
A Ali, Muhammad, 75 abangan, 18 Al- Muhammad Cheng Hoo abangan-like group in Mosque in Palembang, 178 local belief in Madura, 221–22 Ali, Suryadharma, 27, 28, 34, 95, 96 origin and nature, 216–20 Alkitab, 294, 295 religious aspects of blater, 223–27 Allied Coordinating Committee of remo as ultimate blater Islamic NGOs (ACCIN), 245, characteristic, 220–21 299 Abbas, Farhat, 106n16 Amansjah, Sjam, 103 Abbas, Tan Sri Mohamed Salleh, 344 Ambonese Christians, 157 Abidin, Asri Zainul, 271 Amin, Ma’ruf, 23, 25, 187 ACCIN. See Allied Coordinating Ang Choo Hong, 329 Committee of Islamic NGOs Annan, Kofi, 354 (ACCIN) anti-Ahmadiyah sentiment, 26 , 12 anti-Chinese riots in 1998, 178 Christianity and, antagonism anti-liberalism, 23 between, 156 anti-politics, of sarawakian Moluccan conflict and, 158–63 developmentalism, 401–4 and religion, 165–68 Anti-Pornography and Porno-Action adat gawai, culturalization of, 407–9 Bill, 90 Adji, Mukri, 120 Anti-Pornography Law, 99 Adnan, Wirawan, 93 anti-pornography taskforce, 95–97 Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah (ASWJ), Anwar, Nurul Izzah, 271, 286n4 242, 244, 360, 369 Appadurai, Arjun, 268 Ahmadi communities, 76 Arifinto, H., 103 Ahmadiyah community, 26–30, 78 Arqam, Darul, 278 Ahmadiyah movement, 59, 83 Article 3(1), 379 Ahmad, Mirza Ghulam, 59, 77 Article 11(1), 379 Alallah, Mutawakkil, 4 Article 121(A), 351 Al-Attas, Syed Muhammad Naquib, Article 28I(1), 53 254 Article 28J(2), 54 Alex, Pak, 143–44 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Alie, Marzuki, 96, 124 Summit, 190n7


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ASWJ. See Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah religious aspects of, 223–27 (ASWJ) religious tradition, 214 Aziz, Imam, 24 BN. See Barisan Nasional (BN) Aziz, Mohamed Nazri Bin Abdul, Bogor Church Permit Case, 113–14, 352 118–24, 126, 127 Azra, Azyumardi, 83, 84 Bogor Indonesian Ulama Council, 120 Bogor Ulama Forum, 121 B bogus monks, 325 Badawi, , 242, 245, bomoh, 257, 258 314n29, 351–52 Bräuchler, Birgit, 12 Baharum, Johari, 294 British colonial rule, 274, 283 Bahasa , 303 Buddhist majority states, 321 Bahasa Malaysia, 302–3 Buddhist minority states, 321 and Christian Community, 294–95 Buddhist-society relations, 325 bajingan, blater as, 216, 218, 219 Bulughul Maram, 116 Bakr, Abu, 363–64 bumiputera system, 404, 405 Bandung District Court, 101 Bangsa Malaysia, 276 C Banyuwangi, 196 carok, 229n4 religious history of, 197–201 Catholicism, 136 uniqueness and conformity, 208–10 CCM. See Council of Churches Barisan Nasional (BN), 276, 344 Malaysia (CCM) barong, 206 centralized Islam, 239–40 Batu Caves pilgrimage shrine, 270 CFM, 297–301 Bayuni, Endy, 37n1 charismatic churches being Muslim, 258–61 in Indonesia, 134 Bel Air Café, Bandung, 98–99 miracle discourses building of, Beng, Kim, 324, 325 141–45 Berita NECF, 301 Cheng Hoo Mosque in Surabaya, 176, bersih desa, 221 177 Biennial National Convention, 331 as cosmopolitan space, 178–80 Binu, Haji, 121 Chinese Islam, 178 black-market activity, 98 Chinese Muslims Blambangan, 197–98 cultures, 189 Blasphemy Law, 19, 22, 25, 26, 52, dakwah activities of, 183 55 in Indonesia, 174–76 provisions of, 55–59 Chinese Muslims preachers, 180 blater, 13, 214 Handono, Irena, 182–83 acts of violence, 217 Koko Liem, 181–82 as bajingan, 216, 218, 219 Medan, Anton, 183 characteristic of remo as, 220–21 Tan Mei Hwa, 180–81 charismatic jagoan, 218 Chinese New Year celebrations in origin and nature, 216–20 mosques, 184–85

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Chinese-style mosques, 176–77 conservative Muslims, 89 as translocal ethno-religious constitutional-legal framework, 53–55 imagination, 177–78 converts-turned-preachers, 18 Christian communities, 121, 134, cosmopolitan Islam, 180 135, 137 cosmopolitanism, notion of, 175 Bahasa Malaysia and, 293–95 Council of Churches Malaysia Kelabit and Lun Bawang, 382–84 (CCM), 273, 297 Christian Federation of Malaysia, 273, Court of Judicature Act of 1964, 240 295–96 Criminal Code, 89, 91, 103, 104, formation of, 296–300 106n14 Christianity Article 282 of, 99 competition between Islam and, culturalization, of adat gawai, 407–9 145 development through, 411–14 D in Malaysia, 322 dakwah, 209 modernity, munificence, and activities of Chinese Muslims, 183 bidayuh, 409–11 through cultural approaches, significance of, 383–84 185–87 Christianization, 135, 140, 142, 148, dakwah movement, 254, 344–45 150, 190n5 DAP. See Democratic Action Party Christian minority, 150 (DAP) Christian missionary decentralization, 75 activities, 135 democracy, 34 societies, 135 Democratic Action Party (DAP), 345 Christian Moluccans, 157–58 Islamization and, 241 Christian–Muslim relations, in democratization, process of, 75, 78 Sarawak, 386 Department for the Advancement of Christians Islam in Malaysia. See Jabatan Ambonese Christians, 157 Kemajuan Islam Malaysia changing response of, 300–8 (JAKIM) Dutch colonial rule, 157 deviance, condemnations and in Malaysia, 384–85 categorizations of, 79 performance of, 151 deviant Muslims religious field, 293–95 exclusivist Islam emergence, 360–63 churches, 410 fatwa, 365–68 building of, 32–36 Shias, 368–74 civil , 323 Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR), 90, civilizational Islam. See Islam Hadhari 123 civil society, 305–8 Dimas, 142 communal associations, 391–92 dispute resolution, 117–19 community, shifting responses in, divine bureaucracy, 239 308–11 DPR. See Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat conflicts, toleration and, 8–14 (DPR)

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Draft Law on Inter-religious Harmony, government funds, adat gawai, 408 124–26 Great Compassion Mantra, 327 dukun Islami, 222 Dutch colonial rule, 157 H Dutch colonization in 1767, 198 halal/haram, 274 Dutch East India Company, 156 halalization of consumption in Malaysia, 278 E Halaqah, 273 Eastern culture, 89–90 Hamzah, Fahri, 103 Effendy, Bahtiar, 25 Handono, Irena, 182–83 Elucidation of Article 6, 94 haram, 175 Elucidation of Law, 56–57 hard-core pornography, 97–98 Elucidation to Article 4(1), 107n27 Hashim, Tun Mohamed Suffian, 344 emancipatory movements, 255 Hatuhaha ethnic conflict, 237 Muslim community in, 162 ethno-politics, Us vs Them syndrome, unity, 161 385–91 Hatuhaha Mosque in Rohomoni, 163 exclusivist Islam, 375 Hatuhaha union, 161 emergence of, 360–63 Hayden, Robert, 166 Hefner, Robert, 18 F Hidayati, Mbak Nur, 149–50 fatwa, 23, 26, 59, 79–81, 187 Hilmy, Masdar, 18 deviant Muslims, 365–68 Hindraf. See Hindu Rights Action Federal Constitution, 275, 276, Force (Hindraf) 313n10 Hindu-Indian informants, 282 Article 121, 279 Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf), Federal Constitution of Malaysia, 291 302 Federal Territory Islamic authorities, emergence of, 248 301 in Malaysia, 341–57 Fellaz Café, Padang, 99 Hindu temples, demolition of, Festival Imlek Bantul 2007, 185 351–55 forum externum, 54, 55 Hindutva movement, 284 forum internum, 54 Hindutva nationalism in India, 283 Forum of Central Kalimantan, 128n4 Hoffstaedter, Gerhard, 287n14 FPI. See Islamic Defenders’ Front Holston, James, 268 (FPI) homemade pornography, 92 Friday prayers, 208 home-made videos, Pornography Law, 100–3 G homosexuality, 105n11 gandrung, 206 Hudud laws, 241, 332 Gaylani, Al Sheikh Afeefuddin Al, 262 human rights groups, 281 general election (2008), 303–5 Human Rights Watch, 98 Ghazali, Abdul Moqsith, 25, 27–28 Hunt, Robert, 296

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I pentecostalism in, 143 IAIN. See State Institute of Islamic pluralism in, 154 Studies (IAIN) Pornography Law, 89 Ibrahim, Anwar, 254, 271 proper and improper religion, 7–8 ICCPR. See International Covenant religions classification, 7 on Civil and Political Rights religious freedom in, 53–55 (ICCPR) religious minorities issues, 16–19 ICG. See International Crisis Group security, 17 (ICG) Southeast Asian Muslims, 4 Idul Adha, 146 state cultural policy, 209 Idul-Fitri, 150 state infringement, 7–8 ijtihad, 255 Syi’ah, 30–32 Ikatan Remaja tighter legal regulations, 113 (IRM), 22 toleration and conflict, 8–14 Imami Shiism, 365 Indonesian Christian Church, 120 Imlek Indonesian Council of Ulamas, 137 ceremony in the Syuhada Mosque, Indonesian Democratic Party of 185 Struggle (PDI-P), 97, 123 in Indonesia, 184 Indonesian Islam, 77 as religious debate, 187–88 Indonesian Muslims, 145 INC. See Indian National Congress intellectuals, 135 (INC) Indonesian National Ombudsman, India, Hindutva nationalism in, 283 129n18 Indian-Hindu traders, 283 Indonesian NGO Medical Emergency Indian National Congress (INC), Rescue Committee, 147 284 Indonesian Pentecostalism, 151n9 Indian secularism, cornerstone of, Indonesian Protestants, 133 284 Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), Indians, marginalization of, 342 58, 124, 130n29 Indonesia intermarriages, non-Muslims, 387 Ahmadiyah, 26–30 Internal Security Act (ISA), 248, 278, bi-polar, 6 295, 359, 406 charismatic churches in, 134 International Covenant on Civil and Chinese Muslims in, 174–76 Political Rights (ICCPR), 51, diverse majority, hybrid identities, 53–54 4–7 International Crisis Group (ICG), 83 freedom of religion in, 75–84 inter-religious conflict, 4 Imlek in, 184 Inter-religious Harmony Advisory Muhammadiyah. See Council, 114 Muhammadiyah Inter-religious Harmony Forum, 11, Muslim community in, 143, 157 113, 118, 125 . See Nahdlatul inter-religious relations, challenges in, Ulama (NU) 381

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IRM. See Ikatan Remaja Islamic radicalism, 277 Muhammadiyah (IRM) Islamic religious sphere, 290 ISA. See Internal Security Act (ISA) Islamic resurgence, 239 Islam, 17, 21, 24–25, 256, 258–61 Islamic state, 243 blaspheming of, 58–59 issues in, 241 bureaucratization, 242 Islamic theocratic polity, 269 centralized, 239–40 Islamic theory, 256, 264 and Christianity, competition Islamist extremist, 151n4 between, 145 Islamization, 5, 240–43 conversion to, 245 and DAP, 241 in Malaysia, 342–49 in Malaysia, 341–57 and Malaysian Constitution, 240 of Malaysian society, 277 mystical syncretist belief, 223 and Parti Islam Se-Malaysia, 241 resurgence of, 239 policy of, 240 role in politics, 5 process, 239 secularization, 239 of state, 254 self and the institutional power of, UMNO-led and PAS-led, 243 255–57 Islamization policy, 293 Sunni, 242 Islam Muhammadiyah, 201 Sunni–Syiah split in, 248 Ismailiyah Agha group, 370 and Syariah Court system, 240, 242–43 J Islam Hadhari, 242, 333 Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia Islamic Advancement Department of (JAKIM), 240 Malaysia (JAKIM), 270 Ja’fariyah group, 370 Islamic architecture, 277 jago, 217 Islamic cosmopolitanism, 175 Jahja, Junus, 175 possibilities and limitations of, , 77 188–89 Javanese Christian Church, 137 Islamic Defenders’ Front (FPI), 17, Javanese Islam, 184 121 jawara, 217, 231n17 Islamic devotional pop poetry, 263 Johor Security Council’s regulation, Islamic education sector, seminars to, 329 261 Joint Ministerial Decree, 81, 82 Islamic framework, 259 Joint Ministerial Regulation, 128n1 Islamic fundamentalism, 292, 312n6 Joint Regulation, 114 Islamic groups, 122 Article 13 of, 125 Islamic identities, 77 juru kunci, 226, 231n19 Islamic jurisprudence, 250n7 Islamic morality, 89 K Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS), Kairos Research Centre (1993), 306 362–63 Karaoke, Malang, 99–100 Islamic praxis, multiplicity in, 262 kaum muda, 256

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kaum tua, 256 liberalism, 76 Kelabit, 382–84 liberal Muslims communal associations, 391–92 and Law No. 1/PNPS/1965, 61–64 Law of Love, 392–94 voices, limits of, 64–66 Us vs Them syndrome, 382, liberal-thinking Muslims, 90 385–91 Liddle, Bill, 17 Kelana Jaya constituency, 305 “Little India/Masjid India”, 280, 282 kerapan sapi, 215, 227, 228 local belief, Madura, 221–22 kerukunan umat beragama, concept of, Lun Bawang, 382–84 115 communal associations, 391–92 Ketuanan Islam, 277 Us vs Them syndrome, 382, kiai, 228n3 385–91 religious aspects, 223–27 kiai dukun, 222 M kiai Islam, 201–3 Machasin, Pak Zulfa, 147 Kirieng, 405, 406 Madjid, Nurcholish, 52 Koko Liem, 181–82 Madura, local belief, 221–22 Kristenisasi, 137, 140, 149 Madurese Islam, 215 Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), 23 Islamic Affairs Department, 272 Malay domain, 291 Kuala Lumpur, religious spaces in, Malay, Islam in, 254 280–83 Malay-Muslim exceptionalism, 270, 273–80 L Malay-Muslim group, 385–86 LAIM. See Lembaga Antar Iman Malay-Muslim hegemony, Maluku (LAIM) pembangunan and, 404–7 Laksono, Agung, 95 Malay-Muslim identity, 291 Lampion Hati, 182 Malay-Muslim market, 278 , 159 Malay Muslims in Kuala Lumpur, 281 law enforcement beyond Supreme Malaysia Court, 122–24 Christian community in, 297, 322, Law No. 1/PNPS/1965, 55–59 384–85 liberal Muslims and, 61–64 Christian federation of, 295–96 Law of Love, 392–94 development in, 400–16 bernuansa budaya Tionghoa, ethnicity and religion in, 291–92 186 fatwa in, 365 Lee, Abdul Chalim, 186 halalization of consumption in, 278 Lembaga Antar Iman Maluku (LAIM), Hindraf in, 341–57 163, 165 history of Islam in, 255 Lembaga, Rekomendasi, 130n23 as hybrid state, 243 lesbianism, 105n11 inter-religious relations challenges Lia Eden community, 58–59 in, 381 liberal democrats, 105n4 Islamization in, 341–57

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non-Muslims in, 348–49 Maluku Reconciliation and political Buddhism in, 323, 336 Reconstruction Meeting 2004, religious minorities challenges in, 164 379–82 marriage policy, 57 religious revivalism in, 388 Maschan, Ali, 177 Shias in, 359–76 Masjid Muhammad Cheng Hoo, state-religion relationship in, 290 190n2 Malaysia National Prayer Network Mas’udi, Masdar, 35 (MNPN) project, 307–8 Matta, Anis, 107n32 Malaysian Buddhism Development MBA. See Malaysian Buddhist Master Plan of 2002, 326 Association (MBA) Malaysian Buddhism, politics of, 322 MCCBCHS. See Malaysian Malaysian Buddhist Association Consultative Council of (MBA), 248, 322–24 Buddhism, Christianity, and politics, 324–28 and Sikhism and YBAM, comparison of, 335 (MCCBCHS) Malaysian Buddhist youth, 331 MCCBCHST. See Malaysian Malaysian Constitution Consultative Council of Amendment 121 (1A), 242, Buddhism, Christianity, 245–46 Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism Article 11, 240 (MCCBCHST) Article 121, 240 Medan, Anton, 178, 183 Article 121 (1), 250n3 Melanau, 404–5 Article 121(1A), 243 Membela Kebebasan Beragama, 80 Article 128, 243, 250 MIC. See Malaysian Indian Congress Malaysian Consultative Council (MIC) of Buddhism, Christianity, The Micah Mandate (TMM), 307 Hinduism and Sikhism minority group of Muslims, 271 (MCCBCHS), 299–300 MNPN project. See Malaysia National Malaysian Consultative Council Prayer Network (MNPN) project of Buddhism, Christianity, moderation, religious minorities, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism 21–22 (MCCBCHST), 245, 327 modernist Muslims, 200 Malaysian Department of Islamic modus vivendi, 241 Advancement (JAKIM), 361 Mohamad, Mahathir, 242, 275, 277, Malaysian education system, 254 296, 299, 342–45 Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC), Mohamad, Maznah, 277 286n3 Moluccan archipelago, 168n3 Malaysian Indian-Hindu rights, Moluccan conflict, 158–63 Hindraf for, 349–55 Moluccan Interfaith Council, 163–64 Malaysian society, Islamization of, 277 Moluccan Muslims, long-term Malay supremacy, 271 isolation of, 156 Malay youths, 292 Moluccan society, 155

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cultural dichotomization of, 160 N Moluccas Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), 78, 201 Muslim community in, 161 contemporary views on religious Protestant Church of, 156 minorities, 24–26 religious war in, 154 description, 19–21, 36–37 MONAS incident, 183, 191n9 establishment, 19 mosques, Chinese New Year positions on religious minorities, celebrations in, 184–85 21–24 Muchtar, Affandi, 33 nasyid groups, 263–64 Mufid, Ahmad Syafi’i, 33 National Commission on Violence Mufti, Perak, 270, 271 Against Women, 96 Muhammad, Ashaari, 278 National Congress on Integrity, 306 Muhammadiyah, 10, 186 National Evangelical Christian contemporary views on religious Fellowship (NECF), 297, 301 minorities, 24–26 National Fatwa Council, 273 description, 19–21, 37 National Film Censorship Board, 327 establishment of, 19 National Indonesian Ombudsman, positions on religious minorities, 118 21–24 , 103 Muhammadiyah Islam, 201 National Registration Department Muhammad, Ustaz Ashaari, 362 (NRD), 244 MUI. See Majelis Ulama Indonesia NECF. See National Evangelical (MUI) Christian Fellowship (NECF) Mujani, Saiful, 17 negeri, 161 mujizat, 142 neo-liberal urban renewal policies, 269 Muktazilah, 369 New Economic Policy (NEP), 275 Muluk, Ustadz Tajul, 30 New Malay, 276 Muslim–Christian relationships, 143, ngaji, 202–4 144, 151n1 non-government organizations Muslim communities, 127, 135, 145, (NGOs), 115 271 non-Islamic religious literature, 348 in Hatuhaha, 162 non-Islamic religious sphere, 290 in Moluccas, 161 non-Malay domain, 292 Muslim groups, 91 non-Muslim field, 292 Muslim identity, 256 non-Muslim minorities Muslim-majority democracy, 78 Islam in Malaysia, 342–49 Muslim-majority lands, 145 in Malaysia, 238 Muslim-majority society, 146 non-Muslim religious groups, 281 Muslim revitalization (dakwah), 209 North Kluang District Council, 329 mute spectators, 391–92 NRD. See National Registration Muzadi, Hasyim, 23 Department (NRD) Myanmar, Saffron Revolution in, 321 NU. See Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) mystical syncretist belief, of Islam, 223 NU Islam, 200, 206, 210, 211

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O , religious aspects, 223, Office of the Ombudsman, 126–27 224 OHMSI. See Oriental Hearts and pious Pentecostals, 144 Mind Institute (OHMSI) Pious Salatiga Muslims On the Net, Ombudsman, 122, 123 138 role of, 117–19 PITI. See Persatuan Islam Tionghoa Ong Ka Ting, 326 Indonesia (PITI) Oriental Hearts and Mind Institute PKS. See Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (OHMSI), 306 (PKS) out-Islamization, 241 pluralism, 76, 237–39 competition of, 250n5 political Buddhism overall Javanese syncretism, 199 emergence of, 247–48 in Malaysian context, 323 P pornographic act, 96 Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS), 89, Pornography Bill, 90 103, 104 Pornography Law, 89–91, 103, 104, Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP), 105n8 219–20 Article 6 of, 107n30 Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS), 272, 301 Article 7 of, 106n23 Islamization and, 241 charges under, 97–98 pembangunan and Malay-Muslim decisions by constitutional court hegemony, 404–7 on, 91 Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara, 114 home-made videos, 100–3 Pentecostal church, 142 submissions against, 91–95 Pentecostal Church of Isa-Almasih at post-New Order era, 76 Salatiga, 143 post-New Order liberal Muslim Pentecostal communities, 133, 134 discourse, 60–61 Pentecostal congregations, 134 Prevention of Abuse of Religion, 52 Pentecostalism, 133, 145 Printing Presses and Publications Act Perak constitutional crisis, 309 1984, 133n14 Perhimpunan Pengembangan prominent accountability mechanisms, Pesantren dan Masyarakat (P3M), 118 22 Protestant Christians, 139 PERKIM. See Pertubuhan Kebajikan Protestant Church of Moluccas, 156 Islam se Malaysia (PERKIM) Protestantism, 136 permit application process, Inter- public order, 64 religious Harmony Forum, Puzhao Buddhist Vihara, 328 114–16 Persatuan Islam Tionghoa Indonesia Q (PITI), 176–77 Qisas law, 241 Pertubuhan Kebajikan Islam se Qur’an, 372, 373 Malaysia (PERKIM), 345 Quranic incantations, 261

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R Law No. 1/PNPS/1965 and its radical Islamic groups, 117 challenges, 55–59 Rahman, Tunku Abdul, 324, 343, in Malaysia, 238–39 345, 361 NU and Muhammadiyah positions rahmatan lil ‘alamin, concept of, 181 on, 21–24 Rahmat, Imdadun, 24 religious pluralism, 134, 136 Rajagopalan, Mrinalini, 284 religious renewal movement, 52, 68n6 Rakyat, Parti Keadilan, 271 religious toleration, 243–49 Razak, Datuk Seri Najib, 343 religious conversion, 244–46 Razak, Najib Abdul, 270 religious values, 64 recognition, of minority cultures, recognition of, 54–55 209 remo recognized religions, 56–57 as blater ultimate characteristic, Reconciliation and Mediation Centre 220–21 at IAIN in 2010, 165 consumption of alcohol, 221 reformasi, 91 tayub performance, 221 Reid Commission, 355–56 revivalism, Us vs Them syndrome, Religion of (Geertz) (1960), 199 385–91 religious atavism, 237 Ricklefs, Merle, 18 religious Bandung, 99 ring-fencing (ibid.) of Muslims, 244 religious bureaucracies, centralization Risman, Elly, 93 of, 362 rokat festivities, 221, 228 religious communities, conflicts Roy, Olivier, 5 between, 11–12, 113 Rukun Iman, 230n11 religious conflict, 239, 243–49 Rukun Islam, 229n11 ethnic, 237 rulers, law for, 103–4 religious dialogue, reintegrating society Rumah Kitab, 33 through, 163–65 religious freedom S constitutional-legal framework of, Sabarini, Prodita, 97 53–55 sabung ayam, 215, 227, 228 modern discourse on, 67n3 Saffron Revolution in Myanmar, 321 post-New Order liberal Muslim Saint Francis Xavier church (Catholic), discourse on, 60–61 306 Religious Freedom Advocacy Team, Salatiga 25, 52 Christian character of, 148 religious function, 129n9 contesting identity of, 137–41 religious majority, 127 Islamization of, 149 religious manifestations, 257–58 Muslims in, 147 religious minorities, 85, 127 “Salatiga, the City of Pious Muslims” challenges in Malaysia, 379–82 project, 138 contemporary views on, 24–26 Sangha identity, 325

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Santoso, Budi, 122 state-religion relationship in Malaysia, santri, abangan-like group in 290 local belief in Madura, 221–22 State Security Council (1993), 330 origin and nature, 216–20 Subang Jaya constituency, 305 religious aspects of blater, 223–27 Sufi missionaries, 253 religious tradition, 215–16 Sufism, 253, 262–63 remo as ultimate blater Sunni Islam, 215 characteristic, 220–21 Sunni Muslims, attack against, 3 santri Islam, 200 Sunni-Shia divide, in Islamic history, SARA, 154 363–65 Sarawak developmentalism, anti- , 329 politics of, 401–4 Syaddzili, Mujib, 29 Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia movement, Syamsuddin, Din, 22–24, 28, 29, 32, 310 116 seblang, 206 Syariah Court system secular state, Malaysia as, 243 change of religion, 244 “the segmentary principle” in and Islam, 240, 242–44 anthropology, 160 Syariah law, 259, 277, 279 self-actualization, 255 Syariah legal system, 259 self-censorship, practices of, 75 Syaukanie Ong, 173 Sennett, Richard, 85n3 Syi’ah, 30–32 Serang district, Banten, nude dancers syncretism, 199 in, 98 Syriah law, 255 sexual deviancies, 92 A Shadow Falls (2009), 206 T Shias Tadzkirah, 78 as minority, 368–71 Taiyibi Bohra group, 370 as security threat, 371–74 Tangzhuang, 190n7 Shihab, Rizieq, 183 Tan Mei Hwa, 173, 180–81 Shiism, ban on, 366 Tan Siew Sin, 326 Simone, AbdouMaliq, 269 Tantawi, Nasrudin Hassan, 272 singular Malay politics, 276 Tanuseputra, Abraham Alex, 143 Sisters in Islam (SIS), 299 Tanuwidjaja, Sunny, 21 siwalima, 160 taraweh prayer in mosque, 179 , 215 ten principles, 250n6 socio-religious tolerance, 34, 35 Thalib, Ali Abi, 364 STAIN. See State Islamic Institute three-generational households, 281 (STAIN) Tikaman Ahmadiyah Terhadap Islam, state-endorsed pluralism, 136 85n4 State Institute of Islamic Studies TMM. See The Micah Mandate (IAIN), 165 (TMM) State Islamic Institute (STAIN), 134 toleration, and conflict, 8–14

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Tong, Stephen, 134 VOC. See Vereenigde Oost-Indische Town and Country Planning Act Compagnie (VOC) 1976, 313n10 traditionalist Islam, conformity to, W 201–4 Wahid, Abdurrahman, 22, 52, 57, 190 traditionalist Muslims, 200 Walisongo, 190n1 West Java, 119, 120 U White Cross, 137 UKIM. See University of Maluku worship facilities in salatiga, number (UKIM) and types of, 139 ulama, 228n3, 230n13 Ulama Association of Malaysia, 272 Y umat Islam, 150 Yasmin Church of Bogor, 46n101 UMNO. See United Malays National YBAM. See Young Buddhist Organization (UMNO) Association of Malaysia (YBAM) Undang-Undang Dasar of 1945, 82 YBAM Biennial National Convention un-Islamic rituals, 188 in 1992, 332–33 United Malays National Organization YBAM National Council, 328 (UMNO), 322, 343 Young Buddhist Association of Islamic legislation, 240 Malaysia (YBAM), 248, 322, University of Maluku (UKIM), 165 323, 328–31 Us vs Them syndrome, 382 Fifth Six-Year Plan (2004–10) of, revivalism, ethno-politics, enemy 333 image and emergence of, 385–91 Islamization, 332–35 and MBA, comparison of, 335 V Yudhoyono, Kristiani, 96 vagrant phase, 143 Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang, 95, 96 Varieties of Javanese Religion (1999), Yusuf, Saefullah, 31 206 Yusuf, Slamet Effendy, 27 Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie Yusuf, Toni, 141, 142 (VOC), 156 violence Z of blater, 217 Zulfa, Ibu, 148 mob, 90

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