I Iolson's Watertown Garage
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Property of the Watertown Historical Society Tiie watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWafertowfi - Oakvflla TOWN Weekly TIMES Vol. 11, No. 483 Subscription Price, $3.00 Per Year. Single Copy, 6 Cents. March 7, 1957 $7,000 Approved' For Emergency Truck Purchase Three Step Program Proposed Subject to a town meeting Development Commission And vote, the Board of Finance has approved a -request for $7,000 lor High School Construction from the Fire Department to. pur- Water Sales Hit At Meeting chase an emergency truck with A three "step program, was pro-, ties rooms and use them for equipment! The Federal Gov-_ Oakville voters at the annual water main, which, 'runs, down upper Buckingham Street from posed, March 1 in a joint meeting:' standard purposes." In their rec- eminent will reimburse the town .Fire District meeting approved of the .Board of Education and ommendations, the Board of Edu- to the extent of $2,750 of this a budget of nearly $246,000 Mon- the storage tank, located 'there*, the School Building Committee to cation had advocated doing this amount, if_ _ the purchas_ e ^ is made_^ , ."3da _ _ y ^ !f' nightX ,jL. ,« ^ »-., u^. AnecessitatinL .*m, ,**m jT ilMLi ^m. £*-mi 'm^ .f^BH .B^. g*9 IB .h* a 2% District jolhcial'^officials notednoted, 'thatnattnt thee. discuss means, of .getting the pro- until- increasing enrollment jus- ThTh,ep FederaTMAT.1l Civirswiil Defensnrf«nne pronro-- ' mill increase in, 'the tax rate, to selling of wafer in this, w ay would gram, for constructing the new tifies adding more classrooms. 1 OTam nrovides the matchine funds 8 mills, and elected District offi- cost the! District, nothing, since high school 'under way. Analyses t.grao encouragm proviaee scommunities me maicnm, gt oiuna pros- rials in> a two hour „,„„+;„meeting„ . thoe nmiwtpropertvy ™»™>ownerKs wnnlrwouldf .coneon- 'The .first step in the plan con- In a discussion of cost analy- vide themselves with emergency _ .... _ ... nect at Itheir own expense, and sists of going to a. town meeting' facilities.,.. The truck would, also. Some opposition arose in the,, ^ id then charge to ses,, it was noted, that, the cost per th e Dist ct wou pupil figure for elementary school be available for Civil Defense' ^ distric--"--t selto l awate. proposar to personl thats whtheo; them an ..adjusted price for thft. cal maps, of i[ construction in the state varied; activities and would be stationed, are outside of the districtjtimits, use of the water. erty situated on Tower 'Road, and 1 : from, $500 to $1,710. Watertown, at the firehouse. but, are located on the District i .Albert Daddona, and others of the adjoining DeVylder property, built the two new elementary the approximately 85 voters, at- and to get: together with an, archi- schools at $1,176 per pupil for tending the meeting, were of the tect to study" alternates available. opinion ...that since 'District resi- Ellsworth T. Ca.nd.ee, chairman the building only,' not Including site work, equipment .and archi- Heminway Park Road Program Awaits dents had to pay the tax to enjoy of the .School Building Commit- Pistrict, ' services, the proposed tee, estimated . that $4,500 to <*£• Mr. Candee said, users should either be taken into $5,000 will be needed for this ini- "There is a danger of taking a Outcome Of Shopping Area Proposal the District, or be made to pay a tial step: "None of this money statistic ' like that and, making price equal to the District tax. much of it, but it has little signi- is wasted," he emphasized, "the 1 Officials have agreed to suspend, but preferred to wait further' in- Moderator 'Mike Dunn ruled topographical maps are always ficance.," He 'pointed out that action tor one .month on. the 'pro-formation regarding the Green- that since the question was not needed, and the fee for the archi- • (Continued on Page 12) posed, program, to 'rebuild Hemin- Matt project. included .in the call, no action tect's preliminary study is con- way Park Rd. with new roadway, could, bej taken at the meeting: sidered as part of his final fee." curbing and sidewalks. The reas- Daddona''vowed that if a, special on for the temporary delay is to act allowing the District to sell It was brought out at the meet- Appeals Decision water outside the District is ing that a fairly extensive title wait and see what happens to Over 40 Mills passed, in the legislature he will search on the town 'property will the. proposal for developing a immediately petition for a, special also, be necessary, since two ease- Of Zoning Comm. In shopping center in the Heming- meeting pf the District to outlaw ments across the property are in way Park area. This project is such action. existence. dependent upon a decision by the For Taxpayers In a discussion of the prevailing Granting Permit Watertown Fire District Zoning high tax, The second step in the program Authority regarding a petition to rates, Joseph Zuraitis involves another town meeting to Frances ,E. McGarry and Doro- jcharged that the 'Development appropriate money to make a thy J. McQueen of LJtchfield Rd, extend the business zone on Main Committee of the town is "not Of Districts v 1 1 complete set of architect's draw- have filed an appeal from the de- St. in depfh so as to include the doin^3! .*-.. •*, >.!»-. gJ"* a.»-,* ' ob.1-*. I**," i' ojr-~-jfff gettin.#1*.*•*.•& -4- 'T v* g.v-w iiindustr! v"H. JT3 'in IMD ^"^ unnyn w ings, using information gained -in cision of the 'Town Zoning Com- laind "proposed for the shopping The Board of Finance, in\ex- to occupy the Autoyre plant, va» mission and the Zoning Enforce- section, lecutive session, Monday evening. the preliminary study. Candee set tlle (Cortinued on Page 12) noted that "the type of school ment Officer' which approved a $10,000 had, been appropriated i . town tax rate for 1957 at. needed will be .known at-the time permi__ -_?jt_ forjff- installin*-^jL__'ini*_ g. a_ 3,000'it jHt.jr% j<-fc' gal_~ 'Til- fo—, r startin_ g .th,., e Heminwa—r _ H ' y -»-^Par, k<PII 3"^.llG6! V1_^B_ 'm•'ntm lpii HUs Til u**, a'"ii n iincreasi Tm-ji-* msiL i fie^ oinnf £ threifr- ll-i ir^'uTje J^, of this meeting. The school lon tank and, - gasoline pump at Rd... reconstruction, program but and one-half mills. Board Cuts Three building committee is not at all the gas service station on Litch- 'the Selectmen told the Board of The new, record high tax rate committed to the 'Campus, plan of field Rd. owned by Morris, and they do not approve of doing is based on ninety-four per cent Rooms In Proposed construction. It seemed "best for Isabel Hebert. "The Zoning Board the project on a piecemeal basis. •collections on a final Grand, List: the elementary schools consider- of Appeals, will hold a public First Selectman G. Wilmont Hun- of $32,739,695. The latest taxable ing the site." . With, the 'detailed hearing on the appeal on March ger ford said that 'the piecemeal job Grand List shows a rise of $1,- High School Plan architects drawings, the Commit- 1.3 at 8 p.m. in Town Hall... will complicate establishing the 130.748 over the previous year. At a ifjieeting of the Board of The closing of the Autoyre In- Education Tuesday night, it was tee ...would be able to obt*»'n bids The appellants claim, that the grades for road, and sidewalks adopt revised recom- for the construction of th school {Continued on Page 16) and, furthermore, he said, it will dustry affected the Grand List by voted to and then compute a very precise leave a situation where heavy rains over three-quarters of a, million mendatiop s for the new High dollars,,. School hi sed on a projected en- .'budget for .consideration for a •could easily result in road wash- rollment |of 750 students ten years. town meeting. outs. „ (Continued, on Page 18) from the] opening of the school, The 'third step in the plan, in- Hope To Meet Goal The cost of doing the entire .rather tKan the previously esti- •volves a town meeting to approve job is approximately $26,000, ac- mated 731) to 800' enrollment. final plans for the school and" cording to the .lowest bids, re- Approve Parking Tilt1 realised figures, and certain, approve the. necessary budget. InistBloodmobHe ceived by the Selectmen for 'this .alteration! in the planned use of To Meet With Citizens work. The first selectman noted. areas to j be built into the new The Board of Education will Visit Of The Year "We realize that taxr>s have goi Meter Funds For high pchqpl.,, resulted in a drop of meet with a "citizen's commit- The Watertown Red Cross chap- to be kept down but we also re- 3 ro"ms ; in the number needed tee" of approximately 30 appoint- ter will make another attempt alize the need for progress for in the new school. It is now es- our roads and sidewalks,."" Roads & Sidewalks timated Ithat 33 instructional. ed members at the Junior High, to achieve its blood donation areas wiH be needed School on March, 15 at 8 p..m. toquota "Tuesday March 19th, when Donat Lemay, memoer of the der Agnew, Sr.,'member of both' tne 36 L - rather than inform them, of the needs 'rela- the Bloodmobile of the Connecti- the Board of Finance and, the In formerly anticipated,. finance board, suggested at the Police Commission, the finance addition to special facilities: tive to the new high school and cut Regional Blood, Program re- joint meeting of the Selectmen such as necessary steps, in the building board, voted to.