A Abangan, 795, 802 Abkhazia, 154 Aboriginal Authors, See Indigenous
Index A inequality, 1503 Abangan, 795, 802 injustice, 1503 Abkhazia, 154 institutional reform, 1504 Aboriginal authors, see Indigenous scholars laws/legislation, 1505 Aboriginality legal instruments, 1510 complexity of, 1000 minorities, 1506 concepts of, 995 polity participation, 1507 definition of, 996 preferences, 1502 and ethnicity, 997 procedural rectification, 1507 as fluid concept, 997–998 redistribution, 1502 idea of, 994 riots, 1504 political movement, 1005 societies, 1507 Aboriginal land title, 726 South Africa, 1509 Abuse of human rights, 852 success and failure, 1505 Academic dis-identification, 1412 symbolic goods, 1508 Accommodation, 113 zero-sum contest, 1504 Accommodative constitutional designs, 112 Africans, 660, 663, 665 Acculturation, 844, 1192, 1193, 1197 organic exporting, 1429 Aceh, 968 Afrikaans films, 1981, 1988 highlands, 1958 Afrikaner audiences, 1988 Acehnese choreographers, 1958 Afrikaner cultural nationalism, 1988 Acehnese Freedom movement, 1961 Afro-Amerindian, 1599 Adat, 794, 1453, 1454, 1456, 1458–1461 Afro-Mauritians, 1789 Adventures of a Child of War, 420 Aganuu, 1239 Affective tie, 1225 Agency, 1225 Affirmative action, 21–23 Age of migration, 1814 Ali baba practice, 1510 Agricultural production, 1016 benefits, 1509 Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaah, 830 black community, 1508 Ahmadi/Qadiani, 833, 834 culture and value, 1502 Ahmadiyah, 830 demand, 1504 Aiga (family), 1225 discrimination, 1503, 1506 Alataw Pass, 1025 education, 1507 Alawite community, 134 eligibility in US, 1510 Aliansi Kemanusiaan Indonesia untuk equality and justice, 1502 Myanmar (AKIM), 1902, 1903 group eligibility, 1508 Alii (sacred chief) titles, 1237 identity symbols, 1505 Ali, Moulvi Ameer, 830, 833 incidence, 1503 Ali, Muhammad, 828 individualism and merit, 1505 Aliran, 795 © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
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