Sell-1536, Field Trip Notes, , MILS

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Sell-1536, Field Trip Notes, , MILS CONTACT INFORMATION Mining Records Curator Arizona Geological Survey 416 W. Congress St., Suite 100 Tucson, Arizona 85701 520-770-3500 [email protected] The following file is part of the James Doyle Sell Mining Collection ACCESS STATEMENT These digitized collections are accessible for purposes of education and research. We have indicated what we know about copyright and rights of privacy, publicity, or trademark. Due to the nature of archival collections, we are not always able to identify this information. We are eager to hear from any rights owners, so that we may obtain accurate information. Upon request, we will remove material from public view while we address a rights issue. CONSTRAINTS STATEMENT The Arizona Geological Survey does not claim to control all rights for all materials in its collection. These rights include, but are not limited to: copyright, privacy rights, and cultural protection rights. The User hereby assumes all responsibility for obtaining any rights to use the material in excess of “fair use.” The Survey makes no intellectual property claims to the products created by individual authors in the manuscript collections, except when the author deeded those rights to the Survey or when those authors were employed by the State of Arizona and created intellectual products as a function of their official duties. The Survey does maintain property rights to the physical and digital representations of the works. QUALITY STATEMENT The Arizona Geological Survey is not responsible for the accuracy of the records, information, or opinions that may be contained in the files. The Survey collects, catalogs, and archives data on mineral properties regardless of its views of the veracity or accuracy of those data. .J' . ,Ly UI 'O 1 r_,• 5 )5`1=), _ . h_ / l . .i N ., F IY- O 1_ 0Lr . ?Y 2 2 FENRG& 1966 1< At ok"'N" DEFIRi R T 8;00 ~` 4 YR 2 nd Street behind at pg f B uiidin G U C.?! X A . Can n h ROTTE wan Ka Spc, sdway F Va Ca te s tad down ;..Aa Auars ka.F~.'+d 1`.o the fir -t parktng Place framm wbirb easy k i pan will a k to .stop i! end 2, (SEE AC 1 A TX 2(G map) . stop #1 I wash north of Sahuaro Road near foot of mountains, Contact between Cat. Mountain __ of .te a n north, and a jabble phase of the Tucson 4oun to- -Chaos ~a® ~~ a~uth ., Contact strike about NOW, daps about 80 degrees north . Pikeleta of the "chaos matrix" penetrate the Cat x atam % yo1i te .. t has been called the "rubble phase" of the Tucson Mountain Chaos might be merely a basal conglomerate of the Ample Arko ae- It appears at manw)? places along the Cat Hountain contact, and locally includes huge limestone blocks, About 15 feet down-wash from the contact are mole beds, highly disturbed, followed by purplish creation t pe rcck la tho do d-wash a s 1 :i exposure of Amole rests with gradaUona1 ?) contact on _cr ,si c d ds ~ Stop #2 Two hundred yards ±) south of a rig Silver _Lit~ dike . Approaching limes tone block through Cat Mountain hyolite a wall masses of the "chaoa rubble" dire seeno then highly dirt!~ j4, bedded Anole . ` e edge s of the limestone e peaure are rubhit s, 4 .+kn nr s 1 Q m stet r 'fr' as though P allyr s ,r .. West the Q =l .? * . .r very s te'ep Van „a ;_, u , r .nve ;-wtn ';,.aL n ~'".i .J;Pw" i t c'R4.."wng cash o tees, of this : poaure, the Cat Mountain R hyalite contact in covered, `: .`e last small outcr op reveals steep dips . RETURN TO CRS A PRIED TO JUAN SANTA Z P IC= ARE K Stop #3 First colorful outcrop in Juan Santa Cruz Wash . Shows apparentt mixing of red ailtatone with coarser, purplish elastics. Chips of red ai ltotoua are on top of the outcrop . laminae in bank dip away from coarse rubblee and are overlain by pinkish sandstone . Stop 4 Second outcrop . Mixing of coarse and fine-grained materials . Stop #5 Zone of disturbance on bond in wash . On the north side, sandstone intrude,(?) red bade0 `here are many red chips in the purple sandstone below . Twenty feet d wash, on the north side, purplish rubble breaks upward through red beds along a fiecure(?)0 Similar phenomena appear on the cauth side, where coarse clastic, show steep dins . Stop 46 In e"i mphL theatre" below. "lluidi.aod rhyolite boulder" in red beds The red ailtatone appears to have worked its way into the "boulder" ac it Ksintegrated . Stop #7 "Eruptive fissure,.." Climb back on north side to view fissure to sauth . Red bed layer to west rises eastward into fissure, then appears as a block in the fissure zone . Red bed layer up-wash, to the east, should be below level of wash at this place . Before leaving position on bank, notice steep red beds. intruded(?) by purplish rubble . On south side notice that the red bed seems to grade eastward through laminated sandstone into the fissure filling, yet the lamination, which is flat, can be traced into the fissure filling , some of which appears to have welled upward . To the right (west) the red bed is overlain by a well-stratified light gray rock(tuff?) . Climb up fissure on south side of wash . The surface trace of the fissure is marked by breceia, under which is the "tuff ." Steeply-dipping red bed wisps appear along the fissure zone to the crest . Stop #8 Farther down wash and under the red bed ., The red bed seems to have no definite lower contact , and it may have been lifted by the underlying rubble . Notice the many large elects in the red bed . Trace the red bed up out of the wash to the south . From its probable trace, it must have been lifted by something below, The dip becomes reversed, from westerly to eastwardly . Uplift seems to be cor- roborated k sp teen eastward dip in exposures below the main red layer . Were the conformable sandstones deposited with the red beds, or did they lift and intrude the red beds? Stop #9 Around sharp bend in wash, at the north end of a large quartzite lens . Structural discordances, locally bordered by rubble, appear within the quartzite . The over- all structure seems to be anticlinal, but some inner portions seem to have welled upward across outer ones . Some of the quartzite shows a peculiar mottling, possibly associated with destruction of lamination . There is a small porphyry mass on the east side, and the red beds east of the. porphyry are probably a lower member than we have seen before. Stop #10 At south end of quartzite lens . Lamination converges to a point at end of lens ., Laminae to the south swerve around the lens . Behind them is a larger mass of porphyry . Stop #11 On east side of porphyry, small sedimentary dikes,., Stop #12 At dam . "Intrusive breccia" on contact between andesite and quartzite has rounded cleats . Is this comparable to the "rubble phase" of the Tucson Mountain Chaos? Stop #13 Near west contact of the porphyry, on a flat surface, little pipes of the porphyry have risen into pinkish- brown sandstone . Other contact details are exposed near-by . Stop #14 At small intrusion on northwest side of main mass . Near south contact, northwest -striking lamination in quartzite is cut off abruptly near the intrusive contact by very faintly laminated quartzite that parallels the contact, In the northeast wall a "fissure of fumarolic action" has laminae striking N7Qg across laminae In quartzite that trend about N25W ., :s this an indication of the way in which cracks were widened forr intrusion from below? -2- ro T < ~-f Cro N. ;ii.~t 7^F . .,i r- h. "`j; . ., ul -,en' u 4 . .,-&f .' -a I. .2• ci v'i.: .3b i'i .~~ .,5 ~, 7~ E. g ` ' .. Y .e ppa.5:i*.a '.A% b ~1®~ d ;` ered beanC~c.3~ Oil the e astar e Slope s upended -- -n I. h' ed & .one nor ~;b adlope aIxro she coarr~n0.3- fc :appc'nr 'xQ intrude the red bade . Near 'the top, the coa ee cleatic vr.:9 l.r..a t!:`..E::o. pat-land o eodll as though pushed VIP fr m b"eUow S& R3 Of this Material tc 'p : nh`-sh as .h ug',h from adrxtxture with ndarly hg red beds;,- Stage of . .n'1.rua,on and miming r:ru h seen below . Walk down around 'ant cdgo of coarse +'" i stia " .` _. and rC . ::n?" r t3 A 'n Cluetice appear to Occupy a 'EMI-plunging zroug , do m w ich 9 -ey flowed` Or perhaps they welled up along a SE-trending"fissure? Obearve *;he et.Tron dien irbance of the red bade and intermixture i b, coarser claxatice at S end of outcrop, Walk up along east side of outcrop . Did 'the coarse rubble flow SE, do i a trough ; dLa It rise als,i--g a fieausre and spread sidewise- or did both action .e take, -place? The hot, ;Intrusive ignithri to was probably not far below this} 1eveaL Stop l7 trail on .oath slope of the middl e peak , rubble a es to have lifted the stratified d vol canice :, Stop #1 cop of eourh peak, steeply-dipping red sneaks uggeet steep upwelliug Stop #19 Sma ll pipe of ignnimhri te OK: tr'l L Stop #20 Off trail to :, and above 19 : aaaa ® of >,ubhle appears to have risen steeply .
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