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PUB CATE 70 NOTE 136P.;(178 References) ERRS PRICE MF DOCUMENT RESUME ED 07-784 LI 004 194 TITLE International Library Manpower; Education and Placement in North America (ALA Preconference Institute. Detroit, Michigan; June 26-27, 1970). Education for Librarianship: Country Fact Sheets. INSTITUTION American Library Association, Chicago, Ill. Office for Library Education.; Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y. Graduate School of Library and Information Science.; Wayne State Univ., Detroit, Mich. Dept. of Library Science. PUB CATE 70 NOTE 136p.;(178 References) ERRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS Conference Reports; *Foreign Countries; *Librarians; Library Associations; *Library Education; Library Schools; Library Standards; Manpower Development IDENTIFIERS *Librarianship AESTRACT Fact sheets on the general education system and education for librarianship are presented for 49 countries. The following countries are represented: Algeria, Australia, Austria, Burma, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Germany Ghana, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Latin America, Lebanon, Libya, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Taiwan (Formosa), Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Republic, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Venezuela, Viet Nam, West Africa, Yemen.(A related document is LI 004193.) (03) FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY U S DEPARTMENT OF HTAllti FOUCATION A WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS Li EiN trkit, DIXED EXACTLY AS r Trt f Rom THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION 0516 INATINO IT POINTS OF VIEW 05 (+PIN IONS STATER DO NW NEt:rr,',1,,, REPRESENT OFT-KART (II I It.E of ,00 CATION POSITION OtHPOLICY INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY MANPOWER EDUCATION AND PLACEMENT IN NORTH AMERICA. ALA Preconference Institute. Detroit, Michigan June 2.6- 27, 1970 EDUCATION FORAABRARIANSHIP: COUNTRY FACT SHEETS. EDUCATION FOR LIBRARIANHIP LIST OF FACT SHEETS 1.A lgeria 25.Latin America 2. Australia 26.Lebanon Austria 27.Libya 4. Burma 28. Mexico Chile 29. Morocco 6. Costa Rica 30. Nigeria 7. Cuba 31.Pakistan 8. Denmark 32. Panama' 9. Ecuador 33.Paraguay 0. Ethiopia 34.Peru 11.Germany 35.Philippines 12. Ghana 36. Saud Arabia Guatemala 37. Sudan 14.India 38. Syria 15.Indorse 39. Taiwanorroosa) 16.Iran 40. Thailand 17.Iraq 41.- Tunisia Israel 42. Turkey 19.Italy 43. United Arab Repub lc 20. Jamaica 44. United Kingdom 21. Japan 45. Uruguay 22. Jordan 46. Venezuela 23. Korea 47. Viet Nam 24. Kuwait 48. West Africa 4g_ VAmnii Institute on "INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY MANPOs., ER: Education and Placement in North America'' Detroit - Tune 26-27, 1970 Education for L brarianshi -ALGERIA (lncot nlete) BACKGROUND INFORMATION Population - 12,540,000 Compulsory Education- - Age Limits 6-14 Duration 4.Entrance Age 6 5.School Enrollment Ratios Unadjusted School Enrollment Ratios: A.First Level B.Second Level 11 First and Second Levels 34 Adjusted School Enrollment Ratios: First and Second Levels 39 6.Education at Third Level(1966) A. Teaching Staff B.Students 8,503 C. Number of studentsper 100,000 inhabitants 70 7.Libraries (1964) Volumes.. A.National 1 653,00.0 B.University 1 500,000 C.School 75 40,000 D.Special 12 43, 000 E.Public 16 6l, 000 UNESCO Stet cal Yearbook 1968.Pas, 1969 Institute on "INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY MANPOWER: Education and Placement in North America" Detroit une 26-27, 1970 Education for Librarianship -- AUSTRALIA Fact Sheet prepared by Norman Horrocks Primer ariyi§&sEducatiom Compulsory for all children between ages 6 15, except in Tasmania where the leaving age is 16. Those who wish to continue their education stay at secondary school until ages 17 or 18 when they sit their final examination. A good pass in this generally quali- fies a student for admission to a university, college of advanced educeion or teachers' college. Advanced Education There are fifteen universities and one university college.Lorarianship is taught at only one institutionthe Tlniversity of New South Wales. This is a graduate school and successi 1 completion of a one -year program leads to the award ofa Diplorrca in Librarian- ship. Graduates with an approved c ualification in librarianship suchas the Diploma, may proceed to a Masters in Librarianship. The Masters program ade up in part by course ,work and in part by thesis.In general, an Australian bachelor's degree is compl in three years at "ordinary" level; an "honors" degree takes four years. The university year is 30 weeks, from March to December. There is no ecTuivalent of the American "liberal arts" college or junior college. Each major city has a college of education, institute of technologyor technical college. Their declared aim is to provide a wide range of courses at different levels. The highest level is that of Diplom- which is awarded by the teaching institution but which is often accepted by professional bodies for membership. Admission standards for diplomacourses are usually those for university admission and official government policy is that these -2- institutions should be regarded as" "different from, but iot inferior to, the universities Full -time schools of librarianship now exist in Canberra, lbourne and Sydney. Similar schools are planned for Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, and Brisbane; i.e. ,the Federal and cap:1 State capital will have a school of this kind.The pattern seems to be emerging that thew will be three-year diplo courses combining librarianship with othersubjects and taken by non-graduates. These same schools will probablyoffer one-year diploma courses open to graduates. Part-time courses in librarianship are also offered in anumber of centers to prepare Stu- dents for the centrally-administered examinations ofthe Library Association of Australia. These examinations are held annually; the instructors andthe examiners are usually practicing librarians. Examinations are held in seventeensubject fields and normally nine must be completed to qualify as an Associate ofthe Library Association of Austra (A.L.A.A.) and be entered on the register as a professionally qualifiedlibrarian. The A .L.A.A . may be obtained with a specialization ineither librarianship or archives, although "core" courses are basic to both programs .To enter for the examinations , a student must be at the educationallevel which would gain him admittance to university. In addition to passing the recuired examinations person must be 21 years of age with at least three years of experience and/or training in alibrary or archival institution approved by the Board of Examiners. The Library Association of Australia will admit to its Registerthose who passed the nine examinations and those who obtain a Diploma fromapproved full-time schools of librarian- ship. All are regarded as Associates. In addition, the Associationawards a diploma of its own for an approved thesis. The Associationalso awards a Fellowship (F .LA.A.) on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners for "distinguishedcontribution to the theory or practice of librarianship." There are4 Teachers' Colleges fuby the State Education Lepartments. These have close links with the Universities. For teacher_ at primary level a two or three year program is undertaken; for secondary schools a teacher will normally follow a four-year program corn- bining a degiee and a diploma in education.In some teachers' colleges there are courses in school libra,ianship. Towards the enrl f 1959, an Australian School Library Association was fort ed which may affect future developments in this field. Biblioa Jean Hagger, l'Principles into Practice," in Australian Library Tournal, vol. December, 1969, pp. 413-416. Library Assbciation of Australia. ridbook. (Annual). Wilma Radford, "Education for Librarianship" in Australian Library Journal, vol. 18, no. 11, December, 1969, pp. 4,07-411. Jean Whyte -- Australia, in Library Trends, October, 1963. Institute on "INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY MANPOWER: Education and Placement in North America" LietroitJune 26-27, 1970 Education for Librarianshi =AUSTRIA Fact Shoat prepared by J. Pariam Eanton Austria has a highly developed educational systemhich, like that of Germany, is essentially of four levels: primary, secondary, tertiary, and university. The tertiary level, education in thegymnasiuie,ter in tes at the end of about the American sopho- more-year, or junior college level.University education is alrr ost universally reouired for the highest level positions in all professions, including librarianship. Such positions are, however, a minority of all professional posts in almost all libraries, and arelargely concentrated in academic and scholarly librariesnational, state, and university. Although Austria has no library school, the standards for library education and professional employment in the scholarly libraries are very high. As in Germany, there are two classes of professional employees. The,recruirements for the "higher service" are, first of all, a doctor's degree in an academic subject field, followed by one and three- quarters years of intensive in-service training, the last six months of which are inthe National Library in Vienna. Courses are given by senior librarians of its staff and the staffs of a few other libraries. The candidate must then pass a series of four cpre- hensive examinations, three written and one oral, covering the subjects of paleography, bibliography, cataloging, library administration, library law, organization of knowledge, history of literature, and reference work. He must have a knowledge of Latin, English and French; either Spanish or
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