2011-2012 / 5772 Prog ram Book

Professional & Administrative Teams Table of Contents

Rabbi Neal Gold [email protected] • Temple Shir Tikva Mitzvah Day…………………...4 Rabbi Greg Litcofsky [email protected] • Yossi Klein Halevi…………………………………….5 Cantor Hollis Schachner [email protected] • Meah: Inspired Jewish Learning……………………6

Rabbi Herman Blumberg, Emeritus • Jewish Explorations Weekend– Storahtelling ……..7 [email protected]

David Passer , ext. 214 • Congregational Learning: Executive Director Sunday Morning Education Options………….8-9 [email protected]

Deena Bloomstone , ext. 201 Monday Education Options……………………..10 Director of Congregational Wednesday Evening Education Options…...10-11 Learning [email protected] • Families With Young Children………………...12-13 Rachel Kest , ext. 203 Director of Elementary • & Family Education Religious School…………………………………14-15 [email protected] • Youth Community……………………………….16-17 Samantha Nidenberg , ext. 202 Youth Educator • [email protected] Worship/Choirs…………………………………..18-19

Karen Edwards, ext. 210 • Assistant to the Rabbis and Cantor Brotherhood and Sisterhood…………………...20-21 [email protected] • Reyim…………………………………………………21 Linda Goldbaum, ext. 211 Office Administrator • [email protected] Tikkun Olam………….……………………………...22

Toni Spitzer, ext.200 • Committees of Temple Shir Tikva………………...23 Office Administrator [email protected] • Board of Trustees & Committee Chairs…………..24 Lucy Dube , ext. 215 Bookkeeper bookkeeper@shirtikva. org

Mike Buianowski Custodian • Design and layout by Peggi Cohen • Editing and proofreading by Peggi Cohen and David Passer Julio Machado • Cover design by Joel Sadagursky Custodian

Page 2 ram Book Temple Shir Tikva 2011-2012 / 5772

Professional Team

Rabbi Neal Gold Rabbi Greg Litcofsky Cantor Hollis Schachner

David Passer Deena Bloomstone Rachel Kest Samantha Nidenberg

Administrative Team

Toni Spitzer Karen Edwards Linda Goldbaum Lucy Dube

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Temple Shir Tikva Mitzvah Day Sunday, October 30

OOO ur Jewish heritage teaches us that it is our sacred responsi- bility to repair the world. After several months of planning, we are excited to announce that a Temple Shir Tikva Mitzvah Day will be held on Sunday, October 30. This will enable all of us, from toddlers to adults, to participate in Tikkun Olam where we will have the opportunity to not only experience the power and value of our personal contributions, but also share with our temple community in accomplishing a number of Social Action projects.

To give you a “taste” of what is being planned; our Tikkun Olam pro- jects will touch on our core principles of the TEKIAH program along with other areas of Social Action which are important to many of us. Pro- jects will provide the opportunity to participate in Mitzvot which focus on the environment, caring for our seniors, health care, food, justice, and helping those less fortunate than us.

Here is a sampling of our Mitzvah projects:

• Locks of Love – start now! Grow your hair and donate it to a financially-challenged child under the age of 21 who is suffering hair loss due to a medical illness. For more information, contact Karen Susser at [email protected]

• Backpack Buddies – assemble backpacks with school supplies to be delivered to disadvantaged stu- dents in our community

• Greater Boston Food Bank – pack boxes of food in Boston at the GBFB’s facility (Limited to 15 pack- ers, so sign-up early!)

• Youth Choir Musical Mitzvah for Seniors – Join the TST youth choir and perform a concert for sen- iors at the new JCHE Shillman House in Framingham

• Young Families Bristol Soup Kitchen Project – sandwich preparation to feed the hungry

• Young Families: Birthday Boxes for kids – prepare goodie bags for young children

• Bone Marrow Drive – register to be part of a bone marrow transplant registry

• Caring for the environment – planting, Wayland Habitat for Humanity, and clean-up projects are be- ing planned

• Serenity House Painting Project – volunteer to paint rooms in a home for women living in recovery from past addictions to drugs and alcohol

If you are interested in volunteering to participate in one of these programs, just want to be part of the planning committee, or provide general Mitzvah Day assistance, please access: http://www.Mitzvah Day sign-up

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Yossi Klein Halevi

Author and Journalist

Sunday, November 13

Report from : An Analysis of Current Events from the Heart of the Middle East 9 --- 11 a.m.

Yossi Klein Halevi is a renowned Israeli author and journalist. He is a contribut- ing editor at The New Republic and he is a fellow at the in Jerusalem. His essays and analyses of Middle Eastern events appear regularly in major newspapers all over the United States. This event is co-sponsored by Combined Jewish Philanthropies

At the Entrance to the Garden of Eden: What , Muslims and Christians Need from Each Other Today 1:30 --- 3:30 p.m.

In 2001 Yossi Klein Halevi published At the Entrance to the Garden of Eden: A Jew’s Search for God with Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land. The book tells of his spiritual journey as a religious Jew into the worlds of Islam and Christianity in Israel. Asking “Could religion be a source of unity?” he joined in prayer- experiences in mosques and monasteries in an attempt to experience the devotional lives of his neighbors and to create a language of reconciliation between the three Abrahamic faiths in the Middle East. The book documents a search for wisdom and holiness in places that are usually off-limits to outsiders of other faiths. It remains a richly rewarding memoir of a search for religious dialogue and understanding. A Hebrew edition of the book was published in 2006.

Born and raised in New York, Yossi made aliya in 1982 with his wife Sarah. He holds a BA in Jewish Studies from and an MA in Journalism from Northwestern University.

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Me'ah: 100 Hours. 2 Years. Inspired Jewish Learning.

Join us for Me’ah (Hebrew for ‘100’), an intensive Jewish educational experience designed for busy adult learners. The course spans two years and includes 100 hours of class time. You’ll focus on core texts from the Hebrew Bible and from the Rabbinic, Medieval and Modern periods.

Shir Tikva classesc lasses begin Thursday, October 27, 7-7 ---99 p.m.

To register please contact Deena Bloomstone at [email protected] or call 508-358-9992.

For more information, visit www.hebrewcollege.edu/meah

“Me’ah ‘works’ no matter where you are on the continuum of Jewish learning. It is thought- provoking and engaging whether or not you have seen the material before.” —Me’ah participant

The registration fee for each year of Me’ah is $750. If you are concerned about the financial aspects of a Me’ah course, contact Raylea Pemstein at [email protected] or call 617-559-8708.

This program is offered by Hebrew College and CJP’s Commission on Jewish Life and Learning.

Cultural Arts Committee

The Cultural Arts Committee is a group of lay leaders who serve our community by guiding us to fully embrace the rich range of music, theatre, film, visual art, dance, and literature of our Jewish heri- tage. Just as we are community of serious learners and worshipers—we study together and pray to- gether with devotion and commitment, not to mention deep enjoyment—we are also finding exciting ways to bring art and music into our Temple community and to avail ourselves of the incredibly dy- namic Jewish cultural scene in the greater Boston area. The Cultural Arts Committee plans programs that channel our passion for the arts into a concerted, synagogue-wide effort to become Jewishly artis- tically literate. We are looking forward to exploring all aspects of performing, visual, and musical arts, and showcasing the talent of our membership and local artisans in the greater Boston community. We are eagerly looking for input from our members. Please contact Cantor Hollis Schachner.

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Friday to Sunday, March 9 --- 11

A Shabbat weekend of Torah Study, Torah Stories, Torah Performing Arts and Torah Experience

For People of All Ages and with All Types of Ideas

•Friday evening : “Setting the Stage: A Taste of Storahtelling .” Shabbat dinner and “Meet the Maven.”

•Shabbat morning : Shabbat Shacharit and the “Maven Torah Reading Ritual.”

•Saturday evening : Havdallah followed by the theatrical presentation, “Becoming Israel”.

•Sunday morning : “ StorahSteps ” for Families with Young Children ages 2-8

In the beginning, story mattered . Woven through Storahtelling is a pioneer in Jewish life-long learn- the generations, sacred stories charted community ing via the arts and new media. Through innovative courses and mapped individual life journeys. To- leadership training programs and theatrical per- day, many are denied access to the rele- formances, Storahtelling makes ancient vance and transformative power of their stories and traditions accessible for all inherited legacies. The People of the Book generations, advancing Judaic literacy and often don't know what's in it. raising social consciousness.

Bridging past and present, Storahtelling Founded by Amichai Lau-Lavie in 1999 , makes story matter again. Using an inno- Storahtelling has grown into an interna- vative fusion of scholarship, storytelling, perform- tional network of educators, scholars and artists, ing arts and new media, Storahtelling’s programs invigorating Jewish identity through dynamic pro- reclaim the narratives and traditions that define grams and performances for multi-generational Jewish life yet have failed to adapt to modern audiences worldwide. times.

Page 7 2011-2012 / 5772 Prog ram Book Adult Education Sunday Mornings

Hebrew Basics for Parents Bringing it Home:

Do you want to be able to help your children suc- Practical Judaism for ceed in learning Hebrew? Don’t know a single letter Practical Jews in Hebrew? Need a refresher course for the Hebrew you learned in your childhood? If the answer is yes to Rabbi Greg Litcofsky

any of these questions, register for Let’s Learn He- Sundays, 9:15-11 a.m. brew , a six-session class for parents of children in Grades 2 and 3 who are just beginning their Hebrew October 23-Shabbat; January 8-Prayer; studies. March 25-Passover By the end of this class, you will know the Hebrew alphabet and vowels and be able to assist your chil- Drop your kids off, have a cup of coffee and join dren in their learning of Hebrew. Course dates are : Rabbi Litcofsky for four unique workshops on the High Sundays , October 16, 23, 30; November 6; and De- Holidays, Shabbat, Prayer and Passover. Together we cember 11, 18 from 9:15 -10:30 am. will explore and discuss how to prepare ourselves and For more information about this course, con- our families for the High Holy Days, share fun and tact Deena Bloomstone at the Temple. meaningful ways to celebrate Shabbat at home, develop a personal understanding of the words of our prayer book, and learn how to get the most out of our Passover I Want to Speak Hebrew celebration. Join us for one class or all four as we learn together Study Modern Hebrew Beginning October 30 how to reinforce what our children are learning in He- brew School – and sustain a Jewish home. Level 1 for Beginners; This class is for parents of kids of all ages - all are Level 2 for People Who Are Beyond Beginners welcome.

If you have ever wanted to learn to speak Hebrew, here is your chance! The Adult Learning Committee, in partnership with the Youth Community, offers courses in Modern Hebrew on Sunday mornings from 11a.m. – 12:30 pm. These classes are open to both Faces of Homelessness teens and adults which will create a unique and enjoy- able learning environment. A Conversation with Three Who Have Level 1 Hebrew will focus on the tools you need to Experienced Homelessness

make the Hebrew language come alive for you while Sunday, September 25, 9-11 a.m. learning to speak and comprehend modern Hebrew. A

review of the alphabet will take place. You know this Shir Tikva welcomes three representatives of The course is for you if you are the slightest bit familiar Faces of Homelessness Speakers’ Bureau, a program of with the Hebrew alphabet. the National Coalition for the Homeless. We will learn Level 2 Hebrew will focus on dialogue and com- from our panel just how homelessness has affected them prehension of the Hebrew language. This class is for directly as they talk about their personal experiences. you if you took Level 1 last year or you would like to brush up on your comprehension and conversational Additionally, the Speakers' Bureau creates opportuni- skills. ties for members to advocate for themselves and others, as

Both courses begin Sunday, October 30. well as build the necessary bridges with the rest of society Please contact Linda Goldbaum to register for the so that we may work cooperatively to end this disgrace Hebrew course that is right for you. called homelessness.

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The Awesome Teen Brain LimmudBoston: The PsychoPsycho----SocialSocial Lives of Teens A Program of Transformational Judaism Jennifer Groen Sunday, December 4, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Sunday, November 6, 9-11 a.m. "Turn it and turn it for everything is in it, and “I used to feel so bonded with my child. Now that through it you will perceive clearly" she’s a teen, she wants nothing to do with me.” “I’m [Pirkei Avot, Chapters of the Sages. 5:26] never right where my teen is concerned.” I don’t get it! My teen is falling asleep in class and yet, s/he’s up all No matter where you are on the spectrum of Jewish night! What can I do?” living, there is more to learn and more to do. Join us and enhance your understanding of teen be- havior when Jennifer Groen, Director of Education and LimmudBoston : • Program for Moving Traditions, comes to Shir Tikva. A day-long festival of Jewish learning • Jennifer will highlight recent advances in understandings An annual celebration of Jewish culture for every- of teen development from neurological research and de- one exploring their Jewish journey. • velopmental psychology. For all generations, and all members of the Jewish Jennifer oversees the nationally acclaimed Rosh Ho- community desh: It’s a Girls Thing program and has been deeply • Family activities, adult learning, text and study, involved in Moving Traditions newest program for boys, food and music, all kinds of sessions for all ages “Shevet Achim: The Brotherhood.” and all learners.

⇒ Creative arts - music, art, movement Jewish Genealogy: ⇒ Text study Jewish Genealogy: ⇒ Davenology Finding Our Roots ⇒ Movement ⇒ Meditation Judy Izenberg ⇒ Politics & Peoplehood Sunday, December 11, 9 - 11 a.m. ⇒ Storytelling ⇒ Chavruta ⇒ Lifecycle modeling

LimmudBoston will take place at Congregation Mishkan Tefila in Chestnut Hill. For more informa- tion, go to www.limmudboston.org . To register, go to http://limmudboston2011.eventbrite.com/ .

Watch for more information in Hineni and Vats Nu.

Curious about your family tree? Ever wonder how to trace your family’s history? Join us for breakfast and conversation when Judy Izenberg speaks with us about Celebrating Israel Jewish Genealogy. Sunday, April 29, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. The Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Boston

(JGSGB) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the Celebrate Israel’s 64 th anniversary with growth, study and exchange of ideas and information among people interested in Jewish genealogical research music, food, exhibits, activities and much and family history. more at Temple Shir Tikva.

Page 9 2011-2012 / 5772 Prog ram Book Adult Education Adult Education Monday Mornings Wednesday Morning and Evening

The Book of Jonah or High Holiday Preparation What if You Knew Exactly What with Rabbi Litcofsky

God Wanted You to Do Wednesdays, September 14, 21; and You Really Did Not October 5, 6:30-8 p.m.

Want to Do It? Join as we study together the deeper meaning of Rosh with Rabbi Alan Ullman Hashana and Yom Kippur. We will use the Machzor as our

guiding text, discussing how the words of our prayers can November 7, 21, 28, December 5, 12, 19, guide us during the High Holidays. 9:30 – 11 a.m. We will explore prayer such as the Avinu Malkeinu and Une Tane Tokef as well as study the laws of teshuvah from The Book of Jonah explores a true dilemma of the Rambam’s Hilchot Teshuvah. human condition. Not the one where we really want to know God, or know what God wants from our lives, or if there is a God. In the book of Jonah the Wednesday Morning Torah Study main character knows there is a God and he knows Rabbi Neal Gold precisely the action that God wants him to take. The action being asked of him goes against his whole Beginning October 19, 10 -11:30 a.m.

being and represents everything he does not believe in or want to do in his life. For years now, an inspired group gathers on But in truth, where ever Jonah goes he is, in fact, Wednesday mornings for friendship, community, doing the thing that God is asking him to do whether and the study of the great books of the Jewish he means to or not. We will explore this breathtak- people (both ancient and contemporary). ingly powerful confrontation between our hearts de- Newcomers are always invited to join this sires and God's will in our studies together. very warm and special community within the Temple for mid-week spiritual insights from our tradition. The Book of Ruth

with Rabbi Alan Ullman Living the Legacy: A Jewish Social Justice Education Project March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 30; May 7, 14, 21 Produced by the Jewish Women’s Archive 9:30 – 11 a.m. Judith Rosenbaum Ph.D. The Book of Ruth is the first great exploration in all of Scripture of Friendship or perhaps it would Facilitated by Rachel Kest and Deena Bloomstone more accurately be termed Covenantal Friendship. Wednesdays, November 9 and 16, 6:30 p.m. What is friendship and what can make friendship a sacred eternal act? Join us when Judith Rosenbaum brings her love of The friendship that is set forth in the Book of Ruth women's studies and Jewish studies to Shir Tikva. A former becomes a source in Judaism for the process of con- JWA Research Fellow, Judith develops and directs JWA's version and ideas about marriage. Such is the power major educational projects, including Jewish Women and and resonance of the story of Naomi and Ruth and the Feminist Revolution , the national Institutes for Educa- their love for, and relationship with, each other. We tors, and the Go & Learn lesson plan series. will explore this and so much more in the Book of Living the Legacy, brings to life the rich and deep his- Ruth. tory of Jewish Americans' activism through the stories of

There is no charge for these courses. Register for both women and men. Through the use of primary sources, this course by contacting Linda Goldbaum in the such as letters, articles, oral histories, photographs, fiction, Temple office. and organizational records, we will learn about Jews and social justice movements.

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Teens: Brains, Bodies, Identities Green Judaism

A Course on Teens, Development Wednesdays, February 8 and 15 and Jewish Identity 6:30 – 8 p.m.

Dr. Jessica Rubinstein and Deena Bloomstone “One generation goes and another generation comes; November 30, December 7 and 14 but the earth remains forever.” Kohelet 1:4. 6:30-8 p.m. The celebration of Tu B’Shevat reminds us of our

Join us for this three-part series on teen development relationship and obligation to our environment, our and what we need to know to parent and mentor teens. world. Join us as we celebrate Tu B’Shevat with an en- Jessica Rubinstein is a pediatrician who specializes in vironmental seder and continue with us the following adolescence and teen development. Deena has taught and week as we look at using our Jewish sources to help us worked with teens in a synagogue setting for over 25 respond to the environmental concerns of today. years. Together they will look at what impact our world makes on teens today and how we, parents, relatives,

teachers, and adults, can work to create healthy relation- ships with the teens in our lives. The Soviet Jewry Movement --- A Look Back in Celebration of Pesach

Rabbi Herman J. Blumberg Making Trouble ::: A Film about Jewish Women Wednesdays, March 14, 21, 28 6:30 – 8 p.m. Wednesday, February 29, 6:30 p.m. In the last three decades of the 20th Come eat popcorn while we watch the movie, “MAKING TROUBLE ,” a film produced by the Jewish century, 600,000 Russian Jews immi- Women’s Archive. “ Making Trouble ” tells the story of grated to the United States. An even six of the greatest female comic performers of the last larger number settled in Israel. century — Molly Picon, Fanny Brice, Sophie Tucker, Using personal testimonies, short narrative readings Joan Rivers, Gilda Radner, and Wendy Wasserstein. and background briefings, we will examine this ex- Hosted by four of today’s funniest women — Judy traordinary phenomenon: How did this grass roots Gold, Jackie Hoffman, Cory Kahaney, and Jessica Kirson movement begin and gain momentum? How was it — it is the true saga of what it means to be Jewish, fe- possible to escape the fortress of the Soviet Union? male and funny. How have Russian Jews faired in the United States and If you like to laugh, and want to know about the indeli- Israel? ble impact these women made on entertainment, their audiences and the times in which they lived, join us for As we prepare to celebrate our Festival of Libera- this viewing. tion, this is a look back at the modern Exodus.

Lights...Cameras...Action --- Israel Film Series

April 4, 11, 25 - 6:30 - 8 p.m.

Plan to join us for three evenings of enlightening film viewing as we present unique films, directed, produced and filmed in Israel. Watch Hineni, Vats Nu and Shir Tikva’s website for more informa- tion about our Israeli Film series.

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Families With Young Children

Young Families’ Committee ––– Snack in the Sukkah Sunday, October 16 , 11 – noon Programs and Events for 20112011----12121212 Join us for a gathering and snack after the kids have fin- The Young Families’ Committee of Temple Shir Tikva ished Hebrew school in our beautiful Sukkah outside the is committed to providing opportunities for families temple. Fun, relaxing, and an opportunity to meet other (members/prospective members) with young children (ages families in our community. For more information, contact 8 and under) to connect, build community, and strengthen Rabbi Litcofsky at [email protected] . their ties to TST by offering a range of Jewish-centered, family-friendly programs and events throughout the year. Mitzvah Day In addition, we work to provide TST members with Sunday, October 30, 11 – 2 p.m.

leadership opportunities to develop programs, run events, Here’s an opportunity for you and your young children to partner with TST leadership, and build a long-term, sustain- participate in Tikkun Olam and give back to our local com- able committee for future leaders. munity. Join us for a variety of tzedekah projects, all held We invite you to a series of events designed for families at Temple Shir Tikva, and designed with younger children of young children (ages 8 and under). All are welcome – in mind. For more information, contact Danyel Rodgers at parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents – to join us as we [email protected] . celebrate Shabbat, havdallah, and other programs and holi- days throughout the year. Join us for holiday programs, Young Families’ Havdallah Program Jewish education, and opportunities to meet other parents. Saturday, November 19 and Saturday, May 12 4:30 - 7 p.m. Our events include: Join us as we bring Shabbat to a close and begin a new High Holy Days week with friends, new and old. We celebrate together Our program for children ages 0-8 is built upon our mis- through songs, prayer and food! Start your week off right, sion that every member of the family have a meaningful connect with other families, and join us for a terrific series. High Holy Days experience at Temple Shir Tikva. On the For more information, please contact Robyn Wolensky at first day of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur we offer a [email protected] . special experience for children in a safe, fun environment that will run concurrently with services in the main sanctu- Young Families’ Shabbat Dinners ary. The High Holy Days programs will be led and taught December 16 and April 27, 5 - 7:30 p.m.

by knowledgeable, trained professionals and includes mu- Join us for two special Friday Night Family Shabbat sic, prayer and age-appropriate learning activities. services for young children and their families. Our pro- Programs for the first day of Rosh HaShanah (September gram includes dinner and Temple Shir Tikva’s Simchat 29) and Yom Kippur (October 7) will take place during Shabbat Services after the meal. Bring your children into both services: 8:30-10:15 & 11:30-1:30. the sanctuary to attend services with you, or sign them up Program Ages: to attend our Jewish education program (separate programs Infant and Toddler childcare; Pre-kindergarten; for children ages 2-4 and 5-8), after which they will rejoin Kindergarten; First and Second Grade the community for Kiddush and motzi. This program requires pre-registration to allow appro- There will be a small fee to offset the cost of food and the priate planning. There is a fee for each program to offset educational program for children. To RSVP or for more the cost of staffing and supplies. information, contact Elizabeth Freedman at effreed- [email protected] . Back to Shabbat Night September 16, 6 – 8 Parents’ Night Out

Kick off the new year by attending a Shabbat service – Saturday, January 7, 7 p.m. join other Young Families for an informal “meet and greet” Here’s your chance to socialize with other families, sans in the temple foyer before services, then bring the whole kids. Join us for drinks, food, and fun at a local establish- family into the sanctuary for Shabbat. For more informa- ment. For more information, contact Bev Klau at bevk- tion, contact Rabbi Litcofsky. [email protected] .

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Families With Young Children

Progressive Dinner Ganeinu Saturday, March 3 A six-week Pre-K Family Education Program (This program is supported by a grant from the CJP) If you’re looking for an opportunity to connect with other members of the TST community, look no further. Ganeinu is a six week Pre-kindergarten family educa- We’ll gather at the Temple for hors d’oeuvres and then tional program designed for children from ages 3.9-5 (pre- proceed to members’ homes to enjoy dinner together. kindergarten) and their parents. During the six week-

Purim Fun and Megillah Reading program: •Families will learn together through music, hands on activi- Wednesday, March 7 ties, stories, texts and meaningful conversations. Get ready to celebrate Purim. Enjoy time together as we •Parents will gain practical skills that will allow them to incor- prepare for the ever fun megilah reading with friends and porate their classroom education into meaningful family tradi- family at TST. tions and experiences in the home, and families will experi- Shabbat in the Home Program ence the richness of Shabbat together (including Friday night, This year, Temple Shir Tikva will help young families Shabbat morning and Havdallah ). • come together in each other’s homes to celebrate Shabbat Participating families will get to know one another, share in and share different Shabbat traditions and customs. their learning with one another and begin to build a commu- Those families interested in participating will fill out a nity with one another. There will be classes that will be just short survey and be matched with another TST family. parents, just kids and some classes will be kids and parents learning together. Rabbi Litcofsky will be teaching the adults Some may choose to share a Friday night dinner while oth- and Jennifer Dannin will be teaching the kids. ers may prefer to come together for the Shabbat lunch or Havdallah. Once matched, families will collaboratively There will be fall and spring sessions - families may regis- pick a date and organize a family friendly Shabbat meal. ter for either or both. The fee per 6-week session is $100 for Families will be encouraged to make the gathering con- members and $150 for non-members (with a max of $150 per venient and fun for both families. Kids can play, the meal family per session). To register or for more information, con- can be ordered, and the house can be messy. The idea is for tact Rabbi Litcofsky.

adults and children alike to have an enjoyable Shabbat ex- perience together. All events are offered through Temple Shir Tikva’s To participate or for more information, contact Jen Cobe Young Families’ Committee. To learn more or become involved, contact Rabbi Greg Litcofsky at rabbilitcof- at [email protected] . [email protected].

Shabbat Mishpacha

Shabbat Yeladim siblings, grandparents and everyone else are always invited to First Shabbat of the Month - 9:30-11 a.m. join our teachers for a freewheeling conversation about the Oct. 1, Nov. 5, Dec. 3, Jan. 7, Feb. 4, Mar. 3, May 5, June 2 foundation texts of Jewish life. Young children (ages 0 through kindergarten) their parents, grandparents and friends are invited to our joyful Shabbat cele- Third Shabbat of the Month bration! On the first Shabbat of each month, the rabbis and Family Shabbat Tefilah (First to Sixth Grades) cantor lead us in prayer and songs, and tell fun Shabbat stories, Our religious school families will have the opportunity to immediately followed by an arts and crafts project. All are come together as families to experience the beauty of Shabbat invited to join in a potluck brunch after the program. This is a morning. The service will be led by Cantor Schachner, Rabbi great opportunity to meet and chat with other families with Litcofsky and Rabbi Gold and will be followed by a pot luck young children. oneg. Throughout the year, the families of each class will take on Bar & Bat Mitzvah Torah Study a leadership role for the tefilah . The religious school students Second Shabbat of the Month will take an active participatory role during each Shabbat ser- Our pre-Bar/Bat Mitzvah students and their families join vice, putting into action what they are learning in the class- our rabbis and cantor as a learning community once a month, room. Tefilah: 9 - 10, Pot Luck Oneg: 10 -10:30 as they study the weekly Torah portion. Students, parents,

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Religious School (Grades KK----6)6)6)6)

For Girls Entering Grade 6 Temple Shir Tikva’s Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing Religious School Meet The Teacher

Come Learn About The Program at a GetGet----AcquaintedAcquainted Session

Sunday September 18, 4-6 p.m. Sunday, October 23, 11a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the home of Jill & Brenna Katz

This initial program is geared for daughters & • Meet Your Child’s Teacher parents to learn about the program. All subsequent meetings are for girls only. • Learn About the

Please RSVP to Rachel Kest at [email protected] School Curriculum

• Understand The Goals and Expectations of Rosh Hodesh Meeting Dates Your Child’s Class for 20112011----20122012

Date Location Time What/Group 6th Grade Shabbaton at 9/18 Home of Jill & 4-6 Opening Event – A Taste Brenna Katz Of Rosh Hodesh For Eisner Camp Parents & Girls In Grade 6 9/18 At TST, 4-6 First Group Meeting For Friday to Sunday except grade 12 Grades 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 January 2727–––– 29 10/16 At TST, 4-6 Grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 &12 except grade 12 11/6 At TST, 4-6 Grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 &12 Mark your calendar today for this except grade 12 exciting event. All of Temple Shir 12/18 At TST, 4-6 Grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 &12 Tikva’s Professional Staff will attend except grade 12 the Shabbaton and we are looking for 1/22 At TST, 4-6 Grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 &12 100% participation from the 6th except grade 12 Grade.. 2/12 At TST, 4-6 Grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 &12 More information will follow in the except grade 12 coming months. 3/18 At TST, 4-6 Grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 &12 except grade 12 If you have any questions, 4/1 At TST, 4-6 Grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 &12 please contact Rachel Kest, except grade 12 Director of Elementary & 5/20 at Mayyim Hayyim 4-6 Grade 6 Family Education at 508-358-9992 or e-mail her at 6/3 At TST, 4-6 Grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 &12 [email protected] . except grade 12

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Religious School (Grades KK----6)6)6)6)

Let’s Have a Great Time Together… Kef Lanu כֵּיף לָנוּ Experiential Activities for Children in Kindergarten through 6 ththth Grade November 6, January 22 & March 2, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

•Kindergarten & 1 st Grade Family will provide an opportunity for all students in כֵּיף לָנוּ Meet & Greet Kindergarten – Grade 6 to have fun, socialize with September 25, 11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. friends and learn more about Judaism in an experiential and innovative manner. nd rd •2 and 3 Grade PJ Party will be offered 3 times during the course of כֵּיף לָנוּ .November 19, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m the year.

•4th and 5 th Grade Shul-In will run from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., will כֵּיף לָנוּ December 10, 6 p.m. -- pick up Dec. 11, 8:30 a.m. include a snack at 11 and is free of charge. Through the program students will be able to choose their כֵּיף לָנוּ 5th and 6 th Grade• November 6, January 22, March 25 own program of study. A more detailed list of courses will be available in the coming weeks. 1:15 am – 12:30 pm

כֵּיף לָנוּ : nd th In the meantime, please mark the dates for •2 – 5 Grade Water Park Day June 3

Intro to B’nai Mitzvah for ALL Grade 5 Parents Come experience Israel with Sunday, February 5, 9-11 a.m.

The entire community is invited to an archeological dig at Temple Shir Tikva This program introduces the B’nai Mitzvah

process to the entire family.

December 11, 11 a.m. – Noon At this Family Education Program you and • Dig the Past strives to recreate the excitement and your 5 th grader will learn about adventure of an Israeli archaeological excavation. the B’nai Mitzvah process and engage in a very special art project together. • Dig the Past is hands-on archaeology, where par- ticipants learn and have fun by digging and getting Please plan to attend. dirty.

• Through Dig the Past programs, participants ex- Annual Purim Carnival perience a taste of Israel, both past and present. March 11, 11 a.m. --- 12:30 p.m.

Page 15 2011-2012 / 5772 Prog ram Book Youth Community Grades 77----12121212

Every student in Grades 7 through 12 is automatically a mem- Wednesday Evenings in Youth Community ber of Shir Tikva’s Youth Community. Youth Community emu- Shir Tikva’s Youth Community is the place to be on Wednesday lates membership in the Temple, offering multiple entry points nights. Dinner is offered from 6-6:30 pm. Our casual dining ex- into activity and involvement — dinner with friends, social perience, with a rotating menu, provides you with the opportunity action, innovative learning experiences, creative program to socialize and shmooze with friends or catch a breath after a long day. Seventh to ninth grades have two classes each week, a core involvement, student teaching, trips, retreats and youth group course, based on grade, and a chosen elective. Tenth to twelfth activities. Every teenager has a place in Youth Community. grades prepare with the Rabbis for Confirmation and Graduation.

Opportunities for Jewish Learning Seventh to Ninth Grade Program Gets FaceFace----liftliftliftlift “Temple Shir Tikva is committed to fostering ongoing Jewish We’ve changed the structure of the seventh to ninth grade pro- learning and a positive Jewish identity in every member of our gram based on student feedback. Teens will have the following community. It is our goal to provide multiple avenues of participa- schedule of opportunities: tion for each and every individual.” For this reason Youth Com- 6-6:30 – dinner; 6:30-7:15 – Students and teachers study in grade munity consists of many unique pieces to better suit our commu- level core courses; 7:15-8 pm – Students choose from a variety of nity’s busy schedule. electives to participate in each semester. Va’ad HaHa--Noar--Noar (Youth Council) Students in Grades 7-9 are offered 2 core courses: Want to make an impact on the lives of Jewish teens at Shir Grade First Semester Second Semester Tikva? Join the Va’ad Ha-Noar, the Youth Council and help cre- Make My World Echoes and Reflections: ate a teen community everyone will want to be involved in. Rabbi 7 Better: an exploration lessons from the Shoah and Greg Litcofsky is the facilitator of the Va’ad Ha-Noar. For further in how mitzvot impact living the statement, “Never information on the Youth Council, contact Rabbi Litcofsky or identity. Again!” Deena Bloomstone. How Did We Get How Do I Stand Up for Is- 8 Here? The History of rael? A course in the Politics, Wednesday Evening Classes for Modern Israel. culture and geography of 7th7th7th-7th ---12th12th Grades** Modern Israel. The centerpiece of the Youth Community! Living the Legacy: Our American Jewish Ex-

Come for dinner then join your friends for some experiential edu- 9 Jews and the Civil perience: Understanding our cation with our stellar faculty. Rights Movement History as Jews in America.

JSTIFTY and STIFTY** Our junior (7 th and 8 th grade) and senior (9 th -12 th grade) youth Elective Course Offerings groups meet during the year for fun, community service, religion, Each semester, students will participate in an elective course. education, and general community building. Elective courses include: Money Matters: Jewish Ethics of Money and Business, Conversational Hebrew for Beginners (in the sec- Tikkun Olam Projects ond semester – for students who want to go on), Bal Tashchit: Our Take advantage of the many opportunities available to make our Environmental Responsibility, The History, Culture and Experi- world a better place for all. Opportunities to help our community ence of the Sephardi Jewish People, Leaders of our People: Mod- of Shir Tikva and greater Boston abound. For more information ern Jewish Heroes, Creative Arts is a Mitzvah!, What Does Juda- speak with Samantha Nidenberg. ism Say About….

The Madrichim Training Program** **Some components of these programs require advance registra- If you love to work with children, you will love the Madrichim tion, but we make every effort to have an open door policy program. Madrichim offers you the opportunity to learn about throughout the year. We invite you to explore all of the opportuni- teaching, Judaism, child development, as you partner with a class ties available. teacher and experience the life of a teacher directly. Opportunities for Madrichim are available on Sunday mornings from 9-11 and College Connection Program Wednesday afternoons from 3:45–5:45. Help us stay connected with our college students! We want to bring a little bit of our “Temple Shir Tikva home” to Modern Hebrew our college students, especially during the Jewish holidays. Come Just got back from an Israel summer experience? Want to know join us to organize little care packages for our college kids during Hebrew before you go off to Israel? Feel it would be cool to learn Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah and Passover. This is a great way for Hebrew? Register for Modern Hebrew class with Rachel Fadlon. families with kids who are off to college to come together and Classes take place on Sunday mornings from 11:15 – 12:30. bond. Please contact Mona Dolgov at [email protected] if you

have any questions, and be part of this fun project.

Page 16 ram Book Temple Shir Tikva 2011-2012 / 5772 Youth Community Grades 77----12121212 Confirmation ––– Grade 10 STIFTY Coordinated by Rabbi Greg Litcofsky, the Confirmation year is a Teens in grades 9-12 are warmly welcomed to participate in very special experience. Each Wednesday night students study STIFTY, our senior Youth Group. STIFTY has a board of out- with Rabbi Gold for the first semester, and Rabbi Litcofsky in the standing teen leaders who oversee and coordinate the various second semester. activities for the high school teens. Take part in social action projects. Participate in local social activities. Engage in ongoing Jewish Life Skills --- Grades 11 and 12 leadership training. Attend a variety of NFTY (National Federa- Eleventh and twelfth graders engage in study and dialogue with tion of Temple Youth) programs, weekends and activities. our Rabbis and Educators in order to prepare themselves for the next major move in their lives, the transition from high school to October 15 NFTY Levi Leap in Framingham, MA college. Jewish Life Skills will focus on what it means to be Jew- ish as students prepare to leave their homes for college. How to November 11-13 Fall Conclavette do Jewish life? How to interact in the world as a Jew? How to dialogue on religion and Israel with those who are not Jewish and December 14-18 NFTY Biennial in Washington DC even those who are Jewish, are some of the topics students will explore. Students will come away from this course with a sense December 26-30 NFTY December Institute that they are prepared to lead Jewish lives in a larger context. March 16-18 Spring Conclavette in Andover, MA Can I Bring A Friend on Wednesday Nights? On occasion, students may bring a friend to class. Students must April 28-29 Senior Kallah in Great Barrington, get permission in advance from the Director of Congregational MA at Camp Eisner (This event is Learning or the Youth Educator. Guests are expected to abide by reserved for high school juniors and seniors.) Temple Shir Tikva’s behavior policies and their behavior is the

responsibility of the hosting student.

Youth Communities Trips and Retreats for 5772 Shir Tikva, Volunteer Families and JChoice present Grades 7- 8 Oct. 21-22 JSTIFTY retreat to Bauercrest

TBA Shul-In, Congregation Ohabei The Future Philanthropists Program

Shalom • Grade 9 Nov. 4-5 Jewish New York What if you had $10,000 to give to an organization? •How would you learn about deserving organizations? Grade 10 Dec. 2-5 Religious Action Center of •What information would you need to make the decision? Reform Judaism L’takeyn JChoice.org in collaboration with the Future Philanthro- Seminar, Washington, DC pists' program, empowers teens to repair the world and may Grades 11- February 16-26 Trip to Israel fulfill any college admissions community service require- 12 ments. Teens learn about philanthropy, support the causes they care most about, and create their own personalized fundraising Calling All 7 ththth and 8 ththth Graders to Join JSTIFTY and volunteering campaigns.

JSTIFTY is for teens who want to enjoy social, recreational, service learning, cultural, and Jewish experiences with Shir Tikva friends. Come be part of something exciting, big, and Shevet Achim: The Brotherhood important!! Get a taste of what awaits you as a STIFTY mem- A Group for Guys in 9 ththth Grade

ber. Put these dates on your calendar. Sometimes, guys need to get together and just be guys. Hanging out, playing video games, surf- JSTIFTY Meetings JSTIFTY Events ing the web, skateboarding, playing sports or September 14, Snow Tubing at Nashoba Valley simply doing “stuff.” Shir Tikva offers boys in 9th 5-6 pm @ Shir Tikva January 7, 5-8 pm grade the chance to explore what it means to be a December 7, Purim Carnival Set-Up , March 10, man and what we can learn about ourselves and each other as 5-6 pm @ Shir Tikva men and as Jews. Through activities, discussion, popular culture, Purim Carnival , March 11, 11-1 pm media, games and group experience, we’ll “just be guys.” February 1, Jump On Into JSTIFTY—6th graders 5-6 pm @ Shir Tikva are invited to meet and experience The Brotherhood is a pilot program offered in partnership JSTIFTY for the first time with Moving Traditions and Shir Tikva. Facilitator of The Broth- April 28, 6-10 pm erhood is Dr. Max Klau. First meeting will be October 23. more May 9, Youth Community Spring Picnic information on The Brotherhood for Grade 9 boys, contact Rabbi 5-6 pm @ Shir Tikva Wednesday, May 16 Litcofsky or Deena Bloomstone.

Page 17 2011-2012 / 5772 Prog ram Book Worship

Shabbat Morning Torah Study

5772 Rabbi Neal Gold, Rabbi Greg Litcofsky, Cantor Hollis Schachner A Year of Jewish Holidays Every Saturday, 9:30 a.m.

2011–2012 Every Shabbat morning at TST a group of spirited students gathers to study the Selichot Program and Service Saturday, September 24 weekly Torah portion. The conversation is always insightful and fun as we explore Erev Rosh HaShanah Wednesday, September 28 our ancient texts and mine them for con- temporary meaning. The group is open Rosh HaShanah (Day 1) Thursday, September 29 and inviting and everyone is always wel- come to join us as we uncover the Torah’s Rosh HaShanah (Day 2) Friday, September 30 timeless lessons and values. Erev Yom Kippur/ KOL NIDRE Friday, October 7

Yom Kippur Saturday, October 8 TST Shabbat Band

Sukkot Morning Service Thursday, October 13 Calling instrumental- Sukkot Celebration for All Friday, October 14 ists of all stripes! We’ve just launched our amazing Shemini Atzeret Morning Service/ YIZKOR Thursday, October 20 intergenerational Shabbat band and we’d love to Simchat Torah Celebration for All Thursday, October 20 have you join us. Our First Night of Chanukah Tuesday, December 20 band is co-directed by Cantor Hollis Schachner Chanukah Celebration for All Friday, December 23 and Vivian Montgomery, our marvelous Eighth Night of Chanukah Tuesday, December 27 pianist and wicked accordionist. The Shabbat Band will play for Friday night Shabbat Shirah: A Celebration of Song Friday, February 3 Simchat Shabbat services once a month Tu B’Shevat Wednesday, February 8 beginning this winter, as well as playing for Purim. Megillah Reading/ Purim Celebration for Wednesday, March 7 We rehearse one Wednesday evening each month, and also gather early on the Purim Carnival Sunday, March 11 Friday evening of our monthly service to First Night of Pesach Friday, April 6 practice. This is a low-time-commitment yet high-impact way to make a power- Pesach Morning Service Saturday, April 7 fully joyful difference in the music of our Pesach Morning Service/ YIZKOR Friday, April 13 worship services. Rehearsals will be held on the second Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Memorial Day) Thursday, April 19 Wednesday night of every month: Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel Independence Thursday, April 26 Friday Night Simchat Shabbat Ser- vices: Services begin at 6:15, but we will Lag B’Omer Thursday, May 10 rehearse at 5 p.m. Bring your instruments (and your in- Shavuot Celebration/ Tikkun Leil Shavuot Saturday, May 26 strumentalist friends) and join us. For Shavuot Morning Service/ YIZKOR Sunday, May 27 more information, contact Cantor Hollis Schachner. Tishah B’Av Observance Saturday, July 28

Page 18 ram Book Temple Shir Tikva 2011-2012 / 5772 Worship Adult Choir Fall and Spring Schedule: Temple Shir Tikva is blessed to have had a dynamic adult volunteer Wednesday Evening Rehearsals choir enriching us through song since in our Sanctuary from 7:45 - 9:15 the earliest days of our community. October 26; November 2, 9, 16, 30; The choir is integral to our High Holi- December 7; January 4, 11, 18, 25; February 1; days worship and sings regularly at our Friday night Sim- March 21; April 11, 25; May 2 chat Shabbat services throughout the year. Our choir is both a dedicated choral ensemble and an Sunday Evening Rehearsals opportunity for ongoing adult education. Becoming a choir in our Sanctuary from 4:30-6:30 member provides a unique opportunity to study Jewish mu- January 29 and March 4 sic from our past and present through a rich and diverse in preparation for special musical services. choral repertoire. Whether you are a newcomer to choral singing or a trained, experienced singer, come and join us. Friday Evening Simchat Shabbat Services: 6:15 We welcome anyone who wishes to experience the joy of Warm-up at 5:30 in the Sanctuary our Jewish musical heritage, develop and improve their October: 21; November 4, 11; December 2, 9; vocal and musicianship skills, and contribute to leading the January 6, 13; February 3, prayers of our community in this especially powerful way. Rehearsals are lead by Cantor Hollis Schachner and our Shabbat Shirah – a sermon-in-song Choir Director Susan DeSelms. Following the High Holi- led by TST Choir: day season, we will continue our work together, preparing March 9, 23; April 13; May 4.

for participation in Friday night Simchat Shabbat services For more information, contact and for Shabbat Shirah, a special music celebration lead by Cantor Hollis Schachner. the choir.

“Shirei Yeladim —Songs of Children” Youth Choir Calling all music-loving 3 rd to 6 th graders...

If you like to sing and have a great time with friends, then the Youth Choir is for you. Shirei Yeladim—Songs of Children , Temple Shir Tikva’s Youth Choir, is a group of terrific and talented kids who come together to have fun learning and performing Jewish music. Shirei Yeladim helps Temple Shir Tikva by lifting our spirits in song during holidays, special occa- sions throughout the year, and most especially during our monthly Shabbat Family Services. All voices are unique gifts and all are welcome, so come and sing.

We rehearse every Sunday after Religious School from 11-11:30 led by Cantor Hollis Schachner and Jonathan Zarkower. Contact Cantor Schachner for more information.

Youth Choir Calendar:

Rosh HaShanah Early Family Service—Thurs. Sept. 29, 8:30 a.m. Yom Kippur Early Family Service—Sat. Oct. 8, 8:30 a.m. Mitzvah Day Concert at Shillman House—Sun. Oct. 30, 11 a.m. Chanukah Celebration/Simchat Shabbat Service—Fri. Dec. 23, 6:15 p.m. Purim Megillah Reading and Celebration—Wed. March 7, 6:30 p.m. Zimriyah Boston Area Youth Choir Event—Sunday, March 25, noon

Shabbat Family Services, Saturdays, 9 a.m. on: Oct. 15, Nov. 19, Dec. 17, Jan. 21, Ap. 28 and May 19

Page 19 2011-2012 / 5772 Prog ram Book

Gathering: Brotherhood

The Brotherhood at Temple Shir Tikva is much more than a group of men from the Temple community gathering occa- sionally to play poker, host a golf tournament, organize a comedy night or compete against other temples in softball. While we do all these things, and many other activities, the brotherhood at its core is a vital part of the larger Shir Tikva mission of helping to create a sacred community for its members and the world beyond. Our social action agenda includes management of our annual blood drive and involvement in the Temple’s other Tikkun Olam projects. The Brotherhood is also central to the Temple’s ritual, religious and educa- tional focus in which members volunteer to usher on the High Holidays, build our Sukkah and help plan and run informative, interac- tive Sunday breakfast programs with interesting guest speakers. To learn more about the Brotherhood, participate in any of these pro- grams or help us envision and plan new ones – please contact Peter Abend at [email protected] . To receive the Brotherhood email updates, please send your email address to [email protected] .

2011/2012 Programs Dick Zisson Memorial Red Cross Blood Drive Sunday, January 8 Monthly Brotherhood Game Nights The Brotherhood will coordinate and sponsor its annual blood drive again this year. The drive honors the late Dick On the second Thursday of each month, men from TST meet for a friendly game night of Texas Hold ‘Em. A Zisson, former TST president. We have always had an donation covers food, beverages and prizes. This is an outstanding turnout for this life-giving gift, so join us opportunity to gather with guys you know, meet new men, again or come for the first time. network, kibbitz and have a great time. Beginners are al- ways welcome and our aim for these nights is to foster a Comedy Night sense of community among the men of Shir Tikva. Saturday, January 28 Comedy night is an annual tradition at the Temple and Annual Back to Shul BBQ includes a Chinese dinner buffet followed by a roster of Sunday, September 18 hilarious comedians entertaining us and making us laugh. Reunite with friends and family, meet new families, learn This is a great night out and a wonderful opportunity to more about this year’s TST activities and enjoy a fun, free spend fun time with your friends and make new ones. BBQ lunch on the first day of Hebrew School. Spring Breakfast Speaker Program Sukkah Build/Take Down Sunday, March 25 Sunday Mornings, October 2 and 23 The spring breakfast series will be a panel discussion on Brotherhood volunteers gather on Sunday morning, Octo- men’s health issues. Panel members will consist of medi- ber 2, to help build our Sukkah in front of the Temple, cal specialists from our congregation. As always, our then come together again on Sunday, October 23, to help breakfast speaker program will feature a delicious bagel take it down and store it away for the following year. and lox buffet with all the trimmings. Join us for these Lending a hand is lots of fun for all and a great way to educational, fun programs which are a great way to meet Temple members. support the Temple holiday programs.

Fall Breakfast Speaker Program Men’s 25 and Over Slow-Pitch Softball League Sunday, October 16, 9 a.m. Join us for an exciting breakfast speaker program featuring Our Men’s Shul Softball League plays against Broth- a panel discussion on long-term elder care . Learn how to erhood teams from Brookline, Newton and other plan for your own retirement years or cope with caring for Metrowest towns. We aim for a 20-person squad and your aging parents. This should prove to be informative are interested in new players. for all ages. Our breakfast speaker programs always fea- Games are on Sundays at 10 a.m, April through mid- ture a delicious bagel and lox buffet with all the trim- June. Contact Ben Robin at [email protected] no mings. Join us for these educational and fun programs later than January 15. which are also a great way to meet other Temple members.

Page 20 ram Book Temple Shir Tikva 2011-2012 / 5772

Gathering: Sisterhood

We are old and we are new …We have traditions we cherish and are committed to being contemporary. Join us for celebrations, study, schmoozing, dining and more. We are always looking for new ideas and new women to be part of our Sisterhood. After all, you are already a member. Please check the temple website and the Vats Nu as events get closer for details and to confirm dates. Please feel free to contact either of our Sisterhood co-chairs: Jill Abend at jill- [email protected] or 978-443-0755 or Karen Pelto at [email protected] or 978-443-7447.

souls and strengthen our relationships with one another. 2011/2012 Programs From the very beginning of Jewish history there is a rich tradition of women gathering to spend time away and alone Sisterhood Schmooze together. Most of us treasure our precious time in the com- Tuesday, October 18, 6:30 p.m. pany of other women, and find we just don’t have enough Join us as we gather at Primebar in Wayland to share an of it. Our Kallah will be a luxury of time to bond, laugh, hour or two to schmooze, nosh, drink and simply enjoy a sing, study, dance, and discover new connections. Of course, there will also be food. night together. No agendas, simply socialize. Other dates: January 10, April 3 Pesach Program Sunday Book and Brunch Monday, March 19, 6:30 p.m. Sunday, October 23, 9 a.m. Should I put an orange on my seder plate? How can I Together we’ll explore the themes of loss and connection as make our seder even more engaging for my children? Are we discuss The History of Love by award-winning author there meaningful traditions from around the Jewish world Nicole Krauss. As we follow the threads of two generations that I can incorporate with my family? that weave together in this compelling story, we’re sure to How many different ways are there to make charoset ? discover the connection s that draw us together. There’s Cantor Schachner will lead us in sharing our stories and always plenty of food for thought… (and for your tummy studying our traditions as we learn from and teach one an- too.) other. Other dates: Jan. 22, March 11, and May 6 Annual Sisterhood Dinner 3rd Annual Women’s Kallah Monday, May 7, 7 p.m. February 12, Noon Usher in the spring season with your Shir Tikva Sisterhood Our Kallah is an afternoon gathering at our synagogue for community. There will be a catered dinner and special pro- adult women of our community, to nourish our bodies and gramming before and after dinner. Chocolate is traditional.

Reyim: Community of Empty Nesters

20112011----20122012 Calendar Sunday, December 11 Saturday, September 24, 7 p.m. Israel Connection/Reyim movie and dinner. Reyim is work- Reyim is hosting a dinner before the TST Selichot program. ing with TST’s Israel Connection committee to continue the conversation about our relationship with Israel. The dinner will be catered by Lola’s at a cost of $18. Des- sert will be served following the Selichot program. Join us Movie to be announced. for dinner and connect with friends, old and new. Sunday, January 22 Friday, December 9, 6:15 p.m. Dinner and Movie to be announced. Simchat Shabbat services followed by a Shabbat Dinner Friday, May 4 featuring Steven A. Cook, author of “The Struggle for Shabbat Dinner and Speaker to be announced. Egypt - from Nasser to Tahrir Square”.

Page 21 2011-2012 / 5772 Prog ram Book Tikkun Olam

MICAH Become involved in community Holiday Cheer Project social justice initiatives. Sponsor underprivileged children, buy them gifts and Shir Tikva is a member of MICAH (Metropolitan Interfaith- send special messages during the holiday season. Congregations Acting for Hope), a broad-based organization Great family project! that helps us to advocate and achieve social justice initiatives we wouldn’t be able to on our own – inside the walls of our The holiday season is the perfect time to help a temple and outside. child who might otherwise not have new clothes MICAH’s function is to connect its members – Metrowest or toys this year. During late October and No- religious institutions- – and facilitate their work in local- and- vember, Temple Shir Tikva distributes holiday state-level policy change. On issues where there is agreement wish lists from children who live in shelters in the Metrowest among institutions, MICAH members come together and take area to Temple families who elect to participate. Families sign joint action. On issues of independent concern to individual up to sponsor one or more children, and are asked to purchase institutions, MICAH offers training and logistical assistance. three items from the wish list of each child they sponsor. (Gift We welcome the participation and opinions of congregants certificates are welcome.) and look forward to many years of exciting and productive Gifts will be collected at the Temple on Sunday, Dec. 11 work in Tikkun Olam. from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Wrapping paper is always appreciated. For more information about MICAH, contact Rabbi Greg The deadline for requesting a wish list is Dec. 7. Litcofsky at [email protected] or Charmi Sperling at This is a wonderful project for families to do together as a [email protected] . way to give back during the holiday season. To sponsor a fam- ily, contact Mimi Facher at [email protected] or call 508-358-6088 . Annual High Holy Days Food Drive Donate and pack food during our fall food drive to NeighborNeighbor----totototo----NeighborNeighbor help our local community. A women’s connection group with Every year during the High Holidays, TST has done ana- our Islamic community.

mazing job of collecting food to benefit the Boston Medical Neighbor to Neighbor is a vehicle to bring together women Center's Grow Clinic and the Metrowest Harvest Food Pan- from Shir Tikva and women from the neighboring Islamic try. This year's food drive is especially important given the Center of Boston. By coming together we develop community, difficult economic conditions. learn from one another, and build relationships that help to Pick up paper bags in the temple lobby during Rosh Ha- break down misconceptions and stereotypes. shanah, where each bag will have a list of items needed. For more information about participating in Neighbor -to- Bring your filled bags to our truck in the temple parking lot Neighbor, contact Joyce Pastor at [email protected] .

from Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur. Join us at the temple on October 11 at 3:30 p.m. to sort Yad B’Yad (Hand to Hand) and pack the food for distribution. Contact Debbie or Mi- chael Pullen at dmpullenfamily@ yahoo.com to help or with Year-long food donation program—make it a any questions. weekly routine and part of a family mitzvah.

Temple Shir Tikva will continue to collect food Fall Coat Drive THROUGHOUT THE YEAR for Jewish individuals and fami- Donate coats to those in need and lies who cannot afford the basic necessities. Food will be dis- “spread the warmth.” tributed through JF&CS’s Family Table. TST has been assigned tuna fish and pasta (whole grain In late fall, Temple Shir Tikva will again be run- varieties, if possible) to support this program. Please bring ning our successful coat drive. We are proud to these items (marked Kosher or Pareve) weekly and place them say that we’ve donated over 400 coats each sea- in the Family Table receptacle near the Temple office. son! Bring any clean coat in good condition to the Monthly volunteers are needed to deliver our temple's con- TST collection point. tributions to JF&CS in Waltham. In addition, TST needs vol- We are looking for volunteers to help us organize and dis- unteers to go to JF&CS in Waltham to bag, label and deliver tribute coats to needy families in the Metrowest area. Please groceries to Family Table recipient families on November 20 contact Doug Dolgov at [email protected] with any ques- and April 1 . Contact Rich Friedman at rich@friedman part- tions and if you want to get involved. ners.com for more information.

Page 22 ram Book Temple Shir Tikva 2011-2012 / 5772 Temple Shir Tikva Committees Contact the chairperson listed on the back cover to join a committee.

BEIT TEFILLAH COMMITTEES (House of Worship) Member Services - Reaches out to prospective members, welcomes and helps to integrate new members, and supports Ritual - Formulates policy regarding religious practices networking with all members. and use of synagogue facilities; works with clergy to recom- Reyim - Develops and oversees programs to bring “empty- mend worship innovations and changes; supports congre- nesters” together for social, religious, cultural, and other activi- gants’ needs to deepen communal and personal spiritual ex- ties. periences. TIKKUN OLAM COMMITTEES B’nai Mitzvah - Formulates policy related to B’nai Mitz-

vah practice and assumes responsibility for the assigning of Social Action - Educates congregation on issues of social dates. justice and organizes congregational action in community tzeda- Holiday Celebrations - Plans and implements holiday kah projects, including food/clothing drives, literacy tutoring, celebrations and observances; seeks to engage all congrega- and fundraising events to help fight disease. tion members in rich holiday experiences that embrace the Israel Connection - Develops and oversees programs pro- dimensions of spirituality, learning, and joy. viding a link to Israel via social, educational, and cultural pro- Music/Choir - Formulates policy related to the musical grams. content of the synagogue’s programs and arranges special Kesher - Provides a mutual help and support network to musical and Choir programs. congregants facing illness and crises and reaches out to congre- gants to celebrate joyful occasions. BEIT MIDRASH COMMITTEES (House of Study) Jewish Communal Affairs - Serves as a vehicle to strengthen the relationship between Temple Shir Tikva and its Library - Develops and maintains our Library, insuring congregants with organizations in the broader Jewish and inter- that books, resources and materials are available to the com- faith community. munity.

School - Formulates policy for Grades K-6, reviews and GOVERNING COMMITTEES

evaluates educational and social activities and school cli- mate, and provides guidance and support to the Director of Communications - Communicates activities and events at Elementary and Family Education. Shir Tikva to the temple and external communities. Communi- cation vehicles include the monthly bulletin, Hineni ; the e- Youth - Formulates policy for Grades 7-12, reviews and bulletin, Vats Nu; and the temple web site. evaluates educational and social activities, and provides Human Resources - Oversees relationships and contracts guidance and support to the Director of Youth and Informal with staff. Ensures employees’ and synagogue's needs are met. Education. Ensures synagogue is in compliance with federal and state em- Adult Education - Develops and administers learning ployment laws. opportunities for adults. Provides guidance and support to Leadership Development - Responsible for the identifica- the Director of Congregational Learning. tion, training, and support of new leaders. Provides support to Cultural Arts - Plans programs that bring music, theatre, the Board and other committees on group processes. film, visual art, dance and literature of the dynamic Jewish Strategic Planning - Focuses on key, long-term planning cultural scene within the Greater Boston area to our temple issues as identified by the Board of Trustees.

community. KEMACH COMMITTEES (Finance)

BEIT KNESSET COMMITTEES (House of Gathering) Development - Formulates fundraising policies and

Brotherhood - Develops and oversees programs which oversees long- and short-term fundraising efforts. bring men together for social, religious, cultural, and other ac- Art and Acquisition - Coordinates the acquisition and dis- tivities. Programs include Sunday morning breakfasts with play of Judaic art objects for the synagogue. speakers and an annual golf tournament. Facilities - Formulates policy for maintenance, use and im- Sisterhood - Develops and oversees programs which provement of synagogues facilities, including building and bring women together for social, religious, cultural, and other grounds. activities. Programs include speakers, shared meals, study Information Technology - Oversees the operation and sessions and an annual fundraising event. security of information systems.

Young Families - Develops and oversees programs geared toward families with children from age 0-8. We bring families together to celebrate holidays, build community and have fun.

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