••LB XAJCB»-ConlloB«a Collector's Sale of Properties Tu i Let No.; 3tc. VaU Tax CoaU Pa-Mr ' Vain* ' Val. riknowo, lDlrra«ctlon aoulbcut alda or KnwkW.UeOofdy ISO) CO SMW I. looo i30 IIS K 70 for Unpaid Street Assessments. IrWO 00 41 76 6001» ii ao 70 Wain avenue, aoj feel aoulbweit of i B M n »•» 70 Klliy-afeoniSa-raetiaoutliwwiaco lert by ..„___ n» Ul III"!! •outbeMl to the Allan! o Ooean • 1100 00 • fj Si ti 06 iU OU n tu x nknown, inlWMctlnn aoulheaat aide of > 40 00 Wl Valin ,Ta»' Co.1 Wealay avenue, KM left aoulliweat or . Office of the Tni l"ollector, woo • m runk K.cliamplop.71 Moceui froDl.ln- flfly-aecond atreel, aoulUweaMWlNl by William MaliMr ID wuu batata 4 IH 2 00 ho on in iu liTxiH-llanimulknuiC Allnnlio avenue HBII , aolitbeaat lo Ibe AlUntloOoeuu * 200 10 auarTl toTh. Ctarl-f oi ^^ for pb H.Uonuo K>l. tun no III Kl m)iilhwml Moorlyn tsrnue, aoullimat 7i • nktiown, Intvnecllon anutheaal Hide of aulo at publlo auction nn William !*«• feel by MHitlwnit lu Uw Uoardwalk ' 2AW 00 470 Ml WOJ Wealey avenue, 4JO reel aoutbwial lo Kd woaioa woiu noil M.CumplKjll.-jr. rn-i oemn rniniUIW«I2A Ant bynuuin- nknown, tnlenwellan aonlbeaal aide of • ma oo vHwltotltB lloanlwaik astnoo . si "Jo 2a> -r. JJJfl!Bl aoulhwrat of oloven. at two n'olork p- m. of that dav ai ihe Council IHM Wealey avenue m .« Kdwar.1.' llulldlng.norf. eoniernr Klicuth SIIMI ,,, SWICO. IHM obn Mnru. Mfratbay rrnnt, norlbmat <••"• Kilty-thirKllly-fhlridl streeialrei'i, nouiuweaaoulbwaatl •IW feel by ?biln lot«.-tr»«« or wiroilnor land herelnart.r more |«rl|,^ W»(0 Ti>nlh nnU th« buy. Ml rml unrlheiul by lUlhenatl - anno. Tiain ioi«, «~; ,;,_ _.„._, »,„,, lju»l»d l.y Ibe cuinniU. WMIU • HIM noutheast li Ihi Ailantlc O.-esu H( William Lane MoulheaRt lo I'alun uvennn • 1400 Ul 32 <8 1 IU BA —I u_a •-a *rV| a •— l...iu .**^ KKIOO •JOK» nanown, Kouthea»liildaor Wnlry avenue, .«K.Uapp 18 Ml Ai h. Hcull. HoulbeHNi Midi* of I'alnn avenue.TC IW reel southwest Kltty-lhlrd Mreel, KM Ml 18 IW reel nonh-ii»t Irom Tenlh lira*, oortb- •nntbweal W leel by soiilhi'uol to Ihe Jnla. beredltam.au and rml wtaleaolo •A 00 eiwlior. foci l.ykoulheH«UU feet I 400 00 Allanllo ucean tSSpmowavUnM whom Ilia «ld lun lftl» \. U. Himll. norlfiwvNt nlila ot INeitaiire ave-. nknown, snullirasl slil'or Wealey avennn, or K« wSe^uid U» •oiouol ol lun laid jowl UTKbltnbUlorilby %0 reel -mulliwe.l of Fllly-lliliil Ntreel, narthwol WO leel. . 4OU 00 II 2S . I IU t«iullr%e«l 00 leet by saulheiixt lo Ibe VOL. XXXI. sro aa rollowK 'JOUO A, l>. Houll, soultwaul aid* or Pleanimi* ave- Allnntlullcean .. lonoo 2 :r.» i ir, OGEAN CITY. N. J;, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1911. Lai No. Sec Vsl. IIUD, IM ftwl norlbeam rrom Ttnel, nknown, nouiUim.l side or.Wealn * avenue, N. P. woo oo norlluwxt Imty rixil t>y souUixant 100 rml 100 00 -JTrO leel snulhwem or Fifty- lilril l.lri'et, > auooo A, l>. Heull,l7r«>t tuur rronl, U07 hwts.iulli- wiulli'renl m-lm't tiy sojilw.Nl-to the 117ft 00 vnn rram'IVntli slmit,iu>nllivr«it I7r™i . Atlaullooceun ' •2 t» 'J tti two oo •JJOO by soutbi-ast to wltbln iro run ol Hay avu- Inknnwn, AoilthMii.t sldenr We*ley iivemus SIKIMOAI. n m oo * nnv, Ihenoa northwutl to Walton place • 300 leet soillhwe>l of Firiy-tll'ril «lre.. Scull. InlonMcllon nortlieiwl lUy avo- Nouthweal M reel hy noutneiixt lo the HAND, \ C. HUTCHINSON, M. D. BISHOP CONFIRMS CLASS, W. SGOH HAND IAUU uue and Walton plaiM*, uortnwertl IH f«il Ailanllc Oc-tmi ;- CANDIDATES WORK MS 00 . . .Publlah.d Wnklyal wain iw ou hy southwent NO revt -' . lnknnwu,tuiullinii«l aldeor W«»ly nvi'nile, ' J",^P J,ie«or, M»«my A KdwarUV lIuMaYnr' ATTORNEY and •taoa liuuo Viiililhn Uliimr.inrMt or hay front,."MO frtt :n) reel aoiuhwe.i ol Klfly third -Irm'l. ' |1 ( Hotnioeopattbia't. tuau ir. go •.iHilbvrmt from TwolMi street.uulbwMt soultiweMl U r*vt by HOIIOIO.IMI to Ibj OCEAN CITV. N.' vl. •join IW tint by wiulbenst Ui I'lnwure avonua Ji«l IU 51 04' I in Atluutlc Utvtin ' ' • 2 :t! j! tfi COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, 624 EIGHTH STREET TALK OF NEW CHURCH HERE HIGHLY HONORED David Vmmmil. all that land Ivlmi between 48» JO 00. llknowu,*40U1hei!Ht side or Wenley KVUIIUII. OCCAN CITV. N. J, wnoo JUU> • Hlxltitli »lri*el and Con-pn'a Inlyl, between linj reel soiuliMesl ol Finy.lhml dtrfel, orrioic .HOUUH-H lo 10 WkOO the Atlantic Ocean and Heneli Thorough. •fomhwrai loo reel •\ty nouttii>i.Nt sout •JUKI 00 41140 IHT HOVMB, H. J. Utonp.u.. moo _ nn JO no Martha N. Bull, begins* in reel aoutlieuHt or uknown. InlermM-tlnu MouOieuM U'twley R. 'CURTIS ROBINSON (Oppmlto fubllfl Balldlaga). Rev. John J. Sweeney, o! Gov. Wilson 8elects Him A Allen Scan,': 1I0O0O •JI iu south corner Mfxlb and Central'.avenui*. uvenue aud t«»iilliwe t Kiny-r»urtiiMire«*i,' Inier-Hlale I7»-M •jo oo I nan Mulkcaal alonK Hlxlu atraii II) I. el. south "ml IIU feet hy MUIIIIIVIINI to I lie Editor and' Proprietor 8t. Augnstine's, Highly Delegate to Big Watcr- 40000 then ollhl" wldlbaonlbn-eHlpamllel will! AtlunllAlliinllc lOrfiin W. HOLT ArXlAH. > AMOaKW O. BUHWBM. | N. GRISCOM, M. D. ness, Has* JOUI k Allionnt liilt* rml MINISTER FILES oai on ;iiikuo*inaouUtfMiMlHl(lttoo*ina f Wu»li y avenue, nw- 1 57 COUNTY CLERK asm •jo on Marltm S'. Iiai, begins in hwt soulliwml «r.oo Pet Year, Strictly in Ad'vnncn. The UlRlit llev. Hinliop MdKaill,. o The following letter In W. Hcol lAOUtt A Mum to on uu • .« • IW W llolli Plunm—Hell, 15; inter-HUle, 1K!-A UOOO leet, then or thin width parallel with Hltxli nknowu. «outhfiiH'*K|il« of Wmttey ftvanuft. S Mi The election of three oommtariotMMr < 'joro : Apgar & Boswell, lOfflca Hoora- Until lOu. m. rrom U to H p, m. tlie Trentou Dlocene. accompanlei by STRONG PROTEST Hand from (lovernor Wllxoil rxplalni 43O0U Hlreel 4utli**»t U> Ilie UUTSIU in VHAMOCHV, • . No onto boura Hunday. Ilk secretary, the Jlev. Dr. Urlftlu, Itself: IUI IU H KH tit HUUKHK UUI1.UINU At Klrliard Townaend'a, Palermo,4J0 to 630 government, will be held pept T^a*-^ , 450 OO 10 44 100.00 teenth and Twentieth slreels. K. Winley Atlnnltc (Icruii h *o( W- came to this city Sunday alternoou 4ta aa 10 41 100 00 avenue > ' " . iruknowa, littvrMM't.on HonUi«i»intvt><' 40O0O K>44 100 Ul H. Hlniiiion«,tK)Ulhoa»«t Mldeol Wesley Mi - uvenui* nod MOM) liwor>t Fifty lift h «ir*ef, S KS " IiT OOKAM VITV. M. J. and- admlnlatered conl|rmallon to a Kxecutlve Department City Collector Burlcigh Calls 430 00 1041 HoatbweNi W r ot by wiuth»-a-t li> Ihe nated are making strong efforta to BT«^, loom * nue.'fioroel MOilthweHtorTweiillethntreet, . • W Hunday CIBBH of eleven. >H 40000 am IIU id soulhwenlSW le«l by southeast to Atlunll.* Atlantic (k-eun II 111 VI UTY OFFICIALS Was Treated by Mem- September 28, 1911. 4001)0 IIU 00 •£> IIU 2 U". Unknown*nouihettnl »tneof WeMluy uvt-uut*. . Council's Attention to 40000 • •» 'nkoun,t.aulliea«t side ol Wiwloy uvoiuu, TiOtwl HOIIthwetl Kirty-nitliHtnwl, HOUIII- •- • III Maynr-I rarls M. I'rewe. OFFICES - The naniea of tltoMe coiillrmed are My dear Mr. llaml: 100 OJ ii "! a l-r-nl.u ul <>r<',mm'll-Ji>!in Jt'irls bers of Council. Allen Scull has withdrawn.','.• ]<&*•,* asoin su I'JTilU i» reet Minthwesl Twen'y-rltwl street, weMtno fi«et by Mititlitvi t lo ibo AtluitlU* •7, ^m:AUenCorson,M.DA?£ Margaret, iBabella, Stanley, Huinberl New Plan. 401 Ul 10 44 southwest 100 reel lo Uw AllHiillc Oxea'i Ocean • CMy I'lerlt—Itolln Uarretson. I have today taken the liberty ol Ii. (U 411 l>- '-'W '4'i^asurer—li. 1'iirtls llobliiHiin, Godfrey & Godfrey, and. Victor; Pontiere, Kloreuce" and At Ihe meeting of Council Monday wrote tbe following letter on Tuesday: a SO 00 6 SO KIIO .'nknown. «oiillieii»t Wemey nvrnur. ISO reet Unknown, nouth iml Hide ol Wtwiev uvenin*; IM «Jolle>'bir-K. W. UurlelKb. 816 Wesley Avenue sending your name lo tlie secretary ol At the regular meeting of Canncl xnoo 7M •Mil ' - soiithu-eNt Twentv-llntt street, mtuthwent 1U0 |e.*l Houtliwe"! Kilty-iUtli Hir.vt.KOiiili- 411 \t eveulug, a letter was read from'the tX 00 U Ml wntt Wlwl by nutithetuit lo the Atlnulte •IW tiilel or J'ullae.-HamuelHciill. Jtoorua ma, mil and HI7 Mary PolegKl, Nina anil Verona the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Con- Monday 'night, tlie following letter J. II. Klrfcbrlile IUI 110 lUOItet lothe AllantinlVwan . , • Unlldlnlt llu«>eolor-ll. A. W.Hinllh. liarllett Uulidlng.:: :: . Ocoan City. •' Now Jersey I wish tq advise my frtondsi«nAMl9--!<>t 74 94 Jlikuuwn.Miullienal. •ideWesleynvenne.au (toeun , M r. '"•S Hiram Huperrinor—Warrau W. tlrowu. Crowthers, Harry Coiie anil (lerlruile Itev.- William Powlck, of' Phllailel vention, iu be held In Itiuhniond, Vir was rtveived rnim City Cnllcrtiir K. W MiOOO WW lid. Wnloo reet wuilhweNl Tweutv-llrNt street, south* ;i|iknown.iioilhe>Mt»>i4e iif Witiley iivtmue, I.DIU . 411 !.•>. t'lty Hull«-4U»r—A. A. llowell. phia, which was ordered received and voters of ibis city that I.hava-Wttbn'u,,, situ I'JO 00 . ue'sl 'iWreel hy.KOiilhnoil ti> the Allanllr ' IV) fevt »*tMtlivi u»>i Klfty-tlltli HI ret'U'iHHitli- •5 a ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. . ginla, October 17th, IKlh, .IMth um Iliirlelgh: JUIOO 46 40 H. W. iJtke I'JTiO «1 JC 1 we tftoret by MiutlieuMt to ibe Atlunllr 40 i;> i.V7 (Touuellmen—a. K. Htanton, John Mirts, VauiliD Mluer 11.0 Oil Ocean • • 4ii r> 2 67 D. K SHmpaou, Ueurire 11. Adams, Ur. VIlH rle* Miss Bleilem Is the tlaugliler or '1 Hied. The letter was as follows: 2ilth, as one of thuse wluiui I havi drawp from the "tight" for Uommls-t,, v> i;«j oo u MI •mono '••known. Intemecllon southi-aat aldr.nr Oceiui • I.I IN II. Klder. Wni. U. Kiim-k. p. 11. Newherry. October2 ]nil. I7U ui 40 ao Hamii (1. UlalOKUr Wtfttley nyenito and . Mouthwesi • xtde nf llnknuwti.MiuUteiiHt Mitleof Wevley nv*nne, DR. W. P. HAINES 8. A Bledeiu, a Philadelphia flriiRgit Urrmantown, Plilla., Kept,, 1,11)11.' Hlnners of Ocean City, for the following . ' iSOOOO KIM 700 00 1 KI Ul ' r» 33 Ikianl ol Ibsaltu—1'resider.l, Owen J, Mi', JAMES M. E. HILDRETH asked to.represent the Htate of New To the Coiuiunn t'ouncll Ttventv-iMnttnd slit** !, southwest lujOlerl •JUtifeel wVulhuv-I Kifty>nlihHtreet..miutlf Kt 111. t'uun; lleallli omour und B».crelury, T.' u-e well known an a cottager here In theMr. Oeorge Adama— ' reaaon: My business having.assumed'?.'', 1400 00 KHS I OHIO by sautlieum to the Atliinlu- oouiu went :r. C*. K, KdaartlM, Ihe Al- . I.I IK *t fa Wllluini V. (Janllin-r; Muultary lns|M..eii*r, into iu a The sponsors were Mrs. I). ient to you lo attend. fully re|mrtHihat Ihc* counlx.clcrk hai Imiu InnllcUeeali , ' 'wwtru lct>l by. «otifbeiu.t to the Atlantic cbanoery OKKH'K IIOIJItH: < no 3 p. in. the live 'other candidates, as weU-a»tO'i' • nUnowii.nuiillieiwt nlilool Wesley avenn>% Uc«ttii Kl US ;IH and W. K. K. Mledein. also a Phllailel- advertised for sale on the 18lh Insl. ror Cordially and sincerely .yours, .M Ul .111 IN 'Eouril ol Kducallon—A. J. Hlilllb. IT. once—No.314 Ooean Htreel lop p. in. , receully starleil a illll'erent plan of -•••n i..^t .mil l,w,-»i iif Twentv^econd street. |thWt,Mf jy ,,, phla^driiRplst-wlin-lias—tieen—a-«o|. uon.paytueut of aaseaameiils-fur—Im the city, as they can give more time «oi tf> VI1U Ntiiilhwe«l 'Sa feet by M>ulhea»t to Cue At- NoiithuenlK.ny>firibMirvH.Huutlv 1.1 IK • '. ~, I r^APK MAY Cli'V, N. , nr-TBlFrtses or Unpaid taxes •JUUI" , uflliy noitbtfHMt lo Ihe Alluntio !|M -lullli, Hecreury; Klcburd H. Htllos, A. W. lager here fiir many years unit who la provemeut. the work'or Ihe city than I ma^wttb^v H•.-; TOO 00 '•0 IU III IN I'liwrll, IL ItoKurd 1 born. < Mr. W.'Hcott 'Hand, 'barging » release cost of twenty cents W UU rnkmivni.MiiubeiiHl r-ldeor We«ley liveuili'. out serious personal - loss,- that thla -i>'- un oo A. w. Htnry -MM ft-H uinlliwest or Twontyrourlli Vnowu.HoulbeitMiMldeot \Vfwl«y uveuiie. III IN . ill I'lly Huperlutendeulor HclHmts—Hrfit. JHM. active In the allulrs of tlie Tax payers' Tbe assessments would have been • :.Ocean City, N. J. COO 00 Kd.We.lou iiixm ISI IN 3(M M. Hleveus. , . » QK. CHARLES B. RIDER fur each lot or group of lots running lu KB 00 l in im ' ^ireet, NoulhueMtllu reel by fcoulheai*^l o 4y CHUKCH SERVICES. snine cafes several hundred per cent 1I1IUU tried hard euo'ugh lo get Ihe ear of ; afloat I also'wUh to say lna|UUainoW»'VV' uvi-nueMatl Moiitbu'ttMl Klrty-nUib Httwt, ,r>i., r". K., tll.-iU. • K. W. llt'ltl.KUIII, Tax t'ollerlor. tr'irsl M. tCCIinreli,"corner C'enlral avenue hlceused by the Slate. -:- -:- veils aud carried prayer-books. Jell'ersnn while In Itk'hiunnd. > the cost. , ' 14(1 00 IHU.I KlKlilli slreel. Uev. Ur. K. It- lluiuyale, la entirely voluntary and for what '»venHe. Atlunllc O.vun - IUI IU The part ur Heel Ion ', il) or the Goueral 175 00 inbnown. tnten*^tl»n Mtuthe Nt We*ley Muriiln£ servltv, louiu; eveultiK service,7^X1. EIGHTH STREET. OPI». P. O monies, there was benediction by theT luteuded to preseut the matter • per- believe to be to tbe best Interests oTal! ('<•.•(• O.C. Garden! Co. 17100 uuoti rray«r ^neetlui;, Wednusduy evbnlni;.7JHi. '" eMlKAH CITV. M. J. Hand will push the Interests of hisTax Act applying reads as follows: -iu tu t.'lnwt, Milllhwenl .'iO reel by sollthnaMt lu uwnua unit miiituwnit Kiliy-wlxlh «ir»***i, -OCEAN CITV, N. J: rector of Ihe church, the Itev. John J. sonally at tlie August ineetiiiK, but concerned, Inauuuch as 1 prevlouslj* >. J>B.nBS fill IHtlWM li isoooo •ill IU llit-Alliuiilcfhi'tiu ». ; wotn ««uth«rit«t wo lo?l hy MmlbcttMt lidlie • Hunaay . school, 'UO. Murk W. Adumtf, uatlve county, Capo May, and will ex "The lieu shall include seven cents H1IIIIII.UK £ Harold, soul h.iwl side or Weoley • AtNntito w IM 00 4IU IU Hweeuey. t banded the puiiers ta Mr. Hhoyer In-pluln some delalls of the proposed II IU av uue, XiO l«yl m*ulliwtwt ul Twenlv- JukDuwn-,' lititfrtwrtlnn Montliowtt Wt^ilry llourd or Trustees— President, TM"ADDOCK'S PHARMACY for each NAMI: for thu cost of i.imtN'd give ail or the time and work necessary eliihlli«lreet,«mtbwe«tlioreelby K>lilh- avenue and *otitiiweMi Kifiy-HixlliNtr^tii. - Hderelary, 11. H. Mowier; treasurer, During tbe coullrmatioii, Miss Anna »t«-ad. *..'•:" "B. W. Kdwards; Kilwnrd JI.Mut ou. Wm. I.. THE UP-TO-DATE canal across the county from Cape aud recording, and simll be marked UulbrsdcuigCo. iS8 I.V0.UI NOUihw«Mt LU) fiHit l>y Kouiiie HI lo Hie ' h Street sud Asliii Iu ample lime for the appeal In to tbe city, which now,,tat- tbe.flnptT ' L'nkiuion, tnter«ectlon H>iilh»aiil We«ley AtlunllcO«3.itn Ulbb, JouuUarls, Ueowe'J. Aduius,U. II. Mctlee, of Atlantic City, sang a beau- May Court House, N. J., to the Uela aatlHlled by the county clerk on tlie tax tiirker. Kit KHumn. year, would be a detriment to my btnKi..' O.C.air4«isOo. * tivenne Hl|d Mouthwext or Twenlv-PlulM- ITaknowu, lnie«e.riiqn Montbeuxl >\V«*ley TONSORIAI. PARLOR l^iu. rtialitt-a tiui* lo tiful solo, "Come, O Holy Ulioat."" viled by Council last fall, I wrote one, ware Hay, a survey for which was Mireel, Miulhu' m-jetlilKS are ueld lu loud, under private contruct. Feeor twenty cents fur a ccrllllcnle to •outliwest 3U reel by southeast lo tliu - MVtjiuiH uud Miuiiwewt Ktltv<"lxlliHtn:et,<> Ilieeliareh •:••'. J . . * "^ '^mOETBC^-. Miss Mary, a taleiiled tuiislclan. 1 have never heard whether It wus taken from tbe ballot, but. aa,tha:||iv,inV two iu v>"' 2 u*i noutlivVfaii -.f/i |IM*I by Houlbenttt to Ibe -' -• ARTISTICALLY DISPLAYED . HenkH- K'liwortli l^njcua—TlmrrMlay even. Four Barber? NO WAITING Tins tidewater canal. Joining the At- the county clerk that the tax hus been lii|{,7ju, II. llowuniriii.ru, Hnwldrnl. . . lilsbop McFaul, who make* olllclal presented. I was, however, referred makes uo provision for this,' tbe'sMMl'i<{ or Weeley avenu-,* AtlanticOro «• , ; ;•'„'•.. • s !«•» onlii! Oeeau via tlie Htate Inland Wa- satlslleil, and on'illlug with the cuiinly : : 1 •M uvt.Koiilhwxt "I TUIrllelh • mreet, nknown, luit-rVt-tiun *u>iitiif»utit \V'4>ley visits To 'all of the cburehea In Ills by the clerk to Mr. tlolT for explana- will appear therenn. .:" - .,,;•' •,.- . '. :,'; .'..ii.-.v Miuthweiim reel by MtullKii*l lo tlie > Bveiiiteund muiihuvitl t'lIty-MlxlU Nlr*«i, Flrat HreaByterlan Oliurcb, Wesley avetuie trwuy an<| Ilvliiware Itay^wlll obviate clerk uttlie.iiilkilor's rcrtlllcale, and : I cloning I wish to thank my many > in', Vaaghn Ol«wr ', ' '' '.. . '. »,\'-' • '"'• ' and Meveulu street, llev. U. T.t-'aMWIberiy, Fall Millinery Opening Atlantic City Theatres diocese every three years, and his visit Atlunlti' HiTeun — -; . I.VI IO •ouihwr»t :tu> ftn-t by Houth itNt lo tlie tions. Ihe'iiecesslty of power boats and light Vaasbn ulsM uiiiiwii, M>llllleit>t Klile «r.Wmley avenui', 10U UO pastor. Huuday Mervlces,' IU.1U a. iu. auu r in payiueut lo the clerk.of twenty friends for the support given mo at the ,vl in. : frayer lueeltlit*, Wednesday even- ! Sfptcmlwr J7 ami 28, 1911 liereon Hnnday was uue of this kind, Mr. (JolPu explanation*, in res|>oiise f Vaugtao UUicr :tn f.t;l MHi'hu'eHt ol Tlilrllelh i4rrei,. tioknowii, lnl**n4fcHon •outlifmtl 'uUltt of barge trallk* goiug arouuil Ca|ie JJay uiits for hi* servlcex." » '; * . primary and assure all Interested Uiatx... wiillliwisl auu leol by SUUIIIVASI lo the AI-. "" * HVtriiu", :tju !»ei Mouthw »tt of K It at N o'clock. Hunday school, *iH0 p. lu. I'lillcrii Huts and Millinery Novelties expressed bis surprise, pleasure. and to my Inquiries, served, however, lo .UUO 00 [Hi Hirt^-i, Moulhweht. IW ft^l hy Itev. U T. Ciuwelberry, superintendent. I'. II deep and dangcroiiH water. Notwithslanding this clear law that It Is my desire to'astlst In every way. lunllr Oti'itii . , __ it lo»h*i Ai.untt"tv*>»n STATIONERY K^7o'doek. ' " - * gratification at the wouderlul growth Unknown, mirrn-cllon snmhewt or \\«il«-y. i in '.' i • • J. M. nildreth'8 confirm my talief* that .the'assess- I'he project has already recelveil the v Uiiknowii,Montlu'U«l-titUer4t Kirty-«lxth Hirwf. ld*ut:Johu IC ilrovet., secretary; IA-WIK.K vbury Ave., Ocean my, N. J. APOLLO 1ILATKL ments were unjust. rtti, M»ulliw«"it '£*•<) feel hy siinthtat la Hiiillu, ireuHurer; Jo-.eiih t. Ncun, J-«!iti K. L'ureful atteullon-uud approval uf some lie is charging per lot. " of the city and the Incoming commhWi MoutliwvHt W I*4M hy KOdthe^t to IU« mltb, teur Jb J. Uell l-li.me.5tX He spoke with delight of Ihe cleau I subsequently "sent another appeal nu'ti, liiitTsin'llon -KoulheaHt or Wesley AtImil h- Oftiitn • -Towuaeuduud rreu W. llrowii. streets as seen by him lu a drive uf the Htute and (loveriiiuent oltltials . '1 here is now in Ills hands j» connld- donera as selected by the people ion •-• ,. Mitiui idiit MttittiwCMl or.r'orllelli Mlrerl, Unkniiwii, tnttntfiriloti Kuutlw*>>t \V**|tjy tor relief to Council, which 1 mailed lo ind we will probably lie agreeably sur- lllliwt«,l 'i!i f*et by HOllllteitMt to lite At- uvenue und Houtliwt-xl Fifty-neve ill h Holy Trinity CbiirchTl'roUalant Kpl«o,.n|, through the towu. irable ' number -or releases that he next Tuesday* ' . _;,.- .,.:,.,,;,,'• is required by eyerybusiness person. Mayor Creaae. In a courteous note lie Htrv**f. HOIIIIlU't*«tt IIU fetjt t>>' MOUtllVUHt Ul - t'elitral uveuue und tClcveuth atreeU 1 he prised at au early date lo hear mure iu Maiuisseveiity-livcdollara (-piS.OO) due. uiiknowii,»ootli«a»t sWeuf Wesley avenu •, It v.J. Wood Kllloll, aetlnc rector; Wllllun. ]Wazzi THl'RH., FBI, AMD HAT. The bishop complimented pastor Very respectfully, •' • the Atlttntlr tkvun ' I. . IrlnKltI'rlnKltii Ui Fortieth •»lrr^l,*o«lli- known. M«iiiili«*iiHi HttldOf WeMley, uvvuue, . Oct. s, *• and 7 and people upon the work that has Yuurs very truly, " . October 4||i. - - ALLEN BCOLb - 'Al 00 •r>l IU) r.tl liy sjullieoal- H>the Alhiull.: " •• : THE •;•"•. ; -. ..• '; !>!>. inin.; MMnnilnlK HvHervleel unnd HrmoHermonn , llul->u ; MODISTB Clou* to make, further explanation. loo tvt-i H .uiiixt-^f FHuy-H^vrn untre**!,- .rtveuln* l»rui'er and Meriupn. .".15 p. uu HOIA Mallnee Halurday . beeu done here aud of the great Kvery city on the North Atlantic K. W. lluiti.KKiir, Jll Oil notillmt-t 'St fe«*t by ttuuthenxt to • thd U.^Huinuulon. rlrat Hunday In the mouth. lu.£> • lowna and.fancy WalMn. Tallorlrg a growth or tbecoiigregatlou. Thesuiu- He did so. And I am more than ever The election next. Tuesday, Will 6e , JOUI uulh*'H<*l slduof w'.Mley aventii.v ; ( Hpeelallyi Pilets Hallatartory. " seaboard will'be represented at the Collector, 2 33 'Jll DO 17.*, fc*'l mHllhwer.1 ot r'orlletll Mlre«l, ITuknowii.MiuilirttHt nldoiil U e*tl«v t*v«nne, .:M. in.; otbe'Huuda>a,7^wa. in.; Holy U.ty-, HENRY II. HARRIS Presents the Latest •ner Just closed, he said, has .been the convinced from Mr. OorTs own letters me of tbe moat Important ever held In ,,.':" U2. , tiouthwest 7,', feel by tumlhea»t lothe.M- l.*iO ft-tit Kouthu't-"*i of Ktfiy-xt)V**ntti Ntr*?**,i,. rltMW a. in ' * convention, aud a great tlma l» antici- After some dlsctiHsiun the matter SENTINEL PRINTING ' HAtilor Wurden.W. T. I'rlnKle: Juulor W»r SOS EIOHTH ST. QCCAN CITV. N. J, beat In Ihe history of the pariah, both thls-clly, and .every taxpayer, should.- , HOtiltiweMt W leet hy KOiitlifUMv lo ih« I^)mlon Musical Succtiiti that there In aomelhlng radically pated by the,delegates and .their an oo owl Uiikiiouii.wiillliua-'tslileor Wiwley avenil•. AtlHntlirOcttsiu, . ,'leu; .1. U WlllUler; Vealryinell, 'I'boiuaa I'. •ceoND rLooa from the spiritual and lluancial as- as referrol lo City Solicitor Howell. make It a point to visit the polls and oo 7M •jr>l ferl Minthwest.. ol Fortieth «lrml.- Unkuown, MOUIIICHMI «1<1« ol WVitl^y uvtinu**, llleliwlt, Joliu Ilitlaeheif, J. Ijilmn lleadley pects. •'....• • wrong, and tnal my assessments are rlends. .". . . .• * ~ 9DOO9 IN soul liwest SVI feet by noulhmist to tbe Al- \9M tvvt Houihu'CMt Klf y-tttventh H|IW(( Il'bouuu J. "Thorii, Ut^irife II. llHrrett und dishonest." And I believe it to be a vote for the three best men. ,,. , . - ,.; Jt&OO 7M sjoutliwuHt .IU0 favt by .NoqUieaiit lothe HOUSE - \W.«trnu Hill lib. MORGAN HANI). JR. Judging from tbe large numbers at- Brpori Accepted. aoooo SM Uu'kuuwu, InterM-filoh noiitlwa-l or W»"le.' AttHD(lo(>r*-Hli '• tending the church of 8t. Augustine mobstrotis wrong to offer any man's Rrnnloii of xaow, At Council's meeting Monday night, . The SENTINEL has no candidates,, ,, IC&00 7H aven'te 1*11*1 soulhwei*! ol -Korty-nrsl Unknown. Kouihfa'-i ~UIt»ot We«ley nvmiu**, rtil. AUKUiitlne'a Itouiuu* Catholic Cbuiob OlVII. KMOIMBIR AMD KmCVKDR THE QUAKER GIRL last summer, aud with every prospects but It. urges the* voter* to give the u.. property for sale while appeals to INI 00 S48 **ireMt;Miuihwerii :tmi ft-o. by *mithfca«i to :uo tv*t Hot.tliwt»t Kltty-««v«ntli *.tr(wtt docs only this kind of work. Satisfaction as- Atfbury aveuoe. between-Thirteenth aud HlO WnUV ATh, OOMM OlfV, M. J. of.coutlnued growth, the rector will be Htjulre. Hush, vU-e dictator or' the •ere wan a short discussion regarding, sroto «w NOUtuWtfHt Wl fat by Moutheunt to th« VWtrleentbh six. ItevK . JohJhn J. ijweeuoy, paatort . By Adrian Kosx and Lionel Monckton, quextlou or the ability of the five can., ;• aooo SIM lllu Vllunttr llee-ui • . Atlnntlc Ofvun . Ma-Mw. UtlLl»,s,«aud tuo'clock. - . .. ~ Mabl. numm. Mm», * • compelled lo increase the number, of Couucil for relief are thai Ignored, In- Uoyat Order of Moose,, Lodge of At- •e acceptance of the report of the Unknown, soulhet>Ht,sldeot Wmley avenue. lldates deep consideration.',;, , .,","' 00 »U H. U. Lake '.•Mi Irt-I •oiilhwe-.t ol Korty-nmt «lr«-.i, i>knoWD.«oiilhetv4t nldeof WeHlay avvnutf, sured. Prices right. .* Jan. Tanner »ml I'ercy C.reculialik. With services' next summer and additional stead of being niuarely met. . '. lantic City, Is arranging for a reunion •onimlriHloners of street assessment. 4Wl 3Wi**^tHoutttweMiofKinyw*v«nth Mr«**i, huawiruuellliiptlxtciiursl*, Wealey avenue, (Oit, H» Ootn Howl, K. 1. priests will be required. . The candidates are K. Howant',i . •!B3K 8!8 88 f.H.Kclger H^IIII hwet4l '20U reel by southeafcl to Ibe At- -•• Mi.uthwwit"*iO fret, by Houtheiut to,|li« lielow •t.tiitb slieet. Itev. K. K. Wlnlt. pu-tor. I expect to be lu Ocean City Ihe if Ihe Ocean City members or theVfler Councilman Ueorgo <>. Adams Ocean' oily At-so., liiie-seetlon «outhen-t ' Atlantic Ou«in • - In addition to Stationery, you can get any- HuuUuy««Ti>*Jces.la:U li. ui. mid 7.4b p. "in,; MU. MOfll, . This situation, as well as tbe .advis- Jhoru. Robert FUher, Harry Headley,,,.." "-»• S3 'ftiruyer uieWAnK WeoueMlny t'Vcnltii: lit 7.13. Clifton Crawford middle of next week for a few. "days, mler iu this city tonight. •. The re- nut 8. It. 8>vaii, one of the commls- Wmley »venn» imrt noulhwet't • Klnlet b . 'nknown. wonihttiNt Mile of Wewlny HV**nue, Muuday l-teiiaol, -1M, Uie llev. !•->".. While, ability of securing a "lie for a large lob n Marts and George 11. Barrltt. •:,..' -, Hlrrrl. MHKhH'rst UH) feel by soulheual lo 400 feet HotiihweMt ot Klfty-Huvcfath Htreett- and baudsome stone edifice,' was dls when I hope this matter can be satis- inlon will be held on the Hoardwnlk, loncrs, had been heanl, K was decided MiulbweMt - IUU (wL 'by HOlithruMt to the thing-you want in the Printing Line from a And a Cast of Superior Merit Mr. Tborn Is well known to all tbe - 98 "US •un i:uy Vtwo., intcmeeilon souilieuxi Oivjili . * _ cussed by lilsbop McKaul and Father factorily adjusted. near Klghth street,' and every member accept.the report. . Weoleyuvi-nuuiind southwo^t Flliyrttr.1 Unknown Intrnwrttun woutbt-iuit -WvMley Union l*al>ernaole BapUst I'hnr.h, KUbln Now.in its second \eir .it the Ailelpliia Bweeney-at their conference 'on Bun- Very truly yours,..-. • iNiiivlled, with tlie privilege or taking voters. He was In business here for • • A aamao 74 mr<-et, lioulliMunl II o leel •>>' xu'Uli-ui,t lo ill owouihwtT*u ' Flfiy eighth Ntrt^t, Small Gard.to a Large Poster at this office. Mlreeluud West avenue. Urv. Wm. Kemp 1 H. STEELMAN day; and Is uow under consideration long time, retiring a little more than a . pantur. Hunduy services,preiirliliij.' lla. in. ll». Atlantic*»et-iin , ' • 'I tujuthwe«t I". I teel by "•uiutheitMt lo tUe . * Tlteutre, Z^oudon , at Trenton. ' ; WM PinvifK. friend. . ".'.• •• ,' - ComplHlllN al I'lnKMIollr*. und H p. ui. l*ruyer lueetliiicS u clock Krlday L yraOgo,irom_ihis._corner_at_KlglitltJ,^- ' JJSJl'i "aviiiilu^—omcenrof-ttietoiird— I'harles-Hr Kvc, 35, 50, 75, f 1, »I.5O am! fj—- —The-coinplalnt-of—.Mm.—K—Fannie :to ui \Ve»ley~ uvenue nnd'"iMiutirwer*l~Kinyr tti.known.aoiitbeuNt aide or Wealey nvenue, AlloMbe cliurelrproperty-|iere~l" aw 00 srtiinol>lreel,soulliwe>tu>reet by Miulli- Howard, Cbalriuau; l>. Hurt, uhuri'h elerk; All*' • • Weddlnir. _ Will Ilitlia llrlcb Vbealer. Htreet and 'Aabury avenue. He la, a (• 100 00 :to iu IW reel aoulbWf^t i>r Kllly~el|clitlialn-el. Jobli Kpps. treaa irer. •. ' • Fresh Meats Matinee, 35, 50, 75, f 1 and free from debt, due to the energetic ef- Thomas regardiiiK the flagstone lu anoo ,'UIU ' east lo tbe Atlantic Ovean ' aoiltliweat .*4)'reel by'aoutbeual tu the _ forts of the rector and the liberality of lit. Charles . .^Iwards and fainily, C. H. II11111I lias decided to build a director or .the First National Bank Unknown, Inlerawtlon soutliett»t »lde or Alluntle. Ui-eun rnnt of the property 1412 Asbury ave- ISO 09 :u oo .Wesley avenue. Ml reel xoill hwesl • my- ; • HI. Juuien A. M. K. CburcbChi ., corner Heventh Ihe members of the church here lu of this city,.left here Tuesday afternoon ind the Ocean City Title and Trust . ISO 01 ' •'/..-, ••••--•' THE "'•• •••',.••• :."••. Teas, Coffees. Fine Groceries irick tlieater In Itrldgetnn, insteaii or nie, made lo Council Monday even- 101 UO. . second street, M>uiliwi-«l Mirecl by soulu- * t'ukuown,U4Hltlieliat aide or Wea'ey uvenue, and Haven iivenue OceaUcean City,, N. J., J. II. . SIOM., TVKH.'AMP ytKO, summer seasons, aud Father Bweeney 100 Ol \M Ul. raillollw Allntitlrllceau - 'JNJ Ytwt Mmlbweal Kiny'iilnlh alreel,- Jueksou pat.tor. Hundamday HerHervlceae : Weach- for Urldgeton to attend the wedding of galvanized Iron structure, as at llrst 'o., and has been secretary of the ,' 100 00 f aoulhwettl .VI leet by aoul heuat, lo lite bth Kb and Provisions. la being congratulated by bis many ig, wan referred to •.'OUIICII'H street Unknown, li.u-iuwllon >ioullie'«t nldy, ut SENTINEL PRINTING -HOUSE .mi:, u.i&iiTm.; Ha>>batb Hcbool, tan p. m.; Oct. 9,10 and IK Ur. Thomas Lee, Jr, of the Cooper contemplated, ami to comply with the luiidlng and loan society many years,' loom l.U 00 • Wesley uvenue, lot* feet Mtulbwesl Ptri*.- ' .AllunllcOeeuii ' •' freaeblnic, UU'p. ui.; Truyer Meetlni-s rleudsof all religion* denominations oiumlltee. Hlie said in her letter that 10000 heotnd street, MituliweHl 100.leel by poulli- Unknown, aottlheual aide ol Wealey itveuue, Wedueaday evenings, al ap'clock. POULTRY DRESSED TO ORDKIt Hospital, Camden, and MISH Helen, ltobert Flsber has been MenUfleit. 100 00 1UIW . -' 7.44-46 ASBURY AVENUE upon his successful administration of requirements or the city.' A local llnu he fell dver the tlugstoiie one night a JJOOO I.'4I Ul ' ' eioil to the Atlantic lleean- •SO lert-aout .«'»1 or Kiriy-nliilh aireel, irti-odonla U. k.C'liurch,Tenth ptrvel and FISKE O'HARA uU< church affairs. daughter of Col. J. Howard Willets. has the contract: . •„ Ith thin city from IU early days, and uooo a» oo Iliiknown, lulert-eel Ion so lliesul «l(leol Wes- MHUhWewl •JMI leel by a(»utbeaat to Ibe ' rtliwison avenue, above Heading Uepol, tue Imrt time since. ley IIvenue.l.V) leel souti.w->«t Klny-«ee. Collector of Taxes'. .Urn.». H. llu.b; Vloe-Frealdent, Mra. John P. MX) 00 J.B KeK«r MU00 iKouVeaaurar. Mra. l*wla K. Hmlth; aecre- Councilman Marts lain the building' V itary, Un. John It. Uroveaj collectora Ura. It may be just barely possible that some - vWalta« aud Ura, l/oulda. . mblness on an extensive scale and has SEALED PROPOSALS the rollnwliiK ilealKnnteil plueea: Klral Wiird, WBLLAKE, C. E.f B. V. Corsou. and Wile B. A. State's Chief Executive Tells Some People in This Section I'iiuiiulM'hitiuW ; Ht-.Hiuil Wiinl. No. I r'lre iVhrl«luta.Kndruvor~8oclety, Wllllum U. other fellow may sell it a little cheaper, ;lven employment, to large numbers' ' G^Qector's Sale of Properties llouae, .. ,' lllancoek,f>realdenl| Cllzabetn Urauitan, aec- Corson and Wife Had* of' the Work Done by Don't Understand Ncws- if people. Tbere Is no question an to Sealed uroporals will I* iwelved by Hie.llM- Real trelary;LaKjvnc«Ltar, vltw piealden.; tleo OLD WHARF BOBS Collectors Sale of Properties 3Nurcoin,treuaurer..llualneiM luletlttic aecoud its business ability. • ,"'.'.., ;'' ' deralifned at nw orni-e. No. US! Wmley'uve- GKNlvRAI, ELKCrrON - X»rveyliii!,t'<>iitvyiiniMni!,roiiinil4lii : Pine Time. - Him at Trenton. • " paper Objection. for Unpaid street Assessments. . •me, Ucean tllty. N. J.. until riulurdiiy,Hep - lvl>ublln.MaatarlalliaiHny ailonaay I u each month. t - • but abctter quality—"IMPOSSIBLE." w».|uli.ii..- l...l» i.,r aule or ^«rhuiiKe. lluuHl Ueorge H. Barrltt, until recently, Unpaid Street Assessments. tember m, mil. at 12 o'clock, noun, (or Ihe Fortle.purMiae or electing I'unilldiili'W io rein, iiiriiHlird |l'.iiuriirnM».il. li~wla, I K. V. forson and wife and K. A, The Hippodrome Building, ou the The-Cape May County Gazette of ••upplyluK or pea roal Rir t> e i uhllevrliiuil m.l-, M .rli-uBe , \V||N uud i:ontrat-la rarenillr ' • *• HlKHT M. K. OHORCH- lllllherollowliii,-oini«a: . • •ti 1 1 1 'its unknown to moat of Ocean Clty'a, ' K«l»'rlrii,v..liiluretliant«i.uly-ll»ejear<. Corsou and wife left here on Wed- UP ONCE MORE lor I lie lull, winter and sprl-iiMI-ei-ris! I" !»• *","I« tlltli-e^KlvllI iufi air>-*"" ,l uni'i*;''""''t A^linrv' uVeni'" ""i • baalUH' Aid uieet. Ural Monday evening- ol Boardwalk, wax tilled Thursday even-; ast week contained the following; Offlceor ilieTai ('oliwtor ,• - - ' luruicbed In car-loud toU {•& Imi* or iiiiiri-* own AHHICHui,vnA» I.JIKK, eact> ouonlb. Mra. KllubeUiUaudy. preal- people. He has been making''an . fc inautle-il welKbll.or otuerwlxe, us onlereil, deut: UrM*Uerlrude lleadley, treaaurer; Mrx. We have it and we have it good. Give neaday or laat week in Mr. E. V. Ing when Governor Wilson was pres- Wlien It beciiines kuowii to the pub- -I O<;«an nty. N. J. - • ' - . .'• • : active light. '•.;.. •••';•'• •'•':•' > N J.Dumii- Nollct*lHh4Tehv vlvt>nt)int HM1 N-iil^crHt-r." th*' Tiix ('.•lU'Cti.r of O&MUX Uity. S. J.. imr- and to be delivered lo Ibe bin Hi the tlli-.li • ' ' CORONKR ' . [ t'urrle JLOUiua. aeorewry. •;•'•. . , Corsou'a auto, their first. alop being eut aud addressed Ihe assemblage, In ic that the- promoters of the scheme* expoM» for wile otutnt !•» lh«> Cluirlf r of Oceut. C'liy. N. J., hi nu-h CIIMM inmli' uiul i.rov •.letl, w til • x\«*f Mr Hcbooi liulidine in.o.fiin i liy.N. J. --iii.it- * * Mra.Joon>U. Oundy,Buperlntendent Jnn- Council is Told That C. I«. -price p**r Ion—•i!40 poimda AIMI slate mime -JTHTICKOK TBKI'MCi: lor Ijeagne. • " • •• hlladelphla. From tbere they went which there were many women. o spend $.11X1,000 in constructing a : : or ooul or Itilne. * . - ... llaheia1 ttolon. H. H.Mowrer, prraldent; us your order for the Sunday poultry. We . . ParchaKd I.oti, ,: ..-" farker, M liter, treaaorer. lirougb Ardmore and Coateavllle aud Hagy's Property is Greatly While Uoveruor Wilson was billed jrldge across K«K Harbor. Itlver at Toe rltilil!» reserved In reject nny or all F. K. Darby bos made the following Friday, the thirteenth* dajr of October, bid*. Uy order ol ibe.Hoard. • ' v ached Lancaster lu the evening, to' speak '.'on the live Issues of the thirteenth day of October leesley's Point are determined to lie : ilOLV TKIM1TV OHUKCH. ' : I.. K. H.M1TH Two nembera or th« lloiircl of Endangered. , sales: j • :''•••: T ' :'••;•. i'.' ;'•; , ,';-.. dress them. • lu Lancaster they retnaiued all day," and while lie did discuss "live I>. nliifU>en hnndrtMl nml Min.nt two oVIrto•» • »."^-»k» ifa*. m•••• .- n• f thut day, at tlu* Cmnn CORSOH f'urUh Uulld. Ural Mouduy In Ibe month. ip the credit or this county for years J*. a*. uiii>-it'vii iiiiiHirtTii nit ii 1'ii'vfii. it i IHII ff-21.21., 1'. K..SI.OU. Kducutlon ror two >i'ura. ftTdwarS'Bolldlor norib eorSTol Chamber_...»._, Htx-oti--..O . tt(M>ro^ f BIUMM)}.. - A. Kdtvi.nl.- - .IfiilMii.tj.iiiirili .!__...... u f ailliliUl ttlul *-Vlll Women'* Uulld, every Thuraduy »."»_P. m. night and there met Clifton Smith One of those things which, like Han- Issues," ihe discussion, so far as nloat Bold W. T. Preltyman'e bungalow, " avenue. tn'tuiM rlty, ciTtitltitln loUlob**. inicl'N ~*of f JUIKlumiI k(ninufttWrvinun.rr mmon> Women'a Auxlluu-y Mhulonnry, luwl TUura- ocoiue, rather than stand for u bridge L : ;S5Tl35StSo5Torl35rShh i oll tod tood berelnalttlrroorbl l « HI rt'itt. finpn»v<*nit>ut UM listed Und iMlJiiMicd by \\\w i^munlin One Memberorthc Hoard or V'«l- .day lu the womb. . , and wife. Tlie next day 'all: went to quo's gbost, won't dowu,ls tbe Fourth people could fiee, was from the stand- 827Third street, to Mrs. Zoe S. Paris," "" - iSprovimiuiSiii i W . mrt tan d adjusteadjted bby tbe «n>™K" tlfvciibud. for benentH for HI ' ' riiy,b,*inir uu uia*»iil.u*Hl Agent met! as could be built ror ^200,000, there ofanMUunn*>ni tnuter Uw |»r.-g.r .v(«l«n, H or ih»w- rhurti*- r ii«i«f t*uld riiy,b,*ini Notice of Registry and Election, uciillpn for one yeur of Philadelphia. • nnaoftte ebarter act of aaldclly, belnsao act entitled itmvldinjj ftr *h' iriv**riniicittof rltliitoitoff UIIH KKIIII W ciatiilnhu u Woman'a Christian" Temperance Union, the Lancaster Fair. They left Lancas- street - wharf, (t bobs up lu Council point of a democrat, which probably vlll doubllesti be something doing. The ° UlUllt a p >*An act retatltUE m. uiul |tmvlcliny fi»r Hir* u>)\'**riMiiciitoi^.kn.r U Murrh JI. IWfT, »»•! Vir -U|v- undenominational, meeta wml-monlbly. Bold two lots for the Ocean City ' d Uarab 21, 1M7. and tbe auppleoi. population of Wan tliim twflvu. iiimiunii- I'/ealdent. Mra llell H. Hmltb; correspond- Laud Co., Fourth street, near the ' ' Ibal theltkurdnriteKlatryuud Kl.rliuu- In Ing aeorelary,Mi». U.Hwan; recordlnu -er- dlelown, where Mr. and Mrs. Smith casions belus?ou Monday evening. - Oovernor Wilson arrived III town jest, and to place oVtr county lu shape uud lor , , • , Tuesday; November 7, 1911, .. rel.ry. Mra. M. MUner; treanurar, Mra. F. Boardwalk, to Clinton I>. Hemmerle, ' . LICENSED AUCTIONEER, left the party. *' ' " Highway BuperviBor Brown, at this shortly alter U o'clock Thursday'even- that will prevent any other improve- and that the election' ollleera will all us u Har"«r >f Oak Lane, Pa., who will buUd. ' ' • Ocean'City tHMtldOf ele^llot) Ht lilt* [tlMi-i-K UlMtVH lui'll- Boyle's Dependable Market Then they weut to Harrlsburg and meeting, said tbe end of Ihe wharf Is ing and waa° conveyed to the BIKmen- t for years, Junt to Ballsfy tho de- or Hiiro*,udoptnl iMHi.'^f, !«*•/* u- HUII! IM.IMIH tt|tH;ir <•>• ttitt n>|M>rtor tlt«>c<"i (>>nni>|l <'f <>i.|«il hy -ultl c"iiimi»»l4T»or UH-*M(. K"*—dln« nr<'ii»ifii-r iiifiiti'Mu-l UIH! tl^luimu-tl, huvi> kv- o'rlock In Ihe evening. 8. W. Cor. Twelfth St. and Asbury Ave. tol building, pronounced by K. A. iulldlug,of a retaining cement wall to entertainment bad been made by Public Safety, seems to be piling It 'on • ,• _ Jerwey, , ' • WIM.A (JAllItl-rrHllN. reapondnuce aollclted. S e^rfTluoulh. In Maaonlo ball. W. fl. Ande> W. Paul, o; Philadelphia,'who ; rial eatate will be aold tor tolx ini.ntli* fn.m i\u\t> ofaoiiUniiuilon ol Mild «-•-•», lot,, I'. V., (H«UO ' city l Urk.P Uuknt fMier; aecrelary, f. M. Thomaa J. Coreon to te one of the tlneat struc- protect the end of the street. Albert Fogg, well-known in Demo- oo thick. B-tter look before you leap, bTiVuS:nol .uMdlnaeoyean. and pajln,, re»portbp y CummonCouiiull tit Mild rltyty.. . , will roe«l ror the purpum* (it iiiuUInu " r.'iiU- will build a large apartrnen'l 'bouae In '; '.' t thereon acrotaM. and all otberMpenaM In- The Mid lotK. inicti or Everything in Meats, Groceries and Vegetables tures he has ever seen. "Dr. Rider said that really there Is iio cratic political circles lu Cauideu, and contlemen. * Ser'ert ihereoo accrolnir. and •"'«^«w un I uttd rt-at *^«tut« Will \t*i Hold for tlie ubortimt Usnn of Iratlon or votera by u bouae In bouw i-uuvitWM yeHtv'tor wbtubuny |ternon witmjirt-ti.iii i _ not vxva*ii«7M In t Notiie to Limit From HarriHliurg they traveled to Home of the residents or this necllou IJ r<-|M.-l. - - ... --. r ...... Bret aud third iloiHlay evenlpgs or each ib«e«|ava„_-,__ t lolhero ilrinullon * ..._, -,-. iwrtl*L-ulitP4 of the Uud t'» l>e •t Tuesday, September 12'. iyti mouth lu K.or P. Itall. Asbury avenue, near [leading a'ud thence to this city. should be protected'. . .' . Jlly. ' •-••, •ould like to know why tlie editor or rosy be obtulneditfV tlw otllru .of t :*• T+x Ciillu.tor, Mwowy ft Kiward*' Kuildtuir, Krriute ot Humnel Heburriu d«-cenMed. - Hevenlb street. I.'. «'.. Murk Uiki*; K. or B. I»ay for Coat. Reslalervetl Mail'.' ' and aeoUon of tbe lota, uaeta or par- loorocrpfKljchtb tindOenirul irveau %Uivnn CUy, N. J.._on imy week-diiy prior to Ilie 1'ursuiinl lotbeorderol Clt hull vaut ta know, also, they say, why he t'' 'i': •'..,•, •'Vv'".' _^Ha ll«.au ..*«•.-> a ..-.-• ||^^ W>tll I t\0 IHItOtlnt Of VIIOIt0y Ul^N<' a]Blid_ l|s>|d OD HQdi I rUol Ntld deceased, notlre Is berrl.y el->u at the bout oraeven (7yoVlot'k In the morn- Ooiiii.lllor. Josi-pb (o«; Wlllim II. Mlllew. - Vlalled Houlh Deuiila. Councilman Hlautou moved that the former Judge.' ('arrow, of Camden; lemnity will be paid for ithe yalai 'ofV' |uirc*eU or hind rewpevtlvely. • . •' tnic uud remulu In aeaalo-i uutil .nlii*t to tl-enredlloDibrMilddeci'UiUjI lo exlilltlt in Heoretary, ilaces the llgiiro at fiOQ.UOO. ' 1 act or |Mri**l or land an ueielnatter derfliEna eil Iliere o'clock In tbe uveuluifuull their llnul uieet- tbe subscriber under outu or iimn-milim matter be referred to COIIIICII'H slreel lomeatlc third and fourth class'reguv ' • aside. tbelrelalmnanddeuiandMaieuliisi Hie eritHU- W. Hcott Haud aud family on Bat- KvansO. Klatighter, Democratic noni- Tliey cliiini that Ihe bridge can be' K. W. IIUULEIOll.'Tai Collector. lnKon •icean Oily t'ouooll,"No. 10. l).ol A., meetn iered matter Dialled on and after July '" or said deeeaned wltbln nine IUOUIUH iriim •very Tbllrsduy eveulntj In K. or P. ball, urday afternoon went lo Houlh Dennis, committee. - . . . • ,, , Inee for thei assembly in tills county; Hill ror less. They furtlier say that • H H.«ctlon . • .Vmonnt ' 'interest ibelllbdayolUeiUlnber.A. II. lull, or lluy ' MI.MHallle W. IJiKe,aecretary. 1st, 1011, lost while in the custody of Tuesday^ October 31. 191.1' Will be ulrever barred Ol any ucl'ou uiiiiitinl where they remained until Monday Councilman Adams s Id that, hi the liiiwyer Itlackwell and former Senator he'bridge from Homers' Point to c. • • . trrt n • tu or, tbe HUbtu^iiber. * ' Protecllon l«di:e,No!i«i. A.o. n.w.,roeeu : R. Curtis Robinson limited time Couucil lias, he did notBaker, of Klve Mile Beach; former the postal service, up to the limit of «71) . :i l.H between th« boura ol'ooe »nd. nine In,the OCEAN CITY, N.J. morulng as the guests of Mr. and.Mrs. teesley'H Polut will,he or Immense ad- 1 anernooa or aald day ror tbe tmrpoxe or re- Dated Heplember II'h, A. II. 1011 ' aecoud aud fourth MouduV even UK" In h. ol f25 lu any one case.. o'clock a. in, uud nine (tt) Mr. Hand then introduced Judge .'oiincll will meet for the last time ou .•*"". • '.. "X;''r^t*aud Mm. H. B. Conver, Mrs. Carrow aa the permanent chalrmau. . Baratalns. •; .• '•:"'l^i:.":i...j'.'j;yA-i l&aUonaor eandldatealorllie.rollqwlliKolll- Spacious Boardwalk. Free Band Concerts During , INfos. 744a46 Asbury Avenue lie evening of October 10. Thla was. READING RAILROAD.DELIVERY. . Fraternity, toolda regular monthly nieellngii tober or the IIrat of November and will Haxel M. Newklrk aud Mrs, Herbert Judge .Carrow began his talk by Two family furnished I ceat • - - • '•,''• . . Butter and ESKS on the second Tneaday or each month In K. leclded at the regular, mcetiug of bed rooms .aud modern &ason. Great Fishinp in Ocean and' Bay. the '* or P. Hall. Commander, Lewis E Huillh; be attended by about 430 teaohen from Buzzard have returned to this city telling of Ills recollections of Ibe early ' • ONE «IWKIIIII,VHAN 1 Ask for Booklet of H|iecla|IU'H Kecorder, Leon B.Button. _• '. ' OCBANCITY.N.J. Council on Monday evening, when, lu Seventh aud Atlantic i Paperhanger (.'ape May and Cumberland .couutteH. afteran extended trip up the Btate and days of Ocean City and, of the great Investment wUI pay 14 L ,, ! ^ '• '' of the Yachtsman. he absence of the .presldeut, John Orderx Delivered , Hutli I'ltiuirH . Numerous Trains to VaeuHuan'aAaaoolatlon.'Wilton Wllle'la. through parts of Pennsylvania. JVmong growth of thin seaside resort founded A corner lot Nineteenth and Ventral Pontiere S. L. SMITH' prealdent; Mark Lake. nMnlary. Annual ; : Money to Loan on Bond ana iMortpga " Marts,Coiinclluian Newberry presided, . JUSTICE OH THK PK*l'E ; maalln(»Ulbsl|«ld'lnJana. , . . Own voar Home. ' tUe places vlalled were Treulou, Dela- upon.those excellent principles so well ivenue, aud two corner lots Thirtieth > t and from Philadelphia on Three Railways . ; ..... and Asbury avenue, bargains for qn|ok GEHERAL CONTRACTOR DliUWaTCH TO COVNTV COM- tt Bu It's dignified and gives you a* dell- ware Water Oap, Eaatoli and Laus-known to all familiar with Ocean City. nuriralu. LAKE t.L *mH^^d ±?4S?a^£«t clous sense of security to own your dale. BOOT g SHQE "' ,'• ' " VSNTION •;• He said he (I rot came to this city f-TM will buy new properly oo (Jar- , Two hundred feet onrfBlxth Estimates Cheerfully Given borne at •, ' - opposite park grounds; atH" ' CEMENT. WORK tluward Tbomu , OCEAN CITY. with hla mother when tbere was noth- den tract that Ta wortji 13500; only f250 ' ' • " CONHTADUi . .' .'' Undertaker and Embalmer A The Hoover Suction Sweeper airs, ocean. $1860. 80xlOQft,'v. , A Post CarS will bring our ser- Besides, your responsibility aa a real ing here but tents, and when tbe la-cash needed, balauce easy terms. H. REPAIRING sweeps, shakes. Buctlon cleans door •'•'A- SPECIALTY:.. Two Membcnt of.tue lloard ol , BS» OUCTUAI. Avmtrc . Within easy access of Atlantic City and estate owner makes yon a desirable (OoutlDUgd on Beoond l*agi>.) O. lie Cqto, owner, Aububon, N. J. If Bungalows and cotugea' at f——'-- *!' ' v • vice to yon. 1' < macalloa for two year* •. WUlard W. Adanu citizen. Think It over, then call on coverings, etc., all In one, easy, auto- SHOP •FbonolOU OCEAN O1TV.N.J. matic, dualless operation. For sale or 60S NINTH STREET One If ember of ttae aourd ot Ha- HARRY HEADL.&Y. hire by t IIAH U. ADAMS BKO , Vocal and laslramen^Sil Maaic. KOB BAUL—Cottages'and lots In GHAS. E. ADAMS & BRO. most desirable locations in Ocean City, -,-<5 -- . acallon for one year • Beat Estate Operator, Ninth and An tr 720 Aabury Ave. PersonsdeslrlnKlnstrucllon Inmnslc REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Let me Rive'you u bid oil your next other well-known resorts [% (Bnooanora to Baker «Adama> Try an Advertisement in bury avenue, next to tire house who ou piano or pipe organ, or in vocal Apply to A Cotton 919 Aabury avenue, Aluoforlba election ot inemben or tlie will show you tbe very best way aud G^eao City,New Jersey. . .,, work. " '•"''•.' County CieoullvoComuilttee. . Try an Ad. Dealer* In Be sure and go to H. H. Smith nuislo or harmony by a competent t And notice U hereby further given thai Ihe some of. tue greatest bargains to beHonsfor anything Hi tbe line of Wall teacher with best of oily and country tforoltare. C*WI«, BUtttai-MiJ Bedding FOR BA'LH.—TWO lots, 2iSxlO5 feet FOR TINEL NMIS Aitany Ave.. Occan.CUy. N. J. OCEAN CITY, N. J. Hoard ol Ke«Ulry ani|*Uectlooa wUl meel ul found here on the easiest terms Paper. You will uot only be treated references, cau apply to P, O. Box 90. intheSENTINBI, Wlodov SbadM, Etc. PbouB connection • No 680, Bee. A., Wesley avenue. Price rooms; also the SENTINEL right, but you will get a square deal. Cape May Court House, N. J. 1100. Apply 11., SKNTINKI. office. MANY CHURCHES NO 8ALOON< 7S0-2SlABbnry»T«nne, Ocean Olty.NJ keeping. Apply


•"i X m^ i »n VB.' •"•'«, .>J" ^^,•,^,1,^,^^^^

regard or pedettrtan rights lu the COHTHACTOIMV AUD BVIU»BB«« ,'tw Sentinel streets by many drlvir* of motor can. SUNDAY IN THE Ocean City Title and who assume.superior rights ami enBI- G CROWD HEARS m Ocean City Sentinel CAPTAIN DuMEE'S POLICE HANDLE MANY MANY BUILDING force them at tb» risk of ln|ury or OTIS M. TOWNSEND Puel ,. Power MCALLISTER'S death to people, says the Newark Star, GOVERNOR WILSON LOCAL CHURCHES - Trust Company THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5,1911. Tbe.oontt.cttea four recent cases of • Gas has become a necessity- not a luxury BOAT A WINNER CASES AT LOW COST • PERMITS ISSUED . • '..•' 'iM /.v.',-i(..(>i:ns,Vii(t»is kljllng by automobile* la Newark of Ocetln City, New Jersey ' We Shall b«Rla4 to receive llemH of • ...THE... Cor. Flftli St. and W (OoQltniied froro Kim TheMfety of our public streets hi the 8trons8erniQrjfr and Excellent OFPICK: 8th St. Opposite P. O. and carl be adopted to all domestic and com- newa «nd comninnlcatlouB or Inlemit first consideration with governing.an- land was particularly well huowu as n to tbte community and our readent The Caroline U. Made Great Chief 8coll Hakes Annual BUSY DRY GOODS STORE camp meeting resort. Later, the place ' Music Heard by . CAPITAL *1 OO.OOO mcrcial purposes. Why not have a gas kitchen Number of Operations . ARE SHOWING . tborltles. In'thene street* all clllwna, Plans and Specifications everywhere. T Record at Wllmingtoa Report of .Work of Bis Started Here Within Last w heftier on foot or In vehicles, have begau to flourish as a seashan resort ' CorigrcgraHpna. . SURPLUS t2O,000 operated in connection with your present All com^iunlcatloiiH nhould be ac- RALPH WILSON A FINE LINE OF NEW FALL GOODS equal right*, aud that rule should be and today Ocean City, by reason of IIH prepared without charge. companied with the full name and - and Camden. ' - Department. ' Week or Two. decency and morality, IM uiiHurpnised The churches In Ocean Ctly-wenall mothod'of house heating? With this you hate * New line of drew iiuteriniH from I Jjic yard to Jl.oo, in Screed, CIUUICK, - i zealously maintained. Now that the fondurt« n nenernl Imnklnie hitolne adclrew or the writer, not neoeHHarlly The apeed' boat 'Caroline II, owned That Chief of Polices. B. Hcull aud Building Inspector Smith g'anted Panama. Uroail Cloth, Diimidi Oloth.and Cotton Suiting.. 1 by any place lu the State. well III led at the services on Sunday. citlvlDK denoMita nultjeot toolws'k WUIM Only galvanized nails used on ' i chief Justice has spoken so strongly ou Following ate reports of some'of. Ih an abundance-of hot water wi h the best of or publication, but us Kuaranteeof by Capt. E. J. I)u Mee,. or Pblladel- NOW IN CHARGE hla men are doing remaikably good the following permits during the trie subject the grand Jury should not Judge Carrow said he would nut notice and Kllown 3'p«r ccnu 'inUreat exterior work Rood faith. " work Is shown by 'bis report for Ihe SKIRTS—New line of cloth skirts NEW GINGHAMS —For wAi»tft. sermons heard: Time Account*. . ' phla, a member of tbe Ocean City mouth of September: in serge, Pniumn, etc., at $3, fj, ti nml dresKa, plaids and atripc*. buly act lu the spirit of the court's speak very long because the loan time M eaiH*ulor*'iMlti|lnUir»tari trimUv ficilitics for cooking and a perfect sanitary ap- year, submitted to Council at Jta meet- 1 Yacht Club, raced l.,t Saturday from loofc ComnMma of the Ocean Frank McCarly, dwelling Tor self at and $5.98, ull new. . charge on the case* before the Jury, be took the better chance would be VIKST it. H. •uantlan. Wllhi receipted for i»nrtkfi.l wi Torreijdale to the Camden club house Ing Monday night. - ' *, but. nhould made a presentment 'to given Governor Wilvon to niakea good The Rev, 8teadiuan_ Applegate> o out ebi pliance at 1-3 saving over oldjway. We have . . - . DOTS. Finy-elgbth street aud West aveuue. FLANNELS—Ncw nutlng (lannelK and practically won tbe ooptest. She City Yacht'Club on Following UOhler Scull's report:• • Allen.Scull, alterations to 'dwelling ami flannelette. , . nerve as a warning to' cn'aullvurs 'that speech. ...•-.,' Anbury Park, bccupled the'pulpit I our infofmat'on'department at your disposal. •wan twenty minutes ahead of all her Oceau City, N. J., Sept. SO, 1911. OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS B. McOIBENV, Tbe speaker said he was glad In seetbe First M. K. Church ou Sunday an 1. II. VKKHMK,' ITwIdral. ALLEN SCULL . September i._ c. I. Hahn.&W Fourth street. —Two special value* in outing flan- flablof bank]) ciflf trjla cjly were they cannot with Impunity amen a The pier remains open. competitors when she struck. > log and Report or Chief or Police of work : so many ladles present, as'their ap- delivered strong sermons at both Hi HKNRV 1>.. MOORB, Hnll VKw-rnwIiUnt Joseph O. Champion," dwelling for nel gown* nt 59c und Use, worth BLANKETS-Ncw lllnnkcU from i MIS5 N. B. T0WNER. R. N. !- claim to an exclusive right of way on LKHI,IKB. l.tiotJiM.Heeand Vin-i-mldent You are under no obligation. We. have the Adol|iliun Cos ban reuied MIHH M.V. broke her propeller, thu»" preventing J rtalpb Wilson, of Philadelphia*, done.by the Police Department from the public highway. pearance speaks well for the up-lirt or morning and evening services. seirat Thlrteeutb street and Kay ave- more. joe up. White and sray. . C.'K. HTILWI-XU Hvrniliiry anil Trnli.ur.-r BUILDER •idea, we want you to get it. Let us show you, - Phillip*' Anhury avenue apartmeut.' her from flulsblng. 011 the llntt or IIIIH month, amum,ed October. 1, 1010, to October 1, 1911nue, . the State. Tbe. wives have much to Mr, Apple ale In an extemporaueou J. f ITU I AN TATKM, Hnllollnr ' The boat need at Wilmington last!the head of the Ocean City Yacht one year, giving Iba number of arreats do with 'the moral courage of their speaker and one of Ibe bent In the Ne< Consult with me freely un Seashore It. Ii. UofPa platm for a Hewage dls- Joseph G.Champion, dwelling ror .' GOT WHA.T HE WANT*. btiilditiK. There is no charge. My Ofljce open Monday and Friday cvcnings,t j \o poHnl plant at Capo May Court House Friday, however, and made a great. ^''ub. and now Is saluted as Commo- made and expenses of the J ill, etc. Mrs. Ella Carey, Asbury aveuue, near .baa m 8ayn the Trcnlou State Uazette: husbands. Jersey Conference. He pleased Hi DIRECTORS: record. winning a largesolldailvercup don> Wllsou. large congregations gathered' at bot lurtK experience is yonrs for tlie have been accepted. . Arrows No. Kx- Fourteenth street The llrst citizen of t.'ape May I'liunly I- M. «?n«M> ; astonish even thro* lu bia campaign' speech In Ocean llrnn- l>. Mnare agalnat seven strong competitors. Some years ago-Hay. six or MJVBII- •' - " '• ,' • • '• • '• • lieiMea asking. • • The freeholder* have accepted the ; Allen Scull, dwelling at Third street .ago anticipated tba City, last Thursday night. Governor he ever met, the speaker said, was services. . K. WOanwn VtMrlM Multisva Por Ihe last two weeks Captain Uu! when Ocean City had a fairly good Drunks '••-''.:;•..'.'. A 18 '$75 v J. M. Ubwicr W. K. Muwiy OFFICt: "aecoiid nection of the Heaidioro Koad. aud Atlantic avenue, ror J. B. Welsh. to great propor- Wilton said: "Iwatilto have a voice Jonathan Hand, father of the gentle- While here he aud his wife wen fo CITY GAS LIGHT CO. team of local players, Ralph' Wllaou Disorderly. ' ..I 12V 1.40 s. s. MCALLISTER part of the time guests of Cuiiticllnia It W. K4trn»l» II. U. 8111m Ocean Ave. below Eighth St. TIIIH work wan done by Henator Hand. Mee has, been representing the Oceau Johu T. Seal, three dwellings at il» or 1912 are In the selection of' uieu I%hall advo- man who had called (he meeting to tlnrry Jh I. Kt-iill City Yacht Club along the Delaware waa "ou tbe Job" In Ihe Interest or theHleallng • -7"-: and Mrs John Marts.' Eleventh St. and Haven Ave. Ocean City, N. J UeorReB. Parker ban rented Mm. Nlulb street, near Atlantic aveuuej fur 755 Asbury Avenue . Ocean City.N. J. \ 0 ln cate." order, and a man who had jserved ax K. W Wm. li.Niwmrd Ocean City • New Jersey, Kiver, and has' made up for all thetown, and became he loved Ihe game. Gave lodging : • is ; • \oo JjfW."?W!»jP' »?'» K, - UwlleH. l.mllitm J. Kltlil in Tult-m Walter Crowiler'n collage, Central ave- Albert Fogg. Ocean 4^P^: ol^&t^OOO machines' In Recalling tbe lint: of the .governor'* clerk of the county for oil years- with- I- IKST.PKJ»IINTKHIA>- ' delay and trouble he bad In the earlier He "produced" to help Interest In IheAssault and Battery ' • • £ "•..• : J : I'. K. l^smlnc It. Hnwnnl Tliurl J.T.Seal,dwelllngrorJ.;U.Sehwatt, 'i^.JJ^'i'i'-v*. -^' . '••'•'. out opposition. 'Judge Carrow de- Tbe II nue, near Highlit xtreel, mxl will on- HentOutof IViwn " 1.118 ippolntee*, we may easily reach Ibe Rev. R... 8. rtnyder.of ' Alron U. Ill™ part of the racing season." sport here. .Home people asked, "who Between Klghth and Nlntli.BfiaMa^.^il^^M clared that be'was uot, 'therefore, sur- RchwenkHVllle -Presbyterian. Chitrcl ENGLISH ft JOHNSON, cupy It with IIIH fatally. Located for Other Towim 1..-3': .:io Central avenue, near Twentieth street. conclusion that, up to tlils'tlme, he Chivi. I*. VnnHiuun (-'uplalu DuMee was to have hlaspeed I* this Wilson '" The answer was prised to flud-Jonathan Hand's son one of the most rliM|ueut preaehf HEADQUARTERS that be was all right.' Ruuawayu 8 Otis M: Townsend, dwelling for H. - ., -.... .ji.»*i'&'«'i-«|i:i"»t'|S '""*'— * __ j Governor Wllxo has got what he wants. boat In commission In time lo enter the Dean at Fifty-fifth street atid Cantnl r.'which wan Only rlgh And In looking over the bills passed present at the meeting, that night as a e.vcr heard lu this city,'spoke. In tin Buklaf by Mall « Specially PBRSONAXrS. open legatta or the Ocean City Yacht All this time Commodore Wllsou Accidents : 1 OPEN ALLTMB VBARv" v : : aveuue. Progressive"—one thoroughly liter" First Presbyterian Church at both rei Craiy;-*; 'v •'•'^•'•) • . 1 ': .' ' ' wc=__,__.JiiiJliIef Executive and by the legislature last winter, which For anything lyw want to know about Club, but the builder disappointed was a member of the Ocean City esled InI* *.th he welfarl e of Cape May. vices ou Sunday. Korrest I house Is well built and atttrnrtive, 1 W. Scott Hand. In tntroducliii; He'told of the armies of Israel at>< 6ESI6E B. B01BGEQIS I SON know what'twould cost to buikr? . ' • : : Till* being tbe case in these two- In before him; OH has been stated. i J •'irii. ^'Sv-^i *^ Governor Wilson.a» one. who now llerlraui Darby and faiully are vl»lt- .;:•'•' ;•;•;:.; ••• Total,•.•;••"•; , Charles Dllleubeck ou Ocean avenue, «ta'ices, there Is no rearan' why be the Philistines In battle array.' Tli We have ti draughtsman, always at your senrice. Kree. Iu tbe race lost Saturday Captain On ' Number of electric llghls out both in design and finisli. holds the highest position that can be Philistines wen spreading terroi Carpenters and Builders Ing rriendn in Pblladelphla. look Here Mrvcr HQ during near Thirteenth street. 8«ga u shouldn't be pretty well pleased- with Housefurnishing Mee defeated with ease such boats aa IJood aa al Prraent. the year, 451. • "Sack & Ruzby, moving building, ror A ptaltmlnary statement o himself and the conditions surround- bestowed upon him by the pe< ? You ore invited . Sim. M Opperuian, of Philadelphia', the Band Burr ad-, Zip, Cyram and Price $3750.00 (No\v only) GARWOOD HOUSE;•;:(;* *-- All Ihe real exlale men and builders H. It. Hcm.I., . Jowph I. Scull. i »tM«tmt> naaUa of tbe thirteen! ing him. '''•'• : • this Stale, expressed the hope liiat he count of the challenge of.the glan Estimsta* «rwo. BuUdlnn enoud bj con to our show rooms, 'where samples may lie seen and their relative IH reglirtered at the luiperlal. Tube, sending his boat at,a clip of 27 ••. . -;,•• TiaceiirniA.*..;••:; '' '"^'!^f will be made president of the ciiiintry. Goods are feeling very well pleased over the . • Chief of Police. wMdmi»,-thew nave been otabllsh Advertisers 'who romplain lhal iUuLeaaily—defeated—hlm^—^riie—gi cost you 110 more to have a man who has designed and built many MIH» Kuidia (.'onwn, of tblnclty, will at any stage of tbe race. JOSEPH I. 8CVLI. ' IrTlfawd he was facing the audience as Gover- Goliath may represent the force Not only are there a large number ror.otllce must appear before the city , .,.,.,.» - 'manufactories, money spent In that direction In Spencer B. Swan (if the finest hiiildimjs in Ocean City. »peni] the whiter In Philadelphia. This brings more laurels'to IheOcean of cottages'and apartments lo be 757 Asbnry Ave." Ocean City, N.'J. nor of the Slate and not ai the lltular evil In the wo/ld. Csmmuirn Are Maid To Be Dia> clerk and sign a sworn statement as to ... i ;)••.* ";t.'N ;tbAt,then baa been a gain of fas,-thrown away 'should carefully read City Yacht Club, and It Is safe to sayerected, but every day one hoars seem- the. following from au exchange: head of a political party- Anyone The wicked have always clitlleuge Grand op|H>rtunity for'a live luts: Jobbing Carpenter It. la. Chenter and Joseph Hc-liock are PIraMCd Wllb Itir itracllnir. their expeuwsju securing tbe nomiua- lU^(»|aJiiyebury Arcoae. Octaa City. N> J. vli.lt up the Klate und lo New York. on the ocean front. It is B ild the plans tyga paid and an Increase accomplish larger resulu than uovlcen ['separately. If -wanting a s All the members or the yacht club Open forlbeaeaMD. PlaaaanUJ looatioiH','-I'''/ munlty. >'e 'have said the odds were Uw "•• JliHMKmlly- It. layncli, of Tacony, for these will 'take definite shape be- of e$,Wi la ^the namber or wage Bnt Jhe foundation principles on which BUILDER congratulate Captalu IteMeeatid hope fore many weekH. aatad [experts build tbelr snecesne* enn be ac- Political parties tiHlay are in a JHLII- >ireat. The giant of sl'u challenges th business stand, it will pay you t JAMES H.TODD wan a recent guest at the Wyoming, investigate. ' Eighth St., Opp. Penha. R. R. Depot he may add another victory tuhh loug ' Under tliene conilltlonK, therefore, it quired by any merchant. The flr»t Ilar state of trauslilnu. It doesn't vlmrch or the face of righteousness— Mm. Jt. K. KogllKh.of Philadelphia, siring at the Chester Yacht Club ou Oc running to thin place from Philadel- Carpenter & Builder looks as though uot only all the local Donailona Meat Free. g^Uo»1a» Within tbe mernory oL and greatest comuisudment of admean ^anything today to say that a first. In the faith in God as a <.'reatoi IH a viMllor here, a guenl ofTlie Atglen. tolier 14. . phia. • , ; ; JOBBING'A SPECIALTY mechanic* will be-empioyed,J>ut help Those who desire 'to help the nut' " "-. WYOMING.-;::;.'.;::;::,;-: m^»^atefeWly 'p»jrt roWrlleag evertl»liigls,-Redellnlte. Don't bother matt Is a Republican or a Democrat. I'tekerverand loving Father; seci>tn: For pariloular*. addriss - K. U. C. Weakly, city willellor or It Is slated that quite a uumber of We must say what kind of a Republi- suol>: r'ourlrenlli and HHVcn Avenue secured from liutNlde cities. ' . rereiHby the recent.Mood at Austin, - *M OCBAsI iiVaOrBB'^'' '![¥Hf ^ wbeni thara waa not In -the" world to look up loug and brilliant dewrlp In Hie bible. This H'appareut on a t'amden, wa» a vinltur here Tutmlay. the palrousjif thla road desired lore- can or what klud of a Democrat he I* side. The -Hisp'iration need of II UKFK'K: M12 Ninth Hlm-l. • WANT NEW CLUB main here well luto the present tuontli Pa-, can have their donations sent free ; ;aocIi^l*»B*preventlon of cruelty t live words In the dictionary. Don't -Geo. O. Adams OCEAN CITY, NE\v;jKK8KY' YOU SHOULD HAVE i .fjceaia'ciiir.' (I. J." ,'';'r ••'.•.,' _; iSSlW*^ when the New Yorl waHte' space and fatigue trie reader We are upon the eve of a new regliue church Is the opeu book." , . • . J. P. llTckmoii, or Anliiary Park, STIIX HAVE MACHINES?] but were compelled to give, up theor charge by the Pennsylvania Itail- 713-15 ASBURV AVENUE ESTIMATES AND PLANS FURNISHED reghitered at Ihe Ilixrayne a tew day» VadilMWB Mold 10 Pator New Oprn alt in* year .» (lot Water Hssl' Ejip^ai^tm^^^to^udiKl^h*- JIr.i with vague general: phraws.* If youIn politics. Personally, the »p»>ikrt We art challenged second In ouOCEAN CITV NEWJERSE plau because express trahiH they used road Co. The calaslrophe at Austin onav la btoefforts to awabeu mtere«t want to describe, a 'shoe, for Instance, said, he Is couvluced that the IK'mo convii.-lioiisof truth, of rigJ|teou->nes« A Reliable Builder ago. OrKUnixulioii t'P Town. ° Vunut a>port vircnlalvtl Here were illHcontlnued. • ' .. was one of the tuont terrible of recent OUR SPECIKLTYIS ".. •" ' - ••; •*•>•'BlUn ,' ; Some or the mennTem or tbe Ocean years."; "'' '•'•••'. .,.•'•'' ' • ' "• •;* ." In UMistibJeot. wa« treated' wltb Indif tell the reader what kind of leather It cratlc party IH In lictiVr - r/Tiiilltloii of hiinort'il tuaii1io. IKormerty IbeKounMtl - -"*, - • (nktolK-Kow^w* telleve there is ' not or not, whether It Is Mingle ooled .or Governor W|lson »|»)Uf at lenm ti olloyalty to duty. The rau-e of rigl OFFICC: II• HTH AND OCCAN AVC. "~*Ainonfr otliers 1 have built for Rev. C.'W. Kispham, 4244 Morgan llaml, Jr., uai-al WIMWOIHI ilellulte Hha|ie. They nay II would be wrty under COUIIUIBBIOII form or govern»n- e Waa a Vl«llor 10 Tbla Clly All or the llfeguardd went orT'diily FRONT Search Company OCCAN CITY IHW JCwa ; :8Ut«;lni the 'Union nor a ChrlMla: double soled, and so ou with these or what .he. ha* ;aifouipltshed slure his has always called for minute'tuen Pine st. and Joseph. l ...Myers, 1237 Ridj;e avenue, I'hiladclphia. * large am-et for Ocean City. ment, and thai Ihe dealh-knell of ptt- last Saturday, and so, ofllcially, Ihe <*rei*t on Tuewlay 011 HiiniefiiRlneerliiK ror Many Yearn. lot Water Haat. Bmty Room Xbotaackty!-fti^ • CbOBtV In tbe world that has not nuor other details which the shoe man can election an chief executive of .the State. tho-e who were ever ready to deft-n of Cape May Count v. X..!.. WILLARD S. STEELMAN • '..•'• Ask them about ' .•- work. Along IIIIB line they aiwert, without lltleal machlues has been xouuded, .Miss Caroline V. Eddy died at he.batliliigseasor n or 1911 Is a tiling of Ihe More profit 1ms boon made from Ocean Tear or Kuceeonrul contradlcllon, that past. The guards were, kept busy iiiairtklty'iirHn; 11» branches and agent *upi>ly. Enable the reader to form a He wanted to know ir jine caii he tiiesacre MUM. sit* K. itAVfAtm^'rh^fiif,',;,-,:'.: clear, mental, picture of your good*. called a radical for .wanting honest from evil, jet this great* force coiut • ; HRI'KEKKKTINa the prevent up-town organliuitlon lu week. and wan burled yesterday afternoon at almost lo Ibe la»t day-In wulching the 939 West Avenue OTIS M- TOWNSEND turneil from a visit to Plirlndelphla tli.i paat twelve • yearn has * done an crowds of bathers. " ' " ' ' in Ocean City. We can secure you the best " You do this, and If your price, which elections and houest registration. IVr- aud yet .tills great force penetrate- FIDBI.ITY TRUST CO. OCEAN CITY. fll It was nald that certain men. here West Laurel Hill. - . * • - should alway*;be.given. Is right, your soiial registration ts tin new thing, Our homes, no bible, no deep an Ocean City ' . New Jersey •inch for the uplifting .of Ocean City who have been active In pnlltlcH hi ihe bargains-to'lie found here from £1000.00 up- . IIOTEL ATGLEN j ; .7 AibqiiVto tbe doctur's wont OF XKWAHK 8th st. opposite P. 0. |3 \J I L.LX C It K. J. , J: W. Idiiideiilierger and. family, of UB anylhlUK.elHe lu the rexort. . . Miss Eddy had a'number of filenda ManeVydcelaNd ProtSIma Wnodhead good* an half marketed before the There Is nothing new about-the pub vital and moral lni-triictl.ni:_llie heu. JahKna Promptly Attended To • past want certain other peri«>iiH elected n this city wlio were shocked and nr.'HewllllDPrracb, NINTH AND CENTBAL AVEN0B lie utilities act. It Is based upoii tin but uot the heart; the awful, evll» tin . Mt. Alryi were recent |r Hie The club .has. piovided sport and The Rev. Dr. Edmoud Hewitt, «r wards with riparian grant. ' - ' . <>l«-n lor Nineteen ud Klcven'- ("•••>•• ' thefamoos -British scientist. In a not enstomer ha* left home.'' . TITLES INSURED Kathlu. coinnilmlouem. ° " pained to.learn of her death.•" She experience of comwerrlal and ruanu brea'-t aud de-troy the. home of th umiiHemeut ror tlioUBands nr^ vlHltom. Inasmuch aH the present adminis- owned a collage on* Ceutral aveuue, Pitman, will be here next Suuday aud Hot Water Heat abjeiectareberoretbe National Aa»ocl Hwin-liMi. AI-.lrncl«Ial TUlco and Klir In- A. G. WINKLEk preach In the First M. E. Church. Dr. PVULICHAUKETK. facturing concerns.' drunkard; no bible In our schools—u Mix. Weal, of Morton, nio'tlier or H|ieaklng «r Ihe yaebl club, one oftration has taken no part In the IlKht, below Eleventh - street. • .For uiany Ocean City, W. J. atfaoYbttbePnventfon of Toberculosb Murutice. |j. \V. IIARHHR, Frist.. • • JOHN MARTS; Treas. Hewitt is well known osa line speaker. MHSSEY& EDWHRDS f|m i England. Residents of "Jersey cities are. ju«t RadlcaN, the speaker sild, "are un deep aud vital instruction; the foreignci PRACTICAL PLUMBER Mm. Mark Lake, lia» returneil from a hem Baye: It cannot be iiuauliied that any oyearf s she and J, T. Hatch were iu busi- ' 1 : 1 Phone Coiiiiet'tlonH " * - viMlt here. .-. ' "Keep up the Rood work, Coiuruo- „ „„ ~ PPlague i he'"aid" : "As now cla-noring for public markets at mindful of the Interesls of bad tui-l createH tbe Sabbath for his pleasure FARM PROPERTIES • (lua.KtMiiiaqdllal Walrrnuer.. these men have anything lo do with ness hi West Philadelphia. Kighth and Central Avenue. ".. - ' omor.HUlli «tre«l Bnd Went avc- ' MIKN Nellie llroivn, of IMrolhy, liaH dore WIIBOII; . We are all with you. Try au Advertisement - OCEANIC • ms^tB»»;Wsbbntd do »|l we can which farmers may. sell tbelr produce •ess. • " , Men are challenged to test their' re BOUGHT AND, SOLD • line: re»lil«*iM¥. Tenth Mri-^l'niijl •. Sixth St. and West Ave. • the alleged new'machine. direct to tbe consumer, wiping out tbe Foryeare New Jersey | olltlcally wi llgiou seven day in the week/ Matt, l"lt^»ilreav<-,i).viiiCII>. X J relumed home after 11 VIHII' to frlei.ilM Keep Ihe wheels a-uioviug, and Ihe • Mul Vcar'a Ball Team, iu tbe SKNTINKI< Private bains. Moat oealrabla la- .' ; . pp then is —Oltfcra In ticw bank bujldlmc— 44-11,11 1'hone IXI-X. band wagon will roll on." - - . cation. Capacity a». -Kkmttor., . . .i ; I eonneettbtfbetweeo tuber profit of the middle man, thereby re- regarded with.couteinpt by the ojhe wise meu will not make the test. in IhlHt-Uy. . • ' :. ' *; TO RBCAU, GRAND JURY? Perhaps It la a trlBe early to talk baseball fornex t summer, but'It may L.HervlesntiexMlUxt. • J :« ii i-vr I un amount of alcohol con ducing tbe cost to the consumer, and States of the Union because herpeop! is Impracticable, it is claimed, but w Cape May Court House, N. J. A Int. K. A. Myrle and lirlde, of 1'hllailel- Open for (be season. •" :,;.•!( i,.;,.. flCULL ARTS Hotel Arrival*. be hinted that Ocean City will have a 8PEGIAL DE8IGNS m t'« or the tobercnle yet enabling the farmer to make a* wen thought to be asleep;, but wlmshould accept the challenge and provi 8.0.ftdiw. . . W.V Adtm |ihia, are ovrupying theirVnllstfe, 1741 Rnqior Hrre Don Mai Hv'vni 10 ' _>__^ '• «BM.I-a|,H«« ' ' baSlo^'-tnW?bsidllDs"'could*on7y>'d' much or more than be doe* when be tbe cllizeus of other. Slates did noourreligioit i by carrying it Into on UPERIOR Went avejiiit. . Urst-class team, one even belter than Dance Every Cold Lunches, ATERIAL • MI'KKIAr.. , Have HellHble Siiurcr. CONCRETE BLOCKS ^^^^&.;:in lavorabl, sells to the commission dealer. . . know was that the people of New Jer- t>usiness, social aud everyday life. 6E0. 0. ADAMS & BRO. IANE •-•••• base or pa*t seasons. Incidentally It Wedaeaday and ETHODS • Ml*, (lilorge Mqrphy and children . MrH. M. Opperniau, V. Hwan. Pblla- There was a rumor ou the streets and Sidewalk', also Brick Work Real Estate Bulletin '" ,~THE' LAUREL:.:;;••: ';i\f^<; m*~*<«.~~,i -vJariiaiM JtaUp.tsW taieqUv-' ; Hackeutack papers claim tbal the sey were being cheated. "Hciwdid David meet this giant'." Saturday Nlfbt ATISFACTION ANDATORY arevlxilhiK Mrx. C-barleH Hofiiianii nt here IbU week that Ihe tiraud' Jury may be said, that Bdme familiar' faces aud Plastering. * produce rained lo that vicinity is carted Many "people today are voting th asked Dr. Suyder. "With live amuiit ielphla; Mm. Koads, Klvernide; Mm. or the "past summer will not lie seen ll.t OENTItAb AVBNUK, NEAR BRACK ';\;'{ j of tnttlff'anrr manuring tbe ground PUSTERING, RANGE SETTING • •NorwoiMl, Pa' . It jthoeinalipr i would.nhurtly be summoned to apiiear Sehupeh. Coftet* & Co. EIETEENTH_siBEET,J!eor Were no alcohol IntoNew York by tbe farmers, void to Socialist ticket lint because they bvllevi pebbles. They bad been rolled rivei Co. t^ ° tip to grade, curbed, htreet built BRItiXAYl«C;Etc.,Elt. —"MI>>ifKraifeeS"Biii{tli7~wllo~hai< been before Ibe Ca|ie May County Court. $325.00 lu tbe^Soelalist-Darty-but-as-a-protesi ami over again-trrtbl when stale, to help these protesting voters. use in acceptlug the challenge of tin OCEAN CITY. N. J and wire, Ocean (Mly; II. !-. Klulaw, that In case they were wanted again dress ' • • WESLEY AVENUE; "ear Hevenlu-ntli -treel, Hldbwalk, curb, Interesting ex world.. They are tried aud proven Cottages Apartments stores Bungalows HiiiK their w>n, William (ioil'rey, at rolh, or Philadelphia. Mr. Leuthner, MAPLE COTTAGE rWng made by tbe bat paying for 'all ttie carting and The speaker said he-was there to li MAIN STREET and . . . Knlem; MIHH It. K. Hohmaun, JIIIIIIM- Ibe original miuiuiniiH would be in ..uu-t«-grad.6 . Si ,075.00 Howard, It I. - . . " " " •• lown., ' : • .-. ' ' /•• _• - '•. . : who resides here. Is principal- of the Corner Klevehth and Wmt Avenue Handling. - the people)not to cheat the new regime First, prayer; second; faith iu Clod ; effect. ; '• ". . ' / '/\ ':.; ••.. ' W. C. SPEAKMAN, Agt. t' 'There an two third, courage of our own convictions: NEW JERSEY AVENUE ALBERT G. GILBERT,!. Hea Isle City public school*. * . WESLEY AVENUE, Itawren. TlilrWnth nud Foiirteentli • . Oceau City, N. J. Camden has also taken up the ques- Inaugurated for Justice for Ibe people Son h r0 a Ii. H. A. Ktedem IIBH reluriieil fn>'iu| - ... • KATIII.U. '••....'•. " . Ocean City, N. J. ! to tb^Padfle fleet, Just what Ihe Urand Jury may be /NtieetH._ .••-_' •' . •.:..' .^ ' ,; •."•••-• $1,850.00 . . Mechanic Boarders Wanted tion, her citizens having tbe same ex- He said be has tried to keep faith with fourth.-stamina, Hand "as true solcilen PRACTICAL HOUSE PAINTER i; S. XIORSON, * ° P««» Specialty Philadelphia and I* occupying IIIH c..• rulnl" . M. P. (larrelt and mu, ot l.aim- ramlly, Mt. Airy. • ; ItuprovrmenlK Needed. S^»^lH»mJ.Bn^'^jai..iband BLACKSMITH and WHEtlWflIGH about an hour. - - . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN " 'ith their growth and the cry ror im- point of a Democrat..; eatiou in the evening. His subject u'a I'uro'Hliva, Ktc, ut Our Hlore. . dow'ne, are" oci-npyinK tbelr- cottage, • ' ' WVOMINO. . . EIUTOK TIIK SKNTISKI.:—I was glad 6O5 Eighth Street - THE PIONEER BAKERY. Knowing Christ." 1 provements they were-abolished and ''I want Cape May Couuly to be 'hi Practical Horseshoeing Al»o, J'obn-T. Lewla l,aiA and oil Con "]2«> Anbury avenue. . - H.' C. lugrahatn aud wife, MIBH lo note lit your last Issue what Mr. : lo. 700«tb»tAfHn, Oo*M CBj. E I no places exist where tbe farmer*, can tbegame' I want her to have some- inHlock. %i . Kmlly It. l-yncli, \V. E. Allen aud For! had to Kay about Mr.' Thorn ror Ocean City . New wlersey thing different from* vi'hat she ha< Low l--ur<-M to- me West. JOBBING DONE PROMPTLY itnd i'slmVrK'Kup|tileM, nlrs. Ktliel 'llnvUiiRliain, nt Tucker- leennqmlcatas the mil direct to tbe couftumer even were wire, K. C. WIIBOII and wire, Plilladel- comuilHHloner. I liave.kuowir Mr. DENIM'S had," he said. "•' , ; .. , TklotVk. Bicycle Tifm and Hnppllni. tllryrli- IK- ton, J« vlHltlni; her rather, Ii. A. W. bey no inclined, lu aome instance* Clam, and OJJ!»T Tugs » SpwiiHj : AL_I_E:N phia; MhH Helen Strong," Malawau; Tliorn Home thirty odd years and Try an Advertisement MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE. MouDtalo*, -IMcltte CUA^I, We<>t«rn Cnnuita, ' .Proiuplly AllendtMl T»K Hiulth; at Hie'Itixeuyne. -, CELEBRATED tbe abolition ot the markets was due Tbe speaker nald he was uot casting Mv^lco lind Homhnruif rn point* OD Mtl Agent' fur Stewart's Iron Work* Co 1). P. Warriuglon, Auna L. Warring- know him to lie-worthy or the posi- .-•. No'waiting for two weekHtn know If you ran Ret It; ui' run tell you at totbe people themselves, who failed aspersions. , Per»o*nallties .were df> every d»y nnlil Oflotsjr II, locluslvtf.ai ItK Plain'and Ornamental Iron Fence Si|ulre Ittislr and wire .will leave tion. I also am well acquainted - with . . once. ItiirguiiiH iu Kay and Ocean front propertied. tlholcecotlaRen for next Wednesday ror Hcliweiiknyllle, ton. Hannah M. Warrln'glon, We»t ICE Hale. AIHO lotx fur invextuietit and for Improvement—the choice of .•$f*JJ,',eSjl, says'. tbe to patronize them, preferring to have aateful to Inn), but the people of this DL'CKD FAKKf. Consult nrarcst Tl Iron Hailing* aud Window (Juanlx. BRECKLEY'S Cheuler; H. It. Ingraham and family, >lr, Frank Newberry,' one of the other Oitan O|ty. . Apply to • .; ' . . • . HARRy F. ST ANTON county have been living-under per AK«-nt. .•'.•• Pa., on their vacation trip. : t Covernment; will. be their vegetables sent home by tbe cor-' HOUSB AND S/OAI PAINTERS IttHburg. . • nominees, and caunot but speak In In the CREAM REAL ESTATB and ntSURAItCB ' • rier grocery man. Now,' however, they tonal politics. •• Mr. and iln, p. H. Henry Marled their favor, aud these men should be .. J. M. CHESTER & CO., Seventh St and Haven Ave. CLINTON L: BRECKLEY. PROP ' RMHKKON. • PROPERTIES BOUOHT • • perceive tbelr error, and, having paid •He declared that, under commission yexteiday on un auto trip thruiiKli elected, and if elected, they should be 1 •>• J. Morgan and wife, Philadelphia; 724 Asbury AvejEean City, N. J. . . OCEAN CITV, N.J. = ANO8OLD • •'. •.••:•••• ••••';•' dearly for their experience, it I* possi- Torni of government,', it l» iiuposslble Pennsylvania R. R. Ready .Mixed I»»lut«, Lead aud Oil PeiiiiHylvuiila, New York und Maine. a credit to Ihe city; but I hope who- MORTGAGES PLACED , conduct public business' behini: ~k: A PORTER^ Thos. Harris, Camden; U. M. Hogan, SENTIMEL Wedding Parties and Plculcs a Spec- ble bad they tbe chance offered again 9iO aud 922 Anbury nvtiiue. • ' Mr.-and Mrs. Charlex Watxon have Jerney Cily; (Maude Maban,* Avalou; ever Is elected BH commissioner,' we OFFICE-pghlh SttMl Bdflt aj»M| lSjI»!Sfe!jl»wblch social they would support such.markets. closed doors. H*e said lie kue*- ilia Personally-Conducted Exciirsions Contracting and Orading returned from a pleasant VIMII to their sball see the' hits around the towu ially. Your trade solicited. • he-new form of government for Oceau U. A. Odewalt, York; H. W. Miller, . 1014 Asbury Avenue daughter, Mrs. Alice Crane, lu Bridge- Allanllc City; Mrs. 8. E. Ortlip.Weat cleared on" for once. I understand . Orderadellvered. Prompt atleutlou. •i'» A HOT.TIME: : '. C. L. LAKE -; r of the condition of Mty will glve.the people Bathfactlou. ' ' . "• • TO , , ' ',':.' Real RMaie Tranfen. Ocean City New Jersey ton. • • .•..•• •' that Couucil could not .do this, but I Milk and Cream always on. baud. Saying, that he desired to cast .uo Cheater; W." A. D. TbompDon, Miss also understand that tbe commission- It Will Bring Results ' - IroiilnR, In the kitchen or laundry, can be avoided ..REAL ESTATE AOENT... 1 Recent-real estate transfers iu Oceau Lota-nlled and klreeu and MftttfwalkH bujlt by • Jtobert Kvcitt, of I'lilladelplila, WBB Fulmer,' Coale«vllle; O. A. Howell, ' " Both Phones. . 1028 Aabary Avenue, OosaaOtty.H.VI. ' Sewj^^^lbeiefQre, City recorded iu the olllce or County slur upon the present form of govern contra**! or day. Your patromitftt *oll<-lird A. J. SMITH, PRbPRICTOft Rhone Connection era can have Ibis much ueeded Im- Vooin* among tlie vlHitors here Tuesday. Mr. Morion; C. B Winter and. family, During July and August Lom ror »ale. Cottage* rot rant. '• Clerk HUdretb are as follows: " nent In (his city, the Governor cdu- Niagara Falls Bcottis inlercHted* lu real estate up provement done. Tbe condition of „.,. , ligreat gratulated his bearers ujio'n the change Blrathuere; T. H. Thompson, DarlluK- . • . .> By UHIIIK . . CorrMtpondence •ollcltsd 111111 ' • ' Sarah P. Hudson et vlr to Wm. Hal- ««D NCTail OMLK* IN town. lon.. . " these lots that are so grown up wltb I h*ve,tho Incubus hat has been accomplished. October 5, ,191-1. - brush and especially along the main ELECTRIC IRONS lade. Lot 66, Section A. JAMES B. HAMILTON " ' . K. V, Corson and wire and their B|H- ' HISCAVSE. »ba>»,nt aruthard Wtn. Sullade to David It. Hudson At the conclusion nF his talk, Civ- -WALTER V. HESS. street is a disgrace to the towu, and Samuel T. Freeman & Co. You are foolish to roust over a coal, wood, oil, or gan move QHARLES L. HOPIANN; :'j^ ..?HW,ffiSnr*e-;Wle? ernor Wilson shook hands with'ueariy. Thl» apace 11 muiid lor PURE ICE ter, Mrs. I.ydia O'Brien, leave tomor- It. B Kberbacb, L.. P. Klrby, A. Mo- owuers should be compelled to clean duiiiK your ironing wheu you i-an uxe uu electric iron and et ox.j;|i>t 96, Section A. $11.75 "- Ocean City am row lo speud a couple or weeks at Mt. the temperature or the room will uot be raised. REGISTERED ARCHITECT S^^JflW^miujy.-slde*' Florence V..Moore et vrr to Mary I>. all the people woo were at the-meet- • W. L. BERRY, Cruddeu, A. McCrudden, Jr , Miss M. them. Let us hope that, this new " i!*2"A.Hess • Poconp. ., ' . . McCruddeu.-W. E Foulds and wire, If you are •' . • . . MMWi iVoodrofTe. $3300. Lot 7&I Sectlou K. ing. SPECIAL TRAIN' of Pullnus Pwbr Can. form of govern meu t will give us Home AUCTIONEERS 421 lsSS?!?B#Bl1' *y: itbelr Ditiine Can. utd Dir Coachr* troofVtulkll Manufacturing Jeweler, W. K. Itucklngliam", of Tucker Ion, O. B. Kemp; C. T. Hagerl6n,'Jr., I'hil- or the Improvements'that Ocean •t.'ity From IVIissouri Marie J. Ueudrtcksonet vlr to Cha*. •tuprovlnif' l*rop«:rl>. pbi* d*y toMotriag. ninnln^ »^ the PHII.ADBa.PBIA, WJk, ,./*.• ,, ally. W. Jobusoriet.ux. I>ot8:i. Section C. NO. aa SOUTH SECOND ST.. BEST.V COAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 'bt here working In place of (rvhi.HIII, adelphia ;,Wood row Wilson, Prince- l» HO badly lu need of. 1519-21 Chestnut Street Philadelphia • Call 70 Don tbe Hell, or 117-A on the Inter-Hinte ami n. In Uttoin City, nt'Joa. I. HouU'a offlee, enry - *are A number of aililillont anil hupro've- or I he Ilell Telepiione Co., w ho IH away ton; K F. GroB^cup, Wenonab; Chan. rvpreHeulatlve will call and show you hnw to ' A'ntiwwlay.nudHatoidayaiidenryeveiiliia. '.' Alvln P. Rlnley et a'l. lo John Brigs*. iuebts an to be made to Hit! Carpenter Picturesque Sosqnchanna Valley Roate ' Pbllaiflelpnia. •>«. . And another thing Oceun City il^|^!|b^abont >830. Iiota 119,189. Sectlou B. -on IIIH vacatlou, • " ... It. Bueon, Haddoutield; Howard Car- wants, and wants badly. Is (1 00. gas XbejrwHIbe found house, at Thlrty-rlrsl- slreel. Four row, C-amden; Evans O. Slaughter, Solve th6 Problem John* Brlggs et ax to Ocean City Trrkeu zood toine oa recuUr train* to Phil*- - * OAK AND PINB Harry Cox and family, or Allantlo Now II IH to be hoped that as soon as . Thecurit of thlH luxury IH HO Hinnll that It IH hardly worth Howe&miler ling t« in coarse or rooms are to be added, a porch will be dclphU. *ad UMOcroo Special Tniti. and «ood WORK. Wlldwood; J. It. Christian, Warden the Hew CouiiniHslQiiers are elected Trustee's Peremptory Sale BewerCo. (12S0. tots 119. ia>,-8ec- rrturnioc oa recaUr traio» within SIXTEEN -City, will- reside with '.Mr. COX'H ciiiiHldt-riiiR. . built on the front and side, and a large DAYS. Stop off within" limit' Bigbee. W. K. Fisher, lu L. Wallace, they will get busy and give the town MAC HI IN 1ST 8 lonB. .,'. . .- • ;. . .' .• •• • "lunther, Mm. l.ydia O'ltnen, tlilHClly, dining room constructed. The work Buffalo returninc Office 306 H A. Jiourgeols, B.J-'. Smith, W. Hsom. e at these very necessary Improve- The Ocean City Electric Light Company. ' notor Beat and Ante Rtpaln •'ni>S Oelaucey Realty Co. to Powell O. duriuK tlie winter moutbs.. " . . ments. I can see that Ocean City hi . Capt. RUIeyr* Boat Ho«M SWWflWf^Wl^eJbejmasaofJioiiianHy will cost $1600, «ud will be.done by UItistrat«d Booklet and full information mar I Campbell, It. H. Thorn, W. Scott Fltblan.. $SSO.. Lot 29," plan of De-Plait & McManW ' . • . be obtained from Ticket A^cat* " Office. No. 634 ASBURY AVENUE OCEAN CITY " NEW JERSEY • -Mr-. Mary Miller, or tbla city. Is' vl»- going ahead and tbe way it Is growing HOTEL NORMANDIE-ON-THE-SEA SEVENTH ST. and PLBASURB AVE, —-~-'-'- gandti»,deeent aucey Really Co. Hand, Ii. M. Crease, A. A. Howell, we eau predict a great future fur it. • Ocean City. *£ J.' Eyes Examined Wiihoot Drops ItliiK her daughter atYon'kern. 'N. V., OceouCityjli. W Sbarp.SealHleClty; «ly of Ocean City to Florence V. Let us all work to that end and do Bell Phone 18 • Inter-State Phone .134-A ' ; Mow la to-d«b» nietlMxU. uiUractiim alKo frlendHat Providence, It. I.' Bite J. P. Hlckroan, Asbury Park;. Mm what we can -to always Improve It Moore. Lot 754, BecttooK. . ,Vor flrat-clu* O ical work will lie absent attout- three-weekH. Lot 183 1-4x135 feet . Mayor and-Mra. L. M. Crewe are lu In Chaneeiy of New Jersey. srel* ooneceaalttmityy pof. »».»color• t,ov rlumwnpUJlb.f COAL COAL Mary B. Turplu, Pemberton, N. J.; A. where It Is possible to do. so. I hope City of ^aain .City to Thomas 8. Philadelphia, where they will remain l aloek ol Bye Glaa^eM'ena and HHpectacip u I V.JL. Breckley, Ihe painter, lias been; Ware, Tuckerton; E. L. Woolley the men that are running for Ihe ohice Mitchell, XoU land 18, Sect Ion North complete aa ean be foood to any city. First National Bank Prescription lenses duplicated al abort orcomniltwloner will' read this Item SUTTON & CORSON CO. 1 1 ; 1 lii 1 ii Mime weeks. They have been called o Kbeneior Ad«ra«, WlllUm Wata/ COAL HOUSE enjoying a vacation trip during the* and wife. Pitman; Joseph. Tbompwin, Ocean City, N. Ji. . 11 Hbu»lr.j!v,'ijV1'..', ,;. . . i;: j ; V..l.'1"l _'.'' ; •>•• notice. Accuracy guaranteed. Price* ronu - carefully and will see'if Ibeae Improve- . ' ' *' .'W', V'.-f!''."''V;y''.'),V.'.":;' there by reason of tbe illnesa of the By virtue of an order of tbe Court of ilalent with KOOd work. All work drne «« last few days.- Hespeut tbe time In Atlautlb City. - Ocean City Gardeus Co. to Mi|loo manager of tbelr paper mill. ' Mayor Cluuicery«r the 8tute of New J^i^SS S toe Dremb««. • . . Philadelphia, 'Trenton, Hobaken and ments were given to Ocean City It Myen. Lot 1005. block 10. plan 1. . COAL COAL would be like a new Oceau. City. So General Contractors Ocoan City, N. Jv j Crease will make frequent trips to New York. One MUM Next Baaday. , push them through, M,r. Commission- Corner Ninth and Ocean Avenue yfam'es'.C 8liedwlek to' Oncar O. Ocean City. A. W; ELY Boy your Coal from tbe ," Mr; and Mr*. Benjamin Newklrk, of; CAPITAL 180.0001 SHRPUU 'fl^m^M «SS(>.' Lot; having 75 , and AUulW ••:••• V'ti't^i Allen Scull la la Philadelphia today, rrolaetweinbdayol October, pext, or ID TWELFTH ST. AND WErt that Mr. Newberry l« not a candidate, "739 ASBURY AVENUE W. BCOTT BAM0. Oalhlaj-- ."1!.':. >• .'.;.\'ij;-.''- ipwjr of. -botaii Florence Margeram: Lot 2703,. ..block d«AuUt Uiereor aaeb decree will be Ifcll l"hoD 'lans and Specifications Furnished. Estimates Cheerfully Given Newklrk'Is recovering from a severe day, this at 10 o'clock. Tbe reetor.tbe .although bis name was mentioned lu closing op another large building con- agntnatyoa aa itae CiMnoellor ahau J. »lTMIAM^TAt^;'rVlll««|».^S::lj^www^ J 0T >1 J v As you are always Bure of gettliiK Injury io one or bis eyes. ' people, no n1l • ^ii'l> ' '•"••-•'•-•' " • " - • • aDdjutt. • a Itev. John J.'Bweeriey, is preparing to connection wltb Ibe oWce.—ED.] . tract, which will be started, within a - • — " ' lands iTtBrbetween BOURSE BUItpiNG. EIGHTH STREET : "Ocejin.City, ":.>" ,;' .New Jersey ...... ,. pit>,,ejgTotti>V.^^.Jfefe!:fe<^t5g^ Arthur Hartley, executor and trus- ihfr Atuml« Ocean 'fiitO pnondd to tlie ton J: M Chester and wire have re- take a nhort vacation trip. ' ; Saturday, October 21,1911 abort lime. Mr. Scull has begnn work md Beaeli TtioroaKbrMre. or may tanaV or OCEAN CITY Hhone- turned rrora a visit to Blrmhigham, In Never Ho Many Battacnt. UU. Crease rlcbla DDdVr ibe walera of etlber. In Ooeao OHN E. TOWNSEND NEW JERSEY Wealern Pennsylvania, where tbey J.M. Cheater Old Hchool Boaid Member. That veterau lifeguard, Capt Joseph .ald'blUUflledrbrtii* porpoa* or obtaloUir A ADAM4 placed their daughter, MlHs.deiievra, Krauas, who has been along the front Phone 70.W K.V.Oorson, a a>«re# reMtrniainie and preTeaitnc ai«y Electrical Contractor In a large school ror girlH.. It. B. BtileH Is the oldest member, hi here for twenty years, aud who Is now . -.'•••• atzp, M. ,•;,•.•;••':• allenailoa. deposition or Q«e or *ald land* on duty as supervisor or the beach, POWEL-L'S ror aiiy prtvalo, purpose or lor any i "' Reading Coal point of yean of service, now on tbe oll wbmUocvor rut rully eoa>l«UrDt wllb I... - '1137 AsbUry Ave. Yanl and IJBWII work attt>nilew«st line ;of BUtb '•aolta>r boa^le Coiisiie. tua tlMFreof for a eampcneetlna; croood, or AUo KlnminK Wodd by barrel or ford. Board or Education;. He never sought were here last summer. During alt or OR^ GOODS, NOTIONS AND KlllsH.MaratiaU i. rfjeUSfa. OKrt Wet avenue. for any QM f->alr-4ry to lae rlgam or Ibe tfcsst eoal OD Iba markeU SH0 Ibn. 10 ywnl plaiitx. H|i«-iiil »*»«liore Inwn Kraas fcoed for sale. Kest Krades of On the Premises stor ^!R,i5'?^l-i-.iiU-'jA'«^..vw.^v^|1^Ooe_ Builder J T. Heal, of thb city, will Ocean City ' New Jersey tb« tan coanuiteML Ball 6t Kui«rprlM« Oceau City will be Well repreaeuted the poMlllou, but hi always re-elected a bla experience, he says, he' has never • MEN-S FURNISHINGS • HanntbW. Mitchell to Daniel W pabtlo Mod tbo r*zbt« or lot owner* In Ibe Hlmilc and ornaiuental tree-and IIOIKIIIR. Would be pleased to do yonr lost a person In tbe surf, ~ build a ^wln collage, costing $2!>00, ou vicinity oho nitty be enlllled to ibe teaent at the auto races In Palrinount Park, member or the'board. i ' Attractive Hne of New: Dress -Pahrics, Ladies' and,Chil- eCUIn. »50..l I«t7l97Heetlon O/ ' of Implied cov^nnntv*nnDl a by IbIbee OceaOce*nn C Citi yy A* Aa-- «•*«. Tiurra mad won woik fiiryon.. Tnp null tuilil In uny ajiiaiitl'ty an! s|ierlal fertiliser fur Board ^l*r(Hji| Central avenue, near Flfly-.Uftb street, aoetetton* andd dtr*cilodtr*cil* tbbee remova emovall fmta Pblladelphla, next Saturday. A large Six story frame hotel, 287 bed-rooms, 50 bath rooms, dren's Suits, Shirt Waists, Wrapper*, Hosiery, Helta, " fbrMlsslaroilueS-iOilsell,.of Cam- kuddliind«ofeJofeJl baiMibaiMinpiiMinipion o r otbetbr lcopravel - your flower bedx,' . . ' number of auto owners are arranging For Hale.' .. - Knjoylas-Trip. ;;!; • { . unuw MHnuuvvtr vrttU-wo wob cu*cuay bonow beeeUDeervcttMll . . Combs, Barrettea, Neckwear, etc.; Men'» Caps,- Under- -it( jea Will be two »tor lea' tberetn. And rou; t£b»orx«r Adama, WH- liONABD KBAUSS CO. ATLANTIC ICE COMPANY • to leave here Friday and Saturday Post cards received from Dr. andcafes, ball room, and pool rooms, equipped with its own elec- TZAII I ll*n» W .taon A iau • aortUbiitlai V. MwUAd. Cottage with all modern conveni- Mrs.'E. It. Brunjrate ludlcate that they wear, Shirts, Collars, Belts, Ties, etc: V ..,,.:• *.' aeagn.t ^ •**" I are made deieoiLtnta brcaue eaeb of yoa morning. '*'..•.• ences, six bed .roouui, parlor, library, are having a line trip down. East tricity, iceand artesian water plan's „ r • eaeb or jroo Electricians dining room, kitchen and servant*' YOU WILL PROFIT BY TRADIN0 HERE ' iowonorel&lmaloown WM portion or said Mountain Ice ELW)ER H. CRANE quarters, large.yard, located on Cen- They are In Massachusetts. _ FOB RKST.—Attractive, well heated. ' ' A*oslnr V. BoswalX, t Aabory Avenue, Ocean City, N. J. •. . for»alc. _, tral avenue, In the central part or tbe Full particulars in"hand bits. Cottagfrfor tba winter or> apartment bolldlon ror Complainant. Complete house furnishings for sale. 1 work or all klod« promptly at> '• 1"M4 Aabury A«/*>i Ocean City city. Owner will sell on easy term*. YOUNO MAN wants a position of any 1 ' / . • 1 p o w E.'L. L • s 1 'K X\

ml :... „• ;.... ?::*&>hw^!m , . . . -,-•.- > -.. , , ,-'•" * -•* •*»*«-»» <^^m*r*m*e&-iiN$*ml**i*

MUB FOR * AXBV-Conllniisd Owaa* ' Lot N*. AM. Vat Tu 1 Oa-aw" " . ' ValM Tax ft»t Collector's Sale of Properties J.B K«l««r • WO' 1190 00 Uo D, lnl«r»»ollan .•oulbaatt aldj_of and •oo w u,H,um .' for Unpaid 8treet Assessments. 100 00 S3 S 1100 00 RIB KM IOOOO J.8. K»l«w no oo ills »1B OOoe bribe Tax rplleotor, » • ' - ',. • ?wvio]K.»Mw»rt imm l nncw »t» 15 US au»«(oTbiohirteF Si u«n« Clly.N. J.. In ajoboaae. maun and provided, will npoWfoi iuoui SS!S l« •ale Blptibllc auction on • . mmn» in aim *° 4UIW •jrniin MM Tlx>i»r*MhI « Muni IIUD 100 00 frU 2 0} Friday; the thirteenth day of October, Mn oo. 41 n . MOID „ era^tettfSSrr J.H Krlmr MUOI i uuuu 1IS1 MS Unknown, Inuraeellnnao lUMaataldaot Ww •k p. m. )C|| "a 11 ao ley ay>nue,IV> leel aoutl-wat Kinywcnnd 100 OO won ul -utu O.U.Aaaoo. 4IUID alreel. aaViiliweal l«l reel hy anulbaul la Lur,Si Ity.'oeriitln loliM> Iba AUaullo Oman •is tun d, lor b nta for atreet Improveinenuas n led and adjuatad by UiecomniU- lowoobai&io 71 Unknown, intenwetioD aoiitbeaat aid* or ularlyd i_^r tne provlalona ul tbecuarler aol ol aald Clly, being an Act ao m in tu Tax COM Waaley annue,TOO leet aonlbwral Klrty- MitTtlod^**An Aet rcTlaitoK to and provldlnir lor tha government or cinea-or IttlaHlato oon. of UMMOMtiwil Uw amount of ! uu in 1.1 KI Frank K.oliainplon.n IMamu rroni.ln.. aeoomlalreet.aauihweafjnf.cl by aoutli- 110 OO tiiniliea AD Awreiaiin^ wana P__ i __,_„„„,Inhabitants," paaMd Uarcli2t.lW7.mSa 1MIIU SIU tvraoollun atwllinul Atlantic avenue aoU caatlotbe AilamlaOcean t. nl.aoulhea«l aerond alreel,' auntliweal -.no reel by tweVn certain atrnla, adoptid tbo-£11 dayol lleceniber, IHOO.1; aa aald bonda appear by the tn MM in ttooan avmiua 131 real aoulbwral rruni'- aautbeaatlotbaVllailUoOn.il Sirl V« report of Ibe eommlaalonera or aaaeaamenl and duly altlrmed by tbo Uommon Council ol o n no in Tcnlh alntl. auullimal 1b feel byauulh- Unknown, tnltraevtlon aoutheaat aide or aald Oraan City and Iliad lo Ihla office, whlrh aaaeaamcnl aa auwued, nxed and ml. mi oo eaal to Me |lo«m»l»llc Wealey avenue, ail fner mentioned nnddeaiiinaied.hiive remained unpaid aud In arrean tor nora than au w s ^«ifaras« B&K& '-• Ct '2 05 tnonlintbalrol m dale of connrmallon of aald report by Oommon Counoll of aald clly. o. 0. Uayoua ii in aoullinut to l*alan avenue ltd) 00 3J 4M Unknown, Interact I ton aoulliea>l aide or Tbe aald lota, Iracla or pnrcald ol laud and real eatitle will be aold for tbe, aborteat teto Ocean City Sentinel HARD FIGHT FOR PLACE HcGREA HERE ON BIG WHALE LANDS ON 1M&IU HOI i» ni li.Hcull.aoulrioaai akl* or Paien avanncn Wealey avenue. S30 ferl aunlhweat or nl year* lor which any pinion will aicree lo lake the urai, not axeeedlncCO yeara, and pay- J^ORGAN HAND, X..C HUTCHINSON. M. D. Wtltt 9ITH •.MOO feet, nunheaal Irani Tenlli alreel, norm- • Klfly-arcpnd«rnl,MuUiweai 100 het by •MM nml eyea Ibre aaammenl mfatii.t tbe «ame, with Intereat thereon aocrulnc. and all outer axpanwa w&ni .a in eaalinbeibyaaillbeaalinfMt 400 IW US* Bouilmuttotue AUanlle iieean me Ibe Publlth.d Weekly at ATTORNEY arid s« in jo oo Uoknawn, lnl*r««llnn aoulnaaal aide or 4 i;t. 2 inincurrincurreed •ubaeqnennlt tn tbe eonllrmatlaconnrmailonn orf aald reportreport. (TurtBe(further paniealarparneolaraa orf thtbe land lo HomcBoptxtliist* win A. l>.H<.Mtl, nortAwral ante ol Plaaaun ave- Maoldmaybe obtained ill I tie oitlce of Ihe ral Collector, Mataoy * Kdwarda' Italktluir. woo nue aaii Tenin alreel, nnnfteaat IW le>| by Wealey avenue, 430 feet aoulbwral In' north corner KI»Utb atroai and OJinral avenue,ooean Clly, N. J.. on any week-day prior to OCEAN CITY, N. O. 624 EIGHTH STREET ENDS AT THE POLLS INSPECTION TRIP VIEWED BY no to Ul uurthweat 100 leel Fllty^erond air «l. aoulbweal .VI feet by IOOOO A. II. (trull, aoulbeaat aide uf Platraro ave- aouineaaliuiiie Alia-ll>

:*,.. MLKVORTaXBt- ' VAI.B POM CoUector's Sale of Properties Lot No. Val. Tu Coat* Owser Lit No, S*c. Val. ta(.' V«IM Tai Coat aeoond street, soalhwesl so reft by south- eall to UM Atlantic Oosao 1109,09 for Unpaid Street Assessments.. -Unknown, leurstcuon aootn^st slo>_of KB DPI Valas Tax Cart frank K. Champion, 73 iMt'oeaan front. In." acennd sireeu southwest ioo,leel by aoutb- . loratvtloo southeast Allautio avenue and aasHotbeAllaolloOoean 100 00 13 VI southwest MouriXD terrace, souiliwest i» Unknown, Intersection so theailsldool Was- 9X1 206 pilr- 1.1 ul feelbvaoulti'MstloUieUoardwalk WHO 1)0 175 00 MOO leyaveuuo.lM leel soul' awl Klftr-seoood Notion Is r •tax Iteq tlwrcoa, rar uw year i»iwriur wu I.Waaton .5? SWI ' M. Campbell.n ruel ootan front, aouth«a*l suitnl lo Iliac.™..-. —- - --r pannin will acraa to Use Itw llarUsan street, soul hwest ISO lk«l by southeast to „ i—.__..—, imereai an* eorta of 410s •Mean aveuue I'A feel Mwtliwesl from - tbe Allanlle llrean ^ 100 00 attle at |iubllo nuctlotion oOnD , .lUttbnll laser aim Tenth slrert, southwest » reel by rsiulli- Unknown. Intersection soulbeasl aide or 2X1 300 Jeonce Kabnaioak IK to ea>l to UM lloardwalk JMO-00 81 10 9 01 • Wesley avenue, 'J00 leet soulhwesl, fifty, Friday, the thirteenth day of October, win otin MnrU, oo reel bay (root, northeast rar. second street, sou tb west J00- •'- —•'• - IS AS Tvnlh and Ihs bar, 00 feel uoubeasl hy eaaeastl lto IbeAilanllo OceaOcean loom < William Lam sow souiheasi m Men avenna luo oil !a*t., liu Unknown, Inlenertmn, anullieaat aide of 2IU 2»1 A. t>. nln.l«n bnndWI Vg^g^&SSfw SBBu^eJS» irWo1^alKr^^ Prank 18. Champion O.C Bayous . 1>. Hcull, southeast aide or Palm) avenue.ra Wealey avenue, 'JMtiW soulhwesl of Klfly- Utomber.aMondll.Kjr ol»«««« lo^ ,"rS"u,"r SSSb. of land hmlwng more pariic (p»t norUieasl Irom Teolh slrael, north- aecond stmei, sontbwest -a> net by 1911 easl lin Itael by soul beast 00 reel • 400 00 «•« southeast lo the Mtaotlo Ooe u 100 00 .ILHrull,northwest side ot Pleasure ave- Unknown, inlrneotinn southeast side of 2 :U '2 0"> nue and Tenin sireel, oortliensl IS7 reel hy Wealey avenue, .UJ feel aomhweal of nortbwvsl 100 leel *» 00 V3t Kllly-seconda'refll,southwesl:no It-el by . _-jm lb» saw lun ,. 1>. Heull, soulbeust slda of Pleasure ave- anutbeasl to Ihe Allanl a ocean 100 00 VOL. XXXI. uuet MA feel nqrlbeasl from To nib sireel, • _. Unknown, Intersection southea.l side or .'IS 3 0G same, ana loo amount of taxes laid ' norlbeasl tony net by soulbeasl 100 feel loo 00 •ilU lot. • Wesley avenue. HjO rert sdlithweal of OCEAN 0ITY, N. JM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1,0, 1011. . l>. Hcull, 17 feel bay front, 907 fe«l suulh- Klny-aeoaodstreei.aoulbweiil IUI leet hy . .Sec. VaL west (rum Tenth street. souluwesL 17 leet souiheasi to Iho Alliinlli'Orciiii <, 'JOOOO i. p. Naoo l»y soulbeasl lo within IXfcfeetol llayave- Unknown, Inlerteellon soulbessi side of 4U4 >.-<» •• tfOOU . nue. tbent-e nonbeasl lu Walton place iiOOO .a HO Wesley aveque, *H) feel suulliw at lo ATTORHBVK.AX-I.AW: WaWlltl. « JSOOO . l». Heull. inlerseclloii northeast II ur ave- Kllly-secooil slrwl.soulbwot ol leel by nllia Irom (lute lit cillllrliliill HA 00 nue and Walton place, uorlUwesl 41 feet sonineast la the Atlantic oot«n 100 00 Ocean City Sentinel •US IO I. V. flavour Cl. by southwesl NO feel zuoo nno Unknown, Intersection soulbeasl tide of • •2 :a •! IO n» aiud 1MB. IrnrlH nr puiwla ol lu'id JVfORGAN HAND, X. C. HUTCHINSON, M. D, YACHT CLUB MEMBERS wo no 'aimhn ulwer.lwlMn, of bay fniol.lWO fret Wesley avenne, UO relit southwrsl ol - Published Weekly al [ CHURCH IS NOW COMMISSIONERS win to- .oulbwest from Taelflli street,southwest Kllty-lblrd .sireel, soulhwe.t IV) leet by ATTORNEY and " • Mb HI iu lt*«l by soiuhessl lo I'leaaure avenue 2301100 II 01 soulbeasl f»lh» AilanllcO-ean . SOOOO IlomoBopathiat. wow lavid C'reaswell. all lhal land lying between l'nanowo.aoulhea«l sldeor Wesl«y avenue, . II tm •-•«•. OCEAN CITV. IM. J. COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW 624 EIGHTH STREET %. «ooo nut icib SIRVI aud iMraon'a Inlel, between US feet southwesl Klllytblrd street, FAVOR NEW BUILDING 15 YEARS OLD THEIR FIRST unto 1100 lite AllanltQ Ucean and Ucncli Thorough- southwest All leet b> solllheiut lo Ihd - lot number nndBecllon of tbe lot«, tnuilnnr . • -By- — Examiner In Chancery, OCEAN CITY, M. J. vooo 10 44 fa ru aim HI' UV> i «• AUanllo Ocean . 100 00 •i to, a or, «.w"ril«aienl aa>>«yS»P»f«^*>«~< nmlaslooer. Notary ruhuo. orvicK Huuiw-Hto IU u. m.lil vom low Mart In. N. Bell, bruins at) reel southeast or Unknown, southeast sld- of Westey avenue, lw ine amount "' •MPK MAW (1OIIHT HOtlNB, H. j, tooo suulhrorner MUlh and l*«nlral avenui*, •at feet southwesl of Kllly-lhlid alreet. R. CURTIS ROBINSON 1 ibvns.tutbeaslaloniiHUlb sireel 10 Let. southwest SO leet by southeast to tbe (Opposite 1-uMlc Bulldlncs). BCeeting, Will be Held Soon Members of Presbyterian Con- M. I . «so oo men ol lbl« width soulhwesl parallel wllb ISO 00 Atlantic Ocean •. 100 on •2 xi in »,M^%Xl."™;!r.rX?.™;!:«re ot'ro.l. or U.I" -»je; ^ ' ' Editor and Proprietor 43)00 Central aveuue W leel iSU ID Unknown, soulbeasl side of Weslo- avenue, W, IIOI.T AniAU. AHDUKV C. BOHWBLI. L N. GRISCOM, M. D. to DlscasB Advisability of gregation Will Observe 40OOO Martbii N. Bill, beslns in toel southwest ol •JW leet souihwest of Klfly.lblrd street, HvcllllU . liilrreit H. W. TOWNSEND CAPT. DnHEE'S west corner of alley at rtlxlb and Central southwesl (0. leet by. southe ist to tbe * Nnuie l So, IS Hrt WOOD J. II. Klratirlil* ' A. OFFICES the Project. - Anniversary. . •' «uooo aveuue, tben southwest along the alloy Si Atlaullo Ocean • 100 00 •2 32 B0i lUiirletln o. WrlKlit 30 II III » f,7III KIUHTH 8T. AND WKHLKY AVK. A ssoin in Kd. Wcslon leel. then or Ibis width parallel wllb Hllxlt llnknowu.soullMMstsldeor Wesley avenue, ¥. J.mnllli 2 J7 Si.oo Tcr Year, Strictly in Advoncr. 10 41 street Wftet too 00 .is m i 3U1 lei't 'sonlhwe>l of Klfty-tblrd atreel. , W. 11. curry ' 40 lit Ibtlh I'koura— llrll, Ift; Inler-Hlatp, IK-'A Coiuniwlore J. llalpli WIIHOII, or Ih Thero will be a double celebration In > «U>I» . W. Lake 7M lil IH :t IH Ocean CUy'atoatd offomwrwlojaw^ JiOOO a so '. H. Dlmmons, hail In blook between NIBV south Aeat w feel by southeast to tlie W. 11. furry III IH' n IH Apgar & Boswell, «l«i» llonra- Until Ida. m. Kroin (110 8 p. in Ocean Ulty Vaelil IJlub;' will aliorlly TAKES A BRIDE BOAT A WINNER l the First' 1'renbyterlan .Cliiirdi next tnoo Vanillin lllsirr , leentb and Twentieth streets. K. We.ley , AUanllo Ocean loom 2 :t! 2 IC K. K. Torbe I. III IH .'1 Kl KKN IM C'UANCKHV Mo oltlpe buurs Hunday. met at noon Tuesday and nmnl—l |j UNI 70 H. II. olivet I. avenue ,-• •;'.- . :«X1.IW l» 00 I Unknown.sontbeasl sldeor Wesl»y avenue, MM HOUKHK HU1MUNU. oenil out notice ,to uiemberu for a Sunday—a r^lly day and the obnerv- *J-5of M( 21 711 t ;a Al Itlrhard Tuwnssnd's, Pi.ai¥l ' too in '. H.Hlmitions,soulbeaNt sldeol Wesleyave- XjO>reel southwtt.1 ol Kinylblrd street,"•.- Cheater £ Mluulon ' 74 .V. CITY DIRECTORY. AHItlJKY AVKNUK und KUiWll HTKKKT |>. 111. dally, llejl I'UOIIP, fnruuir'a l.lui>, it H 2 upeclat meelliiR to take up tlie; <|uen- anra or the llflecutli anniversary or *8.1 rKrt. loo lu nue.'^ofeei soulhweslolTwenllethstreei, soolbweal JO feel by aoultxust'to the . K. W.IIIIIII.KIUII• Tan L'ollvclnr. OCKAN CITY* N, J. prealdent. Tbeo«olaltlUerofJ4a|». 41 W ooul soulbwestSW teet by southeasl to-Allunlli- Atlantic Ocean , •j:t! 21X1 , Til., H. K., III.M. tiou of building a new club bnuiie. finiet Weddlngr At tbe Homethe organization of the church. Had'No Trouble in Defeating: auiu IfdOU •JKUI S t'nknown;aonlhrustsldt southwrst Twen'y-nrst street, OFFICES " n-««. Crack Racers at Chester and pobllo aUalra. , , ,i-V » •oulbwesl 100 feel by souiheasi to tlie PrtMhl**iii «.rr) rml to tui AtlaolloIh-ean .Vtl (U II III 1 Atlantic Ocean ' 4 111 2ITi Min. in. Plant. It. H. Tbonx was obown comma)* A. W. Hmry Unknown, soulheael Wesley avenne, l&l feel Unknown, Intersection southeast Wealey .tollitll .U Uit before bin'term expired ami from tbe . Carnival. IMUOO KJ. Wnluu IMI Ut —IU i'nrti» I appropriate sermon will be delivered 110 Oil soutbwest Twenty-llrst slreet. southwrsl avenne and southwest Klny-fourtbHlreel, Godfrey & Godfrey, 81S Wesley Avenue •loner of revenue and flnanea, |«wl -tuioo 100 leet to tbe Allanlle IK-oan .vnoo n eo i south vest ; 100 feet by soutueasl lo tlie K. W.llurh eucourageinent received by him from Henry W:.Towuseiid,4ion or Capt. by the pastor; the Itev. H. T. Caasel- Captain Edwin J. DuMee, of the A. W. Henry I HI W ' r«IUwHi»uumi Hrull IbMims :ll.1," aiu and XI7 John Mart* waa mads iiuioo 111) 00. LTnknown. southeast side Wealey avenne.24) Atlantic! Ocean . . la.. 2U-> Now Jeraoy A. C. Towusend, or the Thlrly-Hlxlh iu» m feet southwest TwenlV'tlrst strvel.soulti- lii«|Kt*U>r-II. A. W. N llarllelt HullUlug.:: :: Ocean City the membtra there wan no doubt I hat berry, who also will give a Hhort his- Ocean City Yacht Club, and owner of H.U.OIIVOI 110 (O Unkno ' II, southeast aide of Wesley avenne, . HtrtMilHiiiwrvimir—Wurrvii W. rWU'W. or alreeu and pnblla % sno og 110 Ul west SO feet by soulbesat to the Atlantic 1 100 lent soulhwesl Kllty-lounh street, tliey felt that the club lioune HIIOIIIII lie street lire-saving station, acd vice pres- tory of the church. Carolina II, was an easy winner at the tU. We-lon Ooean.. " • I'JTiO 00 J IU 'J i tiy H*ilU'il.»r—A. A. HtiwuU. - ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. lnl*r-Miu and parka and publio property* w : vooo <00 (11 southwest MOO feet by southeast to tbe O4>u.ii*.ii..«i.-tl. r*. M.*nl«ni, JolniMirK built. ident of the Sutton & Coraon. Co., and woes Unknown, southeast side t,t Wes'ey avenue, AUanlleoa'an •••••:. l» K> ? Ut WELL PRINTED, FINELY DESIGNED, In the afternoon the Kuuday Kchoril Chester carnival. Tbe meeting was called to ontttttby s: ->' it itaoo 1U> feet souihwest or Twenly-second «L. Unknown,southeastsldeof Wesley avenue, H.X «iMiii|Mtijiil.i!«irK<'O. AiliintH, Ur.(,'liiiru-N If IIIIH new houite In built, II will be a Mim I^ola 51. Plaut, daughter of Mr. •MOB southwest loo feel by soulhvasl lo Hie At- 400 reel wMUbwrai ol Pllly-founti strvei, Ii. Kl.ttr, Win. 31. Uiuifk. K. It NUy will have IIH "rally day," and the.Ten thousand persona lined the Rblla Uarretwn, who baa, bwa «K]T. Bas? lantic Ocean on IO n no 'J lltiartl.ullm tt Hwillli—l'rvstil«i.lHll'J , liwun J. M«>. JAMES M. E.HILDRETHDR. W. P. HAINES large awet lo Ocean «'lly. It IH pro.and Mrs. Ueorge W. Plaut, were mar- .30110 southwest 101 reet by aoutbeasl to the I'linn; IIXHIIII nnirvr 11ml Kcicli.ry, T. 1^,. ••Trip to Palestine" will be started. banks or the Delaware Itlver-last Sat- clerk, and he adralnUtered UM«atb,or. O C. tliudell* 3U0 OU I'nonown.soulbeasl sldeol Wesley avenue, Atlantic Ocean . „ tin 2 in . ARTISTICALLY DISPLAYED IHiAeil to have oue Umir taken up en-ried jesterday afternoon at the home 17100 •IM leet southwest of Twenty-second si rn-l, Unknown, lutersevllon soolbenBt Wesley Adams; TrvaHiiter. J. It. tlrows; Alry souiheasi lo. the. lir.C. K. K.luiir.l., lii->ir'k-.-'li'. "lurrrll"] , HiidHoilrilnr, Master audKintulner In When Mr. Headley took the Cfaalr mui Unknown, •oalbeast side or Wesley avenue, ' Atlantic Ocean - ' „ 1 X! 2 li» Wllllsiil K. laartlllit-r; Niuillury ItisiM-i-li.r, Chancery 10 cloiibl, could be had for csuiveinIOIIH The ceremony waa performed by the tloiiH, t)ie boyn and girls taking Miles.. to the lead and never was headed after 150 UO ;U0 riwl soulhwesl or Twenty-f.mrth Unknown,southeast sldeor Wesley avenue, J(»se|i|l IA-«. OH-KK HollltH: iuo'iV'i"'.iuo'i ' a* preiildlnK olllcer, tben waa a roand streel, soutbwest 1U0 ffet by southeast lo lluurd «n Kdtuiitltiu— A. J. Smith, I'IO - |ill..»»PP m and ban«{iietM for iipevlal occaBlonn Itev. H.T.Cassolberry, panlor of tlie The |M>inlH or contest are as follows: the start. The crack racing machine* isooo 60 leel southwest finy-nuhsinvi, sonih- deul:'M. W. AtluniM. Vl«t* rnsidt'itl; I.. n l or applause, lie aald be alnoetdy luuai Aiiamto Oomn !U) IU ' II UB ' '. wesl a feel by aoulhm t to the Atlantic • "* 1'AVK MAY |JITv'. N. J Plinoes: Uell 4MW; Ilitvr-Hlate I:»-A wliluli may be desired to lie held In First Presbyterian Church. •: icli M'lmlnr prcenl COIIIIIH ten were all entered and this eeltles with- LiulllU-H«?t:reUto:-IU.:hufa.lt.-»UUnt-A,- thanked the pwtplii for oltvmlna. f^hja t~ |*uwrll. IU lluM*tmt I h TII. u<.tuiicay. The |>ro|HiHe-luMlale kllchen anil a gown, a dark grey unit, with, a while ilu* Atlantlcllcvao : laow '2 0% wealAoieelby aoulbeaatbto Ibe Atluntle QR. CHARLES B. RIDER mlleM;each new wholar, M ujlle»; IheHying the pennant of the Oceau City The best way to show bu appiada)t|qa TnKnown.soulbeast side or Wes'ey avenue, ocean * ...... Id) U) 2' :i: 2 or, a Otis M. Jownsend Hlewanl. A I , • • >• ' 809 Central; Avenue also a ladleo' parlur. Oil the lop Huor golden rod. • . ' _ meinlierx-at Hie ruil.of tlie voyage. Coyle;tbeZlp IH.owued by Thomas I'u 111 eltebth.slrevt.soulhweNl00 feel by soulh' 200 reel Buuluwent Finy.flltbalreet. aoulb- y MuruilitC Hervice, M.W; t-veiiiui; Hfr\ EIGHTH STREET, OPP. P.O. and legally conducted, and tbet»,lano sbn on •' weat 50 feet by aoulbeaat to Ibe Allan to '". •;-•. •• •'••• '"THE :' ••'•":••- .; ;. - l*ruy«r inwitii):, Wftln*-Mriity cvfii 1 OVKAM * t; iu Jnknomi, Intersection soutUcast» Wesl*-y ; ocean. -. , liuou- .'ss a'or. . Huud»y HOIUMM, -;w.- .Murk w. with batliH. treet.aoulli- 1'HARMACV have beeu niaile fur next HPUHIIII pro lieM being prenent. * Theiielucludeil the meeting. At the evening wrvive Mr. Ueorge V. Hogg, or Philadelphia, were th«» Atlantic Ocean * isooo weel.V) teel by aoulbeaat 10 Ibe Allanlle M.ivreljtry, II. K Mourcr; iri-iiMirt'r, THE lJI»-TO-i»ATK a great responsibility. They naljae ocean . ' ' . Ipn iv • 2 %i .2 «"• SENTINEL PF^INTING It. U*. Kdwnrils: Kilwi.nl M.Mul ..n. Win ~ vldniR tbe IIIIUHS IH built. ' brlde'H rather and mother and nUle, CasneUierry will deliver a nermon 'H'UII- n the race. _ nknowo. Intersection soulbcast- Wesley «Jlbh, JKIIII Marls, tfruri:t. -).-.\tl:uui..tj Klglilli.Hlreet anil Anbury Avenue. this and will try to do their beat., Tbja uvenue and southwest of Tblnlrtb si re»l. Unknown, «ontbea»t aide of Wealey avenue, The locatiou la uimurpnxHeil A full Helen, ..Blanche'aud 'Miriam; alilelo the occasion. „ 300 reel aoutbwe«l r'lny-nnii a-reel, auulb- I'arlwr. Kll t. Hluwurl. " . *?^""! l^'" II *lt t Captain OuMee's boat showed a Is the first seashora resort to adopt «4kiilliwe«t 'JOU feet by soulhei.1 to Ibe- weal 100 feet by MI .tbeaat to Ibe AUanlie UlassMr«lliiMM^Hunility>iiHirinu);iii.!ti>..l« •TONSOK.IA'I. PARLOR-. 'lew or the entire Ureat'KjtK Harbor her uucle, K. U. HlmmH, or I^opgimrt, A<)«nlU* Ocean, i»0 oo |.iw 2"' Hpeclal IUUHIC will be sung by thespeed equal to 30 mllea an hour.-; commission form of government, and Ocean • . • * .• • . . • • an 00 , 4 tit 2 01 HausE atarls. leader; Muiulay rvelitiiK. 7.i.'i, A -. 824 Anbury Avenue Ii. H. H., aud grandratliextiobn HlnH»»; > f"< l/nknowii,southeast sldeof Wesley avenil**, , Unknbwn. aoulbeaal aide 01 Wealey avenue, tC llrli-k,'leader r°rif, tun Kay, theJnlet and ocean'cau be had. choir, which ban recently had. Heveral Tbe Ueean City Yacht Club for a tlie eyes or the country are oentead - . 'J»> Itft soulhwrst or Thlrllclh »lr.vl. • 400 leet aouiliweal. or Kllt>;-llltli alreel, VIje Couinioclore Uhurleri'J. Curran, the groom'a fulher and mother and additional uieiiibcrM. These Include •MlulllMpti JO feet b} sonlbeast to the. aoutbweal UU leet by aoulbeaat. to tbe dpes only this kind dfwotk. Satisfaction as- number or years had no real speed upon Ocean City. Tbe sblp baa*been * 150 u) "Atlunljc tvean Atlanlle Ocean . au 00 4 ii4 ;«'. Ueiiliir Kim'itrtli l^'tiuuo—TTinrsiliiy hour Barbers NO WAITING OI nTuiukl it ut tMUV tilHier, Ml»» liu'clle. Benjamin' Miller,w*o has Just come to |V) 00 C'lialrinan A. T. J nines and t'oumio boat In her fleet, tut now It has tbe Kn^iHiwn.simihraNtsldeof Wesley avenue, Unknown, Inleraeclinn aoulbeial - Wealey lDKi7..1i. It. llitwiirdTliiirn, I'ri-talilfiil. launched and tbe officials (rust that - 100 Ol aveuue and aoumweat r*lfty.aeventn durel< M CreHseuretuoHt heartily'in The brlde'H parent'it moved to IIIIH llilHcliy frniii Huletu'.-nmt-the MlaseH very best that can bo had, and all UO 00 .-»> (ret s soutli,-4st to Ihe ^l- alreen-aoulbvfeal UW feet by: MiUtbeaal lu Klrat P.resbyttrrlun t:iiumlt. U'eNh*> uv'i-tuu- famr«f the platband IU» Jio|>ed that city from New York' City last May. MuiiKerniid llollgim,'wlio aTe niirseH auantDcUEst-Co. tbe Atlanlle Ocean, • ;••..- •41)11)- j 4"lfl* 2lk'i members are delighted at having such UlnmllLhai. «ou> luntlc Ocean — . * 20.-. aild H«v«lllll hllefl. l(vV. II, 'IV ru»M.|U even 'lliV newest htyl.n in l.;nlic»" uiul Cliil- Holla Uarretaon acted as tem'pofa«^> uvvnue uitil southwest ol rblri>.ntnlli MMllbweal 'i*» .feel by aQUtbeaal to tbe lnj{ at N 4>'vl4M^k. Hunday srltniiU'^Wt*. In. before the llroluf Deceiniier. Theulub New -York. Hue baa been a-vlxltor itrunV Iln'Hut clerk. „ l-,:, , , »tre**l. southwest *JM> leel by sanluenn lo AllaullcOceaU •••.•• WOO I Hi -'!»'• thing you want in the Printing Line from a * ttev. II T. CiisselUirry. superintendent- r. plaiiH upending about t-Vo.Ulll).. •'. •here for Heveral yearH.. Wilson lo DlMlrlbnle Job*. the AllMiitlt? Ocenn Unknown,aoulbea*! aide orwealev avenue, TO ATTEND REUNION In namlug Mr. Tborn lor the poal- - J. H. nildrelh'H "Six. and Mr». lownaend IcfTon their 'nknu»o,'Inle'rseelloa' southeast or.Wesley ISO reel aoutliweat orKlfly-aeventb alreel, Uuard of TrllNteeH—lA*wls M. l'rt>M*. prrM Many ilmlco plums or. politlcalpa- tlon lo which be was choaen,..Mr.' aveiitli* MIMI -oillhwesl of 4>'ort lei Ii street, aoulbweat A0 leel by aoulbeuai lo tbe Small Card to a Large Poster at this office. . Itl^ut; Joliu It. tiruvr*. s«wrrlur>; IM-UIN h h'Jt A'twry Ave.. (Kfanriiy, N. J. boueymooii trip, which they .will H. II. Lake - ' -4 "00 Mtulliw<^l';.% rrvt l*y *oulhra»l to lite At- AllantlcOcean .' . ii»)uo • 2:e im Niultli, ireasurer; JUMfltlt I. N<-U|I, .li.lm r, DR. TAYLOR A VISITOR [ninage will he dlHtribiiivd' by Uovcr- « It. Tbomw WliarerlOld «Var Marts said Mr. Tborn la one whose In- awoo . .SOU lantU-iU'eaii ' * Unknown, aoutbenat aide ol Wei»l.-y tivenue; Tuwnseudulitl Wuiren W. ICniwti. • ifc-H I'luinr,.')! X ipeud In New York City, blo|iplnx.al :«oco r.M. Ktlccr ' an feet.aoulbweat Klf y*a venlh.atreel. nor WiliHin during the next sesslou of Comrades In West CUeslcr. ' tegrity Is unquestioned and oue wbo- SJOOO JOU li>,-oiitlira«t sldvuf Wesl-y avenuv. " T*i Icrt Miuiliwe.1 ol Fojlfeth sireel,wouth- aoulbweat liu feet by aoulheual lo tbe Holy Trinity t'liilrcli. 1'roli'i.lniil Kplhciiluil, he Hotel.'Urasllu. " . he l-etfl-.lalnre. Kighty-one appoint- llkfAllkfACLC C iVOCiVOCOO Atlantic Ocean • ID iu 1 HI .. _• ii-, tVutrul" nvvliur 14I11I Kli-vi'lllh sin el. Mil' roKistr Nrtwiaary Prolnuor la wlllllll theofflce wlthablllly. ' . , • ifi^g- KIOCRIKIRl l O0O0O i.KK lexer & OU . «nl 1011 feel liyaouttMHSl u>lbeAII»ullc JVladame |Wazzi They have taken aparlmeiitn in the meiitx are seheduled" to be made by IJ.' It. Thomas, or tbla city, who was uUU tht'Ub ' "' • Unknown. aoulbea»l aide "I Wealey avenue, K»v. J. WIMKI KIllotl.iM'linurerlitr: Wllli.t>». Mr. Tborn, lu naming Mr. Marts for Block* W0O9 3UD leel.aoiitbweat la'lll>-4eveutb' atreet;. " T. HrlllKle l^iy IU-luler. ^uniltty SeliiHtl, ;t HS»IUK coimuo Bum MIR. llourse B'uildlu'gr, where they will ie- aublHcerofthe Ninety-seventh Regi- ; wo ou Unknown.Houthrast sldeor Weslevavenm-," • • . ••- THE.. ; • •• - .. MODISTE . • THUR8.. FRI. AND 3ATUR. and with the ad vice or the Henale. In U.'H. Lake ' 31 UU "aoulbu'i-at •» fe*t by aolltbeaMt to tbe v p. ui.; alornlitie Kervui* und Senttunr 111. I..; his ottlce, raid Mr. Marts la parMculanr 130000 •J)UU 177> feet iKiUthwetit of Forllelh slrrel, Atlantic O.f in • 100 iw £.a • .' i>'. . Kvruliiif I'rayt-r uiitiH«.TiiMiii. ;.!•'» |i. in. llnl; . OCT. 10. 20 AND 21 • Or. II.«!.Taylor,ofllte('rollerTlieo- aide upon" their return. addition to tills number there, are ment durlug the Civil War,- will at- too00 J. a. Kelger souihwest 7."> feel !">' soulhea-l to the At-/ • iiiwns mill Kancy^ Waists. Tullurli K a' well qualified for these duties. ' uoooo -JUDO rnknown,koulb-u»t aldeol Wealey avenue, Couiluuulun. Urst Muudtu- In in*' month, i\t,l> lo^lual Heiuliinry, near Chexleri Pa., weiity-seven olllcea- that will became end the reunion of the members of aoft HI 00 luntlc Ocean. ' 3.10 feet aoulbweai of Klnyaevenlb »tl**t, SENTINEL PRIMTING HOUSE a. 111.; ullwHumluys.T^UMi. m.i lluly IK-\ , Ml«.lt.lly.. I'll,,. BKullsla. lory. • POPULAR MAT. SAT. AT 2.30 An ordinance flxlng the salarleaw- 3100 I' nltnown. wMuli'a-l side or Wrsley. aveuue. aoulbwe»l '*i f«et- by aoulbeu*! to Ibe IU.UOu.111 i-cnaihanini.by IIIK HOII, wan a vlBltor Hpenl HoMinuoa nnr, acant diiring tile COUIIIIK year and* he regiment In West Chester, Pa., on :u uu •Za feel soutbwei.t ol Kortlrlb street, Atlunllc Ocem lOOOO" ' 2*8 2 nr. 744-46 ASBURY AVENUE Hrnlur Wurdvli.W. T. l'rlni:U-:JiMiitir U'nr 005 EIGHTH ST. OCEAN CITV, N. J. UIUltL.ES llll.MNOIIAM I'rnU'iitH tlZW for Ihe mayor and IIOOO each far ." :u oi> soo'tnwest U5V teel by southeast lo tbe At- Unknown, aoolbeuitl aide of Wealey av«nue, iliru. A. t» Whihler; Vt*.tr>uieil. *l'huiiiu<. 1 . SCCOSD nooa . here Hatnrday and twik a Iwikal the Abraham Lincoln Smith, wbo ls'a.11 which the (lovernor Is empowered to Friday and Saturday, October 27 and 400 feet aouthweM ot t-'iny-aevemb atreel, V l<*lillell, Jollll DIIIMIUK, P. IJIIUHI llru.ll.-> 'be other two commlaatoneta 'was , - Hi * •" " / • ' aootbweat 1.V) It- • uy aoutbeaat to ibe .Asbury aveuuu* lielueeu .Tlilrtovutli . •' ". —AND— board, which will be tbla afternoon. r.iuu iknowp. Mtutbeust side ol Wesley- avenue. Hll» !Vs«I.BV A*«, OcuMlhr*. N. J. The house will be of three HtmleHand were married lu Old Hwede'M Cliurfh, House iMHltloua, the aggregate salaries regiment at Camp Wayne, In West a*r;B.*K.*r.corp. AilsDllc Ocean • ; . . £S.1'0U .•. i! '2 01 Vuurleeulli slN.KnV.Juhti J.Hweeney, |M On motion of Mr. Marts, the. I l^u 110 ill l.t-t soulhwesl or l-orly-dr.l street, t'r.known, aoulbeaat aide of Wealey avenue, s ul IUM, H, 11 und 10 uVKH'k. J NBU. NO.*, .« K liotoughly Up to date. ' ll'wlll co.t 'blladelpbla.laHtThurHday. The Itev. f wliluli will total about K>0,(>00 a year. id the twenty-eighth anni- lgOOO soutliwrsl •&xi tvrx by southeast to Ibe At- 1W feet aoulbweat- of Fllty-elgntb atreel, or departments were autborixed l» par- J. H. Kel(rr •WOI) lantic Ocean . ' * a4iulbwe«t .V) feet by aoulbeaat lo tbe •Iniiimituv liurc* WIJ uvtnue, JOHN BARRYMORE $4000 and will be one or the llnest In Bnyder'Hymen |>errorme'J the cere- versary or the veterans' association. . AlWntlr Ocean, ' ' |o*r» H.v Ckwsr Hmni, .If. J. ,. . chase supplies until further notice, r •JU11W Ocean City Asso., InWraectlon southeast 7S 00 I '74 iltt Uluw Ml tl.ltiV. K. K.U l.il.-,|>n lor. Iu Ihn -fliree Art Far;**} hat Hecllon of the eily.'... •..'-• mony. They Hpeut their hoiieymoou The Daughters or the, Itevoiutlon W^sleV uivii'ir and southwest Klflletb liCU u. m. mttl 7.1.*. i>. ui^ M Reaied., ' ,; On motion or Commissioner Tborn, 1SO0U str»4-l, soiiibwrsl SOU feet by soulbeasl lo ' l>rny*r Wt-4itifMluy t-M-nlim MI 7.*.'- In Mr. Hiullli's cottaKe, I7-"I) Went ave- will arrange for a camp-fire for the 4WO0 - 23 ai 2 Ui To Ibeabovewtll be adde t Interest, tigether with costs, or M4le I'.JO, -tl|»* llcv. t-.^i. Whilt*, F.". K. Darby "reports. these recent It was agreed to purchase such office - *Ml» tbe Atlantic Ocean Miuday UNCLE SAM JoHy House Parly. nue. '- ". - . rentals: . vets" iii the opera hoiiae o|i Friday WOOD Ocean 1'lly \**o., Inlerseution soutbrasl executing deeds, etc. -,' ' - ... ^ tu|friu rurnilure as may be needed. Wesley uvvtiuv and xiuttiwest Kill) tlrsl MTH. Jennie Kuaull, of .Philadel- K. W. Iturlelgli'acottage,718Central evening, aud the asHoclatlon wl'l hold Wm ' XCIM l WM. LAKE, C. E., " Uutuo TuburDttcle IbiptUl I'tnir.ti, Kiclitb l!y Aoim.CalJwell BII.I Juniiw O'lleu ' SO no n os street, southwest N» leel by soultirmal to avenue, to John Corbltt, who IH con- It was decided to make the salary of J.K. MirvetHiid Wvni MWime. IU-%. Win, Kfltm phia, enlertaineil a jolly' crowd or Vina Hliibl at Ocean. . ts business meeting and liHual'gallier- 400 00 V2S • ' the'Atlantic Ocean . " . a a» 2 a; nected.with Joseph O. Champloii>"cou- he city treasurer W00 a year. '«StflO Unknown. Intersection southea»t side of ItMMlur. isundny i*rrvii'er>, pr^ufiiiiii: H u.iu, H.STEELMAN ing the next day. _ E. W. BURLEIGH, frieiidH from Philadelphhi 111 the racior and builder. • . 2* . Wesley avenue anil sonthwe.1 rjiny. Real lititl Kp. lit. l'ru)urineetii.i;,hiM-lu«Tk ITiili Jonas Chamberlalu, a tariuer IIVIIIK Ou motion of Commissioner Tborn ' * ra> ui. sernod sireel. soulhwe«taoreet by suutu- evuiiintf. omitr* ut tin* iMmrd—t'll If, J1II111 I*. Fox's cottage, Oil Central _>Uirveytui:,Ciiuveyun*:lni)-Commiiiloncr_i)^l*^l, N iu* ea.l to the Atlaul le Ocean Secretur%*ucetttiA'|tyJtulMiiiYati(I l,imn A>»to«*iuuou. l W II, ,)I.. to rent, fiirnlNtiril or tmfunil-tied. 1><-^U. lUindx. Morlimu'*-', Will* linrt Cuotr»cu mreruily ,Julin Kp|M« irettM ir«r. Fresh Meats with the Hill llredglng Co. • 'Ihe salary or tbe assessor of."taxea UW IU Weslr) uvenue. W feel soulbweal Kiny- Collector of Taxes. druwn. AtM>iru('t><<>f tttlem^rfCullm^rfCully (trt'iutretl(trtiutretl. KxiK-rtfiMvoKxiKrtfiMvot tiMirethitn tWKUty>tU« >m». Hl.JumtM A.M. K. Churcli.itiri.a'r Hfvt-init >arty were Miwidrace Miilillleii,.Minn County. Collector Joseph I. Scull OdlHUlU HlTl ananill A«l>lirAllirv aVeitlaVeitllel . I*I*. <><>. lt»x £SK£S WM. UKK. MONDAY .AND TUESDAY •entril avenue.- They have been Mrs. Clara 8. Hener's cottage, Ittii) wasUxedat (9A0 a year. £lmer,-B. *u.| Huvfiiuvunitv OcMunCity, N. J.. J. II, Teas, Coffees, Fine Groceries Ida Old Held, Mlxx M. A. KllzRerald, frleinlH sluce their childhood duyn Asbury avenue, to Albert P. Ashman, •id wire left here Saturday afternoou jiw'kNHi luuittir., Hunduy rtervitt-*: I'ltueli* OCT. 23 *ND 24 • for Hot Hprlngs,. Vat They will beEnglish was elected to fill this posi- IUB, 11.1.Mi. in.; HuMliatli K«*IUMII, 2.iM t>. in.; MIHH Kliirenee KilXKerahl and MifH Mr. Chamberlain, who IH "K yearn old, »rOcean City. '; ,, ;• -t*r«wiiiui£. HMh u. in,; 1'ruyvr OKI>KK Anna Held* oiO.Heventh street, lo Mrs.: Itena M. competent corps or nsnlxtanla In ' lila On motion of Mr. Tborn, Enoch W. Mn M. K.fhurcli.Tfi.ihHirt^t und •arly Hatnrday evening. ,, he came to this city a few days ago. • •Magonliial...... real estate ofllce here. • • • „ Kurlelgh, Ihe Incumbent, was Hlui|wuri uveline, itbtivtvu lUtftdliiUftKK IN*|Ktt|. ll,« ,- lUtV.ClUVC . WW. llltrlddflll.ltrlddflii , ItvluI'tvlurr . rwrxu*i»«, II FOURTH ST. and ASBURY AVE. - ••;, •_I_IN—. .'• - collector or taxea. His salary.ta«100O u* in., siunjuy H«*luiui, ajfo p. m.; t'lirl«(tm'll(tm i r:u: > per annum. driivitr ti.v«-iiiit;, 7.30 |i. in* I'rviMtblitt:* »* p. Clears and Tobacco. Orders Delivered —Orders receive prompt allcntlon.—— "MISS INNOCENCE" JUDCE HILDRETH Cx>mmltulonerJtfarU_named,_ Albert ALL-MEMBERS^PRESENT- A Howell as city solicitor, and be waa -_ js:.r*lr»l Ward. CHURCH SOCIETIES* * Council Cliauil*-; Hecond Ward, No.' I Fire elected. ' Collector's Sale of Properties House* YltUTT sfUKMHYTUCIatM CHUHCII. * Uulltw' Auxiliary Moclety meelH arm Mou- Tbe board ddjourned without etoct- Cfollector^s Sale of Properties Tfy an , dity even I UK u( cacti luontli. t*ret4ldeui* GREETS FRIENDS AT COUNCIL'S LAST MEETING BEING CUT UP '- for Unpaid Street Assessments. • GENKR'AI/ ELECTIOX Mr-. J. H. KUMII; Vlre-l'rt»ildeul. Mm. Jobu I*. 1 Ing a city clerk. It to said that the For tl* purpose of electing rnndltUlt-s lo Kux; treasurer, MTM. I.ewlK K. HmUli; H«ere* clerk w III receive 1900 a year and will Wll'tSL ,iF|>r7Unpaid Street Assessments. nil lue rulluwlnK otnees: • , tary. Mr». Jolm It. 4in*vvn; I'olltsclor* MrH. It may be just bard} possible that some WHUnrwuuaMrK. K.ailil-. - * Nominee for Assembly Confi- give all of bis lime lo tbe duties of bU Office of theTuxi'olleclor '• , " . - * ' OMK *IHtenBI.VIIJt!« . Only Routine Business WasThousands of Dollars' Worth I'hrlHtlun KndeiiVor K4M>lfly, WUUii olilce. . m NoiieaUbf^ibVB.Wmlttti th.» kiilmrrlber. \\w Ta\t\>ll(*cinr of Ofe-aii <'(tv. N. J.. |»ur- Advertisement. ' . .'• COHONEU • • NOT/IRY P^BLie AND lluurowK. urcMlil«tit;Kllxulvii. itrmtituu, other follow may sell it a little cheaper, dent of Republican Success Transacted at End of Old • of Ambergris Said to •aitntloawCtiurUTof Ucvau City. N*. J., In »-uch ra*i«tf inihU'uittl |«wvklv*l, will • X,**** fur r^ury; lji*rtoif Uur, vl.i' p'i»tliiiiu; (.IMI H. V. LAKE SELLS There was qulte.a gathering lo what naif ut iiiibllc BUCUOO on • ' • • , ' '' ' " , •,. " " , ' ' Jt'HTICI-: OF THK PKUT NortHim.treiiMUrvr. IIUKIIIC>>N-nitvllntt H»f.ni»l In This County.; " Government. , . Have Been iybst; '•" wan formerly Council chamber; u - Monday turufu moulfi. • but abettor quality—"IMPOSSIBLE.:' ' - Friday, the thirteenth day of October, -, - . CONHTABI.K : COMMISSION ER OF DEEDS Former Judge Hildredlh, or Cape Among those present were the retiring KlKdT M. K. ClIUKCH All the nieml>cr» of Coimcll and The work.of nutting up the bigmayor, L. M. Cresse.and the'Bev. On. - A. D Dlnvleen hotidnM nn4-»• l»*vfn.'at iwt.*oVli**k p. m of thiit day. at tin* IVMUICIU in the Sentinel Two Members of tbv Board of LULUICM' Aid iueeWfln.1 Moiifiuy eveulmc ul May, Itepubllcan nominee ror the Aa- BAYODS TRACT Mayor-Cresra, were iirenent when wliale at Fourth Vtreet »aa be'gun.-ln iy, tbe thirteenth day of October, Ctuuber.juvtwd floor of M.^y \~ I-Mwunl»' UuU.llnu. i)<»rUi c»m.T«r Ei«hUi »n.l iVnini emvtt muuili* Mr**, Kll«alH*Ui untidy* M**#-.- Brunyate and Oreer. s>Teouc,ln mid city, ct^tuln lou,truci»- .triuttwl** of lona bervliwfter tiiur** |>urilculurly Kdnca^lon for two yvars deuf. Mrn. tiurtrude Heitdley, irwuturur; Mrn. We have it and we have it Rood.; Give Hembly, was a vlaltor here Hatnrday Council helil its Inxt seHslou on Alon- earnest last Baturduy afternoon. One d««orlb*xl. for ben«ni» for *iPWt Imitrnveim-nt rw dxi^l i.n«t mlluniM by Ui*» comuiiwi«»iifr». Many of those In the room, pressed Carriv Adamx, wtJureLary. and met a number of IIIH old frlena<> of (l|i* Charter «ci <»f nalii city, tieliitf un uctfiitltlnl One Member or Ibe Board or Ivd- MrK. Juliu ii. tiMUcly.nuperlnteiidunt JIIII- up. IIH hunl- forward at tue-conelualon of the meet- *~An actroLuUa»r u> un«l nroviduuf for ih^ i:ov«*rniu«>nt«if clttmof thin HtaU*cni.ti..D*.r.£.u who aauured him or their mipport and Ocean City Estates Hakes nesH. Only rouiino mailers were ills- il from the whale's head. Tlila was »rt!!.7r.*I» »# iin thuil twelve tliouwuwl .nfiubttauu," p«*«t March il. IWT, «tul u>» *up- Notice of Registry and Election; acatlon for one yvjir "llHlieim' *iiuloti. II. K. MUWMTI |»renlil«m; us your order for the Sunday poujtrj'. We expreiued them«elvei OH couHilent or ing and extruded congratulations,to _ r »ud the wnvMlon* ol un ..rtlimnre enqtl«J "An onilntMio** for ih*' \u\- I'arker MUlur.treiuturer. , • . Big Purchase of Land On po>ie«titl« utrv.M. from WV»lfy avuiite inOotAO av«nu^ Fourteenth.«tiv*>i fnmi ron>u<«i't la'law-notice t* b*-'rvi»v utv«'D Wlllbebeldoo V0UCIIPRS ::''. "-, - " lila HUcceBa. • According (P reporlB, thousands or lOfanordlnaocecnlllled'-AoOrdlnaiireJbrtse Im W«sl«yaveoiH :oOe**ni»v«iiu»*,Occi*tiiuv.-iiu«j from Kleveuthutreet to Fonrt**?i th Mrwi. bta tbe Hoard of It^eitttry uad fe.U«aioiii> in I 1IUI.V TltlNlTV ITllliKCII. the Bay Front... • . Council authorized the execution qt Klevenih vtreet irom Hmvtrn avenue to lit** tutjror TUorouifhfiuv.anil tjlmpMin uveitue fntiu and tor , l -. Tuesday, .November 7, l*ariMli Uiifld.iti-Nt Moiuluy lit llio niontli, dress them. :. * Judge Hlldredth nald that, no for aa he easement deed forth e lloardwalk dollars' worth. <>r ambergris were Tost KSoolDohwesterlr y line ol Thirteenth spect to tbe aontbweaterlnerlT 1I ne of Tenth Binet to Eleventh »treet byoueiilui:. tfnMlt.c, ftruvellnir. .paving und rurtalni; the Wuiueu'M 4.U.IJ, evtrv ThurHduy H.UU p.. iu. Lveluis toe aan opted. May 77._U»»., " aa same, adopt«Hl l»ec-2*, 19O»." a»tmt«l b-M.au npin-.tr Uy ihtJ ivportof ih<*cnitiu.l^luuen. of u»- andllialtne election officers will sll as u .; ••CAREFULLY.. EXECUTED Wuiuuu'ii Auxiliary MlMKUiiiury, itiHi Tuur»u he could learu, there la' every 'Indica- One or tlie largest real estate Irand- between Seventeenth and Tweiily- by reason of the ract that tbo'se en- TEACHER8 TO MBBT , jranorLortJieoommiastoneraot asataamentaad duly, conttrmedby MWatmeot and duly otMiflrmnl t>y thv COTUIUOU i*nuncll of M*ld Oceun City aud tiled In tbt* Ocean City - . boaidol election at tne places above men . ••lSoeeanClttrandnledln thUomccwblcb assessment bas bran day lu Uie nmiilli. tion or tbe BuccenM or the Republican actlons tbat have taken place here In third streets. ' • " . gaged at work on the mammal did*not and adjusted by said eoramtsslaners or assessment, anlnst ihe lota, tracts or office, which aw««iiin«nt a^ a>«eit»«-J, ilv«l and iMlJn*t«l by ^ald cuinmlKtUonen of «»«»»• llouedou .ln« above day* coiuiuepclnv H' »n bersinaOer mentioned and desl*ii.ufier mentUitiMl ami de«lciii*t*«l. have iv- county or Cape May* tMale 01 o'clock In Ihe morning and clo^lnie'at iu veti Wotnau*N ClirtMttan Teinperuuce Uolon, Icket lu Cape .May County at the elec- recent years baa just been COIIHIIIU- A number or recent street sales were recogulze tills valuable deposit and ItCita'aly laaillale Will (UUIser •! ttxmonlrsi from daleoiixmntmallon ot amid report by Common Council ol malnva unpaid and la arreurw for nnnv thau »lx m*Mitii» fr»»in date of couilrnmi.on ul w*iJ o'clock In ibe evenlox- ' . ' andeuuuilnallunul, mtwla Moml-ruoutlil>. mated, through t|ie agency.or the But- report by Ctwiimoii Council of waid city. . • " • Jrrn«r>, . . K111.1..V UAicHi-rrKoN. ' NurhlJers 74 \ and 746 Asbury Avenue ; l\«Mldeut. MIK Ikll K. Km.th; correspond- Ion In November. • -• approved. • . . . * ' ', was permitted to flow ont to sea; . ' .CUipe Hajr October ••. . w paraela or lisnd and real estate will be sold tor Ibe sbnrlest term ol The»«id lota, tract* or parcel* ot laud und rrat eaitate wltlbe «old for the «nort««t term of •S.-J9.101., F.F..MUU0 . . . City tltrk. . lute necretary, M-i* Ouuii; recnrdlmc •««- He alBO Hald>, in aimwer to a query ton & Corson.Co.. The sale or $7500 worth of street cer- Ambergris Is the substance used ex- 'The fall meeting of tbe Cape' May antfcfcaayyeraoo wlH.atreB.to u«e toe same, not exeeedlncbSyswa. and paylni ream tor walcb any penoa will acne to la**- the name, noi exceeding SO >wr», BHI| pay)me wilt tu*et for tbe purpa*e of tuakluc a r>t[l i«3lHry. Mm. M. MUner; treMhtirer. Mrn. K. •a—MnoiMaOist tbe same, wlUi tnlereal inereon aeerutos. and all otlwr expensesin- jha-s—Jni-BIbe ui><«M>aiiival i anunaaplmtt IbIhnttMHH*e name., wlilfiotrr.Mrtltl"• fltsT.'aitl ilir*itll*r«-i.tnl 'HnruiDKtnndHUfUlif ' * ----'• —» r txea««—n . _•- tratloD of Votervi by a hou«« to IIOUMT t-utivii ..OCEAN/CITY - ; . .. NEW JERSEV barker. . _ . . roin one who had jU8t beeu Introduced The Ocean City Kstates has bought tlllcuteHto the First National Bank, tensively In the manufacture of tbeCounty Teachers' Association will oc- -"—""-: ^-'UrlMConllnnaManoraaldreDon. Further cartlenlsrs ni the land to berurrvtl HUiM#«iueDtioib«co"i1rtnatloDuiitsvU report; Further part1futttr>toriti>< |«ud t<> beon , - . , " Notice lo Limit Creditors. o him, tbat be heartily approves or tbe Hayous Company's tract near the -olj IUMV be obtained ttt tbe otUtw tit tbe T«x Collator, Mii-t-y jfc Eduranl*' UuildlDK, SeCRBT SOCIETIES. Boyle's Dependable Market of this city, at.par, was approved. - best perfumes. It Is only found In cur al the blgb school building; Cape InedV at the om«e of the Tai (MleeWr,- Maasey 4 Kdwsrd.' Bnlldlnv. b*>rUi corner of Klgbtb and tVutrut uwiiWe, tloii of lb<* lot*, tmcU 'ur Furauiinl lolbeorderol Ctisrles K. Vutiu meet* Hecoiid and fourth Tburriduy evenlntCH 8. W. Cor. Twelfth St. and Asbury Ave. legislation that molten for clean poll- deal carries all the remaining lots, normal, but IH caused by a pathologi- a description by lot aamber and section or tbe lots, iraelaor par- parcel*of buidtobeaoldiu puniuaneeof tbl-aiwlvrrii^aiunt (i*iibe> Mpp««r oa'tbe iu«a< man. riurrogaie ot tbe. r«unty of Cape Mxy or each ntfMilh. In Mautmlo- bair, W. M. from tliedltrereiit'npproprlatlous was 1000, October 28. * ' sortbtsndverUsemeol as they appear on the assessment meat ItoWannexed to w.id report** tJtfeiber wtib ihe mnuuoi of moiwy uMuwwcd, bUd oo and madr on Ibe Dib day or September, A. l>. mill ituU'rl Fuller; wn-reiury, r. M. TIIOIIIUM .J* llcaandthe betterment of coudlllons about 01 iu number.- The Ocean City . — -., — --^—- --.-^—.-~.-. —>ifcaOnpuiof moofly Tuesday. September 36, ii)i 1 1'horii. . ' adopted. ' ' " cal condition or the Intestines. It is Tbe afternoon session will bedevoted wm . .. 7a«a»Med.hUdon and ex-axdd^bof^iaiou;irucUorr«iT«loriinqrrtp«-ttv«ly« ot> tbe application of tbe sabaanber. Exn-u Everything in Meats, Groceries and Vegetables tor the people.: He added tbat bia {states has also purchased, from Har- lota, tracts or pa-e-|a ot und respectively. To U^'amountdu* upon each ioi,tru*-t or ptropluf landiu heielnaiter dealtenated there Irlx ol said deceased, notice Is hereby Klvrti The report of Comptroller Mowrer sed as a vehicle for perfumes and not to the business sessions and depart. ' ' r panel of land ainerelnafles 01 r dealsnated there *t tbeboarofwyeD O)o*c.0cli In ibe moro- tofeemHUirsorsalddeFeaatilloexiillili tu Ocean Oily Ludee, NiklKI, K. ur I*., meets record, when lie was In the Ijegisla- >ey Y. Lake tbe two squares between of tbla sale «rtlll»«Medlulpropor.Cmae.h^Ufc.1.uofthUu.lf;:w_ B^uLEIa|1^, Tai ColI^ tas and reiuaiu In tWHMloa uniU nln» iv) ' of eueb ,was received aud ordered filed. as an odorltself. • . • ' . . ment sessions, high school, grammar o'clock to ta« evening uod tb«tr HM«U uuti- tbe subscriber under oatb or adlruiulloii Oral und third Miiondso y evenlUi E. W. BUKLKIQH.Tajl Collector. ! tnelr claims and demands aealuat .me e»tulr itb l Kf \ H ture Home yean ago, would xhow how Klgbteenth and Twentieth street* from The whale has proved aii'lnteresting and primary. Name Lot ^o. . S -ctloD- ' Amount Intel lotf on - - or said deceased wlUilo nine months front uiunthlu K.urH. hull. Asbury u namft '•"'-™XotNo" . Keellon Amonnt * Inlereat B. W. Lake »I7<1!| tu or, Ibembday olHerumber. A. U. mil. or they Hevrnth atrveU U. «'.. Murk Ijiki; K. of It. lie xlando on nucb matters. . Ray'aveuue 1600 feet west. In addi- study for thousands or people who ' The afternoon session will be'given UCOanpbtll aw . Tuesday. October 31. 1911 ' t r er ENJOYED PISHING CbarlesL.lllet»r will "hjj ** °arred ol any action u-i,|,,.i The Ideal Summer Resort . and H.,'K. lluwurd Tlmrn. * tion the company haa acqulreil title »a lolttt-'oumncll , No. 11W. Jr. o. U. A. M.. nieetH have come to this city to see It, many over'lo general.work, the program in- E. W. BUBUUGH.Tax Collector. * • K. W-.KUICLC.IU1I,Tax Collector. between tbe noun* of one and nine In ihe 'roih the Ocean City Association lo ull afternoon ofMtd day for tbe parpo^* of r»- Ualed September'* b, A. U. 1911 ' evcrv TuesdaMlay toveiituii |n c'hNiii|»Uui « full Had Pine Trip. from far-dlxtaiit p»lnt«. eluding "Home and School Co-opera- Unuuclllur•,. ~JOMeplt tux; Wilinn II*.MIIIMIH, the ground from Mr. Lake's former Clarence Frvratan RUN neen ICn* vMtnjcand eorrectlog the recUttitM and ofD-1I.IH. e. t.tT.'J Meretary. M. (!. Fire ban returned to lila dutleH tlnn," by Mrs. Augustus H. Beevea, of addtnc tbewto tbe DamMi of all per*on» en- 1 property to the thoroughfare. . name Paru. UU^ltotberlsbtof nultrayr.la tbe rc-p^c- OMJUII Olty fnunoll.~N-nl A., meels at the bank, relieving Oaulel. Krausa, GIVEN 25 YEARS Moorestown, N.J , president of We w H \ 4lv« etoctlon dtetrict mt tbv n«xt election every Thursday eveului: In K. nr V. hall, who tilled the position while he was The consideration is said to have Clarence" Freeman alnl family, of Jersey Congress ot Mothers; "Program Construction Sand & Gravel Co. wbo «naU apooar lo peraoD before tben. and Ml-ts Hullle W. t^ilret secretary. Cauiden, siiinmer residents nrthls city JOS. <3. CMAiyiFMOIM. ,rVlain«B«r ... e«tablto>b to tbe ••UUacttoa ol the mtijorlty taking h'la vacation. Mr. Fife vUlted been about 190,000. for Rural Hchools," by Prof. F. W. ortbeboardtbailb«yare«nUU«dto vote in for a number or years',* are occupyingHluycr or, Wlldwood Man Sen. Offlce.'8th St. Opp. Penna.'Depot , Ocean City, N. J. tbat election dUlrlct HI the n«it election ABBOTTS* • Proteotlnn lAdee, No. m. A. O. U. W.. meet* R. Curtis Robinson Philadelphia^ Iianadowne, . Marena It la tbe Inteutlon or the Ocean City prluelpal of Ooshen whool*; tbcrel-*. or wbo nbatl be Hbow'n by tbe wrtt- QUEAN CITY, N.J. •econdundfuurluMondavevenings In k.ol their-recently purchased cottage, W8 , Icncrd b> Judge KauwU. Estates to Uuinu - tbe Bayous tract ten»rSd>vIiola voter rorttllnir In tbe ranw P. lull. M. W., Jnbn W. Hinltb; Hoc-order, Hook, Quakertown and Allentown. Judge Kallach, at Capj May Court 'Tlie Realteatlou of tbe Peiaooallty," .' t CORSOH election,>flMrlct to be MO eutitled to vole WlllurdW. Adams. _ • • along the original Hoes planned, aud Atlantic avenue, for some days. Mr. Mm. Fire will Yemftlu. at Quakertown. ' All grades Concriete Gavel and Sand. . Alderney Dairies : by'Bev. J. B. Haines, O. O,' pastor of ' tbereln.andaiaotortbe tmrpoa«e of ermtiutf '.•• •'' '•' • • • .-m ': ' '•• .'• .'••• Freeman.Is an enthusiastic tisheruiau, House Monday,Im posed a nenteuce of 1 ttwrefrom tbe DUBH of any penton* wbo. (Sacccttor to I. s. Champion) . KttliuluTrllw, No. ai). 1. Ii. K. U., meeu for a r«w weeka longer. They had a*the adjoining two square* will be laid Ihe H. E. Charoh at UoDit Kotla^ J* •'. '•''•.•• Top'Soil for Lawn Purposes.. . . ' . Hbpwp n not to be entitled to vote-thereinvotethere , l>y eaob Wednesday evening ID Oliauiplon's ball out and arranged lu a unique style. and has beeu greatly enjoying .his^Syears.lu the peultenUary ou Doml reaann ol non-reatdencnonreatdence or otberwl«eotberwl«e. l-utlierL. Wallace, keeper ol records. ' lost delightful outing. • 1 Ico Mercbetto for- killing Josepbl • Doinentlo Bclence," by Ulas Uhiaai ' " P. . '.''*'••. ' , Dirt for Grading or Filling. . AdttluitK FrtmFrtmara y KlectloKlln for all Seventh St. and West Ave. BATHING SAFE AND UNSURPASSED ; Tbe president or tbe Ocean City Es- favorite sport. •• . • ' Washington Camp, No. 7S, P.O.8. ot A., Furuo, at Uorth Wlldwood, on thet Htualleld, * teacher of domestic •• l iltt be h held la ttcb lcUon mnu every Friday nlicht cnuuiplon-atutll. Conveyancihg: and . tates Company Is A; John Cleare, who Mr. and Mrs. Freeman have been READING RAILROAD DELIVERY. , Ocean City, N. J. night' or July 18 laBt. The .murder nclence In tbe Ocean Oily Hlnh Bctaool. tetnber.tvit,2nd I'. P.. frank hebnelder. President, l.uluer L. a Vlaii. haa the reputation of being an unusu- entertaining a house party," whose .r Y > bounof w>veD (7) oclock a. m. and, nlue U*) Wallace; Oeoretuy, Bduiund A. tourgeoU. was the result of a quarrel between the Alemben of board of education, par- o'clock p. m* tortb e purpo*»jol nwlunc uom- .bholce'Dalry Produeta . V. Itumford and H. G. Snyder, of ally abrewd real estate operator. W. members Include Mr. and Mrs. H. F. "Kj FINEST BEACH ON THE COAST Camp IB. P. O. of A.7meeta every Hatnrday,' meu over the atteutloi'B Mercbetto w.as ents and every body Interested-'In'tb* • tnationnof cmudldulen tor tbe following ofH- : Insurance SomtrH* Point, were visitors here Sun- H. Yerkee, Jr., Is secretary aud treas- Ecky, Edgar A. Freeman and D, -H. INCENSED AUCTIONEER, COJ ' ' Butter nod Eggs • at7J»p.m..lnK.orl .uall. Ham J. Klsleyi paying Tarez' Furno, niece of the1 slain public schools are conUaUy^lovlted to ' recordlnK lecretary. ' day evening..: Both are known In tbla urer of tbe company. ' Hubert, of Camden. " ' IRA E,WALL •. ABk for Booklet of Speclaltl«« section an fine vocalists. While .here raau.' ,' ' ; '. . ,.,.'. ',;-.' attend all or any of tile Basstoiw. ' Wuh-Htellu ConnoU~No.m.i).ofP...nieelJi •" Notary Public and CommlMlaiier of Deads . K. J. Hann Is at present represent- '$1 ^ ^ Aoemic, Occea City, i J. every Monday sleep at 7JU, In K.or P. Hull. they called upon Capt. J. W. Lee. After the w.ilnesses'for the Btate bad w • ' COROXEB Ordem Delivered . • Both l-limiei. THE HOME OF THE FAMILY MAN ing the company at his Uonuhl 80 Peel of I.ati Xensbcrs of Ibe Board of t e President; MarkXaJte, secretary. Annual Own Yoar Borne. '. .. dining room, kttcben and servants' Vocal and luairamental nakle. aveuue, aud two earner lota Cor. Lie. meeting will be held ID June. Money to loan on Bond and Mortgage cottager here forsom e years. Plain and DecoratiiB Education for two years) < • «3» Ourriui. AVEHUX . It's dlgnlfled and gives you a dell- quarters, large yard, located on Cen- Persanvdealrlng Instruction In. music aud Asbury avenne, tl : and from Philadelphia on Three Railways ... " tral avenue. In the central part of the COftTRAGTOR .One Member of the Board or aid. •fnonelV " OOKAM OlTV.N.'j Tbe Ocean Ulty imildingand umnaasoila- CIOUH senwor security to own your ou piano or pipe organ, or lu vocal Uon tueetaaeeond Muturdayol each montb. home at city. Owuer will sell on easy terms. muslo or harmony by a competent Ocean City New Jersey 1 ' President. Ueorve O. Adama; seor.lary. K. Address X. X., SBNTINEI. ottlce. If : ncaUon for one year '. Howard Tborn. . • . $27»O will bay new property ou Gar- teacher with best or city and country OEMBNT WORK • Paperhanger OCEAN CITY. .. den tract that 1« worth tSAOO; only fiSO references, can apply to P.O. BoxOO, Also for lbs election ol members "of UieTry an Ad. 'Besides, your responsibility aa a real Bnosalows and c __ PLAIN and DECORATIVE Oounly KzeeaUveComiulUea. CUHII needed, balance easy terum. JJ. Cope May.Uourt HOUMJ, JJ. J. > < , - A. aPBOIULTY... And nolltsi is bcrria rurtliu given that 1 bo estate owner makes you a desirable * The Hoover Electric Sucllon'Sweeper I), lie t'uto, owner. Audubon, N. J. tf eoqnter,prices,, »v; & , Board oi ttetlalry and Klesllou will meel al in the SENTINEI, Within easy access of Atlantic City and, •aharU. E. Adam* WUlaid W. Adama citizen. Think It:over, then call on • airs.sweeps.aliakea. Suction cleans floor coverings, etc., all In one, easy, auto- ,,, i PHANK.Bi.Vr- 1 . HABRY HKADLEY, - FOB BALH-rVottagea and lots-In 60S fu HAI.K.—Two lots; 23x105 feet most desirable locations In Ocean City. ti • Estimates Cheerfully Given Try ail Advertisement in bury avenue, next to Ore bouse who hire by " CHAM. E. ADAMS Bno., No. nan. Bee. A., Wealey avenue. Price Apply to A. Uotfon 810 Aabury avenue, me «Jre yoa a bid 00 yoar ntxt Vtt as give yoa an estimate and be other well-known resorts (BaceeaMratoBakerAAdann) W , ":' ' 720 Asbury Ave. unu.' Apply JB., 8GMTIMEIZ- •ZSW-!. •• •_:•• ••••- s NO SALOONS 780-23 Aabury avenue. Ocean City, N J

>*J- •-.?.' '••

And BO In every large city schools for PISH ARE BITING Sentinel alulug la cookery and tbe household SUNDAY IN THE Ocean City Title and ...GAS... Ocean City Sentinel arts are coming more and wore Into Mo Trouble) lo null Ktada Here CHRIS. HAND LOCAL BUILDERS HAVE DR. BRDNTATB use.' Karlsuf ine W«t>k. OTIS H. TOWHSEND -Light Trust Company Fuel Power THURSDAY. OCTOI1KK .10.1911. JMcALLlSTBR^S ••Sbeaklug of these schools of domes- LOCAL CHURCHES Klsh were never so. plentiful as they ROBINSON tlosoleuce, ll.ls declared lu a recent were here tnejatter part of last week .- Gas hds become a necessity not a luxury OCEAN PIER CO. MANY HOUSES TO ERECT MARRIE^HIS SON of Ocean City, New Jersey Weuliall beKlail to receive Itemaof THE jP»5priitot Issue or an educational Jourual that Big catches or weaktUb, blacklist aud BUILDER • a.»...™«a»»ja»a». and can be adopted to nil domestic and com. news auil couiuiuulcaltoiis of liiteVest P;. NEW/JERSEY they draw their students from almost Strong Sermons aiid Excellent bluetfah were made by many augler*. OPFICK: 8th St. Opposite,P. O. 1 lo thlH community ami our readerConatrnctlon'Plans s Rapidly BUSY DRY* GOODS STORE every walk or life. Society women en- Home were caught by net aud others CAPIJAL S1OO.OOO " mercial purposes. Why not have a gas kitchen * All Say There is Every Pros- Wedding of Wm. Brauyatc Music Heard by Large everywbere. A^E SHOWING .•-; . roll, either because ibe novelty of such were pulled In with rod and line, SURPLUS S20.00O Plans and Specifications Taking- Shape—Camden pect of a Decidedly Busy and Hiss Chandler Brll- school appeals to them as an luter- Coagregatisns.. operated in connection with your present All comiuunlc^tlaiiH nbould be an- BOYS OCEAN FRONT; A FINE LINE OF NEW FALL GOODS Tbe uieu at the Thirty-six street life- toalc iraatinsnu ara eompaulcd with tlie full name and ' Trust Co. Trustees. ' ' Time Here. > Hant Event. eellog fedo r else because they really The churches lu Ocean.(Jlty were all savlug station .caught' live, barrels of . prepared without charge . New Hue of drcwi material* from tiyic yard to Jli.oo, in Serges, Cballes," all kinds, Mas Conduct < a (sneral bnnkliK bunltir>a, method of house heating? With this you haye ' address of the writer, not necessarily ,torjr.«ttt,tnall want lo know something about cook- well tilled at the services ou Hunday. tlsb. raeelvlDi'deposits auhjeot loeberk without Only galvanized nails used on In order to fully overcome all.dini- "Tbe building outlook for Hie com- A Vluelaud paper of Thursday last Pauainii, Bronil Cloth, D.iimh Cloth and Cotton Suitinj;. rnutoaUnnrsM ery aud housekeeping. Prospective or publication, but an a- ({uaranteo of iiultle- Incident lo the lustallallon of WILLJMPROYE rablasarsso Following .are reports of somo of tlie All a'oug the cily.'s ocean front there notloe and allows 3 per cent. Interval on an -abundance of hot water with the bust of ing year," bald Allen Boull, "shows contained (he following of local Inter- SKIRTS—New Hue of* doth nkirts brldea full of au enthusiasm for 'mak- Time Account*. • I exterior work good faith. "fun chase" amusements on the pres- NEW GINGHAMS — For wobU sermons heard: were scores of llshermau anil they Ibat there will tie a great many of the est: . in serge, INinntim, etc., at fj, fl. fo ing home'. attractive' take courses at Acjaaa executor, adnilniairator, Irtmievor ficilities Tor cooking, and a perfect sanitary ftp, ' ent pier, and the Jolulng to It of an better class cottagea*Dullt, aa'well as a anil tlrcssei, plaids and stripes. IMMANUKI. IIAIT1KT. ' were having,the time of their lives suurdlan. WUI« receipted for and kept wllh. Philadelphia Architect Makes A quiet, but hnpreiolve weddingcer ami $5.98,1111 new. ibe domesllo science schools.". The Rev. U. P. Ithoades,' a student at they said. - outcbatse. ' .. l pliance at 1-3 saving over old way. We have .. , . • DOTS. , auditorium or 2000 seating capacity, 'great many apartment houses, tbetwo- emouy wassoleudulzed today at 12.811 tbe Chris. Hand Ocfan Pie* Company story apartment.beln'g lu demand. I Purchase Through J. M. ' FLANNELS—New outing flannels' t'rozer Seminary, delivered two line Just-w.hal made the llsb HO num- o'clock, when Mlaa E. May Chandler, OUTING FLANNE1. GOWNS and flannelette. HONKV INJIitBMUtY FAatMN. ALLEN SCULL has bad to look closely Iuto tbe pie- have taken out permits for tbe erection sermdus lu luimanuel Baptist t'liurcl erouolsnot jtuown. Mome sa,M' they K u. UUKHMK, our informat'on department at your disposal. ChcBter & CO. daughter of I). Harry Chandler, was —Two Hpcciul values In outing flan- Many seem tio think Ibat succeaa In roHMMHLr mtsai. aouu. AMO HAKT* CO A blue Monday. Ihnluary plans which their.architect of a row or three-story cottages, to be last Sunday. There were large eon- were drawn Jiere by the presence of HENRV U. MUOHK. Klral Vlre-Prealdailt married lo William !•, Brunyate, of nel gowns nt jac nnil'Sjc, worth BLANKETS-New blanket, from You are under no obligation. We have the. Hallowe'eu soou. ' submitted ° ID August. Tbe exterior erected on Fourth street, mutti or At J. M. Chester bab raid 150 feet of land MISS N.-B. TOWNER. tUHjs farming Involves life In the \Ve»t and gregatlous preseut al both . services the whale, but others recalled the fact kKHI.IICH.LUULAM,Hecond Vlrr-I>rraldent Newark. . - more. ' '. C. K. (JTILWKLU Hrcn-tary smt Treiumror at the corner or Fourteenth street and 50c up. While mid gray. * . . the •election of a farut far from the Thovpastor, the Kev. K. E. White, wjl that Hsu were unusually' plentiful here BUILDER idea, we want you to get it. Let us show you.' Frosl la In trlw air. • drawlug or. . the new piep r Btructure,, ' lantlc aveuue, for Clinton L. Hem Tbe wedding look place lu the re- \ ' otNM - J. F1TMIAN TATKM.MAIIfillor • Wesley avenue, with riparian rights, '-..7 ..< haunts or men. Tula Is a fallacy. be back from bis vacation thin week la.»t fall. , I Consult with me freely on Seashore • A dlsaRreeable Bunilay. which PresldeuPldt t HanHd kkept on viei w merly, of Oak Lane. ception room or Colouial. Place; the to a prominent Philadelphia architect ^\ « whale.to como Vanning requires tbe kuowledge of and will preach next Sunday. DIRCCTORS: •building. There is no charge. My Office open Monday and Friday evenings, 7 to at the main entrance, last summer, "I now have under way tbe large six borne of the bride's father, coruer uf TliankNRlvliig Is on the wriy. ' who spends the summer, seasons In la raeh adetertnlued manuer. the trade, aud It would pay auy yoiiug .'long experience is yours fopth e wa« greatly admired, and will likely family Boardwalk, apartment, .which Eaat Landla avenue and Htate Htreet. JrHElAOffiSHOMUOURNALPATTERNS FIRST M. K. OY8TBR SUPPER U M. Crnae Henry II. Moore • Try an"ad" lo the HKNTINKI.. this city. ,. . , man wtioooulddoao to serve au au- K. V. Corvon Olmrlea Maluewa . asking. be adhered to In the ultimate deslgti. Is being erected for Clark Ulllenbeek Tbe l)ouse was- tautefully decorated In tbe Klrat it. K. Church Huiiany Tbe land comprises two ad|olnlng from doing good preutlcesblp on some farm or to take J.'St. L'bnter •> ' W.K. Sliuavy' - Hleep on y.mr rlRht Hide If you have The pier company's Uuanclal plaus of Phlladelnhla, and will be known as with banked palms and cosmos, the morning, Or. Bruuyale, atler hl» vaRed,Men Preparing lo Hn>r Ocean Ave. beloto Eighth St. lots, which were owned by liobert s. s. MCALLISTBR •bmlQM.tbey, wait vainly for, some ex- •courseatan agricultural school. Then K W. Kilwanh It. H. 81I(.« , CITY GAS LIGHT CO. liiHomnla. ' ^ are very simple, aiid will be fully set the Palatlue Apartments. Thlx IH the latter belug'tbe prevailing flower. cation trip" of Ibe last three weeks. JoHIHcntlon. \ Marry Hrailli*)' ' JiiMrpli I. Nrull Ocean City ' New Jersey Carson, or Philadelphia, a cntta er 755 Asbury Avenue Ocean City, N. J. traorduary opportunities for dolug It, be could gel a farm In New Jeirey, Get ready to order ralfiidarN fur forth In a proapectus which will' leave most costly apartment house yel Rev. Dr. K II Brunyate, falher of gave a waim greeting lo the members The members or Kultuia Tribe, No. M. W. Lalttt , #Win. n.HliriVrrit Eleventh St. and Haven Ave. Ocean City, JM. J here. .Yttltls tbe'Uute deeda or kindness where there la nodauger'or starvation l«r*lle H. LudlAlu "j. Klllil in Tuluin 191i!. TeiupiiH fiiKit. the HKNTINKI. press durlug this, week erected In the cily, and will be equipped the groom, ofrlclated at tbe ceremony, or the congregatluu. -Lu Imp. O. It. M., are preparing• li Tim uew owner will reserve 100 feet . Ocean 'a^Jotrr'tbat every man may do, andand tbe best markets lu. tbe world fo l', K. l^amlnit It. llowunl riior or early next week. with every modem convenience. the full Methodist KplMCopal xervlie Iu the evening be delivered au Inhav- e a reunion and oyster sup|ier. ih 1 Kend tlie KKNTINKI. to out oMown ihatwaanraglng word* that every man farm produce. ' Aaron tl. Bice 'Jainw* <1. H^ul ENGLISH & JOHNSON, The coiupipani y has authorized the "I also have plans ou the board* ror ol the ocean front ror IIIH own uses. being used. Between Elgbtb and teresting aud Instructive iwrnimi from alfalr will occur ou the Ilivt VVetluei^ Cuaa. t*. Vanitiimu frieiulH, It will cave you writing a It IH xald that he will make some line "nay nttarthat eweeleua life and drive* There are thousands or youti* uieu HEADQUARTERS IsmiancIHMIUIICOo aasSieedes in d or £200,000.00 or Useveral large buildings, tlie details or The bridal party conslsled of Mm.' the textfound iu Proverbs, SO; 7-0.' day night lu November. letter. . , . Improvements. •wajrtcftre, despondency aud sorrow. bauglufc ou to existence ou small |ier cent, len-ye ir gold coupon bonds. which If IH loo early to Hay much Charles W. Kennedy,of Bulfalo.N.Y., T In part. Dr. lirutiyate spoke ax fol .There are a number of secret organi- Baflklac by Mail • Specially Home of Ocean (.'Ity'H |ieo|)leHau' the OPEN AU. TUB YEAR I';"}<• j J • S> t.^*<-;fffl;! i''; ;•' wages In the cities, depeudent ou tbe Contractors and Builders Under a highly favorable arrange- about. ' • sister of tbe bride, as matron of honor; l lows: . • . • For anything- you want to know about world's series of baHeball Ka.mw at a whims of an employer, aud tuew> zations lu this city, but none hav ment withAlbert Fogg, former owner '•The'collone* being erected at Third HEAVY SENTENCES ;T&ATllUba whole world today uot 'This Is a wouderful and ctirlou Atlantic City pier. Miss Helen tierow, of this place, brides- X X TK are offering lots for sale on Eleventh could be well oil a.nd Independent on more Jolly social gatherings than Hit I3IO Anbury Avenue, or the pier, lilx'debt of $05,000 con street and Atlantic avenue by me are -ajtuigl* Christian city Is to be fouud chapter. It Is a collection or HU>I|]"K building. maid;: Clarence -Is. Uumiu, of Kaxl a farm, but It would be folly for them lueinberH of the Irlhe or Hed .Men. (M-EAM «!1TT. «. J. The Hnlton & Corwiii Co., of th llnuen at T> per cent., secured by a cer-also or a type that add In the locality, ^ » street; also a few on Twelfth street. *«>IU t»T*fcarded by most persons as an which are attributed to ARtir, who. Kallacb Dcaw Oui Justice Orange, N.J., best uuu; Ueorge W. . THE IMPERIAL <'. .- \^ to try lo own a farm without knowing • Are you utidurMvrt how to plan your house? You arc invited city. Is IIIIIIIIIIIK the conrrete rciiimla tain amount of lint murlgage bvndn, and will 110 doubt be followed by sev- •svitb iron Hand Cbaudler, or Vlueland, brother of the Taattiubtang assertion. That such is ever he was, for little el»e la • said'n: Kaaanore llom«s Hnd .Kemodrllnjr a a Price $375.00 . . •. . loisUKMTKAbAVK. OOKAM OJi* »> V • fu^ something about farming. STORE and STOCK tlim ror a larKewtaiidpipe at Avalon. s> Eatlmatw cheerru'lly «lv>n. to iimtc ami see our splcuilftl CMiK-i-tioit of up-to-date plans.. Hie iuterext oil which remains luac eral mure before the snow l\\en. JuHtlce Kallxcliat Court House TueH- bride, usher ' . ... - =- . , -j^ ^y,, tne eam(ien him but what I* here recorded. Try an Advertisement OMB torlb s Mason. Haulb , " .'ff .» *W There have been a. number' of case, Warren Mitchell IH liav'ni|;exti.-iiHlve live HO long an the •"•. per 'cent, on the •David A Henderson, of ('amilen, doy, permuted (Iregorlo Clllberlo to The bride wax gownnl In a hand . - I also have a few lots on Simpson avenue be- i,- baa been unqualifiedly "Notice tbe lirsl request, 'remove OF WonM you like to liave your iilfh< of a.lionse ilcvclopnl and where two young men have combined in tbe SENTINEL Interior improvements made lo hlMcompany's purchane money obligation will erect ror. himself au up-to-date enter a plea of uon vult lo the charge run alcyon lace robe, aud carried an lyDr.T. J. lianslilg, bead or far Irona me vaulty aud lies.' lie B. B00BK0I8 ft SOI kuaw what it would cost to build ? tween Eleventh nml Twelfth streets. Price of lots their resources aud- bought farius, cotlaKe on AHlmry nveiiiiv, near Hixth IN met. collage on the (JardeiiM tract, 011 theor manslaughter aud at ouceHenteuctd arm bouquet of bride's roHes, with a '|b« lMbrm Bureau of Washington, In prays tlrst lor moral uprlghteounue>s, Morktug aud llviug together until We liave a ilniiiKhtsiniin-alwitys at. your son-ice. Free. slieel. AN but KA.OOO.OO at the utraoxl IH re- bay front, with a large wharf In conhim to 18 years at hard labor in Slate shower of Illllea of tbe valley. The f "WaddresaTeeeotlydellvered before au ' Thus lilted he confront* the future, Housefurnishing Carpenters and Builders they were able lo hire help, .this oc- quired, to recoiiHtruct the pier and addnection with lhe .house." prison. During a brawl lu Ocean"City matron of honor, wore white chiffon, '„ oiganbtatlon known as the Men aud whether we read 'before I die,'' or ABBOTTS' OCEAW CITY. l>. J. ' Arc you iinfnniiliar witiilmililiiiK materials ? You are invitts'l (These prices hold ROOII for a short time only!) ^BeUgtan Forward Movement in sescurrin- g generally during the second ,to our show rooms, where MIIIIIIICS may lie setMi and their relative PERSONALS. an auditorium Heating 3100 people, tbe Hpeaklng or the building outlook in on July III laxlClliberlOHhnt and killed embroidered in pluk roses. She car- THEKATHLU l\\ \ year. until I die.' He realised -that before Estimates rJmi. UaUdlan erected by can . 'akmatBllverfiay.LalteUeorge, N V. Goods merits and cost disou-sed. annual Intercut charge of the' Ocean Ocean City, Win M. Townxeud said: 1'letro Datello. ried pliik chrysantb'emumH. The brides- llatCMiiral Amnne, .•- OCHA»OITV.«t\f. blm stretched a tract of time which tract or day. It does uot pay to go In debt ror. a Alderney Dairies •H. T. MvOevllt nml' fniiiily Pier Co. will lie ax follows: "I believe we are at leant 10(1 houses John H. Hmlth was tried forthemur- maid wax attired In a gown or pink bad to cross. (SiicccMor to I. S. Cbaoiplaa) Are you undecided who' to have lmild your house? It will farm and farm stock and implement*, AUDITIONS. ALTKItATIONS AND UKPAIUS the HlHcayne. Intercnt 011 obligation given ahead or a year ago today, and there der of John McCoy, who WOH shot In cre|ie de chen. aud carried an arm TOSEPH I. BCITI.T. H«r Jraswr ha. aright to be proud "Whatever may have becu the form lllUidl4il TVIIwrl gg ^V Is more work In |>ro»|>eel than lia» the abdomen during a quarrel over.a bouquet'or while cbrysautbeniuuiH. tbttm which this evil took lii.the time oi 'of the fl'tRSt buildings in Uccun City. Mr. and Mm CharlexMiu-k are vinlt- J short time suMcieut I Spencer B. Swan liercent. (H,SiiO 00 been at any time slnce'I have been in poker game In Ocean City last AuguHt Only a small number of guests were 757 Anbury Ave. Ocean City, K. J. , ntore4han favorably with themllltla- Agur, we know what waxliUK delu Ocean City, N. J. • . IIIK relaliveH at I'alHrmo. UtHHESLKWISAOO»*&N procure all that Is necessary, says tbi n ^T.*>,IMK( ol U per bunlnexs. I have round that almont and round guilty or inanxlaughler. present,: the invitations having been S« OCKA* AVBXVtt ' ' to work ou share* until they mak Butter and Eggs Will sell or^ rent store propurt; 1040 Aabury Ainuc, Occsa City, N. J.. IJBWIMT. Hluvenn, of Oape May, WIIK Fifth and Third HtreelH, IIBH been Hold, euiphaxized tlie fact thai the carrying Precedlog the ceremony,-MIHU IBU'. ^eraJMt from a rowdy elemeur, rather uess or spiral, leadlug'down to |>e>i-l 7 enough to own one. Aak for Booklet of S|>eclaltle» separately. If wanting a ROwl JIS li Jimmied and that'the new board of otlierx are preparing lo build at once. ' Occam riljr, m. J. TlntbeNaUodal Guard our prayer l» tile bent for UH to m CSTIMATES AND PLANS FURNISHED Mrw. William II. l.ytieli, of Tucony, IngHoaw Vine Hani*. Our Specialty is Ocean Front s any part or tbe world. CEMENT WORK 713-15 ASBURV AVENUE commlHHloiiers and the publlcgenerally Two-family liom-ex are not HO IUIICII Tackaboe Road Improvement. Hot Watrn- Heat -KTerjr Room TtwmsUr celve." . .-•• OCEAN'CITY NEW J ERSE . wax a recent KueHt or the Wyoming. S|>eakliigor llxhlng. Waller Chan- r A Reliable Builder will BiintaliL them in their ehTorlHi r in evidence IIIIH year, BH there »:ein« ".(Saya thcrAtlantlc Couuty Kei-ord: ^", 8*YB tbe Cape May Star aud \V*\ e: - ^ SPECIALTY..." ill.;r, a.cottager here, xayx: .' Mi »e profit lias '-on mhric from Ocean E MATIAK, VMtk JOHN T. SEAL To euct your .Ocean City cottage. You-cannat spare the time I.etille litiilluiii, of Cape May Court The Central TruHt CnuipauiyofCuiu- To be a COIIWIIHUK of opluioti that they Another step toward .the long-poM. na^ convenllou with a CITY'S NEW PIER "Duty!1, was the subject of the Itevi "I have been HxhliiKln Ihexurf from l'"ront iiivcstiueiitstli.nl all others combined Real Estate and to look after it closely yourself and must depend upon the lluuw, WUHIn lown duriiiKlhe week. Ueu, which opened tlie- llrxt ilnanclal have been overdone, and perxoiin are polled project for an Improved road- baaed upon population II. T. ra««elberry'*«eriuou lu tlie Kin Tweuty-thlrd to i'weiity-llflli Mreels ; in Ocean Cily. ' We'can secure you the best 505 NINTH STREET BUILDER honesty of tliccontractor. • " Htanley Hlalciip and family, of < 'ani- liinlltiitiitu In Ocean City.seiliug out tobulldlug cottagex hiHlead, which, will way between May's' landing and baa beta the darliug scheme of Ifud- w«k Vpsa •• 'Will Protein I'resbylerlan Church 'Sunday 'muni onceu week. '.Two- weekx_ agi> I had HOTEL ATGLEN orriCC: CKHTH aaD OCCAM AVC Among others I 4iavc built for Rev. C.-W. Bispham,*43^^ d«u, visited relativ'eH here a few dsyx IB preHeut First National. Itauk, are no doubt lend to continue tlilx healthy Tuckahoe, held up for more than, a bargains to lie found here from Jiooo.oo np- aoii and: Easex County Democrat* fo ~ atiart iiutlde ui Two Wee-am. lug, be taking IIIH'text froiu John""l:< Let me give you a bid ou your nex Search Company OCCaN CITT '•••< • • •, NEW JCRSEr extrugood llshliig, catching Muellidi, NINTH AND CKNTRAt AVKNtJH > l'itte st.aml Joseph I*. Myers. 1237 Rid^e avenue, riiiludelphia. ago. IriiHteex under the mortgage and will gniwlh of Ocean City. year, waH taken last Wednesday by \V'ard.s .with .riparian' grant. open lor HlDoteea and Ktsven '-"" <-' : ^g•v. i,, becaus«e byy meanmeanss orf 1i Assemblyman Cbrl«. 8. Hand «al 14 and I John. 'X:n. work. . . weak, kiiigllsh and croakers. One day Ask them about Mia. V. S. Itol.lliwin, or Ihirt city, IM bundle the truxt features Incident lo As jt builder, I am trying lo brink the llourd of Freeholders, who, 011 mo- : Uot Water Uou J <- . ;£Vtbejrbopetobeableto force tbe etec- of Cape May Count}, X. .1. WILLARD S. STEELMAN recently 1 caught at Twenty-third >ealerday nflernoou that the ludiea- ilr. C'aKtelberry spoke in (wrl n» fo|. the iiler, company'H bond IHMUB with to the attention of-awuem the matter tion of Audersou Bourgeois, directed Ocean City, N. J. ' * - ' -•-•/UoBof HmnuMymeo and Senators ou OCEAN-CITY. N. J. vlallim; frleudH III Vluelanil und t'11111- xlreet one'channel bass, and one nrieck- MASSEY & EDWARDS tlous are that work upon the' new plei lows: . ". • KKHKEHKNTl.Ml - - Contractorand Builder their well kuowu nklll and tldellly to of roofs ou frame houses. There are Euglueer K. 1>. Ulghtmlre to forward .ttwbaatlor.population, which would OTIS M. TOWNSEND deii. •' " eled fcea trout, weighing SJ pounds. To ' Eighth St.'snd Central Ava.' •a.«. eorr. v will probably be started Inside or tin •••Ought,'the verb, .means to owe their ptilrou.'H luterenls. ~ ' ' HO many shingle roofs that x'hould .a .plans'for the re-«urvey at once lo Com- -^ * * ^;ri|lB« permanent control or the Mate 939 Weal Avenue OCEAN CITY. .. Mr. and Mrx. ('urtlH H. Hantmiu, of my knowledge tlilx is only the third next two weeks. John u«es it several tlioe-... In. th t FIDBWTY TRDST CO. AH the new pier will be steam- lire get started in windy weather a miaaipber 'Stevens, lu order that the' THE LAUREL , . •\ "hftht) hands or Essex and Hudson The Pontiere Ocean Cily ' New Jersey 8th St. Opposite P. 0. l». J. West CheMer, ore regUlered at "the one ever caught In thlx section, five It la said by one of tbe builders here fourteenth verw " of the tbirteeiilli BUILDER heuled, It In the hope of the manage- large part of- the city would have to latter may assess damages for lauds : ^OommeaT'11 Do voters of Cape May Jobb:nn Promptly Attended To yearn ago I caught one oil Young's HIS VRNTKAI. AVBHtnS, KBAB BBAOH that the pier can be completed lu si chapter of John, Je-u» ptitHthe obli Kallilii. _;. •.;..". ment to have It ready for Kaster vim go becauHe or Hying brand" Igultiug necessary, to straighten curves along to wl| • TITLES INSURED Pier, afterward Fogg's Pier. Mr. Jo*, OOKAN CITY, N. J. moutbH. gatlou to miulBtry »»-a debt nuclei BOOT g SHOE . Willlmu Wilson,or Mlllvillf, 11 prop- ur-, and earnenl etn.rlx will be made Ibe roofs. . I am recommending, xlale the route. . ... Real Estate Bulletin „—-, map so far as reure- It Is the lutentlou or the manage- Which His diaclpleit are laid by Hi- erly owner here, wax aiumiK recent lloothroyd aim caught one the'Name feiiivh ». Al-lrHcU(ut TltlrH and flic In. ., A. G. VVINKLER lo thlH eud. Hhuuld ihls reipiire loo and asbestos xlilnglen. Thexe eoxt a day oil'the pier. - 1 never knew llxhlng FIFTEENTH STREET, near. Motor Boat Club. 25x75 feet. awtatton In tbe legislature Is on-uieut to makea thorough examiuation .mluistry to them.. The word 'OIIKIII k J. \\\ BARBER. I'rest. "•=• JOHN M'ARTS. Treas. vMlorH. .. ITH Towmen, r—f REPAIRING .RUrNiice. much haBte June lnt will be named an little more at the outlet, but lu' a fewbelter than It has been tbls month: Bad Mouae Party. Up to urade, curbed, street built . $326.OO - or the piling nnder the present pier is the past tense of owe. -Ought, .oi PRACTICAL PLUMBER- '• IMionc C'ounectluiiH • • ." •• • Mm. Mary Krlmrdt, orSulein, IH the be latext opeuing day and a bond lo years save -their coat In repairs and Dpen all tbe rear Writ* • <**!<' >*'l' Claa.Hleaiii ana Hoi WH1«T nttrr. • B. 8. McAllister, tbe dry good mer- auil to reluforce these with concrete. must, which Jesus used frequently, FARM PROPERTIES. Kiie»t or Mr. and .Mrn.H. H. MuAlllster,' thlx ell'ect will bereiiuired of contrac- palut. . It IH rayopinio n that our ST. CHARLES PLACE, »>xino reet, alley In rear, graded; ij -Want the Geran election law Is re- SHOP unlce, HUth •treet'Hna W»l »vt~ Tall Ccdsn or I.ebauonV chaut, and Mrs. McAllister entertained .MAPLE COTTAGE l expresses au obligation in. the nattir tiiitr. rvttltlencv. Tenth Htrfei'MiiU Sixth St. and West Ave. or tlilH city. " • . , torx taking tbe work. > .' building ordinance should compel the Hlclewalk and curb - SBOO.OO .' '/•iMa,'aa ltwWbeatthe next seulon : ' BOUGHT AND SOLD Itl* avu., O.-0 in City, N J some frleuds from Balem at their home '••'-'• " «>: • H. A. W. Hmlth. or this city, yester- driier Kleverilb asud Wert Avenue or things. •• . During the winter the ChrlH..Haiid use or nou-coiubiiHllble rxofn. We are v;oftns>Ieghuatare,a section should be WHO'1,1, GET PLACES? ' —-OIHc*» In new bank building"— - Mrs. W. II: nie^rolh, -or Philadel- day received notice that the member,, laxt Sunday. Iu Ibe party were Paul WESLEY AVENUE,'near Hevenleeiilli nlreet, Hldewalk,curb, • Ocean City, N. J. < *Oue of the moot wonderful IIIIIIK REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Ocean Pier Company will maintain growing ranter than we realize, aud ' Incorporated in the act making It the i\ Inc. phia, made u biihlneMx trip to Ocean or the Cape May Couilty Forest or Tall Krhardt aud family aud- MIHX Klxie up-to;Knule *1,O76.OO' " •Mechanic Boarders Wanted ~ " lu.the life of Je»u« C'hri-t »a» Hi '" • -.. J * -,—•:<»: . . .• " •' Cape May Court House, N. J illltfeu at 417-419 Market Street, Caui- our melhodx should Iw up to dale j.^uty-or tbe attorney general to ex-Politician* Are ARTS t'lly Monday. Cedars of Lebanon are Invited io ac-Smith, all of Halem. ' '- «50U and Upwards- seuse of duly.. Not that the won 916-918 Aibury Ave.. Oceao City. N. J. B.0.A(Una. ' .W.WAdamt and keep pace will! lhe phenomenal WESLEY AVENUE, Between Tliirleenlii .and Fourteenth >opoon*tn» law upon tbe request or any len, whii-li IH the legal address. 'The Mm M. FaJUTAOAW :i atovest off CouiiiilMlone raw UPERIOR ATERIAL K.jluiiakln, of Millvlllt'. 11 property company' the Al'laulic City Forest on .HlieelH .S1.85O.OO 'duty' lu our Knglmh liible is eve Darice Every . Cold Luoches, Illce of the company's solicitor, Al- growth." •' - - official or cttJxen and requiring officials There U much speculation amout owner In this city, »pent several iliiyn its pilgrimage lo Camden this .after- used In relation lo Him-, but (lie al. Wednesday and I »c. 0. ADAMS & BRO. lANE .• ' ' :' ETHODS bert A. Howell, Is iu tbe .building ad- . Joseph U. Champion Ix decidedly Try au AdvertiMement * OCEAN AVENUE, "Between .Thlrtcciith' ond Pourleentli ptp< Interpretatiopretation or thethe people of Ibis city as to who wil here recently. noon. A special train will leave At* ' i^/ilaw until a*coort to a judicial proceed- oence of tbe word does nut linlliui Saturday Night ATISFACTION ANDATORY joining. .•*,.' . iiptlmlHllc. - . in the HKNTINKI. lM, Kratled, curbed, Hldewalk $2400.00 JACOB 8CHUFF j be appointed to till Ibe various posi- .. Mr. and Mrs". Ja'ulex \V. Keniley, or Ittiitlc City at 5 o'clock sharp.. A band C Vla*aa«I!ro!e otherwise, aays tbe Cam- theabseuceofthe thing or of the ulea PLASTERING, RANGE SETTING Inquiries reflecting the price of pier He nald the building niillook'lx very, tions that nave beep .aud others tha Co. Oak 1-aile, were aiiiniiK the \initorH or music. w|ll accompany the tueiubers ol tbe thing. If you care to look, you .BRICK LAYING, Etc.. Etc. bonds and the bonus of common slock good: -The prospeotH are that this will THE PIONEER BAKEBV. probably will be made vacant undei of the order.—-—— —-— — tnay-llud tbe-wordir'iuuif-and-'ou) The Excursion House which will be tendered to early pur- be the bext building yrar the city has authority that tbevommlsslon form of goverumeiit All Work la Mason Une Promptl> : 8PEGIAL DE8T6NS IN often lisedlu His life, and Ihese'cun ap Mrs. K. J.-Kcnnelt oiKl'Mrn. Frank chaxerx will receive prompt attenllon ever had. He . never Haw HO' much KmamumM. ocm or; i. ir^~ bYcaltedupon tor, Interpret tbe These positions include city clerk, . , ' Atteodod To, for VIWK Cunapanlra. 6O5 Eighth Street --»'"—-' clearly shown.by the proprlately be trauxlateti; 'It U uij JAMES CLARK :: • Proprietor Klerliuau, of Atlantic t'lly, reglntered •it the above named Camden addrenH. building in evidence, at this lime of supervisor of highways, building In ' -.OCEAN CITY. N J After axomewhat long wail, it Ix CONCRETE BLOCKS duty.' ' . .'.. • at the Klberou a few day« ago. .' year, ax during lhe last month. ' Ocean Gity . ' - New Jersey d condition .or-affairs spector and plumbing Inspector. Cottages, Apartments . Stores Bungalows said.'lbere was received by Fire Chief . and Sidewalk*, also Brick Work MKAt. EBTATB AMO UfSOBSAMOm, •Today, as we look at the' life ol MAIN STREET and . . . Jtweph Mayer, of Itelmur, who-.Is llolvl Arrl*Ml«. . '•Unless, all slgus fall," Hold Mr, 1 t»fb«J!nt trial of tbe anarled-up It Is possible that Home or these mat Cor. Seventh and Asbn'rv A?e. H. It. Couver, a few days ago, a lot or .' aud Plastering. ' Jesus Christ, *e do uot -think it au> ALBERT G. ..GILBERT; ideiilllled with the local gax company, Jbamplon, "I will have all tlie work *i~m*»h>**i«wt Attorney Uen- {era will be disposed of at the uiettln NEW JERSEY, AVENUE supplies for the lire houses. These In- MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE: exaggeration to say that tbe real bean I can haudle." • Sehurreh,.Cat>tet< & Co. - No waitliiR.for two weeks to know If you can Ret It; we can tell you atHARRY F. 8TANT0N done hla best to of tbe board Ibis afternoon. li. S. GORSOI^ Seashore Cottages a Specialty . was In town diirliiH the week. ' IMl'KKIAI.. ... clude two big chemicals for .the newly of It was tbls seu»e of duty; that H Ocean City . NewJerse TheBculland MartH Co.; IH busily at • .PfcTKKSBUKa, N. J. • once. • Bargains in Kay and Ocean front pmpertlex. Choice cotttucen for REAL ESTATB and tNSURAHCB 'V . n.outtnarls, bat some of his SOMERS* POINT :: N. J PRACTICAL HOUSE PAINTER ~ :—:—'— —% .. Hotols"and Bungalows '.'.- 1 Jiweph Lee.'for the llr»t lliiie in two J. A. Hmlth, Moorestowu, i>. M. orgaulssed company In. the lower sec- was Upheld add sustained during'al work on many cottages and apartment Hale. Also lotM for Investment aud fur lui|irovenieiit—the choice of PROPERTIES BOUOHT (Of the^Uw baV« been disputed Real Batale Transfer*. 1 yiar-,.|HablojQ_wjirk atjiii,tradt)._lle New.omband wife. William T; WIU ion of tbecitjr; ';_. .. " —p-"—=• —OcearrClty; Apply-to • r-> —• ~ ~ ^~~AND8OtAND8OtO H Uvdays,—aud-ln-the-la»t-aiid-tno»l • 645 Asbury Avenue, Contractorand Builder. ' Kvervthnigmn...n..n.n,.pi.t..c ouses, and Mr. Barber, of the firm, fr-byotherpnb? —Becenrreal ertateTrancfeh f ItiOeeaiT iECOKATIVE" OtIEAN.ClTV, JJ. J. IM eiuployetl'by Otin M Towuxend. HOII, i'lilladelpliia. MORTQAOCB PLACED bitter trial of all by the. calm au Hans and Specifications !• uriiisliotl. Kstiruates Cheerfully Given.. says there are tome big contracts that J. M. CHESTER & CO., City recorded lo tho ofBce of County Internal ICeveuue Collector William ATOLKN. LOST.—Fur neck-piece. 011 Asbury OmC£-Bglilh Start steadfast sense that He was fullllliug will likely be signed up within a few DENN & HEMSLEY r .— -r.— _—„_ __ aV plalo ai Clerk Hlldreth are as follows: . PAPICRHAXGIN'G .' Batlmaua K rUlUKNCE-^IOAHCury Avenue . , •." OFFICE—7« Wtst Avenua McCoacliand James Franklin, or Phil- Kuvid McClure, Miss T. K.'BarneM, avenue between-First and Sixth xtreelx, • ''...••. . .'*... •• OCEAN CITV, N. J. the duty which had been'given Him days. •. , • . •: pk>«bH>>idtbeii put upon some olH Annie Krouse to David' H. Tltlow BLACKSMITH and WHEELWRIGHT Full' l.lne 01 John L.UCOH jt*vt*.'x adelphia, were vlxilorH liere Sunday. US. KielilH, fbllaUelphla; Harvey Sunday. Returu to 118 Anbury ave- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN C. L LAKE ' - • - • , qoejuonit re-' «800. Lots 238 and 238, Section A. to do. - Vurn'ahea, Kir., ul Oar Ntore. larriH, Ocean ,<'ily; II. I'. HIiiKliaui^ .The company Isbuilding three two- nue. Reward. . . Let ui Rive you an extiiuate'anrl be * Practical Horseshoeing Wiu. II. Hay and wife, of Philadel- , - . - '.«nd much or Albert Fogg et ax to Jesse L.. 51 "Now, wekiiow that to uiiaUxoiue* Alao, John I*: Lew In' l*ud nml OH fan- 'aiudeu; l>. K. Andurfer, L'OIIIIIK*- family apartment hoiiuesouSt.C!iarle» ..REAL. ESTATE AGENT. times 'duty' seems a hard word, but convinced that we can vaVtfyou~moiiey •tsntly io Hiook. : phia, were here for a few .days during place, each coxting about $:W00. Tbese w-'ttMteoaratlon In oar preseut election haffey et us. 2840 square feet of land JOBBING DONE PROMPTLY U'OUfl. w' t. ' DENIM'S 1828 Asbarjr A venae, Ooesn Cttr, M. *. we can make of It one of Hie rk-lieri No charKe for exlimalingi" Unwliea and 1'sJntera the week and closed their luni»e for houses are for Dr. Maclntoxh, Louis A HOT TIME ' ystaaican be avoided Intbe future known as No "M Ninth street. Uicycle Tlrea and Huppll««r lllij.lc Ito Lota rbr sale. Cottages rot rent. aiid* moot helpful and comfortuiK. Gtam and Orttet Tongt a SpjdaHi the whiter. • .. * . . . :' , WV»HIMN.. and basement,' and will com about •»•- " tfbetmbnued public will ad. Hannah W. Mitchell to Cdra It.must die because He,would save me; or thin city, left liMluy ror Wellxboro, 724 Asbury Ave., Ocean City, N. J. the temperature of the room will not be rained. , BS8 OBNTBAt. AVBXDa and then ank, what nhall I render, unl Ready Mixed .Paiuts. t*ad anil Oil* • O. M.Cobb, \VlldwuORTER~ "- Pa., where they expect lo remain Nev- Wedding Parties and Picnics a Hpee- Ifyouure . • . . the Lord for kill His beuetils toward . O-Jtr>and 9-J2 Aobury avBiiue;. " ,'obb,, llolly Keach; C. H. Ware, The Hrui Inalsb.bufldiug a cottage, SENTINEL Itbis city Inofficial capacity for northeast 80 feet or lot 781. Section D, eral weeks. • - * ' . ' lalty. .Your trade solicited. "v . From Missouri Contracting and Grading ItridKMon; Mrs. V. H. Ware, U.S. hree stories and basement, ou Second fcnJSLjestt,as#*xid Ocean City Association. . Former Klate liaiiklng CpmiulNNlouer Ware. Jr, Cetlarvllle; B. K. Ceruoe, Orders delivered. Promptatteution. ('ull Vt! I) on the Itell, or"117-A ou the Iiiler-Htole and a 'Lev! K. Slifer et ux' to Hano li ••1 do uot believe we cau Uud for our 1014 Aabury Avenue '. street! near .Atlantic avenue,, costing represenlattve will call and show you how to HHARLES L. HOFMANN r'ean, be no question. 'Davltl O. Watklnn and William Cl. VV.-A. Patterson, fbiladelphla; W. A. Milk and Cream always on hand. Elliott. Part of lot 492, Sectlou I'. lives auy prluciple more adequate, o Ocean City New Jersey ibout $2800. This will be for sale. It Will Bring Results . REGISTERED ARCHITECT at admUratloD abuto well by Plain and Decoratifj Ocean citoiGB ana cdai co Pancoaxt, of Wood bury, were lu town C'ullen, Newark; Mrs. K. J. Heuuett. ' . Both Phones'. Solve the Problem auy motive more lofty and sutlicinK LoU 1111*4 and totnM>Unn< l HlitewitlRH l.ullt It' John Wilde, of Philadelphia, who _ anntt or tbe oM officials, lu- Ocean City Land Co. to'L'liuton during the week. ' *' ° . - Sin. Frank Hteelmau, Atlantic City. Tliecoat of tbls luxury Is HO small'that It Is hardly worth aLaa>e.sacaineaTioa3*> await •saiamuwftwa tbau the principle and the motive tha ll ur day. Your (mtronaice Nolltillt A. J. SMITH. PROPRICTON, Phone Connection formerly owued a brick cottage on ^Eooch ^W^Burlelgh, Holla Hemmerly. (2500. LoU 31 and ai, Hamuel ICeddfK, telegraph operator •coiiHlderlng. , ' 421 Mariner ftHeichajiU'Bulldbas dominated Ibe llvesof JesusI'brixt'atid • KATiiLU. . Plymouth place, has given this com- Sections. . at the Heading's Teuth street station, I"n Ocean city, at Jos. I.HeaU'aofflee.evenr Paperhanger na airaii ium •• •^retiring official*,, one of the Bara Y. Scott et vir lo George' W JAMES B." HAMILTON . saw the big baseball game lu Philadel- Iheater;' I>. O. Watklna, Win. O. Pan- •aAatyAUomptroIler Mowrer. AtherbolL Land on Second ntreet. "The sense of duty In one of the iio- WALTER V. HESS ou the ocean front at Twenty-eighth WMbl phia ou Mouduy. * coast, Ttioa. Shaffer, Tbos. B. Bbaffer Samuel T. Freeman & Co. Ueutleman needing money, will aall > introduced a new system of fceep-&50 feet southeast from the, Boutbeaai blest.tului:» iu lire, uobleV far than • Tbis apaes ts nssrved fqr , street. It will cost about tl'fiOO. PURE ICE II. U. Klelufelder aiid wife, of tllen- and wife, Woodbury; &|. H. Thomas valuable 8EA8HOKE realeaUte(Im - <**• aeooantj, and .chose, work ha* Hue of 'Atlantic aveuue, having a what men call, love, for In 'its lower Jobu T. Seal, the builder, Is very proved) at a low price for eaata. Ad- -side, spent a few days iu their-cottage and wife, H. L. MoQdorf, K J. Wblte, Bell Rhone 18 Inter-State Phone 134-A B*ot»lban.rjakl the salary be recUed. breadth of 40 reel on Second' ntreet. rauges love is tinged with sellUhue»H W. L. BERRY. . Hamilton jS, Hess busy at the present time, and be saya dresa . - Estimates Cheerfully- Given at Fourteenth street and Pleasure ave- W. W. Hltibou and wife, A. K. Leldy, AUCTIONEER ,. umuulaaloa ,form of gaverumeu In Northern Trust Co. aud. Julia Linn aud, the momeut one rines above al Manufacturing Jeweler, the outlook I s.wry encouraging. VV. C. SPEAKMAN, Agt. those ranges of HelHahnesa to where A Post Card will bring our ser- uue, during the week. , Philadelphia; Mrs. W. K. Wattre, Pa- > now on trial In this city, aud, as Mayo t et al, trustees, to Robert''J. Ramney.' CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS love'is pure, be has only, come there • NO. a* SOUTH'SECOND ST.. BEST.". COAL Miss Ketta OolT, of Mlllvllle, owner uionoke t Ity, Md.; K. II. Walton, New 1519-21 Chestnut Street Philadelphia SUTTON & CORSON GO. Ocean City, N. J. " 1f».JM» brief speech ou $1600 Lot 310, Section A. ' '• _ vice to you. ;, • CATCHING HOCKFISH because of that clear xenie of duty PbUsulelpliUt. Pm. WE GIVE JOBBING SPECIAL ATTENTION of the lit. Charles Hotel, this city, re- Vork. . Jure of the Blscayne. u , •yes or many people are CSTIMkTCS FURNISHED ON ' ' which has lifted him out of the self- KapabTtncasaaslaJlri ALTERATIONS. .ADDITIONS '. . WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS turned bonieyesterdoy after a few daya '" place, the tint'vea- BCajr One Basketball MADE TO ORDER. BIBCAVNE. Ulyr Fellowx Are Plcnlllql al Ishuess that tinged, bis love iuto the OAK AND ' PINB AND- «LL KINDS «T REPAIR . , • reerealiuu at tlilx renort. . • ' General Contractors : Howe & niller . ls stylo of"gov- <*Jne" Scbock. a star player, NOTICE. Harry A. Morris, J. H. Bojv«rs, J. * corsion'st Inlet. Trustee's Peremptory Sale pure will to serve audio uiluisler uuli to the there lu this city, are talkiug jor bas- MrH. P. Peck anddaughterH left here (t. WHHOII, K. F. Urltton and wife, Itockllsh are being caught - In great men. The gospel itself ground*- love MACHINIST 8 J^ffXDKblfao.memben of the.board ketball games here during the coming he County Board or Taxalion'will t»araD-~ 306 , Mouday for Florida, where they will J. H. Iteeves, Joseph Buttou aiid wife, numbers at Cor.ou'a Inlet, which Is Grading and Street Building ou duty and uol duly ou love. * l>n>la from aaaeaamenu or tazM In lb« ait, OCEAN join Mr. Peck.- They exiiect-(o reside noter Beat sad Auto Rapatla ra»j^of ability and lutegritygy . Theyy wluter. They are endeavoring to lerent uianlclpalltiMorUapaMBy Counlv a NEW JERSEY H. U. Paul, f>\ W0I1I, H. P. Johnson," only a short ride.'by train, from this «aawdwwaame>rdlfflcalt problems to «kearrangements with Cbrls. Hand "inhere is a'seusitlve heart here Ilia placea Hon« J COAL ; Harry Fouldsaud Wllsou Y. Chrb- from New York. • . -' Ocean Ciiy, N. J.v First National Bank ' Fire Alarm tuajnala. .' usto love because we ouglit, aud that ootlee. Aeenraey guaranteed. Prices con- «MrJieJjMl C Ue tilled •dMent with good work. All work drne on tlou.studetiUat the U. P., Philadel- II. D. McC'augh and wlfe.Abram Berg, ' The rockOsh are caoght at night. POWELL'S 14—Sixth aud Pleasure aveuue. . He could find no nobler foundation on the pramUea. . ' • phia, were'visitor* at. the homes of D. W. Clbb, E. H. Frlel, W. M. Mat- R. W. Edwards, of Ibis city/wan at 17—Eleventh and Bay ateuue. which to lay the highest and noblest COAL COAIi Opean City, N. J. \ Pleased to be rhl their parents, In, this4 city, <>yer Suu- Ix, D. B. Frazler, G. V* Richards, ibetuletThursdayiiiHt.BUdUus. Wltt- Corner Ni nth and Ocean Aven ue The Reliable Store 18—Fourteenth and Pleasure ave outpouring of tbe soul than' the foiiur A. ELY Boy your CuaJ from tbe Jobu Irwin and wife, W. !•• Orllley, " day. .''..''' '.•'"•' kamp showed blm a number .of'rock- CAPITALS59.0W. SUSPUttfSMM ' 42-Secoud and Aabury avenue. datloo of simple, God-given duty.'* Oonrt HoMe t'»n«r Vlra-lnlK and AdauiUe Aye*. H. Y, Kleguer, J. A, tKiugutieet, J. R. ' Attractive tine of New Press Fabrics, Indies' and Chfl- " ' . '- ' Superior Workmanship M ra.'J. M. Cunnlnghaui, accompan- ll«h Ibat bad been caught the night IKMCK. :., 43—Fourth and Asbury avenue.' AT(.*BITIC CITT. V. J. . SHOEMAKER LUMBER CO. Heed, G. W. Brown, K. E. i>yer, J. P. before.. One ot these weighed seven- drcii's Suits, Shirt Waists, Wrappers, Hosiery, Belts, U st. CBJEBBK. PnaUant '),-,. 45—Eighth and Asbury avenue. -, Oolnic to Florida. Hbore Kaal Uce Pauea I3oor. - ied by Mr«. H. K. Hess,' both or Pit- TO BE SOLD U. B. BT1TK8, Vlas-Pnaldaat < , b map, have been occupying Mrs. Cun.- W, BOOTTaAND.OaslHr. '.,-n^i. teaching or domestic 46—Tenth and Asbury avenue. , UHII. Prldity, Nove (MsbtubedlStt. ' . BeU Phone 1ISMI1 J. J. Bweeney, H. T. McDevllt aud that pulled down tbe scales at twelve wenr. Shirts, Collars, Belts, Ties,, etc, ' house sergeant at police beadqnarters ,Nortb Wlldwaad i Holly Besecob As you are always' sure of getting J. riTHIAK !TAT«aU iWHttn ' \\ 4S—Thirteenth and Asbnry aveuue. ^obUUlKld 1»ll/ ™ BOURSE,BUILDING. EIGHTH STREET ulugham'H collage, oil 8lxteenl h Htreel, family, A. A. Howell, J. M. Chester, II la.amntally regarded here since early last summer, aud 22*0 pounds to tbe H>n and twenty-seveu pounds eaoh. 49—Sixteenth and Asbury avenue. Uoronsh Hall, Friday, MOT OCEAN CITY . ' IMioue 4SS-X r for several days. • li. VV. Edwards, .Morgan Hand,. Jr., Saturday, October 21,1911 YOU WILL. PROFIT BY TRADING HERE "" " Important'and whose work ceased a" few days ago", NEW JERSEY There were two more lying on the 61—North and Central aveuue. Beach Borousb W. K. Ituckinghaiu has been tratiH- Ocean City; li. T. Bleveus, Cape May; U at. crasss dhaa, MatlMus' will spend the wluter lu Florida. He IMI.Frlds>.NoT.ja7ul7. . BOna JOHN E. TOWNSEND beach that weighed eight pounds each, j.M.Obestar -M—Sixth and Central aveuue. will leave lo a few days for the South, UKADLEV & ferred by tlie Bell 'telephone Co. from Mr.'and Mrs. J. Fernley, Oak Lane;U. •"'• •'.-• ' POWELL'S : 'offludj, o>po M»y City. City Hall. Monday. Nov. and Mr. Edwards says he was told K.V Oonoa .., . 5T—Eterenth:and Central avenue, where he will pass the days lu St. Tuckertou to Atlantic City. Mrs. Bird, Trenton; Cleorge Uunhatu, New 921 ASBURY AVENUE OCEAN CITY. N. J -- • Electrical Contractor B.B.BUtaa w Twelft ,nviiinrrrnTT that due weighing twenty pounds bad at 2 P. M. ; ofdomwile science j; — oand Wesley avenue, Petersburg and at Tarpoti Spriugs. • "*-"»'• Reading Coal Buckingham, who came here Wllh a Bedford, K.W.Kd.warda ^ , ,Ji ? been shipped to Newark. . hoola* baa"much |o .."^^"^rteeoth and Wesley aven 1137 Asbury Aye.' Also Kindling Wood by barrel or raid. Lawn work otteti.le,.! t« |»roni|.tly. A|| k,nil8 of houM and bad attack of- rheumatism, ls_ at the H.WsslayI«kan ^< 'B. avenue. Heat coal on tbs market. £uo iba. to KUuU.MarabaU 4i odoiddayiof; ^^^Cfnn and Ocean aveoae. Board or Healln QslM. tbe Ion guaranteed. Bell or Knurprlwi yard plant-. • H,*i>lal Kea-bore !,»•„ jjrasi. seed for sale. Best itrades of Blscayne ' ' , Plasa TaslSK, •••oo, • •;;'.. On the Premises Ocean City New. Jersey *n!innA. . '. BIB improvement* Planned Oolamaair ibouambqldit "'°—Seventh and Ocean avenue, Tha members or the Board or Health ui.,1 ornam^utal tree- ami l,«|KillB. WoU|d be plea«U to do your » Council Cbamber. Monday, eou» ssa Wawd. TEnTH una IUM- Lee and family, of Plilladel- All persons wishing their piano* Massey & Edwards are about clos- •bet last Tuesday eveniug aud wound tuned ror tbe -whiter will have Hauie Boart or 'enltlvatinn' . 76—Ninth and Ocean avenue. ' up tbe business of Ibe board.. It had '. City ball, Tneaday, Nov. M, phlo, have' come here to reside per- ing up several line sales of laud In tbe Six story frame hotel,. 287 bed-rooms, 50 bath room!:, your Hower liedN. uianeutly, and are', occupying one ofattended lo by sendlug to Walter 8. lower section of this city. Theaaleu quite a good-alzed balance ou the W. K. YUUNO. Zelslng, at tbe HI. tleorge Hotel. In wrong side of Ma books. UJCUtlOUKH, LEONARD KRAUSS CO. ATLANTIC ICE COMPANY "the Shoemaker cottages at Twelfth will reaob about • »8000 lu value, and cafes, ball room and pool rooms, equipped with its own elec- Try an Advertisement M. H. KKAIUH. street and Slinpnou avenue. Mr; I-eeOcean City week beglnnlngOctober^t some excellent Improvements will be ape Hay l!oouty Board otTsaauon. made. It la stated. • For Male. * A i lain .' Is working for tbe Scull and Marts Co. tricity,'ice arid artesian water plan's • . UAURY HKVDLEY. Electricians . Mountain Ice Complete boose furolahiugs for sale,' ' MeerrUury. Be sure and go to B. B.' Smith &. •at Aabiuy Avenue, Ocean City, N. J. To I KT.-,Hor«e for winter; good Bonn for unylblug In tbe Hue or Wall WANTBD.—Power-boat about' 20-25 Full particulars in hand bills., i good condition. Apply rear tHl Oape May Court House •OectrloUwork at all kinds prompUjr at. Astksury Ave, J v Aabury avenue. ' I nded^AumWertslana worBsoaraoUsd home required. Address S. J, BKN-Paper. You wlllnot only be treated ft., 12-20 M. P. H. K. BLADE,Mlllvllle. ".OCCAM'CITV M.iJ Ottl bight, but you will get • square deal.. • • 10-5, fit -May be examined. ' in the Sentinel

1 *» -

v.- •> W •*%••*- 1 * eonnaesco, ana con- ARAB MANNERS. . Notice to limit Creditors, . PLANT_CULTURE. VULPINE SAGACITY. Construction Sand & Gravel Co. ••Conduct jfourself 1 •. Of course jou Lift .In ths Tanta of the Roving and KMata at Samaal Boharoh, 4«e«u«t. JOS. O.. OMAMPION, Manager ; Dent Do the Wstsrlna AeV. li ths 1'araunnt lolbsordarol Charlaa P. Vanrt- wllL.. Now dont trouble yourself any Evening JusTTtoior* Cloquant Badoiilris. ' The Tsls «f a Pon From ths West man, Hnrrasauot lb» county or Cap* Way, Office, 8th St. Opp. PonniruDopot Ocoan City, N. J. [\6\ imore about trifles. Just fall Into tbe 1 "ll.v llrliu: witb Ihv Arabs, doing Costt of Ireland.. made on tti«e lu trlxolaaMdrciiaMNl.'notloa la benbr given All grades Concrete G'avel and Sand. ,'wcll.". * ' ts tbe moat cunning of all animals, lo tl-e credlliira oraatadecoucil to axulbli|li (a ^Pulhias&Co. council of. uortlruituro to sUtnulato •hi'lr 'mlxnillriiiH." . \\rllea -IViuglu* but- the fullon-lmj Htory of vulpine Ihe •iib.eriber under with or" aOlrmatlon Top/Soil for Lawn Purposes. . . I He .'luft.bcr. wondering' what tt an ('iiir.iiihi'M tn I IN' (SiiiKruphlral JouV- ilwlr "iQlinn nnd drmanda asalnit the male sngnelty seems to r«)iilre some cre- or nulu drceiiiwtt wlililn nlo* nonUia Iram ^ Dirt for Grading or Filling.' , Barely tboro was some mistake. | "jJ^J,, piBnM ruu'stiiud great ot- mil. "I oliiiiliiifl nn UiKlglit lulo Jbllr dence. Some Os.berineu on tbe west the illb day olHepumber, A.- D. lull, or.ll-ey Wns tbls womau so Innocent tbat she tromes 111 temperature, corruspoudlna IIU'HII' lu tlie wist and I s|teut going to a small Inland a few hundred UHlnl HeWembn-aih, A. I). 1011 'proposed could endure without danger? fouritHii dtiya'ln buying tbrre ramoW MAHIK K. A. HlHI'llt'll. to ruin If not to kill-the strousest ot yards from the uwliiland In queuiof »-ll. IH- P. K. tr.jp. Kxwillrlx, " Tho bead of the flrm of Damon, Pyth- them. Water should be given 'only Bui ihe lime WIIH no| wnatrd. I bolt. Tbo; Inland , waa inhabited , by ias & Co, remained away quite long When needed, then In such quantity HtmlliHl Arab iniiniiiTs. learned more urge numbers of rabbits and could be n, *mtia!s$mm:r.:\ enough.to produce a volcano toth ethut tbo soil Is soaked. 'Soft stemmed or hita bow to nil wttb my. bnnds. reached at low tide by wading, the Proposal for Sanitary Sewage breast of tbo Junior member. plants, especially .those wllb lurg" how to -urnr ihe Amb costume wllb water then being ouly a few Itii'liex Disposnl and Intermittant! '.Tbe lady maintained the same pord- leaves, need mucb uiura water than soino pomfori. tiow to drink coffeo deep. One morning th*y went Iniln-lr VOL. XXXI. llon sho bad taken at tho flrst meeting bard wooded, slow growing varieties, a'In Arab. nnd. nioat dllllcult of all.boat qulla early. It being bleu 11'hi Sand Filter BedH. OCEAN CITY, N. J THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1911. "Mr. Clsrkson. 1 am happy tote awith ClaxksAa, talked about love exist- -end* wblltf too former kffid easily re- bow to all still nil duy long doing and on landing saw what mviin^.l I" M KtB^bfttiSnaltold mo that yon ing-between tho three of them Just as drougbt, the Intlcr usually noililng 'I lomid tbla liisi most try- beadcad fox lying on tbobiHish.Hi.* WELL PF»INTED, FINELY DESIGNED,- eaIL; ladeal,be showed mo tho Innocently, and bora herself Just as permanent Injury from ex- ing, luorp- i-s|H-<-liilly bccnuiw II wasfur of the.nnlinul was nil'lMMlnij.-L.-i.-.! Heal bl.N. rmloiml "Hl.l r..r u«wni:<> Ul»- bai«al,"will iN-reoelvidhyllie lloarUnlclimM-'n (lett«t.wbltbjsaMyou were coming." circumspectly at, the last as at tbe cold- A' IIMI.HIIII ti'lil IH U dmfty plnro and he seemed to have been Uron ui-il kn-obohlcn. I.I Clips, Mu.Jy UounlvI.UUHI,). i«N.. tf.,J., Ua. t Ocean City Sentinel ^thjiwtaiB grew red in tbe face. flrst o/ Damon's nbsonco. Tbe only I nmJJ cinyoy sous sour easily, wbllo at tbe IH-HU Inn In mldwluter It InOno of the men, rviunrblui: Unit iri» CxpoMny Court llmiw.. ro n or belor* -Hi•e Imiir ARTISTICALLY DISPLAYED J^ORGAN HAND, pftwelvu«.'.|r..u,ooriiof iweivu oN'ii't'k, r , 'NoveiLlwr Kill, mil, X. C HUTCHINSON. M. D.PEOPLE SAY TRADE BOARD ft»yfOmnd. .you the Icttor, Mrs..dlfforence In. her bearing from what be ]Ugn t i^my golls dry out quickly, nnd alnumi unbi-timble Un two orcuxlona skut was worth something, iili.-luil for Ilia ranm ui'llcin in n llini-. The provided Iur that purpune, which, tounllirr I Sollellor.Haatar and Kumlaar la OCCAM OITV. N. i. 1 OFFICIALS NOW FIFTEENTH .-S'-*»*•-••*•• -"— •* I in one respect tho Intimacy was a sue- nnd only when needed iliiiu to water himself of'thi* Tux seized him by the >KiPf»«>uoanOomnUaalcaa vS OrrirK Hooua-HtolOa.in.i-lin • p fure WUM itiiiu*lH* in UK mill lirrml In with planeiitidnperinralMinN,rjiii iMioh'aJn^t al*I«K aiAV OOIIUT HOtUNK, •. J. to reaar ' . • ^ cess. No other woman was permitted sparingly and often. toll and ftuiiK. blm on shore. As MIHIO ol Iliu KuKlneer by dcpoalllnii live dollar*' U ton |>.lu. ,,u l Hell Vbanv — tbv iiinrnliii:. Mini In nn- ••V.-HIIIK «eas the animal Biruck the beach he tlierr-or («lil,b will lie nniudMl »IHIII tlml STATIONERY R. CURTIS ROBINSON (Oppoalfa) Publlo Building.). 1» only .Just married, ,oBBt ^^ enon8h to Clarkson to en- Tbe Beuson and time or day. should geui'nilty hud IIK-III II ml. rlit- riaikiit pla- a ar» »urrondereil.) Some Important Railroad I : - Mayor Headley Hakes An- -" ' ' ' * | danger bis slnglo state: As for tbobe considered In watcrlug. riunts not picked himself up with considerable Cu»h orcrrllllearbn'k without iiilidltlon,1 Editor and Proprietor nlth an enormous iiiin'iuiii of fill. 1'iir agility, for u dead fox and shot off like :m>iiblnla Ilia oriir ol thu Dlrfcliir ol tlu> W. HOLT AMIAB. AMDH*W C. HoawKLi. N. GRISCOM, Matters Demand the Atten- JD A II A M IC — • II • #.H -»—-,—«>—™-^ •-, purity of tbo Junior member of thoIn active growth should pa watered Ing tht' dtiy Wf n|i|K'iiKiil om iiuugiT llnurU or I'hoten FYn'tioldera ul L'alie Muy . Ua> V< U ru- UlUce Uoura- UnllU l 10a. in. Kroiu u lo H p. in. lo expreaa the o'llniou, wltlilii Ihe lant IN GREAT SHAPE The membera or Ibe THE HAaTSKH IM CHAKOKItV, mon returned Clarkson was In love. the growth of fuugous dlai-uues, as tbe tiilk niiK rnrrli-d on far lulo the during IIH> nlRht when tbo aide was qiHredWllie.iloreiuirHl.lildilfr No oDIre bourn Hunday. lulaalouera held a brief xeHalon Thuni- ON THE BEACHlerlao Church 00 Sunday Indeed, tbo evening before tbe arrival tbe follago will continue wet through Th" rlahl to rrjuvl any or mi blda l» ru- m Ai Itlfliard TowiiKoud'a. Palermo, 4M lo 4:to few ilaya, that It la In order lor the day aflernoon. one. night low In siim-h 'of rabbits and. Budliig served. CITY DIRECTORY. nnum JR23S& iW h KTKKKKK T p. m, daily. Hell I'borw, Knrin«r'H Line, mi Board of Trade to hold a meelliifr.. wllb appropriate aervteas^ttol ' of tbo man wbo and permitted tbls tho night It also causca "dnmplug ••Klo«|U.'u«e l« n highly prlzi-d tnloiil In tbo: nmrnltig that bo was cut off ri iu« ami «|N'dllnillon<4 ran lu< r«uniliit<1 Mayor Headley, during the neaalon, HJHin npiilinllloii lnnn> memlier of Hi.' linn SENTINEL PRINTING There Hhould be no trouble over that, Excellent Reyorts Heard At anniversary of tbe organlrtatloa I unique,' arrangement Mr. Clarkson off" of young cuttings nnd plants. among the tl.tlnillli". mid not onlv from tlie mainland, counterfeited •1111'n-orllin Knulnnr' ' CITY OFFICIALS lloun Hiiuday ataleil that he had Instructed Ibe build- BlUabcth B. Meets With Mis- i wo' must ' made two statements to the lady. Tbo Never water during heavy, cloudy BH the member* know. All they have cbarch In tblidty. . „ one'tto -whom wo have made would ttn\i nxiiiini iholr stnrU-n lu death, with the e«|H t'llV,, N. .1. .I.11I, Hurry II. ...llui; 4l,i, f,(111.r Kln ui.... to do 1ft to rei-iienl I'realdent Jnmea fit. There waa •peclal marde by tbeottbbV' ••'I ;?delhute1nteigke>^tbatis Ibe wife. How' tn<- nioKi iM'imiUnl iimuner. liui «n prucurlnu n iniKsiigv to the shore In the HOUSE IIIKI Araiuiilx, U. ll.iwunl Tlmrii: roiiimN- BTS; Allen Corson, H. D." v:«^:::: Kluillar olilcialH In hl» department to 1 tbe second tbat he proposed to retire 1 IC K MII.I.KK, Ca|H> May ionrl Hoi HleveiiH to call a meethiK. , Oraanizatlon. under the leadenblp of Jbewto-B.) awin.do.Wfil justice to say that • ocraHlou. to l In- nine of a slugli boat, au expeciiitlon wblcb was. fully * CMIIIIIIU*-^'. HloiH-r«»l I'IIIIIIC liiiiiniVi'liifiilt, riililli* I'urkM 816 Wealey Avenue. continue' their work until their HIIC- Jennie Crosier. at onco from tbe arm and never see PHYSICAL STRAINS. stringed violin. Ihi-y would- slug ex realized London Ulobo. ItAl.lMI K flnl'ir, Knclili'i'r, Tn-Kiiirnr-Itoiu ilurrulxuii. Godfrey & Godfrey,* BpeaklUK of Ihla, It. W. Kdwarda, Bmllh. . isi te V.tt *& -lot'showmeyoor letter. I learn., her again, ne tben left bcr with an IO-1'J. -JL., I*. K..SIHI UVIMD t'ltr, N. J. docs' only this kind of work. Satisfaction as- Cullccuir—K. W. UurlelMli. Itoomiiiwk, am and XI? The thirty.Bcconil annual cnnventloii ceaaora are appointed. <'apt. diaries llhliiehanimer, In bla.«ermoo on icoitents In onother way." teni|H>rc,Hoiigi* toi Hours on cud." ClilaCur I'UIIOO-HUIIIUIII Mcull. llarllatl Hulldlns.:: :• Ocean'City Now Jorsey an ortlcer of the board, nulil there are C'oniirilNHlouer Thorn reported that d i expression on her face denoting nn In- Msn Over Forty-five Should Tsks No Bulldlx lulII. A. W.Niiiltli. of the Junloi Order Unlteil American uood, who xiilla from Homers' Point, Home for Our 8oula," SHERIFF'S SAIiE. sured. Prices right. " ' • ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Home Important.railroad iualtern that MecliaulCH was begun In Trenton yes- ho bail found the auppllea in hla de-Halted along the count here nearly all ternal upheaval, bat whether she was Exessslvs Exersisa. ahould demand Ihe attention of the Mr. Canaelberq- •poke ID part tu'lbi"' -• "1 tun' noVJ-repared ,to make that offended with him for making the A WaH Trained Monkey. Why Ui* Vases Wsr» Vsluable. terday. nioriuuK. partmeut practically exhaiiKted, and day Thuranay. In the late afternoon 1 Tbo physical decay of men over There's n. china expert in one of the low»: 1 "-,--!. , ^r • r 'eje«r jnat now. But enongh of my hav avowal be could not tell Paris Is a favorite center for'the lly virtue of a writ or KU-rl Kurl««, for In addition to Stationery, you can get any- board at tbe pre»ent time. Hlalu Councilor William it. l^altue. lie waa gelllng«ome aupplleH. he ran out of bait and decided lo pro- .fctS-becoae-aware of your feelings to- forty must bo more frequently men- tMef who uses naluinla as accomplices Inrge department stores here who has »f MuriitHK^I rivmlMjrivmlMj , HinifdirvriMlHnidirvil ,i i>nt ?."•"»•• Hroreluryi Kl.-liard Ik HIIIM, A. JAMES M. E. HILDRETH DR. W. r. HAINES Otuern have «|iokeii of dlllerenl nub- '•We wlah t ward tbe) woman/Who bos robbed you About a year' ago a foreign looking ae amusing little trade of bis own onun III**.tuili dn. of Hei.tvmUr* A. I*, mil, in thing you want in the Printing Line frorh a COR. NINTH AND WESLEY AVE vta tbat con hi be aKilateil In ailvan- ou tbe church, not only of tbe ebotnb*',, packing a trunk preparatory to a long physique was evolved for only thirty- l'lr""1 Hl II and clurliiR IIH proRreaH he imnHwl the coiiiuilKHlonera—fisso a year for hla boat, the Jennie Crozier, near the ''ofjourfrlend; 'I can understand those journey, be retched a telephone mes- man, rather flnsblly dressed, entered the side. It Is nothing more or. less CCllMllic u-« WlttttV li l*-wl« M CriH-cr ill vo|K Counsellor-at-Law OCCAN CITY. N. J. taKO throiigh Ihe board. lu Reneral, but of tbat partlctilat'-MM'* «-£feelUfa-and bave a proposition to Bve o^forty years of Biremious use," n Jeweler's shop In the Rue de la I*alx-i than deciding, tbe value or rare china lire ouiupliduitiit", ami (*II>«»IUH AI, t'Hiupi-t'ii' Oviirwwr or tlu INmr-HfUlN'ii l.mlliiin. and Hoilrltar, Munlrraad Kxanilnsrln lolhe olllce of pant Stale couTicllor, tlie mayor and tiooo a year for 'each Inlet and came aaliore. sage from his frltnd Field. Inviting fl U X til 1*1. HIVtlVlttUltlllllM, | NllIlU l-J»|M.M* l< Small Card to a Large Poster at this office. Clianoary HUH olherH have called attention to Banlzatlou in which we live and wo*v/> , moke. I wUI divide Will with yon. says American .Medicine.'. It was notand asked tob e shown some rings. A I or glass ware broken by careless serv- CHUHC-1~SBRVICE& on-ill-: iioiiitN: anil Ihe | MI public .tMuliu-,tm lr u 4|."> tliiiiKN of lutereat mid advanlaKe l«> Ihe •blp and in wbow wqrk we are InV v jMtead Of yon and be being Damon so long ago thnt forty-five was ex-tray was placed before him, bnt heants or packing bouscn. .. , l(.*!- *• UliureB. nirnar iV UIDco-No. IU4 Uraan HlVwt Mllglitly amended, anil .paaaed. PvlhUis A Co. nt dinner. Clarkson Monday, November 13tli, i o11, I'AI'rJ MAY CITY. N. J 'rt dealt Mr^ AVIIIoughby, which were fbre- Dlacovering tier position,' t'aptalu If we can, to avoid pettloeu Inktomi '- =- ,«Wliy notl/Wlll^oves yon, and you On bis arrival Field took bun Into hind the counter, put there for theof the big moving firms. Sho said with iifiit'cAt* hfrtfliuilirr |Hirtit*ittttrl>* tlrtevrilft SENTINEL PRINTING HOUSE with every phsae qf the aiuoeialloii {lote WnifiWlO 1 -<*)mc and I love must expect to break n.-t of old. ' sobs that tbe movers hud broken a MMiiiil* lit itu-rUy olltr^itiOity.lnilivconnl UeeiiKtNl liy tlie Hlate. -:- .;-. cloHeil a Hhort time Hliire.v Ic would Khluehammer telephoned lo Captain thoughts of her today. - -• < liU «uo<.turn and said to blm seriously: special purpose of detecting thieves. tJp Mil' unq Ntu'o-or-Nfw J**rMt>y, iMttln . 744-46 ASBURY AVENUE . SHOULD LAND work. I u HM com plele form M r. M lera coat from $!Vi to VM lo hnve the title .^5 Will, ^lt only retoui s for mo to love Athletes stop their efforts merely be- pair of vases which she valued at $100. nfnif itt U iMtliiL In iiiu o»iiilM'a-*l»Tly Him at 809 Central Avenue Jupliet llarrelt, of Boruerb' J'olut, who ••Let us try tomak e her 1 f nob, before we dine something In this tbe nttenduht saw a tiny brown 1 reported iu part BH followa: " > you and you to'fove me'to make a do- cause they ore beaten by younger The movers, although willing to make Oc«*Hn tivfiiu-r-.n the (li-tuiutt-of tine itiiuUreil ; EIGHTH STREET, OPP. P.O. iiiHuretl. .Then Ihe city would Imve aowns Uio Elizabeth It. '. ' needs to be straightened out" head poked out of the customer's pock- und luwuly rtv^(l'ii) ffi-l Hitutiues>ii>r'y frnni OCEAN" CITY • NEW JERSEY' N. J. she really la.tb'e church of tbe living men. but the rionathlctic seem to think *?" l : »«. tetter opportunity to dlH|Hi»e of the Clarkson shuddered. et; then a long. thin, .spidery arm flash restitution, considered tbe sum exor- ti.et-onltiu*-Hierly lnif oi Te Ih »lnt-l. Cau. •;,~ ,. V y/"'«r-Friday u. »uul.iw OCEAN CITV, N; J. "Meptembe.rltt.1880,1 wax eleeled anil Captain llarrelt came over lu hlaUod aud tbe home of living meo.^Flnt that- it U necessary to keep up exces- bitant . Well.' I looked at tbe pieces Uiliilni[>uiii.iwvMt«rlyuftlmt pulul tn front .41nk.11 iHuler. Tliue ura lutid lu . Hlraiuttoul •^•••dluic IOIH. It haH'been re|Kirlerlu AUIJOCKS PHARMACY *and lookea-aboat bun liko one fearing by >«>ur letter. We both regretted tho The attendant touched an'electric bell, cr.) Iwi, nnd;ur iliat wUltli exieuillnie jii i. 4'!l', .! 5if ' !""MCl""-Tliur~lity THti UP-TO-DATE . . TIIIH -<|ue»tioii IK frequently Ueanl were but twenty-eight small councilx, Hint title could not be InMired on nuch aud attempted lo baul Ihe Cronler off lion, like tbe visible church, which haaiH , to be caught ins trap. cannot stand.lt There H then,_no tbe woman so quietly.* 'I.know that,' l«*t>sllior«l it'll t*outliM«*l riy iM-iwi'eii IIIMH IUK.J^IC. lluwunl Ilium; I'nicl.lrlil. IOIM, but a Newark iiiiupniiy'will do neporutlon that must naturally result mystery In tbe targe uumber of dam- which summoned help, and tbe man p»rullfl wltiiMftldTtfuth*>Irevt (If exffiHled), Highlit Hlreet anil Anbury Avenue. here: , • . with a total memberahlp of 1418. The Ihe beach. He waa uusucceaarul In aurvlved for 2000 yean, mustbavaaod^, V *Ob. but Wmr bo rejoined. -Would and monkey were bothnrrested. The she sobbed, 'but_they belonged to mylive tinndr*^l iOOuj feel, mure or lt»*>, tu u ttli* Viral freabylerlanCburoli.^'exla-y UVi'iim- . '^"i!*?"""'. H>™I'.II>I«1"»»I*II'^ • Ini.. total'worth or. these cnuueltH at that the work. . hlaellorlHaud won unfortunate enough between you aodjno on account of my aged hearts now being found, and they motber-ln-law,. and my husband will luttir«w«n«>toltlitf Hue ul tn un high uuUT TONSORIAI. PARLOR UHmlbU-r*'! vt-lural ^UU nill "Why tlon'l IheownerHof the IBIKI must bave always bad somertaaooa-' ^such an arrangement please him?" marruisfe, for you know tbat two bos- man turned out to be a Mexican. He murk ot Ih-t Atlantio ttceun. • ana Hovemii mrvct. l(uv. It.T. c'aMM>ll«riy. Moni *.ir IIIW-MM. lime was only $IX.fiui.44~rbr the year CouiniiHulaiier Thorn Maid II would to have IIIH boat come aahore. ** *firiVm'l»deHfihked wlth'iUt will -continue to Increase In number think 1 mnde tbe .men do It purposely paaliir. HunOay Hervlcea, lu:«l a. ui. aim a 824 Asbury Aveaue-1 lyliiR between .North anil Hevom for its exlaieuce deep lo tbe nature of': om friends cannot bo the same after bail been'traveling -with a -menagerie, AlxoHll iherlitlit. tlllu nnU fittcrf-l V«t>uutyorUu «M«y HltJ HUIO ul Neu NO WAITINa bay, Itll It up aiirl make 11 |irenen|. "It la the way of all thhigs to t Let us repeat It over nml'over ai:nln ifn*y, tlwrrtbfd tu* fuiioww: Unclnnltut »l u IMiardui TruittveH— LA'WIM.M. L'n-HHi* uriM. abk?" .'too cuuncilx, with a mein'beislilp uttis,. have the title to Iheae IwololHiiiKured. aavlug alallon, were called upon for Haat bo gone awayr to bring you Into tho family. TVben nhlcb Its owner bad previously touch promised to prove they hud dono It IMilut ID HIM nteun liluh wuter line of the At- Idaul: Jobn It. Umvn, MicrirlarA; l^wt, K. Only lire lUelf, only tbat spirit m I naked her how wo could do4bat she until every man oircr forty or forty- ed with bis finger.. Bis lodgings were accidentally that tbe tally was content i .ntHM»<**au,Mttlittd-otuDceof on»* liumlrt^L WM. LAKE, G. E., . Hiultb, ireaMurer; Jtwcpb J. Heuli, Julm t-L ThlHHeeiun like a liiuelynnil proper l&u ardTa total worth or $I.'JII,5IU il,',' ('orniuicHioiierMarlH, whohaHcharge help and they worked hard and' re- Ihoughilt.clothes Itself la- outwardIf flve realizes that he has lived bis" al- MDiJ tw-ttaty'tivefm-i fuiittiwcu'erly fioni tht* Towuiaiuuand witnu W. llrown. Fall Millinory Atlantic City Theatres 7 ^*23.!m« Jia4»t»lkvapont this letter of were on our wedding; trip Cynthia nrvoylnif, <«nveyinrlmr, rf»nimlHhmiro lvei|4,Nnt»ry Ptii»lli\MHMt*r(u4;imncvrv ilrt-n's HfitH nt * \ llalance In bauk'laHrTe|mrt, f*i»l:l.4H; atloiiH up tn'dnle. ' The crew ahio worked 011 tbo boat*, There, hi no reason except abuse why Humsn Pack Horses. w«i«t«rly In i.nd atoits tho jnt-nn lilirti vratvr Il^v/J. \V«MM1 Klllolt, iiL'liimm'liir; Wllltuin hauUaoiue a|>|iearance, ami the low vlve, If, therefore, anything has been ui >90or%fa>jrblch yon moorn youC friend should play with you tbe farce of Da- Too Much For Her. mark.orthe ii mllu UcaMO* twrnly Uvt* fwji, KoorelMrv (Vi-euu Oily llutiitliw and Limit A—>ot'liiUoii. l.titu tor MI*|« or e««*haiii;e. lluii-^n' I'. tTlnxlu Lay ICcailer. HiinCay Hiho.,1, :i J..M. Hlldroth'M land referred loluokH very bad liivoin- received from the Hlate council aecre- ('lly TreuHiirer (lurreltion, whi> was trying to Have aud get them oil", moat so many men' break at Ofty-Ove or ."A* Cblnrnw eoollD." suld a mission- inori* or le-t*. ti» a |MIIIU dUtunt mm imuUrvil to rvnt, fnrnl«hHl «»• iii.runil«li*<tHi<<, It'tiuN, MorlKitKf-1 , U'lll-niutl'i'oittrui'tM earrfully p. ill.; Uornlnu Htntfi and H^rnimi, IUI'I; found to bear up against tbe shook* it ''" ,'aalost to you and speak *o bitterly of mon. Pythias & Co. I'rom what I "The* newest laws of hygiene," said und t1(ly f-c m>ml»weiiterly frotn tlio *nutti- drawu. Almtrm-t*i»rtul*-*-Mivfiiiiy t>r**|iurt in llir iiuiiiili. lu.t, ret-eivetl Interest from bank, K>0.:iH. up lo October III. • • 1 »4t * *< .between us Beveuty or seventy-five, and It Is our a da/ over difficult and mountainous (nien-nreU *i rluht unslew vrlili Tenih Mirwt); a-w.: olli^' Humlnjn, 7a> u. in.; limy l>.i>., lle'l Vnniir.AI X '. . North and Second nlreeln" |H UIUOIIK It was round that the Crozier was lleve that this bas happened because -f that wo bate arrived at the climax duty to show bow. . 'save among those who thoroughly un- find) norlhw-witfrly of thnt point imrulhi the llrnt to. caluli the eyeH of vlnitorH Total, 115.984 41. Paid out an per Mr. Thorn xaldtlmt he and former full of water and virtually a .wreck, you Into the co- Hhe has broken down completely. She. roads. Ills pay,wlll be threepence per derxtand them. Takq the" case of ult niiiaT.uihiitrtet. If 4-xtt-inl*-.i, thr r t:i> Henlor Wurdrn*,-^. T. l-rlOKlti: Junior Wur- tbe-church and tbe Idea of ibe ehuiebvi> day. and on ihlx lie will live well itrft- Ctrd) norilifaHlelly ulone a Hi v .wrulk. deo, A. I- U Inkier. V.Mryiiitii. Ihoniiui c. com IIIK to Ilila'cily by'way of the UOHIH voucbera NIM, 3&22 lo .1741, lueluHive, (•'ityComptroller Mowrer would get caused by the pounding surf. There are built upon some human necessity •( U.tcrrdr stricken lest you may' think Dash. '• '.••'• with ami Uircf fei-t northwrH i*rly *f out the Henuetl, Jubu 1IUIM!|M^K, J. luiban tleiwlltfy IVIadame JVlazzi «I»,4W.7». Balance. J-M21 (IS. Charles Lamb's.Exouto. . enough, egg*.'for example, costing only trnmu high ui«i«rtimrkor tttvAtinDilcM reun- 1< J Iriini l,oiiK|H>rt. ' . together thnt evening, nnd the npeuker waa a heavy nortlieaxt a(qrn> durlug and correspond to somethlug In mau, 1 she deliberately set out to catch you, "Dash, a "rich country scientist, de- twtsnt>-nv«f'**l, more or letm, to » itolul di— '"• !', *""'* - TIHMTU, llmrutr 11, llarrell uml MODISTE THURSDAV*. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY la their report, Ihe board of m»nn- g tuue and wpresslon on bis face whereas she really entered upon It for IVeadenhall street. London, was far a penny a dozen In Inland China. 'I elded to encouragp ".cremation among tunce nnchunilrttduutt iMrentj'-Hvii fWl Mouthi Warrvn Km lib, . would then bu able to give Mr. Maria Tliuraday and Friday. 'The boat 'was ao deep that we may call It an Instinct. *n > winterly rrourtlieimuiliWfMtvrly lineof Tenth CORSOU OCT 26. 27,28 many years tbo scene of the dally la- liuwua mill Fancy Walala. Tallorli'K a Reniaald: • . • •. •' . ' •" .the dealred Ihformatlon.- ' valued at about $1200. .' . when bo sal*tm>,were,so comical that sport." •There Is no porter on>earth equal the. vllloKcrs. So when tbe old ashHtrt*-l.irexi .the bjdy failed tojvnress a smile. bors "of Charles Lamb. That Lamb, to the Chinese coolie. The coolie* whn nun died Dash urgt^I bis widow towitb KHld Tfiuli htrevl); (UH> Mouilt*>u»>l rlv AUniry aveuue. belweeu Thln.fiill. and MATINEC SATUROAV AT 2.30 "During the year we. have' aHalated Mayor Headley nuked if any ncllou The Kli/.ttbelli Hi, althoURli aome- When Field began to Impart this cmrullvl wth Mild IVntb »tre«>t* If «xU-|i 60C EIGHTH BT. ' OCEAN CITV, N. J. A I'lilltKlelphlu evening iiewapa|ier. vlve In the long run, either lo oar own • despite his many complaints, nppears carry Kzecbuefa tea Into-Tibet" travel have the corpse cremated. -• ' " - ^^»»^*«^i-5«*«.'j,.|»«r ' -i'- •»!'"•'•• 153 children. At the prexeut lime we had been taken on printing.*' wliat damaged, was gotten oir In knowledge Clsrkson was looking at three fe«i IU uitMn Illicit water .murk if Hit* " * ( 'SICONO riooa. CHARMvS FROIIMAN rrrwnt« for the In referring to the IOIIK ll»t of (ilaye'ra life or the general life of mankind, n; i to strike to have bad a fairly easy time nt the over snow choked mountain priwiiy Uuuduy with next year, iiientljiiiH 1'rtiltt.a left- lake II up that "day. . "The New* Testament provides na ,. ln : aald., "Another, woman story told by Algernon Black in Mac- tbe sod.'.' ' , . ' •—r.A.: MOKQAN HAND. JK, - prise, curiosity, hope, and finally broke •132 pounds of comprcsord tea on tlielr N.J., by dttftlof indenture dnied the Wuhtli liruy hauiler whu twirled for Sleubeuvllle council secretary that tbe total aaiieaN. Cauiruixrili'iier Mann xnld Unit o»' Auoltier Aninwiacni ••lucr. ... --Hechecked himself. Into a beautiful smile. niillan's Magazine for February, 1S70. patient backs ' "'But the cremation won't cost you day ol Jinif, A 1>. U»io, und luttMiittnl to l»* ClVII. KKiiiHEiia AND HDHVBVOH •neiit rororphana1 funds .wan $xm 115 lluilding Insptctor II. A. \V. Smith ulth'ro'medetlnlllonBornaaMefor.Uie. > ' , * . b*a6Ba*UirwJUsoe that no other wom- One morning he "was observed-to en-' forth A lib rvcorded. tlld ismnl and r-onvey uti Jiu|mrluteutl«'i> •. MARIE DORO I'rultl, lo the bent of the Homework WUH begun 011 the Fo'urlli church which are beautiful to tbelr>< "You'll find her hi tbe library," con' "Salt coal, calico, copper, and teaa cent.' sold Dash. 'I'll pay all. the to.lho wild I'lumlm* M. Cunipt^ll, IIIM lielrt LICENSED AUCTIONEER, We have paid out daring the year ntreet wharf and there wan material on haa Issued a permit to Headley .& an getayon away from us/* ter the office hastily end In an ex-are carried by coolies thousands of expenses if you'll let me have blm ere- and utwUnN, forever, under »nd »noJ^*t to tlio Union Tulwruurle Uupllm. Cliurrh, Kluiitb In tlie IHj£ I««mmor* all out You have half an hoar before recelpla. Th'ere'la at Ibla ihue a tial- ing for Andrew Haitk 011 Asbury ae 1 "Win. Jton*^ newl* married men usual- the occasion, to leave by an opposite light load «f 107 piwmlfi, swlnpi alone "•Well. I agree.' Raid the old woman KltKUKKMK J. MKI.VIN.HhtrKr. No. 721 Asbury Aoenue, Ocean City, N. J. nnd li p. in. rruyvrtuevlluic.iio'rluck Friday Apa'M.v C\IOMT Itueav. w. J. ' Itrown to go 011 with this work, and than once as 'the household of God, 1 dinner, and I'm quite sure that's more iloori He appeared no more that day. Ituted lU'totwjr luib, UHL oveulujl. l>m>ei« ol tlw u>.ir.l-.r- Howard.eluilrniKu; l>. Hurl, vliurxh I'lrrk; . ,HM«ed I'ader four BUO to attvnd lo the neceanary utreet or 'the household of faitb.' That Is to" than enough.** ' lie stated tbe next morning In expla- Albert A. Howvll.Hul'r. 10-|2,r>i, |». F:,*tM,'Ji rAnttti be one Mory, frame, —xlK), .covered accommodation coolie, nith 100potindx. not to ncree. sir/ Then one gave Dash Jnliu Kp|a4,tr«ma u«ir. * .. - Huuiuel K Scull has been chief of amounting tofc!l 19.60. At tbe present work for the pre»eiit. nay, tlie church, according to Ita -Hist 1 • J*? "But do you tblnk**- nation that as bo was passing through a puzzled look, half of pity, half of THE WHEEL time we are paytiig out «311.G0 per There iielng no further biiHlneui, Ihe wiih gatvunlzrd sheet iron." It IH raid "I dont think, I know. We'll cele- Leadenhall market on his way to tbedoes thirty miles. The riirioux freight Notice of Registry, and EleWiou •Ml. jiuuea A.M. K. Cnurcli, corner Kuvi-lilb IHillee under four uiayora. Thea« were bnurd adjourned. • ' and purent idea, Is a borne. The Idea * Kaoment before reply- brato your engagement at dinner. I've coolies.'loaded respectively with 200 •ontempt ... and i4aveuMVuuu« twruuoit^ N. J., J. II. lly Kalwunl C: Hrmiiierde find MajorM H11111I1,1'lmiupiou, Creaaeaud lunntli, and for application*! received, that It will be ruu, at an amusemeut office he accidentally trod on a butch- ."•Hut"why do you do It. sir? she Jiu'kwtu lutKtur, Hmiiluy HerMi-e^: rieiu-h* resort. _ 4. . of the home carries witb It many ten* 1 alfolrs-, are. now In bis pounds! 800 pounds und 400 pounds, do Pur*u%nt to law nollcv la bervhy inn, ll.li.u ; HuM.nl n Kch.H.l. i.;lo 1.. m.; H. STEELMAN which are now being iiiveHtlgated.tlie 1 .ordered the wine on Ice." er's heel. 'I apologized.' Raid .Lamb, said. 'Is It a hobby like golf or stamp . Francis NcHsoh -:- -:- '-:- •* lleadley.* lu all Ibene yeara' lie haa N. Illckiuon Bna H00M1 der meanings—the Idea that It la the 1 'and'somo of thesa— : Ilia ihelloiidorUltyd Klti I'ntauhliii:. »M> p. ••••; I'ruyit,' Mm amount will be Increased, but wllii tlie Clarkson went Into tbe library nnd -to-the-butrher,-but—the- latter-retort-. twenty, flftfen and ten mlles.-reor- collecting"—Washington-Star.—: Wddlu^iatilu'';l4i'lc beeu-a-liard-workliiK-ollk-lal—of-lbe ~Nlctfnliiril'«kmoii7drihrircily71iaH —AaolhrrAparlmnil Ilanar. — place wbleu comes between as/onetiy- In exactly forty minutes emerged with "sonVWeekly; ~~^~- ^~- " HJMtJot E»;.,D.C)J. J5. fl.W. tl.ai; Bat. 50. VS. r.Oft0.1.25 reserve we now have nn haud we be- ed: "Yes, but your excuses won't cure • Mwwdnnlil M. K. Church, Tuntli alrert und Fresh Meats city, . . •• bought IlenJ. Hollman'H liouwand lot, J. T. Seal, the builder, IIBH .received one, and the oulalde world. . 1 •*- tbe blushing Cynthia, tbe smile on Ocean City • MM.. Orch;5«. JS. H.0O.WJ0: BJ. 2S, 50,75 lieve that we will be able to tare for on. Ahbury uvenue, nearTweirth «lrect. waa admitted into my broken heel, and, — me," said he, Why Thackeray Was Moved to Tsar*. HIiupauiiuveuuevHUove KeaUluu IM|K>t, Uie theconlract to build a two-family flat vjuut a word, about our own com*, J Clarkson'a face having broadened toseizing bis knife, "I'll have It out of An Oyster Gormandizer. - Cottnlyorciipv May, Hlate or New Itov. C. W. II. llrldilell, uuator. «er\ II.. i- k "Only ten minute* late.*' cried Field Oar question would have received a "I-" • • ' . ' V, * n ' '• ' and Provisions . phlahl , tui.ollk'lnllklll of ththe l local Kan cotn- Cbarlea I). Hampran, of thin city, IH amto know WlU'a secrets "Lamb fled from the butcher and. In home, called late.one afternoon. ..She OCT. 30 AND 31 . *'; IIHII .buvhiCHH. He bun been In' bunl- adelphia. The house, which la to cost she- has been a nurse, almost thai' Tongtre not to know Willie merrily. -Bolt, this to the real Mrs. dread of "his" pursuit dared not remain ready answer from a' certain seven- *an shown into tho study, and on en. pii.eof iiiaktnK a r CHURClTsOCIETIEF. ' .poiri/ntv DKmsKD 'IV/OKOKK pany, wan a vlallor here a few H representing Iota Council at Ihe con-hetut ror HOIUO lime acriMH tlie street Field. Como on; UJe dinner's waiting, teenth; century worthy . Henry IlaB- vtitvn* by u hotiiit* lo IHIUMJ rmiv *>M ' WOOD AND I'RAZKK Present ttgn. *ijr. Maluney mid hla wife xpeut about *H0Ot», IH to be completetl by mother, of our spiritual life. She has r for tbe rest of the' day ot tbe India terlnc perceived the novelist himself * ' , rttuar I'UICMUVTICHIAM ciiuuou. teveral luontlm travelliiK In Kuroj*. vention. • • * from IIIH new' purchase. and the wine Is Icy cold." ' .: house. This story, was ncccpted as a tlUKS. second son of the Earl of Hun- sealed at bis desk, bis bead bowed Ladle*' Auxiliary aoclMymetslii nrat Mon- FOURTH ST. anil ASBURY AVE. spring. V - ." endeared herself to us by her sweet feU 1 Do you call tt When the quartet were seated at tingdon, was tbe man: An' Invitation Tuesday, Septetut>er 12/1911 day evening of tuioh month, l-realdenl, lowalilp. by long companlonablp and bumoroor'excuse'for'taking a holiday upon bis arms. , Fearing she was in Ura. J. H. Kuab; Vlre-frealdiinl, aim.John I*. cigars and Tobacco. Orders Delivered THE MASTER the table nnd all had been served the -without-leaved— , " '... •—,—-— 'to hlB parlor and the-guest would have -trud1rigrln-tbe-pres«icerof-some~gTeafr t4"iJ*MJlKJlll'*a«!jret,-MutJ««lll_KJlnillliLJieorfl e by-famlllar-sympalblea-lu—the—prc-- ^C«ttamly.gDTbat eWwould yon can met an oyster table where bis bost ate PtfBbie-AND lary, Alra.Joliu It. urovwt; colletrtont Ura. Orders receive prompt.attention. host took a bottlo of champagne from and unknown grief, she paused, besi- Tuesday, September 26, 10" „ Wultora uud Mm. Kanlda. -. OF THE HOUSE NEW^IJRNPIKE^PLANS fouudeHt experiences thrdugh wblcb'» a cooler beside him and, cutting the ; Osutler's 8up»r»tltlon. oysters twice a day-wet or One—from tutlng. Then, thinking she might be CAPT. BLACKMAN 1200DKSTERS" our souls have paaaed. Because abe Is ^ say -brd that held' the cork, fired a' salute Jan. I onward to.Dec. 31. In other at ih*t hour of IWVI-II ('IDVIIH-IC in llm niurn- L'lirlKtluu Kudeuvur rUH-uity. Wlllhiln <1. Theophlle Oautler, the critic, novelist of some help or at least express her Inic uud rentHlii II. IM-I-IMIO-I ;until itlu«* (u> 1 lluncoitk, prrahlentj Kllsubetli llranitun, Me«- in the front rauks with those wbo am la- honor of the, newly engaged couple. respects he might be called "eccen o'etock Irrthf tnvnlni: and th» tr tliiul m vt- ©OMMISSIONER OF DEEDS ceiary; l^tarvuee J^ur. vltw piealui-n*; tieo rofloe ito make up for lost and poet,' like many another great trie" His.great ball, for Instance, sympathy, she stepped forward. Just IngQn Nnruuui.treaaunir. BUHlneaa iu««llnK Meeond APPROVED BY STEVENS trying to realize its duty to the world, nnd'WUI have loved each Then, filling all the glosses, be raised was superstitious - and believed then Thackeray looked up." His shoul- Monday }u eueh moullu 1 HAS FINE CREW FOR RED HEN bis own to bis lips pnd gave the fol- was strewn wllb marrowbones and sday, Octol>er 31*. 1911 llecauae she stands for simplicity of ifboyn6od.'-Wni and I have in the evil eye. . Offenbach was lln ders were shaking, the tears sMream. ' "KlHlrr.U. K.HHITUOU " "• It niay be just barel} possible that some, doctrine and worship. May we herev lowing toast: ; . full of hawks' perches, .bounds, span- .••••• •;:. '•< J«edf ««eb *Hier« tox several, years. aversion, and in this respect n Tarts 1 ing from his eyes. - between the liotin* «r one uml nine ill Ihe Ladle*' Aid tneel* Drat Monday evening of n r "To the Damon & Pythtna company." iels and terriers/ and ul| bis old hats- nronfld dny for tht* imrpowe of re each tunutli. Mn, Kllicubetu uundy, preal' be true to her highest Ideals." .Tbto-cbabv between ,you and mo is contemporary tells us "that ono day the vitti ng und correct I u IT the reKlnivt-4 and ivf He and His Sturdy Hen Have Bids Will be Asked by County Kaltnla Tribe Members and ( arid here Is a use for the old bat—were ••IJttlo.Nell is dead," he said broken- dt»ut: Ura. (Jerlrudi- lleudley, trvaaurer; Jdra. sJono wanttng. K was agreed between "Limited," suggested Clarkson. • son and father were walking together. adding thereto the nutui* of uti petwinrf-en- rurrte Adaiiia. Hocratury. • •• other fellow niay sell it a little cheaper, Unerring to the history of tbe First "Not much," retorted Field. stuffed with pbeanani eepi. Wben.be ly. . -; ••• • , - '. ' • • rtitle. d to tbu rIKht or nutlratse ID the renpe.*. Mra.Jolio ti. tiundy,auperlulendentJuo - . Recently Been Kept on Freeholders/ Within Other BraveB Will Have* "JUTand me before be loft-that I was 1 Tbe son; for wickedness' sake, start' live elerltou dlMtrlct i*t tlie tnf*t election, WANT TO I'resbyterlati Church of Ocean City, 1 died in. 1050 he bad mbtsed bla century "Little Nell?T his visitor Interrogat- VOUCIJKRS :: lor l^aaUr. kd this-bam Therein be no. moro'capital intro- ed'a conversation about'Offeubach, and wbo Hlmll appear In pprHoif ttefore them uud UabelH* llulou, II. H. Mowrcr, prcaldeul; but abctter quality—"IMPOSSIBLE." .. the Jump; Short Time. ; Great Time. . " Mr. Caimelberry said: duced." by one year. Oysters .three times a ed.' " (••„ ' ' "' - . r»mblUUlotbe wituiiu-llornii the nuijuriiy ; "ttrker Mlllur,treuxurcr. . • his father gavchlm to understand that day and be mlebt bave'acbleved the " "Tes; Little Nell." was the answer. of the board tbat they ure entitle-! to vote in CAREFULLY EXKCUTED ' It baa only heen a nhorl lime Miice The membeiH or the road committee MembenoVKnlml'a Irlbe", No. £», •The llrat distinctively Presbyterian. "Jto Oarkaon started and1 again look- "That may be.", said.'Field, with an the subject was' disagreeable. -Noth- I hut. elect ion dbttrict «l tlie next elwl on llol.V THINITY CuUKnu. MISS GUNNING aervice in Ocean City was held by the r> MIoHe grin, "but•' thtok pf the dM- distinction, - He was n sportsman.- "She ls;dead. I've Just been reading tben*t-«or whoHbiill l»«Mhown by tbu writ- HarlHh tlullil. llral Slonduy In Hit. monlli. Captain (leorRe Blaekmair waa ap- of the Cape May^ County Board or Imp. O. R. M., will have a great-time vabrathlm. . • ing-daunted, tbe lad led Cntitler to n London Chronicle.' • -: . ,lt" llefore blm on his desk toy antea u|tldavltot*u voierreMldlnr lu tbe mime * Woiueu'H tliiilil, every Tliurailay 1I.UJ p. ui. We have it and we have it «jood. Give pointed keeper j>ud took charge ut the Freeholders veiled Rtale Itoad Com- at tlielr reunion; in • their wigwam -In •Kev. Alexauder W. Sproull, D. 0., ot t jknow.-JKe said.' "that 1 ever shop window where was exposed 0 election dMrlrt to be HO eiilttlett to vole Womeu'a Auxiliary Mui«luuury, lunl TliiirM. : open copy of "Old Curiosity Shop."— therein, and ulMOtorjbH purpo*ie of en*«lni£ Nnmbe this." photograph of the composer. tberefram tbe named df uuy |*er>M>u-* who, : Ladles* Home Journal! Former Mayor Crease Will erence to the new UceanCily turnpike. lug. _ ',',.:' •' •• - ' the evening of August 10,1880, In •**>>'' f always a first time for " Branding Criminals In England. Mhown col to be entitled to vole ttit-reln. by -' Womun'a Uurtatlun Temperance Union, ',11s your order for the Sunday poultry. We" city, but he and the ineiuhera or hla He Took ths Cue. ' As they resumed their walk tho son reanon ol non-re*«idenre or otherwitte. ' D ideuomlnutlonul," me>-ta Huiul-uioutljiy. Try to Return to This City Colonel Hteveus approved of the awer to a call Issued In the -Ocean •• ? Ee was a man .who gave little and, observed, -"^Well, you see, father,, after The branding of criminals . was The 8lze.of 80ms 8tsrs. ' And aluo that u ITInmry KlecLlon f T nil ;\v JERSEV ... ' Pfealdent, Mm O.Hwun; oorreapoudloK'Nec*. crew bave had rather buoy day* nines They want every member or tbe n abolished In this country In 1778. Un- poltttctil purtlen wltl be held In **arh •• lent Ion , reUtry. Mia. V. Parker; recording ^eorelary, tben, especially within the laat two or pluiiH for Hie pro|iosed new turnpike. order iu the city to atteud the meeting City Dally Keporter, a meeting of per. one fldfiiubige In lr. mus- got much. Today, for Instance, he bad"ull, nothing has happened through M. Xordnmnn of the Paris observa- dlktrict In tlit> O«ty on the "iiili uuy of Hep. Mra. M. Mlluer; treaauror, Un. Anna u dress them. . : Next Week. ; Interested In tbe eqtabllnblog,of/a 'I bare alrcadyi mentioned. got a clothes brush, a basin of water, looking at the photograph." At that' til tben this punishment was Inflicted tory i-.believes that be has devised temt>er. lull.2nd reulxtry »!•»>% lM-tw«H-n ilu* llauck. . three weeku. •• 0 At the next meeting of the board of and partake uf the big reed. This wlth'yonTl'dPrath'e-Mrteer a towel and a shine, and be bad given moment they were turning the corner, In open court, generally In the pres- a successful method, of .determining tiountofMeveo (7) o'clock a. nt, and iun«» >u) Flint it wan the whale and then fol- Former Mayor, Ii. M. (*reat«, Who ffeeholdew, it will 'be decliled to askmeaiiH every Red Man who may bePrenbyterlau Church was held lu tha o'clock p in. for tlie purpoMeot iiiuktmc <>•»• SECRET SOCIETIES. IllluoW-ontbe-Slrand. - , «i^ini(trimqtuau> I mean. nothing at all. and the son preceded his father, lu ence of the Judge, generally In thetbe diameters of stars by. a comparison Inatlontiof candtduteN iur the following«>f!)- Ocean city Lodge, No. 17171, , KV. unund. A. M. lowed the coming aBliore of the twowaa lu town attending meetings o'f the for bida for the construction, of "thhie the city next Wednesday night. jWWlfi to pi,In for tbat Tr-r-r-rlngl went bis bedroom bell. fun • view of tho pnssersby Gantler ad -presence of yie JIIIIKO. the necessary .of their effective temperatures with mui MK«UI1 und iourtli Tburadauraday eveulnireveuln a boats the latter part of last week. The bank and trust company, he being road. These will bave to-be advertised 'Mighty hunters and fishermen'or •On the 2Ud of August, 1898/ tbe '* r Implements—tbe Iron hriind. ihp chaf- or each month. In Maaonlo hull, W. St. ^Dtft'J don't Tills ar- The hotel attendant smiled sourly. ministered tobi s tormentor a patenml their parallaxes. In the cane of some OMK AtUI-KMDI.VMAM •token Fl>her; aevreiury, I", at. Tliomua J. men worked hard on them boats, au- president of both luatltutioiiH, Bald, he for three weeks before further action' the tribe have returned from a great ttnt service was held, conducted by This was tho fourth time he bad been kick, observing, half In anger and .balf Imrdlsh and tho Iron crl|i|H>r for,keep of .the brightest Blnra he hits reached TUoru. • apea lo return, with Mrd. Uretwe,1 to can betakeu. ' hunt, and among the, provisions they Dr. Sproull. 60 the following Baa- 'ing the hand steady-bi-liiB ulwtlys tointeresting results. Thus he finds that CORONKR '" ulsteda port bin of tbe time by Ihe iMUg- summoned, and he did.not hurry. In* humor, "Weil, something bas hap- Oeeun Oily, Lodk-e,i Nn. 60, K. of P.. meela port crew, aud through their laborx re- Oeeuu City next Wednesday. . The new turnpike will be ubovetlde- bave brought back Bre 1200 oystejrs. day Ihe llrat commuulou service waa that no woman shall "I thought yon were never coming." pened." . .: • readiness. The »«unl brand was nnAldeliarnn. the lirlsht star In Taunts, JVHTICR OF THRPKAtK drat uud third Monday evemutfa of eucb -raontti lu K.of V. uall. Aabury uvenue, near Boyle's Dependable Market BUIIB of .great Hnauelal_ value to tbe 'I hope my bualueas alTalra iu I'lill- walcr, Hoinetlilng badly needed, It lu Illg Chiefs Wm. H. Smith, Cbaa. ueld, t '' J <. To laillltatcmatters exclaimed the • visitor • when the at- "It" applied to tbe "left shoulder IS verlfably a Riant sun* tbe ratio of Its TO COI'NTV CON- J 1 Heventh atreel. U. V... ilurk Ijiki; K. of K. owuerM ot the craft were*obtalued. adelplilu will be In aucn uhupe UH toHtuted. Automobile owners experience llr'eokley aud Ver'non Carlson bave "At this tlqie an Invitation VW eX« * a iiH*tifQw that you be- tendant appeared at 'last "Are you What He Was Showlno.' .Child stealing, etc.. bo.wever. were at diameter to that of our sun being VUNTION' • ' The ideal Summer Resort uud h., H. Howard Thorn. 8. W. Cor. Twelfth St and Asbury Ave. ta tbo firm or nonurtt, PythUwnicknamed "Slowcoach r" .' A young man sit tine In a subway one time punished by bnihdlns tbe of- greater than that of tbo mm to the The membera of the Fourth • Hlreet permit me lo return to Ocean Clly In dlsaatrniiH renullu to their Urea bybeen delegated to lake charge or theteuded by the Rev, E. B. Lake to 'uae CONSTADI.K - lulu 1'oliriclI, No. l'M*Jr. O. U. A. M., meew the Young People's Temple. " Ry * On. by- making yourself at borne "No, sir/" answered the attendant car witb legs crossed nnd one foot fender with "It" on tbe shoulder (for planet Jupiter. This means that Aide- avury Tumidity eveuiuir In ITIiHlniiloira I'Hll station, together with <;aptaln Illaik- time for the KunniuK BeBHon," he nakl. running through Halt wuter. cotnmlasary, and tlie oysters will be tt roeiie), "M" on the rlclil hand (for Two Membera at the Hoard or C'ouiulllor. Joiiepll Cox; Wlllou ll. Wllleta, Everything' in Meats, Groceries and Vegetables An all hla frieuda know. Commodore October 4, this place was too cold, and 'JkA. EdVaatarter Uiif |cfta.pahVof "They enll me 'Billiard rue.'" showing a highly polished shoe and baran bas'n diameter probably not less vecrelury. - " man, are a hardy aet of nail-water men served In severul styles. Uekcts to the tjicativ for tomorrow "BlJUard cuo- repeated tbe visitor, silk sock extended so far into] the aisle manslayerl. and "T" on I be left hand than &O0p.00O miles, or more than •Cdncallon for two yen Crease u au ardent BportHman, ea|tec- tKuiera Vonrlh Tear. ' BealdeH the "ree. A. O. U. W., mecu Philadelphia for the lant few weekx, well worth heiirlng. tery or Went Jersey to 'organise • brought to a sense of bis disregard for The acid used by Jewelers for testing brightest of all the stars. In, accord- AtHOfor Ibt* 4*lrrtlnlr.ot, inemWrK i\1 Ilic No. I, UbrlHtopher lleulhain, of thin Coast Reporter,'.waa in towu a fe.w "Wrong again; slrr returned tbe at- County KxiH'Ullvet^iiumltlee. ..' • OCEAN CifY,N,J. «eeoud Hud fourtu Mouduy eveulnga In K. 01 belug aummoiied to thut clly by the church, and on October 28, 1889, the., others by three young women who sat P. hull. M. W., John «'. Hmllh; Itecorder, clly; No. 2, Austin Downa, who cornea days ago. Tbe Reporter haa eulered tendant. "Jtfs because 1 work better KoUl'ls extremely iwwerful nnd has to Ing to-M. Nordmann. but little larger And nallra l» liervhy lunbrrclvrn Hull llu> SVIUard W.Adania. . • • Boanl,ol iteKlHtry uud KlecilouM «lll iiin*t ut' from liana Kiver; No. 8, Joseph D. Illiieaa of the mauuKer of their, paper Sloarict-otii llniii Nnrmaadlr. v committee from Piesbytery organlMij 'j witbatgood tip."—London Answers. ' opposite. One said. "1 wonder if be Is l.u very carefully handled. To pre;than ourlBun^ ~, 't ' upon UH fourth year, aud, hi celebra- showing nls foot or ibis shoe!" Thevent any considerable quantity of the tlie following dealif DnUd'nlai Kulmlu Tribe, No. IM). I.' o. It. M., meela Norvoui, or thin clly: No. 4, Hszle Par- mill. ' * ' " > : The 11 tool Noriuanille waa 'olTered the church. From tbe Illluola House "Veiy welL Nan WQI win, talk of each WrdneHday evtinlnie in (Jhiiiupion'a Imll tion of the event, un eiRht-pag« paper second sold loud enough to be heard C-auncllCbaniber; Herond U'anl, No. I Klre the people next worablped-la Btltes* f ^otber matters. It ban been quite warm Wh.n • Soft Drink Is Hard. ~~ acid being spilled a upwlally construct- Juagernaut, .' * • UDIIH, • l.uthor L. Wullaee, keepu-'ol reeorda. ker, who balls Iroin Parkertowo; No:' waa primed, tilled with news of in-for Kale last Saturday afternoon. Tlioa. Vtatstr.bastftItr -K* '>•' above the car, clatter and of theed bottlo is employed. The stopper of 5, Howard T.Jonuaou, of tbia city; Np. Huinii-inade calce ftaie. J. White made a' bid, or $28,000, and "Ton are arrested on n very serions amusement of others, "1 think-be Juggernaut—or "'lord of- the world' BATHING SAFE AND UNSURPASSED Wuabluglnn Cump,~No. 76.P.O.H. ol A., . R. Curtis Robinson terest to. the people or that section or «•••• r ',, r '/ I'tnieiit noticed. Bow charge, my good man," began -the this is made of gtiiss nnd contains a —was supposed to be ono* of tbe In* GENERAL ELECTION mreti* every Friday nltfut Cbauiplon'a bail. 8; •Olinton P. Nlckerson, who twines The members or Dr. Urunynle'H Sun- the county. ' Anderson Bourgeois secured tbe pro- ••The Unit building was a small 1 wni urtoTooabsenir wants to shot; .his clocked BOCUS— iunc pointed daHH'rod which passes P. P.P.,, Frank HcbnelderHnlr; ; PrealdenPreldenu l.ulher L. H court, looking' at tho man severely. watch It" "NOi-sald the third, "he's down tho center of the bottle. When cuniailonB of Kriabno. .Tbe Idol Is , Korile porpoae or etectlaie caiidldiilH Wll ace; MKdMecreturyvKdltiuiid d AA. lil from Dennlsvllla, and No. 7, George day eohool class will hold a uale of perty by bidding $30,000,' subject to frame structure!, built, 189*.. 'Tf " " "Ton-axe accused of eel tine, into n formed of an Irreeuiar pyramidal black niltlierollawlneuni«M: ,. • Wall mortgages or $80,000, it Is stated, \ ' only showing bis bad manners." Thean article of Jewelry Is to be tested ' UamplO,P. €)• of A., meela every Hatnrduy AdauiH. Mr. Adams Is a new man home-made cake and candy • In Uig- Pour DealhH Hlucc narcU. • pastor was the 9ev. J. A. fight and bitting tbe complainant over foot came down and was lost in thethe stopper Is simply 'removed, and stone; with two, larse diamonds to rep- FINEST BEACH ON THE COAST ut 7J»p. in.. ID K. ofr. hall. Mara J, BUley, here, coming from Port Reputllo. gluB* furniture .store next Saturday wbo remained aboujt oneiear: the bead with a bottle. What have resent eyes. The nose and mouth lire recording teerelary. • , ' George C. Murpby, oue or.the letter crowd which.got off at the'next sta- tbe nrtlclo Is touched with tile jw.lut.of , CORONER morning. Don't miss It. The pro-carriers lu this city, left here Tuesday Suwftiiuppluic Mackerel. Iu 1890, the Bev. Jobn 'Mac you to say for yourself!" . j tion—New York Tribuno. painted verrnlllon. An Immensfc 1111m WaMitelbi Coancll7No,no,D.ofP.. meeu Conveyancing and was oboaen pastor, aud, hl» work .. the glass rod to which n very HII^III JVHTICK OP very Monday "loep at 7JB0, In K. of P. Hull. Conoa'a lalet dram, cetdB ore to go toward'the First M. Emorning to atteud the'funeral'or an • R W. E(fwarda was angling lu the "Your honor. I didn't mean to hurt quantity of ucld has adhered- ;GuIii !•• ber of pilgrim* visit the Idol annually, closed lu 1000, lo tb|s year," the ^ev.' nHyO? Jtlm. I .peter tbonobl that tt would renchlnir. up into the nillllous. JUUX • ' CONHTABLF. ' THE HOME OF THE FAMILY MAN PntrouHof tbe Fennsylvanla Ball' Church's Indebtedness. uncle, William R. Murpby, who wasbay near the bridge last Baturday and o» if,a bomb bad ';. .' .. , Qulok Action.' uqf affected by the .ucld. but Imltatloi" saw a school of snapping mackerel, A W. Williams, came to^thecb-ueh hurt him; very much, 'rause,\the bot- ^ A sontbem farmer was trymg to senmetal turns greeu: nnnt worxhlp iwil i<> lx» 11 terrible Two Member* of«tbe Board .Uceun City Bruncb, No. 210, of the grand road coming to this city are utruck by H farmer In. Sadsburyville, Cheater M w Jfl apd,waa or Fraternity, nolda regular montbly jneetlujni .. „ ' Insurance ,. . but did. not secure nujF. He did catch and waa slated supply for three y*M»Y tle contained nothlnp but a soft drink," a mnle to a negro wbo two years be- thine. L'ut It Is not what It once was Kdacatlon for two yean* ' outhoHtioondTaeiduyor eiiob-aionth InR. tbe remarkable, growth or Corson's Iu- •ouiidiaa: a coiiaKc. County, Pa., and who. died ' at bla ready, to smiodeT If be bad returned ' the " prisoner. — Milwaukee fore bad been kicked on the head by The Mute nliowunc? to the temple wan or P, Hull. Commander, Lewla K Umlth; let in recent times.. A noticeable fea- a number of baas, however. ••In July, 1004, tbe present - ' - b bl •ji'otnpBulon, he One Member or tbe Board or iCd- Recorder* Leon, IL HulU>n. Tbe Ocean City House. Building Co. home there on Friday. Thla Is.tbe rree iTess- ;,i..:. ,'.r the animal. . . Art Enthusiasm. . •'- suspended liy Hie Indian government Notary Public ami Commissioner of Deeds ture of Ihe Improvements there is the IH building a pretty cottage, coating fourtbdeani lu I-et ter Carrier Murpby'a was Installed. v ... ,(<, lfl acallon for one yeur . i-aeblaien'eAaaoolatlon. Wilton Wllleta. "In October, 1006, tbe;i Conferrlns's T.Ue. ~ • *W COMBO," said the farmer, "this 'Docs the public of Crlmnou UulcL In 1831. liud the festlviiU ure prowlnp Spacious Boai-dwalk. Free Band Concerts During* prealdent; Murk Luke, aecretury. Annual space between' the tbe bungalbWH, about $2000, on Proapect oveuue, be-family Hlni-e last March. ' , narualaa. ' ' , -"' White he was governor of Kentucky mnto Uckm, but'- 'remember my previous vlslff asked less und lwss "popilJar. year l>y year. Will be held on ' meeting will be held In Jun*. -which la necessary tosetolTthe beauty tween Fourteenth aud Flfteeuth streets Two fautlly furnished, house,' four was laid. for. tbe prewnt bt "I don' wan' him," objected the col- Mr. Stormlngton BarncM. .', ••• . ,r The growing Intelll^er Nos. 744—46 Asbury Avenue' of thla clinracter or bulldlngd. < for Mrs. Koch.. The couipaiiy'B'meui- : dart Johnston u lertWmte. bfllclully ored nmn'emphatlealiy. "Itdoes.", replied Broncho'Bob. '•• " and the restraining Inliuenco of the EWifiht of the Yachtsman. Numerous Trains to (Idn meela aeeond Hatordayof each month. To Metarii front Vl*8»4'o. geveutb aud Atlantic avenue, tu en • • The membership or the.o ."Just because he kicks?" asaed the ••And is it wajtinK to receive me witb government are'dolng their work, and aAdluattba election otnecra will* nit a* n Prealdent, Ueorge O. Adams; aeoretary, K. bers say they will have a bu«y fall aud Fred, llruuyate, BOO of the Rev. Dr. Investment will pay 14 per, cent. ', slgnvd and bearliu; the Imiinnis of (ho; board of election ut tho placeii utiove men- .Howard Thorn. - O6BAN CITV. N. J. Itsbrglnnlug waa88, ereat seal of tbe stnter duly commls- fanner,-wltH an air of contempt , open arms?" • ' - Juggernaut Is steadily losing ground.— Uonad on tbe above day, eommenolnu u* «U and from .Philadelphia on Three Railways ...... Own Tour Home. ' winter. . , ' ", ' and Mra K. R. Uruny'ate, who bas A comer lot Nineteenth aud Centra] while ba'fftHt*;^mi "Humpbr.grun,ted tho negro. "Dat "Not exactly-open arms. It looks New-Tork American.. O«lock in the taorDlng juid olo«lug at Nt-veii avenue, and two corner lota Thirtieth l .^whlcb he said 1 o'clock In the «venln«. . , It'H digullled aud gives you a Uell- been at work at his profesalon in theand Asbury avenue, bargalna for quick 8 mute don ' Met; he shoots."—Popular more like n case of concealed wehp- KOLUA UAItUKTHON,. ' Money to Uaiii on Bond and Mortgage • for Hale. ^ •', ' . °'"fbe 0r«i?adnuai flnaueu'l dlsunctlie and iionorable title clous sense or security to own your mouuinlna of,Virginia for' some time sale,.:;;•:•••.,•- •.•;• .,. •.....•,.•..•..• ,. •..,•;.".:;..••,•>,•:,' tbla'to a trfparUto Hfftgntinfi';"'['''' ' ''•''"''' * ' '• ons."—Washington 8tdr. - ' Long Engagements. »W00 City Clerk. .• showed the receipt* W be tin' ttymf, jersons that no Kentncklan bad ever previous- The Pontiere home at • '. Collage with all modern convenl- past, IH expected to return to tbls clly Ty/o hundred feet ott Sixth,, street yew the receipta wet* WL-, , •.* ; • • •' , ' * ', .. grounds aud uear the 1 : • Young Man—Dp you believe In long encea, six bed rooms, parlor, library, , bother l^ bofpe. ^s^ t t.:'.:'.\'..: ;.." 1 within the next two weeks. - ' ' f. lo theafteruoonthe Hnnda On* Virtue.. ' ' AmiidMn "*"<^""' :' engagements, sir? Cynical llenedlck- OUKAN -OlTYis dlulng room, kitchen and uervautti SOxlOOR. ehlld-w.begatti!;AI»rdoip." my son.- Is a short BOOT s StJOE Besides, your responsibility as a real * , ' .... Boraalo. , • ', whleh'was B«L._ _.^_.__ _ ^ "You sold me that b anything In ypnr life to bb prond of? Tho longer the eniaippmi'iii the nhorter Try an , Within easy access of Atlantic City and estate owner makes you a desirable tral avenue, lu the central part or the couuter prlcea.\:;; ''/i^YJ^JS^i*^^ occasion th-^ girl? led la tbkvc 1' arrantcmeat trom,raults. i TbOnHpbo-^ycsnuni. l never beat no- and fnuuy tale wlilrh nt enco remind* 'be marriage: - . citizen. Thluk It over, tlieu call oil city. Owuer will sell-ou easy termx. (-S7S0 will buy new property OIL Gar- tavwgall^mcmiban r " TototaM *ody'.out^or no laundry bill.—Toledo the (.Iher ri>nun ,,r In tale wbleb U REPAIRING AddreasX X.; BBKTXMBU olUce.' if den tract (hat Is worth «3fi00; ouly f-!50 Blade.. '.:•>;::•::•••:•":.:.." •*,••..•, npitufr Hlmrt .mir funny."-l>nck. cash needed, balance easy terms,.- H: REAL E8TATB BBO, Th» Only Way Out. e HARRY HEADLEV, I :: 'm'M Peter meni for, tlie milk,—Oh, mercy, Adyertisemcnt other well-known resorts SHOP Real Estate Operator,'Ninth and A« Tho Hoover Electric auction Sweeper 1). be Cato, owner, Auduboo, N,' J, If ••-•"' •' •" : "--«if- 78rAsbury Avenne ^Klie and Rwordnn-' but sloW englnea' Tht> nrro\r Hint plercvs tlio mcl«»'' I've drunk too much of ttt What shall Try an Advertisement in w^lesrrucrlon* In coniparlaon with tbr. bury avenue, next;to Ore boose,who ah*M,nweepi>,ahakes. Buollon cleaim floor .breast is ufivu uiude of bis own fvain we do} BmaJI. .Brother—Easy. We'll REPAIRING NfeATLY DONE will show you tbe very .best way and covvrluHa, etn., all lu oue, easy, auto- FUR BALK.—CottagesanBALK.—Cottages d Iota, In - Be aurt>'nd, go to, B. R., Bm'ilu"'* drop the Jug.-Ueggnndorfer Blatter. in the Sentinel some or the gnatest; bargains to bematic, dusllesHoDeralioii. For Hale or nioBt desirabldibl elt locationi s in Ocean CiCityt . touMforsnyiblnglntbe line or Wall 4. foqnd ' here on theea»le»t terms hire by CIIAt*. U. ADAMS ARO.., . Apply toA . Cotton019 Asbury avenue, Paper. -You wllluotoutynbettreated -j^if^i'^Y"'''''-'- i • ••">• *••••-• • '-A\'-' ' CHURCHES NO SALOONS 9l».»l8Asbttry A»e., Ocean Clly.N.J. > the SENTINEL Fnoue connection. 'tf 720 Asbury Ave, -Ocean City, New Jersey. bight, but you will get a si-uare deal, (1100. Apply B,,

M .,1 iu ,y vn* •i-'AdA St>\

•3f .*•! Sentinel DR. CORSON BOYS WHO WILL GET «JO£S" TAL BKIt 21). 1011. OCEAN FRONT LAND UNDER NEW GOVERNMENT? H ecelve Meow of to^besno Introduction between, Ota- Notice to Unit Creditors. Construction Sand & Gravel Co. •eppe.and Blanco MetUncL Indeed, THE SHORTEST SPEECH. PAID IN PELTS. A WOMAN'S LOQIC. jo**. O- CHAMPION, Manaiajair . , - the glrl"a father, bad be been, present When TinimiM Was Known as th« H Helped Hsr'Ou't When the Customs Offloo. 8th St. Opp. Penna. Depot Ocean City. . J.,.^ at the ban, would hsvo considered a It Was Delivered by Caesar and Con* K>t>l« ot Rsm N slated of a Single Word. 8tata ol Franklin. : OWolsIs Bothered Her. Poraannraanntt to ininaorderoa l Cliarles request for an Introdoctlon an addi- . On one of the reranlly arriving 5!S5 All craves Concrete G'avel and Sand- tional Insult Giuseppe bad no thought : Julius 'Caesar bold* mo record for rnibubly ifW. people Uuow that tbo broTlry'of convincing speech.:. orl^liml iniitit* of the Mtuttf of 'reuu«*ni*t* transatlantie steamers was a young as to tbe girl being present and If he' woman' whose extroido economy bad Top Soil for Lawn Purposes. , . ,„ arid would tutye nnturnlly kept ont of TIio .story Is told tout wlillo Cursur uiirt l-'ninkllii cr Ibut lu I7SS the »ul- waa In the midst of bis struggle rur lirUH of ib«* tttU<,i*ri« of tbe IIIIUIUOII- not permitted any luvUb expenditure iKlrr.TmlidemV^ . • . Dirt (or Grading or Filling. ]"|5 j her way. Do found many a rosebud wenltli ui-rv |uld In |n>ltn, but the fol- abroad. But she bad repeatedly re- to fl|rt and dance wltb, but refrained. too mastery «rto* Itmnnn rnjplro the or Mlddcrmwd wUMo •' , READING RAILROAD DELIVERY. soldiers of bU favorllo Tenth legion Ion luu is u t-uriti-t vupy uf the law: ferred with commendablo pride to tbe Lbe 1Mb day olHfli tamtwrt A. U. l, Qe was t*»1"fci"g of ber bo bad met an material for'two silk dresses she badwui tenmieVnSsmd ol mny «llou Lako Uagglart mutinied, tie appeared beforo tbvm. "Iti- Iti-nm-lcd by tbuBUileof Krunlt- tb llbr and. ottering the one word "QulrKes," Mil, mill n i» hereby unmtiHl by author- purchased at a bargain which sbo was ' Suddenly bis eye lighted. There, on paused. ity orclie IUIUIU, that from uud after Ibu bringing home for her mother and sla- O-ILOIMI*. F.tr.ai. Kl««rl». tbo floor, waltzing with a young lien- That word means, of course, "cltl- 1st day of. January. 1TSJ. the salaries ter. Even the suggestion of one. sym- tenant; was tbe objoct of Ids tbougbta. tons," but to tbuWtoran* lowborn It of tills commonwealth bo as follows— pathetic listener tout she would'have Ho followed ber with his eyes and aa waa addressed lr mount n great deal to wit: to pay duty produced merely a tern NOTICE. soon aa she ceased to dance' ap- more. It was tbo suit-lal term used In "Ilia excellency tbo governor per porary restraint proached and spoke to ber.' 8be re- orinuni. 100 divrsk|ns. * ,. •PloaUy when tbe liner approached VOL. XXXI. ._.._- It, occurred in addressing Roman voters nssemblcd In OCEAN CITY, N. Jn THURSDAY, NOVEMBERS, 1911. ceived' bun with a smllo .of delight a purely civic capacity, not ns iu)|dlors. . "Ills honor tbe chief justice; BOO. ,New Vork and tbo custom bouso ot- WELL PRINTED, FINELY DESIGNED, . tfnruig the-'sprtog- of and. nodding a' fli«™i««ni to tbe lien* dit-i-sklus. fleer, received tbe xomewbut plain wo- j|»nt iiiuDirlilMorC »y «oiinty*t , when to America the southern bat aa civilians.' I he pln>-<-> •loclmi lrn tlu tennnt, walked awny wltb Qlnscppe. To tho mutinous soldiers It meunl ' "rho stt.-r>>tiiry to bis excellency the man at the cabin table ber follow pas- Mn namiMl. ranvrnlng lu evh |>l»<» »t t»o statc*vone'*fler.aaotlier, were learlng During their promenade the young Eo\eruur. MX) raccoon sklna. sengers were curiouit. Being asked tbe tbe,Union anaVwbeeJlnff Into Confed- that tho great commauder, whom Ibuy •H&3L JaiWSeftsldrr-l unl... ..I. ARTISTICALLY DISPLAYED Ocean City Sentinel count sold to ber: I Dad followed fpr ten long yean from "County clerk. Uuu Denver Hblns. urfuul questions about dutiable proper- In i>crardnnrv wllli the rulw of lbe lknr.1 ELECTED SUPERVISOR. erate, line; when northern men -were JVf ORGAN HAND, T.C. HUTCH1NSON. M. D. "Do you know tbat at this ball I was y, jjjp, to tbo Thames uatl from the "Clerk of the bouiie of commons. 200 ty, she replied stoutly and defiantly aodupooihe pwcrlbwl l»lunk» •uirti «» Pubtlfhed WHkly •« VETERANS RECALL CHARLES A. DOE TO'ERECT dlfjinig.-fbr a, great war and hurrying 0 racc-unn sklna. •M nuupllrd In liny wbo clnlro ll»m. m« i ATTORNEY and IlomcBopatbtat. 'forward to ocenpy tboso states thai to liajo been' presented to a girl to Rhino to tbe Pyrenees and across tbu tbat she bud tbo miitvrtal for two silk itppll'-Mtkin lo IUO HMi»urv or Ibe llo..id. taA whom I bad been contracted tomar - Rubicon, disowned thorn as soldiers "Justice's fe© for serving a,warrant, dresses. tfwry !I«ull»r, Ocean City. Se«r Jmey. OCEAN eiTY, N. O. COU NSELLOR-AT-LAW 624- EIGHTH STREET WILL NOT TAKE JOB -, ^ were part loyal to-Jb&.^ortb P*" ono uilnksliln." "Are they fur younwlf ?" tbe Inspector Upper To» ilnhlp, Tuckalioe. tlotrl, » »'!• WAR MEMORIES BIG APARTMENT HOUS ready to Join tbe southern Blilo. and dismissed them from his victori- nimdiiy, Nov. I. lull. u • -By- 8olldtor,M««.r aod Eiamlnar In Okanoal . . OCEAN OITJf. N. J. "And I was to have met a young ous service. At that time tho state of Franklin wanted to know. KoulliCupe MBV lloroinh, llormi.n Hn Orrii'K MauiM—Hlo 10 n. m.;2to 4> in., ' In tbe land wbere tbe story waa en. riiunulnv. Nov. 2 ID to 12 m.>, »«•. STATIONERY Hnpranw Court Coannlatlow. Notary Itibl UloS|i. in. ... t Hell Hour 4X7-X resultlf tol man whom my father bad accepted as Iteolizlng Its meaning, tbo story extended to the east bqnk of the Ml*- -No. they are not," sbe declared. "I l-4ipe Muy I'olnl Horou«b, II .r<> it> "lonl!"ijlH;iM actod>}clclsls tbat' yraa *"• """ sls^lppl rh'iT. and on tbe went b^ink am bringing them borne for presents." rtinrM)i>v,? u, few canoe landlnex you duty," and bo Ugurcd out for ber ijJwerTownnli'tp.Townnhli' il< •«;. rhure- OFFICES KIUHTH BT. AND WKNMiV AVK. . & Corson Co- - West Chester. ment upon tho Incltcrs of the mutiny aud liidlmi tnidiiiK |HIHIH on the river tbo required amouui. «S5*7ttMavfii * nation.' Garibaldi bad hand that rested on bis arm. Holly K .«'li Uonurtj'* $1.00 Per Year, Strictly in'Advancn. llotli rboiMH-Ki-ll. 15; Inter-Hlale, lifi-A TI10 lluanl of City Major L. R. ThomaH, of Ihla city, Ubarles A. Do*,nrPblnMtel^blBlU, . • ' Droncht:|n, tbe islands of Sicily and Na- -Yes," sha said In n still softer voice. as a proof of tbelr repentance. I luniks. It IVIIK known as the dlxtrM Taking tbo pencil from bis band, sbi- Hull, KrldoT," Novepii«Tl0.1UI THE- Apgar & Bosw<3ll, uttlct) Iloun-Unillloa.nl. From fi in M p. m. held an adjourneil uirolltiK Hatiinlay LOOK LIKE NEW baa relumed from Went Chester, BDILD $5000 HOUSE ) of Louisiana mid In IH0.1 wim made tin* figured for a moment and then said: North Wlldwoort llumUKir, H iy llmi-li No qftlru Itoun HuiMay. awarded toe contract to tb* UlU soa V> "" .them to tho kingdom Giuseppe was thrilled with delight; lloronub Hull, Krlday, Nov. IP, lull. MUTIUI IN UHANOKHV, Bfteriiimii. l3*-'- bung In tbo bal- ^territory of IJJUIMI»IIII. "Well, I declare! Tbat baa madu those At ItlfhanlTowimrnd'a. l-au-rmo,4 m 10 .... where, loiit Friday aud Haturday, the Haru Co. fbr a large apttUDOTMMir^' -•fi -Who was to have been your He Was Cured. Holly Bench, lloruugh Uul>, KrldM.v, Nov. CITY DIRECTORY. IIUUItMK IIUII.IHNU," !•. ui. dally, llrll I'bone, Kuriiierii uilie,M»l •! Uuuiiuliwloiier Tliorn reimrlod that boya of the Nlutj-Beventh Pennsyl- ence; Venice} was still under tbo doml- . Bancor ho asked presently. A chap once consulted' a famous ! The state of Franklin, whli-li lipcnim- dresses cost me so mucb that I simply SENTINEL PRINTING AHIIUItY AVKNtlK and KIUHTII KTHKh-l on tbe Boardwalk,';:rja»rf'fIBa«a|(|li*'i WllilWood <'lwt. llollr llonrli iluroutli UC'KAM CITY. N. J. malteni wereRellliiK'iiniler wsy In liln Mayor Headley GivcB Orders vania Uegiment obaerved the flftleth Irot • Was Purchased. Prom nation of Austria. . I "A son of Count ncrUnettL" physician about bis dyspepsia. The I TrunpHsee In 171HI. wan nlinost ax lit- can't afford to "give them away now Hull. Friday, Nov. Iu. loll. CITV OFFICIALS . Hiinclay i ,' Is Turin; tbe capital of IMcdmont "Whatr exclaimed Giuseppe, - turn- imtient, was very deaf. Tho dlaloguo I fie known. Tin- now 1,-n-ut rlty of I'm'Just gotag to keep them for my Cap« M»ytlly.Cliy Hull, Jloudny..Now 11, llmirtl onNiiiiiiiiHitlMiif>p4—Mii\ur:itnl I'n'Ml* departioeut. • • to Police Which Have anniversary of tlie organIzatl'Vu of the Tax Collector Bnrlelgb. This id one of ibe latgaat eontirigtii^ • 'Memphis v UH II im'ri- tmdlng p ISI nnd self; that's what I'll do!"—New Vork 1911 HOUSE il.nt. Hurry ll.-4i.lloj;C.iiiitiiiH.liMKr Khiiuu-,. JL,AW OFFICES regiment. "and of ar> much of Italy as bad been 'ing his eyes upon her In wonder and between the pbyulclun and bo ran like >Dvnnl»TnwDi.lllp. K.ur 1*. Hull, Tutiulu;. IUMI AraumiH, IC. Iliiu-iml rhurn: ( oiniuls- i£ •»: Allen Corson, H. D. <^ '»• Coaimlmloner Marts MBIII that lie given out bere tbls year. ".. thus, tar. united. In tbe villa of ono of mis uot Inld nut us a village until Tribune. Nov. I*. IIH1. .... •IIHH'I-III I'JIIJIU- liii|>r»v<'iii<.|il», rnl.lli- l-nrks Good Effect. The llftlelli anhlveraary camp lire Through C. H. Brick. '• t In horror. ' • . this: UIJII l'ni|K.rly. Juliii Mart.. had placed an order fur cruelied ^lu Tbe building will be tbreei' those aristocratic families wnoso titles j "What do you usually' breakfast on?" 1S20. " . .Walou llornuuh, Ikimuiih Hull. H«lne«- docs only this kind of.work. Satisfaction as- Godfrey & Godfrey. S16 Wesley Avenue and gravel for mreet iiupruveiueulu; Mayor Headley,- the latter part ur wax held In the o|iera IIOUHB Kriday Otis M. Townnend baa Marled the Sbo repeated the name,. lnsans English Monarehs. Jnv. Mn\. IS, mil. Tnw ns plentiful In thoxp dnyK Wo dblni' lloroiwh. I'uiliii-ll I'liniiilK-r, Cullaclur K. W.llurleUh. aluo that Hiiperviuor llruwu In attend- laat • wee''. requested Chief of Police eveulng miller tlie auapiceH of tbebuilding or a 9GO00 cottage on Wesley .•jsja as pennies nnd much botter dlittrlbut- Oeorgo III. Is tho only British mon- TliurMlw, Nov. HI. I'M I. tiller ur l-ollo»-Humuti| Kcull. ' llarllsil llulldlng.:; :: Ocean City • New Jersey Ihe large apartment botuieain'U. „,,.. two elderly men. Count Bcrtlncttl and "I, am." morning and a mot or.ride after lunch." sured. Prices right. UulldlDK limpvctar— II. A. W. Mtullli. ing lo the Fourth Klreel wharf. Scull to let him have a man to mi|wr- Daughter or the American Jtevolu- avenue, near Ninth street. When this Boon Vetttnd. sat In conference. ed for purfHineM of i-urreiu-y and bar arch who 1st modern times bos been iv.tnn ri<>, l-ounc-ll ChanilR-r,. Mnniliy. HlroulHuiH-rvlBur-Wurren W. llrawu. ATLANTIC CITV. N. 1. a I-J0-A. , in that tb.,uirw^T,Ulbj,lfi^.^; "Heavens! < What have I done?" ' ' "How many hours do you sleep?" ' H*» Nlffl'ly, Cll| Hall, Tuwiluy, S«\/ II fuiuuilwiloner Tliurn prekenled a lutend the work of cleauhiR the alleya llon. tioura Is creeled, all the vacant lota on "I'think." said tbe baron, "that I "Well, doctor, I was fifty-ninem yUT. . • • placed under restraint and deprived ' In addition to Stationery, you can get any- °)'lly Haliuiior—A. A. llimrll. "Wliat do you mean? Explain.'' of his authority because of Insanity, "!"• • ' " W. K. Y..INO. , lluard.nl KducHiiun—A. J. Hmllli. vimt reHilullau, dencriblng the duiliw anil between Hlxtb and Teulh xlreelx. Po- There were 80 membeni preiwut at that side of the street lu tbat section '«aWdo.better for my daughter than to "I have refused to marry you." last birthday.". '' . Europtan Holtla, I. K. Ul'Olll-X, clem: M. W. Ailniuu, Vlca JTCHIU.HI; U K , W. 1». HAINES 1 though similar mef sures were at one . Hmllli, Hcorsiury; Hli-huril II. auu». A. W JAMES M. El HILDRETH |Miwern of certain oltlclalti and llxlng lice nan Hvhock waa put 011 the Job. the twenty-eighth annual reunion or will be cloned up. iairy.her.tfl your son. both In tbo way It was the girl's turn to look sur- "Aro you married! * " Umt American trnvelera on their M. II, KKAItNS, thing you want in the Printing Line from a l-uwell. It. lluwunl Tliurn. time contemplated with regard to bisCnpo Mnv Cnunly Ilimnl ol Tusiutlini COR. NINTH AND WESLEY AVE their nalarlen. The reHolnlKin wan That Mr. tfchock and IIIH men didtho Hiirvlvorx'uMHoclatloii held In' Me- The house will liave three slorle* and 'V'M ct \ttOe .ana 'fortune. Nevertheless, prised, but she said nothing. Indeed, "Thirst" flrst trips on the continent of Europe City rtuiwriuwndsal ol hU'lnxilH—I'rol. JIM. Counsellor-at-I^aw Degree at l»oc»lio«il— af lam *mj± < Shtee. WO>aro old friends. I yield tbe son. tivorgo IV.. tho monarch who ATrK TI M. Mlaviina OCEAN CITV. N. J. gooil work Is uhowu by the apiwar- morial Hull, We»i Cheater, on Satur- a batcnieiil, all of frame. It will con- there was nothing to say. Her young With a gesture of impatience, the are astounded when upon tho day of " IIAI(inilK.U.I.m.. Small Card to a Large Poster at this office. ilveneeU r ur tbo r»or—lUmlx-ii l.iiilluiu. »nd Koilrltor, MaMer and Kgamlner In lead aud ailouted. point and'fflTO my consent." has been described as "a bad son, a . Vina 1K-lalUa Mania. 111111.. The HUiiervimr of hlKhwayn IH toam« of the alleyH. Poanlbly' never be- day. , tain eight bedrooms and bath, wltb heart had gono out to tho firgj manphysician turned and wrote out a slm- their departure from a botel they are bad husband, a bad father, a bad sub- lllltn: ^110.1p.m. "Hun dellgbted, baton, nt tbo pros- Cn|>» May Cmirl llnllw, N. I., (h-lol-r II. receive flUJU pur aiinuui. I he name an fore did the alleya look HO clean The liiiHliiexH nifellng WBH presided running water In every room.' The fourteenth annual a—ton aftha". L_, •tie bad met after leaving tho con- plo, remedy for dyspepsia. Tho pa-prevented wltb tbelr bill by the bead ject, a bad monarch and a bud friend** HI.' ' ILHn.r.1.. I'.K. 8ll7i. ciinn-r I f nl . ontce-No.SU Ocean Hlreel Beet of uniting onr Mrnltlea," repeat- -1'llouiHi; I1C1I tom, and this Important Individual hi' which bordered on lunacy. SIIKRIFFS SALR. QR. CHARLES B. RIDER au«l ilfuiubiiiK in'ii|i«cturare ciiiiibln«l, Ueneral K. K.-Wood, II. H. A., retired. spark that kindles love. It may lead to ' Tbo other shook bis brad In tbo ncg- thus assured of bla tip. But they fret riuilduy Hclioul, UO. Murk' W. Aaniii Otis M. Town send appearance or iuauy of the back ya'r.l* Mr. Towusend says the building out three hundred delegate* praent. ,!)*(•' amce they have both been brought up The insanity of Gcorgo III. was real- •uiirmuimlenu • theoiiltrial'Hiuilary tu come from .tlie HurgeHH P. K. Jeffries .welcomed the 1 the bursting of a flame. And so It was itlve. nnd fume Inwardly as they think of SENTINEL PRINTING HOUSE A I'racllcuTHeaHliore Arclilter. sessions were beM In Bad Mao * BaU.i^ i to obedience,ta.tho cjjplco of» «nate I ly brought about by tbo dangerous lly vlrl no or II Writ ••( Kli-rl K'MI-IH", ly llie.Hlate. •-:- •:- buvuKtuui. by t'ol. John Wainwrlglit, of WilI-n talk, be stale*, or great thing* to be In Holly Beach, under the atuple«a«fV_[ "1 will go to your father at once," been very kind, nntl therefore I'm going and usually rail by giving i-ach one -.m of llit-Oiurl **lI'liuiii-i-ry ul N^u .l«ra*>. •'(41bb, John Mitrt**. Uetirgu o. AUuiuH.U. II. My am might rebel If lio bad made on child. Princess Amelia. Tho unlikeli- OD Ihr :ilth ilut of HrlUMlllirr, A. l>. I'lJI, III " Murker, Kll K HteWHrl. • • 809. Central Avenue 8OCIAi iglon, wJni w«» comniaiider 'or the done here within • short lime. NakomlsCounoll.tbe local on(BjB|s*,A, 1 raid'Giuseppe. "I-will withdraw my to maku yoc* u prwout of tbls prescrip- al«>ut three times wlint he expects. EIGHTH STREET, OPP. P. O. Tlie ruayiir, treaxiirer unil une ollivr attachment. but .1 have heard from hood of bur recovery preyed upon him OCEAN CITY . NEW JERSEY ClMMMnllng»-MiiuiluyiiioriilUK,tiuu,.Joliii UOKAB <:ITV. M. J. ' . regiment. ' _ tlon of tbe body, and Uw debjwtea,^ refusal. I will"— • tion." lie took a folded paper from There are two nays of avoiding this un*oulnpliilnitnl*,anil L'IIMMIIIK M. I'niiiplM-ll . UurW, leader: Monday eveuinu, r.Ji, lln, . OCEAN CITV. N. J. are to coui'irliw Ilio nlnkniK funil t-oiu blin recently, and; be assure* mo that and hastened the attack of mental de- ct lix vl ul. urvtttrli'iidulitN, I fliiill t-\|Ki-^ n K. IJrIck. leuder Krlriuy evening, IOUUKM loiHaiuu. . Chrlminn Kadeavorcru Had »« One of tlie-'dlHilngulalied ollleer'a or were most royally entertained, and «x- /, ' be has'no preferences nnd will accept • "So, no, not now. Pa|ia Is terribly his pocket. ."It cured me."—Now York worry.If they only knew.. In small ho- rangement which Incapacitated him. H ili; HI public \ fiidue. on Uuno.u leader. Then* luxilluga uro ueld iu BIG APPX.B CROP pressed tnemaelyea aa btgbly^pleaaHl >, the bride I provide for him.** ' angry. I fear he will' never get over Tribune. • •" tels and pensions where an average of from reigning, although be hpd pre- Ilierhnroh » . • Jt£AI)UOCK'S I'HARMACY (.'oiuuilNHloner MurtM'ninveit, for tlie tlie regluient unable to* be prewnt was the Insult that be considers has been MonJay, November 13th, HJII. ' UellUir Ki»wurlh J^ague—ThllrHday THE UP»TO-I>ATE election of a nlreet mi|H5rvl>«ir, ami lie The member* of the ClirWIan Ku- Major Ueneral (lalUHha Pennypacker, with their reception and entertain* ,'•. > "And I assure you. count, that my Too Much Paps. $2 or 10 francs • day Is paid for pen- viously suffered from thto malady. • Ho liig.T^U, It. lluwiinl 1 hum. l-rt-xldeui. KlKlilli Mlretft and AHbury Avenue. VillaHialc** orcttardo Are Marvel- offered him. • As be feels at present he sion ' It Is proper to allow | franc a liotwti-n ihi* liourx of twelve unit tlvi> UVIIM-I. tiumeil A. II. Porter Tor tlie |HIHIHOII. deavor Unlou or tbe Klmt Preitbylerlan I). H. A.,oriMiilodelplila. Major (Jen- ment. . H ,. daughter win obey me. Bmldcs. she This bit of bumor and pathos Is from died bopeleshly Insane at Windsor after p. Nt.,141 Hll,nloue-tliltl> oVItM-k lultieiillt-r- Vint Probylerlan Cbarrh, We>ley uvcnjle 'feuiiMHiiMl M>-ru|i ll>'|M»i>biM|4iltrM, » tnii- .' «• Prodnccn. ^ ' ^ TONSORIAI. PARLOR iil>t,iitlitiT iifm-iM-na Myitb-ui, ^UIIIIII-M 0111.111 ; The following; chlefa of tbe Gnat, * ha* bad no-opportunity to form nny at- Would bo only too glad'to refuse a re- tbo Hawaiian Star: "An amusing In- dny for each person for service and losing bin sight-as well at hla BouseiT- noou^rNHld fluv. nt thu Hli«rlirn olllit*. In and Heveulu mrvel. Itev. II. T. I'mwelberry, ,'i'he iiliintlon. wan hei-oiidert by Cliurcli held.* Hallowe'en Hocial In llie eral J'eiinypacker wan riddled with With huudreda of youlig orchards r tachment. She Is still-In the Convent newal-of tho contract, and I doubt If cident Is related of a young service nlien going away divide It according- Prantou'8. _ i*.|w.\luy Court llounv, C'MIW Mny l'utuil> puator. Hunrtay wrvltxn, lo.su ii. 111. uud » - 824 Asbury Avenue (NiiiiuiiiiHluner Tliurn, and Mr. I'f.rter nodal roomB of the church Thursday lUiletn during the < Ivll War. ' coming into bearing for the lint time Council wen elected: Gnat Propb* -. be ever will consent to one now." • Iy-among those who bnvo served you. KKIL p. iu. t*iu)er lueetlUK, WedlivMtuy even- etess. Margaret Hall. BrUgetont craUx^ of tho Bacred Heart at Ml'nn, where mnfron who bad relinquished ber hus- All tliut eertuhi Iruct ur |iiurvl nt Ituiil mill ing at H u'eluck. Hubday i.clio..l,A.to p. in1 . wan elected. Mr. Porter IH foreman evenhiK and all hsd a very plea»ant 'The Nlnty Hevenlh WBH one <>f the "alien I will go to my father. He In larger hotels a more satisfactory prvm>N«H lierelimnt-r parlu-nlurly d4-Mt rilird. ll«iv. II T. Cumelberry, Huuermlendeut- 1 . tTTlH year and the ravages of Han Jot* Bbels f|«Milng her education. I Intend, band for two years and who, haying Curious Porgetfulness.' Hour Barbers NO WAITINQ lime.', :' •'...• : i • . • i, : Pocabontas. Katbryn,Welsh, Morrlt> "7 and the baron are old friends. My way Is to take 10 per cent.of tbe botel T K-.To't-tuek. • fur the Hiillon iSc 1,'ormin Co , anil will lighting regiment)) or llie Civil War. scale virtually wiped out or the older '^j« to present her to society ot the coming before bis departure' Insisted on a good It In difficult to combine tbe attri- of O-t|ie Ua> unilftnlts or NeH*JerM:y, IM>|{|II- itoaril ur *rrUHl«eM—I^M IN M. CreKNe. pren- .Many oriliom> prevent wiireeoHlniueH i one engagement It Innt over (XI per rcharda, New Jeraey fruit growen are town; great Wenonob, PelleePlanon, t TDKbalL" father will apologize for me. lie will bill, whatever it Is. add It to tbe nlinc Mtt point lu me •oulh.-u>l«-rly llm- of Idem; John It. .Urovea, Kecrelary: Luuia K. Hui'veed Warren \V. llroun, wlui linn photograph, applied herself assiduous- butes of tbo beau and tho business INVIID HVVIIIII.-.III flic tll.lHni-fOI nuv Imnilri-il 7 .WM. LAKE, C. E. HuilUt, ireimurer; Jtihepti 1. H«ull. Juhli K and theae caUHed much adiuxement. rent, of UH luemtiO'H, and Hcarcely ever barveHtlng an apple crop that will go Kllzabetb; great Mlnnenana;, Jeonhi >, get on bla knees"—, amount of tbe bill nnd request tbe iiuntutinly ilvt*(I-A)'eot MMilliui!kl*-r'> Irum Tuwnmtud iiud Wurren W. llrawn. ' Fall Millinery Atlantic City Theatres been ntrett Hii|>urvl"or for about xeve'ii ThByToto ball held every spring at ly to tbe upbringing of her two-year- man. nnd tbc famous Lord Alvanlcy 1 Tlie nieoibern bad peanutH IIUIIIH, Layton, Manasquan; great ketper of Tlie girl smiled. lu«MOUIhueNlvrly llni-iif lu lit Mn-fl. 1*1111 ram. .••;•••'•: •- •.•*•:.;'. ..'•. . • loat'lew t|iaii 21 percent, of the men far toward wluulng back Its former TaruvSrjis given for this very purpose old baby with a view to tho child's fa- lieiid waiter to* divide It among tbe did nut attempt tbo task. Largely All tin- iivnVKt stylt-s in I.;ulic»' iiiuLCIiil- "No; he will say that I am ready to wrvnnts. Thus Is tbe tipping ques- lululnicMiulliu««tfrly of Unit |K,IUI In fr*uil Real Holy Trliilty'Cburcb. 1'ruteMlntit KPIM-DUIIK li IH Mated, on (TOIMI autliority, that they Horambled ror applen and Iliey lu any'engagement during the cam:glory BH the greatent of the fruit-pro- reeordH, Barab T. Bellatah. Trantoo*r of Introducing dcbalaqten of nrlKtocrat- miliarity with her distant father." Each as the result of tbat philosophy wblcb or brrudlli ull MtM Oci.uniiV|.|lur.lH<;iil>-llVi* Hurvi*vliiii(ruti\*'t,iTt« liu-, riniiini«iiliiiit-r o' PI-I>IN, Noluvy I'liMh*. M'u*tt-rini*|i Ctiuirul .avenue uud Kleveutb Ntreet. The get on my knees lief ore him. beg bis tion vpry much HlmpHned.-New York iro I«M, Mini or thnl uliltli exli-wlliit: In 4t>r*eltir\ iht ill I'll) Ililllilliitf HMI| l.'inii \«O the days be- great keeper of wampum, Harritt A. .,-> 1cfimrfiff*' Fresh from tbdr convents, diiy she would call tbe baby girl to .led him.to cavil at a friend's weakness ItrtmUioril |ith Mouiht-HHl' rly IH-IW^I-II IIIID I11 r«'iil, fiirnl.li.il 11 iin(iirnl'.|i<"l t* 11|.. II mil., M'irli:iit:i' , Will-, uml I'miiriu-tli ,-i r. Prlngls Uuy lu-iuler. Huudny. K^-IIIMII, :I pardon, offer, to do any penance,ho Tribune. piintlii;!Hiiniu*iii'ii.|itoi>trv«-i Mr t-xifinitii) . J. 11. illlclrnth'H At the close of tho merry-makine,' Herved wllli llie Army of the. Jamea fore the Hcale spread, devastation W bit more, Oceania. After • aplrltarl - flmisml becomingly., animated wltb ber and. kneeling,beside ber. would In "muddling nwny.bls fortune In pny- >lniun. AiiMlr.nlMiiriilIi-1 r.r-rnil> pr*-|iu -I #KV|MT|..IIII. nt iimri' Him IH,-UI>.IJVI lu.; Mi>ruluL- Hervli-u ami Srriiiuii, lul.; APOU.oTllKATHI' CiiiunilHxIiiiier Tliorn nulil that IIIUH- v may name." • 11 vt* liundrt-cl IUM) feet, murv or it»». lo ullh ,„. Ottli-e-Hlxlli xtn-t-t HiDl'A-linrv iivciiiii-. l . * I. lt>*> -Ji». WN. I.AI tvenlug I'niyer und H»ruutn. 7.1.*, |^ m. iluiy Lfi Ai-biirv Ave.. Oi«aii t'lly, N. J. refreHhiiieiilrt were nerved. .hrough the magnlUcent orchards of election, Newark waa chosen aa tb*'. ' thtothehrflrstvlewof thowtrlnl world; bold up tbo photograph, pointing out Inc trudtwmen's bills.™ he one daylnltir««l«-flolllit} Hue ul 111 mi lili:li unlir I'uuiiuuiilon, UmlMunuiiy-lii llu* iniiuili, lu.ti Ih-M l'liiiii.-,r,i x niiich aH Home- buxltiexK will ciiine tuntll iletutcheil wllli Amen' divlnlnn of they formed ascenecbarmlut; to look "Let its' enjoy the evening together eacb feature to tho child. ' found himself In financial difficulties murk (it Hit* Atlnntltiilcnin. _n. 111.: oiuuilllee, whoHe*chairman IH MI»H such an apple yield, and those In clos- year. ,v i * "One day the officer came borne, and A. man awoke one .iilgiit with a and asked Charles Grevlllc-, tbo author Him loitll'lht* rttlluwlnic di^crltitHl ini|H-rl> Meu*for'wur tbemserres notblng to do wltb tho pro- . "Enjoy It! I am half cnued at what Cuy, L-uunty ofc'u e&lay und KtjiU* ui Ni-vv H^unett, John IhltNi'hi-i;, J. Mdiuil lleuilley IHadame |Wazzi NOV. S. 3 AND 4 lo aelect tlie oulxlile uieiuber. He summoned. *Come dear.' sold her He groaned, lie. turned and twisted, In order. Tb«> two men—Mr. Lewis ^«riwy, drM-rlheil IIM fuiioWi*: li«-)iiniittm ul n Tl IIM .1. '1'lioru. ,il<-uri»i II, llurretl uml aineil J. M Cheater, who WaH elected. mi, to Keptember.. IHU5, and left IM growers will market not lens than 600,- TWonX marrtcd tmmedlatch. nnd might I have done." Melville describes the Incident in x>lul tu the im-uh lilieta «Mvr Hue of the At Wnrn-ii Hmltti. HATS. o*iiv AT a.ao; EVES, AT a.ao UOCII to Halllinorr.' 000 barrel* or line fru'l. ' V. W. C. T. V. MBBTS ' Mot only does youth live for tbe mother to clee, -papa has come borne be bowled, be sat up nnd lay down - ..nllvlKvuu, Kith" ili»mmv or oui* liuuilr*^. MCORSOU MODISTE ' Mr Thorn, nominated H. A \V. Jead lu Virginia, , : 1 tbrreafter reedvo nil the nt cntion they "Some Eccentrics and a Woman"—, iliiwiiH anil Kanry.WalMlK. Tnllorlie n Oncar Donnelly, or Klorenre, whit The great crop olgnallzea a victory • ' • . : I ' present moment, but Is foil of hope. at lust!' Tbe child trarvcjV.'d the offi-, agnln. .He arranged Ills pillow and Mnil twenty'lit* tv*l yauitmv^ttrly rroin Ilia HI. AugUHtlne'H Itoiuun CatlioIlK ctiiucii TWO HOURS OF riuillh for buildine ,InHperlur and •UIIIIII ( arollna, Ueofgliraiid Florida. n liked from tbe hosts of odmlnru who cer in perplexity and Onully shook" her pre«sed It against his face, with an- spent n day over accounts, and GrevUlo, MOlllhwvMterly llnti or Tvallr HliVfl,,.ll ' Akbury> uveuue, belweeu Thlrleeblh unil H|M-r|iilty, I'llnH HatlMtai'tury. liaHbeen employed.aH a loreman on hat will do much to encourage mill Ml«a Helen Campbell Heatfa'fee*' crdwdea about tbem. Tlieso two would not have been young found tbat the task be bad undertaken a^OUrl4M)ltlll Hlfl« K^Vr Jlllltlltf tHWVDIIf V UHMtfll' 005 EIGHTH ST. . OCEAN CITV. N. J. |>lunibluK ltiH|iei-tur. .Mr. Smith WJIH [he hew Hewage dlnpoiial plant, left doty lor Mow Year. ' " nnd not tbe dellebt of being together head.. • other groan." '., - - u Three growen In all eastern- Btaten to com- "My son." replied Count llcrtlnotU. ~ Ills wife slept bn nnd nercr moved. would not bo no difficult us bo bad been wv»lerly In uuu uioui; ttio lut9»n liiuli uur^r Estate Mtatvm, K, uiuiiuu't-itM-k. • * BtCOND riODR elecleil. lie IIBH been bullilinR iu- IIIIH city ou Friday laat for Baltimore. pete with the wentern fruit, now hold- The Young Women's Christian TeW aud their entrancing surroundings en- •"What Is tbo matter, dear? asked mark or lut» n 11 uitlo OLVUII, tweoty-nvu l*n-l, liuiiiuiiiieLlt»|)li-.| t'bural*, W^*>.l«'y uvt-niii.. Motion Pictures liettor.' . • • Thai real edule IH moving In Ocean )/cl *is~now traveling, but nlll arrivo hi abled them to throw off tbe cloud that her mother. 'Well.' replied the child, - lie wanted nttcntlon. bo wanted sym- given to undurstand.. Ills relief was more or Itrwt, lo u pololdlMtitnt out) lilinilrv* IvIuu'.Nlulli Hlrrrl. Hi v. K. K. \VlnU-, |«<-tiir. Mil., where lie will take charge of u'Ka monnpnly. Many furmera loat persnee Union of Ocean City met Op- Turin fbr tM boll. I suecest tbat tbe pathy, and ho groaned again. not Ions lived, however, for on tbo fol- iiDd liny trvl ftouitiwetilerly rnilu lliv miulli- Huuiluy4tfrvli-L-i4y, , lu^u u. in. mid T.IITI,, |i|. in.; - MORGAN IIAXD. JR.* foiuniUMliitier MarlH iitnuinaleil J T'lty there-can tie no iiuexlioii. That hung over them. If tbe moonlit lake be looks something Uko" my papa, but westerly line t r Tvnllt NIIVVI, If extended |r>'|irM>'t-r r niwtllltlM VVdlVVi-dlu-nliii y r\t.|iilii|i ( ull 74 7.4.*,*. Chinee of Hrourain S|HTMI Kratuln Kucb UtY. work for the Hmltli-Conlrnctltie . t IH. moving rapidly In HIIOUII by-a ll hope and iiiterent lu fruit growing lober 27 at 8*2 Central avenue. The ' first meeting between tbe tno >oung my papa hasn't any legs?" Still she slept, le received a note (ineittured »t rlichl un«lenwltli Teulli Nlrvel) isuuduy KI'IIIMII, tlMi, Hit-Itev. K. K. Wlillv, ClVII. KNUINKKK AND NDHVKVOH K. Adaiui Tor c-lly clerk, anil lie WBHMr Donnelly will return later to At- ollowing officers were elected: people" take1 place on tbat occasion. bad first drawn them. together, this (2nd) nortuwfwierly 01 tliut point pttroll*-] hui>eriutiidnt ; IraiiHautloii that occurretl IIIIH week. when the Hcale hit Ihelr'oroharda wltb ballroom, voluptuous, yet.above which added to wlmiMil(ITculb«l»el.ll extended, Hire (:l LICENSED 'AtlCTiQNBBR, HIU WK>.I.«V **».# «f«*N C^irv, W. J. rr*TURC rOR THURS. lected. . HIH Hillary IH *!Nin a year. lantic City, where he expeclH ti> be Ita ratal blight. Ollicn tackled the Prealdent, Miss Helen Campbell: There wtn be*a great ndmntnge In ,. • " W*U.L, rtiWM«. .M S •' ' . A large lioui-e on UardeiiH Itood, on bung for them a .cloud, strengthened Humor of th« Barometsr. a fellow leet; (Urd) norllH-UHtetly nlonu u Hue purullel Unlou Tuiwruucle IWptlHt Uburob,* Hi> bun been •holding u IUIHIIIOII an employed for Beveral montliH. - Wbile problem or Having the treca, and nowvice president. Miss Bertha 8nekhwt such an Introduction. Tbe music, tho It was a beautiful barometer. It wllb und ttiret* lent uorlbweti'erly funi tbe Mtrrt«t and Wt*Ml uvuuue. liwri Win. Kvmii llie OardeiiH C'Q.'H tract; wa» mid array of beautifully drexxed young the bond that nnltcd their hearts. Per- that when In u sufTerini; with a meuD bt^li u-uler mark ortheAUuntJcUi-eHU- No. 721 Aisburij Aoenue, Ocean Cih), N. J. |Hw\, lUoreorleHM, l«»u point. di»- ami H p. IU. I'ruytriiitM-tinu.KiM'ltM'k Krldity FtATURC 'OR FRl! :. In Phlladrl|iiiia. He in a nepliew. of wlce liefnre It waH llnally dlMponed of woUenT'and well Broomed young men. case wltb a spick, nnd upanuess that funre oiieiiunilreduud twunly-llve feet KOUIII. «veului[. OlflctirK'or .Hit. honril—('liarlvH II, large circle or Me'tida, who wlnli him lewliifc In dlHgulae to e««lern hortlcul- Allen; recordiug secreUry, Mhw Ethef, the-adornment and'perfume of flow- that was sow likely to separate them— Still she'slcpt' Morphine Htunds unoqunled as a per- wenturly rroju llie K>ulliw«»lerly llneuf Tenlb IT^I for rvD< tuitii cmruot 'hBc lluwurd. olllilriiluu; l». Hurl, flltircli cl«-rk; Kbeuezer .Adamn, of We»t Plilladel- jyOtln.M Towiifen'd, through C. H. Norcom; treasurer, Miss Alice Jeffries. boasted of Its newness." Its rich frame- Htreel. If exit mled (uieitMarKl ut -right uiiKle Juliu KI>|M, trvau irur. nuecesn- In. liln new Held of labor. urlatx iu that it taught them the value en.'iks) rippto of, chut, mingled with did more to cement them than either 'He bad groaned tbrce times as loud •verier of the.moral seuxe. Whisky Wllli KHld Tenlb •Ireel); (UK) «oulli™»l-rl\ Enoch Arden phla, a taxpayer iu IIIIH city. . trick. - It waR bought by MIHII Fannie >r apmyiug agalnHt all Inxect apd fun- Refreshments were served, and all had of tho other causes. work clearly advertised the large price aa he could, and xhe didn't awake. mny disturb, the tmnglnutlon and-Judg- riurullel wtth Kwld.Ti-nlli t*lf«-l, if exletidetl ,HI. JuuieM A.'M. K. l.'burcb.i-orm-r H<«vuntU ' nalldlUK Many HOUIICH. '' 'avy, of tlltU SaiiHiiiu Hlreet,- Went "~ laughter*'all win conspire to seduce that had been' paid for It. Its owner threefral 10 ineup hlglt wwter murk tf the .Thil W«U Known Slo>r BMUtlfully Hortrsr"! . UHeuemleaaud lian enabled them to good time.- The meetings hereafter f th^fcaae^and that, you'know. baron. As soon as Giuseppe reached homo Then tbo baby, lu Itij crib In another ment, causing many foolish nnd-un- .illuQlto "i'euu or polnt-ol lienltinlnic. ami Unveiluveniie IHVUII t'lty, N. J., J. It. "X J was Justly proud. Bnt It possessed one room, slgbed softly In Ita-sleep. JuvkMiu |M4J*ti»i*. Hunduy Kervuvrt:, I'tt^u-li. H. STEELMAN 1.1c—All J>e»Ct Matinee or Niylit—10c Iraprovlnir property. The Avalon* Iteporler'. In IIH latent roduce the llneat applen grown In will be held.Tueaday evening Inetead —"•— — - were young men one always be aroused bis father from slumber, wise actions to follow Its use. but mor- llelni; the nuiire prt-inUtw wlitcn llie llfurb IIIK, ll.l.tu. 111.: Hu*ilialli HvlMMtl, "iJUl 11. 111.; p drawback—It wouldn't work.- 'Ever The woman wan on Uor feet and I- rotil IuipnivcitientCompunyof ocruii city I'rt-ai-ulutt. H4KI u. m.; Vtusiei MHI <'harlewB. I'atton.a i.rouiliient I'lill- l?»J!?._iw!al-a!!!ed_t|ie_follnwlug:_OiiH merica;— TT~"-— " f Friday^ We would like a full tir •ring hi e'mattcr of loyaT_ _ told him of the mbttabe tbat bad been phine HtrtkesjlQeiHjrjiiid creates n per- ~WdlAly~VUlut)rul'lf6;<.|uvK; ~ "Mere ou Ilonvymo«»is. America; rwltb you, count, piydnngh- ntniullns beside ita crili.nnilous eyedr "son~wUoni"tho"fatIier of lies "njust rec- adelphla uuvlneMa man who Hpendn the TowiiHeud baH about com|ilel.eil endan •enest Tuesday evening; saya made and bcBged-htm-to~6et~out~ot Hdneerir-hadbccn-purcbased duyuljuue, A. I). IIMli, und lnlimd«il lit'bo John li. WillianiHou and bride are ihe secretary. $Uu>'convent In a, few days, bed. go at once to tbe baron and en-malned at "net fair" whatever the tn an Instant. -• ognize- as kindred to himself. .Stories forlb^UhTe<.*orlrt«'Mlrt«. II Thi! Gtmtnl War and File Scene Ever Wrienttd pruvenientn to IIIH pro|ierty 011 Central In the bungalow at 10lf. Anbury ave- I'tof. J. M. Hteveim, of this city, was 'ler tbkt'sbe'be/kept DLe a bird ta a weather bad happened to be particular- man.-"that she loved me "most"—St brain, told In.a manner-to appear .so reMjrvutlnUh- und remrlt-'ltfiUM ol. llu* oivu R. CURTIS ROBINSON u. in., Hunduy MfluMil-uu;Clrltl,-uu|i. iu.;Clirl*>tluuu Ku- Teas, Coffees, Fine Groceries. avenue, near Tenth street. Tlie Im- more well uuder way.; Mr. Town- Mlddletown, Del, on Tuesday, at- tract Naturally the father, was op- City AHM>rlHtion.- - . «li.i4Vur ii*twllii-c > p. ui. l'n*ut;liliiK( H p. •ue,owned by Mr.WilliainMiu'Hfather, M. B. Vouam*a Paltter Daatf. i _w-»™-.»--.. get: free. In the ball- posed to going on such an errand at ly tret At last its owner grew weary Louis Star. ' ... Intrinsically trtie that tbe stories be-" KKKIiMtKK J. MKl.VIN.Sh.rlir. |>riiveiueiitNliio|uiteaiianl>enloHHhln/IHKD w uitnKit COMM^NCINO MONOAV, NOV. 6 renting. ••••-. yean. iMr. Htevena met a number of ber of the Brm of Vollum, Fernley/ and tbe son tog o to bed, promising to see the over Its- internal stupidity. One- day lone by Oti» M. TowiiKend. ' .'luyton. ; '• . old frieiiilH. * . ' ., . baron as early the next day aa Itwhen tbe .rain was pouring extra bard Strawberries have Improved very phlno or cocaine. I know of nothing KlUBT PHCHUVTKUIAN OllUHOH. Vollum & Horer, oneof tbe best known frtewte separated. much in flavor since the Ufteeujth cen- "UulleN' Auxiliary *MM;l«ty ui««tH llrHt M011- GUY BATES POST Certlfled Public Accountanta In the would bo proper for him to call. lie tore the weather indicator from the that will appeal to one of these sattj- Notice of Kegintry and t " day ev«iilUK ur eucu uiontu. ft*r«*i.ld»ut, FOURTH ST. and ASBURY WE. tury. Until then tbu only uuiiwber- • ' " ' IN . Uhtted-Htatespdteit-ar-lil«~t lthhfe^BW days after |he meeting Giuseppe walked the floor till dawn. wall and took It' ont Into the road. cluutly to enable you to ct an honest Mr«- . J. H. IUi»li; Vlm-I'ruildcul. Hn. J..I.111*. 'f —ltirMa«nt~to~IiiU<~ltOtl«S~i»j * !ifri>l*v -r o»r«'»a»ur»rr»lr».-l*wl«-K.-Hmlthr«eiire'- Ridley Park.Thursday, aged 72 yean. sssajPtL HIa~father~keprTiIs~pfoTOlse entity "Tor a moment the noodle, hesitated: .. . ,. _ , ^i reply to any question of moment you tbil i Itod r IUit d Klt tury. MrH. Jubu K. llrovtw; volliH-luni -Mm. Orders receive prompt attention.-. I Th© CliSl lOngOrS Wallxniund^lni. Kould*. , WILL CELEBRATE He wan boru In Philadelphia, October nlenec wltbont love, 10 o'clock called on tho baron. Giuseppe Then as tho raindrops began to. dim a kind which would^ever.flnd a mar- mn/ynddrcs /to* hIm. ,f yyoa 8h0uld re- : the nrhtoiracy of Eu- ket nowadaysy . By .1-180. however, they * " Vlirivlluu Kiidntvur'H4Hlety. U'lllluin ' '• n am delighted to see you two days to Glnseppo—and still* the A Paris contemporary gives us a Prince Niipoleou, .commonly known triitiuu or Y<*lrr-( ^ tfavli uionlli. Mm. Kllxiiljt-lb Uundy* prwil. Methodist Sunday' School ant». having been iu president eJii«e?H< glimpse, of the administration of Jus- He quotes tbe Dnke of Gloucester is 1 u IIOUHV lu IIUUM.* i-u d»ul: Mm. Uerlrude llcudley, truwurer; Dm. other fellow may sell it a little cheaper, count •failed: to reappear- The lover. an IMon-riou.'ofion used to como to/" 1 'arrie AdauiH. lujcrvlury. . Quail, Pheasants and Deer • Nominated by This Or- Members to Have Great I; Meridian Bun Lodge No. IBS, "" ' -X sapfe? i Considering tbo time occupied, feared tice among the "native* to the Lower saying to the bishop:'-My lord, you Georgo Sand's relwanuils. Be was ez- M-m. Jubu u.'Uuudy. HiiporlntHUddut Jun- [RED MEN ENJOY ^*E>i,sjn.glad.-.tO rejuln you, father, Niger territory, wblrh for its efficacy nave very good struwucrrics In your ueorso «ano"s reneorsa.. Tuesday, September 12, 191 j lor.l«aKu«. . , * Opened Yesterday. *.. ' ganization. V.&A. M.; Oriental Chapter, Royal' the worst He was In despair when »n li».Holborn. 1 require you to! tremcly fond of her. Tbo'first tlmo " PENSION VOUCHI£RS.:: Urfll.'t»' Union.1"II. K. .MoVrt-r, prmldoul; but abettor quality—"IMPOSSIBLE." Time Next Sabbath. nfboagh-< admit that I have had a de- mlgb be compared wltb,Swift's ac- garden The open Beafioii for deer, ducUH and Arch Masons and Post 2, U. A. B. "Bghtfut trtp." > ' be saw bis father, coming and ran to is nave a mess of them." This! • ever saw that man I turneI d pale and t'arktir M|ll« IrvMUrer There were lifly iiiemberH of' the The Firm M. K. Hunday School will meet bun. . count of the-means adopted by'Judi- let us have a" "mess . \'CAREi-ULLY EXKCU PKD ' ' ';" "" geeke, quail, rabbit, pheasant ami game AN OYSTER FEED Mr. Vollum was a member or the ' tTtta nest wfll bs your wedding Jour* speech was copied almost verbatim by fplt ns though my heart stopped beat- Tmsday, Septcmlier 36, IQI.I lll»I.V THINITV CHUKIi'lf. Ocean City Motor lloat Club ut thehave a "rally day" next Huuday In ' C cial authorities In Laputo, we believe, ing. .Be looked so much like Napo- Uurl«h tlulld. Unit Uouiluy li/llie munth. began' yesterday,' and thoiiHauda of famous. Collls' Zouaves, 114th Begl> " 'jf.jboy, ,:>ly neeotiatians wltb "I've won." said the count . to discover conspirators. If a native Shakespeare hi "Illchnrd III." Still, ut lli 1 Hum- Hportumen were abroad at daylight ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and' is accused of theft tbo heads' of the it i-loi'k In the evening uud luelr, Ifnut IIIIH'I. day lu the tuuulb. * '. ' evening, when the noutluatlon of sary iu its new building, and the occa- participated In the Acqula Creek and taf/tbe betrothal or yourself village'make a decoction of herbs and peal much,to modern connoisseurs, for resemblin. g tiltn It seemed to me tha. t Ill;, ou . '• - . Numbers 74). and 7.46. Asb-iry Avenue • after their favorite quarry. 'Hie game Members ot Kalmia . Tribe BIOU will be mmle a most joyous one ;us your order for the Sunday poultry; We 'otilcerH waH held. The election will Wilderness campaigns during tbe Civil V Unt Pooled Them. : put into the essence ubont a grain of the sarden atrawberries at that period, bo niudo him seem- less for away nnd .-WUIUUU'II Ohrmiluu Teiiipeniiio) Union, promlHea to be fairly plentiful IIIIH oea- Have Big Time "in Their • broughbut the day. j Tuesday, October 31 v 1911 - a tilenouilnutlopul, • lueelM iwuil-iuuntbly. lake place at the annual meeting ou War. He la survived by the following «,jg^man's, brow darkened "Wrapped In bis dressing gown and ground pepper. The liquid is then were only transplanted wlldllnsv the brought, him nearer to every one. ' . t Crrv - . ; '; • . NEW JEKSEV t*ie*Ulent. VIM I;.HWUII; correwpondlug nee- BOU and Home good,shooting In antici- [ C ^between the hour* of une und jinie In the '•- Wigwam. tbe lutit Huturdoy evening' In Novem- Iu the morning tbe sarrament'of - 1 Jmjngasly.^ His father BOW the change with feet incased In slippers. Franz lightly applied to. tbo eyelid. If the phints behut sold at about fourpence | Slnie. Sand Introduced blm to mo ta|»n*-ruoon ofiutlddiiyfor the purpose of re- relHry.Mm. V. Parker; rerardlug secretary. .dress them. • .--. . - • ,. pated, (lame •vardeus are on patrol ! children: Mrs. James Wblttaker Fern- r a bushei.—London Standard. " j «l'Ito of my wishes.. Be looked at mo'v'JMtniEund corractlnie ihe reulxerH und ou-not write «°e" nirHued the bonier, a noisy musical soiree 'was In water. Into which he puts some poison. tocrat of the supper tuble and tbe "Why. sbe Is Id lore wltb you!" be. noon. There will be a special program progress. Polonaises -had succeeded Then he takes n cow's toll and "as- ibut election dlntrlct ul the next tlnlun Itoberl r'luber; aecrelury P. M. Tl.oinjm J. -It will be lawful to hunt deerou each The boy» had ordered 1200 oynlern, Daniel Haggerty; rear commodore, O. Waller W. Sibson. of Mt, Auy, ^fstter-'Tnot O.'week- ago tliat yon bad most coxtly of di'llcu<-k-t.. A man who exclaimed. laUBlilnc. George Sand Ihertl-.or wuUMbull ueMbuwn by the' u'rll- • Tliorn. of vocal aud Instrumental music The hlladelphla, was a visitor here B'few' waltzes and nocturnes bad followed jienjes" the eyes'of tho supposed as- axed .to live In Maine." but now lives la ten ufflduvlt ol u voler reMIUlnr lu lbe Mime of the five WeduesdayH ortlie mouth, aud these were served lu various styles. AlvluBuook, . . -as to, whom you should sassin.' If tbe man becomes blind'be stroked my check gently. "Sbe Is rayelectlun dl»trlcl to be HO. entitled to vole Oetiau City Lojle. No. W, K. of P., mt«lk i-blldreu and tbelr pa'rentaarecordially days ago. ' He bought a lot on Wesley' fW*} .leajw tbe matter to polonaises, when suddenly tbo door of Ohio, "has this reinlnku-cuve. uccorJIuy little madonna." sbe answered; "do not tben-ln. und ulno lor Ibe purpose of eriiMtm: ant uud tblrd Monday evenlnifK • or euob Boyle's Dependable Market but thefiport la largely restricted by tbe The membeni bad appointed as their There WOH no oppoHltiou; to any orInvited to be present. Souvenirs will is pronounced a murdcrcY. . ; toerefrum tbe numei* or uny. iienonM who mootU In K.or P. bull. Anbury uveuue. near committee William H. Suillb. Cbarlen avenue,' between Seventeenth end tho salon opened, and Liszt entered, to a writer In the. Cleveland Leader: •ibowo uot to be Milltlrd lo volu ibrrt-lu. l.v Havnntb mrwtt. C. C, Murk Ijiki-; K. or K. problbltlon.agaluHt bunting wltb dogu, theae, and they will be elected. -• be given all. In attendance. ' ' • qtlll wrapped In bis dressing gown torment ber."—Sarah Bernbardt's Mcnv reaMinot nou-reHldem-eorotherwIiJe. un.l H., U. Howard Tborn. Eighteenth streets, and will'build'a a u and Hat by n lady "Bill" Bm|tb told each member they den tract that IH worth {3500; ouly (260 Two family furnished boose, fbuf *ii other they were black. ^1 sat on deck at It quickly left bis place. . Liszt sat portion*, aud the bill was S2.'. And yet purple illstauces. . " ' I InutloiMor-cundlduleu lortlie rollowliiu olll " tluduu Olty Council. No. 10.- II. ol A.. Meet* aoiiHo|iehou the name day aud the be brouglit up. - bed rooms and modern lot 40x100, T whom ho did not, know. Their conver- every Tburoduy ovenllitf lu K. or P. lull, burners will be divided In their pitbull could have oyelero in any style they cash needed, balance easy termn. H. pi irhad just met whose dawn at tho Instrument., carelessly as a boy I've scon my father stundliii; "Darling," be whlxriered. bus ecus , • MIBII W. l>ke,wscrelury. • . Comnuidore William I). Hnoiv pre- !>., f*e Uato. owner, Audubon, N, J. tf Seventh and Atlantic avenue, aa an >ci.ldt-r, careful In view of, tbe. dnutlo law tee members produced. , ; as commodore for two terma - aud la avenue, and two corner lots Thlrtletb v * tope ol« tfia-u^wWrt last! ,No. later a clrl I made three resolutions—first, I . Willurd W. AduUM. _ ., . • No. U8U, Heo..A.,We«ley avenue. Price andAsbury avenue, bargains forquick* ' > than dawn. And OioWr lone must you bis pocket. And Immediately, with Oshermnn turn over, to my father the may be ollifc eiirn uround." • ' agaluat buutiug deer wltb bouuda, as pne of tlie moat popular uiemberH or 1100.. Apply, It. MKNTiNKbotllce. determined that I would never marry entire catch, and the whole boatload— Kulwlu Tribe, No.'jai, 1. O.H. M.. meelii the organization, but, by a rule or tbe sale. • if < >u 1 M HsyiwMn a -wlfe,r'tnntn>ij5an>,parted tho samo tranquil ah- with which be "Other ears: .Why should you think DF.UKGATKK TO CDCNXV CON. botu ammalo are found lu tlie name Halt IMeaMMil Uullnic. a soldier; second, that'I would never 250 or 300 big. black lobsters, perhaps so. dturvat:" •' " - eaob Wvduruaay evenlnK m ulmuiplon'H bull club, 110 commodore or vice comjuor Ke Hure aud go to li. JR. Smith _ Two huudred feet on Blxtb street , death Xiff1 hh bad entered, bo went ont and returned VKNTION .l.ullierl. Wullaee, keeper ol recorda. woods. •' ' • • • Allen Hcull, the builder, and family, (tons for anytblng In tbe Hue of Wall opposite park grounds and near the \ marry, an Irishman, and; third, that 1 —would be damped on the landing qud "Oh, becniiiic I have so often heard dore can hold either of these poaltlocs to Ms room, wbere be could work at would not'be long engaged. And all . CONBTAIII.i; • Wuahlniclon Camp, No. 75, P. O. H. ol A., R. Curtis Robinson . Quail shooting will not be as good as together with Mian Hertua Bcull and Paper. You will uot ouly be treated ocean. tlSSO. SOxlOOft. ?~> A Jus ease. taken back on our old farm, us feed of iiiouiiiiiliiwrs . I I bought .-pertain* BATHING SAFE AND UNSURPASSED meetv every Friday nlicbtCbaltiplou N bull. more than two yeara iu nuccetialon. bight, but you will get a square deal. Bungalows and cottages at bargain*" '\- those three resolutions I broke. Whom for tho pigs. , •' there uilghi lie.Hoiue uround. uud"~ Two Jiemben or the. Hoard o f>. p., Frank Hcbnelder: prculdenl. Lutber h. hi former years, but there will be some John J. Foster, enjoyed a loug trip In counter prices, ( -»--it ' do yon think I did marry? The Duke -Wullaee; Hecretury, Kdinund A. Ifouriieoln. good Hhootlng If tbe despicable pot- Mr. Hcnll's auto on Sunday, Tbey Many of the v.lalting member* spent FOB BALE.-—Cottages and lots In , \ All Is Not Lion" That Roars. ' Rut.Just then tbi-re. was-a mlBbi> f Kdueallon for two yearit moat desirable location* in Ocean City. FRANK .K. DABBY, > ' of Wellington! Ho waa a soldier and Ctarjecoach of tho Twenties.' "Cump WiKObr A., meeu everyHuturduy huntlogabd trapping Is broken up. went lo Mt. Holly and Trenton. Re-Sunday at the.club bouse, which la ;A negro was arrested for stealing cmxli.. A iniiunlalii gout tiuil. Uwinl One Member or Itae Hoard or l-:tl ut7J«ljp.an..ln K.orp.bull. Ham J. Kinky, Apply to A Cotton 010 Asbury avenue, ESTATB <*ial and employed a lawyer of loud an Irishman, and I was engaged to Brooks Bowman coiuii:e:.'awful pun uud> (limped over tli.' acallon for one year recording- secretary, lurolug they came down on the Penn- Oceau.Ulty, New Jersey.. 701 o|ipo«unlty." oratorical voice to defend him In a an hourly HtiiRecoucb betirwn .Boston cliff.—Loudcin Tutbir. . . rulued. Trapping Js alao responsible sylvania side, to Philadelphia aud then complete comfort. . ' . • ended, mrajl such to- Kntbcrine Pakenham. It was an un- AIMO for the election ot member* or'tlm Wub-HlellWubHlella ConnolirNoConn No.. 60, iii.. oorr P.P... nieenieeuu Conveyancing and justice court, , and Boxbury on March 1. .182:1. Ml every MondaMd y uleepat7J»,Il J»In K.oKor P. HallHl. l for tlie growing scarcity of rabbits andtoCamden, whence they starred for a qoarv happy marriage, and the couple mostly Uonnty KxecullveCommlUee. * Mm. Bubplu IS. Campbell, K; or It "Tbat law>rr could ronr like n Hon." left tho town' umix« itu lEoshury hilt Making Money Two. Ways. * And oollre lii hereby further given Ibut tl ihould be dl«couutenanced by every home. Tbey ran out of itaaollne at Aitcil Woman Din. flrm as a rock! the ncero wild. "I thought tie nun gu- lived apart.' • every day In tbe week- i'.xcepr the Sub Board ot UegUtry und Election, itiil ££,;' THEHDMEOFTHEFA^^ ; Our tli*4* ctnit piHi'iM, t»f rn'unte, art- • Ocean Olty Uranch. No. 210. or the ilrand Hporiiiman. ' > . Malaga, which delayed them Home Mrs. A. Minerva Clark, of Pblladel- EtrJr* denlgnuteU plucen: Flr»i Wiir •• Kriilurnlly, bobbi reiiular luonlbly lueollDX" Insurance Grown Cautious, '' - nierx-ly MLI-IIK, ili-riVliiK* Ilii'lr pim-luix on lbe «ei>oud Toenday or eacb mouth In K. little lime.' phla, who had been a cottager here b too yti thai jur) out or tbo box I coc Chatty Lodger (to landlord) — Ton returning, slnried from tin' OJU Routli IUK |ui»i>r fr.mi Hie HIM or tbi> iri'ii>. CouwllCbaiube-;H«<.-onifWurd, No. if' • ur P. Hull. Couiuiundur, Lowl» K .uiullb; •me lOQtluiiMUte nnd hurried up lu .church at 0. 11. n. S nnd 7 o'clw-li ' Kecorder,X*on B. Hutton. Lodlie OSH lo Llinvood. for a number nf years, died at her seem to have seen a good deal. What urj\ Tlir n».|iiluliiiiiii:s r»r IIIIMII IOHI Membeni or Ocean City Lodge, No. home, 1524 Central avenue, ou Mon- burn all that coal ii'nd bide tbe «vl- are yon} ..Landlord—Well, air, I were The faro was 12H cent* each way. . • only ubtuii H i<-nl« ii liiciKlu-il. VVki-ii ,-, GENERAL. SLECTION ' YaobtmeD'u Auoclatlon. Wilton WlllKACK A. big time IH anticipated. Monday evening. They were In Phil- to Philadelphia ou Tuesday. .. l!tfbmat Tbo count tou U gv H» JuU^~— Kuu*ln Cliy Hiar,, too. long to run-no risks, so I took on actual conflict*' maklag a clear proflt of $40,^00 on tbe > ; t and fnm, Philadelphia on Three Railways . . . . ; . . \> In connection with oar rcaratav 9«natortiltn\ '* ' '"** '' • ~"wJt r«Wa and told tbo a safe job and become n steeplejack.— "Don't.you think,*'" Inquired the man trnssactlou.—Saturday Eveulng Post • adelphia looking after their paper mill f u ! Money to Loan bin Bond and Mortsage _ • own Your Home. . . For Hale. Work we will open tbe Hall toTtkw convettfc' -'\t V' '$ ^F^T' >",:• - „'- — London Punch. ~\ "•"'' who ..was. reodlne the sporrhiB pose, lu,tereata, their manager having been Two nembera or the Board or ThePontiere It's dlgnlfled and gives you a dell- Coltuge wltb all modem convetil- enveailtaoiceueralpabUc^traoalew - ~ '~"- qpi, Mk the OeKrlptlve. "that oar professional puglUsts buve 111. Mcal»«er«er ptirl of the county. Within easy access of Atlantic pity and Besides, your responsibility as a real scriptive circular of my book.coutatn- Onr table* «re;,iiappll«a, Wt$l»V, .Tom—Yes; no has'received:n great ESXXBXZXSXXXSZKSSZEHXXSSZSS estate owuer makes you a desirable city. Owuer will sell ou easy lermn. cboiceat or rootlatb ta« bod ta na "I cot n in Hflf '-Chh ago Tuesday, November 7," 1911 of mnney-maRliiK. Tells bow, by fol- u •bout It." Journal.; __ ^___^_ HARRY HEADIiBY, . lowlnii auy of these plans', yoq-can add •pedal bots yeaterdnyJ—London Man. "Dili that do any goodT* ' other well-known resorts ; SHOP Real Estate Operator, Ninth and Aa to your Income during spare time, or The Hoover Eleotrle Snetlon Sweeper nuspicions re ivif>IWI8 Artnry Ave., ttcean City, N. X the SENTINEL!J^ l If - Ocean City, N. J, U 720 Asbury A.VC, t.\: :


'-T'C'/'"" •••-"•',* -.-••.• * ,-. _» ^....,

• '* - - A.* - . -'•-

HOTICES FROM new JEMCV MIMS SERVICES aocitTY JOSEPH L SCULULLL $3,150—Must Be Sold! e tecAH CITV LEMM THE CHDRCHES B«CHt» THE PEOPLE (<'»'iiiio.i«-J frum ^^^*l Th. \r» Jt-piy Hint" Mortirultar- Red Estmle Bulletin WTI MAV( HAD THIS NIW. MO-OIKM AKO »»«M..»UILT CHRISTMAS aCrtVICCS ul SIM 11 I> Lrld It fortlrlL jlQnUal COTTAQ1 PLACID IN OU« HANM FO* A hi}»«n AT ST. AUauSTIMrS f*T Rtttt—fafamwhfd brick hou-< CIMCUM»TAIWCC« CO*1^«I. OWHIK TO MU. AT LO>M. CON- an-ot StJtiun. Ik-nmWr «, l» und In by ibe year.. 0 rooms AA-J Uaih TAIN* riWS BIOAOOM*. SATM ANO UttAl. L4VIMO ItOOHa. m 7'i-« -*—U»Q pruira Du.-r int.-rv-.iini all coavcaitacrti. uol w*t*r br-i! PIM^LACI IN IIVIMO ROOM. OCCAM VIKW. LOT MO PUT. OCEAN CITY LEDQ 1 un.I jiruuUiiUJr tbn.uj-'h..ut und dr* * 61-VOO per mootb. OCEP. TCHMS TO »UIT. Am.v TO •fcnin*-. by rl ho.r. under th . .1,. ' "'" *fr>" " -iro'.h- nn.l i l-ir_V iltlrndunr^, «*-iw.-lully U3 Vlf« ( !"»-<» KK-llon of 1'rol. II. I!. Lake. • b.ir... I. r. TLM- ti-iiu] r th.- unrortuntilf Mritihrr roodi For Bfflt—'Hratrd ap-art-Bicnt, t> |b<-STANTON * SCULL, VOL. XV-NO. 1 OCEAN CITY. N. J.^TURDAY. OCl'OBER 14. 1911 PRICK, 5^1 »t-rv -iiid .il l". uod 10 <>YI <>n- vln.'ti prvvmlcd. >c«rf •* room* and batb; hot WOIT W:>-- • •\. II. First PresbytBiin Charcn .... Th,,- uiu-u- t..r tin' tnurr. 1'b.- rlbibit of frtiit and \rKTtubl.1- furoiMbrd ; nr»ly p^jwrrd ; 4«Qtr.ill> I .i.i U-«-ii urr»nici*d ni> ful liMAtrU; rrot rviuiooablc. Corner Seienth atrvct and W.-.l.-v'l.... • ' " """' '" • uQarvllitQ Mill) tin-. I-UOU-DDIID American Lady Shoes WALKOVER iveniif. llev. Ch.irlt. H Ik.lin. r ! i;f-, by FOR LADIES FOR HEN % N j.lor. 'I• "••;,"","_""H.-l«.r!» ""- '«''" ' irtu'ii »* lib Ihc year. ll.S.OO per month. , "l..r ,./ lUir.Ut,.,,,- «! [hi- -iw nintT in mu rut imi 'Wun.hip wiih aertnon at '. '(v-.ru. ,,r t'l.ll.lr»n 'ty. Knut- -mil Ocean City's First Gjmmissioners \.I.-I. *-l.|.|;, ,-J..,,. ••' i'l..|.lr.n .\. M. NWI.I. r. jk «li(f«r*-nt v.tn»*- fldt—I-nrgf fitorc on A y Sihool in _• :io U. ' ••. fiit* *-\bibit t>t irauf, near Eijibtb Mrert. ** "" 713-715 Asbary Ax u*n Kcdt^i\ur .it " -T»in,' ol -IMM-I.I^ $ZO0OJX) to ln a- I hi- v*.i- ib«-' Fir-t M,,riL-1.-.-. M JOSEPH I. SCULL Get Off at Fourteenth Street Tii.- |..i-i.ir Kill |.rr.i. II .. ("liri-i " • • ptlull 757 Atbury Avenue .i* .u in it..- iit• • ri*iiii." ui.-l •< n K.n H... t... •!'» till1 I.JI Can Up*- WM. M. TAYLOR in i .. 1 '"'I- I. ll.i- I..,. ' • I., i. . . .1 i.v ..'. ir-.i: \'..ti..ii-." -i-..I..,,. ... ' :i •'•" • • .. idt-r ,_„,,,., „.., ,., ,, want That Job Done? ', III.- ...|H m. .-I . ••• n. .- -ll.-i l'.-,.|.:.- I h.. i i- " ll"'.'1 I t M,..!1 '"••n"1 '" •'"-"•-' • .iyj cxrt.c i'h*>r« A O ran Ci-T. "-'- J . Oil . " >n - ,l;..-. ... I-. in.,- See T>J Sperm WKtU ~ .•-:-'"-. Ti,. ,.,...!• -..I. r •— ,,| ni.ir^.-l.,,. il>. Ill T'..-r.- uill 1*.- .,,-. i.,I il.i.-t i...- _-r..u. • ..I.- -I. •; . -iiiL-in.- ..t,ri nn-i-J EMWIN S. MftSLEV 1 l..t 1..H-. ..I..1 tea -•- •>"•'• !"•> -.n- |..n MI II16 Asbury Ave. Ocean Citv. M J. I.-II..U..; h> th.-| - -.1 l..»th -.r\ I- . - b\ 11-. . J .• ir '.•• .IV,- -!>1. ..I |.... k.J.- ., ..I I NOTICES! C. WIESLEB aV SON '( ->;..!.:. ..-• It, ..I • I.T 1 i.- I.-...L r-li.|. .-!' I- *i- I t ;• in" in I.,1.1. nut. • ' Artistlr MERCHANT TAllXBa ' Tin- i.iiili-.iiiv . A NOTICE OF INTENTION |-rx- inu-r,-,li,,_. an, |.r. I., __ORl>lXAx\CES. i .n-l r.i- lti<- .in.I I Mot How Cbtap •I !«-. 1. tii..ri.uk-liK l-r (•..! 1 I ril 11 un.l \ii.-.-fnM.- .-xhihil- 0R01NAMCE NO. 68 l*Lir«Lijnl |.J ^ m-it.fii J<1'(-(- I r. i.. ..r-. C J. 'i .i. u .ii.di-r th.- .11,.I l.'ir..- Ih.x. - ..I' ,.|.i.l,- |..i,L.'.l l.y Bui How Good HARRY Tl», «K«-^r. I'UJ. N- w J.r-.\. hri.l ..,. Tt...i-- % fc/ I-dr.- i.-i, ..: }!.-- l;...lk-. r-, ub ^ uli l^.v - ui..l.r . ulit.. n >.-..r- ..I ... J*\ ir »• thif-1 .1^' .•! 1^ — rr. — . - 1^: I. CIXAHIHG PSICSSINC OrRD r: i-i l-.lfkrt 1> hi'TrtiV *,' I.-- ii.. ..i. .tl.Ji: v in [ I.t- |>r<>- 11....!,. ...1 . \. . I. nl -i . -w in_-. t^ii. 1 tor... OC**JI Citrt j. av. [ >_>( -^-»iJ (u-r.l ••! LEADS VOTE l' n..-.- ..r.Ui.ia: !ivn._ • •,.— K.--I.I.'. (I.. .-> tiil».s - nl tni.t- .-I..) I ur... vt tcj'tw r.,ui ;.. in. r,n,M. ... v. j. :..M. -. ili.r. w... .,l-i. ..n .-\lub.t ih- ILTU -lift .u > ..r PERSONALS.-V- 4t _ . '. i*^k II. th. lair'tn ENGLISH and JOBNSO, Auruilj I^U. IL. «-:.!... i. r. ..: .lilT. r. nl L111.I- ..' m.i. hi. .r\ in It..-r.^ftrr Ihr lU>*r i.—-I-I«.:J i iir.i.» v... <—i r , A SUNOAV SCHOOL'S II-.' .n 1. cvl.iM. .i'i --r. I ..r.1 -...-: John Marli SeUcted-AM OPGIJ -tVarilJ''. «4f,J th-tVr. IJ V\»*U^ t.v*- G0NTRAGT01S • « Iw '"' |". •'• •"•• ' l..ir.'h. Kli . Fux npent Tburxluy ia Paul Kratu, wbo -aptal A* aan>- • •vrntli -I n . t .mil ' • lt.ir..:.J 1K..11 -wi..... r.^l. frvn. l.-jril. tew Plan 01 Go^crnnent. t «;anl.r.»rjl',. i .,| 'i».'6l Un. with I . - .... I.. -I.-. ;i r »< nu In I tu- In .1 rif) j • • ti in- n •* -r^i r.n I - b> d in Oocaa City, rataiMA to li-^-r. W. A r1»lr,r.!. V^^^ . ' ^ .. " BUILDER L TAKE CHARGE OF CITY 3 TFAIRS NEXT TUESDAY. art in bp«nJin^ iht ^ Pfcila«l. liibiu. Uarry A. Morrin* aa offlUrr «t Hf» Prosperity LcajLit Held A Me Oreao CUjr Baas Ball CUb 4 1 Mr. .^.rv.. , Batter, of TcUrtbu la Oceaa City. '•V.-r t-n--K »J: U .1 On TT.ursJay Alltdiuon. SUNDAY SERVICE THE WHAIE City ou TuoAuy. I .. i. . I : ' ,. ..t !> -...•,, •i.l.-l UrK A. IL IIi«bee and LICEMSE8 FOR ENGINEERS ANO l> r DRAWS SIG CROWDS Uiubrth. Uare to-day- tor a fow'- ' M FIREMEN MUQIUT dny» vUit tu New York_Gij. ' j First Uetltodltt EpliWflil Cliurcti. Big Monslcr ol the Deep AttracUJ on tii.u i-.n -4 < ..-..I oii^Hini r Hrjant. *>l Sir. and SIru. Albert Toft *U Mi'ch Attention—Thouiands Cuni*""'•" '" -'•' •'"•'>• I I'r. .i.-lm,- .11 111.:)" A. M. .m.i ~'M Tbun»- IVfxirtmrnt, hu- i Ol1 1 1 'r. M. MI,» SUrvarci Fogg w*r» «iw St»> •' lo See Hin>—Stripping Hli Frame' " - ^i'^- dUiy \iailurv to Ocema GtJ tfom ,'i. .in.bin.-<1 IflT K ii .] ii.. I' in...- ..I 1" 1" A. \[. mid 7.1111 S«Uei Quite a joi>—Sieteton WiU /Be '|',-"'''•'., 1 aa of „.. .^r. ..^ TO UMIT CREDITORS lli. !.._• t. I . \l. i.v il.. |..i-t..i. i:.-v. 1:. ll. , of lk.»tun, Slu (bat ' Placed In PtilladelphU Aci&ttoy— ~^\ .'.' ,'.'.7|.",',',',; I:I..HV..I... •1... Occ.iu City. NEW APARTMENTS ' His Oil Securtd. -" :.i,-i I.,. ; .... -i U,ii.. «f itc^rr autburiiy of u tu.*» t-a- — II I- • of Jcr-wv I'lty, U«o elated p«.id«at Of tW , I 1V1J. b«-- rrft-ntly b*w di-*tn .... iitt>-i. l.i i.,ui uj.j^. IKJ; IIHI -• 1. i'. t'i-it Ii.' ".- ui...1.1- t.. Jer»cy aute \V. C T. U. ".. I ; PTesl)>1eJian Church. |0cean Cily \1-1tor. u&'4-»U »p(jli>-«iiun tune- co tc^-ic- Wty-Dght RociQ BitJJdiog To B< 1 - -..11 ll.-uu... III.. ,ti./[ »|K.,,tii.^ -'"'l In.-'- • ©CTH and Crrnu-a ^ubjrt^. tc tb^ (*ra- Pi.... In..,-g.t 1»: III A. M. .m.i 7:1.'. E^ctrf By Contractor Hopf :... IH.I.I. r I-'.,,ull. -lr\ct Mrn. Wiu. ¥. ^nrd \ituoQ ol ihi- jirt. Tb« art prx-\uJ'*- P. \I. lUv. und Un. IL T. CfmUmt), -*• v .-..111.1..V 11. uir. 'I....1 I,, ..c.-ii Noilly tl.c Pl.iladclphla Acadtm/ ot Uphiu W'.itutt m\ Thi l^»t Iirro>r» -ihjiJI bv i>M_ird upon ri. |...-i..r. i;. v h..n. > T. r.i--. I- SIr». Jo«. L ScaU and M2u Vt^m -» xtrirtK i-rxmubiiy--! l-v t.n<- or ib«* . 1.1.... t'.iai-.n.,- ,,.:,-. ,,,.,v.-.i Karural Sciencei. th- wrU'.ci. ro^ur^t of tb. ^ a.aiti*j*- nwk* b-*A>iii«nli to f*.*i>f or 12** o»Mf« >'. -...I ...... i|.v il..- |..,l,i,:. Cor^ou bpent Tounday ttlMXautk fe ' - ll.. • Svrc S^i.r-." < . ruun.v -u»-h U-i:- any anioA - -•'••'— •••' •••"..II-'. t.i....-J,.d- Ml ,. :ii ,,Fl|. tlii. .,,,„„,,,, ..,.,1 I i...-: ..II I! ..I. ... -..- ^.. i.:v ..t Atl.intic Cdy. . tr-* Iu «JI cnjr>c*-^nt iinJ tlrctD«-n m t- Uik.*4J. -i«J upun th*. o*»*r« of tt^r 11 »l.tiion d<*-- O'-i « \i« n-i »i-d <^r nr^J ^«L*t* for b«£**A(-* oao- '•''' •••'•; - ii-ni --I •"•>' ••»•» „,- I,,..,..,,, \\',,,. 1: i.-.,,U-. ..| Mr. tilMrK J.-. I. S.-ull I.-..it- fo •«ily rn^-*+,-»^d a- r-a-h ml tbe titti- ttr imci .101! ic- : ..". |... : "-,,!.,. i. -vviiv I lu i.,-i, 0 ih.* r.i Jrond-. : ..- Pi I .|.-l|.:n.. I...1. 1...nil..I lli.- '"<• ^P«Kt», Virvniiii, llu- attcr- Ai..iuri.- ( 11*1*: ll*. Euo> iiv Ap^tvfirlMiirKi: tsf attLd Land, at-od t^ An <.ii JAS. H. SHIDIfQ l; II - . .'..- i:. i' " i.. II . ,....v ii... in.. I, M.,-. Mr. C. I). Starter, SacnUry «f ', p.. 1. :,.I.I 1 .\.•...I. in> ..t x.it ii .; period of >>i2i> J«J- lui- Tb,- .'... .. - i;.,- .ci:, ..•.i.Ki. the Kalioaal Park Amanottot C*. ."^ w. til b«* u tr*-*i- >. 1. ii. . - ..I tin- iiiin-ii.il ... . in. ii. .-, twHiu^T tbe orjrunLr^iiion of ib<« Hoxrd. tb«- city, mil, f..-: >b-;tc Li... Snlt, "f 1*. t< r-lmi... ra IIUK called the Aimaal natta]t tot "' CorlnthUr.j,^ L., j o^ATTAOrtiarT ; Landscape Gardenr .H..I II..- ....|^.i: ni.it> [•. -i.au tin- Dlu ASflunr PARK JOINS Ap{>li.cuaoa-t for LKUSC,-, cau3t LK- 'vom-, or fouj | Flrtt Bapllit Ctiurch. Tui—day allilllu-.n lo Friday, October 'Mb at tha •u^o upon forms to bo ^und from PflOGRESSlVt CITIES 962 WEST A g I... 1 .. -l-i-liu uli.iU-. ounien ufilee. Market • tract, I 1 1 P,.... Inn- -. r.K.-. ^t Ul.:tU A. M.. pi..I. --...ll. , 11.. . 1II..I.- ..I I.I. ale. l'**r*. r.«- J*JJD»->I it-** ran "*" I A,?.7.^;'f"' ' V - W^ 17 fUirf-au prior to IVt- il,«* d*- «^-%^'rj curt/- NOTES GLEANED FROM Hun. W. Krott Hasd, «»u*. JOJIIJ^' rxHjm, kiicb^i], tbrt^' ! . ...I .,, ..- 1 ii M..ii.l..y Smi.l.y S.l I. '.'.JO I*. M- dmu-. a fi.nu.-r |ia-lui d» il^ «A, Awnuf 4tun» vithoat an oKjxtiuiiattcxii, xi n»oro- .inj a b*4h room. t*- l.i-1 tfr*-k L" adopt ^77 « in ttn City." ^porvr^4«l •he Kuril Nattunal Batik, took a^- - VM. O. FTNUBT THE HOTEL HCGISTEnS t>*- Tbe LWJJI Jii,- -ill r*. uKotit 4-0t7O IT. l Ik77, «*rKl th* tmtnimtoo \untage of the holiday oa ' 11.11 .1 I.v -, , I..I 1, .-I,. .,1 .1 lK.- Holy Trinity (Eplsco[«lj. jvc*i\rO oxi **ntt*-n re^jur-t to :!:«*i« atl -o -* FJI^**!-*. Iltimm, (V l-trt- gr^.Am ot the- »U"-- !• «-Eld tVr- •** L^UlJi II. >,[« '111K I-. ' \\ NK Siind.-iy S.Tii,.., 10. l.'i A. SI., nnd Court DOOK. ' . - fb«- ap^rTnir'ot- u tIJ b» on Moori>D itwr. for Ih- -ui 1 j I -..ll. I- ... II.. .1-1.. HI. .1. I ....' |" l-.ll-M E. KJII.1- 1.1,111 Mou- iar. Stati* l!t>u-i . THL- NOTICE TO UMIT CREDITORS -»->.i>-r..ur •J.lUr i ii. A. 11 - - - v. 1,. ;. .. S ir.-lr.wr. Mi - J..-. U.. V. I'l.-.-i n p. M Tcxr«t«« uDil iwo I^Q AUuAt^e avrai M h I l~-i.IM-,.I-i I 1 I',..:. 1».. v. i.i M, i ...I- [a weM'k'i. M-11 iu tea. S- J. It uill %r tini-l.rd ix th* Iw-t po-p K-*iut«* ol N.in»i)«-! M. H.i-^«-it, t\c~ lL.lv ' r..mi.uiiii..n. m.-j.-. A. M. Mr-,. UocruiU K. Una, ot Fitaaa' THE PUB' l-l.-i 1 • lieinity. n..- tdrr Smid.ii.. 111 Ih. uiintU, S A. SI. '•* tn.inn»-r und a i>«t«-flr nm—-*»-* FEHTILI2ING COMPANY J >••• lo* Dul It Get Hen? ..I dr.'ir, la •.[wuJinx a ^c« daj» , S232 CENTRAL AVI H.,-1, M.. .11 .1 Mi- <;•• .'U I>'> . 10 A. M. ; -1.11 •! IM -..I." tin- '--.-.I .••.|.J- .ty. ami Smith, i.f Chc-tDut (Wan City at Iba ffont'ol Mr<. Mi-. U. II. 1 ...11.. M WANTS WHALE.' -'" SunJuv sai<...I. 'i.-T, A. iL '•', •• • .' .• ••.. •• •' <'uuniu^kom ut Uer home . 1!'1-J. oo'^'o'r ' upon i>^» o< .-1 ....: "II ... did ... u.-l li.-itf" 1 It .v.-, II. II. P.i'.:. I ..', U • . :l. |;.. , , 'I'll.- ..l! !l 1.1.- -.I.. .. ll I- ...id. M.I-- t..|ii..| |...\ h;..| lull,- .it 111 SIr». Charlr, Baker, of HatkwaJ : 4^ tioai, tiod a - Ml tipfJv' atioc m- nf - lor r» i th.- ipplicotion of tkx. anb— ntx-r, i^fTf' •••' .1 - 1"'.' 1 .'ii.'"- ...i..v|.l Mr*, fm. Uuu.-L. ,-ui.I -.111. Klincr, : P. J..I111-...,. \[i- ,| I. J. U . . ,' • ill I.,- v...ili, -,-v..i..; ii.iii.lr.-.l *tur !b<- • lo-i••_- of tb.- \<-ar . . . poet *ou :. .A ,,1,-K .. ,..,,.- ..: ll.-l, .,,1,1 Id .0.1 ,.ill U-a^r ilunduy un.uiiti^- ii.r Lan- I'ar^, returned home after A Vfik^a ; AMO flj.!:i'ii. Mi •• I.' .\! • ••••• ... . J.. . . , i|..:;.n-. wuly<"t 11 • *-1 ii in i n a u (»n. L : rit at tbe borne uf Rev. J . ihi •-n^jitorH ot' S'Tll" .11.-i . • ..•- ....11..I .-v.-i, ..llv.- .-, d^ad. ahaald «>*» lo-i ^>v thus*- *J*-^ SHERIFFS SALE •-1 K.-lly, 1;. .. M ,-,..., .1. i'. >-'i.-d- \ 'I'l:. '..I11I.... .- :,.!,..• -,.v,-.| l,y laiLr, SUth und Attnirlie J.-1 ...it ..I .1. . |. n.il.-i -•. I..I l|. '.li «;.-'. Mi-. P.i. n - ... •'- • :..••!. Mr. 1 ,,, ,, ,, III.-IIIIM-I - ••! II.. I..'. S.n.llj M.il.,.11. To Close Turtle Gut Inlet. ' 1 K/'UT* ii li<-«-iw prv\ ion- t Slu- vu» more thun deli^tUcd . -• :•• of aundr) wriL» ^f Klv •-.. -I...I.-. ll.,- IH'.'II -JH'll A|.|.!I.-.I li-.ii a. 1- U.-,-ii H..I.L- 1.1 ilu- tlnur. 3>.l S[T-. It. M .S.1..J,- ,... Mi- tt'i- .' -\u.' •»u. RZV E B. BRUNYATE'ff .ili^. -11. i-uitiuj 11 LU Li.ii'vi-.. U,». HI Ui.Uu ilu u:ir ihini» at Ocean City d- «;-.nr -r tin,- • 1 .-.-|ili \..i. ..in ..1" :'•!.• F.niii'i. Mi,* ».i.ii-..». si., I.H.I \,,. 1. /.... ,..„/;; ,1 It ,, -:..',.1 ll-it ill.- -HI. •-. .,..l.-" I n.:..l St.ili- W.ir II, |,..iini. nl 1.11 her virji i»ere u year or wi *~3 t ot Octobrr. A. I" WEOS. SI1.1 Lite s.i\ I:IJ Mii!k-"i. lu-t vi« •-•L 1,,. l.'.nli'i. . 11 ,1 ll>,- ..1. 1- .ill-.u.-.l 1 • 1!.. 11.lit :.. .-I-.-.- 1.. uinc.iii..ii SEND THEM IN III,- I.i j l.l.i, I. hull, .'it 111 I'I. U.K.-I I'rv.-W.iBl J^ Britl, 1l..-iui..ii, I.. M- K 1..1. Mi. .,. Mi- . .,. K,.ir Mi>i| 1,111 ...il ilii..ii-.-li .. -|..j..t .u ll,,- l.-.l- la.!,- lint li.!,-i, I..I».VII Tu.. Slii.- <»(1+,-«T :i>.W~ tin- f!>! ..1 til.* ll.li'l.-i. ..1..I F;>.- Mil.- II.-... Ii.-.' Thi- |irii- w r»^iv:l«rr OL tbf liH^tM-o- I'ndi-r ll* .'ni|>n--l,.|i ll'-" ll »'ii- ii.nl M.-. It. l-'i. ..t. Ill •:.. M:. . 1. Moving Picture Men on the Job • '.•ml-. ..i.i ...lit 111 in- .tii.iili.-i- r.--oit iii-. j..... 1.:. it..11..11. 1..-.11... n..ta. .- '. ,..[ 111 di-11.1--, tin- i-i.-w w.i- of Oc*nn City. S^DJ them I.IODL EUCTHC.Ai :„-....! U.:.iu,,.,,l 11, -:. Tl.i-. inlet i- • L J. ll.iily. \. w V -i I.. Mi .n -•'• Mi U,-|lU--> Ill.lIlV*-- ,l| ., ULlVlllJ |i..- i . Vre Ocean City Ledger lili..-! • I..-..I \,\ li.ltlll.il -lull ,.1 ill.' •| VIU. iir..i.:..-:.i, y...i.in-:...-, u. v. li,. JI..I I..1I .m.i liu^:.- -in-.un- ul lur,- II..!• mil,• i i..i.|i.niy vvi-u- in in.i fc wbi. ;i JU:J>* not com.- under tL*- I.ill.ll. ... l> . •ll. ,,h.| -..!,.I. —I ,i|..- M.iy |l.-i.,!,l. Ur. .,r.| Mr-. Ai:.. 1 .1. a&ervation ot our t-tjff 01' r»«port»-r.i. Mr. HIIIII... :.:-.; Im.A.il.r -j'.'Ml I:I-_' 1.1*. 11: -HI.,' .-"iiMIL - M"i.,i.i> .ii.i I-.:, i'.' -I.in-- ..I tlii- ni.-i MI.I-J.II.-I K..i:- GIVE CHRISTMAS PARTY .-.I Hi.- iii.'-.i\.'i- tli..l in-t.:i.l "t :i i-Hlli:. j ill.- 1. 11 •_;.- -l: '|.~ ..I l'--ll Ir-m Tr art- ulwiiv.- i;Lad to r.-»-tivc iLem. '•> 1 NVl fr%WD j,.. n.,v,.i n ii.-ii.i.-. .,,1 ih.-i -'••"'" '" '<6 accurate und -writ*- plainly und Mr. acd Mr-. John I>at>"-b»sr, of '.'.l.l.'.l ill.- «n.il.'. Th,- iii.n ,.n ih,- i'.l> u.n Have Moved Their Office. Tbe Ledger Is a Paper for tte People. 1 y O«ft „., ..^m l .1 .,,,.l| T''.' >•""•'- i\V~lt-y uVt nuc, *h:.^«- lovited tbt , tor u. dl*Lu-&C« Of L«O ! •«vll I.....1 I'.i' in. 1 -in.,- "I ill. 7JK only one sid<» of tbr rutx-r- _* ^ 41060 > r«^< . in.ii, 111 tli.'l ' •"!•:•• "' ' I'" Til.1 «>..-.!, City ..Ilic.- ul' I lu- .. WRsathxiulluD, an honest effort U made to cwieUly n- M-r>> ot Holy Trinity Sunday WALLACES .. ..11 i-\iiii.iti..u. riu-j • ll.-. .11. l i.> H-l.iU- l,.n»- I..-.-U 11.....-.I r-f part uich news as «W be of istzrett U tt«genera l potto ul t" .1 t.'lin-ltuj- party ut thnr 1 SM1PPE0 EIGHT HORSES t*-4^.i..rl> Hue or Mjld KOjr* " ..- .1 I.-M-.II :itlt.i.-li..n I..1 Ili.-I I I Kljlllll -tr.-It .111.1 till Itn.ild- •if trtTvndi-d. and *l rUlht 5 and 1Oc Store .••> -' .,.,.;. I., tin- ..ill,-.- ,,1 K. .)- II.um, • ud help te the city. • •'.;. •: * t- SPECIAL SALE .,11111.,. 1 o-it,.l~ .lid tin- i,--..It il-.'if. TO SCHENECTADY • t 1- .-ii;vrly hun V'f .'•;( Tie Sulloii i C'or-nn <'o. .>n Mon- forwurd to • 3rd. SI1U AT TM OU JTUB WIN DMtU tl»«rn l-iulilli -ii.-i 1 .i|>,...-iu- tin- IVIIII-V. y 'I--'- ••i.ildr.-ii." Nil- May To^ Whale Out To Sea. Any KbipjH^d t-i^ht hort><;~ lo S. ura*-^-- Ufa^r*-<^, r<>r t)lntjr>oo 0/ four hundrrd A Kull A^orunrot of 5 »nd J0o Uood* viiiii., i.iilr-i.nl -l.itiiiii. If you want th* news, |oto 0» proceuioa tttd M.I III.- <•!>' ..Ili-iid- mil ill!.-I.'-I- ..I llll- d,'\.'|..|,ill.'li| .Inline __. IC czter^J*^]. for a tll«~ iDg Mmchloe Rtpalm a Ufa- of M^n hundred - - - nr.l.r il'.- ulial.- luvi.-d titl.-.-n orj ill.- i-iit.ii,i_- tiinl. .. ; «• <• « 608 Pn. 1 -THE HARRIS RESTAURANT" jh ^.r?' hlTlm^ti t' hi""^ny GENTS' GOLD WATCHES lufiii.v mil--- '.in I" -.-.I it tli' tVrti-j Ctarence Fawcett • |fri.-mi-. .luring n.f >v.-.-i- TI 11 •: li/iir- . .'ii'|'.iii>' .1...- um •_-.» I., uttrk; The Ocean City Ledger wtth ttt LBTB* CtrtaUlko H. C ADAJCB W. W ADJ il,-|.i>-.il ..I tli.- uli.il.- at CITY CLERK ON SICK LIST. Ife'.: hy th<* Qanrt or tfundrr-d. CHA3 C ADAMS i BRO M. i.ii I!I . ' Beacbes the People. 820 Asbury Avenue and Tli. ll.irii-. 1'.in d.-n. FURNITUttE Mi.luiii. Av.1l.u1. N. J. I!. 1 ny1 i.il. 1,''.;i., -iMi II.IH ranc'w Ire Crtiim. x ACTING MAYOR. 720 and 722 A&bury Avenue v.:.ll. V.irU. P.i. II- \>" ' .11 ..11 llu- -Hi. ii -t ilu- u l.'i., llUl > Ai an ecotwfflleal advertising medltnn ta rtack Tth. ..„.,, .,, I.- City, S'. J J- M •• ..liii' 1I. 1,.' .Ill ,Inly .I J.I .11. ••K'ollii-" PILGRIM LAUNDRY Making Improvements At 32d Street LADIES' SOLID GOLD Hi.- or MU, hlxt.^nth| i' lk» Ocean City resUenU and tbe PbitarldpMan IntowteJ nunr)rrj and If". In tin- .il.-.-ii.•»• .'!' May..1 I*. M I-. .HI .1ll-ri-lii ..lli.'l: 713 Asbury Avenue Mr. .11:.) Mi-. S'.ii'li'ii- .1. r/irn.i r {'i.uii.-il'miii II. I.. Smitb i- 1 ;l <>.--->•, ''Ii.. i- .ili.-n.liii--' I" hi- l-a-x-r ','.: ia Octan City property. Hi eojoaJ «dH be dtflcnlt to lai. VII l_ Smith. Agent I r-:«.',-i,r - IM.il... Ti :•- W -I-"' - '" u.irLin^- on -rvi-ml i-i.i.tr-'ii-l-. at C1J.I LAVALIERES ri*r Ih*rw>ui unit !h.r, l.iiuil 111 I'iiil.id.'lplil.i .liirin-.- llit- ill- I Phom 4£3-W. lir-lUU 1U-D *-iium.-r-4i#d liH wh H. L SMITH \ u'.-.d. N. J- f- II- ii- ^ " .- ,.i' In- ....III:IV Going To Palestine. FLAT WORK str.-vt J.nd Sd.itK flt-.-i.n Citv. REAL ESTATE OFFICE \V\. .1 i\ T. M;.-. II...-. W .•>.-••• nli.'li J.-liM M-ill- A.-* niir Mu>ur. 'I'll.' lia-ml...,'- of |||,. Kit -I I'll Consist* or Ord And Yjblr Linen, To«»eli, Al .'i'_M !r.-. I IM- 1- |. Him-..' in ni'W \V.~-|di I!. -i.,. '•'•I'1 M-'V ' "•' ^ ^ To announce speeiaJ banjalfts In real estate. t» Special Bargains can be had because of Over-supply, at. l.vl.'llaii Sun.I.iv S.-lnial al.1 |ilalihii.l; I.11ILI...11I- ..lid r.-l-iiin- iii,.|,-r M CallNra Si Cuftm. *U |:,i|, T-.u«l, I.. S: W-111.11. 11..-1". • - - • •dvertlMi staple or tpedal article* In the line of general ,,„. a tll|i In I'.n.—lint-.. .V li'U f\|.l.l *^lrl» 10 lo ;.) i:..ll..^ Tnw • i-.ili trout |.roi^jrlv o!" I»r. \' THE WEEK IN REAL ESTATE. TabU n..rh. 6 ^1. ,,, . r...M-r. U. \V. Mi-Krc i.n.l li. ll.lly IU-.I.-II, X. J. ali'.ii- ot la,' u-iji nill U- in.idt- to- ; nercbandls* «r to solicit patrons tor hotel* or boanBng T.b!»CI.lh. lu.l.i.r C..« 1. V. J. Mi-. in.iriiiM nltiriiiioa al Sunday Scliii.il. rlaiujuoC ...... 10 "Hl.n,- PJI- * Tbc- f.illnwiii-i ij an ab-ntraet ot \ houses, its columns offer a very stalstactory opportunity. Tub'- T'.[>. 3 l:u-. ..u V,,.,. •d.irvi-1.-. S. J. Tin- <-\i'ut>.i Kale 1 (X-<-im City ciniv.yuiicc-i entered fur BP-^- Lake's Jewelry Store M--Il.-<1 k-. ih« MONEY TO LOAN Win.-. .Ir.. t'cd.,rMll.-. K. J. i'alf«tmc on Sunday Octub*.r t^cuty- •rvf-urd in tin- C'.iuuty Clerk'* oQlcc Mcooil, ull uru iovitvd to ]^> oo thta ] .,.-.'•« xj&.irw.X % °szz,$.Z ON MORTG AG E / TIIK I.VlliKI.. Ifur tlio w«.'L .u.ui,_- U.t.iU-r U, 1U11. ck ar fUttmt WhtU. -fcfck akn Cko^Ur Sdy 1491. * y. U.I. Ii «. 6S IM »> In consld«raUon of the sendee rendered, the Leapt** M-.r^-ni,. ";M.'il,.i,,'.\ ..i. 1 «ext to National Bank xTT T.*<-ii»»lui-e, c'iiu»l.*u . X. J. j 13"ft Ib tll ^l 1 ii" 'it.-r, who pr.- Ocean City, H. J. Kin- in tho dt.-d was $1.) W. C. T. U. To Meet On Wednesday te^^v^-.-', ••--••••:•••••.. >r 11. lurun. Atiy. 13-i;.ni3.kol Ii/ ]>uy It in Ocean Cii}- Mi-l'.i""ii-li- Mi'. It.ivid 11. TilL.w iu tr.nihlr mid 1I1111 tho privilege ot l.x-u! \M>\- IIH.I lli,- ,I.• 11_• i.i ol |...-iiiu (l,i Wi-d il.iy att.-riio.in lli.- W by*. _ mid ilia- ("In i-ii.ui. A 8TRANGE COINCIDENT. Kt-ltiiitf hiiu li> nh.ire wu« offered '.u ttiv wlmli'V b.ii-L toi' llu- "luov u-n.' T. C. I', uill m.vt ut 3 iiVhu-L nt *^J5^--- >>••" -;•.••"'.•:.-• --. -. • THK I'ALAlK th. in. ilu- home i.r Mi-. C. lU-urliain, 817 Mm. Dell B. bmilli, Jlr-. JI.IK- ,,^1^' .-t u* t» Gtnt Finback Whale Cam* Ashore 1 1 1 Allwrt 1- While ut flr-t uuiihlu to KKt Dear It Means Several Months' Work rt-utriil avrinu . #^.^r^CO! iV^^>--.'.' -i abaett, Ura- C B. Lak,-, Mr-., r'. A. Mahutrt-y i-t ui. "JH-Jn'wi. ti. at lan.l 1 Here, Just 20 Years Ago. hiia, beciuii^J of the furious tnanner Tbt- Ledger in inform.-,I ibat t-wi. MIK H..ylL- will Inn. ih.irvi- I' lh itobinson, Mr». C. N. Id.fTii.au, 11- X... 701 Ninth .-trt«-i. Ou October H, IhUl—^ju-t Uculy lu whirh liu lauhcd umuiitl, eventu- Vlilil foki-u ot lucil it a 8«ruu, Mr*. Dr. T. C\ Hul.liiu- S.nm- ti. SiclU SI. I)..wd. *IHU0 Subscription JSlanK .war* «t" lii»l Sunday— tin' inhubi- ally, uided by tho tide »>»eepint; laLo II nuuibt-r of duyt, to .s.-i-uru tbt- -\11 tiit-iiibcr» iirv tu bi* and Mio. Mur> CuiuiiWIl, Oceuu 2rt4U ix). (t. ..f l..ud, kuouu u-. N'»luiita of tltt-an City w.-rr jcn-ully tbo inoui-tt-r furthi-r opon llio brui-l.,| tiuuiu of th*> find Ih Baymorc, Mr-^H. Keio-| lioynaan. #1JOO. l«t 183 und tho County Kngiiu-i-r Hict- will b« u>i- i»rt, Kn. J. Cordcry, Mm. J. U.nortbeuot 30 fce« of lot 784, otttiou Mtuudintr upua it» dead v&rvtusn. J tdiij£ hi^ tail. I Onu doii-ii |M)3t rurda tif the whulc niuted by Former City Kiniinetr IJ. It proved to be a tciaut finbuck or( Chief He ull fln,t IUIW "th« be for The Lodger...... ilitehell, Un>. Mary Tiltou, Mm.t>. Ocean Cily to uny uddrcnI>, L- Ot.tf iu |)rt'|uirin^ plmin lor thtf .-'.-1' •• rorqual whole, tueaourinit nlily- oninml" about icven o'clock. Thfl i , Hvldykic, UN. Dorothy Bid- LaW K. Hlifer «t ux to* liannah lmu t for w vt uttlw or lllrte (ur Hvc new druw brid|;u uier tUe Thirty- which pleat*) send to ; ei|rbt feet in length, flflccn feet u- greut black hulk attracted hU at-|, . . In ordering tute if you uunt ".*"•>• 1 ; -;-^ go, Mn. KUxa EldrcdKti, Mr*.Elliott. Part of lot ~Wi, uection C. x n(k B fourtlt btreet Turnpike. 011W9 (ha flukeo, and thirteen feet lentiou, und be aUo thought at flxat tbvui tho one view or two. Clarlc. Ura. 8anle Cor»on, MID. Oi«in Cily Load Co. tu Clinton L- , The i'Vevholdern' Bridge Com Price, Atlanta City. Mn. A. Uemmcrb'. f2HX). Lot. 31 and 33. the juwit. thnt it wan u wrecked bout, but upon Addroa ordur* to tUe Lcd'«r Bennett, iilrs.'Pijuiilla Bathertord The akeleton, aaid to be the lujjcat Hlurtiujr for the ttcene to iuveatigate, Oceuu City, N. J. " ' tniltcv took fuvo-uble uctiou on' the McUon B. prxiliouitiun for u new bridge at '.-(• *'.:• In. Amllda Hand, lln. Hester Saim ¥. Hcott ct vir to Otorjro W. of Un kind in the world. In on e«- tha floundorinj- and bplanhuiK toldj •-M> lira. Sarah E. 8chelliu«or, bibitum at the Pliiladflpbia Academy him the talo of o trbale on tho beach. aieotuijc Jield ut ««a lulu City on A1b«rhoU.L on 2nd atreet. 634 Monday. !£?•• a. Maha.a J. Wan, .lira. L. Efee. t ooutteoMt from the nonthcaut of Natural Kritnred. Tbe Chief, who is an old eeu eap- A Philadelphia Attorney Has the c» It un hltf ouinlou that m. Ipo'llay Court Houce, Mrs. IL f. br«udtK6f 4Q feet on tleoond street. as injury it receircd, und aoale of ubalea go to ulecp fluutiuR on (he Mr. Win. B. Duvis, Ewj., of Phihi- Leave For Florida On Monday. AltMcon, Mn. 3. H. Johiuoo Northern TnmtCo. and J^UaXinn tha old aeamen living here at that wuves of the sea, thut one while ^uk- dclpbiu and connected with the On Monday Mn. P. \V. J'«ck anili I wd flU lu , lira. E. ChurehUJ, I^ydis r| ul., Trn*t*«s to Bvbert J. Batnwy. time dfelared that the &vdt fi»hbu d a i,nooze wax curried xhorewardj Arademy of Noturul Sciences, ha» fuinlly wiU Uuivo for Florida. . . Mra. Adcm Itoman, Ttto>- •1000: Let 310. neoliou A. been dead «t .trout n year before it by tbe incomiujt tide, and awoke to been conflued to bis room because of w*» .wantwd up on'the. beacb. I Peck, ban been there for dome JW Stroox, ltut»wan. K- i. ' '/[•-:[:• i-.'"- . - —County r^^J ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^a^a^MMMJaJalattlliftatiAa^^ -::"'.-'. -:; '• jr.'-'.'-::-..• •:• v."'"':;:•?.:;.<.•>..%-'. -.^^^.^.^-i^e-ui:^.^

vmrmuc KM. MM jnsevs ottiK nu. Tb*re ^C1 pta<«* 'Before tbe exile the Hebrew peo- qaar U aotd al Mtall in £tw SUte. ple were coostully tempted to on- BEFORE - YOU - BUILD Tbe United SUlea Internal Benreooe derraloe the twaninjr of their own LAST SUNDAY ffl riporta aaliauU' that tha *renm» lire. Tbey never made this mistake err • Y pfloposmoB Morgan Ilaad, Jr, Or«M Ia what baa beta railed a remark is, nu. a^uin. Before tie exiie they wanted yoonjt and «tMrjr«tio dril , Me dormncnt, tho eli»or-dr«wu aoxmnt takco In by each nUil li ees»e per year 1* #7,118130. Tfaia .Tba Babn fnm tfca to bo liVo the ualiona: after lite I wffl prapar* Km sod has nrranfed to da consjoWa i Qraad Jury of Atlantic' County oa exile, tbeir pride In their o»n life THE CHURCHES work for a contraclinjt oo^ajiy ia 1 Moaday brocqret in tbe following U a comtenratlra flirare. Tba total Cm I. Ml; 1 tpadltattetts Wttlioat Charf (or antoont, tbf rafora, Iknt ia «ona than rhanjfcj al] thin.- Before tho exile Darby, Pa. Tbis, of cooreaj aiil not special pretentmaut; lho worship of Jehuvah was often Rat PmoyUrtaa Cborrii. w»dl»>ij In the MIOOIII each year U Ti» RuSTTvctfaa »t a Hiliaa Interfere wHh Mr. Hand's] regular Visitors mat Vl*Mag **We bare rae«ir*d from the chit at lcaat, $SS,0Q\06X30. mixed witb otber wornhip; after tbe HOTfiiS, APARTMENTS, COTTAGES, BAYVILUi l<-v. Hancy T. (."ui^olbcrry, who lino of professiooal work. jilc tbr worship of Jehovah wns ¥w* at potiea of Allaalio City all 4he In Acxxrdiag to tbe report of the tim New Testament UU» of lho • juit returned (rum his \acation, formation whieh he cWirrd to g\r> rejamclion of a man. The Old and unchallcafahlc. Tbo BUNGALOWS. ETC. Ctjiinnan of the Committee on Alco- becamo a people intensely | foaearning cjciae aod rlecUoo viola holic* and Narcotics of tke Depend Trtlfocnt teUs of tbe rciuirrecKun u "BttsUfmi tils i Hendenton left Sator. and hare called upon ail a Watina. Tbe New Testsmea proud uf Ibeir own life and their own They wffl te UnroogUy practical Tbe hymn "Bfantifol Ut of ency and Crime* (CoDuaUnioa ap- and a |>c-o|de uf anftwcrinK for Philadelphin known to a* to have material pointed by Ooternor Fort, 05 perrc^Vroclio~ ..w**vau 1»< oufi faxar greategreater lujniin- Somewbere," whirb has Meired yaar.- -it th Ib Old to tl.o national life nnd tho aod aiaptsd to local conditions. .to, (i** upon ibewe •object*. ceol. off Ibe paapcruun,, insanity,, anandd ure than tbe Old, bat tbe utory of mach comment Ibroagh belaneritl- "~ — national worn hip. Some halites bad rec nl Muoot 19, criminality in oar-stattte U ddu et to 'itioQ restored to life, wbicb lho rized by Ooteroor Wilson at Teuton * by difflcaHj been foajzht ooe onrc fur all; some recently, WOJJ »ery effectnaQxreo- Lho liquor traffic. Thin amount ia TciOamcDt tells, baa it* o victories had been won fore»er. OTIS fl. TOWNSEND ltd U«v. Various pcr- al»o low, *a tbe aatbor of tbe report L Bigmffeanec Tbe exile wan dereO al Ibe BaptUt Choreb U this Cap4aln Benj. ^». aoaa asA'Su 1o rity ln»t Hunday evening aa adnct wile wen CoBxtcn Ucndcmon point* oat in the detailed atatement end of Israel'* national cxint- Tbe exile may bo described un the BUILDER visitors ou thawing bo* be arritxa at his fijrnrrs. It marked the death of atime when tbe Jews really learned by Ui~. Klbcl Ihliu and Mow !clea 8. W. line of Ocmxt I j Certain had Offlcei 8th Street, Opposite P. O. McAlUnler. I opened were la lb«y«dr 1908, tbe year farwtdrb nation. Dead and buried. lo opprrnnl ' " lirV> nn.l FvHp.,.1 -outhwesteri,, f,, I closed. thii rrport "O» maJr, lie total coat expect it a*»er lu be beard Tbo Hlitdjr of the alitn life- ul ; Ocean City, N. J. "* Mr. and Mrs. Jo ""e of 13th *tr*eC JX fdm again except in Ibe atuuU of quartern, lho nlady of o forcifiu s. K. II. Tobert are of dependency and crime to tbe Qtatrrtd flnt Anairtrur) trio to Philadelphia and Allen Scull M to Ot« Mill a*d »Ute WAa »7^3 hkory.y. Wo mi#bmi^bt go over Ibe «lory rclijiion with which tbey were ia con- Lomber Co, ooaaatfrtaa j» |s8 J , ..inmiUtcd and moHJUxI (Iwlr ,.. , Sixty-fire per ulits lotxjr yearn of lifo and »tnj^1i; OILY CALVAMIZEO HAILS USED OH EXTE8108 «OBK. After the Kummor runb y..a u,]| bo »,.| The Chrintian Endeavor 8o>ty to cent, of thi* ia aj.701^01, which U stant coutart, Ibe roaipariMia uf •'» \.iilr lion H. at • second Li^rM* lh.il la. tt extract the mcaoiuj; of tbe lifo and lhu>o who ba\c nnlcU Ihcir IL.UMJ lor tIk.- »„, ,„ of the Kir»t Presbjteri*n Cbrch HALL the amount of the coat of criminality, what they saw and hcartl *>ith the resbjteri*n Cbrch >Vaocu IV Cornea it-** coloriem; all«ij.piccc» of furmturv t.. „..,,!.,„..J»,,,"|7!!, bserved their nVrst anniversary on n the ^ made lo pennade KO«U* lo I. a> destitution, and in&anity which we r"S, curjxrt or lloor covcriuR of MMUO UII.1, ' " uoday evenig satomohtfo races in Fainuouiit 1'urk unnnisbed. It lions whicb were Ibeir owu heritage, du Hunday evening. |on Monday. ^i oar i»ari»dictk>n; othcre liuva jW' T*q^l cborjje to the liquor boAlneea. siJc-bourd or buffet, chain* or rlii.ui i ]..M i Aiding tbis to too direct coal, vit, liko a promise n«%cr tuado ii prvfouuJ unjirrHaion tin Tho mrcluic waa very Urjtrljit- I ally disappeared nndef .* rt«picj*>u Wo lm»o thciu in all grade* un,l Irndcd and every thia^ pointed ta *i..,956yW6-30, and we (save $00,-1 a prophecy anfulfllied. Bach* Ibou^btfni and pioas Jew^. II l.llx-11 11.11 |- rat wortla about irulur pain» lo ha»c a com|ilctc n»^rt v<- ry uurresnfpl tature- Esbler, alien p {At 20, plan 3, Bay aod KUa* pat ap fliM A tfl CM;X7JiO, the direct and indirect dawped on them I lint tl>cy "i »r Kii.niiu >r all L.I..U m:v. a. T. CAaa»:i.iir.«av' JJJ The asests of the »tale wi»«« Sacr Ucf.jro li^» our hiock U- The »oc several weeki* ia Ibis citv. i Tb. paipw did act-«?»% ru.-vl p" the liqoor traffic to tb« people declaraliatw about tbe char li^kid&ly cleft peop«> of the world. HTII MJ €(llu|.!»ti-. ciety «un orguniied has a>_^._ ia aeeorintf evidence for the year ajji relumed to Canulcn. | ^ r^rson Cc^, to iter aad will of Jehovah, sarb Tho HA who returned to Jcru^ahni Itut oar objo-ct i» to ha\o tliu .•iifldfiii-e ,.f , • and ba» been very sac* a raaaU a. netknt *•»)*• »a.-h ;.-ir. The stale receives in all •lOoO. Lot 3J, hJock j tf wiaw ap *™*"" Jnnr wart ahadowed, »~» l» I* of national life, uacL a draw- and let Ilicaj know Iknt »f urc ju»( "-..i|,i,.i i pul|.it botu service ful •J,700,111 in license revenue, leaving were dominated by thin npirit Sabjwt to Rlqht Culls UU\iuU^ t.t |i{•i~i- tlicru uiiil lint. Geo. O. AJam«, Mr» :i.u/.v Land Co. r.«alr«r, r bopc of higher type of human Opeo I N I.l.»r.N Ul Bllllcr UX RC'II | All il,,. of ILL- Jay »cre Ou Monday evening the fol a ©ulaifrn of profoand apprwiati'iti of tho dint ill Mlll.UHT. Ull ( -II "S6ma- r vsmremetat*-whom. __._, II ni- hnw 4 8. Adamn, and Uu« Ion:. Adnm from 1 - la ' •!•*•?***' - -*^ O ivily—and nft»i that- tho L<»w mrjinuur of Jewi»ii life aod Cor. Eighth St. and Wesley Avc, C : -.. .^i 1....I.. Ax uc lunc u i.«n| «.ll .ill,,, il.,l. ufjirrn* were elected for Ibe Hory it WM to asau* the Orud Jory <" il^H4»l|llH lit ..f 11.1M.-. f..r were week end visitors !•• Catadt Lot 3010L_ •utalluwexl up m by tbe great v.,j i., ,-... t i (.-..) lit any UUJC of <1 Tin- ,ul for the uiuiuuv Kj« year: either failed to co-operale or were Ecmmie Lw» ao Ac- They hud a p^««M>uj,!« aem wnnt ynn t«^ ai«Q empire. Wbat bad value of the ircQKuno which lh.il - Your Store. ••I'll.- Km <•! Tlmn;,- ^holtuix !*reruu>nt, Lawrence- Lear; E. HUL Lot »W, found to be in cub a rompTomiifa^; of- Botoctd COdeitcy b^ume of prophecy f What bad Mr. Bert Hleelman 8, plan ct>cuaiitled to their cair. THE PfllCE U» IHOUT MATCa.l THF. REST • I...I thrrt' a linio f..r citrythinj;. I're»ideol, Maud M. Koalds: position ihnt Ibe Oncd Jory could Dm t« DrtaJL and Wood. Mninli, Wriiin Monday uijrht cla«n ut Ibe i •' -Wtti Centcnnary Fund and Preach- uf religion! Were tlie fair- Of cuun.o LhU very uttttudc III ll..-.- >x tlir |w,-tor'« subject rrtary, FUixabeth Hran^An; '.Dot eon&utcotly call opoe *hfn of Ctiafreh tbia week. . J . ers' Aid tb«ci*ty of the N. J. Annoal Bal thiu is it does ed bupc» of humanity barictl witb tho loyuhry bud it a uwu dan^trrrt t every m.ide. «^^ -Tlu IIUT'» Kiund." urer, Klmer K- Hanck; „ Dot nd RICHARD H. JOHNSON Conference of tbe M. E. Choreh, the economic (jl of Jerusalem and tbe cloning in involved ilt* own trmotatiuiiri. AH MV m |ucn Srcntary, KlUairtb lli^bte; Pi 1 ba woaU aaoajra ., '.aotal "S^l «"•*«*»* It- K. M, O..k. \V..lu Lit, Mrs. Cliffoi-l Cr*l/«v atJl&u' <&oa. Troslee of Eira B. Lake, deceased, loaa of ti- L;,^cr tingle to our slate. q tbe dark night of tbe exile. 7 *hall HOC Later, it van eauy to be Flrtt M. E. Cfiureb. i,l, Loui»a T. Corkon; Chairma . 1^ U vi-iiiua; har^^MnatA, llr- tbar dwlanA that Maltwar^ .lilS. "*~ Tbia does •• f.*'>och ;uo btavy Ion* 1'rayiT MMIIDS Commute^ K Ocean City Beach-Estate*. , *cald taka * csaxM'J* ' J uy ul to the letter und mini* the PLUMBING - HEATING -, DOLILS, Arm f,catl>cr Ilo* kcr*, Tin- ll.-i. U,u,,| ilinni, D. U.. and Mm. '. n-. Waljjtr, of this city. .< <«j«as etc. In Craven; Cbsinnan Ui»«4ocsry Cip- (9,300. 130 lots iu section K-, O. (a tb*-a«oa«r. to th* ptdu'«-ed of n« Ttow of festles ijuriL It »o*t c-at>y to be fumially r llulali. • luivrly the J'It „„!„ Wetl 6th STREET, Opp. P. R. B. Dep ct, 0CEAM CfTY. NEW JE,:s:v £ UJir of tbi m.tte«. Mm. \V. iL Kanck; C City AssociiUon. drinker*, Ttio JcirLttb cxiieu were cut nilund cucchanically orthodox, mitbout 1 WKOKTHK I.KIXJKR l»i~trut, o! TOt.'.tV- , , Bell ITiooc, 178 W. Iktsikxl partlruUrs iipicp d thei i>ul- Uunic Committee, Iyioisa T. Co: Oeean City Land Co. to Otis ii. ^tato»t-.|cB5^ tu rctarn to tto land of liu-ir -eal uudcn>taudin^ of the meaning : f th* Jcwinh rrli^puo. la-t Sunday. nt Mctluxhst Church Chairman Mower Catnmiltee, Towasend. $1000. Lot 0, ftection •aid that ba; baal a «' ' /eiicler; Chairman Lockout U, O. diy Land Co. parfan. B* .^«i«d t /ecJ any desire to re torn, and I Jut it wan at lrat*t truo that the In the ujiwuin^ hirt lext Kjd "Ue- of the letter of ti, 1"li»y. U not le*s i!mn u ,H irL Wriggins, Son & Co. mitte-e, Ktbel Nurcom; Cl Seymour Davis ct ox to Caroline O tlid trot return* at all. Ttrj carvle*» UPJ unapprr ciutivc duy»t lovc.l, no*' «*o ale (he bdili, of God, bad baaa/Ukaa U 1CO£ fre ttd Sorul Committee, Ad& M- Rnnrk KlenutL «it0O. Lot 33 1-3 feet wide * """y «" *« f ^y"'»o*'Icor.,rUina, cxilr had been Ira^ic 3 »erc fuicvcr OUT. The JCVH looked 803-805 Aabury Avenue and it d»tU uot yet a)>{H.'ar what vr S* «xl Buoe rciurncJ to her ist hi 'eoart ta . , HEADQUARTERS in section D, on the aoatheaat tij&e oMdxt, and that after two; , but they with Uttcd xricfturc un hin {umt Gstoetn Frt* Ddrcry r ^li.ill 1M-; but tie Luow that whtu be in Philadelphia, ou TueaUay, ot Ocean avenue, 310 2-3 feet south-1 anJ the rL'vel^itiuu of Gcd which h^J sliull a|.|K-ar, mu nhull bv like him, lew weeks in this aae«* ba. bad failad U> tprjU license holders their friends nuu>> Je«i»h mea UKCtAIHED LCTTC8S. •rot of Hth fe.rect, and of that baabtoored lhapweV'*' "" busines- While Ibejr were been ctamiltcd to him. ThcM? ho tur uc KIIJII ..to him uh ho in." width to exterior line. open crand For Aoythlagyoa wtuittokpowabout iiii ly atatiag (bat ba Germany wJii^h at -id DA patriot^ many uff hthem Had •'un delennincd to chehnb forever TUt- prxacber i.ixjki: ot llu) woudcr- them An yoa andteUed how to plan row houw? Y&L List of unclaimed l»tf J.. Hoscu yharji ni>ciit Sat- BUM (o Estelle Bauer. 42300. ehaac*.' ArtrordinK^, tba, coart 2 "" " * buiiine —Ohriutuio AJvocule. «- ful pn%U.v« of [uu aod women t-ck codiu/ October, ?!.•, urt'jy and tiunday in Tieutuu. vtsit- Lot 'Si 1-3 tt** wide in section D, ba woold adriaa as cane and u* ear tpkadld eoBedlon of ap-to-date tlf is. We Are Offering kiH.wio/ lliat they arc Itic children L.-4 Mis» Maidnxl E. Openuhaw aiid ou tbe boutheuat n'uio »£ Ocean tinjt Malshory for m <>f 0«d, anJ cujuyioj; llju Lfe of tbr $135£0O Profit la EJertn Yuxs. Waold yoa UM to bars yoor lit as of a hew* iertinctd wi la. .' Anhcrad, Ali T.I...U uimlly. uue, '1M feet nuulhwesl of ttltx •jfui H «ro«U CAtt ta twiU7 We bars a (SraoQMsmaii J!<;VI -t iLiIiIrii, of tLc Kin/, even tbuui;!, street, aad of that width >cxteod* m Confirmation of tiu> *ale of the 1.. 1! / llu-y arc Kurnmnded by ibe fc*>nlid. to AXt^rior UJOC. I property on Allaalu: avcouc, lHtwi-ynyni|i ; their roliui.'i I'.u^. Many of the Jcwu - Are yao fiDfamlUar with toBdlao maUrlalt? Vcu -I-T inJl'd to ts for Sale tn lo Ibe future, lu- [Kiixit- Lot 3J 1-3 feet wide in ivcction D, tiflcaUy what hxu. U-*a ... Uabjlonia. They eu>jy- nue-s, and bavujjf n depth uf 100 our %hom rooms wben» taaple* may be uea and tttk retaUv* notts Or I'my, Mr «t 1113 AaUury uteaue during thi v ! 'th Street: abo a few on 12th Street »ul tlie .irt tl.at e-vru«- , M, nue, 'MJ 1-3 feet >wjuth»e»t of 14th arJ moald aalar dnnlunj; reduce, the «J,Uity of the \f*™<- a local real ct»tatc bruokcrf Krvlay. Are yoo tmAtcUnl wtio to ban to talld your h3-.se7 It urIO cod n City (lirobbi " life and bcinj; near it 1- f \lr. Cutbi>ert t>aid the pruperly was a bli---*'d fuc-t ibat Itn- il Htret, and of that width extends lo exen^e forms of Uwbreokin* marled to thh . .-ut.-ro They yoa ao more to tare a man w*o tut designed antJ built many of UM -hall U- Mr. ltlut-kuurn, of CK-cuu t*ity, liu bold by Mr*. Hanruth K- Krlly to toett bflUdlcgi In Ocaa City. Price, 8375 llL -, M nrulrd the prujicrty vucuted by Mrexterior line. bave cmuaiu lll.U U^ bo f ita member*. The exephing rrdLaced efflcieocy of drinkers at Itbey Jo^epb Scbwarlr, of New York, who, I aUo bare a few lota oa Simpson Avenue, between Ilth Wm. Curry on r*iue uvenue We Silas L. tJtialao et UJC to f'mm.. J D down on Ibe lii tin- tv.uiii of ooe form of IronK^-resaiun of tbe' ° n*ern£t> of 21 per cent bat later, conveyed the pro|wrty lo Mr. and 12th Street*. Prtce of LoU only $375 Dr. Hewitt • It--a, ill-. IBurt.>- S. Uerlui.— HatMuafield Tribune. Steeunau. ^700. Land bejiuinin^ at Trust Co^ uneeoton* buid *1 iiimilit-r t law mado it oereiuiary to exrune* . t uthbert and be, ia turn, t*ulJ it to u^l.ifully p ' .-.!<*, ilr-t W. the point of intenvectiou uf the ctxifine oarbclve* to tbe back tor n el>ort tiniu only) n.l car*-lully another, ostil pxinlnnlly tber« t*r*»i a man Dametl Hu^hcx, io i'biludtl- JOS. G. CHAMPION '"r- il'n! ' J^i^t Lena nurib»e»l line of Itay uvenue with there ID- ]l Tbec Mr». Theodore Wcb-alcr has n tbe southwest liue of Ulevcnlh btret. EAN CITY. NEW JERSEY .— -^^^t^oo wbeiro pbio. Hu^beu look title 1"T T>anu-1 'u:inur , Mr». II. C. lumrJ to her home on Went Cedar laxcine and gnmhling oBcodtr* have I II. ReUlBOud, anil tbe price ullr^Til Builder Imounuel Bap tilt Ctiurrii. Uel'ui- Nlu- MelpcttJ nenue, Merrhuntville, after hav Jonepb I. Scull el ux to Clarence ^ "*•• beja n».tprogress- - Why Joseph L Scull B. Marriott. *SJ0. Lot 10, bection ' * '" ' from i to have been* paid by Hedmoud way Ifi-i. K. K. Wbit.-, |v..»tor of 1 hi lrn. H-anaali utut the summer in thia city. -peroud MoteU. Cotta^ei and Apartments (or Rent and Sale X l 7 Ocean City Lund Co. * General Banking Baaiueaa, noeiv *225,0O0. Mr*. Kcllpy bought tlio 8th Street, Opposite Pennsylvania K- K. Depot lumianiu-I ILipti^t Chiirili, uftcr i i>.. .ejrt-y Mr*. Krunk £, TJ» to enbfect tochec k without notice, property about -.even yean* a^o from Ut-lI-*-.iriu-«l v.ir.ilinn of lbr\t- week*. Dai la*.|', iwm Surah Mr. Herbert Wnj^iUh, who wan Ocean City Laud Co. lo Atutncu <-.lre*t- Z Moore Brulhrrx f..r ubout *W,00i). o....i|tu«l In™ j.iiljul l.i-t SuniLiy. an Leanor (u Cauulen Hatu'rday oveuiut; au Ii. Undenlown, Jr. «2o00. Lots 33 t interesIttt oa TfmTi eA AtcounU, mbjwt and 3S, bection U, O. City Laud Co. —Atlantic City Pr»»a. CHURCH SERVICES. T iti-J to ^r*-el tl.,•..( • li-~ il»y Sunday^ uiailo u britf call ut llam- two weeks* notice. * • .•_ . J the enforcement of tbe law Thoodoro Hildreth junior u|fc.u iiii return, uiuJ niooton ou his way Juwu ou Monday EdmumJ Hewitt ct ux to Margaret I'. r. Mi»» Elvu. (3) S. Davia. Lots bol und 8J2, «c- r. wfafabTrrrtm; Tniataa, or OaawBaa. WIB ntialaj ^t I from "The remedies for mneb that has aland. Ib. beat chance o do t"ir»t IL K. Cbarch. corner JAMES M. CHESTER A. CO. JOO ruing. been mentioned maat ba c Kirnt Katioua! iLank «*f (Kun Avcuuo and Ki^bth Strt:4:t. liov. H. i'i, iliK« Annie iluy lion L. ed tat aad k*pt wltboat charxm. '•/!•.%' City iifforJn u convt-uitnt und u rvh- Electrical Contractor tha le^islatare aod from bibber K. liniuyute, pahtor. Morning tcr- 1 u, MrM_ Huv&nl C. J. Tbump"ou ILaker un Elias Davio et ux to Caroline 8. 11 Qta&x PrttidtMt S3S ASaURt AVENUE. Real Estate and Insurance tiur lu-« lli:Ul> ^L^iiiutf u.r«iuu* 74a: mi, Mr*. J. R Knineli. Lot HJ1, bection L. p^opJe- so.-k. ormer Heualor I'hilip I*. Huker, while D. aCooax.v VictPrtiUm pruyer mv«ting, tVcducbday evening, H In.-.OKFICK OCEAN CITV. N Ueir frieud Mr. W. Stott Hand, C R- SriVmOf. ...Sttrttmy and Trtttmtr meetings—Sunday mominp, 030, MP>. May (jnhier of the Kir»t Nutionul Bank. tion L. I FrruiAM TATtM , .'...JtoUtitor 'iilen, Miiw. Kunie A. —County Qoxette. inK Mfcetion of. Grand and petit j.rie, kind. OCBAS CITY B.lYOUS I John Harts, leader; Monday even- STEELMAN X ^t, ku by a earefully .opoiatej conunWun. t"*««l ing. 7.45, Mrs. E. Brick, leader. Fri- Gordon Mrn. Churleo Hall. Mr. CluirW- -.:« A.V KXCIXLCNT OP- day evening. Youu£i> Conion. leader. Took Ofl His Hat FIRE AJJUIM BOXES. 1 U M,CBjssat, First I'rcsbyteriaL. Church. We»- Hallberv. Mr^. J. W. Dr. Hi.li-r t'«'k oil hi- hat < t V.COEUOH. i I'N'ITV AS AN I.VVEhT- Builder tlarri-. Mr». K. upon •• I it I &xTa . ley Avt-nuo and Seventh Street. Kov. filtering the [Killing plutt) t. TW Ctctrml Fir* AJLj-rm a. B. ,ST on A I'.siyui; UAV- ; OCEAN FRONT Harvey, Urn. Elliott f the & W EOWAJUM. from the people for which they ore °° doubt coiuomed u*, ,,-. . aphrt .)>r ill MM Kll II. T. Cosjielberry, pastor. Bunday Btaldence, 3- > N'iutb ^L,«> i»nd Wurtl, K..yin^ ho believt-d ioixr. Hewitt, Mm. A. C. joa.-tw . q. acptu' \ services. 1030 A. M. and 8 P. iL 1 LUCE. nL to aTfTIIKSJfllN ia accountable, and us any Grand Jury "hare and .si:xco ou'.j «.reiutncly oini.il .tliH-r- nnd building up their oational OOEAH o :T, K. J. , Hewitt, Mliu. Oeral.liue (but to be- the |irt.|>er lliiu^ to do I'rnyer me«tim.'. Wednesday eveninjr! hru exercising rhe ri^Lt of frun- a. rlTBUIt XATKM. may find ii advisable to imwtijpitc "nwool i.' dront_% r/>csca life 1 Aad ::~- •rrr-.'r had ron*, God 7—1Kb so-d j&'Jr. LEAU1KO. B. UOWABO t-tttttd the relationa of these inlere»Ud ehilUreo, the overagt. per at ii o'clock. Sunday school, 230 ErtimaUi* Chtj fully Oarc* fiare best Oeeaa Froot teyeatmtfft to be found ta Qctaa Ift—Mtb «cd hud j.tit it int.- fit-* Ju-.irt ot !liv Hurley, Jr.. Mr». O. W. ru. uoonc , aa daa»e» to their doties or privileRns eoftsamption of du- bread P. M. Christian Endeavor, 7 o'clock. 42—Si sad cntsr.CT -aua.-r.ri to day. Quty $1000—part raift. Kluu-, Miu< Kitty 41—4th «fcd A»bary rish it is evident that Deilber of the»« wo° comprise ahoot ooe third ol ; Hojy Trinity Church (Episcopal), ,__^_ lo n'LaiM ii It Include* A^' nciallon Tltit, Rlparlaa Grant, Wetley Avtnue K.» uud „ Central Avenue and Eleventh Street. 44—lOtb aad A-abory BANKING BY MAIL A SPECIALTY an| Tht Ucv. J. Woods Elliott, aetiair ileadq tr a rttrs I.1IL. ".,• Allno Muy Fellows. r Op ax Grand Jarom, whieh exception* **° t one-balf times an mnch, among the tribes of iJUilt with concrete curbs—Located where the future Is bfogest and LouL Mi«» H. should be embodied in tbe law.(ba t ". "boat &5 (nJluas per capita. rector. 8unday ecbool. 10.00 A. M.; -Ft-1. 49—la*!* Btod A»bor> It was a time of testing bricl • UJ' ~.i, Mr Lu»- Sovereign IAMIXH . M—OrmUaU ••«. Pending relief from tbe lesinlature, or about « gaUoD o week, wbicb U J'a^Sii^ M-rvice and ttnBOt, 19.45; ut iti a*«iiinl „ moro en of deepest beriouunet>s and mosl l^ivford. Mm. JI. 1*. &4~Ctb, aad Croiral atrooa. we trost the court will receive in *han a pint a day, and more iHclfUh pAJriotiatn, the dreameni ol r pruyer t SEWING BACHIHES; 1 'Jrlii n'OOhlt your catb la two years. Lee, MinsMary J. from roemberhhipun yal—lltb and Crnirivl arcoua, 07—12xb anfl Wcalej .•ttoM. ,m» good upirit the itajtKeation whicb we than theomoont that nbble dreanis und Ibe posfl: Lor ing, Mr». keeper, i li of now respectfully make, namely, that FOR SALE. UCAS^ t)B EXCHAHOE '. Imesti'iati It. and yoa will ttilak as artda. 81 0 per ctut- aa loyal worbkiprru of Jehovah the mon'ib, IGvia". * U.; other"'tSOt) Srn.Xi.-lii.!-. Mi-> lieue P. aad Occam a paver if it be possible to do no in the ex- AIM Um Lists «f •jperimeola. There are uppro- Tboou wbo batl lost iiot only u days. 7.30 A. M.; Uo.'V i»">s, J.O.• B3—2d aad Aliaatlc population of 2^37,137, nnd tbeof country to<>, hud no de&iru to Immnnnel Baptist Clmrcu, Wcult Mckuor, Mrs. Miunifi \Vbil» Ur. DeAmold, re«idin^ ut6ft— Boardwalk aad Uorclja Tc; : vent ofl^ce or excise license holdert average wage is about $1-50 perreturn to Jenuuilem. TUJOO wbo **AI t«^^._ i* ' Moore, Mr*. K. .010 Pueiflc avenue. Holly Beurb, beoome a necessity, not a lozary, and eaa ba _ from serving opon Grand Janes Avenue below Ninth 8trcet..Bev. • > •'•'•. i.ta[«J to two excellent day, but t>kiug into account tbe rare exiled ia beurt us well us in E£. "White, pastorr Hundny service L. Morrisey, ilr». E. as on a ipinuim; uud fishing trip _»I ot Iba Brt- bell locates tba commercial parpoaea. Wby not faara a g i holy Atlantic County." vnaona. box from nhkb tba caU baa bevo sent la. profit of the day's work, it u> worth | VII no Iwngtnif for lh« old 10.30 JL M. and 7.45 P. JL, proy«. CiGHTrTAJiD CttmtACtt L AVCHUE. OCEAN CITY, HEW JEflSEV. Oliver, Mm. Florearo with former Jud^e IL II. Voorbees For tiutaacv ooa tap followed b/ foor ta> neetion witb your present *»«aHna- metbodat yn» v^t" *-"Bm%% ,jj" viAafiMr ~ai*M • am« i r to 610 Asbary A . Ocua C y. >. I.' His oveniua lf*t wao Teoce, be dlcntcs tbmt tba rail ha* caioe from boA t abandonee of hot water with beat of faeflltia* to the employer und the slate, at Ibe city of Ibeir fathers. meeting, Wedaesday evening; at 7.45 fc V till,"—Murk 4^111, und bis subject I'o.em, Mrx. Williim t Lummys Inluud, thieven ran It. locaUd at Witb and Itaosar* imne. Peall, Mrs. T. V. he bou^e uud secured u lot of vulu- Copies ot tb« abot«. prlatrd oo caJO ; fanitory appliance at one-third Uaa««t WhjtaM^ FARM HAM WA8E8 HIGH. least, «a00. Oce-teatb of that loat Sunday School, 230. "On tbe sea with Jeous." board. mMW b« aecozvd tros cf cbsrc* ai each working day for tbe yeur means Home GEO. O. ADAMS Querns, Miss ElUahelb ihle- jewlery amounting to over tba L*6«*r ctnr* information department at your ditpoaalt yoa^axa 1 Evangelical Lutheran Church BCI Attt-r u descriptive discourse ou WE HAVE THE IDEA: »E toAJnTYOUTO ME a loas of *$60: : and if 22-3 of our wage Wlth mnoy tt f"eo' *™« t ""-> l«> »ympnthiL«] Baptist Church, Wesley Avenue At F^t ttrtet, Sixth shut, Tenta street, Dairttartb street [linked by the robberx, while M OCEAN CITY OOetpla' Monday and Friday evenlnpi'V to 0 o'aMfc.' wlUl tbe Butherford, Miss M. tbe Department of Agriculture, tbe total for tbe year «--iU,ttS8,4. each movement, the company of low Ninth Street. TwMjjr-Bttti rtreet, TWrt^tbftt dreet. Fltty-ttJnl street ami At ihu pfMrniii^ uf hid remarks he uncy plume«, whieh were wri CITV QAS year. Adding to this amount, tbe loss n>><»o">S 'W1™ «' "at on tbe jonr- Fiftr-erfltrtti street On* oo tht ocean wttb ripaMan rigbt On HpriKjps Miss Barub p to take, were uUu foryott' vases paid to form laborers in 1010 ne to belr St. AnsusUne's Bosum Catboli stilted that the trouble in the boat .'"•<;•- Stafford. Mrs Q. M. werre the Ughestt foforr forty-five yean, tbrougb tbe direct co«t, and the de- > « fatherland. Their high tbf Garrfttts Tract vjtU Famous Baytms. CaU or Wrtta referred to watt uot that Jeaut* wu* be hurry to depart with tho vulu- Ice and Goal Company II AW) HAVE! «T, KlJUi CITf. y, pcpendency y and crime as computed in bop t didd not remove Ibe hardship, Charch, Asbary Avenue, between Htewurt, Mrs. A. II. Entrange wut, effected by which is equivlequivalenequivalenttt to sayingi : that of 8Uc8Uchh B Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets. Ujileeu, hat that the diaciplcn had A. J. Smlttt, Proprietor tb b ih to saying: that thh e beginning of tbis utudutudyy , and we of 8Uch B l»arveyl»arvey, bbut thethy made Swift, MadtmaWle M. a pa»H key for tbe front door, tbey wen tbe highest i n btbe country's Rev. John J. Sweeney, pastor OWNER loot th«ir faith. This, he lulded, in Vrwiler, Miss Kate (- E. bolouia a Uaull Uralxra In Ewtant uul history. 'gogot the total llos s $87$87,77^^877 . This btbe-truvelew feel them less. At lust uluuyu the cause of trouble. t i» thought. onre more tood on lan1 Ib .Ma sea at 0-30. 8 and 10 o'clock. »«"-ia; Ocean City, Hew Jersey 838 Attary Avenaa, WatkiuK, Miss Bboda The average for tbe whole country is 00 doubt ridiculously low. And "'•J' "stood un land which Ia cGnipariuir the journey of life ^i Unis Maun, wbo was employ- when we consider that thousands of ha<1 felt Macedonia M. E. Cbareh, Tenth OCEAN CITY. Warlow, Dr. MotKuret Pore Spring Water Ice wan VX7JM ppe r montnthh where the the pressure of Hebrew to a trip over the oca, be explained ed us a domestic, and Willium wage earners drink much more on ** Slreet and Simpson Avenue, above Wilson, Miss Kiitherine IL larriw, bolb colored, were urrcuted I emplemployey e wan out hoarded by the the loo^ past of theii ihu neeenviiy of having Jeaua with ua WUliams, Mrs. Sarah LEHIQH COAL 'the average than one pint per day, y. They came to the hills Utadinjj Depot, the Bev. J. A- Kiah, ud placed under $300 bull for •"J employer aadd 919 •19^21 where bo wan. lie—ulur t* t*lcu—Craot W. LlojO. B»- I'aalor. Services. 11 A. M. Sunday uud having faith in him, und tout by Wood, Mrs. John '-•Thia difference at once and that other thousands are cap- encircle Jerusalem. They learinjr Wednesday aijjht. Tbe for- »uu uuierextce at once aaggtuta to I tains of industry anndd ththeiir ukillekild School, 2J0 P. M-: Christian En- no dolnK »e ttball have power to Yurnell, Miss Ethel OOBAN CITY. jaBav •! wereupo nto the city in ruin*, which ov- roumo every wave of trouble and mer wun urrented u-nilo tryiac lo OFFICE. 634 A8BURV AVCMUE the eily dweller that if it eosln only 1 aasistanta, the decrease of emcieneyj "** deavor meeting, 730 P. M.; Preach Ocean City Lodce. No. 171. P. and Younir, Miss A. (2) cave on a train. Tho chief of $8 to f9 u month to feed a healthy I through drink mounts ap into flgureflj ™.,*. ^at^oaa tog. 8 P. M. A- IL. meets second and fourth uli tho otonnit uf advoruity and triuL Zinser, Mm. A. Try an we may, uiid the preacher, toliee had uu exciting c-bu»e in unNOTICE TO LIMIT CREDITORS. a working on the^nn ftfrm,, then/thathcn/tha*t ar•»e- —*aatoondinK ••'.— Tburtday eveainjr of each month, io utomobile before the train made the OFPICBRS: Union Tabernacle Baptist Church, MasonJo Hall, secreUry. Harry 8 uftvr oar little bout pauheu out ou of norlcttm B. lUttbca*. dccoaol. **' Street and West Mem next stop, and uhe was brought T«Tt lo Ihm onlcr of CfaAa. P. ViflUUUk . S."W.'ltaSaV.P.': ..--t^ — - - — A»enaev *dama the oca of life, it is impossiblp e for aa lomwmlf ottlxCoamlr of case M»r. nada oo Kemp, pastor. 8 ao day bk Aaronsoo, Jtr. foe UMlltkaaTOfacpteWb A O ml oa tte r. Jas.lt; Of Ocean CUy Lodge. No. 66. K I tu fa'uback , but with Jeaaa aa oar of tbe variation* . ^Tl^lwotT-erSr faces with Joy, Before Ordering 'pilot we will eventually reach atatea and itcions an* &tU UMOM tba ota«r indostrks an of eternal-Joy. •• •••'•'•>•'• aiderahJe. The Sootii Carolina robbed of at kaat tkrea tiows aa So the aotmdtf of the builder'a Allen, Mr. John aad all the humming noiaca ot a bo«y CurT) Hs<|. John J. OTICK U hereby th*l the act l«r.». U. V»i I'. ot tb«y wlil was only 41&6Ot wkDa ia nweh aacb y«ar aa tba entire capital U tcrita u Haxcutor o* J. w Ufa were once again' Ward in Jent* TWO YEARS HOW ChiUman, Mr. James WiU any action avaltut the soba jid lfirt!t^n ff t&a iavntod {a UM traffic in tbe atate. Youi» Job Work IL , « BudlUtl aod »Ui Dalc4 September lltb, A. U. VM. •alem, aad aa nan labored tbey 3^«S55«a? Oe^a t%H. J, *^HL jteffi Cohen, Mr. George lc. exna rvpoe-ted (o* **ritUtn«rant u> tbe TI1OUAS B. MATTHEWS, «M $80 and in ^rada $5*, AT NORMAL 8CH00L. pans' Coatrt of the Ocmnty of C*u>c May oa throagb. the great care of Jehov- pastor. Bandar atnieeat praaalnwi! !»»» Oouaefl. Ko Crandull, Ur. B. A. c lUabtcsmlb d«/ ol October next, MAKV U- UATTUKWS. tae lam hand tacratta «f Tnbb u cm Maahy, who bad brought them from the *• *, aaata evtty paled. Ocpifefc.it.1. Cyras D. ktartcr. watt. 8 DaUy, Mr. John V. ft, STANOQIC Und of their hnmUatkm to tie land *- CbamnJon'a bal The State Bourd- of Educutioa Dally Mr. John M. -!4£C pf £U(X fj«t>fw3a K.3cd w.a, Camoxa. K. J. a^,Ueii5»p SB *>' MereUqr. • .:• TU tax tala of Cape May City winch'waa one* again a land of Unit Satarday abolished tbe three- Orceu, Mr. Kouh Oeaaa Otw Cm**, year training course at the State Ua baas *»d at jajft fta tha ytar OU1. Mr. John •Mllllllll 1*11, aa a«aloat. |U( «o a «l6«JK> pndicaj nation bad aionad Normal School, and after next Sep- Harris, Bev. A. B. It had aatbtad r-TlT'"rrJ tember only the regular two-year l»*t>aar. At • waatfaia; A HEW NMME LOT. Keller, Ur. Horace woold Itava ita aiark. on aO cuurue will be given. Tbe three- Hasted, Mr. IL * «« 8apUamV 16 ta» yawa to eotna. Vow it waa ta- year conrne was started many yean Tie Owan City JKreetory aad Lamb, B. •Wid aot «#>y to ita laad; bat to a ujro, particularly for tbe benefit of Lawrence, B. E. wtMMaArUwtavsrof God. Tba Band-Book of Iofenaaikm wl the rural communitie* of South Jer- Mechanics Wanted Miller, Mr. Barry nMoxatba waa a )Braat iqrttaoi «f qatta a aoanalr. Bay a eop sey, where it .wfts difflcalt for pros- ! ataU it to oae of yot» friaadaT Morgan, Mr. P. V. Tp buj or rent bomea at Tnekahoe. 'Do yoa know that you *•* >• t-rwbaaed at the-«£»ii*t» pective . teachers to" attend high NieholU, Bev. 8. T. " «* on ta* Md of Uatonr , oMee. Wi i*Wy AteBaa. OuSSaV schools before entering- the Normal cau lire in Tuckahoe and work-ia Oecan City.and aave Ktaat 4wd «f nnlaiioa. Peters, A. money f . Did you ever think of the difference a TrnekQarden. paw MOM, TOO A*1WT A^STSI School. The growth of the blgb school Biddle, Bev. J. W. -_TT-.—' -m*W *•»•"•*«:• t^.|fcaai- system in recent years has nude made to tbe Ugo coat of *iTias;T. • ' . , l.V Jww^aa'tbay.avtvataa. J> Thompson, Tom 1 bare tor aal« at Tuekahoe New 7-Boom Hooaea witJt • -">aJ^A;.'Ja^:^i'4S the course practically unnecessary, Walton, Mr. Byson 8. and thia year only eight pupUa or* good roomy LoU, flne Looatioo a« to Btatkm and on the - Warlow, Dr. M. A. Hirer} Price, #1,600.00, only «80a0v oath needed. taking it " WUkos, Mr. a J. 8«reral nice Vuina, 43,000.00 to O^OO.OO, aad Mlaeebuieoiia: good new 0-room Boaeatf for rest for #BJOO pet nbattu' fUuh LJoftt At Aoglesaa. The Pomica tJ .ii >i...ff "• ^ " ' U phtui u —HoterBtBeayoe~ forcardea and chiekena, and" you don't bawUr ..jr-fi^"-v: -, ..,, ^-v— lighthoaaa thia Io calling for tbo phove tba aamaiertine. ; • ,-: ...•-.•'••, •• r.: •-;':•'••':.:-::- w*»ki-ih«'neir,oBe heinit a flash in-nay adyertUwd. - ftMdaaht. - :• .B. M. -

4 n''>' '- ; v»- • Follow the pro

,"~-rV" -N*^- >'. — —'-.-

&^'.^&fv •?'': '•' •''' •'"'- h: rv-J J ••

WAMTEO. FOR 8ALE. ETC. First National Bank THE tlAM CITY LE3«Eft BEACHES THE PEOPLE Ur. und Mm. Jamc- II. Andi-mon i Ahbury uvenup, from tlu-ir tv*iullu-ru tnj> on cwanl if n-luini-d to HJ OCEAN oirr. n J Sttartay*. $1 a Year • I The 25 Surplui. (50,00a Ortumaker Wanted—An Oil tlrr.-t-cl;l>->. Uo'lk ] OCEAN CITY LEDG :Si L. M. CHOU.lt. IXninl. A|>|dy ut 1U)."I, Have Anr floor, (X-eun fily, S'. J. fe W. ftOOIT IUKII O-»*.. lleiiiv Fot ;in.l Mi*- Kluma Large 8tove i, -•: ... r'. (lodlley Ueie 111 Ilcniilld.l l.l-l Ui-I'li. or.lcr), apply at 11..1.1 M. (Kood WHALE WAS WORTH Great Hoosier Cabinet Club •l *S V> K. Wl.»,l A LARGE SUM IL » IJ..XI. W. I. Itm—.J .mleri. luLi-.i lor h.-n,, -i,,.,,I,. l|,rJ1J Opened for Me*bcrahtp tl- |. W.-.r .I- ll. H. U. MIIM | I'lc and f..k.-.. I'l..,,,.. ,,,j:n WWGood Outsiders to Reap a Harvetl—Reil- r uoosnut SPECIAL. Jl» I.Kr.lll Sun.l.iv. l.nimpt iilleiitiou. -mi Anbury Ate. H Kaoaid Tl^«.» OP STCP3 L**l« -.. I i. II.... dtnli Miss a Great Opportunity— Thursday I'^iiia V. l^»..-l..c FCBT Fcr Sale— u,,K,. ,,.,i..r ,,...„,.,. milh ^ i board of l)u«:tor» uiitfl IU.^JJ. Crowds Continue to View Monster SKAI.Kl* I'KOI'OSAW. rudlntor tor lie,iliiik- !„ .| ,„,,'„_ B1oj The Hoo^KX Oub will b* open lo ike Ud« ,,,lt. )lar_ tbe comkia oTrfu> Hoouen lo. u« Uroe »nd much EUcrrU ki« bcoi iWifc thtir ra« J. Now iKe H»f«. Ikp.».it H..»r» for H^iii i. Se.il.d I,..I- uill IK- i.,.-,lnl In ill.-lli.|lllle ut Ix->I^er (tlh.e. T-> CrcU dnpUy a\p«ag oa. «nd wsirc raroftng ocmbm ia the Hooorr K«tcr*( Cabmrt Club. Rich In Odor, But Alto Treasure l-'ln .in..' (on.Ii.Illi.- ol li.iili.ll lor Buntlar I*roof Vault. Short Work Being Made of His Ne*rry «r«xy Vanmn who t?a ti\: Hooijcf Cabinet faila a lo»c with (. ScvaJ rocmbcTi luvc ilie |.ur.h..~e of »7,sri.7.l uorlh ..I T •-.- tkcady carolled. \The club n a iplaKliJ tuccat. j Erery facility eonninlrnt »ilb Su! Si,.,.I 1III|.|..V, li.. lit ( <'llllie.il.'-.. u i. 'i.n.im.r- -I.,,,. ,,.r> ,,,JIT Carcass. RqnVing ejiteuded to our LJ.il .l.n.,1 (). I..Ur .1. fill. |..,\:.lil or We arc lormoigxha gicit Htxno Oui> lot th* »ole pvrpcae ol ullownm r>cnly-n»e people lo buy oor Ml.h ,|..,,r noill. .,, il... 1 „:, .,uJ al cil, "cam HP <** rooa. Inlore 111. veil- flout d.ile ol 1,-ue. ; ok the celebtaied Hoino C*bmcti—OA&ly Ukr \xctutc—al the cub rate cJOoc Doikj *1 llic tune o< 111.- l-i-.l.-el oilier. "Wll.llo" f<,l,lllim-^ lull, h 011 l.ij, Monday Vour account U i.i,i~i (fully ...... -.','',. H..I- lo bo Milt to entering bcr un. lad I 111 III.' UlL of lilt- I..uii, nii.l ,,| [l.i- liciled. KOI.LA liAKKKTSUN". Queen ONE DOLLAft A WEEK Ini-Ii..i.i tlu- Led,, . . ..illume to wtn.l lluir u;,v I., lli. oilman waa other aor.U. m.lil tic uill <•..-!, mi.I \iilllt.' II.H.-.UT MM-. ><>il .i Europe or America, for vnU .' U.uh m.ir K.>u rili »t rn t I.. \ i.u 11,, Major Cnaaa iml bnv beeu i.rti.l. ^•ii-.il :lit ol 11 "{M-rui viliut.' LKUI^ ilowtn. tlii* l.iln.r-^i\ in^illinu-l ui \<.ur titrlu-n. A Sell pbonc tut u|i 011 tlio Ji-n*<".v .•...i-.t. tiomo o( tbo l.'liV lultl* r itM-t /.' I1.«WU> Wll] ^.M.ll J».)V lot Hut tlif l>i^' ll-l> •!•-.- i...l 1.1.1.-.ut "tbo '''*-.''••-'• PROt-£SSlOXAL. \<4t- tin- only "rut li|>" in llit- . 11>. l,,r cjuuiry" as tk«ra bat paj balla." JC. HUTCHINSON. M. D. 3-obit ID. ^pnticrc ni.iiiy f..lL^ arv inn, li < ut ».i*-r llu- OUR IMVITAT10 TO THE HAIL ORDER l.i. t lh:it an O],|H>I liimtv to r.-.ip n HOWurAli|i Ihroiicli lluir I1114, 1-. The liooM.r K.IW, mill- ..1 -l.|- for ll (.11.hen cabinet let ut Office bourn 8 lo 10 A. M.; 2 l.>|* The linane* ii.t. Il ^nv- .-looping iiui LIIii-. und barrel*. The BtrQi' To Be Paid Instead Of It hjii-H rvaehiiic up to hi^'ti -helic-. Iu one -liou- _\,,u ihe llo-l<*r till' »ITL We LIIOU i i > that the Street «••• "• """••"•ia , ':.-^-s, , j fieneral Paying |,,,,...-.i, ,1... »!,..... ,„.,„„ fkaten had been dojj . -. -J*>| t..lty Hi. he-, uule i| K-ioll|.- i-i ,o Ihn,,.' me .nhu-l- ii.lii-rii»«-d by ni.nl. Inn

A l«-.uluir .oii.lilioii of iilT..n~ . v-; 1!.,- -nl.-i.u,, .,,,.| ,,,..,,,_. „..,., udvcrtiixd, asd tiat tt«f !, \o,i ni.,1 iu pr.p.irinr. ii meal. J' i-u.ihY- \ou .in- Ki^'in.'iint rva-onK uc think why lilUM IU1I lhnc H 10 A.M. CIMWI JJU-A SCULL AND MARTS COMPANY du^x>o«d of to the Ifat^ you uli^ |irofcrthe ll....-i.r. Tin- in.iiiuf.i. t- 1-1- in tll:lt tL.' IU-I- ti-rllllili.,-! -•• .'inill..I .....1 ,,,| |,v ,),, BLEdfiOKS COST to Kit doHn and **«,rL J" on.tort". S-4 P. M. Bank of thia cily at pet-,-.1 urrn. ofyi... U..M,r (\iliiiirl .in I lie l.u-e-t 78 P.M. |-«'..|i!i- uill Ix.- |uii.l Ijy tin- .its lor 1 uh.il. 1- 1. l.il,- ||...,!,,,_. ,.,, ,!,,. „,.,_ J. \V. DAHBCB, JOHN MAETS, Se£y. and " TO THE FARMERS' WIVES Lilchin . .IO.^U- aumiilueliiii-r- ui the uoiid. ALLEN CORBOM, M. D. 4 l.-mmini; tin- J.-ad U-li, im.l f.n.I l>y 'I I'<••».-- l.i I..- ., v.-,v 1,.,,..| .,. |,,,.|' YERY UTTLE Thnr |inre i/jjvi.l u, |[,e fjcto.y. Il I- wry llu- l'lnlu.li-l|ilua Ai-a.li-iiiy ot S'.iiiu.ilj ttiii..- 11, S",-n ^.,,;. 1 n, _..,,., ,,,,,, Who haw u.oiv kileheu K.TL lo do llmu 010 WCOLCY AVCNUC EaMowt DtttL to I* &mML loo. .\t lr.i»t V.t u~ -Jjow you. !»• lair uith I Offices, SJxth and Haven Avenue, Ocean City, N. J. S.I.IICIH for tlu- tr.niu-, ulnl.- .1 ..:.. I'I. Id.I., M-.I,.1 i ..!..,i,-, ,„,. ii tl V *OIIH-II ill town, we *-\leii.l i. .-.-eeial in- >'.ur-.-lr. Aitrr-j,,,, ^. „.,.„ ,|, . ||,,,,, By CotranJ ul oners tltulioli. Tlo- Ilo."ii-<- in.il.h-- >..u I.. „'.! hu ( ur <'ilv. New Jrrwy I lUill Telephone .1iii.11 of (K-.-.iu <"iiy uoui.l -l.i.lly , inn..-. > . -i.il.li-l.i.,, 1,1 .....I u... ^l,^,,, urcd from tbe property awm*%. .1. i.)..ii-lnit.-,l, buy >,,nr ...Iniict »lu-ri- y..u your uiiik .1—<>c iu iiiu.-h I.— -* linie. Your !,..».• i^ii.l olii-lliou-.iiHl .l..:;..r~ ..I,.1'.I -I,..,!! M..I ....i.l..,,.i:,.. ,:,.. ..i,,,,.! tbe OCCAU ' froct from " ' " • .HI uvi ihe n.o-,1 f.,V>o ur niuiuv. Hotels, Apartment Houses, Cottages, Bc,Kakrw* 1 pu \v. r. HAIXKS tuaraiil.-.-.! I.. L:.w tin- ll-li r,n.owl ..II.U-I.-II~ .,- ., -.,,„,,:,. .,1 11 ,..-i- NEW GOVERNMENT Brto^ Entirety ilimtnueti. lo T'^'y-^or" *'«»»*t 111 ill.- time ^|w-.-|ll^l, tor llu- ~l«rni In.,-- ..[ mi I, 11.,, , ,,.,,1 ,,, JHIIIU,.-. nkea wttrrby the "vropa . , ,_, One Hoosier Special Cabinet Utli and Wi»U-y Aw, ; oil unil (lu- liluUr^ri- In 11 uill n.-l lli. v. i \. -n,.,.l ,VI..I.H> I.. i.._- rr..iu, .ball eiecate Uw aaoe 0O IW pUff.^A***J ii M • The free Hoouer SpecUJ will be given to Ovru u HDI-M: Ck«*u illy, N. J. Iu cotMliaLu.'C with tin- luoviniou 1 FaD line of ilillwork and Builders* Sup?lie5 -..in. 1M«1> llu.u-.aiuU ot .l,.li.ir.; tli.- l-ur lun,.l,..l .1..I..,,., .,,,.1 ,,_.|,| IS INAUGURATED >l the city. ti'-vf ""?-! B 10 A. M. f tbe Wjoah act, tbu Conj.ni-.-.ioner ..,1 in it- . ru.le -t.ile Uu._- U..11I1 I,.-..- 1:, (I.,.,1, uu .,.,, ,„,,,. I' When the qaarjr waa (*epo«adft' Oc I2tol8. C It P.M. CtTY MILL AND LUMBER CO.1PANV (/neorjymi^l. mve fil^f^tho fullowine; ufliduviti I'.-rly-llin-^ full- |«r ^-..11 u.l lli. i..,: .. -n -. , i . ,..T1, in to who the proper QStWfl Wm\'- 8b KM. Mrmuerb of Old Govtfnmcnt S«e »uli the <5ty Clerk, ulid itiuo'imb li.u-r-Si.u.|:i-i-AJ jQIIN MABI^ pr,jU.nt. J. W. lUvutR. Say. dnj Tr/at i.u.U-r^n^ uUoiit daily-.1..11.,,- |>r; l-i" ..,..1 .....i ,,,i:, be under the new rcgbaa, Hx. flal» COMMISSIONERS MEET 1 tb. Clothing and Drawing For Free Cabinet, Friday, Oct 20, 8 f». M- .Mill, O U» ll lOUU-» OUt ,.t ll,.- lull -• I)," l-.IM.l .|.:|,,|- I...|||, ,,| ,|. I Ntw Government Launched—New r«tt»oa repliid "The M*J0t-tA tk$ OtStts. SJxth and Haven Avenue, Ocean City. N. J. tmi-S. - | I I"- |,l.« ••-- ..1 -. • .11,1, .11 i- IN REGULAR SESSION. Clerk." .^»'. Twelve Have Been Sold to Date Ship of Sale Starti Ofl Wllhoot Stut« of Hew JeriM-y, DENTIST i |..lt.it r,-|.nl-iw. .II..I in, Li-li. BtU Telephone. A Hitch—Resolutions Are Passed'Some of the ("ouaty ut Cape Muy. lol.- ..,, llu Old "Appointive Offl- To EXKSU Ttx Salt DM**. BUD CVolral Avrnui ! The Oder Healthful. I. Uarty IltudJi-y, luun; Li-ri. Furnishil ..i il.. i, I.I\..Iii. |,. iI.I-I , i... T. R Wriggins, Son & Co., Willie ile.lltll (llh... A.I.III,- all.l Specifying Duties and Fixing VISITING AT WEST CREEK. The eulierUir rrporticx that c«r- OCEAN IITV. ^. J audiiluto for Colllliii--ioner of i i.\ i.ii-ii -...,._• i:., i...., SUNDAY SERVICE Mr. and Mr-. S.iii.u.-l Hn--.ll haw toLa propcrtie» bad bed Bold' «• ..ih.r- Hi-n- ,-j.i-r.-i-.-.l ..l-.ut ll..- .-!••! Salaries. '.«un City at tin- S^-eial Kln-liun Always oa Haod. it.- II,. |. .iin.l.i :....t .-1 .1 "iii ..! i ation lii|. llii- and oi iu. ML.III- .Wan-.- ..I <-OIII|,:.IIIII.- t The h.-l ,.-.-,,l.,r |u,el,,,_- ,,, II.. i-k. 1.Id in tba City of (K.an City, K. J. Offl.« ll.>ur.: lull Ihu .-I,....-'- ml. -I.i.. - ..i, il., U ... i, two ia Section D, far S to IU A. M. L. S. CORSON in.ul,-, the- Ito.ir.l ' ,,t He.ml .1. --..il.-.l l«i,jll".'l.l ot r..l,,l,u--i.,iiei- ua- li.-ld ittin_- \>hieh llu-y 11-1I..I Air. Aaron •1. Oclobtf tetith, 1011; .1,. boli-umly -•' >i< II,. .,,, I iiv. ANNOUNCEMENTS ^0 0 0 I h.110, of U'f-l 11,.!. ((), e.u, blml certiorates, tbe proper ot&Otet Ladies*, Gents* and Childraiill « to b P. M. lu-i-Ii'.l tliat Ilie c.ir.-a--. -li.'tli.l IK- "> - e ••! I. . !-..,.!. lo Tl,l,i-.|.,v .,11,.,,, _ .,„,!, ,„,,,.[, ,,, ueur thtl I buvc paid Ihe niiai uf CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER >|iii.-Llv rvin.,\ ..I, il i- n. »u . Lull.,.1 :'-'" -• >•• I--, and,.In- .h-.,,...,,,,,,..,,, .,, ,!„,... ,..,„,.;. C.iiii!y>, all. iu.u.l- -l,.|.|,ii,i: .,1 ihe•7.1U, to fh» tkiau City Li-.I-ei. ocre instructed to execat* tba 4Mte COURT HOUSE CLIPPINGS. BRIEF COUNTY ITEMS How the Prize Was. First Methodist Epiicopal Church. 1 i;u.tUr Cil.V and olher |.la. .-. for Lbe. ui», and the report of tfca GREAT COUKCIL TO/ DR. I. N. CRI8COM PUn» and Specification* Fumlthed on AppQcatlon tlj.u llu- o.lor i- re.il;> li.-.ilthy, i.illui 1- I'"" in I ..- Inn. -h.:hl ••»>• nil.-i.--l.-.!. only n.mn.e h,,,,,,.--- (Tho akdavit tlu.11 ^,.0 ou to —Dr. J. M. Ihx lw In- m» ~\* Ti.... !..„• ..I 1 FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. tliau lull t till. .illlioii/h ...iiuuliat ll a ult.,1, ,- -. i,-..In il I. A. M. .11.d 7.:..1 : \. u .l.-i-.-x I.-., I n:.i,-...i,.l, 11... .,,,i,.;,, Inii', ia rtpilar form, that no olher Collator to Uc recorded is tba Book • MEET AT 730 WCOLCV AVrNUt Satisfaction Guaranteed. bout, "IMI,"' in t li*- w.ilt-r »uii] t*jlitJir cvcryltiin^ ilut tuirna lit*- I'- M . >> 1 i M 1..1-1.... 1;., 1.. 1; ment. I in 81O AsburvAv3. Ocean Cltv, N.J. ilir.e tl.ij-. ui-nt liy .in.1 ill..-.-~cn for |.iiiu.iry tlceliou Mr. Kenixiek. Wants. UtM ! Ocean GtytN. Hi.11.1.,i.-. 1 Stuuo iiurUjr color*. jOKCAS HAM), Jit. Al I...-I. lll-[ el I " Mr. Aiidi.-ii I ..ul. ol lli.- Ton, i- - Ilur.t.1- T..un-ltl -. I,.,: on Tu.--d.ie- lily >h,l, M.,y..r He.i.ll.e ere UH folluMTt,: X,> i\iv (K'lall City A communicatioa vaa road 1 .. • I ..., II-., . iaj J. e t'oii,|i.uiy ol 7_'| S _-.',,.I —Dr. Win. (i. H.i.vl li.,- iM.nfritri .i-.mi, (Suuth S.-.iViM,-; -li>n IK-III^' ibu lUIIILllt] Civil Engineer and Snneyor • l.-l|.l.i,i Aeii.leiny ii.ii.l.- -»-K •-!••" It' hi- e..lli.l ii.' -u - ej.'.li,!. 1.. It.Hi.-I, \ il. li |....|i.|.ti> .-.died |ln- |i,. I,de, l •"Illfr (pdatin;.'. «r.lW; Mi-- K^ Mr. J. B. Kendriek, eatinf tbai 1 -tie.I, l'hil.ol,l,.l,i .1, ha ,.li., .1 with Uou;b^ lin>--, t»l l»u- (>«• tlu.Ixl Iii- i-ux*»^*-m»-ia iu Oifju CVy. <*re..t Cuuiu-il oi llu- l PEflSONAL SUPERVISION. PHONE CONNECTIOE pr'Vn-N-. un,l It !•> a matei ..I nIt.o- eerl.ilnlv u.iil.,1 .K -II.I.IIIJ "lli- - lo older .1 ..I IU.. .."el..el:. before tbe old administration want MinOIMtlMHHIIIIIII ) 111111 imuE Dctu on. •. i ..11 apartment h..ii-e ..1. s,\i!i -li.,-l Iu put Up IL Lwiiltlii)^- 'J i\'U>, uu liltl.- ^iii}iri-\. lli.it tin- r-.-uiitiU.- 11 Church. 1. 1.1-1.1..I 1.. ,, li.. ...llh ll I • - U-*h Stuitli. u( dean City, l- Wll I^UKC. **• X v..tnll\," Uere ll |-.--llj!e, i.l.r ih.- «V ••!>'. - 02; 1..tul, * out of exintence, u tcaae be properly _ . UOAJ> loto, tlif bl rin Iurv 1 o toolulil I'lea.l.il.-.- ..I ll •I,..- in in,- ,.i near the lloai ,lu all.. Il ..ill he aj>. uith hir* filter, Mri. A. Youu^', ol 1). UH ur amir NCUU. •. J. ^elitlelnill eoiin,-.-|etu-\ mi--, ,1 IA the le-1- Hi .\. M. and 7:1'. i..- ..I r-.rn IIII.I--I..II.-I .'• I'oiini.i--;..,,.-.-TUoru UAUUY HI aed by Mayor Cre»M nod tbo t^o htuii-u ami luo li.il-.. 1 .Ma .: .•..--,-, T... 1.7 t.il, •-.ml.lining "Jit loom-. Il l of tb»1 I'.iliiui.i, fur a hhoti htay. I ., .,11.1 Unpilla TnU- i.I HrJ iiJ,.|, •-Illuliwu Llu-w K<- Lille ..1. ol I..1,, ol > i>t. .Hi-* ..i Ih. u ,.aj. elu.i. li. 1". M. (•ol.l|,ll.dler^"-|'-"'il.-.l lll.ll i..- 1..11,,.I lit. -ll|.|dir, •nl»-4 ieQj t.Kuril Ihi™ dny ofCity CUrk for the BU ovned byijjiJI ALLEN SCULL r.-.ll uortll of ill.- ..li.ile a, to let Tin- i-.- 1;.. 11.11>. > r. II r, I-"..i .!..-, I ,,, Sl.n,l"ii) pr.n 11. ..I'.v ,->.l,.1,1-1, .1. .,.,,1 |. |.,,>,,,- uill he a .lil|,h.'.,le ..I ilie i,|,a I I lueiil SOBCODHTy —County tUrk IIiMrvili U t.iLin; ul, h.ii.l .it UorK :u laii.-iii^' f.ir ifiu*. Id,- re.lly li..ilihy ,..|..,- ,:.,„•„•• OetobcriO, A. I>., 1!»11, bvl'oru un - Ki-auk. K.inif»L aud vnir, ot HOI.T tnill »\IHr* C. blUHCLI und used" by <^e Cif^jjtff*^rmrt, • ..lUlTn .'umcVloUll Ullfl '•-.".o|. It 111." h.-i'l V . .. ,.| ... .-,i|.V ! !:. j. il|. I. .11..I -.-i. 1..I olil.-l- III It.-in ol Ihe <>. ..nil.-. Sl.iul.i a few tlayV v u* .iti<* it Ji* «-!v 1 hi/, il.ill ,111,1 ,\jH-tl 1,1 ^|\i- tin- Mi^il-\1 a v.h.ih-, lor .theli ,.li|>. li'.u- v.ere line. I.<1 uitli u.e.h.I |.,,,,l..l 1,1.,Her -„,,,.;.,.,! .,- at Ocean City, S'. J; •••-. tbe cere- Dt- iiuihvillc, uill rt'-ide in CnmA*' ; BUMWELL, III..-., ol llo- eil\, ..,, ihe hinhlei-. l^^S«o«I -• 111ri , oiuuieli. . ,1 lo -i I III. niiii.U'i- .•: 1. ,.t e ,.111.. 11 v ,- Ill/ell-, '"'"""--' r Man- ,,..,.!,. .|iiir- ba» bt-n in r lilt--. K..II.AIHH.- 1- tilt- DIV-LI. LAW OFFICES THE BUILDER Tbe Ptojile Who Knew, Secured the m Cily Clerk. Mr. Kendrick claimed thrt BO —Mr. tstttl Mr-. N - H. Klack' bavr of Oel-an CUV, anioir.- olhel- IH-III^- UAKTKIIS IN ClIANL'EUV. an...in- il.. iii Ii, in-.- lln- (;• K. l(.|i'-- -'I I" Ihe hah, I,, li.,,,,|- ,,, ||,,. JUi XX- rlohi'd thtir bituiEUfr totlji^'v ut S*J» PrUe. ia~c wus really nect&n&ry, as be III ..I.-. |...-:..1 -I ll r.i i M. 1:.-lie.-l .I|.|.I..|.||..I|,.II, id Ihe It..ui-e .,11 Ihe -r ..I Ki-hlh I W0WKB& oa. —An old angler th.it tl-b «lt y, UKI. moniilU h* BalMlDjr. 8rb A A»bary Av< the BtfQ<,' Got It. •I fd ^I'tlf of Hew Ji-r^-y, bad notified tb« city beiore tbe ex- m Inle City iitul art- Ki.jimruiii^ for »» EIGHTH AND OCEAN.AVENUE. Mr. I). C. Stull, of N'e.. lu.lt.,t.I, Firbt Baptist Church. I Ol ll.l- ,d lite K.-V. ihal he had ilt-l I tl. I. .1 \V 1 H1..L11 ..ii.l A-hnry AM-IIU.-. not !-uuVr inueh < j'li..ii ot tilt- (iii-.it C'ouniil .in oc'Ei.-i c-irv. N. J. I'.. 1-.- of III,- |«..|,le ..l.|. . l.i,J County of CU|HJ .Muy. piration of tbe year that an increase —Mr*. Mary Bonn, who baa beta youug (rum ht-in inn*- at the B*llt.-vu*- II..trl. Mu»ti-, uhlle in Ni-W VorL l.'lt>', rea.l 1 l'i. .,. hi!,- -..-|-ii,-e.. at 1D.L10 A. M.,.1. I.'. ..1 I;I..-I. |,.i-;..,- .,1 ih.- M.-ili..- III I le hi- a- Millie, litleii- aero with her brother tor some time, olii-tl. Of rouFM. Dot. It i^ (he .V-,1.-- l.j llu- i-.iiiwmiim 1>V ill to lli,. ---luell .,1 ill,. ihiii^-," ll.i I, K. HornrJ Tliom, lunin- UiU a in tbe rent would be expected if tbe biC —City Clirk F. W. K-.wk.^ <>t of a -iH.-nu wlial- i.tiiun^ U|» ou "iir • ii-i i:|..-.-..|..ii «ii.n.:, ..t s.-.i I-.1,-. • hill lor llll' III!.,- .u,.l ..n J N..k..iui lto.,1,1 ,.1 ]|,-.,:iji ,,|.|,.,,,l,:ly U.I.- und 7. I.", I". M. 1.1H-: he al-oMrs. Peck and Family Reached Their fandidnte for Coiiinii--ioiifr city uuiiej tbe lota for the present has (po* to Ocean City for the win- thought uf U'tw hii wci^'hl atiji h PHONEY TO LOAN bcai-b, uiid lont no turn- ^ellll.^ t<» tlu- S*-.i KL City, U.IK ctHitiitt-d t«» hi- 1 'ny. l.-|l..||.-.> 'al liie will bf lit-J ubo ut that cuiiu*-' him t'ouu.ll, N'<>. o [IK <'o|M|K-lle.l 1-, _-. I h.l->. .11..I .,- Illi Sin..Say S.-ii....l, L'.:io 1'. M. •il. -l.uli-.l a! Florida Home. "Lean City lit tlu> S|K'.-iul Klt-rtion Tear, und thut u cuntinoed lue ot • ter SMotaa with her sun, Sooan I who hu» city. iia Lu kntw tull Mill that it u liitrui* »**"ii-ral day.i Ia»»! uivl -ufX*'n'->'- 'l'!:. 1 :.::': ...::.-.! :..:- i...:..;....-.i..i.. Il- • : iv. 1 JAHES H. TODD 4 Ae.iuemy |K.|..e i I ".."l.'lil .y ...tl..| not hchl m ilteCity ot Ocrnn City, X. J., i- l)r Home time. | O\N MORTGAGE uun a -h|H'rm" tlio oil uoui.l l>c A |>o-l..1 tr Ml-- IMith I'.'i'l. tr»»ut u. hfVt-n' (ol'l. vt b\ Nkiui« tHiiK lll.ili.t^e llll- all.,It, ll,e l,e\l -l."l. u..- Holy Trinity (Episcopal). | t... .M..>... a, ilie 1:1-1 oi.l.-j- , I.., I. • •a (kluber teutli, 1011; do boltmu . BUOMMdl —The ui^bt-^liift al. the yrvcu l in tlit- VLBERT A. HOWELL. uortli uUtui;; afli-r, uuJ ul-o liein^- -tale-. lhat ihe family leaehed —Wat Herreii Youog. of P —J{oa<) Su|K-i\ i-tir Win. Ktinblt* Wi-u.nu ..I W.iiK-ll.i TriU-. Carpenter and Ballder t t i Jobbing a. Specialty to It.id ..Ut >• h.. .1 |! 'I'i:. .M -I.....I 1.I..I he had ill- -near that 1 buvu aid ibu bum of JU»C ueut oa duty Wt.-diifr.iljy iiuurv vt tUe fact llial only ie^L or Sunday S.riie.--, JU.IJ A. M., and '"'".'"•'--•. . Kloii.l., iii -aieiy and 1..1111.1 tin t> No ui-tiou siis taken, bat a din— spent. 8aDd»y m PeUnbotg. culling IK lu.ikiii^ rapid |>ro^T\'h« r»*l/tt.l»Uri^ IB MiiWiiet Strcot, C«radto. N. J H i 1 •01.1,. .' .lie Itilllditi:; ll.-|..elor and All..in.V l:,.->-ill, lae s..!i.-il.ir i.I 5F.M. j """• —";•'••' J ""' u.-alliei- llui,' i.ilher warm. -:i.i;j, to the U.-cin Cily Ledger. u-nioa brought to mind tbe fact Munduy ^btt ut the pluut of Ihc Cuptr May Sbap. l th aod Havra. Orean Cily. N. J. BcU Phone JS-x. Ji.-,alili-d wli.ile» Ket into hlullow —EakBB BoAp took ia U» ti&ts ihi- h*-j"!.oif n»ad fr«nn Hiu Oratidt- 4 ! ,„•!, llllo-f |.!.l.e- have II.. I he.'ll Lubti Cotuiwioy, uud both plunla uru utl.rinx.il, ;.-,»iI,;..11, . iu,,.-ll',;:>. A. M.i-'•""•'M. ' !'""","-' '- "• "' '- (Tbo alkluvit then I_'.K-.. ou t. but ut-tioa watt deferred loat apT2Q|T at QNkQ City W Mtmday. tu Junrtii. • il '' .-• " in ui-w,uii ui U'n-j tihe.l, lll.ll they ale lo eolllilllie Until ui urcouut of the proposed pnrcnaae JVC rtuiULD^ duubiti headers. ^iek, tUc auib^-r^n- m ll aloiu- liu^lit luiln.l ill ll a Ulhl .11.1:11.1] 1 . I,,, [.1 • »| •- Other Sundu(, , in lla- nioiilh1111.nth., K A. .M.i'';""•'•'""'M. " •""•' ",', " . /'!'' -lalp, in rtjlilar form, (hat 110 other BSui |«bo ia Mtuy- llleir -III'.'. --01- ale a|,|...ilile I. Whale Cards From New Bedford —rlfafc- A~ Craamv and lUrgbtor -It tub IK-CU rvjwjnt'd that thc- |H-l Trib . r.iiniii^, (J.no 1". M., f^A t-iiy .a' ihe [..-r-uu II|KJU vvii..- Holy Has-. 10 A. M. I Mall-, \ '•>. !t.Wed hy inoiii-y tnu ujKut lor uiiy other if lot- for tbe |>urpo»e of at Oaeam ^ nt tiuuduy —It ia tvtuttxl upuii what upfHruru \K uorlh tujliy lUolinalidn ol .lollal-. .li-lii. I ini-.liii^- I. (>. ll. M-, fur NOTICE. 1 Tile <|lle-lio|l ol l.l\--ale li.le- The 1 e.l.-er i-, iu l,-.ei'|it ol lit •ity bl'.rne^; fucilities- y, w«r* in Oee*» Cly lut S»t- y in ihf CII.'-T>*; rt.iw-utill ut and ENGLISH and JOHHSOK, uud pr\>Vu u vcrilalili: ^e ^uo -l.h.iliur |io-l eai.l-" lion, Ml. Fl.llil. Hi«t (iiande been sold to u Cai»t- l.-riui- 1'IIKI .S.i.lxiu'n dt^-ric by StfiftrCll rt-ally in iliK a u'il.l l.uiu..'* l--'-.|.-^- ' st -••.•- :> - 's R c 1 .-' 1'rv l ..- -eal a- ih.- pif- (My expeiUM.-.-> for primary election At that time one of the CooJJcU- I niceJy under oUc-ft citizen*, LiwyiT Juhn U. II»»if- Of RefllsUy and Election ihri'llL'll ihe |,|o|^,-lllon 10 iu-llle the y.. Itioun, dealer iii u 11.11111 ^ ^-nil- —Jokn Vosa, of Ocean City, spent th* May party. Cual S.i.h.,,. UVi-ht. 7.00 l: J1..I . ,i- 01 1 In- II..aid I Mayor w.-n- u» follow^: To tin- Ck-ean City uiii Huid "Tin' lids ore not worth m tiurub man, wuu ou Tuer*Jay marritd lo a • '• I.- C.l.l For "The A'.L title of Ihe U'illolljjll.y all. I lame-, al New He.If..i.I. Ma-,,. [•,i<-li li_-hl |Kir.idr l>y \\'..|»'llj TIIIK-, ..' I -. Ml. 111.I.lie.-, ua.- -.eeled I- al .Vollll lad^ir, for printing eireulur letters, weuty-flv 8noifarjr ban wUii bl^ brother Bicfl- — A. 0. i£|.-i- iiii'l COUJ|I.III^ ar.* iu- 01 Cape May County, NJ. / Kc<..in ... 1 I*cti:rr4iurj^ ladyF Mi&& Salhe A. V'uii- King. I' il.- a|,|.l..li-.-. UIK.11 ill.-[•.,,!.! 1,II.I 111 See. II. Il eiplailied '1'hev' may he -een ill tin.- Ia-<1; ard.Voaa. .Volulni- Cuulii'il au.l .ill il-ilin^l CONTRACTORS .1 All1111 r-I.'H); 750 2-ceiu Klaui[^ed envelopes, .tallui^ u li,»t wuli-r hrjtm^ plunt Giltlcr, daughter of the lale Thad- CITY -Ui, .]• ,1 ol v.'lii.-li In- ilelivei.-d lhat ihe fily ha- l.il.eu lille Jn .-i.in,- hllildin^' uill.lou*. TriLif- aad 1 ouiu'll-. fii.lni^ Chilli a I Ur. Stull. !i.il It • rlU.U8; t».tal, *HI.O8.) —Tfc*' photogniDber, of' Ocean —LoU ef hero weut dcus Vuuliilder. — County OaZelle. 111 tilt- m-W Mllll.xllat |iar.-von.i^i; Ut and .VATCfi COMPAMY MUST Wanted to Sent $300 to Btaek Wwf ^rali.l barlxHUi- anil rlaln li.i^t'. .-oriii ',(. I- .Ml.--. l,.ie l.l lo Ih.- \.1lll.1hle land, hill oil ii.-.-onni o] llie Cily. County of CUJXB iijuy, Stuto uf Nc-w •!• lll'- H- liOVVAKlt TI10UN*. City, vln Si «m» work tore, Rare O Fidelity Tnut Co. STOP ITS OVERCHARGES. ,-• ' iu^ llu- .-.I I.-id i,,1 Falls, Witcmfat. .Km. «. HII.IL« d.iiii-... -.h.iui I)..IIK- ami] .' 1.-..! ^ ol tlln-i ta.V--:il.' lille- IM-IIIL' .|ii.--ti"lii-d by —Mr». K. S. Hi..-. ,,i J BUILDERS ' - .^J.l.|t^iA » ...I.. 1 — , j POST CARDS OF THE WHALE Snlimribeu and hWorn thi^ day of liir la.-1 ihal llu-ri- -nine |,eo|.!e, il 1- dllfeillt 10 "ii-ihiliiy ii| all 1111.1 One ilo/i-u |io-l rliriN of Ihe uli.llt- luck Hiver Fulls, WU, Htatinc thai' • —B«jB»oud Sack eallad on aoaci on the tV.i.-h, [*> 1M- |iarliri|i.itt-d lu | A illDlHT^lL I-• -. ... .". .1 I •' ; of ihe -.Hue, 1 llll— >'.l II -ill— other-. —The put: of thf toust li:ii bttii | a ul tuUi • • • •' . id.- H....T.'. u;r n.ritv l nl Oceoa City, S'. J. of Ur frirada Bonday night. Ider andWi 1 to lur , Mr»- C C. Sparks, in TITLES INSURED and oeei&calionu odoerfolfy"" Relief To Wiitl^ooJ W.th-r 1111 iIy uf inal'iii- ihe i-ity IN- dilaloiy. Il u.l- de. iiled lo h.i uill IM- -.-ill to any addi.---, ji-i-t- be people uere in dire diatre#a there "rziuj uhead undrr |*n-nitlfiii Win- r» iin.l w-itin;: •' - * ihtro U'HJV .»t .••-:" • '» • •' •• . II. ll. -I. HOLLA I'hiL.l.lpbi.i. Tuesday, September 12, 1911 furniabej upvi application. ...c^'. 11 rlfl. lie al-o tliaiiL.'.l III.- lille lo Ihe Willoii-jliby lol- il |v.ii.l. lor ID .-fill-, (hil of town *cuu»e of devastation wrought by a , -^feiHag bcSs wen beard hert , 'inaiia^t-iut-nl, n~> sli(*wii in the r u it h ii.:..'--.nil Consumers. UUtl Miha ]'-•*•: ...... i,,r in.il.iii.- il ii.»--ihle tor -Hied .111.1 dealer- -ll|i|i!ie.l. Writ.- fi.l- li.lllien- Cily Clerk. lood. «o Tawday n%kt, Ortober 3rd, when — Mr-. *f.-,.. MiK'urty, of O. .an Kirv ItiMirun*-*-. a-ul btfore it m.< f-:il. ii'^if *: '-ir. - • • \\ •11 -ell il,,. l.m.l. Th iTft-ti.ni of ten inj|HJHiu;r hlruclur*-, <<1' botU onlcrn. Highest reflrencea; aUto some •* tt I.11-. Ill or.lerin^ -lali. if vol. want . Uwytr * ft Boftnao, of Cap* JUy, vioiton* ou lily. >.|H-iit tlint- .lay-, l.i-t u.H-k tl h.-t..j ullowtd to f... ^c i^wi. !.h,- ('•..: i--ii.ini, lo i-li'.'t him IlloeelllllV dollhlle-- < au-e ^011 •Mr. Xevberry moved tint three uJintr a Hi it- (»ili« «• Ijuildiu^, an y, r J, mro , Ocean Ci(y"a Ipeat cotUmftK and vt» ii wm .' ' .|,JK*t tlll.'lv •IK/U un 01 (In „...... ,. V ,-in u State of Kew Jcrivvy, m Soulh ll<-iiiii-> iriili li.r br.iilu-r. \Vm. FARM PROPERTIES Tuesday, Sepltmber 20, 1911 Mi.y."'. •. -lal.il IliaI ill,- il.etioll four**-**ii v-"^ n1-*1, lli« l.l|it uttrartu'c oath liou-f tff tui-iity-l'our ^- nii.l aft.riio.in. ,r—ii.n of Addle- all order., lo the Ll'd;;er Coniity of Cupe May. ; were married at the home (i. l:r.,ii..-ll. BOUGHT AND SOLD .t'rl.Mk 4o lite taornlnir Mr. iStuil iuin kolln, o-f the llW uas j'aiily eoiiiliieti'.l. 111 hi, h.-liet the fill llle. ut of the udvertininjr appropriation. - roouin mid »i^ht h<»u*v»fi and hun^'a- ( eea a F lti.nrii- in.t a I'.-niiy iM-in^r -|..-nt illegally. detail City, N'. J. Some folks smiled faintly at the —Mr-, llnltii- llri-L-- IIM-. r.-lliriio! ri-* ni u H111; which he i^*prf n» 'J'h.- Illnlel-liiiulin^'. 11..u* i-^ lh.ll h. litvt*M, with a mnlract ju^t cto»t-d Intlll unil rv.-«-|»ti..u by ll. ol I*, in «»lli,-,., in S\.u- Uutlk ItuIMilij; ticr Ila4. lrl I, l«tai- it .aliu- from • hi- lei Illi/ilijj ll t III VMII lfi'el\e oil, U'oil.- l'oin|i.iiiy to de-i-l I - for lt*u Ui*»rv, UJWKI u lurh work will i ll.tiiet-an Citytlty" qt tbtlioo SpeciaSpeciul illectioi-Iectlonnl thut he was in enrnMit about the l*-t, wh.-ri- -In- li:n] 1>I'I-II nur-ui^ Mr>- x.-ry llle will ol .llli- |iei,|lle. Al III.- flo HAVING A GREAT TIME ALL TOO TRUE 1 be cotxuut-act'd ut on* t*. Slr*-cts> Iiui t-^pc May Court tfous« N • {««•»« <»»e»*-t»->«r* .iwi *.( *.um^ IU>«I.I i hlludie.I mid llliy dollar- lor ilie eliar^-ni.' or , olle.-tin-.- meirie 1 It.-Id in ihe City of Oceun City, N. J.,' BUILDING. COrVTRACT- In-, leiii.ul.- be lutiilly Quitter. •' 4MH N'orrmm Sutton. • ^^^' •'• J* I bamn ol «Jl ixiv.m vutitLnl lo itc rmltl 000 worth of llx; UuiJ. tinni.<, ubont live hundred doll.11- I,.: t-Xl'f-- ol llle IIIUIIIlUllll l-iiai'^'e 1 POWELL bwu ^rudt-d, coiitrvtc uidc walk U l •I' -.S . AT RICHMOND The edilor cf the T.iionto Woral. on Orlohcr.tenth, 1011; do solemnl, FISH OF THE NEW • aiM nul.li.1, lolhr kUt.fAdt "The Kiujf" rrully <<»:.ifrn allitKin^ Mr. Stull lo ^et the liuihi-r- When reminded that tbe three hun- laid; ul^o st'WtT \n\M:a and oilu-r iui- — J. 1*. M.'Kl-"-u: autuc^ ln^ i-lu1.- ' I ti and JOBBING u year |'eruntte,l hy die a'.-i.-ei Air. \V. V. Mii di-elu lluit t.wt-ur that I buvo paid tbe suca o Tb« Up.to-Date yollU^I»^i.lil.al|l>«yM,«-ra . ,„ ,M, omct Uliukft IU thf KtufT, .|U*1 b*i- a lie*; I on Motion ol lomiui--ioiier Marl-, dred in the advertising account had {iroVi-iiit'ftt" j^alor V. One liUIldli <1 in tU^ rlm.'.a <1.ai > Ml ul ttx* u«H cli. (.'.n IK^n ^•ris, ..in- hundred and 1 >>.nly-ln.- It I,,- al-o ..r.Ieied Ihe .•miii.aiiy II..11. and Mr-. \\\ S.-oli Hand n l'i.-i |i..nl Moi-an i- a 'jri-ater lan-iler 'r-'i.'J.'i, to tae Oceau City Ledger. t>--:..i-...-«-^:i-.- drt-n to and fr.'ui \VI1.1U..LM1 Iliji JERSEY COAST. in. o» wbo »U^1I IK' .huwa l.y Ibc milt.-n Kit Hbah ic. Ocoto 1 i l.'olla (;.lliel-,ill U.l- fleeled Cl.-rk! just been tnuufenvd to tho nUJlcel- of nix HU'UIU 'utialiu^ vc»sfU. dollar- from tin- now delninl llo.il.l to with.It.Ui and faueel luo K,-|I.I rail- lllol oll'.'llly fli.lovuiu thein-eUe-. hhadu trct'n wvre plauttd la.-»t t>priii^ School il.iily itoiu Jtio (Jiaitdc. ,1A•,! ol « toirt K>.1,Df lu IW K^IUC vUitu.u >l. lh:ui Milloii"- and that Wall street (Tba ofidavit then i;oc» on t lanooaa, he then moved that it be Ton8orial Parlor Ilutl \w bci-u ublo to hn\v ^t-nirf ol ll.-allli lor lelii'r.m- |he eaiea- i teln|>or..lily. aud urc doiu^ well. U«oO. Adanu. W. W. Adaua* and t'VM.i trniiiiiiiin i-har-e- ot' >l ,i|...i..1 ii.v. |nu. „,-,.;,, inland W.iii-rway- l\n a- a uhale i- h.l-e.l on inhhery, t-liite, in itgulur form, tbut no ofhe Will Be Good Fisting For Five • II..- 1 'I'll.- he\l Illl-ille-- W.I- llll- l-lee takeu from that food, and ta re- —W. S.-ntt U»IK1 uri.l fiimily. of a^ AKbury A»euuo, ctty, N. J BY i^T^tnt Wlw>. >l,o«n not lo l« . ulMl,.] |, the curi'ah« In-'funi it was rut iut«», hy a ^i\fii (ilile, l>e-l,li'- the ree.-nll cui'll lor kin.ill eoit.iL-e- Ineated al Tin- ln-\l hll-ille-- Wa- Ilie i-li-<-|iii!i • v'^m;,,!!. \\'aii-rw, — Our hott-U liuAV Lncii Well tilled .-healing and d.-moi ali/aliou ; ami o'iiKiuey yeu spent for uny othe (II.JIII Cily, ui-n- !.-«>•••'•• <>f <•". K : tb«,cia I.) liuxyu uf Uotw<. ..e|l.ll I Illellt 1 to the of Pre«l- Six Weeks YeL ltc uouM huVc toUttl it to NYw' IttMl- t'roin the oil tiiLeu out ll- ll-ll, tin- rear of ill.- lit.lill .luellill-,- ..ou-e , Ml. Hand all ihe 10II111 lljin.'- in Wali •h.il, the futiro M-uboc. L^-amiri^ anil wilt*, nf S..tilli I><-unLi», MJ ,luilLilKl-TiDuiv Klcvtlon lor all |H.1,U' dent Marts that it wonld be bettor '•»riIF Mii*»*., wbinti.t. tl<-.lt.,i, .],.i,t^l Bricklayers —i Plasterer Ihe lillt.-lle-t i- inel-i'.ipilali/llli,i|l (My eipeOBTH for primury clectioi to pay the billa flrat, no on to eee It ne.1 —TIIL- Stratluufrv Inn, ut the cor- over Sandny rt'-t-iitly. LcC,l/ua tU« 2*Ah .Liy ol tKi-UmUr. k'.ll. tK'cn uo iroublo ulwut .iQicLly u»-l- l.lition to llu, lar-c <|lniiiily oi vi-l-y lil.-ely |ir.--i'llli'—ii n< >'" .>Vl.H W I'. U.. lor Ibtf tcrtilizcr ulitiuii*-i4r 1 p^^f €it p* ^ ^ \tljf Oo^D 1 Qj110U^ Cjl c^ i»l t,j »*tT^ Two of tbo tueix now lurvm^' tivc TO IMPROVE THE aiieiwai.t- iioiniuat.-d M^r. Mmt •ondurtin^- llin C:IJK- Mjy Cromp Inutile lentil!.'- Ill' Cil 110 Mil tlu- i-sile of hi-enrilie- lil.'di- lli> lliiKC- poatago, $7.00; mnilinj; eo knuir." The motion, cot being S^"^^jC>^r uvtxl |or hotel UTcouiinodutioiiF* ut-ar I In- Dire.-lor of llle llep.irlliu-lit 1 ^8. THE RELIABl Piiiifs for it-* ou'ru-r-, li:i- hi-vt-rciJ uhulo up t-uuiv 1'nmi Ktw li*.'Ut'ort] Two Fine Whale Teeth ELLIS COTTAGE. Collllly in general Ulld Oeeall City ly <.f v.'ali'l*, ami uhiili \-.'aler i-> llli icIoiH'H and oddrcijiini , $5.84: total, 9 i[x wtflh. >tt. Kittly in tin- buiuiuer the L&dlts* ud Gents' Sln-.-iii, 1'uhlii- lmpioi.-m.nl-, l'ail; ueeouded, "died a-boroiog." 2fj^ *> Headini; H. \i. htation. One Assemblyman. iu rvn|Mjiiric to- u ttrlt^ruui irum Mr. |iartii'iihn. eveila-liu^ ox 1-1 hiirdeu oil the people. ii- t-oiiliertions with that |i.i|K-r. stujKil Li^ wen uaui:ti[ in burl lUb- MHUKV Tin. Itttli of 11 whale l.ri- l|lli|. Air. Harry T. Klli-, of ihe '-Ile- k Ktull, 4M.*in^ iu ui* employ ut lluit allil J'ubli.- l rns aud One Coroner. HEADlfT &. ADAMS n Kcutll-Xljliu'b titllc-MM for tbo from fur und tivar. pbuf. Tbuy bhuw tbt-ir bkill by tLc w« iirojHj^o ]iubli«biiix "A Glimp. in Wall btreel, but aluiu-t every- Mot Necessary to Adjourn "Urn- I'ur out ut thv breukero, a*> ueur ud at Uodcrat* IT te mid t>ulid ivory, but rtujovlu;; ihvli phia, tla- eoutructed W'itb builder und Subxcribcd'and uwom thiu day o iuutb ScuviUc Ji- iZ- l'burt-h »ill Justice of tbe Peace. rupidity witli which they work. It it* uoc ehb to ujiy, tbut cacb were y Trom tbu fruzue nuturully ujxiiLi it tu ol the Oathvring." h l \T hli h i i Ote." ••-•& Bfr* ikatr «ndor*aiMnt at tb* if. O.X>V3.«iblc (i» wii Jit i» K'nuoJ I he break- General flillwork <*s.:»ak.|-T H.«IA.iak pot pi* sapper tern tbtir Wtul tbe Ambentrl* | tbon ol.Ooewv'City, N. J. Alter ull hmuneaH ] lOtbl L JJr. D- U. nudaoii ot thl» tily Ua* him iiiM «M W<«.I<-y nvwnnr. \ »liiii»l im tttiliuaiu "ni-f tVfrmnrfnu fn whli-ti K111:.TT i-ou-1 H. E. fcpitb, M bBoaQt bin t tba month. tnkcM quicketat a£u\ nuxtt frequently. CMS. I. MMUJki'M. Two Hanbers of the Board of iu^ I lit? wul- Enjoying Lite on the Gardens Tract acted and tbe mtnate Aliilx-r^ri-, wliieli v\lieu rt-luied i» WO line «|i.'<-iliu-ii- ot' wliiile le<-tll. -i-nie- llll Vi- li.'eil loie.'ll to -II r Once hookedk tbe fiuh L» a flxitt al .•M.iiim jk,-r yi'itr i«»r tin- tw City Clerk. had been read an4 Handy waa from a fire —lira. Maty POIMU and Vxuak FURNITURB CtfocalJoa for.Two Yean. oceaw cm. n. j. J 1 Mr-. Jam.-- K. o miniatration "io 'deeeiWJr.',***'-- herself an having nomhero uetn a day* of Laat *e«k vitU her J. E. Towmend, PROFITABLE. Mrn. Ktitit- M. Connor iiud lu-r urand Will \fhlt St. Petenhurg. jdt plentyr. off patieooi e «ndd Eu cation for One Year. by r>«rfulut-rof -ouo drum ot it bt-mu hi- t>lbt-r ii)i|K-nrn to huVc comu from «MI llr-^l a hil siciiiiil ri ailing, uud inpelition, ualer n.h iiiji-.-i.i-d .- beach that uaipaaaed tbe oae aUr»t . Z. T. Katea> uf .CUrnmnt,,whp HalAafacCkiin flnsninlri(lnannlM]i Tbt> umiouiu*!*iuuut in the Ltil^ duu^'btt-r Kraiwt-r, Fit2e;i'ruld. liuv order," Or. B&* tnovvd ttat f ft N. to bo Buccowfol tucraicuM buJBcicnt for u Uarrul of upirilx, U >nc wliofti' ue;u v'u*> ubout forty VTaro. ihfii laid over to tlio licit lufftiii^' to otr-.-t lilt- hi.- |.li,e. 'I'lill-, \. : Blruthmc aluo entertained on Uanday William laat week thiit Ur. littler took oft ull b««.-ii enjoying life in the t-otlu^ Mr. uud Mr«. Duni 1 Claweil will adjourn ain* die." tb* r__ 8f at leant mout really uulliiii^ Diuru our Iczid thiui tbu Tbo tfctb of tbo tuoubtvr uu Art ion U'UK tuki'it Thursday helii-e,- till.V per eelll Viol,M Iml h. -llortly nUtt OU < —Urn. J. A. Tompkiua hnu beeu Popell and daDgister, of AnA »o4Wc la tmbr f«rrbc# vlvca thai tbe 1137 Aabory Avtnse Jiut upou tho plui' n| Momin^Kidu Koud and KUM uite an extende . yaara. Thia season there ara BO DKMwd ad UtmiMry *J*& Ki«ciiaa will m«ct bilo- bo beavn uidieuto that ho buu lived iifurrruioiin ii>< ilie rx't-'ulur tiuiu uf Joo inileb to fill .11 lo hril..r tl < ci,joyed the deligbtu ol a too weeW Oatu Ctvr. H. JI. u |uiticiit uho Ltjicl <|uitc U'ulk, on ibu 0urdi-n» TrucL St .Peteraburfc', Florida, ia •VI « - - _ many of the fl»h that ntarly eveiy- fioldan Egg. ccaaU WanL Vlra UOUM. ] ibout ninety p •tojvom among tbo Berkshire UilU, w u OoiuK iuto eluillow outer wbeo u lot uf work tu do, to tull on thuholding ilii- r»-^ul,ir u'ci-kly uiecliii luwu to u real ripiity. Kveiy o ^ tbe Unuuy puintti of interest Aa shown by the final schedule of Uonaocbmietta. riuos ani Ortins Tiaed > ™*<"*~L doctor fur hi** profeaaiotuil bt-rvu-i1*. uud tlu. Iliad- of llio .llfTi-rellt di- inow- Ibin lo be ihe i-ii-.> iii iv.-.ii.l llu-y uuticifuto office of CoaBdIaitn aad w Bled by the Htata Board of Assessors GENERAL ELECTION. —Mra. It E. Smith attended tb • »'Au. BMAKoura • ben the atriped basa dlaappear- |iurtiiu*ii^- ufro i-iu|iowi'rcd to urdcr o tbo I'ublit- St-riii'f of .V.'ii' Jersey. _. ed from Ihe surf it was caught later with the btalo Comptroller, the o- She explained that »hu did uot know Cape. Hay County Annual Cunvrn COAL AND WOOD t*u)iplie uutil further ucur ** inount levied as (axes upon mhiccl- lum. but upuu rtxadtn^f that iucideu Tbo hop,, of Wall SI IV l.n.it.ij I ^HHH,, Cllllllltlhl UlUTT tioa of the Womao'it Chmlian Tai» BCAJJrNU fX> In tho Ledger bho coucladtj tbut u uotici). . .T near. Tocky pla«*a, where It feeda laneoUH oorpurutiuni) far the present peraoca Union, held in Ocean Cily, One AtuKbtyaun tvUhl ^"^ SSSt^ on black aiiittlii Fiabermen know year Is $3^02^36.78. This la on IP YOU WANT TO STAND BY COV. WILSON praCoHaioual man Bo putrLitk- mut also a buaisctfa meeting of tb* Local caoTtaca »» • condiiion. uha, i.. ilu. „-.-o i «cpubltet3»M«iDWy candidate in rasca these hannta of the fliih weQ. Hoincreuaw e of about $14,000 over last 000 Corooer. be all right. Appointive Officials Elected. Jirbtiii); Ilii-t ti'm-ln n! law. Tile 1 '"'•» 9°, .-'l«.'y'-. •• , .;, r Colon tbe Utb. year. Dr. Bidor trvm tbu do i> -- Eowtatloa for Two Yotr*. full on tbo uccoud page.) fill Uw vacancy. '. of Diaa Cicak White Shield League Now and then the striped baaa get SHOES 1 •HOES I TJiiie bo was Brut oxorciala^ tho .dultenite ut one cud aud put Uir -. ••>a A. A. Huwcll. cleeUU heir coBUOoditic-. a I'tiu.y it |i,mud or| ; '—lira. F. J. Uppincott haa elooed will take part in th* program. ': i \ aome «Ue. Twenty pound bana have We have added a oomplet* OM Umbtt of tho Board of Evans G. Slaughter) rijfbt of franchioo, wbiuli ho rtlntc City Solicitor; Ri/ila OurruttHon, City i*r bongaloir, on yineaot Bond, and ~ ' been, coutrht, "nut Hot often. The •tack ot Ladies' Qenta* and EteatJoa for Oao Yoar. Aldernoy uu fuliuHu: a lion and luuke up nuy d TrcuBUrvr; Knocb Burlcij^h, Colicct- rctarnad to her Philadelphia tome. • erase aisa ia live or six pounds. Children's Shoes to oar tin* of WUlbfUcMo. "When I went inlo vote, u nicmrw-r mid what ciiu llu. poor little! ' jOiMuifot tb» Cape )nliahJ_Ah»iLtfMKot prift.'r'M do but —Tb* iamates of the Patterson Moat old. time flnhetneo depend on Ladles', Gents' and Children'* Tiiiu iivvful , oilcan ' TutMfcy, MovtJRwer 7th, 1911 u rciiolution in ro- - — - id. mg nun i JS, C yurnlahlag Oooda and It will Iw to your In. onunercmr wur, "iTT llw ciidlC'oniniltfj held at .Court •41 ^ THE. ASSEMBLY K^rtLi to tho cily'u cui>h dtipotutoricu, tlMir O«rmaotown, Pu.,'home for the | Uroosn with a variety of other~[an£| «~- Clot"»»ug||.' . uur ww to explain that even in meeting placeo I ««mt to call at *«. The Cunudiiina t.o„ knin„„„„v „ ,„„ ratanMdframPbUa IA Htrlped-kaaa ia aa wise aa a tront,K complete and price* lowest. IwstltaVtackU1 bo Board udjourucd to meet Tbura- ood ibini; u-bea they boo it «"nd" to!iTtoFflj w1tnaffuJll.lu*of prioe* lowes n attach ia Ik* be kept bis own on, but when voting op on eltter phonp e If yotr want any ia ancored, but |and b* looka tWnr. over befor* h*1 - • — •••• dny aftcmoou. "vo MMISO enough not to bo - - A. J. STKUJUlf, —out of deference to tbo act—lie kind «f Job PitPrintini g neatltly executed Taotarau.—Wildwood S«av »»lcd up by ^ho frig ah^t, of W|U,j :. .£ Ml and 833 iakaiy, A«*aatv yij took bin bat off." ' I (Continued on Pag« 2.JI ffooa t vt i- l; • -: -J!Z: '•&?&

' •- .'•••-. "."•."••'"-'N;v'.-iv;> t taad«. He , dr eta** for th* (rorcrnrtwtit of ritlrn of (h to b* THteivte eu« J«at closed ia one tha NEW GOVERNMENT Hcd, att trtiuenC interval*, HUIO coatiiinirgr a population "of Ira SOHWTOfiT —A Bra iaatmnc* . *•, piaaiulr* and profli the accoonbf of «very oflWr or em- than twelve ihuuwind inhabitantu, BEFORE - YOU - BUILD la town on Uaoday, and It ia i •ow felarcwtrd in Orean Cily W irbo-docM or may rrcriic or v^il Mnrrh '24, 18D7t ant) tho UCat t» «Umtoad lb« IS INAUGURATED Personal OrsaabatlM tk* work ia oa for the dec o mvaty.. !!« nha\i ka\e ntentii thereto UIKI amtneml- GET MY PROPOSITION PEHCiL P6IMTS Uoa of tba (own moat earefoHy.' tbercuf, ami by uu ucl of tbo nppansion h\ preparing for cbarge of Ibi* parcJiaMt*. enro un tiMlattruUtf —Robart U. Elmer and wlfa (Continued from 1st >luro entitled **Aii uet f'»r the throngs of the coming diitnbiitioa of all Hnppltm or utber I wlfl pnpara Plan* and Z VUlton aad VUitln*; City. •attral daj» Uat w««k at Dalai in«jt und collctliuo uf Tuacn,'* COIWTV ITCMS Ia this nptnnhn' a gnat nrtirlcH not utlicrwit^e provided by On Wednesday evening a Water Oap, retnralriK oa W«da. A ftmlotJM to Distribute tin Ex- upprmed April 18 lt»OX Uo Sptdflcatiom Without Chargo for of bdiviuaal iniamta are law. Ho nhall have rharvo and # wao held on Anbury avenoe below mm v/MTiou* souncit. ereniny. tad, and the continued in ecuUvt. le Pom fiapcniaion over all priutina by or l nforf m h additionaddill Ninth nlrett for the parpoaa of or- —Bit bard Button has mored Ida —Kiu Ada WalnOfv. baa It of Ibene individual, inter fur tbo city. unlrtMi othcrwiM? pro •hnll ur mnybe rciiuind by tho HOTELS, APARTMENTS, COTTAGES, BAYV1LLAS, Mr. K. 8. Torbert vuitcd Nor rood a clab lor the «d»«nretJ>eot JUtfeortty and Duties Into sod opon bar dotiaa as an aaaistaat rtry greatly exceeds the tola vided by lav or rcHolutiun of tti Hoard uf CnmmU*iard. Ifo nball cinmiitc or WU Tbe Kiilary «>r «-oni|H-ti!»»»liuti uf A temporary orKOniulkn ' *u txA Determine the Powers and BUNGALOWS. ETC. are badly rnlntalrrn sba win pfora to] Majd atanicipal contribution lo Ibis (a be examined ami rrport to the ich Collet tor of TUXCH U hereby Mi»H Mnrv U hnn gt)o© to effected by tbe Hclectioa of Serx't Frank Nichols U on bw M popoUr as U Miss EU* Urntk-] {apparition. It fat only natural-Hut . Duties to be PcrforxcJ. and As*(*4imniir*.niuu, u|M>n ujl biltn, account-s They will be ttioroaghty practical tie city for a i»o »cckj.' vuui. John Jaminiion OH chairman and afr.•eek'a rl«h with her daoxbter, Enna fixed ut tbe Mini of one Ili-'iw.tiul nay—and that ia m> dUf .**** having invested in a hotel sign tfeta to toe AparoprtaU l».i>-r.)|N and rhtinm beftirr they arc I ul l.i rn per niinutu, |ui\ able inonlbty. and adapted to local conditions. R. P. Morton «» secretary. In Uonmonth connty. Tilrd u|Hin or nlUiWtd, uti1r»» ollur- (I •*PBld do all in his power to fill tbe • Department* and Officera. SIT lion 4.—"Tiuit tluln- .Itail kv 'co. J. IL Ki-lu-r «|K-ul over 8on- The tillo -The Civic Club" wan —Her. Jaroeit B. Hhaw, of Nave- w'itvt* provided by lav, day i —Uarry Taylor, of Ocean City, I with guests, bo I it is very im- l|l]HUtltod Kttllte MUll;lbK' IH-Ihiui It) b*.» thi^ cily nt bin parrutn' home. Hclected an a name, and a committee •ilnk, "pent a few day» with frienda hie. that ha would try to do i.<> Do it rchoIvcO by tho Hoard ul Tho AkKCHfuirK, CommiHf*i(MieiM <>f here apeodiojr tda fall vacation. City Trciisurvr «>f O*fan City, whom.* appointed on the By-Lawn. at Fi-hinir Creek recently. p . . matin* the irflprcssioo that Ihe umtniHxioncrH of w*jtment, CoUrclor of Tuxeri un»l OTIS H. TOWN5END Mi~. K. IL \M)W i» Hix-ndintr s lut irn rdijtll be thuK<. pn'i-ri IIMMI by The purpose of the Club will be to —Chariot Saw haa mored hi* —Eightcco mamhers of tha otWr hotels are dreary and ansatiii- Her t iuii 1.—That tho csctuitiic City Treanunrr ore ditUributed und Nluirt lime ut Pelrmbur): amon« oM be uit of tlu* I>e^iHlature of the BUILDER »ork the Une of bettenoent in (roods C|nm tbe CoUman etorcboanc. onic fraternity went from bera to Saturday. actoe*rl iactory. and ailniinijttrative jcrK. autburity nhsj^Ticd to tlio rnt of Hoi- Incn.U. Si ale of NY» Jer«*-y, entitled. **An civir ffaire sod to look after the Ocean View, to Ocean City. Cape May on Tuesday night to «hV and clutirM in (be city uro distribu- une und Kinanro. Office: 8ih Street, Opposite P.O. ' Th* aeUUttnesa that con *«e no a«t rtlutmu to and pr.>\ t «••] ptieiniut-iil of cilie* of tlu-« ntate , Ocean City, N. J. \S':l-.m ( hn»tian huH returned fium pablic alilitiea and other mattera. hich Engineer Joxeplr Wfaeatoo imrtmcutH nutl the po*rr» uud duties •uia have returned to Emu from a • petitor comes under tbe category of tuxr.*, u.*M'»*mctit>s frunt'hiM.' tnl<--« (oiitiiiuiu^ a |MioiiI;itiou «>f tr»H tlijtii hit \aruliiu trip looking hsle and took a more-of prominent part lo be |jcrformcd nri- Ji-W-ruiiutHl unil After tna summer rash yoa will be returning to your home*, It U nald that partUan politics are deligbtfol trip to Niagara FolU, and ' cheap labor passions. It is always lii-viihC fct-H «*r other money whi.l tut-Ue | !t ou ^.t ml iiihabitiintn/' n|>- hearty. lo be tabooed. Following tbe rtewlon, there waa • unified to the ujiitrupriuto dc|*urt- ONLV GAtVAMtZEO NAILS USED ON EXTERIOR WORK. and those who have rented their hoaso for the summrr months will other poinia. Poorry paid, it is always small in tuay bfcume dup tbe rity. He |».owd Mairh 24, 1H1»7, and the mectingH will be held on numptions repast, of which all apeak] icnls und olllccri*, ull us hcrc-ia- be apt to flnd many pieces of faraiture to re-plare;—»uch nx a new —Zachariah Taylor, of Camdtn,1 „ ito own capabilities and in its cx- rrjMtrt to tbo Commi^MUin uny fm *u|>|>K inenln therx'lo and itmeudim-iiU Mr*. V. s. Hortr* t»r JKIV nuint-v ttu n i f, iitul #>utb other dutirtt AM init ut Nutioaal I'urk, Vine Ian J, noJ Anbury avenoe below Ninth —Mr*. Charie» Uabbard, of I <]iif the cily, witb »ui/b rvttmiaii-ad Hide-bourd or bufTot. chuiru or chinn rlu>t ConuniiiKjunerH. cored. ekinfr trip lo Europe, haa tlr«m proper. icular pains to have a complete OAHortmrnt of Kurnilurv of ull kinds. {•arena of the entire c-ommunity. Tbe ill c-xcrcirvo ull lc^tqla- The luibiry or t-oiuprunation uf Itcv. K. K. Whitr, pawtor of I —W. J. Tyler ia «reetin(t a large here thin week vjnitinsr her aant, Mr*. J ZANB & ZANE Never before ha» our stock been KO nimplete. -ma ni witwith a house to rent at Thirty-1lu<" IIHiircrs, function* und dutirr* Imm.uiuel IlApit Cbarrh, preached two-ntor^ilxulding In which (o keep Jan. L. Bprfajrcr. Dr. HnkbanT* Departneot of Streets PubUc Ic- urli Cily Treasurer blull bv the lkit our object iu Ui bave'tbe mnfldcncc of our c-UHtumrrK, XVmrth street is directly benifltted! confeirrrr d upon Ibo t-ity ur itr- Him of £h«< buiulnd dollars pt-r iu Philadelphia Um SuntLuy. Local Pruc&tn Ojpotetrt. hin new automobile. He baa become frieouj) bere will be Rlad to know] Paxiu and Public and U't them know that KC arc- juxt an unxiuu* to pU-a^e tlirm uud by the sole of u lot in the Garden*. odln-rn. ' It HUUII uiuLu ull urvlerd innuui, juiyable nii»ntbly. The following is a tint ot the ap-very expert in running the machine. that his trip abroad added materi Property. meet their de-majidtt in winter an woll QH in Hummrr, «hrn ue ha\u tru Mrn. Hunuah K. Hcna rctaracJ to pointments of (be Booth Jerwey —Ber. and Mrs. J. 8. Oarrinon, of ally to bin avoirdupoin. tha halMing of n house ut Kifty-Ser- fi>r tbe doing of the work, or the S«v^»". r>— Thai then- r-luilJ be Sotjeot to Hiabt Calls Open fill The Yew B 5.—T(w» Director uf tbe times the trade. As we have a complete u*»i»rtmcnl of Md»c. for I'ltmun Uru\e Mimduy, after «peod- I»«al Preachers' sod Kxhorteni' Little Silver, S. J-, spent ten days ood street will have added in rental mukili^ or countrurlion of uny pub- a]>jKtuit« d KAjuii' Mill able (HTMIII to —ConxlluH Nickerwoa, keeper of dc|m(tiuctil uf Stm-trs Public Im- Cor. Eighth St. and Wesley Avc. Ocean City. you to select from ut uny tine uf the year, wo want you to recite, 111- -«verul tlayn at ttiin reaort- Anaaciatioo held at Aura Uxt tUtar- pleanantly at I be borne of Mr. and rahae to the Uoardwulk store at lic improvement. It *or »if Tatir. »tf (ktan City, Peck'n bench L. H- S., accompanied ^mvcniciitK, Purkr^niul Public l'rup- that Ihw tdort is Your Store. dsy: Msbi^s, to be KuppUed; Horrh- Mr». Wm. H. Tbompoon, Cold Spring. Tenth Blreet, and if any butel iu - levy all «|>i>ortitin nnd nTrciK nmi ihittcn rihnU be by bi» wife, upent Himday a-WMk crty ubuli have cbar^c und itu|>cr- Brusii Dcds, While Enamel and Wood, Tulcl Finish, Verui» llarry Kualdt, a btudeal at the V. town, J. IL Portb, D. a Ackley: A MHATOT OCSAi CtTT^ Ocean City mokes itself fnmuu» for ipprujtriatr ull fuud», und umlit und L^llbed by an att of the —The Middle Township Sunday- he re,—Oaiel te- \ i .i<»n und directiua over ull public THE PRICE IS RIGHT MATERIAL THE BEST Martini, Etc.x I uf P., came tocoe l"*riday aftemooD Aora, Hichsrd Klen tn»L, at Barieigh M. E. nulk>s und tbe o|>cnin^rt in bUid J. H. Porch; _ . - October 17, MM. fa tight company's franchise, und of. It nhalj tuakr or uutl in- the is-.*-«iiu.ut ami c-olli-t'litm of TaH's" RICHARD H. JOHNSON Odd Bedroom pieces in Slabo^uny, II. K. M., Oak, Wuhiut, wood, Birhard Chare h. . ahoald justify an increase in the hlm-l.t, ullt-yrt uud j>ark-j^ Ho nbuli Aldin*, V. Cobtman, W. PatUr&oo; MRC Phillips jnukin^ of ull njutnirt*, und <> rttii- >)>l>ro\ed April H, 11HU, and hurli aud Mission. —Contractor Frank Sharp, who Saifwr, of tkam £» dock atroek twoha, dr/< •alary of the joanjrest clerk at tbe rx'oujvo uli unlawful ubntruttiuiiH IJbrniy TnLles Desks, Ann Ctslrs, Ixattier Rocker*, Davenports, iin*. S. Wt^Icy Lake und MUH M. MooroevilU., C. P. Cr uur: Willow trart Khali land or be obligatory ujMm lit If- jlri II boojfht Ihe grand aland at Olteua First National lltcrcfruoi. und take c baix*" «t t' II .liter ay U- ri**juiird by Morris Chain. Beck Cases, etc, Iu populsr HnUo. I^irlLa Lake uro U>calcd at 5632 Grave, W. 11. 1-amalear, W. Fa able; r»rt?rrww1 Cfocn Ptr' *n4ri rti In Snt Cap* Ma* Pttlla, OanwttaoB «wora.££« the city unJ«"rv« cilhcr tuadc by ordl- !.iu ., PLUMBING - HEATING Ball Park, baa that structure de public- work, tbo rlfuniiif of tttrtH't* tlu- lU.aid of Ciiinnu-"vioncr«. Walnut K-trr*t, I'biladclphki, for oKwao, H. BOKCD; Wot Millville, wltnaKoJl IJaeof th» tare* Cwmlaaluimaj who The whole coaiU in guud and nuure ur ro»uluttim udu^tej by tbe Th, ^itioii tif 8tt> STREET, Opp. P. R. R. Dtp ot, OCEAN CITY. NEW JERSEY BKK NKXT IHHITK OK THR LEfXIER for DtiolUxl parttculsrs mo Untied and aecured o lot of lumbe: tsi.urv oiu} of our HOOHIKFl KITCHEN CABINET d dttla hurt titar. aco. Hand; Ocean City, B. T. Steel- ¥&}•*',,<%?• *^J «*«»*•»*« ta* Ocean City U the bnt of it. nnd public . . ..._ from U. (DILLINERY is Ucll ITIUDO. 178-\l\ ra-ao: Millville MinjUon, D. B. Collinn, In some way Lhia idea nhoulj pet All coutrut t» und i on, making und rccun struct inn *'t y uI of Hc^'. Junifn K. Luke went to Cam- J. H. Niion. The neit conference —Alfred Cooper, of the Oaulte •atae < th« Caps ! into and be »*«n in all that »e tuiy ind ix >Aj]ut ii^i^ uiaL ull Mtn-el lOipiovimrutK, nidrwalL-, UIIll. huuJrvd T. H. Wriggins, Son & Co. •;%' «'n will be held at Kwan. offerB a reward of Un dolUrx fu —Cap* Ma* 8U*:> and ee bin name amoog thoue active who t»yn the be»t ii'u-cc uf nidesulk bcfoix* tbe tvuon* U tuadr « of taxeu in the different municipali- Mr. Wau to be foond OD the rua»l, or by the |ir\»vc I be f»4iinutcn of the C*it v OF CITY COHMISSIOM. UfK^rK S. C Whitman and w in tbe Local Preachern* and Kxhort- —Mn Hannah WooUon and ties of Cape May County at tie It tebull tau>vC t*> IH* LUJ*t* ull UH- flfta door north «f tkii'l balc^r who bakoi Aueb laHciuaa r.u^incvr, wbirb tnu v be uiade from proprietor« of the Flc anantvilU eru' work. daaghter Hannah, of KKthinir Creek, places designated below and upon ivfr^tnjcnt** fur tbe c*w»l uf \treet iiu- that people woald tarn duvn the tmw to time, of tbe n>»l of *.u«!i For Aoythln^you want to know about Building l*nrKH, wrrc anxing tbe "off Mhore" are Hpendin^ a few day* at Colliajpi- Ihe date* n»m«l, convening In each nt-ut-rN and At a I.iru'i- iu. -'* nuH'tin^- held in (•Hnatioos of "Lobster a la Kew- t ut* tbe Kanie pn*^rcf*f»c-, ami u*'- We Are Offering \initoru to uc« tb« whale. wood. While there ber daughter will place at ten o'clock in the morning. y uiKiK-attH Are you undecided bow to plan your house? You are Invited to Wltttel Wli&k! bnrjr^ nod take the trolley i-rutn tbe Htrrcl, Bide walk ur building undergo an operation. Appeals cannot bo considered an- MMIH'MIMIH rorjitf* or rvjiair* hich may In* by \*t tb»' Commi^-ion Form tit lUtwtu- come and ut our splendid collection of up-to-date plans. wUh «*rrctr ••• • mm • wad iwapeoa&b' poattiaa. • IWlHj w*ut It would cost to bullil? We have a draughtsman always at She wftw out t.» dinner on WVdncMlay ch a tletfrmiaed numoer. Mr. T«»wn»**nd in in churp* of theprescribed blanks which will be aap- best luct-n* urc the u^'i-nt* of the Cor ilrat-l aud |H-rfortu nut-b other "f tbe ••uruiui—«iiui plan. your service. Free. :.'K: ••' :. .tha«aald ikat he beSeratlb«. *a*J<*M - •'!* nduijf Re^corU. it-^ n-r may be pn»vit!rd or xvquir-* A l^r:il ntnv-pa|»cr W-irccd thr c-utc- Lots for Sale dr»jtitc the Htormy weather. —May'» L We»t itri*ry\ ntati.m while the >>ttn< t plied to any who doire them, opoo will bo «\er five buudrcJ :ean City a «<%M. day T ^iruttun, and uli ibcir ac-l-> nliull IK' by unhnanro ur rrr*«>lutioii. Me uii«*ioiit-rr» i»t' Trent«MI for l>i-in^ ri- Are you onfsmlllar with building materials? You ore InvlUd to On Ilth Street; alio a lew on IMh Street U away <>u u vucutioa,—Hea uppticatiuu to "the Secretary of t^» in prcparatioo for next subject tu tbe nwv» und tu Ibc It would ton tbut Oceau C'.ly vi±tit«»rB und new rvnidfnttu ••hall hu\c rbar)^' «»f enf«.rrin^' the' Kp^uiKible l.»r the inereaw ut VJ our snow rooms where samples may tie tan and their relative merits Ur. T. ('. llennett, of Knorr 4 TUDCK. Board, Harry lleadley. Ocean City, ippn>^ul ur rx-vix-.iliiju by tbf (*«>tu- onjjht to be "bijacer" than that Don't wa»t« un aJvcrttKiOK* uj»pru- pruvinioutt uf Lawn or ordtnuu* t -»| * «-niH iu tbe lax r.ite, uhi-n, u« u and cost discussed. (V«. ladies* nnd j^nt»* fumiKhinc —John Wright retooved ' his S.I. uiK«ir ulli< e«lubli«bnvnt,- ha» been *pendin;: whale.—Atlantic City Pr»»». ni5 Trust rvlatm^' lo rti^ii-, wlird-, uwniu--. and' iiuul«r of fat-t. Mi. Wal-h ^t.»l«-«l Are you unAtcldrd who to have to build your in.si? It wIU cut Price. S37S furaitarr and family into tbe Kelly Cpper ToKn»hip, Turknhoe Hotel, p by tr>'»^^ '-J intcrrot th ^bal!, from lime to tiuu-, tin rv*nti worid in tb« fact that you urr buihl bill U.anl,. Uv i.bjdl lune KUJHT- ' tli.it in the four u.rU th. you no more to have a man wno has deslflned and bultt many of lh» rveveral day-M iu tbe Quaker City. place ot (Won View. A» he i» tffl- WeJnenday, Nor. 1, 1011. b> Liu ur t>rdiu.ut«v( or <|iunt finest buildings In Ocean City. I also have a. few lota oo Srrrmaon Avcnoe, between 11 to ICEAN CITY, NEW i lbm» boUAOK, but Kjy tkat y«»t d by- Ilio C.»ui;ui--'i"ii, v »-«ion ovt-r ull jiuhbf M-n ice util- ll.t- i-ity uiulir ! .it u -. V III _' .ill... i> ..i ^JHJIIHI t.. tlu Ihe Htutioa.—Qautte. 101L i-f, rvjtort any fruiifhiH+* contract or ^runt <3r»^e Motiday, after ocrupyinff her ft«Ddrt4 bosses this year, but, by he Coinuii-^inii iii urili # ! -y. . i..l I ut .1 r..M- <-H.ltivc. . -tllll JOS. G. CHAMPION Tbe fall mee2 of the Cape May —Copt. Reuben Yoonjc. of Tuck- Cape May Boint Boroagh, Baxoagb Igcfs • Gtoanl Banking Bxutaem, «iujl»tag of i^ n- f i »«**• 11 ti n •jr V;rantft*.ir uuuU LH County Teach* r»" Aiuocialujo will oboe, wbo waii badly burned about to bcheck k withouitht t noMcgtk , «ndAHft ABftW* J» • into and *ball r«-port to tbe Cuiu- Joseph L Scull a few day*. over tbret» beau tic »* you'd ULr to >£uco 1 JltHI.O HI. occur at tbe lU#h School Building tbe face and hands by on explotdoa IL) 1911. ur matter* c-unuet-ted tben - >n or otbrr pru^r oQiter anv Builder Went Cape May Boroagh, Boroctgh it* futeiut on Tims AoobcmtaV wlOcoi tibow him before they urc taunted i.ll)L Hotels. Cottages and Apartment* (or Rent and Sole Cape May, N. J., Saturday jit the c«~ bouue, al>o had the mlit- '••'WAI fnilurt* ..f K^I.1 ,«,„, ,,r <..,,»./- Mi*.- rUehrl Korr\>m, who hart done Hall, Monday, Nov. 0, 10LL. OIMQK^D two mnka Op- i$ccua»e this it* a buiaixtr«u-likL- The ('t>iuiuit»ii*ii tuay, by rt-aolu- 8th Street, Opposite Pennsylvania K. R. Depot aud afternoon, October 28th. The foriune to fall down ntairu laut week, aliou l r Win trwr III. IV IK- - ii.1 .IL-.MM a ill. a o t'xrellent Kervir* in the po»t offic* Middle Towniihip, Court Uooae, lflHhncttH. it pay**. t*«»u, »w*ii^i» to u dirv«'tor uHirer ui icv or to ob-v •»o-a-o-ft»ooo»»< morning heMnion will be devote-d to re-r«ivin^ Home bn es aboat the r the r^iuirvuieiitn C. I.III I..U .Hill It < l.-.iriy In - it- dunn^ Ihf •umroer rootitbn, bajt re- Wednesday, Nov. B, 1011. It io n Well knuvu fart th.it a iv, dutien in n-j»(K-ct u tbe or condition- the buiuutMi. t^tv nn aud bead and imfv-rf '. II..11 it i» «^ • no•.!,.! 1 HunteJ her dutis^ in the real estate Lower Township, Township Uoafte, large pcrc citato uf ull ihc muncy *.T *if uny other di-|»ai tuient, the- tirdiuauc«\ frun hi***, contract >y ul mtut school, gramiaar, —The League of Woodbine Bnsl- tli.it it < on1 - lit .in-r to l-rf. CHURCH SERVICES. olUrf of Clayton Huiue* Brick- Thnrsday, Nov. 0, 1011. Bpeai fur uJvetiima^ in litrfully lOirr .ir rniploynHiil, and r»u< h n.-r- under *iuch »iarh puhJu- <-tioi ami primary. The alttiuxn »e»- ne>ut Men named A- ZacHovitg and N. "i, UU- dm.. Ptntiml in ill.- r' ballot and preventing traud tli.iu the. program including WHOCD£ und Council to arrange for a celebration UUUM, 8. LOSMM...... KtolYMtfMt Aveuuu aud Ki^uth Street, livv. H. Electrical Contractor INSPECTED D18P08AL PLAMT. North Wilwood Borough, Holly iurb^ir pur(>«»-cn uud the iiuprov t-- uny law tluil ua« ever enacted with H-o-upcmtiun." by irri. in honor uf the opening of the ne ,C R. Smwu Setrttmy md Tntamrtr v- •/. It. Ujruuyutc, pastor. ' Moniiu^ bur Real Estate and Insurance Hca NIr City uHlriuU *crr in thU Beach Boroagh Uall, Friday. Nov. U rationally De^artmmt of Public AflaJri and it-otn thertNjf. Me *lull have chiirvf the view t.f f-ate-^llanllli^' the ballot S35 ASBURV AVEMUE. City Hall. The celebration to tak* I J. FITHIAM TAXXM .StJMta*••: \ -': vice, 10.30; tveuiu^ tcrvice, 7.1J; Hotels, ColtAgca aud Lota for Sale, Rent or Excbxngv city n-*-cntly iitvcMi^utin^ ibe Sewer „ a II. He*ve», of Moorestown, 10, 1911. r uut tbiti'idfu uf the commun- P&fcHc Safely. • f ull pnhlir property not otfurwi^e in Ihe hi-tory «.f the »late. It i» Let uo estimate on Jour work. N. J., President of New Jeraey Con- place at the time of tbe celebration prayer meeting, Weducoday cv'cuiniT, OCEAN CITY. N J. (_*oni|vuiiy*»» (ii» M)rv4il plant. Holly Beach, Boioogh Hall. Fri- ity of iutvrcjit^ M) that iu uU uur Stetioa X—The Mayor *lialj bavr i*».i'^iit-P that be frauud tbe law ing of Woodbine. meetin^b—Sunday moniui^. Harnl School." by Prof. F. W. Wildwood Crest, Holly Booch «. T. OOKSOM. a. »K» hooue or o. HCtiAon'a meai ticket, it >ver the li^btiu^ of all public r-trvt-1* und forced itn (KiK^a^e through the •vrforin utl the ditlic» ttio^idcil oi John Marta. Ic'uiler; MutiJay even J. C. STEELMAN EJU0VIMG A VACATION. Jamea, Priocipal uf Gonhen Boroagh IUU, Friday, Uav. 10, 1911. hi ttho**D to be a better huut*c ur a and places, and of ul! [KTMIHH iluirj- lc^u.Lature. If lit- dj.l, und if he l« B. W. KDWAMim. ttm. t *rrn*'rib*-«I by law or the urdiiiaun-n luff, 7.^5, Mm. E. IiricL, leader. Fri Mi»H Muml KoUldn, Of tbe Ledj.tr "The Uealiutioo uf the Per* 8TRATHMEAE. Cape May City, City Uall, Monday, better meal by reason of iU beinx td with I he rarr theirof. held r»-"poiiHible for it* hhortcoimn^'«, MJLMXT murmrr. »f tbe city, not iu routlut with the day evening, Yuuu^o Corwju. leader. Contractor ultl<-f. IK tnjayini: o week »' vacation. by Hev. J. B. Haine-, V. D, pastor —Tbe handsome two-story build- Nov. 13, 101L and £n Oeean Vity. Ort?uu City b*iu^ The i'lty Knj^inrvr, Sujwrv'i. -»»r of Ibeu he t.lioal.1 hi- ^iveu full eri-dit a. X [iruviMunn uf tbt^ resolution. Tlit* Krbt I'n-abyteriiu. Cliulch, Wen Slit: |>l-innri| to >ko in" PhiladeU of the M. E. Church ut Coart HOOKO; iug on Commo.nw.alth avenue, com- j. rmui XATsat, • •ad Complete in tUclf the advert min- ol for it» commendable features, uud -.-•.• and Builder OCEAN FRONT DennLi Township, K. of P. Hull, iL'liwu.VK. Iin.|M-<-tnr>, and ull otl a. aowastx> raomm, Mayor rvball be diitYti»r of the *K-j ley Avcnuo and Seventh Street^ Hcv phia, the Water Clap, uind t>everal "IJonie»tic Science," by MUs Mar-prising nture und dwelling, which ha* Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1011. c r. ilk) each intercut nlu>old carry with it if the Ian for h he Man.!-* HJHJU aum. r. T.wimst [xartnurnt of I'ubhc Affair^ uud i*ub-| IL T. CoiiHelbcrry, paator. Sunday Residence, 30)1 Kinlb tit, other places of intercut. iam V. Kmaneld, teacher of Uooentic been under conntroclioa for several Avalon Boroagh, Borough Hall, Itatke the ndverfbvio^ of tho whole place. vith wotk of thv Kiii.l tit-(xirt[iM.-ii »">r succeed-* bunett motmt a. MOOBS. lie Sufety, uud u:* KU<*b, nhall M-rvicea, 10.30 A. M. and 8 1". 1L Hcience in the Ocean City High months by F. Mitchell, of Philadel- Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1911. The department ntore udvertioin^ uru fli^tribul«^l ami UK»i^ti(^) [u .! priujary uud general clcctioni* <»v - OCEAN C1TT. ii. 3. prerudfnt of the IU>ar.) und ha l*rayer cncetini.'. Wedrie»drty cveniajr Wa haw best Ocean Front (mrestmeiit to be found In Ocean School. phia, is now completed, and occupied Woodbine Borough, Council Cham- BAf|KINQ BY MAIL A SPEC!ALTY | *ii UOt Utlitttt tbt auuuiiuciu^ ul ^oiik-rul hU|H.rv ir>i<>u our alt *.W|»ar JL.(urliiHMit "f Strrrtx, Habile In eruor in, when be retires. udl at 8 o'clock. Sunduy tebool, 2^0 Two Men Art tortenctd For Members uf Board uf EdueatioOH, Ckixtlally Qiren. Cily to-4ay.- Only $1900—part cash. by the Mitchell family. ber.' Thursday, Nov. 16, 101L kitchen utexuaLs but the unnouncc- QK-nta uud ultif-iTn in tbe city; b phi»vaiciit«( l*urLa uud Public I*ru| have lett behind him u bright *-IH»I in P. M. Cbrintian Endeavor, 7 o'clock parents and everybody interested in crt . —Mr. and Mm. .HhoHall, Ocean City, Counril Chamber, it id odniitly worked iu witb buy- hhull b« the chief exn-utive } his record of uhich every lionet cit- Iloly Trinity Church (KpiHcopal), tbe public schouln are cordially in- It Indades JUtodatton Title, Riparian Grant. Wesley Areaaa Jud^e Kulinch permitted Gre^oire Puttsville, Pa., have been spending! Monday, Nov. 20, 1911. of the Intent. ixDpurtatiuu» uuit n-pie^'nt4iti\c of iht- »-ity, Kt-.-li.il G—Thi- Uinctor of tvir .tea uf tbe otute can be juntly proud. Ccutral Avenue j>nd Eleventh Street- vited to attend all ur any of the (Mi ("on dnlinu in ele^tioiin and open vote- Cilibertu to ciuke a plea uf uon vullo u few days with their daughter, Mra. Sea Isle City, City Hall, Tuesday, from Puri»' mid t»um« **bouoruUlt higa uU coxitrurtn ou b«-hulf <*f tl il*I»:irtiiu-nt hball U|»|NIIJH '»r t'luplu, Thc Bcv. J. Woods Elliott, noting Headquarters baltt wttb coocrttB cart»—Located wtiere the fntnre Is Uagat and sessions. 1 -tn-b n^^ihtunie uud tiuployt-fH u buying bu» b*eu u di^^racu to tbe in open wan. During a drunken B. McCullough, at the Struthmere Nov. 21. 1911. m- ntion** ot remnant**, no that one rity, uiid nUall U.ive cliiir^t* of uu rector. Sunday school, 10.00 A. M-; FOK o .uroethat, etaoin tuoin aolnmn inuy !>«• uullKinzfU by tbe Coiumi .lute, uiid every boucnt Kelf-rv»[K.-et- brisbttst. - brawl iu thin city July lti, Ciliberto n. ___ W. E. YOUNQ. department dues nut coifTer by money ruu»? t«> t>o iin-fkurLHl uu.1 Morning service aud sennon, 10.45; k u L. E. HL'GUES, »~atn«t apent in iak" fur tbe oilier Jcpart- uU HtutrtucntM aud rr|»ofin IIU<1 tirct-KHury to Hie I'ffirU- D^ cttU4-nf irrecpt-t-tiv e of j>aily, You will double- yosr cub la two yean. . . ot l i Dattello. Sentence of —Contractor Thompi*on*o urtUtic | rv<]uirvt 1 IIJT prayer and germon, 7.45 P. M. U. KEAHN8, meot Every in te rent ia Ocean City rouduct uf the bcrvit-t: iu kvaid de iihuuld (nve bin Kiturtian uud ftipjwirt eighteen yeur» in tbeState pri»oa OR. BHU1YATE AT bougalow on Tecumscb Boad ia near- by luw or ordinuurr, <»r by rv.->oluti if.; U'.lv t'oujtnimion, tirtt Sunday in SEWING MACHINES lost teytttijats It and yaa wffl tMak as «r» •# at hard labor «u> impobed. "Tfcc «h«le wtfgtf of Ocean of-the CtimuiinMou. the mouth, 10.-J5 a\- M.; other Son- THE PRAYER slEETIRB. ing completion. u remedy for tbo diK^rucefui evil.— •OR SALE. LEASE OR EXCHANGE John H. Bmith wa« tried for tbe Dr. Brunyute was back lo i' tion. keooaw a, naetntty, not • loxvy, «s4 «*MU progress to -make its pros* The City L'lvik, Cily Solicit! Kit-tiorj 7—Tbt.- Uirt-ftor of em- d»y«. 7^0 A. IL; HoTj- l^ayu, 10.00 —Mrs. J. A. Tompkins returned Wildwood Jourruil Also Full Line ef murder of John McCoy, wbo wan Attest: all-BliWtn ud ««m»ereUlTWPO»a»; WJf •«* **«^.t- _^ fcaep tars": and this general pro- dcjiartmcut i-hall niukt.- un.l caforx- ML usual place in the prayer meeting in Ust Hutardoy alter an. absence of t'ity Hlcu<»^ru|>Ii«rt OvtTM-t-r of tb tihot in the abdumen during; a quar- IIABHY IJEADLEY, connection with yo*r pnaant SMtfa« •**W»f 1H0|; ond jtn»wperity of tho Poor, IluiMiti^ Insj>crtor. Chief t -ucb nilt-» uud regulation*, n"t in MACHINE SUPPLIES the M. E. Cborcb on Wednesday nix weeks, delighted to again enjoy rel over a poker gome here last Secretary. daiMW off bohost water with boat ot tbe bent a»*«t of tbo individuul in- -ounintint tfith luw or tbe utdinnut-t- Immnnocl Ra|ituit Cburcli, Wesley" MASSEY & EDWARDS night. There watt a fine spirit in Ihe healthful breexeu and restful- Polire, und ull rx>lirt-mru, ulili-tTM un Au^uet and found guilty of man- Dated: •anitwy appi^ae* ir rulen und rt-^uliitioiio of (bi- t'oui Avcnuo below Ninth Street, H«v. E. the meeting. It seemea remarkable nestt of ber Strathmere home. ttzest, no that it wtm.1 very foolisb eujployceB of the police df|iurt[zu-ti OBHTH AMD ermntAL AVEMU E. OCEAM CITY. BEW JEB8EV. Cape May Court Uuoae, N. THE OCEAN'CITY BAYOUS *"• White, paitor. Hunday services, L. L. WALLACE slaughter. U» won sentenced to five that BO few Bjen think it wo.th while Wo to overlook the fact. und ull polire bUitiun» und prupvrt. nlrvi.l.i[i un Dluy OC Ueci*n.-urutui» used ia Kuid (Kilic H&rure the t-nii-ifut c.iudat-t of th AN EXClXLENT OK- ho styles Mmu»lf the "handy man1 meeting; Wednesday evening nt 7.45. bibor. Week meeting. dejiartmeut, und ull Ufu ^uartln uu *>«rvii-e of LJs d<.-|uirtui*-iit ur thi I-OkTUNITV AS AN INVtbT- X'J U proving to bs al) that hia title upfuiratub UH4H! by the lift* iruurd »» in cliarpj tiieruof. UEKT %urt FSUMT bUMMtM UUME- Evangelical Lutheran Church i>er- CHOICE LOTS FOR SALE THE 8LEEP OF THE FISHES. READY TO MOVE TOttB house boat beached on Strathmere oituwr A Resoltrtl-'n Pr«so1Wng tbe Powers viees nre held Sunduyu during July LEAVES BRID6ET0R. uiid tho fire drpurtmt-ut uud ull SEND ion SIX MILES OR «HEELft.| Bay la soggeutive of thrift, energy fi, oflit-er>> und t' nud August, ut 4J5 o'clock, in lbsSilvor Plated Waro At First street, 8UH1 street, Tenth ttreet, Bahtetctti dmt, , pjyctrt thtre end' Duties of Certain Offlem ol Carp and Mtaoowt are and pentevereance. The game and II AMD HAVII ft. KtM Supreme Court Justice Thonma W. Ei'jl't-Tliirty-Eii/Iil Asbury Art. Uaptint Church, Wtblcy Avcuue be- A l«4i ^od cutuplv!* lla» or T«trrty-«Ttt dreet. TMfty-abcm street, ntty-ttlrtl street and Ice and Coal Company in, und all fire ututiun» uud pro{>t.-rt) Ocean City and fixing tbe Salary 'l1 . Ftfty-cUitti street. OM en the ocean with ripviao rigrrt. On Preparations axe being r"^T to fish be provides is appreciated au Trsnchanl, ia to-day (Haturduy) re- p{ OCEAN CITV, N. J. low Kinth Street. .- — - — ^»tii I'UTKU W»«- Known to 8teep Periodically. A. J. Smith, Proprtatar uud ujipurutUH In^-iiii ^ thereto, th cr Compensation of tucb Officers S otucr choaLKir Kn»lcM.MiM> M full UMOI the Garaens Tract or tho Famoas Bayoos. Can or Write Jack trp the whole town of Santa Fe, well an his willingness to &erve in hiu |i(miiehold and peruozuil St. Ausustinc'ti Ito man —=l'ioc,lo^Tub!«»..% Tui«-.rt:. MUiin Kwn , and move it on wheels to tbe!any way. from" thi» city where be has Church, Anbury Avenue, ,.„ laDOleumft. UUCILCL^. Bruoou, Tnba.TkbU Uld English aquarium with regard to tbe und ull offli*eni und etnjiluyeeh in theL.'oniuiiK»ioat-rri of Occuu City: Kluur r>U CloLtu etc A ootnpl«t« lloa of sooth, B distance of biz miles. Some —A recent arrival at the Strath- HO lonp made biit .home, and will at Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets, IIOUMO KuraUiilnx Uood*, ut the io'" *J ~"" bleep of flshea. It is neceaa&ry to Pure Spring Water let heulth de|iartnu.'nt of the city, do Sirc-tiou 1—Thut there hhull In OWNER are on foundations, ready for the up cointr DiBrcroar. ttuv. Juhu J. Sweeney, pastor. [»no>. remember that sleep U the rest of mere Inn is Robert U. Uarlun, a catchen* und public pound uud tb.uj»poiiitL-d buuw buitublu perhoo U Ocean City, Hew Jersey 838 Aibery Avenue. journey. The court boose, jail, buyer for a big department btore in ally in Trenton the Capitol city romttre of ttM Kaprrcoe Court—Tboasma W, attscs at 030. 8 and 10 o'clock. YIS-IS the brain and that the need of it LEH1OH **£*22g*<» COAL keeper thereof, uud ull other officer* City Clerk of Oceun City, whoot town ball, opera fcoase, moving pie. | of the State. Trcactisrd. BepuMlcan. lull. x OCEAN CITY. will bo in proportion to the animal's Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Harlaa will uot by lutv or ordinauco or re^olu |M>M*err* uad duties bbull be tho&e CbrtUt Jtulsa—CUrax* Cell. L*UK>- Macedonia AL E. Charcb, Tenth tan show, churches, schools, dwell A imge> motor car came down cerehrul activity. Now tbe brain of Btort a bungalow January lot, 1U1-. roni lion distributed tu Kfjiue other de- cnl. ISUL Street nnd Simpson Avenue, above Ingfa—all are to go on tbe queer Tt |' Ttenlon arrivinj; here to-day ircoi-ribcd by uu uct uf ttu> Le^t»- T. Pcmorrmt. 0FF1CC «M W8UBY AVElUg lo lutrtnu'ut, uru ull dinlributed ~ Rending Depot, tho llcv. J. A. Kiub, a flub is rihiealoaoly t""«M io re-journey. land early thin moraiox the rcmovul uturu of tbe Sttit« uf Xew Jerbt'j Ui»«i^ucd to the Department of Public M TMtnlor or Ptou—Eracat W. UajO. IU Puator. 8er%icc», 11 A. M. Sunduy Beneficial Oratdnizatloos. lation to the actual nice of the ani- tortenwd to Twarty-Fhr* Yean. I of the hoasehoM properly from ;jititlcd Au uct rirlutui^ tu uud pru- Santa Fe, tbe county Beat of Has N0T1CB TO LIMIT CRKDITOBS-I Attaint und Public Safetyy.. School, 2^0 P. JL; Christian En- mal. It is merely a double row otkell county, will go where the nil. At North Wildwood on the even- Justice Trenchard*« Went Commerce '"' ix for tbo covemtneut of cities of ItcmHctts 8. ""_"•—-. *~t~*- The Mayor Khali huie rharte of f thin otute contuiniui; a pupalatuju deavor meeting, 730 P. JL; Preach- Ocean .City Lodge. No. 171. F. and tiny protuberances, with a leaf like road goes. Tbe Santa Fe BaUroaJ ing of July 18 Dominleo Mcrchetto •tract home. Coraaet*—lurk k*. A. M., meets" second and fourth portion corresponding to tha cere- shot and killed Joseph Furno na a tb«Co«*tr c4 Cw wn, a«4« om\ uiid HUjk.'i%'ituou over ull oftiecrn und if UOH tbuu twelve tbou»uud iuhub- Clt7. NoemMr Uli. ing, 8 P. M- is building an air line extcntioa from Jimlice Trenchard bun parchnscil ,cmp>u M. D, H 1; Thursday evening of each month, in reunlt of a quarrel between the two v.^.EL«iu.Lvuct,B.A^( ployee** u*»HiKUed to • huid depart- mtis" upprond Uurcb 24, 1BD7, JI 1911 C bellum of other ^nif^wlw, Since Dodge City to Colmar, N. IL, and C.i • Union Tabcraaclo Baptist Charcb, Musouic Uall, fcucretoiy, Uarry 8. mw« luindBome property in Trenton ondjment, und over ull wiid OIUIUIUKM, id tbe nupplemcuU thereto and they have no little brain fcUane, the the new Une win foiEokc tha prasent Italian*. At tbe trial Monday after TVwww-CaAB. P. sUKaV B. A. ' Eighth Street and Weal Avouac, Adamn. ' JwOlipake bin home there, tbe locutior I pruj.erty uud o|»|>aruluH-. he shull iuitiiclineut» thereof, us well ait all waste to be ' repaired by sleep U raty Beat aoxl paaa halt • * tbe witaeaaea for the State ware l+w.m~ .-, W««» Treoloo near benuti-Jbave cbarj,-e of uU purrlw»c of Clerk-A. Carttoa KlUdivth. EBV. WUX Kemp, pastor. Sunday Before Ordering baardl Sareherto- waa vt s Ocean City Lodge, No. CO, K. of altoht aawDji fiabaa. her duties required by uny other itexviccb: pieachiug 11 A. JL and 8 tlaa tv UM aoathvar^. ' JUM! . juipplicii tor ir» vt lite '., meets first and third Monday Prayer meeting. 8 o'clock evenings of each month in K. of P. tbe jalTu U> transit Is a, prob-' be could TTHBBW*W . fishes th* roach, dace, gudgeon, carp. that Is keeping t»)J0 noparriaUm oyor ttw eooatniction 4W «un-ot nins hnodred doUaxa'per pastor. 8an4ay senrieea; proseUng^ A. aL, meeU erery Tataday eYanlnjr wrasse, dory, dog fish, bass and all aairam, payahlo inqnthly. 11.18 A. Jt; Sabbsth School. 2J0 la Champion's balL Wilton H, WU* Bat flsbes dp tbe Ilk*, while the gold me ALAtn BOXES. IMI ~6e«tioa 2.—That tbmt ahall tw P IL; Preacblnt. 8.00 P. M-; Pray«r Call us up—Interstate Pltont 177- t 1 i Uestisss W*dnc«day areiiioga, at 0 lets, secretary. • '• • \A flab, pike anil angbr flab never sleep — -* 4 " aoa>» «iiUab> peroos u1, Bell Plume 113-HV Or our rth Nt reat periodically. Fiafa 00011 to Tke Ontnl fin Aowa MSUM I* Mestsi Cltj Solfadtor of Oeeaa o'clock. Ocean City CoandL No. 10, resmutm teSt call o» you teithteit a at Ms. I Fin laa, M Matt aa4 aabwy -. meet* Thursday arenk kavio DO prafaraaee for too algafu f* th« comfUUlim* off 4amfie*.i W W* g*ar* '- tboiralaaDinjrtiBa. __, -,. .^ y.. B» P. halL Uia> Ballla W. ' ' •«* e* t*'b* satUfaciety A FEW MORE LEFT. ntanr. , ,-..-. •,•••[ ;*tV-''W'•>:. Mechanics Wanted «U o»Ma,UM ProUotlon Lode*, if*.. Tho Ocean .City Dii*e^>ry and •ekoowr, fwpprtad Oat o«« i"o~bay or rant b b^rboatef UjriagT ' Cawalmloafx*, Tb* aalary or oou<- may J* pazvaaaad «t tb» "LedaW pamurtlon- o* raetr City SoUdtor •»<», 830 Aknory Arenoe, Oardintr'a ba»b> >zad.ai OM >am o| twalr* pap«r aura. TOOAsbm A »-:;; •••. • ••-">y

i 1 '••.;-,••'•'.';.,•••• •';";• •'•* -:*Vs'. .".•'• •"',' •'*••

'>VV".Fv..;-.- Is? 'f' ' j -v '*;. •••• WANTC0. FOR 8ALE. ETC. NOTICE! 'Sft'.r'!^ First National Bank Wanted—To rent or boy, a ladien' Cap* Kay Cwsty Qrenit Court lit '.' ;£'• Micuiid-hund bicycle. Adilreu«, Box 'ii or .uuiHT FOOO, rujaiia i lm AllMrhnu • • 7.V Tuikuhor. N. J. 100 00 OOIAN orrr. KATH yuni.r. cxUwiaail * *"*" $$#--;• HURRY! Ptano TurHng $2JX>—All i»'n">m Nolico 1B hereby given that a unl VM-IUII^' tlu'ir puu Tmud for the Capital. tSaOOOi 8*jrplui. (50,00a of Utlu llllU'llt I1U innUcJ uU thl- Hit, xinlrr will Inivti K.irm- IIIICIUIIHI |U dny »>f September, A- !>., Kill :,y K«'n.tnik- (.. Walter S. 'Ac',«ni);. ut ugaiurit tho rights and .*rclit>. HURRY! It. LU HTITKM. r**^/V«#iJ*>»i- tin- SI. . l'.dl, SPECIAL, ^-t Wa^litiitftnii A\c. t'lrajau h.v lht Sheiiff of the County of C.,iv 3AVX3 OF Twenty-Three Havo Joined Htxulcr Kitchen. «M TIRHD Cabinet Qub AN ORDINANCE Andrew ('. IU.»«, II, Board of Directors meet Tue»ds.' Alt.iimy for 1'laiulill nKmurh n* you will buy a t'jsy fur you to L.'\*1 uiic vhrn y«m and Kriday Mornings. Enjoying Ufe on ttte Boarimfc. T nicr Kitrhca Cabinet cvcnlually. fitn cunuurnrc t \our uuik in H«fe Deposit lloieii for Kent ii -Ljil U lHo THE EASY WAY at omef Bursar I*roof Vault. Tho Ocean City Directory nnd UNCLAIMED LETTEttS. Aft Kiery facility conuUU'iit with Sat- lland-Itook of Information muLi* "•••.'« Banking eitfnded to our pal ijuito a uouvenir. Buy a coi v nnd list of unclaimed letter* for One Hoosier Special Cabinet Free mum IIK vni.i mail it to ..no of your friendi. Tin y week C.MIID- ui>er blore, 750 Anbury Avenuo nnd *%%*•• A»hton, Mil.* E, A Word tlTe Husbands, Sons and Brothers PrATtlera' Letters of Credit, h;ood ii l>.iuj;hty'B D«WS stand, Kigblh and Allen, Mrn. 11 Europe or America, for *j«le a Boardwalk. limunby, Mr*. Anna You wuuMu'l hesitate one moment' Hay her a HtH>-irr Kilclieu Cab- Hullunl, Mrn. Cordelia about invcKtin^ tucntl, fifty t»f c\ea inet NOW! DQNT put it oiT: Tall plane XurntstxO Sell pbonc 00-X ono hundrxil dollar* in nomc tool. Un, up cut the phoue, and we U put Bouur, MinH Catherine PROFESSIOXAL. un^ilcmcDt or dc\ice (o ua\c your- Boeriiunu, TUi*1* Xunnil one a»ay fur you. t**lf uuticTcc»-»ury Libor anj time, What a beautiful CHRISTMAS pres- C. HUTCHINSON. M. D. 5obn ID. fcontiere Bernard, Sir*. K. 1 Collie*, Mi** Lillian b cou.se you appreciate the \aluc uf ent it vill makt—ONLY one doliar HONGOMTH'ST Contractor nn^ JSui^cr Davia, Mr*. E. that ikarticular device or ini|ilctucul. ditwn, un«l a dollar awevk for n few-' Duffy, Mr». 8. 624 8tt> St, Ocun City, N. J. Old Sdburc Brcnut Ocean dtp, VI. 3. wi-vk* will make bt*r bappy forwir. fcjiutWOtHl. Ulurt LuQlttO Do you ir J lite tUat ynur Wife, Office bourn « to 10 A M.; 2 !• FoJntll, AIi*» Kulhryu Mother or SUtcr ir> iovin^ u[# \ilul- One lloo-it-r Kit*bft, 4/tibuirt «ill P.M. 0 to 8 p. M. I*',',';,•;',•: ^;, Oa&y ity ftnd her\im-» energy in bcr kilt Leu be pivrn apr**y -FREE (bin M.-nday General ("ontractora »n*, Ruilders HOIILH Itell rii.UiO.'. w Oalla^lry, Mr*. morJ k tik»H tVEBV DAY, vbirb you can ^c r\ tiling at 8 1*. XI. The ouurxlin^ Gallagher, Alfti. rl. J. S-10A.M. I'uul 1J>A will be «uudiw-U-d by Win. K- Ki-ber, 1-4 V. SI. 5CULL AND MARTS COMPANY Galajthir, Mrw. Kd. for her wilb a H0031EB KITCHCM Maua^in^'-r^lilor of (hat cnUrpri*- 7~B P.M. Hocksea, lira. C. W. CABINET? J. W. DA»D£«, Preiidtnt. JOHN M*jrrs, Stcy. and Tttu. Iluurin, iliiu, ilary 1L in^: ntw^pjpcr, ''Too Ocean C'lly ALLCN CORSON, M. D. tatk*«Ma«aii Tbcrc in more (u thi-> Mtilrncf Jacknon, Addi*» Lcd/*rr." OIO WCOLCY AVCNUC Joaq^TaM! than you really iawinnc! IMVEST1- Officer SJ1U1 aiid Haven Avenue. Octin CJty, •. J. Only tweuty-thc tan join tiii^ Ocean City, New Jer»ey Bell Teltphon* S.iuirCis Urn. Evelyn GATC lb(* trutii of our o^scrtiuu?>. oo aoiik flub. Karh one of the rlub niriu- Taylor, Mi-» Marxurie Hotels, Apartment Houses, Cottages, Bungalows 273 2-3 &# i You wiil tit id tbut ir vwa uuJcr- Urra fc-i\c 4--JO by joining the rlub- |IL W. P. HAINES Taylor, Mi^. Mary vat si* Taylor, MUM Unttio Cntiinutc the rvcriou^utnd of tbm \ IIU nan KJ\ c (he t-atrw by joiuiu^; ftlb nuJ Wwley Ave., Tinker. Min3 XL viatfc J7S fc« l» l matter. before tbo club i-» clotvc-d. Orvuelloi-us: eakimon, Mm. Worren ICoUins life ccmto nol when he in m h Temple UM. Ega 3. I (s 4. 5. 11 atan intuc oun CUT. • J CCiBparativeJy yotic^*. It conjc. Ull lA.oac. S- \ .< \. Bcuiih. Mi»g Ala JL 13. youth, but only with the yeuru ot th«rrforrr uurprioo to a UK lil CSU1T KOiU. I. J. -firf 'I Ii \fiau \f. dark Chautaaijua audience in 1911 to be Stone, JILM Olio (3) at a Informed that "the j>eriod of Kr\*iit- Ttu- lemple ,,f Solomen haJibejn ALLEN SCULL Stone, Miits Hows est prodactivity of a man't> life liea ilei.truyed at the linn- of tk«~v- UOLT tnill. IKUILtl C. bUIHUL tOeeao What Stun I Do Wttti That Spot 7 I IXJAll * 1IOSWELL, MOD: ~ the in the decude b«tu>e«ii hit* bixtieth ruitiou of Jt-ruKjIeui. Upon the Baker, ffo. O. elurn ui ihe t-xil«« tht-y ut once and bcveiitieth year." At flr»l ihrre Thirf i^ tbe cun-«tant exclamation LAW OFFICES Chaudlcr, Harry t>umed ihi.- old forni» of "ceremonial THE BUILDER ¥iu n disposition to (tueation the in every hout>eho!J. An unfortunate Cbeera, B. W. (J) <«.r»bij.. but ft n.,. home lime befon- assertion thua made by Dr. Earl experience with u ootile of ink, an • an* BolldlDs. Btb A A*bar7 ATI Daw»oa, George b<-y I.It that llu-y uen- rt-jdv u, leum 880 :. book of whu-h fen- persona bud of a I^XMI jjurmeirt- or a piece of •oltmn aoJ jubilujit iclebration the Godfrey, Mr. E. an Qti __. knowledge. Tula work in entitled rice linen. It is weu to know that Hormona, B. C. The Age of Mtntul Virility, uud ounjuliou of the new ltmp!e \xu* ON MORTGAGE JAftES H. TODD lot 30, all btoinn cannot be rtnto»«d.j» the laid. The teoipT^ was il -T-I^,I ALBERT A. MOWELU written by Dr. Dorlund. fcame way, and that soap 'bhould ot l^e uuily of NnaaKb Ii r Carpenter and Builder i t t Jobbing a Specialty 7ackson,"W. B. el The Chautanqoan Doily quot.'u never be upplied to a atained fabno IS AUxkst Street, rp^tr". N. J leary, Charlie Dr. Earaw on this mibjecl in theuntil it ha» fir»t h«d cLemicul treat- JUp, und no ewiris«xju . |,, Shop, I4U1 and rUveo, Ocean City. N. J. B«U Pf>oa« O&-*. Itathews, Bobt. Sty of _ following wordd: ment. The >f>ua and patriotic" eoi . : Matbewa, Owen Knan. tot 30, ( "The beginning of the inveuti^u-following for removing he ptopia^Btorv deejly :. . Mason Cheater Wedej ••-- tion wub tnudo in uu utUrmpt to diji- btainb of VJ ecoustru^tion of^tbe n.-tMnal t^nc- Re&i Estate aiicl l£atbewa,'£. M. ENGLISH and JOHNSON, fllOTW. OSI piore tho much mioundenstood bo- Ink Stuinu. unry. Pieman, Ilenry 0i W. ealied Ottler theory, which, by theIf u dark »T 4*^T~« m\ been ux i L*I *VnSearc. h Company ohsw, dJojfter StjxnleT P-BJeikly. way, Dr. ^Osicr oayo wus only weak solution orTHloride of lime. Jcred claunet.-, of ih-... . •-, the Of Caps Kay County, NJ. i:.c 1K^'.: ui ~ Snerer, John banquet joke. ^^ laying uf ; *£.df ' J 8mith, Chas. P. Blood Stains.—Souk in cold water; CONTRACTORS **The attempt to uhow the fallacy then wu»h in warm water with ulenty of church* 'i ..V •'.• -. " OCEAM CITY WnUon, W. H. of the ntuUment nuido by Dr. Ouler ion van built into I ,.-V- and ...... aud WarUmRton, H. B. of boap; ufterwurd>4 boil. Fidelity T: -it \. .•. woof, was token up by Vr. William A. N. Grunt* Sluinw.—Saturate the upot rifcir royality to Qi . we io !n\. Io enOinjf Car tie abore, Dorlnnd, himuelf a pbyaician and on. of N^^*>tf», ^BUILDERS :ohcrelc und maliri-i. ••ii.rc4M.11. thoroughly »ith kerosene, then fiul (240 ASBURY AVENUE. of author of uomu reputation- lie bel- the article* in the wa>>htub. i building- ttho-c very preaence in TITLES IN3UBt.D '.r ... E. Jt Soitoo. 1 ected the namea of four hundred, Iodine Stain*.—Wabh with alcohol, lie coaiUiunity culled men'a.tlmu^rht^ of the most noted men of all time then rinbe in bospy water. o the Lordnhip of Cod uu of X111 ».* T» ami 11' orniahiig Otel from nil linen of activities— btatea- nd privilege of worship. The tuv Ititurunce. Rr RtRt—ApartqeoU with heal, in men, painteru, warriors, poetn, writ- Hot Tea and Coffee Stuins.—Soak Made doting, the btuined fubric in cxtld wut«r building <>f u churtw «•- Apply to a. it Che«ter. n productionii. Opposite each name What youth and maidens uill rv- BOUGHT AND SOLO torea or© Bpedmenii ol AHW to Po»t Office. A.i.tn wus placed the nume of the (^eatest drops of t,-lycerine on each bpot. Let it btuud neverul hours; then wash tbeir firbt unjirt-t^ioub of the work of bis lifetime—hia greatest OfbVtf* in Kew Itunk ltuildin^ D I be Loot* of uw fiat sad 833 j wjtb cold wuter and soup. beuuly of religion and ihe btemnco- picture, {frtultot battle, greatest tid leudfriiena of God in thia ului e. Slawter Bros. Iron Runt.—Soak the btain thor- Cop* May Court Home. N. J. poem or book—whatever the great- WTiat meu und women, bending under lt(li>b Io tt>r •^.li>iuxlt'>ti ol lL« m*- ING and JOBBING might be. divin Th* Up-to-Dato fiiy ol ILt Uwt Uutl iticv uit rotillcd Io tolc OfTTCE houm in the bun. btrenK»n l-y lUc written uif*- Ninth mat Atlantic A*«. Qt> <3reui>e Spotb.—Hot truter and Koap Tonsorlal Parlor t at m ^<*Jc( (Ckidin|[ lu I be umc clcctxra ili*> «.-'* . number of competent generally remove tbe»e. If fiied byWhat \owb of the ture homme litliet to 1-. M> cultttol t<> ^ute lh«(c>a, ao.l Bjfco critics for suggestions. The list was 82A Asbury Ai«uu», Ocean City, N. J [.c i; ^ tbl tt O- rtnim«. w. W. Adam* long alundiuj;, u~c tther, chloroform will be tuken here by tbow; who look [A tat' t>cr»oii* who nlulrtl Io revised and revised. Kamet* were or nuplhu- All three of theue must forward, bright-eyed and eager, to TtLto* aarbcrs. tbciciti by rvju u# otber- 1D1U & BROTHBB added, names were dropped; the list the long rich years to come! What be uo«d uuny from either fire or taJ-h cUcttOA .lt»4rwri Bricklayers —< Plasterer* was thoroughly gone over time and artificial light. >Iemn bjlenre full of menjorieb of Ocean City's MODERN Tailor o the Cil> ou tUc iuJlt ' v i>l hfi'tonWf, (ill, again, nntil the majoeity opinion I I il*V. ktMic tUc bout* of lorn (7) 71B ABBUKY AVENOK. Mildew.—Soak in a veak solution food deeed», will fill the heartH of K. WIESLER lotk. A. U. •ol uiu«r f o'rlo^t I'. U-. .or tb« Ocean City, N. J. was that the li»t »» it utood rep- men us the dead ure biou^ht here luif ul ui-^ktcc o"tmn_ilioii* oJ c*mltJl a of chloride of lime for bgvcrul hours. LUe followtutf ult^.c«: All kliuls of miitin «ork will rtocir* prompt resented the four hundred greatest Rin&e in cold water. before they are eouoi^ned to mother Lidlts' ud Genls' Tillorlgj men in the world's history. Sewing Machine Oil Ktains.—Hub artb'n close embrace! What wordb BO- US AHBUUY AVE. One Assemblyman, "When the liat was completed to f che*r und bummonti, of ht^h de- with lard. Let blund for CUaalof, Tr«ulnff sod Utptltlng. UM One Corontr. the natisfuctiuu of the -critica. Dr.hours, then wash with cold wuter mand uud ntem chuUeuse, of tender rclUbU at ModrcaU 1'rtcta- ADAMS Dorland appended to the list of theand soap. omfort and burning illuminatiou of Justice of tho Peace. ClliS. E. ADAMS W. W. AIJA achievements of the man, the age Scorch Stains.—Wet the scorched the tbinj^h of tiod will bt> bpoken Constable. General flillwork the deed Wfl place, rub wiib Boop and bleach in church! What hearts heavy CHAI.E. MAMS* ISO. 1 : Two Members of tho Board of lOth Htreot * Wet AYtW '-n Tf rf r -rill fln.l tu« State**—Btretea the fabric p ITW ood lbs bearsoly peace as they kneel at toe altars to no and TCI Ajtoonr AT«L, Ooafta~Vl«y All IU > erected beral Ooe •Itwbert ot Uu Board at EucatUw for One Year. J. E. Townttnd, '- -Iwrenrw aoatainedt thbrty-ftre I oa A* slain. la cold- weather, fmti Bleued is the man for whom same Alao tot tba «lcrtloa of fntm*^trt of the County .-: •••-.'& [spots can frequently ba iiiuowl by ckaicb bnilrlmg is full at uruiim DwunllUt. CtCOTllCUUi taiaao KannenU out of Uactto an. Bryan's Bert Bomagt. ABA notice 1» t«xbt« y farther vives th«i ot brave challenge and Bovnll of Kcsi*Ui y B 1I Klmedic.i - t »tr •>< 4 the tbooght of bow the greatest In toasting President Tote oa his >Ucn: Klr*l Wud, Ccrtu 1137 Aatarw Avnao c«rt o£ tb» fixed by time soak tbe article recent visit to Lincoln, Willian Jen' Vaid. mn Una, Ho. 1. On—n utr, V. J. . tfa« >«ars afUrtbe i weak. •Tintifl*^ ot ^milt* acid or bojwa hare been zeal to tim. The oingn Bryan referred to the liquid in tli* •pot"«*e* tfc« fnata vtu-jr sichi ot it and e»a» the tboaght the Btacneu. (water) as "the beverage GENERAL Sin cent ot'lhe i thiatsl of it help Urn to be a better m«n upon which the Almisfaty has set Hin COAL AND WOOD seal of approval." This is ramiacent BUUNO COAli f bad -paaart ot Abraham Lincoln's toast to the On AucnUynun nlMt committee who notified him of bis OQB Coroner. first nomination tor President- Mr. .? .-.•• decade.. ' ' -.' \ Lincoln bad refused a donation of Jattk* of the Ptace. SI'^I * *'5Tie Ggaxm tor the'.other periods YOU Should Subscribe for the wine to be used for this purpose and, Constable. F of lifoar* JnUreating. \ Between the reported in Carpenter's "BU fi&lHh and' the 'sixtieth' yean an OCEAN CITY LEDGER Months in ihe White noose." Mr. TWB Member* at tte Boar, of *» fpond tweotty.&Te per'ceat, between Lincoln arose and gravely addressing Education for Two Voars. Abbott's forty and VJxy, teo per ooot. These the <^jifHnji^«h»^ visitors, One Member «f tbo Board ot all tcdale^i together, leavinjr i~e "Gentlemen: we must pledge oar ; REEVES EdaeaHon for Oao Year, Alootft nttgligiMc quantity ..of one One Year, $1.00 Six Months. 50c mutual healths in the most healthy M^mey Dairies p«t cent to be attributed' t« the beverage God Uas given to man. Will ba bcld oa AND - PROVI MfS Period below the age of forty. Two is the ouly beverage I have ever nsed Three Months, 25c Taetday. Moveatow 7tt. 1911 5EIEITH MD «EST ML •*.' \ great elaqsea of work fall helcrw tbe TW *i a CMy or ever allowed in my family, and lforty-ye«r limit. These are tbe cannot consdectously depart fro and that the cWctioo of&ccn will alt m* * bo* Ckaieo OoJry ProiactPiacti «ad IM ftxHvday, cMiiDcnriM af 4> o'ciocfc !• the tor Pmiu. la I deeds which requine an extreme of it on the pre»' at occasion; it is pare l«< tad cioaioar at tnts o'clock, la the tvcmlas d BattarBtt. Ci—trCty BottB I physical power and yim, as the con- Adam's ale fioci the spring.— POT TiA OAJULKTSOM, •Ok to Bttriaetttar. Dairy. -Iqgest^ of AJf»»nrlfr the Ortatj and IMIIMIIIHIO Bridgeton N«w&. tMUn QoUrmi
