Wine Show Western Australia – 2017 Results Book
2017 RESULT 03-05 OCTOBER 2017 Mount Barker & District Agricultural Society (Inc.) Proud sponsor of the wine show of western australia 2017 RESULTS BOOK Mount Barker and District Agricultural Society (Inc) Western Australia The Committee of the Wine Show of Western Australia, Mount Barker would like to thank all the below, who have volunteered their time to help make this show a success. Patron David Squire President Stephen Squire Chairman Joanne Bradbury Secretary/Treasurer Larissa Seah/Marie O’Dea Treasurer Larissa Seah/Marie O’Dea Committee Elizabeth Reed, Tony Davis, Jessica Aitken, Trevor McKenzie, Leon Delpech, Ian Johnson, Neil Warburton Chief Judge Iain Riggs NSW Panel Leaders Dave Brookes SA Cath Oates WA Sarah Pidgeon SA Judges Severine Logan WA Dave Johnson WA Michelle Bouffard Canada Damian Hutton WA Patrick Haddock NSW Andrew Cherry WA Associate Judges Ben Rector Brendan Carr Conrad Tritt Karen Holper Paul Dixon Hope Metcalf Chief Steward Scott Sharland Judging Area Stewards Elizabeth Reed, Leon Delpeche, Ryan Aggiss Stewards Joseph Delpeche Peter Allport Terri Seeber Shane Wilson Neil Warburton Chris Cheffings Ky Sinclair Ellin Hogan Jette Jensen Neil Warburton WINE SHOW AUDIT The following Exhibitors were randomly selected for audit Exhibitors Arcadia Wines Hainault Vineyard Talisman Wines Voyager Estate Willow Bridge Estate COMMITTEE AUDIT The following Committee Member Exhibitors were audited Castle Rock Flor Marche Snake and Herring 3drops The Wine Show of Western Australia Committee appreciates the on-going co-operation of: Mr Neil Earl, Cowaramup Agencies, Bussell Highway, Cowaramup Mr and Mrs C Knox, Great Southern Logistics, 50 Catalano Rd, Canningvale Mr & Mrs C Pavlovich, Southern Haulage, Albany Highway, Mount Barker Mr J Battistessa, SWAT Winery & Vineyard Supplies, 38 Farrall Road, Midvale Mr Grant Monk, Warren District Transport, Wetherell St, Manjimup Mr Alan Price, Busselton Freight, Strelly St, Busselton in providing depots for the entries.
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