Yossi Klein Halevi | 224 pages | 24 Sep 2019 | HarperCollins Publishers Inc | 9780062844927 | English | New York, United States Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor PDF Book

And we were at stages that actually drafted solutions. In lyrical, evocative language, he unravels the complex strands of faith, pride, anger and anguish he feels as a Jew living in Israel, using history and personal experience as his guide. And that will hopefully trigger a different kind of conversation-- an internal Israeli conversation, which is badly needed on the Palestinian issue, because even today, on the left, there is an avoidance of a real conversation about the future of our relationship with the Palestinians. I know of no other occupation, certainly in memory, where the occupying power not only worried that in ceding territory it would be diminished, but actually worries that in ceding territory it may not be able to adequately defend itself, which is an acute worry among many Israeli , a worry that I share. And we we're engaged in this for the last at least 1, years, since Islam came into the picture-- competing over identity and competing over the position of the victim. You know, in America, there used to be a saying. And so what I've tried to do is create a language for Israeli Jews like myself who don't come from the left-- I come from the center, from the political center-- and for whom the subject of peace leaves many of us tongue-tied. English and Hebrew options are available for purchase wherever you can buy books. For me, as a Jew, really is the time of my people's redemption. Neither the are willing and capable. William Billy Mitchell, A letter to my Jewish Neighbor by M. Thank you for your honesty and your…. I want to address the following, however, to Yossi, in the hope that we can… Read More. Same thing with , regarding visitation hours of Israeli Jews. Each state has its own law of return in which those of its diaspora who want to be part of that society will be granted automatic citizenship. Justice for the Palestinians-- without any Jews in the place. Now available in paperback for the first time, with a new introduction, the poignant and I can bring 1, sources to prove it, including even some Jewish sources. So in a way, it is a battle over morality. Following their conversation, we will open the floor for questions. So for Mr. Maybe there's something here that I need to understand. I hope you will continue to find it worthy. Israel didn't quite make the generous offer that we think it made, et cetera, et cetera. You've also spoke of the nation-state law, which has officially codified Israel as an apartheid regime. This is the first time this kind of dialogue is taking place in 20 years. I do think that, for the Jews, the land of Palestine slash Israel is also their homeland. Halevi maintains that the claim of biblically mandated real estate is religiously valid and historically legitimate, but politically and morally calamitous. I think that both Israelis and Palestinians are so busy with their self-righteousness, trying to find ways to justify each own's narrative by avoiding even listening and hearing and understanding, let alone legitimizing the presence and legitimacy of another narrative. A response from Qasem Y. Who has the just, moral story that takes the other into consideration? Dear Yossi, I received your letter last Sunday and was touched by its honest words. So this process of returning home actually pulls them back to the original perceptions, trying to wipe away the interaction that they had, which means there's some kind of an expiration date. I don't want to put them on the defensive. And then, they got into the practicalities. I'm 27th generation in the same town I live in today. So first of all, I want to thank you for your courage. It's the identity of being the children of Abraham, the favorite son of Abraham. You may need to take additional steps to add the event to your personal calendar. And even there, one has to handle with extreme care. Add to Wishlist. Thank you for your honesty and your… Read More. Politics is not religion. Who was the favorite son? When you want to say that something is irrelevant, you say, oh, that's history. Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor Writer

I will…. But there is a working formula that they started. It's also their forest. But when I go to my 64 olive trees, it is my homeland. Related Searches. I think that what you should be proud of is that there are 56 appeals in the Supreme Court against this nation-state law. This is really one of the main, I would say, incentives for many Israelis to be drawn to the right. That's pretty much where we get stuck. It is presumably not aimed at people such as myself who are already…. You should receive an email confirmation shortly. Like one every month, we will have a day. . To ward off a nightmare for both peoples, it is incumbent for each to curtail their own dream. It is a term used to describe a player who handles the ball exclusively. But you moved into my home. Email address Subscribe or cancel. For Jews, again, it is the wound of the denial of our very existence, our right to exist. I heard your interview on Unorthodox and understand that you had two audiences in mind - Palestinian and American Jewish. What we need to compromise is how do we implement those dreams. So I am one of those political scientists, now a visiting professor here. This period of time unites our religions because it is precisely on these days that the prophet Moses — peace be upon him —… Read More. He was engaged. May 04, Ilana rated it really liked it. Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor Reviews

Aside from this, I believe that this is a fantastic book and a must-read for anyone interested in this topic. But we know how to unmake racism. I learned a lot about the Jewish nation and religion. The book provides some historical and contemporary perspective and made me want to learn more about the history described in the book. An Olive Branch in Jerusalem. That's what defines us. Who started it? You only met the few good Arabs. But there is a problem. We offered a two-state solution. I think that if you give me two, three hours with Yossi, yes. As believers, we are not only members of our church, our denomination, our nation; we are brothers and sisters in the global family of God. This book merits to be considered a distinguished work of literature which explains and focuses on the religious Jewish identity. And the last point is to try as much as possible, when you're having political conversations and you're really trying to get somewhere, you're trying to have some kind of a breakthrough, to avoid absolute certainty, to have some humility in your conversation over politics. And to my mind, it is a weapon that has long outlived its usefulness to the Palestinian cause, because it is only, again, further entrenching the right and even the hard right. Palestinians, however, have shown absolutely no inclination to hear it. In a series of letters, Yossi Klein Halevi explains what motivated him to leave his native New York in his twenties and move to Israel to participate in the drama of the renewal of a Jewish homeland, which he is committed to see succeed as a morally responsible, democratic state in the Middle East. He can see a show. Close National Review Navigation. Your words represent the voice of… Read More. But then, in each of those talks, you concluded with a very pragmatic note. But it is the complete opposite narrative of everything that I've ever read and learned. I invited Palestinian responses. The author, being Jewish and living in Israel, takes a stance that is more in favor of Israel, but in support of a two-state sol In Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor, Yossi Klein Halevi intends to break the silence between Israelis and Palestinians. You only met a few good Jews. Not a particularly note worthy date.

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Members save with free shipping everyday! So I'm losing sense of days. The reason that I chose this path of emphasizing a conversation on narratives is because neither narrative is going away, just as neither people is disappearing. And that's why we tell them that. I applaud him for putting this book out into the world and hope that it will be read by many people, of any kind of religion, race or nationality, but particularly by his neighbours to whom the letters are addressed. So go clean the beach together. So tell me, what is it that I'm missing? And so Israeli Jews really live with this kind of contradiction. Privacy Preferences I Agree. In a poetic language, infused with wisdom and moderation, he is offering his version, neither right or left. Sort order. I'm the son of a Holocaust survivor. And then, they got into the practicalities. Such a viewpoint is utterly remote from the truth, and it is precisely this gross misunderstanding amongst the Arab public that we must correct. The nation-state law that passed on the 19th of July, doesn't only say that the state of Israel is the state of the Jewish people. This was an amazing book. That's why many of you are vegetarians, right? In the book, Halevi. So the returning home syndrome is broken into smaller pieces. However what is crucial is that this book presents an exquisitely humane retelling or our story, in the sense that you embrace the Palestinian narrative in a way we can learn from. And one of the reasons that I believe the diplomats who have tried valiantly for years to solve this problem-- and it often seems to me that there is a direct corollary between how much effort the international community puts into solving this conflict to how elusive a solution actually becomes. By closing this banner, scrolling this page, clicking a link or continuing to browse otherwise, you agree to the use of cookies. He and his wife, Sarah, have three children. The book's narrative moves from personal reflections and This book consists of ten open letters addressed to anonymous Palestinian neighbor s asking for empathy and understanding of the aspirations for Jewish peoplehood represented by the nation of Israel. Embedded widgets that display Facebook page content. It does allow Palestinians to start going into the heart and mind of what's important the centrist Israeli and not just the left wing Israeli because the left wing Israeli does not tell the real full story. I sent out this book. I am neither Jewish not Arab, I know the wounds of the people of the Middle East are deep and that the underlying issues leading to the current situation are complex. I come from-- in my youth, I was very much on the right. First, the book explains in very simple yet eloquent terms the whole…. This is the first attempt by an Israeli author to directly address his Palestinian neighbors and describe how the conflict appears through Israeli eyes. Now, this is an extraordinary weapon. The New York Times. First, the book explains in very simple yet eloquent terms the whole… Read More. We want to cause them pain by denying their story. And again, it goes back to the issue of dignity and respect. Lists with This Book. After hearing an interview with the author, I got the book. And the book was translated into Arabic and placed online for free downloading in Arabic and published the same day that the book came out in English. In their study houses they debated the laws of shmita — the commandment to leave the land of Israel fallow every seven years to rest and restore itself. It forces dealing with issues that many people try to avoid. The consequences of denying Israel's right to exist-- and for 70 years, Israeli Jews have felt embattled. There are few things in the world today more complicated than establishing and keeping peace in the Middle East though we were led to believe that Jared Kushner was going to sort it out in a matter of weeks, ha! May 3, And I think that we do injustice to our perception and understanding of the area when we talk about it just in terms of narratives and in terms of political science and historic perceptions.

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