I Iolson's Watertown Garage
Property of the Watertown Historical Society Tiie watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWafertowfi - Oakvflla TOWN Weekly TIMES Vol. 11, No. 483 Subscription Price, $3.00 Per Year. Single Copy, 6 Cents. March 7, 1957 $7,000 Approved' For Emergency Truck Purchase Three Step Program Proposed Subject to a town meeting Development Commission And vote, the Board of Finance has approved a -request for $7,000 lor High School Construction from the Fire Department to. pur- Water Sales Hit At Meeting chase an emergency truck with A three "step program, was pro-, ties rooms and use them for equipment! The Federal Gov-_ Oakville voters at the annual water main, which, 'runs, down upper Buckingham Street from posed, March 1 in a joint meeting:' standard purposes." In their rec- eminent will reimburse the town .Fire District meeting approved of the .Board of Education and ommendations, the Board of Edu- to the extent of $2,750 of this a budget of nearly $246,000 Mon- the storage tank, located 'there*, the School Building Committee to cation had advocated doing this amount, if_ _ the purchas_ e ^ is made_^ , ."3da _ _ y ^ !f' nightX ,jL. ,« ^ »-., u^. AnecessitatinL .*m, ,**m jT ilMLi ^m. £*-mi 'm^ .f^BH .B^. g*9 IB .h* a 2% District jolhcial'^officials notednoted, 'thatnattnt thee. discuss means, of .getting the pro- until- increasing enrollment jus- ThTh,ep FederaTMAT.1l Civirswiil Defensnrf«nne pronro-- ' mill increase in, 'the tax rate, to selling of wafer in this, w ay would gram, for constructing the new tifies adding more classrooms. 1 OTam nrovides the matchine funds 8 mills, and elected District offi- cost the! District, nothing, since high school 'under way.
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