WINGS NEWS Volume 7 Number 09 Established May 2014 September 1, 2020 Ed Reynolds Publisher Email Wings News at
[email protected] Ed Reynolds Editor Settling into the COVID-19 norm Wings Over Wendy’s The Moment in Time: Monday Zoom meetings, The Manhattan Project A film, titled “The Moment in Time The Manhattan Thursday luncheons, - Project,” was shown at the meeting of August 3rd. The film follows the creation of the atomic bomb in the United we still see each other States. Passing each other shopping, at the hospital, at a In the late 1930s and early 1940s, atomic energy had stoplight, or on the sidewalk, we are settling into a new been discovered and studied in Germany. Due to Hitler’s normal lifestyle, still staying in touch on Zoom and phone nature and desire for war, there was fear that the newly calls. Many members meet for dinners practicing social discovered atomic energy would be used to create a very distancing. The important thing is we are still there to powerful explosive for the Nazis. This idea came from Leo support each other in this unusual time. We care, friends for Szilard, a refugee physicist, who informed President the remaining years of our life. Franklin Roosevelt about this possibility. It was known that if Germany developed this bomb, Hitler would win the war. The U.S. government went to work, creating the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was solely August 2020 dedicated to researching atomic bombs. General Leslie Groves was appointed as the head of this project. Development carried on, with lots of help coming from Meetings Robert Oppenheimer.