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W-.- -- ---- * _ e a : AUTIYH: CG XIX TAC: :DATE: 30 SEPT 44: : INIT: : :g::): 0*0 .0~~. 0O... TWELVE THOUSAID, FIGHTER-BOMEBEHR SORTIES ;t- * *** XIX Tactical Air Conmland's i'irst Tonth of CDerations in Support of Third US Army in France in Support at' Third. UZ) riny in rance z , 'Y I I I, i El, P,-T4 , 1711I I d'., ,i r I "I'I J , - DECLASSIFIED C OTENTS No. of Paggs Frontispiece. 1 . Introduction. ... ....... ..... 1 Notes on Organization, Tactics, and Technique . 6 Missions of the XIX Tactical Air Colmuand (Photos), . 6 The Background, In Brief. .... 2 Air Operations Day by Day . ..33 Five Accompanying Maps . 5 Recapitulation . 2 Annex 1: Map Showing Location of Units. ..... 1 ^.F^^AIsz Elf'l DEIII SSEI E J.! 21 I1 5 Lieut. Gen. GEORGE S. PATTON, JR. Commanding, Third U.S. Army, and Brig. Gen. 0. P. WETLAND, Commanding, XIX Tactical Air Command. %- ^--*-^ HEADQUARTERS (ADVANCED) :DA2TE: 30 Sept 44: XIX, ACTICAL AIR CG0MAND zT=. .. 6. APO 141, U. S. Army. 30 September 1944. INTRODUCTION Within one month of the day when the Third US Army and XIX Tactical Air Command of the Ninth Air Force began operations together in France, the armored and infantry divisions and covering fighter-bombers of this new ground-air team had broken out of NOMANDY into BRITTANZ, conquered all of that peninsula except three stubborn ports, firmly secured the line of the LOIRE, and swept 140 miles beyond liberated PARIS to within 60 miles of the German border. While the events are still warm these notes and historical record are written, with the hope that some of the many lessons in teamwork and technique which were learned in that eventful month may be of tactical value.
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