Not what you expect on a Sunday morning at Church…… but the theme was the Wedding at Cana !


A letter from the Vicar

Dear Friends

Turning towards the Cross

You have probably realised by now that this is one of those years when Easter falls so early that we move with almost indecent haste from the Christmas Season into Lent. The sudden change of mood challenges us, but this can be a strength. only one such shadow), the quick succession of the seasons can serve On 31 January we celebrated the to remind us that at its heart, last great feast of the Christmas Christmas is about Emmanuel, God Season; the Feast of the with us. The baby born to save us by Presentation of Christ in the Temple, his coming death on the cross. more popularly known as Candlemas which falls on 2 February. We For almost forty days we have remembered that forty days after worshipped adoringly at the manger. Christmas, Mary & Joseph presented We have journeyed with the wise Jesus in the Temple, as the Jewish men. We have witnessed the sheer Law required. It was during this visit panic of Mary and Joseph as they to the Temple in Jerusalem that searched for a lost 12 year old and Simeon recognised Jesus as the then shared in their incomprehension Christ and made his chilling that their son is about his Father’s prophecy that a sword would pierce business. We have witnessed Jesus’ Mary’s heart. A prophesy which baptism and his first miracle at the surely reached its awful climax as wedding in Cana. Now, as we move Mary stood at the foot of the cross. towards Lent it is time for us to do as Jesus did and turn towards the cross. Just ten days later, on 10 February, we mark the beginning of Lent on CONTENTS Ash Wednesday. It marks the start Letter………………… Page 2 of our own journey towards Good Sunday Services…….. Page 3 Friday and the cross. Wettenhall News……. Page 4-6 Recipe……. Page 7 Sometimes we can be shocked, Plough Sunday… Page 12-13 almost offended, at the speed at Worleston News…… P a g e 16 - 1 7 Lent Course…….. Page17 which Lent and Easter follow the St Oswald’s School… Page 22 Christmas Season. Yet, if we allow Contacts…………….. Page 23 the shadow of the cross to fall across Christian Aid Quiz Page 24 Christmas (and Simeon’s prophecy is


As we travel through the cold days of ASH WEDNESDAY late winter and early spring, the challenge to us is to travel with Jesus Wednesday 9th from the manger to the cross. For the February manger and the cross are not unrelated. They are entwined, UNITED inseparable aspects of Emmanuel, God with us in the manger and on the COMMUNION cross.

Yours in the God who continues to be 10.30am Emmanuel, St Mary’s, Acton Revd Anne

Sunday Worship in the Cross Country Parishes

Sunday 7 February 14 Feb. comm21 28 Feb. 6 March Services Next before Lent 1 Feb. Lent 3 Mothering Lent Lent 2 (St David) Sunday Wettenhall 11am 11am 11am 11am 11am St David Morning Communion All Age Patronal All Age Prayer Service Service with Service Bp. Libby

Worleston 11am 9.30am 11am 11am 11am St Oswald All Age Communion Morning United at All Age Service Prayer Wettenhall Service

Acton 11am 8am 10am 8am 11am St Mary Communion Communion Messy Communion All Age 6.30pm 11am Church 11am Service Evening Morning 6.30pm United at 6.30pm Prayer Prayer Communion Wettenhall Communion 6.30pm 6.30pm Evening Evening Prayer Prayer Church 9.30am 11am 11am 11am 11am Minshull Communion Café Church Communion Messy Café Church St Bartholo (BCP) Church -mew


WETTENHALL A huge thank you to Michael Cookson Visit who has been PCC Treasurer for many years. SIDESPERSONS Michael managed to make the job 7 Feb Mr J Hignett seem effortless and always produced 14 Feb Mrs M Sherry the accounts within days of the year 21 Feb Brownies & Guides end! His Treasurer's Reports were al- 28 Feb Mr G Tucker ways brief and to the point. We are 6th Mar Mrs M. Hollinshead indebted to him for all that he has done and hope that he has more time to CLEANING & FLOWERS spend with Sally in the future! Feb 7/14* Mrs H Wilson & Family Thanks also to Gail Ward who has tak- Feb 21*/28* Mrs S. Ward & en over as PCC Treasurer for this Mrs I Drinkall year. Mar 6*/13* Mrs M Sherry 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF RAF * Please note that Lent begins on 10th HARRIER COLLISION OVER Feb when we no longer need flowers. WETTENHALL (Although we will make an exception January 19th marked the 40th for our Patronal Festival on 28th anniversary of the mid-air collision over February!) the parish. The two young pilots, James Downey and John Roberts both died in the accident. The widow of James CONGRATULATIONS Downey has been in touch expressing .Dr Christine Howard! her desire to visit the parish again in Christine has passed her PhD in bio- order to mark the occasion and to pass logical sciences on the abundance of on, her and her families, best wishes to European breeding birds: present and the people of Wettenhall. future. Apparently birds are a good Along with her family, she marked the natural environmental indicator. date by taking flowers to the cemetery After many years of hard work study- at RAF Wittering. ing we wish Christine well as she Our thoughts and prayers are with both passes on her knowledge to others at families at this time. conferences around the world.

MORE BIRTHDAY CONGRATULATIONS! Maddison There are some special 'O' Nathan Moss birthday celebrations this month! Niamh Ward Congratulations to Anne Brooks, Cate Gregory & David Drinkall. We hope you all have a lovely

4 WELL DONE! Brownies, Guides and church members sang their hearts out on an even- ing of Carolling in aid of the Salvation Army. An amazing total of £191 was raised for the local branch. Grateful thanks to all who supported in refreshments, chauf- feuring and donating to such a worthy cause.

Carols continued on the Sunday before Christmas at the annual Carol Service which concluded with delicious mulled wine and warm mince pies.

Christmas Eve saw a packed church of angels, shepherds, wise men, stars and of course, Mary, Joseph and the donkey, on their way to Bethlehem.

Finally the waiting was over and the present opening was enjoyed by children and adults alike at the Family Eucharist on Christmas Day. We were all reminded of the greatest gift ever given to the world - Emmanuel, God with us.


A warm welcome is extended to everyone in the United Benefice to share in the celebration of St. David's Day. This year we are celebrating on Sunday 28th February at 11.00am and we are particularly looking forward to a visit by the Rt. Reverend Libby Lane, Bishop of Stockport. This service is always a joyful reminder of our connection to St. David and a chance to raise the roof in singing some of our favourite Welsh hymn tunes. Refreshments, as usual will follow.,

COFFEE & CAKE AT ST DAVID’S The next meetings will take place on Thursday February 4th and on March 3rd from 10am-12noon. Everyone is welcome to drop in!

5 School Report

Calveley Eco Committee got the opportunity to visit Tesco in in order to learn more about food miles, food waste and recycling with the Farm to Fork project.

Nine children, accompanied by Mrs Huntbach, Mrs Edge and Mrs Sloyan,

were treated to a look around the bakery where they were able to design their own ‘Hedgehog’ bread. This was to be baked for them later.

The children were then taken on a tour of the recycling areas. (continued on next page)

6 RECIPE CRUSTLESS SAVOURY TART Ingredients: 1 teaspoon parsley or mixed herbs 4oz/110g chopped ham or cooked 1/2 teaspoon salt bacon 1/2 teaspoon pepper 4oz/110g grated cheese (strong cheddar) Method: 1 large chopped onion Mix all ingredients thoroughly. 2 eggs Pour into greased pie dish. Bake at 1 cup of milk 180C or 350F or gas mark 4 for 35 1 heaped tablespoon plain flour minutes. 1 teaspoon dried mustard

ASH WEDNESDAY Wednesday 9th February UNITED COMMUNION 10.30am at St Mary’s, Acton

( Report continued from previous page) They were shown how Tesco separates materials for disposal. Some of their food waste now gets donated to local charities, homeless shelters or people in need. Finally, they walked around the fruit and vegetable aisles looking at food packaging to see how far some of our food has travelled.

The morning finished with a question and answer session, healthy snack and a certificate.

(But one question remains -) How many seeds does a strawberry have?


DOMESTIC Driveways & patios built & repaired Steam clean makes the above safe Landscaping & Fencing

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AGRICULTURE Tractor & man, JCB site master for hire All agricultural work considered We move heaven & earth to help For advice or a free quote call: Pete on 01270 528244/07960223920 Or Dave on 07815200913

9 ALWRIGHT GRANTS BUTCHERS CARPENTER & JOINER Based in All types of Carpentry (Within Minshull Nurseries) Doors, Windows, Flooring, Repairs, Kitchens, Wardrobes A fine range of quality meats.

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11 Plough Sunday Service at Reaseheath College

An exciting new development this year was the holding of the Plough Sunday Service in January as a United Event for the four parishes, held at and with the support of Reaseheath Collage. The service also heard about and supported the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI)

12 13 14

15 ST OSWALDS CHURCH, WORLESTON 2016 SOME WORLESTON DATES FOR THE DIARY Visit Wed 2nd Mar. – PCC meeting th SIDESMEN Wed. 6 April – Parish AGM st 7th February Mr A Jackson Thurs 21 April – Songs of Praise followed 14th Mrs D Darlington & by Cake & Bubbly Sat. 11th June – Hog Roast Mrs J Alexander Sat. 22 July – Village Fete 21st Mr & Mrs G Fanagan Sun. 26th Nov. – Advent Sunday with the 28th United Service at St Christopher Chorale Wettenhall Sun. 11th Dec. – Constabulary Police Band concert FLOWER ROTA Sun.18th Dec. – Christmas Carol Service 7th February Mrs P Stalker

CHURCH CLEANING ASH WEDNESDAY February Mrs J Grocott Wednesday 9th Febru- ary Best Wishes to ! UNITED COMMUNION Anne Fletton, Hilda Lankutis, Phil Callwood and Stuart Ward - all back home after a recent stay in hospital. 10.30am at St Mary’s, We pray for their contnueing recovery. Acton

LENT COURSE - Adventures in Prayer

This year’s Lent Course will take place on Tuesday evenings. The course will look at Prayer and different ways of praying.

16 February Removing the Obstacles - Wettenhall 23 February Praying with the Bible - Acton 1 March Celtic Prayer – Worleston 8 March Praying when Life Hurts – Church Minshull 15 March Creative Prayer – Wettenhall

All at 7.30 pm

16 Forthcoming Events at Worleston Village Hall FILM NIGHT FEBRUARY 24th this months showing is SUFFRAGETTE a true story of women’s fight for the vote . Licensed bar opens at 7pm for a 7:30pm start . Entry £4 pay at the door. PERFORMING ARTS CLASSES started on Friday 8th January, from 4pm , Baby Ballet and Tap for children 2 and a half years old. Pre Primary Ballet and Tap for 5year olds , Street Dance and Musical Theatre from 5 years , Primary / Grade 1 Ballet and Tap for children from 7 years old . Please contact 01270 821293 iT TUITION sponsored by Council , a FREE course of instruction to give beginners confidence. Use your own equipment or we can supply . This is on alternate Wednesday afternoons from 2pm , please ring for details . TABLE TENNIS , Every Thursday at 6:30pm we have 3 new tables for this increasingly popular activity SHORT MAT BOWLING Every Friday at 1:30pm . Come to enjoy and make new friends . We still require leaders / helpers for Beavers , Cubs and Scouts, we already have successful Rainbow and Brownie groups , if you can help please will you contact us Tel: 01270 629733

17 Clock Repairs & Servicing

Quality assured service from a British Horological Institute Award Winning Horologist

31 years experience Free estimates & advice Free collection & delivery

Please call – Stephen Rose 01477 415091 01606 554475

18 Worleston WI

“Dialects, Digby Dog and a bit of Drama”

At the December meeting President Annita Grunner welcomed guest speaker, Derek Poulson.

Derek Poulson then entertained the ladies with his talk on dialects - “It isn’t what you say but the way that you say it”. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed listening to Derek, who once again made dialects thoroughly entertaining.

The 2015 Committee officers have settled into their 2016 Committee roles and Marilyn Booth has taken over the role of Social Secretary from Ros Lea. Thanks to Ros Lea for all the enjoyable theatre trips, meals and social events she organised in 2015, including the Christmas meal and the Christmas Strauss theatre visit. Chris Hume was awarded the Worleston Competition Cup for her monthly competition entries and Marilyn Booth was runner up.

In the January meeting President Annita welcomed Chris Bailey and congratulated her on her MBE. Several new ladies joined the group along with WI families, friends and visitors before everyone enjoyed a hearty buffet. After the buffet, entertainment was the order of the day as the Worleston WI Drama Group presented their New Year Show. Digby Dog was joined by” Bill & Ben the Flowerpot men”, “Albert” was eaten by the Lion, The Synchronised swimmers were joined by “Jaws” and “My Favourite Things” took on a whole new meaning. The Porters went on strike in the “Hospital Song” and Mastermind had everyone laughing as “Answering the question before” became the topic. Worleston WI would like to thank Rookery Hall for their spa voucher raffle prizes which winners were delighted to receive.

Worleston WI is an active mixed age group of ladies who enjoy a variety of good speakers, sociable, interesting and fun activities and crafts, frequently including families and friends. The next meeting, at the Worleston & District Village Hall, will be on Wednesday 10th February 2016 at 7.15pm when Peter Turner will entertain with “Through the Eyes of a Magician”. Visitors and new members are always welcome at Worleston WI. For details or to visit, please contact Annita on tel: 01270 629164 or Linda on tel: 01270 781220, or see the Worleston Village Hall website under “Groups”.

Caroline Evans Ladies who Lunch Podiatrist/Chiropodist Tuesday 9th February HCPC Registered at Local home visiting service The Thatch, Based in Worleston 07841826493 12.30pm - Cost: £10 01270 628106 (No need to book)


20 A year around a country garden in Cheshire Susan Lyon Heap with Pickle and Beetle

'If you have enjoyed the wildlife articles in this magazine over the past year, they have now been published in a 28 page colourful booklet with several more illustrations and photographs. They can be purchased in St. Oswalds Church and also on telephone no. 01270 620199.

Donation to St. Oswald’s and St. David’s Churches.'

21 Changing Times for

St Oswald’s is tiny, but a gem of a school. It has outstanding teaching and leadership. Since 2015 the Headteacher, Mrs Fiona Todd was loaned on a part time basis to Bunbury Primary School, which had had an Ofsted inspection and had been classed as a school in Special Measures. It was in need of developing a stronger leadership to bring it, already a very good school, back to high achievement. That was the beginning of a great partnership.

Both schools share the same ethos, strong Christian values and both are Church Schools. Bunbury is larger than St Oswald’s and that all helps in our times of tight budgets. The schools share expertise and resources. A year later, under Mrs Todd’s successful leadership, both the governors of St Oswald’s and the Interim Board governing Bunbury decided to explore Federation, a more formal way of working together where there will be close relationships and shared gov- ernors.

Parents were consulted in the Autumn Term of 2015 and in both schools there was a welcome to this new future. We hope that from February 23rd St Oswald’s and Bunbury School will become a Federation, under the leadership of Mrs Todd as Executive Headteacher. Each school will have their own Head of School and will share a Governing Body. This half term the staff and parent governors will be elected and the Church or Foundation Governors will be appointed by the local parishes and the Diocesan Board of Education. These will be governors already working at both schools and perhaps some new faces bringing skills in finance, education and the Christian life.

It is an exciting time, for both schools to work together but separately. Already children are working on a joint activities for World Book Day on 3rd March for the Giant Book Quiz and short story competition, which will mean staff and students get to know their new “partners” a little more. Even though, day to day each school will run in very much the same way.

The future hopefully, will be to develop an Academy Trust, where the schools come out of Local Authority control and work under a Trust, which can under- stand the day to day running of small rural church primary schools, both excel- lent in teaching and learning. This Trust can include other partner primary schools in our area, if they would like to join. In this way our local primary schools, all working together in our own area and focused on the needs of our children will continue to be strong and successful in delivering a great education.

Brenda Brockbank Foundation Governor, St Oswald’s School.


Rev’d Anne Lawson 01270 628864 The Vicarage, Road, Acton, Cheshire CW5 8LG Email [email protected] Parish Office Open at the Vicarage - Tuesday & Thursday - 9.30am - 12 noon [email protected] or [email protected]

Licensed Readers: Isobel Burnley 624521 [email protected] Ann Nicholas 528273 [email protected]

St David’s St Oswald’s Churchwardens Mr R Nicholas 528273 Mr M Alexander 624404 Mr R Brooks 528278 Mrs I Burnley 624521

Other Parish Office Holders PCC Secretaries Mrs H Pope 528755 Mr G Flanagan 669137 PCC Treasurers Mrs G Ward 01606 554869 Mr G Heap 620199 Organists Mr R Nicholas 528273 Mr G Heap 620199 Magazine Reps Mrs Ann Nicholas 528273 Contact the Churchwardens CW7 4DN CW5 6DR

All copy for the next Magazine must be with Donald Brockbank (01606 593651) at [email protected] or your parish rep NO LATER THAN Friday 12th February. For advertising contact Roger on 01270-528273

CHURCHES TOGETHER IN CHESHIRE Skittles Evening at the Bickerton Poacher (Postcode SY15 8BE) on Friday 5th February starting at 7.30pm. Carvery available. No charge but donations wel- come! To help with catering numbers please ring Pauline Nuttall 01829 720198. Keith Ineson, Agricultural Chaplain.

When you contact one of our advertisers please mention that you found them in our magazine.

This magazine is printed for us by Delmar Press Ltd, Nantwich. 01270-624122


Friday 19th February 7.30 – 8pm start

Acton Parish Hall (CW5 8LG)

Quiz master David Greatorex £7 pp to include refreshments, bar available Ring Tracey on 01270 626802 to enter teams of 6