li.” ' ............................ Average Daily Circulation The Weather Manchester/^Evehing Herald Rftf^ AY 11 Fnreeuet of D. 8. H’ratber "V _ _______ ^___ t For the Moeth «f Aagaat, 1944 Gale uinds with heevy rulu to­ Maneheater Twit. No. 7, Kntghta Laurent treasurer, 47 Gerard n a d b 8,77.5 night and’early Friday. Hnrrieah; of the Maccaheea, will meet thia Nurses’sQuota street, Manchester, or, tf more expected to •trike tioiiiheaat Coa--' AttoutTowh evening at A'b’clock in the Batch convenient, may be leR with Me. Member ef the Audit neotteut eoast about uiidnigbt. and Brovni hall, D ^ t Square, and Marte at the Manchester Trust Bureua ef Circulathma Walter• P. Ck>man, ■ aon of •■ Mr. aa thia will be the only meeting Is $1,800 Short Company. M^llinehe»ter--—^4 City of Village Charm r and Mra. W altw P.NObrmaa, of 42 thia m ^th, Commahder J. Albert Brookfield atraet, W\« freahman Oderitliuin hopea for a good at­ RINGS at Holy CroM Ootlege>Hla broth- tendance of th$ knlghta, inaamuch To Lecture Tonight ^ (ClaioUled 'Adverthdug ou rugu'-tS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1944 \ \ (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CEl er,“ Rayipond------ - A.* *’->rman;donnan; .alao aat- t aa there ta oonaiderabiS b'Uaineaa Association Appeals for .VOL. LXIIL, 294 tended Holy CroM,Cl and la a xandtxandt-i •to be taken care of. The new own- Contributions to Meet On Current Books date for a IBachelor of Arta.oe^e4^ era have redecorated the hall and Gent's Black. Onyx Rings. .. 921.50 and up in pre-medical made a number of-improvementa. $4,000 Needed/ The first lecture - on "Current Literature,’ by Rev. Thomaa F, Sunday will be Rally Day at the The Manchester Public Health Stack will be held this evening at CoyehantrCohgregational church, Nurses Association held itia first 8:1S in St. Jamea School hall. Ladies' Black Oyint Rings . $10.75 and up 42 Spruce atreet, and the Sunday meeting since the annual meeting . Father Stack will apeak on the achool. it apecial program haa'been in June, on yesterday morning at Important' problem of the Negro, Non-Rationed planned' which w.dl ^ of intereat ten o'clock In the board room of and' In addition to the popular to both old and young, and the the Manchester Memorial hospital. novel op the subject will also in­ Gent's Signet Rings $13.7.5 and up paator. Rev. Raynold Johnson, will Miss. Anna C. Sampson, president clude "Royal Road,” "The Dove 1., . , deliver Junior and adult aermohs. of the association, presided. BRIDGETS In the evening Pastor Johnaori will Fllee Soiuh," “Dark Symphony,” take for his subject "An tJnde- Twelve members of the board were and "Freedam Road." Ladies' Birthstune Rings feated Faith." Music will be fur-' present at the meeting. Mra. Ray- Tlckela for the aeriea and single $7.15 and up nished by a Jamaican quartet from ner. head of the Visiting Nurses Icctu;^ Ucketa may be purchased made a very satisfactory and com­ at the door.. CHURCH BASEMENT the neighteMng plantations. > plete report of the work of the Visiting Nurses since June, Gent's Identification Bra<;^lets $3.85 and up MK and Mrs. George F. Borst, Mrs. R. A. St. Laurent, treasur­ /■ are apending their vacation at Local Youth Joins *** their cottage at Point O' Woods. er, reported that contributions in connection with the drive for the Brown Fraternity Ladies' Spray P in s.................. $4.25 and Up The I^adies' Aid Society of Visiting Nurses, .wl^h started last Emanuel Lutheran church will May, had'slowed up considerably, Providence, R. I„ Sept. 18.— 20 * " ^ Federal Tax Included. ^ Germany Entered at Two Points Manila Radio meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:30., and that $1,800 was needed to I o’clock. / reach the quota of $4,000 which Neil H. Ellis, son of Mr. and Mra. Mope e s had been set up by the Board aa Sidney EllU of 112 East Center Aak To 8m ! being necessary to carry on the atreet, has bean pledged by PI Asserts Raids ; 250 8TVLK NO. J#4« Lambda. Phi fraternity In recent ■ V ' i 6 a v e very Important work of the As­ Aa Hketched. VGrR HOT AIR FURNACE sociation. rushing at Brown . University. Fall to Americans / / ' RECONDITIONED ' It is hoped By the Board that Ellis, a graduate of Chaahlre Are Continued I IN PRIZES TN>R WINTEB! CALL 8906. this amount can be raised within Academy, la a frashman at Brown. f Sixty Miles anX^our ■ -‘H the next couple of months. No con­ Pi Lambda Phi; catabliahed at DONNELLY'S NORMAN BENTZ tribution 'S too small and will be Yale in 1895 and at Brown In 1928, JEWELERS AT THE CENTER Americans Are Silent is one of alxtcen national fraternl- As Drive Keeps Up ' The Local Tinsmith greatly appreclatea. Contributions PLAYING STARTS AT 8: IS* Pacesettei^ should be sent to Mfa, R. A. St, tiea on the Brown campua. On Where . Carrier Active on-the-go feet/will \ First Army Goes Ahead Based Planes Are Oper­ Says Weather E apprMiate this plaj^oe in After Taking Rotgen; Weather Keeps ating at Present Time. TWErmr TWO black, russet, wine, gabar­ Seeurity Silence Blanks Allied Planes By The Associated Press Senior Meterm Out Most Specific De­ Smashing American carrier New Haven dine with a jjj^’emment- Two Names You Know and Trust plane raida on t the central Philip­ Hartford Takes Steps tested sole that gives serv< tails'from the Front; Out of Action pines which coat the^apane'ae 200 Stor^i Will Blo^ $25-00 Nazis Admit Advance. aircraft Monday, have' continued ice. Full Force Afire Britain Based Machines for three consecutive days, Manila To Protect Residents night in This bn-Rationed. London, Sept 14—(Fl-^evfnil radio reported today. A* more German villagee .near cap­ Especially Are Ground­ The Japanese-controlled bagad- Assierts in Today’s Re­ $ 1 0 o o THE HALE CORP. tured Rotgen felt to the V. 8. Firat. caat claimed that 20 attacking GAMES ports It Will Not Be as / ed After Six' Day Series planes were shot down to the first -9---- and Army today while it drove |nto the two days. The radior said that on as One in 1938 dragon-tooth barrtore of the Sieg­ Of Smashes on Reich. the third day—Wjoneaday U. S. Hartford, Sept. 14.—<A*)— branches endan- fried line and undercut the great time—the . attacking planes "at- Bering travel. l-m SToaiorgsamrir Ngxi communicationa canter -of. London, Sept. 14—(P)—Deterio­ ihed;.ta..raid'’.NegrQS and Leyte Atting at once upon the re- To...... Protect. Children New Haven, Conn., Sept Advertise in The Herald— It Pays a.^.M Aachen. rating weather kept Britain-baaed iidands Jn the central Philippines, ceipt of-information that the The city’s chief executive also 14.^A*)—Senior Meteorolo? heavy bombers a t home today af­ Leyte on Luzon island on which storm was definitely headed communicated with luperintend- gist John Underwood o f the Namea Of the vlllagea were not Manila ia situated, and the fort­ ents'of schools Fred D. Wish, Jr., diacloeed by aupreme headquartora. ter a aix-day series of thousand- ress town of Zamboanga in the this way' and unlikely to New Haven Weathef Station CHATHAM A Faria broadcaat aaid one was swerve, Mayor William Mor- on taking the necessary precau- bomber smaSh!^8 at Nazi war to southwest. tlona for the protection 'of school sai^ today that the ' hurri- Lammersdorf, four miles aouth- A Pacific fleet communique pre­ ,eaat of Rotgen. duatries. /I tensen alerted the Civilian children, and advised the fiood cape, now beating up thi - viously announced the opening of commisaion and water bureau to The Germans themaelvea aald Last night R.A.F. MOsquitos this second sea-baaed attack on Defense Emergency Disaster coast, probably would strike the Americana were beating for­ blasted Bierlin -with two-ton block­ the Philippines, saying 200 Nip­ organization, the city’s em er-; *>• pJ‘*R**’*<*- **'’“Kes parts of Connecticut ih full ward in a large scale offensive in busters for the fourth night in a .n,v .11 which came In the wake of the Qin - - W hen Present The Complete Line Qf ponese planes were destroyed Mon­ gency dlanater committee and all 1938 hurricane are not expected force some time after mid*' the iyhole 'arc around Aachen from row, roundihg out a 24-hour cycle- day and indicating the strike was departments of the city govern­ Maastricht in Holland to the Ger­ in which more than 10,600 tons of due to the city's flood protactlon night. Underwood aaid winds at . continuing. ment. works since provided,, the mayor New Haven probably would no! - man frontier near Eupen In Bel­ high explosivea were dropped on I Jap Fortress Falls Every city department ia being gium. Germany in four massive bomber aaid. greatly exceed 60 miles an hout > As the Manila radio told of the notified at once to take stepa to with the exception of occasUmai . Into Open Again assaults. continuing biowa, Chungking an-' Such departments of the city as . The U. S. Third Army of Lieut. Th4 weZtoer limited the bag by protect city property, the mayor police, fire and street are being gusts. Ynu’re F all Fashion nounced the last Japanese fortress stated, at the same time urging It Was too early, he aaid, to say . Gen. George S. Pattoh broke into Mosquitos last night -to one barge blocking a union of Allied forces notified to stand by for any emer­ fha open once more around the and one train tq an attack on' com­ everyone to take the necessary gency, the mayor said.
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