A Regional Geography of the RegionRegion' : Its Its Natural Environment and People's Life TTakahikoa k ahik o YYo os shidhidaa

AbAbstract:s tract: TThihi s reporeporrtta aimim s to mmakakec cl earear reg ional chhararac t er er of th e Chikuh oku reg ion by aannallyys sis o of it s hi stori ricalca l,, c ultu ulturra al,, a nd ph ys ica l envir ironmonm e nt aspec ts,, b ecaecauu se th e envir onm e nt in w hi ch we li ve is usuall y paparrtt natur al and ppartar t hum an-m a de. SoSo,, th e auautht h or ha s fococuuse d hi sa att enti on on th ep prr ocess ocess ofd deveevellopm e nt and trranansiti on of,, tr ansposporrttatio ation ac ti vit yy,, la nd u se of of ag ricultu ra rall and oth er ac ti vit yy,, aand nd w at er reso resoururc ce e and mmananage m e nt ac ti viitities ,, co nsid er erinin g th ee eff ec t of ph ys iicalca l envir onm e nnt.t. Di st in ct ctiive fea tllr tur es of tthheC Chihi kuh oku reg ion aarre,, t he fir st st,, lo cati cationon in th e hill y land. . TThhe seco second ,, iin n aanny tim e of of hi sto story thi s C Chikuh oku reg iionon hhadad aandnd hha as s bee n always favoavur oured w iithth hi gh access ibilit y to th e tr tranansposport at atiion art e ry. y. TThhe third ,, b eca u se of of it s s situ at atiions in th e inland climat e aandnd hill y landndffo orm ,, wa ter reso resour ce scarc scarcit y had and hha as s bee na acutcut e pr obl em .

I{Keyey wordwords:s : Hill y LLandfandf ormrm,, S m all Ri ve r Syst tem ,, Tin y Fl at L Landand ,, TTr ra ansport ati on,, HHalfalf way L ocaocatiti onb betweeetweenn NagNagan oa andnd MaMatsum oto oto

1I. _ Introduction

Th ea ancie nt admini str ati ve di vision of Ja pan int o so m e6 500--o odd pprrov ovinc es wasw as largel ly es ttabliabli shedb by th e6 5 th or 7 th ce centur y. F orm more th an1 1,,0000 00 yea rs th the ese se pr ovi ovincn ces es we re m aintain ed as th e ba sic di visionso of th e co untr y. Shin ano Provin ovincce e,, pr ov inc incee rreprepr ese nt s Kuni ,, a nd th ose pr ov in inc ce e we re usuall y hadb bee n subdi vid edm mores s mall lI unitni ts s,, mostm ost of tthhem are co rr espoespondin g K ooo oriri or Gun (Co unt y) y),, th at werewe re we ll co in ci ciddew wiithth ph ys ica l geog rraphaph y unit s,, esp es peecciall y in cacase se of of SShinhin ano Pr ov in ce ,, w here hi gh,, st ee pm mOollntain untainsa and dee p va ll eyeyss we re l1l made cl ea rl y barri er al1l mongs subdi vid ed sl1l m all pprrov in ces . Th eC Chiku-h okuo ku R eg ion,, 'C hhikuik u' isa abbrev reviati on of CChihikum kumaa and m ea nsa ann adadminil1l ini s-­ ttrrati ve unit of Co ununt ty y or G un ,, '-h oku ' repr ese nt ss sitll ituatiati on in the the north e rn porti on,, is t the resea esearrch obobjj ect of of thi s repoep orrt.t. Th ea authuth ori isa aiminimin g to und ersta nd tthihi s reg ion tthrhr ough rese ar archinchin g and bya analys iso of th e int eracti onso of vari rious f acts acts betwee n ph ys ic al envir onn­ m e nt and peo pl e's lif ea and cul ulturtur ee,, llandua ndu se tran siti on and ttrra ansport ati ond deve loppml1l ent ,, addin g va ri oll us hi stori ricalca l eve nt s. AAllll of th em r refl ec t vari rious int erractiac ti ons ooff mlltu mutual ph ys ica l and hUhuml1l an ac ti viitit ies. A l1l mongt thhe l1l m tthhe m os t fund am ent alf fac ti ist t hat thi s reg ion iss sitll ituated on tthhe hill y landf or m area.S Sl1l m all rriive r sys ttemem in th e regi ion hhadad crea ted sev eral tin y ba sin sa along th es str eaeamm s bye eros ion ac ti ons durin g th e late Pl eistoce nea and H oloce ne in th thee hill y landnd.. F orp peo pl ple es of s of fa r anncicie nt d ays to penetr etratat e in int to o aandnd to sett settle 56 in in thi thiss regi regionon was mmoreoree easierasierr ratherath er th thanana ar reas eas wewereres surroundedurr ound edb byy mmoreores steeptee p aandncl mmoreore hi ggherher mountmountains.ain s. ThThose ose se settledttl ed in thi thiss rregioneg ionh had acl c1 developedeve lop ecl vavariousri ous rresourceseso urc es ffor or th their eir lif ee.. PPeopleseo pl es cocommmmunicat uni cateded w ith ith ootherth err regionseg ions hhadad ddevelopedeve lop ecl tr transportationansport ati on rrouteout e bbyy way ooff th those ose tin tinyy babasins.s in s. ThThee cocommunmmuni icacationsti ons hhad acl es estabtabli lisshedh ecl ffixedixe cl cocourseur se w hi cchhl laaterter oonn c1 designatedes ignat edr relayelay sstationtati on sys systemtem b byy the ccentralentr al govegovernment,rnm ent , aancient ncie nt 1mpImperialer ial CoCourt.urt . It cacann bbee ssaid aid th thatatp peopleseo pl es of thi thiss rregioneg ion had aandnd hhas as eenjoyednj oye d easy aaccesscc ess ttoo nati nation'so n's ppoliticaloliti ca l,, c ultur al cecenternt er ssuchuch aass KKyotoyo to and TTokyo.ok yo. FrFromom th theea ancientncie nt till th thee rrecentece nt dadaysys ,, th thee ce centernt er of ]Japaneseapan ese cultur culturea andnd aadmindmini isstrationtrati on was tr traditionallyaditi onall ys situateditu a ted in th thee Kinki di district.stri ct. ThThee 1mpImperialeri al CoCourt urt ooff oold ld dadays ys hhadad se sett seve raallr roadoa d as th thee ttrunkrunk lin line,e, coconnecting nn ect in g th thee ppoliticaloliti c al and aadminstrativedmin str ati ve ccenterent er wwith ith th thee locaocall di districtsstri cts,, of w hich mmostos t impimportanto rtant oonenea andnd ppassedasse d thr throughough ShinanShinanoo PrProvinceov inc ew wasas th thee ToTosandou.sand ou. ThiThiss ChikuhChikuhokuoku rregioneg ion hahass bbeenee n abl ablee ttoo ttakeakea advantagedvant age of of,, Trunk rroadoad undunderer the rrelayelay sstationtati on sys systemtem aandnd undunderer th thee ppostos tt townow n sys systemtem eeachach ooff MMiddid dle and PPre-Modernre-Mo de rn agesages,, rrailwaya il w ay and exexpresswaypr essway of MoModernde rn TimTimes. es. ThuThus,s, intr introduction odu cti on ooff aadvanceddvance d ccultureultur e wwasas nnotot diffi difficult cult aandnd ppeopleseo pl es ooff thi thiss rregioneg ion hhas as eennj joyeoyedde easy asy acaccessc ess ttooN Nation'sati o n's capcapitait al and influ influencedence d fr fromom th thee ppolitical,oliti cal , aadministrative dmini str ati ve cecenternt er ssucuch as KKyotoyo to and TTokyo.okyo ThThee exexistenceisten ce of seve severaral o ld ageageddt templesempl es aandnd sshrineshrin es pr probablyobabl ys showhow th thee evevidenceid en ce th that,at , bbetween etwee n tthishi s fa farr di distantsta nt rregionegi on aandnd th thee nnationalati onal ccapital,apit al, th the e popoliticallitic al,, adminiadministrative str ati ve cecenternte r,, ccu ultur ltural excexchangehan ge aandnd vavariousri ous cocommunicatm m uni ca ti ioonsns wewerere in intensivete nsive aandnd intimat intimatee rrelationselati ons hhadadb beenee n esta establisbli sheedd fro fromm th theea ancientncien t timtim es. It m igght ht bbeea alsol so tru truee that intr introduc­odu c ti tionon of adadvancedv ance d ccuultur lture wewerere sec securedur edb byy th thee es establishedtabli shed tr transportationansporta ti onn networksetwo rk s (C:Bt長野mr 県高等学lJf);rW.J~$tt校歴史}flt~lVf~~,研究会, 199419 94 ). ThiThiss rregioneg ioni iss cocomposedmp ose d oofff fouro ur vvillagesilla ges llocatingoca tin gf fromrom th theee east-westast- wes t ali alignedgned dir directionec ti on as as SSakai,akai , Omi ,, SSakak ak a kita ita anda nd HHonjou.onj ou. TTotalotald dwellerswe ll erso off thi thiss rregioneg ion accoaccountsunts ttooa approxi­pp rox i- mmatelyately 10 th thouousa ndnds,s, 0. 0.5 5 pperer cecent nt ooff th theew whohole NagNaganoan o PrPrefectureefec tur e,, and ttotal otal rregionaleg ional aareasr eas exexhibitshibit s 133.9133. 9 ssquarequ are kil kiloo mmeterseters rrepresenting巴pr ese ntin g 1p perer cecentnto off th theew whole N .aga no. NexNextt Fi Fig g. . 1 sshowshows th theeo outlineutlin e of tthehe di discussedsc usse d aarea.rea.

II. II. Physical EnvironmenEnvironment t

1n 1n In thi thiss sec sectionti on pphysicahys ic al eenvnvir oonmentnm e nt iiss exaexammin ineedd fr fromom th thee ffollowingoll ow in g th three ree as aspects;pec t s; di stinc tinctivetive inl aandnd cclimatelim atew with ith sshortho rt rrainfallain fa ll ,, ppeoples eo pl es eeffortff o rt fforor wawatert er rresourceeso ur ce ddevelop­eve lop mmente nt ttoo oveovercomerco m e wawaterterd deficitsefi cit s,, aand nd chcharacteristicara cteri stic hill y landf landform.orm . A AII ll ooff theemm ar aree dderivederi ve d ffromrom th thee ffactac t th that,at, thi this sC Chikuhokuhikuh oku rregioneg ioni is ssituateditu ated on th the inl inlandand hill hillyy laandformndf orm aarea.rea. II II - 1 DiDistinctivestin cti ve 1nl Inlaandnd C lim ate ThThee c1 climateimat eo off thi thiss re regiongionb belongselon gs ttoo th thee di distinctivestincti ve ttypeype of tthehe inl inlandand area ,, rrefeferre erred ttoo th thee ccentralentr al inl inlandand c1 climateim ate,, in wwherehere rrainfall ainfall is rrelativelyelati vel y littl ea andnd ttemperatureemp eratur e have A R Reg ional Geog raph y of the C hi kuh o ku Reg ion 57

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O16o 16 24 km I I I

=三コ~ D .I. I.DD . of Two Cities -- Railway Line

一ーーー . Prefecture B ou nd ary 1 Sakai mura 2 Omi mura 3 Sakakita mura 4 H onjo mura Data Year of D.D.I.D.I. D. is 1995

Fig.l Fig.l Outl ine of D isc u ssed ArAre ea a 5588 grea t er er extextrrem em es betweenb etween susummmmeer anda nd winter wi nter. TheTh e c1 cliimate mate of this this area isc character acterii zed zed byb y co ld anda nd dr dryyw wint inteer r,, hi gh temperaturetemperature summersumm er withwith sma 11 ll amountsa mounts o f rainfal rainf all.1. YearlyYea rl y rainy rainy d ays are concentrated concentrated in summersumm er TsuyuT suyu and autumna utumn AkisameAki same in includinc1 udin g TyphoonT yphoon seaso n,, the th e formerrm er occurs occurs in late late spr sprinin g or or or eaearlr1 y summerumm er andan d th e latter latter d oes in the the ea earlr1 y autumn. autumn. 1n 1n In this thi s region egion,, annual a nnua l precipitation precipitation isa al so quite qui te vari riab lee,, ranging ra nging betweenb etween minimumm inimum 600 600 600 mi11i-meters milli -meters anda nd maximumaximum l11 1,,0 000 00 mi11i-meters. milli -meters. DuringDurin g the the winter winter,, s nonowfawfa 11 lls are little little,, anda nd th at is almostalmost m eani eaninngl g less for for waterwa ter storage storage. F air weatherwea con ther conditidition ons usua11 usuall y prevail prevail except exceptexcept during during the the TsuyuT suyu andan d the the TyphoonT yphoon season. Rainfa11 Rainfall occ ur s mainlym ainly betweenb etween J un andan d SeptembeSeptemb er.r. 1n In sumsumml11 er er,, s0so l11 m etimes etimes thundershowerthund ershower occurs occurs bringing bringing aboutabout substantia substantial rainfa11 rainfa11 rainfall to to supp supplle el11 m ent ent the the waterwa ter deficit deficit and and becomeb ecome on ly dependabledependable waterwa ter resource resource. People PeoplePeopl e in in this thi s region region we 1c lcol11 m es this this thundershower thundershower,, a lth ough torrential torrential rain rain ofte n give rise rise to rise to someso me f1 fl 00dingooding damegesd ameges ((:I:.8U坂北村誌編纂会t t:ttttili~:@: ,, 11990) 990).ー Japana pan i s tend tend to to be be understood understood as be be blessed blessed wit withh abundanta bundant annual annual rainfa11 rainfa ll ,, but bu t this this is is not not true true. PeoplePeople of this this C hikuh ok u region region ha s often often experienced experienced s hort hor t rainfa11 rainfa ll in sUul11l11 mme er r seasonseason w hen the the cropcrop productions productions needed needed mass wate r suppl yy. 1n 1n In J apanesea panese peoppeopl es traditional traditiona l beliefs beli efs Kami K ami were ve ry concrete concrete beings beings and spec special- ia l­ ized ized ized ababiliilit tyys such as to protect protect people people fromfr om disastrous disastrous f1 fl 00doodinin gs or severe severe droughtdrought anda nd foods foods food s deficits. defi cits. MonotheismMo notheism hadh ad not not developed developed in th e traditional traditiona l culture. culture. NNa at turur al al features features such suchsuch as mountainsmountains ,, forests fo rests anda nd rocksrocks werewe re obobjject ects of worshworship ip ca11ed called KaKal11 mi.i. 1n In this this re regiogio n,, Mt AzumayaAz umaya (1387 (1387 l11 me eters) ters) withwith vovolcan1c anic ic rocksrocks stocks stocks large al11 m 0uont unt of groundwagroundwat er anda nd h as ono n its its l11 m 0untainfoot ountainfoot severa several spr sprin gs anda nd blessed blessed waterwa ter for for the the loca l peoples. peoples. So ,, in fact fact,, Mt. M t. AAzzumaumayaya it itsese lf being being a Kami.Ka mi. MostMos t of of J apaneseapanese KaKal11 mii (God) (God) are are being being one of of agri agriclturc1 tural a l rituals rituals to pray pray for for bumperbump er crops crops crops of ri ce. N um ero erous sma small 11 shrin hrin es associated associated withwith local ocal Kami K ami worshipworshi p werewe re maintained maintainedmaintained throughout throughout the the countcountry fromf rom the the lowlandsow lands to the the tops tops of the the mountainsmountains. AmongAm ong num erouss such supupe er r powerpowe r KamiKami ,, wate r blessing blessing KamiK ami imagedim aged resembesemblinlin g figure figure of of flying flying dragons dragons are the the mostm ost impim poortant. rtant. Peoples Peoples in in this this region region has has lookedloo ked up the the MountMo unt AzumayaAz umaya andan d prayed prayed the the super super power dragondr agon to to makem ake adecuateadecuat e rainfa11s rainfa lls. II II - 2 - 1 ) GeologGeologyy,, GeoGeomo l11 0rphology rphology anda nd River Ri ver SystemSys tem of the the Chikuhoku C hi kuhoku Regio Region When we state about the reli ef of an area, we are stating about the hight and the shape of the land and whether it is fl at or sloping. As with landfo rms in this region, Mt. Hij iri and Mt.Azumaya thrusts out and exhibi ts their huge rocky block features as the monadnock landforms, among the fl at top surface hilly area, Saigawa Hill y Province. T he Saigawa Hill y Province is one of the geologic and geomorphic province in the inland Central . Mt. Hijiri and Mt. Azumaya are situated in the northern upland portion which are continuation of the Chi kuma Mountainland extending from the volcani c chain of Mt. Yatsugatake and Mt. Kirigamine in the Central Shinshu. From the Chikuhoku Region the landform is shifted to the Saigawa Hill y Province. A Re gional GGeograph巴ograph y of the Chikuhoku Region 59

The Saigawa Hilly Province are composed of following three flat-top sllrfaces surfaces of Dilllvillm Diluvium, , collectively named the Oomine-Sllrface Oomine-Surface grollp group. They areare,, N okkoshi ,, NNakajima akajima and Ookura sllrface surface members. The first N okkoshi is the oldest formed top flat surface and located highest altitlldes altitudes ranging from 900 to 1,0001, 000 meters. The second membermember,, NNakajima akajima sllrface surface occllpying occupying midd le hights from 700 to 800 meters . The lowest and the latest latest formed top flat sllrface surface is the Ookura sllrface surface ranging some above and and below 600 meters hights (坂北村昔、編纂会(:f:.&~t:ftM;;~m;:§: ,, 1990). The Saigawa Hilly Province is one of the geologic and geomorphic province in the 1nland Inland Central ]Japan. apan. Saigawa Hilly Province is a member of the hilly relief grollps groups represented in the 1 : 200 200,000, 000 scale topographical map Takada ,, as the the Higashikllbiki Higashikubiki Hilly Land and UonllmaUonuma 1Hilly-1illy Land. Under more global scope on the topographical map ,, those hilly areas begin the extension extension from its northern tip in Akita Prefectllre Prefecture and lies along the ]apanJapan sea coast throllgh throllgh through Yamagata and Niigata Prefectures to the sOllthwestern southwestern direction and eventllally eventually reaches reaches in the northern portion of the NNagano agano Prefecture. It Itss topographical similarity is the the hilly ones with with gentle gradient sllrfaces surfaces and flat tops. It had geological origin of the Pliocene Pliocene and the Plistocene sedimentary rocks. 1n In this area it freqllently frequently landsliding activities activities OCCllrs occurs and the landscapes of rice terrace often can be seen. Saigawa Hilly province province is located in the sOllthwesternmost southwesternmost portion of this geomorphic llnit unit extending northeast-sollthwest northeast-sollthwest northeast-southwest direction longitlldinally longitudinally . It is also coincidental with the “"Green-Green- Tllff" Tuff" geologic geologic zone. Throllgh Throllgh Through this Chikllhokll Chikuhoku region Chikllma Chi kuma Mountainland extends from north-sollth north-south direction. direction. Several small basins scattered throllghout throughout this mOllntainland. mountainland. Those basins are divided divided from each other by mOllntain mountain ridges part on which which col landform are carved by erosion erosion actions. Throllgh Through depressed cols transportation rOlltes routes has took place and become pass pass since ancient times. Those small basins has served as a corridor between two major basins basins and urban centers Nagano and Matllmoto. Matumoto. The regional highest peak MMt.t. Hijiri and Mt. AZllmayaAzumaya both being of constitllted constituted of volcanic volcanic rocks and exhibiting monadnock features have only 1,4001,4 00 meters hights and their their valleys and rivers are neither deep nor long distance with only small amollnt amount of flowing flowing waters . So grollndwater groundwater storage capacity of those mOllnta mountains are not so much as the larger ranges such as Hida, Kiso and Akaishi called Japan Alps. Only small amount of surface streams are available and people has been barely able to obtain enough water for their domestic and irrigation purposes by artificial way, construction of small size reservoirs. Water supply can hardly keep pace with the increase of consumption. In this Chikuhoku region drainage basin are made up of following three streams, the main river Omi, the major one of 16kms length, Higashijou, the second large one, Bessho, the third and minor stream. Flowing into from the southern direction, the latter two are branch streams of the first one, Omi river. The main river Omi has its origin from the eastern slope of Mt. Azumaya, forming long and narrow shaped riverside lowland and 60 fin all y co nflu enc es in to morem ore lar gerger Sai Sai ri ve r. T he Sa i river river is is one one of of the the majorm ajor upperupper reaches reaches reaches of of the the River Ri ver ShinanoShinano,, that th at i s the the ]J apaneseapanese top top scale scale rankedr anked ri ver ver. On its its bothboth banksb anks eachea ch of of those those rivers rivers a llu v ial al flat fl at low landa nd fill eded withwith padi padi fie fie ld exteexte nd. Paralleling Paralleling themth em th ere ere ar e dilluvial dilluvial upland. upland. FromFr om the the westernwestern tip end of of the the Omi river river river Ilow land towardt oward the the confluence confluence point point w ith morem ore l arger arger Sai i river ri ver,, the th e river river Omi passes passes passes throughthrough the the deep deep gorgegorge,, w hi chi is typical typical transverse transverse vavallll ey approximateapproximatelyw w ith l engthength of 4 kilo kilo meters. meters. TheTh e gorgego rge exhexhibitibit s spectacu spectacullarl landscapea ndscape for for the tourist tourist attrac- attrac­ tion tion tion and and i s called called 'Sas hikiri-K yo ',, ]J apaneseapanese -kyo -k yo express express d eepeep and long gorgego rge (田中EB CP ・• 降IIlf- 旗,1m, 1979 979) .

II II - 2 - 2 ) StagesStages of WaterWa ter Resource Resource DevelopmentD evelopment and and ManagementM anagement TheTh e way peoples peopl es in this this region region obtain obtaininin g potable potabl e watewater h h as expeexperi encedenced three three evo luti ono n processes. processes. TheTh e mostm ost early earl y onesones werewe re directly directly get get waterwa ter fromfr om the the spr sprinin gs or or river river ri ver surf urface ace streams. streams. Places Places wherew here unavailable unavailable to to tap tap surface surface st strreamseams,, we ll was developed developeddeveloped and maintain eded frO fro I11 m the the MiddleMiddl e Age.Age. 1n 1n In the the hydrological hydrological l andf orm s ad adjj acent acent to to AoyagiA oyagi sett settllementement,, Tertiary T ertiary sandstone sandstone laye rs of of porousporous rocksrocks are are s l opingoping fromfr om the the mountainm ountain areaarea towardt oward and li e int into under- under­ groundg round at the the habitation habitation area. area. AtA t the the higher higher slopoin ping portion portion sa ndsto stone rocksrocks are exposedex posed to to the the groundg round surf ace. FromF rom w h ere rain watewater seepage int into the the sandstone sandstone,, movem ove slow ly towardt oward the the habi tation tati on areaea, , finally fin all y reserved reserved anda nd becomeb ecome potable potable groundwater g roundwater throughthrough the the the infiltr ation ation process process. PeoplePeopl e canca n tap tap thi s water water for for dO dol11 m estic estic u se byb y digging digging we ll w ith 2 or or 3 meters meters depths. depths. On this this hydrological hydrological basebase the the l ocal ocal ruler ruler of AoyagiA oyagi C lan an co ll ected ected his his his fiefs fi efs a nd constructed constructed warwarriri ors ors dwelling dwelling zone zone at at the the end end of of the the Middle Middle AgeAge. ThisThi s sett settllemeeme nt was soonsoonlly co n verted verted to to the the pre-Modernpr e-Modern AgeA ge post post stage stage town. town. This This is is the the or orii gin gin of of Aoyagi A oyagi settlement settlement today today. 1n 1n In ChikuhokuC hikuhoku region region generagenerall y ,, it ofte often canca n be be foundfound that that sett settllementse ments hada d been been placed placed placed on or or n earear the the sand sand stone stone area . But digging digging we ll was tec hni cacallll y and and financia financiall y difficult difficult difficult task task anda nd limit eded persons persons hadh ad doned one anda nd manym any ot othh ers ers werewe re to to get get waterwa ter under under the the allowance allowanceallowance of of the the we ll ow ners. ers. 1n In case of Aoyag i PostPost Town T own,, n ear the the endi end ing of of EdoEd o EraEra,, about aboutabout 400 persons persons werewe re dependingdepending on o onn onlly5 5 or or 6 we ll s comcomml11 ononlly usedused. Till Till the the early early 11950s 950s,, sucs uch situ ations ations hadh ad concontinutinu ed ed wit with littl e cha changes . At the the latt latt er half half half of of 1950s 950s,, in SakakSakakitit av vill ageage,, severa seve ral sett settllemeement s hada d set set sea ld eded pipe pipe suppsupply syste system with withwith e lectric ectri c 1110tor motor basing basing ono n the the comcommunitl11 unit y units. units. This This is the the second second step step ones. ones. WatersWa ters we re distributed distributed for for eaceachhh hause ho ld anda nd higiene higiene level evel became b ecame morem ore desirable. desirable. 1n In this this stage stage,, ono nlly limit ed ed area area coucould ld be be supp supplili eded and stab stabll e distribution distribution coucould ld not not be be realized reali zed because becausebecause the the sources sources of of waterwa ter werew ere small small anda nd dispersedly dispersedl y located located ((:I:.&坂北村誌編~ t;ft~KFm纂tJ会§? ・. 下巻,-r~, 199 997). 7). This This was the the pendingpending s ubj ect ect whatw hat shosho uld to to bebe soonsoonlly so lved. ved. 1n In the the fina finaIl step step,, watewater obtai obtaininnin gg,, supps uppllyi yinnga and distributions distributions hadh ad evo lve d fromfr om the the o ne basing basing o n eac h communityco mmunity units units to the the int eg r ated ated systemsys tem one one basing basing on on the the wholew hole municipal municipal governmentgove rnment A Reg i onal Geog r aphy of th e Chikuh ok u Reg ion 61 area. area. B y thi s tim ee,, th e vi lla ge of Sakak it a had ass llm umed re spons sibilit y for providin g the watewaterr sllppl uppl y. Th e vva ter sllpp upplly anandd di striblltion tribution sc hem es ffinain all y es tabli shed it se lf as th e loc al gove rnm e nt ta sk ,, a nd rea li ze d at th e ea rly 1960s. Thi s was attain ed at the weste rn foothill foothill of MMt. t. A Zzllma umaya of altitllde altitude 8 00 m ete rss,, by deve lopin ing the new depend aabbl le sllppl upply so ur ce and by in stalling seve ral di stribllti tribution re se rvo ir s. LLandfandform orm of th e C hikllh hikuh okll oku regio ni is hill y w ith gentl ntleg gradi ent ,, soso, , leve l and arabl e lanandd ar e sca rrce.ce . B ein g nneest stlled w ithin hill y laannd d,, agr icll cu llturtural a l ar ea iss s mal!. mall. 1n In an effo rt to ex pand clllti ultiva tion fi eld s,, hill sid es sl opes hhadad bee nt terrac ed one by one sin ce the Ed o Era.

It It aalsol so can be f Oollnd und seve rali irrin ・iga tion rese rvo ir s co nstrllct tructed on the mmountainOll nt a in hill sid idee di sper se dl y that isa a iming to sllppl upplem e nt w ater for sho rt ra in fa ll seaso ns. Despite th e carefll careful maintenan ce of the irri gation tion rese rvo ir ,, se rioll rious water sh ortages wOll wou ld be re slll ul t-­ cl ecl d w hen pro long ecl d clr droll ug ht mi g ht occ ur . T o in sur ea an aadeqdeq ll u ate sllppl upply of wa ter ,, a large rese r voir nameamed cl OnikllmaOnikuma w ith capac it y of 1,,6610,, 000 cllbi ubic m eters are uncl under co nstruc struction.ti on. Adclin Adding to th e agrill riultural ltural purp ose ose,, r ese eservedrved wa tter ers s w ill be use d for dom es tic purpo se and ill w ill contrib u te to kee p ordinar y cli disc har ge of th e ri ve r Higa shi jo. Dam construction be ffinancedin ancecl w ith natio ationanal ancl and pr efect ural gove rnm e nt resultecl resulted in the int eg ration of the wawatert er suupplpp ly and cli distributi on sys tem apa rt fr om municipal aamamalga lgamation s,, and it wi ll be th e final sta ge of ¥札 waterater deve lopm e nt in thi s region.

III. III. Evolution and Transition of the Transportation inIn the Chikuhoku Region

III III - 1 NNat at llr ural Env ir oonmentnm e nt and the Rout e of th e Ancient De sign ated Road by th e 1mpImperi al Court Phy siicca al barri erso or obsta obstaclesc1 es succhh as narr ow ri ve r va ll ey oorr steep mountain slope hind er peo pl e fr om mme eeting eting one anoth er. Bllt But hill y landf or ormm makes tho se barri ers l ess h aard.rd. As one trav eler tak es th e rout e li linknk ed one basin to ot others by way of s ma]]mall passes ,, commun icat ion mi g ht be cl done mor e eas il y. Th ere are seve ral sm all bas sin s in th e C hikuh okll ku reg ion,, b ein g ali gned from th e no rth to th e so uth Omi ,, N ishij ou,, M id arehash i anandd A id a. Th ose ba sin s are nes tl ed w ithin hill y landforms and are surrounded by gentl ntle slopes . vV ith minimum up s ancl and dow wns th ose smmall a]] basin s had anandd hh as co ntrib uted hi storicall y the principal tran sp ortation rOllt rout es to gi ve exce ll e nt pass ssage tr u ck. Itlt hacl had and h as be en tr ue from th e anc ie nt till rece nt cla days . Th e newes t Nagano E xpr essway can pass ss throu gh tthishi s reg ion eas il y on the sa m e reaso n (Fig.2 (Fig.2,, Fig.3 ). T ocla day thi s regi ioni is about th e sa m e cli di stanc e from both the cit y of Nagano to the nort heas t and from th e city of MatsMatsuumm oto to the so uth westwest,, th e former is th e m aj or and primar y urban ce nte r ancl nd th e latter is the seco ncl nd urban cent er in north e rn ancl and c entral NNaga agan no Pr efe ctur e. Althou gh toda y loca l peo pl e fe el th ey li ve in far dist a nt co untr ys id e beca u se of isolat ed landscape app ear an ce ,, th eir hom land hi sto ry shows th that at is fal se. Politicall yy,, 62 eco noomicamicall ll y ancl and ccuulturall lturally th their eir homhomee land had and ha ve actively interact interacteded w ith ot her re regionsgions ,, aboveabo ve all ,, K yo to. E xisttencesenc es of th thee shrines shrines ananddt templesempl es andan d their lon longg hi sto story ry exhibits exhibits exhibits well gro und ed facts facts ooff aabovebove communications.communications. From the Ancient till th thee Middle Age ,, for the lon longg times ,, the center ooff ]apanJapan ese culture culture and administration was tradition- tradition­ all ys sitituat uated in th thee Kinki DiDistrict.st ric t. The Imperial Imperial Court of old dadays ys had set severa several road road as as the trunk lin line,e, connecting con necting the ppoliticalolitical and administrative administrative center center w ith th thee local ocal di st stricricts ts,, of which mmostos t importantimportant oone ne and papassedsse d through was the Tosando. At first first,, th those ose netwnetworkso rks were initiat eeddb byy the order of the ancient Imp erial CourCo urt.t. LocalLocal ppeopleseo pl es had to bbeee engagengage d in assi assistingstin g the official offi cial tra travelve l of the governmentgovern ment m esse ngernge rs. Those transportation rout route es s were also usedused for conveyance of th thee co l¥ llected ected commod-commod­ ities ities ancl and tribute tributess aass the the ta taxx payinpayingg for the the central central governmengovernment. t. MorMoree later in the Middle AgeAge,, aalong long wwit ith h wawarr rrior ior clas class,s, th those ose roads werewe re usedused by some marchantmarchantss and craftsmen for for th thee purppurpose ose of trading. In th thee PrPre-Modern児e Edo Era, post town system was firmly es estatabli blish eed.d. CommodityCo mmodity tran transportationssportati ons becambecame ve ry ry active and the massesmas ses bbeganega n to made trip for pilgrimage or touri tourism,sm , adding governmentgovernme nt officers officers and merchmerchants. ants. The 20t h century century were characterized characterized as the innovativ innovativee transportati transportationona age,ge , those tho se of railway se rvic icee,, automobile on the paved rroadoad and on th thee expresswaysex pressways. NeaNearr the en d ooff the AncientAncient Era ,, underund er th thee expaexpansns ion ion of landholdings landholdings of elit e noble nobless and l arge temples temples,, th the e central govermentgoverme nt graduall y los ostt contro controll of of the nation. ThThenen loca l cl clansans had alr ea dye emmergede rged in rural rural areas bbeenee n forc forceded to to protect and to maintain maintain their their tterritoryerritor y without without dependingdepending on th e authority authority of of the centra centrall government.government. ThuThuss the l ocal ocal cl ansans vo lunt ar il y tributed tributed so m e part of their tterritoryerrit o ry as an offering to the the powerful majorm ajor noble noblesso or the large large te te口1Pmplles ttoo acquire the patronapatronagege of th those ose elites. elites. Local clans clans asked eargeeargerlyr¥ y f01 fo r・ those elites elites to allow all ow building wo rship place to to in vite and rreceiveece i ve the the divid di videedd power and authority authority of the I se Shirine Shirine,, th the e momostst importantimportant ssyymbomboll of the the Yamato C l an. ThiThiss was th thee backgrouncl background ooff the fact fact that that ChikuhokuC hikuhoku RRegionegi on haveha ve some old-aged old-aged shrine hriness as tho se ShinmeiguS hinmeigu shrin es of MiyamotoM iyamoto in Omi villag illagee and KariKariyasawayasawa in SakakitaSakak ita vviilla ll agege withwith it s origin origin of 88t th h anda nd 9th 9th centuries centuries (長(~lIlY野県地理学会,~.!fiJthl:!ll.~~, 22001).00 1) 1lI 1lI III - 2 TheTh e Origin of the Post Town System anand Trunk Road During the Civi l War Era each member of the fe udal lord were independent from the Imperial Court authority. They must protect their own territory by accumulating military and economic power and preparing for getting over difficulty of troubles and struggles against with each others frequently occured. During the Civil War Era, most of local feudal lords and warriors eagerly construct the castle towns. At first, warrior fiefs are ordered to inhabit collectively forming a sort of fortress on a designated tracts. To encourage and to promote economic activities, warriors required marchants and craftsmen to inhabit collectively some fixed place to operare their stable businesses and markets where were sequred by warriors military A R egi giononalG Geog eograph y of th the Chikllh okll Reg ion 63 powepowe r. MarchantsMarc hants anda nd craftsmenscraftsmens were favouredfavoured withwith the the increased increased business business chanceschances anda nd transportational transportational transportati onal goodgoo d locations ocations andan d warri i ors ors hadh ad aimeda imed and could could expecteexpected expandedex panded tax taxtax revenues. revenues. This This was the the origin origin of the the MiddleM iddle Age castle castle tow n. TheyTh ey hada d beenb een built on on the the the we Il ll considered considered planning planning basebase anda nd were adoptedadopted to to surrounding surrounding physical physical envenvir on- on­ mentsm ents ingeniously ingeniously. NearNea r the the ending ending of the the C ivil vil War EraEra,, someso me of those those smasm all cast castlle townst owns werewe re converted converted converted to to post post stage stage townstowns. Sett lementementss of of Omi Omi,, Aoyagi and AidaA were ida were typical typical ones experienced experienced experienced the the samesa me proces processs anda nd hadh ad gonego ne under under the the similar similar situations. situati ons. UnderU nder the the TokugawaT o kugawa cI clana n sove ri gntygnty Civil Civil War was endede nded anda nd to unite uni the te the w h ole ole nation nation was realized realized. MajorMa jor highwayshi ghways w ith post post townstow ns hadh ad been been estab establili shedshed firmly. fi rmly . 1nfrastructures Infrastructures werewe re gradua graduaIl lly improved. improved. As the the transportation transportation of o f agricultural agricultural andan d other other commoditiesc ommodities expandedexpanded,, the th e movementm ovement of people peopl e al so increased. increased. 1n In ChikuhokuC hikuhoku region region so m e cashcash crops crops such suchsuch as tobacco tobacco,, hemph emp anda nd kozok ozo (J apanese apanese paper paper materials) materials) ,, expandedexpa nded its its production production ono n the the the upupllanda nd field fi eld. DuringDuring the the daysd ays of stage stage townt own systemsystem,, manym any horses horses werewe re usedused for for draft draft purpose purposepurpose anda nd horseback horseback unit uni t cargo cargo hadh ad important important faci facilitlit y (e笹本m::<$: ,, 200 2001)1) . TheTh e trunk trunk road road wit with its origin origin of the the AncientAncient and and the the MiddleM iddle Age HokkokuHokkoku Nishi Nishi OukanOuk an (Trai (Tra il)l) was th the mainm ain transportation transportation artery artery until the the commencemecommenceme nt of rail rail service service at the the beginning beginning of the the 20th 20th 20 th century century.. III III -3- 3 Transportation Transportation of of the the ModernMo dern EraEra,, the t he DaysD ays of Rail Rail anda nd AutomobileAut omobile 1n 1n In comparisonco mparison wit withh the the Pre-Modern P re-Modern AgeAge,, the th e progress progress anda nd evo luti ono n of of transporta- transporta­ tion tion tion was veryvery rapid. rapid. TheTh e turning turning poit poit wasw as the the construction construction anda nd commencementcom mencement of of the the rail rail servlce service. Before BeforeBefore the the openi openinng NaganoNaga no Bu BullIl et et TrainTr ain in 11997 997 ,, there th ere werewe re twot wo mainm ain rai raillway lines lines passed passedpassed throughthrough NNaga agano no prefecture prefecture. OneOn e was w as the the Shinet Shinetsu line line,, the th e anot anothh er er ChuouChu ou lin e. TheT he Shinetsu Shi netsu lin e wasw as the th e first first mainlandm ainland HonshuH onshu transver transversese primaryp rimary line line betweenb etween TokyoT okyo andan d N ii gatagata,, anda nd completedco mpleted in in 1893. ChuouC huou lin li nee was planned planned to to taketake the the route route passing passing through throughthrough longitudina longitudinaIl lly the the HonshuH onshu inland inland areaarea in includincI uding g Nagano. AimingA iming to to suppsuppllemente ment abovea bove twot wo lin es byb y linking linking themthem,, the th e Shinonoi Shinonoi lin e was planned. pl anned. Shinonoi Shinonoi lin e construc- construc­ tion tion tion was completedc ompleted in 1190 9022, , just ju st the the beginning beginning of 20th 20th Century. Century. Since Since its its beginning beginning of th e 1900s 11900s 900s ti tillIl the the ende nd of of 1960s,1960s , for the the local local people people the the railway rail way hadh ad beenb een the the on onlly dependabledependable function function function to to carry carry massm ass of cargoecargoess anda nd passengers. passengers. ThusT hus,, this th is region region was favouredfavoured wi with rail service from the beginning of the modern Railway Era. In Chi kuhoku region it is worthy to notice that there was intimate relationbship between coal mining prosperity and ra il service operation. Coal mining and coal producti on for shipping in this region had experienced twice times of prosperous peak days. Both days the role of railway transpor­ tations were indispensable. T he quality of coal of this region was not so high as compared with more larger scale J oban Coal field located near Tokyo, and unfavorable in price competition on the equal market condition. The first peak days were the time when the rail transportati on service had commenced in 1902 between Shinonoi and Shi ojiri via 64

Matsumoto. Major customers of coal were then newl y arised silk reeling manufacturers in in Matsumoto ,, Okaya and Suwa urban and industrial areas. At that time silk reeling manufacturers manufacturers had been severly suffered from the deficit of woods for fuel purposes purposes. They had eagerly required coal for fue ls. ThenThen,, the rival Joban CoaCoall could not access to silk silk reeling manufacturing areas of Shinshu because railway line from the TokyoTokyo,, Chuou Line ,, had not yet completed . The secondsecond peak days were immediate after World War II. ,, when war-defeated industry industry and citizens citizens life had underwent very busy reconstruction processes. Great amount of coal were needed and J oban Area alone could could not supply enough. This time had also been prosperous for the the Chikuhoku region. Productions and shippings were busy during during the full term of 1950s1950s. . Railway then was the only dependable transportation meansmean s to to supply needed coal especially for Tokyo urban area. 1n 1n In automobile transportation began its works from 1930s,, and at first first, , its it s service areas were limited within and near some l arge urban areas. Japanese road road traffics had been inconvenient and time consuming because of the poor road relating infrastructures infrastructures,, even in latter half of the 20th . Rail service had provided basic function and automobile transportation had facilitated partially partially and had only supplemental role. role. Automobile services services had been depended on rail transportation transportation. They had to start their services services services on distribution passenger and cargoes from the rail station to near and surround- surround­ ing ing areas or or, , collect the passengers and cargoes from those areas to the ra raili1 stations . Thus ,, each rail stations showed a sort of transportation hub cente center. r. Recently long distance distance distance scheduschedul ed truck service are prevailing overover,, at one times this sort of long distant scheduled scheduled scheduled service were unrivaled by the rail service . During the High Growth Era ,, roads and highways are continuously being improved and constructed throughout the nation . Under such situation Nagano-Line of the Chuou Expressway ,, along with Omi 1. C. and S. A ..,, commenced its service from 1993 (C信州地理研究会ffiHltih:@.1VfJi:4i: ,, 1999 ). We can find the transformation of the Chikuhoku region represented represented in the different time time topographical map ,, the year of 1959 (Fig. (Fig . 2) and 1998 (Fig . 3) 3), , by comparing the two. The term from 1959 to 1998 is ononlyly short duration but arised regiona l transfiguration is to to great great degrees. The ChikChikuhoku region has experienced great appearance changing as with the various roads and, land use. Firstly, expressway opening has been the most important. Secondly, other road improvement widened with two ranes and paved surface, management class level up from the municipal to national and bypath opening included, has followed. In the year 1959 map, Hokkokunishi Oukan can be clearly seen but in the year 1998 map, we can barely trace its route. Rapid landuse evolution along the old day mainroad has resulted such situation C :tR~t:fttt*Wn~ 4i: · l.JUffi}, 1997). A Reg ional Geog Geograph yo of th e Chikuh okkuu Reg ion 65

IIV.V . Land Use Transition of Agriculure and other Activities

IV IV - 1 Landform and Agriculture ln ln In this region almost padi fields are kept within the river fflowinglowing llowlandsowlands . On the foothills of M Mt.t. Hijiri and MMt. t. Azumaya ,, the lower slopes of those monadnoc mountains has been used as upland fields fields,, mulberry bushes ,, orchards and pasturelands. At one time in everywhere mulberry bushes were found. Hilly llandfandform orm in this region with affluent affluent sunshines favour favourss various agricultura l crops . ln In case of field crop such such as hemphemp,, surrounding surrounding mountainlands facilitate as windbreaks. Then this crop coucould ld be avoid to blown down by strong wind . Livestock Livestock iiss raised on the gently sllopoped ed foo foothills th ills of both Mt. Hijiri and Mt. Azumaya . ln ln In Chikuhoku region ,, raising cattle and horses has common in the mountains and uplands. Before Before agriculture became mechanizedmechanized,, raising cat cattlet1 e as draft animals was iportant . However ,, they are no longer necessary in the farming operarion . Recent times Animal husbandrhusbandryy have become considerably less important . This region had traditionaly raised horses. The decline in the horse raising of 1960s hahass been derived from their replacement by dairy and beef cattle. But today dairy and beef beef cattle farming in this region is on a small scale and facing severe competition from abroad and other areas within the nation . At one time the neighboring mountain foothill areas had abundant forest resources for for building materials and for fuel purposes ,, along with charcoal production (C笹本,ti:<$:,2001)200 1) . Pine Pine trees at one time had been the most common and va lu luabl able e tree in this region. Pine tree tree,, Pinu s ddensijlom,ens♂om , the bark exhibits red colour colour,, can survive in the environment of poorpoor,, even in no humid and thin soils . Today in Chikuhoku region pine forest in every. every· where are let alone without intensive and careful trimmingstrimmings. ]apanJapan has been fast becoming an industrial and urban society with oi l as the main source source of powepower. r. Especially since the High Growth Era the oi l became the major source of of energyenergy,, and lumb er came to be imported from foreign countries at a llooww price . Then forests forests are being devastated without sufficient thinning and lopping . IV - 2 Crop Variations Among several crops rice growing has minor importance because most of the farmers farmers grow it only for their own consumption . Other cerea cereall fie field ld crops those of traditrional traditrional wheatwheat,, buckwheat and ssoybeansoybeans are al so for subsistence. AAlthoughlth ough farming exhibits exhibits ssubsistenceubsistence charactor ,, sev several e ral cash crops hahass been grown . TobacoTobaco,, hemp ,, kozo and laately added mulberry are examples of such cash crops. Most of farmers in this region traditionally combined lowland rice cultivation and various upland field crops, most of them were cash crops, of which sericulture (mulberry) had formed an important part of the farmer's income before 1960s. Urban area have 66

Fig.2 Fig.2 Scale 1 : 5050,000, 000 Topographical Map rSAKAKrSAKAKIj Ij of 1959

LegeLegend (N lI lImbmb er): 1. J-Jokk okkllnill ni s hi OOllkllk an 2. 2. Oamimi P ost TowT own 3. Aoyag i PostPost T ow n

4. 4. 4. O ld S hrin e iVI Miiya m oto S hhinminm e ig ll 5. Old S hl hrin一in e KaKariri yasawasa wa S hinm e igll

6. Shin onoi RaRaiil lway( non. n·erect ectric)ri c) 7. iVI Monadnockonadn oc k iVIt. Mt. AZAZlIll1 aya A Reg ional Geog rraap phy of of th巴じe Chi hikllhkllh okll Reg ion 67

Fig .3 Scale 1 : 5050,000, 000 Topogr ap hical Map rSAKAKrSAKAKIj Ij of 1998

LLegege end( N umb err):) : l. ]RJR Shin onoi L in e(e rec tri ze cl ) 2. C hu ou E xpr essw ay Naga Nagannoo Lin e 3. I-li gashi ya m a Se tt lem ent,, S umm er Vege ttababl le Pr oduct on 44.. AoyagAoyagi F ortr ess S ite 5. I-Ilousin g E state 68

ggrownrow nr rapidlapidl y durin duringg th thee l-l Highig h GGrowthrowt hE Era,ra , d ema nds s fforort truck-typeruck-t ype ffarmarm pr productsodu cts hhas as bbeenee n raprapidlyidl yg growrow n in pplacel ace of pr previousev iousg grainra in ccropsropss sucuch as soysoybeansbea nsa andnd bubuckwheatckw h eat aandnd fa farmersrme rs hhaveave coconvertednver ted th their eir pproductsroduc ts fr fromom drdryy uuplandpland ccropsr ops ttoo a a cocombinationmbi na ti on of vegevegetabtabl les ,, fruit fruits s,, fflowers, lowers , ttobacco, obacco , ddairy ai ry ccattle,at tle , h ogs aandnd ppoultryoultr y. MMulberryulb err yf fieldsield s wewerereo oncen ce pprevalentreva le nt in thi thiss regregionion aandnd it s acacreagereage was ssurpassedur passe d th thanan aanynyo otherth er crops ffromrom th thee rrail ail se servicervi ce opeopennin ingg of 1900s1 900s ti tillll th theee endnd of 1960s.1960s. WWithith th thee ddeclineec li ne ooff se serri iccultuultur rea andnd in increasedcrease dd demandem and fo forr pl plantingantin g tr trees ees purppurpose ose fo forr pri privateva te gagardenrd en pl plantinganti nga andnd ppublicubli c sppace ace greegreenn bebelt lt pl planting,antin g, nurnursery se ryf fieldie ld of yoyoungungt treesr ees hhaveave in incrcrease easedd in in pl place ace oofff formerorm er mmulberryulb err y ffields.ie ld s. AftAfterer1 1960960s s,, aanother noth er mulbmulberryfieldserr yfi eld s wewerere coconvertednve rte d to oorchards.rchard s. A lltitudtitud e ttemperatureemp erat ur e varvariationiati on is llararge wwithin ithin th theeC Chikuhokuhik uh ok u regregionion. HiHigashiyamagashi yama se settlement,ttl em ent, SakakiSakakita-mura ta-mura ,, bbelongs elongs ttoo th thee coocooll upland clim climateate. 1Immm m edi diatately afte afterr WoWorld rld War II ,, ttoo ove rrcomco m e foo foodd shoortagesrt ages aandnd ttoo ecoecourageur age ffoodoo d suppl upplyy,, cocolonization loni za ti on aandnd llandand rreclamationecla m ati on was cocommencedm me nce dt too coconvertnve rtt thehe fo formerrm er fo forestres t aandnd ggrassrass llandand ttooa arablerabl e llandand ,, aatt ffirst. ir st. ThThee foo foodd shoortagerta ge was th thenen tthehe nnationwideati onw id e acacuteu te prproblem.obl em . BuBuckwheat,ckw hea t, popotetoes,t etoes , aandnd ot heerr ser ial ccropsrops wewererec cuulti ltivatevated d. . SooSoonn aafterft er 1950 50,, in pl place ace ooff tthehe fo formerrme r ssuubsbsiste stencen ce ffarmingar min g,, cocommerc mm erc iala agriculturegri cul tur e hhas as ddevelopedeve loped bbyy rraisingaisin g coocooll upl uplandand vegeta vegetablesbl es as ssummeumm er ccabbagesabba ges aandnd cchinesehin ese ccabbages.abb ages ToToday,da y, aamong m ong seve severaral agagrri iculturalcultur al aareasreas ,, we ccanan ffind ind hi highlyghl ys specpec iialiali ze zedd aandnd ccharac­harac- te teristicri sti co onene in coocooll hi highlandg hland vegevegetabtabl le pproductionro du ct ion aarear ea in HiHigashiyamagas hi ya m a,, l ocaocatedted oonn th thee hi highergher westewestern rn ffoothillsoot hill s of MMt.t. A Azumaya,zum ay a, a ltitud e ooff 900 mmeters.e ters. It oorri iggiin nateat es s th thee co lononizatioiza ti on aaimingimin g to brin bringgt thehe fforestor est and ggrassrass lanandd of cocommunemmun e uundndeerr ccroprop cul ultitivatio vationn supuppport ortededb byyt thehe nnationalati o nal ananddl lococa al governgovernmem e nt ppromotionrom otio n popolicyli cy immmimmmediatelyedi atelya afterft er WorWorld ld WaWarr II II.. 1n In HiHigashiyamagas hi ya m a,, al along ong wwithith coocooll upl uplandand vegevegetatabl ble prproduction,odu cti on, sosome m e farmefarmersrs are eengagedngage d in ddairyingair yin g. ManManiJresiJ r es ooff anim als becobecomem e usef ul oorganrgani ic ffertilizersertili zers ootth heerr tthanhan mil milkk prproduction.oduc ti on. DurinDuringg l-l Highigh GGrowthrow th EraEra,, th the e dedemandm andf foror coocooll hi highlandg hland vegeta vegetablesbl es in increasedcrease dr rapidlap idl y. VegeVegetabletabl eg growowingin g oon th thees sl opes of M Mt.t. AzuAzumayama ya al so expaexpanded.nd ed. C Chinesehin ese cacabbagesbb ages ,, CaCabbages,bb ages , lett ettuce, uce , cacarrots rr otsa andnd yayamsm s are rraiaise sedd in th thee rrelativelyelat ive ly coocooll mid ssummeum me r w hen pproducero du ce fr fromom ootth her er areas di disappearsapp ea r fro fromm th thee lar ge ccityi ty markemarketsts (佐-(te 々l:< 木*,,200 2001). 1) lIVV - 3 LLabourabo ur SavSaviin nga andnd PaPart Time Farming Recently, many of the tasks have been mechanized, and farming efficiency has also been increased by cooperative works. Within the northern Shinshu district, in and around urban centers as Nagano and Matsumoto, industrialization and urbanization have created numerous employment opportunities which have attracted many rural people. And the majority of farmers has begun and been engaged in non-agricultural occupations by commuting. On the other hand, rice and some vegetables were tend to be produced for their own consumption rather than to sale. In spite of the fact that Japanese farming productivity is high due to A Reg ionnalal Geography of th e Chikuh ok u Reg ion 69 inten intensivesive opera ti ons in limi limit ted ed areas areas,, la b ollr ur pr productivityOd ll ct ivit y is low co mpar edt too th e interna- interna­ tional tional sta nd ar d. ThThe ey ca y cannn noott cOcompetel11 pet ew w ith in expen nsi ve imports.

At ffirst,ir st, imm edi ate ly after the Wa r II ,, to overCOovercomel11 e th e diffi clllt ulty of Se seri Ooll uSs food- food­ sshorhor ta ge and d in ord er to all ugm entati on food pr Ooddllcti uctionb by farmersfarmers,, l and d reclamation projects projects and plannings we re actively propromotedl11 oted by th e nation al and pr eefecfec tllr tural govegovern rn ­ m ent s. Followingly ,, s inc e th e 1960s 60s,, t o leve l-llP l-up th e farminfarmingg laabob ollr ur prodll productivitycti vit y beca l11 me the the the main purpopurpose se of the land recl amatimatio ns. This tim e the pr ojec th h as bee n fOCllSed focused on the prprogramogra m of adjll djusti ng th e partitions of farmlandfar mland was llndert undertake n and pr promotedom ote d. W ith impr ove l11 ment s o of irrigation and draina ge channe ls adding to realignment of fi eld ss,, va ri oll us agricll agricultllr ltural l11 mechanaized echanaized impl eme nt s lab ollr ur sav in g purppurposes oses can be ll use d. A ll of them we re favourable for w id es pr eaeadd ll usingsin g oof ag ri cllltllral ultural l11 machinesach in es . ThllS Thus in crease d l11 mec hani za ti on in far farmingl11 ing l11 madeade ri ce far l11 minin g less and less lab o ur int ens ive. In case of ri ce cllltivation cllltivation cultivation labour sav in gsgs,, see dlin gs are first cooperatively wo rk ed in vin ylh hOoll u SeS ses and l11 makak e easy to ll use Se l11 mec hani ze d eeq qllipment uipment in th e tran spl antati on wo rksrks of eac h far farmers.l11 ers. Du e to the llar arge ge exte nt of labo ur sav ing ing,, wee keennd d fa farmworl11 wo rk s and part ti timl11 e far farmingl11 ing h as beco m e normal situ aattion ion.N N ow every wee kd d ays l11 manany y farmers are cocommmmutin uting by tr ain s a and ca rs to the dist a nt urban areas. OnlOnlyy in Sllnda unda ys or holid ays far farmem ers are engengageage d in agagrricultur icultural wo rk s in their cropcroplandsl ands. . IV-4 - 4 Land UseUs e Tran siti on

Establishments Establishments Establishments of branch factories l11 madeade it posposs s ible to to suppl y of labo ur frO from I11 th thee farm sw w ithin th e sa m e rregioneg ion . Those branch factories factories from the the c ity of NNaga aga no and town SaSakakaki ,, the latt er i is ffamousamo ll s for its hi gh-t ec hm mac hine hine m aannllf ufac turin g,, h ave eempmpl loye d above some thr ee hundr ed perso ns most of them are farmer families wo m en. And it ha s bbecomeeco m e a imp o rtant so ur ce of farmer's farmer's in ome ,, a long wiwit th h in oth eerr ar eas comcommutingl11 uting wo rk s.

Since Since the begi nnin g of 11960 960ss th e touri sm ha s sp rea d over l11 many parts of th eS Shin shu areaarea,, along w ith traditional skiin g ggroround and h ot ot spring s. Omi-mura had deve loped sma ll sumumml11 er resort on the slope of the the MMt. t. Hijiri ,, in co ll aborati on w iith th th e pr efect efecturaur al governm rnmeent nt proj project ects s (坂(:f;8UtM\tU;ffii~~,北村誌編纂会, 1997 ). Th at transportation and co mmunicatimmunicati ons w w ith th e main NNaga aga no and MaMattumum oto urb an ar eas and w ith mmananyo otth her ar eas includin g far di sta nt large llrb urban centers ha s b ee n well developed would favour tourism in thi s region. In Chikuhoku region tourism is expected to increase in importance. Primary tourist attractions include landform scenery and hi storical sites and memorials. The opening of expressway 1993, agri cultural tourism such as growing sunflower for visitors has gradu­ all y spread into this region. During 1970s, under the Nagano prefectural government project, in both of Omi-mura and Sakakita-mura, to accomodate non- aguricultural commuting workers, some residences of housing estate have built and been facilitated. All matters mentioned above are reflecting the transition of the landuse. 70 70

V _. Co nclu sion

Alth ough reg ardin g th e condi tion of tran sportati on anand c1 hi gh ac cess ibilit y to urban cent erss, , it is ce rta in th at thi s C hikuh oku reg ion h as bee n we ll favo ur ec1 d w ith ,, but thi s reg ion ha s notb bee n bl esse c1 d w ith abunbundc1 a nt wa terr reso ur es . U nndc1 err rece nt circumu stances ces,, ex pan s ion of th e touri sm wo ul uldc1 be al so in ev it abl e in thi s reg ion a nndc1 it l11 miig ht be 111 m0s ostl y ex pect ec1 d t o s upp o rt reg ional peo pl es economi c li fe. Such tr enndc1 ce rtainl y wo ul uldc1 aff e ct heavil yo onl lannduc1 u se tr ansiti on anndc1 wa terr reso ur ce l11 manage m e nnt.t. SoSo,, h ow to save a nd how to u se eff ec ti ve ly sc arc e and pr ec ious w at er r reso ur ce sho uld be th e 111 m0s ost imp ort a nt subj e ct of th e C hikuh oku reg i on. W e can find anndc1 iidc1 entif y so m ec charact eri sti c topog raphic al fea tur es of th e hill ylan land c1 area fr ol11 m th e Fi g . 4. ln In th e foreg rounund c1 narr ow a nndc1 s mall bas in surr ounund c1 ec1 d b y pl ant ec1 d pin e tr ees ca n b be see n. iVI Miiddlc1c1 le gro nndc1 is relat i ve low alti tuudc1 e hill y lanndfc1 f orrml11 ri ridc1 ges ex hibittin gs sm a11 ll up s anndc1 c1 d0own s th at h ac1 d a nndc1 h as m ac1 de peo pl es ac ti ve cO col11 mmunimuni ca ti ons poss ibl e. iVIt.I Mt.I -lijiri is in th e ce ntr al c1 diis tant view show in g 111 m0onanadnc1 nock skylin e shapee,, ex tenndinc1 in g ge ntl es slope on it s so uth e rn foo thil thill. l. Vi sit ors ca n enj oy ni ce sit esee in g bys such th e w iidc1 e ex tenndinc1 in gv view . So m e of th el11l11 m mig ht bes stimul a tec1 d th eir nos ta lg ic fee lin gs. Such lanndc1 sca pew will attr ac tm more anandc1 m ore peo pl ea and w ill becom e touri sl11 m attr act i on.


Obtain ec1 d res ult s canb bes sUummari1l1ll1 ari se c1 d as foll ows. 1. 1. Thi s reg ion ex hibit s c1 diistin cti ve hi story. Co nsistentl y all th e tim es fr om the ancie nt till till rece nt c1 days ,, in vari ous c0co1l1 mmuni111uni ca ti onss,, thi s reg ionh h ac1 d and h as bee nf favo ur ec1 d w ith th e e a sy ac cess ibilit y too oth er areass,, ab ove all ,, th e iVI Miiyak o,, n ati onal capita capital. l. Th at w as poss ibl e thr ough th e relay stati on sys tem of An cie nt anndc1 iVI Miiddlc1c1 le AgeAge,, thr ough th es stage tow n sys tem in pr e-M ode rn age ,, a nndc1 th e raih il way叩 y,, ex pr essway of iVI Mooc1 de rn Era . Hi11 Hilly landf orrm ll1 anand c1 nes tl ec1 d fl at land w it hin tin y ar eas we re th e k ey fac tors th at br oug ht ab o ut tran sport ati on c1 deve loppml11 e nnt.t. Th ose are ref! fl ect ec1 d in th e rem ainin g o of 0o1ldc1 age c1 d ancie nt ori gina l templ es anndc1 shirin es ,, a nndc1 in cas e ofm moc1 de rn Era ,, pr os perit yo of coa l mining g for large urban l11 mark etb bac ke d-up by rail way. 2. 2. F or th e peo pl e in thi s reg in . wa terr reso u ce deve lopm e nt anndc1l11 mana ge m ent h as bee n always acut e pr oblel11 ms.T T o bew with o ut hi gh altitll altitudc1 ea anndc1 large vo lum e 1l1 m0ount ain s res ult ec1 d in in sll1 m all and sho rt ri ve r sys tem s. R elat ive sho rt annual r ainfall of 9 00 milli m eters ll1 makak e hyc1 drrolog ical circum stanc e m ore un favo urabl e. Thi s reg ion h ac1 d fr eq ll uentl ys suf fe rec1 d fr om wa ter scarcit y and peo pl e in thi s reg ion hahad c1 to c1 dev i se va ri ous m eth oc1 d to ove rco m e wa ter c1 defici ency . ii V\VaTaterr reso ur ce anand c1 wate r com sumpti on have two sec tors,, o ne is for c1 d0om es tic u se and oth er is for irri ga ti on purp ose . S prin g wa ters a nndc1 ¥九 were11 ll wa ters ar e s llppl uppl yin g A Reg ional G eog rap hy of theC Chikuh ookl、u Region 7711

Fig FigA .4 Lands ca pe of the Chikuhoku Region from the Southern Direction Di rection ., by Author mmainlainl y for fo r cl dom estic purpose . 1rri Irriga ti on wate rs are obtain bta in ecl ed ffromrom ri ve r surf ace ssttreamreams or or so m e reservoreservoirir s. Uncler Under the the li lif fe e moclernizatio moderni zationn., cl dom es ttiic wate r supp ly hahaveve evo lve cl d fr om thes s mallma ll incli indi viclu idual unit of of obtaobtainnin g by eac h conconsum ers to the the large unit co ll ec .· ti ve suppl y throroughugh pipe sys tem. Mu lti- purpose lar ge Onik um a clamdam arare uncl under co nstru truc­c- tion . It is expecteexpect ecl d to beco me effecti effective measurem easure bot h for cl dom est ic ancl and irri ga ti on wate r suppl y . 3. 3. E vo lut ion of l ancl nd u se ancl and ag ri cultur al acti viti es areare uniqu e. D evo tecl ted lana ndcl to pacli-fie padi-fie lcl ld hhadacl ancl and hahass bee n limlimi itecl ted on narr ow ri ve r sicl ide area ., ancl and rice rice pproductionroclucti on iis mainmainlly for farmerrme r's own co nsumpti o n. Cas h crops crops for ssaale h acl d bee n cul tiva tecl ted mainlmainl y on th e clry dry upl ancl nd fielcl ld . 1n In pre-moclern pre-modern Eclo-E Edo-Eraa,. kozo (m ater ials for ]apanJapan ese pater) ., tobacco ancl ancl and hemp we re re prosperouprosperous. FromFr om th the beg innin g of 11900 900 ti ll 1960s se ri cultur e f ielcl ld h acl d bee n prevai l ove r. R ece ntl y. y, so m e of th e form er se ri cultur e fie lcl d h as co nve rt ecl d to orcorch arcl rd or vege tab le pr oclu duct ctiio n. B ut., byb y compet ition fromfr om abroacl abroad mark market ., upl ancl nd fielcl fields abanaban­- cl don ecl d are incr increas in g., in clu due or ordcl er work in g concl conditiiti ons are m ore un favo r., witwithh stee per per gracli adie nt or mor more far cli di ssta tant nt from tthhe farmer'sfa rmer's homeom e.

和文要旨 筑北地域の地誌、 , 自然環境と人々の生活

小IN\稿では中央高l'h-C:- fti:j:J~rl'IJ 地,tili, 信{13 州北部1+I::lt ~BO):lf.L::lttili:bの筑北地域につき.J£v;:, "":) t! ,, 地:J:iliF,;&Btj誌的記載を試みる。*G II&~~.7,.. 00 長野県東筑摩郡の最北端に位置するが故~ lLif~;;,*~fiLllUmO)& ;jt !iii,H;:' {lLillJ:i" 0 iJ;i'&,, 当~:J:地域ili:l)l:X は住民にf t.{cE~vU~より I) 「筑r~fiL北;jt 」J と称t f11; される。それは~ n 00 .:t:- nft 行政1Ti&上J:0)1f~A~#J;V;:'の形式名称に とどt t'j:まらず Gi"',, 以下j:_Ffv;:.:iZfs~0に述べるご ~ とt きt! ,, 自然§f.~ ・. 文x 化両面1l:;jlfjjJfjvUにわたる::d-: 0tili:£!l[~地理的実~体1* を有する~fi~00~:£!l[~~~0)~a~~.~~00。地理的実体の記載が地誌である。 72 72

歴史と生活の容器たる自然環境の最も基本は,当地域が犀川丘陵の~~ c 1:$O)~~t.: ~ EI?t.$:!Jto)~ t ~*V:l:" ~tttt~71;~ JIIJi~O)-~~Ci一角を占める事実であ lib ~~~-c'~ る。犀~o ~JI川I 丘陵は県内をもその一部とし,新潟県下の魚沼丘陵や頚城丘陵におよぶ。地質学的Ji~vt.l}f!;iAJ~ t -'to)-:g:~ c G, ~¥~l}f!;rO)~,WJi~~~:lJiXJi~~;:::.:to J: ~o tttt1!#1¥J には,秋田県から山形県を経て新潟~ut., f*ffil}f!;71'GLlIIDI}f!;~~-C~¥~ ・· 長野両県におよぶ,緑色凝灰岩の卓越する,第三紀中~!l!Yjj!ijI}f!;~;:::.:toJ:~, ~15~D(:6-0)-9'!~-t-~, ~=*2$ 新世から鮮新世起源の区域に重なり~itt71' Gif!¥~itt~V*O) 1R~~;:::.:m tJ: fJ,, 広大な領域におよんでいる。その丘陵地の地形の形成J.t*tJ:~Ji:h.Ii~;:::.:to J: ,4.; -C'I" ~ 0 -'to) Ji~ttttO)ttttIDO)IDnlG は,更新世の台地よりは古いがvt., ]!~ittO)-EJtttt J: fJ vt.tJl, '71;,山, LlItttt地よりもかなり新しく,現在の犀川の下方浸食を受ける J: fJ t 71' tJ: fJ ~ G <. lJ1.1±O)~J II 0) r:1J¥~~~~ vr ~ 以前の,長野~MO), ~!I!Y ・· 松本両盆地の陥没に先んじて準平原的地形の発達をみた。地形学的追跡によ~*jj!ij~~o)~~K~,4.;C-c~.~I¥J~IDO)H~~~ko~ID#I¥J~.KJ: り判明した,連続する平坦面は,より古くより大きな高度からより新し'?!fUI3JjGk, J.I~-t-~.t§OOvt., J: '?tJ< J: '?*~tJ:~lt71'GJ: ,?~GI,'/j\~tJ:r.L 、小さな高度に向か'blt~qO]71' い,乗越面1,', *~OO ・·$中島面£OO ・· 大倉面に大別される。これら残存の準平原は,人々に緩やかで利用しや*1tOO~;:::.*5H~.h~0 '::'.hG~ffO)~.~Vt., AI:( ~;:::'~~71'-c'fljffl G~ すい地形を提供し,かつての里山の入会林野-t-I, ,ttttID~~fj:t G, 71'0-C O).mLlIO)A~#!I!Y ・· 高原野菜の栽培~~!I!Y~O)tJt:tif ・· 畜産*~ ・. 果樹園そして近年の高5I'!:WfI8!l-'t G -Cili:~0)~ 速道路の通過経路となった。この丘陵地はまた河JmJ]!~O)Jmi&1~~ c tJ:.0 ko .::. O)Ji~ttttvt. 'i tdiiJJl川1の浸食作用のため幾つもの小さな盆地にO)~~f'Fffl O)t.:IIb~'0 t O)lj\ ~ tJ:~tttt~;:::.

分かれた。ある盆地から隣の盆地へは浸食から残った低い尾根を越せば容易に行け5j-7J'.ht.:o ~ ~~tttt71' G~O)~tttt.A..vt.~~71' G~ -::> kfl£H~.;j:.N ~~1±-vi~~ ~;:::'1'Jvr ,, これが.::. .h71; 古代から幹線交通路の通過を可能にした。そのため,古代の官道は中世の伝馬道へtJ{i;71' G~*,)jlxJm~O)J.mi&1~'5J~g~;:::. G t.:o -'to)t.:lIb, tJfi;O)'§J]!vt.$ittO)w.~J]!.A..,, さらに~ G~;:::. 近世の宿,駅制へと継承され,宿場をつなぐ北国西往還はそのまま近代の鉄道になり,さらにili:ittO)m,~*U.A..U:l*~~.h, m;l:~~'0tJ: <-'~tOO~ffJivt.-'to)'i 'iili:fi;O)w.;J]!~;:::.tJ: ,?, ~ G~;:::. 現代の中央道長野線に継承されている。lJ1.fi;O) $*J]!~!I!Y~~;:::.m ~ ~.h -C 1,' ~o 丘陵地の高度はせいぜいJi~tttt 0) ~ It vt.1±- I, ,-If 1" 1500m どまりで,山地よりだいぶ小さし河川も短く,浸食谷c· 'i fJ -Co, LlI tttt J: '? t.= 1,' ~/j \ ~ <, tor}l l t ~ <, ~~ ~ も浅t Yi L1" 、から,降水を蓄える容71' G, ~J]<. ~~ *- ~~il:vt./j\量は小さい。内陸性の気候がこれに加わり,筑北地域は水資源 ~ I, '0 iAJ~tEO) ~ f,*71;'::' .h~;:::.1.JDb ,?, rn~ttttt~Vt.J]<.Jiv* に乏し~;:::.z G LI, 、。この克服に様々な努力が払われてきた。透水性のある比較的柔らかし、砂岩を掘れ'0 .::. O)%n&~;:::'~1:( td¥'j] 71;tbb.h -C ~ ko ~J]<.'jj:0) ~ ~J:t®tl¥J* G 71'1, ,.jjtY:6-~:tftll.h vi,ば,井戸水が得られたか *1:pJ]<.71;1~ G.hk 71' ら,近世の宿場の坂G, ili:ittO)m:l-l.iO):f:.&~t;ftwWP~r!vt..jjtY:6-O)J:~;:::.北村青柳集落は砂岩の上に作られている。聖 f'F G.h -C 1" ~ 0 ~ 山LlI や四阿屋(あずまや〉山は第三紀層へ割り込んだ火山岩で残丘地形を示し,硬く撤密な安山~~~.(~f'i~)LlIVt.~=~~.A..~,?~,4.;k*LlI:6-~~Ji~ID~~G, ~<.m~~LlI 岩中の小さな多数の亀裂に含まれた水を:6-$ O)lj\ ~ tJ:~H&O)_~~;:::. -21 'i .h tu]<. ~1960~{i;71'1960 年代から水道用水に活用してきた。完成間近な GJ]<.J]!fflJ]<.~;:::'$ ffl G -C ~ ko iGnlGFI3'J[[tJ: 別所川水系の小仁熊l.I UPjfJ 11J]<.~O)IH=fj~31"ダムは水系の異なる東僚 A vt.J]<.~ O)~ tJ: ~ *f,*J川 II と結ぶ,信州c *5~, fMI-IV|には珍しい,洪水調節よりも貯;:::. vt.rt G 1,', mJ]<.~JiI'jJ: fJ t ~'T 水を主目的とするダムである。J]<.~:± § I¥J c -t- ~ 31" A -Co ~ ~ 0 多様な~~ tJ:ttttrJiV*~~tI'~15地下資源を含む緑色凝灰岩は当地域では石炭を埋蔵し,品位は亜炭の部類程度であ~D(:6-vt.~ tttt~-c'vt.EJR~J:!Il.~ G, 5bf.lLvt.£lEJRO)$~~It-c'~

ったが,鉄道開通後は松本や岡谷の製糸業向けに-::> t':71;, w.;J]!IJfJJm1&vt.t'~*~1lUJ~0)~*~foJvr~;:::. ,, また敗戦直後には燃料の不足した首都圏'i t.:J&~@:1&~;:::.Vt.:t?!.;f-+0)/f.fE G t.:§W~ 向けに,活発に採掘され輸送された。盆地の周囲の山地は森林に覆われておりfoJvrK, $HK~:tftll~.hM~~.hko~~O)~~O)LlI~Vt..#Kmb.h-C:to,?,, 石油燃料にE~~f-+K

市場を奪われるm:l-l.i~.b.h ~ 1960 1960~{i;'i年代までは建築材 -c'vt.)!~t.t ・• 薪炭の採取が活発であった。これらもまた鉄道で、都jjfJRO)~Jf)(71;mH-c' ~ -::> t.:o .::..h G t 'i td~J]!-c'W 市の市場に送られた。かつては利用価値が高く,頻繁に森林を利用したので,その結果赤松mO)m;l:~~;:::.~ G.hko 71''0-C vHlJfflfiffif~71;~ <, ®~~;:::,.#~flJffl G t.:O)-C', -'to)*551'!:~t'~ 林が多く見られる。しかし燃料だけでなく建築材も輸入に代わり,目下は森林は荒廃しがち#71'~ < J! G.h ~ 0 G 71' Ut-i\*SJ.t.= vr-c' tJ: < yt~t.t t MA~;:::' {i;b fJ, § r vt..#vt.:m~ G 71' 'b である。-C'~ ~o

農業では~~-c'vt.,稲作, fIlH'Fvt.は自家消費が主であまり重要ではなし、。小規模であったが畑作には様々な EI *¥~ft71;:i: -Co ~ 'i fJ :m~-c'vt.tJ:\, '0 Ij\m.m-c' ~ -::> k71':J:IIlf'F~;:::. Vt.~1:( tJ: 換金作物があり,筑北地域の農業の特徴を示した。近世からタパコ,椿,麻が作られ,タバ~~{'F~71'~'?, rn~ttttt~O)~~O)~~~~Gt.:o ili:itt71'G31/~::l, t;g, Jff71'f'FG.h, 31/~

コは江戸にも知られていた。鉄道開通後は養蚕が盛んになったが,::l vt.Up~;:::. t 9;0 G.h -C I, ,t.:o w.;J]!1JfJJ.m1&vt.f[~71'~,4.;~;:::.tJ: -::> t':71;, 11960~~960 年を境に衰退し,入:t~X~J![ G, A れ替わりに果樹.h~b '? ~;:::.5I'!:Wf ・• 苗木ffi* .・畜産*~ .・花や野菜の種子1E~!I!Y~O)fi-T, , そして高冷地の高原野菜が伸び-'t G -C ~~ttttO)~~!I!Y~71'f$Uko、た。 11960~~J~w.;J]!O)960 年以降鉄道の電化C{ 1::; ・• 幹線道路の県道から国道への昇格と拡幅舗装の継続的な改修があ~~J]!~O) 1}f!;J]!71' G OOJ]!.A..O):¥f.11§ c :j:J1JM~~O)m~l¥JtJ:C5(:f~71;~ り,,?, 1990 1990~{i;*0)$*年代末の中央道長野線開通と接続道路の改良が交通変革に拍車をかけた。幹線交通J]!~!I!Y~IJfJJm c ~~J]!~0)C5(:~71'xJm~1jn;:::.t8*~71,vrko ~*,)jlxJm 路に常に接し得た筑北地域は~~;:::. ~ ~;:::.~ G1~t.:rn~ttttt~vt.1960~{i;~;:::.1960 年代には麻績村の聖山麓の観光開発,また vt.Jff*,i;ftO)~LlIRi O)tmJl:;IJfJH, 'i td970~{i;1970 年代と c 80 80~年 代には麻績{i;~;:::,vt.Jff*i ・• 坂北両村で通勤者を収容する住宅団地を開発し:f:.&~tjj!ijM-C'JHHi!b1!f~~~-t- ~fit~tttt~IjfJH G,, 住民が定着した。幹線交通路fi~71'k~ L t.:o ~*JRxJ.m~ の変革にともなって,聖高原O)~~:V;:::' c t tJ: -::> -C, ~~~ ・. 差切峡~1;7J~ ・· 青柳城牡1fWP:lJiX:W: ・· 青柳宿などがより広域に知られ,さらに向wwnmtJ: C'71' J: '? J.t~~;:::,9;O G.h, ~ G ~;:::'foJ 日葵栽培で観光客の受け入れをはかるなど,農業も観光の一部になった土地利用の変化も進E3 ~tJt:tif-c'tm Jl:;~O) ~vr A.h ~ vt.71' ~ tJ: C, A'l~ t tmJl:;O)-$~;:::. tJ: -::> t.:±ttttfUffl O)~{I::; t J1t A RegionRegional Geography of the Chik ll llh hokll okll R eg ion 73


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