Rural Cooperation
JOURNAL OF RURAL COOPERATION Centre international de recherches sur les communautt~s cooperatives rurales International Research Centre on Rural Cooperative Communities ""!)''''~ "",!)!) "')'1'Ii' 'i'n) '~UO()l'~1'1 t!)'~1'1 CIRCOM VOLUME 29 No.1 2001 CIRCOM, International Research Centre on Rural Cooperative Communities was estab lished in September 1965 in Paris. The purpose of the Centre is to provide a framework for investigations and research on problems concerning rural cooperative communities and publication of the results, to coor dinate the exchange of information on current research projects and published works, and to encourage the organization of symposia on the problems of cooperative rural communities, as well as the exchange of experts between different countries. Editorial Advisory Board BARRACLOUGH, Prof. Solon, UNRISD, MARON, Stanley, Kibbutz Maayan Zvi Geneva, Switzerland. and Yad Tabenkin, Ramat Efal, Israel. BIRCHALL, Dr. Johnston, Stirling Univer PARIKH, Prof. Gokul 0., Sardar Patel sity, UK. Institute of Economic and Social Research, CE;RNEA, Prof. Michael, The World Bank, Ahmedabad, India. Washington, DC, USA. PLANCK, Prof. Ulrich, Universitat CRAIG, Prof. Jack, York University, Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. Ontario, Canada. SCHIMMERLING, Prof. Hanus, Agricul CRONAN, Garry, Australian Centre for tural University, Prague, Czech RepUblic. Co-operative Research and Development, SCHVARTZER, Prof. Louis, Universidad Sydney, Australia. de Buenos Aires, Argentina. DON, Prof. Yehuda, Bar IIan University, SMITH, Prof. Louis, University College, Ramat Gan, Israel. Dublin, Ireland. FALS BORDA, Prof. Orlando, Punta de STAVENHAGEN, Dr. Rodolfo, EI Colegio Lanza Foundation, Bogota, Colombia. de Mexico, Mexico. KLATZMANN, Prof. Joseph, Institut STROPPA, Prof. Claudio, Universita di National Agronomique, Paris, France. Pavia, Italy.
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