Class Consciousness and Revolutionary Organisation Pamphlet of the £3/$4/€4 Communist Workers’ Organisation Class Consciousness and Revolutionary Organisation Pamphlet of the Communist Workers’ Organisation Affiliate of the Internationalist Communist Tendency in Britain Introduction 1 1 Idealism and Bourgeois Materialism 2 2 How Working Class Consciousness Develops 7 3 Marx, Engels and Proletarian Organisation 11 4 The Era of Social Democracy and the Fight Against Revisionism 15 5 On the Eve of Revolution: the Debate Between Luxemburg and Lenin 21 6 Class Consciousness and Working Class Political Organisations 28 7 Party and Class in the Revolutionary Wave 1917-1921 33 8 The Decline of the Russian Revolution and the Cult of the Party 37 9 The Idealism of Bordigism 43 10 By Way of Conclusion: Towards Proletarian World Revolution 49 For correspondence write to: BM CWO London WC1N 3XX email:
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