li.” ' ......

Average Daily Circulation The Weather Fnreeuet of D. 8. H’ratber "V /^Evehing______Herald^___ t Rftf^ AY 11 For the Moeth «f Aagaat, 1944 Gale uinds with heevy rulu to­ Maneheater Twit. No. 7, Kntghta Laurent treasurer, 47 Gerard n a d b 8,77.5 night and’early Friday. Hnrrieah; of the Maccaheea, will meet thia Nurses’sQuota street, Manchester, or, tf more expected to •trike tioiiiheaat Coa--' AttoutTowh evening at A'b’clock in the Batch convenient, may be leR with Me. Member ef the Audit neotteut eoast about uiidnigbt. and Brovni hall, D ^ t Square, and Marte at the Manchester Trust Bureua ef Circulathma Walter• P. Ck>man, ■ aon of •■ Mr. aa thia will be the only meeting Is $1,800 Short Company. . M^llinehe»ter--—^4 City of Village Charm r and Mra. W altw P.NObrmaa, of 42 thia m ^th, Commahder J. Albert Brookfield atraet, W\« freahman Oderitliuin hopea for a good at­ RINGS at Holy CroM Ootlege>Hla broth- tendance of th$ knlghta, inaamuch To Lecture Tonight ^ (ClaioUled 'Adverthdug ou rugu'-tS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1944 \ \ (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CEl er,“ Rayipond------A. * *’->rman;donnan; .alao aat- t aa there ta oonaiderabiS b'Uaineaa Association Appeals for .VOL. LXIIL, 294 tended Holy CroM,Cl and la a xandtxandt-i •to be taken care of. The new own- Contributions to Meet On Current Books date for a IBachelor of Arta.oe^e4^ era have redecorated the hall and Gent's Black. Onyx Rings. .. 921.50 and up in pre-medical made a number of-improvementa. $4,000 Needed/ The first lecture - on "Current Literature,’ by Rev. Thomaa F, Sunday will be Rally Day at the The Manchester Public Health Stack will be held this evening at CoyehantrCohgregational church, Nurses Association held itia first 8:1S in St. Jamea School hall. Ladies' Black Oyint Rings . . . $10.75 and up 42 Spruce atreet, and the Sunday meeting since the annual meeting . Father Stack will apeak on the achool. it apecial program haa'been in June, on yesterday morning at Important' problem of the Negro, Non-Rationed planned' which w.dl ^ of intereat ten o'clock In the board room of and' In addition to the popular to both old and young, and the the Manchester Memorial hospital. novel op the subject will also in­ Gent's Signet Rings $13.7.5 and up paator. Rev. Raynold Johnson, will Miss. Anna C. Sampson, president clude "Royal Road,” "The Dove 1., . , deliver Junior and adult aermohs. of the association, presided. BRIDGETS In the evening Pastor Johnaori will Fllee Soiuh," “Dark Symphony,” take for his subject "An tJnde- Twelve members of the board were and "Freedam Road." Ladies' Birthstune Rings feated Faith." Music will be fur-' present at the meeting. Mra. Ray- Tlckela for the aeriea and $7.15 and up nished by a Jamaican quartet from ner. head of the Visiting Nurses Icctu;^ Ucketa may be purchased made a very satisfactory and com­ at the door.. CHURCH BASEMENT the neighteMng plantations. > plete report of the work of the Visiting Nurses since June, Gent's Identification Bra<;^lets $3.85 and up MK and Mrs. George F. Borst, Mrs. R. A. St. Laurent, treasur­ /■ are apending their vacation at Local Youth Joins *** their cottage at Point O' Woods. er, reported that contributions in connection with the drive for the Brown Fraternity Ladies' Spray P in s...... $4.25 and Up The I^adies' Aid Society of Visiting Nurses, .wl^h started last Emanuel Lutheran church will May, had'slowed up considerably, Providence, R. I„ Sept. 18.— 20 * " ^ Federal Tax Included. ^ Entered at Two Points Manila Radio meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:30., and that $1,800 was needed to I o’clock. / reach the quota of $4,000 which Neil H. Ellis, son of Mr. and Mra. Mope e s had been set up by the Board aa Sidney EllU of 112 East Center Aak To 8m ! being necessary to carry on the atreet, has bean pledged by PI Asserts Raids ; 250 8TVLK NO. J#4« Lambda. Phi fraternity In recent ■ V ' i 6 a v e very Important work of the As­ Aa Hketched. VGrR HOT AIR FURNACE sociation. rushing at Brown . University. Fall to Americans / / ' RECONDITIONED ' It is hoped By the Board that Ellis, a graduate of Chaahlre Are Continued I IN PRIZES TN>R WINTEB! CALL 8906. this amount can be raised within Academy, la a frashman at Brown. f Sixty Miles anX^our ■ -‘H the next couple of months. No con­ Pi Lambda Phi; catabliahed at DONNELLY'S NORMAN BENTZ tribution 'S too small and will be Yale in 1895 and at Brown In 1928, JEWELERS AT THE CENTER Americans Are Silent is one of alxtcen national fraternl- As Drive Up ' The Local Tinsmith greatly appreclatea. Contributions PLAYING STARTS AT 8: IS* Pacesettei^ should be sent to Mfa, R. A. St, tiea on the Brown campua. On Where . Carrier Active on-the-go feet/will \ First Army Goes Ahead Based Planes Are Oper­ Says Weather E apprMiate this plaj^oe in After Taking Rotgen; Weather Keeps ating at Present Time. TWErmr TWO black, russet, wine, gabar­ Seeurity Silence Blanks Allied Planes By The Associated Press Senior Meterm Out Most Specific De­ Smashing American carrier New Haven dine with a jjj^’emment- Two Names You Know and Trust plane raida on t the central Philip­ Hartford Takes Steps tested sole that gives serv< tails'from the Front; Out of Action pines which coat the^apane'ae 200 Stor^i Will Blo^ $25-00 Nazis Admit Advance. aircraft Monday, have' continued ice. Full Force Afire Britain Based Machines for three consecutive days, Manila To Protect Residents night in This bn-Rationed. , Sept 14—(Fl-^evfnil radio reported today. A* more German villagee .near cap­ Especially Are Ground­ The Japanese-controlled bagad- Assierts in Today’s Re­ $ 1 0 o o THE HALE CORP. tured Rotgen felt to the V. 8. Firat. caat claimed that 20 attacking GAMES ports It Will Not Be as / ed After Six' Day Series planes were shot down to the first -9---- and Army today while it drove |nto the two days. The radior said that on as One in 1938 dragon-tooth barrtore of the Sieg­ Of Smashes on Reich. the third day—Wjoneaday U. S. Hartford, Sept. 14.—• pJ‘*R**’*<*- **'’“Kes parts of Connecticut ih full ward in a large scale offensive in busters for the fourth night in a .n,v .11 which came In the wake of the Qin - - W hen Present The Complete Line Qf ponese planes were destroyed Mon­ gency dlanater committee and all 1938 hurricane are not expected force some time after mid*' the iyhole 'arc around Aachen from row, roundihg out a 24-hour cycle- day and indicating the strike was departments of the city govern­ Maastricht in Holland to the Ger­ in which more than 10,600 tons of due to the city's flood protactlon night. Underwood aaid winds at . continuing. ment. works since provided,, the mayor New Haven probably would no! - man frontier near Eupen In Bel­ high explosivea were dropped on I Jap Fortress Falls Every city department ia being gium. Germany in four massive bomber aaid. . greatly exceed 60 miles an hout > As the Manila radio told of the notified at once to take stepa to with the exception of occasUmai . Into Open Again assaults. continuing biowa, Chungking an-' Such departments of the city as . The U. S. Third Army of Lieut. Th4 weZtoer limited the bag by protect city property, the mayor police, fire and street are being gusts. Ynu’re F all Fashion nounced the last Japanese fortress stated, at the same time urging It Was too early, he aaid, to say . Gen. George S. Pattoh broke into Mosquitos last night -to one barge blocking a union of Allied forces notified to stand by for any emer­ fha open once more around the and one train tq an attack on' com­ everyone to take the necessary gency, the mayor said. where the center of the atom J Large open arrows indicate pdSsible direction of drives into Ger- In Burma and China fell before the preca itlons at their own homes G. G. Crowell, manager of the would strike inland but. ha ...fiBr-ir Fronch city of Nancy in a gain of munications. Two planes were lost dogged assaults of Chinese infan­ themaelvea. at least 30 miles to Charmea qn in the raid on ', the 31st n i^ y from two areas, where Uf- S. First 'Army forces have • broken trymen. ’ ' - Hartford district of the Southern ciared there waa .no question but the Moselle river. The German since Allied troops landed on the through onto German soil—tnrf-first near Trier, and the second, eaat The fallen stronghold was Teng- 'The' mayor said that even New England Telephone Company^ that the-storm was "dangeroua.' j C h o p p i n g f f communique aaid the Third Army continent Juno fi. Eupen, . Other arrows indicate location , and direction of chung, Japanese headquarters for tbougn the force of the hurricane aaid that $.900 telephones to the Should Uie storm paaa to thi had cut all the way to Luneville, Late Reports from supplemen­ various other Allied drives approaching Germany in continuiu fluid the southwest China sector' of the may not hit Hartford squarely, state had been put out of order northwest it would be particular ! 15 miles farther to the northeast, tary operations of American and arfare'are with no set battle line, as iuch, in ma.ny aectore. Gemah Burma road. Three thousand Nip­ the anticipated downpour and ly so, be said, while if it held t4 between Nancy and the Rhine. British fighters and fighter-bomb­ >rmr is shaded Just Inside Germany. ponese made a last'man defense of high winds may cause fome flood- (CoDtlDued of Page Four) the aoutheaat, as now aeemed poa- Nancy was threatened from- the ers showed good resuj^ . against the walled city, holding out for two atble, it would be less ao. rear, aa well aa frontally. German frontline gun placements montha in underground pillboxes Not aa Bad aa IMS Some 500 miles behind the front and communications. and fortified temples. With the fall Underwood said that on th* M e! line inside Germany, American Troops Are Supported of Tengchung a mountain trail basis of reports thus far recaived ; BLANKET troops amaahed their way inside R.A.F. tactical units, working Reds Fighting ruuning north of the Burma road 26 Dead, 65 Are Hurt it aeemed likely that the atom . the long-beaieged port of Brest mainly lu support of British, Ca- was virtually cleared between" the would be less violent than tha d ir - "V. 11. 8. nqedium and dive bombers n'd|ans land Poles Ifi the north, victorious Chinese and other Nip­ aatrous hurricane ofll938 but un- bombed the German garrison de­ claimed five tugs, 12 barges, two ponese Allied troops in North Bur­ As Two Trains Collide questiooabiy would oe the woral, ^(4 ■ T Known As America's fenses for 50 minutes, despite poor medium-sized vessels, two armor­ id Streets of Praga ma to open a new supply route to _____ ^ ^ ------. ■ ■ ■■ tropical storm ainca then. weather which limited air activity ed launches and several locomo­ 'China. • • He declared that ' the atone ' elsewhere, and pilots reported see­ tives. V - • t- ^ -- Daring Carrier Raid would beff accompanied by higk ^^tandard of ing the Americans fighting the Pilots rejjorted. no concentra­ The second daring.carrier raid i Eden Enroute tidea and, atarttng lata- toni|^ti ' Nazis in the pen area tions of either transport or troops, Ru..i.M Art how in In- B attcr E d ses . on the Philippines, announced yes­ Soldiers Who Were on [ there would be very hea-vy ratoa west of the city. but what movement wa's. sighted dustnal duburbs of w terday by Adm. Cheater W. Nim- At New London, the (Joast Guanf Bedtime Comfort! Security Silence On appeared to be headed generally itz, was the deepest seaborne pene­ Furlough After Being j headquarters reported that they A aecurity silence' blacked out east towaid Geimsmy. Warsaw,; O n' Another' Of Gothic Line tration of Japaneae-held territory. had started to secure all ahipptog most specific news from the front The U. 8. Ninth Air Force flew Returned from Abroad I ' Baliv i'avrfs It shrouded newa of an earlier in- Front Near Kosice. I __ _ Carrier planes swept over the in the harbor, both Naval and ci­ $2.P8 // curaiem five miles deep iiiside Ger­ islands of Cebu, Pansy and Ne­ Foreign Secretary WiH vilian. No plans aa yet have bees AU^ in Blue, Pink or White. (Couttoded os Page Six) Fifth Army Head Re> gros. in the geographical center of Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 14—(Jh niade to evacuate ahore colooiaa 1 r many northwest of Trier, perhaps London,' Sept. 14—(iP)—Massive the Phlllppinef and northwest of —Tw;o fast Chicago sad Eastern Join Roosevelt and but warnlnga were being fed to ra­ the oldest town to all the Reich. Nor was any announcement from Rusaian forces assaulting Warsaw | ports Germans Mak* targets hit on Zamboanga island Illinois passenger, tralne collided dio 'stations, an officer said, aa ib Spreads...... $3.50 to $4.98 headquarters on Allied progress frontally fought today into the' laat Friday. Fifty Japanese planea headon to a heavy tog three miles Churchill^ in Que^c. rapidly aa' fresh advices were re­ .Chenille' in Pink, Blife or Wt^ltq background. *t two other points where the Ger- GrouJ) Favors* streets of Praga, the industrial \ ing Stiff Resistance. were shot down and another 150 ceived in order that aummer cot­ caught by surprise on the ground north of here early today, killing Quebec, Sept. 14.—-<^7—Bring­ tagers might have ample warning.^ . man boundary had been reached suburb of the torn Poliah' capital: and wiped out. 13ie attackers, who 26 persons and injuring’-approxi­ Meanwhile at Stamford,’ Chlal One Of America^ Best Blanket Values within shelling range of the Sieg­ ! Rome, Sept. 14—(P>—The Fifth ing an up-to-the minute report on fried defenses. - Salary Basis on the eaal bank of the Vistula airmy was battering the forward riinged to within 200 miles of Ma­ mately 65 others, many of Whom of Police John D. Brennan, on or* - jy Sweaters . . . . $1.98 ifnd $2.2.5 It was emphasized, however, river, the Berlin radio announerti. nila, had a heavier toll still to re­ were Overseas Air Force veterans the European political situation, dera of Mayor Charles E. Mootai ' Cardigan styles, with or without collars. Blue, Pink or edge of the Nasi Gothic line in port, Nimltz Indicated. wearing Purple Heart decorations. British Foreign Secretary 'An­ began mobUizing city departments . White. • 100% Wool 100% Wool 50% Wool Th« Popular that the blackout Certainly did not Far to the aoiith, other Russian The str(ke was carried out Mon­ imply any reverses. State Commission Rc^ troops reached the Czechoalovakla Italy on a 25-mile front, , when Army authorities and Coroner thony Eden ia enrouto ffom Lon­ and civilian defense units to alert day ' (U. S. time) slmultaneouafy D. M. Ferguson said they could the city for the expected stmtn. / Woulu Have to Retreat frontier in the Beakide, mountains enemy resistance was "increasing with a carrier raid and wairahip don to Join the expanding Roose- Battlefront dispatches said the ports on Its Findings in of' the Carpathian range and one tremendously” and future gains not say hou many of the dead were velt-Churchlll conference. All police. Including those on va­ bombardment of the Palau Islands,- sold'iera, but a check of funeral cation, were ordered to report for , | Cotton Knit Chatham half-hearted defense by the Ger­ report aaid Cossack patrbla were will be a test of “Allied might 600 miles east of the Philippines. Overcast wekther madq Eden's Probate Court Case. homes discloaed they had bodies duty toiilght Firemeit ,were also lam Chatham Chatham Chatham man Army in the outer reaches of believed to have cross^ the border against the German will to re­ The blow is indicative of the exact arrival time uncertain. But ordered to report to thelT statlona of 21 soldiers, one member of the Rompers ( the Siegfried line suggested that -Within 50 miles of Kosice, sixth sist,” Allied headquarters said to­ tremendous power Adm. William London report that he was on this afternoon. The civilian defaruN % in MalM, Blue. W^iite, and Hartford, Sept 14— IP) —Rec­ day. >> 1 ’’Bull” Halsey’s Third fleet la (Conttoiied on Faga Four) hia way w** confirmed organizations were' alerted and Pink. ShMs six months to (Couttaued osi Page Four) ommendation that probate Judges (CoBttoued oa Page Two) Lt. Gen. Mark O ark’s Fifth bringing to bear in tnvaalon- Only yesterday Eden conferred will report this aftqriioon for - one year. -Lam^down “Woolwich” “Marley” “Sutton”' /- be placed on. a salary baaia . and army, which now Includes several threatened Philippine waters. . with Premier Stanislaw Mlkola- emergency dUtyr ! / their terms extended to four years Britiah I divisions, cracked through Big Iand*baaed bombers contin­ jezyk of the Polish government in $1.15 to $1.98 is contained in a report of the German outposts all along the Hartford PoUoe Prepare' Commiasion to Study the Integra­ ued Uieir destruction of Nipponese exile and it waa considered highly The Stamford harbor patrol rges Labor Peace Terms western sector' of the front be­ air facilities on the aOuthenv ap­ Freie Society probable that kelationa betwe* started work to secure, all ship* tion of the State Judicial System tween P isti^ and Lucca. proaches to the iZIanda—Halma- on ponnecticut’s court setup and Soviet Russia and neighboring ping'and to make fast all looaa Nighty-Nite Official Statement hers and the Celebes. An airdrome Poland were an important topic equipment in the harbor and along ,. // made public yesterday by Gover­ An official statement summed at 21amboanga ih the southwestern Is GOP G oil To Tjake Part nor Baldwin. ^ For Romania in his brief case. the shore. Fire department trucke V Sleepers h up future.proapects: corner of Mindanao waa hit by air A year -ago. Secretary of \Sate were equipped with boala to be ' Created -by the 1943 General Aa- patrols, while heavier squadrons With fiset, to Peach or Blue. aembly and headed, by State .Su­ "The enemy has brought into Hull came to Quebec soon after used in case the expected high tides Sisea jiix montha to aix years. Hillman Wants Work Gov. Dewey Tells Crowd, Eklen reached .the city. Whether preme Court Justice Newell Jen­ Allies Easy Because of (Continued on Page Two) invade the east a^ore section as , $1.39 to $1.59 nings, the commission also recom- '(Coatiuned On Page'^Stz) At Station of Choice Hull would come htere again this they did in 1938. ing ‘Men to Take More 'mendai-.. Help Given Russia year waa not Immediately diftcloa- Stamforo city aervice depart* i Interest in the Election. That much of- the work of the .Against the Nazis. They Have, at Election. ed. • > Court of Common Pleas be trans­ —r— r\- Allied Objective (Oontiaued ea Paga r) ferred to the Superior Court New Miscroscope Invented; Sheridan, Wyo., Sept. 14.-^(Sh— A formal atatement by Presi­ Grahd Rapds, Mich., Sept. 14— That the number of -Common WaahingtM, Sfpt. 14'—(Ah — dent Roosevelt and Prime Minis­ (Pi-rtlrglng greater participation Pleas court Judges be reduced A,rmiatlce terma for Bulgiria are Gov. 'fhomaf E. Dewey, .arriving ter Churchill Allied obJecUvea in 3 by labor to election campaigna, now being put into final shape'by in Sheridan'!for. conferences with Sidney Hillman, chglrman of the from IS to 11. Shows Cancerous^Growlhs the war with Japan before thqy U i- Chatham’s Newest, and . N - » And that Municipal court Judges the Anglo-Amcrican-SoYiet Euro­ Wyoming Republican leaders,, told part this weekend appeared poaai- CIO Political Actloh committee, be named by the General Assem­ pean adviaory commission, it was n^—• - a crowd of 500 persona at the rail­ ble today aa their second Wstoric 'I it’a a l^ u ty . Pure Virgin ' Piir^^ wool, puia gold. ^ Teara of warmth and lat- declared here today , that ^ e r e la reported today. They are expected - ( A most beautiful blanket. bly on recommendation by,the gov­ Clevelar.d, Sept. 14—A new de--?plck out detail. There la also an way station that ! the voters this conference in (Juebec’a lowering (Late Bulletins of the un Wire) wool, pure luxury. Finely Chatham’s Woolwich blftpk- isfaction have be^n woven Stanley , blankets have only one way to get what you ernor for a term of four years. to be tougher than the terma im­ velopment in microscopes waa de-. arrangement.- he added, whereby year have a choice Vgoing down citZdel entered ita final phase. Full 4 pounds of warmth want, and that la to work for it— Disparity to Salaries posed on Romenia', because Bul­ the New Deal road to complete napped. Recoi^mended by et will be your pride and joy jnto the Sutton blanket. wide, handsome, contrast­ day and night, from now until acribed tossuesitoo transparent to or dark on a light b«;Uground. cah road to a free society where aCemed reason -to believe the BalMniore, Sept. lA— ! Economics, for economy 50% rayon. Deep naop^ "In many atatef you can be the pointed out the disparity in com­ The 2(>-polnt Romanian docu­ we can achieve security and Jobs W. H. 'iVeber, commander of Stntfi;, Wrapping Blankets Chenille Carriage deep napped fof insulated Green, and Cedar. 25% decisive factor to the election," he be o^erved in detail'by regular Hitherto, ■•*“ ’ ■ Dr. oi-*-RichaTda said, one Allied leaders might deem the through quaility. Size years of service. Rayon for maximum w a r m t h. pensation ' between rural courts ment, signed in Moscow and made instruments and would possibly approach to observing tranaparenl for all." — time ripe for a - pronouheement Police field foroeiksald thia aftea*^ In White with Pink or Blue warmth'. Blue, Rose, Cedar, wool, 26% cotton and 60% told delegatee to. the United Auto­ whose fee Income aometimea Is aa public by the three Allied govern­ The Republican presidential noon that preparaHiws were bethri-*; stripe borders or solid Bhie I Robe Sets 72” X 84”. Rose, Blue, Blue, Green, Rose, and mobile Workers (CIO) National further the study of such things aa materialt has been to stain them setting forth the .alma of which In White background with Green, Cedar, and White, and Green. Rayon satin satin bbund. Rose, Blue, Cedar. Ra>'on satin bind- ra.von, a blend both strong little aa $100 annually, and those ments, ia considzrad here to be cancaroua growths. with dyes so that the eye could nominee, who arrived here at 10 American B-29 aupertortresaes al made to evacuate,, resideats ^ > or Pink. convention. "If you do the same of larger city probate districts relatively lenient, 'the leniency ia a. m., m.w.t., after an overnight Ocean City, 5fd., ^ecaaide reaetffl 0 Pink or Blue designs. Rayon satin binding. binding. Cedar, and Green.- ingr and warm. kind of fob to political acUmn that Dr. Oacar W. Rlcharda, biologi­ obnerve colored images, but he ready have given the Japanese where the Income of the Ji^ges has attributed to the fact that when cal researcher for the .Spencer declared that few dyes can be train ride from Valentine, Neb., homeland an inkling. threatened by the great AtburtWy 39c and 49c $2.59 Set you have done In war production; ranged as high as $20,(^ a year, Romania brolce her alliance with raed with l Just be beg*nnlng when a oUitary (Probate Court 'reform) is ex study of daad rather than living Dewey explained that he wa Sept. 14—OFM- Donghbeya In Medium and Large aiaet. " ^ vtct'ory m the war is won, Hillman Terms Made Eaaler attachments' to a regular micro- can chiefs of staff in tha Chateau , i-. , Buy, Your Blankets I tremely complicated and to the This ta rtgSrdad as fabtog in line scops ao daalgnad that they will material.'* not making speeches this week tanks smashed two ml)ea ■fiif to a prepared eoeech. “The opinion of the commiaeion Justifies but was "seeing the people'” all Frontenac. The personal Rooae Into the Siegfried Itoe m a fight for freedomnot end irith Allied promises to Nasi control light passing through a With the new development, Rich­ velt-Ch'ujxhUl Ulka now range Soft knit Diapers. . $2.25 Doz. Toddlers 3 Pc.. Coat Sets further Invcetlgation by a specie sstellitca that their postwar ezie- specimen under observation. ards declared, “specimens many the way from Michigan to Oregon. four mtica wide today after with the surrender of Germany edmmiasion appointed by the next times too large for examination “I am engaged in the most seri­ over unhbunded queatlona of win tacking from across the yery abeorbent. Checks and plain colors, for boya or girls. and Japan. It begins there." General Assembly to study and tence -would be made easier to the 'The scientist sail) many living ning a war against Nazi knd Japa­ Sizes two to four years. extent that they aided the Allied cells, tissues bacteria- and indus­ With thei electron microscope may ous endeavor that I have under­ mist-hiddea bills aorthwest '■ ./ ■ On Hale *s Club Plan No RoopoMlIiUlty report on this particular problem." taken.” Delkey aaid. "I am pre­ nese militarism ind the Inevitable Trier. » Social progresa to this country •The commission is unanimous," c§]^.'Specifically it ia/; expected trial materials are ad transparent be studied,” postwar economic difficulties. $6.98 to $14.98 to .ITave some effect on- Austria, that no detail c4n be seen in them "So fqr,’'-i he said, "there is lit senting to- the . people the tsauea • • • ‘Bayon Panties ...... 69c came to a full stop during -the the report*' continues, “in, recom- tie promise .that the electron mic­ and the choice. It can now be reported from Bombing la Reaumed Halting, CooUdge and Hoover ad- mendtog that a constitut(,onal which haa beedme the target of With an ordinary microscope. The Klaatir all ai'ound. Tearose oiilv. Sizes Allied appeals to revolt. reason is, he said, that their in­ roscope may he used with living "In this election Uie people can Loadoa, Sept. 14^F>—A . ' to aix years. Cireen Stamps Given ministratiuns, Hillman said, add­ amendment be adoptedmaking the choose artaether Uiey wish to. go . (Coatfnued am Page Four) process Ion ed fieavy- ing that the Federal government term of probat Judges four yeara." Although the Romanian terms ternal structures fall to catcl) light matenal beyond perhaps the With Cash Sales. to such a way! that they can be smallest specimens. Many prob­ down the New Deal road to oom- headed out aeraaa tbo North' "assumed: nc. reepofialblUty tor em­ Oe Vlaafi ff~*~r*T offer general clues to the fgta of plata ragtooentatlon or vdMtber TreesniT BaUnce toward Gsrmaey to ployment, wortitog eendltieaa. un­ A "subatantis) majority’ at tba tbs NasluiaUitaa,lta«ahaaUtod observed by the eye. lame require the otudy at larger ’The attachment at the perforated «rganlaatlons. such aa cancerous they go up tha Republican road to weather early toalght after i , (k. JWIUL-C com employment tosiiranee end the ecmunlasian recommended interim on high authority that they bear a free aodety where we can 'Washington, Sept. 14—(P)-r The and aqualla had isiltod omm general svelfare of the population.” aqUon qislttog p^>bate courts atate Ittle resemblahce to Allied plans platee; which can be moved afound growths, than now poMlhia with I MAMCMMT i i C * -go aa to focua on anv*part of a tha alectron microscope. ' achieve aecurity and Jobs for all." position .of the Treasury Sept. 12: air Mowa la the west fa e j "Today.” he continued, "the Re- courts and placing the Judges on a SIrawn up'for the Reich itaelf. Ger­ Aaaeitlng th«t the New Deal RecelpU $200,513,102.63; Ekpeldl- ute hombardm^at ef publicens can no longer chkllenge fished salary bssit with the atate many'will be under, rigid military specimen, causes Ught rays direct­ Among Industrlsl posalbllltlea COM ed from celcw to be "bent” in such Richards asserted, are detailed turca $450,206,513.77; Net Balance medium aad dtoe h a a l (OMtkMMd an rnah. Feori . tie ftsitjAa era an. M a n c h r s t h A ' ^ o n m * dl'*ir GrvcB'Stamps Given With Cash SalesI ' iOaedawd ee Pagt its) ' (CeaMmsed oe Pago Two). ^ a wa^, ha saM. that tha eya can eludias of glass and plastic fibara. m Mge Tw i \ ■ S ■ \ 1 t ■ 4t. .. U-,. I JMAUCHKSTL'R e v e n i n g HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, THUKSUA Y, SEKl'EMKEK 14.1?44 PACE T H R l k . ■ I « » A wr.^yj^TrfT** EVEHIWO nCTlAX^D. MANCHESTER, OONN« THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ^4,1944 ‘ 0 per cent of bis'lne storage deno. So ;th l,'or..-aU:, r.reriln ...1 TWO ner cent of his station's atora'go capacity. A six months auspena'on capacity. '._coupon for tractor______gaa ____ from 'B a d , Marshal T ito s partisan headquar- production record. Fifteen In Debut as Dramatic Actress OPA Decision was asked In hla case. O PA rSLommended a (M-da;.' operator oik a highway automobile supper will be eeri'ed between • ty thousand .amall parts can be Jap-Ainerieftn suspension for Stephen Oayda of George Hubbard, Stratford, buying ,ters aaid his troops had captured How U.S. Steel “ ^ 'Vel8 in Favor .4 A alx-months suspensicq was and 7 o'clock only to those who Bi&H.S.Band | Red* FigJ,ting NegoUn in YugoMavia aix mllea produced in a hour which formerly asked by O PA in the case df Ray­ Bridgeport, now out of. business, and endorsing counterfeit itampa took days by the old method of Is Reserved who after operating his station nnd selUng gasoline wtUiout re­ •ange’s Fair have made reservations, which from the Romanian and Hungarir . Problem Biflj mond DeAngelb of New Hqven KfEPBUrWGIfiWKIWS' were neceaeaHly limited. Mrs. ~ Twlay ill Praga an borders, and had made contact' casting and turning. Theae','parte Of Golf Lots whp was charged with giving than three months, the agency quiring stamps and Je.sstc Belan- Loss Was Met are made at important savings, hik, ■ Westport, rcUing a “ dollar’s Carl Hllding of the economics com- Is in Prospect _____V ^4 with the Red Arm y.) S'.imlier stolen coimorjs as couuta ^ , had exhausted the 2.CCJ ;:ir'.- Opens Friday sometimes running as tUgh as one- , Inventorj’ allowed him by the -.'orth of pas ai -c-’nt to i"o-e mittee of the Orange and her ae- (Contiausd trsm Pugs'One) (A broadcast German war re-; Ten Casv Are Heiir I Ijy :c;V r?t!cn Et-mb". He v.’as 'algo slsUnU will be In charge. W w commented dourly that . "in' fifth former costs.,'/'--..'' Memorial Committce^s Tryhig to Plaee Ameri- charged with ' aeeeptinii loos? local rationing, boai-o. - ' Jioniflve galionn" and taking.cou­ It la expected that many of the Rotarians* ToW Ameri- Although the process' has toen State Head; All Are stamps and hiving a shortage of The othere were Frank J. Olor- pons wort'i five sallons. Read Ueraldf Advi Expect 45 Piece ^ Organ- largest city of C^xechoslovakia tfak Balkans one canimt talk ,o f used mainly for the produHiori of '€an Bom Japs Here If t/9 Be Held in Miuonic Iteme at the home made food booth with 70,000 population. batnqa, but Just of raissian pa- In Accord* as io T*ur- \ will to offered for eale tomorrow ,fican Ingenuity -^‘Solved olless bearings and small parts for .Filling Station Cases. ixatioii W ill Be Possi­ Advancing five miles beyoqd the radcsX) , Difficult Task. • Temple Two Day* Be- evening, and thia applies to other all kinds of wreapons, Tatheli be­ chase of Site by Town. \ ------' toppled N,;rew river , of Front* dispatches said mauled Hard Problem. lieves when factories again begin departments. Exhlbltora will’ he ble During the Year. Lomxa. still other Russian trodps Nazi arniofed forces fell back irtford, Sept. 14— (4*) -Decision . ginning Tomorrow. ^ -- - y producing-j'clvilian goods, many' X !------^ ■ Hartford, Sept 14.—UP)— ^Ths rsaer<’ed by OI*A Hearing required to obtain Mrmlaaion from drove to'Within 15 miles of East chaotically \ o the northern elbow A t S' meeting of the World War Oensral Chairman ^ym ond Amea When W orld W ar II shut off our uses will be found - for powdered adjustment problems of Japanese- ___ Imlasioner William J. Day In P.iaU aU M *! A 45-plece High athool band la Prussia. bf the N arew river, pursued close­ metallurgy in such items aa tele­ Memorial oonimlttee held last Th* Orange Victory Fair vk111^»e or ihembera of hla committee. supply of Swedish steel, then con­ n each of ten agency auapenston .... . \ In proapect thla year. Principal Yet another group of Red ly by RiiMlah, tonks carrying vision, radios, Automobiles, air­ Americans released from reloca­ sidered the - world's finest because night, all preaedt ware niiged to hearings before him yesterday. M l to the general public tomor- ■Edson M. aald this morn­ armies ' moving swiftly through Bwarma of tomdiygunneis. planes and ail pouplar household tion centers were discussed by ing. An arrangement haa been General Zakharov's relentless of Its purity, Americkn Ingenuity see to It that a goodly dalegatlon Adelbert C. Nelson of . New Lon­ M evening at «:80. In aB aepart- Romania was acknowledaed by appliances. Miss Muriel Ferguson, a represen­ don testified he had purchased made to permit two band jirac- Berlin to have stormed •through attacks northeast of Warsaw won discovered that the scrap metaL would be on hand at the Town Bta. in the banquet h ^ ot the Teachers Enjoy tative-..of the Northerii Baptist faith” from a neighboring dealer tlces each week during the regular the Szeklei corqer of Transyl­ more- than 30 settlements, and In­ meeting tomorrow night to vote for Suipriseliandy' sa^s^ from the la'thbs and stamping ma­ ''llaaonic Temple. TTie Temple artll school day, these to be under th e creased steadily, the threat o f out­ convention, lest night before to cover a shortage. He aald he vania. teirltory disputed between the purchase of the Golf Lots. ’4e open for exhlbltora at 8 o'clock direction of the director, William flanking the. Polish capitel. Mar­ chines of our owp factories could Co. G.^ l^ale^ Guards did not know the coupons were ■' Romania end Hungary. 1 Representatives, of the Sertice members o f the Women's BapYlst counterfeit. O PA recommended a ^tomorrow afternoon, and Judging Bolton Outing Vadera. shal Konstantin K. Rokossovsky's furnish ample pure metals of a bet­ The ^ lo le picture enlivened cluto present, including Francis Mission society j f Connecticut at duration suspension."' \ ) from the entries a great variety of The band Is fairly well equipped forces, with Sthe help of Gen. ter grade and at-lower cast than a c tiv it)V ll along the eastern front Outiu" oil SuiulaV Miner, American Legion; Raymond the Hartford Seminary Founda f-enDtoys o f vagetablea, caMMd with Inatniments secured through prompted Moscow reporters to., Jlygmunt Berllng’a First , PoUsh imports when, used In the potodcr- A aimKar recommendation was Smith. D. A. V«; David McCulIum, tlori. made to the case of Murray Gins­ Faculty of Principal donatlona by Individuals and pur­ cable that there were indications army, continued to w a g e'd stub­ ed metallut'gy process, J. C. Tar- 1' ■ ■ ';V- ■ - ' Becauae the church “haa acceaa -SfciSiir br««« ““I '**5 chase of other Instruments un- bkll of (Chrysler Cobporation'a Am-; Y7 D.; John Ltnhell, V. F. W.; Rich­ berg fl^ N ew London who did not gi Mwara and fn ilU ; also fdncy work that Stalin had resumed his alt-oiit born fight for the city. to the doom of the American com- avsilahle through private funds. Russian triumphs . in mountain ,,plex Division told'the Rotary.-Club The apmial outing of Company ard Veen. Marine League, and the appear at yesterda.v's hearing. to tavanilee and adulU, wlU to ex- Baiiliey'» Schoob at lift'ensive toward ■ Germany Itself. .munlty” she aald, the'government Manchester has a large number warfare, which included the cap*’, at Its meeting Tuesday evening at G, State. Guards, w’ill be held Sun­ -Army * Navy and British Ameri­ A.,, Blx-monthr auapenslon^ was Mdted to Interest and intrigue Berlin's announcement that Rus­ haa welcomed the asalatance of Picnic on Monday. of youthful' musicians and the i ture of more than 100 setUeifteiUs the Country Club. can Club all went on record as dis­ recommended in the case of' .4 everybody. There la no entrance sian troops were flgliting In the day at Ihi Villa Louisa from noon church workings In the solution of original registration for the .band by Gen. Petrov's forcea, created Tracing the history of the sci­ until 9 p. m..A program of sports tinctly favoring the purchase o f Charles Th om jw n of New London IM for exhibits. atreets of Praga meant that Mar- the GUlf Lots as a site for a memo­ these problems. Miss Fergueon l<: _An excellent program wUl be In- Teachers of the Hollister street was In excess o f 50 pupils but^due ahal Konstantin Rokoaaovaky'a still another terror for the Hun­ ence, he told how,, tl^. discovery will, be held in the afternoon 4rom charged with Mqulrlng counter­ to the Decessary arrangementa garians, who. already are in des­ Was i4ade 'in " in 1543, but rial to veterans of World War IL said she had worked wUh Japa­ feit coupons worth *500 gallons of III ‘ uliMifl with the admission fee Frt- and Robertson schools were cn- tanka, artillery and Infantry final­ noon until 5:30 p. m. When a Chick­ nese Americans on the west coast, made in studies to permit attend­ perate straits in Traqaylvania. the process' was probably first ap­ en and spaghetti aupper w ill be gcaoltne. He said h.'^ bought 1100 te a v e n ln g . the tlckeU carrjrtng a tsrtainsd Monday afternoon and ly had gained the ascetuiancy In ah ance at practice aeaslons, several Hungarian and i German units plied by Wkllaston. an Englishman, served. The chairman of the outing In' Chicago and In New York. gallona worth and "tfbund" the ehancd to win a $88 W ar B

HANChZSTEB W EN IN d HERALD, MAHCRESTER. CONN. THDRSDAT, IER 14, 194^ WANrMP.M'KK EVKmNO TTETRAIiD, MAIfCHESTETC. »xnfN.. THTmSDAT, SEPTEMBER 14.19441 < — b wno—1080 Royal Sees ea g n e ' 1 w D R o -in io *8 Radio WNBO—ItiO Today 5 Games or More :\ - 'A. Givilian Life Is Normal W as Tima ./ BosterO Naivy S ^ n g BAT. Player, Team Position O AB R H RBI SBH 3BH AVE.' 7 Of Games to Pira1 4:00—W ^C Backatege Wife;<^8:00“^WTICC - / Frank Morgan George, Props ...... > > »eeaaaaae< ..1-. ..ia . LI 89 12 21 11 3 3 0 JUS In France and Belgium WDRC — Service Time; WNBC Show; WEWC — Suspense; Del Conte, Propa * ...... If. 17 58 17 28 13 2 0 . 1 .488 -Ftenk Blnglser; WITOC This Season -^Feroda of Stars. ■WTH Katkaveek, PA’s ...... eaaaeeep* 18 52 21 25 13 4 2 6 .481 Seriea Begtee Monday IS 4 7 8 2 0 0 .487 Lffaders Drop 11 o f ! 4:15—W n c —SteUa Dallaa. Cobb, . J ...... , ” V ’ ...... c f , *■ 6 4:30—W ir e — Lorenso Jones; 8:16— -<-8outhern Harmon- Dslodyk, PA’S ...... ,, ■ •,, 3b, 17 60 8 .25 17 . 4 0 1 .417 Reporter Says That Res-j isers; WNBC — Lum and Abner. Signs .Point to Another His Polish Americans ..and 15 Game* in Lato Hlu Helm SrtM, Fmulty AdvMi^ Plays in Hartford • WDRC —. Ad Liner; WNBC •— White, W. S, ...... ___ ..2b; IS 41 8 17 10 6 0 0 .416 the Pratt and Whitney nine of THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 Compil^ by Students of Manchester Hijih School I idenls of England Suf* 'nmo VIeiws the News? V 8:80:—w n c — Third Naval Dla- Fast Middy Outfit itiis Diune, Barons ...... ,...... 3b. 9 82 3 18 1 0 0 0 .406 ^■on Slum p; B aca' trict Play Contest; WDRC — West Hartford will meet next 4:45—w n c — Young W ldder Strong, Barons ...... 2b. 6 20 3 9 • 2 2 0 0 .406 Monday and Friday evenings i fered More During the I Brown; WNBC—United Tress Death VaUey Sheriff; WTHT — Fall;* Armyv Bucknell Johnson, Filers ...... If. 18 45 12 18 12 2 1 0 .400 It Fast Clip; Yanki, News; in the Air; at the West Side Oval In UMlr News. Lavey, W. S...... If. 6 10 3 4'- 0 0 0 0 .400 best two out of three game Raids Than Her Allies* I 6:00—wnc — When a Girl Mar­ 'WNBC—Americim Town Meet­ Look Good. . .394 A's^^^Mhed Out. Four Quartets New New H. S. Teacher Boys Called Class o f1944 Scattered Far; Daniels, W. S, »eeeeeiee« 1 ,,,, 3b. 10 33 7 , 18 •6 2 1 0 series. The first game waS Summer Work ries; WDRC — News; Ad W fer: ing ^ Dftdalt, Fliers . . . . . 2b. 16 46 10 ' 17 6 6 0 0 .870 By William Smith White WTHT — News! Music; W?®P--^*00—WTIG—Music Hall: WDRC scheduled to be played lost By CMp Boyal e'-^ e e • e e e I 11 41 7 15 11 4 1 0 .366 Xu Music Set-Up —Major Bowea Amateur Hour: Jacobs, PA^s...... rf. Tuesday evening but wet i With American Armored Forcei I -Tarry and the Pirates. New York—The Navy has nqgde Becker, PA’s ...... cf. .. 15 44 10 16 11 1 1 0 .864 America^ L ^ ^ m World Hertea Was Various To Fight Fire Majority of Boys in Services 6sl6—w n c — We Love, and WTHT—Gabriel Heatter.. ground forced a postponement. stock gained a fevrapinta today as in Belgium, Sept, 7— (DeUyed)— I a habit of taking 'em over every­ Hutt, Props ...... ab. 8 25 2 *f 0 1 0 0 .360 Lemm: WNBC — Dick Tracy. 9:15—W niT—Screen Teat. 5 1 0 0 .857 the four Idle contendehi,^th noHS*' —“Civilian life la normal te I 9:80— w nc — Village Stpre; Brown, W. S. . . . . lb. 28 Id 2 For the purpose of artnocfncing For the purpose of informing M.4>Oollegei Ruth Graham, Eastern 8:80-7-WnC — Just PlMn Bill; where down through tha yet|r8 Sexby, J . v .. , . . . .• • •, aa. 6 .20 3 7 4 ■ 0 0 0 .360 Ing else to do but waltvfor tk n . this year’s choir membf'rSi; a meet­ Man. Div. of FFF» Called F every respect and morale la li)gh."'| WDRC — War Conlmehtary: •WDRC — Ctorllas Archer; WHT schedule and sunshine te catch 57% of Pupils WorkM H. S. as to the whereabouts and Nazarene College; Helen Griffin, All signs point to boys in blue do­ Bycholski. PA’S . •eeeeeee. . . . . lb. 16 43 10. 16 3 8 0 0 JM9 I That sentence or some cIo^| Baseball Scores: WTHT — Tom — Sammy Kaye OTcheatra; ing the same thing on the gridiron with them, analysed the fate Of Jtha ing of all choir ’‘try-ouU" was To Fijilit ,P’ire«; Still the fields of endeavor of the most Westbrook College; John Groman, WNBC—SpoUlght Bands; Cor­ Groen, PA’s •eeeesee ...... If. 17 50 17 17 3 4 0 0 .840 Gridders iteld ■ As Surveyed by World; ' parallel has 'concluded thenfep Mix; WNBC — Jack Armatrong. this season —certainly In the Snst, .384 S t Louie Cardinals who bad f called by G. Albert Pearsph, music recent alumni, thfc World has con­ Army: Donald Gustafson, Navy; 6:45l-WnC -- Front Page Far­ Roy; Filers...... •eesesseea ...... cf, ’ 17 62 21 18 9 8 2 1 Burning Tuesday. Gloria Gustafson, Travelers; Betty the Civil Affairs officer of this ar* I onet Storj’ Teller. if not In tha country. ■? fiSS their first m son aeries since 18 Mostly in War director, on Wednesday; Sept. 13, ducted a survey of the class of mored division—Lieut. <3ol. W il-I rell; WDRC — Swoon or«Croon; 10 :00— w n c — Hamry Savoy; O'murke. Fliers ...... aa. and dropped 11 of their last U . 1944. It is noticed that the majori­ Hasbrouck, P. G. course; Jacque First, of course, ore tha Mid laaeaeaee-pe e-< %'^’e e e « » 8 21 - 4 7 4 8 V 0 0 .833 Back by Rain in the assembly hall at 8 a. m> llam E. Dahl, former Ft. Worth, I W niT—Superman; WwBC — WDRC—The First Line: WTHT Ballou, PA’S ...... games. line Heatly, Williraantic Teachers shipmen of Annapolis. If ever 1 • e e e e • • 0 0 fi24 There were many , different 'The Manchester High division ty of the fellows are in the serv­ 'Texas, lawyer—has been making I 8ee Hound. Henry Gladstone; WNBC — Rich, Fliers ...... • e • • • . 13 87 14 12 6- 0-,. Pittsburgh became the first club It was announced that in order ice, while many of the girls have College; Barbara Henry, Drafting powerhouse football squad . was Surqwiec, PA’s . . . If. 11 28 S 9 2 1 1 0 .821 ; types of Jobs held this Summer by of the Forest Fire Fighter Service over and over again as this ram-| 6 :00— 'W nC — Nawa; WDRC — Raymond Gram 8v/lng. In four yaara. to beat the cards ' to give an opportunity of choir entered colleges of defense plants. School, Pratt and Whitney; Lois paging outfit-broke through town I ready for all foes, they’ve got one Mock. Rockville .. » • e • e^a rf. . 15 35 8 11 . 5 2 0 0 fil4 Practice SesMons Are ‘ II. H. 8. students, ,flui|:lng frona training to more pupils, two choirs VBLS called out iast Friday at ten News: WTHT — News; WNBC 10:15 — WTHT — Tiny Ruffner; over a season's play when they : Following are the names and oc- Henry, Aetna; Barbara Hess, Ad­ fter town in France and'^lgium. I WNBC— George Hicks. on the banka of tho Sevarn. Fog^n, Rockville teeaeee* . . . l-i,. p. 11 . 29 5 9 2 2 0 0 .310 : s bellhop In the ^Adirondack will be formed, Wne for freshmen a. m. In response to an appeal —News. The Mlddlea’ new coach, Gomdr. Blanked by Rain; swept another douolebeader lart cupatlona of the ’’grads". The list vertising Dept. Sage Allen; Gladys ' "t is a particularly algnlficantl 10:30—w n c — March of TUne; Ramsey, Rockville ...... 8b. 7 26 7 8 7 d 0 , 1 .808 night 7-8 and 10-6, for a 12-10 and sophomores, the other for jun­ from the Connecticut State Forest Hewitt, Travelers; Richard Hodge, aenbroce, for thia has been a spear-1 6:15 — w n c — History In the Dr. Oecor Hagberg, has so many 1, •. * • 3b. 11 36 10 11 3 0 o ' 0 .806 Mountains to needle idropplng. A iors and seniors; However, the is as yet incomplete snd will be Heidllnea; WDRC — Georg# B. 'WDRC — Here’s to Romance; <3. Smith, W. 8. .. Squad Shaping Dp. edge In gemes. 'The Red Birds L. T. Wood Ice Corap^ny; Shirley p<^ntial AIl-ABoerica becks, ends, e e a e a e e seseaea# 7 14 6' 2 1 0 .805 mUS;Over hair or approximately] Round Table Singers, consisting of Service for hel; in fighting a fire continued in next week’s issue: head^vlaion, and if great'hunger I Armstead; WTHT — War Gar­ WTHT — Music: WNBC —>Joe Boucher, J ...... 2b. 46 haven't’beaten the Pirates in their Enes Accornero, Montgomery Hollister, Boston'University; Con­ and aichneaa had existed anywhere! E. Brown—Stop or Go. tackles, guards and centers, be Marsellis, J ...... saasaeaeseesf ,. • • •, lb. \ l 8 43 4 13 6 8 1 0 .303 fifty-seven per cent «*f the stu­ twelve voices, w’lll be ' selected in Glastonbury which' had been dena; Concert Hour; WNBC — doesn’t know what te do with T be football k^lto at' the Waat last 10 meetings, a tie being their Ward’s, part-time; William Addy, stance Hunt, Rourke-Eno Paper along thV.line. Dahl would hayel 12 :00—w n c — News; WDRC -i- Kapiira, W. 8. . . . e e a s e-e »•••#■• p. 11 30 8 9 6 7 2 0 .300 best effort. dents spent the summer worklngr from both choirs., _ progressing all the previous night, been told ofsit first, and in detail, Shell Digest of the Air. them oU. :.aeoordlng w a survey of summer Mr. Pearson surprised th^ group Ellis Coat Co.; Lucille Agard, Co. I 6:30—W nc — 'Strictly Sports; ^ew a: WTHT — News; WNBC Side Oval for the local Hlgk school Frankie Frisch baa had the n ie boys left classes snd went in Cushing Academy: Robert Allen, Elsie Pallen, Cadet Nurse; Flor­ because of tnb,simple fact that hla | —News. % — The Navy also has been good nlna ffks curtailed, yeeterday af Pirates rollbig in high gear at a -.'activities taken In the various by announcing that four quartets outfit v«8_therb,flr8t. WDRC — Jack Stevens; WNBC to the Eastern colleges specialis­ ^ looms Monday. Of the seven hun- will be formed, each group consist­ a Forest Service truck and stu­ Navy: Ruth Allew Aetna Fire Oo.; ence Pallein, Nurse's Training; —Parade of Stars. F1:15—w n o —Harknesa of Wash ternoon when old Jupiter Pulvlua 763 clip since Aug. 9 and at tha Gilbertte Palchat, Nurse’s Train­ ing In salt-water trainees, par­ ; iOred ■ sevimty-flve students work- ing of four members of each voice: dents' cars to the spot where Col­ Robert Alvord. A. S. T. P. at Nor­ Lila Lee No ReorNHunger ' 6:45—w n c — Lowell Thomas; ington; WDRC — Joan Brooks; was in town and washed out the ,600 season mark for tha first time ing; Winifred Pentland, Simmons The fact la that ’thjs division has I ■WTHT — Music;. WNBC — The ticularly Dartmouth, Yale and Twi two t)undred flfty-nlne were soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. The chester and Portland High school wich University: Barbara Ander­ WDRC — Newa; WNBC—News. ! Leads echeduIeJ drill. as the Cards dipped below .70(1. ors; two hundred, and five, fortunate 16 students will spend a son, working at Manchester Me- 0>IIege; Despo Peperltls, Pratt Lila Lee, noted motion picture e-cbuntered almost nKroal hunger! Music You Want. '* Bucknell. The Bisons may wel -Wllh mere than 100 candidates PHclMrs FaU to Lm « boys were already battling the 7:00 — w n c — Mualc Shop; ba laoeled tha dorkboroe team o: dors; one hundred twenty-nine day under ,the. supervision of Noble blaze. riiorial hospital; Nancy Anderson, and Whitney; Adeline Perkins, star, who will’ be seen In the in all its march througlriyance and I WDRC — I Love a Mystery; 11:80—w n c — Canadian Music out for the squad, the task of The National League leaders Sophomores; and one hundred Cain, well-known in musical cir­ University of New Hampshire; Hairdressing; Helen Pesclk, George Abbot production of "Kiss Belgium and there have bqen only I In Wartime; WDRC — Viva the 1944 season.* selecting the squad Uiat will cam* were havtug pitching trouble with The crews worked on the fires, a few scattered appeals for'fpod— I WTHT — Fulton Lewis, Jr.; It’s goitag to be tough.selecting Leaguers at Plate ' ' alghty-two, Freshmen. cles. Mr. Cain will conduct a choir Miss Helen' Whipple, newly Shirlej Anderson, three week Colt’s; Elden Piper, Navy; Alma and Tell” which comes to the WNBC - F r ed Waring Program. America: WTHT ,—Nat Brand* Teatorday*e Resolta laign undei the school’s colors will Harry Brechecn falling to go the which were continually springing more butter here, more meat there. | ■wyruie’e Orchestra. the best back of tbe year In the Eastern It Is very evident that M. H. 8. consisting of members of many comes into the Home Econo ml up in the dry woods, until four p, course in music at Westminster Ponticelli, Hairdressing; Irene stage of 'the Bushnell Memorial 7:15 — w n c — News of the je decided upon during the forth- routs in the opendr and Max l.*nler students have not let up on de­ school chbirs at the Bushnell Me­ department. Ponticelll, Hartford Empire; Bill Civil Affairs has an elabor 11:46—WNBC—Something for the Bast but It’s sure to be mie of ; (FlayofI) coming week when (Coach Tom auffering his fifth auccessiva de* ’ m. when they returned to Man­ College, Princeton; Edith Andiaio, in Hartford for an engagement of setup for bringing food to World: 'WDRC — John Neablt; fense Work which la the type of morial the last Thursday and Fri­ University of Conn.: Betty Aus­ Preston, Army Tank C?orps: Nor­ four perfonqances beginning to­ WTHTr-Muslcal Quiz. Girls. these: "Bullet Bob^y” Jenkins or Utica at Horttopd (rain). Hamilton Player Posts Kelley will be able to get S better 'eat in tlir second. Rip Sewell and chester to eat. They then went needy—but that aystem hasn’t yet| 12:0O—w n o —Newa. Hoi Hamberg of Navy; Doug Ken- Albany at Binghamton (rain). . work the majortty of those work­ day in October. The four quartets tin. Jr. Cadet Nurse at Waterbury ma Provencal, Travelers; Tina night. 7:30 — w n c — CharUe Chan; line on hli hopefuls. kavicr Rcsclgno took credit for back to Glastonbury and worked been needed. 122:05— w n c — Boxing Charics na or Dean Sensonbaugher, Army; American Batting Murk pf .5 3 8 ; Garry 44 Me* the Pitt u'lns despite two (Cardin­ ing were doing. Factory and farm will represent the M.H.8. choir. until late'In the afternoon. Work hospital; Jewell Averill, Kempa; Raimando, Pioneer Parachute; WDRC — Mr. Keen, Tracer of Local Sport ' work rank very high. The num­ The first A Capella choir will Marie Robba, Cheney Bros.: Bar­ Hunger there has been, and I Lewis ■vs. Willie Pep. EHtlng Johnsem, Bucknell; Allen New York at PbUodelpbia (2, Cfeach Kelley will carry a squad al homers by Johnny Hopp and ona was continued Saturday and Sun' Norman Halch, Navy; Lester much of it, but for freedom and not! st Persons: WTHT — Arthur Del Conte, Props, Sec­ ber of students employed In these meet on Tuesday at 8 a. m. in the Side^Kicks Baum.- Wriverslty -of' Conn.; Rox­ bara Robertson, Secretarial Work. le; WNBC — It’s Murder. 1 :00—w n c —Three Suns. RTchards, l4nn State; Frank rain). of 44 men thiqyear, four full teams each bv Itay Sanders and Ken tav** work were as follows: assembly hall, while the second day with the Red Cross Mobile for food; for liberty and not for| 2.:15—w n c —^TTromas Mancinl. ■ Muelheuser, Colgate; Johnny (Only games scheduled.) .. and with four elevens to select Ills O'Dea. Johnny Barrett and Babe ' Units bringing food. Bbya were anne Beckwith, Insurance; Betsy Univeraity of Conn.; Marianna State’s Crops bread. 7:4(S-WTHT — Adrian RoUinl’s C hatter ond with .3 8 3 ; Katka* i a a l factories; S7; aircraft. 10; choir will meet on Monday morn­ Well, we're off to a bang-up Barnard, Telephone Operator, Sapiens#, Pratt and Whitney: TriorWNBC — Cheater Bo«(les, 1:30—w n c —Strings for MedlU' Small, FCnn, or Hal Clayton of National varsity out of, he hopes to uncover Dahlgren hit for the circuit for the Victory Corps farm work, 45; and ing. start in tho other (shall we say again called out Monday and Apart from the spiritual suffer-1 tlon. Dartmouth. Cincinnati 4, 2; Chicago 1, 3.^ Mias Bernice Banforth of Rqck- several laoa to replace practically Pirates, a 7\i'eaday. i.artford; Pearl Blnks, Enginebr- Lucille Sargent, Burton’s office; ing and dread of the German boot,! OPA. veck^ PA’s, 3rd, .381. work on their own farms, 178. Following are the members of better"?) half of the sports do­ Virginia Schaub, Pratt and Whit­ When football practice aterted. Pittsburgh 7, 10; St. Louis 3, 8. ville won the (Connecticut Wom­ the entire squad of last year’s Rainy w.eather In PnHadetphIa ings of good old M.H.S. The F .FF.S. w4a organized last Ing Aide, Pratt and Whltn«y: At Low Point these people seem to have cornel Boston at Brooklyn (.2, rain). en’s archery championship for the The type of work which the the first choir; Marjory Btsaell, Cambridge Secre­ ney; Alice Schmidt. Cambridge Naval Academy foes only hod to Bullet Bill George of the Hamil­ championship eleven who have ro'/bed the of next highest, number of studenU Alice Adams, Joan Albee, Edith winter for the purpose of having out of the war generally unacar-| worry about such grid greats os Philadelphia at New York (2, fourth straight year at the annual now graduated. lU only scheduled action, pushing as trained reserve on call in the tarial School: Norman Bjorkman, Secretarial School: Margaret Sell­ red. ton Props . walked off with the did was store work, which em­ Anderson, Phyllis Anderson, June We have noted that the Physical ers, Fratt and Whitney office; Bill IRooSeV^lt Firsts Cam paign Jenkins, who, while pa y in g with rain). ' tournament held at Keney Park in With 12 lettermen aa a nucleus, back unt'i tonight an owl tilt be­ ployed 174 persons. Other Jobs Biggerstaff, Grace ' Brown, Arne Eklucatlon schedule has been modi­ event of a large forest fire. This Navy: Cornelia Blackstone. Bur­ ,ack of Rain Hits All From what I saw in France ini Hartford. Earl Taylor also of Twilight League batting crown tons; Minnie Brainard, Fox's- Qhttuf Arnnv. the British, Canadian and Ameri-| Alabama, wrecked Boston Ccdlege seven linemen and five bock^ tween tha leading Yankees and ths which employed large numbers Carlson, Jeanne Chartler, James fied to some degree this year, with service baa previously done such in the Orange Bowl two years Standlnga Rockville, captured the senior 'irospects are far from gloomy, Athletics. Once again Idle De* work as burning off the land on Olga Brennan, Traveler’s Insur­ Dorothy Shea, United Aircraft Sections; Official Re­ can sectors, I believe that people! during the recently completed were: Houseworti (outside one's Chippa, 8herwood Clough, Helen each girl starting the year off in Office; Fran Shea, 'A. S. T. P. Speech on Two JNetworks ago; piano-legged Joe Sullivan, American men’s title. 'fbe veteran performers have size trolt, a naif game back, bad a own home), 80 people; Insurance, Cox,' Joe Cunningham. Sidney the correct swimming class—hav­ the aides of’ railroad trucks in Bol- ance Co.: Elaine Broda._Colt’s: have been eating at least as well I W. L. Pet. GBU campaign when he posted a bril­ chance to move In front by .(KN)6 Conn. University; Shirley Ship- port on Various Crops and prolKbly better than generally! Bill Barron, Jim Petit, Copt. Ben liant .538 -average in 11 games. and abllitv to rank with the best. 86; local and other offices, 27; Ctuhman, John Donovan, Richard ing iMen . previously tested . and prevent accidental fires Joyce Bronke, Eastern Nazarene Chose, Leon Bramlett and Jack New York . . . . 76 61 .655 — Pete Staum, a former local ath­ The early part of next week, U New York should mee. and housework (at home), 16. Duffy, Phyllis Dwire, James Farr, now assigned' according to swim­ caused by sparks from locomo­ (College, Quincy, Mass.; Victor man, Deaconess School of Nurs­ in England where I have spent a ! .651 a lete and now a member of the The Hamiltoh ahortstop„connected ing; Rella Siniiamon. Bates Col­ year, although thia does not pre-| New York, SepL 14.—(A”)- ’X^etthree broadcasts showing how the Baker. , Detroit ...... 76 61 weather permitting, will be de­ CTiicago clung to fourth place in Comparing figures according to John Fogarty, and Evelyn Forster. ming ability. This eliimnates the tives. Bronke, Army: 'Richard Buckley, Hartford. Sept. 14 — — The St. Louis . . . . . 76 62 .547 1 Navy arrived home yesterday aft­ for 21 base hits in 39 appearances. the National by downing Oncln* lege: Grant Sloan, entering Navy tend to be an expert or exhaustive I |CBS network has been added to redistribution stations, Atlantic Navy Gets Stars Beck \ voted to contact drill with plenty classes, it is found that the largest Dorothy Fountain. Betty Genolfi, confusion of changing classes in Those who helped in this emer­ Air (Torps; ThereSa Buckley, Connecticut Department of Agri­ Boston ... , ■ •, 73 64 .533 3 ernoon to spend a 10-day furlough. Ibny Del Conte finished in the facrimmage seaalona on tap. natl. 3-2, in the second game of 6 munber of Seniors and Juniors Eleanor Glenney, Eva Gollmitzer, the middle, df the year w h i^ mys­ in Oct.; Charles Smith, P. G. study, but only the objective im-| Ite lineup for President Roose­ City,. Santa and Miami Then Annapolis let loose a Staum la located in.the some out­ runnerup spot when be compiled a gency are Jack Robb, Red Degu-* Secretarial School; Josephine Ca- culture’s interstate crop and mar­ B'e^ch, of the AAF personnel dls- broadside by announcing that the Cleveland , . . . . 66 72 .A74 10 on Frank Scory*#' I were employed In sitore work. The Kazmier Qrzyb, Howard Haberern, tified everyone last year. Ax;Uvi- tis, Rudy Pierro, Earl Modean, pellq, University of Conn.: Doris course; Marjorie Smyth, Nuralng; presaions ot^one reporter. (Chicago .. ___ 63 74 .460 13 fit as Merwin "Ike” Cole, .483 mark in all of the 17 gamea Marlon Snodgrass, Travelers; Jane ket news service reported yester­ velt’s opening campaign broadcast triration command operate. The Mlddlea would recogfdze the four- three-run homer after Harry Gum* . underclassmen, however, had their Donald Hall. Charlotte Hoar, Vio­ ties in all classes begin Mon^y, Bob Stanafield, Ward Sttange, (?arlson, United Aircraft: and England*, the Worst Off \ Fbiladelphi 1 . . 64 75 .460 13 bert had 'turned them back in tke la Houle, Richard Hubbard, Milton so don’t forget to come prepared;.. Sokolowski, Nursing: Sylvia day that crop conditions In Con­ Of course, th e s is the fact that I at for the night of September 23. progrkap kad been on Sunday eve­ year eligibility rule thereby re­ The votes are still pouring in largest numbers working on Earl Schlemlnger, Sidney Cush- Eleanor Carlson, United Aircraft. le already h ^ been ocbeduled for Waahlngton . . . 68 80 .420 18H Sport Briefs^ opener. 4-1. Philadelphia at NeW : farms, particularly those working Jensen, Ernest Johnson, George Stechholz. Bureau of Internal necticut “continued to deteriorate” the French and Etelgians can taka I nings- \ gaining the services of Hamberg, National for the benefit of the local base­ jnan, Philip Dolsen, Bill Robinson, Jean Orison. Colt’s: Bryce Car­ TBC. V the peppery passer and climax York and Boston at Brookiya on theh: own farms. Keith, Marjorie Kloppenburg, Bur­ Girls Leaders’ Club lost no time Norman Comollo, Milton Jensen, penter, Air Corps; Virginia Car­ Revenue; Barbara Stecenson, Chi because of the absence of rain last a*little of thia and little of that I Pet. GBL; ball. Fans who have as yet handed doubleheadera were rained out. ton Lavey, Harold Le Fort, Roger cago office of Steel Manufactur­ week. and put together somiethlng that is I Use of NBC and CBS by the . Talks toni^t: runner; the great tackle. Don in. their opinions . on an All Star New York. Sept. 14.—(F)—Fif­ A large number of Jobs other in getting under way this year. BIB Grady, John Wenzel, Don penter. University of Conn.: Bet­ nocratic National Committee St; Louia ... .699 than- the above mentioned were re- Loucks, " Helens Marshal, Paul There was an executive meeting ing, will enter Conn. U 2nd term; The most serious drought re­ amazingly palatable and nourish-1 BLU, 7:45—Chester Bowles of Whitmire; hulking Jack Martin, Pittsburgh . .600 13^ team from the Tw ilig h t League teen major leaguers, including ■Kennedy, Dave Klein, A. Kottke, ty Carrlgan; Pratt' and Whitney; for this speech ia identical to the 240 pounds of experienced center; catchers Ray Mueller of (dncln- vsaled tbtoiigh the survey. A Marte, Charles Martin, Lorraine last Friday and the officers dis­ K. LapMn, Durwood Miller, C. Grace Carroll, Woolwprth’s office; Sandra Stuart, Aetna Insurance- mained In the southern part of ing. still I believe that of all tha I OPA; BLU, 8:3dvTown Meeting Cincinnati .. .561 19 are urged to iuhitnit them Sunday number, of students worked on to­ McKee. .^Ruth McLagan, Joy Mc- tabulating; Mary Sullivan has en­ the state, the department said, western allies the English have put I plan followed so far by the Re* from San Francis^, "Can • We and veterans Ben Martin, Dave afternoon at the OVal to Elarl natl and Frankie Hayes of tha cussed tentative plans for the first PUllardl R. Kent, John Hansen, Gloria Carter. Cambridge Secre­ piibUeon Oommlttiae for Governor (Chicago ’ . . . . .462 32 bacco,, some In the cemetery, sev­ Sweeney, Earl Modean, Edward meeting tomorrow. The annual In­ tered St. Francis School of Nurs­ filing this report on crop condi­ up with tilings longer with Iesa| Trust Japan to Keep, the Peace?” Barksdale knd Marshall Steves. New York . .459 32>ii Tost. Philadelphia Athletics, have ap­ and Howard Miller. tarial School; BMward CTiapde- ^ewey's telka. Hla broadcaata ______■ » eral fit dairies. In the hospital, and Moriarty, Nancy Norris, and John itiation party'looms in the near fu­ ing Jean Tlvnan, since June 19 tions: complaining than anyone else. Other topics tonight: Put the above mentioned talent Boston ’, . . . . .410 39 peared in every on# of their tcamiS Pallein. The fires, which covered well laine, Air Corps; Donald Chap­ Lima bean supplies have de­ After a really hellish bombing I Ihave been carried either by NBC together with an abundance of ployed by the Propa in the circuit, gamea during the 1944 major la various other places. ture and from what we hear—woe many of th^,^ boys aa burning man, Air Corps: Martha Chase, has been at Cambridge Secre­ NBC, 8—Frank Morgan^\8:30— Brooklyn ... .407 39 Vi In the attraction at^ the. Oval —Marjorie Kloppenburg, '44. Evelyn Podrove. Joyce Prentiss, tarial School in Hartford: Jane clined to a low point at all market night in Londor an Englishman I |er CBS or both.. Of hia next five Prize Play.^"It_Aln’t BrooHlyh?; 9 large, musfular and willing re­ Mickey Katkaveek the stellar league season. unto those new members! I ! over 100 acres, 'were described by Pratt and Whitney; Jean Chltjlan, ounced radio appearances, Philadelphia .397 40 Va Sunday the Willimantic Fliers Polish American receiver collect Lawrence Robertson, Dorothy l^mm, Aetna Life; Mary Topping, centers with the end of the season would remark to you .,uletly that I —Geo. Murphy for Ring; '^:30 v - placements and it’s easy to see will play the Hamilton Props, who Cincinnati tops the Urt with Sanson, Robert Saase, Geraldine many of the b ^ as burning School of Pharmacy, New Ha.ven; near at hand. Drought conditions last night had been “a bit of a do." [ eptember 18, 19, 21, 22 and 25, ed 25 hits in 52 trips to-finish a four In Woody WlUlama. Frank We heard a lot of yelling and fiercely along long lines. Smolder­ Lola Clark; Tuft’s; Charles Eca- Pratt and Whitney: Alexa Tour- Joan Dairis; 10—Harry Savo^ why Navy’s foes ore staying Today’s Oamea reached the aemi-finals by oust­ Siteman, Earl Snow, Herbert Ste­ nard, Fallot Studio; Joh.i Tour- have curtailed production earlier In France, and particularly ini lie first is scheduled for CBS and Oomedy: 10:30—March of ’Time. 'awake nights wondering what to hair behind Del Conte with a .881 McCormick, Eddie Miller and ^Committee Heads screeching going on in the gym ing-stumps and loga left behind bert. Navy: Bernice Elliott, Offlte, lie others for NBC. Eastern Playoffs ing the Rockville Hill Billies from average. venson,, Francis Straugh, Joyce naro. U. S. Air Corps; Wallace than usual. / Paris, a civilian would go into! CBS, 8—Jos. (3otton in "You’ll doS\ Utica at Hartford i8:15). the title play. Mueller. Other National "Iron By Hal Peary Straughan, Douglas Straw, Harry while we were visiting and upon the line of fire apread sparks with Pratt and Whitney: Jamea Elliott, The movement of snap beans'’is transports of horror in* describing! To date, neither committee has 81 (Her men” are Angle Galon of Brook­ The Great OHdersleeve Investigation found out that it wras the help of the wind and the dry awaiting draft call; and Jane Tracy. Navy; Cafolyn Van Wyck, heduled .any broadcasts by the Never See Me Again"; 8:30— Pp\at West Point the Cadets Albany at Binghamton. Sweet, Wilma Tracy, Norma Turk- light with top ‘quality in active de­ some bombing he had suffered. I Death Valley Sheriff; 9—Major started'concentratlng on the Mid­ The averages were based on lyn, Tommy Holmes of Boaton, My greatest thrill la sports came Chosen in Sr. G.R. some girls prahtlcing for the cheer- woods easily burned in many England. Grocery store. Cheney Bros.; Walter Von Hone I biLU or MBS for the two princi- Amerlcaar Coach Tom Kelley of the High Ington, Rosalind Turkington, Rob­ mand at good prices: I have seen more civilian bomb-1 Bowes Amateurs; 9:30— Corliss dies at the first prSiCtice. Coach playing five games or more in * the Phi! Gavarretta and Don Johnson some time between the hours ot ert Olson, Audrey Waddell, Sidney leading tryouts which, incidently, places. Crews were kept busy as Post Office; Gene Walton, WilU”: ing damage—with all Its parallel I Ipal candidates, although these New York at Philadelphia school football squad has received were held this afternoon. We ex­ Howard Falrweather, awaiting mantle Normal School: Laura Beets are in light supply. The Archer Drama; 10—First Line. Earl Blaik m determined that the (night). circuit and 31 glayers posted an of Chicago, Ray Sanders of St. dne and two a. m., SMt. 4. 1938, T h e girls who will act as com­ Werbner, Doris WIganowske,' Jane ths new fires were being reported draft call: Joseph Falkowski, Air effect in civilian loss of life—In any I lialna have been and are being k needle of help with, his-gridiron average of .300 or better. Tbe Louis and Babe Dahlgren of Pltte- In a room at the Rite-Cartton pect to see a list of the chosen few Walker, Cionn. U.; Helen Warring- late crop is not sizing ^ell due to BLU, 7—Fred Waring Show; 8:15 December encounter with the (Only game scheduled.) ai-pirdnts when Bill Sacharek was mittee heads for senior Qirl Reg Wigren, Lois Wilson, Robert continually. The shortage of water Corps: Mafalda Felice, Conn. In­ dry weather. one of several five-square block I fOE other epeakera Polish Americana, first place win burgh. Nick Etten end George Hotel in Philadelphia. soon. In the woods proved a great diffi­ toh, Orford Soap: Barbara Weir, areas in London than I saw in the] —Lum and Abqer: 9:30—Spot rival .sendee school will find his National secured to help the squad round serves for the coming year were Wright, and Anne Zwlck. stitute of Hairdressing; Walter The condition of the cherges ready to slide the Navy or ners, placed eight players in the Btlniwelss of New York bead on From a drenched Sriuiulcenten* chpsen by the officers of thie club The members of the second culty. Trucks with all containers vlalUng California: Marjorie Weld whole of Paris. For the first time in the six light Bands: 10:30—Stop or Go Philadelphia at New York (2). Into qondlUon.. " American delegation of five that Ferguson, waiting call for Air Colt’s; Lucabelle West. Copywrit­ sprout crop in the eastern part of with Joe E, Brown: 11:30—Musi­ else.-' Boston at Brooklyn (2). select circle to lead the Other nial Stadium, an ex-heavy-weight Tuesday, September It at a spe­ choir wfll be: Tennis and Field Hockey are available carted water from the Corps; Helen Ferrell, St. Joseph’s the state is unfavorable due to dry The farther you get from Ehig-I ___ that MBS has been carrying teams in the loop. Six West Side includes Roy Schalk of Chicago, champion, battered almost beyond Frances Agard,. Brenda Ander­ starting this coming week and the er In the Advertising Dept, of land in this campaign the mora I Itba World Series broadcaata under cal Mysteries. MBS, 8:30—Sammy Army Has Fine Bseks Cincinnati at (Chicago (2). cial meeting. The chairmen are; south end reservoir. College; Faye Ferris, Univeraity weather. Blaik knows that his bqckfie.ld Ray Zamenak, last year’s players, five Willimantic Fliers, Mickey Rocco of (Cleveland and recogidtlon slowly entered the p v Program, Joan Apurton; social, son, Ernest Arendt, Berry Arner, hockey teams are looking forward John Hansen, '44^ Wise Smith; Lois Whltehouse you come to admire the unobtru-1 exclusive arrangement Kaye Varieties; 0:30—Antonin! (Only games scheduled.) threat halfback and one of the room. He was not alone aa so of­ of W aahln^n, Seattle; DorU Hartford Fire Co.r Elsie Weth- Poor Cabbage Crop Serenade; 10:30—Army Air Forc­ will be okay. The highly regq^cd four members from Plant J, three Hayes. • Carol Hansen; service, Charlotte Wendell Austin, Ralph Azlnger, to using the land south of the main Flrato, Personnel Dept, at Che­ sive, uncomplaining ordinary Eng­ lice ot the veteran Red Barber outstanding gridders in the state, each from the Rockville Hill Bil­ ten happe’M when a champion haa Richard Barker. Irene Benson, building as .the new field. erel, Shuls Hairdressing School; Late cabbage prospects are poor lish people—people who have' suf­ 111 be miaaing from Bte An- es. Kenna appears 'ready to Cllqk. Need Maoeet On Ship Riaithwaite; publicity, Marjorie ney’s; Jeanne Fltsgerald, Quinn’s; with crop growth slow and heads will also Coach Kelley with lies and the Hamilton Props and Fort Sheridan. 111., SepL 14.— loot his crowa. A lovely woman, Kloppenburg, and the member of Dudley Bickford, Barbara Black- Nancy Willet. Phoenix Fire Insur­ fered and suffered again, but who | ouDCer lineup thia season. In hla Speedboy Glenn Davis, Capt To his large squad. - (flh—The 1944 football season for clasped him gently in her armo, Barbara Fox* Westbrook Junior ance; Edward Wilson, Peterspns generally small for this time of Friday programs: Lombardo, Max SMtinor, Dale Hall, two members of the last place the music committee, Norma stone, Betty Blevins, Richard Bru- Swimming Club w ill. also be Principal Advises College, Porfland, Maine; Shirley take it as U comes. tead will be Bill Slater, recently \Chicago—VP)—Sandy, p^igreed the Fort Sheridan team end# Sat­ lightly touching his swollen face netti. Avis Beechler, Elbert Carl­ Studio; Emma Wilson,’ Pratt and the season. Sonne RecoUecUons leased from the Army, who be- NBC, 10:30 a. m.—Finders Keep­ Bobbie Dobbs. George Troxell, bokqr mascot of the Coast Guard Oak Grill Beer Barons completed Airklngton. starting this coming week, so all Freeburn. Hartford Steam Boiler; Market receipts of carrots re­ Information for boxing Yans: In the list. urday—two weeks after It opened with her fingertips. Thene girls, with the officers, son, Nancy Clarke, Albert Di Bab you mermaids better be ready. All-Round Victory Whitney office; Ruthmary Wir, You have recollections such as| ore kia service was active in ers Qiiis; 1:30 p. m.—Elchoea from and the sizzling Sensanbaugher patim.^ frigate U. S. S. Bayonne, the event of rain tonight, the with six achedulcd gomes to be She wmspered; "What happen­ Endk Gieaecke, "CJadet Nurse main light at market centers. will hold their own with any One player hatted over .500, arlU attend Camp Aye-Po fo r a tisto, Elsie Demko, Elliot Dicker- Tryouta will be held very soon. Ckirpa; Robert GiorgetU, Armed tails. College of Our Lady of the these; orte broadcaatlng. He wiU have the Tropics; • <:S0—Lorenzo Jones. went A> W. O. L. when the ship Willie Pep-Cabey Lewis fight at cancelled. ed, Ginsberg?" Estelle Tnylor man, Lois Doggart, Jacquelin Elins; Elsie Wray. Montgomery Prospects are for a small produc­ English girls of 19 and 20 work* I eooperatton of Don Dunphy C2B8, 9:80 a. m.—Blood Donors touchdown babies. that being deorge while nine play, HKe What You’ve .Gotten Into" Those interested better keep their Forces; James Gleason, Marines; tion from the late crop. ^ docked ii^*(Chicago. Tbe ship left the Hartford outdoor auditorium, ers managed tc hit .400 or over. The Fort's origUtal amall squad always called her husband by that Dutcher, Mary Felice, and Bar­ eyes open for tho bulletin in re­ As it is Victory Year, for our Ward office: John Y*wgel, Navy ing in the chill of February at pull­ and Bill Corum, the network’s Program, Arthur Godfrey: 1:80 p. The Army line is a different without' Sandy but when police will be .held Friday. If It rains areek-end September 22-24. At this Edward Glenney, Navy; Gertrude The cantaloupe peak is well past* ing ship cables with bare hands so ^ Bulls and Strikes •uffered loss of aeveral men in lU name. time executive boards from all the bara French. gard to it. country and our Allies, let’s make Kenneth Yeomans, Navy: Ray Km of fight microphoniats. m-—Bernardlne Flynn: 4—U. S. story. Sole returning regular will found the dog Comdr. E. E. Com again Friday, the entire ahow u;lll opening game last week against The ex-chstliplon grinned, bald Walter Grzyb, Eric Haberern, Gorihan, P r a tt', and Whitney with current offerings light and 'rough and reddened that opme* | Navy .. Program. BLU, 12 noon— be big Joe Stanowicz. He will be Cliff Keeney of the Polish Amer­ Hartford County clubs will, meet It a victory year for our school and Thomas Gorman. Army the season nearly over. stock of the Bayhqne returned to be moved up to next Tuesday eve­ Western Michigan by Injuries her at arm’s length for a second Janice Halladay, George Hansen, times they bled. , " In teking a new CBS Saturday Glamor Manor; 3 p. m.—Morton flanked by some of last year's re­ escort the pup back^to the ship, icans went to hat 63 official times to discuss the problems of their By the wayi we heard something for ourselves as individuals, advis­ Corps; Nancy Goslee. Cplby Jr. rinea Wednesda: of next wees. Irrigated celery is generally in The barber back in London who ning. to head the list. KatkaVtck and while seven other players are to and ‘ then, with the faintest Richard Hassett. Elaine Haus- funny the other day. It aeema that ■time at 7:80 p. m., this weekend,. De|wney’8 Song: 4:15—Don Nor­ serves and Plebes. Even so. word "Any sailor will tell you It’s an be transferred to other Army ae- twinkle of a welted purple eya^ ehibs. V chlld, George Hewitt, Betty Hohl, good condition but prospects, in had been three times bombed out some teachers, aa well aa pupils, ed Principal Edson M. Bailey at. number of members In their clubs America In the Air, dramatlza- man MBS. 12:30—392nd from the Point U thatjthe Cadets 111 omen for a ship to losKlte mas­ ’ To Have Straw Ride slgnments next waok, CoL Georgs ■aid; "Honey, I forgot to duck.” George Hubbard, Robert Hutson, unirrigated areas remain unfavor- and now ca.Tied on in a T.ttle hole I Army Baiid: '2—Cedric Foster: wUl have a better, foster charging were a bit confused by the lettOrs the first assembly of the year, These groups held open discussions .sble. in the wall Under a sign which Itlonf in tribute to the U. S. Air cot and not recover It," hSxsaid. H. Cushman, commanding officer, To mv wray of thinking, his Corine Jeskl, Leonard Johnson, B. O. and L. G. which appeared on Girl Reserve Head IForces. will lonOlude a aeries of 4:45—Handy Man! line than lost year. Hartford, Sept 14— (/f) ,—Be­ standing there and "taking it” in Phyllis Johnson, Richard Johnston, The asembly was held on Wed­ on the toDlc brought forward at Prospects for a late caulifiower read; "In Case of an Alert, we gO said in announcing the cancella­ Girl From Albany soma program cards and when the the ’’forum." Some of the topics crop are generally poor. Hot, dry Bncknell a Contender One Shot cause "not evbn a cabin cruiser” tion of all but one of its remaining front of ail tho people -In that Mary .Kehl, Sylvia Keith, Marion nesday, Sept. ’ 3, at 8:37 a. m., in on Working. In Case of a Direct | As for the other colleges in the girls came over for gym thej^ heav­ At Conference discussed were world affairs, tak­ weather has caused ricey forma­ Hit we are Closed.*’ also provided for' a referendum on available-for their traditional contests. hotel room even more indelibly Kelly, Henry Klssmann, John ed slgha of relief when they found order to thacuaa famiUar rouUnea East, a big squad of Navy trainees m official *3oat Ride,” Coast Here Few Months KJellson. Lois Kluck, Paul LatU' ing our places in the world, Uvlng tion of heads. Recollections' of British and Cm* the question by the union’s 1,200,- Idaho Falls, Idaho— !| and The poet eleven, defeated by Inacrlbed Jock Dempsey as a truly out the letters B. G. did not stend and regulations of M.H S. Princi­ ISeck Accord wiU make Bucknell a champion Mrs. E. D. Visstng went hunting Spars reerpits Friday night Western Michigan, 67 to 6, JVUI great champion. lippe, Dorothy Linnell, and Henri­ pal Bailey and Chester Robinson, together, vocations, personal lly- Eggplant remains in fairly good nadlan soldiers back on the other 000 members, was defeated' by a foy Boys’ Gymidhowever, tor some Girl Reservea frt?n the New Ing, understanding _ minority volume at local markets. end when the greater part of the vote ex 6,463 to 3,801. ship contender if the boys aren’t antelope, vowing that they’d ration will hSvs a “straw ride" aboard a meet Great Lakes Saturday at tha 1 *T tike Manchester High very etta Lloyd. wo say, there was no harm In hop­ vice principal, presided. transferred before the/ season themsel’ves to one shot. , hay w agon d ™ ^ by two Perche- ■ Tony' Marelotta. Marion Mc­ Many important conditions wore England sUtea, New , Yirk. and groups and religion. Peppers ore still In fairly heavy German weight in France waa be­ Once the no-strike issue Is set­ Naval Training Center. much and everyone Is so-friendly" ing, Better luck next time!- In Union Vote tled, Sidney Hillman is scheduled ends. Coach Woody Luttedg will ) One was enough, too.' Mrs. ’* ron horses, Instead, Ensign Jeanne Sam Roy of the Filers tallied the Guire, D orir McGugan, DUrward V '»---- brought oqt, the first being school New Jersey gathered at Camp Besides learning how to better supply with prices showing an up­ ing met there—aoldlera who by said Jacqueline Dretcher, former­ ward trend, the very nature of thlnga rarely to address the delegates on the field a bunch of husW veterans sing got the Job done, right behind Humphrey, recruiting dffl moat runs, 21 apiece—Tony "Del Tulsa, Okla., Sept. 14.—(F)— Miller, JeaneUe Mceown, Loretta attendance. It waa mentioned themselves, the girls enjoyed many the shoulder from 359 yards. cer, said. (Conte collected the moat safe ly ot Columbia High school, Al­ McKinney, Ellen Murphy, Claire ' We are expecting to see the gym Bonnie Brae. Blar.dford, Maaa., to hours of fun. Camp Bonnie Brae Cora Prices Higher were in 88e headlines but who CIO Political Action program. who can give and t]i^ ^ th the Golf’s two hottest performer#, ROLLER classes change a good deal in ap­ that not only do employers often beat of them. / bingles, 28 to lead Katkaveek and bany, N. Y., when asked her opin­ Olds, Marion Parker, .Louise Pers- request the’ marks of their appli­ take part In the Eastern Region is iltuated on a lovely lake and Sweet corn qfferjqgs ore much went on attacking patiently and | tu | o Workers Defeat Byron Nelson and Harold (Jug) ion of. M. H. S. She wfnt on to ex­ son, Grace Robinson, John Rog­ pearance this year when the new Girl Reserve Summer Conference, awlmmlng and boating were en­ lighter with prices higher on good endlessly. Yale will hava a ten, tricky Cbarll' Dzladyk of the 'PA’s by S MeSpaden, were beaten, 2 and I, gym aulti start appearing in class. cants for employment but also Proposal to Revoke t^e eleven. Coach Howie OdeH la —Dziadyk led . the parade in the SKATING plain that her previous high school ers, Margaret Sasiela, Richard their attendance record made in held June 22 to 29. ThU Confer­ joyed during good weather. How* quality. " by Ky Laffoon of (Chicago and was only one-half the siSe of M. H. Well, we leave you now hoping to ence was attended by Grace* The harvesting of good quality Urges No School faced with e sltuaUon exactly re- runs batted In column with 17, George Schnelter of Salt Lake Schubert, Lee Silveratein, Dot M.H.S. . - . ever, there waa also work to he Nb Strike Pledg^ SpQrts Roundup '8. and whs combined with a gram­ Spalding, Arthur Steele, Jean see you all prepared in the gym Brown, pretidient of the Senior done and each girl did her share of slicing tomatoes has dropped ma­ veroed to that Of 1943 when he Katkaveek, Del (Conte and Moose City in an exhibition yesterday. Opens mar school. Stratton, Stanley Talarksi, Arlene and swlmminx claasea •■this next Since the beginning of the Girl Reserve# of Manchester.’ Tha keeping the camp-ln order and terially but local markets remain To Stay 3 Years Holiday V-Day had a line of little experience to ^ o rre ll of the Hill Billies all ac- Schnelter collected birdies on Jacqueline is • taking- a college Tedford, Lois Thompson, Susan week. ^ school year, it has been noticed purpose of the conference waa to well supplied with ,i(>e canning Grand Kipids, Mich, Sept. 14— j frimt a veteran bockfleld. This By Hugh Pl^erten, gr. , (“form al). . . . Second Air FUrce rounted for 13 apiece to trail tha the second and thlru holaa and that traffic becomes hea'vter. ■ Stu­ serving as a waitresa. Friday Night course of English, Geometry,. Todd. Dorothy Tracy, Susan help the girls prepare themaelvea stock. ’ Inside Germany | -A retoliiaioa caning for out- season Odell has five 1943 starters . New York, Sept 14.—(FV— Be­ over Idaho, Southern Branch (the PA^'tefrd baseman—Leo Dadalt of want on to finish with a 68. three dents can 'ease this by conaldera- The evening programs were very in tbe'Ilne but the bockfleld. has Latin I , . and Biology. 'ler many Trqstenitzer, Barbara Turkington, for taking their places in the enjoyable They were held,In the Potato yields are light in dry, Ight revocaU« of the no-strike Hartford. Sept 14.——“V* side winning the American Asso­ Superbombera likely will take ail the raers connected for six two under .par. MeSpadan ahot 70, Nel­ interests include ice skating, Robert Turek, Ronald Vogel, John tiona If pupils ■will'stick by the world by giving them Ideas on how upland areas, and fairly good on ■ ’ - ‘ ' \ been stripped ot every varsity baggers to pace the loop—George At M. A- BalcR At drivlhg, and riding. School corri- large dining hall where a huge pledge having" been defeated by Day should not be regarded as a ciation . pennant, the Milp’aukee branphea, the trunk and the son 7i and Laffoon 74. cheerleading, swimming, journal­ Vlttner, Gaylord Webster, Janice to improve their clubs, help out In fireplace helped create a cheery moister soils. Irrigated aoreoges London, Sept. 14.—(A*l—OfflclaU I performer. Brewers peddled more than 8100,* roots.) with three triples led in that de ism, dramatics,. singing,' and Whalen, Eleanor Winzler, Donald dora will also be in orderly condi­ their communities, and help each are yielding a good crop. The haf- nearly a two-thirds majortty, dele­ school holiday In Connecticut, Indians Face Tough Foes partment—Five. pleyert ’ accounted Albuquerque, N. M., Sept. 14.— tions of pupils will stick by the atmosphere.' One evening short being conslderad for posts In tha 000 worth of Ivoryj to the .^ajors MANCHESTER clothes. Wilson, Jeah Wilson, Robert Wood, Macey Conference member of the club Improve her­ veating ’of Chippewaa and Katah- British section of the Allied com- gates a t the CIO United Automo- miyn Dr. Alonzo G. Grace in 1 Dartmouth, will make it tough One-Mlnate Sports Page*:^,'....- for home runs In'the season, each (F»—(Coach Willis Barnea of tha niles and stay to the right. talks we** given by people rep- dlna continuesrtn the Hartford- this saason and plckad up about "Jacky” expects to atUtid the and Charlotte Worgaft. self individually. resentteg different oectlona of,our miraion . to administer Gerinany Ulg Workan 0(*nv«tlon twrn«d bulletin seat to superintendents of for all foes if Coach Elarl Brown a dozen 194!l prospects in the ex­ When a Chicago store started hgd ohly .one—Bob Osborn'«f ths New Mexico football team won’t The subject of marks waa Four ’’experts,’’ or people who ToUand county area. T h e outlook can uncover some exjiert wing- SPORTS Northfleld School for Girls in "Yoojioo, Connecticut, are you- country and some foreign coun­ after Jthe war are being Informed ■y to a oompromiee pr the state. change ... .Looks as tf a salesman selling ammunition to hunters the Hill' BIIIIm ' pilfered 15 sacks te be I surprised If his footballera err January. thoroughly discussed, with A's ^specialised in one certain field, for thq Green Mountain crop , la they -muat agree to stay at least Jy a little more oocepteUe to men. Tha Indiana from Hanover other day, It askad for police pro­ finish 6 ahead o i bis nearest rival occasionally, in thalr game with all going to the 2:00 conference?* given six credits, B’s given five, tries. The places represented in­ poor aUthe present time although Any observance oh that day," Is more valuable than a second CENTER Bill Moorhouse, ’41 Thia waa .tile way one would be ’went to conference to help the cluded, A larm s, Wisconsin, kWne. fhree ve«r*. oet tatemational union ofltcera. hava the toughest schedule of baseman te ' a mlnpr leamie club tection f ir s t .... Since" Joining the and -teammate Bicky Hlrth—Dus­ the Army Air Base from Amartel- and so forth toward g ^ u atlo n girls out. Dr.- Fred Bratton and a good >.raln in the near.- future Under the plan (MiUliiad by The mlddle*af-the*road plan, says Dr. Grace, ".should be tem­ any teani, Including Notre Dame, ty Cook of the Filers posted tho lo, Tex, Saturday nlgbt. JThe com­ Skating Wednesday and addressed at the Senior Scout con­ honors. The Importance'of a good Nevrioundland, California, Eng­ would aid proapaete. ___ Incidentally, Boss Bramhtm ■Dodgers; Ben VChapman has failed, ference held at Camp Macey In Harold Burke, both of Springfield. land, Poland, Scotland and Czecho- many here,,Berlin would be the lamploned by labor’s well-known pered by the at the fan of and 11 they ooBse through will- of the minors bos warned those only once to drive homeji_ ron In ^ t fielding average, of any play- bined experience for the squad Practice Pays Visit to M.H.S record was brought out, and dally Moss., were the "experU" on The harvesting of ' Elbert# Friday -Nights! New York last week, according to Blavakio. One afternoon m timely seat of the commission, represent­ suthee brothers, would keep the Germany represents only a partr merit liatlohal attention. . Inactive leagues not to be too a game he pitched. . . . Santa AnltS eg in the league’ when he went adds up to Only nine years of col­ 4Sc. study given aa the way to obtain world affairs. In the field of voca­ peaches ls ,a t the peak with the ing the United SUtes. Britain-and rlke pledge In effeot in all Holy Crpea will depend on nu- through 16 games without com­ lege football. • Admiminn Maryann Balch, Manchester’# dele- meeting centering-about the three major producers planning to com­ way mark In tho termination of hasty in their revival plans be­ already has a work crew readying In Three Sports it- tions, Dr. Edith Lawton helped the major fottha, Protestant, Catholic the Soviet Union. Each country | ar plants until boHi Germany nibroua freslunefi. Harvard, mitting a miacue. (Tax Included). Bill Moorhouse, pharmaciaU Flris find out what they ore best plete operations'next week. Blber- thia global; conflict” and by the cause of the manpowrer altuatlon the track for the race- meeting Tha Student Clouncll was spokwi and Jewish, waS held. A person'of i , - , ■ ,.1 , would have a controlling sphere— „nd Japan are beaten, huf*WMdd Princeton and -Boston College . .(Chick Meehan to oMUring scheduled to'Start Dec. 80 Philadelphia, SepL 14.t-(F>— maU and US.T. used as a hospital Fifty-two glria, mostly Jimldla of as being tho legialattve body of suited to do by giving them Kuder ta size la running amall which is Ruaslahs the eastern section, not apply to plants engaged ta oi* knowledge "that thousands of our don’t ekpeet very much and have The Detroit Tigers look IlkS tha Football, soccer and cross-coun­ d aeniors' In high school, repre­ each faith spoke'and then the aub- cutting origtnaI^_ production eatl-j_^^^g,„ nortWest and* the another nation-wide tour to line When be learned th at'Jake Hall. ship is now home on a twenty-w school’s student government,mt, anaand preference•reference tests,teats. Dr.v r. jeon Jeon stenoen- Menden- Jeot waa open fwj dlscuaaion. Other produotion after the war te own flesh and blood have died on carded- 1- at M.edlral School try-out and teat of her suitability charge. By The Associated Press lier, UA-W. vice president, te leaas and Insuring a durable peace; fOotboN season opener Was pretty ♦ratwing drills, ^ u l Brown, who- Wa alaa apply taoCa for the field of nursing, which she •t reaffirm our faith in the freedom well defined after yesterday’s rain- tasted ice cream* in tlx months rived here Tuesday, will go back than three and a half IWHirs te the admires the Ehiglish people . for Philadelphia—Dr. Walter Hugh* j iipport of the measure sponsored used to live foothoU 26 hours a and asked kls wife to send "SOme their great courage, but'finds the , plana to enter, she spent the great­ of religious thought through pray­ enforced mdoor. driJI. in the gym. Both ajo expected to choae. Bulletins sipped bock and nldawalln. Word was received durini John Daley of '42 called at M, „Yale School To Ppen son, 63, authority on deafness. y w brother, Victor. "Let’s t^ day, said: "Football Is Just Incl- good Penm^vania Jmetsels."... forth between the aquad cam a r’* 8cots more friendly. While over­ H. 8. qn September 11. John is er part'of the summer under su- er for those our fellow schoort ghoildan (e a sy )...-In ­ waa to|n*d. too, when he found moaquito hi willing slto te town." proved that tha NortnAUantie is tfi February when she will-enter-' Carolyn, M.H.S. ’43, are in Michi­ V-12 chaplain tralneeli. bringing 1933 after 23 years on the bench.* I wMeli tha sugar has now fl^ b le tbe year romi(i, both east- d a anabuneed previously Olga nurses training st the Hartford gan. where Carolyn has completed ^olved.** - ‘montal social institution: refrain Welqer, *


Tho ,average driver.' protoetj . bis Men (to his hei’thborl ; Do'-• 1 H(,$l.|) (iVI-jKYTHIM; rightiof.-way with' ,the ferocity of your y/lfe play lhs_ piano hy eari FQP. SALE—4 ROOMS of. furni­ lipneaa shielding hVr tMlbs. NeigHi>or She iiset her hands ture, period living room,, blqnde Q a s i ^ d Sense and Nonsense Officer—Didn’t y o y w a x me yell; end feet at it, . But ah* certainly Coupe, heater and radio; assist in local shoe; store. Experi­ Inahogany Bidroom, bunk becls,^ for you to atop ? doesn't use ber’ ears or sHe would lampi, ping-pong , table, miscel-'l rriaht !»««. nka Servie*. l«a Lady Drtver-^-No, air. play better Oldamoblie ' 2 door sedan; 1036 ence hel[fful, but not essential- tho big girl who does not b^Kve look out for har. Plssaa drive care­ Dodge 4 door sedan. Cole Motors, Kinney Shoe iStore, 603 Msdn S t ' laneous. Call . 530b. Ivldisemen^s Hers is a leUer, wrtttan hy Phil Officer—Didn't you hear me blow' ‘^Ropairing ting'off marriage.’’ She gave him Baniff, addf aased to all automobile ih Santa Claus. We talked about fully and d;;lvc. slowly past the my whistle? » ^ The moe^ diplomatic hiaband in, STEEPLE TOM CLEANS out 4164.‘ drivers, which la an excellent piece a lot of things — tremenduously schools and interactions. atnl chimneys, specialty. Call Mag- Wanted Autos— For Rent For Sale {when Jennifer had left them. "She a shy.' deprecatory smile. ’Tve LAdy Driver—No, air. 'town has baeh found. "Dear,’’ he F o r R e n t ' For Sale PIANO TUNING and repairing; Situations Wanted— I PIECE WICKER set and rug. been ss^ed And now Tom Beck- of propaganda m a good cauae. vital, unimportant things; then we pleaae remember t|utt children run Officer— Didn’t you see me sig’ addreased his wife, “could you find nell'a Drug Co., Main street v 1941 CHEVROLET SPECIAL de- Motorcycles player piano apeclalty. John Call 2-0203. Taps you round her UtUs linger, stalled apelUng, reading and aiith. out from behind iparked motor ^ luxe 4 door sfdan, heatet deluxe Male 39 T o Buy ley is begging me to marry him Here it U: nal? ^ a ahirt to sew these few buttohs i T o B a y T o SeU Cockerham, 28 BlgeleW atreet t’s nothing to you how late she bmUc—and iim t to bed. cara." A lady Driver—Ho, air. ^ oh?" • . ) FOR SALE—3 OR 300 CORD of equipped, good tires, gunmetaJ WANTED USED CABS—Wljl buy FOR SALE—MAPLE beds with ays out with that Tob BedUeyl’ an that we can apend Ida fur­ ‘Dear Driver; standing wood, on good road. Call any year or model. We will pay TeL 4219. ELDERLY MAN does plain house ...... lough together. Of courae, I bald­ “ She’s 'oack there now—back In Officer—Well, 1 guees I might gray, guaranteed. Price $1,095. bureaus, meta'- bed and oil heat- { Hs startled her by a burst of "Todky my daughter, who ta 8693. top prlcea for well kept car*. Cble painting at low coit. Phone 8819 ly know him. Btit who knows the nursery—sound sfleep, with Lady—Well, well—chahging ta as well go home. I don't eeem to be Get Brunner’s proposition. 80 er. 243 Center street.' aufhter., ’’It all comes back to eeven yaara old. sUrtad to aehool prinrees BUzabeth (that’s a doll) tire, .young man? Trouble Motor! at Center. Phone .4164. kvenlngs. / . anybody? You and Manoa must aa iMuai. Sha wore a dark Wue doing much good eroimd here. WANTED—RIDE TO COLTS Van Oakland street' Private Instructions - 28 Apartments,. Flatsi . BS. You are your own mother have felt the same way. I love cuddled In her right an” . Toti fel- Young Man—No, madam, hot at IxMt and Found GAS RANGE, swhite enamel table j s j^ g the same things sh^ said dreaa with whit# collar. She had loara woulon’t hurt her, would all. just get put every few mitfs Dyke plant 6:48-4:18 shift Call top, used about 6 months, rea­ Tenements ^ \63 her, but what If I should turn 1 Dream-Man ' (Jhiesgo - .(iPj —Edward Daunor- 1941 DODGE DELUXE’ sedan, hj L O CUnON — Self-confidence Uve Stock—Vehicles 42 t I uasd ts bring you horns on buck akoaa and wore Mue you? You see. I’m her daddy. and jack the ear up to aave nibbel ks, 26, who if feet', 3 inches tail,' ilD triV-C^W PUPPT dog near 6625. » radio, heater, beautiful Beige Business Services Offered 13 sonable. Call 7997. out to be like her 9a a wtfeT glovaa. Her Cocker Spaniel, My dream-man. caAie a-ridlng on a 6 gained through correct speaking. 3 ROOM, FRONT apartment, fur* I late. She was always sitting uP ' HUyard felt cold. Hadn't he When her doll la broken or her fin. and gas. ' -. charged his wife. 'Isabelle, 26, with 466 Woodland atrcat ChHd'a pat tires, like new. guaranteed. ’41 Foreign accents removed from FOR SALE-^UERNSEY cow; whoae name le "Scoot,” aat on tbo snow-whlto steed. ANY PHOTO COPIED, enlarged, f l o o r s a n d in g . WINDOW SHADES—Ve n e t ia n nished and heated, central, rea­ Iwaitlhg for you. If she caught a i heard Margaret aay those very or her head gets bump>- cruelty in a divorce suit and ask­ can 6433. colored, framed. Arnold Studio, Chevrolet Master Deluxe 3 door, speech. Coaching In school sub­ halstein helfc^i red;. mUking riimpae of me she gave me hell, His plumes were tossing high,, and Laying and Finishing bllnda. Owing tr our very low sonable. CaU 6951. same wor Is about her ohm mother from potch a ^ .*^"***2t •*>' ■ *"it when she starts Haven’t - VouT mv heart took heed. , ed Superior - Jiidge John A. 206 North Main street Tel. 6780. radio,- heater, good tires, guaran­ J. E. Jenaen.n-Phone 2-0620 jects. Gregg shorthand. White goat; two.six months nannies; remember one night— many once? Yet there are certain things belief la the folly at educstion as to school, when she walks across SUarbaro for temporary alimony. ijOBT—TOT SPTTZ dog," white teed. Get Brunner’s proposition, overhead, get bur spbclal low (Its— when you said to me, she waved 'good-bye' and atartod We have seen them do it His ki'asea were like honey on ray If No Answer—5329 Studio, 709 Main. Phone. 2-1392. billy. $35 for aU the goats. Also prices on high grade, window FOR RENT—5 ROOMS, steam I one miuit never admit. Jennifer the street, then she’s In your - Daunora.s said that after he and with brown aara. Anfwera to WANTED — PASSENGERS to . 80 Oakland street pulleti, ducks, pigs. At Groes- heat and garage to reliable par-1 doved’—that's what you caUed off to the halU at leaminf. hands. ’ And admit it’s some feat- trembling lipa. lOtXte. can 8806. Colt’s, Park street plant 6:60- ahades and' VsbeOan blinds ‘ Com­ ran on: Powdering their noses His pockets held no monejl —' but his wife separated he lost h^ Job ASHES AND KUBBISH rpmovM. beck' E’arm, Vernon. TW. Rock- ty, Ao small chUdren. Jones | then — ’Beloved,’ you aald, “She's ao horribly insincere— ’Ton^ht we talked about “ She’s a nice kid. She can run in a foundry owned by Mrs. Daun- 3:18 shift Cyi 6571. ,______1936 DODGE COACH, radio and Tel 2-1588. W. Scbultx, pletely tnatalted. Samplsa fuivlah- |*what are we going to do about :hool. She told ms about tho II • In a rumble SMt. Whst mattered this? ix>8T — BCLLTOLC containing Help Wanted—-Femab 35 vlUe 507-12. ed. Capitol'’ Window Shade Oo , Reslty, 86-38 Oak street. Call| axcMA with you and am Wh like a daer and darts about like a My dream-man came a-ridlng oras' faUier, where she la employ­ sum of monejr and pictures, in heater, good tires, small down 8254. ^ ZotherT She still weare a bustle she meets outsiders she puU ' Us girl who alta in front of her chipmunk She KVm to ride horses ed. "She also notifled hla -draft payment $5.u0 weekly. Trades WASHER, VACUUMS, Electric WOMitN WANTED FPR steady ’TWO 2 1-2 YEAR old Guentsey 341 North Main atr^t. Phons sn her brain and hobble skirts the girl with the golden curia — Wifey—-Marie, don’t you think through my drowsy sleep. Tlclnlty of North Manchester. \A utom oblles for Sale 4 airs and plays the snob till I wsat and swim and hike with me on But when It esme to t>;aklng 1 board which reolaaaificd him 1-A “jdom says I gotta coipe right accepted. Get Brunner’s proposi­ motora, etc.,. repaired. All parta poaitioirsnow and postwar. Good milking cows; also young pigs. 8819. 0|)en evenings. <- Ion her legs.’ That’s sshat you and the boy acrosa the aisle who Sunday afternoons, but I cannot- my husband is a dimwit ? Can 3-1368. to scream at her. Wl*en she gets Marie—Out, madame. he ' found him in s /.Ijeep. . and heia"'-e of hia^draft status, he Ijome after the war*l Over and FOR SALE!—1937 PON’TIAC 6 tion. Open Monday, ’Tueaday,. and available. 24-hour acrvice. Charg- houra, gobd pay. New System 106 West street, RockvUle. Wanted to Rent lused to 'hay.’’ makes riinny faces. She told n be with her all the time I have to ea C. O. D. Mancheater 2-1439 8 PIECE DiNING ROOM set, superior she’s ' simply pitiful veree amusing id at dark. - Kathryn Wilson. aaid, he cei.'t get a job. not stop and play any place!* coach, radio and heater, $375. Wednesday ’UU 9 p. m. 80 Oak­ Laundry. Hazilaon atreet walnut. Chambers gas range, { What she said now was mip- You're sJwsys cunslherate, chival­ about her teacber. who baa eyes in work to pay for Wer clothes and lOST— TAN. WATER ‘PROOF Call 2-1673 between 5 and 7. land street. Phone 5191, mbmlnga or evenlnga. BUSINESS E X K C U ri^ with I laosed to be very withering: the back of her head--and abo\it her education. So pleaae h*lp me WANTED—H3G1H SCHOOL girt Poultry'aiid Supplies 43 Norge refrigerator. CaU 3064. wife and daughter desires fur­ rous. gallant; but Mama's as rude Jacket Reward. Call 3-1504. " "What did you have to drink to you in public as she Is In pri­ 1940 PONTIAC TORPEDO 4 door 1989 PONTIAC COACH, 1937 ALL KINDS OF tractor work, to care for child ^ ter school and nished home. Ehceellent local ref­ |at the club? Yoii must have One Hit, One terror plowing, harrowing, grading and DRESSED BOAS'riNO chickens. HOSPITAL BEDS for sale or vate. What can ws do about her? RED RYDER sedan, radio and heater, good Oldsmoblle 4 door a«^n, 1937 Saturday*. CaU 2-(KHl. rent, fuUy adjustable, rates res- erences. CaU Hartford 3-76191 latsyad, quite a while at the 19th FUNNY BUSINESS potato aigglng. Alao. :ord wood Phone 2-0769 or 214 Gardner from'5 to 7. - and for her?—and for you?" tires, $1,175. Terms and trades Buick 4 door sedan, 1937 Chevro­ GOOD POSITION available for atreet. •onable. Call Keith’s ' Furniture, Ihole.’’ He Could think at nd answer <5E.T fo tour l*OU5E accepted. Get Brunner’s proposi­ let coach. ’Terms and trades ac- aawlng. Alme LatuUlpe, 758'Ver- He withered into his own room, saleslady. Permanent pMitlon, 4159. WANTED—FIVE Or ' SIX room| thst would not be outrageously' rtoHTlN^ tion. 80 Oakland, street. 5191. cepted‘ Brunner’s, 80 Oakland ' non atreet Telephone 6077. ■ feeling like a widower with a good salary. Silbroa, 881 Mmn St. to flat or duplex In desirable neigh­ unjust either to the aife sad FOR SALE street. CaU 5191. R. I. RED PULLETS, ready 6 ROOMS OF f u r n it u r e , leurly housekeeper replacing his mother whom he must always de­ ELECTRIC WIRING and repair­ lay. 314 Gardner street. slightly «aed, sell all or separate, borhood, by reliable famUy, three I llost wife. Hla eyes ran lonely ing, any alxe Job given prompt WANTED—RELIABLE woman,' 5 adulU. DUl 6430. fend from attack, or to the daugh­ 1^85 CHEVROLET deluxe town mornings a week for light house reasonable. 601 Burnside Ava,, ■along the bookshelvea where a ter whom he must defend from LED H A Y attention. Phone 3975 before 7 East Hartford. Ifew old books had been left by In a Manchester aMan, exceptional car, not driven p. m. work. Call in person, 365 Sum­ Articles for Sale 45 EXECUTIVE WITH national cor­ life. alnc« .1941. Will accept trade. 803 la previoua tenant, Walt picked (Td Be t'ontlnued) Quantity. mit, near Henry street poration, Christian, desires to I I up the first one his hand fell on; Suburb - 1-2 Oehter atreet Hoiuf Appliances 51-A rent house, large or .smaU. WlUl |a little collection of mlB.'ellaneoiis ' Abo S t r a t K ^ Coveiinir Household Services WANTED WOMEN and girts to A 13 QUART WINDSOR pressure pay substantial rent for deslrablel do bench work, steady' work, cookek,Csll 6680. I poetry. Old flattened flowera fell Offered 13-A r a n g e b u r n e r s cleaned and house. Excellent references. Per-1 lout of It, or stuck to the pages Strawben^^edg. AN good pay. Apply Tober Baseball, replaced. Also range burners and manent residence. House prefer-l Elm street FOR SALEt—’iWO POOL tables, had stained svith their Ufe- Y ptm CURTAINS carefully laun fully equipped, good condition. M, range burner . supplies of all able with acreage. CaU Hartford} I blood, mere blots now. He had to Ttlephone 74Q5 INVESTOR'S WE PAY jCASH r^ed by hand,, price reaapnable. WANTED—WCftlEN TO SEW on J. Coughlin, 263 Woodland St kinds. Jones Fumitpre and Heat­ 7-4221. |emile at a quatrain of Oliver Her- 91 Main atreet or Call 2-1077. power sewing machines,' stea^ ing Store, 36-38 Oak street CaU I ford's; FOR GOOD 1 BARREL OF Af^PHALT, quan- 8254. ; . w a n t e d —A 5 OR 6 room housel work, good pay. Apply Tober or flat permanent residence. CaU I "Gather rosebuds while ye may. Q—What vital war materials do Peila Brothers MODEI»rhjRNITURE BasebaU Manufacturing, Eln St tity of slate, 30 bolls of blabk For time brings naught but Bor­ OPPORTUNITY Florists—N urseries 15 2-1001. we get from Braail 7 felt roofing paper.V'Apply 11^ row; • ^ E BUY Henry street ’ \ Machinery and Tods 52 Modern* 4-FamlIy, AS'TERS AT 40 CENTS a doxen, PART-’HME WOMAN for shop MEDIUM SIZE SINGLE house by I |The pretty kittens of today A—Beryllium ore, used for cop­ /Em lRE ESTATES ' work. Apply Federal Bake Shop, per alloya and aircraft engines; 4-Roonr^partment Dwell­ or 3 dozen,, for $1.00. Call at FOR SALE—BABY carriage and ’PkACTOR AND Stationery saw reliable family, within ten mllesl Will be old cats tomorrow.’’ BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES W -h-a-tr 885 Main street of Manchester. Winterized lake| drugs needed to combst tropical ing. $2,o6b Down. Terms y i i you are movbig and have Fred Schuetz, 40 Kenalngton S t, play pen. Inquire at 160 Charter rigs, belting, milking 'machines, mUk coolers. New and used Im­ dwelling acceptable. CaU 4469, On another page he read a mote dlaeaaea and alltnenta; and InaecU- ’ excess Items, call aa. WANTED — 2 Ex p e r ie n c e d Oak street first floor, between. 3 hiO on balance arranged. plements. Dublin Tractor Co., ■ancient stanza: cidea. HVAQ; Waitresses. Center Restaurant, and 8:30 p. m. I**! loved thee beautiful end kind FOR RENT ROBERT M. REID 17 509 Main street. WUIlmantlc. Phone 2058. Houses for Sale 771 And plighted an eternal vow; Q—When did the word drug SAM?fjOh) TH’ OAhVS)«> r - & SONS ! ROOFS OF ALL TYPES replaced WANTE3>—ELDERLY COUPLE Garden— Farm— Dairy |So altered are thy face and mind, originate ? Musical Instrumenta A—During the Middle Ages; It 4-Room Single Allen Realfri 101 Blatai 8t Phone 6183 or repaired Including alate, coro- or woman to live in home and Producta SO FQR SALE—FIVE room house, 41 Twere perjury to love thee Manchester, Conn. poaitlon, shingle or tin. Alao val­ take care of 3 .children. Call years old, fireplace, oil heat andl now." t meant dry herb, dry herbs being ] Realb used medicinally then. Hot air heat. Deepwood leys, flashings, gutters, chinmeys 2-1254 after 5:30 p. m. FOR SALE—APPLES of differ attached garage. Also six room! VATrt'WVi 953 Main Strict • TeL 3301 E. V. Coughlin, 890 Woodland. FOR SALE- PIANO, $15. Call hous«r~fireplace, air condltionedl The icy epigram w’as like a slap ent varietlea at reasonable price. 8897. Drive. $46.50 per month. Phone 7707. WANTED—GIRL OR young wo- 184 Woodland street or 6092. heat, one year old. Both bousesl the face. It wa.s his own story. Q —Are reindeer native to the I man for general housework, in are good buys. Can be seen byl |Tet It had happened s hundred U. S.7 new nome, fa.iitly of. three, no Wearing Apparel— Fora calling Stuart J. Wasley, 755| lyears before to amnebody elseC A—No, the first herds were Moving— ^Trucking— Household Goods 51 {Perhaps It hsd always been hap- brou(tht ftoro Siberia to Alaska. Tel. 5278 washing. Live in or out, own • - ____ Main street Tet 6648—7146. Storage room. Call 8138. 1,627 U. S. ARMY raincoats, Ipening. VERY SPECIAL OFFER He had married one Margaret “ You’ll have to excuse our weather mart— he predicted S«a(A.M. — I2 I0 IP.M. ITED slightly used, appearance Ii|ie FOR Si^LE—6 ROOM HOU3B.I Q—What Item, not ordinarily In WANTED AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO.— WOMAN 'tU CARE for 1 year old Steam beat, oil burner, barn, SI land he lived with another. His the -GeYrnsn diet, are (be ^'asla sunshine today I” or ,6 to 6 P. M. . (For m very limited time only) new, 3 sizes, $1.25 each, or 5 fol ’Trailer van service. Removals child, while mother works, hours $5.00. All sales cash an5 carry. garages, 5 acres j.f land. Inqulrsl Ide had gone away and he. was eating In an affort to Stretch from coast .) coast deluxe equip­ from 6:30-4:30. no housework. FIT UP YOUR WHOLE HOME at 709 Main street Apartment| keeping her successor aa a kind 2 Office Girls 3 ROOMS Brunner, your Packard dealer, 80 dwindling food supplies? PAINTERS ment crating, packing and stor­ Apply 326 Spruce street after Oakland .^treet Phone 5191. 26, after 5 p. m. lot loveless mistress. Margaret A—Edible muahrooau. A 'com­ SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH FULL OR PART TIMEI One Billing Clerk and^lne age AGENT NORTH AMERI­ 4:30 p. ra., top floor. Complete, Including As Follows Iberself was the perjurer, unfalth- mittee in Dresden was established CAN VAN LINES INC EaU- ’Three Piece New Bedroom 'Suite, SIX ROOM CAPE COD, hot watetl Iful to her earlier self; unfaithful to instruct people hoW to diatlp- See Painting Foreman for General Office Work. WANTED—FULL TTME sales­ Wanted to Bay heat, oil burner, full open atalra.1 |to all her highest-duties. . Step This Way, Ooobl On the Job. matea to aU parts o( O. 8. A. TVs MI metal ebU spring, cotton mat­ guiah between mushrooms am^ ALLEY OOP 5167. lady: also high school boy for tress, bed lamp, blanket bedroom house overall meaaures 24 ft. by| Without thinking of the same poisonous toadstools. stock room work. F. W. Wool- chair and rug. * v- 34 f t with full shed dormer, ful­ |words, he was thinking what Lcn GREENBROOKE Write Boz U, worth, Manchester. WANTS® -1® *BUY electric ly Insulated, copper tubln |bad expressed ea' “Breach of ^ range. Phone 7132. Q—What peoples called thelr Three Piece Sprlrtg jfonstnictlon throughout screens and stonnl |Fromise.’’ Margaret was not keep-, literature and folk HOMES Care The Herald. Living Room Suite, r q ^ size rug, talcs sagas. MownwroR-eBOMsoMS exptoi'noM WANTED—ROY'8 bicycle, gobd windows, extra land. Write ~Box| l^ing one of the promises she had i epioa, vedas. scalds ? HAS APO\/S>IW RMJESTtME ( possible on your {wonder if I’ll go the same way th e PHILIPPINES ter and for general inside work. ONE FIREMAN See us beforp you buy or {and brefK my husband's heart. Car or Station 'Colorful Sweater Apply In Person. / sell * (That’s what makes me keep put- We90n. Any Make Women: Weavers, Sewing Machine Opera* or Model from COLO^L BOARD McKinney Brds. 1934 to 1942. tors,’ Quillers, Spinners, Doffers, Control­ Beal Estate — bwnraaea \ 6694 COMPANY 505 Main Street ' NO W AITING lers, Draw FCame Operators, Finishers'and Parker Street - Telephooe 6060 or 6366 WAR BOMDS IMMEDIATE CASH for Miscellanedns'Ojperations.

Trainees will be accepted foellil types o f work. > C A N BE S O ID Tea. we think yoor house can be soM by our ageaey et • ' BRUNNERS All hiring in accordance with Area Stabilization Plan. fair price. OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE m a jo r "^ Ho u p l s an OAKLAND 5T we have oostnenera for:— . Applications for employment may be made at: ‘ Four—6-Boom Singlea. EfsAOfl 3 0 ^ DEP061TEO ^ * 0 0 D HEAVENiS' V'lHS' DON’T Thieo 6-Boom Staglea. . WH * 1,000 l(N Twfc . W HOm: EASiL’y IEMTERTW6 Three 8 Family 12-Boom DouMee. 8AMK AMO-~- MN \N0RD!// PANICS STAR-T?^ GREVMOUNO OPEN United States One 6-Boom Slagte On One Floor. R A C ES 1 Cheney Brothers Two 6-Boom Flats—(Steam Heat). 1XAT 04ILP VUlTM THE —- X CAHi Fl^AMTlC LOOvt,'-*** NFSoAuZe ) MsreAO OF Mon., Tues.,~Wed. Until Employement Just telephoae, write; eall er atop oa on the atreet and tell m about the place you would like to have oa aeU for you. MAS MG RCCEIVJED OF oePosiToRs ROMMlMG TO J 9 P. M. 146 Hartford Koad Service AN iMSios Tip th a t CLAN\ORli'i<5> P0»(E. TME SANK. 1 THB iNftTlTPTVON THeiR SA.NllhL&6 ?—' OAN TO ManchMter, Cftmectlcat $14 Capitol AvanoB ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. Thors., Fri., S a ^ 6 P. M. Hartford, Coaneetloat Beal Eatatejmd Inaoraaoe T’LL <50 BACK iT'i COVER. WN It’s Imperstiva that Mg girls ANO WITMDPAVU' WIFE'S land little ooes-^look their pretti* /vw ACCOUKfT O K A F T i/ J est at partieal The very young wdl AT ONCE f Uove thta UUls frock,with a hm at e MlClkUy FINN ^he midriff and wide akht. A great! AShock LANK LBUNAKD many fabrics would lie adapiabtol I to this charming style. hm JUST OUT ^ n i MM lEBOlM* *-H E U MAKE EECOEOS. OF Pattern No. 8507 comes in sises nSURIN' OUT PHIUP. IHfS QWM BAND MSIOEOP COmeSE, AND THATU. DEW)» 3, 4, 6, 8, 7, and 6 ysars. Slse 4 m f . PHIUPi I MUCH MOWEY HE— / A VEAE AT A THCXISAMP A ‘ ABOUMO 12^000 hfaffij THE teqylrM 1 7>6 yards eff 38-lncb ma* MCMCO to u COME MU1M 006MA MMtf WEEK-THATOISZOOO MOVIfffflHa. NATUICAay WAMT tend. Collar 'and waist trimming AMMOUB BOO AtlOy TOffTHBr i TOSTAETWITM— ' HIM, TOO. PROBABLy AT requires 1 74 yards of rlc-rac. THOUGHT YOUD ^M raOOM B 3 9 0 .0 0 0 A nCTUte.ANOTHBN^ HOMOOTTEN ID TUBMiOE «VHICH, OE THEierSTHE — For-this pattern, ssnd ao .centa OfV THE UeHT! UIHfi ------' \ ^ Mia. Aafw Oihet tn coins, your name, sddtess, sise obtain oorapleta crochstlng M THE MDfftO MCI IFs reikUy a love of a swaaterl desired, and the. pattern number to The red hearts and flowsrs am- InstmeUons for tbs'. Hearts and The Manchester Herald Today’s 0016)0? broldersd on the dark blue ‘wool Pattern Service, 1150 Sixth av> crocheted vestee-r-the crocheted noe. New York 16. N. Y. of jihlte and the shining ittons maks It a awsater