, Coatings National Sanitation Foundation, P.O. Box 1468, Ann Arbor, Ml 48105 SCAFFOLDING EQUIPMENT—Work Platforms Seaworthy Engine Systems, 17 Battery Place, New York, NY 10004 Cajon Company, 9760 Shepard Rd., Macedonia, OH 44056 McCausey Lumber Co., 7751 Lyndon, Detroit, Ml 48238 George G. Sharp, Inc., 100 Church St., New York, N Y 10007 Camlock Flange Sales Corp., 60 Imp Dr., Inwood, NY 11696 Patent Scaffolding Co., One Bridge Plaza, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Simmons Associates, P.O. Box 760, Sarasota, FL 33578 Crawford Fitting Company, 29500 Solon Rd., Solon, OH 44139 Trus-Joist Corp., P.O. Box 60 Boise, ID 83704 R.A. Steam, Inc., 253 N 1st Ave., Sturgeon Bay, Wl 54235 Hydro-Craft, Inc.. 1821 Rochester Industrial Dr., Rochester, Ml 48063 SCUTTLES/MANHOLES J.F. Stroschein Associates, 666 Old Country Rd., Garden City, NY 11530 Knights Piping Inc., 5309 Industrial Rd , Pascagoula, MS 39567 Richard R. Taubler, Inc., 610 Carriage La., Dover, DE 19901 Metropolitan Plumbing Supply Corp., 5000 Second St., Long Island City, NY Mock Manufacturing Inc., 777 Rutland Rd., Brooklyn, NY 11203 Timsco, 622 Azalea Road, Mobile, AL 36609 11101 SHAFT SEALS, REVOLUTION INDICATOR EQUIPMENT Tracor Hydronautics, Inc., 7210 Pindell School Rd., Laurel, MD 20707 Penco Div./Hudson Engineering Co., One World Trade Center, Suite 3000, Bird-Johnson Co., 100 Norfolk St., Walpole, MA 02081 Uhlig & Associates, Inc., 8295 SW 188th St., Miomi, FL 33157 New York, NY 10048 Crane Packing Company, 435 Regina Dr., Clarksburg, MD 20734 Vevey Engineering Works Ltd., CH-1800 Vevey, Switzerland, U.S Rep: Carl Selkirk Metalbestos, Box 19000, Greensboro, NC 27419 EG&G Sealol, Engineered Products Div., Marine Products Group, Warwick, G. Brimmekamp & Co., Inc., 102 Hamilton Ave., Stamford, CT 06902 Stauff Corporation, 21-31 Industrial Park, Waldwick, NJ 07463 Rl 02888 Thomas B. Wilson, Associates, 1258 North Avalon Blvd., Wilmington, CA PLASTICS—Marine Applications Norton Chemplast, 309-150 Dey Rd., Wayne, NJ 07470 90744 Hubeva Marine Plastics, Inc., 390 Hamilton Ave., Bklyn, N.Y. 11231 Penco Div,/Hudson Engineering Co., One World Trade Center, Suite 3000, Yacht. Design Institute, 9 Main St., Blue Hill, ME 04614 PROPULSION EQUIPMENT—Bowthrusters, Diesel Engines, Gears, New York, NY 10048 NAVIGATION & COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT Propellers, Shafts, Turbines SHIPBREAKING—Salvage American Hydromath Co., Buckwheat Bridge Rd., Germantown, N Y. 12526 American Lohmann Corp., 1415 Chestnut Ave., Hillside, NJ 07205 The Boston Metals Co., 313 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. 21202 Anschutz & Co. GmbH, Postfach 6040, D-2300 Kiel 14, West Germany Aquamaster, 4125 9th Ave., Seattle, WA 98107 Fred Devine Diving & Salvage, Inc., 6211 N. Ensign, Swan Island, Portland, Atkinson Dynamics, Section 6, 10 West Orange Ave., South San Francisco, Armco Steel/Advanced Materials Div , 703 Curtis St., Middletown, OH OR 97217 CA 94080 45043 Zidell Explorations, Inc., 3121 S.W. Moody St., Portland, Ore. 97201 CMC Communications Inc., 5479 Jetport Industrial Blvd., Tampa, FL 33614 Avondale Shipyards, Inc , P.O. Box 52080, New Orleans, La. 70150 SHIPBUILDING EQUIPMENT COMSAT World Systems, 950 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W., Suite 6151 Washington, Bergen Diesel Inc., 2110 1-10 Service Rd., Kenner, LA 70062 Pearlson Engineering Co., P.O. Box 8, Kendall Branch, Miami, FL 33156 D C. 20024 Bird Johnson Company, 110 Norfolk St., Walpole, Moss. 02081 Total Transportation System Inc., 813 Forrest Dr, Newport News, VA 23606 Cybernet International, Inc., 7 Powder Horn Dr., Worren, NJ 07060 Bombardier, 1051 Dickson, Montreal, Quebec, Canada HI N 2H7 Total Transportation Systems (International) A/S, Bjornegarden, P.O. Box A/S Elektrisk Bureau, P.O. Box 98, N-1360 Nesbru, Norway Burmeister & Wain Alpha Diesel AS, DK-1400 Copenhagen K, Denmark 248, N 5201, Os, Norway Electro-Nov Inc., 840 Bond Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07201 Capitol Gears, 349 N Hamline Ave., St. Paul, Mn, 55104 SHIPBUILDING STEEL EPSCO Marine, 550 Wholesalers Parkway, Harahon, LA 70123 Caterpillar Engine Division, 100 N.E Adams, Peoria, IL 61629 Armco Steel Corp., 703 Curtis St., Middletown, Ohio 45042 Fleet Marine, 1820 N.E. 146th Street, North Miami, FL 33181 Cincinnati Gear Co., 5657 Wooster Pike, Cincinnati, OH 45227 Bethlehem Steel Corp., Martin Tower, Bethlehem, PA 18018 Furuno U.S.A., 271 Harbor Way, S. San Francisco, CA 94080 Colt Industries Inc (Fairbanks Morse Engine Div.), 701 Lowton Avenue, Tiline, P.O. Box 729, Albany OR 97321 Harris Communications (RF Communications), 1680 University Avenue, Beloit, Wl 5351 1 United States Steel Corp., Christy Park Plant, 2214 Walnut St., McKeesport, Rochester, NY 14610 Columbian Bronze Corporation, 216 No. Main Street, Freeport, NY 11520 PA 15132 Henschel Corp., 9 Hoyt Drive, Newburyport, MA 01950 Combustion Engineering, Inc., Windsor, Connecticut 06095 Welded Beam Company, P.O. Box 280, Perry OH 44081 Hose McCann Telephone Company, Inc., 9 Smith Street, Englewood, NJ Daihatsu Diesel (USA) Inc., 180 Adams Ave., Hauppauge, NY 11788 SHIPBUILDING—Repairs, Maintenance, Drydocking 07631 Deutz Corp., 7585 Ponce de Leon Circle, Atlanta, GA 30340 Alabama Maritime Corp., P.O. Box 3026, Mobile, AL 36652

46 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Amsterdam Drydock Company, Post Box 3006, 1003 AA, Amsterdam, M.A. Stream Associates, Inc., 400 Second Ave. W., Seattle, WA 98119 piamiiic Holland TANK CLEANING Arsenale Triestino-San Marco Shipyard, Trieste, Italy, U.S. Rep: Marine Butterworth Inc. (USA), 3721 Lapas Dr., P.O. Box 18312, Houston, TX Technologies & Brokerage, 33 Rector St., New York, NY 10006 77223-9989 CORROSION CONTRQL— Asmar Shipyards Co., Astilleros y Maestranzs de la Armada, Prat 856, Piso Butterworth Systems (UK), 123 Beddington Lane, Croydon CR9 4NX, 14, Casilla 150-V, Valpariso, Chile, S.A. England Astilleros Balboa, S.A., c/o Jackson Marine Corp., 17 Battery Place, New Gamajet Equipment Div., Sybron Chemicals Inc., 121 S. Maple Ave., So. CATHODIC York, NY 10004 San Francisco, CA 94080 Atlantic Dry Dock, P.O. Box 276, Ft. George Island, Jacksonville, FL 32226 Penco Div./Hudson Engineering Co., One World Trade Center, Suite 3000, Atlantic Marine Inc., P.O. Box 138, Ft. George Island, Jacksonville, FL New York, NY 10048 PROTECTION! 32226 Petrochemical Services, Inc., 3820 Dauphine St., New Orleans, LA 70117 Avondale Shipyards, Inc., P.O. Box 52080, New Orleans, La. 70150 TANK LEVELING INDICATORS Bath Iron Works Corp., 700 Washington St., Bath, ME 04530 Kongsberg North America Inc., 400 Oser Ave., Hauppauge, NY 11738 Bay Shipbuilding Corp., 605 North 3rd Ave., Sturgeon Bay, Wl 54235 Marine Moisture Control Co., 60 Inip Dr., Inwood, NY 11696 Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Co., Inc., P.O. Box 42, Mobile, AL 36601 Metal Goods Manufacturing Company, 309 W. Hensley Blvd., Bartlesville, Bethlehem Steel Corp., Martin Tower, Bethlehem, PA 18018 OK 74003 piunziiic Blohm & Voss Company, 55 Morris Avenue, Springfield, NJ 07081 Metritape, Inc., P.O. Box 2366, Littleton, MA 01460 Burmeister & Wain Skibsvaerft A/S, P.O. Box 2122, Refshaleoen-1015 Co- Salwico Inc., 5 Marine View Plaza, Hoboken, NJ 07030 penhagen K-Denmark Transamerica Delaval, Inc., Gems Sensors Division, Cowles Rood, Ploin- ptaffiinc Burrard Yarrows Corporation, P.O. Box 86099, North Vancouver, B.C., vilie, CT 06062 Canada TOWING—Barges, Vessel Chartering, Lighterage, Salvage, etc. piaffzirU Caneco Shipyard, Rua Carlos Sfeidl, 714, Caju, 20.931, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Bay-Houston Towing Co., 805 WorTd Trade Bldg., Houston, Texas 77002 • Rolled Anode Plate Brazil Bulkfleet Marine Corporation, 1800 West Loop So., Houston TX 77027 Cantieri Navali Riuniti, Via Cipro, 11, 16100 Genova, Italy Curtis Bay Towing Co., Mercantile Bldg., Baltimore, Md. 21202 • Rolled Anode Rod Carrington Slipways Pty. Ltd., Old Punt Rd., Tomago NSW Australia 2322 Jan Erik Dyvi A/S, P.O. Box 454, Sentrum, Norway Conrad Industries, P.O. Box 790, Morgan City, La. 70380 Henry Gillen's Sons Lighterage, 21 West Main St., Oyster Bay, N.Y. 11771 For information: Curacao Drydock Company Inc., 26 Broadway, Suite 741, New York, NY James Hughes, Inc., 17 Battery PI., New York, N.Y. 10004 call 203/753-4194, Telex 643-340 or write: 10004 International Transport Contractors Holland B.V., 5 Kenaupark, P.O. Box Daewoo International (America) Cprp., 437 Madison Ave., New York, NY 21, Haarlem, Holland 10022 McAllister Bros., Inc., 17 Battery PI., New York, N.Y. 10004 13 THE PLATT BROS. & CO. Daewoo Shipbuilding & Heavy Machinery Ltd., Ayangri, Changsung-PO, McDonough Marine Service, P.O. Box 26206, New Orleans, La. PLBTT. Box 1030, Waterbury, CT 06721 U.S.A. Koje-Kun, Kyungnam, Korea Midland Affiliated Co., 580 Walnut St., Cincinnati, OH 45201 Davie Shipbuilding Ltd., P.O. Box 130, Levis, Quebec, Canada G6V6N7 Moran Towing & Transportation Co., Inc., One World Trade Center, Suite Circle 216 on Reader Service Card Dorbyl Ltd., Military Road, 1 Industrial Sites, West Bank, 5201 East London, 5335, New York, N.Y 10048 Republic of South Africa National Marine Service, Transport Div., 1750 Brentwood Blvd., St. Louis, Dravo Marine Equipment Company, Neville Island, Pittsburgh, PA 15225 MO 63144 Dubai Drydocks, P.O. Box 8988, Dubai, United Arab Emirates—U.S.A. Suderman & Young Co., Inc., 918 World Trade Bldg , Houston, Texas 77002 ofrshoreOIL PURIFIERS Agents: Keppel Marine Agencies Inc., 26 Broadway, New York, NY Turecamo Coastal & Harbor Towing Corp., One Edgewater St., Clifton, 10004, 6240 Richmond Ave., Houston, TX 77057 f Stolen Island, N.Y. 10305 Authorized Service Representatives for Eastern Marine, Inc., P.O. Box 1009, Panama City, FL 32401 VALVES AND FITTINGS Equitable Shipyards, Inc., P.O. Box 8001, New Orleans, LA 70182 Camlock Flange Sales Corp., 60 Inip Dr., Inwood, NY 11 696 FMC Corp., Marine & Rail Equipment Div., 4700 N.W. Front Ave., Portland, Clow Corporation, 1375 Magnolia Ave., Corona, CA 91720 OC ALFA-LAVAL Oregon 97208 Dover Corporation, Norris Division, P.O. Box 1739, Tulsa, OK 74101 Far East Levingston Shipbuilding Ltd., 31 Shipyard Rd., Jurong Town, Sin- Elliott Manufacturing Co., Inc. (Remote Valve Operating Equipment), P.O. Factory-new parts for all gapore 2262 Box 773, Binghamton, NY 13902 45-55-65 Unimatic Models. Genstar Marine, 10 Pemberton Ave., No. Vancouver, B.C., Canada V7P Hayward Marine Products, 900 Fairmount Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 New and Rebuilt Unimatic Purifiers 2R1 Jamesbury Corp., 640 Lincoln Street, Worcester, MA 01605 Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding Corp., 1 Riverside Ave., Somerset, MA 02725 Marine Moisture Control Co., 60 Inip Dr., Inwood, N.Y. 11696 available from stock. Golten Marine Co., Inc., 60 Van Brunt St., Brooklyn, NY 11 231 Metropolitan Plumbing Supply Corp., 50-09 Second Street, Long Island HBC Barge, Inc., Grant Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 City, NY 11101 In Del., Md., Va.. N.C. and Ga we are distributors Halter Marine, Inc., P.O. Box 29266, New Orleans, LA 70189 Newmans Inc., 7500 E. Reading PL, Tulsa, OK 74101 Hoboken Shipyards, Inc., 1301 Hudson St., Hoboken, NJ 07030 Pittsburgh Brass Manufacturing, Sandy Hill Rd., R.D. 6 Box 387-A, Irwin, PA for Models MAB 103 and MAB 104. Hong Kong United Dockyards Ltd., P.O. Box 534, Kowloon Central Post 15642 New MAB Purifiers and parts available for immediate shipment Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong Stacey/Fetterolf Corp., P.O. Box 103, Skippack, PA 19474 Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Ltd., 456 Cheonha-Dong, Ulsan, Korea Stockham Valves & Fittings, Box 10326, Birmingham, AL 35202 OVERHAUL & EXCHANGE I.N.M.A. S.p.A., 19100 La Spezla, v. le S. Bartolomeo 362, Italy Tate Temco, Inc., 1941 Lansdowne Road, Baltimore, MD 21227 Jakobson Shipyard Inc., P.O. Box 329, Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Union Flonetics, P.O. Box 459, Clinton, PA 15026 Jeffboat, Inc., Jeffersonville, Ind. 47130 Robert H. Wager Co., Inc., Passaic Avenue, Chatham, N.J. 07928 Keppel Shipyard Limited, 325 Telok Blangah Road, P.O. Box 2169, Singa- Waukesha Bearings Corp., 405 Commerce St., P.O. Box 798, Waukesha, PECK PURIFIER pore 0409 Wl53186 Koch Ellis Barge & Ship Service, P.O. Box 9130, Westwego, LA 70094 Westran Corporation, Valve Components Group, 4025 Rememberance Rd, Kone Corp., P.O. Box 6, SF-05801, Hyvinkaa, Finland SALES CO. N.W., Grand Rapids, Ml 49504 Leevac Corporation, P.O. Box 2607, Morgan City, LA 70381 S.S. White Industrial Products, 151 Old New Brunswick Rd., Piscataway, NJ 3724 Cook Blvd., Chesapeake, Va., 23323 Paul Lindenau GmbH. & Co., Schiffswerft u. Maschinenfabrik, D-2300 Kiel- 08854 Phone (804) 487-0437 Friedrichsort, West Germany Whitey Co., 318 Bishop Rd., Highland Heights, OH 44143 Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Co., 2929 16th Avenue, S.W., Se- William E. Williams Valve Corporation, 38-52 Review Avenue, Long Island attle, Wash. 98134 City, NY 11101 J M.A.N. GHH Sterkrade, P.O.B. 110240, D-4200 Oberhausen 11, West Winel, Inc., 34655 Mills Road, North Ridgeville, OH 44039 Circle 256 on Reader Service Card Germany Zidell Explorations, Inc., (Valve Division), 3121 S.W. Moody Avenue, Port- McDermott, Incorporated, 1010 Common Street, New Orleans, LA 77227 land, OR 97201 Main Iron Works, Inc. P.O. Box 1918, Houma, LA 70361 VENTILATION DUCTING Marinette Maine Corporation, Marinette, Wl 54143 Flexaust Company, 11 Chestnut St., Amesbury, MA 01913 Jos. L. Meyer GmbH & Co., P.O. Box 2990 Popenburg 1, West Germany VESSEL OWNER/OPERATOR Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., 5-1, Marunochi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, To- Wallenius Lines, P.O. Box 17086, S-10432 Stockholm, Sweden kyo, 100 Japan VIBRATION ANALYSIS Monark Boat Co., P.O. Box 210, Monticello, Ark. 71655 DLI Engineering Corp., 253 Winslow Way West, Boinbridge Island, WA Moran Shipping Agencies, 602 Sawyer, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77007 98110 Designers and Fabricators Moss Point Marine Inc., P.O. Box 1310, Escatawpa, MS 39552 VIDEO TRAINING FILMS Nashville Bridge Company, P.O. Box 239, Nashville, TN 37202 Gulf Publishing Company Video, P.O. Box 2608, Houston, TX 77001 Marine and Construction Equipment National Marine Service (Shipyard Division), P.O. Box 38, Hartford, IL ICHCA Canada, P.O. Box 2366, Station D, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 62048 K1P5W9 • Anchor-handling and • Towing Pins National Steel & Shipbuilding Corp., San Diego, Calif. 92112 WATER PURIFIERS Neorion Shipyards Syros Ltd., Syros, Greece—U.S.A. Agents: Keppel Ma- Alfa Laval, Inc., Dept. MR-2, 2115 Linwood Ave., Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Towing Winches* • Cargo Winches* rine Agencies Inc., 26 Broadway, New York, NY 10004, 6420 Richmond Aqua-Chem, Inc. P.O. Box 421, Milwaukee, Wl 53201 Ave., Houston TX 77057 Bull & Roberts, Inc., 785 Central Ave., Murray Hill, NJ 07974 • Hydraulic Tuggers • Cranes* Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 4101 Washington Ave., New- Drew Chemical Corporation, One Drew Chemical Plaza, Boonton, NJ port News, Va. 23607 07005 • Anchor Windlasses • Stern Rollers North Florida Shipyards, P.O. Box 3863, Jacksonville, FL 32206 Everpure, Inc., 660 N. Blackhawk Dr., Westmont, IL 60559 O.A.R.N. (Officine Allestimento-Riprazioni Navi), P.O. Box 1395, Genoa, Marine Moisture Control, 60 Inip Dr., Inwood, NY 11696 • Pneumatic Monitoring • Capstans Italy 16100 MECO (Mechanical Equipment Company, Inc.), 861 Carondelet St., New • Cable Stops Overseas Shipyards, Inc., 21 West St., New York, NY 10006 Orleans, LA 70130 Systems Pennsylvania Shipbuilding, P.O. Box 442, Chester, PA 19016 Riley-Beaird, P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130 Port Allen Marine Service, P.O. Box 108, Port Allen, LA 70767 Village Marine Tec., 2000 W. 135th St., Gardena, CA 90249 'Built under license from A/S Hydraulik Brattvaag Promet (PTE) Ltd., 27 Pandam Rd., Jurong Industrial Estate, Singapore 22 WEATHER CHART RECORDERS Promet Marine Services Corp., 242 Aliens Ave., Providence, R! 02905 Alden Electronics, 1145 Washington St., Westborough, MA 10581 Puerto Rico Drydock & Marine Terminals, Inc., P.O. Box 2209, San Juan, WELDING Puerto Rico 00903 CRC Automatic Welding, P.O. Box 3227, Houston, TX 77253-3227 Rauma-Repola, 26100 Rauma 10, Finland KSM Fastening Systems Inc., 301 New Albany Rd., Moorestown, NJ 08057 The Sea Demands The Best Samsung Shipbuilding & Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Samsung Main Bldg. Metallizing Co. of America, Inc., 321 So. Hamilton, Sullivan, IL 61951 250, 2Ka, Taepyong-ro, Chung-ku, Seoul, Korea Miller Electric Mfg. Co., P.O. Box 1079, Appleton, Wl 54912 P.O. Box 569 Covington, Louisiana 70434 St. Louis Ship, 611 East Marceau St., St. Louis, MO 63111 Oerlikon Welding Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 40964, Houston, TX 77240 Telephone (504) 892-8216 Savannah Shipyard Co., P.O. Box 787, Savannah, GA 31402 WINCHES AND FAIRLEADS Schiess Defries, Postfach 111146, Schiess-Str. 61, D-4000 Dusseldorf 11, Braden Winch Co., 800 East Dallas, Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Circle 215 on Reader Service Card West Germany CONMACO, Inc., 820 Kansas Ave., P.O. Box 5097, Kansas City, KS 66119 Service Machine Group, Inc., P.O. Box 2664, Morgan City, LA 70381 Fritz Culver, Inc., P.O. Box 569, Covington, LA 70434 I RAMP MAS TER\ Southbay Boat Inc., P.O. Box 13308, San Diego, CA 92113 Markey Machinery Co., 79 South Horton St., Seattle, Washington 98134 Southern Oregon Marine Engineering and Construction, P.O. Box 1220, McElroy Machine & Mfg. Co., Inc., P.O. Box 4454, W. Biloxi, MS 39531 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Reel-O-Matic Systems, Inc., 418 Hellam Street, Wrightsville, PA 17368 Southwest Marine, Inc., P.O. Box 13308, San Diego, Ca 92113 Schoellhorn Albrecht, Div. of Si. Louis Ship, 3460 So. Broadway, St. Louis, Swiftships Inc., P.O. Box 1908, Morgan City, LA 70380 MO 63118 Tampa Shipyards Inc., P.O. Box 1277, Tampa, Fl. 33601 Smith Berger Marine Inc., 516 So. Chicago St., Seattle, WA 98108 Thomas Marine, 37 Bransford St., Potchogue, NY 11772 Stanspec Corp., 13600 Deise Ave., Cleveland OH 44110 Todd Shipyards Corp., 1 State St. Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10004 Superior-Lidgerwood-Mundy Corp., 1101 John Avenue, Superior, Wl 54880 Tracor Marine, P.O. Box 13107, Port Everglades, Fla. 33316 WINDOWS Union Dry Dock & Repair Co., Foot of Pershing Road, Weehawken, N.J. Kearfott Marine Products, A Singer Co., 550 South Fulton Avenue, Mt. Ver- 07087 non, N.Y. 10550 Verolme Estaleiros Reunidos Do Brasil S.A., Rua , 68, Rio de WIRE AND CABLE Janeiro—RJ—Brazil Anixter Bros., Inc., 4711 Golf Road, One Concourse Plaza, Skokie, Illinois Vickers Cockatoo Dockyard Pty. Ltd., P.O. Box 162 Milsons Point, N.S.W. 60076 2061, Australia Atlantic Cordage Corp , 60 Giant Ave , Carteret, NJ 07008 Walker Boat, P.O. Box 729, Paducah, KY 42002-0729 Delco Wire & Cable, Inc., 257 Rittenhouse Circle, Keystone Industrial Pork, Zidell Explorations, Inc., 3121 S.W. Moody Street, Portland, OR 97201 Bristol, PA 19007 SHIPPING—PACKING Seacoast Electric Supply Corp., 225 Passaic St., Passaic, NJ 07055 Pilotage Consultants, Inc., P.O. Box 2046, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Seacoost Electric Supply Corp., 1505 Oliver St., Houston, TX 77007 SILENCERS WIRE/CABLE LUBRICANT Riley-Beaird, P.O Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130 Atlantis Services, Inc., 1057 Kings Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32207 SMOKE INDICATORS WIRE ROPE—Slings Robert H. Wager Co., Inc., Passaic Avenue, Chatham, N.J. 07928 AISCO, 60 Grant Ave., Carteret, NJ 07008 STUFFING BOXES Atlantic Cordage Corp., 60 Grant Ave., Carteret, NJ 07008 Johnson Rubber Co., Duramax Marine Div., 16025 Johnson St., Middle- Bethlehem Steel Corp., Martin Tower, Bethlehem, PA 18018 field, OH 44062 A.L. Don Company, Foot of Dock Street, Matowan, NJ 07747 Smith-Meeker Engineering Co., 157 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007 I & I Sling Company, 2626 Market Street, Dept. D, Aston, PA 19014 SURVEYORS AND CONSULTANTS ZINC Francis B. Crocco, Inc., P.O Box 1411, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00903 The Piatt Bros. & Co., Box 1030, Waterbury, CT 06721 Frank Jeffrey & Assoc., 5201 Westbank Exp., Suite 206, Morrero, LA 70073 Smith & McCroken, 153 Franklin St., New York, N.Y. 10013

July 15,1984 Circle 302 on Reader Service Card 45 Now haul in those big ones within days of placing your order...

and that's no fish story!

Gator-Laid™ cable-laid wire- pin ratio. They can be made in rope slings are the best big slings shorter lengths too, and since each Free Maritime in the world made right here in specified length is identical, their Riggers Manual the United States, so we can rush length tolerance is an unbeatable 0" Just fill out this coupon them to your on-shore or Gulf site Finally, as you can see for and mail it in for a valuable months ahead of our overseas yourself, Gator-Laid™ slings are pocket-size manual you'll competitors. Why waste three, neater in appearance, which also use over and over again. even four months waiting for your makes them easier to store, ship big sling to arrive from Europe, and maintain. Name

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48 Circle 134 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News New Bulk Carriers from Hyundai

Here are Hyundai's latest large standard bulk carriers - 138K, 165K and 175K - designed to meet the needs of the current shipping market. Our Ulsan yard with its modem facilities and experienced workforce is ideally suited to the construction of large bulk car- riers. Indeed we have delivered eleven of them since 1981. Take a look at these bulk carriers.

138,000 DWT Bulk Carrier LBP/BM/DM: 267.6/42.5/23.0M Main Engine: MCR: 16,980 BHP x 95 RPM Draft (Designed/Scantling): 16.25/17.0M NCR: 15,280 BHP x 92 RPM DWT at Scantling Draft: 138,000 M/T Speed: 14.0 knots at Service Condition Cargo Hold Capacity (Grain): 162,000 M3

165,000 DWT Bulk Carrier LBP/BM/DM: 277.0/45.0/23.0M Main Engine: MCR: 16,220 BHP x 77 RPM Draft (Designed/Scantling): 17.0/17.5M NCR: 14,600 BHP x 74 RPM DWT at Scantling Draft: 165,000 M/T Speed: 13.0 knots at Service Condition Cargo Hold Capacity: 185,000 M3

175,000 DWT Bulk Carrier LBP/BM/DM: 280.0/46.0/23.8M Main Engine: MCR: 17,190 BHP x 75 RPM Draft (Designed/Scantling): 14.5/17.4M NCR: 15,470 BHP x 72.4 RPM DWT at Scantling Draft: 175,000 M/T Speed: 14.0 knots at Service Condition Cargo Hold Capacity (Grain): 200,000 M3

/ HYUNDAI HEAVY INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. 1, Cheonha-Dong, Ulsan, Korea TLX: HHI YARD K53615, K52200 TEL.: (82) Ulsan (522) 5-0151,43-5535 (Direct to Sales Manager) TOKYO: Tlx.: K28548 HDT Tel.: 03-211-0851/4 NEW JERSEY: Tlx.: 6853396 HDC NJ Tel.: 201-592-7766 LONDON: Tlx.: 938270 HDLDNG Tel.: 01-741-1531

Circle 326 on Reader Service Card Self-Polishing Antifoulings cut costs

This is a corporate trade mark of the Hempel wefocus o n Service! Group