William Alfredo Loinaz Office Department of Physics Amherst College Amherst, MA 01002 (413) 542-7968
[email protected] EDUCATION: Ph.D. in Physics, July 1995 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Ann Arbor, MI. Doctoral Thesis: EXCLUSIVE SEMILEPTONIC AND RADIATIVE DECAYS OF B BARYONS TO LIGHT BARYONS M.S. in Physics, May 1991 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Ann Arbor, MI. B.S.E in Mechanical Engineering, Certificate in Engineering Physics, May 1989: PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, Princeton, NJ. Undergraduate Thesis: AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE USE OF STIMULATED RAMAN SCATTERING FROM O2 FOR USE IN TAGGING SUPERSONIC AIRFLOWS RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: Visiting Researcher (July 2007-present) UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AT AMHERST. Associate Professor (July 2007-present) AMHERST COLLEGE. KITP Scholars Program (2003-2005) KAVLI INSTITUTE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS (UNIVER- SITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SANTA BARBARA). Assistant Professor (July 2000-June 2007) AMHERST COLLEGE. Visiting Researcher (July 2003-July 2004) UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AT AMHERST. Fermilab Summer Visitors Program (July/August 1999) FERMILAB. Research in electroweak phe- nomenology, strong coupling gauge theories. Postdoctoral Research Associate (1997-2000) VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE & STATE UNI- VERSITY. Research in electroweak and Higgs physics, gauge theories, perturbative QCD, lattice field theory, SUSY and strongly-coupled extensions to the Standard Model. Postdoctoral Research Associate (1995-1997) THE UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH. Research in perturbative QCD as applied to B physics, Higgs physics, and lattice field theory. Fermilab Summer Visitors Program (July/August 1995) FERMILAB. Research in perturbative QCD, and B physics. Research Assistant (1992-1995) THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN with Prof. R. Akhoury. Research in chiral perturbation theory, perturbative QCD, and B physics. Research Assistant (1991-1992) THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN with Prof.