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THF WT1&:«X£.T rTftN 1111 ivii v/vi vunn AKRON EDITION PROTECT OUR GOOD NAME Vol. 35 AKRON, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1946 No. 14 Reported Lost In WILL HOLD HOBBY AL ZINKELER IS Weekly Review October, 1944,Now SHOW |He's On New Job — OF— Declared Killed IF THERE'S CHOSEN HEAD OF Labor ENOUGHINTEREST FOREMEN'S CLUB Relations gBBBMfe Project Announced By Edmund Other Officers Named By Board 8c Milling Increase Would Be Held This Spring Of Trustees At Meeting In Goodyear Gym Thursday Night Attendance Normal What's your hobby E. 3 ? He __. f&mif- Al Zinkeler, foreman of Grievance Decisions Most people who have hobbies Dept. 233, Plant 2 calendering, enjoy telling others about them. is the newpresidentof the Good- Better still is to be able to dis- year Foremen's Club. He and The company's offer to in- play them to the public. And other executive officers were crease piecework rates 8c an Goodyear enthusiasts will have elected last Thursday night by hour in the Plants 1 and 2 mill- such an opportunity this sprinp- the club's boardof trustees, and if sufficient, ing divisions has been accepted LBk interest is says B:'d took office Monday. by the union in adjustment of Edmund, director of education L. W. Walker, chemical plant claimed wage inequalities. The and recreation. foreman, was elected first vice increase, covering millroom em- Last year's Hobby Show wan president; E. P. Darby, Plant 1 ployes on time cycle operations, very interesting and attracted tire room foreman, was named is retroactive to November 1, thousands of persons to see it in second vice president,and E. J. 1^5, and is in addition to the the Goodyear gym. Murray, foremanof Plant 1fab- an hour general raise. But "variety is the spice of ric inspection, was re-elected to '^—\- employes life," and the employes secretary-treasurer. voted ac- activi- Edwin M. theofficeof ceptance of the 8c wage boost ties department feels that new Eickmann During the past year Zinkeler W. J. Reynolds and at a union meeting Sunday, but different types of hobbies Handling aviationproductsfor served as first vice president, rejected a company proposal will have to be displayed this Goodyear Export and Walker was second vice allow Staff Sergeant W. J. Rey- vear to assure another is Edwin M. president. which would additional nolds, 19, who was lost Octo- success- Eickmann, former manager of Outgoingpresident is earnings of approximately 6%c ful show. service at Goodyear A. F. Willis, production control per ber 22, 1944, on a combat mis- Employes pursue fisld Air- hour. The company offered sion over Borneo who hobbies Corporation. foreman. to present on northern large or small, willing craft announced ease restrictions serving a plane and are Zinkeler that a the per while as gun- todisplaythem in the show, Eickmann received his early membership campaign number of batches run ner, has been declared killed are training pilot willstart shift, enabling operators to in- asked to fill out the coupon ap- aeronautical as a immediately. At a meeting last in action. pearing at page with the Goodyear blimp fleet night crease output by 5% and there- A former employe of Dept. the bottom of trustees selected several by raise their piecework earn- two and mailit to BidEdmund. in 1933. He has seventeen years' committeestohead up the club's ings an average 572, final assembly, Plant D. service with the company! program this year. * *of *6%c an hour. sergeant Memberswill Aircraft, the is sur- be advised by the club bulletin. vived by his mother, sister, and Woman's Club Will Retiring Four union locals have yet to grandmother, trustees are R. D. ratify the Washington agree- Mrs. Elizabeth Meet Next VERY FINE RECORD Hankins, J. F. Hoffman, L. R. ment between the URWA and Colcher. Tuesday Weber, R. Morgan, O. Montgom- the "Big Four" rubber com- Muck, Dept. 218, ery and Walter Morgan. panies The weekly meeting of the John which calls for an 18%c Cliff Parsons Has Goodyear salvage and waste control, an hour general increase when Woman's Club next Tuesday, April 9, will open Plant B, at Aircraft more Banquet April 10 all of the 41 locals involved en- Freak Double Egg at than four years, has been dorse contract. 11 a. m. in the third floor com- the Two of the munity rooms, Goodyear absent only one day, that For Operetta Group locals, Goodyear and Firestone egg Hall, A miniature hen's devel- under the direction of H when he suddenly became Angeles, were to have oped inside a normal-sized egg Mrs. ill.He has never beenlate Eighty a^^.oson the matter Sunday, but H. Silverman of the arts and members of the cast M> was recently discoveredby Clif- crafts committee. in reporting for work. and production staff of the WW results had not been an- ford Parsons,Dept. 301, wheels Goodyear Operetta nounced as of Clan press A covered dish luncheon will Society who * * * time. and brakes, Plant B. Perfectly be served at noon, recently staged "Sweethearts," formed with complete shell, the followed at Three grievance by 1p. m. with a review of the will be feted at a banquet next decisions smaller egg was about the size book,"FriendlyPersuasion," Await Opportunity Wednesday night, April 10, ImpartialUmpire W. E. Simkin of an average egg yolk. It was by in are briefed below. Rulings Mrs. D. K. Beyers. The meet- the private dining room of the on found by Parsons in one of the ing will close To Enter Sumatra Canteen at 6:30 o'clock. five other cases recently heard eggs given him by his mother- with a discussion by Umpire Simkinhad not in-law, Hershberger. of "Conservation" by Mrs. V.L. Goodyear's "Members of the society been Mrs.K. S. Blinn at 2 p. Two members of worked long faithfully received as of The Clan press He will preserve the odd speci- m. crude rubber purchasing and in time. staff preparing the show and we * * * men.Clifford is a brother-in-law ——Paul Shoaff and Claude Titus want to express our apprecia- of Kenneth Hershberger, ship- Sports At are in Singapore, awaiting an 1, Goodyear tion," said Bid Edmund, di- Grievance Nos. ping, Plant who in 1944 was opportunity to go to Sumatra rector of education and 852-S, 839-B awardedthe Litchfield medalfor Story In Magazine to inspect the company's Dolok recrea- best employe-suggestion Merangir tion. Decision No. S-41 of the plantation. Several manage- year. An article, "Playtime Sumatra occupied by members of Union's claim that the hourly at was the ment will attend the banquet rate for shipping dispatchers Goodyear," reviewing the com- Japanese during the war and and make informal talks. should be increased. President Thomas pany's diversified sports and little is known of present con- Digest: Shipping deparment social program sponsored by ditions on the plantation. dispatchers are paid $1.28 an To Address Girls the employes activities depart- Civil strife in the Netherlands hour. Their job is mainly cler- ment, appears in the March East Indies has prevented the SOFTBALL MANAGERS ical or "desk" work. Formerly President E. J. Thomas will issue of the magazine, Recrea- men from visiting Sumatra.An- MEETING ON FRIDAY they were paid 5 to 8 cents an be the principal speaker at the tion, under the byline of Dick other Goodyearite, Dick Arnold, annual banquet of the Wing- Conner Jr., member is enroute to Singapore hour more than shippers. At a of Good- with A meeting of present most shippers are on a foot Girls Club Wednesday, year's public relations staff. supplies and equipment needed all soft- April 24, at 8 p. m. at the The story for the survey. ballmanagers will be held temporary $1.50 hourly rate, summarizes Good- on Friday, April 5, at 5 the inverted differential arising Portage Hotel. year Hall facilities, describes Members are urged to re- the sports p. m.inRoom 250A, Good- after a cancellationof shippers' indoor and outdoor BACK TO AIRCRAFT year Hall. Rules, rosters, piecework rates and subsequent serve that date and attend. program, and lists the numer- Recently returning program to his old playing grounds, practice WLB and umpire rulings. The will include mu- ous clubs available to employes. Aircraft job was Bob Hoiles, etc., The union sical seleations. Tickets are to session, will be maintained that Dept. 15. wheels and brakes discussed. If the team since the company evaluates the 'ie placed in the mail this week. PARTY FOR YOUNG merchandise control, Plant B. dispatcher's job higher manager can't attend, a than the A party was held by super- Until a short time ago "Bob" representative should. For shipper's, the rate for dispatch- WILL BUY FARM vision and the office force of the was a sergeantin the air trans- ing be to $1.55 Charley Carr, Dept. 141A, 1 further information call should increased Plant tube room for P. L. nort command, and made many the Goodyear gym, factory an hour. stock preparation,Plant 1, who Young, division foreman, on flights from Canada to Alaska. Admitting that job compari- phone 934, or the employes will leave Friday on a two Monday of last week in honor A Goodyear veteran of nearly office, sons formerly called for a 5- weeks' vacation, plans go completion thirty-three years, activities factory to to of his of nine the soldier once was phone 543. cent hourly differentialin favor Cambridge, 0., to purchase a years' service with Goodyear. connected with sales and mer- (Continued onpage 2) farm.