03 Ugps Bpa Update 3Nov07 Homer Neal
AAnn UUpdpdaattee oonn tthhee RReeppoorrtt ooff tthhee HHigighh EEnnerergygy PPhhyysisiccss AAddvvisisoorryy PPaannelel UUnniivverersisittyy GGrraannttss PPrrooggrraamm SuSubbppaannelel Homer A. Neal BPA Update November 3, 2007 1 PPuurrpposeose ooff SSttuudydy l TToo eexaxammiinnee tthhee ssttaattee ofof tthhee NNSSFF aanndd DoEDoE ggraranntt pprrooggrarammss ffoorr uunniivveerrssiittyy hhiigghh eenneerrggyy pphyhyssiicscs rreesseeararcchh,, ttoo ddooccuummeenntt tthheeiirr ssuucccceessssees,s, cchhaalllleennggeess aanndd pprroommiissee,, aanndd ttoo rreeccoommmmeenndd sstteeppss ttoo eennssuurree tthheeiirr ccoonnttiinnuueedd vviittaalitlity.y. 2 H. Neal, BPA, 3 November 2007 UGUGPSPS SSuubpbpaannelel MemMembbersershhipip l Thomas Applequist l Steve Olsen l Ritchie Patterson l Jonathan Bagger l Natalie Roe l Keith Baker l Randy Ruchti, ex officio l Jim Brau l Michael Shaevitz l Chip Brock l Elizabeth Simmons l Jordan Goodman l Wesley Smith, Vice-Chair l Chris Stubbs l Paul Langacker l Andy White l Kevin McFarland l P.K. Williams, ex officio l Homer Neal, Chair 3 H. Neal, BPA, 3 November 2007 SSuubbppaannelel DDaattaa CCoollellectctiioonn PPrroocceesssseses l Eight subpanel meetings across US l Two major surveys ( PI survey, Anonymous survey) l More than a thousand question-responses received l Five Town Hall meetings (DPF Honolulu, MIT, SLAC, CERN, Fermilab) l Multiple DPF mailings l Interactions with UEC, SLUO, DPF, agency officials, EPP2010 members, CoV’s, etc. l Informal reviews from field leaders at universities and national laboratories; and individuals outside field l Communications directly received by UGPS members 4 H. Neal, BPA, 3 November 2007 TThhee CChhaannggiinngg LLaannddssccaapepe (or why was a study needed?) l Particle physics in the United States stands at a crossroads. … it is a time of great opportunity. The LHC and new experiments in astrophysics, cosmology and neutrino physics promise to revolutionize particle physics and quite possibly, our understanding of the universe itself.
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