J-'-' i

BATURDAT, MARCa W, If VE o B M S i e r ^AGB.TWBLVl Manchester Evening Herald Average Daily Circulation ForeeMt ol r . s. \Vpai.irr Bureun rvr the Mvath «C Fabnuuy, 1646 f'londy, with oreSMlouul light TSiii, hrlaSy preceded with little lead. According to McDonnell the 9,116 very light snow; not so cold to­ hen seems to enjoy the attention Local Captain Getting Air Medal First Lecture night; Tuesday fair. About Town Heard Along Main Street the ohildrea give it. So In these LECLERC Member of the Audit days of shortages it teenns that Rmreun eC Otreuluttone Michael McD. should rate some Here Monday FUNERAL HOME Memtche$ter—-A CUy of Village Charm X vu gcU it WllUun M. McBride, And on Some of Manche$ter'$ Side StreeUt, Too sort of medal. 29 Main Stract I who hai bow conducting eervicet (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1945 nlghUy at Ooepel Hall. 416 A number of local marketmenunapplied. ’The Interior has been a In reading over the list of sign­ Phone 5269 (OlamlBei Adverttalug m Fugu 16) ter atroet. the peat week, will Dr. H. S. Leiper to Give ;DL.LXIT., NO. 136 are to appear before the local rS'.- I drab yellow or what might be call­ ers of the petition asking that the bring ^MClal messageo on the tioning board Monday night, we ed a dirty orange. Now it is being action on a by-law on sidewalk First of Addresses Un- Book of Hebrews, beginning Sun­ \ - painted a shade pretty close to an snow removal taken at the March 11'------day night at seven o’clock and have been told, to answer to any alleged violations of rationing reg­ Irish green. We wonder what or 3 town meeting be rescinded, it Is der Y Auspice. Front Lines in Germany Compared to Pennsylvania each week-night at 7:45 except disclosed that a great majority of Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. McBride ulations reported by an OPA in­ who was the influencing factor In spector. A short time ago when those signing were not present at Dr. Henry Smith Leip^, whose ATTENTION Four Divisions selecting the new color. We have Forces are leaving later in the month for Mindanao the town meeting. By their ab­ address, ''\\[here Are Your Blind the mission fleld In Chile. South the OPA gave a meat cutting exhi­ heard it remarked that the new bition in the Hollister Street school sence from the meeting they ap­ Spots?” will open the Y. W. C, A.'s America. green hue is out of respect for the VETERANS an Inspector from the Hartford chairman of the pdllce commis­ proved. to a certain extent, the lecture series at Nathan Hale Au­ by-law as adopted. Absence or OPA visited the various stores In sioners-- "Irish" McCann, but we ditorium, Monday, is admirably Under the O. L Bill of Rlgh| T oward The billing Workers and Ml»- silence gives eon.sent. Drive on town. In some cases he called at­ don’t think Commissioner McCann fitted to discuas race prejudices— Honorably Discharged Ve Bridgehead on Rhine; pah groups of the South Method­ tention of the store owners or has enough spare time on his How would some of these ob­ their causes and cures. He is the jectors to the clean sidewalks by­ nf the W ar Can Build a N^ ist WSCS will change their all- managers to changes that should hands to devote an,j’ of it to in­ author of four boks on the subject Home Now! day meeting from Tueaday to law fit into the Philadelphia story ? be made, and in other cases he terior decorating. and most of his active life has Wodneaday, March 14, because of If you have ever taken note of the We can supply Plans—Sp San Roquoi Field noted down some violations he been spent among minority groups. BERLIN It has been said that what with long rows of front steps in the acatlon* and Sites. W e Can other activities. perceived and reported them. the cool, calm, collected, calloused After graduating from Amherst For example, some meat cutters residential sections of the Quaker College and, Columbia Universitv, the bpliding and arrang* criminals that have been brought Rush to High Ground do not like to slice off such Items City you will remember that they Dr. Leiper served as minister Y. dnanclhg. Girl Scouts today begin the into the station lately it was only as veal cutlets and leave them In are always spotless. The Philadel­ M. C. A. secretary, war relief You can let as handle the llrst Opposition to F l e e t VftiUamspott sale Oil Easter seals for the bene­ fitting that a cool shade like a the case. Some butchers feel that phians pride themselves on their worker in Siberia during World tall* from twginning tn end a l vasion Light; Sweep^ m ^ ww ' fit o f the work of the Connecticut pastel green be selected. A sort of scoured front steps snd spotless know In advance that eve/ (scrmans Re|iorl Ameri­ Society for Crippled Children, at a fresh cut slice of meat appeals to W ar I. and as educator and relief the purchaser as being better. cold, calming color for the cooler, sidewalks. 'The neighbor with a worker in China between World thing will i^ r h nnt to yn| Over Wolfe Airstrip; /fearfy Hale’s store and Dewey-Rich- as it were. Perhaps the station is dirty doorstep or untidy sidewalk complete satlstactlon. cans Widen Hold to mah’a. It is expected that Girl ’Then, too, customers have differ­ W ars I and II. He watched the N. Russians Prepare being decorated for St. Patrick's is declasse and ostracized by the Eight-Day Air Bom- r a Scouts from the different troops ent ideas about the thickness of the Russian Revolution develop from These statemehts are not More Than Twelve slices. Well. If you have veal in Day. ! other residents Why should not the Inside. Ho followed on the words bnt barhiMl by a man Athnfown^ w ill continue the sale each Thura- Manche.stcr be proud of its good bardment and 2-Day^ Or tjOntOat day and Saturday afternoon until the case In the piece it must bear a spot the early expansion of Japan’s an organization of Undlsputat And Half Miles; Race ticket telling its cost in money and That crack in the Bulkeley clean sidewalks spring, summer, co-prosperity spheres. As a rep­ Integrity. Naval Shelling Help. ------Elaster. bridge over the Connecticut at f„u winter? 1 Cocriilfg For Strong Push .Against Nazi Artil­ points whether by the slice or In resentative o f , American Church 4 ^ the piece. To the customer the Hartford which came Into the — — groups in Europe he saw Hitler’s as 1 mTZT 9 1 ^«"**<* Emphasizes In- PhiiodehhiOi lery Still Trying to Groups 2 and 4 of the Memorial difference Is so small that hardly news picture after the water main There's sn angle to this atl-nlght rise and predicted his attack upon Hosidtal Auxiliary, Mrs. George anyone would pay any atten’ lon. break this week caused quite a parking on the public highways the foundations of western civiliza­ Jarvis Realty! nk-equipped Yanks swept fertorUy Creat C o rn - furore among the younger folks Phones 411? or 7?15 Regrouping Armies to Break Span Seizeil W , House and Mrp. William Knof- But nevertheless failure to desig­ we hadn't considered until it wras tions li.'er Wolfe airstrip Saturday j American Allied Planes Mcie, leaders, will meet Monday nate the difference can be cited as and the newer resident.s in this Hi* present position—executive Week Days and Sundays pared to 111 Reinagen Crossing. brought to our attention the other Tfternoon one half mile in- Start Berlin Front afternoon at two o’clock St the a violation. section. But to the older ones who day. An all-night parking re­ secretary of the American Com­ Strength in Pacific. Memorial hospital. We doubt if there is a had watched that bridge being | mittee for the World Council of J.nd from their invasion striction is of. great asaiatance to Dritw Aimed at Junc­ I’aris, March 12.— (^P)— store anywhere that hasn't at one built and took pride In it so. long the police in checking stolen auto- Churches— brings him into contact leach on the southwest tip of Raid Stettin; after It was completed the crack Capt. Gordon T. Weir, of Ma nchester, receives congratulations tion in Elbe V alley. I German broadca.sts aaid that Manchester Assembly, No. 15, time or another violated the regu­ riiobilcs and hoii.se burglaries. and cooperation with the outstand­ landanao island and at last San Francisco, March — lations in one w ay or another, not on presentation of the A ir .Medal by Col. S. E. Maneo, left, of Long ing leaders among groups active Order of Rainbow for Girls, will in the atone work was nothing . (^,.uising poliremen in places where The Japanese Imperial fleet, repair­ four First Army divisions of intentionally but simply through new. Island, N. Y.. his group commander. The award wa.s for meritor­ in working with refugees, prison­ HOSPITAL liports were driving rapidly • Aid Russians meet Monday evening at 7:30 ^In there Is a re.strictloh lake d


MAXNUHE3TEK EVENiWG HEKALU, MANCHESTEU, CUMN.." MUWL»AT, MAKUW IZ, I94» .roHS club in a hltle fishing villasc in February 1941. He repelved his n the west of England. Somewhere training * t Fort Devens, and after What He Saw the Red Cross staff had dug up a Rockville eighteen months as m ambulance Ruhr, as a producing center, vir- record player and combed the to Fort Smith. A Weather bureau swollen Ohio river dropjjed to •<)- teriican Legion Home drlveb went to England. From lllage for classical recordings. report indicated a rapid fall in the foot .stage, two feet below the top 'Jtuallv has ceased to exist. there he went to Africa and later Allied Planes 'We are certain no town of any W alter Aclamy Engagemen is Final Assault Reid Cross Do And to s ssrious littls group of lood Lapping river, however. uf a section of the flood wall on into Salerno, Italy. Since then he some thirty sailors, o(ric««. R A-F. which citizens and State Guards­ consequence and ho major indus- Church Calls has been with the Fifth Army In trial works worth anytning arc pilots, WAAFS, WRENS snd sol­ men had hurled nearly half a mil­ Killed in War On Iwo Jima| lfo& Fifth Anniversary Italy working as an ambulance diers, they brought the solace of PorUmoHth Winn lion santlbags to plug up the gap Raid Stettin; standing tn this valley," said Mclniosh-Johnfion driver with a (Collecting Company Famed Author Tells of Close to Top Squadron Leader .Alaii Morris of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson of Al­ the music of Dvorak and Brahms in the city's flood defenses. Special Meet in the I62nd Medical BatUUon. He Experience Covering and Beethoven. * Battle of Levee' City otiicials estimated that the the R A. F. PhotogT^phic Inter­ bany Turnpike, Canton, Conn,, an­ have the Governor and General haa received aeveral commenda­ Aid Russians Local Solilier Had Been nounce the engagement of their • Japs Looi ••Flak House” , Of Roadway Port.smouth, O.. March 12 i/Pi — fight that kept out the raging Ohio pretation .section. er 300 Pre^nt at Assembly approve the Initial ap­ tions for driving and evacuation of ' Various War Areas. But mostly I remember a Flak •/ Portsmoiith today had tvon its had saved as much as $10,000,000 He said there were now 6S Ger­ daughter, Miaa Dorothy Elaine propriation for the construction patients under fire and in Septem­ man towns damaged to much the Wounded and Later Johnson, to Staff Sergt. Willard E. (Continued Ftom Pag* Om )| '•anquet; Judge\Shea Rockville Baptists to House up in Scotland established five-fiay "battle of the levee” a in daninge to industrial, mercantile (Continued From Page One) of the Rocky HIU Home and ber 1944 received the Vehicle Driv­ Paul Gallico, famed author and by the Red Cross to which the (Contln'oed From P«fe One) JlO.OOO.OtM) victory. and residential property. same extent as Cologne. Reported as Missing. McIntosh, U. S. M. C„ son of Mrs. stated that ground will be broken Decide on Extending er’s Badge. He wears five over- A few war plants had been car- Elizabeth J. McIntosh of this town. after they were spotted by Toastmaster; ^ tc war correspondent, has seen the tired and jittery air crews were ; An estimated 9.000 residents be­ Mayor John .M, Salladay pro- bombers rontimied, the cnishing artillery observation post. today for a new addition to sup­ seas stripes representing thirty sent tb rent and recover from flak K ’ clfic rAUroAd near Palarm, Ifl miles claimed an end to the emergency blows against the Reich Suiidny. hyiiVg on amid the ruins of Ks.scn. Call to New Pastor. months overseas. While in Italy American Red Cro.ss in action in F;"' northwest of Little Rock, halting gan moving back to their homes Mr. and Mr*. John Adamy of I Many anipera are still wi pfficers Are Speakei ply 325 adtUtlonal beds at Rocky nerves'" The Red Cross had taken I and business places as the flood- at 6 p. m. yesteriiay. switching the main attai k from Its great railway yard, capable of ' 1. he met the Pope at St. Peter's his many jmmts to war front.* P '. main line aervice from Little Rock TRilvurdA to Ihr Hubmarine vanls barullinp mor^ than 10.lX)0 freight 4.% Goodwin street were notified | behind'.Marine lines. over a luxury hotel and kept its Russians Prepare Ihe fiftt anniversary of the Praises .Manchester’s Part Rockville, March 12—(Special) Cathedral in Rome. Before enter­ Here is what he Writes; luxuries Intact—fine beds, clean at Hamburg. Bremen and Kiel. 1 cars every 24 hours, had been kept by the War Department that their ijonel Gates stated that Man- ing the service he was employed at 1 of tpe Dllworth-Comell The members of the Rdckville Bap­ •They say travelling is broaden­ linen, showers, wonderful food, Several small oil refineries at m partial repair. The task of the son. Pfc. Walter Adamy, was kill­ Battle fo r ItCo Jim a ch est^ men, then in the General the American Dyeing Corp. fishing, cycling, hiking, golf, read­ Hamburg Harburg and Bremen bomber command yesterday was For Slroug Push t, American Legion Home on tist church will hold a special busi­ ing. You can bet me it is. Before ¥ f . ed in, action in Germany on Feb. Assem w, had a prominent part I went to Europe as a War Cor­ ing. entertainment. The staff was ahso were' attached. jto reduce those facilities. 22. T^c. Adamy was wounded in Appears All But Over [nard street, w'as observed with in securing the necessary leglsla- ness meeting next Sunday morning there to see that the kids One U. S. bomber was lost in the ------— ------— following the service io decide on respondent, the Red Cross was t France December 12 and after (Contlnned From Page One) ) U. S. Pacific Fleet Headquarte anquet and program Saturday . tlon whlditesulted in the appro- Swedes Report large, vague agency which wai got anything and everything attacks of the Ruhr. I _ lJ I hospitalization was returned to Gaum, March 12—(/Pt— The ba>| priatlon of tlia money to build the extending a call to Rev. Leland L. that their hearts desired. And lit which waa attended by 275 Maxfield of Milford, N. H.. to be­ always setting up Its striking in Meanwhile. American fighter j liof'tor to hiM 'ak the front lilies and was report^ reportrd armored counter-attacks for Iwo Jima appeared all buyi Rocky Hill Hoh)e.* signia as a target for enemy bomb­ how they worked—morning, noon planes stopped two more attempts • missing in action and subsequent­ 22 ionnaires, wives, auxiliary come pastor of the church which ‘Coiivov Battle’ ci. which knocked out 28 Soviet tanka on this nil day of the bipodif fnbers and friends. Joseph HunOw, Department ers and which held arinoying col­ and night, tirelessly. I can still r by the Luftwaffe to destroy the vi- ; ly reported killed tn action. and rcffained a bridgehead on the invasion of the Pacific war as Senior Vice Comnhmder. compli­ has been without a pastor since the feel and smell and remember the To Exchange (lliih The affair was in charge of Past resignation of Rev. Alvin D.-John­ lections at various intervals in the tal Remagen bridge. Three Nazi j Pfc. Adamy entered the service east aide of the Dievenow river, a Icntlcss U. S. Marines /drove I funander Wilfred Clarke, chalr- mented the local po^ on its ac­ warmth of the snack-bar with the planes were shot down near ther^ ; from Connecticut University in link between Stettin bay and the Japanese to iast-stanci/^siUonal complishments and tliKnked Col­ son the first of the year. New York. March 12.—(yp)--The coal fire burnfttg cheerfully in the 1 of the anniversary committee, Rev. Maxfield preached Sunday •'Since I have come back from over the week-end. None got in March 1943 and has been overseas sea. Mb.st of the reniaining N| sted by a large group of post onel Gates for a job weil\ ahall M**vrr forgot thairman Kenneth Burnham of February were' $3,192.70 which opening into Danzig bay ^ miles Leathernecks of Maj. Gi lirecent months. He said such ad- 1 will be presented by thVxhildren of K'lr ho la tKira tf> r**n»«*rntH*r licement was a tribute to the | The Kattegat Is between Sweden at Chartres two days after the fall nml that they should double their the Court of Honor for the Boy represented 56 cases and 70 per-t northwest of Danzig, wajr threat­ Keller E. Rockey'a Fifth, divli the school under the supWyislon of of Paris and the two Red Cross Though tho roat of tl»i* worlii may for- ened with encirclement'' as other l^ershlp of the post and coop- and Xlenmark. war effort. Scouts which is scheduled for Fri­ sons. In January the costa was moving up the west coaat, hi Washington, March 12 -

— the Sisters. During the evening a Clubmobiles that went whooping day evening. March 16. at Ma.sonic $3,245.56 during Which time there Soviet troops strik in g ^ at through sealed off the Kitano point tlon of its members. New Investigations of Army hos­ War Bond will be awarded through. Paris-bound, manned by Mra. Mary Vltullo. Mr. atol Mra. Temple, will read his report at this were 65 cases and 87 persons car­ Pomerania approacited Neustadt tion. Kept P s e e W ith 'Times Basketball Tonight \ fresh-faced, lovely, excited Red Frank Vltullo aint Mr. and Mra. Joaoph meeting. ed for. tWejherowo), Naii . stronghold A flret communique .said thi ,Ie declared that the local post pitals and of the treatment of There will be two basketbaB Orduauce Losses Cross girls- -and Paris still aflame Stivlno and Kainlly. north of Gdynia, A late Soviet war r ' This is a reduction of $52.86 and Marines were "gaining slowj Li kept pace with local events war ,pri8oners, both American and games played this evening for tho^ with street fighting. bulletin report*^. |against "heavy resistance." [1 has on many occasions offered also represents 17 persons less and Axis, will be started soon by the benefit of the Red Cross War Fund "And there waa the quiet eve­ In Memoriam Shuuld File Amended Form nine cases less. Capture of/faydnla and Danzig ■ MaJ. Gen. Clifton B. Gal t use of the new building for drive, a collection being taken at Top Half Billion In hulng memory <»f Marg«r«*t Dou- House Military comtnlUee. ning In the library of a Navy Red In February 1944 there were 58 would leav/the Nazis wdth only Fourth dlvi.sion surged forward jilcipal events and that in keep- the door. The games will take \ DM$im s/ Nstimst D sin Prtdmttt Curptrstim pHn. who dlrd March. 11, IMO I Hartford, March 12 —i/Pi - Col the east coast after starting with this public service the i cases and 80 persons and the cost Pillau mtyA Kocnlgsberg, on the Those two subjects, both inves­ place at the Maple street gymnas­ Father Don't mill tht Stilicn Villist Stors Prosrssn. Thundsyt. 9:50 P. M., NBC Nsiwwh *3 3 ycara ha\c p«^APd since that sa>l I lector of Internal Revenue Frank i goM opposite' Side of Danzig bay, as drive Saturday that epptured Tvn has, and will reciprocate in tigated last year, top a program ium starting at 8 o’clock. In the Chicago, March 12. — — day. j W. Kraemer says that any person j ' escape^' ports for the scores of chiiwa point, easternmost tip submitted to Chairman May (D., first game the Rockville Girls bas­ Losses ^ ordnance equipment T he on** we loved wms called away in Connecticut who finds that he ‘ thou-^nds of German troops Iwo. luhairman Harold M. Reed of the Ky.)) by H. Ralph Burton, the ketball team will play the Hartford alone slnce^-Day in Europe have Gi>d took her home. It was hjs wiM did not list all of hts income or all trapjjed in ea.s^rn Pomerania, the The Third Division, under Mi ard of Selectmen said that the con^itlec's general counsel. • industrial League team. totalled more\.than $500,000,000, But in t)ur heart* she llveth still. of his dependents when filing in- iVIariiie Leaguers Iglon is an important factor in Ddnzig free rtty area and feast Gen. Graves B. Erskine, expani Burton said the committee also The second game will see the Col. John Slezak. chief of the Chi­ John’s loine tax Form W-2 should at [mchester and he complimented Ilualtanil. Daughter and Son. Rrussia. - a previous wedge it had drive will investigate "the "increasing P.A.C. Club and the Comets meet­ cago ordnance district, announced the northeast coast from the cel h officers and members for their ing for the playoff in the second today. \ T"w.nYTInstallationed Amonued Original Filed on rndri Terrific Pressure f^Blght In building a home. He tendency to place Communists or I.e^l Notices ter of the Island to join with round of the Rockville Recreation This valuation c o v ^ some 6,200 (Ah* Re* Sli—iWc Tsskl) W-2.'’ These two ports were untjer ter­ hphesied that the liomc would fellow travelers in key positions League. The P.A.C. team w'on the M e d ic in e —RECORDS— Fourth in the cleanup push. in the w ar department, and the i . tanks, 34,250 generiH purpose AT A ('ul'UT OF FKOHATK IIFLD rific pressure today from the U. S; Army fighter planes froj [v® to expand as the boys and vehicles, 166.900 rifles ^ d other Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Com­ Chiof of Staff O. J. Kingsbury relaxation of restrictions giving | pound is /amout to relieve not only lit Maiii hc^tcrv within aikI for tin Di'<- Thiyd White Russian Army, the southern Iwo air field stra/i Ms of this war return home to Skating tlub to Meet small arrfls. and 23.000 nmrtars monthly jialn but alto accompanying (rlct of MaiicIicsI'T on the Kith iln\ of Lepal Noti'es Communtsts or fellow travelers nf 60 Jarvis road and Sorc^nt at -which has slashed through East Chichi Jima and Haha Jim a in [erlodlc dis­ f o r Prcflciit. WILLIAM S. IITDK. Ksq., ,\T A I'OI'IIT O f PROBATE .HELD I Bonin islands north of Iwo, t( reported. Tank losses, alone w re turbances. Taken regularly—it helpt Jtnlge. al Maiit'hi'm»r within ami fcir the Dls- : injjton street, assisted An install­ a siege arc around the East Prus­ [d the new blood to be added will While a special sub-committee I ping at 7:30 o’clock in Red Men’s valued at more than $200,000,000. ing officer.s of the Silyf-r City De- day's Communique said. build up resistance sgsinst such dls- Fstste of XlattliFw Wior late of Mnn- tiir l of ManrlirxtrrV uli l|i>' lOlli ilav of sian capital. The Japanese on Kitano pol lirk.... out----V, ways1 and means for im- alf'eady is studying War depart- jiall. This will be the final oppor- trtes. Plnkham's Compound helps na- chcst»*r. in siiifl r)i.'*tT Ht. ■Km;' ■Man li. A. IJ.. , lartiiuent. Marine Onrp.s League, (Jol. Ernst Von Hammer, Nazi Were expected to fight on to Dved world conditions apd a bei- policy concerning known (unity for those who wish to be- 4urs/ Follow Isbel dlrectlona Trp it! On motion -of T heresa W ior of shivI ■ I'M-.-lit, WIl,l.l.\.\I .s IIYUK, Ei0 | in Meriden yesteri|«y afternoon coughs ,• ; military commentator, reported way oMife. ______j Communists. Burton said the sub-Lome charter members of the club Mam hciiter Kxei ulrlx. . last man —meeting death undi iFown Treasurer George H. due to ORDERED:—Tliat six month* fn*m 1 KsUl» f.f Anna Slein Miller latr "1 i [!?'/ ( ommandant I Soviet thrust westward American fire or by retreat Ini ject will receive "the most ex- to enter their applications. There Manchester. In said I)jMtru’l. detvaseil. *''VaHrr Miner, formerly of laddell said that he had been the KKh day of March. A. D 11M:> he | from the upper Silesian Industrial the sea or"sutcide. haustive.J.crutInyJ’______I will be motion pictures shown at COLUMBIA — DECCA — VICTOR and the same arc liniltrd and allou-cd Tile Aflminist ralor ha\ mg ♦*.\hil»Ue«! Mancho.stcr, whs the installing of' area within 23 miles northeast of liased to cooperate with the Dil- Hundreds of Army hospitals tonigTiTs flirting of the recent ce LOCAL WOMEN GET (or the creditor* within whu'h to hrinp | his Ji'lmmistratlon acemmt with said fleer. Their resistance was fanatii lirth-Cornell Post of the Legion estate to this I'uurt fur allowance it i* Moravska-Ostrava, guardian city as usu^ under such last-sl and related facilities, Burton said. Carnival. in their chiini.x at;airist said estate, and j Ir its members always had been will be visited "to make a .ssu r-j ley will preside at^th^meeting the said Kvecuydx I* ilirectcd'to give ORDERED - That the 17lh dav of of the Moravian gap. Moscow circumstances, but sigfn.* of dl lie to take care of their respon- Ho s p it a l POTTERTON'S pubitr notit'e to the creditor* to bring March. A. !>.. 19L*. «t 9 .►'flock iw has not confirmed the new as­ Twins Born THODSANOSOF fo rej...... at 111*’ F*n»l>atc Ciff ce. tii ;iaid Leital Notices organization preceded the lat( lilUties in an able manner. ance doubly sure that our sick til their claim * within .said time allow ­ sault. which Von Hammer raid Twin sons were born on Sunday EXPENSE IS NO Used 85 Years At The Center ed by posting a t'^lpy of this order i.n Mu'th liestrr. he am! the .sum*’ is assign ­ American gains. I'hey are all splendid fellows,’ and wounded soldiers brought in at the Rockville City hospital to Open Thursday CntU * P, M. Closed Saturday Al 8 a 0 P. M. ed for a heanng on the allowance of AT COURT OK PROBATE HELD had been anticipated by the Ger­ from overseas combat areas are the pul)|tC *lgn P<*fl nearest to the »t Manchester, within and for the Dls- Reporting from the field Satui lid Mr. Waddell, “and they are Mr. and Mra. Raymond Murphy of pla$‘c where the det eaaed ta*t dwelt said administration ai'ctjunt with said man high command and at least day, Morrie Landsberg, Auoclat receiving the best possible care EXTRA RED POINTS LONGER A DRAIN Soothes Throat Irritation estate and ajH;«’rtHinment of Itelr.s ami trifl; of Manclu’Sler. on the lOth day of Iver to be. found wanting when i 82 Village street. Mr. and Mrs. within said tfiwn aiid b\* puhllshiiig M^rv’h. A. D.. 194S. temporarily checked. Press correspondent, said the Nlj and treatment.” the .same in aom** new.spaper Iwiving a this Court directs the Administrator to |e time comes to put • a plan | Murphy have two other children. ON THE gl\«’ puldir tndii’e to all person.s in- Fr.srnt. WILLIAM S H^DK. Wm- The Russians continued' an offi­ ponese appeared to be mlUinI circulation Ui said probate di.stri«-t } ndge. iroae.” He wished the post and , Meeting Tonight Every day, precious red point* within ten day* frtHii tiic date of thi.« l» rc««icd therein t«» app«*ai ami h*‘ heart! cial news blackout on develop­ about in disorganized groups. Il members success in future The meeting of the Vernon ore being paid to housewlve* who FAMILY INCOME! ..O ne Week Delivery at MacDonald'ei____ thereon by fuihlishtiig a cop\- of tids F.^tnlf of ,Jos**phnie A. Sullivan late firder, and return make’ to this * ourt • f .Manchester in sahl district, deceas- ments along the closest approach­ 'Yesterday's communique lara. Board of Education which was turn ta used fata to their butch­ of the notice given, ord«‘i' in some newspaper having a y ir- f'*l. es to Berlin, from besieged Stettin "resistance appeared to be d( 3c Per Day and Dp WILLIAM S. IIYDK rulation in said District. Ave day^ h*'- Service Men Present I North Coventry postponed from last Wednesday ers. Because thta country U faced fore said day of hearing and Return Upon applU'-ation of Francis P. llau d - at the mouth of the Oder river, creasing at numerous points.' |ToiLStm&ster Shea Introduced with a possible fat shortage, will Pay for X-rays - Boom artd Jad g e. , ley praying that an Inslrumenl pur- evening, will be held this evening H-3-12-45. make to thla Court. / j south to Frankfurt and the Gu- "strong” resistance at Kltan] TpreaentaUvea of other ex-service; at 7:30 o’clock at the office of the these used Utchen fats are even Board • Operating Room - Am-' AVILI.IA.M S J/YDF. [I porting to be the last will and teata- ben-Cottbusforst triangle. The North Coventry Branch o f . ------ment of aald deceased be admitted to point and by the isolated pocki Iganlzatlons present. Nearly all: more urgently needed to make balance . Anoefbesla - Mrdl- RE-UPHOLSTER AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD / Ju d gr. the Red Cross is sponsoring a con- 1 Superintendent of Schools, medicines, synthetic rubber, gun­ M-,4-12-4,1. I prohate be granted on said estate, as Driving tq Outflank Port was all that remained to repot ‘ the local units were represent- Four Years in Seri lee clnea and Laboratory. at Manchester within and for the Dis­ ! per applieatlon on Ale. it is cert and dance at the Church C5om powder, soaps, paints and a Rebuild— Recover MacDonald trict of Mancheater, on the lOth dav of At last report the Russians today. at the banquet. Pfc. Peter J. Doposz has just Men, Women and Children AT A COURT OK PI^>BATE HELD j ORDF^RED - That \Ue. foreg.dlig ap­ I munity House t^dnesday, March . - ^ ^ hundred other essentials on the tha Man h. A. D.. 194.'>, plication be heard and determined at were pounding Altdamm, eastern The force nd to the call for Immediate eooka Even a spoonful Is worth HITCHCOCK add comfort to year set. thority to sell certain real estate par­ .Maii. hri.lrr. I;i aal.l D iatri. t. df<'ra!.rd. ! r>rnd.-nry of aaiil appi cation and Ihr in heavy reinforcements in an at­ are well known for their radio pro­ salvaging. Wont you keep saving in On motio.v'of The .ManrhcMcr Trurt I hr»HnK tlirrroii. by 20.000 on D,-Day. filiation with the local Unit. All Lines of Insnranre Homespun ticularly described In said applicatioii tempt to prevent a cave-ln. grams and North Coventry is most until final IHctocy over both Far Ouranteed warfcmsashiF. on Ale, It U Cun.pany A.lmlnlatratpr with will an- PubliahinK a cop> of this order In aonir Due ea-st of the German capital A week ago today the Alaginej I William C. Mullane. Command- 988 MAIN STREET nexed. nrwapaprr having a circulation In aald [• of —1 T*ir to Fay a&id District, on the 17th day of March. and ythe same arc limited and allowed stepped up the assault on Kues- ^AUOHT short . . . with «ii fo^4lie cred ito is W'lthin which to bring he licaril relative thereto, and make re­ thousands have fallen since. [id stated that the post was a Hartford. War Fund Drive will others priced ttonatcly W* Carry Oir dWB AKdlBto Phone 2-4127 A. D.. 1945. at 9 o‘clod to M argaret Sullivan. 67 Elements of Marshal Konstan­ week ago that 2.050 Marines ha< J Arthur Connell, Past National WANT THIS TO MacDOrlALD UPHOLSTERING CO. the time and place of hearing therevn. Oalfland street. Manchester. Conn.; lice Commander of Middletown, regular March meeting on Wed- today. We make loans by publishing a copy of thla order in allowed by posting a copy of this order tin K. Rokossovsky's Second been killed. /•Imply., privately on signature on the public sign pout nearest to the Pater HalllSMy. Crescent street. Hart­ \id that the Legion is faced with ne.sday March 14 at South Coven­ ' HARTFORD p),... 2-4127 gome newspaper having a clrrulatfnn In ford. Conn.;\jane Kdwarda Webster White Russian Army, pushing •ilone. w e'd like to aerve you. 983 Main St. said district at least Ave daya before place where the deceased last dwelt I big task to fill up . the ranks of try Congregational church, pre­ Come In. phone or write u« within said town and by publishing t)|e street. Hartfol'd.—Conn.: Lillian Cava­ northward along the Vistula riv­ HAPPEN TO ■ One Week Delivery! the day of said hearing, to ajipear If naugh. S8 Bow avenue. Hartford. Jie organization with veterans of sents the following prpgram; 9 a. today; or save thla ad until they see cau»e at said time gnd place same In some new'spaper having a cir­ er's east bank and the Danaig del­ ReUar per year, for the next few South Coventry school children at­ S100 | 1 | 4 « t n . 7 } ttO-OJ T hES ere weering pretty thm Jude*. H -3-13-46. • Cross will be the ;i^ubject of r tall ja r s , to enable a greater expan- tendance; 7:30, Bbthibit open for 200 9 * 5 * 9 9.lt tf.7 4 A Glorious Chaqge to AT A COURT o r PROBATE HELD H-.'t-12-45. Another Oak Leaf ^ today, end tliey're herd to re- at Manchester, wlfnln and for the Dis­ to be presented a t tomorrow evej |on of work and activity for those PTA members and all others in­ 200 5 4 .4 t 94 9* 30.2F 10 AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD placo. Yoe can avoid unpleatent trict of Manche^r. on the th day of AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD ning’s meeting of the Rotary cluV need of aid. Hia resolution, he terested: ^;00, speakers: Glenna .a k k.«4»i w— M arch. A. D.. I9A5. at Manchester, within and for the Dis­ For Sgt. Xliompsoii ■ BPtofiy wauyssfisto end m •••*• trict o f Mancheater, on the 10th day of at Mam lirst^r. within and for Hip D is­ at the Sheridan restaurant bj lid, would Include a petition to Miller, 4-H aa a hobby: Ralph broakdown* by qiv'inq tlie« proper I'reaeiit. WILLIAM S. HYDE. Eaq.. trict of Manchester, on the 10th day of Jiid r r . March. A. D.. 1946. Mrs. Winthpop A. Reid, execuUvi by-law to have a paid Preston, Model airplanes: Nancy Present, WILLIAM S. HTDB. Esq.. March. A. D ..1946. Idjutant and aaMstant adjutant. Eatate df Otla G. Bartlrtt lata of Preaent, WILLIAM S. HTDE. Saq., secretary ^ the local chapter, Starkel. Foreign dolls: Mrs. A. M andir^r In aald dlatrkt. deceaard. Judge. An Eighth Air Force Bomber Service officer and assistant Eatate o f Hilda C . Ifedeen late of J udire. * •*'" talk win be in connection with th< Russell, linens: Mrs. J. Blssell, Upon.''application of Suaan K. Bart­ Estate of Olive Chapman late of Man­ SUtion, England—Technical Ser­ brvlce officer and a Publid’’ Rela- uA ^ S e n o ic c lrtt. Bzcruttlk- •praylnz for authority Manchester. In said District, deceased. Red Ooss-campaJgn which la noi hobbies: W. Van Arsdale, chalk On niotit>n of V ictor Hedeen' of said chester. In eald Distrlcl. deceased. fona officer. FINANCE CO. to .VM errtain rral raUtr particularly On motion nf Marion R. Eddy of said geant Roy M. Thompson, 19. oJ in progress' nationally, and wl' talk. PTA bualneM meeting fol­ drdcribrd*Acr In aald application on Die. It Mnnche.ster Bxecutor. deal not only with the work U He said he hoped to create in- .State Theatar Bldg, OKDEKKD;—That six months from Manchester. Executrix. Manchester, Conn., radio operator breat in the construction of a lows. tad Fleer QUALITY IX P It T OFFICIAL the lOtli day of March. A. D., 1945 be ORDERED;—TIxat six months Horn cally. but aiso the national an< The committee reports interest­ Tclepheae $46* ORDERED:—Thai t)w foirsoln* ap­ the 10th day of March. A. D.. 1945 be and gunner on a B-17 Flying ITorld W at U building in .Hart- plication hr hrard and drtermlnrd at and the same are limited and allowed international scope of the organj ing and varied entries Including D; B. Brews, MfV. for the cred itors wIthVn which to bring and the same are limited and sUoaqed Fortress, h u won a fourth Oak wltb offices within given Uceese Ite. Ml thr Probate Office In. Manchester lu for the eredltora within which to brltix iOation. costumes, ourloa. textiles, antiques, RECAPPING • REPAIRS • INSPECTION aald Dlafrlrt. on the 17th day of Marrh. In their claims against said estate, and Leaf Cluster td the Air Medal for er to the use of the various the said Executor is directed to give In tlieir rlaliua acalnst said estate, and handcraft, art work, rugs and I A. D„ l»«5. at 9 o'clock fs^ t.) in tha the said Executrix la directed to irfv* meritorioua achievement” during ganizatlons having to do with forenoon, ami that notice w xlcen to. public notice to the eredltora to bring quilts. Tobey jugs, pitchers, salt In their claims within said tune allo«- public notice to Uie, cred itors to bring Eighth Air Force bombing at­ ebabilltation and welfare work all peraoiia Inlereated In said eatate of tn their claims within aatd time, allow­ and pepper shakers, bells. Marion­ A m e n d e ^ 4 ed bv po.atlng a copy of thla oriler 'oii tacks on military and industrial ong returning veterans. ... WSEIBERLING... 7 ^ Of IHt KIlDtRKS the pendency of aald application and ed by posting a copy of this order on ettes, dolls, airplane models, but­ / the time and place of hearing thereon, the public sign poet nearest to the Urgeta in Nazi Germany. 50,000 Veteran Clalme place where the deceased last dwell the public sign poat nearest to the tons, and many othera Mra. Flora by publiahinz; a copy of thla order In place where' the deceased last dwelt Sgt. Tbompaon flies with the He aald that it la anticipated aurne newapaper having a circulation within said town and by publishing the Binks, Miss Katherine Purdin, and same In some newspaper having a cir­ within said town and by publlalting the 34th Bomb Group, a unit of the at there will be aa many as in aald diatrtet. at least .five daya be­ eame In some newspaper haring a clr- Walter Van Arsdale’a pupils are MORIARTY BROTHERS fore the day of aald hearing, to appear culation In aald probate district, wltli- Third Air Division, the division NOW PLAYING 0,0(X> veteran claims filed in Con- in-ten days from the date of thla order, culatlnn In aald probate district, with­ cited by the Preeldent for its now Jeut and this will mean much displaying some of their art work.- If they are cauae at said time and place in ten daya from Hi* date of this order, Mrs. G. E. Simmons has entered and be heard relative thereto, and make and return make to this court of the, historic Engtend-America shuttle ddiUonal work by Legion officers On the Level At Center and Broad Tel. 8500 notice given. and return make to this court of the coatum’es and other valuable arti­ This exclusive FRANCES DENNEY cream return to thla court. ____ notice giren. bombing of Messerschmitt plants Ad members. YVTLLIAM ». HTDB WILLIAM 8. HYDE Judge. WILLIAM 8. HYDE at Regensburg, Germany. He sold that the Legion should cles. Mr. and Mrs. Burtoq Moenre’s contains LIPOIDS-vital substances found Ju d ge. Ju d ge. Marionettes are another fascinat­ H -3-ia-45. H-3-12-46. The son of Mrs. Lucy Tbomp^ thinking In terms of starting H-S-13-46. son, 618 Center street, Manches­ nd owning its own newspaper, ing exhibit. CJoventry Day school in the skin—both young and old. pupils have a unit display of art - UqUOB EEBMIT ter, Sgt. Thompson waa a piM- khlch ^ th the other Legion out Your skin can absorb these LIPOIDS NOTirE or APFLICATlOff chute inspector, employed by the t--its of*~»”pubUC public information ™a>may work and handcraft Mrs. Flora This Is to glre hotle* that I., Frank Binks art instructor and Don Karchettl of Birrh' Mountain Road. Pioneer Parachute Company, be­ iriiapa bring members into the from OILS OF THE WILDERNESS. Bolton. Comv. hare died aa appBea- fore entering the AAF in April, lid and to enjoy war-time com- Churchill have arranged the In­ RANGE AND FUEL \ tloa dated the 6th of March. U46 arlth 1943. He is a -graduate of Man­ PLUS.. .“GIRL RUSH” Ipa to ^ greater extent than dividual pupils’ work to show pro­ A glorious ^!tehge takes place . . . the Uquor Control CommlaMon tor a chester aCbooL imedlately after the last utar. gress in the . successive grades. / Hotel Permit for the sale of aleoboltc There is no admission charge to the tell-tale signs of age give way CALL liquor on the premisea of filrch Moan- WED, - nniBS. - FBL - SAT. Colonel Raymond F. Gates of tain Road. Bolton. Conn. The business HID, Commandant of both the exhibit and the evening meet­ BOOK Is owned by Villa Louisa Inc., of Birch “OBJECTIVE BURMA- Govemor’a Foot Guaird ahd ing ia ppen to all interested per­ uiiLim m p. guisH tO'the glow of Young Beauty! Mountain Road. Bolton. Conn., and will To Take Acrion Veterans Home at Rocky Hill, son*. Success of the venture ia due >Rcsd the thrilling, drs- be conducted by Frank F^cchetti .of to extensive efforts of the commit­ 'V Your first jar of OILS OF THE WILDERNESS 8500 Birch Mopntain Road, Bolton, Co»n„ as bed the .'work being done by insric stories token from inci­ permittee. ____ On Hayes Death ith tbs Rocky HUl Home and tee; display and entries, Mra. Bur­ dents in the doily live* of Sunenil is ready now—in our Toiletries Department ■ MOBIL BBBOBKNB AND MOBILHBAT IXIBL OIL FRANK FACCHBTTI Veterans Facility at .Newlng- ton F lin t Mr*. Henry Reed. Mr*. heroic Red Cros* girls. Dated 6th of March. U4L to aid Connecticut Veterans, Winthrop Merman, Mtaa Jeanne H-$-$-45. have long continued to Hom e MORI Arty brothers Grand Knight Foster H. Wil­ [a described the efforts of tho Heckler. Don Churchin: transpor- —Read about the tnsgnifi- , Oeatcr ooff Breoff Btrwta AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD liams of Campbell CkMincil, of Connecticut to teUon, Mrs. Olga Becker. cent, hesnwamiiog iob the f-t •XM tfee LevaT* At at Manchester, within and for the Dta- reqder a auperior serv- O M ABF All NIgM. trtet of Manchester, on the 10th day of Knights of Oilumbua. today an­ TODAY AND TUESDAY I Red CfOtt sod d ie s c ^ lf ore March. A D.. 1*43. __ . nounced that the regular meeting doing foe our boj^ You'll be 225m.'nSt Present. WILXJAM 8. HTDE. Esq.. of the council tonight had been d m lM . . . you’il letm more costs always within Judge. advanced to 7 o’clock at which ice. 0> BsUta of Alexander Rogers lata of sbotit whst it mean* to phow e Maiwhester. in raid District, doceased. time acUon will bo taken on tbo means. This is the basis of NBW tIZI JAt Tha Executor having exhibited bla death of Dr. Patrick G. Hayes, a K u p T h fR io Cro u at Hi* Sid i administration account with said estate charter member of the council hUc Setback Party S 5 OO to this (>)urt for allowance, it is and past grand knight. Follow­ our wide acceptance in this THE AWNING BUSINESS ORDERED:—That tha 17th day of Give J L Give 4 3 4 0 Mr March. A. D.. 1*4*. at * o’clock (w. t.) ing the' iBOoUng a targe delega­ o f forenoon, at the Probate Office, tn aald tion ia ekpactinl to go to the borne TONIGHT at 8 H ewl T n Mere! and surrounding communities Manchester, be and the same is aa- of Dr. Hayes where the rosary signed for a hearing on the allowsim will be recited in a body under of said administration account with aW *'’i i 5S Free Beoklet mveiUM* mi: aald eaUte. snd Ibis Coart dIrecta tlm the leiHicrebip of the council’s WILLIAM PREUSS Kxscutor to give public ootioa to all chaplain. Rev. Thomas F. Stack Army Navy Club ROCKVILLE, CONN. persons InUreatod therein to appear of Bloomfield. and be beard therenn by pubHahing a Nmct week the council will hold PriMs: Money I Refrcfilmients! Door Prize! 3 of this order la eoesa.aawawayy «MAI8IE^G0^ TO 1 ^ 0 ’I •Ambutanee Servlet ]g a elreolatlon ta aald DtaW t Irish night .In conjunction with Sponsored by Arm^ A Navy G ab Auxiliary. HANSEN'S DISCONtiNUED five days beleie «sM dar ot braring the open RMeting. Plana for tbo aad ratuni asaka to thU CourL^^ program are under the direction ALSO ONE h o ; Next To the Amorz 'WILLIAM 8. HTDE UNTIL FMRTHER NOTICE Judge. of Deputy Grand Knight Cor­ SHORT sur K-S-13-46. ---- nelius R. Foley. MAIfCFnfeSTfcB irnENTNO RERALt). MANCHESTER, OONM- MONDAY, MARCH It, IMS

.stars, the A ir Medal with nine taxes for the 1944 period were list­ moiTuis In 1044 were $14,016,000 as compared with $11,057,000 In the Oak Leaf clusters, and the Presi­ 4 Divisions Widen' ed in the report at $206,000,000, an same'period of 1943 while the liq­ Rev. Dr. Story dential' Unit Citation ribbon with Jones to Fire Draft Set-Up Food Ration Sta^|> Chart State Taxes Increase of $23,000,000 over the [jabor Problem corresponding period of 1943. uor taxes rose from $3,440,000 In cluster. Rhine Bridgehead; 1943 to $5,519,000 in 1944. ’the open meeting of the Elling­ ------Other Increoaes Shown Preaches Here Any Tip-Giver Told Kiwai JUNCiMfi Total Jumps Other items showing increases ton Center Parent-Teacher A sko- DE&I644 JAN.I648 fC kl948 MAR.I948 ARR.I645 MAY IM S ciation to be held in the Town hall Gain High Ground Before Solons were, miscellaneous excise taxes, Nearly 1,000 nationals of the estate taxes, transportation of per­ this evening at 8 o’clock, will pre­ other American republics have re­ In Food Unit son and property taxes, and liquor Former South Church sent a very interesting and time­ (Continued From Page One) State Selective Sei Increase of $16,381, ceived technical trathlng and ex­ ly program. ’The guest speakers I'.elations Act Likely taxes. ^ perience in the United State*. Factor Occupiec Pulpit a ------(Continue From Page One) Arthur D. Palmer Director Is Sfieake^ 907 for First Eight Miscellaneous excise taxes, which arc: Mrs. Paul Robeson o f Enfield, budge his Americans— and there Arthur D. Palmer, of 129 Oak­ IBB) STAfMPS include taxes on bowling alleys bil­ who will talk on "The Negro in |To Be Fuse Touching 1 On Suuday Morning. was no indication that the Nazis any evidence ia found of. criminal­ land street, died suddenly Sunday This Noon’s Meet Months of Fiscal Year. liard parlors pinball macnlnes, Juke W orld Affairs,” and Ra3rmond E. would be able to organize such a afternoon at his home following a liOff Big Explosion. 6000 THRU MAR. SI | boxes, tobacco and other Items, to­ .Parker, of Springfield, will talk on ity or Improper conduct on the force from the ashea o f their de­ brief Illness. BBS Hartford, March 12—(g^—Total taled $11,900,000 for the 1944 peri- TO EASE MISERY ■TrMMddBff, prajpw, w d itnc- "Education for Democratic Clti- part of any official or employes, I This particular section of feat west of the Rhine. Mr. Palmer wag bom Augpist 13, tax recelpU in Connecticut for the oo, compared with $7,900,000 in the tac” w w . procUlnMd kM the c rM t senshlp.” Miss Anna Maskel, au­ shall promptly remove them and necticut, the heart of the IjHartford, March 12.—(^P>— The The dashing U. S. Third Army 1869, at Olenanbrey, N. Y., and tool, firearms and ball bearln lack of partlfan bickering first eight months of the J944 fiscal same 1943 stretch. The transporta­ OF CHILin COIB WMpoM in th . cairiatian’a t t n if- ' thor and poet, will read some of shall a.sk that proceedings be in­ Trie Just to the south eliminated all the stituted to punish them If the had been a resident of Manchester duBtries,-has a record In war| ialch haa held the General As- year totaled $511,781,710, an in­ tion tax receipts for 1944 were $8,- her own selections. ’The local tal­ for the past 38 years, coming here 339,000, compared with $6,639,000 (1. with a alnful world in a aw- Germans west of the Rhine and facta Justify such qctlon." duction, both in m ateris' ];mbly in an unnatural grip for crease o f $16,381,907 over the same ent assisting will be Miss Lenore from Mansfield, Conn. mon by Dr. Earl E. Story at the Moselle rivers except for two small Frank Hancock, CCC head, die- manpower, o f which it inay| le past two weeks as legislators JlUtlllil? period of 1943, h report from Col­ for the 1943 period. Charter at the piano and dance His wifa Mary Copping Palmer, Estate taxes for the first eight Boutlt Methodlat church yesterday pockets. cloeed loet week that three CCC be proud, Kiwanis members |ther scanned non-controverslal lector of Internal Revenue Frank number by Miss Mery Backofen. died Oct. 27, 19^. He leavea three W . Kraemer has disclosed. mmilnff. Dr. Story, a former The tank and foot troops o f told this noon by Commander I Staff Sergt. Barry will be the employee already have been "sep­ daughtera, Mrs. Judson Nevers of leosUrea or expounded on favorite Individual income tax payers mlntater ot the- church from 1935 guest speaker at the next meeting Lieut. Gen. George 8. Patton, Jr., arated” from their Jobs. F. Robinson, U.S.N.R., State! [pica in hearing rooms seems fair- South Windsor, Lt. Muriel Palmer rector of the Selective ^ rvice| contributed the most to the finan­ to 1940 la now superintendent of of the Woman’s Club which will captured 14 towns and won domi­ Jones’ letter continued; i certain to be broken this week nation of all the west bank o f the A. R. C. 79tb General Hoepital in tern. This state’s' farmers cial pool, a total of $230,000,000 the Norwich District. He returned be held in the Town hall, Tuesday "The great quantities of food 11th the state labor relations act which was $15,000,000 less than Moaclle except a 15-mlle stretch England aiM Mrs. W. 8. Mld- dustriallsts have cooperated ' jrekerday to hla former pariah es­ evening, March 20, at 8 o’clock. that must be made available and daugh of Springfield, Penns.; two I'r Intra-state Industry the fuse ■LUI STAMPS the figure for the corresponding We Offer Y o u ... pecially to baptice Judith Ellalne The meeting will be open to the between Cochem and Erden. limit In the problem of ma |.at will touch off the biggest ex- the speed with which it must be sons, Private Arthur 8. Palmer quotas for the Armed For period in 1943. In 1943, however, Holman, infant daughter^ of Mr. public. Coblenz was besieged. I oslcJh since the now-dormant wat many individual taxpayers had to handled make it impossible to who Is overseas and George C. at the same time malnt 6000 th r u m a r . $1 and Mrs. Howard Holman o f Sum­ Some enemy stragglers were pay noFonly the 1943 tax but the Our One-Week Opening Special: avoid some mistakes as well as Palmer of this town. He also heavy production effort. liw ers measure. PBM mit street. Mr. and Mra. Holman being dragged from s two mile losses. . . . leavea five grandchildren.. i n ie opening of the eleventh unforgiven portion of 1942, as well. square pocket in a wood midway Commander Robinson comr CIDIEIFIG wore married by Dr. Story and he "It is significant that not a sin­ Mr. Palmer was an active mem­ seek o f the Asaembly session may 0 0 ^ THRU APR 28 | Corporation and excess profits in the 16 miles between Mayen ed the local draft boards for ' $7.50 MACHINE PERMANENT a ^ baptized their first child. Manchesler gle battle hat had to be postponed ber and a form er deacon of the T-olong the peace and quiet or It and the Rhine. The others were good work and explained the Speaking on the subject, "The because of a lack of food. At the Second Congregational church. . He la y start a "holler .-ic.sslon" a.s near the Moselle, over which some culties that members of dPower That Makes Men Free,’’ Dr. Date Book same time no one has gone hungry was also president of the Town­ [ud and protracted as any lagi.s- 6000 THRU JUNE C were filtering into the Saar dis­ boards face because o f ever i FOR $6.00 WE WILL PAY Story asserted that the preacher's in this country . . . send club and conducted a meeting ing regulations. He said that f.tlve discussion has developed T trict. o f the club Friday evening at the I task is an administrative, a hu­ Tonight "W e assure the congress again rules'under which the boar I'nce the Assembly convened. rtlPlOlRlS good ntOM MAN I EASE BACKACHE This Is the season when At least eight towns of inner Y.M.C.A. with his usual enthusi­ manitarian and a teaching one, Lecture on State birds under that we will bend every effort to erate are undergoing drastic | It all seemed up to the Repub- M a p J K lF lt t l THRU JURE 30----- Germany east of the Rhine were avoid losses and to prevent mis­ asm for the Townsend plan. He everything takes on that TOP CASH! . but is centrally that of proclaim­ auspices of Manchester Garden vamping almost every week, iSan membere of the Labor com- \j»0mittfompioUlttoom»§ooti»4frt/ U S l H I A T i under the American flag. handling in so far as it is humanly was a carpenter and builder, and ing the gospel as the "power of club. Center church house at 8. in order to keep abreast of I jilttee who are expected to submit bright, fresh appearance. \ The Germans peppered the possible to do to without undue de­ recently had been building boxes ' l l He»t Klievt* mutcle p*in»—faici/y, «g*t- FOR YOUR CAR God unto salvation." In defining Red Cross csmpalgn is on. Our changes board members and! Jieir compromise bill which they th-tlf. T ^ get welcome, continued heat bridgehead with light artillery fire lay in getting this food to shipside for the Burr Nursery company’s New clothes, new hats, and prayer Dr. Story referred to the quota is $41,600. during the night but made no new office staffs must give a lot of f Irew up in an expressed desire to SUGAR STAMPS relief, for d*y«, right tt the tore ipot. *pply Income tax experts at Munici­ and make it available to our own spring shipments. ooe big Johnion'* RED CROSS p L a STBR experience of men in the armed counter-attack. to them. llvofd conflict with the Democrats. naturally, a New Perma­ pal building dally to help you with and Allied sbldlers at the battle- Funeral arrangements, in — or the heavier, warmer Johnton*. Back Regard/ess of Make or Model forces who find prayer one o f the "The surprise of the crossing was Reclassifying 1 Two Distinct Bills filing returns. fro n t” charge of the Watkins Funeral ratudA»| 6000 WRU JUNE E Plaitcr. . . . The mild, active medication nent. means of resolving the contradic­ BO complete that the Germans Because o f the tem fle pred Until last week when discussions gently heat* the back, atirt up blood circu­ We Have Two Out of State tion between killing one’s enemies Tuesday, March 18 Two Republicans—Representa­ home will be announced later. Aitotfw ttomp mvttcomt good Uof > DRIVE IN have been unable in five days to tive Taber of New York and Keefe being put on Selective Servic [ ere put aside to give the Repub- lation. fighta congeation, eaaea pain. . . . CALL US NOW FOR and loving them as Uught by Victory Garden 'information Warm cloth covering retaina bod;r heat, pro­ muster a counter-attack in any of Wisconein—demanded a thor­ George J. Dzlato produce men for the ArmyJ cans the chance to write their OR Buyers To Insure You the J68UB. meeting. Auspices Manchester strength,” Correspondent Don Every drop of fat is saved at the AAF Cenvalasoent Centsr, Pawling, N avy and at the same time bmpromise measure, there were tecta back againat chilling, provide* contiii- N, Y. Here, CpI. Roy Bsrke, firet cook, heipe eeeond cook Pvt. Eugono ough investigation of CCC last uoua aupport.. . .Try thia clean, eaiy, proved ^ YOUR APPOINTMENT! I>r. Story with hla usual earnest­ Grange, High school halt, at eight Whitehead reported from First George J. Dziato, 44, of 55 Del- production records up it Is -vo distinct bills, one favored by Highest Price for Your Car! Olender drain fat from euot. Approximately 200 pounde of fat art savod week after Keef contended grain Above chart shows at a glance food ration stamps npw ap­ way to "heat treat” aimple backache and ’PHONE IN — 2-1709 ness and spiritual fervor urged the o’clock. Public invited. Arm y headquarters. mont street, died suddenly this sary to comb the files o f le Republicans, the other sup- In the Center every month. market speculators made “milliona morning at his home. Bom In Hig- proved for consumer use. Note it lists new r ^ M d blue other moacuiar paina—TO D AY, (In caae . Congregation onward in support o< Tbursday, March 15 British, Canadian and American and millions’’ by using information trants and reconsider all cla orted by the representatives of of chronic hackicbe, lee your doctor.) . . . the Crusade for Christ, Method­ Meeting Of Manchester Demo­ Ninth Army troops to the north ganum, this state, he had come to tions. This entails a lot of for March. \Jt Is suggested that housewives clip the above chart Aiwaya inaial on the GENUINE, made by “leaked" to them from within the live in Manchester four years ago ibor and by the Democrats. CHARMORE ism’s post-war program which cratic club. kept the Germans on tenterhooks several emergency bridges across agency. as well as difficult decisions 1 Included in the measure favored and save it. \ Johnton A Johnion. BARLOW MOTOR SALES needs the consecration and support Irish Tea Party, Salvation by maintaining 40 mils smoke being an employee of Cheney^ boards. He said that thg the river to supplement the I.uden- Three CCC employee have been Brothers. * V the Republicans were provisions BEAUTY SHOPPE o f every churchman in this hour Arm y citadel. screens along the lower Rhine. The group, 18-26, is,drained and] jokjiSialEIICIOSSPUSTn Studebaker Dealer dorlP :fpan. "separated” from their Jobs as the Mr. Dzlato retired from the U.S. last listed acts that could be con- ' of decision. Zoning Board of Appeals. Muni­ enemy said a crossing attempt was state now has only 18,000 me 241 NO. MAIN STREET D I A L 3043 191 CENTER STREET MANCHESTEE Tow'ns Listed Captured result of an investigation. Navy in 1937 alter 20 years ser trued ss dnfalr practlceo by labor The former pastor o f the church cipal building at 8. imminent between Emmerich and On the north the Americans were Confers With Leaders draft age In the essential nd save the workers the right to Wesel, where the last enemy para­ vice. He retired with a rating of JdffiSb UCKfUSTn took the opportunity of praising Friday, March 16 fighting in Honnef, five miles north Jones conferred with Demo­ classifications of 2A and 2B. 'efroln from union actlclty. These RatiQning Data chute troops were driven across Chief Machinist’s Mate. He enlist­ Commander Robinson said the choir for their work in the an­ Special Town Meeting, High of Remagen. Towns listed ns cap­ cratic and Republican congres­ [;ere termed ■■antl;union” and the river. ed In W orld W ar I and saw active a tremendous task faces the I them, at tlje morning servlee yes- school hall at 8. tured were Daltenberg, Erpel, sional leaders over the week-end. duty in that conflict. nU-closed shop” by Ubor. American advances into the tive Service system and indQ Famished By tmnlay, frofan Handel’s Messiah, Boy Scouts’ Court of Honor at Linz, - Rhelnbreltbach, Ur.kel, Jones Is urging, that the pending He leavea hit wife, Mrs. Perlna , The Democrats and the A r L* "Surely He Hath Borne Our Masonic Temple. rolifng green bills east of the bill be approved— an attempt to in the replacement o f men In nd CIO favored a measure re- Office of l^ c e Administration Rhine won more high ground from Bruchhausen. and Ohlenberg. One I. Todeschinl Dzlato, one son Griefs," and the solo, "H e was offset Republican insistence that after the war Is over. i>mbllng the New York state labor i lent ol Inliirmatlon Saturday, March 17 which German artillery had failed was unidentified and possibly this George, two daughters, Patricia itagtniial Depa Deiqilaed,’’ by the same oomj;>oser. Lt. Buck Compton, parafrobps. the measure be held up until a de­ Harold Garrity gave the att^ slatlons act which was i Itoo, 8. Masaacbusetta. Irish Tea Party, Brltirti-Amer- to knock out the Ludendorff was Leusdorf. and Dcana, of this town, one broth­ ance prize today and it was 55 Treroont Street. He said he always thinks of the icon Club. Meanwhile to the south the U. S. Somewhere in Europe. tailed investigation can be made. er, Walenti, o f N ew Haven, and Ij by Senator W’illiam A. Scott of bridge. The captured towns wore Jones told congressional leaders by Parker Soren. Secretary ' •oath church dioir’s glorious ren­ Annual Get-Together of Ho m Third Army speared to wltiiln a De.ar Buck: one Bister, Mrs. Louis Berchulaki, ITartford. a Democrat and a labor in an arc five miles north, four he knew of no major or serious Potterton read a letter from ' 5Ieats and Fats B-6, C-6, B-7 and C-7 coupons good dition o f the HaUelullah chorus. Co. N o. 1, 8. M. F. D. mile of the big Rhine city of Remember you wrote me about of Hlgganum. for five gallons each until further south and three east of Erpel—at regulations within the CCC — vast McKinney who is now in the i Over the week-end, House Re- Now Good: Red Stamps <35 Monday, March 19 Coblenz and took a 15-mlle hold on the expression which is the cur­ Funeral arrangements are not notlce.\ Applicants for all gsa ra^ the east end of the bridge across rent favorite in the AEP—“oh, my Federal agency which administers ippines. ubllcft Leader Herbert B. \Nan- through Z-5 and A-2 through J-2, l e th'e Rhine to the north. yet complete. W. P. Quish is In tions iTtqst now present mlleaga £k/v/£ T^ s a t/ s : Salvage paper collection in from Remagen. the farm commodity price support It was announced that a in Book Four, worth 10 points each. In addition Lieut. Gen. George aching back,” and how It is used charge. •erer of Bethel said the two provl- ration records to local boards with southeast portion of town. 'A street battle progressed in the program and handles food pur­ bined meeting with Rotary lons labor found moat objecticmal Red Stamps Q-6, R-5, S-5 expire Ellington Toesday, March 26 8. Patton’s troops threatened the constantly by Pvts. assigned to application.' picturesque town ot Honnef (9,000 KP, etc. T and how the boys kidded chases for lend-leaae. Exchange will be held in the T,| X the Republican-favored act March 31; T-5 through X-5 expire 8t. Patrick’s Party, Gibbons population) five miles north of last enemy forces we.st of the Dennis P. Coleman Shoes about "J^fVle's Aachen back” ? Neither Keefe nor Taber men­ C A. on Tuesday evening, •ould not appear in the coni- April 28; Y-5, Z-5 and A-2 through The Woman’s Council will meet Assembly, Catholic Ladles of Co­ Remagen along the east bank road Rhine in ths Saar and Palatinate Dennis Patrick Coleman, 45, of Airplane Stamps Nos. 1, 2 and 3 I was out at MGM the other tioned names as they unfolded for 2'7. Lieut. Commander SabUl| romlse bill, which is expected to D-2, expire June 2; E-2 through lumbus. toward C o lo ^ e and the Ruhr. by seizing control of 38 miles of Drive B, Silver Lane Homes, a in War Book Three good for one Thursday, March 16, at the home day and saw Fred Astaire on the the House their assertions that a N avy chaplain who has retu e introduced first In the House J-2, expire June 30. Friday, March 23 Other FTrst Army troops were ad­ the Moselle river’s north'bank be­ veteran of World War I, died Sat­ pair of shoes ea w indefinitely. o f Mra. Frederick H. Arens of set of "Yolanda and the Thief.” grain speculators'had been able to from ^utji Pacific service,' i/here it will come up for action Processed Foods Maple avenue-at^l:30 p. m., in­ Blood Donor Mobile Unit here, vancing south along the river road tween Coblenz and Trier. It was cash In on CCC leaks. Keefe said urday at the Veterans’ Home, the speaker. Right off the bat Fred tells me rst in that Republican-dominated Now Good: Blue Stamps X-5 Ration Board- Hours stead of at Mrs. Jarvis Clapp’s as arranged by local chapter Red beyond Linz (5,320 population) divided into two holdings, one 18 some Chicago brokerage house rec­ Newington. He is survived by his This is your Red Cross he has written a song called "Oh hamber. through Z-5 and A-2 through S-2, was first annoimced. ’The change Cross. along the Loreill rock strength of miles southwest from Coblenz and ords would show large purchases wife, Mrs. Helen (Hoyle) Coleman; Following are the Rouis at the ;-v ■■ My Aching Back." Being as ex­ Will Be Problem for Senate worth 10 points each. Blue Stamps Is made on account of Mr. Clapp Military Whist, Chapman Court, the Rhine gorge and Inland be­ the other 20 miles northeast from of grain at below parity prices a daughter, Mrs. Richard Flanders local office of the W at Price and pert a song plugger as he is a I f it passes there, the Senate X-5, Y-5, Z-5. A-2 and B-2 expire twlng in. Tbs covsrsd dish lunch­ Order of Amaranth. yond Bruchhausen^ and Ohlenburi Trier. The Germans held a 17- ahorUy before a CCC announce-' Manchester; four eons. Sergeant Rationing Board at the State | mlle stretch in between. hoofer, he dragged me to a piano Wapping lemocrats will be up against a March 31; C-2 through G-2 expire eon wUl be omitted this month,. Saturday, March 24 into the westerwald black rocl ment that it would eupport grain Henry Coleman, now overaeas with roblem. They will have to decide Armory: The first and Third Armies were in a desolate comer of the sound April 28; H-2 through M-2 expire M ra R. Allen Bikes, Mrs. Har­ Annual meeting, election of of- hills. t prices to parity. the United States Arm y, Dennirf G., Mondays: 10 a. m. to 4;30\p. m. closing in on aliout 23.000 German stage and started pounding the The Ladles’ Aid Society metj whether they concur in a measure ■lune 2; N-2 through S-2 expire old Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Milo E. ^cera, Brltish-American Club at Though the Third Army be­ "People on the in made them­ Francis and Roger Coleman, fit [or which the Republicans could Tuesdays: Closed all day to the troops in the ' Eifel mountains ditty out. the home of Mrs! Leonard Bar June 30. Hayes won tbs first prize at the clubhouse. Maple street. sieged Coblenz, It sUll hqd to cross selves millions and millions of dol­ Manchester; three brothers, I^anr lalm aponaorship. That, of course, public. north of the Moselle. Tliey were cis of East Hartford and Joseph Buckl&nd road, Friday. Sugar Wedp^Slay: 2 p. m to 6 p m. Military whist sponsored by the Sunday, March 25 the mouth of the Moselle river be­ lars,” he told the chamber. rould take a lot of deciding even Now Good: Sugar Stamp No. 35. being pressed in a sack of proba­ In the inimitable Astaibe voice, and Edward Coleman of Hartford. Miss Charlotte Marks of ThurOTly and Fridays: 10 a. m KlliBgtm Woman's Club Friday Field, finals, S.x>rtamen’s Asso­ fore fighting into the main part' of ” It is not unusual,” countered If labor voiced no opposition to the in Boolt Four, good for five pounds, bly 100 square miles, less than one ‘ he sang a-vorse about dating—a- He also leaves a sister. Miss Irene land road, has returned home i to 5 p. m. Might at the town hall. Mrs. Jo­ ciation at TalcottvlUe flats. the city. Across the Rhine from Chairman Spence (D., Ky.) of the [neasure. expires Jtine 2. It is expected that tenth Its size when the Allies 1 French girl for some parlez-vous Coleman of California. He was a spending a vacation in West Saturdays; 10 a. m. to 12:3U| ;;^mething Fine to Behold - seph MheVarish, M ra Louis C. Tuesday, March 27 Coblenz, the towering and sullen House Banking committee, “that Labor's real desire is to get a sprang their trap on Friday. I member of the Army and Navy the next sugar stamp will be vali­ Schlude, M ra Frederick H. Arena Combined' meeting of Service rock fortress of Ehrenbreltatetn and she showed up and her hus­ in a corporation that has handled field. tate labor relations act through noon. ' At least 22 towns were captured Club o f Manchester. dated May 1. and Mrs. W esley Schlude received clubs at the T,' provided the. enemy a formidable band too. three bilUon dollars there may be Corporal Henry Kupchunos J [he Leglalature. regardless of Office telephone 5189. by the Third Army yesterday. Hia funeral w ill be heU tomor­ Fuel Oil the consolation prise. Monday, April 2 defense bastion. Bhrenbreitsteln. is Either I was charmed by the someone “ who would betray hla Ellington road. Is spending a Vbich party gets credit for spon- jgVERYWHEl^ I then w»s the Right m the field with their Germany’s Gibraltar o f the Rhine. Astaire presence or it’s a good, row morning with -milUa;^ honors days at his home. Period Four and Period Five regiments are the Red Herbert F. Goodrich, 8 3-c, U. Knights o f Cdtqmbua Ladies’ trust." I'oring the measure. In several past coupons of 1943-44 issue and Peri­ A patchy fog covered the whole catchy song. A t any rate, it ought at the T. P. Holloran FVneral Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ah| American Red Cross giving its S. Navy, serving on a minesweep­ Night, Legion Home.- A test is due in the House to­ [.esslons of the General Assembly od One, Two, Three, Four and Five western front at dawn but appear­ to be a aensatlon over there, Home. 175 Center street, at 10 of South Main street, Warehc Cross field directors, who act as a Imk between the er, has returned to duty after a Sfuiday, April g day between two bills— almost op­ [milar measures have started on coupons of 1944-45 issue valid to . - leave spent with his ^ fe and two ed to be lifting in places by mld- South Coventry where everyone from Elsenhower o’clock and at St. James’s church Point, announce the engagec lelr way to becoming law but vices to our fighting men. It is something 38rd anniversary celelAation of posite in theory—to make the at 10:30. Burial will be In St Aug. 31. Ail coupons worth 10 gal­ soldiers and their homes. \ children bare. * moming. down seems to be afflicted with fullest wartime use of the nation’s of their daughter, MIm [lave iieen sidetracked in the HUILWNG Mlantonomoh Tribe, I. O. R. M., sacroiliac trouble. * James’s cemetery. • ' lons a unit. James 8. Brady, 8 3-c, son of The Germans reported more Funeral services for Mrs. Elsie manpower. A hern, RN, to Joseph M cI irocess. fine to behold, this touch o f home which at Sports Center, Wells strfsl, Rhine crossings established north Fred (incidentally, a very nice Gasoline ' Mrs. Marjorie Brady of Maple 5:30 p. ro. Guay, 43, o f Chaplin, a former They are; son of Mra. Elizabeth McBreen| The big question now is. can the In most o f the hospitaU, doing the recreational and . guy— you’d like him) picked up Morj'lln Barton A-14 coupons good, for 4 gallons avenue, who is stationed in Baln- and south of Rhein-Breitbach in resident of South Coventry, were 1. The House work-or-Jall bill, Warrenton avenue, Hartfa epuhlicans of the Labor commit- the men and women Red Cross workers Monday, April 9 the bridgehead Just south of Hon- the expression when he was in each, through March 21. B-5, C-5, welfare work for which” the brldge, Md., writes he enjoys get­ Meeting War Records commit­ held at the funeral chapel of A very passed nearly six weeks ago. Marylln Barton, the 1-year-old Miss Ahern la a graduate o f .ee satisfy both organized labor nurses can spare so litde ting the papers i|rom here with nfef. and VanZandt in Willimantic Sat­ France. I don't know whether you daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ellsworth Memorial High ach| ind the Democrats of the Senate tee at Whlton Memorial Library, Another Berlin broadcast assert­ caught his act—you may nave 2. The Senate’s substitute, are able to bring to our troops abroad. home town news and states from North Main street. urday afternoon, the Rev. Benja* Barton of Washington street, Ver­ in South Windsor and 8t. In one bill. That’s what the next ed that the Nazis recaptured “many been in the hospital then— but he which cleared that chamber last lun^ ate the Red Cross hospitala ogirls, -- ^ it •••• h every iaivVal^oImedical what be has heard about the Friday, April 20 min B. Styring rector of St. Thursday and comes form ally be­ non, died at the Manchester Me­ cis Hospital School o f Nu lew days will disclose. W hen the Red Cross opens up in new war theater, weather here, "it’s . much nicer villages", in the southernmost se'e- used to do a gyration in one of' a Annual Masonic Bail at the Paul’s Episcopal church officiat­ fore the House today. morial hospital yesterday. Besides Attention unit there." tion of tlia Rhine bridgehea'd. No his danced and then moan. "Oh Masonic Temple. ing. Her death occurred at St. The Senate measure provides her parents she is survived by her Kelly To Take Bride Today its grbwth— has to be as fost 7 1“" “ “ « f thf indispcmabl. Mood Morton E. Thompson, of Main town name was given. my aching back.” It never failed Francis hospital, Hartford, last fines and imprisonment fo r em­ maternal grandparents, Mr. and Home Owners street, who has served the Elling- BatGe Incraqsing In Ferocity Wednesday. to bring down the' house. Mra. Frcd>Curtla and her paternal Columbus, Oa., March 12.— ( \Week End Deaths The tco Cemetery association for 35 ‘The battle in. the bridgehead is He and W illie Shore, the comic ployers who violate employment SOQfHES -Hobs spring up „ ^ Mrs. Guay had been in failing ceilings. The House bill would grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Today, a year after he won Our expert carpenterfi years as the treasurer was given increasing in ferocity hour by hour health. for some time. She was a who was along on the USO tour, Hollywood— Edward Durst, 28, Asuntino Edils empower local draft boards to or­ W. Barton of Vernon. Congressional Medal of Honor lies. quite a surprise at the annual meet­ .A and both sides are^ flinging in daughter o f John and the late dreamed up the gong with an as­ YOUR t h r o a t are now available for any «^tets,rs, the waywav restaurantsrestauranne anda n A dances and - __ i movies_____ and • r v u - vices! der men 18 to 45 to take war The funeral was held at the T. killing 40 Germans In 20 mlnutf creen and stage star.- ing when he was presented a fine strong forces,” the ^em y radio Florence (Squires) Kennerson of sist* from ' Morey Amsterdam, the Birmingham, Ala.—Fred Heck, and all types of home re­ To Contest Case said, "both sides are (kR to force Jobs, or stay on the ones they P. Holloran funeral home, 175 it’s wedding bells for T-Ser Our soldiers and sailors abroad literally worship the biUfold containing a sum of money. this place. Besides her husband, character who helped father Charles E. "Commando” Kelly, i 4, former professional liaseball b p io w t h » g o r g fo clubmobilcs and doughnut fiictorics mushroom into life afl Mr. Thompson has been secretary a decision. The Germans yesterday “ Rum and Coca Cola,” blessfhlm. have, under penalty of five years Center street, at 11 o’clock this pairs and alterations. Julius Guay, she leaves, her father morning. Rev. F. A. Dyckman of Miss May Boish of Pittsburgh. lilayer. Red Cross, and I personaUy can find nothing but praise and treasurer since the essoclation succeeded in preventing the Amer­ Fred has hopes for the song al­ In jail or glli.OOO fine. N ew Y ork— Francis Cprlin. 62. Each F 6 F Cough Lounge give* Estimates cheerfully ^the Jolm Kennerson, five sisters, Mrs. Vernon officiated"and burial was in over a new country, is som'ething that sdU astonishes was organized 35 years ago. In Hkrtford. March 12.—(A>)—In­ icans from widening the bridge­ Eva Samuels of EaglevlIIe, Mrs. though he despairs o f the method Favor Senate BIO e t He was born in Bay Shore, your throat a 15 minute comforting given. me. to head. American tank formations the Elast cemetery. Tanker and Liberty Ship ( say about its program as I saw it in operation. 1910 he stated it had a capitol of stead of contesting the case as he Florence Rychling o f this place, of plugging a song to (>opuIarity. Members identified ^th labor .. Y . treatment. Really soothing because img were smashed." elements want the House to ac­ they’re really medicated. Uaed by 116 contributed by 16 individuals Mrs. Daiqy Spinks. Mrs. Pansey San Francisco, Mj(i%h 12.- [ Loe Angeles—Henry W. Bruce. had said he would. Joseph Asun­ From north of Nijmegen to Wea- cept the Senate bill. Chairman millions for coughs, throat irrita­ of whom three are living at pres­ Roberts, and Mrs. Gertrude Brown " I heard one the other night, Badly damaged In a collision Hce president of the University of tino, 34, of 208 Putnsm street. el along' % 40-mile stretch the A l­ May (D., Ky.) of the Military tions or hooneneas reaulting from Wm. Fa ent. Today there is over $30,000 in of .Willimantic, also one brother something like ‘if you’re not feel­ the Golden Gate, a N avy Southern CJalifornia. He was a na­ lies were laying down a thick committee, co-author of the worit- Funerals colds or smoking. Only ll)f bo*. trust funds. New Haven, today waived exami­ Harold Kennerson of South Cov­ ing well. Just ask someone what’s and a Liberty ship were laid jp ( iv e of Amherst, Ohio. smoke screen to hide thqir move­ the matter and they’ll tell you I Prh Pit, kj MUum J. Piit The following officers were elect­ nation before Commissioner Wil­ entry. Jail measure, is equally anxious repairs in shipyards here to' J New Orleans— A. E. Ralston. 54, Johnson ments from enemy observation. love you!’ Now how can you com­ ed for the ensuing year; President, liam „J. Wholean on charges Mr. ahd Mrs. Cleon Hurd attend­ to send it to s' Joint chamber con­ P. O. Hayes The tanker was on a trial run; I ’ice president and general mana- Broad Street Clyde A. Cordtsen; vice president, "Our next step will be a crossing in an alleged interstate ring to ed the funeral o f Mrs. Hurd’s pete against that?" ference committee to seek a com­ The funeral of Patrick O. Hayes Liberty ship inbound from a ( Tfer of the Pan-American Petro- fine; H. L. Hayden, secretary, and treas­ of the Rhine,” Associated Press This isn’t Fred’s first song. He TEI.EI’ HONE 7126 brought by the FBI of conspiracy father, John.L Olson, 71 years old, promise. of 39 Evergreen avenue, Hartford, ocean voyage. They crashed eum corporation. He was born in urer, Morton E. Thompson: trus­ Correspondent Ned Nordnesa re­ has written a couple hundred and Ot UoU Artbm Ayers ------— ------^ ^ / steal an automobile in,New Haven iii Deep River, ^his past week. Be­ The Senate meanwhile prepared who died Friday night, will be each other in heavy fog, but >Iew York City. tees for three years, Marshall E. ported from the Wesel area. "When had a dozen published, his hit be­ Ooveotry — M . and transport it to New York and sides his wife he leaves four sons. to vote on two appropriation bOls held at hla late home at 9:30 to­ both able to make port No , Houston, Tex.—William C. Re- Charter, Howard N. Kibbhe; audi­ or where this will occur cannot be ing ”l’m Building Up To Aii Awful J>ass, 49, managing editor of The sell it. Robert of Westbrook. Alex of —$3,146,000,000 tm the various morrow morning and at St. was hurt. COUGH LOZENGES tors, Mahlon Chapman, George disclosed, but mighty preparations Letdown.” You know how ASCAP He is one o f nine men arrested New Haven, Everett of Deep Independent offices of government, Joseph’s Cathedral, Hartford, at 10 llojustcm Chronicle. •eaeeeooOOOOOOBOOO***************** Your contribution to the Red CroM mokes these scenes possible Hughes; cemetery agent and sex­ are in progress for a final, throt­ members are given ratings, with I Trenton, N.'J .— William J. Ellis, recently in various parts of the na­ River, and Lt. Russell, Olson of the and $112,000,000 fo r W ar depart­ o’clock. The buriU will be in St. ton, HaiTison Hamilton.. tling blow.” U. S. Afriny. overseas; and two Kern, Porter, Bertih, etc., rank­ ■2, state commissioner of instltu- tion including California who are The German high command was ment civil ftinctlons. Senator Patrick’s oemetery, Thompeon- Manchester 8taff Sergt. James R. Chatter- daughters,' Mrs. John Danielson ot ing, A A. Fred says his la some­ McKellar (D., Tenn.) has served dons and agencies and interna- connected with the ring, according shifting troops, artillery and tanks ville. ton, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. New Haven slid Mra. Hurd. thing like trople P. That’s about notice he will try to add a rider donolly known sociologist. He was to Roger F. Gleaaon, special agent along the Rhine’s east bank to meet A special meeting of Campbell Evening Herald Chatterton of Ellington avenue, where U C LA ranked in football to the first measure cutting. out , native of Muncy, Pa. Ellington, has to his credit one Jap in charge o f the FB I in Connecti­ the anticipated new .blow. A super­ Council K. o f C.. o f which he was last season. Didn’t do as well as the tennessee Valley authority’s "Zero” shot down and three prob­ cut. Gleason alleged that stolen highway swings 15 miles southeast when you played for them In ’42. a charter member and a post Classified AdTertiseaientsI ably destroyed. Sergeant Chatter- cars were disposed of by sellers In from Wesel, then turns northeast revolving fund. Such action grand knight, will be held tonight I hope those slug holes you would force TVA to coma to Con­ Omint six iTeTaze wonts • • lla CHAMBERLIN ton is an aerial gunner and was the New York area displaying and north to Berlin, for a total picked up at Arnhem are not to take aetkm on hU death. imcgME TAX gress for regular appropriatlbns. Initials., numbers and abbra latbq temporarily grounded for combat false draft cards who said they distance of approximately 350 troubling you and you are able to earh eount aa a word and eempnu| A Senate vote on the nomina­ fatigue,'according to an official re­ had to. dispose of their property miles. Enemy broadcasts declared, ait down with more comfort. I Funeral Postponed' wofda aa two words. Ulnimuna •a price of three llnea. lease from the A.A.F. Redistribu­ because they were going Into serv­ the main Allied thrust would be must close now as m y back has tion of Aubrey Williams as rural Tho funeral of 'Thomaa H. Mc- electrification odmlnlstmtor is due Lina ratea per day for. tion Station No. 1 at Atlantic City, ice. along the route over the north Ger­ ABC t developed a slight ache. As ever, Corton. who died suddenly Friday ada. ,N . J. Flyi.ng 4 combat missions as Commissioner Wholean fixed man plain. Bob. by midweek. The agriculture afternoon, which was to have been EXeetlre March a.HWa waist gunner on a Liberator bomb­ bond at .$2,500 which Asuntino did Hodges' First Army troops, bul­ committee reported ’ WUllams’ held kt the T. P. Holloran funeral Caah Chaij er of the 307th Bombardment not. furnish. Asuntino was com­ warked by strong artillery, armor Plan to Be Married Soon nomination adveraely. horns at 8:30 this morning and at 9 Conaecutlre Daya ...... | 7 ctal 1 1 ■ Group in the South. Pacific, Ser- and air gupport, scored advances S t James’s church at 9 o’clock, S Obnaacutiva Daya ...... I t etajll mitted, to Hartford county Jail I Day ...... lu eUlU < M nt Chatterton had more than wheffe the Connecticut state prison o f more than a mile yesterday. Hollywood, March 12 — (A') -— has been postponed until the some all order* tor Uragular inaartb is share of rough deals. Some of hours tomorrow. The postpone­ authorities filed a detainer pre­ Associated Press Correspondent Plans to be m a rri^ soon have will be ebarse at the on* USM ghis closest pals were shot down dur- Don Whitehead with the bridge­ Irish Tea Party ment was taken to await the or.- Special ratea for long lanr liminary to finding . whether he been ' announced by Gqtherlne In ga raid on Balikpapan in Borneo. head forces said the main weight rival of hia daughter. Miss Mar­ day adrertlalDB ft*en upon rac violated parole in a previous case Ameche, sister of Film Actor Don .^A'Jap "Zero” exploded so close of the Anserlcan drive was being garet M. McCocton who is a mem­ Ada ordarad eahcallcd bafora under state statutes. - Ameche. and James Breen, a mem­ Plans Under Way Srd or 6tb day will ba ebargad c to hia plane over Truk one day hurled south, the direction from ber of the famed Carlson’s raiders ber o f the S PA R S and who Is on for the actual number of tfibaa that the Jap's propeller cut off a which the Germans were pouring who was Invalided home recently her way home from'California. ad appeared eharglns at tha Keep Warm With Our earned but no altowancr or rotutj chunk o f the bomber’s tail; the fire on ttie vitayUidendorff bridge. THREE W A Y S after three years in the Pseifle. The Salvation Army Women’s airfield he was stationed at was can be made on ala time ada atep .ArflDery Fire Decreases Home League has plans well un­ after the fifth day. bombed 85 times in 52 days; twice About Town Enemy artillery fire into' the T O FILE '' Raid Sehoowea Island der w ay tor tts'onnual Irish tea Shower Is Given Np "til torbida” : diapUy Uoaa HEIO SiRVICf AT TH8 FRONTl m t t n t t yo u tol- MOVIES IN A HOSriTAl WARDl Mldmy M o«e WELCOME BACK INTO CIVILIAN LIFE. Tho R d Sergt. Chatterton crash-landed; bridgehead area decreased as the party, the data'set for which Is aold. Croat provide* fpedal infotmatioo and help for disabled Tba Herald arlll net oa reap

Co., N ew Haven; Peck, Stow A a perfect demoeraoy here at prtainiy does not dignify itself z W ilcox Co., S o u th in g ^ ; Turner A Manchester home. It is true that we are now by its griping and complaining 27 Concerns Seymour Mfg. Co., Torrington; R. Jacob Thurner Wallace A Boo* M fg. Co., W alling, over minor Inconveniences. He Sees Famous Old Cities $102,000,000 Realized guaranteeing free elections in Eu­ ford; and American Brass Co., tne - w and ten baby toes - / Evening Herald' thinks, rightly again, that we The Open Foraim ropean natlona that never had W in Awards Plume A Atwood M fg. Co., Seovill - rXnUAMBBD BT Til Estate Filed Mfg. Co„ and Watorbury Farrcl roAT.n pRUmNO 00. INC. them, and that we are making should hold nothing back that we Through Red Cross H^i Communications for publications in th^ Opep/Korum will not From War Prisoners Foundry A Machine COn. W ater- U MaMlI SlTMt such guarantees across the A t­ pos.sibly can give to this war. Sen­ Preserve baby's precious shoes KtaobMUn Oonn. be guaranteed publication II they contain n ^ c than 300 words. State Companies to Re­ bury. . ______lantic without first guaranteeing ator Hart indicated these views j The Herald reserves the right to decline N> publish any matter Ensign Clavin C. Fisher, of 125 • Red Cross Club, housed in a TBOMAS rniOUSO'- Local Man Had $32,* have not been officially aanounc- CtaMnl Hanarer ourselves free elections here In at his Hartford press conference j that may be libcious or which is In Dad/taate. Free expression Brookfield etreet, who is liaison clous Italian marble jmildinc ceive Honors for Voaadad Oetober 1. I88i $80,000,000 Saved by this country. before he left to a.s.sume his Wa.sh- I of political views ia desired by contrmutlons of thU character 996 in Banlcfi and officer aboard a U. S. Navy vessel, beautiful Via Armandb Dias, Iq forever in smart bronze finish starting point for . all Red ***''Nau-Ooeperatlvo Beparated NAM Leadership. Gold Star Mother ■varr Braflng Except Ingtun post. hut lettc’ s which arc detamatbry or abusive will be rejected. Work Around Army The non-cooperatlm German Botldara. Entered at tha But this export of democracy Stocks; His Bequests^ has written his appreciation o f the tours. Twice dall/ the Red Holding siicli views, his voting prisoners are,; separatal from the at Hanehaater, Conn., aa has not acted to reduce the Red Cross in a letter to George sponsors two-hour tours of thcl Camps; Remainder Re­ New York, March 13 — (JCl — You’ll have something more th*n a li/llaby to re­ Itoil KatUr. Memories of ’86 they had no vehicles on sleds. others. Sponsor of Ship amount of democracy here at on the Senate version of the na­ .Streetcar and cab service was al­ Jacob Thurner. who made his Malcolm-Smith of the Hartford by bus w ith. a guide. In add| Twsnty-seven Connecticut firmi member baby’s first year if hla s h ^ are preserved To the Editor, Red Cross War Fund headquarters. every day g i least two busloai sult of Private Hiring. Ths Italian w ar priiMaers are K m C lU P n O N RATES home. To the contrary, it has in­ tional service act can be taken as The coming of K^arch 12th Ahay most completely given up. home with his niece, S irs. Anna divided into two groflps: The Fas­ among the 360 founding members in bronze finish. Every little w rinkle.. .the scufTed Oaa Taar fey HallaU ...... 1 EUU Many men who had managed to The letter has been forwarded by servicem ^ ire taken on sci of the National Atooclatlon of .76 creased the actual amount we pos­ faithful reprc.scntation of the view ; remind many readiers of the fa ­ Pfeffer at 32 Litchfield street, and cists and those who volunteer to Baltlpiore, March 13——The to es.. .the worn laces.. .every precious detail « pre­ Bar 'Math BCall .% get to their offices Monday morn­ Mr. Malcolm-Smith to The Herald tours to' Vesuvius and to the By James Marlow , Manufacturers will receive special S ta ^ Copy ...... I .03 the armed services wopld be like- j mous blizzard of that datc/(n 1888. who dropped dead at the com er of for publication. It follows: panioM volcano, Solfatera. help this country against Ger­ 8. 8. Stamford Victory, sponsored served forever for your enjoyment! Single Shoes sess, in some respects, and It has ing were obliged to walk miles to Washington, March 12—■ (Jb association awards for "outstand­ MJearad Oaa Taar ...... t 9.00 At that time. I was liymg for a Main and Oak streets on the night Feb. 27. 1945 voloano tours are all Inclusive! many in any way short of combat by, Mrs. Timothy Horan, Stamford, Waatan Stataa and APO .$12.00 certainly broadened and stimulat­ ly to entertain on that mea.sure. g tt home at night. One who thus ing contributions to American in- $2.50 each; Pairs $3.50. Ash trays and bookends at while in .\ew York /city, which of January 8, leff an estate which "Mr. George Malcolm-Smith offer cable car transportation f This government has realized more duty. There are 33,000 such vol­ ed our awareness of what still re­ Senator Hart voted for every j scemi'd to he tlio vi»rtex of that ’had to struggle for miles to reach has been inventoried at $32,996.70. duatrial progress as svidenced by Conn., j$old star mother, was $4.95, $5.95 and $6.95. HJBHBEB OF "Red Cross War Fund Hdqtrs. iluides for hikes to the oral than 102 million doUara from the unteers. lauhchsd today at ths Bethlehem amendment which n)ight possibly 1 great storm, so ttuyf a few memor­ home, and wfio is said to have died The Inventory was filed this mom- These volunteers are permitted, their long and aotlvs leadership as TKR ASSOaATED PKES.. mains to be done In this country. "Old State House edge. work of war prisoners in this Fairfield shipyard, the 40th Lib­ Tha Aaaoetatad Praaa la excmalraly ies may be of Ipferest. from the effect of that strain and ihg. It shows that he had the fol­ under military supervlsloo, more founding companies,” it ,WM an- strengthen the bill end make it a ; "Hartford, Conn. "The buried city of Herculan| erty typ* vessel to be built there. aatlUad to tha uaa ol repuDMcatloa at And while we haRF been en- I had been iC church the night exposure, was the former U. S. lowing bank deposits and stocks: country. freedom than the Fascist prison­ noimcMed ■here today ■ 'by ...... WlUlam. ... “P. all aawa dtmtebea eraditad to nr not real national service act. But then, “Dear Sir:— la the obJectl\E of another Mrs. Horan’s son. Sergt Vincent gageil in guaranteeing free elec­ ■betpre, a .S^day evening, and 1 Sen. Roscoe Conkling. It was re­ Hartford Federal and ers. They get $24 a month for Wltherow, preeldent a t N AM . otbarwiaa eraditad In taia paper and .jf “I have enjoyed a great variety Cross tour but the prize tour o| This means: The National Association of M. Horan, was klUed at Wheeler OB the view that the bill as pre- ; reeiill a li/ v y rain on my way ported, I believe, that not s train Savings Aflsociation $3,649.36 •1. $80,000,000 saved by the gov­ alae tha loeal nava published here. tions for liberated nations in Ku- of benefits from tne Red Cross at is the trip to Pompeii. The their work. Manufacturers waa founded at Field, Hawaii, Dec. 7, 1941. sented for final passage was still ■ homo. 'Im> next morning., when I was in or out of the Grand Central Mechanics Savings Bank ernment through the work of war Order now rope, we have been discreetly ji- L various forelgfii ports. These bene-; Pompeii includes a privatd bu| Cincinnati 60 /ars ago and hai The city at Stamford ia provid­ All rishta at mpubllcatlon of special (iwoke/stlll partially a-slcep. I won- station for moat Of tho»<^Uiree ter­ of Hartford ...... 4,062.93 prisoners— rangihg from watch re­ ibaa baraln. are also rasaraed. woefully short of being an honest fits are far too numerous to write th): Naples railroad station, a 12,600 member companies in. the ing a library for the -crew of the lent about the need for free elec­ dereyr for a moment what it was rible days. * State Savings Bank of pairing to common labor— around 0 1 aarvloa dIant of N. B. A Sarriea national service bill, he , voted about in detail so I will confine hour lido on the “ funlcu ■hip which win be operated by the for Easter tions In our own hemisphere. t h ^ looked like a white mass on Naturally, even amid this dis­ Hartford ...... 3.076.02 Arm y camps and posts. Community Needs 48 states. \ Ine.^______myself to Just one of the activities through the dcligriitful Italian c! Series of Geiqpionloa \ American Foreign Steamship against its passage. e window. Then I realized that tressing experience, men found a Savings Bank of Man­ 2. $32,000,000 paid ths govern­ This, from one point of view, of the Red^CroSe— the American tryside to Pompeii, a fascina| The Connecticut finns which Company. Publlataara B»raaanUtl?ea: Tha There, at least, was an hone;^ it was snow. chance for a little humor. It was chester ...... 4,007.10 ment by farmers and contractors Julius Mathews Bpaelal Agency—New could be considered an error In Red Cross as the serviceman's war three-hour tour with guide thr Must Come First will receive the special awards at When I got downstairs, some who the time when insurance scandals Stocks ...... 17,301.20 whp hired the prisoners. Tork. (Aleago. Detroit and Boston. attitude, in contrast with the a tlrrie tourist agency. 11)6 ruins, a visit to the new cltl a series of ceremonies during ths honesty. But, siiiprislngly, all had been outdoors at least'a little, were rocking financial circles and "SoldleitvOn leave from the front Pompeii and ita magnificent [ Japanese First Prisoners MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OP tilde of all those members of >Con the public generally, and those Total ...... $32,996.70 year are; . this talk of free elections and de­ •spoke o f the violent storm then go-' lines and sailors on Jiberty from thedral, and a return to Napl| There are over 858,000 prison Ths Connecticut charter mem­ CIRCOUATTONR______grese who are acting as >ff the under .suspicion were in flight from In his will Thurner leaves $500 Rome, March 12 — (F) — Pope mocracy in Europe seems to have ing on. I had to walk four blocks the ships are all extremely eager total cpst to servicemen, 20c. era here: 306,000 Germans, 60,000 bers are Farrel-Birmingham Co., pa.ssage of a fake milk afid water to the 23rd strT’et i at the 4th justice. One great snow-drift had to his niece In Manchester and the to seC and know the strange for­ “The American Red Cross is I Pius x n declared yesterday that The Herald Printing Company. Inc., a rebound effect among some of ItaUana. 2.800 Japaness. Our first Ansonia; American C%aln and Ca­ assumes no Bnanclal responsibility for measure would acDlally mean avenue) braheJi of the Y. .M. C. A. been tunneled out a sigh at its remaining part of his estate he eign cities to which the fortunes of .tainly seeing that the services prisoner was a Japanese manning the time has arrived for capital typographical errors appearing In sd- our neighbors. There was, last leaves to his hrt>ther, Martin and ble Co., Bridgeport Brass Co., and where 1 was doing Borne part- entrance said, "This way to Can­ war have brought them. Without is able to take full advantage off a baby submarine in Pearl Harbor and labor to realise the needa of the Bullard Co., Bridgeport; Bris­ fertlaamanta in The Manchester Baa- anything cither to-^e war effort two sisters, (.".atherine and Julia year, the strange and heartening time work. I managed to get to ada." On another enonmous drift the Red Cross the efforts of most educational opportunities affoij Dec. 7. 1941. the community muat be placed tol Brass Corp., Bristol; the Gil­ ning Herald. ^ ______at home or to Vm morale of our In Czechoslovakia. spectacle of a Cuban dictator de­ the "Y .” hut on my way home at (such drifts sometimes went to the of them at sightseeing would gain | by foreign duty. This information, and what fol­ above Uielr own individual inter- bert A Bennett Mfg. Co., George­ Before the money is distributed "Y’’our.i truly, Monday, March 12 fighting men amoad. Better noth­ noon I was obliged to stop after height of the first story windows) them little more than bewilder­ lows, Is from MaJ. Gen. Archer K town; Billings A Spencer Co., Cape- liberately refusing to control the an order must be issued that'w ill ests. . ^ ^ ing than i^ icth in g that is a two blocks behind a sign board, or some wag had put a great placard ment, sore feet and, perhaps, an "Clavin C. Fishc Lercb, provost marshal gensral. In an address delivered before well M fg. Co., Colt’s Patent Fire­ Cuban' elections as he had been meet with the approval of the the end of a building, to rest aRer reading, "This bank will move on empty pocketbook. Let me give I Ensign, USNR, Commur I> He disclosed the facU and,figures membra of Catholic workers’ or- arms Co., Nlles-Bement-Pond Ready For The Next Phase fake. All/all Congress would be counsel from Thurners native land you a sample of how the Red | tIon-Lialson Officer. p W expected to do. And there now fighting the fierce wind. or about May 1." in a recent speech. Better SI ganizations. the pontiff appealed to (Pratt A Whitney division) and more luitiest with itself and with and also be approved hy the alien cross serves the serviceman as his Walter E. Ranger, The original bridgehead at Rc- comes before us the equally heart­ So the blizzard went on with We may all be thankful that no j Fifty-six war prisoners have mep everywhere to "abandon emp­ Sigourney Tool Co., Hartford. property custodian. Not that we touiist agency in just one city. | Post Office. New 'York, haa, by German accounts, the cylmtry if it gave up its sick­ practically unabated fury for three storm of such violence and slop­ been shot trying to escape: 85 died, ty phrases” and to recognise "a Also International Silver Co. and ening spectacle of an election to ai'o at war with Czechoslovakia, Naples. I l25 Brookfield St., ly /fo rt at .soft compromise and days, with an enormous fall of ping of all normal lite has occurred 21 were wounded. O f 1,86Q escapes, higher unity" binding all who col­ the Charles Psrkef'C o., Marldim: itself unUl it la 12 miles but that country Is now in the "In Naples the Enlisted Man's Manchester, Conn. be held in Brazil— that nation’s snow which filled the streets, a since, and we may fervently hope all but 12—six Orman*, six Ital­ laborate In production . Eastern Mallesble Iron Co., Nau­ id either yes or no, instead of hands of the Germans and for that As our bridgehead troops first election In 16 years. Such high wind, and intense cold. Dur­ that It will not be repeated. ians— were back in custody by ConunenUng on the possibility of gatuck; P. A F. Ck)rbln:\^hder8. trying to say both in the same reason there may be a delay in at Watkins thus fho out up and down the an event in Braxil in turn w ing those days the city was prac­ W. Moreton Owen. out. said a union statement, were March 1. Increased socialiiatlon, the {wpe Frary A Clark, Russell AErwln bill. tically at the mercy of the ele­ settling the estate. Moat of the escapes are walk­ declared that socialisation was Jus­ Bhlne m m the Ludendorff bridge, spread Ita eff^cta pisewhere./in Painters. Carpenters, Machinists, Japs’ Fleet Mfg. Co., and the Stanley Works. ments. Families who needed coal Editor's Note:'The Rev. Mr. aways from a Job. Most are tified only when the common wel­ they are ^^tabllshlng auxiliary EHectriclans and members of thfe New Britain: the Bigelow Com­ short, democracy is a conUfgioiia might order it, and dealers had it, Owen, pastor emeritus of Bunker Screen Players union. rounded up shortly afterwards fare requlrtd it to repair abuses or pany and National Folding Box erossinga, ao^-that our original but they could not deliver it be­ Again Ready! Get Paid in “ Canteen Coupons” avoid the waste of a nation’s pro­ thing, capable- of apreadk^g back Hill Congregational church in Soloiis Probe Sorrell said only the govern­ Don’t discount the importance routs across n»e .bridge itself la and forth across the Atlantic. It la cause anything on wheels could Waterhury, now resides at 38 ment could stop the strike, "and if For the work they do the war ductive resources. not get through the streets, and Spruce street, this town. prisoners get 80 cents a day, not . Noting that workers’ syndicates of sleep. It’s one of nature’s baing aupplementcd by other tha only political craM the world Assembly Notes Uncle Sara ateps in we’ll go back For Com] Why Thousands of Doctors War Output to work.” He said work would not in cash but In “ canteen Coupons” ate now being formed in Italy, the greatest blessings, planned to route! perhaps not \so directly has yet developed/hlcb has such By Committee on Public Hovo Proscribod be halted on government war which they can use for purchas­ pontiff said their activities should rebuild each night your day- aubjact to German artiUery lire. Information flown during March as 90 per (Continued FTom Page One ing things in Army prisoner-of- be confined to representing and naturally contapoua strength. cent of the pupils purcha.sed (Continued From Page One) films and that union members worn body. In these *trenu- The fact that our brid^ead la Connecticut General .4aaembly Bolton necessary for p’ .nt, maintenance war camps. O rm an y pays defending labor In making con­ Room 406, State Capitol stamps during February. aneae will retain their communl ous times it is essential that thus axpaRdlng and soUdl^ing it­ several plants mentioned in testi­ and protection would be permit­ American war prisoners about the tracts. FOR Connecti^’s Future Wealth New officers of the School Im ­ tions to the Asiatic mainland ul same for work they do. This bedding help nature to Hs full­ self with the ideal time for a Ger­ Pfc. Lester C. Saunders of Bol­ mony before the committee Satur­ ted to pass through picket lines. we establish our sea and air po| a Bills To' Be Heard provement League Include: Presi­ is due to an agreement between est by allowing you to change man countsr-attack alreatl^ Of aJKNew England, only Con­ ton has ^been cited by the 351st dent, Gilbert Negro; vlCe presi­ day by spokesmen fo r the United in positions from which we Among bills scheduled to , be the two countries. necticut and Rhode Island have "Spearhead" Infantry Regiment dent, Raymond Peracchlo; secre­ Automobile Workers (C30). The Dispute Will Affect completely cut these communl All ou Bomber position, unconsciously and 'paasad aeaina asauraace that, a ^ committee which found some This doesn't mean you, a heard before, the Committee on of the 88th Blue Devil Division tary, Robert Murdoch. tions.” - - without uphill struggle, time in tha cats o f the Normandy land­ tood what Wie • CensuB* Bu- plants ahead of schedule but far The Nipponese Army ig still er, can hire a prisoner for SO #BFW» SUF W BiM rV# Better Elections of the General Assembly All the desks in the school room Production of Shells cents a day. You must pay to Die iu Crash and time -again during the ings, the Osrmans art not inter- au describea as a mass popula­ and awarded the Combat Infantry below capacity also had summon­ per cent Intact," and the Allies ■ Fertuezln matt 'be f o ^ when thou*^ have been sandpapered and var-, Detroit, March 12. — — As unds upon Uioussnds of Oooton \ on Tuesday, March 13, are S.B. Badge for actual participation in ed representative# of the Army, "ijave to go all out to destroy . the government whatever the pre­ night. Good bedding.. .the fs rln f seriously with the fli tion trend during the past four nished through the School Im ­ 13.000 employees ended a ten-day have preeortbed it for so many years. 332. Senator Kiernan, concerning combat against the enemy with Navy and Air Forces procurement defeat Japan." vailing civilian wage rate ia for beat you can afford... is your phase of our bridgehead o] years. The trend the Bureau flnda provement League. strike in seven Briggs Manufactur­ PcriUHln zoU at osce to relievs your Biennial Election of Assessora and the Fifth Arm y tfi Italy. services. the work to be done. The gov­ Alexandria, La., March 12— UP)— couahlnf. It looeenz and makes phletn' own contribution to better tion. That^lng the c^, it le away from the Atlantic Sea­ Boards of Tax Review, H.B. 216, S,andard8 of the badge arc The boys purchased a soccer Charges Output Out ing Company plants today, govern­ ernment -then pays ths prisoner All tan members of a four-motor e a :^ to ralM. Safe and effective for ment spokesmen said a dispute at A|l-Season health I should follow, as it dld ^ Nor­ board and the Northern Atlantic Mr. Hicks, New Canaan, concern­ high: the decoration ik awarded to ball and the girls bought a new Thus far testimony has been in canteen coupons. bomber crow from the Harvard both old and young, Inexpenstvcl ing Admisaion or Election of Per- softball and bat and shuttle cocks the Thompson Products, Inc., plant Fifth_Ariny’s mandy, that our yiiiidgehead Mates towara the South and the the intantry soldier who has entirely by spokesmen for , man­ WMO Sets Rote of Pay (Neb.) Army Air FielO were killed aons unable to Appear before for outdoor play. agement and the labor unions in here would affect production o* ar­ You can’t hire a prisoner if far West.* Maine, New Hamp- proved nis fighting ability in com­ last night in a «;jash while at up to the Board of Admleeion of Electors; bat. The handsome badge con­ the area’s automobile Industry. tillery shells unlass it was settled civilian labor la available. The Mi.ss Lisbeth MacDonald gave a Drive Slowi tempting a landing at the AleX' Sm4 Car M ew SN Shz le Germans, ■blre, Vermont, -Massachueetta H.B. 27, Mr. Smith, concerning sists of a silver i'iflt',set against a talk on good posture one day re­ George Romney, managing direc­ soon. W ar Manpower commission has The Thompson dispute Involves andrla Army Air neld. In Normandy, have ait lost population. So have election and appointment o f town background of Infantry blue, en-, cently. She was sccompanied by tor of the Automobile Council for to approve the hiring, notifies the Rafeigh ‘700 workers and has halted output (Continued From Page One! The plane exploded and was de W E BUY officers, and H.B. S06, Mr. Supine, closed in a silver wreath. - y Miss Dorothy Morton and Mrs. W ar Production, has accused the Army, and sets the rate of pay. arm y o f unknown New York and Pennsylvania. New o f fuses for artillery shells. molished. „ Ashford, concerning appointment William Minor. UAW -CIO o f seeking to usurp W ar prisoners cannot be used unknown quality op- Jersey has stood about even. But Benefit Bingo r Louis C. Mirlani, chairman of has instructed his troops to def< The vlcUms Included Corp. W il­ awl M Y YNE LNIT of moderators by registrars. Hear­ The Bolton Grange will present management functions and of CB tasks directly related to war liam H. Adams, gunner, eon of Mrs. Connecticut and Rhode Island For Iiterat)ire for the month of the Regional W ar Labor Board, "every Inch" of Italian tsrrlt am ox. russHT nay t s l v h poMng x t^ our preparation for the ings will be at 1:30 p. m.. Room a bingo party at the Con^munity causing a 25 to 50 per cent reduc­ operations. This Is in accord­ Mabel Adama 71 Bridge street, 40ft. February we studied Lincoln’s said two days o f conferences with an order taken from a eaptu) Far AS Makes aa« MeAeb Sound Values in phaae, wbleh cama with have gained population during the Hall on Tuesday evening. March tion In war materiel output. ance with ths Geneva conven­ New^Milford, Conn. ScvCTal bills relating to the Gettysburg Address and Washing­ union and management representa­ Nazi soldier disclosed. If-out at 8t. Lo, took a same four year peaiod. the in­ 20, for the benefit of the Bolton R. J. Thomas, president and W al­ tion, worked out by' various na­ practice of Healing Arts will be ton's Rules of (in d u ct In honor tives had failed to settle their dif­ "Y ou do not defend Italy in thi BSC~ Red Cross W ar Funt}* Mrs. Kee­ of their birthdays. ter P. Reuther, vice president re­ tions in 1929 and approved by our long time. But in eyr oper' crease in Connecticut being one heard before the Committee on ferences. The next step, he said, battles but Germany itself," ney Hutchinson is . -^hairlady of spectively of the UAW-CIO, have Senate in 1932. at the Rhine, we are facing of 67,566, or four per cent, that Honor students for the months would be an unprecedepted W LB O ld e r said. “ Not one inch o f Sound Sleep Licensed Occupations on Wednes­ the bingo and will/ W assisted by retorted that management has sac­ War prisoners working for the Johnston’s Name an enemy demonstrably weaker in Rhode Island one of 65,626, or day. March. 14, at 2 p. m.. Room of January and February are: rificed the war effort to planning directive, issued solely by the pub­ ground must be surrendered to <| Mrs. Donald Tedtord, Mrs. Michael Margaret Tob^, Morris Silver- lic members o f the board, which enemies without a battle. Offic Arm y in 1944 did 19,567,719 man- nine per cent. 417. as well aa bills concerning foi post war markets. 6 only Twin 31** Jumbo box springs and tea know we are flgbtlhg not Peace and Mrs/Edna Smiley. Re­ stein, Rsymona Negro, Angela “ must be obeyed.” and men alike muat be permea' days of work. For farmer and On Awards List W \ physiotherapy technicians, phar­ freshments win be served and The committee late Saturday contractors they did 10,181,276 iMJ with matching Cotton Felt Mattresses) the ftrst great battle of the west Two things about these statis­ macy , oommlssioners, and an VercsUl and Lawrence Soma. night heard Matthew Smith, secre­ More Interested In Quarrel with this thought I tMi worthwhile prizes given. Everyone man-days 5jvork. Raleigh, .a new Watkins ntattress by Stearns & Foster. . . .was em front, but the last great bat­ tics seem clear. The trend to­ amendment to the charter of the Those who have improved in tary of the Mechanics Educational "The Army wants the complete 'T know that the troops u IHFT-ib complete outfits; were $69.60... .149.75 is cordially' Invited to attend and some way are Theresa Kurys, A r­ output of this plant at once, but I particularly the commanders Affects Naal Treatment Washington, March 13—(F)—A I'Ub tle. X ward the south and west is a con­ State Medical Society. make the'contribution to the Red Society of America (independent) designed for all year com foi^for sounder, deeper, more relax­ 3 only ’Twin Size Jumbo box springs; Bills concerning exemptions, li­ thur Burke, Ruth Baronousky, assert that production in the area must say that both sides in this convinced o f the necessity of General Lerch says the W ar de­ single ConnecUcut name appears were $39.60 ...... $25.00 As Mr^ Churchill once said, we sistent, normal population trend. Cross pt' worthwhile one. Betty Greenwood, George Rose, dispute are more interested in campaign.” partment hM abundant evidence 111' ing anrf*refreshing sleep. ^ le ig h will aid nature in restoring cense rrtiewals and registrations, / Dance on Saturday was about 60 per cent of its poten­ on a list issued by the W ar depart­ -m il IS3 9 Twin Size, 6 Full Size, U. S. Somno have the "iron hotted up," and we And the Connecticut and Rhode for Veterans, will be heard by the Alan Rogers, Gordon Yatee, Joan tial; that the lack of a post-war quarreling with each other than in ---- z------to prove our treatment of Ger­ Ladies of St. Maurice are ment today of 100 officers and men m must ba in haate to strike new Island exceptions to this trend are TJti'e OomelluBOn, Elia FachetU, Robert charter of social security, uncer­ getting full production restored." man w ar prisoners baa bad a dl' your vitality each night because hne side is made of Howny cot­ box springs and matching Cotton Felt Committee on Veterans’ AfTairs on sponsoring a round and square Wa b «y can sad trucks e>' c* Tuesday. March 13, at 2 p m.. Gowdy, Patricia Mahoney, Ken­ tainty of draft etatua and compli­ Miriani said. rect affect In seeflring better who have won the medal of honor Mattresses; complete outfits; and haavler biotas while it is still abnormal developments, caused (Ihnce on Saturday evening, March Urges Advice makee, years and type*, ton felt for cozy Winter com fort. \ the other with firm, cool room to be assigned. neth Skifiner, Herbert Green­ cated War Labor Board machin­ Mirlani criticised the concern treatment for American prisoners In the present war. in that condition. The easentlally solely by the fact -that war indus­ 17, at the Community hall. Mrs. The Committee on Public Infor­ wood, Herald Lee and Ward ery impaired production efficiency. for discharging 26 employes and In Osrmany. I t Is that o f Pfc. WlUlam J. John­ tegardlez of condition Keeney Hutchinson ia chairman of hair for Summer use. \ 6 only Full Stee box sprincrs, II. S. alow and methodical proceaa of tries are concentrated in these mation of the General As.semWy Gochee. "Form of Economlb Theft” suspending 1S9 others, asserting, By MacArthi He says American war prison­ ston, a native of New Jersey who the committee. The Hebron Barn­ , .$25.00 building up the Remagen bridge­ two atataa In other words. Con- hsa announced hearings for -The Lists Books of 1944 Smith, who said his organization "This ia an extraordinary case It ers in Germany rsceivs between entered the Army from Connecti­ make; were $29.76 coming week before the folMwing stormers will furnish the music had 64,000 members, mostly skill­ has no precedent anywhere since (Continued From Page Ons^ 1,800 and 3,000 calories of food a cut, one o f 47 enlisted men to be 7 Full Size. 1 Twin Size, Palconla Mat­ head, than, ia likely to be coro- nectlciit'a pay-off attraction is and refreshments will be on sale The following letter was sent to Pre-war quality, hand-Ued Raleigh boXsprings can be had to committses; mwl' ed workers, told the committee the WLB waa created. Hcce we day—the same received by Ger­ given the nstlon’s highest mUltary preaaed within a few days at the that it offers Jobs. If Connecticut as usual. TltlkctsItiKC may be , pur- borrowers of the Bolton Library: tresses ; were $29.76 ...... $22.50 Banks— Thursday. Mni,Th 15. 2 that he regarded dividends as "a have an instance where all the offi­ abd that MacArthur is "alm ost I man civilians and German soldiers award. match for $34.50 (Regular $39.50 v ^ e s ) . m oat were forced to rely chiefly upon chased at the door Dear Reader: The Bolton Pub­ cers of a local union are fired." replscesble" for that task. Gan. Doimlaa MacArthur is one p. m.. Room 402—Bills concerning lic Library Committee is sending form of econoipic theft” and stock­ in bass camps— and through week­ Tha Oarmana have an anticipa­ th« pleasantness of Connecticut compensation of directors, trus­ Lrctujrb on Victory Garden holders as performing no useful Employees of Rriggs reported " I think he has done a «T subscribed through . the North tary; Arthur Merrill, treasurer; 600 workers In the' Hollywood Le­ lease and tuppilea in the .wake of Sunporch Magfizine Rack; reed and wood...... 17.50 which modern agricultural meth­ from Berlin, said "the year 19 country are barred from taking 2 p. m.. Room 409—sevSral bills school pupils please notify Mrs. Gertrude Bunce and Elinor Bent­ gion stadium. battle.” Private exports already .. 17.50 8.75 ods have made marginal land will not be repeated,” implying th Motlern Elm Coffee Table; leatherette top...... part in a free election, and when pertaining to refunds on gasoline WUliam Ener, tel., 7692, _ some­ ley. “ Oat to Destroy Unions'* are under control '• Ivory Enameled Dresser with mirror...... 42.25 21.00 When you buy a Basiran Genuine band made O n m U l from the commercial point of tax-disposition of rsceipts of motor time before March 15? Library hours are Wednesday, <3ermany would flgb t on in guc there are countries much nearer “Continued delays by govern­ rilla warfare if her Armies we .. 13.50 6.75 Rug you are buying one of the finest . _ \Voven.of 100/fc view. The relatively poor farm­ vehicle commissioner — transfer Center School Newa l;45-5:30 p. m. Motlem Walnut Bedside Table with drawer------home where free elections would ment agencies, aided by motion smashed. .. 79.00 39.50 pure virgin wool, they’re finely woven in the moat bw u- ing .yield from auch land has been from general fund—Wilbur Cross The following news of Center Boltoa Briefs picture producers, no longer can Hartford Woman Suicide Modem Walnut Vanity with large mirror...... also be a novelty. Parkway Fund and License Fee on school was written by Margaret be overlookad,” Sorrell said; VTh* Modern Princewood and Elm Dresser...... 84.75 42.35 tiful designs created by master craftsmen of Persia. N ot one of the things sending Con­ Passenger Vehicles. Edwin Oomelluson, USN, has HarUord, March 12—(A>>—Medl- MMdletown Widow Dies only are these rugs noted for their exceptional fine, weave That we should put our own Tobias. been spending a few days leave at producera are out to deatroy all Louis XV Printed Bedside Tables, green, blue.. ... 16.50 8.25 ea. necticut sons to richer and broad­ Persons interested in these mat­ W e had a Good Ekiglisb drive cal Ebiaminer R. J. Onderdonk o f bouse in order, or that we should his home in North Bolton and unions. They are foolish to bava Middletown, March 12— (F) Cpholstered Benches; damask with fringe.. :.. 17.50 8.75 and outstanding many years of service, nut also for tlwir er fields. But such land, won back ters are luged to either attend the last week. First we picked cap­ Blast Hartford cbaracterired as a try to put neighboring houses in will return to Sampson, N. Y., on chosen this dispute aa the issue. Funeral services for Mrs. Add! . . . 35.00 17.50 ea. heavy, thick pile which lend-a touch of luxury underfoot. hearings or make, known their tains. They were _illlan''Murdock "tuiclde” the death of Mrs. Helen Classic 18th Century M irrors; um tops...... to the use and pleasure of all the Tuesday. They will find themaelvea con­ d. EUlott, 91, who died at order before we presume to carry wishes to their local representa' and Alan Rogera The results were fronted by a dolid labor fronL” S. Richards, 49, o f Hartford who, Maple Mirror, architectural design...... 'I...... 14.95 7.^5 people o f the state, can pay hand­ Th< Youth Fellowship o f the Sunday, Jumped from the south home Simday after a brief tha sweet light of democracy to tlves. ^ that Ulllan Murdock’s team Idbt A ^lokeanian for tha producera Maple Mirror with pierced arch top...... 14.95 7.45 Come In tomorrow and choose the rug of ypnr dreams some dividends to Connecticut Quarryville church will me«i side of the Morgan O. Bulkeley will be held Wednesday after the peoples of Europe ia a fre­ ahd gave the winning team a par­ Tuesday evening at 7 o’clock in said they ware powerless to pre­ She was the widow o f JdiMph Maple Coffee Table; Chippendale design...... 22.60 11.23 . .whether it be a full room size, or just a little accent to living again. ty. 'This was a part of the- School vent the strike, m aald tha l^ t bridge into the Connecticut river. quent isolationist argumant, and the church baaemehL The bo(to waa recovare^ by EMst Elliott who commanded the M Maple Play Yards ....;...... 9.95 4.48 lighten up yopr home. Improvement League. Choir rehesMl for the Quarry- between the tw o A F L uniona waa dletowB Home Guard during 5.45 It ia obviously an .argument not Red Crosis Needs Supervisor I. B. Lunfield visiteid over the “set decorators* union Hartford police in 1|MM than an Oak Play Yards ...... ^ ...... 10,95 Hart’s Point Of View ^ viUe church wlU be held Wednes­ hour. Hartford police said they Flfst World war. A membqr . . . 12.50 6.25 without point and eilect. the school on Friday, March 2. day evening at the church. that ia niade up o f only 72 men, the Methodist church here for. ^ Mfiple Coffee Table with stretcher base...... Staff Assistants On Wednesday, Feb. 28, the and it does not involve wages, were in poasesaibn a t three suicide 11.23 Nonetheteao, it seems that de­ Senator Thomas C. Hart, Con­ notes found In Mrs. Richards’ last 72 years, Mrs. EUlott waa,sr Sheraton Mahogany End 'Table; leather top...... 22.50 eighth %rade enjoyed a vjsit to hours, working conditions or any mocracy has many curious prop- home. the oldest ffistrict Khool tcacj:>| .. • 5.00 2.50 necticut’s new representative at' Manebester High schooL On the CampsUgE (IkrewE WUto Opea other matter within the power o f Mahogany Pedestal Smoking Stands...... •rtlas. and that one of them U in Middletown. She is iurvlv{i ixu DsLaz* Ssnuk, kS.SSSSSSSSS***** WM.09 Washington, believea in R strong A new course for training Red same. day Mra Thomas Bentley the employer to giv or with­ 189.95 by tw o daiwhtera and a son. 4x1 U la h a a s ...... that it gains strength from ^in g national service act. Doing so, he Cross Staff Assistants is planned instructed the seventh grade on Rio de Janeiro, March 13.—Un— hold." Priaoa Guard Buried Arthur E. n teraon , once ohapUi 88FS the Dewey Decimal System at the 2AxS IJlshsns ...... axported. Or, to put it another may be said to represent the. point to start early in April. Stqff As­ BrazU’s Impending presidential The statement by the producera in the atate Senate and now a CoflJ ,****•**•*• 88F8 Library. . said they had urged workers to 3x8 Ulakaas ...... way, you can't sUengtbeo, defend, sistants in the chapter office, campaign apparently was thrown- Hartford, March .12— —Herb­ gregatlonallst supply pastor.'' ■ of view of the services them­ at the Blood Bank when the Mobile Pupils having perfset •attend­ wide open today by President Ge- await legal determination o( the ert O. Para^, S3, Oonnscticut wr promota democracy anywhere selves. He rightly evaluates all Unit is in town, and in other Red ance for the month of February tulio Vargas’ announcement that dlLputa ^ t h e r than cause tra- state prison guard who died from Leaus Out T ee Far Also s fTOup of scatter rugs, spproxl-, Wtthout strengthening democracy possible sacrifice the home front Cross activities where clerical Include: Ruth BaronouiHcy, Conrad he would not be a candidate for re- mendoua Injury to our M.OOO em­ injuries recalvud Friday when he m ately 27x54 lachss. in cottons, wools, ’ mmrywfaere. work is needed. Tobias, Angela VerceUl, David election. Vargas made hia an­ ployes and to the effort the Indus­ waa aevursly beaten over the head Kansas City— —Fumes fr o jj and rayons. No two sUks. Cboios at could make as spmetblng inevita­ Toomey, Oorremn Anderaon, Gor­ It Is true that wa ia America It is particularly dssirabte Chat nouncement at a luncheon given try la making in bahaU of military during an attempted prison break a chemicaUy operated machir Half Pries. ’ bly lees than the sacrifice made thoee.taking the course women don Yates, Patricts Mahoney, yeeterday by 800 Braaflian news­ and clvlUan nocnla, aa wail as tbs by t h m oonvlctu was buried this made him feM faint so Ray Frj^^ to tbs defenae «C de- by the men actually fighting for who can work during the day. Robert Gowdy, Margaret Tobiaa,. papermen aa a testimonial to the direct service being rendered to aftemoau from the 'niomas 'K. 16, leaned out o f a aeocsMl sto i without first pausing to us. He shares the views of many To get further Information or to Raymond Negro,, and Raymond president for establishing a mini­ the military forces. # Farley funeral home. Paraell is window for air. He leaned too t4 I’eraccbio. Pledged to Support Walkout survived by his widow and two fell 20 feet and suffered cuts on 1 « 4H that wa had achiavad ■ervlca men, that the home front iTgister for the course, contact mum u-age scale for newspaper Mrs. Irvins Baver. ’nhona C3S6. the MinuU Man FUg wUl be workers. Pladgad in support of tha walk- chiklran. ftad lio ^ 4 I . • ■ ^ ' i ' ’ * - " MANCHESTER EI^ENING HERAU), MANCHBSIT5R, UJZIM,. asONDAI, MARCH 12.1948 , i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, MARCH 12,1945

• * -; . ___ and driving off the rest, Cliinsae WTUT—IS8U ;Super-Forlg Pour This Year's Herald of the Red Cross Mindanao Forces field dispatches said today. Awards on 28 WHTD—141U Aboiit Town The landing attempt was covar- Today's Radio -Americans Whip Dexters 58 to Drive on Toward ed by two Japanese warShUis and Baatem War Time . Fire on Nagoya m probably represented an effort to The Inasmuch class of the expand ,the enemy’s protective lurea < Deaths Mad< T^o I t ^ ^ e a r d 1:00— 'WDRC House Party;< Yanks; WHTD The Lone Ran­ Church of the Nazarene will meet (Continued From Page One) San Roque Field around Foochow aa a safeguard ger; WTHT —.Castles in the Air; tomorrow evening at the home of against a possible American land­ NeW; WHTD — Time Views the Board of Arbitration An^ News; WTHT — News: Glrand’e WTIC — Governor Baldwin. Cleveland Prospects None Kaolknan to Be Miss Anna French, 16 Edgerton Milwaukee, Ore., said they could (Continued From Page One) ing, the dispatches declared. 7:45—WTIC—Emile Cote Chorus. PA’s, Hollows Battle Duffy Paces Kni^llts street. see fires for 90 miles Other unofficial Chinese reports Music HaU; WTIC — Backstage Bald CHlhese fdrcea had broken nounces Action Wife. g;00—WDRC — Vox Pop; WHTD Fit—entcd at High Shoots Out Searchlight now control the entire length of 1:15—WHTD — Musical Roundup: Ted Malone; WTHT — Cecil Too Bright as Season Nears The Center Congregational into the city of Suichwan in Kiagsi Fire Toll Qaims. Brown; WTIC — Cavalcade of Sdiool Hall March 20. Church Quadrant will meet at the Timm’s B-20 flew so low (pns.sl- the western shores of the Philip­ province, former site of an impor­ W n c — Stella Dallas. Tuesday Night at Rec To Win Over Billiardi church tomorrow evening at 7:30. hly 5.000 feet) that his left gtin- pine inlands from the northwestern tant advanced base of the U. S. t:30—WDRC — Jimmie Fldler; America. The guest speaker will be Rev. nor. Sargt. Bt;n Moffa, Philadel­ tip of Luzon to the southwestern 14th Air Force. Severe fighting Hartford, March 12.—(J5—Twenn w n c — Lorenzo Jones. 8:15—WHTD — Lum and Abner; First of a series on prospects ■f Jack Salveson and Ray Poat are t nrti Kanfman, vioUnUt, who Carl E. Hanse'n. assistant in Relig­ phia, ijhot out a searchlight with tip of Mindanao, a distance of ap­ was said t^ be continuing inside »:46—WDRC — This Thing Called WTHT — Kay-O-Qula of major league clubs, If any. 2-B, in case you are Interested, al­ proximately 800 miles. ty-eight awards for deaths in tha 8:30 — WDRC — George Bums * ----^— though toe latter’s ERA was 6.11. PA'g Notch 23rd Win- yrOk ba heard at the fourth Man- ious Education for the Connecticut .50 calibre machineTg\in fire. The the city. Circua fire July 6 laat and aipountH Faahlon; WHTD — Hop Harrl- Outcome Is Important, Paul Calvert is a Canadian citizen er Ctvla Mualo Aaaociatlon Congregational Conference. tail gunner. Sergt. Kent. J. Sprn- "The blodkadc of the South Chi-, gan; W nC — Young Wlddcr and Grade Allen; WHTD—Blind By Harry Gleason Spring Dl*ills 27 Starts; Kni na sea and the conaequent cutting ing to $323,900'were announced f Date; WTHT — American Dis­ To Both Fives; Scoring Local Sport NEA Sporta Editor who can’t see his hand .n front of lit, Tueaday evening, March g\ie. Lngargcsvllle, N. Y.. and tlie day by the board of arbitration Brown. I cussion League; WTIC — How­ him without thick glasses. ^ 9 0 , at High School hall, 8:15 p. m., central control g u nner, CpI. .tames off of the Japanese conquest to the 8;00—WDRC — News; Ad Liner: | Gain Upper Hand Hose Company No. 1 of the Man­ south is Intensifying.” Buys Out Interests Judgea A. E. Baldwin, A. 3. Bor WHTD —^Terry and the Pirates; ^ ard Barlow’s Orchestra. Championship to Be Cleveland, March 12 — With George Hooks, who spent some In Full Steam a native American, bom in Port- chester Fire Department will hold Doolittle. Biiriingnme. Calif., eon- 9:00—WDRC — Radio Theater; ' time wTto the Orioles last trip, and flmied that. don, and Daniel O. Campion. ■WTHT — Happy the Humbug;) Chatter things up In the air frofn day to Junior Loop Playoi ^►'■yaand, Oregon. Educated in Port- its monthly business meeting to­ Turkey-shaped Mindanao is iV The board has decid^ all but{ WHTD — Jerry Wayne Show; Decided; Play at 7:30 a young recruit from Wilkes-Barre & ,lfad and New York. Kaufman be- night at 8 o’clock at the fire head­ "I saw MofTii’s tn,eers K'ling X 200 miles north of The Netherlands Of His Partner w n c — When a Girl Marries. | The Meriden Dext;srs, easily the day, Cleveland's prospects are no one of the 132 cases heard and will 6:16— Wh TD — Dick Tracy:, WTHT—Gabriel Heatter; WTIC ' named John Bonness are medical Mayor LaGuardia States The Pollsh-Americans %^iMme interested in music at the quarters, Main street at Hilliard. straight down the beam from a East Indies and only slightly more —The Telephone Hour. The Rec Senior League will ring | second beat team to appear at the worse than anybody elae’s. There’s ■ dlschargea. Earl Henry, who cop­ advanced age of five! At that battery of searehlights. lie knm-k- than that northeast of Singapore, complete the list this week. Of WTHT — Superman; w n C — their 23rd win of toe season bi^lf i 168 deaths reported in the lira Portia Faces Life. 9:1{S-— WTHT — Music without down the curtain for the 1944-46 Eaa( Side Rec thie eeaaon battled no telling who’s going to be re­ ped 16 for Wilkes-Barre, is 4-F. Way to Curb Bookies ^^atme, he was in Rumania with his Loyal Circle of King's Daugh­ ed out the middle one. It d’.dn't Airdromes Bombed Incessantly Frank Facebetti. former pro­ Words. . the PA’S practically on even terms ; . Catching is one of two principal starts yesterday afternoon at ISpiarents. and a young lady who ters will have a pot luck supper come on again.” said Doolittle. but 35 were submitted to the arbi-| 5:80—WDRC —War Commentary; seasan tomorrow night with the classified and grabbed. Perhaps significantly, the Zam­ prietor of the Charter Oak Tav­ Ad Liner; WHTD — Jack Arm­ 9"30—WHTD — Spotlight Bands; ., _ , , before faltering in the final stanza, The pitching looks pretty fair. headaches, with Buddy Rosar, 3-B In Big League Parks. East Side Rac at toe exponsa ;? «ved next door to them in Buchn- and meeting this evening at 6:30 With two-thirds of the B-20.S tration board for hearing and i t : Coronet Story Teller: WTHT — usual two game weekly offering. In , the PA’s 23rd In 27 In- back on their fields. Maj. Gen. Cur­ boanga peninsula is oniy 200 miles ern here, has purchased the inter­ expected some of this number will strong; WTHT — Music; w n c the catching just toe opposite. The | b-^c^ing J" toe Meriden Dexters but not ^^’rfest was studying violin. at Center Church House. northeast of Japanese-held north ests of Vaifro Grandl in the Villa Music of Worship; WTIC — In the feature sttractiop a battle for 1 starts. . Infield doesn’t look so hot, toe out- | a Buffalo war plant. Jim ” Steiner, By Ted Meier .'S?trlgued by young Louis' avid Ir.ter- tis I-eMay, commander of the 21st, be certified to the board ahortly.| —Just Plain Bill. who batted .312 for Sacramento is fore they staged a belated Bomber command, said "It appar­ Borneo—within easy fighter plane Louisa, Birch Mountain, Bolton, The board doea not plan hearings 6:48—^WDRC — Swoon or Croon; ■formation Please. first place in the third round will i field Is improved. New York. March 12—Lou Boudreau spent toe off-sea­ also 2-B. George S u ^ . Jim Devlin, period assault to win out by a, '^ieach him more as a sort of Joke called at 11:20 this morning to ently was a very good mid,” this week, ^ut does anticipate WHTD — O ptaln Midnight: take place whbn the defending Yeatsrday afternoon's contest spring to 6fl score before a small attend*] have been Bombed incessantly in chettl, will continue the ■ restaur­ WTHT — Tom Mix; w n C — WHTD — Guy Lombardo and was the final Sunday attraction of son In toe personnel department Jim McDmmell andT Henry Rusz- ifm tin anything else, never dreaming extinguish a fire that started Long Way From Full Strength recent months. making assignments of cases Orchestra; WTHT — Anita Ellis league champion Polish American kowskl are 4-F, but the latter trio training season opened Its fourth ance. . •,, ' >| i_that the child would become sen- ant and g;rill bnsinesa for which which injuries are claimed and for Front Page Farrell. the season. The attendance was of a plant In his native Harvey, Give PA'S Troobla - from an overflowing oil heater at "All the Japs have to look Re­ On Luzon Island, meanwhile, the the Villa is famous. Mrs. Fac- 6:00—Ne'ws on all stations. Sings; WTIC — Contented Pro­ team stacks up against the Frog 111. Boudreau wears a 4-F tag, are peagreens. wartime campaign today on toe jf^dusly interested in the violin, 24 Maple street The damage ward to Is the total destruetlon of which damages are sought. gram. pppr and again the PA’s lost Mack Out for Duration Tbe Dexters led by diiqiniltMt' fc- Returning to this country, after First Cavalry and Sixth Infantry chettl and Mr. Grand! purchased Thess assignments will be mada| 6:16—WDRC — Lyn Murray's Holjowt in the nightcap. In the mdney. Inability to bring high but your guess Is as good as Roger heels of a proposal from Mayor Steve Rip gave toe lopol br)U46|$t6 I was slight. their Industries, cities and other divisions finessed their systematic the Villa Louisa hotel, good will, Music; WHTD —Les Smith Journ­ 1015—WTHT — Paul Schubert. Pecklnpaugh’a as to what they’ll Mickey Rocco and Boudreau are &two years in Rumania, Kaufman’s vita’ targets devoted to their war on Friday and it is expected.thos 10:30—WDRC J. Y. Blackton first game at 7:30 the (31ty (Jab­ g ra ^ clubs to town and combined say to the shortstop now that he toe only 4-F Infielders, and Ray Fiorello LaGuardia that police In conalderabls trouble UutnigbGtf! R^parents, who encouraged the reduction of Japanese caves and stock and fixtures last fall from first assigned will include those Inl al: Washington Snapshots; orchestra: WHTD — Thla with toe favorable weather in re­ Mack definitely haa decided to re­ the big league cities exchange In­ the encounter. Gigantic Jf"'^ -^Youngster's interest in music, set Mrs. Thomas Irwin of 123 Ben­ effort. But one thing I want to pillboxes along the bitterly-con­ John Albasi. Mr. Albasi has re­ WTHT — Music; Concert Hour; bers face the Rangers. cent weeks has been vital factors has left war work, and he couldn’t French, six foot, six center, I ^ ton street attended the regimen­ emphasize. We are still a long tested Antipolo-Wawa line on the tired from the restaurant business which testimony of physicians and! w n c —Professor Andre Schen- America, Is You and Me; WTHT stay In it and manage the Indiana. main in a war plant for toe dura­ formation in an effort to curb Hyiijjfw to studying with local teach- way from attainment of our full other witnesses is lmmsdlately| _ Evening Musical Varieties; The PA’s-Hollows game will be in curtalllnf Sabbath games. The young Illinois Old Blue has tion. Ken Keltner is 2-A. bespec­ gambling on the sport. gave the PA’s plenty of anxi(liui|j^{ *•* Portland and when he was tal review at Hunter College Sat­ Mariklna watershed east of Manila. and Is devoting his time to the ker. of vital V»ipoi'tanca to both fives. tacled Russ Peters 1-A, Ed Wheel­ moments with his height provBlir urday morning. Her daughter. strength." raising of farm prqduce, milk and available. 6:30—WDRC — George B. Arm­ WTIC—Dr. I. Q. bad ankles, but no mike to lean on Assuaing followers of toe Giants, |7 ,a tly ten years old he toured the Nagoya produees 40 to 60 per To the south, the 11th Airborne Announcement of awards todayl 11:00—News on all stations. The PA’s, winners of both the first The Hoboes will face the Aircraft like Frank Sinatra. er, drafted from San Diego, has Yankees and Dodgers in his week­ to be a distinct advanta^, al­ ^ buntry as a child prodigy. Miss Dorothy Irwin, who enlisted division and the 158tl> Regimental poultry with his sons, EMwin and stead; WHTD — The Answer and aecond pounds of play In the been accepted by the Army. The though in a losing cause. in the "Waves” last month is re­ cent of all of Japan’s warplane? Louis. was for the following estates:! Man: W nC — Jack Says "Ask 11:15 _ WDRC — Danny O’Neil; Friday night at toe Eaa Side Rec In the pitching department, Jim ly Sunday radio talk over WYNC When he was 13, Kaufman came and combat plane' engines. That combat team above farther east­ Shirley KilUm, 16. West Hartford.1 WHTD — Unfinished Business; circuit, have compiled an enviable in an all benefit game ' With pro- Begby, Allie Reynolds, Steve pro- sUtus of Bias Monaco, obtained that "We are going to keep base- ' Big AI Surowiec emd Buck By*'; ^im to New York to further his ceiving her basic training at Hunt­ ward along the southern Luzon Mr. Facchettl intends to serve Me Another.” recoord In league play, eleven wins from Baltimore, was changed from cholski both enjoyed big dayi^', er College in the Bronx. New Indii.stry, vital to Japan’s aerial $8,5d0; Nellie Hart, 69. PlainvUle.l 6:45—WDRC — News; WHTD — - WTHT—Music; WTIC — Hark- ceeda going toward toe Red Cross mek, A1 Smith, Ed Klieman and ball clean" LaGuardia declared: "I tudles. There, he studied with shoreline, clearing the northern fine chicken and spaghetti dinners ncss of Washington. in as many starts. Both the PA’s Ambrose Palica are 4-F and, of 4-F to 2-AF. want to try to arrange for ex­ each scoring seven baskets wiUk“ _nz Kneiael at the Instlti.te of York. warfare, was not the only prime part of the Vefdc island passage $4,650; Walter D. Murphy. 34,1 Musical Roundup; W nC — fund. The Hoboes will bring their It wouldn’t bq at all siirprislng the Blond Bomber netting flva target. Also In the bombed area with his wife, a well known cook PlainvUle, $13,500; Charles D.l Lowell Thomas. 11:30—WDRC — Dance Orches­ and the Hollows are tied for first regular team to the Rec and com­ course. Grandpa Joe Heving is change of Identification and In­ tusical Art and was graduated between Luzqi) and American-held of Italian dishes, in charge of the tra; WHTD — Saludos Amigos; place and a win for the PA’s will if a couple of semi-professionals, formation with other cities where free torows and toe lattsr thrte.' The monthly meeting of the were factories producing impor­ Mindoro. Murphy, 3, Plainville, $6,500; Annal 7:00—WDRC — Jack Kirkwood bined with their uniforms, trick overage. Joe Desiderate of Chicago and ..Zwlth honors, winning the Loeb tant railway equipment, machine kitchen. L. ^rube, 6, Plainville, $6,500; [ ‘show; WHTD — Headline Edi­ WTHT — Chuck Foster’s Or­ officially close the season while a plays and all around basketball Harder Quits Baaeball toe big leagues play so toat PhllS' The locals at times flashed tball^" award of ll.OOO in 1027. Board of Directors of the Man­ Formosa was pounded with 80 ______/____ chestra; WTIC — Author’s Play- Hollow win will, force the PA’s in­ Bagby threatens to remain in Steve Biras of East St. Louis, wind delphia will know the New York usual form but the Dexters not b 1928, as winner of the covet- chester Y. M. C. A., which would tools, bearings, tanks, motor vehi­ tons of explosives dropped by Lib­ Shlleen Fitzsimmons, 3 years, 41 tion; WTHT — Fulton Lewis. ability, a capacity crowd is expect­ up rounding out toe inner works. be denied, came back fighting cles and processed foods. The city months, Bridgeport. $6,500; Monica! Jr.; wnCM-Supper Club. ' house. to a playoff game. ed to watch toe roost coloful team war work at lea6t until the atmos­ thugs and thieves and we will [ad Naumburg award. Kaufman ordinarily fall on Wednesday eve­ Ingrid Bergman has completed the Motion Picture Induriry Red erators on water front installa­ •11:45—WDRC—Dance Orchestra. PAs Hold Edge phere clears, but will be along. Pa­ Jeff Heath, back on two good know the Philadelphia thugs and make it a ball game down to ttaw Ltnade his debut at New York’s ning. will be omitted this month. also has an Important port. tions at Takao. on the southwest Mrs. A11k> Honored Miles, 6, East Haddam $6,500; f , 7:15—WDRC — Hedda Hopper in the past decade (n action. knees, helps the outfield, where final whistle. Also hard hit were war-vital Cross War Fund Week trailer which will be shown in more than Edith A. Miles, 32, East Haddam, I / Hollywood; WHTD — Raymond 12:00—WHTD — News; Music; In two previous games between lica bagged 14 for Baltimore, but thieves and likewise all of toe Vlftjwn hall, where he received unan- cogit. No interception was en­ WTIC — News; St. Louis Sere­ had an earned-run average of 4.01. Paul O’Dea, Pat Seerey and Stan cities on toe circuit.” Locals Start Fast The Sewing Circle of the Con­ railroads and rail yards. The tar­ 16,000 theatres in the United States during the week of March 15 countered. A single patrol bomber $10,000; Doris J. O’Connell, 4l Gram Swing; WTHT — Red the two teams, the PA’e won by Plans are underway to atage a Benjamin, up from Baltimore, also ^ hnous praise from press and pub- get area was a triangular sector At Two Parties Cross Program; w n C — News nade. scores of 52 to 47 and 80 to 87. The General manager Peckinpaugh "We are going to be very, very The PA’S started off witk S r Ue. Continuing his concert career, cordia Lutheran church will meet through 21. Produced at the RKO Radio Picturea’ studio in Holly­ sank or damaged a frelghtet- years 11 months, Union'vllle. I 12-30—WTIC — Curfew Concert. Red (Jrose ball game between the believes RedsEmbree la ready to are 4-F. Roy Cullenblne la 3-A, bang to roll up a 14 to 8 lead IS this evening at 7:30 at the church. bounded on the east and southeast wood, and directed by Jacques Tourneur, the trailer highlights the transport, a coastal ship, a $6,500; Evelyn Y. O’Oonnell, 83,1 of the World. second game saw the Hollows prC' Myrl Hoag a medical dischargee. tough with these racketeers," the he toured both Europe and Amer- by the Chuo railroad line and on 7:30—WDRC — Thanks to the 12:4S—WTIC — Lee Sims. sent a weakened lineup, but the Polish Americans and the Pep take his turn: He won 19 for Balti­ Mayor asserted. "Known gamblers the first period with Dutch Qnug! ' lea as a soloist. the west and southwest by the 1945 Red Cross Drive in its relation to the fighting fronts, with Miss schooner and two tugs off Borneo. UnlonvUIe, $12,000; Annie Frances j Boys. If arrangements can be com­ more, was whiff king of the Inter­ Ed Carnett, obtained from toe and AI Surowiec leading the way.'; In recent years. Louts Kaufman "Know Your State Birds,” Is Mrs. Cecilia Albo. of 120 Char­ Byrnes, 64, ’Thomaston, $8,500; | chances of the Capitol City five White Sox, may stay in a war will not be permitted within toe 'Tokaido main line. Bergman making a drnmatio appeal augmented with scenca showing ter Oak street, who with her hus­ being at full strength tomorrow pleted. toe game will be played national, averaging practically a Yankee SUdlum, Polo Grounds The tempo increased In the IjPlias been occupied In the fleld of the title of an illustrated talk to Quarter of Population Hit Clarence Surdam, 28, Bakersville; I next Wednesday night at the Ewt atrikeout per round for well over plant. Felix Madklewicz. formerly with toe Dexters pulling ■s^'Iiwtion t picture ' music. Millions be given this evening at Center the Red Cross in action. 3 Breaches Smashed band, Joseph Albo, conducts the $12,500; Katherine SUrdam, 60,1 night are good. Lanky Steve with the Athletics and Orioles, is and EbbeU Field. Cei^aln boxes Nagoya has a imputation of 1,- Charter Oak street tavern, was See 60 Million Radio Sets Renick will lead the Hollow tossers Side Rec. 200 of them. around third base in one club and with but one minute to play whsE i^have heard the violin- solos he has Church House, at the meeting of 500,000, a high percentage of In Walls of Fort Bakersville, $6,500; Eldoras D.l Mel Harder has quit baseball for In the Army. Surowiec put toe PA’a out front lifMiitributed to a long list of out- given two parties over the week­ while Dan Norkum, Johnny Ker That’s all, professor, and it ain’t another box that I know of will be the Manchester Garden club, by whom are engaged in some phase Mabel Bjorkman, 84 Benton street. Bergin, 18, Burlington, $8t>000; I Beven teams have offcially en­ toe duration to stick at his job as thoroughly disinfected even if I at intermission with two hoopa l^lltandlng cinematic scores. Some J. S. Bishop of the State Board of CalcutU, India, March 12.—(A5 end in honor of her birthday. A Irene M. North, 7, Rockville, I ehaf, Joe Chopus, Joe Hauser. Bill an expediter for a rubber company. ail good. and a free throw, 29 to 24. I'M; .his‘recent recordings have been of aMcraft pr^uetton. Perhaps Officials of Town Discharged Saturday: Mrs. —Allied artillery has smashed large group of frienda observed the In Demand After the War Casty and others will be on hand In tered toe First Annual Recreation have to put Police Commissioner Fisheries and Game. The mem­ 76.00O persons live in each square Marion Tomm, 149 Oakland street; $7,000; Irene E. North, 49, Rock-1 Centers Junior Baa|tetbaU Tourna­ Valentine in the box.” third period was a repetition o6 % for the scores of such well-known bers are urged to bring guests, three breaches in the walls of event at the tavern Saturday eve­ vine, $8,000; Sylvia Largary Gold-| an attempt to halt the winning toe second with Stu Holoomb ^ ptetures Eu “Wake Island,” "Sus- mile of today's target area, so cim Mrs. Eleanor Grandahl, Wapping; Fort Dufferin in the heart of Man­ ning ■where a delicious ravioli streak of the PA’s as well as to ment that is slated'to get under­ •I hope," he continued. "That and a cordial invitation is extend­ that 376.000 pciSons—one-quarter AU I Funeral Henry Carron. Andover. Conn., dinner was enjoyed. Yesterday an-^ stein, 27, Hartford. $10,250; Adri­ New Tork, March 12.— —With * manner foil. He got *the assign the managers of toe teams will not Elrnic Webber pacing the delon,” “Cabin in the Sky^ "The ed to sportsmen who may be in­ dalay but the 75-yard wide moat enne Beverly Goldstein, 3, $6,500; I ^ a. .a ____, ment after others had been conaid- capture third round honors. way one week from tomorrow in a determined drive to ove: loon and Sixpence,” "The Road to of the city’s residents—were af­ Alexander McDonald, Rockville. so far has proved an effective bar­ other party was given for Mrs. forecasts at hand that the poet- High Scoring Forward night at toe East Side Rec. Hoboes Appear at Ree announce their pitchers toe day terested. Mrs. Norman Ash will fected by the raids. Discharged Sunday: Mrs. Anna rier to the entry of British foot- Albo at the Villa Louisa in Bolton. Dorothy Matthews. 34, Providence, before the game. In fact, it would the locals. The visitors knoi_^„, r^lorocco,' "The Major and the lead the discussion. Chief Samuel G. Gordon, Town R. I., $10,750; Roslyn Matthews, 5, war market for home radio sets programs. The show The PA team will be at full the score at 32 all before tbs PA’K] t-Jtinor." Nagoya had not taken the fire Scheutz. 109 High street; Mrs. soldiers. ’ She was remembered with several strength for the fray In hopea of Paganl’s West Sides will attempt be good to switch them and kind prevention and fire fighting proj­ Treasurer George H. Waddell, Alma Ktebach, Glastonbury; Japanese entrenched in the gifts and flowers. Yesterday’s Providence, $6,600: Joan Toph, 9, might total as many as 60,000,000 goes to the eastern part of the aet- of confuse the gamblers.” started to move in toe dying mto* Busy as he Is in Hollywood, Mr. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Straughan ects begun in Tokyo shortly after Town Clerk Samuel J. Turklngton Hartford, $7,000; Regina Toph. 11. Nceivers, more immediate concern work at 10:30, the same time mat ending play In the league for toe to clinch first place In toe West In Red Cross Benefit The mayor said he already had utes of toe period. The locaja bel4> ^IfCaufman has never deserted the Arthur, Rcynauif 2 North School 1 1-2 mile square fort which en­ party was also in celebration of season. The local five with the Side Rec Bowling League tonight and daughter Joyce of East Cen­ the war startl'd. Hence, it proba­ and Judge of Probate William S.- street: Mrs. Elaine Johnson, 47 closes the royal palace are resist­ the taking over of the Villa Hartford, $7,500; Marion R. LevasI of the Industry U the tube replace­ other stations are carrying Bob talked with Branch Rickey Presi­ 43 to 35 edge at toe whistle. 'dkmcert hall. His annual rMitals ter street, have returned after a Hawk's quiz repeat. scoring wlzzard of Uie loop in A1 when they meet the cellar dwelling a t New York’s Town hall are out- bly was not as well prepared to Hyde, attended the funeral of f9r- Bigelow street; George Stimpson, ing fiercely. Louisa by Frank Facchetti, former seur, 32, Bristol, $11,000; Thier N. ment situation. The current supply dent of the Dodgers and Horace Dexters Falter Badly visit in New York City with their meet its fiery fa|e. It relied upon mer Chief William J. McKee of the 108 Oakland street: Mrs. Arthur proprietor -of—tha Charter OnU Smith. 48. Canton, $7,500; Rose | Is showing no improvement,- and Surowlec in action, #tjl enter toe Knights of Columbus five at toe in Entertainment Stoneham president of the Giants The final stanza again saw tlM| FStsoiding events as are his many Major Advanca Scored PiTigrams Tonight:------gallicgame -with WlLn Ba lltUelliuc cvifet.edge.'^e Blond Rec alleys. In the other match the ihppearances each year on tour daughter Elaine who is with the rivers, canals and a few wide East Hartford police department, Nielson and daughter, 60 Spring street tavern. Gallucci, 62, Hartford, Lillian L. continues short. Stale SclioolHoy---- and UIAI he expected to see Presi­ Dexters start fa st. only to "Waves," in training at Hunter streets to serve as firebreaks. this morning. street: Oscar A. Mueller, Rock­ Troops which crossed the Irra­ Mrs. Albo’s eon, Fiorentino Zan- Poglitsch, 36, New Britain, $11,- | NBC—8, Cavalcade drama. "Sev­ Bomber has averaged 27.^ points second place HartfortV Road Basketball Front dent For Frick of the NsUonol toe laat few minutes. Rio. ..ISdrm coast to coast Particularly waddy at Myinmu 40 mllea west Military demand for radio equip­ en Iron Men”: 9, Voorhees concert, per game In toe ' third round In Tavern five batUe toe Warren end ami-known as an exponent of new College. Miss Straughan had her Radio Tokyo, increasingly less Chief McKee was chief of the ville; Clarence W. Goddard, 37 iungo, has just disposed of his in­ 500; and Frank F. Poglitsch, Jr., ment remains at a high level and Champs Celebrate League today. Holman pulled toe loeen up first "shore liberty” and spent informative With each heavy at­ East Hartford department from of Mandalay, scored a major ad­ 6, New Britain, $6,500. Marjorie Lawrence; 9:30, Informa­ which toe PA’s have ye to be «t- Jarvis team. Slated Friday Night at within...... two points...... of tbs—a»« PA/k jV-dBUslc. he has introduced to concert Deerfield Drive; Frank Butkus, vance after three weeks of hard terest in the Oak Grill. not a great deal of change Is ex­ tion Please, Red Barber; 10, Con­ "The Yankee cliib is under now ri^sandiences new works of Darius .Sunday with her family. Satur­ tack on its homeland, reported 1916 until his retirement in 1941. RFD Manchester. pected after the Germap defeat, tended. Only once In league play Rec; Prelimin at 7. ownership,” LaGuardia said. to 46 before toe PA’s resortefi day morning they witnessed the "fires were staited at several He died suddenly Friday night. Discharged today: Mrs. Richard fighting, reached the vicinity of tented concert. haa toe champs been forced to ap­ There’ll be major celebrations In j "Listen Larry, (Larry MacPhall, sure psisaes and baskets 'Vto Zhfi| I^JMlIhaud, Aaron Copland, Gail Ku- Myotha, 20 miles southwest of I owing to the needs In the Pacific CBS—8, Vox Pop: 8:30, Burns ].^>.bik. Harold Triggs, William Grant review of many hundreds of points in a suburban area" Of Na­ His funeral was held this morning Lewis and son. 144 Oiarter Oak area. Civilian tube pooductiom it is ply the pressure, that In the first Boston Garden three Connecticut high achools to- I one pf the new owners) when you ptekoff route. "Waves” in the Armory. Miss goya but gave no hint of the ex­ at 9:30 at the Dillon Funeral home, street; Hyland Tasker, 37 Devon Mandalay, and took control of a :,V and Allen; 9, Chas. Laughton in contest against the Hollows. The day, but to veteran_ faculty men^ ^ The local Red Cross will benefit moved out of Brooklyn they tell Surowiec and Byeholakt Ml tj . h BtiU, Ernest Toch and Robert road leading north to within 12 "" stated, bos been running arofkhd a "The Devil and Miss Jones” ; 11:15, 'Ituasell Bennett as well as many StratiRhan will have three more tent. It claimed 17 of the B-29s Hartford, and at 10 o’clock at St. Drive. million and a half a month, not latter team has the ability and all bers, they will be old, old stories. ♦ j financially from Friday night’s me they found a lot of racing winners while Rio and HoicoSfi|(| weeks of "boot" training before were shot down and more than 50 Mary’s church in East Hartford. Birth; Saturday, a son to Mr. miles of Mandalay. Dnnnv O’Neil song arou'hd team strength to make it a Selects All Stars When Hillhouse of New Haven, | forma around toe clubhouse. Of paced the Dexters. e^ers. It is a tribute to the vlo- British armor which sprang a enough to supply all requirements, BLU—8:30, Blind Date; 9, Jerry Unlst’a* artistry that both Toch and assigpiment to further duty- damaged. Burial was in St. Mary’s cemetery and Mrs. Edwin Rcmkiewlcz, 82 and is expected to stay at about ball game and with all their team Branford and Ellsworth of South | Hoboes will be coimse they were not yours, but Knlgbta Whip BlUkurdi in Burnside. Main street. coup by slashing to Meiktila, 75 Wayne show; 9:30, Tommy Doraey on hand, the PA’a will be In for a Windsor won toe championships d | town to appear in an ail beneflti do not let anybody bring any rac­ Bennett have collaborated with mllea south of Mandalay, is hav­ that figure for some time to come. band: 10. Guy Lombardo music. Boston, March 12— — Wyn- The preliminary game feataft^l Mm on Columbia Masterworks rec- Ray S. Warren, pf Princeton Death: Saturday, Marilyn Bar­ War Production Board officfhls battle. their respective divisions in toe 1j basketball program against the ing forms around toe Yankee club toe Knights and toe Center BP^I street, employee of the W. G. Glen- Super-Fortti Blast ton, Vfrnon. ing a fleld day on the network of JIBS—8:30, Sherlock Holmes; Surowiec will team up with dol Gray, toe Bowwling Green Connecticut Interscholastic Ato clubhouse because it will not be F jMds of their own music. roads radiating .rom that strate­ at Washington report that all ef­ 9:30, Music of Worship. Aircraft. Hards in the first of a best nHil "!> ' Admission will be by member- ney Company, underwent an op­ Hospital Notes Dutch Green at the forward forward, received 33 out of S pos­ letic Conference basketball tourna­ It will be the first public appear­ good.” out of three game series for' thM eration Friday at the New England Singapore Area gic base athwart . Mandalay’s chief fort# are b e i^ made to get the while towering Buck Bycholskl sible 34 votes cast by Boston bas­ ment last week, they brought to 19 ance of toe Hoboes in Manchester Meantime, toe championship St, tickets only.- Wa^ington, March 12.—(JPt— Clinic Schedule ^ * communications. More than 400 available clvilan tubea Into service Tuesday Broadcasts: Rec Junior League cbampionalit|^ Baptist hospital in Boston and is The Clinic Schedule for the fol­ and Mike Dlakon wUl take care ketball writers while balloting the combined CIAC titles captured and from reports circulating Louis Browns of the American In a nip and tuck ball gam# “ progressing as well as can be ex­ Super-Fortresses hit at Industrial Admitted Saturday: Pasquale Japanese were killed at two road­ os quickly a j poosible through the NBC—10:30 a. m.. Finders Keep­ between them. around, the team packs plenty of League; toe ; targets in the Japanese-held Sin­ Vendrillo, ?28 Eldridge street lowing week: blocks on the road to Mahlaing, regular dlatributlon channels. ers; 2:16 p. m.. Today’s Children; of the backcourt assignment. Earl for the Boston Garden's first All- Branford, in defeating Derby. 31 Knights scored an exciting Si pected. His wife is staying in Bos­ Tuesday — Tonsil and adenoid 6:15, Leopold Stokowski concert; Yost will be at the pivot slot. In Star team. The other four play­ basketball savvy in toeli* bag of Philadelphia Athletics; Chicago 20 win with Richard Duffy la, Your Gl Rights ton during bis convalescence. He gapore area today in a ddylight Anne Duplin, '20 Hemlock street r clinic at 10. 20 milea northwest of Meiktila. The forecast of 60.000,000 after- to 2!^ to capture the Class B title tricks. The team Is definitely a White Sorf; Yankees, Giants and raid. Mrs. Gertrude Minor, Bolton. Northeast'of Mandalay ^incse the-war seU, it is esUmated. would 7:30. Dick Haymes aim Betty Hut­ reserve strength, toe PA’a can ers selected for the first time on Friday night, won Us ninth starring role. oinsTiONS And answirs would be glad to hear from his lo­ WedOMday—Well baby confer­ shoot Jimmy Murphy into battle, were Ekl Leede of Dartmouth, an­ showmanship five. They wto come Cardinals were set for their first The Knights, winners of cal friends. His address is: New A medium-sized force of B-29s Admitted Sunday: Hyland Task- troops advanced five miles from keep factories going for six years. ton: 9:30. Fibber McGee. state title and became the patri­ here with their regular limup of workouts at their, various camps. ON MRVICIMtN*f FROUIM8 struck at factwles adjacent to the a , 37 Devon Drive-, Joseph Lan ence from 2-4 at the Y. M- C. A. Lashto down the railway to within * waa based on a Westinghouse CBS—9:1!J a. m. (Repeat 3:30 p. at any time, for any of toe start- other forward, Howie Schulz, arch of all state titlists. Some of first round and the BUBarda,. England Baptist hospital. 91 Park­ Friday—Well baby conference six men. Their razzle dazzle Hie Washington Senators laat ond round champs, put up er Hill avenue, Boston, 20, Mass. big Naval bat# at the tip of the dry, 366 Oakland stregt: Alfred R. 125 miles of Mandalay and about survey that looked forward to the m.i. School of Air: 4. House Par­ Hamllne’s lanky center and the Branford championships were ing. unbelievable shooting anjl week and toe other clubs are sche­ Tarbox. Jr., 32 Wellman Road; from 2-4 at the hospital clinic. 30 miles from Hsipaw. ty ;'6:30, Ted Husing’s sporta’; 8:30, -nie game will also se^e m a Brooklyn Dodger first baseman, won when the Class A and B teams tho best defensive boll gaxnofi i Malay peninsula. production of such items as FM battle for the league individual most of all their uncanny antics on duled to get going within toe next By Douglas Laraen There will be a meeting of the The approximately 40 big war­ Magnus Jensen 166 LAOiitis street; and television receivers. Increased Theater of Romance, "Silver and guards Bob Dllle of Valpa­ competed in toe same division of toe floor will serve well to bring two days. at toe Rec In several yaoca.' NBA Staff Correspondent Robert Blessing, East Hartford; Surphm Males Too Young Cord” ; 10, Service to Front. scoring crown. Surowiec and raiso, and Tony Orlando of Rens­ the 22-year-old tournament, but no Billiards gained a 4 to 8 land..i executive committee of Washing­ planes carried out their mission demand for combination radlo- Reidck are in toe battle with toe toe biVgest crowd of the |Seaaon Joe McCarthy, manager of the ton Social (3lub at 8 o’clock to­ from India bases of Brig. Gen. Mrs. Anna Krause, 621 Hartford Chinese Frustrate plionographa and the like. BLU—9 a. m.. Breakfast Club; selaer. other team has won as many titles. down to the Rec to watrn the Yankees who did not accompany the quarter while matters Washington—More than 60 per Road; Helen Dube, 262 Oak street; Billings, Mont.—(>T)—Ck)-ed Pat 12 Noon. Glamor Manor; 3 p. m.. edge to the former who after a Second team berths were gained Hillhouse and Ellsworto each all tied up at 6 Oil at night Roger M Ramey’s 20th Bomber Jap Landing Attempt slow .start Ivi.s finally come into his mosS colorful team in years in ac­ the Bronx Bombers to Ihelr Atlan : Mnt of all men in the armed command! There was no immedi­ Dohald Roy, 68 Jensen street; Bfiss Nelson led the long line of dubious From stooge to comic lead haa Ladies Be Seated; 9, Jos. Lade- by forwards John (Bunny) Warst- racked up Us fifth state champion­ tion. tic City camp yesterday, summed In the third stanso tbe *3terces have not imlshed high A furlough ticket for travel Pearl BoiVen, 41 Drive C —Silver girls to a department of Montana Chungking, March 13—(/F>—Chi­ route concert; 10:30, Listen the^ own- .... ler of Yale, and Rollle Seitz of ship, the Elm City "ACS” tying The Hoboes will appear attired gained a 15 to 14: edge *ilehool. Veterans’ organizations ate announcement as to results of State University in which she said, nese forces have frustrated a small put Cameron Andrews in as head HllinakI In -Action ^ up toe general tsltuatlon at his from Hartford to New York has the strike or of any eneniy damage Lane Homes; Mary Fay, 150 funny man in the Monday night Women. The Cabbers-Rangers battle will Hamllne, center Don Otten *of with Bristol for toe most Class A in their regular working clothes Buffalo home where he remained through toe gunning of ’~and Army and Government offi- been left at The Herald business Keeney street. "believe it or not, the m al^ out- scale Japanese attempt to.land on CBS series formerly presenting MBS—10:30 a. m.. Shady V ^ey Bowling Green, and guards Bob titles won, toe latter continuing a toat includes just about any con­ Both teams were able to scons ( ’’-•lals are worried that they.- will to the assault force. mhnber the gals 2 to 1." It was a the co ^t of Fukien provinde about Folks: 1 p. m.. Royal Arch GiSmi feature Gunner Hlllnski the loop s Class C string that started in 1939 for several days to settle personal office for the first service man to The raid, announced from 20th Admitted today: David Ward, Johnny Morgan. When Morgan top point getter and defending Hogarty of Holy Cross and Bob ceivable garment that the average affairs. one basket in toe final period J'aiever return to finish If they had ask for it. It Is good for three 1202 Main street: Norman Wilson. tots’ nursery school operated on 40 miles south of Japanese-held was In the show, Andrews, who son comment; 3:30, The Smoothies; Walters of Lasalle of Philadelphia. With interruptions only in 1942 and person throws out. The fake passes "And manager who. tells you he’, each also netting two free '^already entered, or never enter If Air Force headquarters here, came the campus. Foochow,' killing JOO of the enemy 7;15, Mutual Musicale; 10:S0, champion in toat department months from Feb. 15. two daya after another in Malaya 95 Middle 'Turnpike West; Miss apeclalizea In character acting, had Gunner holds a six point mai^in Gold basketballs will be pre­ 1 9 4 4 . ' ______and shots are part of toe team’s got a set plan for this season la It was at the foul line toot VttMy hadn’t started. They feel too —a Successful attack In similar the part of "Mr. Savage.” a meek- Wings for Tomorrow. ____ sented to those named for the makeup. . They will amaze local just plain daft,” asserted Marae ball game was decided , aa the Wiuch emphasis has been put on , The regular communication of over Surowiec and as tonight s first team and sliver ones to those Moslenko Wins Trophy fans with their ability and with toe liards missed three in the |*the college training available to strength against rital rail Instal­ games mark flrtlsh to the league Joe. "We’re all in toe same boat Manchester lodge of Masons will lations at Kuala Lumpur, some 200 records, he will no doubt beout to toe second team by Lt. Col. Red Cross to benefit, toe ^hool because of toe manpower situation period. ^Veterans and not enough on their be held in the Temple at 7:30 to­ Affaii’s of Union Waiter Brown, toe Boston Garden Montreal, March 12—(J7—Pok­ street building will no doubt be and what It may develop. The only Duffy and Halliday starred siffhan'ce to finish high school. miles north of Singapore. Questions Lewis^ protect his crd'wn. The Cabers ing 95 of a possible 100 points, morrow night. The Fellowcraft de­ B-29s last hit Singapore on may find things a Uttte tough as president. Thirty-four of the jammed to capacity. plan I have is to drift along with the Knights while Cordero Jobs paying big mon^ arc gree will lie conferred. 231 players who participated In Bill Moslenko of toe Chicago The Aircraft five will include toe team and let toe plans de­ toe Billiards moei con ''available to veterans now, but March 2 when approximately 40 of In Bad Condition the Rangers are always ^gerous Blackhawks won today toe Lady the big planes partlelpated. Claim of Dispute with Otto Kubelle and Harold toe Garden’s seven intercollegiate Tiny Pockett Ray Boyer and Gun velop.’’ scorer. ^arhen the war is over they will be A group of associate workers doubleheadera figured in toe All- Byjig trophy annually awarded ner Hilinski among others. The These two teams will nn i'FtDUgber to find and a high school num^ring 30 gave a party yester­ Turklngton in their lineup. 'The to toe National Hockey league latter Is toe leading scorer in the diploma will help in getting one. Bridgeport, March ,12—(S’)—The latter smashed tol league Indlvi- Star balloting. the secoetd game of their day at the Villa Louisa in Bolton laps Admit JSaeoya Wilrose Dress Shop Washington. March 12— iFi — dusl scoring record for one game player for best combining sports­ Rec League with all three are list­ Wednesday night at 7:30 a t Q, How much money will the p6r John Cfliristenson, of East Representative Smith (D-'Va), co­ Bridgeport Telegram in a etory by manship and playing ability. ed among the first ten In the scor- Week End Sports :i^0overmnent pay me while I am, Fires Burn 10 Hoars “Always First To Show The Latest! (Jharles F. Greene, its labor editor, last week when he sailed 31 points Cotton New Pro East Side Rec Hartford, foreman on the second 597 MAIN STREET SHERIDAN BUELDINa sponsor of toe Sxnito-Connally act, through toe nets in a losing cause Cnint Smith, also of the Hawks, ing averages. PAAO (58) tffalshlng high school? shift In Department 29 at the East By The Associated Press .questioned tpday John L. Lewis* says today that toe International finished second with 81 points and A preliminary game between two A. The Government will pdy union of the United Steel Workers Big Crowd ExpMded London. March 12—(/P)—Golfer P B. F. Hartford plant of United Aircraft. Japanese imperial headquarters claim of a dispute last month be­ Both games look as thrillers and Henry Cotton was named pro at Syd Howe of Detroit third With of toe Rec’s leading junior teams By The Associated Press 4 Green, r f ...... 5 0-2 fbr your tuition, if there is Any, Mr. Christenson is golhg into the admitted that fires were still PLOWING — HARROWING tween miners and bituminous op­ of America has placed an admin­ 75. Buddy O’Connor of Mon­ will precede the main game which . New York—Jro Rafferty won hla -and for books up to $500 total. In Army on March 17. istrator in charge of the affairs of with toe Importance of toe final the ODmbe Hlll'golf Club, one of will start at 8:45. Hedlund, r f ...... 0 0-0 burning In the Nagoya business YOU’RE SURE TO BE WELL- LAWNS GRADED AND SEEDED erators under terms of the labor outcome of the PA’s-HoUowa game toe modi expensive in London. He treal and Bill Cowley of Boston aeventh atraight mile of indoor Surowee, i f ...... 7 5-6 ^addition, for living expenses you section ten hours after Marianas- Local 324, comprlsisg employes of tied for fourth at 62. Bucko .adll get $50 a month if you, are disputes statute. toe United States Aluminum com­ coupled with the scoring battle, a haa bought stock In toe club and, track aeaaon by winning K. of C. Yoit, c ...... 3 ^ 0 -0 Staff Sergeant fCenneth A. Beebe based Super-Forts began raiding SUITED AT WILROSEI TREES REMOVED ' ' "My own construction of the act capacity crowd is expected to jam in addition to giving lessons, will MacDonald of New York was mile in 4:16.3 aa Gunder Haegg ByrhoUUi, rg ... 7 S-fi Afngle and more, up to $75, It you of 89 Laurel street ik spending a the city Immediately ' after mid­ would be toat a dispute does not pany here. sixth with 48. finished fifth in 4:19.1. ,are married with depiendents. furlough at his home after serv­ The Telegrram states toat the toe Rec to watch the teams serve as general manager. Daikon, Ig ...... 2 l-2\^ night today. ■ exist unta there are two parties in­ their final games. Hockey New London.— Coast Guard Murphy, I g ...... 0 1-1 Q. 1 wan a senior In high school ing 14 months in the European 'TTie enemy communique, as volved,” Smith said. He added to a local represented 6,500 workers when I was drafted and since last year but “today it represents The first game etarta at 7:30. Academy won EJaatern Collegiate area. He was injured last fall and broadcast and recorded by the reporter that he could not see how Boxing Association championship ■ ksve received a ronimlsnlon and spent three months in a hospital a dispute could have been present about ZOOO because of cutbacks By The Associated Press 12 10-16 served overseas. I am soon going Federal Communications commis­ AIME LATULIPPE and rCWicUons in contracts princi­ * Hoppe Flaya Ooehroa with 31 points to 24 for West Dexters in England. In January he was sion in San Francisco, said B-29s when Lewis filed notice Feb. 26 The fight for toe last remaining Point’s defending 1944 tltleholders. to be discharged because of a leg transferred to Utica, New York, were over the City from midright 758 VERNON STREET i TELEPHONE 6077 with the NLRB, necessitating pally in the cylinder head depart­ Sports Roundup playoff spot in the National Hock­ P. tajury 1 received. I want to go to hospital, and will report there on ment of toe Atlantic street plant.’’ New York. March 12— ey 'League narrowed today to the Mexico City—Famous Victory 0 Rio, rf ...... until 3:20 a. m. It claimed 22 S trike vote in SO days. Frank Tralnor of Worcester, Champion Welker Cochran of Ban made successful debut at Hipo- xoUege but hate to think of spend- completion of his furlough. Super-Forts were shot d’own and Negotiations toward a new con­ Boston Bruins and the Chicago 4 Webber, if ..., ' tog a year In high school finishing Designed To Pat-Ton At the Head tract opened March At toat Mass., international re'presentatlve Franclaco and WUlle Hoppe of . By Hugh FnOertoB. Jr. .aAonday l^tlnM * Blackhawks aa toe final week of dromo De Las Americas racetrack 0 Uioffi. i f ------60’damaged. , • of the union, is named as toe ad­ New York Start play today In New York. March 12.-(1P)—T Henry Armstrong is high on up. Will it be necessary? Center Hose Company No. 2 will "Fires that started at various time Lewis made known hla 18 the regiriar season opened. on Saturday by winning length 3 French, « ...... A. All courses and training you hold its monthly meeting tonight of the Fashion Parade! demands, Including a 10-cemt-a- ministrator chosen for toe local their challenge match for the Bock from an eoRcrn tour. Bruce his l4-year-old, ®*'P®*“!,** The New York Rangers were victory in featured 5 1-2-furlong 1 Goetyla, c ..; points In the city,” the Japanese the affairs of which are reported three-cushion billiard tlUs. After Oklahoma basketball from Salt Lake City, Klelto Nut- FYeceived in the Army will be ap- at 8 o’clock at the fire headquar­ communique said, "were nearly ton royalty to provide a "rainy knocked out of the running by los­ (Jananea purse. 3 Holcomb, rg .. 'plied to high school and college to be “In a disorderly condition.' a week's play here toe competRlon c o a c h , comes out with the opinion' all. “He hit harder than J^n Chicago—Michigan won Big Ten ters. ' r* ' brought under control by 10 a. m. CARDIGANS . CLASSIC^ day" fund for BUhe wofkers.” ing,' 11 to 5, to the first-place Mon­ 2 Hollman. Ig .. .credits. It is probable that you Smith oold he knew of no legis- M. J. Walsh of Boston, a union will shift to Boston and from "eastern officials come closer to j Thomas did/Bsays Hank. sno treal Canadlens before 13,324 St Indoor track title for third straight Tokyo reported flames spread in­ director, who addreasa^ » meeting there to Philadelphia, Detroit, calling fouls according to toe rule! I’ve made a vow - I m going to nave enough credits to give you a Seaman Walter H Gifford of to the general area around the y TAILORED STYLES tstlve remedy to what he called Madison Square Garden Sunday year by one-point margin over 13 22 6-lS kigh school diploma and possibly Lilac street left Saturday for toe NLRB’s “predicament” in the of the local Suhday at whifch toe aeveland, (Jhicogo, Omaha, Den­ book than officials from any other 1 stick with tlie boxing game until night. It was toe Rangers’ fourth Illinois. Score at half time, 29-24, PA’I Atsuta shrine, one of the ten actipn' was taken, said TValnor section." . . .Maybe toe fact that I I’ve made this fellow a cham- the erjutvalent of one or more South Bend, Ind., to complete his large Shinto shrines in Japan, but 100% WOOLS GABARDINES miners' cose. ver, Portland, Seattle. Los An­ straight setback of the week and Evanston. 111.—Michigan retain­ Referee; Dowd. ^Jmmeslei's in college. V-12 training at the Midshipman’s * H m board unanimously has re- would act os president of the local geles, Son Diego sad San Fran- eastern efficiala whistled 48 foUls' pion.” . . . Titan Hanover, first officially cinched the league cham­ ed Big Ten swimming crown by 12 the holy places were not damaged. In place of llerbert Shutte of Nor­ against toe Soonera in two games two-year-old trotter eyer to step Q. Will . the 0> vemnient pay school. He received previous train­ TWILLS Just Received Shipment of etsd a petition of the Southern , cisco. pionship for toe Canadiens for the points over Ohie State. for me to go to 'any high school ing at Brown University, Provi­ itumteous Oool, Producers osso- walk who'iwo* reported to have « - Md only 23 against their two op-' a mile In two minutes and cham- aecond straight year. Blast Lansing, Mich.— Drake ponenUr had something to do w ith! pion in his class, set another T®®: P. "• F. I want to? dence, and Trinity Ckillege. eiatloa, ehallenglng the existencesigned. ' Eslae Start Costly Boston again took over undispu­ University won Central Collegiate 6 Moriarty, rf . j .. 0 0-0 A. It will pay the alloted money g V X It . . .Drake adds toat etondard- ord when h«he wa* was insured for $60.- $60, ted possession of toe coveted List Meetings V of a dln>ute and asking the board 000 by Owner E. Roland Harri- Conference Indoor track title with 1 Knofla, If ...... 0 0-0 to send you 1 to any achool accred- to drop Its- plan for a strlka vote • East Lansing. Mich.—For the txation of officiating has improved fourth-place slot by whipping the 35 points. Iowa Preflight and Mar­ 'ited by a state." Goodyear Factory 100 per cent in the .. At five years man. . . . The recent Detroit Hawks. 7 to 2, at Boston. The vic­ 3 Kenned, If .1.. 1 Of Church Gi^iips after March 28. Seven From State first time In 25 years of track high school basketball title game, quette tied for second with Notre 3 Hubbard, c i , . . . 0, ■ 0-1 coaching, Karl A. Schlademan of and glvas moat of the credit to tory ended a six-gome' losing Dame, defending champions, $2 4 -9 8 to,$4 9 .9 8 "big time” double bills for bring­ transferred from a' 2,000 capacity sUeak fo1: toe Bruins and put them 1 Halliday. rg . . . . 3 1-1 Michigan State lost a man through school gym, drew 16,618 specta­ fourth. . 1 Duffy, I g ...... 4 6-7 Among Liberated a false start. It happened to Herb ing together officials, coaches and two points ahead of the (Jhicago- San Antonio. Tex.—Heavyweight Groups' of the South Methodist SIZES: 9-17 12-20 38-44 ' 33-45 Speeratra In the 440 of a dual meet players from all over toe nation.' tors at Olympia. ans. Both the Bruins and the Wmnan’s Society for Chrlatian Second Tires . . . .The Portloi\d Beavers of Hawks have three games left in­ Arturo Godoy of Chile Injured hla T 7 ^ REGISTER NOW FOR NEW Service holding meetings early this , Washington, March IZ— (JP) — with Indiana. the have Service Dept. cluding their meeting at Chicago left side in training forcing week’s Oentsr BUUatds (20) COLORS: * ‘ The names of toe following Con­ The enUre storting eleven of postponement of . hla scheduled week Include the following: K EEP THE Big Tea Track Meet signed a one-armed > Outfielder, Thursday. P. ' . Yt Tonight at 8 o’clock the Gleaners P h u T u . necticut residents sppdhred today Pete Travis, for a trial. He led toe 1941 Chicago Boors, and their Two-goal performances by Bill March 18 bout with Johnny Den- X Cordora, if ..... $ RED CROSS MOTOR CORPS GREEN BLUE AQUA NAVY 6 .00 x16 $12.04 will meet at the church, and the RED CROSS on a War deportitient partial list to* Oakland. CoUf., winter league bead coach, are in the armed Cowley and Pat Egan sparked the $ Da via. If 1 > CLASS TO START APRIL 1 Epworth UIrcIe. at the home of of civilians liberated in the Philip­ Chicago—The Big Tbn UMjpor forces.. . . . All but Bulldog Tur­ Bruins to their triumph over toe Phllsdelphla— Bob Odell.: All- 0 Struff, c 2 CORAL PINK GOLD .BLACK P h isT u c. track meet la scheduled to be held in hitting. America halfback at Unlverolty of Miss Florence Cordner. AT HIS SIDE 6 .25-6 .50x16 14.63 pines: ner, who has only been In a few Hawks. 1 Jackson, rg O Aayeae Is aSglUe whe U: Tomorrow evening the- Stanley James Joseph Fox, brother of In the University of Chicago field- ^OB't Sneer at Sneed weeks, are oommiasioned o ffic e Meantime, the third place To­ Pennsylvania in 1943. was ■Inarrled 2 Lanz, Ig 1 1. BetWaea 18 sad M years oM; group will meet at the church at SPRING BROWN 6 .00 x16 H.D. 6 -Ply 15.08 n o s T ax. Mrs. Robert E. Coughlin, 15 Jet- house, March 10. Back in 1937, when Sammy and sieven players and Coai^i ronto Maple Leafs. now ^ e hottest to Jane Davis as climOx of campus 8. A good driver; 7:45 and the hostesses will be Vrs. land street, Bridgeport. Snead made bis big-tima goU de­ George Halas have seen overseas team In the circuit, notched their romance. . . 8, In gsed phyaiesl eosdHloa; Henry Mellet, Mrs. Frances Minor, GIVE BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS Helen L. BromweU. core of Mrs. Cardinals CoaaUteet but at Los Angelcfs, his name was service. . • • Pfc. Buster May­ fifth straight by whipping toe aec­ Miami. Fla.-rByroo Nalsoo w Soars at half r 4. Able te gtos thne during the day. Quantity lAntit^ Maty Lou Uddell. WoU Pit rood. nard, former Giant outfielder, is ond place Detroit Red WingJ. 3 to Jug MeSpaden won tha $7,600 In- Mrs. William Thorpe and Mrs. Moi« Tliaa Ever S t Louis—The Cardinals have spiled "Sneqd” throughout tha oer. Murphy. Harold Ogden. BROWN AND WHITE CHECKS Farmington. tourney. . . . That’s supposed to expected to be toe malnstqg of 2, at the Motor City. It was toe tornatlonal Four-Ball Golf tourna­ if y«s are Interested, idease U ant the form below and mall to The Mizpah and Willing Work­ Henry T. and Louise B. Craven, not lost six straight National be a notable example of the arriv­ the (Jamp Lee. Vo., TmveUers this first time this year that th« Leafs ment by beating Sammy Byrd and Oorsy%< I nr m n . Joseph Skinner, Chahmaa, Thnaor Street, Manchester, ers will change their all-da'y work NOJVl niece and nephew of Mrs. Robert League gomes since 1#40. al of on ” unknown” for misspelled 4KOson. , • . The BOiifbridge, Md., br.ve beaten Detroit. Denny Shut® In Hnnl> t nnd . . msattog from tomorrow to K. Corllals, Bridgewater. Sneed flnWied sixth. . . . When Naval Training Cantor won’t hnve Elmer Loch'of Montreal ran his Mexico City—Gay Dalton. MUwanksa Tha NiCHOLS^BRISTOL, INC. Horry JC. Erickson, son of J. W. A H -A roond S|Mtater to worry about a pitching stofb^ season's assist total to 61 against sassssaaaaffd Wednsaday pa aeeount et the Ep­ Sammy won hla sixth tournay of year's otokss chomploa a t. tns Chicks of tha All-Am Biriokson, 21 Lyons street. New if It has a ball club. The Commo­ the Rangers last night to crock tha worth Laaipje supper at the church SHOP E A R LY ^ FOriaerljr Center Avto Supply San Antonio, T**-—(F>—Perry tos winter at JackaonvlUe, Flo., track, returned to ^ **‘P*?**^^ Profssslotisl Boll Loagua $ tomorrow evening, BriUin. recently, the nonie chalked boldly dores have Hugh Blast (Giont^ league record of 48 set tost year by Da Los Amaricss and won his first bases to 118 gaaoeg Isfit AND BE WELL-SUITED Edwin M. HuU, brother of Groce Samuels, a 8.7 sprinter from Thom­ Lum Harria (AthleUca), Joke Clint Smith of Chibogo- Maurice Tbey were moaagsl r GOODYEAR DISTRIBUtORS B.>HeavenB, Ryder rood, Seymour. as JeffereoB high where he often on hts locker was “Sneed.” . Richard enlarged his individual sUt of toe year beating Sam^ ' AMT a 9 Btoefc aurketa hi sasat ■Bwally put (Jharley Parker to the teat Sammy apparently didn’t care aa Wade (Tigers). AI Lyofia (Yank­ rombon in the Tamoulipas Hondi- toe old NOtlenal eanas a dharp rsdnettoa tat leather A T W iL R O H I 155 CENTER STREET PHONE 4047 | * Harrv W. Shropshire, son of Mrs. ees) and Ray Coomb# (Jersey goal record for a season to 48 by iOMUIfiEi III $1$tM If.. W. Shropshire, 34^ Colorado scored 266 points in two seasons long as they got it right on toe ffl«mmlng tbS PUCk BOOW tWiCO. «a£«fiBUBdai> ' A M T • • • • a a s a a a • • • • • • • • • • • • « 0 ^ suppHea, sinos black mariietaers Truck, Paseengcr and Tractor Thre Tnspectloii. I . chedb ^ V •1 often destroy hides to conceal nvonua^ BrldC«Dort> . ' .of lonthfilL

" y ^ V. 'S i-'.W •f^jfi^v ^ -V. •'f'''’' •••.*■•.• ••" t; -y i-- \ ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, MARCH 11,1945 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALP, MANUUSSTIfiK. LAJWW.. MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1948 r A G ;B L, . ^ _ Lost and Found 1 .Automobiles for Sale Wanted .Autos— Heating—P'umbing I Help Wanted— Female 33 H ou -iehnlu G oods 51 once the judge recalled^ him for Man There’s ^plenty of tim e' HOLD EVERYTHING Motorcycles 12 — Roofing 17 for our daughter to think about FOR SALE—COMBINATION coal contempt of court: LOST BLACK, ^ROWN and FOR SALE.—1941 Pontiac sedan, WANTED—AN 'EXPERIENCED marriage. Let her Walt till the full or part time sMes person for and gaa rarf^e, with or without oil Witness—Did you see me white Beagle puppy. Anawera to 1939 Buick sedan, 1938 Oldamo- . AN TEL USE1> OAKS--Will buy KOOKS Oh /CO. I'YPE S repiaceO Gasiified right man comes along. Classtfied liullei specialty ftore. Pleasant burners, $185. Phone 6301. laugh ? 7 Tippy. Telephone Perklna 7821 or bile sedan, 1938 Dodge sedan, any year or moael We will pay or repaired lociudlng tfate. com­ e m e w Sense and Nonse:ise W ife— Why should ahe? I Judge— No, hut 1 heard you. working conditions. Good wages. ; 33 Autumn atreet. 1937 Pontiac sedai., 1937 Ford top pnbcB tor well kept cars dole post Uon, ihingte or. tin Also vai- Wltnese—Insufficient evidence, didn’t. sedan. 1936 Pontiac aedan. Cole Apply In person, James T. Blair, COAL OR WOOD, green kitchen *Mniora at Center Phone 4164. . leya, Oaenings, guttera, chiri'..,rya Advertisements Life may be likened to a puzzle Wife—Where were you Hat ^Advertisements LOST—ON MAIN atreet, Satur­ Motors— 4164, ' E. V Coughlin. 390 Woodland. 757 Main atreet. heater, white Florence oil kitchen Mary your Honor! heater, white all metal Ooolera- . . . But- every puzzle has Its solu­ night? . In hla lifetime, the author, O. day, red billfold by aervice man'a Phoni 7707 For Rent For Sale Mary has a little swing For Sule tor. Curly maple doubl^b bed, din­ tion___ The winner is he who Husband Well, In the first Henry, wrote 800 pieces of orig­ for RenI wife,' containing large .^um of 1936 CHEVROLKT coupe, good Business Services Offe'red 13 It isn't hard to find Customer—My goodness, eggs Help Wanted— Male 36 ning room table and buffet. Tele­ To Buy XXXI posers In Europe!" works It out, Who doesn’t quit be place— / inal fiction. To Sell money. Reward. Return to name tires, ray: Show pleasure over fKST—THREE atranda of pearla BOOKKEEPING service.s. income bishing a new homie to see this hther.” I - t h e kind of music it has always weren't eo good. PLYM O U TH 1936 coach, heater. auto tubea. alightiv u«ed. Size Dogs—oBirds— Pets 41 family. (Centrally located. 8 3 1 Mother—But why aren’t your Never Give!” shut he vTOuldn’t be here^ the gift, rather than discomfiture 1:1 between High and Cooper streeU. lax returns. Phone 3627, days or very unusual valtie. Take a year •Thank you, Madame." ■been his desire to w rite---- ” Judge— Did you see the shot Small down payment, balance $4 760x1,3. Tel. 2-0821 after 4 p. m. Cheatnpt atreet. papers as good as Jimmie's. You over not being prepared to offer a It Tinder caU 3438 or 103 High St. evenings. Painting—Papering 21 to pay. If you wish. Branch of , The servant bowed. He was The words- began to tumble that was fired? weekly. Terms and trade. Brun­ have the same opportunities, dear. If there le onjit^ring this year Service.... g ift in return. vThe gracious per­ COCKER S P A N IE L puppies. In­ Omnecticut'4 largest furniture FOR RENT—LARGE light houa^ Lbout to leave. George called him. I exclLedly. Witness-;^ No, I only heard it. ner, 80 Oakland street. 5191. Open PAI.NTI.NG A.ND Papering. Esti­ I Batty— 1 know, oMther, dear, by t ^ home folks UKOermany, It's Think of what H required of son knows how to express appre­ G E N E R A L C A K P E N T P Y end re- quire 26 Linden street. store. Albert's, 43 Allyn street, keeping room, suitable for couple. ••—I will see Professor Eisner, ••—For twenty years-since he Judge—That Is not sufficient evenlnga. Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 mate free. Raymond Trudeau, 47 (gravely), but Jimmie WllUoma our guess they’ll ^ your span of years. Remem- ciation for s gift or favor that mpjlellng. Kitchen remode.mg and Hartford. Inquire 109 Foster streeL Tele­ misunderstood the name." played his first lesson to me— vre evidence. You may retire. Cottage street. Phone 2-1614! looked forward to the day when comes from a very bright family. , ber that the greatest use of can’t immediately be repaid by "1 can’t come out tonight. Butch 1934 PLYM O UTH coach, 1935 cabinet work a specialty. Will phone 6388. ••Thank you. Madame." Public monopoly Is far more As the witness left the stand FO R S A LE — 2 M A P L E beds. Tap- he would say in his music that and while his back was turned to life is to spend it for something anything b>it an acknowledgment '■ —gotta help Pop with his in­ M A LE H ELP Ford coach, 19.31 Model A. Ford WA.N'TED^ICYCLE for four- help you plan and g've estimates PAINTING AND Paperhanging. Live Stock— Vehicles The door closed. George heaved dangerotis than private monopoly, free. A. R. Charon, 5826. pan gas range and living room FOR RENT—ROOM WITO board freedom had come to the earth Only six holidays are lege] In the judge he laughed out loud. A t that outlasts It. of thanks). come tax!” coach. Brunner's, 80 Oakland year-old Jtiny. Telephone 2-1249. Canva.s ceilings and wallpaper. it sigh. She picked up her pen but (or vJhen government (alls In busi­ FO R S A L E —FARM horse, 8 years furniture. Apply 184 East Middle if desired. Inquire 24 Glenwood and that men in Poland and men all the states end tsrrltorlaa of street. Open 'till 9. Saturday 6. Itbe did not write. She looked at ness It shifU lU losses to the WASHER, VACUUMS, Electric John P. Sullivan. Phone 4260. old, W'eigha about 1.300 pounds, Turnpike, evenings. atreet or call 2-0745. far beyond the borders o f our na­ the United States. • Can yod WANTED Phone 5191. I he paper on her deak, jvalting. Cazpayers. BY EDGAR MARTIN FOR SALE—BOY'S bicycle, in motors, etc., repaired. All parts farm equipment included. Also tive land — everywhere — were name them? Rofi Again FOR SALE— RECONDmONED Jthen ahe heard the door open and b o o t s AND HER BUDDIES Full or Part Time. good condition. Telephone 2-0174. available 24-hour service iJharg- cow for sale, due to freshen 1st of CTiEAN COMFORTABLE roo^ conscious of Jozef Elsitter In free—” Kvpainng 23 Philco radio. Standard model. es C. O. D. Manchester 2-1439 June. 287 Oakland street. suitable for 1 or 2, near Center. ^.ha room but aha did not raise her Now his face was red. He trem­ Reasonable. 160 Center streeL 0\*VVA ,y9F>,99CNY.feSOO-] Apply mornings or evenings. PlAiNU 1 , .. .. and repairing; Private family. 21 Summit streeL lay^g, bled. His head wobbled. He FUNNY BUSINESS VjtVV .'X tM W 'b TO 'aiOOT*, NORTH ELM Wanted Autos— player piano specialty. John FO R S A LE — P A IR OF horses and ••—How do you do, Madame.” looked toward the adjoining room. TWJt VOTlnCY. CKXCW REFRIGERATOR SERVICE. We hame.ss. Joseph Moteunaa, Buck- A REFINED woman to share Motorcycles 12 Cockerham, 28 Bigelow streeL Oaorga continued to atudy the He roared: FTederic!" 0 9 VChTVX VAQ. Colonial Board repair and rebuild any type ol land. Phone 3064. Call after 4. STUDIO COUCH, excellent condi­ home with one adult. Room near The music in the next room h STREET refrigeration equipment. We ex- Tel 4310. tion. Telephone '7133. bathroom. Close to bus Unas. TsL loopan on her deak. <>ootcJua 00 ■ ••__You had a pleasant Journey, stopped. CARS W AN 'rED — CASH on the chang< sea-e'd units with factory Manchester 2-0403. Company 6-RoL heard Frederic In the next room, S and barn. ^ Call Any Time. JONES experience. Tel. 2-1731. 44 Main BAKER’S HELPER wanted. Ap­ and bag. In very good condition. SELECTION OF USED tractors, 5290. jnot his vioce. but his music the PRICE ..$7,500. street. ply Federal Bakery Shop. Phone Telephone 6446. new and used equipment, cement plguio os only Frederic could play REALTY 3621. 8 mixers, calking machines. Dublin W A N TE D TO R E N T or sublet! i t He listened. "You have no ide^ IT H A C A 16 GAGE double barrel 36-38 Oak Street RADIO REPAIRING—Pick up Tractor Company, WilUmantIc. small furnished house or two bed­ Madame, how that soiinM to me. Q—Is lAKembourg treating col­ George L. Graziailio WANTED— KITCHEN cleaning shot gun with 2 boxes of shells. ^R O O M CAPE COD Tel. 8254 service. Radlcv checked at the room furnished apartmenL Will George did not en s w e ^ laborationists harshly? Real Estate and Insuranre home. B a'ttry packs. Call morn' man. salary and meals, live in or Also H. R. sportsmans target pay good rent. References avail­ ••__Would you tell him that I A—Not very. They are being L Fireplace. Garage. Oil 109 Henry Street Tel. 5218 out. Apply Dietitian, Memorial revolver, with holster and 250 WearinR Apparel— BURNED UP BV THEAJNFLATTER- Burner. Pre-War con­ Inga 2-0840. Manci.»»ter Radio able. Please call Hartford 8-4811, lam here, please?" made to work without pay on auch ING ATTITUDE OF HIS OLD Service, 73 Birch street hospital. rounds. CaU 8427. Fara 57 Bhtt. 8135 dally. " I never Interrupt him when be jobs as clearing snow from streets. “ The gunner was a former screwball pitcher, sir!” FRIENDS, ALLEV OOP NOW struction. _100% Inlsil- KING OF LEM,HAS DECIDED WANTED—WOMAN FOR full­ U. s. ARMY SURPLUS coaU, I works.'* bted. Situated on Au­ BLACK FUR (X)AT. $5. Size 14. I ••__Eh?" Josef Eisner was a llt- (^ t V h a t has replaced the Hnce TO BE AN A 'l TYRANT 9 -IA j time position in our local branch gloves shoes, lackets. rain coats, 72 MeauujuKAti burn Drive. Notice Blue coat kldskin collar, size 14, Houses for Sale Itle startled. Then he smiled. " I f among Russian Cossacks fighting BY GALBRAITU store. Experience helpful but not cars, trucks, airplanes, houses, $10. 281 Center street,- A-6, side lyou never do It. Madame, then on horseback? SIDE GEANUES PRICE ...... $7,500. FOR S A LE — 2 F A M IL Y 5 and 6 FOR SALE essential. U. S. Cleaners, 836 tanks and machine guns. If you entrance. I you must not do It now. I will A—The tommygiin. Tlioy still Clear the Runway BY MERRILL BLOSSm Main street. wish to receive our circular oa room flats, with 2 car garage. In I wait, course. I have waited use sabers, however. FREGIli^S AND HIS FRIENDS Comfortable 4-Room House, kitchen with pre-war cabinets, mod­ Zoning Board of Appeals, these Items. Phone 5191 and g;ive JUST A R R IV E D Arm y double- Manchester Green section. Tele­ of W A N T E D — L A D Y OR couple Iso long—a few minute.s longer—” ( ^ 4-ROOM CAPE COD em bath, good heating system, copper tubing, lot 50x16.1, land­ Manchester, Conn. your name and address. Brun­ breasted sheep-lined forest green phone 6446. I Q—What i.s the difference be- 3 OOWfJ -Fireplace. Steam heat. scaped; located in Manchester Green sectlon- -near bus and school. (husband working elsewhere) to ner’s, 80 Oakland streeL Man- jackets, $13 each. Brunner’s. 80 PS-S-S-Sr,' T/ffHTEN 7 In conformity with the require- I tween Arm y’s M8 and MIO or Th a t s e t - screw o n Bnms plumbing. Recrea­ share comfortable home with us che.Ker Oakland streeL Open evenings , “ Frederic might be much hap- menta of the Zoning Regulations Wantvd—Real Estate 77 Ipier to know you had gone back iM14? I h E geSULAR. THE MIKE STAND.' . 'VOORE MOT THIS IS AN IDEAL HOME FOR SOMEONE! and help take care of my invalid 'till 8. Saturday 'tlU 6. j A —The M8 la a rocket. The tion room in basemeuL of the Town of ’ Manchester, the wife. Two in family. Permanent [ to Poland- - " CKOONEk. IW HSRff,MV DCAR. Zoning Board of / ppeals will hold WANTED—REAL ESTATE, will iMlO and M14 are launchers. La3M E »SH r Green Acre Section. PRICE 95,200 — TER.MS. position. Good pay according to FOR SALE—NEW FLAG POLE. FO R S A LE — B LA C K skunk fur I __What an absurd idea! You Ffieacs band T jf public hearing in the Municipal give $100 for your Interest In Railed TO snow PRICE ...... $6,800. arrangements. Give particulars to Call 6707 after 6 p. m. coat, size 16. Reasonable. Tele­ [ will pardon me. Madame but I Building on Thursday, March 15. Lenox Elstate property. W rite Box Q -Is the Vatican helping to UP, AND la r d 3 o x C. Herald. phone 2-1614. - I find the suggestion most —how WAS DRAFTED 1945,,at 8:00 p. m , on the follow -1 N. Herald. feed Italians? [shall I say it —I ffpd it„most ex- A —Yea. with 200.000 nieate FDR. TWE SROT- The above are excellent McKinney Brothers Ing Auplications for an exception 1 Fuel and Feed 49-A he iS scared WANTED—WOMAN interested In I trnordlnary.” daily all over’ liberated Italy. properties and reasonably 505 Main Street Tel. 6060 or Evenings 5230 from the zoning Regulations: steady work at good pay. 8 to S " I find it very simple. Mon- STIFF AS HE FOR SALE—MIXED wood for Wanted— To Buy 58 Legal Notices Food la purchased from the AlH rf nriced. All can be occupied Application of John B. Wells of .Saturdays off. New System Laun­ [ sleur." FACES AM fireplace, stove length. A. Latul- Commisliion and the Vatican sella AODiEMCE ■ FOR. ui thirty days. 2668 Albany Avenue, West Hart- j dry, Harrison street. W A N T E D — S M A L L SHOW case AT A (X)URT OK PROBATE HELD ••—Umm." ford, for permission to use prop­ lipe, 758 Vernon street. Tel. 6077. in g(XMl condition. Call at Man­ it: soup 3 cents, Dill meals 10 THE VCRV FIRST at Manrheater. within and for the Dla- "Frederic doesn’t like scenes, Tl^Ae IN A erty ' at the soutueast corner of chester Hobby Shop, 22 Birch trict of MaScheater, on the 10th day of conta. FO R S A LE —GREEN hard wood i But if you know him so well. Sllsi&'N& FC ’-E. Center Street and Victoria Road StreeL March. A. D.. 1945. for stove or furnace, $15 a Cord Preaent W IL L IA M 8. HYDE. Esq., I Monsieur, I don’t have to tell you Q—What President was the first for the erection of a gasoline, Judge. ] that. For m yself,.! find them not service station, driveways and ap­ delivered. Phone 8608. WANTED TO BUY man’s large to wear long trousers Instead of Stuart J. Wasley TO BE SOLD Estate of. Edward R. Couch late of the least embarrassing. It were I knee breeches at his inaugura­ 3 ‘ proaches, and storage of 13,000 traveling bag, all leather, light Manchester. In said District, deceased. I better you didn’t see him." 755 Main Street w ill this home Interest you? It has a beautiful kitchen with tan preferred. Call 5841. The Administratrix hSTing exhibit­ tion? • S'? gallons o f gasoline. In a Business Garde*'—Farm— Dairy ” -;-Umm." Manchester, Conn, nice cabinets, a basement laundry, steam heat (coal), at the east ed her administration account with A John Quincy Adams. Zone. Products 50 said estate to this Court for allowance, “ That’s a plain statement. Mon- BY FRED HARMAHjj fe l. 6648 • 7146 end of the living room Is a nice fireplace. Two other rooms that Application of Albert Agosti- Robbery and Revenge WANTED TO BUY a used stroller, it is sler. But I am a plain woman and Q_ What is a K-guii ? RED RYDER may be used for a dining mom, bedrooms or • den, on the Hrst nelll of 72 West Street for exten­ FOR SALE— GRADED quality ORDERED;—That the 17th day of 1 speak plainly. It’s the only way in good condition. Call 2-1275, Marth. A. D.. 1945. at 9 o'clock (w. t.) A__A depth bomb launeher. sion of temporary permit to keep CASH Green Mountain potatoes in SO lb. I know how to talk. The faef Is. / l j k p h -' ORtCK Bl'ILD''5' floor—two bedrooms on the second floor. The bathroom Is very forenoon, at the Probate Office. In said chickens at the above address In bags at the farm. Frank V. W il­ Monsieur, that much has happened attractive with shower, brass piping, ropper screens and storm FOR YOUR Manchester, be and the same is assign­ Q—What is a schnorkel ? I m" Kj'li^EE' a Residence B Zone. liams, 1632 Tolland street, Buck' Rooms Without Board 59 ed for a hearing on the allowance of I since he last saw you." A —\ ‘‘flaoJIag lung” which « l - windows. Yes, It is Insulated at the root— rccenUy built. Application of H. Frotl Machie land. said administration account with said estate, and this Court directs the Ad­ ” — Umm.” ablea Urrinaa submarines to stay IMMEDIATE of 160 Charter Oak Street for per­ FOR RENT—1 ROOM for married “ His outlook has changed com- fiHADOvjY ministratrix to give public notice to all submerged 26 to 80 days, the DGURES On a nice residential streeL near Main street, a well built mission to have an automobile re­ couple or girl. Centrally located. persons tirterested therein to appear I pletely.” Nazis claim . PAUSE Seven-Room Single, kitchen cabinets, steam beaL oil burner, iSre- Phone 2-1614 or 47 Cottage SL' and be heard thereon by publishing a ACTION pairer’s license in the rear of 160 Smart Twosome " —You think so? Umm.” FQli A place, large lot and a two-car garage. Shown by appointment. Chartrt- Oak Street in an Indus­ copy of this order In some newspaper “ He has found his work here­ having a circulation In said District, Q—Is the Rio de Oro (R iver of IP YOU’RE PLANNING trial Zone. FOR R E N T — FU RN ISH ED room, in these surroundings; not In P. S. The living room is about IS’ x 25’. on bus line for genUeman or flve days before said day of hearing Gold), Siioln’s West Africa colony, At tHE Aoplication of Edward Hotl aad return make to this Court, and by Paris. He will continue to live TO BUY—SELI^BUILD couple. Telephone 6803.' n am ^ for a river? RSAR 5-Room Single with steam heat and an oU burner for $6,500. and the General Cigai, Company mailing on or before March 12, 1946. by as he is living now: Is that ^ a ln . A —No. a bay. Portuguese ex­ OF THE OR INVEST registered mall, a copy of this order to I A pre-war house located on a corner loL Basement garage. j of West Hartford for permission N IC E L Y FTJRNISHED, and com­ Robert J. Smith. Commlsatoaer of W el­ Monsieur?” plorers envisioned the bay as a OV1EAA CAR tf— -H I to house not more than 75 women fortably spacious room. With or fare, State Office Building, Hartford, [ “ Very plain. Madame. Y et If river five centuries ago, hence the f L When planning yonr new farm workers and six supervisors ANY MAKE without cooking facilities. Cen- Conn. you don’t mind, I should like name. o n e with .larvie yon get the WILLIAM 8. HYDE ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. from July IS to September 15, traL Phone 3989.1 Frederic to tell me that hlsdself. 0»H lt ot his years ol experl- Judea. MMOffJ L i j y ______963 MAIN ST. Real Estate and Insurance PH O NE 3450 1945, and no longer, under the ANY MODEL H-S-12-4S. Eh ? In fact I Insist op it.” , Q— How many ball tiearlngs go Boe as a bnilder nt Hne homes. I supervision of the Connecticut TO R E N T — N IC K furnished room, •‘Certainly." into a Norden bombsight? Plans, speelflcaGnns nnd Sites “ How for would Thomas Edison have got if his parents Agricultural Elxlcnsion Serv'ice, at light housekeeping arrangements. — “ Humph." Jozef F.lsner start­ .A— As of 1941 design, 61 were had snooped around laboratory ^ the time, afraid 3 -ii •ew avalleble for yonr ap- 95 Forest Street, In a Residence A Our Buyer Will Call Arthur A. Knofla, 875 Main le d toward the door to the next w ed to coatrol actual operation. provaL Give ns a call and let's b e ^ going to blow up the houser I Zone. • StreeL Telephone 5440-5938. Read Herald Advs. 1 room from whence came the mu- There were 25 different types. BY LESUE TURNER get together. Dirty W’ork Afoot A ll persons desirous of doing ^ Just Phone I sic of the piano. W ASH TUBBS I may attend the hearing and may "Profeasor!" X. Looking for a good home BY FONTAINE FOX 'I ’M SUSPICIPUSQF njAT,, THEBE I IN THE CASE OF AN be heard either lor or against any 5191 "E h ? ” TOONERVILLE FOLKS THKNK HX) W B SkOWINiS ME YDUB A t ^ HAH! NOW THAT I ’VE OBlfilNAL CAW 8E peTECTEP FROM A that will be available Immedi­ I application. "One question. Did you like the t Alp THE dftOONPWORK, FELWWMdOHE, PADDY,' ABEMAMV f0tUiCTl0W.MB.MeKte, SHOOLP YC\i E V ^ MOWCAMHETBaAB^ WAVS TO VfAKB BY the CHEMICAL COMflOSmON ately? Zoning Board oL'Appeals, Man- The Gift “De-Luxe”! music Frederic wrote in Major- N6ip1b(FBaT ATVICE ON THE AUTHINTICmJ FAMON AMP lAONA CAN T ^ T H E PI6MEWTS ' RAINTIN6 WHEN HElS NEVERI UNCOVEB I (Chester. Conn. le a ? ” Th e Fa m il y th o u g h t it w a s r b a l c u t e when l it t l e Tim m ie OF A PAtMTIMa, CALL ON 946! ~ POTACR056 THE PEAL, /WHATUEAWS We have choice single homes I SRNTHE omSiNALr FOeSIBlES, By Richard Martin, I Jozef Eisner worked hLs chin McKEff WON’T KNOW ( pi64y-MmTS, -4, 6 and 6 rooms— various lo­ FIRCT LEARNEPIO m a ke l ik e h u sh HERBERT, t h e MOVIE ACTOR PCR veABS HES Chairman. j “ W hat Is It. Madame, you would moiwmv? cations. WANTED BEEN SWINDLED! Martin E. Alvord, I have me sav?” Secretary. “ You didn’t like It. (fid you?” 8. Are yon Interested In Brunner’s ••—Humph. I think, Madame, I aelling yonr present home? 80 OAKLAND STREET I know hH abilities as well as any­ We have customers who will Read Herald Advs. OPEN TIL 9 P. M. one. A fter all. I am his teacher.” pay up to $10,000 for a good Femalie Help •That music, Mpn.sler. . has home. Lot u.s make you an made him the most talked-of com- Offer. FOR SKEIN WINDING — CONE WINDING 4. Looking For An Invest­ AND WOOL SPINNING DEPART.MENT ment That Brings a Good Re- tarn On Vour Money? CASH FOR YOUR PROPERTY WABBONDS Apply W e have flats and duplexes Have many i^tom era waiting (or X-Family Hoaaes —' 4, that will do just that. 5, 8, 7 and 8-noom Singles and Mercantile Balldings. OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOI’ LB OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. W ILLIA M S List your property with this agency (or quick results t ALDON SPINNING MILLS . d o n 't w o r r y , m i s t e r f Coll Any TImel ' o h . how / t h o u g h t f u l THERE'S SOME PECULIAR. , ciosH.rrjis THERE IT GOES-r iP t h e y t r y t o s c a l p ^ Talcottviile, Conn. OF HIS M A ALL OF A ZOO SPeClMENTS THAT ROOST JARVIS , STRUCK ME X HOM&SIC<.' AN’ ME VOITH >NORDS X LL WE AIN’T HARDLY SUDDEN.' THIS IS TH’ IN MS BOARDIN' HOUSE,OLAE.' DIDN’T BRING SCALP RIGHT B A C R ^ All hirinR done in accordance with - GEORGE L. GRAZIADIO i UPTM ’ BUCKIT OF LEFT VET.' WHEN FOURTH START I’VE -«*- X HOPE YOU'RE NOT REALTY CO. , m a d e w i t h I O J T V J O - gUT 30ST SO 1 O O K tT f COAL 1 PRONMSEI? HE SMELLS TH’ TeL 4112 or 7215 Weekdays Area Stabilization Plan. Real Estate and Insurance ' VOU’LL BE NEXT WITH TOUCHV-^X t o l d ’EM VOO M’V M A 1 WOULD.' PORK CHOPS WAS PORE INOIAN.SO \NHEN GET SHOVED,' IP " W f Y and Sundays. 109 HENRY STREET TELEPHONE 5819 COOKIN’ FER. SOME EKCLISE.’ VJAJSr' r PUSH. X-'Ll-VARNISH E K BoUd With Jarvis For Security! 1 CAN’T GO AN’ THE'V SEE VOO AiNT A LEAVE HER LIKE SUPPER, >WE •TILL YOU HEAR SOME IN THE SH APE OF 877 t h a t - I F 10U IMDN’T SEE HIM DAN OP ME BEIN’ A CARBON COPY OP A PRSTiE-L..' 1 2 ^ 2 GUYS’LL WAIT MO MORE.' BIO CATTLE BACON" HlAVlAtKA tHEV I GUESS rrs m a n 0LOVJ SOUR. , HERE TILL I-- BEST TO G O Sae Bennett i UH tUOTES.’'. ~iUUKEY FINN Reunion LANK LKUNAKD WITI-K^T ANY Mainstay of your wardrobe—a [ WEAJB-IN'Sv.' twO 'piecer that bos alim figure- it y l so o n b e YEAH-HOW I WENT OVER T O ' YES. MICKEY. molding lines to give on air of \ th ree y e a r s . DID YOU POLICE HE DID-ANO assurance. An easily-made dickey Ity Mra. Aoaa.Oobot and medtuura ( bIm 18) lndu1m oUk fo r the flower appUque, a very designs for children, mkt-wlnUr NATIONAL desired, and the Pattern Number fine needle (or the hand-rolled foodnators and hug-me-tlght de­ POLICE tc Sue BurnetL The Moncdiester hems and there you ore—good- signs ore among the practical up- X'trW c#rr» PkHi gening .Herald, 1150 —Sixth pfe. Joseph L. Delaney operates ACAdEMY avenue. New York 19, N. T. lookliig lingerie (or very little to-the-minute inspirationa Cor the money! home knitters and crochetero. B BD 71 telephone swttcbbeaid for Tb obtain the two AppUqued Find them and doaens o f doily Headquarters Compaay. 169lh ta la if Ready now—the Spring Isoue of «cy, la On Poelfle theater M epei^ Fashion. Just 75 rents. A com­ Panties (Pattern No. 6636) pat­ and home deemation ideas in th e ; Ifans. War Bonds per A m plete ^ d e In planning wardrobe terns fo r ^ ^ th panties, applique' Winter issue ol the Anne Cabot i;ftruxnents so vital to efficient een- needs for oil tho (OBiily. deeiga. fliuilHng direcUoiii, amoU Album. Prios 19 eenti. ~$BBtcatioti at the (rent

..jt. ■?! JS