Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-08-01
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944 = . ~ .. Cloudy ---...... - THE DAILY IOWAN IOW~: Cloudy, howHlI Iowa Clty'l Morning Newspoper t1VE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, AUGUST 1. 1944 Y" "llOCIAftD ...... VOLUME XIJV NUMBER 260 'om· ~nty , o IVa pro. [It·O Americans Gain 18 -Miles ~:~~~re~~~~=: U.5. Troops Seize Enfire ,uls, ling . t In BaHle of Warsaw I in P with I h F h C lion . n US ~n rene, , 005.. ::::ru:;r.~a;;!';.: 150uthern H.alf of Guam lers. ~re air. Doughboys Burst Out At a Glance- Amphibian Forces Axis Troops in North Nho LONDON, Tuesday (AP)--Red LEATHERNECKS GLOAT OVER SAl PAN SOUVENIRS nan nrmles in another series o! sensa lor. Of Normandy, Capture Today/,s' Establish Beachhead Yanks Extend Control lart tional victories yesterday be.ran I Cify of Avranches Northeast of Sorong the baltle of Warsaw in Poland To Principal Town tied trom a broad siege 8rc '~Ight to 13 , :ers Americanl Isolate miles east of the city, swet to ~p- Battered Nazi Armv Iowan within 12 miles ot German East In Surprise Sweep Unable to Fight Off Garrison of 15,000 Prussla proper, and probably , nen • * * Amerl.... Selle entire southern In 200-Mlle Hop trapped scores of thousands or Nimitz Announces lin· Lightning Advance axis troops in the norlh by I~mg leir half ot Guam. ADVANCED ALLIED HEAD- lhe key rail junction of Jelgava in Advance Patrols Meet eau ~lJrRBME HEADQUAR. U. S. 1'1'00.,. capture Avranches Latvia. I Scattered Resistance T~RR, A lIieil Expeditionary in burst out of Normandy . QUARTERS, New Guinea, Tues- Berlin said PI'aga, east bank day (AP)-Gen. Doualas MacAr- suburb of Warsaw was under So- rOl'C~, 'rllPsc1ay CA P)":"United ! t. S. PACTl"rC l"TJEF.'l' Natlll _ roc k e t - propelled thur's amphibian jugeernaut rolled viet altaek, and the Nazi high I FUn lr ~ Il1nk IInrl infAnti'Y bllr~t HEADQl AR'l'ERS, Pearl Ror· - R. fighter planes. onlo the beaches of New Guinea's command also announced the loss onl of Normllndy y{'~t(,I'c1I1Y with bor (A I')-Yankt'e Iroop have Irt Voaelko pen Ins u I a 60 miles of Kaunas, pre-war Lithua~ian r ,eized the {Intire southern half f ton, 8 mi ghly drivr Ihal swept over Dr. L. L. DIIIIIlIn&1on wlll serve • p capital, to the storming RUSSians I' lice nm·theast oC Soron& early Sunday, whose tank-t i p p e d spearheads (hulln in /I. slIl'priAC sweep, and IllP J11' i~f' rily 01' Avrnnches and on committee investigating Mt. vho Pleasant situation. headquarters announced today. Iwere nearing the border of East bRttlt' lint'!'! show their eonll'ol lay. hpyonrl , engnlfing l'emnonts o[ The landing in the bleak morn- Prussia, cradle of German ~I\itar- \ has b(,l'll I'xtl'nd('d thron{:!h the in II battcl·ed O(,l'mlln Drmy still ing hours caught the enemy so Ism, aeter smashing into Its an- pl'inciplIl town of A~lIno. ms, '" . th t th I nexed Suwalki triangle area Sun- ' Adm. 'hester W . imilz, unable to Tally [or a stand 1 t I b ro to Germans Stand firm comp e e y y slirpnse a e day. cific eomml1nder, 8nnoun ef! in ngainst thc American tide 1'011· beachhead and two islands orf Naals Flee to Warsaw the coast were secured by mid n eommunique yesteday 0 [I er ing down t.he ('OQst or France. Warsaw, hall-way house on the onon I hat. A mcriC'l1n rorel's cut Guining well over 18 mileR in In Florence Section morning. road to Berlin, Is the first United !M-Mlle Hop the island in half with a Rwift one day, with a spepd that gave Nations capital to hear the sound 9l1Rllrg!l llnday. the Germans a sample of the In their 200-mile hop up the ot a liberating allied army, and a Rumors Report Nazis Dutch New Guinea coast to the "Patrols . ent ont to recon AmeriCan brand of lightning war, late dispatch from Eddy Gilmore, noiter the soulhern hulf of the the doughboys stormed across the Resist Desperately little Dutch village ot Sansapor, Associated Press Moscow corres the Americans by-passed Manok island have encountered only formidable See river at Avranches As Proof of Loyalty pondent, sa id thousands of bealen and turned the western flank of watl, isolating a Japanese garrison Germans were choking the Vislula sporadic resistance," the communi of 15,000 there. the enemy's line: ROME (AP)-Desperately re- "This is the last operation ot the river bridges In their flight into Que said. The American forces now were Warsaw. sisting German troops have held ' New Guinea. campaign," a head TRUE PACIFIC ISLAND PLUTOCRATS are the two American marines Jlhown amid their "wealth" on This was the clue to the amaz- • rree to strike across Brittany's Moscow announced the capture ing sweep which added nearly 100 Brest peninsula or east toward tired Elihth army veterans to quarters spokesman said. of more than 500 cities, towns and Salpan I land. Their booty consists of barter-worthy personal battle flars taken trom the defeated Paris, 160 miles away. "small but Important geins" out- "W~ control the' entire north villages east of Warsaw, including Nipponese-and a chance to relax for a few moments to enjoys the spoils of war. s qua r e miles to reconquered Paced by swarms of fighters side Florence in the Pl\st 2. hours coast. It isn't necessary to go Wolomin, eight miles northeast of American territory. ' ahead and take Sorong. We have aod dive bombers which turned an allied communique reported no neeli of it." the Warsaw suburb of Praga. Ot Naval Suppor& lhe highways into death traps for wock, 13 miles southeast of War Electioneering- yesterday amid ..rpwing,indication ' Sansapor and the mlle-long off Production of Liquor Iu. S. Marines Sweep The American line now extends the dis 0 r g ani zed enemy, the saw's outskirts, was also captured, from Agana bay-a mile north ot American columns roared on today that &he Nazi commanders were shore islands of Amsterdam and as well as Radzymin, 11 miles with no sign of slowing, although making a last-ditch stand before Middelburg, also occupied, are 60 northeast of Praga. Will Resume Aug. 1 Through Tinian Town Agana town on the west coast. , the Germans to the northeast the great art center in hooes of miles north and east of Sorong, Stalin issued three orders of Ule Warships fired from both sides of one-time major Japanese base New day. One of these disclosed that fOUght back fiercely below St. Lo convincil\i Hitler Of, theIr loyalty. which has been largely neutralized WPB Gives 31-Day Yanks Hurl Mighty the island In support of the land and Caumont. the Third White RlJSSian army advance. Allies Slue AheM by recent bombings. The new under Gen. Ivan Chernlakhovsky, Newl)' Formed TrJanrle A field dispatch from Lynn landing point is 'almost 150 miles Release to Retailers Aerial, Naval Blow The admiral also announced that The armored spurt of 16 to 18 Heinzerling of The Associated west of'Manokwarl. the young Jewish tank expert as After 22 Months Style At Enemy Remnants mUes merely to Avranches, car Press said ,New Zealand. troops sillOed tbe historic role of smash American attack agalD,t the. Ja,t ried the Americans more thap fO late yesterday were tltlltinlr t~ Sansapor village, built by. the Ani~to ,German lj:lISI P LI*Si~, 1l0W ,* • * enemy defenses on Tinian island, mill!uouth of their jump-oU,point wa" grimly ..... ' Ii l,ooo.(~t ridle Dutch, ,has oalll a .ilIw bouU8\ a was'Tolhng torward on a lil3-mile WASHINGTON (J)~Distll- EN ROUTE WEST WITH By RICHARD W. JOHNSTON 130 miles northward, began early ~ -Of school and a Chinese store. 0/ Lessay and by-passed unknown six miles ljOuthwest of Florence front. It has penetrated 31 miles le~ prepared to start/ht midnight DEWEY (AP)-Thomas E. Dewey ABO A R D EXPEDITIONARY Sunday morning, after more than numbers of enemy troops, some of and were within a few hundred LJ ..b~ O'Poal'len throulh shaUered German lines rep1enisHtng the nation's hard 11- brought out the new fall style of FLAGSHIP, Tlnian island, Aug. 1 two hours' bombing and naval whom were overhauled at Av yatds ot getting th~ir first 51.ht AIthoullh neither nava). nor air in two days, sweepinl up 1,500 quor supply, breaking off 22 (July 31 U. S. Time) (AP)-(Via gunfire. of the city'. bombardment precedea the land- Republican presidential election- 11 Day Campalrn ranches. towns and villages, and might mon th s 0 f $ t ead Y al co h 0 I pr od uc- N a val Radlo)-Unlted States The allied midnight communi The derrnans defending Flo ing, the usual Seventh ~eet escort cross over into German East Prus tion for war purposes. eering in 13 hours of rapidly-paced The Japanese had been forced que said islands of resistance were rence shOwed a 9upr~lr!g _ re- accompanied the invading' :torce. sia by today or tomorrow. or tile country's 129 beverage conferences In Pittsburgh yester- marines swept throuih the borrtb- Into a small jocket near Lalo point surgence of strenlrth over.the week American and Australian cruisers at Tinian's southern tip. The Sec being mopped up in a triangle No Bu.. Jan ContlrmaUon distillers, 121 have notified the day, then put his campaiin on the arded rufns of Tintsn town almost lormed by the newly-captured At- end, throwfnl concentrations of and destroyers covered the opera The capture of Pilvlsklai, 35 war producUon board they will without opposition today and con- ond and Fourth marines divisions , road for a repeat performance luntic port of GranviJIe, Brehal, armijr and inf/miry into fierce Uon to the north whUe the assault miles southwest of Kaunas, put.