Shazam Vol 1 the New 52 from the Pages of Justice League by Geoff Johns
Shazam Vol 1 The New 52 From the Pages of Justice League by Geoff Johns You're readind a preview Shazam Vol 1 The New 52 From the Pages of Justice League ebook. To get able to download Shazam Vol 1 The New 52 From the Pages of Justice League you need to fill in the form and provide your personal information. Book available on iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Unlimited books*. Accessible on all your screens. *Please Note: We cannot guarantee that every file is in the library. But if You are still not sure with the service, you can choose FREE Trial service. Book Details: Review: The original Captain Marvel gets the New 52 treatment as simply Shazam. Collecting the back-ups from Justice League, this tells the full origin of Billy Batson, a young orphan that gains super powers and a control over the magics of the world. The book features several call outs to classic Captain Marvel continuity as Shazam builds to an awful conflict... Original title: Shazam! Vol. 1 (The New 52): From the Pages of Justice League Series: New 52 (Book 1) 192 pages Publisher: DC Comics; Reprint edition (June 3, 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 9781401246990 ISBN-13: 978-1401246990 ASIN: 1401246990 Product Dimensions:6.6 x 0.3 x 10.2 inches File Format: PDF File Size: 17058 kB Book Tags: captain marvel pdf, black adam pdf, billy batson pdf, geoff johns pdf, justice league pdf, gary frank pdf, graphic novel pdf, deadly sins pdf, frank is on art pdf, green lantern pdf, red cheese pdf, seven deadly pdf, mightiest mortal pdf, marvel family pdf, golden age pdf, years ago pdf, really enjoyed pdf, supporting cast pdf, adult body pdf, foster home Description: Young orphan Billy Batson has bounced from foster home to foster home, but hes far from the ideal child.
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