The Wayne Heraljd
22 pages Section one t~ree ,sectIons THE WAYNE eight pages' I --._~--- HERALJD EIGHTY _I'll NTH _YEAR 1'lr('C.n'~t'f~~·II"ul::I~~~~.u7;1I::;I~IIIII"':'~1 WlIlIit', .'dln,"kn WAYNE, NEBRASKA 63787, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1964 NUMDER TWENTY,TWO ~~<l~() Centennial Comnlittee Editorial . Expect Participants "LUCKY 13" <:?'<>'~' < Discusses Fun.d-Raising ,Trimester Schedule Permanent at WSC ('~)Il nIv ('1'111 "nn i;ll 1)(,;1 rd I ' ~'itf·i,.,ing :\(J1hl.'.Ig" .,IIJw.n allo a . .\"I·ar .i(J 1J;,i.V ;--'S'.O".~U•. II ~I.. 1~ikl':L Lar- For Ldna Contest ( \' I 'nlll j.~ III tilP I' r {) ~;;(ill". It I"; It s Uw In>;-;l bargalll \\' a~l'll\:-; han' About 400 n rIi and 4·11 ml. ~ "k. ~ .lolin FI(·l·r. th('lr ("H'lllllllnJty (·hl':->t. I':":f/:,~,':i;,:,:--";,:.",,, ,:. will COIll,,' If> Wll~(' S(~pl. 2{lto_ 0.&"" 0", 1,Jr.a ... on fllnd ,\I!>llda,\, ;-:I·pt. :2~ mark,i t f \\'<l\IlC'S INormalrBoard Gives Approval to Plan ~ight t he ~;tl(· ()f -"0\1 V!' ~i~~I:~I~~_ l;~(l.~.:~~l' I/:ll~e '\ h~:l n;.IVI~~tdg ~'l'~ Drawing ('IJlllfllillllt \ (·Ill'.il drive. III (· we 11", 11111",,1"1 '1')Wdlil,· ,11 \VaYOt' ha\'l' (,Ill' 'll( tht, tillf'sl or ril~ Thl' '-,1.,'., ( "il.· '" h.", Ill", ..d "Id of Illl' OJ(' WlIy/11' (,hl.ll~llJ('r of commerce,l) County oHicers are Terran.. e I, Area Bands to Perform 1;~ "',."II!'W!lI,d 1.(,:.' Iq Ill" IWl'lllU.
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