ED 136 600 FL 008 475 TITLE Chinese-English Electronics and Telecommunications Dictionary, Vol
DOCUMENT EESUE13 ED 136 600 FL 008 475 TITLE Chinese-English Electronics and Telecommunications Dictionary, Vol. 2. INSTITUTION Air Force Systems Command, Wright-,Patterson AFB, Ohio. Foreign Technology Div. PUB DATE Jun 76 NOTE 1,000p.; For related documents, see FL 008 474-477; Portions in English may be difficult to read because the type is rather small. EDRS PRICE MF-$1.83 HC-$52.91 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Automation; *Chinese; Computers; *Dictionaries; Electric Circuits; *Electronics; *English; Ideography; Reference Books; Resource Materials; Romanization; Technical Writing; *Telecommunication; Transistors; Vocabulary; Written language IDENTIFIERS China ABSTRACT This is the second volume of the Electronics and Telecommunications Dictionary, the third of the series of Chinese-English technical dictionaries under preparation by the Foreign Technology Division, United States Air Force Systems Command. Tbe purpose of the series is to provide rapid reference tools for translators, abstracters, and research analysts concerned with scientific and technical materials from Mainland China. This. dictionary coutains about 45,000 terms selected from sources pub1.i5hed in Mainland China. The terms included relate not only to genei-1 electronics, telecommunications, transistor electronics, computer technology, integrated circuits, etc., but also incorporate vocabulary from the basic sciences and the auxiliary technologies cloF,:y associated with electronics and telecommunications, such as navigation aids, automation, and television techniques. An alphabetic lookup system based en the "pinyin" spelling of Modern Standard Chinese is provided, as wel/ as a character index for users less familiar with the pinyin system. (Author/CLK) *********************************************************************** * Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effolt * * to obtain the best copy available.
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