M/S. DHARMENDRA CHATURBHAI KHABHATI (DCK) Village‐OZ, Tal.: Karjan, Dist.: Vadodara‐393105. (M) 9824421292. E‐mail:
[email protected] DCK/DEAC/EC/01/2018 Date: 02/08/2018 To, District Level Expert Appraisal Committee (DEAC), The Geologist, Department of Geology & Mining, Collectorate Compound, Vadodara. Subject: Application for Environmental Clearance for the Ordinary (Ordinary Bricks) Clay Mines Admeasuring 04.82.06 Ha. At Sr. No: 344,1060,1061,1271,1272,1273,1274,1275, 1276,1277,1307,1308,1309,1314,1315,1316,1324,1325,1326,1327,1328,1331,Village‐OZ, Tal.: Karjan, Dist.: Vadodara‐393105. Respected Sir, With reference to the above subject and circular form MoEF “In case of mining activity at any less than 5 ha lease areas require Environmental Clearance form DEIAA as per MoEF Circular Dated – 15/01/2016”. We require obtaining the Environmental Clearance. We herewith apply (in Form‐1M) for environmental clearance with the Form – 1M, prefeasibility study report, Project details and other supporting documents. We request your good selves to kindly consider our case in earliest committee meeting and grant us the recommendation / Environmental Clearance. Thanking You, Sincerely Yours, For DHARMENDRA CHATURBHAI KHABHATI(DCK). Authorised Signature Dharmendra C. Khabhati FORM-1M APPLICATION FOR MINING OF MINOR MINERALS UNDER CATEGORY ‘B2’ FOR LESS THAN TO FIVE HECTARE Basic information Sr. No. Item Details DHARMENDRA CHATURBHAI KHABHATI(DCK) (04.82.06 ha) 1 Name of the Project Ordinary Clay Mining at Survey No. –344, 1060,1061, 1271,1307, 1308,1309,1314, 1315, 1316,1324,1325, 1326,1327,1328,1331, Village: OZ ,TaL: Karjan , Dist: Vadodara‐393105.