Kunapipi Volume 25 Issue 2 Article 1 2003 Kunapipi 25(2) 2003 Full version Anne Collett University of Wollongong,
[email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://ro.uow.edu.au/kunapipi Part of the Arts and Humanities Commons Recommended Citation Collett, Anne, Kunapipi 25(2) 2003 Full version, Kunapipi, 25(2), 2003. Available at:https://ro.uow.edu.au/kunapipi/vol25/iss2/1 Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library:
[email protected] Kunapipi 25(2) 2003 Full version Abstract Full text of issue. This full issue is available in Kunapipi: https://ro.uow.edu.au/kunapipi/vol25/iss2/1 KUNAPIPI Journal of Post-Colonial Writing i, the M in ister m. any purpose that and welfare of ires out of t.:ne revenue moneys o th e band itute Indl an af of the band, to pj ¡vid e for i of the band jand to provide for! :nt In su ra n ce ftct or. behal f cf e* th e ir «rr.ploymfent out c f moneys \ R ke expend it Vi res out of the revenue moneys, of a band jRade pursuant tc paragraph 81 •, 1 > t p . 3 • fo r th e p u rp o s e person whose name was deleted from the Sand List of th> exceeding one per capita 'is ha re cf the ‘reverse me r.eyr ■nue moneys with .n o n w»y authorize the expend it following purposes, name! ,on of noxious weeds and chef prev 5, pests or diseases that may des :?eas< sanitary conditions in private premises i on reserve® ; and ruction and maintenance of boundary fences 12 : 1996 satisfied that family without ¡efficient cause GENERAL ISSUE KUNAPIPI Journal of Post-Colonial Writing VOLUME XXV NUMBER 2 2003 11 Kunapipi is a bi-annual arts magazine with special but not exclusive emphasis on the new literatures written in English.