Mobile Phone Records to Feed Activity-Based Travel Demand Models: Matsim for Studying a Cordon Toll Policy in Barcelona

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Mobile Phone Records to Feed Activity-Based Travel Demand Models: Matsim for Studying a Cordon Toll Policy in Barcelona Mobile phone records to feed activity-based travel demand models: MATSim for studying a cordon toll policy in Barcelona Aleix Bassolas,1 Jos´eJ. Ramasco,1 Ricardo Herranz,2 and Oliva G. Cant´u-Ros2 1Instituto de F´ısica Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos IFISC (CSIC-UIB), Campus UIB, 07122 Palma de Mallorca, Spain 2Nommon Solutions and Technologies, calle Ca~nas8, 28043 Madrid, Spain Activity-based models appeared as an answer to the limitations of the traditional trip-based and tour-based four-stage models. The fundamental assumption of activity-based models is that travel demand is originated from people performing their daily activities. This is why they include a consistent representation of time, of the persons and households, time-dependent routing, and microsimulation of travel demand and traffic. In spite of their potential to simulate traffic demand management policies, their practical application is still limited. One of the main reasons is that these models require a huge amount of very detailed input data hard to get with surveys. However, the pervasive use of mobile devices has brought a valuable new source of data. The work presented here has a twofold objective: first, to demonstrate the capability of mobile phone records to feed activity-based transport models, and, second, to assert the advantages of using activity-based models to estimate the effects of traffic demand management policies. Activity diaries for the metropolitan area of Barcelona are reconstructed from mobile phone records. This information is then employed as input for building a transport MATSim model of the city. The model calibration and validation process proves the quality of the activity diaries obtained. The possible impacts of a cordon toll policy applied to two different areas of the city and at different times of the day is then studied. Our results show the way in which the modal share is modified in each of the considered scenario. The possibility of evaluating the effects of the policy at both aggregated and traveller level, together with the ability of the model to capture policy impacts beyond the cordon toll area confirm the advantages of activity-based models for the evaluation of traffic demand management policies. I. INTRODUCTION ditionally, the planning needed for survey collection does not allow to obtain data on unexpected events. Activity-based models (ABMs) offer advantages over The vast amount of spatio-temporal data generated more aggregated travel demand models for evaluating by the use of personal ICT mobile devices provide in- policies designed for traffic management. Rather than sights on people's actions and behaviours, bearing valu- considering individual trips, ABMs consider the individ- able information on when and where different actions uals performing them. The trips are seen as the conse- took place. In particular, geolocated devices such as quence of individuals' desires of performing certain ac- intelligent transport cards, mobile phones, Bluetooth, tivities. The change of locations needed to pass from one global positioning system (GPS), etc. allow for the col- activity to the next constitutes thus a trip. The con- lection of mobility information requiring minimal or no ception of trips linked to individuals make these models interaction with the users (collection of passive data). more flexible to adapt to different levels of policy ap- This avoids many of the intrinsic deficiencies of surveys, plication. In addition, it also makes them more appro- such as imprecisions on reported time and space, reduces priate to study the effects of policies aimed at modify- drastically time and cost associated with data collection ing individuals' decisions, e.g., policies of fixed rates for and provide larger sample sizes. The potential of these multistage/multimodal trips or different pricing and toll new data sources is huge, but it also comes with a number schemes. In spite of the huge potential of these models, of challenges. On the one hand, we have much larger sam- their use is mainly restricted to research and there are ples than those obtained from traditional surveys. On the only few examples of their application for public policy other hand, the data have not been originally produced planning. One of the reasons hindering their adoption in for the purpose of collecting activity-travel information, real environments is the high level of data requirements. and, therefore, it is often noisy and/or biased. The re- arXiv:1803.06375v1 [physics.soc-ph] 16 Mar 2018 Activity-based models require a full diary of activities construction of activity and mobility patterns calls thus for each user representing the population of the area of for the development of ad hoc data analysis methods ad- study, which is not always available for the population. dressing the specific characteristics of each dataset. Travel surveys, commonly used to obtain such data, pro- In the last decade, several studies, starting from the vide rich information on travel behaviours but they suf- pioneer work of Marta Gonz´alezet [1] to more re- fer from major shortcomings. Survey collection is costly cent ones like those of Bagrow and Lin [2], Lenormand and time consuming and depends on users' availability et al. [3, 4], Louail et al. [5, 6] and Picornell et. [7] and willingness to answer. This reduces drastically the among others, have been carried out to investigate how size of the sample and the frequency with which informa- data obtained from mobile phone records can be used to tion can be updated, limiting the information to punctual characterise people mobility habits and the factors influ- observations rather than to continuous monitoring. Ad- encing them (see Blondel et al. [8] and Barbosa et al. 2 [9] for recent reviews). Mobile phone data has also been Initial Execution Score Analysis used for the characterisation of mobility patterns in spe- conditions cific situations such as in the work by Ahas et. al [10] monitoring the movements of work trips in Tallinn, Cal- abrese et al. [11] studying how people move during large social events, Becker et al. [12] identifying the residences Replan of workers and the nightlife of Morristown, Song et al. [13] and Isaacman et al. [14] identifying locations where Figure 1: Sketch of MATSim main flow diagram (see people spend most of their time and characterising how for detailed information they return to them. In the transport sector, research on the structure, the implementation and how to run MATSim). on the use of mobile phone records has been mainly fo- cused on the estimation of aggregated variables related to travel demand, such as travel time [15], mode [16, 17] and route [19] choice, estimation of origin-destination matri- Sim, travel demand and travel flows are generated by ces [20, 21], and traffic flows [21]. Trip purpose charac- agents performing their daily activities. Each agent at- terization from mobile phone records has also been ap- tempts to maximise the utility of its daily activity sched- proached by different authors [20, 22{26]. Most of the ule while competing for space-time slots with all other work previously discussed belongs to academic research agents on the transportation infrastructure. Agents max- imise their utility by minimising the total travel cost, and has not been applied to real-world planning projects P [27]. In terms of integration with simulation models, so Vtrav = j Vtrav;j, and maximising the time spent per- P far there are only few examples of traffic models fed with forming activities, i Vact;i. The index for activities i demand information (origin-destination matrices) gener- runs between 1 and N, the total number of activities on ated from of mobile phone data [27]. This is partly be- schedule for the day. The trips occur between activities cause the obtained information does not always meet the and, therefore, j goes from 1 to N − 1. Vact;i is a log- requirements of format, level of resolution and complete- arithmic utility function associated with the time spent ness. performing activity i and it is defined as The main contribution of the work presented here is to tdur;i show the potential of mobile phone data to generate ac- Vact;i = βdur + ttyp + ln ; (1) tivity travel dairies to feed an activity-based travel model t0;i aimed at evaluating the impact of a traffic management where β is the marginal utility of performing an ac- policy. Activity diaries of residents of the metropolitan dur tivity, t the activity typical duration, t the actual area of Barcelona are reconstructed from mobile phone typ dur;i duration of the activity i, and t the minimal duration records. Such diaries are used as input for the activity- 0;i after which the utility starts to be positive. Although based traffic model MATSim to evaluate the impact of the possibility could be easily implemented (see [29]), in a cordon toll applied to two different areas of the city. this work early and late arrivals to activities are not pe- Results of the policy are obtained and discussed at an nalised. The trip utility function, V , is associated aggregated and at a resident-centric level. The paper is trav;j to the cost (time and money) of travelling from one ac- organized as follows: Section II describes the model and tivity j to the next j + 1 and it has the following linear its implementation for the region of the study, including expression: model calibration and validation. Section III presents details of the case study, the cordon toll implementation. Vtrav;j = Cmode(j) + βtrav;mode(j) ttrav;j + βm ∆mj In Section IV the results of the calibration and valida- tion process as well as of the policy implementation are + βd;mode(j) + βm γd;mode(j) dtrav;j; (2) discussed.
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    Transport de viatgers. Objectius del PTVC. 1 Connectar totes les capitals comarcals veïnes amb transport públic amb una freqüència mínima d’una hora i amb alta velocitat comercial. Que les ciutats de més de 5.000 habitants i les capitals de comarca disposin, en dia feiner, com a mínim d’un servei interurbà per connectar-se fins a la capital de la seva demarcació i d’un altre per retornar a llurs domicilis. Que els ciutadans dels municipis de menys de 5.000 habitants puguin accedir a un servei públic regular de transport col·lectiu interurbà per desplaçar-se fins a la capital de la seva comarca i tornar al seu domicili, si més no, un cop per dia feiner, o bé que ho puguin fer mitjançant un servei de transport col·lectiu a la demanda. Que tots els habitants de ciutats de més de 5.000 habitants i capitals de comarca gaudeixin d’una oportunitat diària per viatjar a Barcelona en transport col·lectiu interurbà i retornar al seu domicili dins la mateixa jornada. Transport de viatgers. Evolució de la demanda. 2 DEMANDA ANUAL (en milions 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 ?12/11 ?12/03 de viatges) Transport amb autobusos Transports de Barcelona 203,7 205,0 205,0 207,7 210,5 194,9 196,0 189,4 188,4 180,0 -4,5% -11,6% Autobusos AMB (gestió 57,2 60,3 61,7 66,1 71,6 74,5 73,5 73,4 75,2 73,4 -2,5% 28,3% indirecta) Interurbans DGTM 38,4 44,4 46,4 48,7 49,3 53,1 48,9 52,9 53,3 53,1 -0,4% 38,3% Urbans AMTU 34,2 35,7 37,0 38,0 40,0 41,1 40,6 40,7 40,9 38,7 -5,3% 13,2% Urbans Girona, Lleida, 17,9 18,4 19,1 19,8 20,5 21,8 22,1 22,0 22,2 20,8
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