Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42534-6 — English in Multilingual Edited by Raymond Hickey Index More Information


A Dictionary of on Historical education Principles, ,  multilingualism,  ,  African educators,  Afrikaans English,  African roots,  ,  contributions from outside South Africa,  Bantu languages,  decolonising,  functional form,  English,  inherent fluidity,  code-switching language repertoire,  English and isiXhosa,  linguistic citizenship, ,  borrowing,  position in South Africa,  conversational data,  post- era,  findings,  conferences on language planning,  occurrences of English prepositions,  Department of Education,  preposition before,  Early Language Resource Unit,  preposition by,  English as lingua franca,  preposition for,  English as linking language,  preposition from,  Language Plan of Action for Africa,  preposition towards,  language policy,  preposition under,  Linguistic Human Rights,  isiXhosa grammatical affixes,  linguistic resources,  language contact,  local voice considerations,  levels of language,  National Language Project, ,  closed-class items,  Pan-South African Language Board,  isiXhosa,  policy implementation,  susceptibility to transfer,  Project for the Study of Alternative social factors,  Education in South Africa,  speaker interaction,  role of northern scholarship,  time factor,  theoretical debates,  typological relatedness,  phrasal correspondences,  Inner Circle varieties,  theoretical framework,  International Corpus of English (ICE-SA), , Differential Access Hypothesis ,  (Myers-Scotton),  embedded language,  language contact matrix language,  Afrikaans and English,  Matrix Language Frame model (Myers- ‘zef’ culture,  Scotton),  Afrikaans as medium of instruction, 


© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42534-6 — English in Multilingual South Africa Edited by Raymond Hickey Index More Information

 Index

language contact (cont.) linguistic landscape,  Afrikaans Historical Corpus,  signage,  Afrikaans in the Western Cape,  indexicality,  Afrikaans prescriptivism,  linguistic malleability,  Afrikaans used by Coloured population, local forms of Afrikaans and English,   present-day communities,  attitudes to language mixing,  District Six,  code-mixing, – Chapel Street neighbourhood,  code-switching, – data collection,  intrasentential,  role of education,  contact-induced change,  role of music,  District Six,  ballads,  Federation of Afrikaans Cultural Societies, lyrical duels,   status of English,  First Afrikaans Language Movement,  Wesbank Township,  grammatical patterns,  isiXhosa,  assessment of change,  languages of foreigners,  complement clauses,  youth behaviour,  complement clauses English and Northern Sotho,  statistics,  additional language,  demonstratives,  bilingualism,  changes in function over time,  Central Processing Hypothesis, ,  endogenous development in Afrikaans, cognitive-linguistic skills,   orthography,  English influence,  phonological awareness,  functions in the Afrikaans Historical transfer,  Corpus,  vocabulary,  English as model,  cross-linguistic transfer,  indefinite pronoun een ‘one’,  educational issues,  collocations with adjectives,  literacy levels,  diachronic attestations,  educational policies,  Dutch usage,  Linguistic Interdependence Hypothesis, structural transfer,   historical and present-day rates of change,  Linguistic Threshold Hypothesis, – issues of terminology,  primary school survey Kaapse Taalargief ‘Cape Language Archive’, conclusions,   correlational analysis,  language mixing by non-,  discussion,  letters as data,  findings,  lexical influence,  methodology,  perceived threat from English,  partcipants,  Ponelis Corpus of Spoken Afrikaans,  phonological awareness,  ,  statistics,  attidues towards standard Afrikaans,  vocabulary correlation,  field work ( and ),  vocabulary knowledge,  historical context,  vocabulary vs. phonology,  apartheid era,  second language,  ,  teaching policies,  migrants from Eastern Cape, Africa and language planning Europe,  econo-language planning,  period of VOC control (-),  African languages,  position of Dutch,  Afrikaans in ,  Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie cultural identity,  (VOC) [United East Kiswahili,  Company],  multilingual reality, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42534-6 — English in Multilingual South Africa Edited by Raymond Hickey Index More Information

Index 

national considerations,  Romance languages national language,  colonial history,  post- developments,  National Development Plan,  South Africa role of language,  change in English,  Tshwane Municipality,  development of English,  role of technology,  language and society,  digital divide,  multilingualism,  working language,  present-day provinces,  globalisation,  reaserch on English,  hegemony of English,  South African Black English multi-dimensional needs,  language contact,  role of English,  segmental properties,  situation in South Africa,  sentence intonation,  socio-economic factors,  assumed uniformity,  language shift,  bilingual speakers,  analysis of census data,  data collection,  increase in English as home language,  analysis,  methodology,  assessment,  bilingualism, ,  auditory judgements,  English–Afrikaans bilingualism,  number of speakers,  English-language skills,  online method,  first home language,  existing models,  English and Afrikaans,  focus in modified noun phrases,  future of Afrikaans,  focus marking,  home language instruction,  focus prosody Iscamtho,  analysis,  Kaapse Afrikaans,  general,  L speakers of Afrikaans,  information structure,  Language-in-Education Policy,  methodology,  language maintenance,  new and given information,  language of learning and teaching,  New Englishes,  language terminology,  range of contours,  language use among coloureds,  Northern Sotho,  Afrikaans,  perceived prominence rating,  combinations,  phoneme detection task,  second language reporting,  phonetic alignment,  loss of minority languages,  pitch accent,  loss of multilingualism,  production,  movement to English,  production experiment,  National Language Policy Framework,  prominence patterns,  national trends,  relationship to General South African post-apartheid South Africa,  English, ,  School Governing Bodies,  wider linguistic context,  second home language,  South African English  and ,  regionality, – combinations,  development in last two centuries,  shift from Afrikaans,  editorial practices,  position in Coloured communities,  acceptance and spread of norms,  socio-economic mobility,  assessment,  threat to language diversity,  corpus,  Tsotsitaal,  Black and White South African English academic writing,  Outer Circle Englishes,  frequency patterns,  Oxford English Dictionary,  micro-analysis

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42534-6 — English in Multilingual South Africa Edited by Raymond Hickey Index More Information

 Index

South African English (cont.) postcolonial Englishes,  downtoners,  Three Circles Model (Kachru),  possibility modals, ,  wheel model (Görlach),  results and discussion,  wheel model (McArthur),  statistical analysis,  nativization,  data survey,  ownership of language,  editing in post-colonial contexts,  phonology editors’ treatment of norms,   vowel,  establishment of norms,  regionality, –, ,  possible convergence,  historical research,  South Africa and ,  Kugel English,  general variety,  reference variety,  historical background,  speaker awareness,  pre-South African War situation,  Reverse Short Front Vowel Shift, , , waves of immigration,   historical development, ,  ‘Third Dialect’ in America,  Afrikaans-speaking community,  Californian Shift,  Bantu Education,  Canadian Shift,  black middle-class,   vowel,  borrowing from Afrikaans,  interpretation as chain shift,  convergence,   vowel,  dating issues,  low back merger,  incipient regional differentiation,  Northern Cities Shift,  influence of Afrikaans,  possible motivation,  influence of ,  realisation of ,  koinéisation,  South African Chain Shift,  L varieties,  Southern Shift,  language contact,   vowel,  pressure towards convergence,  summary of changes,  situation in the Rand,  survey Social Identity Theory,  acoustic analysis,  timeline,  FAVE suite,  regionality, – data collection,  major urban centres,  sociolinguistic interviews,  modelling statistical testing,  centripetal and centrifugal forces (Bakhtin),  vowel,   semantics,  Dynamic Model (Schneider), , ,  contact-induced change, ,  applicability to South African English,  data and analysis,  endonormative stabilisation,  diachronic developments, ,  five phases,  diffused innovation,  indigenous strand (IDG),  factors in change,  Phase , Foundation,  feature frequencies,  Phase , Exonormative Stabilisation,  infleunce of Afrikaans, ,  Phase , Nativisation,  meaning extensions,  Phase , Endonormative Stabilisation,  adverbs,  Phase ,Differentiation,  exclamations/interjections,  postcolonial Englishes,  nouns,  reappraisal,  verbs,  settler strand (STL),  role of bilingualism,  native, second and foreign language,  time lag in borrowing,  New-Dialect Formation (Trudgill), ,  survey of regional features,  accommodation,  cluster assibilation,  criticism,  consonants,  identity,  rhotics, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42534-6 — English in Multilingual South Africa Edited by Raymond Hickey Index More Information

Index 

vowels subject/auxiliary inversion,   vowel, ,  zero subject relative pronoun,  centring diphthongs,  phonology, –  vowel,  use of articles,   vowel,  pregressive with stative verbs,  current changes,  shift varieties data,  acquisition environment,   vowel, ,  category and exponence,   vowel,  previous research,   vowel,  typological markedness,   vowel,  transmission of English,   vowel, ,  typological assessment,   vowel, ,  varieties of English  vowel,  pidgins allophones,  salient features,   vowel,  scenarios,   vowel,  language co-existence,   vowel, ,  language creation,  inter-city comparison,  language maintenance,   vowel,  language shift,   vowel, ,  South African Sign Language,   vowel,  corpus of news bulletins,   vowel, ,  annotation codes,  values,  assessment,  South African ,  brow actions,  aspectual system,  fingerspelling,  comparison with Irish English,  metasigns,  aspectual structures,  mouthing,  external history,  structure,  continuum of forms,  syntax,  creole classification,  verb phrases,  exceptionalism,  deaf signers,  dialect input,  emotive functions,  historical background English interference,  demography,  fluency variable,  ,  interpretations,  input languages, – linguistic structure,  knowledge of English,  adjectives,  historical background,  Dictionary of Southern African Signs,  input languages fingerspelling,  /Bhojpuri,  gestures,  Tamil,  conventionalisation,  language shift,  cultural,  signal features,  dimensional,  linguistic features,  emphasis,  grammar,  personal,  aspectual structures, ,  grammar,  copular/auxiliary inversion,  complex sentences,  passives,  figure–ground constructions,  fronting,  nouns,  possessive for existential,  passive constructions,  reduplication of wh-words,  prepositions,  republication of wh-words,  pronouns,  second person plural personal pronouns, questions,  ,  role shift, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42534-6 — English in Multilingual South Africa Edited by Raymond Hickey Index More Information

 Index

South African Sign Language (cont.) dictionaries,  syntax,  forced removals,  topic comment,  Group Areas Act,  verbs,  shared lexicon,  handshapes,  situation in apartheid era,  lexis,  code-mixing,  location,  isiZulu and English,  morphology,  role of English,  mouth actions,  Sesotho and English,  mouthing,  English and local identity,  movement,  English-based,  non-manual features,  Indian and Coloured youths in Durban, phonology,   parameters,  role as lexical resource,  signing space,  structure of lexicon,  superarticulation,  surfing community in Cape Town,  translation universals,  Surfspeak,  use by bilinguals,  term ‘coloured’,  South African White English, ,  group identification,  linguistic resources,  World Englishes,  peer interaction,  percentages of language input,  youth language performance practices,  kasitaal,  semantic domains,  tsotsitaals,  social stances,  Afrikaans and Bantu-based, ,  use in communities, 

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