PUB CATE 70 NOTE 136P.;(178 References) ERRS PRICE MF
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 07-784 LI 004 194 TITLE International Library Manpower; Education and Placement in North America (ALA Preconference Institute. Detroit, Michigan; June 26-27, 1970). Education for Librarianship: Country Fact Sheets. INSTITUTION American Library Association, Chicago, Ill. Office for Library Education.; Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y. Graduate School of Library and Information Science.; Wayne State Univ., Detroit, Mich. Dept. of Library Science. PUB CATE 70 NOTE 136p.;(178 References) ERRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS Conference Reports; *Foreign Countries; *Librarians; Library Associations; *Library Education; Library Schools; Library Standards; Manpower Development IDENTIFIERS *Librarianship AESTRACT Fact sheets on the general education system and education for librarianship are presented for 49 countries. The following countries are represented: Algeria, Australia, Austria, Burma, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Germany Ghana, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Latin America, Lebanon, Libya, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Taiwan (Formosa), Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Republic, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Venezuela, Viet Nam, West Africa, Yemen.(A related document is LI 004193.) (03) FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY U S DEPARTMENT OF HTAllti FOUCATION A WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS Li EiN trkit, DIXED EXACTLY AS r Trt f Rom THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION 0516 INATINO IT POINTS OF VIEW 05 (+PIN IONS STATER DO NW NEt:rr,',1,,, REPRESENT OFT-KART (II I It.E of ,00 CATION POSITION OtHPOLICY INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY MANPOWER EDUCATION AND PLACEMENT IN NORTH AMERICA. ALA Preconference Institute. Detroit, Michigan June 2.6- 27, 1970 EDUCATION FORAABRARIANSHIP: COUNTRY FACT SHEETS.
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