March 2018


INSTITUTIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE Country Republic of Name of the Project Second Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness

Subproject Title Construction of pasture stock-watering system in Shurnukh village of Goris community of the RA Syunik marz Scope of (sub)project and The main purpose of the sub-project is the improvement of pasture stock- activity watering system in Shurnukh Village, providing sufficient water supply for 187 cattle and 309 sheep and goat directly in the pasture.

The following construction activities will be implemented under the proposed sub-project:  Construction of one water catchment,  Construction of inlet water pipeline 1000 m (D= 50x3mm -573m Py=1.0 Mpa)  Construction of one metallic trough with 18 m length

The design for pastures watering network has been developed by the KOMUNNAKHAGITS LLC design company under the contract concluded with Agricultural Project Implementation Unit. Institutional/implementation Task Team Leader Safeguard Specialists arrangements (co-TTL if applicable) (env., soc.) (World Bank) Bekzod Shamsiev Darejan Kapanadze Arusyak Alaverdyan Sophia Georgieva

Institutional/implementation Implementing entity Safeguards Works provider arrangements supervisor Agriculture (if external to (to be selected) (Borrower) Development Fund Implementing Entity)


Name of site Shurnukh village, Goris community, Syunik marz

Site location and description The sub-project implementation area is located at a distance of 348 km from Yerevan and 3 km from Shurnukh village, in the outskirts of the village. The construction site absolute maximum height is 1950. The pipeline will pass through the communal lands, particularly through 0.15 ha pastures in the outskirts of the village. No part of the pipelines will pass through a private land or through lands used by illegal users. This was checked and verified via the community cadastral map and field surveys. As the construction activities will be carried out in the remote pastures, in the outskirts of the village, there is no need for temporary closure of roads, and as there are no private houses nearby, no temporary disturbance to residents

may occur during the construction activities. No tree removal is anticipated. The natural relief and landscape will be recovered after construction works.

Land title and user right The land required for the sub-project implementation belongs to the holder(s) Community on which the Reference provided by the Goris Community Mayor (based on the Community cadastral map survey) is attached. Description of geographic, The sub-project site is located in Shurnukh village of Goris community of the physical, biological, RA Syunik marz. The pastures, where the construction site is located are on geological, hydrographic and the altitude of 1950 m. above sea level. socio-economic context Climatic conditions of the Shurnukh possesses is mild mountainous. The winter is cold, snowy, temperature on winter about 16-20 C. The summer is warm, few clouds, comparatively humid weather. Precipitation is not abundant, 400-450mm on the lake surface, up to 1000 in the mountains

Shurnukh village due to the consolidation process in September 2016 was included in Goris community of the RA Syunik marz.

The area of Goris community is 31969,28 ha, and the population is 29509, while the area of Shurnukh village of Goris community is 734.08 ha and the population is 175 of whom 84 men and 91 women, overall 48 households. 2.7% of the overall population of the Republic involved in the migration processes is from Syunik marz. Of the overall population of the Republic not returning and returning to the Republic, Syunik marz population is 3.9% and 1.1% respectively. Poverty rate of Syunik marz is 4.7% within the overall poverty rate of the Republic. In Shurnukh village, there are 6 families in the family benefit system, 10 pensioners and 9 persons with disability. In Shurnukh Community Pasture User Association Consumer Cooperative established under the CARMAC II Project there are 26 members of whom 7 women and 5 youth; 7 representatives of vulnerable groups as per Project vulnerability criteria (pensioners, persons with disability, family benefit system recipients, etc.). There are 42 household involved in livestock farming of which 16 are women-headed and 8 are youth-headed households. There are approximately 473 ha pasture areas in the community. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood for the village population, and livestock farming and crop farming are their main occupation. The main income source of the households is sales of livestock products, i.e. meat, milk and other dairy products, as well as other agricultural products, such as potato, beans, etc. In the village, there are the school, HPS, medical point and a cemetery. Of historical and cultural monuments there is a Memorial dedicated to the victims of Artsakh war. Infrastructure development is the key to the development of Shurnukh village as per the Goris Community Development Program for 2017-2021.

Locations and distance for If additional soil is required to close the trenches or grading the nearby area, material sourcing, especially such additional soil has to be delivered by Contractors from the place aggregates, water, stones provided by the community.

Gravel and stones may be purchased and delivered by the Contractor. Contractor may choose to extract natural construction materials himself, in which case contractor must obtain an extraction license prior to commencement of extraction.

Water for construction works will be provided with mobile water tanks.

Waterway will be connected to the new water connection point for which Goris community has to obtain water use permits form the Ministry of Nature Protection (MoNP) of the RA. LEGISLATION National & local legislation & Permits required for accomplishing the works planned under the sub-project: permits that apply to project  Construction license to be possessed by Construction Contractor; activity  Construction permit to be obtained by the Construction Contractor from Goris municipality;  Water connection reference fom RA MoNP;  Written consent for disposal of construction waste to be obtained by Construction Contractor from the Goris Community Mayor;  Written consent for disposal of excess material will be obtained by Construction Contractor from the Goris Community Mayor;  Land ownership Reference to be provided by the Goris Community Mayor. PUBLIC CONSULTATION When / where the public Public consultations on the present draft ESMP has been carried out in consultation process took Shurnukh village of Goris community of the RA Syunik marz on April 10, place 2018 Minutes of meeting and the List of participants are attached to the ESMP.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Site cadastral map, photos; 2. Reference from Goris Community Mayor on the ownership of lands; 3. Minutes of public consultation meeting, photos 4. Construction permit (to be provided); 5. Water connection reference from Shurnukh village administrative coordinator; 6. Agreement for construction waste disposal, obtained from Goris Community Mayor; 7. Agreement for disposal of excess material, obtained from Goris Community Mayor (to be provided if required)


ENVIRONMENTAL / SOCIAL SCREENING FOR SAFEGUARDS TRIGGERS Activity/Issue Status Triggered Actions 1. Infrastructure rehabilitation [x] Yes [ ] No If “Yes”, see Section A below 2. New construction of small [x] Yes [ ] No If “Yes”, see Section A infrastructure below 3. Impacts on surface drainage system [ ] Yes [x] No If “Yes”, see Section B below 4. Impacts on historic / cultural [ ] Yes [x] No If “Yes”, see Section C Will the site heritage below activity include/involve 5. Handling hazardous / toxic [ ] Yes [x ] No If “Yes”, see Section D any of the materials1 below following? 6. Impacts on forests, wetlands, [ ] Yes [x] No If “Yes”, see Section E below protected areas 7. Risk of unexploded ordinance [ ] Yes [x] No If “Yes”, see Section F below (UXO) 8. Risks for traffic and pedestrians [ ] Yes [x] No If “Yes”, see Section G below 9. Impacts on land property and use [ ] Yes [x] No If “Yes”, see Section H below 10. Social risk [x] Yes [ ] No If “Yes”, see Section I below

1 Toxic / hazardous material includes but is not limited to asbestos, toxic paints, noxious solvents, removal of lead paint, etc.


ACTIVITY PARAMETER MITIGATION MEASURES 0. General Public (a) Local authorities and communities have been notified of upcoming Conditions Awareness activities and Worker (b) The public has been notified of the works through appropriate Safety notification in the media and/or at publicly accessible sites (including the site of the works) (c) All legally required permits have been acquired (d) The Contractor formally agrees that all work will be carried out in a safe and disciplined manner designed to minimize impacts on neighbouring residents and environment. (e) Workers’ Personal Protective Equipment will comply with international good practice (helmets, masks, safety glasses, harnesses and safety boots) (f) Appropriate signposting of the sites will inform workers of key rules and regulations to follow A. General Air Quality (a) Apply dust control measures during earth works and on access/service Rehabilitation earth roads (e.g. spraying and moistening the ground) and /or (b) Keep demolition debris, excavated soil and aggregates in controlled Construction area and spray with water Activities (c) Suppress ongoing pneumatic drilling or breaking of pavement and foundations by water spraying and/or installing dust screen enclosures (d) Kept the area outside construction site free of soil, debris, and construction waste (e) Ban open burning of construction / waste material (f) Ensure standard working condition of all machinery, provide adequate servicing and maintenance, and restrict excessive idling of construction vehicles Noise (a) Limit construction noise to standard working hours inside and in proximity to residential areas (b) During operations, keep the engine covers of generators, air compressors and other powered mechanical equipment closed, and equipment placed as far away from residential areas as possible Water Quality (a) Establish appropriate erosion and sediment control measures (e.g. hay bales and/or silt fences) to prevent sediment from moving off site and causing excessive turbidity in canalization and nearby streams and rivers Waste (a) Identify sites for temporary and permanent disposal of various types of Management waste as well as routes for waste transportation to the disposal sites before commencement of works, put formal arrangements for waste disposal (site allocation, agreement, contract, etc. as required) in place and enforce adherence to these arrangements (b) Plan for and undertake waste separation on-site; explore opportunities for recycling and/or reuse of particular types of non-toxic waste. (c) Maintain records of waste disposal as a proof of proper management as designed.

I. Social Risk Public (a) Assign local liaison person within Contractor’s team to be in charge of Relationship communication with and receiving requests/ complaints from local Management population (b) Consult local communities to identify and proactively manage potential conflicts between an external workforce and local people (c) Raise local community awareness about sexually transmitted disease risks associated with the presence of an external workforce and include local communities in awareness activities (d) Inform the population about construction and work schedules, interruption of services, traffic detour routes and provisional bus routes, blasting and demolition, as appropriate (e) Limit construction activities at night. When necessary ensure that night work is carefully scheduled and the community is properly informed so they can take necessary measures (f) At least five days in advance of any service interruption (including water, electricity, telephone, bus routes), advise community through postings at the work site, at bus stops, and in affected homes/businesses (g) Address concerns raised through Grievance Redress Mechanism established by the Employer within the designated timeline within the scope of Contractor’s liability Labour (a) To the extent possible, do not locate work camps proximity to local Management communities (b) Consult neighbouring communities on siting and operation of worker camps (c) Recruit unskilled or semi-skilled workers from local communities to the extent possible. Where and when feasible, provide worker skills training to enhance participation of local people (d) Provide potable water and adequate lavatory facilities in all work camps. Equip residential labour camps with septic tank systems preventing release of untreated sludge to the natural environment, washing areas, adequate supplies of hot and cold running water, and soap (e) Raise awareness of workers on overall relationship management with local population, establish the code of conduct in line with international practice and strictly enforce them, including the dismissal of workers and financial penalties of adequate scale


Where How When Why Cost What No (Is the (Is the (Define the (Is the parameter (if not included (Is the parameter to be monitored?) parameter to be parameter to be frequency / or being in project monitored?) monitored?) continuous?) monitored?) budget)

CONSTRUCTION PHASE Community Community has been notified on Shurnukh Interviews with First month of Ensure ADF notification upcoming activities village local residents construction Community works awareness and consent Clearly established grievance Shurnukh Interviews with Monthly Ensure that local ADF redress mechanism is in place and village municipal Community can accessible for local Community authorities and voice concerns local residents and ask questions Legal All required permits and agreements Goris Review of files Before and during Comply with legal ADF compliance are acquired Municipality and first month of requirements Contractor’s construction administration works Provision of Personal safety gear is provided to Construction Inspection Monthly Prevent trauma ADF workers’ health and used by workers. site and casualty and safety among workers Consistency with the rules of exploitation of the construction equipment. Operation of The surrounding environment is kept Construction Inspection Monthly visits Minimize dust ADF construction free of debris to minimize dust site during emission machinery construction

Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project II Environmental and Social Management Plan 8

There is no open burning of Construction Inspection Monthly visits Prevent air ADF construction / waste material at the site during pollution with site construction hazardous emissions There is no excessive idling of Construction Inspection Monthly visits Minimize exhaust ADF construction vehicles at site site during construction Noise Construction noise is limited to day- Construction Inspection Monthly during Minimize ADF generation time hours site construction nuisance to local Community

Waste Temporary storage of waste within Construction Inspection Monthly during Prevent pollution ADF generation demarcated and fenced work site, at site construction of work site and a designated location nuisance to local Community

Construction waste is regularly Construction Inspection Monthly during Prevent ADF collected and disposed at an agreed site construction environment site pollution Waste disposal site Servicing Construction vehicles and machinery Construction Inspection Monthly during Prevent pollution ADF machinery are serviced and fueled away from site construction of surface and water body or at a service center. ground water

Earth works Separation and stockpiling of Construction Inspection Monthly during Ensure ADF excavated material and topsoil for site construction successful backfilling and site reinstatement reinstatement of purposes. site

Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project II Environmental and Social Management Plan 9

Suspension of earth works and Goris Review of In case of chance Prevent loss of ADF contacting national authority for Municipality communication finds physical cultural Ministry of cultural heritage preservation in case and resources Construction Culture of chance finds; resumption of works archaeological Contractor’s upon formal consent from the reports administration authority for preservation of cultural heritage.

OPERATION PHASE Maintenance of Regular maintenance and Goris Inspection Recurrent Keep watering Goris watering system operational repair works are Municipality system in good Municipality undertaken as required to keep operational sources collection point, pipeline, condition pumping station and trough in good technical condition.

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1. Site Plan

Watering places are marked by red lines


Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project II Environmental and Social Management Plan


2. Letter from Goris Community Mayor on the Ownership of Land (non-official translation is attached)

Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project II Environmental and Social Management Plan




This is to certify that the stock-watering system construction works under the Second Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project in Shurnukh village of Goris community of the RA Syunik marz will be implemented in the community-owned pasture lands, and the pipeline will pass only through non-cultivated communal lands, not belonging to any other physical or legal entity.

Community Mayor /signed/ A. ARUSHANYAN

Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project II Environmental and Social Management Plan


3. Minutes of Public Consultation Meeting on the Draft ESMP Shurnukh Village, Goris Community, RA Syunik Marz April 10, 2018

A stakeholder consultation meeting on the Environmental and Social Management Plan was held on April 10, 2018 in Shurnukh village of Goris community of the RA Syunik marz. Information on meeting day and time was posted on information board of Shurnukh Administrative Representative’s Office. ESMP draft version was disclosed on ADF official web site on 23.03.2018, respective link is . On April 10, 2018 CARMAC 2 Project Environmental Specialist Alice Savadyan, Engineer-constructor Samvel Kocharyan, Cooperative Support Specialist Misak Hovakimyan and Social Specialist Emma Mkrtchyan carried out Environmental and Social Public Consultations in Shurnukh village of Goris community of the RA Syunik marz. S. Kocharyan and M. Hovakimyan presented the main purpose and details of stock-watering system construction project in Shurnukh village of Goris community of the RA Syunik marz under the Second Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project (CARMACP II) and highlighted technical details of construction. Environmental and Social Management Plan with respective environmental and social impact mitigation measures were presented and explained in details by Alice Savadyan and Emma Mkrtchyan. The role of the local community during construction works was emphasized and it has been mentioned that the information poster with all the necessary contacts will be installed for the local community convenience. A. Savadyan specifically emphasized that civil works will be implemented beyond the settlement in remote pastures, therefore there is a very minimal risk of disturbing the community residents; hence the installation of safety belts, safety signs and fences is not mandatory and not under strict control in those areas. However, technical supervisors should keep under control the fulfilment of all the environmental and social mitigation measures included in ESMP, and report the deviations to ADF and administration of the respective Contractor. E. Mkrtchyan mentioned that all construction related social issues will be under strict and permanent supervision. It was mentioned that ESMP will cover the issue of the transportation and disposal of construction wastes and excessive soil. It was also noted that prior to commencement of the civil works, the contractor obtained a written consent from Shurnukh municipality on the disposal of waste. Technical supervision of the works will be provided on monthly basis and much attention will be paid to the final restoration of the area.

Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project II Environmental and Social Management Plan


Some questions regarding the date of commencing the construction works and the Contractors were raised during the meeting and S. Kocharyan and M. Hovakimyan responded to all technical questions. No special questions were raised on the ESMP and mitigation measures. E. Mkrtchyan informed the participants of the Public Consultations on the CARMAC 2 Resettlement Policy Framework Document, its importance and main provisions in relevance to construction works. It’s been also mentioned that for the construction of stock-watering system in Shurnukh village of Goris community of the RA Syunik marz under the Project no private land will be used as per the Community Administration Reference on the ownership of lands used under the Project, which is provided based on the Community cadastral map survey, carried out by the head of community/settlement, designer and ADF egineer-constructor. The Design Company also provided the location (track) of the stock-watering system installed on the community cadastral map, and it also shows, that the construction is carried out in community-owned lands only. The Project GRMs, including grievance contacts in the ADF, Pasture User Association Consumer Cooperatives (PUACC), Community Pasture Management and Livestock Development Committees (CPMLDC), grievance submission and resolution procedures were explained in details, mentioning that those contacts and a grievance box can be found in the Community Mayor’s Office. No specific questions on social and resettlement issues were raised. The list of participants and respective photos are attached.

List of participants

Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project II Environmental and Social Management Plan


List of participants

Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project II Environmental and Social Management Plan


Public Consultations in Shurnukh village

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4. Construction permit with non-official translation

Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project II Environmental and Social Management Plan


5. Water use permit from RA MoNP, obtained by Shurnukh Community with non-official translation

Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project II Environmental and Social Management Plan


Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project II Environmental and Social Management Plan




WATER USE PERMIT N 000 154 5-2-W-S-N


(Name of water user)



(Head of water resources management and protection body) (Name, surname


signature, name, surname signature of water use permit applicant) Issued 04.07.2017 Effective up to 04.07.2022 Term of activity is prolonged up to ______20 .

(Head of water resources management (Position, signature, name, surname and protection body) of water use permit applicant)

Address of the water user (Name (surname), address and telephone number of

v. Shurnukh, RA Syunik marz, 1st Str, 7 building, tel: (093) 21-01-58 water use permit applicant)

Location of water use RA Syunik Marz, Goris Community, Administrative District of Shurnukh Community

Location of water extraction

RA Syunik Marz, Goris Community, Administrative District of Shurnukh Community

Water use purpose watering and agricultural

Quantity of water used, including a) Surface water resources

Underground water resources Vaghoyi Verqin Tagh and Nerqin Tagh b)

Drinking 21.151 thousand m3/year 03 m3/day 58.0 d3/op, 0.7l/sec Irrigation 109 200 thousand m3/year, 1060.0 m3/day, 18.4 l/sec

Time period and regime of water use Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project II Environmental and Social Management Plan


365 days annually with 24-hour regime Control mechanisms to support compliance with water use permit requirements

1. Control over quantity of water use and registration 2. Purposeful use of water 3. Meeting additional conditions being integral part of the present WP

*Contract on the use of earth interior is required for underground water use in cases as prescribed by Interior Code of the RA.


The present conditions elaborated according to the requirements of Article 32 of Water Code of the RA are subject to mandatory fulfilment. 1. Shurnukh village office is obliged to: a/ meet requirements of the RA law conditioned by water use permit N 000 154 and water use implementation. b/ in case of emergencies, water deficit and drought meet the requirements of Water resources management agency of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection, which are directed at public interest and protection of environment. c/ with its activities not reduce the rights of water use of traditional water users already existing before the water use permit N 000074 was issued. d/ ensure conditions for the official of the Water resources management agency of the Staff of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection to supervise fulfilment of water use conditions. e/carry out spring regime observations by the qualified hydrogeological organization and submit the results once a year to the WRMA to be registered in the State Water Cadastre as prescribed by law. 2. Ensure compliance with the requirements of the Decision N 118 on “Defining activities of application of modern technologies, improvement of monitoring of water resources and reduction and prevention of pollution” issued by the RA Government on 14.01.10. 3. The conditions of the present WP are subject to review at the request of WRMA during development of the given water basin management plan. 4. Coordinate point of water extraction is:

X = 45º56’25.26’’ Y = 39º39’08.92’’ H = 2405.0 m

RA Minister of Nature Protection Shurnukh Village Administrative Representative ______A. Minasyan ______V. Adonts 04.07.2017 04.07.2022

Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project II Environmental and Social Management Plan


6. Agreement for construction waste disposal obtained from Goris Community Mayor, with non-official translation

Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project II Environmental and Social Management Plan



# 270 11.04.2018

To: Kommun Nakhagits LLC Director Mr. M. Zaqaryan

Dear Mr. Zakaryan

This is to inform you, that the construction waste originated in a result of implementation of stock- watering system construction works in Shurnukh village of Goris community of the RA Syunik marz under the Second Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project will be transported to Shurnukh village “Gazi Post” landfill located at 2 /two / km distance.

Community Mayor /signed/ A. Arushanyan

Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project II Environmental and Social Management Plan