

*This information will remain strictly confidential, only needed for auditing purposes.

Nominated City*: __Florianópolis______(Country:___Brasil______)

City Category*: Clustered Knowledge City  Knowledge City-Region  Knowledge Metropolis 

*Please use one MAKCi Nomination form for each nominated city. You can nominate as many cities as you like. Please make sure you nominate each city for one category only.

17 MAKCi Questions (They are grouped together according Supporting reasons and relevant information, documents and links (to be to MAKCi Framework capital provided/posted by expert) on the MAKCi Forum categories)

 1. How distinctive and well positioned is the city’s identity (how valuable is the city’s brand and reputation)? (1. Identity).

Florianópolis, is a port city, capital of estado (state), of Southern . The city lies on the west coast of Santa Catarina Island. The first European settlement on the island was made in 1542 by Spaniards, but in 1675 control passed to the Portuguese, who established Desterro on the present city site in 1700. The settlement was given town status in 1726 and was raised to city rank in 1823. In 1893 the island was captured by revolutionaries who opposed the government of Brazilian president Floriano Peixoto. When the revolution collapsed, the city was renamed to honour the president. Central Florianópolis consists mainly of wharves, warehouses, and business establishments. This older harbour district is encircled by a modern residential section known as Praia de Fora, built on hill slopes. Florianópolis is the seat of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1960) and Santa Catarina State University (1966), and points of interest include the Anthropological Museum, the San Jaqui Museum, and a cathedral that dates to 1750. Florianópolis also has two substantial football (soccer) stadiums. (The editors, s/f)

Carijós Indians of the nation Tupi-Guarani were the first inhabitants of Florianópolis area. The traces of its presence are verified through archaeological sites and sambaquis dating up to 4000 years ago. The Indians called the place Meiembipe or "mountain along the channel". Around 1514 the Portuguese landed and gave the area the name Ilha dos Patos, but in 1526 it was renamed Ilha de Santa Catarina (Santa Catarina Island). The area supplied the vessels that went to Bacia da Prata. The official settlement of the island began in 1673 with the arrival of bandeirante Francisco Dias Velho's agricultural company and it continued in 1678 with the construction of a chapel consecrated to Nossa Senhora do Desterro. At this time a villa began to take form, slowly becoming a colonial settlement.

To guarantee its domain the Portuguese Crown elevated Santa Catarina Island to the category of village in 1714 with the name of Nossa Senhora do Desterro and already in 1726 they promoted it again, now to the category of town.

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From this date on Vila do Desterro and mainly the port began to have a strategic function because it was situated halfway between and Buenos Aires, possibly two of the largest seaside cities of South America at that time. For this reason in 1739 the Capitania da Ilha de Santa Catarina was created and Desterro became its capital. Soon the most expressive seaside defensive ring of Southern Brazil started to be built: Santa Cruz, São José da Ponta Grossa, Santo Antonio and Nossa Senhora da Conceição da Barra do Sul fortresses.

With the coming of the Captaincy the population began to grow, but the great population growth happened between 1747 and 1756 with the arrival of about 6,000 settlers coming from the Archipelago of Azores and from Madeira Island. The development of the agriculture, the cotton and linen industry and the commerce followed the Azorean occupation. In 1823, still in the monarchic period, Desterro became the Capital of Santa Catarina Province opening a prosperity period with many urban works and also with an intense political organization. Regional elites not happy with the government centralization deflagrated Revolta Federalista (Federalist Revolt) at the beginning of the Brazilian Republic. The movement that started in spread to Santa Catarina and turned Desterro into the Federalist Capital of the Republic. The then , Marechal Floriano Peixoto, known as Iron , contained the rebellion and ordered the shooting of many people who were considered enemies of the state, in the Anhatomirim Island Fortress. Possibly to show loyalty to the marshal, 1893 saw the change of the state capital's name: from Desterro to Florianópolis, that is to say, city of Floriano.

Today, though, the name Florianópolis has almost lost its association with the Marshall. In Florianópolis, the modern joins to the historical and both formed an alliance with the preserved nature composing full scenery of emotion and harmony. (Florianopolis, travel)

Carijós Indians inhabited the area in and around Florianopolis from 2,000 BC onwards. At this time, this ancient settlement was named Meiembipe, which roughly translates as 'Mountain with Canal'. It was in the year of 1673 when things really took off here, following the arrival of Francisco Dias Velho, a wealthy pioneer, slave hunter and gold prospector, who arrived here from Sao Paulo with ambitions of founding his own community. He brought with him roughly 100 of his employees and together they colonised the island of Santa Cararina, farming the land.

A chapel was built in Vila do Desterro and a settlement established, marking the origins of modern-day Florianopolis. The present-day Metropolitan Cathedral (Catedral Metropolitana) actually resides on a site of this earlier chapel from about this time and is a marker of Florianopolis history. It stands next to the Praca XV de Novembro and off the Rua Arcipreste Paiva, where it is especially celebrated for its ornate detailing, large pipe organ and stained-glass windows. The Portuguese declared it a village in 1714, and just 12 years later, it had grown so much that it was designated a town. The city considers its official date of founding to be 23rd March 1726, and this anniversary is celebrated every year with gusto.

Fortresses were erected around the city and the island, to defend against potential attacks from the Spanish fleet. A couple were built not long after Desterro became a town, including the Fortaleza de Santo Antonio and the Fortaleza Sao José da Ponta Grossa, both of which were completed in 1740. The Fortaleza de Nossa Senhora da Conceicao made an appearance just two years later, while perhaps the most impressive is the Fortaleza Santana, which dates back to the early 1760s. By the early 1800s, Desterro had become relatively affluent and in 1823, it was awarded the status of Santa Catarina's provincial capital. The Church of Our Lady of the Rosary was completed not long after this, in the year of 1830, after taking more than 40 years to build.

Post-Brazil independence, Desterro was eventually renamed to the historic city of Floriano, or Florianopolis. (Florianopolis History Facts and Timeline)

The traditional inhabitants of the city were mainly from an indigenous community—the Carijós. Following the European arrival in the 16th century, a large proportion of the indigenous population died, and those who remained alive were held as slaves, and

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removed from the city. In 1738, Florianópolis started its urban development journey from the creation of the Captaincy of the Island of Santa Catarina (the main island where Florianópolis is located) due to its geostrategic military significance. This development was sped up by the Portuguese settlers exploiting opportunities for agriculture, manufacturing, and fishing. (Bernardinetti, et al. 2018)

Source: The editors of encyclopaedia Britannica (s/f) Florianópolis. Recuperado de:

Florianopolis travel:

 2. How good is the city knowledge-based development strategy and the capability to enact it? (1. Identity).

Florianopolis Identity:

Florianopolis History Facts and Timeline, america/brazil/santa-catarina/florianopolis/florianopolis_history.html

Portilho, A. (s/f) Tourism in Florianopolis, Brazil. Landscape Patrimony in the basis of a Sustainable Development. Departamento de Arquitectura e Urbano. Santa Catarina. Retrieved from:

3. How good are the city’s strategic intelligence systems (e.g. does it have a Future Center or equivalent initiative?) (2. Intelligence).

The project of health planning at the Primary Health Center Lagoa da Conceição, in Florianpolis Brazil emerged as a need to change a model of care assistance, based on the spontaneous demand and a limited scope in the practice of health (passive attitude) for a model of Family Health Strategy, with shares epidemiological data on a defined territory and organizations a supply of services, expanding the community's access to health services (pro-active attitude). (Conference Paper, 2009)

For many tourist islands, the diversification of economic activities from tourism and service sectors to knowledge and innovation economy sectors have been a top government policy priority. To name a few, Canary Islands, Cyprus, Florianópolis, Hawaii, Malta, and Puerto Rico are among these island territories. The rationale behind the diversification efforts is two-fold. Firstly, tourism has a tremendous externality on the environment and natural resources, and is not a sustainable economic activity in the long-run. Secondly, knowledge and innovation economy activities produce higher value-addition with lesser environmental impact, and an upskilled workforce makes the economy more resilient to the prospective global financial crises. (Bernardinetti, et al. 2018)

The State displays a mixed economy ranging from agriculture-based on small farms and an active industrial park, which is the fourth-largest in Brazil. There are many small businesses and large companies spread across the state. The industry in Santa Catarina is linked to ports and consumers centers through an efficient highway grid. The roads network boost tourism that is a natural vocation of Santa Catarina. Santa Catarina is the third-largest tourist center in Brazil.

FIESC-Federation of Industries of Santa Catarina State President. Mr. Glauco José Côrte

Fecomercio Santa Catarina - Federation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism President: Mr. Bruno Breithaupt

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PRODEC (Program of Development for Companies of Santa Catarina State) Information by Santa Catarina State Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development. (Investment opportunities in Brazil)

The initiative is part of the Florianópolis Municipal Culture Plan which has established, regulated, and directed the implementation of the city's public policies for ten years. It is one of the key components in setting up the Municipal Culture System. This is the result of a participative process that aligns with the regulations set by the Ministry of Culture and Agenda 21 for culture (A21C). The project is connected to A21C because it proposes cultural development through cooperation among actors that make up the sphere. These include government, civil society organisations, universities, and the private sector in an effort to fortify innovation and creativity. The aim is to do so through a process open to: local community interaction, the appreciation of cultural traditions, memory, the use of knowledge and practices, the development of gastronomy as an intangible asset, strengthening cultural and gastronomic tourism, innovations in gastronomy-related tourism, and the use of the art of gastronomy as an element in cultural identity. In a globalised world, feeding a population has come to mean going against the use of local products. This projects seeks to improve the services, products, recipes, or ingredients historically defined by the geographical area, as well as to improve both natural soil or climate factors and human factors including tradition and culture. The aim is to revive these methods and products and turn them into a competitive advantage. (Culture 21 ) Más organos: Federation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism Santa Catarina, National Service of Commercial Learning Santa Catarina, Brazilian Association of Software Companies, Brazilian Institute of Zero Waste, Federal University of Santa Catarina, and University of Caxias do Sul, as shown in Table

Source: Conference, P. (2009) Local planning - an experience on a primary care center in Florianopolis, Brazil. Conference: 12th World Congress on Public Health World Health Organization.

Bernardennetti, N. et al (2009) Towards Smart Florianópolis: What Does It Take to Transform a Tourist Island into an Innovation Capital? Retrieved from: file:///Users/OsvaldoAL/Downloads/energies-11-03265%20(1).pdf

Investment opportunities in Brazil, Retrieved from: Culture 21: Retrieved from: 05/FLORIANOPOLIS%20-%20DEF%20%28ENG%29.pdf

On business culture: courses-with-locals/ifpf3119

 4. How strong is the city’s social cohesion? (4. Relational) No rationale available for this capital at this point.

 5. How good are the city’s regional, national and international relations? (4. Relational). No rationale available for this capital at this point.

6. How healthy are public financial accounts? (3. Financial)

Main Financial features: 1. It has a strong economy and industry; five ports with operational excellence; and eleven Santa Catarina cities stand out among the fifty best in Brazil in terms of quality of life. 2. The state has the fourth largest industrial park in the country. 3. It also has a large crop production and is considered one of the leading food producers in Brazil. 4. It has an extensive coastline full of beaches, contrasting with the hills, where the lowest temperatures take place in the country. These destinations are extremely desired during the

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summer and winter seasons, respectively, making Santa Catarina a famous tourist attraction all year long. 5. In the past three decades, the Santa Catarina economy grew 340%, which was much higher than the Brazilian average. This high growth was due to Santa Catarina’s highly successful decentralized development model, which was propitious for a diversity of economic activities, in keeping with the potential of each region. Santa Catarina’s economic activity is characterized by regional specializations. 6. Program of Development for Companies of Santa Catarina State (PRODEC) is a mechanism of governmental finance to companies in the State of Santa Catarina. The purpose of the program is to offer tax incentives for the setting up or expansion of industrial and agri-business enterprises which will generate jobs and income in Santa Catarina. It is the delaying of total or partial payment of ICMS (Goods and Services Circulation Tax) to be generated by the entrepreneur.

In line with a declining national economy since 2013, the unemployment rate in Florianopolis jumped from 3.8% in 2012 to 7.5% in 2017—still being well below the national average of 13.1%. In 2016, the average monthly salary was 4.7 minimum wages (15th in Brazil) and the proportion of employed persons in relation to the total population was 66.3% (17th in Brazil)—minimum monthly wage is around R$1000 or about US$240 (Bernardinetti, et al, 2018)

From 2002 to 2015, in 20 of the 26 Brazilian states, the participation of the GDP of capitals in the national figure recorded a decrease (-2.9 percentage points). The participation of municipalities out of the capitals rose from 63.9% to 66.9% of the GDP, with an increase of 2.9 percentage points in the period. In 2015, seven municipalities (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Porto Alegre and Manaus) concentrated about 25.0% of the country's GDP and 14.3% of the population. The first five ones have been on the same position in the ranking since 2010. The ten municipalities with the highest per capita GDP accounted for 1.3% of the national GDP and only 0.1% of the country’s population, in 2015. The highest GDP per capita was that of President Kennedy (ES), an oil producer, and the lowest figure came from Novo Triunfo (BA). Among the capitals, in 2015, São Paulo was in the first position regarding participation in the country's GDP, where Palmas was in the last position The 25 highest GDP figures had 37.7% of participation in GDP and only 23.5% of the population. In 2015, in 3,170 municipalities (56.9% of the total) the main economic activity Administration, defense, public education and health and social security. Except for civil service, in 3,129 municipalities (56.2% of those in the country) Agriculture was the main economic activity.

In 2015, Presidente Kennedy (ES) had the highest GDP per capita, and Novo Triunfo (BA), the lowestin the same year. Also in 2015, more than 30% of the municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso had GDP per capita above that of the country (R$ 29,323.58). On the contrary, none of the municipalities in the states of Acre and Roraima had that characteristic. In the North and Northeast, the number of municipalities with GDp per capita above the nationa figure did not surpass 6.7%. (Agencias IBGE, 2017) All these factors form the perfect scenario that makes Florianópolis one of the best cities in Santa Catarina for investment, including real estate. The real estate market remains strong and even in the recession period, kept the rise in price in real estate. According to the FipeZap Index, the city closed 2017 with + 4.34% in the price in the sale price of residential properties Although it directly contributes to the potential of the technology sector of Florianópolis, tourism is still the main responsible for the expansion of the city. After all, crossing the access bridge to the Island, the tourist is enchanted by the landscape and would soon intend to settle there (Real Urbanismo).

Investment opportunities in Brazil: retrieved from:

Agencias IBGE, (14 de diciembre 2017) 2015 GDP of Municipalities: participation of capital

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cities in the GDP records decrease. Retrieved from: agency/releases-en/18796-2015-gdp-of-municipalities-participation-of-capital-cities-in-the- gdp-records-decrease

All cities:

IBGE. Retrieved from:

 7. How good is the city’s location, climate and physical landscape? (Instrumental tangible).  “The area is located in the northern half of the southern State of Santa Catarina (Brazil), between Paulo Lopes and Jaguaruna. Landward it is constituted by the “Escudo Catarinense” shield, and oceanward by the Florianópolis platform. This shield is composed by volcano-sedimentary rocks and granitoids of Archean to Proterozoic ages, being partially covered at the western portion by sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Paraná intracratonic basin, whose ages are changeable from Silurian to Cretaceous. (Portilho, s/f).

 8. How advanced are the city’s environmental policies? (Instrumental-tangible) Wildlife rescue center – Florianopolis: organization responsible of rescuing, rehabilitating and reintegrating wild animals into their habitat. They are working hard to improve the welfare of each individual during the process of rehabilitation and post-release in the state of Santa Catarina (BE,). projects/wildlife-rescue-center-florianopolis/  9. How good is the quality of urban physical infrastructure? (Instrumental-tangible)  No rationale available for this capital at this point.

 10. How good is the city’s transportation and telecommunications connectivity? (Instrumental-tangible).  No rationale available for this capital at this point.  11. How ‘youthful’ is the city (e.g., how large is the demographic cohort of people under the age of 25)? (5. Human individual).

The Municipal Human Development Index (MHDI) for Florianópolis in 2010 was 0,847 placing this municipality in the Very High Human Development range Very High (MHDI between 0,800 and 1). Longevity is the dimension that contributed most to the MHDI of the FU with 0,873, followed by Income with 0,870, and Education with 0,800. (Atlas of human development Brazil). Source: Atlas of human development Brazil, retrieved from:

12. How good are public health standards? (6. Human collective)

Infant mortality (mortality of children of less than one year old) in the municipality dropped from 18,3 per thousand born alive in 2000 to 10,8 per thousand born alive in 2010. In 1991 the rate was 21,5. For the FU, that rate was 11,5 in 2010, 16,8 in 2000 and 24,8 in 1991. Between 2000 and 2010 the infant mortality rate in Brazil dropped from 30,6 per thousand born alive to 16,7 per thousand born alive. In 1991 the rate was 44,7 per thousand born alive. With the 2010 rate Brazil fulfills one of the United Nations Millennium Development Objectives: reduce infant mortality to less than 17.9 deaths per thousand in 2015.

Longevity, Mortality and Fecundity - Municipality - Florianópolis - SC

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1991 2000 2010

Life expectancy at birth (in years) 71,3 74,4 77,4

Mortality up to 1 year of age (per thousand born 21,5 18,3 10,8 alive)

Mortality up to 5 years of age (per thousand born alive) 24,9 21,2 12,1 Probability of dying between birth and the exact age of five per 1000 children born alive.

Total fecundity rate (children per woman) 2,1 1,7 1,2

13. How equal are social and economic opportunities for individuals citizens to develop their full potential? (5. Human individual).

The Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) has its main campus located in Florianópolis, capital of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Founded on 18 December 1960 with the goal of promoting teaching, research and outreach, UFSC delivers free and public education and is placed among the best universities in Brazil and in Latin America. (UFSC). Unisul (Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina) is a multicampi education institution involved in production, development, and spread of knowledge by means of research, teaching and extension at all the knowledge areas, in-class and e-learning teaching. Unisul, since its creation in 1964 is focused on preparing the new generations, it is an innovation tool supporting the society changes, and betting on partnerships and agreements with other teaching institutions worldwide. (UNISUL)

Sources: (UFSC) Retrieved from:


14. How robust is the governance and social organization structure? (8. Instrumental intangible)

No rationale available for this capital at this point.

15. How good is the coverage and quality of public information services (e.g., e- Government)? (8. Instrumental-intangible) No rationale available for this capital at this point.

16. How diverse and creative is the city’s cultural environment? (8. Instrumental-intangible).

Nowadays, Florianopolis is offered for tourism focusing beaches, culture and history, ecology and events, counting on more than 100 hotels of tourist or superior category and lodging for more than 20 thousand people (including campings, hostels, etc.), sector that is directly responsible for about 10 thousand jobs and, when associated to the segments of restaurants and entertaining, to more than 20 thousand. In the 2003/2004 season, over 580 thousand tourists visited the city, being almost 500 thousand of and over 89 thousand foreigners, generating an income around 113 million dollars. Of this amount, the national tourists contributed with approximately 89 million and the foreigners close to 24 million. That corresponds to approximately 0,6% of the dollar income in the country in the same period (EMBRATUR, 2004). The tourist attractiveness of Florianopolis stems from its natural attributes and cultural landscape resulting from the colonial processes of human settlement and farming (see figure 2). This unique spatial structure is characterized by urban concentration, functional and geographical, of the founding nucleus, and an urbanization of the periphery, spread in several nuclei, originally from colonial occupation. In the city evolution, the creation of

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the rural coastal space was one of the transforming moments that marked the most the physical structure of the city as it established a particular distribution of human occupation spread apart and with the island natural systems in the space in between them, a specific land division, a number of common use areas and a restricted terrestrial circulation system that up to today influences in territory organization, being kept that way until the middle of the 20th century, when they started being threatened by the modernization of social and economic relations. These characteristics, as the fact it is an island, are the ones that make the city different from other space organizations, because it is constituted by dispersed human occupation made up of urban and not-urban structures among high scenic value of landscapes, identifiable by everyone that visits them. The process of touristization begins in the mid-50s, after a delayed process of modernization in the urban core, caused by factors as the regional rural migration and fast decadence of agriculture and fishing and the increase of value of the real estate in areas in the interior and coast of the island, started to increase at the fifties, when 75% of the population was already in the urban areas. Starting at the eighties, this occupation was directed towards the coast of the island, initially with second residences, but now has been transformed in permanent, with new migratory flows. (Portlho, s/f)

In this context, we can highlight two dimensions of tourism recent development in Brazil. The first is the spatial structuring, promoted with participation of federal, state and municipal governments, establishing conditions for private investments attraction through implantation of urban-regional infrastructures (airports, roads, basic sanitation, electrification, urban reforms etc.). This dimension is of key importance for the understanding of touristification process in several places of Brazil’s coastal zone, once public policies, by establishing the logic of spatial structuring, have contributed to direct touristic flows in national scale to regions previously little touristified. (Silveria y Rodrigues, 2015).

Sources: Silviria, M y Rodrigues, A. (2015) Touristic Urbanization in Brazil : A Focus on Florianópolis – Santa Catarina. Retrieved from : 17. How good is the city’s collective capacity to foster economic and political innovation? (8. Instrumental-intangible).

Please feel free to include additional information (as many pages as you like) to support each of your nominee cities, especially if relevant to IC/KBD/KBUD schemes.

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