299 © the Author(S) 2019 I. Hussain (Ed.), South Asia in Global Power
INDEX A Agricultural mono-production, 201 ABC (Argentina, Brazil, and Chile) Aguirre, DeAnne, 134 cone in the south, 230 Ahmed, Shamsun Nahar, 19 Abe, Shinzo (Prime Minister), 7, 9, Akamatsu, Kaname, 218 107, 115 Alam, Md. Shahriar (Chief Guest of Abi Waqqa, Sa’ad ibn, 54 2016 Latin America seminar, Abuarja, Suhayia, 54 Dhaka), 228 Accord-approved, 4 Ali, Mahmud, 20 Acheson, Dean (Secretary of State), Ali, Mohammad (Pakistan’s Prime 251, 256 Minister), 256 “Act East”, 86, 91, 110–112, 114 Allen, George (Ambassador), 254 ad-Din, Shaykh Burhán, 51 Allende, Salvador, 189 ad-Din, Shaykh Jalal, 51 Alliance-authorized factory reforms, Adinath Temple, 52 4 Afghani-Pakistan strains, 114 Alliances, 241 Afghanistan, 13, 19, 63, 108, 110, Almagro, Luis (Secretary General of 114, 222, 245 the organization), 188 Africa, 10, 83, 115, 138, 186 al-Qaeda, 65 African Growth and Opportunity Act Ambassadorial BIISS congregation (AGOA), 158 (March 2016), 231 African regions, 56 Amdowa-PLA truce, 253 Agreement Framework with Mercosur Andaman Island, 115 (2003), 199 Andrugtsang, Gompo Tashi (NVDA Agricultural-manufacture unequal Commander), 257, 261, 265 exchange, 214 “America for the Americans,” 225 © The Author(s) 2019 299 I. Hussain (ed.), South Asia in Global Power Rivalry, Global Political Transitions, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7240-7 300 INDEX Animism, 52 “commodity-for-manufacture trade Antidumping and countervailing exchange,” 224 duties, 183 convergences, 221 Anti-export bias, 156 dynamics, 214 Antipodes, 186 embrace, 14 Anti-Soviet collusion,
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