
Anonymous: Old English (Anglo-Saxon) poems…see below Apocrypha: Ecclesiasticus Cadwallader J Bates: History of Northumberland (Sandhill Press) Richard Barber (sel): Chronicles of the Dark Ages (Folio Society) Bede: Ecclesiastical History of the English People (Penguin) S.A.J. Bradley: Anglo-Saxon Poetry (Everyman) John Blair: The Anglo-Saxon Age (A Very Short Introduction series) Culpepper: Complete Herbal (Wordsworth Reference) Angela Care Evans: The Sutton Hoo Ship Burial (British Museum Publications) Martin Carver: Sutton Hoo: Burial Place of Kings? (British Museum Publications) D. Dymond & E. Martin: Historical Atlas of Suffolk (Suffolk C.C. and Suffolk Inst. Arch. and History) Bill Griffiths: Aspects of Anglo-Saxon Magic (Anglo-Saxon Books) Anne : A Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Food (Anglo-Saxon Books) Richard Hamer (sel. and trans.): A Choice of Anglo-Saxon Verse (faber and faber) Gabrielle Hatfield: Country Remedies (Boydell Press) Kathleen Herbert; Looking for the Lost Gods of England (Anglo-Saxon Books) David A. Hinton: A Smith in Lindsey (Soc. For Medieval Archaeology) W.G.Hoskins: The Making of the English Landscape (Book Club Associates) John Kemble: Anglo-Saxon (Anglo-Saxon Books) Tony Linsell and Brian Partridge: Rune Cards (Anglo-Saxon Books) Editors: Macmillan and Silk Cut Almanac (Macmillan) T.L.McAndrews: Amble and District (Sandhill Press) Sam Newton: The Reckoning of King Raedwald (Red Bird Press) Sam Newton: The Origins of ‘’ (Red Bird Press) G.R.Owen-Crocker: Dress in Anglo-Saxon England (Boydell Press) Fr. Andrew Phillips: The Hallowing of England (Anglo-Saxon Books) Steven Plunkett: Suffolk in Anglo-Saxon Times (Tempus) Stephen Pollington: The Hall (et al: see Links) (Anglo-Saxon Books John Porter: Anglo-Saxon Riddles (Anglo-Saxon Books) Oliver Rackham: The History of the Countryside (J.M.Dent) Bernard Scudder(trans): ’s (Penguin) Francis Simpson: Simpson’s Flora of Suffolk (Suffolk Naturalists’ Soc.) Tom Williamson: Sutton Hoo and its Landscape (Windgather Press/Oxbow Books)