Russian Space Flight Back on Earth Safely

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Russian Space Flight Back on Earth Safely MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, ItM Th6 Wtfithtr DidljNotPn EHmirBBN Fereoast a< U. S. Wa . ttrwiing If^rato p the Wfik U * Octohss 16,1006 ■u Mostly eloady tonight, law In lb s Army and Hasy CSub Aux- 13,956 46s, pnrtiy snnny thaiy artn #flbsor a card party Voting List row, high In 86s. A bw itT ow n ton l^ t at 8 at the ctabhODsa. M aneh09tm ^^Ciiy of VWogo Chotm Bewe™ M xmI t ^ A Mm adisd* •t. Jaaoids' kothara Circle win Up to 22,473 meat Wadnaaday at 8:U p.m. at triad aa apan houM and tuaMaaa on Pngs 14) PRICE SEVEN CENTS maaliiic tonorroar. bagUniac at tha home at Mrs. Tbomaa Bran- MANCHESTER,. CONN., TUESDAY OCTOBER 18, 1964 nan. 48 Wadsworth S t Co-Host- In A ceoord-breaktng turnout TOP&SHOP ROLLS BACK (gIXTBBNvPAGBS) T :M pun. assas drin ba MTs. Edward Rlfau Saturday that increased Man­ Bootli M ool FTA NM a«liad> and Mrs. Paul O ’Nan. chester’s voting list by 4 per alad Its drat maatinc af tha mnt in 11 hours, 818 rssidents XI Oamms chapter of Beta anaann taaiomaa at 7:45 pjn. wers made dIl|TSI4 to vote in Events Ib a naattag «fll ba precadad Sigma Phi win meat tonight at WITH OUR GREATEST the Nov. 8 national and stato Airman Released Unharmed b y a potbMk at 6:80. Mambara 8 at tha home of Mrs. Horace a i« taniadad to brtac sitoar- BIsMO. 100 Carman Rd. elections. d f tha total,. 886 registered Russian Space Flight arata. A q>eeUJ part ad tha In State anaatbir win ba to araksoma tha Nathan Hale School will hold ss Democrats and 151 aa Re­ an open bouse tomorrow from After Propaganda Kidnap naw prtaolpal, Mrs. UlUan publicans, while 288 sre unaf- 7 to $:S0 p.m. All parents and filiated. chUdran are welcome. PTA The new electors raised the Accused Youth MlaatoBOfnbh Trlba. lORM, membership tickets may ba ob- town's total registered voters V<mi«uela*Ported be had been tresM w^.< . The 45-year-oId officer from tatoed in the class rooms. CARACAS. win maat toulcht at • at Tbikar to 22,473, a new high, and cut v e n e z u e ia y v ^ ^ ^ Minister CkmoJo Chmidler, Aria., said his abduc­ Recalls Little Ban. the Republican lead over Dem^ (AP) — CJommunist ter Bu t Ios said the two terrorista tors never mentioned any plan Back on Earth Safely iriya Mandieeter raeidants, ocrats to 885, a new low. Only roristfi released U.S. Air Miaed In a downtown Caracas to trade him for poliUcal prlMn- aU MH8 graduates, are ancoll- ers In Venexuela or for a con­ Before Accident Alnnaa CStaHas A. Baibato 10 yean ago the Republicans Force Lt. Col. Michael apartmtat early Monday wore ad at Marietta (Ohio) (3onega. SpGnlBh-bom lUGinbGn of tho demned Communist Viet Cong Jr., aoa or Hr. and They are Miss Unda Oiacomini, outnumbered ? Democrata by Smolen unhfirmed Monday better than 2 to 1. Reid underground called the terrorist In South Viet Nam. DARIEN (AP) — Mi­ CShartaa A. Baibato Br., 28 58 McKinley S t, a senior; Miss Graduate Student Various anonymous telephone BcarboTougb Hd^ has ooanpleted Manchester is one of only 10 night after two of the five- Armed Forces of National U- C om pletes Nancy H. H olt 488 Adams S t, L t Cnidr. John Hancock Vice callers had mported such pro­ chael Smith testified today tha first phaaa o f hta basic towns in the state holding an­ man gang that abducted beraUon (FALN),. a junior; and Miss Patricia J. of the U.S. Navy, aOn of Mr.' Reliable sources said nine posals. that he only vaguely re­ Riiutaiy training at Lackland Mitchell, 553 E. Center S t, Miss and Mra. Loren Vice of 86'Lake other voter-making session him Friday were arrested. next Saturday. It will be held oUisr suspected terrorists wars South Viet Nam police sources membered the events of A ir Force Base, Tex. Ha has Cheryl a . Starkweather, 38 Jo­ S t, Vernon, haa been enrolled Smolen, blindfolded, was put bean selactad tor tacbnical from 9 ajn. to 8 p.m. In the out of S' car aboyt 11 p.m. on a picked up later. reported that the execution of several days before the ac­ 16 Orbits, seph S t, and Kenneth L. Wlch- in a government • aponsored' the terrorist mentioned in con- training as an offlca aQutpmant town clerk’s office in the street comer in eastern Cara­ Smolen told newsmen his lYisw, 54 Brookfield St, fresh­ training program at Temple necUon with the Smolen abduc­ cident that took the life of rapalnnan at Air Gaining Oom- University, Philadelphia, Pa. Municipal Building. Thbae per­ cas. A passing police car spot­ abductors said they kidnaped 17-year-old Nancy Hitch- man. sons who register then will al­ him to make propaganda for tion, Nguyen Van 'trol, 19, still BBsnd Bchool, Lowry AFB, Oolo. He is supervisor of the pro ted him almost immediately so be eligible to vote oh Nov. 8. and took him to a police station. their' underground war against was scheduled for Thursday. ings last June 23. A ll A -O .K . lym ple Chapter, OBS, will gram management branch of Smith, 19, also said Miss A final. 8 a.m. to noon, voter- He arrived at the embassy early Veneniela’s democratic govern­ observe Past Matrons and Pa- the Fleet Material Support (See Page Bight) H 11 c h 1 n g s sometimes had tnms Night Wednesday at 8 Offlce at the U.S. Naval Supply i ba in today, said he felt fine and re- ment. MOSCOW (AP) — The R,^NGE blackouts. pjnn. at Masonic Temple. Mrs. Dept, MechanlcabUrg, Pa. H ei*'’*’^' to\«m of the state on Smith is on trial before cir­ Soviet Union’s three-man Marguerite Rhodes and Alfred wiU attend Temple Univenity Monday. Nov. 2—but only for cuit court Judge Rodney S. space ship, the world’s Christensen wUl preside during aa*psrt of a graduate study those eligible applicants whose Eielson on charges of negli­ FUEL OIL voting rights will mature be­ first to carry more thM initiatory work. Officers will program of the Bureau of Sup­ Isbell Poses gent homicide and reckless wear white gowns and past ply and Admihiatration of the tween Oct. 17 and Nov. 2. No Mulvey Criticizes driving in the death of M iss one astronaut in orbit, GASOLINE matrons colored gowns. A U.S. Navy. other applications will be proc­ Hitehlngs. landed safely today after rtilcken dinner will bo served at Chndr. Vice will study for a essed that day. New Threat The prosecutor contends that completing 16 trips around 6:80 to all members by the of­ m asten degree in buaineas ad­ Rezoning Tribunal Smith was driving the station the earth in 24 hours and BANTLY OIL ficers and Rainbow Qirls. Regi­ ministration in the Induatrial wagon in which Miss Hitehlngs was killed. Smith testified last 17 minutes, an official an­ t W": . INC'. nald Allen, secretary, 146 management and supply ad­ To F lorid a Chestnut S t, is in charge of res­ ministration areas. To qualify week that he did not remember nouncement said. EIcKtic Stockings anything about the accident. : a; \i\ ■' i i.’l'i: I ervations. Refreshments will be an applicant miut have earned HARTFORD (A P )—State Atty. Gen. Harold Mulvey The program of eclenttfla MIAMI, Fla. (AP) - Tropical Smith’s mother, Mrs. Evelyn served after tha meeting. a bachelor’s degree in a recog-, TrnssM — Bolts told a three-judge U.S. District Court it has been re- research, designed for 24 hours : 1.1 . Mlt Ju'l! i ’.'.i'. nixed college, and graduate I stonn Isbell, rapidly winding up Smith was called to the stand of flight, was accomplished In to hurricane force, ai^roached uctant "to discharge its real responsibilities " after her son’s testimony was full, said the official annoimqe- iii.i k\ nil I !v‘ Hose Co. 1, Eighth District with at least a B average. Par­ Mulvey criUclxed the courts ticipants must remain in go)N ARTHUR DRU6 western Cuba today on a course finished. However, Mrs. Smith’s ment. Fiia Department, will meet to­ that threatened the Florida at a hearing yesterday In the do if we are going to be faced voice was almost inaudible and It added that the doctor, night at 8 at fire headquarters, emment service at least two Connecticut leglsiatlve reap­ years after receiving advanced ooast. by legislative Inaction,” said Judge Eielson called an early scientist and engineer aboard _____U M M taU IS Mata and Hillard Sts. Chief storm forecasters Cfor- portionment case. Judge William H. Timbers at recess, suggesting that she the space ship Voskhod —Son- degrees. don Dunn of the Miami Weather The attorney general, repre- A 1843 graduate of Manches- yesterday’s hearing. might be more composed after rlse — conducted obeervatloni (UCCiDTOIEIS Bureau said the storm would ■entlng Gov. JohnJo -Dempsey and lunch. "directly in outer space.” tor High School, Ciimdr. Vice re­ the other aUto officials Who “If there is any better way In a JH fy l cross Cuba’s western tip, for toe court to discharge its Much of the questioning of The ^viet news agency Taw ceived his wlngri at Miami, Fla., emerge into the southeaatera are defendants in the ease, Smith was conducted by toe in 1944. He graduated from the responsibility than this one of a said all three men "are feeling N.
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