Rush to High Ground Do Not Like to Slice Off Such Items City You Will Remember That They Dr

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Rush to High Ground Do Not Like to Slice Off Such Items City You Will Remember That They Dr J-'-' i BATURDAT, MARCa W, If VE o B M S i e r ^AGB.TWBLVl Manchester Evening Herald Average Daily Circulation ForeeMt ol r . s. \Vpai.irr Bureun rvr the Mvath «C Fabnuuy, 1646 f'londy, with oreSMlouul light TSiii, hrlaSy preceded with little lead. According to McDonnell the 9,116 very light snow; not so cold to­ hen seems to enjoy the attention Local Captain Getting Air Medal First Lecture night; Tuesday fair. About Town Heard Along Main Street the ohildrea give it. So In these LECLERC Member of the Audit days of shortages it teenns that Rmreun eC Otreuluttone Michael McD. should rate some Here Monday FUNERAL HOME Memtche$ter—-A CUy of Village Charm X vu gcU it WllUun M. McBride, And on Some of Manche$ter'$ Side StreeUt, Too sort of medal. 29 Main Stract I who hai bow conducting eervicet (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1945 nlghUy at Ooepel Hall. 416 A number of local marketmenunapplied. ’The Interior has been a In reading over the list of sign­ Phone 5269 (OlamlBei Adverttalug m Fugu 16) ter atroet. the peat week, will Dr. H. S. Leiper to Give ;DL.LXIT., NO. 136 are to appear before the local rS'.- I drab yellow or what might be call­ ers of the petition asking that the bring ^MClal messageo on the tioning board Monday night, we ed a dirty orange. Now it is being action on a by-law on sidewalk First of Addresses Un- Book of Hebrews, beginning Sun­ \ - painted a shade pretty close to an snow removal taken at the March 11'------------------------- - day night at seven o’clock and have been told, to answer to any alleged violations of rationing reg­ Irish green. We wonder what or 3 town meeting be rescinded, it Is der Y Auspice. Front Lines in Germany Compared to Pennsylvania each week-night at 7:45 except disclosed that a great majority of Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. McBride ulations reported by an OPA in­ who was the influencing factor In spector. A short time ago when those signing were not present at Dr. Henry Smith Leip^, whose ATTEN TIO N Four Divisions selecting the new color. We have Forces are leaving later in the month for Mindanao the town meeting. By their ab­ address, ''\\[here Are Your Blind the mission fleld In Chile. South the OPA gave a meat cutting exhi­ heard it remarked that the new bition in the Hollister Street school sence from the meeting they ap­ Spots?” will open the Y. W. C, A.'s America. green hue is out of respect for the VETERANS an Inspector from the Hartford chairman of the pdllce commis­ proved. to a certain extent, the lecture series at Nathan Hale Au­ by-law as adopted. Absence or OPA visited the various stores In sioners-- "Irish" McCann, but we ditorium, Monday, is admirably Under the O. L Bill of Rlgh| T oward The billing Workers and Ml»- silence gives eon.sent. Drive on town. In some cases he called at­ don’t think Commissioner McCann fitted to discuas race prejudices— Honorably Discharged Ve Bridgehead on Rhine; pah groups of the South Method­ tention of the store owners or has enough spare time on his How would some of these ob­ their causes and cures. He is the jectors to the clean sidewalks by­ nf the W ar Can Build a N^ ist WSCS will change their all- managers to changes that should hands to devote an,j’ of it to in­ author of four boks on the subject Home Now! day meeting from Tueaday to law fit into the Philadelphia story ? be made, and in other cases he terior decorating. and most of his active life has Wodneaday, March 14, because of If you have ever taken note of the We can supply Plans—Sp San Roquoi Field noted down some violations he been spent among minority groups. BERLIN It has been said that what with long rows of front steps in the acatlon* and Sites. W e Can other activities. perceived and reported them. the cool, calm, collected, calloused After graduating from Amherst For example, some meat cutters residential sections of the Quaker College and, Columbia Universitv, the bpliding and arrang* criminals that have been brought Rush to High Ground do not like to slice off such Items City you will remember that they Dr. Leiper served as minister Y. dnanclhg. Girl Scouts today begin the into the station lately it was only as veal cutlets and leave them In are always spotless. The Philadel­ M. C. A. secretary, war relief You can let as handle the llrst Opposition to F l e e t VftiUamspott sale Oil Easter seals for the bene­ fitting that a cool shade like a the case. Some butchers feel that phians pride themselves on their worker in Siberia during World tall* from twginning tn end a l vasion Light; Sweep^ m ^ ww ' fit o f the work of the Connecticut pastel green be selected. A sort of scoured front steps snd spotless know In advance that eve/ (scrmans Re|iorl Ameri­ Society for Crippled Children, at a fresh cut slice of meat appeals to W ar I. and as educator and relief the purchaser as being better. cold, calming color for the cooler, sidewalks. 'The neighbor with a worker in China between World thing will i^ r h nnt to yn| Over Wolfe Airstrip; /fearfy Hale’s store and Dewey-Rich- as it were. Perhaps the station is dirty doorstep or untidy sidewalk complete satlstactlon. cans Widen Hold to mah’a. It is expected that Girl ’Then, too, customers have differ­ W ars I and II. He watched the N. Russians Prepare being decorated for St. Patrick's is declasse and ostracized by the Eight-Day Air Bom- r a Scouts from the different troops ent ideas about the thickness of the Russian Revolution develop from These statemehts are not More Than Twelve slices. Well. If you have veal in Day. ! other residents Why should not the Inside. Ho followed on the words bnt barhiMl by a man Athnfown^ w ill continue the sale each Thura- Manche.stcr be proud of its good bardment and 2-Day^ Or tjOntOat day and Saturday afternoon until the case In the piece it must bear a spot the early expansion of Japan’s an organization of Undlsputat And Half Miles; Race ticket telling its cost in money and That crack in the Bulkeley clean sidewalks spring, summer, co-prosperity spheres. As a rep­ Integrity. Naval Shelling Help. ------ Elaster. bridge over the Connecticut at f„u winter? 1 Cocriilfg For Strong Push .Against Nazi Artil­ points whether by the slice or In resentative o f , American Church 4 ^ the piece. To the customer the Hartford which came Into the — — groups in Europe he saw Hitler’s as 1 mTZT 9 1 ^«"**<* Emphasizes In- PhiiodehhiOi lery Still Trying to Groups 2 and 4 of the Memorial difference Is so small that hardly news picture after the water main There's sn angle to this atl-nlght rise and predicted his attack upon Hosidtal Auxiliary, Mrs. George anyone would pay any atten’ lon. break this week caused quite a parking on the public highways the foundations of western civiliza­ Jarvis Realty! nk-equipped Yanks swept fertorUy Creat C o rn - furore among the younger folks Phones 411? or 7?15 Regrouping Armies to Break Span Seizeil W , House and Mrp. William Knof- But nevertheless failure to desig­ we hadn't considered until it wras tions li.'er Wolfe airstrip Saturday j American Allied Planes Mcie, leaders, will meet Monday nate the difference can be cited as and the newer resident.s in this Hi* present position—executive Week Days and Sundays pared to 111 Reinagen Crossing. brought to our attention the other Tfternoon one half mile in- Start Berlin Front afternoon at two o’clock St the a violation. section. But to the older ones who day. An all-night parking re­ secretary of the American Com­ Strength in Pacific. Memorial hospital. We doubt if there is a single had watched that bridge being | mittee for the World Council of J.nd from their invasion striction is of. great asaiatance to Dritw Aimed at Junc­ I’aris, March 12.— (^P)— store anywhere that hasn't at one built and took pride In it so. long the police in checking stolen auto- Churches— brings him into contact leach on the southwest tip of Raid Stettin; after It was completed the crack Capt. Gordon T. Weir, of Ma nchester, receives congratulations tion in Elbe V alley. I German broadca.sts aaid that Manchester Assembly, No. 15, time or another violated the regu­ riiobilcs and burglaries. and cooperation with the outstand­ landanao island and at last San Francisco, March — lations in one w ay or another, not on presentation of the A ir .Medal by Col. S. E. Maneo, left, of Long ing leaders among groups active Order of Rainbow for Girls, will in the atone work was nothing . (^,.uising poliremen in places where The Japanese Imperial fleet, repair­ four First Army divisions of intentionally but simply through new. Island, N. Y.. his group commander. The award wa.s for meritor­ in working with refugees, prison­ HOSPITAL liports were driving rapidly • Aid Russians meet Monday evening at 7:30 ^In there Is a re.strictloh lake d<Avn London. March 12.— (^)— more than 40,000 troops had misunderstanding of the applica­ That crack at the north side of ‘ ious achievement on bombing missions over Nazi Europe.
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