Democracy Now!: What the Prosecution of NSA Thomas Drake is Really About 27.12.16 18:18

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Democracy Now!: What the Prosecution of NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake is Really About (/stories/2011/5/18/977111/- )

By Jesselyn Radack (/user/Jesselyn%20Radack)

Wednesday May 18, 2011 · 5:06 PM CEST

8 Comments (8 New) ( ! 25 " 0 # ( &text=Democracy+Now%21%3A+What+the+Prosecution+of+NSA+Whistleblower+Thomas+Drake+is+Really+About)

$ RSS I was just on Democracy Now! (/user/Jesselyn ( RECOMMENDED LIST % (/USER/RECOMMENDED/HISTORY) Radack/rss.xml) ellian_world_where_whistleblowing) discussing the prosecution of whistleblower Thomas Drake, who used to be a senior Message to my Trump-supporting Facebook executive at the (NSA). I'm glad friends (/stories/2016/12/26/1614776/-Message-to- TAGS people are finally paying attention to this case, thanks to Jane my-Trump-supporting-Facebook-friends) Mayer's explosive cover story in ! 232 & 146 (/stories/2016/12/26/1614776/-Message-to-my-Trump-supporting-Facebook-friends) #Democracy Now Mommadoc (/user/Mommadoc) (/news/Democracy ( Now) ct_mayer), which Glenn Greenwald GOP House Rule Would Ban (/stories/2016/12/27/1614830/- ( Video Of Protests As They Gut GOP-House-Rule- #DemocracyNow story=/opinion/greenwald/2011/05/16/) referred Medicare and Social Security On Would-Ban-Video- (/news/DemocracyN… House Floor Of-Protests-As- to as the "must-read article of the month." (/stories/2016/12/27/1614830/- They-Gut- #JesselynRadack GOP-House-Rule-Would-Ban- (/news/JesselynRad… The government would have you believe that this is a case Video-Of-Protests-As-They-Gut- involving the disclosure of classified information to a journalist. Medicare-and-Social-Security- On-House-Floor) #NewYorker It is not. It's a "retention" case about 5 innocuous pieces of (/news/NewYorker) ! 52 & 34 (/stories/2016/12/27/1614830/-GOP-House-Rule-Would-Ban-Video-Of-Protests-As-They-Gut-Medicare-and-Social-Security-On-House-Floor) information that Drake allegedly took home, if at all, by mistake. Dartagnan (/user/Dartagnan) #ThomasDrake His real crime? Committing the truth by revealing gross waste, (/news/ThomasDrake) mismanagement and illegality at NSA. North Carolina Christian pastor (/stories/2016/12/26/1614654/- writes piercing open letter to NC-pastor-writes- Hillary Clinton stunning-op-ed- (/stories/2016/12/26/1614654/- to-Hillary-You- Share this NC-pastor-writes-stunning-op- shouldered- article ed-to-Hillary-You-shouldered- expectations-no-male-has-…NSA-Whistleblower-Thomas-Drake-is-Really-About?via=blog_591987 Page 1 of 7 Democracy Now!: What the Prosecution of NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake is Really About 27.12.16 18:18

expectations-no-male-has- endured) ! ! 471 & 493 (/stories/2016/12/26/1614654/-NC-pastor-writes-stunning-op-ed-to-Hillary-You-shouldered-expectations-no-male-has-endured) Leslie Salzillo (/user/Leslie%20Salzillo) " Obama said he would've beaten (/stories/2016/12/27/1614800/- Trump? Media reporting Obama-said-he- # dereliction again would-ve-beaten- ( Trump-Media- reporting- beaten-Trump-Media-reporting- &text=Democracy+Now%21%3A+What+the+Prosecution+of+NSA+Whistleblower+Thomas+Drake+is+Really+About) ( dereliction-again) jpg) ! 85 & 78 (/stories/2016/12/27/1614800/-Obama-said-he-would-ve-beaten-Trump-Media-reporting-dereliction-again) Egberto Willies (/user/Egberto%20Willies)

Donald Trump's Post-Christmas, (/stories/2016/12/26/1614793/- Narcissistic, Delusional, Tweet- Donald-Trump-s- A-Rama Post-Christmas- Let's get down to brass tacks. Drake never leaked classified (/stories/2016/12/26/1614793/- Narcissistic- Donald-Trump-s-Post- Delusional- information to a reporter, or anyone, and is not CHARGED with Christmas-Narcissistic- "leaking" classified information. So, what is he charged with?: Delusional-Tweet-A-Rama) ! & (/stories/2016/12/26/1614793/-Donald-Trump-s-Post-Christmas-Narcissistic-Delusional-Tweet-A-Rama) Count 1 - a "Regular Meetings" document that appeared on 91 51 News Corpse (/user/News%20Corpse) NSA's intranet marked as UNCLASSIFIED;

Count 2 - a self-congratulatory "What a Success" document that 12/27/16 VUTB am thread (/stories/2016/12/27/1613846/- (/stories/2016/12/27/1613846/- the-hard-is-what- appeared on NSA's intranet, which was declassified in July 2010 the-hard-is-what-makes-it-great- makes-it-great- (but the prosecution didn't tell Drake this for 8 months); 12-27-16-AM-jumpoff) 12-27-16-AM- jumpoff) ! 39 & 108 (/stories/2016/12/27/1613846/-the-hard-is-what-makes-it-great-12-27-16-AM-jumpoff) Counts 3-5 - information that in whole or in part formed the reesetheone (/user/reesetheone) basis of some of Drake's protected communication to the Department of Defense Inspector General as part of their Police And Banks Find New Ways To Steal From Us (/stories/2016/12/26/1614727/-Police-And-Banks- investigation into NSA's gross waste, mismanagement and Find-New-Ways-To-Steal-From-Us) illegality related to a secret surveillance program; ! 128 & 46 (/stories/2016/12/26/1614727/-Police-And-Banks-Find-New-Ways-To-Steal-From-Us) Count 6 - obstruction of justice for allegedly impeding the m2c4 (/user/m2c4) Justice Department's pretextual "leak" investigation into the The Cheetah Is Headed For (/stories/2016/12/27/1614837/- sources for Pulitzer prize-winning article on Extinction. The-Cheetah-Is- warrantless wiretapping; (/stories/2016/12/27/1614837/- Headed-For- The-Cheetah-Is-Headed-For- Extinction) Count 7 - alleged "false statements" for telling the truth, Extinction) namely, that he never gave the reporter classified information; ! 24 & 16 (/stories/2016/12/27/1614837/-The-Cheetah-Is-Headed-For-Extinction) pollwatcher (/user/pollwatcher) Count 8 - alleged "false statements" for telling the truth, namely, that Drake didn't bring any classified documents After fifty years, talking with and trying to understand Trump voters has produced nothing. home; (/stories/2016/12/27/1614847/-After-fifty-years- talking-with-and-trying-to-understand-Trump- Count 9 - alleged "false statements" for telling the truth, voters-has-produced-nothing) namely, that he only removed unclassified information from ! 20 & 41 (/stories/2016/12/27/1614847/-After-fifty-years-talking-with-and-trying-to-understand-Trump-voters-has-produced-nothing) classified documents; and ian douglas rushlau (/user/ian%20douglas%20r… Count 10 - alleged "false statements" for telling the truth, CUA Events: Women's March on (/stories/2016/12/27/1614693/- namely, that he never took handwritten notes that contained DC 1/21, numerous sister events! CUA-Events- classified information. Accidentally Offensive? Women-s-March- (/stories/2016/12/27/1614693/- on-DC-1-21- "That's it??" I hear you saying as you scratch your head. CUA-Events-Women-s-March-on- numerous-sister- DC-1-21-numerous-sister- Yup. events-Accidentally-Offensive) ! 24 & 99 (/stories/2016/12/27/1614693/-CUA-Events-Women-s-March-on-DC-1-21-numerous-sister-events-Accidentally-Offensive) These charges should be easy to defeat, right? Unfortunately, ericlewis0 (/user/ericlewis0) he has to do that in a trial where the government has tried to preclude mention of "whistleblowing," "overclassification" and Indians 101: A Collection of American Indian Artifacts (Photo Diary) published newspaper articles! (Thankfully, the judge overruled (/stories/2016/12/27/1614718/-Indians-101-A- the government on all three.) But now he has to contend with Collection-of-American-Indian-Artifacts-Photo- the government wanting to use a "silent witness rule" through Diary) (/stories/2016/12/27/1614718/-Indians-101-A-Collection-of-American-Indian-Artifacts-Photo-Diary) which the judge and jury would use a special code to discuss ! 5 & 2 the evidence but the public would have no clue what's Ojibwa (/user/Ojibwa)

happening, and wait for it . . . the government wants to use Guess which states have already (/stories/2016/12/26/1614692/- classification substitutions for information that is not classified. enrolled the highest % of their Guess-which- populations in ACA policies?? states-have- (/stories/2016/12/26/1614692/- already-enrolled- Every step of the way this has been an uphill battle. As the Guess-which-states-have- the-highest-of- already-enrolled-the-highest-of- their-populations-in-ACA-…NSA-Whistleblower-Thomas-Drake-is-Really-About?via=blog_591987 Page 2 of 7 Democracy Now!: What the Prosecution of NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake is Really About 27.12.16 18:18

their-populations-in-ACA- target of a federal criminal "leak investigation" (now closed) policies)

myself, I know what a David vs. Goliath struggle it is to fight the ! 136 & 51 (/stories/2016/12/26/1614692/-Guess-which-states-have-already-enrolled-the-highest-of-their-populations-in-ACA-policies) government. Drake blew the whistle on government illegality Brainwrap (/user/Brainwrap) ( now he's the one being prosecuted. It's that simple. Rail Thumbnails:) Please sign the petition YOU MAY LIKE ( ( utm_source=8b4&utm_campaign=8b4_T2_desktop_crushes_DT_T2_12_54n4_20160812_mm_3339&utm_term=dailykos) the-selective-prosecution-of-nsa-whistleblower-tom-drake) She Was Stunning in the 60's... urging congressional oversight of this case. But What She Looks Like Today is Jaw-Dropping Detonate 8 Comments (8 New) ( ( Share this article utm_source=8b4&utm_campaign=8b4_T2_desktop_crushes_DT_T2_12_54n4_20160812_mm_3339&utm_term=dailykos) ( ! Garrison-Keillor-Eviscerates-Trump) 25 Garrison Keillor's Pointed and " 0 Brilliant Trump Take-down. # ( Garrison-Keillor-Eviscerates-Trump) &text=Democracy+Now%21%3A+What+the+Prosecution+of+NSA+Whistleblower+Thomas+Drake+is+Really+About)( ref=tab_de_de_women&&pid=dailykos) ( Story:) Dieses Spiel ist so süß! Begleite ( Story:) uns in unsere Feen Welt! ( Story:) Elvenar - Free Online Game FROM THE WEB ( ref=tab_de_de_women&&pid=dailykos) ( who-berated-and-jailed-a-domestic-abuse-victim-gets- her-day-in-court-and-it-s-not-pretty) Judge who berated and jailed a domestic abuse victim gets her day in court—and it's not pretty

( who-berated-and-jailed-a-domestic-abuse-victim-gets- her-day-in-court-and-it-s-not-pretty) ( Rail Thumbnails:) by Taboola ( Rail Thumbnails:)


Obama tells the truth—that he ( could have won a third term— Obama-tells-the- and Trump takes the bait truth-that-he- (… could-have-won- Obama-tells-the-truth-that-he- a-third-term-and- could-have-won-a-third-term- and-Trump-takes-the-bait)

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GOP House Rule Would Ban ( Video Of Protests As They Gut GOP-House-Rule- Medicare and Social Security On Would-Ban-Video- House Floor Of-Protests-As- (… They-Gut- GOP-House-Rule-Would-Ban- Video-Of-Protests-As-They-Gut- Medicare-and-Social-Security- On-House-Floor)

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(/user/Jesselyn Radack) Jesselyn Radack (/user/Jesselyn Radack) May 18 · 05:06:05 PM (/comments/977111/41611788#comment_41611788)…NSA-Whistleblower-Thomas-Drake-is-Really-About?via=blog_591987 Page 4 of 7 Democracy Now!: What the Prosecution of NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake is Really About 27.12.16 18:18

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(/user/aliasalias) aliasalias (/user/aliasalias) ( Jesselyn Radack May 18 · 07:58:42 PM (/comments/977111/41614716#comment_41614716) from the New Yorker article

Gabriel Schoenfeld, a conservative political scientist at the Hudson Institute, who, in his book “Necessary Secrets” (2010), argues for more stringent protection of classified information, says, “Ironically, Obama has presided over the most draconian crackdown on leaks in our history—even more so than Nixon.”

Read more ( t_mayer#ixzz1MjMolIuP)

My question is, how can this get at least as much attention as the Bradley Manning confinement in Quantico received ? I see no reason to not think all the public pressure caused Obama to reconsider the conditions of Manning's imprisonment , and have him moved to a better circumstance. Obama undoubtedly did it because he is in full campaign mode and it was bringing a lot of negative attention. This situation is at least equally bad in terms of law, policy, and what's most important to looks bad for his image. Is there a P J Crowley for this situation, is there someone within this administration that might be swayed into bringing attention to this situation of "the most draconian crackdown on leaks in our history..." ? Are there no voices within the administration, or mainstream media (can you get this on Rachel Maddow's show?) that will openly disagree with this, selective, attack on whistle blowers?

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(/user/rudewarrior) rudewarrior (/user/rudewarrior) May 18 · 05:15:03 PM (/comments/977111/41611922#comment_41611922) Transparency in Gov't, now! n/t

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(/user/Jesselyn Radack) Jesselyn Radack (/user/Jesselyn Ra… ( rudewarrior May 18 · 07:53:59 PM (/comments/977111/41614662#comment_41614662) You want to know what's going on? Surely, you jest.…NSA-Whistleblower-Thomas-Drake-is-Really-About?via=blog_591987 Page 5 of 7 Democracy Now!: What the Prosecution of NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake is Really About 27.12.16 18:18

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(/user/katiec) katiec (/user/katiec) May 18 · 09:12:54 PM (/comments/977111/41615902#comment_41615902) Thank you!.... For helping to get this issue out there. I really hope you repost this soon -- can't believe this isn't getting responses and recs.

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(/user/Sagebrush Bob) Sagebrush Bob (/user/Sagebrush Bob) May 18 · 09:36:42 PM (/comments/977111/41616234#comment_41616234) Must see video of Thomas Drake Part 1:

Part 2:

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(/user/Sagebrush Bob) Sagebrush Bob (/user/Sagebrush Bob) May 18 · 09:41:07 PM (/comments/977111/41616303#comment_41616303) Jesselyn You might want to change the link on the Democracy Now! graphic so that it goes to the Democracy Now! web page ( ld_where_whistleblowing) you're citing.

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(/user/2020adam) 2020adam (/user/2020adam) May 19 · 05:56:26 AM (/comments/977111/41622427#comment_41622427)

Loved hearing you on the show! Thanks so much for your fantastic work. This trial is one of many underreported ways in which this DOJ has worked to fully legalize the anti-Constitutional components of the GWOT.

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