Geology of Kadana Reservoir Area, Panclimaliak District, Gujarat and Banswara and Dengarpur Districts Lajastlian
Geology of Kadana Reservoir Area, Panclimaliak District, Gujarat and Banswara and Dengarpur Districts lajastlian. yi' 3^ K ABSTRACT THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF Doctor of Philosophy IN Geology BY IQBALUODIN FACULTY OF SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH 1984 ABSTRACT The thesis presents the stratigraphic, sedimentational, deformational and metaitiorphic history of the Proterozoic sequence exposed in the Kadana Reservoir and adjacent area, An area of about 500 km2 was mapped in parts of Banswara and Diangarpur districts, Rajasthan and Panchmahals District, Gujarat, falling between North Latitudes 23*^15' to 23^30* and Bast Longitudes 73°45' to 74°15', The area forms western part of the indiaft^ i'hield,' '^rid is included in Survey of India toposheet nos;-46 E/15 and.-1/3, Lithoiogically the rocks of the area corrprise quartz- chlorite schist," chlorite phyiiite, ultramafics, meta- protoquartzite, meta-siltstone^ meta-subgraywacke, quartzite, meta-conglomerate, and garnetiferous schists.Stratigraphically the metasedimentary sequence, of the area was mapped as southern extension of the Aravalli rocks exposed in Udaipur, The present study has established that the sequence is younger than the type Aravalli rocks of Udaipur Group and succeeds it with structural discordance. Following the code of stratigraphic nomenclature in India the metasedimentary sequence of the Kadana Reservoir area has been assigned to Lunavada Group, Based on lithological homogeneity, strike persistance and local relationship of superposition the rocks of the Lunavada Group have been separated into Wardia,Nahali, Bhawanpura, Chandanwara, Bhukia and Kadana formations in descending order of antiquity. The inliers of older metainorphics of Udaipur Group and associated ultramaf ics have been assigned to Vareth Formation and Rakhabdev Ultramafic Suite,respectively.
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