Robots, Human, Capital and Digital Learning Managing Transition and Inclusion

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Robots, Human, Capital and Digital Learning Managing Transition and Inclusion 28 th Annual EfVET International Conference Robots, Human, Capital and Digital Learning Managing Transition and Inclusion Programme 23 r d - 26 th October 2019 Ponta Delgada | Azores, Portugal #EfVET19 Robots, Human Capital and Digital Learning 23rd to 26th of October 2019 Theme Robots, Human Capital and Digital Learning Rationale and Objectives If one day robots were to be entrusted with managing - EfVET annual conference, the organisers and members would ge the necessary transition from school-based to reality-based learning. simply sit back, relax and enjoy the event. In this context, the borders of our VET institutions will be challenged by Robots today are already capable of designing pro- the advancements that are taking place in work-places. Teachers will grammes, writing, speaking, walking, cooking, preparing drinks, be challenged by the knowledge and the foresight of employers and hi- navigating cars, ships, airplanes and a million other activities! Will they be able to take all our routine jobs? Will we be able to cope that of tomorrow. The EC can only allocate 1.25% of its total budget to in robots or in skilling, upskilling and reskilling of their human ca- ERASMUS+. Of these funds only 16.25% is allocated to VET when com- pital? If cost-effectiveness is an indicator to go by, then in several pared to 50% mobility to higher education. The budget will only be dou- - bled in 2027 when the planned cycle for VET 2030 will be almost over. cient and highly productive. How will this phenomenon impact on If these are some of the challenges we face, then it is necessary to pool vocational education and training? resources from the world of employment and the world of vocational No matter how hard it is to imagine such a situation in education and build enough momentum to claim a share of the gover- workplaces or in learning institutions, the truth is that technology, nance of VET from current stakeholders. We need enough predictive - capacity not only to image the future of VET but also to accomplish pre- senting several challenges to human beings particularly those dictions. Facts such as education is accessible anywhere anytime, tech- in charge of skilling young people. The rapport between robots, nology brings reality to life and employment is not exclusively for those human beings and vocational education is imminent and perple- xing. On the one hand employers and businesses are investing No matter how far one stretches his or her imagination, the heavily in equipment which makes productivity faster, precise and value of the human teacher remains undisputable. However, nothing is modern transportation and logistics. More than ninety percent of and means to work side-by-side with robots; use robots to attract lear- the activity that takes place in moving objects is in the hands of ners and make their lives more meaningful; create work-based learning “intelligent” machines that can navigate in the dark, take rockets in real life or in simulated environments. This conference will explore what roadmap vocational edu- compose legal documents in real time! cation leaders, managers and practitioners (teachers, tutors and expert In this scenario EfVET wishes to challenge its members in international mobility) must design to enable them to lead, manage - and practice education and training that matches as close as possib- cational discourse that has taken place over the last twenty years. le the world of work. Furthermore, beyond the conventional pleas for - quality, transparency, mobility, permeability, inclusion and recognition of cant strides towards parity of esteem with other educational sec- tors yet exploring the potential of work-based learning in an age of challenge is to speed up reform, the image of VET and transform talking technology may not have had enough visibility that impacts policy, into action! This conference aims at establishing a new paradigm shift that could take vocational education to its next level of excellence based robots with human beings and vocational education, the scope of on targeted action, systemic implementation and targeted impact. Robots, Human Capital and Digital Learning 23rd to 26th of October 2019 Programme Wednesday | 23 r d October 2019 Target Groups Our objectives are: 09:00 - 12:00 Parallel visit to VET colleges VET teachers, college managers and trainers Industry and Innovation 4.0 EPROSEC, Escola Profissional Association of education institutions HVET and Higher Apprenticeships Escola de Formação Turística e Hoteleira National and International Chambers Inclusive VET National Agencies Digitalisation Escola Profissional de Nordeste VET stakeholders ENTA, Escola de Novas Tecnologias dos Açores EU institutions Escola Profissional da Ribeira Grande Minister of Edfucation and Culture Escola da Praia da Vitória (Terceira Island) Escola Profissional Monsenhor João Maurício de Amaral Ferreira Escola Profissional da Aprodaz MEP -. Escola Profissional Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Ponta Delgada 12:00 - 19:00 Welcome and Registration Desk (Hotel Marina Atlântico) 14:30 - 16:30 Thematic Team Meetings 1| Entrepreneurship (Room Insulana I – Grand Hotel Açores Atlântico) The Thematic Team focused on Entrepreneurship aims at exploring the trends that have emerged in the last years in TVET and to explore different work-based learning practices, where learners are involved in a real produc- tion process, in a school environment. 2| VET 4.0 (Room Atlântico II – Hotel Marina Atlântico) The Thematic Team focused on VET 4.0 looks at the impact, challenges and new demands the technological development and Industry 4.0 are having in VET. The Thematic Team will analyze the changes the changing world and changing vocational education. How will work and occupations change Venue in the near future, and how these changes will change vocational training? What is the Vocational College 4.0? 3| Social Inclusion (Room Indico – Hotel Marina Atlântico) Hotel Marina Atlântico The Thematic Team focused on Social Inclusion aims at exploring ways to promote social inclusion - combating poverty and discrimination - by impro- Grand Hotel Açores Atlântico ving employability and active citizenship. 4| Internalization and Learning Mobility (Room Atlântico I – Hotel Mari- Pavilhão do Mar na Atlântico) The Thematic Team focused on Internationalization and Learning Mobility aims at strengthening collaboration between EfVET members by building Robots, Human Capital and Digital Learning 23rd to 26th of October 2019 Programme networks where colleges can collaborate in projects, both in physical as 18:00 - 19:30 well as in virtual mobility. It also aims at sharing knowledge and new me- Marketplace (Hotel Marina Atlântico) thodologies to improve internationalization policies and strategies in VET. Delegates are invited to meet to discuss potential partnerships both for reciprocal 5| Joint European Qualifications (Room Iole – Hotel Marina Atlântico) Transnational mobility & possible partnerships for KA1, KA2, KA3, Erasmus+ pro- The Thematic Team focused on Joint European Qualifications aims at jects and others. taking collaboration in VET to the next level by learning about, designing Moderators | Jon Harding and Panagiotis G. Anastassopoulos and implementing Joint European Qualifications based on the Knowled- ge Triangle (Education, Research, Innovation), promoting transparency and 19:30 - 23:00 mutual recognition. Official Opening of the Conference and Reception, Dinner chaired by the 6| Technology Enhanced Learning (Room Insulana II – Grand Hotel Açores) President of EfVET, James Joachin Calleja (Hotel Marina Atlântico) The Thematic Team focused on Technology Enhanced Learning aims at promoting innovative teaching and learning strategies, enhancing the edu- cational experiences supported by AI and digital environments. Educators, th leaders, parents and students are all key players of a transformative process Thursday | 24 October 2019 which combines both top-down as well as a bottom-up approaches. 09:00 - 09:15 14:30 - 16:30 Welcome to Azores and Opening Conference (Pavilhão do Mar) Parallel session on Higher VET – converging diversities (Comandante – Initial words | Luís Costa, Executive Director of ANESPO and member of the Grand Hotel Açores) EfVET Steering Committee, on behalf of the organizing team This session is focused on Higher VET (Level 5 and above) and its relevance for Vasco Alves Cordeiro, President of the Regional Government of Azores, Portugal the labour market and the society. The main aim is to establish a common no- José Luís Presa, President of ANESPO Portugal menclature needed to move further up the ladder of qualifications and promote Joachim James Calleja, President of EfVET permeability between systems of education like IVET, CVET, Higher VET, Higher Education and Business & Personal Training. 9:15 – 10:30 First Panel discussion: The Future of the Workplace and VET. What Role for 16:30 - 18:00 Practitioners and Businesses? Meetings of National EfVET Committees (Hotel Marina Atlântico) Moderator | Martin Watson, Prospex Speakers 18:00 - 19:30 Shyamal Majumdar, Director, UNESCO-UNEVOC Meeting for New EfVET Members (Grand Hotel Açores Atlântico) Ezri Carlebach, Writer and Lecturer, United Kingdom Joachim James Calleja, President of EfVET and the Steering Committee Members Claus Haaser, Vice President Apprenticeship & Qualification, D. Swarovski KG, Austria Filipe Mora Porteiro, Regional Government of the Azores, Regional Director for Sea Affairs, Portugal 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break Robots, Human Capital
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