THE CRISIS OF OUR TlffiE THE EVANGELICAL CENTER In Wheaton, IL, new headquarters of the National Association of Evangelicals, was dedicated Oct. 3 with about 200 evangelical leaders from across the country attending. The economical two-story stroc­ ture has 24,100 feet of work and warehousing space. "Men and women lrom 70 denominations have shared in the vision of the Evangelical Center," said Dr. Billy NEWS REPORTS OF RELIGIOUS INTEREST AND SIGNIFICANCE A. Melvin, NAE executive director. It will be, he FROM AROUND THE WORLD said, "A springboard lrom which concerted, ONE IN TWO CANADIANS rig hteous action can be launched to meet the NEVER GOES TO CHURCH demanding, yet glorious, opportunities that God has TORONTO (EP)-Half of Canada's peo­ HARASSMENT AGAINST AMISH given us today and sees fit to give in the future." ple have no vital connection with any PEAKS, INFANT IS KILLED church, says a church demographer. Dr. BERNE, IN (EP)-Four teenagers face Dennis Oliver asserted that recent reckless homicide charges here in the research indicates the percentage of RELIEF AID SEEN AS stoning death of an infant Amish girl that Canada's population with no religious af­ TOO LATE FOR CAMBODIANS has stirred deep emotions in this rural In­ filiation is much larger than the six per WASHINGTON (EP)-Some 3.5 million diana area. "It's just too bad that a fatality cent reported in the 1971 census. Cambodians face starvation or severe had to occur before we could get the "Secular indifference to organized malnutrition In the following months, harassment against the Amish stopped," religion is not only the accepted 'faith op­ despite a recent agreement for interna­ said Adams County Sheriff Tom Coolman. tion' of most Canadians, it might well be tional relief aid, according to Assistant Charged in connection with the death the most rapidly growing," said the Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke. He of ?-month-old Adeline Schwartz were Presbyterian minister. According to Dr. said agreement by the Cambodian govern­ Kevin Rehm and Lynn Burkhart, both 19 of Oliver, attendance of "old line" churches ment to permit outside relief was a "long Monroe, IN, and Thomas Wilkins and Lynn such as United, Anglican, Presbyterian, overdue step in the right direction" but is Rich, both 18, of Berne. and Lutheran has been eclipsed in recent a "meager achievement .. . of uncertain The child, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. years by "evangelical" bodies. He sug­ value." Levi Schwartz, was killed when she was gested that these groups might now be The Vietnamese-dominated Heng struck by a piece of clay tile hurled from a regarded as the new "main-line" churches Samrin government in Cambodia has passing truck as she rode with her parents of Canadian Protestantism. The re­ agreed to a relief effort. The deposed Pol in their horse-drawn buggy. The child, searcher also found that the average Pot regime has also agreed to the "impar­ resting in her mother's arms, was killed weekly attendance in all Protestant tial and non-discriminatory" relief. instantly. D Population estimates for Cambodia churches-both "old line" and "evan­ vary.A 1976 estimate placed the figure at gelical," Is less than one-half of the Roman Catholic total. 0 'NEW LOOK' FOR 7.7 million, but many believe as high as ANGLICANS EXPECTED one-half of the population may have died LONDON (EP)-A new look for the since 1975 as a result of forced marches, NEW BIBLE IN LANGUAGE Church of England, with great attention to executions, and other factors related to OF CHINESE YOUTH ecumenism is being forecast following the political upheaval. A Friends Service HONG KONG (EP)-"A New Bible For A. the nomination of Bishop Robert Runcie Committee executive said, following a re­ New China" has come off the press this of St. Albans, north of London, as 102nd cent visit to Cambodia, "It's an incredible Archbishop of Canterbury and spiritual task to restore a functioning city and na­ month, having taken 11 years to produce. leader of the world's 65 million Anglicans. tion in a short time," he said. "It must be According to Rev. Paul E. Kauffman, Leaders of fellow Christian com­ accomplished by survivors who are being founder-president of Asian Outreach, the munions generally hailed the appoint­ asked to perform tasks which even the publisher, the size of the potential reader­ ment. But it was received only lukewarmly most skilled would find superhuman.The ship makes this a very significant Chris­ by the evangelical-leaning Church of devastation that was brought to their tian literature project. England Newspaper. Dr. Runcie, of an society by Pol Pot forces is hard to com­ Asian Outreach, a Hong Kong based Anglican Catholic, or "high church" tradi­ prehend. Five years ago, there were 500 Christian communications ministry com­ tion, succeeds Dr. Donald Coggan, who doctors, today only 58 have been iden­ prised mainly of Asians, has produced the has an evangelical, or "low church" tified In the whole country." D Bible in an entirely new translation, using background. There has been an unwritten the Simplified Script, which is the only SCIENTOLOGY OFFICIALS tradition for the archbishopric to alternate written form of the language in use in ACCEPT GUILTY VERDICT between "Catholic " and "Evangelicals." o China today. China's efforts to simplify WASHINGTON (EP)-Nlne leaders of her complicated written language took the Church of Scientology, in a rare legal place during her 30 years of self-imposed maneuver, have agreed to be found guilty isolation and was geared to raise the rate CHURCH SCHOOLS PREVAIL by a federal judge on reduced charges of of literacy and generally speed up the IN COURT TEST ON TAXES conspiracy and theft as an outgrowth of course of education and communication. LOS ANGELES (EP)-A federal judge their long battle with the federal govern­ The Communists put full efforts to it and has ruled here that church-related schools ment over allegedly stolen U.S. say they have nearly wiped out illiteracy. need not pay unemployment compensa­ documents. The result is that all Chinese youth under tion taxes for their employees, contrary to Under a procedure called a "stipulated the age of 30 are able to read only the new a disputed tax law interpretation by U.S. record," the defendants agreed to be Simplified Script. D Labor Secretary Roy Marshall. found guilty after the government Attorneys for the Association of Chris­ presents Its case In a written court record tian Schools International and the without a trial. The defendants then will SEOUL, Korea (EP)-Korean soldiers Southern California District of the be able to appeal their convictions to the and teen-agers are turning to Christ in Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod said it U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which, they large numbers as part of that country's was the first time a federal judge had hope, will overturn them on the grounds continued openness to the Gospel, ac­ ruled in favor of church groups in such a that church offices were unlawfully cording to reports from the Korea Baptist tax challenge. D searched by FBI agents two years ago. D Mission. D

2 THE EVANGELICAL BEACON AUTHOR QUESTIONED: PRESIDENT CARTER BOOKS 'OUT OF PRINT' UPHOLDS BIBLE READING CHICAGO (EP)-Two of the better sell· NEW YORK (EP)-"Access to the Scrip­ ing evangelical books in recent years have tures and familiarity with their teachings been declared "out of print" by Moody is an important adjunct" to religious Press and the identity and background of freedom in America, President Carter says their author questioned. The books "Cry­ in a special message for this year's Na­ Vol. 53, No. J October JO, 1979 ing Wind" (over 175,000 copies in print) tional Bible Week observance, Nov. 18-25. ISSN OOH·HJ2 and "My Searching Heart" (12th in cloth· The message was released here by bound sales) were written by the Indian Thomas A. Murphy, chairman of the convert Crying Wind, who, dressed in In· General Motors Corporation and national dian garb, has spoken in churches and at chairman of the 39th National Bible Week conferences across the country. observance, sponsored by the Laymen's Christianity To· 4 THL CRISIS Of OUR 1 IMI According to a report In National Bible Committee. b\ Dr Carl f H Henry day, "The story of her rejection of native "Much of our strength as a nation Indian religion and acceptance of Chris· comes from our commitment to personal 7 1 H� RAl:s;BQ\'\ tianity endeared her to thousands." But and moral values," the president's bv Amv "1rbbe several months ago Moody Press began message says. "The Bible has been a ma­ 7 51'1/(,I to be questioned by those who knew Cry­ jor source of teaching and reinforcing the b\ 5ll'Vl' John,ton ing Wind as Linda Davison, honor student values of many of our people throughout 8 A GU"l AT M\ HI AD 1 from tiny Woodland Park (Colorado) High our history. b\ Lind,, Nelson School. Mr. Carter said, "The Bible has been an 9 A CRY IOR HllP 1 Moody Press Executive Editor David Important part of my life since childhood. I by 01,me I John,on Douglass was quoted in the magazine ar· read it daily and find it a constant source 10 BAD I Uf'. ticle as indicating "a number of crucial ac­ of inspiration and spiritual guidance, pro­ by Lon Woodrum counts (In the book "Crying Wind") were viding ever-new insights into human fictional." These included evidence that nature and human problems. I welcome 11 HOW I SUPPOR I MY PAS lOR she was not raised by her grandmother on this opportunity to share my feelings by Joe Anholt an Indian reservation and didn't quit about the Bible and what it has meant in Jl THI 'CHANG£ IN 11H school after six weeks when her my own life, and I commend efforts to en­ CHURCH NURSI RY classmates harrassed her for being courage increased familiarity with the by Gloria Chisholm Indian. D Bible." D NORWAY PRIMATE ASKS 'SUBSTANTIAL CHANGES' NEW YORK (EP)-The primate of the MOODY PROFESSOR QUITS Church of Norway says it is time for BECAUSE OF WIFE'S VIEWS "substantial changes" in church-state CHICAGO (EP)-A professor of relations In his homeland. Bishop 2,J News Dige,t 19 Church Ministries theology at Moody Bible Institute here Andreas Aarflot heads the Oslo diocese of I z Editoml 20 Pastor\ Perspecuve has resigned because he agrees with his the Lutheran state church, which has at 1./ FCLF 20 Stew.irdship wife's published views on feminism. Dr. least the nominal allegiance of 95 per cent 14 Commun,c.itions !1 lnnlt1 Col/egl' Stanley N. Gundry submitted his resigna­ of the four million Norwegians. Vi Miss,ongrams l 1 TWC tion after being told that the school ad· Calling for more freedom for the church 16.1718 U New Books ministration was requesting it. to govern itself, Aarflot nonetheless Interesting Thing� !l Ne1, Addresses The controversy apparently stemmed favors a "continued relationship with the free Churches Do !-I D1stnct ·'l/e1,s from a discussion that Dr. Gundry's wife government." He cited the (Anglican) /nteres11ng Things JO \\ MS Act11111es Patricia had with the DuPage Chapter of Church of England and the Evangelical Free Church People Do Housewives for ERA (the Equal Rights Lutheran Church of Finland as examples Amendment) last March. Mrs. Gundry of the kind of relationship he has in mind. discussed the ideas she had written in her D 1977 book, "Woman, Be Free," and a €bltOR -Cie<>RGC m. k£ck volume published this year called "Heirs Today." NEWS SHORTS CO, TRIBUII'-(, I OlfOR,-I hom.,, 'l.ld)oll Arnold I In a statement, the Institute said, "The TARRYTOWN, NY (EP)-The Rev. and 01,on_ LC',t�r P \\t�,1lund, \\r, �hirlr\ Dillon Uttrrt•I l) position of Dr. Gundry and his wife regard· �1 ..uk . �t•nn,•th .,, \h·H'' ft1l'f\ f tv.tn, Rc,bl'ft ( h11,h•1h1·n Mrs. Sun Myung Moon announced the 'i,•11Snidt•1, K l)1·dn �m11h I dY11n Gr1M•nhot1 ing the feminist movement and, therefore, birth of a son, their eleventh child. He was the role of women in the church is objec­ born Sept. 26 and has been named Hyung Publ1l.al1on01 ,,n .irt,c It'm JdH·fl•'l'lll1.'nt dri,•, nor n,·< ,..,,1,r tionable to the administration and Jin, which means "fulfillment," according ,h, ind1c .11t• t•ndo1't•m,•ntb\ lhf• I ctUQr1.1I \t,111 tht• Hn,ud of trustees of the Moody Bible Institute, and to The Unification Church, founded by Mr. tommunic t1l1on, or th"'I \·,1n1,wlttJI f rt•t• ( hu11 h ol Anwru ., is the basis of his resignation. A fair and Moon. Married in 1960, the Moons now equitable separation was agreed upon. have seven sons and four daughters. D Publ1 ..h1•d b1Y1t·,1kh (t.-"\t•r\ t>lhN l u1·,d.a\·) , . .,,1111 lor "'' uncf 1\\Ul' en )uh (2c; 1�,ut.', 1u•r \hH) Oll•t 1.,I or�Jn ol th1• Because this is a personnel matter, we DEARBORN, Ml (EP)-A Muslim mos­ [\'Jn>,:d1cJI I rt•t• ( hurch 01 Amt•m.i have no further comment." que has been taken to court by local ld1tou.tl ,1nd t m ulJt1on ol1u ,., Dr. Gundry, who was given his annual ,trl'l•t \-1� I residents here over the mosque's use of 1Slc; l bbth \1inn,•,1poli, 'l\4J salary as severance pay, said he still feels \ub,c rip lion p11c t' S7 UC) pN \ ,·,H outdoor speakers to call the faithful to "Moody is an honorable Institution," but ( hurch l,,t f'titi.tl to 100 pt•r

OCTOBER 30, 1979 3 nations supplies a sort of "Richter riage and forbids extramarital sin. he opening chapters of two scale" of civilizational decline, a Yet, as society increasingly great New Testament books keep measure of the slide of men and na­ violates divine principles, such running through my mind. One is the tions into the abyss of iniquity. As transgression soon becomes a mat­ classic prologue of Joh n's Gospel; shocks and aftershocks of ethical ter of common practice and public the other, that awesome first earthquake surge over modern life, acceptance. In our day sexual im­ chapter of Paul's letter to the Paul's letter speaks not only to the morality outside marriage runs ram­ Romans. Both deal with God's crea­ Romans but to us also about the pant. Last year our country reported tion and its despoilment by sin; both crucial crisis of our times and the a million abortions, many of them hold out the alternatives of salva­ judgment that lowers above us. the price of lust and immorality. tion or judgment. The theme of Paul's epistle and of Deterioration of the family is a John's prologue twice mentions John's Gospel is the same, namely, recognized problem of modern darkness, each time sweepingly that the light of God is shining society, yet many educators and enough to cover not only man's fall through the darkness of human even some clergymen see abortion and sinfulness, but also the darkness history and penetrating the very only in terms of the right to avoid of Crucifixion Day, and even that of mind and conscience of even a unwanted children, and all too sel­ our own declining civilization. How rebellious age. While it may sup­ dom emphasize the duty to uphold graphically this word "darkness" press the truth of God, fallen sexual fidelity. brings into focus the moral malig­ mankind can in no way eradicate it. Moral rebellion, the Bible warns nancy and spiritual sham of the God's light and truth remain and us, runs a quickly accelerating human race! continue to unmask what we are. course. When repeated compromise "The light shineth in darkness," I spoke of a Richter scale of erodes God's norms of decency, we read, "and the darkness com­ declining civilization. It works respect for God soon yields to false prehended it not" (1 :5, KJ V). Other something like this. First, there is a gods that encourage sin and ac­ versions stress the point that no fury public awareness and retention of comodate evil. God will permit a of darkness can overcome or ex­ divine principles of righteousness, rebel! ious generation to suffer "the tinguish God's light; until end-time but alongside this awareness comes ABOUT THE AUTHOR: TIME magazine judgment overtakes us, the light of a growing public disposition to called Dr. Carl F. H. Henry "the leading God's living Word will continue to violate them. We have seen this in theologian of the Evangelical flank." Dr. expose human wickedness for what our own century: an earlier genera­ Henry, who makes his home in Arlington, VA, it is. tion that was more largely aware of is the founding editor of CHRISTIANITY TO­ DAY magazine and the author of 25 books. He Romans chapter one is much Biblical and Christian roots con­ has been widely acclaimed for his theological, more specific about moral evil. The ceded, for example, that God ap­ social and evangelistic contributions to the exploding wickedness of the Gentile proves I ifelong monogamous mar- world scene.

4 THE EVANGELICAL BEACON vileness of their own desires and the portant fact: the Bible links the envy, murder, strife, deceit, . . . consequent degradation of their moral decline of nations with haters of God. insolent, haughty, bodies, because they have bartered reprobate minds. Training the mind boastful, inventors of evil ..." (Rom. away the true God for a false one" is an essential responsibility of the 1:29f.). (1 :25, NEB). home, the church, and the school. Reflect, if you will, on the ruthless Refusal to honor God leads in­ Unless evangelicals prod young peo­ violence of our own day; raping of evitably to destructive aftershocks: ple to disciplined thinking, they helpless elderly women, young "thinking ends in futility, misguided waste. even undermine. one of wives, even schoolchildren; street minds are plunged in darkness" Christianity's most precious attacks on the elderly and the blind; (Rom. 1:21 ). God gives them over, resources. senseless snipers that cut down in­ Scripture says, to "a base mind, and nocent people, the gruesome to improper conduct" (1 :28, RSV), to - f murder and burial of young males "their own irrational ideas and to by someone like Dacey, the Chicago their monstrous behavior" (JB), to a Leaders of the Protestant Refor­ sex maniac. "reprobate" mind (KJV), to a mation were all university-trained; The stench of moral decay fouls "degenerate" mind (Phillips), to a they knew the Bible, the languages. the air as society is victimized by its "corrupted" mind (TEV), to a philosophy, theology, and much own self-destructive vices. A new "depraved" mind (NIV). else. Secular liberal education today generation considers itself beyond The Greek word adokimos iden­ fails our generation in the matter of fixed moral distinctions, and indeed tifies that which has failed the test. consensus about either God or truth refuses to recognize them; many We will fail life's comprehensive or moral values. Many campuses academicians-both Marxist and exams -not only the Christian seem unable to preserve respect for nonmarxist-dismiss objective val­ heritage, but also the imperative such basic ethical virtues as repay­ ues as a prejudice of the establish­ apostolic call-unless. with God's ing student loans, returning bor­ ment. help, we discipline our minds to rowed library books, taking ex­ aminations or preparing term papers follow Paul's challenge: "What­ '-- ' ,_ , soever things are true, whatsoever with honesty. things are honest, whatsoever things Man's first step in defecting from Small wonder that Soviet are just, whatsoever things are pure, God who makes known His holy will dissidents like Alexander Solzhenit­ whatsoever things are lovely, what­ is to replace the immortal God with syn and Alexander Ginsburg, while soever things are of good report: if mortal man (Rom. 1 :23). The an­ finding grateful refuge among us there be any virtue, and if there be cients worshipped emperors, even from communist repression, any praise, think on these things" their statues; today moderns wor­ nonetheless reserve the right to (Phil. 4:8). ship the self as the measure of all warn us concerning the moral flab­ things. biness and vagabondage of the This self-worship is actually a West. You and I know, of course, divine judgment upon us for re­ that much yet remains in America The Mind of Man jecting the one true God. Such for which to thank God-not least deliberate idolatry of the self quick­ of all, the freedom and oppor­ I emphasize the importance of ly moves on to the unbridled pas­ tu n It 1es envied by oppressed the mind because the mind is always sion characteristic of our times. multitudes in many parts of the a crucial concern. The mind of man, Paragons of permissive morality are Continued on page 6 as both John and Paul emphasize, is welcomed as folk heroes to cam­ God's creation: by creation the puses, to television, and to the Logos "I ights every man" (John stage. 1 :9a). Despite our sinful state, God's Who would have dreamed that revelation penetrates our very mind the generation of the Graham and conscience (Rom. 1 :19-21; 2:15). crusades would also become the Yet we read of mankind that generation where many say "knowing God they refused to honor homosexuality and lesbianism are him as God. or to render him just as moral as heterosexuality, and thanks" (Rom. 1 :21, NEB). Today the others flee divinely created orders "Who of us can say that mind, no less than the will of of sexuality-to become transvestites. this nuclear generation ls less modern man. is in dire trouble. Hav­ If one has guilt feelings, there is worthy of God's terrible always some psychiatrist at hand to judgment than were Sodom ing lost the meaning of meaning, our and Gomorrah, Tyre and radically secular age cannot make exorcise guilt. Sidon . .. " up its mind about the truth. "Let not From a hit or miss consensus on a double-minded man," says the values society quickly moves to New Testament, "think that he shall total disconsensus. "They were receive anything of the Lord" (James filled," writes Paul of earlier pagans, 1:7-8). "with all manner of wickedness, We need to remember a very im- evil, covetousness, malice. Full of

ocroeeR 30, 1979 5 MORE ... The Crisis corruption that engulfed all past faith, and even prepares some for civilizations. salvation. Multitudes today are thirsting for world. And we know that the day-to­ Amid the awesome prospects of a a personal faith, many are looking day decency and good will of a nuclear age, the Bible speaks almost for a Messiah. They must be turned multitude of God-fearing citizens Apocalyptically of God's "melt­ from false christs to the risen and seldom get the attention and down" of His foes. Jahweh's warning headlines largely preempted by the against the sins of ancient Jerusalem returning Lord. seamy side of national life. We should strike terror among to­ God's Logos is still lighting every should be grateful that divine pro­ day's rebellious nations that now man, still shining in the darkness; the vidence has gifted us with I ife in this rattle missiles instead of swords, and truth of God is still penetrating the land. whose horrendous unleashing of mind and conscience of even the President Carter has every right to nature against mankind God most wicked. Even some who seem criticize a controlled society like despises: "As men gather silver, cop­ hopelessly given over to iniquity Russia that seeks to seduce people per, iron, lead and tin into a furnace may come, by God's grace, to new "from God ... through the television to melt it with a fiery blast, so will I life and hope and joy. God is still at (and) through the schools." But how gather you in my anger and wrath work in our world. He is manifesting much constructive influence do and put you inside the city and melt the consequence of rebellion by secular education and television in you.I will gather you and I will blow abandoning the impenitent wicked the free world actually wield for my fiery wrath, and you will be to licentiousness, and by allowing a fixed truth and good in today's life melted inside her ... and you will long-privileged West to revert to of the people? The Russian social know that I have poured out my paganism. critics in our country seem to realize wrath upon you" (Ezek. 22:17-23, this peril better than we do. NIV). Refuge Offered It is not enough to say that things Who of us can say that this are better in America than nuclear generation 1s less worthy of But God is also Iifting to His elsewhere; in every great world God's terrible judgment than were Savior Son those who seek refuge power that has marched off the map Sodom and Gomorrah, Tyre and from the nihilism of daily life things once seemed better than Sidon, disobedient Israel and Judah? without Christ. In His mercy God anywhere else. As a nation we have gone far enables even the desperate to em­ Recently, a special sale catalog beyond merely the neglect of God's brace Christ as the rescuer from ruin and despair. came in the mail from a large moral principles to a routine viola­ When Paul wrote his letter to the American publisher of college and tion of them. We have gone even Romans this planet was overwhelm­ university texts. Among the 1000 farther to outright rejection of those ingly pagan. All the Christians to be listings in philosophy, religion, divine principles in the name of politics, psychology, and other modernity. We are writing our own found in the ancient empire city of disciplines, only one title was codes of right and wrong; man in Rome could have squeezed into a few small homes. But Paul knew premarked "sold out." What place of God ventures to define the volume, you ask, was in such special tone and the good, and does so in something, something that no one academic demand? The title the name of personal creativity and had taught him at the University of believe it or not, was Understani self ism. Tarsus. Paul knew the reality and ing the Orgasm. power of the Risen Christ. He, the Female Today our nation is held together An impenitent generation, the Risen Christ, can turn a vagrant in­ more by a network of governmental tellectual and a vagrant world right Apostle Paul tells us, "receives" its controls than by a shared consensus "due penalty," divine recompense side up, can restore recognition of of values. Many of our universities the Lord of nature, of history, and of proportionate to its own priorities. have all but turned their backs on To suppress the knowledge of God conscience. the J udeo-Christian heritage of If hope is to prevail in our time, will skew right and wrong with revealed truth and divine command­ devastating final consequences. we who know God's transforming ments, and have forsaken the pur­ mercy and power must become rov­ su it of objective values. Are we as a ing tentmakers in the service of Tremors of Disaster nation encouraging and inviting the Christ who pitched his tent in a terri­ cataclysmic disaster that will plunge ble wicked world and unveiled, for The fault-line that opens our land not only Western culture, but all us to see, the glory of our life­ to impending disaster seems increas­ human history, into final judgment? renewing God. ingly to penetrate the very heart of Even in the midst of this dark Let us call individuals and nations modern culture. The tremors that hour, the Christian community is to a new vision of justice and presage God's final shaking of the called upon to sound the call of righteousness. Let us invite a vaga­ earth reflect ever more blatant sin repentance, forgiveness and God's bond race to share with us the joys and indecency. Explosive forces, are triumph. God is still active in our of life redeemed and fit for eternity. rumbling at the core of modern life; secular society; He not only warns For the crisis of our times the light our civilization too may soon col­ the impenitent masses of dire judg­ that shines in darkness is still more lapse into the same debris of human ment. but prods them also toward than adequate. •

6 THE EVANGELICAL BEACON The Rainbow by Amy Nibbe, Dana Point, California

breeze was catching at that outburst of water, fraying its edges and spreading it into a fine mist. As the rays of the sun shone through it, the result was a glimmering rainbow. This scene is similar to the strug­ For the driver whose truck had gles that go on in our personal lives. our trials as Cod's light passes severed the fire hydrant, the acci­ There are always two perspectives through them, we can be reminded dent was a disaster. His vehicle was on our problems: the human and the of His faithfulness toward us and ruined by the impact, and water was divine.We see our problems only as gain the strength needed to en­ drenching its contents. we are caught up in their annoying dure the hardships. Looking at our The powerful geyser continued to and dismaying circumstances. God problems through God's eyes will gush uncontrolled, shooting far sees our trials from a divine vantage not remove their sting, but it will higher than even the nearby power point. He sees in them possibilities relieve our sense of futility and give lines.For the motorists caught in the of growth through testing, us hope for the future. snarl of traffic, the incident seemed strengthened faith, and victories on Cod has promised that when the an irksome inconvenience. the eternal scale. day comes when we see Him face to Carefully laid plans for the day Those near the broken fire face, we will know the reason for were spoiled. Tempers flared. Horns hydrant saw only a destructive our sufferings, and the eternal sounded. menace towering above them. If we results. Until that day, let us con­ Yet, from an elevated position remain close to our trials, we see on­ tinue to trust that ·above our trials, on a nearby hil I, the scene looked ly difficulty and discouragement. temporarily out of sight, His entirely different. The morning But if we will stand back and view beautiful rainbow is sparkling. •

Sing! "Please take your hymnals and well we know a song, if we are really turn to ..." singing from our hearts. there is Many interesting things can hap­ Are we tuning always something new to learn and pen from the moment the above re­ in or tuning out? experience. quest is made until the final note of If you are unfamiliar with a par­ the hymn. ticu I ar song, a good idea might be to The organ begins, the piano joins "sit out" the first verse until you are in, and away we go! The words and by Steve Johnston, familiar enough with the tune to notes carry us away to a never-never Minister of Music, Village Church, really enter into the remaining land called "You Can Hear What I'm Barrington, Illinois verses. Singing But Not What I'm Thinking." Music is all around us. We are Sung: "I come to the Garden constantly bombarded with com­ alone ... " mercial jingles and other music, Thought: Man, am I hungry. much of which (for the sake of our Sung: "While the dew is still ever sing that old favorite of mine sanity) we tune out. on ... " 'His Grip Don't Slip'." Great problems arise however, Thought: That has got to be the Sung: "falling on my ear ..." when we start to do the same to the saddest hair-do I've seen since '64. Thought: "Please, Pastor, cut it music through which Cod is trying Sung: "the roses ..." short, football starts at 12:30." to speak to us. The hymn book is full Thought: / wish that guy would Sometimes, it seems as though of blessings and insights, which may move over a little bit- I'm having a the only time we really start to pay often pass us by simply because we tough time trying to look out the win­ attention to what we're singing is are not paying attention. dow. when it suddenly dawns upon us So, next Sunday, don't sing it like Sung: "and the voice I hear ... " that everybody else is singing a dif­ you mean it, sing it because you Thought: "Wonder why we don't ferent verse. I think, no matter how mean it. •

OCTOBER 30, 1979 7 nThe pain In my head was agonizing. I could bear It no I onger ....I''

1968 I began having physical pain. You can imagine how many drugs I There was terrible pain in my had been taking at home. But I knew head and many infections in my the Lord would help me. After the body. I was finally sent to San Fran­ operation, I threw away about five cisco, where I was told I had bottles of pills. Consequently, I had diabetes and the head pain was withdrawal pains. I couldn't say a caused by a congenital disorder of complete sentence, nor could I the temporal mandibular joints. In write my own name. This lasted for general terms, the cushion between about a year. the joints was deteriorated and my The operation itself was about 90 occlusion (the way my teeth fit per cent successful. I still have trou­ Linda Nelson together) was off. It felt I ike a sharp ble, at times, saying words I want to knife or needles cutting through the use, and I still can't eat hard foods. side of my head, plus pain all over One year after the jaw operation, my head. I was still having terrible headaches, I had to stop eating sol id food. but the pain was of a different type. For nearly seven years I lived entire­ It was diagnosed as classic fi Gan ly on liquids. My mouth would not migraines. I was given a drug called open even far enough to put in a cafragot, and told I could take up to thermometer. I talked through sixteen pills a day. I took only one, fit My clenched teeth, like a ventriloquist. and my legs collapsed. I was rushed With all those years of pain, I to the hospital and told they would realized I was hopelessly hooked on have to amputate-my right leg Headl drugs-or was it hopeless? I had above the knee, and my left foot at prayed many times, but to no avail. the ankle. But had I prayed for the Lord's will, I was allergic to cafragot. The by Linda Nelson or mine? blood vessels in my legs had closed Oroville, California The doctors at the University of off to the size of a needle. My legs California Hospital in San Francisco were not getting blood. They turned said they would not operate. The black. operation could paralyze my face Since my jaw operation, I had I t was four o'clock in the morning. and there was only a 50/50 chance been very close to the Lord. I talked The hot, sultry weather smothered of success. with him continually. That evening I what fresh air there had been in the Now, with the gun still in my decided that the Lord had given me room. I stood there with a gun hand, a voice whispered, "Go my legs, and He had every right to pointed at my head. My husband ahead! Your family will be better take them away. and children were asleep. They off. The kids could have a real The next day I began hemorrhag­ would never dream that I'd take my mother, and Larry could have a real ing internally and went into shock. own life, but I could see no alter­ wife, and you'll be out of pain." The last thing I remember was tell­ native. The pain in my head was But another voice whispered (and ing the doctor, "Tell Larry I'm with agonizing. I could bear it no longer. I know whose voice it was), "No, you the Lord." I'd been in excruciating pain for won't be out of pain if you pull the Suddenly, the pain was gone. I seven years. trigger. I won't give you more pain had never known such peace. I felt My thoughts went back over the than you can bear." the light of a divine presence. years. I had accepted Christ as my With this, I dropped the gun and Though I could not see a face, I said Savior when I was twelve. But my fell to my knees, determined to get to Him, "I can't go on. I'm tired and father died when I was fourteen and an answer. At 6:30, I felt a sense of I can't take much more pain." my problems began. My mother relief and returned to bed. The next I felt a sweet breath on my face started working out of town, and I day the phone rang. It was my and He said, "If you want to rest, spent many lonely days and nights. I doctor at U.C. Hospital, telling me close your eyes. And if you want to lived with different people and he would operate. Oh, how I praised go back, I'll help you fight." never felt I belonged to anyone. I God!! I argued with myself about the became very angry with God. In ad­ A shot of morphine, before the children. Larry would be okay, but dition to this mental anguish, in operation, had not stopped the pain. would they? In an instant, I knew I

8 THE EVANGELICAL BEACON had to go back. I knew my work however, it is like the cloud with the wasn't finished. silver lining I now realize the Lord ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Linc/a and her I opened my eyes to find myself in allows things to happen to Chris­ husband, Larry, are very active at the Intensive Care. My legs were still tians to enable them to grow and /:vangelical Free Church of Oroville, there, as I knew they would be. completely depend upon Him. California, where Rev. Ingmar Jacobsen is Blood had reached them because of At the beginning of this ordeal, pastor. Larry is chairman of the Christian the blood thinners I had been given. life seemed dark and hopeless. I Education board and teaches a high school Sunday school class. Linda is a It took nearly two years, an opera­ now know this was an educational tion on my foot, walking with a Pioneer Girls leader and also teaches sign process. I praise God for the language in private lessons, as well as walker, and a leg brace before I understanding He has given. serving as a volunteer sports coach for again learned how to walk and, Through this experience, I have seventh and eighth graders in an area eventually, to run. learned to lean completely on the school. She and Larry are also much in­ I still have to take medication Lord. and have been truly blessed. volved in being friends with and helping every day and even then I still have To GOD be the Glory!! teen-agers on a one-ta-one basis. some pain. Compared to before,

I ,II take the girls swimming," an­ the situation had been, my mind nounced my husband. Gordon, as I became filled with "what ifs" ... straightened up our cabin on a what if I had not heard him?; what if northern Minnesota lake. Later, I was my daughter had not obeyed?; what standing outside marveling at the if the motor had not started?' what if beauty of the swaying birch and he had drowned? pine trees when I thought I heard a I was enveloped in fear. muffled shout. Remembering that God has not I listened carefully. Yes, there it given us a "spirit of fear" (11 Tim. was again. It sounded like 1 :7). I knew this emotion was "HE-L-L-L-P!" not from God and that with His I ran to the lake and saw our four power I wou Id overcome it. I had to and seven-year-old daughters replace my negative thoughts with floating alone on the pontoon boat. positive thoughts. Quite a distance from them I spot­ First, I thanked God for the ex­ ted my husband splashing in the perience. Then I turned to Scripture cold water. Some distance beyond and my mind began to be renewed. him bobbed an inner tube. Psalm 121 was next on my schedule Realizing he was in trouble, I of reading the Bible through in a jumped into the fishing boat and year. "My help is from Jehovah ... began to frantically pull the starter He is always watching, never sleep- rope.The motor refused to start.As ing ... He is caring for you ... He I continued pulling, I glanced at the protects you day and night ... and girls and saw my seven-year old, preserves your life.He keeps His eye who is a good swimmer, sliding into upon you as you come and go, and the water without her life preserver. always guards you" (LB). She yelled, "Daddy is drowning, and God gave that special portion to I'm going to help him." I shouted me just when I especially needed it. that they both must stay on the pon­ That night I was able to rest toon. Reluctantly, she obeyed. shore. Still gasping, he explained peacefully. My tormenting fear was By now my adrenalin was flowing. that the wind had carried the inner replaced with a stronger faith that I was able to pull the starter rope as tube away from the pontoon. The God is in control and has a concern never before. I screamed desperate­ distance widened as he swam after and plan for my life. ly, "Lord, you've got to help me!" I it, and realized he would not be How I thank and praise God for suddenly realized I must readjust able to catch up. By then it was too His great faithfulness and loving the motor handle and the engine far to return to the pontoon.The icy care! D sputtered and started. With tear­ water, plus exhaustion, forced him filled eyes, I guided the boat swiftly to cry out his desperate Mrs. Johnson and her husband are both out to Gordon. He eagerly grabbed "H E-L-L-L-P!" active al First Evangelical Free Church, St. the side, and I towed him slowly to When I fully realized how serious Paul, Minnesota.

OCTOBER 30, 1979 9 If sin was not pleasant. mllllons would not pursue it so frantically ... but it hides a lie!

when it feels so right." right: sin is bad fun. But it is Satan probably has no mightier fun-despite its blazing trickery. Its trick than that of urging us to do banners welcome the world to its that which "feels right." Feeling can jubilee. Who has not heard the be a deadly thing.The dark kingdom tireless voice hammering away at his often offers glamour that can turn soul: dare to take the plunge! You us deaf and blind to the truth-until live only once. Live thrillingly! the very Word of God, which offers Exciting things are going on out a life that will never die, seems dull! there - beyond the borders of The tragedy is that those duped righteousness. It is not far to all that by sin often become Satan's agents fun! Getting there is simple. Just to dupe others. They use the tricks forget God's orders -and there you that captured them: deceived, they are! Bad fun deceive. Some, indeed, become But bad fun always hides a lie.Sin masters at leading others to doom. is only fun at the beginning. Ice Lon Woodrum by The devil is forever offering tinkles musically in the glass from Columbus, Ohio somebody something! His bargains which the young man first drinks. are quite often incredible. Observe His mind sings; his tongue turns him offering Jesus the empires of alive. It's fun to get drunk! But Asked to define sin, a small boy the earth in exchange for a simple 50,000 drinks later the man, no replied, "Sin is fun that's bad." genuflection! He offers us a thou­ longer young, stumbles down a The Bible speaks of "the sand things at what appears a give­ dead-end street. The glass is now pleasures of sin" (Heb. 11 :25). away price. poison. The fun is over. The party is If sin was not pleasant, millions Observe the ungodly leaders who finished; and the price has been too would not pursue it so frantically. influence masses of people. Many of high. Pleasure, according to the dic­ them are "freedom-sellers." Mostly Anyone who surrenders to the tionary, is something that gives they promise freedom from the pleasures of sin takes a dead-end delight or satisfaction. Sin can en­ disciplines ordained by the road. God has said it: "Sin, when it is chant the mind and quicken the Almighty-while they themselves finished, brings forth death!" This heart. Its radiant promises are are chained to depravity. fact is never changed, by anyone, at enough to entice men and women Wrong pleasure, according to the any time. Sinful pleasure, however from the uphill road of Scriptures, is slavery (Titus 3:3). It is bright its appearance, is death in a righteousness. a living death (I Tim. 5:6). It can brilliant mask. It's fun to get drunk. Who would choke the spiritual life of even those The Word of the Lord, however, get drunk if the first sip made him who make a start for Christ (Luke does more than warn us against the miserable? It isn't fun, to be sure, to 8:14). It can lure the soul beyond deceitfulness of sinful pleasure. It wake up with a hammering head and any hope of redemption (11 Thess. offers us divine "rivers of pleasure" a heart filled with dark remorse. But 2:12). "He who loves pleasure," (Psalm 36:8). It promises us pleasure many people think getting drunk is writes a long-ago maxim-maker, without deception. fun-wrong fun, but still fun. "will become poor" (Prov. 21 :17). He who makes such a promise All pleasure, of course, is not sin­ Poor, indeed, and in many ways deceives no man. No guile is found ful. But, like it or not, the human beyond telling. in His mouth; He makes no fake urge is very often toward that Solomon draws an impressive pic­ pledges, betrays with no false hopes. pleasure which violates, or even ture of an alluring woman named What He offers is not always defies, some principle of God. Folly. She lives in a big house, in­ glamorous, but it ends in eternal "Sin .. .deceived me ..." Paul viting in passerbys. All who listen to glory. He makes us take up the wrote to the Romans (7:11 ). The her, he says, are moral idiots! She cross, but He also makes us "kings word "deception" can rarely be flaunts her commercials boldly as a and priests" (Rev. 1:6). Once, when disassociated from the word "sin." It TV sponsor: "Stolen waters are He spoke of His Father's mansions, is the Judas that betrays us, even as sweet!" But, warns the philosopher, He added, "If it were not so, I would we enjoy it, and brings us to ruin. all who heed her will be "in the have told you." And it is so subtle! A line from a depths of hell" (Prov. 9:17-18). You can depend on Him: He will popular song reflects the philosophy Fun, says the dictionary, is never deceive you. He is the cosmic of a fallen world: "It can't be wrong "pleasure." So the small boy was Gentleman. He cannot lie. D

10 THE EVANGELICAL BEACON p�ess my respect for him by calling If our church shows little growth, him "Pastor," or "Brother," rather we are quick to think we need a new than addressing him by his first pastor. Most often, it is because we name. members are unfaithful, disloyal My pastor needs my loyalty. I and clisobed ien t. How I believe disloyal members are a To be faithful, loyal and obedient pastor's greatest hindrance. If a to God is the best way I can support Support My church member is really born again, my pastor. In all four Gospels 1, as a he should want to attend all regular­ Christian, am commanded to go and ly scheduled meetings: Sunday present the Gospel to the unsaved. Pastor school. morning worship, evening But I was a Christian for years service, and midweek prayer before I learned how to do this. This Some keys to personal and meeting. was my own fault. Now my pastor church growth by a Free If a Christian can habitually miss has taught me how to share my Church layman the meetings and not feel the need faith. I am grateful to him for the joy of spiritual food and fellowship, of seeing new life come to the un­

b y Joe Anholt, there is something desperately saved. Every person who is reading Ft. Dodge, Iowa wrong with that person's relation­ this article can learn to give a simple ship with Cod. Gospel presentation. How does disloyalty affect my We have a couple in our church pastor? What does he think when he who are young in the Lord, but when they can't attend church, they mail Our pastors come from what I looks over the congregation and their tithe. They were saved through am convinced is the best seminary sees the empty places? Does he our church evangelists. Sarah in North America (Trinity wonder if he is at fault and think his witnessed to a young mother who Evangelical Divinity School) and I days of ministry in this church are was hospitalized with multiple feel my church has the best pastor, over? sclerosis, and she trusted Jesus as C.E. director, and choir director in But why are the places empty? Is her Savior. She, in turn, walked the Evangelical Free Church. After it because some people would across the hall to another patient all. they attended Trinity. However, rather stay home and watch TV. go who was very ill, and that person the members and friends of the camping or fishing, or visit friends? was saved. church help make them the best. What kind of example is this for Steve called on one of his fellow Each church can have the best. This children, friends, and neighbors? employees, and he and his wife were is God's desire for each church fami­ Luke 6:46 reads, "So why do you saved and came to church with him. ly. If your church doesn't have the call me 'Lord' when you won't obey Kim called on a young couple. They best, your church family may be me?" Luke 17:1-2 says in part, "Woe to the man who offends others. If he accepted Christ and now want to lacking in some area of support. become members of our church When I think of support I think of were thrown into the sea with a huge rock tied to his neck. he would be family. One couple drives 78 miles money. I will not dwell on this ex­ round trip to go calling every Tues­ cept to say a pastor is worthy of his far better off." These verses have caused me day night. Don is eager to witness hire. I believe il is a sin if a pastor is and has been instrumental in bring­ not financially well supported. much soul searching. Have I been faithful; has my testimony been true ing many to Christ. My pastor needs personal friends. Several couples are concerned someone with whom to fellowship. to the Lord? Have I been loyal and obedient? about deprived children and are He likes people to set specific times dedicated to the bus ministry. for visits. not just say, "Slop in and If we Christians are dedicated to I am just one of the many in our see us sometime." He likes to go out the Lord and believe in His immi­ church who love our pastor, who for coffee and fellowship with nent return, why aren't our churches support him, and are secure in the people after church. overcrowded for every service? Why knowledge that he loves and sup­ My pastor needs freedom to don't our Christian education direc­ ports us. preach the message the Lord gives tors have a list of trained Sunday I also love the Evangelical Free him. He spends much time praying school teachers waiting for the joy Church. I believe we laymen and and studying God's Word. I must of teaching a class? Why don't our women can make it one of the also spend much time praying for choir directors have so many people fastest growing evangelical con­ the Lord's direction for his ministry. wanting to sing praises to the Lord ferences in the world if we are obe­ Then I will know the message I hear that they have to limit the choir by dient to Cod's Word. • is the right one for our congregation. auditioning? Why aren't our cities I enjoy telling my pastor I was covered with trained evangelists ABOUT THE AUTHOR: foe Anhalt is vice touched and helped by his message. spreading the Gospel? Why aren't chairman of the Central District and very ac­ the ballots at the annual meetings tive at the Fort Dodge Evangelical Free My pastor is worthy of respect. Church, where he has served in many leader­ Cod has called him to full-time ser­ filled with names of those eager to ship capacities. This article is taken from a talk vice. to lead and feed the flock. I ex- serve in offices of the church? he gave at a laymen's seminar.

OCTOBER 30, 1979 11 It can be painful to correct a €01tORtal problem. You may even make · mistakes, like I did, and "knock off a porch railing." But better a mistake Hit by the Dreaded 'Green Stripe' or two, than inaction and idleness. Next, as the result of another out­ Our problems cannot be ignored, or f you ever read "Treasure Island" burst of poor judgment, a big chunk they'll spread just like Dutch elm I disease, and infect and destroy you'll remember the blind old of tree knocked the wooden railing pirate, Pew, who put the dreaded off one side of the porch deck. But others. Black Spot in the hand of Flint, the since then all has gone well, and fix­ Let's be healthy "trees" for our old pirate captain, striking terror in­ ing the railing will be a fairly easy Lord Jesus Christ. Stamp on the to his soul. The Black Spot was a t&sk (I hope!). beetles; kill the fungus (and fungi) sign that a person was marked for I wondered if my Dutch Elm that would creep silently in and death. Adventure didn't have some destroy your Christian fruitfulness! Well, I didn't get the Black Spot. parallels in the Christian life? It may take a heart and soul deep Instead it was the equally grim The disease is caused by a fungus, "search and destroy mission." We Green Stripe, It was just after com­ spread by elm bark beetles. The must be honest with God, not ing home from work one day that I fungus clogs the tree's circulatory deceiving ourselves (Jer.17:9). realized the awful truth. I glanced system and kills the tree. It's those The times are perilous. Christ is out the kitchen window, and there it pesky beetles, working unseen and coming back. We declare belief in was-the fearful Green Stripe! unheard, that cause the problem. the imminency of His return and Strangely, I. had been somewhat We've got many quiet little deny our words with our actions. expecting it. There had been signs "beetles" working on us as Chris­ Newspapers and TV blast the perils that it might appear. Fortunately, tians. There's the beetle of laziness; of our day into our consciousness. the Green Stripe marks trees for of complacency, of selfishness, of It's time to put on "the whole armor destruction; not people.It is a circle jealousy, of an unforgiving spirit, of of God" (Eph.6) and live for Him, for of green paint put around an elm pride ... the list goes on and on. whom life is truly worth living. tree by the city public works depart­ These beetles have to be dealt Let's sound the alarm. Let's be ment when they spot a tree afflicted with personally.The only outside ex­ Jeremiahs, if need be.Let's shout, in with Dutch elm disease. pert we can call on is the Lord. It is a these days when all objective stand­ Sure enough, a few days later the do-it-yourself project. The beetles ards of life and conduct are being expected notice arrived in the mail. can cause us to become fungus­ thrown to the four winds, that "Thus We were informed that the big elm filled, non-producing Christians. saith the Lord!" at the corner of our wooden porch Now elms are not fruit trees, but Let's "go," with a deep burden of deck had been condemned and I Christians are supposed to be. And prayer, with love, with compassion, must take steps to remove it, and Jesus had some strong words to say with an urgent sense of the shortness help prevent the spread of the about trees that don't bear any fruit. of time, and beseech others "in disease. He declared,"Every tree that Christ's stead" that they be "recon­ It was a sad day. I had known the bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn ciled to God" (II Cor.5:20) while His tree was ailing, but had nourished down, and cast into the fire" (Matt. patience lasts. some vague expectation that it 7:19). There's fungus in the church, with might pull through. Now this un­ It is said that drastic pruning, the silent "beetles" spreading it here founded hope was finished. minute signs of disease are spotted and there. We should be on our· I discovered that professional tree in the top branches of a tree, can knees, individually, crying out to removers charge about $10 per sometimes save the tree.What kind God for forgiveness; for a great diameter inch and that it would of drastic pruning do you need cleansing and refreshing work of His probably cost over $200 to get the today-do I need today? "Let a man Spirit; for new power from Him to job done.I decided it would have to examine himself ... " tell a needy, confused world that in be a do-it-yourself project and The fungus of rampant apathy Jesus Christ there is light and life promptly sharpened up my trusty needs to be cut out of today's Chris­ and hope and joy! Mini-Mac chain saw. The tree tianity.The fungus of prayerlessness Are you praising Him today for branched from a large main trunk in­ is stifling and making fruitless many this sublime and wonderful truth? to seven or eight lesser (but still a Christian life. It's too late for -G.K .• large) trunks. It had to be taken Sunday-morning-only Christianity. down by degrees. More is needed. I seem to learn (slowly) by the trial Satan's "beetles" are going about and error method. Due to a slight seeking whom they may devour; The pleasuresof sin "1stfor II se11son; miscalculation, one branch nicked whose witness for Christ they can the remorse 1111dregrets of hellfor eter­ the corner of the house roof on the destroy; who they can distract from nity. way down. Ah, well, the damage was the important and get involved in minor and a couple of nails will fix the trifling; where they can sow the it. fungus of bitterness and pride.

12 THE EVANGELICAL BEACON HISTORIC EVENTS occurred Sept. 16 and Sept. 23 as Rev. Dale Reimer was installed as the only Free Church pastor who is pastoring two churches in two different countries at one and the same time. He was installed as pastor of the Badger, Minnesota, Evangelical Free Church, and also as the new pastor of the Piney, Manitoba, Canada, Evangelical Free Church, which was a station of the Gospel Missionary Union. The two groups share a pastor, share In each others' board meetings and in other A RECORD SHAREHOLDER Project check of services, although they have separate Sunday morning services. Premier Sterling Lyon and Minnesota Governor Ai $17,068 went to the Marietta, GA, Evangelical Free Ouie recently ceremonially opened an airstrip which runs across the International border at Piney, the only such Church. Rev. R. Dean Smith, director of Church strip on the 4,000 mile U.S.-Canada border. Participants in the dedication services included, from left, Rev. Ministries, right, presents the check to John Curtis Anderson, Thief River Falls; Rev. Earl Eveland, Newfolden; Rev. Ron Gartly, Dominion City; Mrs. (Helen) Ferguson, church chairman, while Rev. Herbert Reimer, Rev. Dave Heinrichs, pastor of church growth In Manitoba; Pastor Reimer, and Dr. Austin Stouffer, Kyrk, center, Marietta's pastor, looks on. Marietta Steinbach. Emmanuel EFC, Steinbach, and Minnesota churches are supporting the work. members and friends expressed a warm "thank you" to Free Church friends across the continent who made this help possible.

Nobel Prize Stirs Editor to 1980 Claim I'm off and running, all set to claim the Nobel Prize for physics for 1980! The trou­ ble is that, if they wanted to, millions of others could make the same claim. Lest you rush out seeking commitment papers for a crazed editor, let me explain. My reckless statement above was stirred by a news report o, 1979 Nobel Prize awards. Three men shared the physics award. A news report said, "They believe their work CHINESE PASTORS and others attending their eventually may find a single force underly­ Chinese Churches special meeting during the general conference in ing the universe." I wanted to chuckle, June were, seated, from left, Rev. Ted Chan, Rev. laugh and shout for joy-all at once. Are Growing, Active Stephen Chia, Rev. R. Dean Smith, Rev. P. F. Listen further! Sheldon L. Glashow, Chan, Pastor B. B. Li. Standing are Mr. Peter one of the winners, said, "We suspect A UNIQUE ASPECT OF THE ANNUAL Yung, Or. G. Robert Chapman, Rev. R. G. Ander­ there is at root a fundamental simplicity Conference at Fresno, CA. in June was son, Rev. Don C. Carlson and Pastor Henry Chou. of nature." Steven Weinberg, another of the gathering of Chinese pastors from as the three, characterized his work an the five Chinese Evangelical Free attempt to develop a single theory to ex­ Rev. Stephen Chia from San Francisco Churches located on the West Coast and plain all things. chose to make his report in Chinese, and in Canada. in a meeting with Rev. R. It made me want to dial Grandpa Bell's Pastor B. B. Li described his activities in Dean Smith, director of Church creation and tell them, via the hot line, the Santa Barbara Church. Ministries, each pastor reported on "Hold everything, I've found it!" These The hope was expressed that in other men may be so close to the truth they membership, attendance, and activities cities such as Toronto, Boston and can't see it. of his Chinese congregation. Chic;go, where there are members from The fundamental, single explanation of Rev. P. F. Chan said his church in the Free Church in Hong Kong, Bible what holds everything together has been Monterey Park, which had its beginnings a studies can be started that will eventual­ found-and not In laboratory. It is in the First Evangel ical Free Church of discovered in God's Word. ly develop into churches reaching out to Los Angeles. is building and hopes to oc­ Just look at Colossians 1:16-17 (and re· Chinese immigrants as well as American­ cupy its new church in December. joice): "For by him all things were created: born Chinese. D things In heaven and on earth, visible and Besides carrying a large missions budget, invisible, whether thrones or powers or the church is involved in church planting rulers or authorities; all things were activities in two areas where Chinese created by him and for him. He is before have requested help. The Monterey Park all things, and IN HIM ALL THINGS HOLD Church conducts Sunday worship ser­ TOGETHER" (NIV, CAPS mine). vices in two Chinese dialects as well as Hallelujah! The Lord Jesus Christ holds English. all things together. He is the "single fo ce � Rev. Ted Chan, who brought a church underlying the universe"; the explanation Sign outside of a church: of all things-spiritual as well as member along as a conference delegate, "You are a child of God. physical! reported a growing ministry in Van­ Please call home." Aren't you glad you didn't have to have couver and the establishment of the a doctorate in physics to find this out? thriving new church in Calgary, with -G.K. 0 Henry Chou as pastor.

OCTOBER 30, 1979 13 FREE OllKJf FREE MEN'S Don Brower, Beacon Book Store ). FORUM manager, with Mrs. (Elaine) Brower. James Copeland

In Times Like These ... 'Be Ye Holy' (Lev. 20:7)

"MARRIAGE IN THE FUTURE WILL Elaine. He began working for an in­ be the greatest testimony of the Church surance company, which eventually in this society." transferred him to Minneapolis, Elaine's "Purity is the number one issue in the home town. Church of Jesus Christ." Following Don's conversion to Christ, Nearly two hundred Free Men he became increasingly burdened for the gathered at Camp Spofford in New ministry of Christian literature. When Hampshire Sept. 28-29 for the Eastern Stanley Noreen left the Beacon Book District FCLF Fall Retreat. They con­ Store to establish a business in Colorado, sidered the theme "Christ the Head of the Board of Publications asked Don to the Home." become manager He immediately ,a1, Robert Vetter, director of Alumni this as an opportunity to serve his Lord in Development at Northeastern Universi­ the area of Christian I iterature, and ty, led seminars and discussions on "The began work Sept. 1, 1959. Christian Family" and "Practical Chris­ commUNICATION During Don's twenty years as tian Living." Two of his conclusions are Dr. Edwin L. Groenhoff manager, gross sales of the store have in­ creased from $162,000 to $648, 000. In stated above. A portion of his outI ine on 1%2 he was involved in moving the a subject both timely and timeless bears restating. book store from 2950 Nicollet to its pr('­ sent location at 1515 E. 66th St. His Sexuality-what does Scripture say? Brower Honored managerial experience has been I Cor. 7:1-9- (1) Marriage is approved; valuable to us this past year during the (2) Singleness is approved; (3) Avoid for­ On 20 Years As building and opening of a new bookstore nication. on the campus of Trinity Evangelical Hebrews 13:4-(4) Sex is right in mar­ Book Store Manager Divinity School Don serves as general riage before God; (5) Sex outside of mar­ coordinator of book sales for both stores riage will be judged by God. ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON SEPT 14 while continuing to serve as manager of I Thess. 4:3-8-(6) God's will is that we the Department of Com�unicatio� the Minneapolis store. Mr. John Simon­ abstain from forn,cat,on, (7) Conduct our hosted a coffee hour for Mr. Donald son is resident manager of the Trinity bodies in sanctification; (8) Do not be Brower, manager of Beacon Book Store, Beacon Book Store. sensuous (verse 5); (9) Do not defraud honoring his twenty years of service to Don 1s well-known to our con,t,tuc>n­ (verse 6); (10) Called to holiness (verse 7); the l:vangelical Free Church. Guests in­ cy Many have visited with him at his (11} Violation of sex life grieves the Holy cluded the home office staff , and book table at general and district con­ Spirit. members of the Board of Communica­ ferences. His many friends join our Romans 12:1 -(12) Our bodies are to tion, who were 111 Minneapolis that day department in offering their congratula­ be presented as living sacrifices -holy, for a board meeting. tions, and wishing God's richest blessings acceptable. l)on was born and r.i1,cd 111 Ohio It upon him, his wife, and family in the Romans 8:29-(13) Conform your life wc1, there he met and married h,� w1ft•, years to come. O to the image of Christ. I Peter 1:15-16-(14) Have a holy life­ style. I Cor. 3:17-(15) If we defile our TO LECTURE AT DIVINITY SCHOOL-Dr. Dennis bodies, God will judge us! Kinlaw, president of Asbury College, Wilmore, KY, will present the annual Bernhard H. Rom lecture Romans 6:19-(16) Yield yourselves as series Nov. 14-16 in the Arnold T. Olson Chapel at servants to righteousness unto holiness. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. His theme will be Dr. Harold Bussell, chaplain at Gor­ "Preaching by Word and Story and Text." Dr. don College in Wenham, MA, speaking Kinlaw has served two pastorates, taught in Korea, on marriage and divorce, cited a too­ served as professor of Old Testament languages and commom experience of marriage has been president ol Asbury College since 1968. counselor<; OftC'n couples cla,m ,, Im� The Rom Lectures on Preaching have been funded of love for one another. His counsel to by the family of the late Rev. Bernhard Rom so as to them is to "fall back in love." Love is bring to the TEDS campus "outstanding repre­ sentatives of the gift ol the ministry of preaching." voluntary as well as involuntary. Work at it. -Jim Copeland 0


church planting thrust in key centers out­ side the capital city. News, Prayer Needs, from EFC Missions The Tunbergs face a very strategic ministry, giving priority to developing a team of six men as instructors in the ZAIRE leadership assistance program of the The new church in Bosekola has Free Church of Malaysia. Three churches been dedicated. The church building is have already begun through this team the largest on our field, even surpassing ministry. Pray that the doors to Malaysia the historic church in Tandala. The most and Singapore will remain open. thrilling aspect of this work is that it is HdNG KONG totally indigenous, even to the ·construc- - tion_ of the building... Hong Kong is strategically located on Unlike many of the other churches, it the doorstep of China_ This large coun­ is made of cement blocks. Each block try, with one-fourth of the world's was made in a hand mold. The church population-over 900 million people-is again welcoming tourists and tradesmen also has a permanent tin roof_ Rev. Robert C. Dillon The dedication crowd was estimated from around the world. at 15,000. Several days of celebration English phone ministry, and sponsors The Evangel Theological College is were climaxed with a five-hour service films and other contacts in the area. busy training workers to reach many and the official ribbon cutting by the Recent converts include Miss Inagaki other areas in the Orient. Some of the church president, Ngutwa. The Africans and Miss Endo. Others are quite in­ graduates will perhaps have oppor­ prepared a feast for the visitors, who had terested but fearful of what family and tunities to witness in China. come from many distant villages. neighbors would do in retaliation. The entire building was constructed PHILIPPINES and paid for by the Africans themselves. VENEZUELA Our Philippines work is now in three This is quite commendable since their Seminary enrollment has now reached geographical areas. They are the island resources are extremely limited_ Dr. 60. In the anticipation of continued of Cebu, the greater Manila area, and the Mombeta, the national doctor at the growth, it is apparent the present island of Mindanao. Missionaries and na­ Tandala hospital, is from this village. facilities will not accommodate all of tionals in each area are occupied in a the students. church planting ministry. They report an BELGIUM A new seminary site has been located openness among the people which they The month of special evangelistic ser­ in the city of Valencia. Providentially, have not experienced before_ There is an vices in Woluwe, a suburb of Brussels, is the present location has become very urgent need for new recruits for this ex­ now history. Nils and Laura Oldberg, valuable property. The sale of this would panding field. Jeanne Aiken, and a number of short­ enable enlargement of facilities without termers spent almost one year in too much additional expense. Please PERU preparation for this outreach. pray for wisdom in each step involved One local church is officially organ­ We are happy to report there were should this move materialize. ized. Two congregations are meeting nine decisions to accept Christ and regularly. Three home Bible studies are a large number who recommitted their GERMANY being conducted in the area. lives to the Lord's service. Over 100 The church in Wurzburg is going quite The telephone ministry continues to other people were contacted and will well. Average Sunday service attendance have a fruitful impact. About 500 calls now be included in the follow-up pro­ in the past year has been 25. Ed and come in each day to the three answering gram. Ainee Rommen are working with this machines. A national couple, Guillermo Sunday services are now being held in group, while Martha Goertzen is con­ and Esther lzarnotegui, have been hired the Oldbergs' home. Since the campaign ducting children's meetings and oversee­ to assist in this ministry. Other calls are they also have been conducting a ing the ministry in the Alphof. referred to churches near the caller's Wednesday night prayer meeting. Norman and Lois Thomsen have just home, since it would be impossible for Many who attend the new church returned to the field following furlough. them to attend our church because of have their roots established in older con­ They are conducting a Bible study at the distance. gregations and find it difficult to make Neumarkt which they hope will become Five years have gone by since the the transition_ Please pray for continued a church. David Taders arrived in Lima. David growth. writes, "We thank God for many bless­ MALAYSIA ings and look forward to having five full­ JAPAN The Allen Tunbergs have just returned time missionaries on the field in five On Sept. 9 the Kuzuha Free Church to Malaysia. Although they obtained years. I trust that God will call out four celebrated its 1st anniversary. Twenty­ their visa without much delay, it is ap­ couples in the next four years and 10 one Christians now make up this con­ parent their time on the field is limited. more in the next 10 years." let's join the gregation. Special evangelistic services The government ruling that allows no Taders and Esther Pontius in faith believ­ and a time of fellowship were part of the missionary to remain more than ten ing these new workers will be supplied. activities. years will definitely limit their stay_ Wayne and Judy Paney are presently They report that approximately 50 The Loyd Childs are now home on in language study in preparation for their people are now attending Sunday furlough and plan to return next summer. work in Peru. Pray also that visas will be school. This church is involved in four We will be applying for a new visa for granted as new candidates become home Bible studies, conducts evan­ them and trust it will be granted for a full available. gelistic services each month, has an term. They are needed to spearhead a Continued on page 16

OCTOBER 30, 1979 15 Interesting Things MORE ... Missions News medicine course in l:ngland. 13ruce and Free Churches Do CANDIDATES IN EUROPE Joy Fleming are in Albertville. I-ranee. for a year of French studies. Lorin and Three missionary families have left for Mary Lewis and their children are in Europe for further studies en route to Lausanne, Switzerland Pray for these Zaire. Ors. Francis and Elizabeth Sult arc missionaries as they learn a new Watertown VBS in Belgium for French studies until language March 1. They will then take the tropical Takes Kids Right Into Bible Stories Interesting Things EFC People Do by Bonnie Thompson Urban Ministry In Phoenix A REPORTER FROM "THE HEBREW Herald" stops you to ask, "What Bible by Lynn Manlove character are you waiting to meet in heaven?" You see a small boy poke his head into the door of Lydia's Purple WITH ALMOST 26 YEARS IN THE Finery Shop to inquire if he has time to pastorate and nearly 14 in one church. it make a footprint before his meeting with seemed time for a change in ministries. the apostle Paul You pick your way through a pile of tennis shoes outside the so we accepted the challenge of work in Rev. and Mrs. the urban area of Phoenix. After we left Claudell Miles and, tent of Priscilla and Aquila. If you're the pastorate of Faith Evangelical Free at left, beginning lo wonder where you are in Church in Tempe, AZ. we purchased a Rev. Lynn Manlove time and space, don't worry. You're at home in south Phoenix, a large area with Vacation Bible School at Watertown. a population made up almost equally of MN, Evangelical Free Church. blacks. whites, and Mexican-Americans This was the second year that Water­ (Chicanos). Border District Men's Retreat In the town Free Church used a modified open There was no one to tell us how lo summer some of our youth attended the classroom concept for Vacation Bible start. so we began by opening our home first Ari,ona Free Church Youth Retreat School The 1978 school was based on an for a week night Bible study with two in Tucson The choir has sung al two of idea used by a St Paul. Minnesota. couples from the Tempe church along our churches church and picked up by VBS Director with one black couple Later. we heard Last May we had our first south Marijo Strandquist from an article in about the Salt of the l:arth Christian Phoenix fellowship meeting of pastors Moody Monthly magazine. That school Church. an independent fellowship of and wives as \\e en,oyed a meal together focused on the life of Moses mostly black Christians We visited their in an area restaurant Several black and This year's school was totally home­ Wednesday night Bible study and were white pastors and their wives have been grown Pastor Benjamin Pent decided he given a hearty welcome We got to know meeting each month since, to visit and would be Paul. the apostle. Teachers and the pastor, Rev. Claudell Miles. and he talk about what we can do together to learning center leaders took their cues invited us to come and work with them. minister to the south Phoenix area. We from that Imagination, creativity and We discovered a very committed pastor, hope to see the churches starting to do available talent were key ingredients in with many of the same kinds of goals we things together. so they can get to know planning. Vi rlaaten, a dressmaker, have for reaching people no maller each other Our church has been invited started gathering purple finery and other what their racial background. to a sing at a nearby while church I here ideas for her role as Lydia. Chuck Jensen We were given responsibilities at is talk of a men's retreat together in the agreed to become chief scribe in the once- teaching, occasionally preaching, future synagogue. Sharon White wrote an and helping with the music in the wor­ We still have a long way to go, but we original theme song. Lois Hermann, who ship service. My wife, Rita, plays the are getting a start We see a bright future had 1ust finished reading an historic piano and helped start Pioneer Girls on for our church and for interdenomina­ novel on the life of Priscilla, the tent­ Wednesday nights, Now, after over a tional and multi-racial cooperation 111 maker, agreed to assume that role. year, we feel more and more at home south Phoenix We hope someday to see The half-day sessions were scheduled with our people. The church is still our church reach the place where they so that each pupil spent about a half­ predominantly black, but occasionally can support their pastor Both he and his hour in a general Bible study with Paul, we have whites too. We feel there will be wife have secular jobs, as do my wife 45 minutes in a small-group learning more as time goes by. and I. situation, 45 minutes in snacks and There has been good fellowship with I hope our Free Church will someday recreation, and another 45 minutes in other churches, including several of our take a more active role in urban learning centers of his own choice. local Free Churches. The choir sang at ministries Perhaps the day will even This year's learning centers offered the Arizona Women's Retreat last fall, come when our new Southwest Border opportunities to learn Torah at and a number of our ladies will attend District can encourage urban ministries Gamaliel's feet, transcribe Scriptures on­ this year's retreat. In the spring I took in such cities as Albuquerque, Tucson. to parchment scrolls under the direction several men to the first Southwest and Phoenix. D of a scribe, experiment with Bible time

16 THE EVANGELICAL BEACON Pastor "Apostle Paul" Pent lectured each day on Paul's missionary journeys.

Becky Wheeler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Even the Apostle Paul needed a cup of coffee each Wheeler, dyed her piece of fabric in Lydia's Purple morning at 10:30! Finery Shop. The Jerusalem children listened with rapt attention to Lydia tell of her experiences with Paul. crafts and music at Lydia's house, spend about five minutes in the Philippian jail Photos taken by and with Paul and Silas, join the staff of "The courtesy of Terry White Hebrew Herald." participate in im­ provisational drama at the outdoor am­ their rooms with appropriate banners. phitheatre, or sample Bible-time snacks and pictures, and discussed the things at Priscilla's tent shop Those desiring a that Paul shared with them during Bible slower pace could play a Bible-learning study time. game at Rhoda's Game Room, watch Pupils. staff and parents are generally Paul's missionary journeys on slides, or enthus1ast1c about this format. Parents curl up with a book or a tape 111 the report that their children seem to retain media center. and apply more of their learning The small, graded groups were named Children, and even a few staff members. for churches that Paul established on his lamented that 1t was over too soon At - / � missionary journeys. Members of least one of this year's staff has already ·...� .,,.----:- -..c_-..;;;. ...r churches studied the history and geogra­ put in his request for next year's assign· Sharing coffee and discussing the latest in purple phy of their city or province, decorated ment. D finery In Lydia's Place were (from left) "Lydia" Vi Flatten, Sharon White and Louella Johnson. Priscilla (Lois Hermann) sat in her The famous ancient Hebrew tent each day and told visitors how Or. George "Gamaliel" Thompson scribe, Chuck Jensen, inscribed she and her husband, Aquila, held forth in the synagogue each an illuminated manuscript for the came to know Christ through the Merijo Strandquist directed the day, teaching from the book of children to copy. Apostle Paul. DVBS. Acts. The Greenhouse, at left, and photo at right, group singing at a Greenhouse meeting where those who attend especially enjoy singing Scripture.

Interesting Things Free Churches Do The 'Greenhouse' Is Growing New Christians PAT IS A YOUNG SCHOOL TEACHER by Mrs. Milt Larson who grew up in a large family. When she started attending the Greenhouse. she We minister to young people from a had no sense of worth. She realized God variety of backgrounds. Many have no could remove the guilt in her life and church experience; others grew up in made a commitment to Jesus Christ. God Christian homes and have been involved is turning Pat into a lovely person, who is in a chlirch for years. It's been exciting to The elective COIJQ,!l pn prayer Is limited to six to learning to share part of herself with watch God work in individual lives. eight people. They share within the group and sup­ others. Ron's parents were both alcoholics port the entire Greenhouse ministry in prayer. Pat's story is one of dozens that could and had gone through a series of be shared regarding the ministry of the divorces. Ron had a nervous breakdown Greenhouse, a unique outreach to single and turned to Christ to put his broken I ife witness this summer, brought her young adults sponsored by Bethel back together. He began grow­ customers and one of her employers to Evangelical Free Church, North Platte, ing-seriously studying God's Word and the Greenhouse. Many young school Nebraska. it is patterned after the working with the Greenhouse music teachers have come to the Greenhouse original Greenhouse in Ft. Lauderdale, ministry. This summer Ron attended a because of Cathy's invitation. Duane Florida, with its roots in the Evangelism Navigators' conference and felt God made a commitment to Christ and got in­ Explosion program of the Coral Ridge leading him into full-time Christian work. volved in the Greenhouse because he Presbyterian Church. He sold his trailer and furniture and is noticed Dirk, who attended the Greenhouse purposes-evangelism now in Navigators' training in Texas. Greenhouse. praying in a restaurant. and discipleship-are equally important Ron worked in our "Paul-Timothy" Chip, now a Greenhouse leader, first and function simultaneously. A series of discipleship program. Terry is one of the came to us two years ago when a Chris­ progressive classes, offered continuous­ young men whom Ron invested his time tian friend shared Christ with him. Chip's ly, makes this possible. on a one-to-one-basis. Terry became a entire goal in life had been financial af­ First is the Visitors' Class, which makes Christian while in jail on an alcoholic fluence. He has now reevaluated his the visitor aware of what the Greenhouse abuse charge. When released, he began priorities. Jerry, an emergency medical really is. The Gospel is shared as clearly attending the Greenhouse and grew technician and fireman, was invited to as possible, after which an invitation is steadily under Ron's direction. It's been the Greenhouse by Mary Ann, a school given, providing an opportunity to exciting to see Terry move out of the teacher, when he took her to the hospital receive Christ as Savior. drug world, a step at a time. He was liv­ after she had fainted at school. !:le was Next is a two-week class, "What's It ing with young men who sold drugs. He withdrawn and lonely, but has now com­ All About?", which covers basic prin­ changed roommates, but his new room­ mitted his life to Christ and is reaching ciples of the Christian life. such as mates used drugs, so Terry moved into out to others every day. prayer, Bible study, fellowship, obe­ an apartment by himself One way the young people are trained dience and witnessing. Gary was also involved in the drug to share their faith with others is through Third is a 17-week course entitled, subculture. He owned his own business, the Evangelism Explosion program. This "What Do I Believe?" Each lesson stands home, boat and car, but found life empty summer a professional cowboy on the on its own, so whenever someone comes and turned to alcohol and drugs. While rodeo circuit was approached in a Laun­ into the course, he simply stays until the taking aviation lessons he began having dromat. God had been working in his cycle is complete and then transfers to vision trouble. A physical exam in­ heart and he'd been reading a New the next class. dicated he had damaged his vision and Testament another cowboy had given "How Do I Live It?", is the fourth kidneys with LSD. Gary remembered him. The Gospel was shared, he was class. This is also a 17-week course. After a couple of Christians who had talked to given a booklet and invited to visit the completing this class. the young people him about Jesus. He turned to Jesus to Greenhouse. He came, and shared with are free to choose from a variety of fill the void in his life. us that after studying the booklet he had 13-week electives. Helen, a Christian for several years, prayed and asked Christ to come into his We started with five young people in has been attending the Greenhouse since life. He was full of joy. The three young December 1976. There have been 252 it was organized. God has given her a people who had shared with him the visitors this past year (Sept. '78-Aug. real heart for broken people in our so­ night before rejoiced with him. '79); 121 of whom were not Christians. ciety. She is a secretary in the public Those of us who work with the Twenty-six young people have made defender's office and often brings with Greenhouse praise God for the privilege decisions for Christ this year. Attendance her the young people who go through of being involved with these young peo­ currently runs between 65 and 80 each that office preparing for trial. ple. God's power and presence are cer­ week. Cathy, a teacher who worked as a tainly a reality to us! D


Faith Evangelical Free Church is meeting at the Green Valley Elementary School in Monrovia, HISTORIC COMMISSION MEETING-The 1979-80 Youth Commission of the Church Maryland. Pastor Donovan P. Newell has assumed Ministries Department held a historic fall meeting at First Evangelical Free Church, Rockford, the pastorate of this new work. The picture shows IL. The significance was that it was the last Youth Commission meeting to be held at the Pastor and Mrs. (Lucy) Newell and son standing in church fa cilities in which the First Annual FCYF Conference was held In 1942. The Rockford front of the "portable" sign of their church. church will move into its new facilities in early 1980. Pictured are, from left: Darrel Trulson, Kevin Piecuch, Mark Dunham, Arlene Olson, Dave Rodquist, Chris Bellias, Brent Carlson, Te rry Parks, Kandace Hawkinson, Dave Addington, Ed Bender, Ron Foote and Jim Forstr om. Members not pictured are: Sally Clark, David Martin and R. Dean Smith. CHURCH MINISTRIES

Rev. R. Dean Smith

MINISTRY TO SINGLES Do you desire to have a ministry to single people In your church and community? The Church Ministries Depart­ ment together with Bethel Evangelical Free Church, North Platte, NE, is sponsoring a seminar This is a photo of the congregation of West Evangelical Free Church, Wichita, KS, on and clinic with an emphasis on its first anniversary, Sept. 16, 1979. A total of 66 attended, an increase of 25 over evangelism, outreach and last year. The building is Peterson Elementary School, 9710 W. Central in Wichita, discipleship. These sessions will the temp orary location. Dn Sept. 25, First EFC of Wichita purchased la nd (5.5 acres) tell the Greenhouse story as well as that will eventually be given to West Church. It is near the present location, on a ma­ allow you to attend the Greenhouse jor street in a developing area just outside of Wichita. Rev. Dennis Chadwick is pastor in session and interact with the of West EFC. leaders and developers of this ex­ cellent program. Seminar dates (Introduction to the Greenhouse) are Jan. 16-17, reserve chaplains. chaplain candidates 1980, and March 26-27, 1980. Clinic and chapel management personnel and dates (How can we do it?) are Jan. is advisor to the Chief of Chaplains. 17-18, 1980 and March 27-28, 1980. USAF For information, registration and a A native of Barronett. WI, he holds a brochure about these sessions B.D from Bethel Theological Seminary, write: The Greenhouse, 720 W. St. Paul, and a Master of Science degree 42nd, North Platte, NE 69101. from George Washington University He was ordained in the tvangclical Free Church of America and served a A Thank You And Appeal pastorate at Bethany Church. Stillwater. We of the Church Ministries MN, before entering the Air Force in Department thank you for your Col. Mervin R. Johnson 1952. prayer and financial support! Your CHAPLAIN OF THE MONTH­ He has served at bases 1n the United involvement together with us This is a new part of the CMD States and England. Saudi Arabia, and means so much! Beacon page. Our Evangelical Free Germany. Prior to his present assignment In order to balance our books by the end of the fiscal year (Dec. 31, Church Chaplains are doing a com­ he was Command and Senior Cadet Chaplain at the Air Force Academy, Col­ 1979) we are in need of special mendable work in the Armed Ser­ assistance. orado Springs, CO Chaplain Johnson has vices. They certainly deserve our Your help in seeing that the an­ been awarded the Legion of Merit with prayerful concern. Watch for the nual offering, taken for the work of "Chaplain of the Month" in your one Oak Leaf Cluster and several other the GMO in your church, is sent in Beacon and remember them in medals and awards. as soon as possible will be ap­ prayer. He is married to the former Delores preciated. Also, reception of year­ Johnson of Worthington. MN and he and end designated amounts in your COL. MERVIN R. JOHNSON Mrs Johnson have one son. Greg, and church budget for the CMD would Chaplain Col. Mervin R. Johnson is two daughters. Sharleen and Pamela also be of great assistance. command chaplain of the Air Reserve Col. Johnson is the first chaplain en­ Please pray for the continued missionary work of the Church Personnel Center in Denver. CO. He dorsed by the EFCA through the National Ministries Department. serves as manager of all individual Assoc1at1on of Evangelicals

OCTOBER 30. 1979 19 Gospel beyond the limits of the Annual ing within the confines of Scripture or Conference and Mid-Winter Institute. our methodology in reaching our world The vitality of the EFCA is reflected in for Christ. its pastoral leadership. The balance be­ As editor of this new feature, Bruce tween the invaluable experience of older Chapman will appreciate your sugges­ pastors and the fresh enthusiasm of the tions. Forward articles or suggestions to capable, dedicated younger m�n w�o him at First Evangelical Free Church, are taking their places so effectively rn 5150 Chicagg Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN our churches is exciting. Enriched and in­ 554 17. formed by our heritage, we are not hesi­ -Ted Olsen, President A New Column tant to be innovative either in our think- EFCA Ministerial AssociationO For EFC Pastors 15% INTEREST "YOUR DENTIST BILL IS UP AGAIN, " WITH THIS ISSUE A NEW COLUMN remarked my wife, Ardell, as she was go­ is added to the Beacon; a regular ing through the bills to be paid. So what's monthly feature article relating to the new? That was about as much a surprise needs and interests of the E FCA to me as an increase in the gas price at Ministerial Association. the pumps. We are all getting accus­ Pastors thrive on the Biblical and tomed to repeated price increases. devotional content of the Beacon, the in­ Whether we are shopping for groceries, sightful editorial commentary and timely clothing, cars, or homes, we sort of ex­ news of our churches and people across pect that each time we check the prices, the country. This new column will add they will be a little higher. another dimension to the Beacon by But what about our regular giving at dealing with issues of universal pastoral our church? Perhaps we increase our concern. It will also, however, address commitment each year as our church affairs of particular Free Church interest. gives opportunity to designate our giving We need a forum to discuss such matters plans for the coming year. Perhaps that as church polity, spiritual renewal, the isn't good enough in these times of rapid pastor .and divorce, and ordination of inflation. We must remember the women. These and many more merit the operating expenses of our church in­ Rev. Darrel D. Stork illumination of a distinctively Free crease during the year, just like our Church perspective. He will do through you. So please listen! household expenses. Perhaps we should Consider your opportunities to give as The articles will sometimes assume a consider increasing our weekly gifts dur­ "workshop" format to exchange ideas David did in his prayer of thanks re­ ing the year as well as at the beginning. corded in I Chronicles 29:10-19. David's and techniques of a more practical We at the Evangelical Free Church nature. Pastors can strengthen their ef­ prayer is summarized in verse 14. "But home office are experiencing this same fectiveness in ministry by learning from who am I, and who are my people, that pressure of inflation. You, the people we should be able to give as generously each other. and churches of the Evangelical Free For example, there is an un­ as this? Everything comes from you, and Church, are not giving less to support precedented involvement by Free we have given you only what comes missions and the inevitable administra­ from your hand." Church ministers in research to meet the tion costs of the General Fund and requirements of Doctor of Ministry pro­ Oh, Yes! You may be interested in Stewardship ministry, but the rapidly in­ knowing the current interest rate the grams. These projects should be a prime creasing costs of operation have put the source of up-to-date practical Free Church home office must pay when Evangelical Free Church home office in theology, deserving publication to our borrowing money-15'h per cent! D a drastic deficit position. You have read entire constituency. about this in Dr. McDill's article in the At the request of the Ministerial Oct. 16 issue of the Beacon entitled, Association Board, Bruce Chapman, "The Day I Saw Red." ABOUT THE CARTOON: The "Babes senior pastor of the First Evangelical If the Lord has something to say to you in Christ" cartoon below is the creation of Free Church of Minneapolis, has agreed on this subject, will you listen? It may be Joyce Beckman of the Norfolk, NE, to serve as Editor of Pastor's Perspective. something related to the $400,000 need Evangelical Free Church and will appear A "pastor's pastor," Bruce is at the Free Church home office, or in the Beacon from time to time. Joyce remembered for his outstanding column perhaps the ever increasing cost of reports that it is based on experiences she "Concerning Concerns" which ran for operating our schools. What God will do, has had in the two years since she ac­ several years in the Beacon, stimulating cepted Jesus Christ as her Savior and our thinking and commitment to Jesus as Lord. Lord. We are grateful, too, for the sup­ BABES lN CHRIST port of Beacon editor, George Keck, and So GOD TELLS US· /1-/ OR.DEi\ the Department of Communication in HE RE l ME RSA. You CAN :r WON DER How1.----­ TO RECEIVE You MUST HAVE ALL ,HE MONEY IN launching this undertaking. LONG 1'HESE � FIRST GIVE - THEN You MY 8ANJ<.. You CAN HAVE THE 1-/IIJGS USUALL)' The lack of communication within our WILL RECEIVE IN 'Too. 1 'M GOING To 1 BANK TAKE?? rapidly growing Association has been a A8UN DANC.E . NHD A BIGGER concern of the Ministerial Board. This ONE. .-- new medium will stimulate the priceless sense of fellowship in the work of the 20 [ 1 � J.;,tc� fk«�Ali inc r,,,,_. 9 July 28, 197 of faith tatement � Critics just couldn't believe how a love ollege's "s 11 of God and a love of learning could go -C to e hand in hand; how we could be sup­ elievers ported for 18 years by gifts from the s non-b private sector above, and not from the ron 1 d n provincial treasuries. That is because con e a courses as th:: :f:����· n raisi & Cain -course&W · you have taken care of our needs -not ad ::f·cs are ni m oUered t:1/;1 ac e ree University � (aith" Tri nitY W t· any deg psr:niversitles s a ir always adequately-but you have been over a11" t �;! t n e u edln de&r•\fof:O � \Y l Victor! e c o ar � ��e,� r i o e.rnCo eg n n-behevers B.C.. n. ·i-,-- there, encouraging and upholding us condem s n o er u ivers bicb ion. Fras n w andda nat e&e. e a with your prayers, support and students. laithtobeU :n mentalist coll co\\e&e rec tly e u d ree- a s Tb ent !or' rivat l d : rantln& stn tu . overnm This has kept us going and growing. Tbe p g . • \al g ( wb gove y me � t�e ·����w �!u���! :���� �::�:.� ��\·��:�!·:�; Just as we have experienced much b n ���t tea�befS a� .��.� eve i t���� ���;:ta� con!!dent �t wll "II_(l:{JJ_ ...... � .... ._ •• , tribulation and joy this past summer, so ·esd y. · ��?.�Support, Prayer Needed · ,,,_.- , c1egree T rrnity Western College we'd like you to sorrow and rejoice with e,-erlast • • , ,peel the us as you read our story in special issues Lord OI. .t d • · C u Glover Rood & College lane everlasfYle 1a Q ppos1bon Hits :���.:o� Langley, 8.C. Canada V3A .CR9 of the Trinity Western World. Please read SaY�n . with a vision for what you. your church, even uvegree-G rantmg Status ,po'leSffl Dr. Neil Snider, President si&n it.' 1 u\ced t and our denomination can do to �� IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS MANY OF CONDEMNS NON-BELIEVERS TO strengthen our school which. together 1oaccyou will receive in your homes a story HELL," or, "BIBLE UNIVERSITY with you, has taken a firm stand for ;re�·�we'd like all of our Free Church family to BEYOND BELIEF," or "THOU SHALT Christian values. If TWC is to con­ au,¥1:,know. A new chapter has been written in NOT PANTY-RAID NOR MINGLE AT tinue-as it must-we need your support c1a1sthe continuing "miracle story" of Trinity TRINITY WESTERN." and understanding as never before. ����Western College. This past summer we Yet righteousness won out, the If you do not receive the Trinity World experienced fierce opposition as we Legislature confirmed our degree status, at your home, pick up a copy at your clarified our degree-granting status as a and God received glory! church, or write the college for a copy Christian liberal arts college. We were It's been exciting to be a part of the and ask to be placed on the mailing list. "folded, spindled and mutilated" for our Evangelical Free Church. Never before Please remember us in prayer in a Christian stand and commitment to has it cost us so much, as our Statement special way in the coming months, as the Biblical lifestyle. The college was of Faith has been held up for scorn and publicity continues, and we seek to repeatedly misrepresented in a flurry of our community standards ridiculed. But establish ourselves as Canada's unique inaccurate and sensational reporting. never before have we been as proud or Christian university. And write to us -we Imagine such front-page headlines as: committed to them, and to you, our need to hear from you! "COLLEGE'S 'STATEMENT OF FAITH' Evangelical Free Church family. -R. Neil SniderO

Trumpet and fluegelhorn player, Scott Wagner offered, "You've got to start put­ College's 'Gabriel' ting yourself into your Christian life to Group in Fruitful get something out, which is what this group helps us with." Three of the ten Gospel Ministry group members, Vatsaas, Wagner and Greg (Harbo) Discher said they began SHORTLY AFTER GREG SORENSON Trinity CollegeNOW! growing as Christians when they came to began his relationship with the Lord, he Deerfield, Illinois Trinity. Trumpet and fluegelhorn player, dreamed about sharing his new-found Elaine Shaw, became a Christian at an Dr. Harry Evans, President faith through the music that had always Evangelical Free Church choir perfor­ been such an important part of his life. mance. Other Gabriel members include Greg heard about a Gospel team pro­ six western European countries while Horness, trombone, piano player and gram at Trinity College that provided touring with Trinity's choir. vocalist; Sorenson's wife, Karen, sound equipment and transportation for Gabriel's music provides an vocalist; John Simpson, trombone students who wanted to start their own evangelical message for its young player; Joy Lindquist, vocalist; and La Gospel group. Greg enrolled at Trinity listeners. In 1976 a girl wrote a letter to Reau Anderson, sound man. and began the process of auditioning. the group saying she had come to know Sorenson believes the Gabriel songs After much prayer, the contemporary the Lord through a Gabriel concert. that "really minister best are those that Gospel group "Gabriel" was formed. Other letters sent from Christians have come directly from the Word." One such Gabriel is well-known and appreciated expressed how the music has served as a song, entitled "Be Ye Doers ... ," has pro­ around the Trinity campus. Its music is growth instrument in their lives. vided the group members with great in­ geared toward young adults. Most of the Gabriel members feel their music is a centive to apply what they sing about: music has been written by three of the 10 ministry to themselves as well as to their "Today is the day . ..now is the mo­ group members, Greg Sorenson, Brad audience. One member, Brad Vatsaas, ment ... Be ye doers of the Word and Vatsaas and Joe Horness. Gabriel per­ said he realized his own walk with God not hearers only." forms at churches, coffee houses, town needed to be stronger "when I saw -June Macfarland, auditoriums and schools all over the the inconsistency between what I was Assistant Editor, Midwest. They have also performed in living and what I was singing." Trinity College Development D

OCTOBER 30, 1979 21 for its use as an evangelistic tool) 1s in what is not said about the cross. The doctrine presented 1s salvation by love, not by the nEwl_JeooKS substitution of the Son to pay the just penalty for our srn DISTRICT nEWS Miller admits "His death was in some way representative Jesus died for all men" (p 88) i A few pages later he explains in what way Once Upon a Tree, by Calvin Miller. God "could not save both His Son and His Baker Book House. $3.50. world. His Son was crushed in the gears of NEWS FROM OUR CHURCHES The author of The Singer, The Song, and human violence and hatred" (p. 93). There is OF INTEREST TO THE EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH The (inale uses words well-even poetically. no sense of Justice in the cross as verses like FAMILY By focusing the readers' attention on various Romans J:26. Acts 4:28. and Hebrews 10:19ff. scenes and characters from the passion week, arc ignored In fact. Miller illustrates the Calvin Miller helps us to notice both the crucifixion as a total injustice (p. 104). Several timeless universality of the cross and its in­ of Im aside comments indicate that his escapably personal application misunderstandrng of the justice of the cross l3aJGJaJCDUaJGJ llaJl3UllUl3 A few 131bl1cal facts become distorted in the has its roots Ill his general misunderstanding Quebec, B.C., Have eloquence of the argument David is des­ of JllSt1ce cribed as motivated by a lust for vengeance Ill Salvation ha� many sides and descriptions Youth Exchange killing Goliath (contrary to I Samuel 17 36) 1n the Bible A small book cannot be expected CLEARWATER and Judas i, described as not a thief (con­ to exhaust them all If we realize these The Interior Men's Retreat. Sept 28-30. at trary to John 12 6), but most of what 1s said 1s are devotional essays and not a complete Clearwater Bible Camp, was hosted by the accurate and moving presentation of doctrine. we can profit from Kam loop� Ere with Pastor Bob MacKenl1e The real weakness of the book (especially the rns1ghts and impressions of the book and the Chase EFC with Pastor Don Anderson -Rev Jerry Foote U Rc>v Bernie 1-osmark of Langley was guest speaker. All of the Plants of the Bible, text and JOHNSTON HEIGHTS illustra tions by Winifred Walker. A Lm1qL1e exchange of 20 young people took Beatitudes of the Doubleday. $14.95. place between the Johnston Heights church This is a beautiful book featuring 113 full­ and the churches in Quebec. C. l3urnelle of Mentally Retarded page watercolor illustrations of the flowers, Surrey and Wayne Josephson of Quebec. led fruits. trees, shrubs and herbs mentioned in the two teams. The venture was underwritten Anonymous the Bible. while on the page facing each il­ by "Open House Canada," a gesture of the lustration is text giving a Biblical reference Canadian government educational program Blessed are they who comprehend where the particular plant is mentioned and Pastor Ken Lawrence was a speaker al the my strange gait and awkward hands. describing the plant and its uses and Manitoba Church Growth seminar Ill W111- characteristics n1peg Blessed are they who understand I learned something I probably should have LANGLEY that my ears must strain to com­ known the minute I opened the book. Reading On Sept 23 the church held a special Open prehend what they hear. of John the Baptist eating locusts and wild House. honoring Rev Carl Fosmark and fami­ honey 111 the wilderness. I always had v1s1ons ly. Blessed are they who understand of him munching on the larger versions of our that though my eyes shine my mind CHASE grasshoppers. the locusts that are prevalent in Ted and Inger Hansen and family, former is slow. the Middle East. businessman and long-time residents of Blessed are they who do not This book informed me that "the locust is Chase. were commissioned for missionary the fruit of the carob tree. and accepted in the notice the food/ let fall off my plate. work 111 New Guinea with Wycliffe Bible Last as the food on which John the Baptist rr;inslators 111 an evening service Oct. 14. Blessed are they who with a smile fPd; thus 1t is known there as St. John's 1 hey ;ire charter members of Chase 1:l'C encourage me to try once more. bread" The eight-inch long pods of the carob -Elmer Olson, Supt. 0 tree contain seeds that are very nutritious. Blessed are they who never remind The illustrations are excellent and the text me that today I asked the same ques­ is very informative. This is an interesting book tion two times. to read right through and. although a little ex­ llaJl3UllUl3 pensive at $14 95. a fine reference work for Blessed are they who understand pastors and church libraries. GJC!Jl]Ul1Jl:!l�0U that it is difficult for me to put my -George Keck 0 thoughts into words. Home Bible Studies Blessed are they who listen to me NEW ADDRESSES Reaching Families because I too have something to FOR FREE CHURCH PASTORS VANCOUVER, WA, Hazel Dell contribute. Home Dible studies meeting in various homes. Rev Paul W Moore. 1201 SW 50th Ave., plus the church, on Wednesday and Thursday Blessed are they who know what Bldg .\, Apt 108. North Lauderdale. FL 33068 evenings, have already attracted 34 family my heart feels even though I may not �ormerly Des Moines. IA. units. Rev John Sweet, 165 Lake Morton Drive, be able to express it. Lakeland. H 3380"1. PORTLAND, OR, lynch Blessed are they who respect me Rev Normand L Person. Danebod Village, Rev James Scott, librarian at Multnomah 1 yler. MN 56178. Formerly Spring Grove. MN School of the Bible. is serving as interim and love me as I am, just as I am, and pastor. not like they wish I were. Chaplain (MAJ) R. G. Lokkesmoe, Co A USMC A-I I. APO N Y 09102. Formerly APO NY FEDERAL WAY, WA, Camelot Blessed are they who help me in my 09139 Pastor Robert Rapp is rejoicing in three recent pilgrimage to the home of the Eternal Rev Donald W Leff. 1206 Blarne St. decisions for Christ. Holdrege, N� 68949 1-ormerly Gering, NE ��& • CENTRALIA, WA Rev Dan R Carlson. 1.\25 5. W. 8th St., October has been Missionary Month with a Willmar. MN 56201 Formerly Pittsville. WI. faith promise goal of $9,882.

22 THE EVANGELICAL BEACON SPANAWAY, WA SEVERAL FAMILIES of Faith EFC, Ft. Col­ Mike Adams will assume the pastorate and lins, CO, were commissioned to form the seek further schooling in the area. We nucleus and help start a new Free Church in welcome Mike into the District. Windsor, CO, in a very special service Sept. MISSIONARY ROUND ROBIN 9 at Faith EFC. Services have started in It has been a delight to hear from district Windsor, which is 18 miles from Ft. Collins. churches concerning the impact and blessing A rented hall is being used for the present. of the missionaries. This can be a very strain­ At the close of the service, Ft. Collins ing and overtaxing time for the missionaries members and friends gathered around the We want them to know we appreciate their Windsor group as they knelt for a prayer of visits and challenges Also. a word of ap­ dedication. The photo shows the group that preciation to Rev. Vernon Anderson. director was commissioned, with District Supt. Virgil of deputation. for arranging the missionary Nyberg at left and Rev. Leroy Grimm, Ft. schedules. Collins pastor, at right. -Irving M. Hedstrom, Supt. D INSTALLATION of Rev. Charles Worley as pastor of the young Bradenton, FL, EFC, took place Aug. 12 in a special serviceat the §CDC!JU(] lBlJGJUIDilll1 Sarasota EFC. Among those taking part were, from left, Dan Berkner, director of Bayshore Pays Off music; Pastor W. Scott Schurr, Sarasota EFC; Pastor David Evangelista, Miramar Church Mortgage EFC; Ken Andreax of Miami Christian Col­ CORPUS CHRISTI, TX, Bayshore Bible lege; Rev. Doug Hine, interim pastor; Russ The church parsonage was sold. The sale Heiser, deacon chairman; Rick Hermanson, price was used to pay off the church Sarasota's associate pastor; Mrs. Worley mortgage and make a contribution lo the and Pastor Worley. District Memorial-Revolving Fund. Pastor Richard Mittanck's new home was dedicated FIFTY-SIX LAYMEN of the Williams Lake, Oct. 7. B.C., EFC gathered at Palmer Lake for a LONGVIEW, TX weekend retreat led by Pastor Leon Tiede. Interim Pastor Alfred Birkelund has accepted Two of the men, Ted Hopkins and Don a call to a full-time pastorate. Mrs. Jacobine Giesbrecht, were involved in a crash landing Birkelund, the pastor's mother. died Sept. 25. while flying in supplies. Hopkins was The funeral was Sept. 29, with District Supt. severely injured, but is reported making a John Sundstrom officiating. good recovery. GEORGETOWN, TX Rev. Donald Stover. pastor of Northwood EFC. Dallas, conducted a Family Crusade Oct. REV. RAE ROBINSON was installed Sept. 23 as new 14-17. pastor of the Quesnel, B.C., EFC, with District Supt. BULVERDE, TX, Bulverde Community Elmer Olson giving the pastoral charge. Others The district board visited the church Sept 30 taking part were Rev. Charles Morehouse, Elvin to review the future building site and plans Neufeld, chairman, and Art Bartel. Supt. Olson, with the church board. left, is pictured congratulating the new pastor. WMS RETREAT The WMS Retreat was held Sept. 28-30 al Twin Oaks Ranch, Buda. Texas. Special speaker was Monica McGann, wife of LAC LA BICHE, ALTA. Evangelist Aubrey McGann. The church was crowded Aug. 26 as District NEW MEMBERS Supt. Jim Westman conducted an installation Fredericksburg, TX, Hill Country, 2. service for Pastor William Grier. -John M. Sundstrom, Supt. 0 LETHBRIDGE, ALTA. The Harvey Boldt family was welcomed home BORN AGAIN? from Germany and Jean Sokvitne, leaving for What Is It all about? What does It Ethiopia, was given a farewell. mean when a person says, "I've lBillGJillffiOillGJ �IDillOIDOlJ NEILSBURG, SASK. been born again"? Does it sound_ New Millwoods Church Pastor Morris Bidulka's installation service like some kind of super-religious was held Aug. 26, with Pastor Henry Goertzen talk? The Bible uses the expression Starts Services and District Supt. Jim Westman taking part. several times. If you don't know NEW NORWAY, ALTA. EDMONTON, ALTA. what It means to be born again, fill Pastor Ken Buchanan has resigned and will be The first service of the new Millwoods church out the coupon below and send it in. serving the Free Church in Kamloops, BC. was held Sept. 9 in Grant Mac Ewan Com­ We'll be happy to explain it to you. munity College. Prior to this, 500 area homes STEINBACH, MAN. were contacted with literature and followed A commissioning service was held for John Name up by phone. and Muriel Macfarlane (GMU-Belize) Aug 12. Street BROOKS, ALTA. SASKATOON, SASK. Allan Kliewer was installed as pastor Aug. 19 This new work now has a pastor. Rev George City ------in a service in which Pastors Reg Tomlinson, Lidke was officially installed Sept. 9, by State, Zip ______Pete Unger. and Fred Heffke participated. District Supt. Jim Westman. along with District Supt Jim Westman. WINNIPEG, MAN., Maranatha Send to: Evangelical Beacon 1515 E. 66th St. CALGARY, ALTA., First Free This young church has made a down payment Mlnneapolls, MN 55423 Assistant Pastor Tim Callaway was married to on some choice property for a church site. Joyce Cornell. Aug. 25. -Jim Westman. Supt. D OCTOBER 30, 1979 23 FCYF of the Gothenburg, NE, EFC had a real com­ munity impact during the town's Fall Festival. The youth presented a puppet show, featuring Swedish teen-agers Olaf and Ingaborg, at the Chamber of Commerce smorgasbord and won much applause from an audience of 400 people. They entered the float, pictured at right, in the festival parade and it won first prize as it followed the parade theme of Febold's Follies, based on the fictitious exploits of Febold Feboldson, the Swedish Paul Bunyan. "Febold's Fables Are Fun-Faith's Facts Are DEDICATIDN of the "new" church building of Firm," the float pointed out. Standing by the float AURORA,CO Glastonbury, CT, Community Church, an are Youth sponsor Lane Nordin and Bob Jorgenson, A witnessing "chain reaction" was experi­ Evangelical Free Church, took place recently with FCYF president. enced recently. A member led an instructor at Rev. Fredoll Anderson, pastor of Wethersfield, CT, Fitzsimmons Hospital to the Lord; the pastor EFC as special speaker. The two-year-old Glaston­ led the instructor's wife to the Lord, and the bury church purchased the 10-year-old building for new convert led his neighbor to the Lord. All $125,000 from another denomination. It provides four desire to be baptized. the church, which had been meeting in a Knights of ARVADA.CO Columbus hall, with room to grow and much greater The annual missionary conference was held community identification. Other dedication par­ Oct. 7-10 with several workers they support ticipants were Pastor Greg R. Groh, Win Mc­ participating and District Supt. Virgil Nyberg Causland, chairman, and District Supt. Trygve Lan­ as keynote speaker. dru. DISTRICT WMS A retreat was held at Navigator's head­ (3GJ§'if(31](] �l.!.l!.tU.L::ldl. (i.li;l.::(i, quarters, Glen Eyrie. with over 300 women at­ LAKEHURST, NJ tending. Speaker was Mrs. Cornelia Williams Sympathy is extended to lngeman Larsen on of Denver. Ladies came from as far as Plevna. the passing of his father in Norway. Ole MT, Rapid City, SD, Orem and Salt Lake City, Larsen was 96 years old. Utah and Casper, WY. Mrs. Ruth Spencer of Eaton is District WMS Chairman. MILTON, NJ Love and appreciation are extended to Mr. NEW MEMBERS and Mrs. Leif Pedersen for their faithful Boulder. CO, 4; Casper, WY, 4. BAP­ ministry of music to this congregation and a TISMS-Boulder. CO, 2. local retirement home, the second Sunday of -Virgil A. Nyberg, Supt. 0 each month for many years. Mr. and Mrs. REV. RICHARD OU LINSKY was installed Sept. 30 as Ernest Schantz observed their 58th wedding new pastor of the Sargent, NE, EFC. Pastor and anniversary Sept. 4 Mrs. Dulinsky and their daughter, Debra, moved to TEANECK, NJ Sargent from Auburn, CA. Several area pastors took DD0ffiruJl3§U The church 1s purchasing a new church van. part in the installation. Pastor and Mrs. (Doris) Dulinsky were pictured at the installation reception. ALLENTOWN, PA, Faith District Notes Rev Dwight Hodne from Camp Orchard Hill Pastoral Changes was WMS speaker Oct. 2, and Dr. Calvin Han­ son from TEDS was speaker at Missions Cap­ BROKEN BOW, NE sule Weekend. Oct. 20-21. Russell Epley, a TEDS graduate and a mis­ sionary candidate, is serving as interim pastor. NEW MEMBERS Kearny, NJ. 1; Lake Katrine. NY, 3. BAP­ CASPER, WY LEXINGTON, NE TISMS-Allentown. PA, 8; Lehighton, PA. 8. Dr. Stan Durham, pastor. had the joy of Pastor John Juntunen has resigned to accept a - J. Walter Erickson. Acting Supt., leading a college student to Christ. Upon city call to be pastor of the Newman Grove and Southern Area D council approval, they expect lo begin Rose Hill Free churches. Rev. and Mrs. Jun­ building a new church. tunen have served in various Free churches in WALL, SD Nebraska for over 20 years. The church has called Rev. David Prouty, GENEVA, NE l](D(Bffiij GJIJJ(!J(]UGJO(] evangelist. to serve as interim pastor. Nov. 18 Rev. Daryl Walling, who has been pastor since Canon City Notes to June 1 He preached Sept. 23 and a man the beginning of this church, has resigned to from Australia accepted Christ and eight per­ accept the call to be pastor of a new group in Attendance Increase sons rededicated their lives to Christ. He has Neal, Kansas, which is seeking affiliation with the Evangelical Free Church. CANON CITY, CO pastored churches 1n Montana and Attendance 1s rising, with an average of 73 on Washington Pastor and Mrs Eric Johnson OAKLAND, NE Sunday mornings, so· in the evening, and 35 were honored for their services. He was the Prof. John Dahlin of Minneapolis, conducted at midweek prayer service Because of the first pastor of the church. a prophetic conference under the auspices of witness of the pastor's wife. Edie Alleman. the ROUNDUP, MT the Covenant and Baptist churches, as well as school principal where she works accepted The church has asked Rev. Laverne R. Reeser the Free Church. Christ and is attending the church with his of Billings to serve as interim pastor. He is GRAND ISLAND, NE family a former faculty member of Montana In­ Dr. Thomas A. McDill, EFCA president, was COLORADO SPRINGS, CO, Austin Bluffs stitute of the Bible. guest speaker at four services of a mini­ Over 60 people are involved in the total FLAGLER, CO missions conference. ministry of Fvangelism Explosion. Several The cider of the Sunnydale church. Kenneth TEN DAYS AT TEDS decisions for Christ have been made. Burl Miller. died Oct. 3 He will be greatly Rev. Melvin Loge of Monroe EFC and Rev. BROOMFIELD, CO missed by both church and family. The church Daryl Walling of Geneva EFC took advantage Dr Dick Troup has resigned as pulpit minister women hosted a Spiritual Life Conference for of the continuing education offered by TEDS. effective Dec. 31, but will continue his area women. attended by 125 ladies. Mrs BAPTISMS m1n1stry at Rockq,ont College. Sa bra Powers was the speaker. Genoa, NE, 3. -Charles Crabtree, Supt. D

24 THE EVANGELICAL BEACON COMMISSIONING service was held Oct. 7 at Brooklyn Center EFC, Min­ neapolis, for Harry and Audrey Brown, who will be serving with Youth PASTOR JOHN LARSON was Installed Sept. 30 at Outreach in East Palo Alto, the district's newest church as he assumed the CA. The ministry's pur­ pastorate of Oakdale EFC, St. Paul, MN, which was pose is to evangelize, sponsored by First EFC of St. Paul. Pictured are, disciple and channel Into LANGFORD, SD, Rose Hill from left, District Supt. Mervin Seashore, Or. local churches under­ People were challenged with special music Gordon Addington, Pastor and Mrs. Larson, James privileged inner city and messages by Rev Syd Frank. Stanway and Or. David Johnson. children. Audrey Brown NEW MEMBERS grew up in the Brooklyn Constance, MN, 10; Maple Plain, MN, Joy, 2. Center EFC. She is the BAPTISMS- Balaton. MN. Skandia. 6 daughter of Ivan and -Mervin Seashore. Supt. 0 Evelyn Holst. The Browns, in front, are pictured with COVENANT MANOR church leaders and Pastor Carl Backie, second from Fine Retirement Living left. in a Brand New Setting Wholly-owned and operated by l]l£ill'illB (BIJGJUillGJU- the Evangelical Covenant Church East Chain Observes of America through its Board of ORDAINED-Rev. Don Nydam, pastor of the Valley Benevolence, Covenant Manor's at­ City and Elim churches in North Dakota, was or­ 90th Anniversary tractive new facility offers spacious dained in a special service on Oct. 7. A graduate of GRANADA, MN, East Chain apartments, comfortable recrea­ TEDS, he has served these churches since 1973. The church observed its 90th anniversary and tional areas, and that extra some­ Pictured are, from left, Olaf Hanson, Elim chairman; dedicated its new parsonage, with District thing. Pastor and Mrs. Nydam, Rev. Keith McNeil and Supt. Mervin Seashore as speaker. It's Christian care, extended by Arvid Dagman, Valley City chairman. District Supt. ELBOW LAKE, MN, Grace Mervin Seashore gave the ordination message. an organization involved in senior­ An improvement project consisting of a new adult care for almost a century. two-car garage, parsonage patio and parking Long-standing Colonial Acres lot blacktopping has been completed. Healthcare Center, adjoining Cov­ ROCHESTER, MN, Calvary enant Manor, provides the best in Former pastors. Rev. Gordon Kling, Rev. medical supervision. Wallace Larson and Rev. Donald Hamilton, participated in the church's 25th anniversary cou�nant celebration. A purchase agreement to buy 10 ••••••• • acres on the north side of town has been • Administrator 'Dmanor • signed. • Covenant Manor • 5800 St. Croix Avenue LAKEVILLE, MN, Trinity • Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422 • An attendance record was set Oct. 14, with • Phone: (612) 546-6125 • REV. ARTHUR RAMSLAND, pastor at First EFC, St. 220 in the morning worship service. • Send me additional information about: ANOKA, MN, Constance O Spacious Retirement facilities • Paul, MN, for 10 years, has accepted a call to a new • O Healthcare Center • church west of the Twin City area, Village EFC of Kim Pearson. student at Bethel College, is • Maple Plain, MN. He was Installed on Sept. 30. working with the youth group. Name • Taking part in the special service were, from left, BRAINERD, MN, Lakewood • Street • District Supt. Mervin Seashore, Rev. Ben Pent, • The church celebrated its 15th anniversary. e City State Zip • Pastor and Mrs. Ramsland, Rev. Sam Sawyer and Special guests included Rev. David Martin • Virgil Bergman, church chairman. and family and Dr. Thomas A. McDill, EFCA • Phone • president. •••••••••••••••

REV. RAYMOND HORST has been Installed as first lull-time pastor of the new Norfolk, NE, EFC. The in­ stallation was followed by a reception �nd a grocery shower for the Horst family. District Supt. Charles Crabtree, left, is shown welcoming Pastor and Mrs. BISBEE, BIBLE PHOENIX, Desert HIiis 3636 W. Greenway (Nancy) Horst and their son, Daniel. Highway 92 Welc San Jose Phone: 938-3950 Pastor: Colin P. Clark Box 4126 TEMPLE, Faith Phone: 432-3075 1251 E. Southern Avenue Phone: 838-6559 COTIONWOOD, Verde VIiiage Pastor: Nathan Luiz Community Bible Church Highway 279 Pastor: John Cowles TUCSON, First 4700 N. Swan Rd. Box 1081 Phone: 299-1660 Phone: 634-8447 Pastor: Gerald Hagelln PHOENIX, First 4802 E. Burmuda �i! 498 West Missouri Phone: 279·6011 TUCSON, Saguaro Pastor: Ed Huntley 10111 Old Spanish Trail 1717 West Monterosa P.O. Box 17054 Phone: 279-3979 Phone: 885· 7088 Pastor: Charles Dake

OCTOBER 30, 1979 25 ABOUT 130 were present at the ()!JI]§'i]l]l]l] newly organized Hope Evangelical Free Church, Dubuque, IA, for the Fresno Moves Into installation on Sept. 30 of Rick Large New Sanctuary Thompson as Hope's pastor. Pic­ FRESNO, CA tured at the installation and welcoming event were, from left, This rapidly growing church moved into a new John OeMeester, deacon; Mrs. sanctuary and facilities Oct. 7. with over Thompson, Pastor Thompson, who 1,400 at the two morning services. For over Is a recent TEDS graduate; District two years they have had three morning ser­ Supt. Ray Johnson, and Tom vices and three Sunday school sessions to ac­ Dougherty Sr., church chairman. commodate the crowds. Much of the fur­ niture and fixtures in the new offices for the pastoral staff have been love gifts from SATELLITE BEACH, Fl DES MOINES, IA, Indianola Heights families and individuals. Dedication services The men of the church enjoyed a father-son Paul Moore, youth and C.E. pastor, concluded will be held on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 18, banquet. Oct. 20. -Herbert Kyrk, Supt. D his ministry Sept. 30. He will serve as Director with Dr. Thomas A. McDill. EFCA president. of Child Evangelism for Broward County in as guest speaker. Florida. FREMONT, CA (Bl]l]'i]l](D(1 DES MOINES, IA, Westchester The first of four fall regional district con­ Pastor Clarence Balmer has resigned and will ferences was held Sept. 29. Church Planter Camp Project Gets conclude 11 ·years of ministry Dec. 31. On Jan. Bill Smith and several pastors gave encourag­ 1 he will assume the pastorate of the St. Louis ing reports of new churches and Bible study Needed Backing Park. EFC, Minneapolis, Minn. groups starting Rev. Ken Freeby from Turlock DISTRICT CAMP PROPERTY PURCHASED MUSCATINE, IA presented the new thrust for District Christian Churches and individuals have committed Dr. Lester Westlund, together with EFCA mis­ Education, and Rev. LaReau Thorwall from themselves to the purchase price of over 600 sionaries Roger Anderson, the Bill Colbys and Felton brought the challenge at the closing acres of the 640 comprising which will be Dave Heinrichs, shared in the Missions Con­ banquet. known as "Hidden Acres Christian Life ference, Oct. 20-24. Center." We appreciate the enthusiastic sup­ NAPA, CA, Napa Valley EFC MERIDEN, IA, Oakdale port given to this project. Brent Johnson from Willmar, MN, has as­ The church observed the 25th wedding an­ sumed the position of associate pastor for BOONE, IA niversary of Pastor and Mrs. David Stevenson Youth And Music. Tim Dahlin. member of the church, is engaged Oct. 21. -Ray G. Johnson. Supt. D ORLAND, CA in deputation work in preparation for service Charlie Gundry, 55. church chairman and under the EFCA in Venezuela. He spoke at ser­ long-time church leader. went to be with the vices Oct. 21. Lord on Sept 24 CEDAR RAPIDS, IA FOR SALE KELSEYVILLE, CA Rev. Robert Warren has resigned as pastor. Church pews: light oak finish, excellent condi­ This young congregation is to be commended COLUMBIA, MO tion. Thirty 10 ft. pews; three 8 fl. pews; one 7 ft. for its recent step of faith to relinquish their Rick Drenk, associate pastor in Christian pew. Also one 20 It. fiberglass church spire. Contact the regular monthly subsidy. An attendance high Education. has resigned to assume a similar Evangelical Free Church position in Burnsville. MN. of 104 was reached in September. 8th Ave. and 32nd St. NEW MEMBERS Kearney, Nebraska 68847 (308)237-5969 Felton, CA. 5; Kelseyville. CA, 4; Twain Harte, CA, 4; Reno. NV. Mt. Rose, 1. BAP­ Know someone NEW OPENING TISMS - Brisbane. CA. S; Felton. CA, S. Program coordinator to plan and direct year­ Kclseyvillc. C(\. 4; and Groveland, CA. 2. who deserves a round program at Evangelical Free Church RECOVERING FROM SURGERY Camp In Minnesota's heartland. Salary and Supt. Hauser is convalescing at home follow­ journalism benelits provided. ing gall bladder surgery. We are thankful for scholarship? Send resume to: your many prayers and kind expressions of Camp Shamineau Christian love and concern. The Evangelical Press Associ­ Motley, MN 56466 -R. W. Hauser, Supt. 0 ation, a non-profit corporation composed of some 250 Christian CHRISTIAN SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES periodicals, is vitally interested Christian teachers, farmers, secretaries, m the future of religious mechanics, printers, etc. Get into action with the § §'i]l]l]l] journalism. Christian peace corps. Christian Service Corps (](!J'i](Dl](D The Association annually offers two-year volunteer terms overseas or in Two New Groups provides at least two $500 U.S., plus training In Bible, language and culture. scholarships to deserving This experience will change your Ille. Inquire at Meeting in Florida college students committed to Christian Service Corps, Dept. EB, 1509 16th NEW CHURCHES a career in Christian com­ Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Jim Griffith of Gainesville has been working munications. Applicants must with two new groups of believers at Atlantic have completed their first HELP WANTED Beach and Tallahassee. God has blessed both year of college. Married couple (those with children accepted) to and there arc good prospects for formation of Further details and applica­ accept a full-time relief houseparent position two new churches. tion forms are available. available at a home for troubled boys located 70 BRADENTON, Fl miles southeast of Chicago on a rural 105 acre (Forms must be completed and Indiana setting. Responsibilities are child care Two have recently come to Christ and two returned b;: Ma-rch 1.) related only and include a full package of fringe new families have been attending regularly benefits. Write now to: � CLEARWATER, Fl Executive Secretary � For more information, please call 219/956-3125. Mrs. Nellie Straub, mother of Mrs. Charles Evangelical Pre11 Association Christian Haven Homes (Bethel) Will. was called to be with the Lord P.O. Box 4550 Rt. 1, Box 17 Sept. 15. at age 89. Our sympathy is extended Overland Park, Kan,ae 88204 Wheatfield, IN 46392 to Mrs. Will and Pastor Will.

26 THE EVANGELICAL BEACON TWO NEW STAFFERS-Lake Murray EFC, La Mesa, §lJJC!J'illDWl]§'iJ CA, has added two full-time employees to the church staff, Frederick H. Robinson, left, as (D(JJl](Dl]I] minister of Christian education and Gary G. Adams, Large Membership right, as church administrator. The new C. E. minister is a graduate of Talbot Theological Class at Tucson Church Seminary and holds an M.A.C.E. degree. Adams Is TUCSON, AZ, First a recent graduate of Christian Heritage College and A reception for new regular attenders and a candidate in the M.B.A. program at National new members. was held Sept. 9. There were 22 University. The growing Lake Murray church has honored guests and approximately 200 at­ two morning services, B a.m. and 10:45 a.m. tended the special event. There are 26 en­ rolled in a membership class taught by Pastor Gerald Hagelin. Special classes for high school and college students are being held, §lDC!JUlDWl]§U providing in-depth training to enable students to present Christ to campus groups. Inglewood Celebrates COLTON, CA -Donald F. Arveson, district chairman; Mortgage Burning $26,000 was committed in gifts and faith Lucille Wilcox. district reporter D promises toward erection of a church addi­ INGLEWOOD, CA tion. A mortgage burning ceremony Sept. 23 LA MIRADA, CA featured the presence of Rev. Howard Town­ Oct. 14 was Pastor Lewis Hohenstein's last send, the pastor who was instrumental in con­ Sunday here. The grateful congregation struction of the church. He now works among expressed its gratitude to him as the church's VISITING THE NATION'S CAPITAL Indians in Arizona. It was a happy time of re­ founding pastor. joicing in the blessings of God. Worship with us ar the SANTA BARBARA, CA NATIONAL EV. FREE LA MESA, CA (San Diego area) The Chinese congregation voted unanimously 3901 Gallows Road The Lamb's Players were featured Sept 16. A to accept the by-laws of Hope Evangelical ANNANDALE, VIRGINIA "" local engineering contractor has volunteered 10 ml/es from downtown D.C.CHURC Church as their own, thus further welding the Capita/ Beflway Exit 6E to lay tiles in a draining ditch as a gift to the deep relationship that exists between the two Sunday 11 a.m., 6 p.m. church. The saving will be about $25,000. congregations. j1 ·-" Wednesday service 7:00 p.m. YORBA LINDA, CA NEW MEMBERS Gerald Hall, Pastor Tel: (Study: 256·6220) A brunch honoring the pastors' wives was held La Mesa. CA, (San Diego area). 26; North (Home: 941·4170) Oct. 13 and the annual festival was enjoyed Hollywood, CA, 9. BAPTISMS-Colton. CA, 2 Paul Jensen, Youth Pastor Sept. 30. -Wallace G. Norlin2. Suot. 0 SEND US YOUR BIBLE. Not the one you use every day, but those extra Help us spread God's Word around the world to­ copies sitting on your shelf. Your Sunday School day. Send us your extra Bibles and we'll place Bible received as a gift many years ago. Or the them in the hands of those who have never had extra study Bible you rarely use. a Bible of their own. Here's all you need to do ... The World Home Bible League will take your extra Bibles, used or new, and send them to 1. Gather together all the Bibles and New Testa­ English-speaking people thousands of miles ments you are not using. away. 2. Package the Bibles ------, securely, then tape the G12 I People who desperately I label to your package. need Bibles, like those FROM: I in Ghana, where Bibles I 3. Take the package to Name: I the post office for mail­ are rationed. Or men I and women in India and Address: I ing. I the Philippines, where City: State:_Zip: I 4. If you would like to many read English, but I help us send these few have read about I Scriptures overseas, Christ. The World Home Bible League I TO: 16801 Van Dam Road I remember that 48� is South Holland, Illinois 60473 I the average cost to us It's just one of the ways I to ship each the League is working I I Bible. to place Scriptures in I every home in the BOOKS ENCLOSED I Thank you for reaching world. ------� out with God's Word. OCTOBER 30, 1979 27 NEW PASTOR-Rev. Fred Moore has been installed as A natural place to start new pastor of Salem EFC, your new life together. English division, in Chicago, You won't find a lot of neon lights. bawdy nightclub IL. Those who took part In the acts or tourist traffic at CASCADE LODGE. installation and welcome ser­ h's a very natural kind of place 10 spend your first few vice included, from left, Ray days together. We know because so many newlyweds Follingstad, District Supt. who have been our guests tell us so. Wesley Johnson, Rev. Doug CASCADE LODGE offers special package plans for Moore, pastor of Salem's newlyweds and they include little extras. such as a gift remembrance of your honeymoon when you leave. Spanish division; Rev. Jim Westgate, district director of Come stay awhile. Urban Ministries; Pastor Fred CASCADE LODGE ' \. • Wrif(' for fret brochurt �� Moore, Rev. Doug Moo and Grand Marais. Minnesota 55604 Rev. Bill Leslie. Phone (218) 387,1112 DISTRICT STAFF members have been meeting throughout the district with groups of Free Church pastors. Pic­ LYDIA HOME tured at one of the 10 meetings, at­ tended by a total of 90 men, were ASSOCIATION seated, Cy Olson, Dick Ahlberg, Roy an evangel/cal approach to child care Gibbs and Wallace Anderson. In back are Merton Pekrul, Paul Nelson, David Martin, Bruce Henne and Joel Ander- DAY CARE CENTER son. The purpose has been fellowship AFTER·SCHOOL and to share practical helps for a PROGRAM pastor In his ministry. RESIDENTIAL CARE REV. MARK GILBERT, pictured with his wife, Julie, and their sons, Nathan and Jared, was installed Sept. 22 as pastor of Winneshiek EFC, Freeport, IL. Asst. Dist. Supt. Gene Swanstrom shared in the message and gave the charge to the church and the Employment Opportunity: pastor as Rev. Gilbert and his family were welcomed We are presently looking for to their new ministry. dedicated Christian couples to serve as full-time houseparents for DEDICA TIDN service was held Sept. 30 for the new­ ly leased building which will house the McHenry, abandoned, abused, and neglected IL, EFC. District Supt. Wesley Johnson gave a families of children, ages 3-16. Ap­ dedication message. The church is rejoicing In the plicants must have a desire to serve new facility, which seats 150 and also provides of­ the Lord In this way, a love for fice and classroom space. Pictured are, from left, children with a willingness to give Bill Ewald, church chairman; Dennis Rynearson, of oneself, and the desire to make a Pastor Roy Wisner and Paul Drieske. 2-5 year commitment. Salary plus benefits Including room and board,

5150 CHICAGO AVE. S, MINNEAPOLIS. MN Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance, SUNDAY paid vacation and holidays. 9:,s A.M. Sunday S<:hool 11:00 A.M. Wo,ahlp S.nlc• 7:00 P.M. Evening s.,-.lct If Interested contact: MINISTERS Rew. Bruce Chapman Rick Thomu Doris Bauer, director WHEN BUYING A Rav. Oary Wrlaberg Lydia Home, 4300 W. IrvingPark Rd. NEW OR USED CAR Chicago, IL 60641 (312) 736·1447 " SEE JESUS IS LORD• LUNDEEN BROS. INC. ANNANDALE. MN

Telephone 274·8211 f iRsT EVANGElicAl f REE CHURCH Fourth Avenue & Sixth Street • Rockford, Illinois

SUNDAY SERVICES: Albin Funeral Chapel Lareau Lindquist, Pastor Paul, Ralph and Jack Albinson 9:15 Sunday School Telephone: 871-1418 Donald K. Childs, Associate Pastor 8:10/10:30 Morning Worship Service Timothy Dahlin, Discipleship (Broadcast WROK-1440 k.c.) James Forstrom, Christian Education 7:00 Evening Inspiration Bruce Erickson, Music

On Rockford's East Side - 4 blocks So. of U.S. 20 - 3 blocks East of U.S. 51 2200 Nicollet Avenue Minneapolis. MN 55404

28 THE EVANGELICAL BEACON 1- 1 - 1' I AT KNOTT'S BERRY FARM I (South Entrance) 7800 Crescent Ave. (at Highway 39) Buena Park, California 90620 la Area Code 714. 527-2201 A MERGER-Sunday,' Sept. 16, was a special day In the history of two ARIZONA-for your place in the sun Chicago Free Churches as Grace EFC and Belmont Heights EFC merged Into - - one church which will be known as Grace Evangelical Free Church of KATHY CRAIG, 1979 high Income property land homes Chicago. Participating were representatives of both churches. In front, from school grad and member of ORTLUND REAL TY, Inc. 20 West 1st Street #103 left, are Hal Freeman, Ralph Freeman, Pastor James Gordon, Belmont the Cary-Grove, IL, EFC, spent the summer as a Mesa, Arizona 85201 Heights; Pastor Max Frazier, Grace; Don Lagerberg and Herb Wyman. In the 602-969-4884 back row are District Supt. Wesley Johnson, Rev. James Westgate, Jim short-term missionary In Spann, George Parzygnat, Carl Smith, Don Lindholm, Rudy Juklc and Herb Guatemala with Teen Mis­ sions International, help­ MOVING TO TUCSON? Wyman Jr. Let a Free Church member ing rebuild an earthquake assist you In finding a home ruined church. A welcome or an investment. home reception was held Margaret Arveson for her Sept. 9 and she TUCSON REAL TY (602) 296-4848 or 745-6151. spoke and showed slides 6251 E. Broadway, Tucson, AZ 85711. of her ministry.

INSTALLED-Pastor Timothy Hall was welcomed Fargo Moorhead Home Specialists and installed Sept. 30 as new pastor of the Canton, IL, EFC. Rev. Oscar Leander, former pastor, was in­ PEORIA, IL stalled as pastor emeritus at the same service. Pic­ tured are, from left, Wilbur Jarvis, Paul Williamson, A group of Free Church people are meeting for a weekly Bible study. Anyone knowing of Rev. Leander, Pastor Hall, Bob Christianson, former pastor, and Jerry Leander. Asst. Dist. Supt. Gene interested persons in the Peoria area is en­ I couraged to receive more information by con­ Swanstrom also took part. Larry V,dger - Dennis Nelson tacting Rev. Bill Noonan, (309) 692-3716. CBCBl!i1'1: LuJI.LI!� -Gene Swanstrom, Asst. Supt. D District Welcomes Seven New Churches NEW, HIGHER on 5-year on regular O / O / certificates DISTRICT FALL CONFERENCE INTEREST RATES 7 IO certificates 6 IO Over 250 conferees gathered at the First EFC, Chicago, IL, for the annual fall conference. The theme was, "Building The Bonds of Love," and stressed an urban awareness of 11 loans have been ap· our ministry. Highlights included sessions by Dr. Warren Wiersbe, Dr. Raymond Bakke, and proved for 1979 for our Evangelical Dr. Gary Collins. Seven new churches were ac­ Free Churches. This has been possi­ cepted and welcomed into the Evangelical 175 ble through the enthusiastic re· Free Church during the conference. These in­ sponse from our many faithful cluded: New Life Evangelistic Bible Church, Churches Gary, IN; Faith EFC. Milford, Ohio (Cincinnati depositors, as well as new ones. area): Kettle Moraine EFC. Delafield, WI; New Have Thank you! Many of our churches Life EFC, Sharon, WI; L'Anse EFC, L'Anse, Ml; are waiting for a loan. De Forest EFC, De Forest. WI; Carpentersville Received EFC, Carpentersville, IL. WILL YOU ANSWER THE CALL CHICAGO, IL, Bethel Community Loans BY MAKING YOUR SAVINGS Rev. Randall Datolli has been called as Chris­ tian Education Director. Since 1959 ELGIN, IL DO DOUBLE DUTY? On Sept. 16, Dr. William Colby, his wife Norma, and their four daughters, shared their It will help our churches grow by providing for ministry in Zaire, where they are EFCA mis­ enlarged facilities and new buildings. sionaries. The church is rejoicing in an in­ 1. crease in Sunday morning attendance. It will provide income for you and a blessing from LYONS, IL the Lord by your participation. Lisa Weteska has won the Timothy award for 2. three perfect years in Awana. Pastor and Mrs. SEND A DEPOSIT AND MAKE IT GROW{ Carroll Anderson were honored Aug. 26 on their tenth anniversary of ministry in Lyons. MADISON, WI, Buckeye CHRISTIAN Twenty-one members and friends were bap­ INVESTORS FOUNDATION tized on Sept. 9 in a baptismal service con­ ducted by Pastor Gilbert Beenken at Lake H. S. Nordin, Secretary-Treasurer 1515 E. 66th St., Minneapolis, MN 55423 Waubesa Bible Camp. OCTOBER 30. 1979 29 WMS Project Will Help Meet Vital Need I asked David Falconer, missionary to Zaire. about our 1979-80 WMS project of building a missionary residence in wms Gemena. He explained that the Africans are moving to population centers and ACTIVITIES Gemena is probably the most important of the four major centers in their part of Vera Ewoldt, right, displays her new quilt and pillow the country. Shirley Dillon sham as Beda Anderson (wife of Vernon, EFCA Deputation Director) looks on. The WMS ladles from "We desperately need this missionary Trinity EFC, Lakeville, MN, completed the design­ residence in Gemena," he said. He then located in a center such as Gemena. ing and quilling of this beautiful project of the North shared three major functions of the fami­ They can maintain radio contact with all Central District. They stitched the 50 state flowers ly that will reside in the project home: of the missionaries. arrange necessary on individual squares. They presented their work of 1. They will assist the President of the transportation. and purchase supplies so love as a gift to Vera, their speaker, for the Camp Evangelical Free Church of the Ubangi. the missionaries can serve more effec­ Shamlneau retreat. 2.They will be in a strategic location tively. to reach the growing urban population We appreciate Dave's encouragement with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. and trust each local WMS group will 3. They will be in a position to serve plan an effective project night so that we the missionaries living in the more can reach our goal.The project slides are remote areas of the Ubangi. available through your district White It is so important to have a family Cross Chairman. D

Kathy Jacobson of Grace EFC, Fridley, LOWER MICHIGAN WMS WHITE CROSS IDEA MN, leads Camp The Lower Michigan WMS met at Missionary Elizabeth Anderson will Shamlneau retreat. Grace Evangelical Free Church. provide Scripture verses in the Lingala Rockford, Ml, on Oct. 6 for the fall language for WMS groups which would meeting. "Keep Me as the Apple of I ike to glue portions of the Word of God Thine Eye" was the theme and Mil into attractive greeting cards.With your Lundin shared an interesting devotional request to her, include a stamped. self­ on the theme. Joan Knudsen. pastor's addressed envelope. Write Elizabeth wife. sang so beautifully "Only One Life Anderson. 416 N.Ashland, Cambridge, to Offer." MN 55008. Virginia Martin led the business ses­ NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT sion and our WMS selected as our pro­ WMS ANNUAL RETREAT ject the purchase of steam cookery equipment for Spring Hill Camps, Evart, WHITE CROSS LEADERS Over 265 ladies attended each of two Ml, with a goal of $2,000. The next You can order a packet of suggestions three-day retreats held at Camp meeting will be held at Spring Hill for your White Cross for $1.00 from Jane Shamineau. Grace EFC, Fridley, MN. Camps in conjunction with the district Pfeifer. 29 Churchill Downs. Lake hosted the first weekend and Wayzata meeting, May 3, 1980. Oswego, OR 97034. EFC. Wayzata. MN. the following Doris Sanderson, missionary to Zaire, weekend. gave a challenging message entitled "No Vera Ewoldt shared a series of inspira­ Matter What Happens ... Praise the tional talks and challenged us with the Lord!". sharing many illustrations from NEW ADDRESSES soul-searching question: "Are we 'fake' daily life on the mission field. Althea Carey. 1417 N. Oak St.. Abilene. KS or 'genuine' in our Christian walk?" We were served a sumptuous 67410. Missionaries Ruth Anderson and Nellie Helen Eash, 201 Sarah. Longview. TX 75604. luncheon and enjoyed the fun and bless­ Hsu shared experiences from their lives Judy Paney, 1000 Manana, Edinburg, TX ings of the day. on the mission field. helping us to better 78539. Ruth E.Swanson, Secretary, appreciate and pray for their needs and President Eileen Enarson has a new Lower Michigan WMS 0 the needs of all of our missionaries. telephone number: (604)888-0235. We enjoyed skits. songs and a special time of testimony, which resulted in many ladies rededicating their lives to CAN WE STRETCH THE CHRISTMAS FUND? Christ.Special workshops offered ways Each year, the General WMS money of self-improvement and feelings of ac­ receives from each of the local Societies for a special complishment. "CHRISTMAS FUND" which enables our Mis­ We praise God for the good time of sionaries to receive a special Christmas check. fellowship that brought us closer Last year, we gave the largest amount ever, thanks to the generosity together as Free Church women and of the WMS ladies! helped us realize. that indeed. life is a I iving testimony. Since last year, the number of missionaries has increased. In ad­ dition, the WMS Board wishes to include our short-term mis­ -Vickie Protelsch. sionaries in this year's Christmas giving. WILL YOU HELP MAKE Riverside. EFC, THIS POSSIBLE? If you have not sent ,n your check for the Minneapolis D Christmas Fund, please do it NOW!! 30 Vivian Roseberg, Missions Chairman D WANTED WHEN IN THE SAN FRANCISCO Person with training or experience In business manage­ BAY AREA OF CALIFORNIA ... ment and willing to be responsible for office staff as ATTEND AN ... well as purchasing. Accounting knowledge vital. Write or phone: EV ANGELICAL FREE CHURCH Christian Haven Homes For list of churches and map showing geographical Box 17 location, write to Rev. Rodger Henderson, 28 Inyo Wheatfield, IN 46392 Street, Brisbane, CA 94005. (219) 956-3125 CALVARY PROTESTANT YOU'RE ALWAYS CHURCH WELCOME AT Baldwin, LI., NY EBENEZER EV. Church Strfft and Park Avenue FREE CHURCH Minister: Edward E. Tho mas WIii Edwards-Pastor Sunday services: 11 a.m.and 7:30 p.m. Bible 3chool 9:45 a.m. So. 43rd St. & Oklahoma Ave. Prayer meeting: Wednesday 7:3 0 p.m. Milwaukee, WI 53219 Afl/1/ated with the Ev. Free Church of America CENTRAL FREE CHURCH When in 10TH AVENUE SOUTH AT 7TH STREET Mrs. Don Criley, WMS Chairman, Pine City, MN, s MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55415 presents a Lile Membership Certificate to Mrs. Minneapolis (612) 335.94 93 Elmer Nelson, Rush City, MN. II was given to Mrs. A Attend CHRIST, CROSS, Nelson at the Nelsons' 65th wedding anniversary L celebration. t Evangelical Free CITY CENTERED 9 O'Clock Prayer Rev. H. Gene Follis, Pastor M Church Rev. Stan Syvertsen, Minister of Youth The Home o( Dial-A-Devotion 724-2887 Nancy Swan, Minister of Music by Shirley Dillon 14th Avenue S. and E. 31st Street SUNDAY Sunday School ...... •... 9:45 a.m. Services ...... 11 :00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Martin Kroeker, Pastor WEDNESDAY Fa mily Night .•...... 7:00 p.m. "Now glory be to Cod who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of- infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes." Ephesians 3:20 LB CAUG� rby Do you have a problem that seems im­ possible to solve? Perhaps you are Capital Gains Tax? desperately trying to cope with the burdens of life and are not allowing Cod to demonstrate His power through you. Avoid it with a God is able-through his love-to of­ fer help to solve any problem or crisis in your life. He has given us the gift of Free Church Unitrust fellowship with one another so we Generous lifetime income - No capital gains tax can share our problems one with another. but it is He alone who is able to ------lift our burdens and give us peace. Please send me, without obligation, free brochure The results will not always be evident on the Free Church Unitrust. as quickly as your would like. but His mighty power at work within you will borthdate month day year turn anxiety into peace, hate into love, and bitterness into forgiveness. name (moss, mrs .. mr.) Heavenly Father, Thank you for your mighty street power at work in me that is able to do far more than I would ever dare coty state zip to ask. Teach me, Lord, to trust you and MAIL TO: DARREL D. STARK as my faith continues to grow. DIRECTOR OF STEWARDSHIP allow me to share it with others EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH OF AMERICA 1515 EAST 66TH STREET that they, too, will pass on your 1079C wonderful care and comfort. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55423 Amen D

OCTOBER 30, 1979 31 The 'Chonge' in the Church Nursery

'We'd been there two hours ond still they cried·

the last thing I felt like.,doing, it sounded good compared to their by Gloria Chisholm, crying. I finished the song. Portland, Oregon The minute I stopped, the howling began again. I w asn't about to let those babies outyell me. I started singing another when they arrived, we would receive worship song and motioned for Lin­ a sympathetic look and high praise da and Betty Jo to join me. They did. for being able to keep our wits As if we'd pushed the magic but­ amidst mass confusion. ton, the crying stopped again. But the mothers who came and We began clapping our hands. saw their I ittle one howling in a crib The babies were now gurgling happi­ or corner playpen might not be hap­ ly and some were clapping their py with us. hands along with us. The church nursery seemed one For some reason, it bothered me And an amazing thing was hap­ huge mass of screaming babies, more than usual that morning.In my pening. I was no longer singing out most of them under a year old. mind, those sweet, cuddly little of frustration. My tired spirit had There were only thirteen, but they babies had been transformed into been revived. I felt like I could sing sounded like fifty. monsters. The constant crying and praises to the Lord forever. The other two nursery workers our total helplessness to do After we'd sung about every song and I found ourselves shouting at anything about it was getting to me. in our repertoire, we started over. each other to be heard above the I decided anything would sound bet­ Because if we stopped for a crying. ter than that crying. minute ...! We tried everything. We passed I burst into the first song that That half hour passed quickly. out crackers, changed diapers, entered my head: "Jesus· 1oves me When the mothers began arriving, rocked them in swings and gave this I know, for the Bible tells me we were noarse, but happy. The them bottles and pacifiers. Still they so ... " babies were happy. But most impor­ cried. Immediately, the babies' crying tant, the mothers were happy. We'd been there two hours and ceased. Linda and Betty Jo just When the last baby was gone, there hadn't been a moment without stared at me, astonished. Betty Jo, Linda, and I just looked at at least one baby crying. I was as surprised as they were, each other and laughed. There was still a half-hour until for I certainly hadn't expected it to As I closed the door of the nursery their mothers arrived from Bible affect the babies. I just wanted to that morning, I felt so good inside, study to get them, but I didn't think I hear something. different for a just as if I'd been to an exciting could stand it for even five minutes. change. I was singing more out of church service. I anticipated one of two greetings frustration than anything else. I'm And ... something I'd never felt when the mothers returned. If we sure the expression on my face was before. I could hardly wait until next happened to be holding their baby not pleasant. Although singing was week to do it all again. •