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X 'V \ . SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 9 ,19W^ Avsnm DiUljr Ntt Pnss Bsn / TIm Wsstbsr PAGE TWEL^ / l i n i n g For IfcoWaA IMsd fW M M i M D. a W«MSw isMSS Ai«. as, itfs Partly eloiMy and warm .taiiflglM useful'information__ _ Blood Program long*vl^ which has come X 10,630 with rhaara df thaader ehnwats.: mall. The'consensus seems .Jie Leitihati-McVeigh Wedding - CARRY ALL ar Mm AaSIt n Pair iuMI eoaUnned hoi lomermw. iwn Hedhl Along Mdin Str& that many crow* live far b e ,, ^ Need Stressed l e a d in g b r a n d s 0 t OreahiHMM the 12-year average allotted' by the ^y-.^^^' other at 51 Phelps Rpad. whlfch Editor* Eat Crow? FILMS 1 df^Monieetli: Cofhmuniflta are he and Ijl* wife have continued Klobultn. with whose p u r g e s W* Festivities room. The congregation has been w e' remember the l^g-gone The following article appeared public Is now fsmtllar. DEVEI.OPED ANIL ,"a g ^ t e r menace now than imlUng with the neighboring davS\When, In the city of^ur birth. to occupy since. on page one of Thursday’s edition uses for plasma and fo i^ th e r PRINTED at anv tinje” and that ‘T sup- North Methodist Church during whlch\la ies* than a ntplllon miles The.friendly Phelps couple have 'o'f the W*:il Street Journal:/ blood ^rivstlves are cpnstMitly po.se 1 here A(;e more in labor the summer. from here;-, the Salvation Army sii^eeded In surrounding them­ New York—Who’s intefeated In 24-HOUR SERVICE Promised V selves with the most nelghborl.v being fouhd. , h r ’ . unions than anywhere else.” used to march into Aur neighbor­ old crows? Apparently quite a Plaama is being usgd succe Film Deposit Box Im m igrant hood on Saturday ./nighU during group of families yoU wt^ld find flock—including some 50 news­ ■'Hot concaptratadSn the clergy?” Pt^uvda Charges Annexation James O. Rogers, son of Mr. and fully to hasten the^ healing of He was asked during V r ^ 7'’^ t e d Mrs. ^ h n E. Rogers, 1103 Mid­ the summer. / • anywhere. The home owiiers are paper editors, hundee*!* of readers decubltls ulcer* ot/ptd sores In­ At Store Eptnhcf / And all the neighborhood would for the most part business and in­ interview.with the magaUpe U. S dle Tpkh., East, was recenOy pro­ and at least one national columnist stead of having tfl tesort to sur- News and World Report, moted to. corporal,' while serving gather around to hear the service* surance men and the houses are who devoted sn entire article to A c t D e la y and sing the songs. Do any of you all two-story and ample for the gery war foTi^t’ly n«c«M«ry in replied, "no.” - < \ 1 U. S. with Slander Afgumente with the 612th Ordnance Heavy the subject. '' •ome cGAei. / KEMI " By AtJEX.OlRRlXI Matthew* Nat MiwIhMird > Automotive ■ Maintenance Co. In remember "Brighten tHF Comer average sized family. ■ This sudden Interest -boiled up Antl-hemophlllc globulin hw or any of the other* that, prob­ What Intrigues usjs the hosnital- The parents *nd fiancee of There was no mention of the'; Korea, A former student at Bluff- when Stuart Little of New York been used 4 o »!>•«« ,VP ,hame of J. B, Matthews, former! ton, Ohio, College, he entered the ably, are played right here on ity and unity of the'sgroup. When wrote a Jetter-to-the-edltor’ and Ensign Andrew'L. Riker, 111, Is Proposed W ax Warm properties change hands the new- Clotting tlrfe In hemophiliar* and of 680 Spring St„ rejoiced to­ I stsK. director of the Senate Inveati-1 London, Aug. 31 (;P)— Prav--*»•<». excluding th# 7 o,7 So service Army in March. 1952j and arrived Main St. 7 • , ' ^ sent it off to 250 newspapers over ■in other hemorrhsge case*. Floro- ; gations gubcommltiec headed by | In Korea last October. , And we remember, too, the big Comersare cordially welcomed, and the country' Uttle. in a garrulous day after learning last night d^acrused the United St.Ws M 7 iu “ pr!Tvdr ,,id. Trieste, Aug. 31 (/P)-—This bass drum that was tipped on its the deputing families are tendered gen. another derivative. 1* alsc /Sen. Mc(?arthy (R-Wis). Shortly at-, W sshihtrton, Aug. 31 (/P)— vein, allowed as how he was Inter­ used p6 stop bleeding In prolonged \ that Riker is coming home ter Matthews was hired by MC- today of trying to slander held only i.4»7 Japanese big Adriatic free port went Epworth League mertvbcrs will side for the really appreciated do­ farevfell parties when they regret­ ested in everything about crows Sen. W Stl^s (R-Utsh) iQhl j Russia by reopening the quesx'cbnvlcted of crime* ”*nd 97i per- nations to a really appreciate fully leave the neighborhood. surgery; f ■\ from Korea as a repatriat*4l (Jarthy, the Afnarican Mercury-'pub- about bu.siness ag usual today have a reunion at theiSouth Meth­ but particularly their longevity. ' lished an artlcla'in which Matthew* PreftWent Kjseiihower today j missing Gegman ah(f\“ *>* perpetrated *eriou(< cause. How we loy e to drop the We have just one suggestion to Would readers of the newspaper Serum albumin has been.Xiaed prisoner of war. The news, St-! odist Church tomorrow at 7 p.m. ,r Bome time to combat^ahock I wrote that “ the largest single group he believes fh^^’^publicant W orld Af^nte*■ swm againstmpaassiaev thel■■e; 9 x^isaiscfv*:bine»* people P®^P>‘ ^ *,clarnoroua ' worn Those who have snapshots, slides pennies on the drum head and hear Phelps Reader* — .that they unite writ* him about old crows they ficial now beyond a doubt, who wer* therefore subject to i'betwet-'n Italy and Yugoslavia the drum rumble Its thanks. for the outefcor Ch rist mas decora ■out now reaearchera apa using u - supporting'the (TOmmunist appara are in a "stron g position” on'yy^pjj * ...... " " or motion picture* of EpWprth ;d< had known? confirms Mrs. Lawrence L. * a..atus in at...the Tta.la,.,..sUnited aa.a..^.States i. handed over to the Clhlnese over thff^ong-tiispuled Trieite -League oiiitli>|^, or vacations, su% It was the.e^^t to.climax ..the tlon of their...Jibmea.------— as ^ groups------In . for. expertmanla In us in the United StateaNtodsy Is, the immlirrnHnn ioeHe^nd hp. r **’ _.i , w j 1. \ ... handed over ■ ft seemed Hkr a simple friendly tuberculosis. . \ ' Rlkrer’s long^herlshod bejief omposed of ProtesUntXpierev-• - srUcle broadcast by .the .Hso^'* Republic.” urged to bring them to this meet­ week for our neighborhood. The many communities are accustomed letter front a city-bound cbunlry X 'Tj , urg^...... dday...... in any.. . rec0mrt»6n--Moscow...... Radio, the (Communist Prsvda • quoted------snother state­ ."freff^lferritory.” '— Salvation Army never rnlsse a to do at-trthe holiday season. ■ As science cpntlnue* to find new that her son, reported miss­ Despite Italian troop movements ing boy to many editors, and" they spcclBc metjxid* for the tise of In the public uproar which fo^ow- da?!opa for changes in tfie . newspaper said the^ United ment on^May .5; 1950. saying thet Saturday. It would take a real printed it. Readers considered it a home comeort ing in action, last November, ll^atlona’ special commisaibn for toward the border, and bhgrges ' Air Conditioning b l ^ and H* derivativss. the need ed. McCarthy defended Matthews. tiasic law. Riitaia l^d repstrikted 1.939.063 and counter-chargea that e*el^n*-ec^aa- Max A. Bengs, of Pitkin St., who storm to keep them away from wonderful opportunity to recall old' 'was still alive. ' But sfter President Risenhou'eg as­ PDW’a which met recently In Germarta And was hiding only , ^ their post at the schedule hour. Too much of a good thing has for blood'will continue to increase. Write* To P*eslde'’nt Gen'eva la "engaged in dirty cheat­ is ' assoedated with the Ralph crow anecdotes of their childhood T h e c a l Order of Elks, who are \ Map Trip ts -Caast sailed the statement," the - Senator- 9,717 ^raon\ convicted for seri-, Trieste City ra- H. Love Insurance.. Agency of wXhate to' think that thii^ Its drawbacks. or to dredge up- forgotten knowl^ Ih' g letter to the President. ing under the guise of U.N.” Take air conditioning, for In­ reprtltlng for this month’s Blood- MORIARTY Bros. Ths family set out Immediately accepted Mathews’ resirnatioh,” Watkins , tlescTlbed as "largely ou* crimes aK4 3.815 who com- , ^ demonstrstlona 'or Hartford, 1s among the outstand­ have change so much on MaipBt. edge about the habits of the glossy Clalita,Stories Unaencted mined mUitar.v\crim.* and whow,-,^,„ ^ that so few gather to hear the stance. the type that’s provided In nbll* Day, point out that l^ocW to n ^ e plans for a trip to ths Mstthewe has contended he canan Lpolltl’cal” 'iKmove by Sen. I^ehman .‘’Beginhlt^ in 19S0, when this ing Connecticut Mutual Life In­ black birds. Newspapers which residents may meet this need ny 1 3 1 5 CENTER ST West Coast to meet young Riker cases were still [lng>rnve*tlgated. i c * gome of the stores dviring the printed the first letter got a sec­ / Fr»n PhollO^- document hi* article, which sIl«>'|m> (DfLlb-NYl Tor a drastic over­ commission waXlsgslly set up," the latest developments in the long surance Company .representatives phoning 8-5111 and rnSkmg an sp- when he'debarks. "That’s when the said most Protestant cleryym.en ,1 Russia Kussia rerusedrefused .agaih this year Invited to attend an educational ^ W e^ a U to think thit the Sal­ warm, warmer'and hot season. ond letter about old erows—the men I hauling of the\McCarran-\Valter paper added, "American aggres I dis)>ute. vation Army, although light of Ah, isn’t it a relief to V{'aIl$ from MRS. CARROLL DAVID LENIHAN polntment.to be a blood ""'■ " ‘ “ J real celebration will take place," arc loyal. He ha* been promised a Act. The law waswax Criticizedc; in last ialve circles have been concocting ; cooperate with vhe commis- I X Charges Denied Conference. Sept. 3Jtd) S, at White kind that come stuffed and the Wednesday. The hlm^mobile unit FUEL OIL heart after hearmg the G o e the sizzling sidewalks into those kind that come in bottles. / Mre Riker Said. '' bearing before the House Un- I year’s presidential Campaign by with It* help ncticlbb* legends' aion- West GermanyCas declared I Yugoslavia ofTiclally denied yes­ face, N. Y, X Worts and\*ln^ing their songs, cool havens? You start to feel hu­ Miss Carol Mae McVeigh,'fwith garnet rose caspXde. The will be Rtationed at Woodruff Hall. ' With the family whei^lt arrives American Activities ‘ Committee, j.Eisenhower and former Gov. Adlai about the Soviet Union holding' IO®.®®® German troops iinsc- Little got more correspondence Center Congregallonsl CTurch on terday Italian charges that Presl- should retum'tp the Citadel^ with man again and not like a steaming than he could handle and more daughter of Col. «>d Mrs. James I hrlde-mald.’ gowns^' acce^wri*. T«l. MUcImN 3-51 3S there will be someone R-lker Is No date has been flxed.. but it ■ E. Stevenson of Illinois, the-Demo- back German and Japanese Soldier counted for. Italy 11a’ 63,000 ) dent Tito wa* getting ready to The reading room of the First even a lighter Xhow of appreia- hot towel. You offer a silent pray­ and flowers wereXentlcal to that Sept. 2, from 1:45 to •:30 p m. for eager to see - Ms fiancee. Miss aeema certain no hearing will be cratic nominee. POWa." -and Japan has said 100. of her Church of^Chrlst. Scientist, In the stolen p'lbllcity for Old Crow H. MtYe'igh. of Oxford St., was atincx lhe terrllacy.’a.ZoneJB, aoulh. tion In the bask^on the camp er for the lad who invented air. of the maid Jwmor, and the llt- the convenience of acheduled Anns Maher of Weston, Maas. ^IheW X “In Xpm; - M w U aa«-4tw -mimtria«ob'nfbifv"x4<®»^ mwrtag= of the port city,, which Yugoslavia HaSonlc^Temple.' will be open each conditioning as you stroll through whisky than any press agent has marriend detection is more diracull." | ,'"*^,3;. tian Science Monitor.jpay be pur­ offering may be. we always go really becomes a problem. the Rev. Theodore Gubala. w'-X ' / Mrs. McVeigh chose for per For Stove and Plreplare ation Committee un- w ^ "endeavoring with all means relations firm.-and Its client. Na­ celebrated the nuptial Mas.a.^ sages of congratulation or queries Eleven top Communist olllcials , chased at the reading room. a<^ay feeling a bit more cheerful You Just have to leave the air daughter’s wedding a gown of convicted-ine.sa.seaeie-wsff 19491040 pfea.4 consplr- nertAKinjc. „ tniji ^tuav, tvrote .h . KlMn available" to annex the U. S.-Bril- tional DisUllers Products Corp.. is Arlvne Garrity was orgai^t a GEORGE KINGSBURY to determine whether the raporls hower that he believes the special ish-onupied Zone A of the terri­ i..,. wltli the words that always come conditioned store and face the . cafe-au-lait lads, with bronse bead o violate the Smith Act, which i A son was born Aug. 27, In St. crowing. soloist and white Kladloll and they hcardf cdpcamlng the ensign’s quota immigration act passed at tory, ^ ic h includes the port. to our ear*. heat. . The headline.on the above reads: 1 and pearl trim, 'brown accessories CoYCBtry, PI-Z-7472 , rclaate - Were trtH.; .. . . ■ _ [ {nakk* It a crime to.teach or sdvo- I -Francis Hospital, Hartford, to Mr. "Thank yon, brother;” the'Army " Timidly, you push the dooropep palms adorned the a ^ r ...... X "1 and corsage Of Talisman toscs. Eaa.--AB4rew. L- Riker 111 of Maacluatec. wa* ladiided lodhy this year* sessloq,to admit •216,0()0 ..i^hle^saserted that., ".the Ital.-.. Editors Eat t?row as Press Agent ICach tilins an'aanbuncemant of cstc -forcible - ovcrlhrtm- - of the I European refugees snd others lo ti 4 o and Mrs. Frank Faszlni, 159 Birch say*. and feel the heat waves clutching Presented in martlaRe by The bridegroom’s mother .was at­ the laleot batch ef repatriated priaoaera whe gained relcnae from U. 8. government. i ians are jetting the support of the Steals Headlines for Whiskey — father, the brideXiad a* h*r maid Rlker’r ralaasa cam* over the Rad -prteen camps la North Korea. 'Originally reported na mipalag "takes care of population pressure Anglo-Amegjcan government 'in St. And the Amiy means it. at your face. You hide your face Letters Calling for Crow Stories tired in a gown of Dior blue crepe radio, the Riker fanilly hastened to Brmvnell said the Communist , behind an arm and plunge into the of honor, heX cousin. I with lace trim aad black acces- la nctien. Riker was eae of twe Naval eaalgne Hated In the 'POW ex- areas as far as we probably can go Trieste.” Garner Raft of Space for "Old listen aa U each rapatlUon ot th* party hak lost about 75,000 mem- j in the next three years." Phelps R o«l — Model Street torrid temperature. t ^ la J b h ^ n . of Coventry. Mr*. | sorles. Her corsags[S -of of pink change at Paamaaiani. Hie family I* nwkliig plana to meet him hers, bringing it down to about ' Beblor repeated old charges that Crow,” Robert E. Brown, of Harlan St., good news mad* It -all the mors This special act, covejtng three Air Budget Slashes -the Italian government Continues If the ‘Town Fathers" were to Suddenlv the heat hit#i you sweetheart roses. Both motiisrs sa- jovou*. •a the West Coast after word I* received ea hi*'departure for the 25.000, since, that trial ahd several offer a prise for the town’s model Wham! W^at a Jolt to the nervous and Mrs. -Robert •OuUrim.Xof sistsd the bridal party at a; recep­ United Btatee. others whlclr\follo,wed It. But the years, faila somewhat abort of a pdUry of ineqi(Mity toward the Well, that** what a stah report QUINN’S Rikar, daspita her-unbound- Eisenhower's -request. He sought street, one where the homes and system Is the s'idden change Bloomfield, Were bride.smaids. tion for. 175 gueata following th* ad happln axpijaaaad a apbaiing 75.000. he amed. "ard obviously Yugoalhv minoritV in Italy ahil SERVICES from comfortably cool to horribly er for the Wall Street Journal be­ ^ th le e n McVeigh, of East Hart- authority to admit 340,000 in two , o . • , -m. 1 • » • m that the Allied military admin­ grounds are well cared for, and the lieves—but he’s not 100 pet cen^ ceremony at the Manchester CSmin- thought that iUuaitrataff her'' daap subject to the^ropaganda of the yeara. p-(e FUNERAL HOME Now, it seems, what's needed by selves, just for W ng so generous For All-Prisoners] ImmlgraUon and that we shwldlthe^ropoaad 1654 budget give. | ? a f m guess, and all built before World The bride’s gown of eahujlelight 46 Bracewood Lane, Stamford, ” Th* last weak has baan so rug- follow th# pnwram wt up by Con-i,^, Xlr P W * only 114 wingi. 23 V v / E T a m i / U U | recommended Jointly that 9mh the stores with air conditioning Heard A l< ^ i» never Just IJLM.Is1P.M. KEMP'S, Inc. War n. NEVER—taken in by anybodj^ satin was designed with a \fitted after SeJjt. 10. i a o r Rlker'a taUiar noted calmly, p-esA * d study the Mc&rran-Wal- ^ ^e^in added to th# Air Italy ’and Yugoslavia show '‘r*Jni , 87 EAST CENTER ST. The sit* was the old Hubbard is a special ri>om where their cus­ bodice and full skirt terminating Both, bride and bridegroom are lAlYLANO aa ha axplatnad that thar* war* tar Act so that when the pre^n Natton.I'Guard snd Ah- Reserve. and moderation." / tomers may become de-tempera- ish offlrer held by (he (Jqmmunists. Weather Balks TeL Ba-g-eses property with the homestead on KkJ, Bercent Proof Positive In a cathedral length train. Her graduates of Manchester High I P.M. Is I P.M. aavaral falsa reports of Rlkar'a.ra- Panmunjoin, Aug, 31 (JP)— ^ e r g e n c y p t terminates we wiU -over - >11. greeter combat f To Be Attacked London sources said Britain had turized. to coin a hew word, so i$ $ Main St. — Mancheatar Red newipapermen said. Woodbridge street. Early develop­ De^Heard Along: full length veil of Brussel* prin­ School. The bride received her Isas* by th* Rads last weak. Another 150 Americans, beinaporitiontosuiyestrevialon* .tranrh should be rasllzed consult^ urgently with d r Unit­ AMBDLi^lOE SERViqlE ers,thought It too long and narrow they may make the 'change from cess lace, was dVaped over tulle bachelor’s degree from Teacher* Came, commander of a bettalion- In the permanent act if they areX^^o„'^h a'r^uction in lesdtime. ed States and France ovm ways to cool to hot without danger of col­ •1 hope that you sometimes rel*x MartM4 RirtMsy moetl.v 8 ergeant.4 and officers, of one of Britain’s great fight Ing Salvage W.ork over a long cold drink because »» and arranged in cap fashion over College of (Connecticut, and her Early this weak, Rikar's young required. _ I better utllizatim Of personnel and By Democrats cool the-Italtah ahd Yugoslav tem­ lapse. ^ a halo of fresh orange blo.ssoms. maater’s degree from HHIyer Col- were freed today. amid indi­ units the Gloucestershire regi­ "I am satisfied that the Demo- ,„ d \ v thV elimination pera. Th* first Britiahassessment Well, it’s an idea that’s WMth a reward fV eagle-eyeing the Old brother. Richard, ealabratad his ment was^ raptured in April IBSl She carried a missal with marker le'g*. She ha* been a member of 11th birthday: "You can guess cations the Communists nriay On Enterprise of wsshtsand duplication." Gough was that Italy probably ia react­ I4^w.isir efforts to restore party atures which required a. sweater One-W e^ Rule i.iitts end carried a white lace fan after he blew, Mrs. Riker ex­ Koreans on this 27th day of vyhclming forres. .Only a "few bringing up more money from the groups for supply, maintenance unity St a 8ept. 14vj5 conference ceived no indication that Yugo­ trickled back to Allied lines. and such. Leadtime Is the length slavia wa# planning any major for comfort? The system at th* ^ a ry Cheney DM! plained. ”*o we’ decldfd It would the Korelin War Prisoner ex ■un'xen Fl>’ing Enteiprise have in Cihicago. ' whose color was reflected Into the be five days or mayb* fiva hours The Compiunist Peiping Radio Workers End of time it tskcs'from the letting of change ip policy on the Trieste Library Is running uB\agged. exciting but this sailor had a naw change. been halted until peat year be­ contracts until a plane is ready for Farm prices, which rewntly That Crow S u ^ y angle— he had Just discovered a sky to give It's clear blue color. HERE ARl CARS A t before wa haard good'iiawa about Rada Framlae Mara said Monday that Came was cause of bad weather, turned down again sfter levelling question/ \ For several months\nqw, we use.) /Meeting Arrange^-. pear Heart Along: \ r have been dragging our h\el* more stowaway, a ^m eiy gal who It was the Stone of Stones for Andtbw." Th* Clpmmumata promised 'to bwaiting repatriation at Ksesong. Hamilton Mack, manager of the off ' from previous declines, are th* Red holding point Just north of ll;D a y Strike The Legion’s National 8'’ecuritv Italian (Charge D’Affaires' Lfvio - Recently I wrote to you aifklng than' usual. Our morning ^ tle s s - wanted a rid* i o England. What ancient Oriental*, who thought It PRE-WAR PRICES Yaatarday marked fiva^daya ■and back 400 prisonars tomqmiw Belgian bibnch af Tyler and Co., (Tommisaion, headed by Thomas E. certain to be spotlighted at a would prevent capture by enemies after the ealabration. Panmunjom. and was in ’’splendid told of th)s Intemiption in a pro­ T h ^ o li arranged today to meet help from your render* in deter­ ness has been extending sarther happened after ^hat we’ll never — too Americans, 2S Britipa, 20 Paradine of New York, adapted panel discussion of smrlvultural British Foreign office high-ups'pT' lEATWAVE? know because the week was up and and win favor with princes. physical shape.’' ject which already has yielded By THU ARROnATED PRCRR„ mining how tong crow* live. -/into the day so now we neeil two Mrat naws'of Rikar's r*patria;'"7^rks. 5 Australians and another without opposition, however, a re- problems led by Gov. G. Mennen London to get a first-hand accounb I must say t^at t have been as­ the book due. legend also endow* the, sapphire The (Tommunists, meanwhile, re­ about 3100,<)00 worth of qoddan Ati 11-day strike by S3.(KX) CHO’ . , 1,,: • .w , » Williams of Michiaan. . , (*olfee-breaks, without which.\we tlonMl came to th* Riker family 260 SouUi Koreans. affirmed assuranma they will rev Doesn't mean a thing tounded by the'.result*. Three per­ doubt, we could not survive u with power against J>olson, To Its last night from Mis* Flaher, Miss U. 8i and British currency. Tyler employe, of the Southwestern Bell We’ve left heroes and villains in « g » f * One of the Britons to/b* handed turn all Allied prisoners who want '-and Co., has been financing the -Read-Off for Reoale Race (Continued on Page Foot) sons have sent rti* live crows: sev­ lunch'Hme. various and highly complicated coolness was credited the power Fisher phoned a few mlnutM be Telephone Co. ended today._____j r,pi,cem#nt c r e w .^ r the Slrate- National CHalrman Stephen A/ o eral splendidly \ generous news­ to extinguish fire, over Tue^sy will ))e Lt- <^1 Job. Another walkout ' by 25.0001 We loirtt with Jaundiced eyes a stages In high adventure because fora 10 o'clock to aay that a Bos James P. Chrn*. top /anklng Brit­ (Oontlaaed on Page Four) gic Air (JOmmand. Mitchell has billed th* Chicago paper readers hav^donated bottles the new* of - th* day. Our growing, highly MU«nett/.by_ nm y. Money Dried Out ' - CIO unionUts *t_. the Firestone 1 * g-w,; t __ ___ ' the one-week-rtile. -Ths-chances C l e a r S a l e Mack said the iittte Italian sal­ Tirevrimm A^ EPa’iNaWmasRubber Co: Osa- endedmaa^m^ ,-last1mm6 _ !*^*®*'” *^* send-Off "rbf'DeY' of Old Crow: and, ohe man mailed lack of enthusiasm to match that our ever finding out" what hap- religions, the sapphire Is aald to laaa* ^ lha Oommunista. ------#---- Committee, meeting lat* yester­ IF C . FEDDEBS me a crow call with the advice that have been engraved with the Ten We are really selling aummoblles in volume down here vage vessel Rostro, Which had re­ night, after four days, -with a 12- cratic aenatorial: candidate^ in •v of a reporter with a good story led in the last half of these Wary baeaus* of last week's covered the money and sent it to day, merely "received and filed" next year!* raiiripaigns. Ancr high I use it to catch a feiX crow* for more evident as the day* tumble Commandment# and, accordrijg to folks. Take' advantage of this sale, and compare our cent hourly raise package sgree- th* report without debate. Bulletins bo<» are quite dim because they falsa reports, the aider Riker a Biuasels bank to be dried out and me'nt. farm price supports appe^ to be X. myself to determine by obaervalion are ih such demand. There’s a long tratllticn, Solomon’s Seal was a prices. We cordially Invite you to examine these cars phonad loeal radio atatlons and Joe Hodges, past department [Push-Button weather how long they live in m>\cUatody, past. star sapphire. Pagans believed counted, had left Oostende. Bel­ VMMoe In Radis one of the few national issues on from the AP Wires As things stand at the moment, waitlw'llat for all of them. from top to bottom. Take them out for a good road test, th* Aaaoclatad Fresa in Naw Ha­ Police ISeek- . a Hitch-hiker - • commander of the Legion in Vir­ which the 21 Damocrats/up.for're- Naturally, I am very grateful for sapphires were sgcred to Apol(o a gium, last week for an "unknown Violence marked a strike by in your home! w* wouldn’t give a , good gob of ______part of It all 1* If we then tell us how you want to trade. Jf at all possible we ven untU h* was fl'nhiy convlncad destination’' *n*r callipg off fur­ AFL engineers at Radio Station ginia, said the Virginia delegation electior. can agree, aln)dst without these gifts but I wish you would gravy for a, sure thing at Narra- and wore them whqn they viaitoff th* rapert was tru*. will try on the floor—probably exception. please ask your readers not to,^ssnd evei^'gct'our hands on one of these his shrine. will accept YOUR deal. . . ther diving operations on -ths WOR li) , New York yesterday HICKEY IMPROIINO gansett. (Just try us.) books a w n ' -we’ll have to stSr^ No official ealabration for'Riker sunken American freighter ship Wednesday—to get the Legion to Southern Demociats who were me.any more.live crows. The crow* Most sapphires are found in As Murder. Accomplice when tFo men. one a company fight for restoration of a -143-wing Hartford, Aog. 31 (SI —Vacs- We Just hav'en’t been getting from tha lAgtnnlng again—to pick 'baa baan planned according to this yealv vice president, were knocked down critical of former President Tru­ are not happy with th$ facilities enough sleep—and you know what Burma, Australia, Slam and Cey­ GHEVROLETS, OHEVROLETS aal mor* 1 Air Force. ttonlng State Polire Commission­ at. the corner of Fifth Avenue and .up ths plo^im d run again into lon, and steel blue sapphires have Ganaral Manager Richard Martin. This conflicts with a story the and kicked in front of-the sta­ man and who show no enthusis.im er Edward J. Hickey, who was that will do to anyone’s dlsposl ths one-Week\riiIe. Martin said today that no cele­ Rostro’s salvage crew chief. Mario 'The funmaking actually started -for Adlai B. Stevenson as the 43rd Street where I do business.\ been found in Montana. Either the OHEVROLETS New Ykirk, Aug. 81 (>P)— .today "iW.not satisfied that the tion oSicee near. Times Sqbare. * yesterday with the 40 A 8 parade, admitted yesterday aa a patteot My office la not adapted for - the tlon. ’’ So wa’ve b^n losing a lot of plain or .sjtarred sapphire is tra­ bration has been', planned for any Rafaell of Genoa, Italy, told re­ In the face of a walkout tniaat Presidential nominee again in at Hartford HoapilrU, was report \ The reason for this general Sale Price returning prisonere ef war. It Police and aheriffa deputien Howeii porters la.. week. He said he was a two-mil* long spectacle as gaudy 1856, can forget their party dif­ proper care of crows. Besides, the slaep about wnat goes with the ditionally worn by the September . w « - ■Why should 'b* be her* hitch­ against Uie nation's railroads > -circus and ss noisy as a ed progressing satisfactorily te- gem who has been my secretary debility is the rule at the library appeared likely that some eele- searched a wide area 75 miles heading his vessel back to the spot the Order of Railway Conductors, ferences in support of almost any day,-. th^ new non-fletion books may be characters,'ip thk books wa have bom. 1951 4-Dr.— R, H. clean...... $1.39.5 SI 225 hiking?” Close r'oq^ented. "He battle. and right arm for the past eight tried. In vain; to Anish. north of New York City to­ comes from down InNew Jersey." where the Flying Enterprise lay federal mediators arranged for,a -program (hat promises greater re­ takra home for one week only— The star iii a sapphire, by the 1950 4-Dr.— 21,000 honest mile.s...... $1295 $995 PdU;^ estimated that 75,000 turn* for the farmer, years is threatening to quit if the Now don’t thlnkXwe are slow way, is an optical effect, formed •a raga r) day for a hitch-hiker reported Norhian Dennis, of Pmighkeep- split In two iinder 40 fathom* (240 meeting tomorrow betjveen, the MIX DIE IN’ FIRE duties of crow sitter are added to and the boolu are not renewable. 1950 2-Dr.— R, H. Examine this one. $1295 ;995 foot) of water In th* English union's president and executives Pittabargh. Ang. SI - lAV-A Aa a result of th* one-week readers and that we ipeU out each b.v bands of light reflected from to reMmble an ex-convict ■le. told Poughkeepsie poU ^ that (Caatinmd M.Png* Thirteen) (OsnMnmd an Page Thirteen) her other .Stints. word as we go along. As a matter within the stone when It la seen 1948 Bus. Cpe.— Original jet black. .. $785 he hatKpIckfd up a hltch-hik^aon Channel. of the rarriers. ’ ' mother and her fits yotuig chH- rule! the'sUuatlon now is like this: sought aa an alleged accom­ State Highway 53 at Freeds And the Oostende ship broker Meanwhile, the Brotherhood of dren burned to death early to^ Ai However, please do not suggest We left a brave mountain of fact, our profession Hm made us in sunlight, or a'bright light. This 1946 2-Dr.— R, H, dix, maroon...... $695 575 that your readers cease sending batter than average lii^ reading star appears when a rough star plice in the murder of a labor Plains, eight miles east of Pough andling the unloading of the Locomotive Pimmen and Engi- day aa flames, destroyed their., bottles of the: Kentucky beverage^ climber on tte peak of Anapuma. leader herf. - iceapaie, and driven - him to . the Mr-logged traasura .said-h* * - A* i's planned n drive for.boosts home As nearby Plum Township."— He' must have returned safely ■pssd. 'SiLtiphife la cut Into several smaller FORDO, FORK MHliMn FORDS News Tidbits or the crow' calls. I get much bteces. If each pleas la properly Th# man soiigbb I# Wmiarn Hudson Htvar city. IHUice relayed pac^^. ths'Roatro back in threa or. totaling 3 7 ^ -cents an hour- (or ;4hrou|h-7u*4^ hsiirdSi hut-sca R—ily, wnsis’-vou consb^r -14161 CRStoai 4-Dr.— R,-H,gfreeo-r^.. r81^95-'“ Tour vwtebi'witir ’wortr’iiuiHilm-'of' -pleasnre from both,-attracting -a: you will have tb devote the ^ tte r cut cabochqn. . 'CwBel "fPOwAI*-Wfriu “ ll6w*it,xs,"0f ’Ti»THrarmxTi8h“Toatititomie'ST(fre. ■T3:i)n8T>ntriaiiqwiMf3.’xrt*r o c t.’ir 2 / ^ ... nis arms In a futile attempt to good deal of aatonlshed attention never read atxiut Eh*” /*^'.*^*!*^*** — Sapphtra-Jawarty Jor womans-J 1950 Custom 2-Dr.— B, H, b la ^ ,^ . ..$1295 . _JQeanla ,thl4„Pougt>keapala.XoUca money. — ]______i. _ Tlm^»aidml,.*gp*am*nt. ln..th*.-1>-- -wave his family.' -w * -the * l g All of ■ tMa only added to ■'"a 'day walkout by CIO Commuiiica- FEDDERS from Fifth Avenue strollers when I to-got to the ffnal paragraph bC a- rings, pins, earrings, bracalata . 1950 Custom 4-Dr.— R, H, O.D., green. $1295 New York (Sty Police alerted he did not recognize the..hitch- person who eiiraprd. 4i>etla, Jha .ccQte call -at ;jmeckla(c«e ;‘'Wends' ---o f —eesMr r79Se'"<*«rtBtteYl^4h^—Leaded. ^ ^OsMUB Dovaan iap#rt*-46'etat* peUea.Ja..l6-esal**a.,at*M*-yaatea'Uhikae-aL-the,.Uma.he.gave -him. a- JiD’atttrY..., Which b*#.-;jL*xted,,4o.iAU»*JiVnrk*M ■ «*!»»(. BwtkwiMLv my fourth floor windows.- or we left In aTiowIlng govsnunanta last yiMr collectad tey to' b* on the lookout for lift late yerterday. H^ reportrt to bubble up around the Plyingjem Bell was announced " Jointly: - "iTai^EA‘“f/NfTV ROUGHT miles off the coast of Portugal. leave much time for anything ela*. beautifully with virtually _ , Yellow and black...... 4 . .,.$1295 Seriously,; however, I ’am very color. Sapphires are often seen in $1095 r a e o r d f l•A6S,M•,6M la *aa*a Howell; wanta^ in connection with' police after he saw a picture of Enterprise. I last night after a 16-hour nego- 1 Tokyo, Aug. II (JP—The Reds' “ FffrM OSf grateful for the great quantity of Stories of storms at sea arc Remember the time when you 1948 DIx. 2-Dr.— R. H.'black...... $825 $695 tha shooting of Thomas F. Lewis Howell on television, and a 'few British navigators ^"aaid the!tlating aeaalon. Apparently there Pyongyang Radio said today could keep a book for two weeks combination with (diamonds or I malting an avarag* of 168.04 par' Robstown, Tefc., Aug'. 31 (Ah-Y-twhen sn embankment softneded b.v '______^______L other colored stone*.' Especially 1947 Super 4-Dr.— R, H, blue...... $695 $535 Ainarioaa... Pramlar Jeaaph Ian-' in tha Bronx on Friday. minute* later saw a picture of him Rostro has appeared to be working' was no difficulty spelling out th*! North Korean Premier Kim I| __and wind up quite satisfied on Two persons reported to police on th^ front page of a New York several miles from the spot where {terms In a 1-year contract call- More than 2,500 persona were 8>« inches of rain'In 36 hours gave Rung deelarrd that unification what hapipens in the last half of gopular and practical for men are 1946 Clh Cpe Super— R, H, spec. .... '$395 $395 tel of Franc* hopaa naw govam- homeless today along the awampegd mant-launchad price reduction erv at Poughkaepaie, N. Y.', last night newspaper 1 Daily News). the freighter . slipped under the ing for raises ranging from 81.50 away, flooding much of the town;- af the war-tom penlaaula ‘‘muat thr book? sapphire rings. 1* platinum or gold waves In a winter storm 19 months to 83 a week. Under the old con- lower Texas coast as rising water OonstabI* Ben A. Bennett said be aeltled by Koreaaa them­ ANY WINDOW! for rights of way ocraaa pariah ] wUI etave/atr aew_ *aW>fvali ol that a hitch-hiker in that vicinity The other report cam* from a OTHER MAKES AT WHOLESALE PRICES reaembled pictures of Howell. . gasoline station employe at ago. tract, the scale ran from '835 to from 10 day* of deluge rains "easily 2.000" had been driven selves.” The brpsdcaat, heard la September's Birthstone settings. strikes many obaarvera Yaal may seeped into homes on ths flat 1951 Buick 4-Dr. Super— R, H...... $1745 erupt la ^October. Although - police and deputies i lington. which is In the town Offloials of the Isbrandtsen Com- ! weekly from their homes and calls for Tokyo, said Kim listed that u , Clear thinging 1* sj-mboUsed by ■continued on the alert. Dutches* pany. which owned the Flying En- ' A compromise on the company’s coastal plains. evacuation were coming In sH the one of two 'ihaia tnaka o f .tin ORCHARD NEWS Right 1951 Kaiser 2-Dr— R. H. black. ....$1 295 'West Garraan'police arrest l^dbo . Hits Farm Oeuntry' time os water crept higher. September’s birthstone, the sap­ County Sheriff C. Fred Close said (OMtlnued on Page Thirteen) demand for no-strike - assurance Korean Politiral Uoafereaee. Garmsn Rad agents who inllltratad terpflM; 11*6 weia reportrt myati-’; phire. Marriage entitled a 'woman to' 195J Stud. 5-Pass Cpe.— R, H, O.D. fled by the reports o f the recovery-j was worked_out in a clausa cover­ At least 2,000 wereeyscuatrt .At Kingsville, 40 miles south­ Imaginative legends from many the protection of strong men who I Rio green...... $1295 from Soviet East Zone in attempt ing grievances and arbitration. In this farming community! of west of Corpus (airlstC about 60 II5 FTRER IN ONTABIO Vs Ton $229.95 cultures and ages surround the hold the stepladder for them whij* ' 1950 DeSoto Clb Cpe.— R, H,.Autp„ tq imaet Weet Germaa eleetteas (C*tinoed ea Page'Thirteen) The CIO United Rubber W ork-' 8.000 about 17 milci west of (?or- *familiea, possibly 300 persons, were Toronto, Ont., Aug. St ’ oFm THIS WEEKEND W E'U HAVE they paint the kitchen-celling. , , , Reports say Britain and Efypt sapphire. The Persian* believed the I midnight blue...... ^..$1445 era’ agreement with Firestone v^as | pus Chrlstl. Many spent their Itill sheitarrt after high water At least. 11$ Area raged through 1 earth rested on a giant sapphire, Anon. near agraament on avaeaalian of Stifling A ir Blanket Extend^ viewed as a possible pattern fo r ! second night In emergency shel­ Thursday and Friday. northern Ontnrio's pnrrhrt tlm> 1950 Plymouth Spec. Dix. 4-Dr.— Britlsk tiaapa fronj 8i(*b Canal the rubber industry. It Includes j ter*. They were Joined by new There had been no reported loss beirlands today. Rwettertng fire- O K D a w W a a I t BARTLETT PEARS R; H...... $109.5, $995 Zona ihatallatlona with guarantee a flve-cent general increase, rala-; refugees late last night as runoff of life, but property damage cop- figjkters lookrt to the skien for r c r T t CGK Dosg .payment of future West ua* of baa* in event From Rockies to East Coast ing the average pay of' produe-' from heavy sftem'bon thunder­ tlnues to rise. In many south Dgns of rain to help stop ane of FOR EATING AND CANNING 1949 Dodge 4.Dr.— R, H. fluid drive. $1095 $1025 of war. Stores Retumiug * - 'N.. ' ^ -.1 tion and maintenance worffers to showers rushed into th* wmter- Taxss homes water was more than the worst Are authrenka In Linmgd number 1932 models at bargain price NO MONEY DOWN ON THESE SPECIALS U. 8 . Ambaaaador Loy len der- a - 32.10 an hour, a boost in pension-, boiind towns. three feet deep. yenrs. WILLIAM QICKSON & SON son maata again witb Pramlar The August 1953 Jteat wav*: liiovrt into Its fourth day today To Old Schedule payments by the company and i The number of homeless in- Mayor Dudley Dunlap warned Abo GRAVENSTEIN mid WEALTHY APPLES. 1946 Hudson 4-Dr-— R, H. Aa is special...... $395 FaaqUah Zahedi tp diacuaa Aasert probably vrill not soon be far- with no relief in sight. hospital'and surgical Insurance creased as intermittent thunder-, FIVE PESUMINR DROWN i UNOB 1918 Robstown rcat>• mant rafuaaa church group Hit* New Record Eiulanland. Some aample tampers- 'ward n full A y M’edneedny cioo- bargaining with B. F. Goodrich hind drainage ditch levea# railroad ground wast of tha city. Tha 'ruhoff I ■ '4 AVB1^-8T. V 276 OAKLAND ST. mission to launch'barrage of ' In BoOlpn, th* ,'heat wave shot turu: Westfield. Mass., 100.5; Ing. This matter, will not-he de­ Co. in Chicago oouM r* ch a ambankmenta and othqr oMlrtig* Mtilt up a )ai(a euta1d*,.fit* Rota- 130 CENTU ST. — COR. OF CHURCH la d * badaeee aver Iron CurialB th* tampmfur* tt^-M.8 cided nnWI the newt eehednie ’tar WARPING, CONN. MANCHESTER, CONN. 434 CENTER $tREST--MI-3.i101 ,T_ W-a* - -a - »▼**. - tiens. ^7>ralnlng was slow. 1 ‘ Adrertise in The ^Herald-—It Psiyo eouatvl* th* city’s hottest ot th* year and . (C*Hawid w Pag* l^u*)'F 18M la adapted, j ^ M Pag* PW*) Flooding har* began Saturday « aaPRgnJHx) rv*' ■H? r - h f . - .[ • Y) 1 . . 1 . _ ' ■' 4 ‘ ‘ f ' •jT a ] A, f ' ' (■ '- 7 • tf \ . v-a-,. • J . .. ------•' -• > ■ ' - ' ' " **/•■''.. —'*>r' f,- . . . . I ■' • -. ■— . ' .V--.-. • y - ■ \ \ • a . - . • • f ...... * \ ; ■ / , , i ■ \ '■ \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, AUGUST 31.19M -lb . MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTEI^ CONN^ MONDAY, AUOtlST 81, ■* V a g e t w o 1. .■■■/.. y ■ ...... Midinela, aaoondi watormelena, Mufi Must Learn without faith in God in the heart Columbia Mar* Michaels eecond; cabbage, Two Oinadian H o t M ass Town Officials View Rock Cniahfr at Work 'r. Christ Belongs of Africa. Tha Master loved the' H dt Weather NewO; 1 . / , < Z ...... 1953 Flo Be!H, aetsond; green beans, 10 To Take Defeat W ho Said Tht ^ l y m o u t h OP MANCHESTER poor, the broken-hearted, the ^^.JBeer Pric* G o^U p pods each variety, Hubert Oolllna, FinOHER OLMS 00. downtrodden, and the person who i Mrs. Field Set ' ScienfisU Hunt G rim MHchca To All People seemed least deserving of His i firit. .• Cart Aro Hard l^vGot? ' 9-iten K y % tnsetlng of local grill \ B tat alx ears cord, Hubert Col- Bv Belief in God too w o * MIDDUK TCBNPtn ministry. He once eal^; 'Blessed; anti tavern owners held yester­ Arctic SecfeU Says Revl Post are the poor, for youra ia the To Enter State Ime, flrat; beat 10 po()» - green Iir Wide Areak STOP IN AT SOUMKNI, day morning at lO o'clock at hcaiia. Belle Robinson, first, Hu- Kingdom of Ood.’ In'the aernion entitled "Victory WI'RE LOADED WITH PLYMOUTH' : a r s — — AtJTO^LASS INSTALLED— — ------—raor-^deewwa —’a w s -bert-GMilnsr"seeoiid!-ltin*-4»SMU, “ OtUWli. Aug. 8111P1—♦,Tw o iOa*- the — Pie^€ompetilion^ of Faith” which waa delivered at “ Jeans Christ belong to Mark!. Some note laat will be firat, voted to go along with li) .podsNnn Belli, first, Hubert ’ (cieoWiiialif^^ 7 TEMPLATES FOR ALL CARS Ctford grill ^and tavern nadiaii sclantisU are travallnc by lHF"jK>u’th 'llrt'tiSJtat "ChurcF'yeif' Wc have on hand at prenent Cranbrook 4-Dnon«^an| to and some now first will b« last* COIIlna, aefcond; special prises ~ terday,. the Rev. Fred R. Edgar, MIRRORS (Fireplace and Door) and Increase tha price Columbia, Aug. U — (Spneial)-" dog sleds In wintry vaatnaas which QFeenflald, Maaa, 100; Proviiida- the Greek,■ and to the RomAn of be was apeaklng both to a preatmL pear 'tomntboa, ArUiur Smith, declared of tha lessons ard tranamiaaion or hy-drive. Cambridge Club Coi^ GLASS FURNITURE TOPS MEDICINE CABINETS of a glass-of' beer. Mrs. Stanley Field won ths blue first; Oharry tom nt^, Arthur nd white man has penatratad ainna town. Mass., 90, Falmouth. Mass., Doom and Subarbana for on the apot delivery. Aim the first-century world in which circumstance aa Well as to an etfr'* S3; Hartford, Conn., 93; Concord, ipen need tb-jearn today is the art PICTURE FRAMING WINDOW PLATE GLASS nat principla of Uur Chrlaliaa In accordance, with, this de­ ribbon for har apple pis s i ths smith, first; Itaildn s«uaah, Leola Admiml Peary made hU dramatie of taking defeat and dlaCourage- lived, aa well aa to the wide second annuel fair sponsorod by N. H., and FortUad, Maine. 9fi: new. all new ’5.’t Dodge Coronet 6 ayi. The moat popv OPEN SATUBDAVS—OPEN THURSDAY -EVENINGS faith. He was pointing the finger cision She eost" of a glass of Beck, flrat; gourds, KUSMil An­ dash tn tha North Pots In ItM . ment gracefully. In a day of last­ diveraity of peopl.ea, nations and the Columbia Voiuntdsr Firs 1>«- drews, .first and aecthe heat of the Minor of iCaat Haddam.' Bast a geological survey‘Of the Island rainiasa akiea; many banned * use Ruth, Abrshsm Lincoln and finally ROtKVlLLE / NJadgea A t FWr of water for apriiikltng and auto- hv the Second Congre|ationaKand ent-day church folk arc like the el- day, rejoice in that those who JudgeaNjor thp. home baked Teametar---Harold Haira, Chaplin. -Which may bring new mineral Paul Of the Bible were hehr up as North Methodist Churcliea. , e tfitimphant. the already has made a discovery grass and brush flraa in rural ! minister noted that It would he s Free Transportation by Silver Lane Bm tor of the Unidn Congrega-i the spiritual battles being fought must be Inst of all and servant of Light and Pow'ek 'dik.: Mias bast matched pair, C. <7. Louns-1 tinged with romance. ... tional Church'of'Ro»:kvUle.~ M r.’ about them, caring nothing for the.; sll.” 'That’s our mark of disclplsr Bcatrtca BsroU of Netrsich, homa bu^, first, Lao Bsrteouk, Cojehea- areas. ffa(th in Whil h fujf makes an utter "niey found a caipii on Cape No ReHef la Sight 1 and co m ^ te iKirrender of himself I/cavjnR Orange Hall at 7 P. } A .y ^ Musser described his M «y on »ki'd | church’s evangelistic responalbilt- ship! It is the.man or woman who demonstration agent\ fo r " Now tsr, sscoad; best teamstsr. Leo Columbia Mountain on EUasAiere ty to- the world. So *many Chris makes bis life expendable in the Nor waa relief in sight. The ' to the l^ e y God, the mercy of row in New York City. Ohe of the Lnndpn County BatensiM Service; Barteouk; draw Wlnne^, Maxie containing records left by Peary MEMORY LANE Weather Bureau in Chfcago.aald it i God. ana the power of Ood. Such s statements he made concerning tians have domesticated their God redemptive work which Jesiia and M rs Chnrtes Ragara of Ner- Jo-Joe, flrsfi. i y > Bacteoux, ac- - to make Him like themselves. Cer- started. It is the person who says In ItM and a piece of the allk might be a bit cooler In the north­ 1 faith/wiiyvil^ always bear fruit snd the poor, be-solted. atupified. dis­ wlchtown. , ond, Harold l^ire, third and C. C. ensign which tha Admiral mount­ ; tainly. God ia a college-graduate, In the wo^ds of John the Baptlat. Tha flower exhibit was Judged ern tip of New England today, and I lys be'triumphant. eased folk who exist on skid row Loimsbury, fourth. ed at'the Pols three years later. was this; "Every men and woman is s member of the economic mld- 'He muav increaae. but X miist de­ by Robert C. O’Kneaeki of Storrs temperatures may drop Into the ■ faith ' will, provide Jodges - 'for.thia contest were The Arctic lee Islands the set-, of them has empty p«K'ketsl’ That dle-rcIsBS. and of course, God is a crease.' It is the Christian minister from the floraculture department 30a -in northern portions of Min-’ stlepgth for thh^needs of the hour.' l/Miis Chapman, Salem; Moses entiata are studying ars thought' iJme'^courage to endure, a readineiw la. not a single person has a coin Protestant! Our stidtlfled \inlver- who t^ e s for his high calling, to of the University of COnnacticuL nasota, Michigan and Wisconsin. ■ir.,' Stone. Hill and Floyd Rat to ba chunks broken, free from the harwisc the forecaat was: “ Fair fdr whatever conjes. and finally ■ with which to fortify himse(f for salism is so much like the an.swer make/nimielf become'leas and leas The vegetsMea and fruits were of . Fatchaug. Mrs. Olfford Bar- ‘>Ml||l|lllt|llllll}| the day. Neither did he possess a -mother gave, to her little son needed In the church. These are Judged by Ralph Ly>o»>- voca- Ellesmere ice shelf. Once free, d continued hot.” Possible brief M^rsld J*ho(o. divine consolation In well doing. te^xjaaslated with the records... the islanda appear to drUt indeS- dWera In lower Mlchlgen, Min- ---- ,.... . ,, Everv human being, needs-such 8. c A . ^n ou n cH an'j'’ Of" those mtle'-trinkets_which ..who came 'home' from church they'who will "shine as the star ttopal aj^cultiire' instructor of' Weather Bureau don't see Ih^^-end "beat''ffaturda'y Ih Hartford' ahlT' Miiichartaf 'town officials' and s.vmbolize security and assurance’''jichooV‘'one Sunday hearing xthe for ever and ever.”" Killingly High School. hltely about the Arctic. The source ■ote, Iowa, western Ullnoia end for road construction.-U nderle t faith'for,no one ever knows -ehat ■•Manebeeter Evening Herald Co- of the shelf Itself is the Mg mys­ J of it yet. In spite of the occaaloni another In New Britain. Both were representatives from Windsor and present system, the town -must hardships s®d crosses he mav be ~ “ VITAMINS ~ t / Wlaconaln were expected only to as they jingl? in most persons' news thst 'j4v teacher said Jesus Awarda Made cloudiness the predicted high tern created for heat proetration. Andover watched this portable R e m e m b tir^ h e n vitam in.t wert? unknown^ Awards made in the vnrtoua Ininbln eorrespsndent. Mrs. Frank tery. '^add to the further diecomfort of remove stones too large fo r road , called on to hear in life. With The Re-Opemng Of pockets." ' was a Jew!’ The mother eomfort- Marchlaa, ’ telephona HArrlson perature for today Is 95 to 98 de­ ^T[hls weather, says the Weather atone crUaher In operation last Mason Rec^^ives claaaes were as follows: > Scientists say Urn source may hiimlditv. construction at the slte,^6f the aiich s-faith the final victory is ('(vnsideriitv their wide.'»prea(i u.xe today, hovf ".lesus Christ belongs to the inglv replied. 'Don't worrv, John- grees. well above the 91 degree Bureau, is caused by strong high week at the C. L. Hale gravel project. Sheekey estlm^es that ’ assured. people who h ^ e empty pockets! ny. Goonetrata ^^i^er are. left tnH»ntauperintyndent. with tin which is the aft^eat equal- i accurate bearings even In choppy Cookies, dozen sugar copklaa, New Tork City. Died Sunday.. AJ'/- ( N.. / !/■ -W i Flint, Mich., had four prostra­ day’s 97-degrees, both New’ pin'.ver developments at bottled cranberry Uiicr. ccKktail. 4 Although bmehes and stale and Orlyn Zibley, a representative teaspoons (or mope) spgar. 4 mint 400 Main St. 28 Wondhrldge SV izir of man in every age.” i '®«Sb water, la suitable for use Mrs. A. E. Emmons, second; dozen Philadelphia — The Rav. Dr. tions and Eialtlmorej one,*- cords for those days. Niagara Falla will operate at night FOR THE 19S3-54 SEASON ... ^ . I in a directional radio sonobuoy John B. LAird, RT.^oted Prasbyter- Tha Weather Bureau said this parks were crowded oVet - the of the Diamond Iron WorkeiY of sprigs, Phhne Mitchell 3-7897 A great'and inescapable call to molasses -cookies, Mrs, Ruth An- EASTWOOD and In fhe off season to cut the A graduate of Manchester High drawa, aerond;' dozen toll house laa elargyman and educator. Died low rate of human caaualttea was weekend, trsfllc wasn’t more than -Minneapolis, Minn., rnsniifactijr- MeUmd; Dihite grspefnilt Juice evangelism thus ^levolves upon ths flow o/er the falls to about one S Sx aH School, Mr. Mason sttendM North­ cookies Mrs. Walter Card, drat; Saturday. BM-S. (WMmMb due to low humidity. normally heavy oh the Charter er of the crusher. In a foiir-holir with 8 cans/cold water; use 6- Christian Chdreh in this day. It Is Newport. R. I. — Frasier Jelke, Jaas Fatara SSaeda Plaatlas New Aug. 30 heat records set Oak Bridge. A gfxid many people Driver Kilns (^ir period, the cruaher produced 264 fourth li’ ' normal Volume, but ounce Juiciy'can as measure. Add All Types of Dance iRstruetion eastern University and worked for dozen peanut butter eooklea, Mrs. wlll/permil almost full flow w’hen the chsllenge-'to communicate the 73, Intemational Investment hank­ **Fe«y Sunday Included: Wsshlnglon apparently preferred to stay at tons of p.rocessed gravel which cranberry/Juice snd sugar: stir to the Radio Corporation of America A. E Emmons, flrat; dozen filled “ Ptelmp On slBhlseers are likely to be present. Christian ^ s s a g e of redemption in Camden, N. J., and the Public er, formed bead of a pioneer firm Baprenaf* , 99.3; Boston 98: Portland. Maine home, rather than attempt t® c®®l was donated by Hale to the town. dissolve kugar. Makes about 4 Q^ee^ Siam yp.i through Jbaiis Christ, throiigh the cookies, Mrs. Ruth Andrews; Smith Street** O ff Vi'ooclbritlge St. Service Corporation of New Jersey ■acond; six quick doughnuts, Mrs. in marga-rina. and philantroplat. 95; Louisville 98.4; Baltimore 99; off on the highways. Chief value of the cruaher. ac­ cups. each of four 10- to 12- ifa/ot rite Studio. 101 Contor St. consecrated witne.ss of .ihdividuel S;sae:ia-t!U TaeS. IitSAM It has been estimated that it-is FEW' HTEPH WE.ST OF TOWN HAI.L) In^ewark, before joining the staff Kenneth Fox, second. I Born in OiBrlcaton, 111. Died Sun- \ PhUadelfihla 100; PltUburgh 9«; The heat wave has kep^. small cording to Sheekey IS that it per ounee/glasses with about a cup I : Chi latlan men and women In every Gieveiand 93; CinclnnaU .99^ Tole­ -children - indoors, - behind . .drawn Harold E.„ U Fort, JM.. of 67« (pits taking run-ofrthy.banK gray­ possible to grind eyeglass lenses .of the. beverage; flU;glasses with - -r«r...... ,1 J-r.kuyhring + of tha. Navy . Underwater. Souixl Cakes, spice ?Mike, Mra.-P’rancia ; _ WKH1VWTOAT." ■■onHitr-Teea. walk of life. We are cahed ItV hnng jj,boratory in New London In Lyman, second; dark lavar take, “ J* Franclro^ -Gaetapo Merm- air CaaSMtaalaa Free FarMaf do 98; Columbiis 100; Albany 98; ■hades during most of the day. Lydall St., was arrested for reck-1the Stones Jn^it to In il.liS2.M4 (fifferent combina­ ice'cubes. Garnish with mint the strengths of the Eternal God „ e is-f director of the Myny Syracuae and .Binghamton, N. Y., uniform size, and using It, as is. tions of curvature. a^igs. ^EDNESI^Y. SEPT. 9— 2 to 4 P.M. Mra. AKhur S'v,vc#t. ft,at; Mra Ken- musical dlr^tor of the San Adults Walt for evening and less driving 1 a.m. yesterda.v after! jto bear up the lost, ths broken- ^ Chambier of Commerce, past Francisco opera Co. Born In Nap- 93: New York .Clty 95.9; Chicago to cool off outdoors after dark. Given On C O D. Deliveries , hearted and the ^ople With empty ) Scouts, and neth Fox, secohd; sponge cake, THURSDAY, Se p t . to and 7 to 9 P.M. las. Italy. Diad Sunday. 98.1; Hartford. Conn.. 97, and Labor Day coming late this ye.V 1 I?" / 10— 2 4 , pockets! Vie go,to tell those who , officer of the Mystic Art Asso­ Mrs. Frank MarcliiM, aecond; Ismh cake; Mra. John'Na^, flrat, (Judg­ St. Louis — Gaorga L. Hail, fir., Richmond, Va-, 101. has ea.Unded »ome vacations *'1 *^^^*,* f !: ' whn FRIDAY, SEPT. 11^2 to 4 P.M. * ciation. - ' 7fi, founder and board chairman of .FTTig hottest spots were Waldorf. shore resorts, and the late 'r * '" * t lor ed on appearance dniyi. Md. and Straiahurg, Va.—both 103. Pica, apple, Mrs.. Staianlev Ki«ld 1 Packing company. Died from CYpe Cod yesterday were not j U’* **,? I.*'**’ V*,^**C* * MAN DIRS AT BEACH For Chicago It Was the fifth —™ - ! car crashed through heavy hushes ALL DAY WEDNESDAY - This WEEK SATURDAY. SEPT. 12 X l 0 A.M. to 4 P.M. Now Mo4y Woor flrat. Mra. Herbert Englerti-second;lerb- ' S'^day. partIcuTarly crowded as they often Westerly, R.,1.. Aug. 31 (It Henry straight day of temperature re- on the north side of the highway . - — ---- • , are when the vacation season ends tarts, Mrs. Jessie Smith, I rdr&, and-the 13t)> straight day and then tVsveled along the crest FALSE TEETH ' J. Andrews, 38, of Stafford Springs, In the youth group the roll^W/^ ’ on the last weekend of August. Clossot will rotumo Mondoy, Sopt. 14,1953. RANGE i FUEL OIL ! mssi^B. I »--« tai Conn., collapsed on Mlaquamlcut sf no measureable precipitation. A poll of some Insurance com­ of a hill parallel to the railroad j / W lt E LitTM W O fr y Beach after emerging from the ing awards were made: aVpId^pie,' ' It was Washington's hottest day tracks anil Woodbrldge St. Miriam Forbes, flrat; frostfd de- ; panies and-faetorlse,this morning Reigiatratloas may be taken at Bay alhar U M ar InformaUan '! Eat/ lalk. IsukS or sa»»i» without: water Sunday and died of a heart • f 1953. ’ gave no' indication 'that workers LeFort (escaped Injury. lighti>„Miriam Forbes, fliat; banana It waa Detroit’s and New York’s given hy calling M1-3-M14, ——1. — ^— '• — -'(* ■—-— ------* cake, idartlyn Baker flrat; yaUowX .in /;• ^ f/Os woutdibe xeleaaed car)y today be­ I firmer arwl mf. WMmark rkArllaa Local hospitals reported no new volumes of water, there^Are no returned from the Dance Congresa In New York City.’ m , ^fckol 3.4320 IGat rAUTKETH kt any drus atore. canned fruits. / r consecutive days of 90-degree Aootlior Sdrvico By Crocheting, afghans. Mrs. Nath­ caSea of . heat exhsNstlon today. falls as high which carry as^tpn^i> temperatures. One man waa overcome by the year-aroiind volume as. Niagara. \ MANCHESHR an -Pell, se&nd; /tableOtolh, Mrs.j >*PWknp On "Poily,.. - Same Thing Every where Hazel RosebiooKs, first;' dollies, Express* - ’Neu'srk has had three atralght AUTO PARTS Mary Michaels, fliat, lAna Wolff, i (!■ relarl days of more than 100, seven In 375 Broad St.. Tel. ImI-9-4538 second; potholders. Msry Michaels, a:t^l;4t a row of 90 defrees or more. a mVETED AND BONDED flrst, Mrs. Hazel Rosebi-ooks, sec-j W^KMrADAV, JOSN WAYMB There have' been no .fains in BRAkE SHOE EXCHANGE ond. I j "FOST AFArSR" Maryland and VlrginlB for wee’'-s. -A.. B R A N D N E W Knitting, draaa. D. Houle, -first; ' prRD,. '.■aol'DIItr'' (la ralarl *T S * |ABT FOkfilf*. It waa different on\the Paclflr air' V*sattt«ae4 ■ Free Farkiaa sweaters, Mrs. Arthur Sweat, first, I Coast. Los Angeles patrolmen were Mrs. Anna Card, aaeond;. aocJta,-T. I notified they would :have to begin — END OF ^I^SON SALEr GREETING CARDS Houle,’ flrat, Mra. Anna Card, sac-i wearing neckties again today, as . For All Occasioas ond. I the city basked In-a mild 74-degree Quilts, patchwork, Mrs. Ruth MltehaN I Starta At Dnak temperature Sunday. 'TheyX have Mitchell; second; tatting. Mra.Hsael been allowed td wear collars open J H P. VORNADO . D A V E Y Roachrooka, first; embroidery, Eva ^ . during the aummef. QUALITY CLEANERS ' OPTICAL COMPANY Harries, first and second; trays.j MftNCflESTER The weather waa entirely differ-/ AIRXONDITIONING UNIT .701 Mala SL - Maachester M n . H. Be'ckert, first and aaconS; i thetha TexMTex bag. Mra. X«ater Cooper. aScond; ! D ra ve Gulf Coastal Plalna. Caoudbursta' —r Now O pen— textile painting. Mrs. Loula Smith,; have ovartaxsd drainage ditches, firat, Mrs, Arthur Sweet, second; ^'hvarflowad atraams and majle lakes ^ AT WHOLESALE COST of W apola, driving some 3,500.lier- MANCHESTER GREEN FOR A GOOD .BUT IN hooked pillow, Mrs. Edith Isharn, Cor. Woodbridqo St. and Middio Tumpiko East second; rugs, Mra. Edith laham. aofia thsir homes. , first. J. Clarke, aecond. adven inq)ies fall in five/noura VENETIAN BLINDS Flowers, best collection' asters. Sunday at Sihton. and eight inches FLENW OF FREE ^ KW G ABC APPLIANCE CO. Can Helen Clarke, flrst. June Squier, Jetl en high grouhd,near Robatown. V Arrow M'lodow Shade Cbmpaay second; five large zinnias. June Both communities are near Oirpus SHONE MI-V-1S7S 21 M AriASt. 349 N. Klala St. Maaebester Squier, firzt, Helen Clarke, second; Christi. TrI. MI-9-M47 1.0 pompom sinniaa. Irena Bhrnltt, On the Connecticut scene the 3-DAY flrat; five calandiilaa, June Squiar, heat clung to the earth ail night, A flrst. Irene Barnitt. second; five and the sun came up this morning WE PICK UP large marigolda, Helen Clarke, bufning a red holt in thin clouds— SERVICE first. Betty pell, second; 10 French and the temperature started riaing marigolds;' Msry Michaels, first, toward a new record for the last DIAL Betty Pcii. second; 10 stems, any day of August. annual. Mary Michaels, first, Fran­ it waa the third day of tha bsqt Mlteholl SAVE — Special Vacationx^ale cis'L^^an, second;. wavs, and obaervara* at the DEUVER Bast single apaclmcn—roae, Mra. ______M P f LET us TAKE YOUR ORDER NOW AND DELIVER YOUR FURNITURE AFTER John Cragin, first, Charlotte 3-8710 Clarke, second; best collection ■•r* ftlarla Tv^r., WIira / . YOUR VACATION . WH" E. IKllltaies. IST#efli»lf*l#r dahllaa'. Mra. Edith Isham, flrat, ipMiwoneweiaw* NO EXTRA CHARGE Janice Clarke, a-cond; glads, six mm4 **Dr«parM« lUArrli'* I ■ \ spikes', Joaeph Gagne,, flrat. Mae (Cobb, aecond; beat arrangement of Don't garden flowera In vaac, Frances l 3 P C . S E T Masamh., first. Batty Pali, second; \ X ^ s t arrangement tn baskcL M'ra. MANCNCSriA Gamble/ ^ l» f h ra h ^ ..fln l. Helen aafke. DJ^YS' -r^- BRCK*T(h aecond;: .bimtifgmttgeTaaBt.. dtuTir' anthemiims, Ma'ry MIrhaeis, first; S T A T E A «lf^Y 0 U failBTiiiff bixtrtabla^jagranfement-^-Mra. A l­ TOBSV A N » tUES. your ; hBBift? : Its Taltie ha» - O A*** edgioeefad* beat daeigned .automaric heating FOR fred Sofacchi, flrst. Helen Clarke, ' 'oduipnieoi told. The reauli of eaore than 23 yean LROIOOt BirobNMy i^aaifi pmt:* y p « aanand^ -misrtaUiea- Basal -aseange-it -“ "Ofii«at*'eniirtedt1ffg 'exp(wiei^^ And Up ment, Mra Alfred Soracchl, firat | THE StRAN^ER ^ORE A GUN” t m UM In ^ pdfit' few ycai^ • Cleanest, quietest/ moat .dependable automatic oil Mrs. PYanras MaXanik', second. : PLUM JO H M R E LA N D la **THB'4aUi MA.N** The increased value is insur­ Wild, flower arrangement, Betty I able. Add to your fire insur- heating obtainable. (Wall-Flame method, of counc!) Pell. ' first; non-blooming house I ...... ll' anceVo cover it. Don’t Ramble • Fuel aavio^ that are not iuil promised, but fyw - lent. M n. Alfred ikiracchi, first, j t n l t t i *’• u/riting! Saves up to 25% on ftn^l^oil— larriat Lyman, second; blooming > with (Ire. Talk it over with r'tfrtvri!'. B STARTS often more—^over ordinary gun burnert. BOYS’ PANTS 50c Aeeording Ta Fabrtea house plants. Mrs. Edith Isham. I this agency today. first. Mn. HyEnglert. second; best j I— T • Expert Innallation by experienced Timken Silent single specimen, any annual- - j Automatic factory-trained mechanics. BOYS’ SUITS 90c Helen Clarke, fint, Irene Bcrnitt. I • Hundreds of thoutandf of latiificd uaen have proved second; best single spike glad. Jo- ' STMAG 17 WILL MAKE YOU it; You get much more when you-buy Timken Silent CUSTOM MADE sf ph Gagne, flrst, Francis Lyman, I Antomatic heating equipment! GIRLS’ SKIRTS' ^ second; best single specimen i ^ U G H , C R Y AND C H U R I (Pleats extra) dahlia—Edna Latham, first, Fran­ SLIP COVERS, ces Masanlk; second; Best single specimen perennial.. Burt Qaylor, QIRLS’ DRESSES 90c lint, Betty Pell, second; collection (Pleats extra) r.50 I of coleus— Russell Andrews, flrst; $ A M Dp Christmas tabla arrangement-^ Helen dlarke. Second. ALL-CHILDREN’S GARMENTS AT V em M Ie Prises Given Vegetabiea, 10'varieties or more, SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE WEEK, DRAPES, CORNICES Hi>bcH Collins, first, Robert Cobb, I secohd: baat five potatoes, Robert - -I aUMMES HTOBE MQUIU): Open From • A. M- Uattl 5:M P. M„ Closed AH FBEE rASKING: 1's« Refth’s Private Parhiag Let Adjoining T V SUaUb ' Ck>bb, flrst, Hubert P. Colllna. sec- coasFACTOufioiufii ‘ nifiim wau-nAMi m u a b u o k ramsAcn Dny Wedneadaya • Optn Every Thunday E realng'rnlll f.—r——■ No. Meter Paridng In T V Entire Block doat gonlh _ {ond; beats. Belle Robtnaon. first, arevldi eH Hie bess8t» of, fiUlNIfiS ere-’dwiesed -ibrlee *• eeefii ewser Ae • ' 3 ‘ ______( Hubert Collins, aecond; cucuntbera j eelesietu heel .al III- ta Ar a3 ibeper asd dtee . ernael Is cesialete edslar TEL. MI-9-7862 I Belle Robinson, flrst, Joseph BILLUli DON OTTO' dees, a«ler baat. ' e( (yrseaaa end bedert. air eesdMesIse. CAlaLS TAKEN UP TO 9 P. M. iGagne, second; carrots. Belle Rob-. HOLUEN-TAYLOR'I^REMINGER ' 175 Eaat I inson. first, Hubert ColHns. second; PiaOcad sad DmcM by BILLY WILDER SfouJkv Sold ond imteMeS 4 f onions. Hubert Cqllins, flrst. Fran­ Center 8t. jm J t v f C Y MANCHESTER anSN M aa aaN by IlUV WILMI w4 {BURN 9LUM i _ — .- 1 SHIRT ces Masenik. second; >^tomstoes— TeL MI-9-7M5 Plo Belli, flrst, Arthur Smith; aec­ lM 4«aaf% by 90Mia KVU m4 ItSluao TUCMSM 3-DAY 25c ond; peppers. Stanley Andreev, •A PbraMWiit nciari.^kBWB^« Edgar Clark* OIL HEAT ft EN6INEERLNG, Inc. first. Arthur Smith, second. ON t h e >Ba m b k h g w ~ \ - . .1 SHIRTS Beet collection 5 squaahaa. Rus­ liianror 244 MAIN ST. TEL. Mi.f.1144 SERVICE 69 c sell Andrews, tint, Tony Maxanik, W oyno M orris /V 5 ;,!. • - * ...... " l u ’z n i L h t barond; aaeorteir variaties, largeal /#’ - OR lUfiNW • O f' I • OH MUIACB • uruNfi m atm Nii^nn /'i UPHOLSTERING and DECORAllDIG CO. winter aquash, Tony Masanlk. first 'TH E MARKSMAN ■ iliiBBB ahd second; muafcmalona, Mary ~'l ■ . ' ■ * ' • / ■ -■ •/ \ • • . % \ .’

./ /. / • • ■ X MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHraTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 31,1963 FA G B flV I jg v . ■ \ ICANCHESTEB e v e n d ^ MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, AUGUST SI, 19B8 p X g e p o u r Rockville^Vemon* Cotfentry Ellington m n s fi 2 Skvumteh Schei 199la.l Health Cohsultant Pumper Drive Town Approves I m r m r KiiyAn)«ailf and Frieft«l e x a tio n Red Thrpflt Pravda^ 24.25 10.25 festitities Beaudry Drops Sch IBid; 8.787.628 School solos Hiked $100 by Tneoday, Ss 196S mwww - $ 3 S t A f 8 0 ^ 3 «. m. . Siobert McCwth 'a IM* at 1160 two HOAO rSga • "Y E S " praeapdr «l)4 **t sf I rg u m e n ts Step m...... Vshiiiteerf Need*ceded Promised Board to Decide Keene Donation ...... Volualeerii Nrejed , Ellington, Aug. 31 (Specially umallcwiH «• »l6 -6^ g «* amployad man, U. S. with Slander 4 a. m...... "fhe town voted to build a 20-room m,-9 a. m...... Victoria Fllewlcs or tingle. • 1-day ■ > __ ~ : m -rTv-r;-Mrs.- -Mary-Closer J acquettn* Ben- - jicti6al-«fUb-f.nmblnad gymnaaflinv flist; • You srtoet beat peyaaent date, ^reat XOHHaaM fr*M 'P«i* iSm y- bav*-oirculatad -4a. JVaat-.Barliat. ■ -Rockville,-Aug.—>1' (Special -to'Eaptr'W. bund 8*9: ’*toy ’ C&’V91ttfyr^uT'Til7~-~T8|>ea^ and'SUditorium at a total cost » hour to apply. • Conslderat* — in y e a r List » He] ______' but. undarground organlaal^ns Sundkwiat, 34, Glastonbury, ■ nett Meeting Morgan I. Campbell, chairman ol Hank Keene oL^kewood Heigh' ...... Mrs, Robert Coleman, Robert 8587.628 a special town mekt- terests. Find out **hy, fit's l^mmad to bo ruret" rounded up on auapioVin plot- 1 such ,as me ipaediag, 824; Joseph Page, *82, 12 Npon-3 p. m. iMi Wmm Pag* Oaa) . tha School BuAdlng Committee has donated 81(wHoward the Genoveai ing Friday flight. The school Imlld- le a r n 839 lo 8966 o* 8lg—Isri *lo*A f. tCMiUnoe^from Page Oae) ting to create diaqrdara In BprlngMld. Mass., Illegal parking, ing committee' Jiad been -plaiiritng baa called a maatlng of the 'ccmtlnued to Bepl. 14; and Francis OOO pumper tank Hyufk 3 p. m.rS p, m...... Mrs. Hazel Small. Mra Beatrice. ;., submitted s UOP (irotip To Meet fftftonera, but some others now an armorei] battalion had been de­ with a forthcoming congreeilonal and women from Drea » question.. be Weat..oaiiflxny.'"'' ------—-~ --- wllh-the People-’a paUca TbMgaid.. -"'prerlptnO ....considered — -hy ■■ - the- iaxlcabo/lri-'rofit of -WOR -offloea kiiaoin aa -Uia achool. bond - tasua. W tikcr was reported mi.sslng in been put on the alert. But the offi­ however, the police usually fitreat second and th|rd grades, Mrs. the Nathan Hale 6bmmuhity Cen­ near Tlrhea Square were Earl John­ " ^ a will pay for all expenses in said there was no early prospect Offtclala aald thoaa arrested BehoofBuilding Committee in ter. There will be an informal dia- action Nov. 4. 1952 when he was cials termed these actloh49'rOutlns. that any of the unions WpeUed because the public etlcka together oi dei/in have the entire amount in- Raymond Lehrmltt; foWrth grade, Workers End son, .ylce president in charge of ionnectlon with the new school os ej^ clses" as part of maneuvers today weif»^,:wrtylnt- 200 West Mrs. Arthur Satryb; fifth grade. ctission of potential candidatea and well aa land at Crystal Lake. EXKRrSERVICE FOR jiM n bailing out of a-erlppled plane from the CIO several years ago on German markk. 1 147.00) each, and threatens mass rioting should Chwd in this bid. engtrieering for Mutual 4pt®r Wonsan in North Korea. underway in the area for sdme their packages, of food ba seUed. Mist) Judith-Clayton: slgth and party policy. The parly caucus for WOR. and William McEvllly, /a Report Vote Defeated grounds that they followed .tjie along with forged'papera and big .-At last week’s meeting 'aeveral seventh gj-adek; Mias Hazel Kuhn- voting on nominations will be Sept. 1 1 -Day Strike I f Barly la.st May, the Hikers re- j , time. ^ ■ . Mias Marta B«nklay Oommnnist line would be put oh traffic clerk. , A motion to rescind a vote tak- Jcelved a telegram from 'Vice Ad- . bundles ‘ of propagahaa.- . ' '\ Uema were considered which could ly; eighth grad* to be announced; 14 at 8 p. m. here. Town elections Rome newspapers reported, Use attorney general'e Het «>f sub­ T h e federal bordef <., policy / be eliminated and-a committee of ninth grade, Joseph BelottI; 10th- will be Oct. 5. Police said a line of p ic k ^ was i en in 1940 which left to the select- ANY TYPE BURt|ER! 1 miral J. L. ^iolloway, Jr. saying j without oflcial ekp'tanation, that Miss Marie. Buckley of 111 (CttDtlBued from Page One) / hot involved, but that a Jbitering men's discretion the material to lhat their son was reported .safe | versive orgenisstlons. . atraag^Mined thelc patrqtji to'keep Tiiiniigrant Law Chairman Morgan Campbell, First 12th, The Rev. ^ Maurice G. Mottaer’a Club an Italian crulsep; two destroyers Weils 8t„ received the degree of CIO Pmsldent Walter P. Reii- agenUi from seeping..4crosa the X.- Stelrctmen Herbert I. I’a^ani and “ ' / -group of men swung info action be printed in the town report waa in an enemy prison camp but. and a number/df small vessels Foulkes. The Young Mothers Club meet­ strike stag* after today when the , pickets called out, "here defeated by a 61-40 vote. Master of Science in Public Health ther answered Brownell In De­ 'fntntier at isolated piMnta. John R, Gottier were named as a Family 8er*'lce Set ing Tuesday will be at 8 p. m. in H o t t e r Let us check ^ u r burner 4Earned that the report could not-i sailed last night Into 'Venice har­ troit. West German offj^lala said the Delay I§ Urged s ibcommitt.ee to negotiate other There will be a Family Service union will have complied with the ; come some scabs n o ^ ' Some wanted every expenditure for W t loae—oolust It—, bor. across the northern Adriatic Education at the Urdyereltjr of the Nathan Hale Community Cen­ to be. listed in the 'Town Report. i• jbe authenticated. I "Amcricen labor has been and Rada Intanded to spread Commu­ Items which, would itecan 'addi­ each Sunday, with a full worship ter. The new year will begin with 60-day notice required before con-1 The melee was iq-oken up quick- clean it — make au)» youH ;i "It has always been our belief from Trieste. Tenneseec, Knoxville, Aug. >2, nist propaganda and create pre­ tract cancellation under tha Taft-jly, and four men were arrested on This. It was explained, would add .Mobllhoat, tool is eternally vigilant In fighting (Cd*tlanii6-from Page One) tional ravings. service and a.division for parents ihe ^following officert; get edmpletf eoml^tion H hat Andv was safe." Hiker's Trieste's Italian-language press and will leave in mid-September communism at the bread and but­ election and election day dlaturb- Mr. Campbell snya that Hie firm and other adults. The program of Hanley Act- laa-sault charges/A policeman said greatly to the size of the report t father said after he received the President, Mra: W. Bryce Honey when you need it. echoed Rome's fears at possible for Detroit, Mich., where ehe will ter level . . . Where It builds Its ancea crats have Just aw^ened to the feels It cannot construct the build­ visual aids will be presented week­ well; vice-president. Mrs. Waller Sept. 8 is the rontract-cancella- he was punched several times by and printing coats. ; kclegram. . new YuMslav moves and the rimUig the The others who submitted bids temtent',' -with Mra -LucIHe -Kuhnly- plahts 1)1 Fair River,. MasJ., 'end of IT ahnpimcer* ro 'report for I 'lt-w a s also voted- to pay the ' trained, reliable drivers. I at New York Hospital, and is a' as secretary-treasurer, Mlaa Eva partlei and all boards are request­ work. Supervisory personnel took | aecond selectman 81.50 per hour }|>ri March M. 195.1, his plane was much "real corruption” when he. It is a well-organized "passive PrMidenl's "admiration'B^n snd grati were Bartlett-Brainard Co., West ed. to be present w-ho might re­ In New Caatie and Nobleaville. Ind. I member of the American Associa- took over et the Justice Depert- resistance,’’ which exists in every! Little, organist and choir director. The other plants affected are tne over the announcers' duties. Ju st' for time spent In town business ir HoUtrMobilheal contains jiiit by flak over North Korea and tion of Dietitians. She was for- tilde for 'the rem ar^ble leadership Hartford. 8624,800; B. F. Pertas Mrs. Raymond'Dadd will be In quest special appropriations or 4|i'hS seen to crash-land. jnent. Brownell replied ares of the East Zone, said the you gave to the ^ergbney Icglals- Co.. Hartford. 8644,437; BonvlCInl present their'budgets. mafo one at Akron, employing 10.- as other supervisors have filled in ; as well as 10 cent* a mile for the all the heat unita your '1 No trace of him was found and Porkitvanis Heifer Given D e a t h s :merly theropeutic dietitian in Wa-' "We found more Incompetence trade union's official'newspaper, charge of the Cradle Roll and Mrs. 000. and at Loa Angeled. Dea for the engineers. "Sb*® of hi* car in addition to the burner can possibly use— terbury Hospital and ‘later on the tion. which m u y people believed Building Co., Torrington. 8647,500; Robert Paluaka will direct the Hronta Plan Auction YOU CMTT KAT OIL RUITI ; Moines, Memphis and Potta- A station official said one an- M5 in salary, staff of the Connecticut Dairy and Birthday Offering program. Boy Scouts of Troop 65 will re­ noiincer phoned in to say he wa* I The third select man will also be CIme, CiMap, AattMtkl . bums cleanly, completely. ; been killed in combat, Miss Mildred Erickson that the overwhelming number of The union orgen singled out sev­ Lehman mined with seven Dem­ 000. -/■' sume meetings Tuesday at a town. Pk/ , Food Council. ' ' eral examples, such as Dresden, \ Any family"wishing to Join the ' given, nillegae. The salary of the ij Another Connecticut man, Sgt. To Norman Luck of Bolton Miss Mildred Erickson of Hart­ emploves were honeet workmen, ocratic 8 eA a tori and 24 Dem­ At the special town meeting school will be welcome with regis­ campfire ses.sion at 8 p. m. at the The change in the pensioni plan jboseph W. Wozniak, a New Haven Mr- and Mrs. John H. Biickle.v but that the leadership was very Frankfurt on the Oder, apd Qoer- will increase payip^nta to em­ No apoke.*man of .the announc-: Town Treasurer was Increaapd ford., a former Manchester resn- were present at the ceremony in ocratic House members In offering held during the apring,. the erec: tration Inking place on Sept. 20. home of Sanford H. Hathaw’ay of era' union, the AFL American from 8400 to 8500 and the.aasess- 4lnfantryman./'was also relea.sed poor, snd that merltoriout.jMrvtce lits on the Polish border for speclsl tion of a new elementary schoolon the troop committee. Plans are to ployes who retire/atr-lirexi 65 after .25 dent, passed away at the Hart­ Knoxville, and have returned with crlUclam. In Dresden, three a bill earlier this month to ebol- Booster d ub Meets Federatlon of Television and Ra- ora salary waa Increased from '.1 westerday. RIker and Wobnlak are ■^e first chapter in- a continu­ Norman will, now turn over to ford Hospital Sunday afternoon was not sufficiently rewarded and, where, Ish the tredttlonel netional ortg- Ka.*t Street was approved at a Philip Aiidibert, president of the elect officers. The Scouts wMI •'on- years service from 8100 to 8125 Ith e 14th and 15th POWs from the the club the calf’s first born calf her to Manchester. by leaving ' incompetents on the ringleaders were shot and 35 This will appl/iiy tbto Worker* who dio Artists, was immediately; 81.00 an hour to- 81.50 an hour, ing memorial to "Pprkiwsnis,'' the after a lon'g'lllness. Ini^iota ayatem of the McCarran- cost not to exceed 8665,000. How­ Rockville Little League Booster duot a "Clean Your Attic and Cel­ available for comment. Other salaries will be subject }ktate to be returned in the current X'orkshlre pig which last year was •so that Kiwanis can-make a sim­ Miss Erickson was bom In East Job, others w^re discouraged from others given long Jail terms fol­ Wklter Act and to Increase the ever, this amount included the Club has ('ailed a meeting of the lar" au'etion the latter part- of Sep­ have rettreiL/ since t)>*, 5-year i exchange. ilar presentation to another 4-H doing their beat profeaalonal lowing the June riot*, the paper pension an/ insurance pact first Also affected in the strike Is to approval of the Board of Se- M obilheat t-aised by Klwlanis' clubs through­ Hampton, but spent most of her permissable flow of Immigration to rqiiiptng of the school ivtth desks, I- club for tonight at 7';30 In the tember. time and place to be an­ WOR-TV, a non-network video lectmen. This change was made J1 For the Wozniaka, the news w-aa. out the state, was written .'this youngster at a late.f date, thus life in Manchester. She is well work:" said the locaW'unlon had not yet 251,000 persons annually. Quota.* chairs and other material, Superior Court room, 'Memorial nounced. ' y ' was signed on June 5, 1950. SOCONY.VACUUM HEATING OIL fijnj'ou.s hut there was miagiv-/ Reds Promise criticized Itself nor weeded out any, About 160. radio and T.V. bn a favorable vote of 59 to 28. some noon when the local Kiwanis club perpetuating, the memory of "Por- known here and was long a mem­ are now limited to 454-000 .a year- Bulldlngi .uz-w-./ .Anyone.Jtaving -aitlriea- to «on- • Employes will be eligible fori station-: ■ ;5ng. One of Joseph's two brothers ofila oWn people a* responsible./ CSty Taxes Due tw-o weeks of paid vacation after, aniployes are involved original sponsor of the pig. pre­ kiwanls." ber of the Emanuel Lutheran The a t y of Rockville's 1953 KIchard M. Hlarke tribute may call Charles Adams. the meeting. *»nd five sisters will have to tall The pig, purchased la.st year, "One would have the impressKm Richard M. Starke. 53. died at Hathaway, Mrs. Henry Sherman, three-years. Instead of flve .yeais. The company say* both WOR I#iim when he arrives home that h lr sented a heifer calf to 12-year,old Church.' To Return .500 that in Dresden there never property taxes on the grand list and WOR-TV have been operating Norman Luck. and replaced the old "traveling surviving her are three sisters. of Oct. 1, 1952 are due ami payable hla home on 13 Morrlaon St., fol- all pf th« Covenlky exchange, or Title health Insurance proviiiona CALL M ITCH EU 3-5135 FOR TOP QUALITY • Another died last February. gavel,■' making a tour of all the About Town June 17," the Tribune com BelireiuU normally. except that picketing Manchester Evening Herakt El­ Norman, the son of Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. John A. Hultman of Hartford, Sept. 1, 19.53. William F. Luddecke, toyi’lng a short lllneaa this morn­ Stanley Maaon p( the Storrs ex­ will'give employei and their de­ lington correspondent, Mr*. O. F. f| The IVozniaks took the hews clubs In the state. It started out In Goerlitz, the Tribun change. Proceeds will be for the pendents up to 120 days of semi- haa prevented lelecaatlng- of SILENT GLOW OIL lURNER^ Fred Luck, of Route 85. Bolton, Mrs. Walter Berg of West Hart­ American PWs "provocateurs" won the^aympathy city tax collector, will be at the ing. H« waa born in Germany Dec. Brrr, telephone Rockville 6-9318. sjniiietly; there was'no exuberance. in July, 1952, as a 30-pound piglet, , Mrs. Nellie Bradley of Phelpe 31. 1899. the aon of Emil and troop fund. . private accommodations, full pay­ Brooklyn Dodger baseball game*- J; A veteran of 15 .years Army was awarded the calf at the club's ford, a'former. Manchester resi- Rd. has returned after spending of their working com/adei even 30th AnniversarV Town Clerk's office from Sept. 1 weekly meeting at the Manchester but returned in February, 1953, borough and several nieces and Bertha Raschard Starke. Prrsdaal Mention ment of hospital fees, 83 s day for WABD has folecast these games , iwervice, Joe speht . nearly three (Contiaiied from Page One) severs 1 weeks in Rochester, N- ^ t after they were arreiRed and, onpe to 15 Incliiiive. Monday through In-hoapital medical payments and since Friday. i JrgeM of the Nigerian city of Country Club. Ray Owens, past weighing 2.50 pounds. nephews. Friday from 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to At the time of hla death he was Mr, and Mrs. Leo F. Tremblay’s MORIARTY BROTHERS ih'eara in a Communist pri*on camp and later in Raj’mond, Maine. freed, were reinatateo in the^rrh. Jobs. *8r. and Mrs. Herman A. Behrend twentyrseventh wedding anniver­ surgical payments up to 8250. The Job assignments and work : He says that an ancient '6n North Korea. For him, it was president and ori^nator of ^ the W, G. Glenney,' Jr.,- who went to 'The funeral will be held Wednes­ In the Stalin Steel Worlis at 5 p.m.. Saturday from 9 to 12 a.m. employed at the Goldfarb Grocery schedules under a propose'l new made the people work so hard idea, made the presentation. the New Haven Experimental Sla day afternoon from the Emanuel to/go home include those accused Inn m«n “7 144 High St., whose 30th wed- and had been pravioualv empl^ed sary was celebrated Sunday. plan also covers out-patient X-ray 315 CENTER ST. . MANCHESTER t ianpther ordeal he escaped alive. of crimes before or after their cap­ Mi»s Merv Ann Kscavich. Frankfurt, the and Monday and'Friday svenlngi. ifrylc*_ for dlagnijatlcal purpoaea. contract are main issues in the they resolved to have only men — i-r fotighf in the European .The- I The calf presented to the Bolton f.tion in New Haven this morning., to .Lutheran. churclL.at..2. o’clock------ture.'‘ ------;------—— ------d s i^ te r of Mr. end Mrs.- Michael 'a wo*r;Ur^a from 7 to -8-p ;itr.n ie 'Offtcr wtlt aa-a..atewanl.at..Ula Maple Gtpve . .hlarldell Xaonord .of .R w t .Rd, youngster, who has been a 4-H | complete the purchase of the calf, Calling hours.at Watkins Funeral collect money celebrated the event with a family Club, where he waa a priwlnent will observe her eleventh birthday The failure of ahnouiicera id re- rdiapufe:-.: ...... '■-■' t ruler* thereafter.------^ miar during World War II and re- jescavl-h of S North School St., had been a ir b e d during the riot be closed on Labor Day. Club member for a >umber, of j was in charge of the program this Home will be Monday and Tuesday The Reds gave the assurances at dinner yesterday at Schaub's Res­ member. / Tuesday. ' A — . "c?^•ed a Purple Heart for the a 1-hour and 49-minute sesaion pf today . entered the Waterbiiry Ho.s- Ing. Nothing was done, the Tri­ taurant, In Warehouse Point, 3tr. Luddecke says he wishes to Mr. and Mrs. RuMell Albro and years, was purchased with the noon. night from 7 to 9 o'clock and Wed­ bune said,/about a union official He la survived by hla^ife. Mrs. wounds he received. received when."PorkiWahis" Guest speaker at the meeting the Joint Military Armlatlce Coin- pital School of Nursing for a three call attention tb the provisions Jennie Panclera Starrs'/ one son. family of Ozone Park will spend He has a wife and two children fund's j nesday morning until 10:30. ^ who Joined the marchers carrying Among the guests was the Rev. regarding idiacount and interest. A was slaughtered and the ...meat was Donald Gaylord, who is con- inlsaion after MaJ. Gen, Black- I rear course.' Kimbcr Moulton who is In the East' Sgt. Richard M. Starke. Jr., ' pf trie (omlng week at the family 1 In Quitman, Ga. shear M. Bryan. seWor AH'*d dele- 1 ^ - an sntlTRed slogan. discount of 5 per cent will be al­ Last Of flquadron sold. ' liected with 4-H work. from California, and whose wife, San Diego,'Calif.: one daijghle/i.summer home ip South Coventry. ' < I gate, aaked whether ' the Reds ! Hose and Ladder, Company No. ftialrinaa In Fore lowed if taxes are paid in full on Mrs. Erwin Riuck of Mahchcater: f When RIker disappeared last Ihe, fewmer Mias Elsie Turklng- " or before Sept. 15. .Mrs. Amanda MrQue.*ttn return, Funerals would repatriate ajl prisoners who | l, SMFD, will bold Its monthly chairman of the Ban Union ton jiionhls town, It now deceased. one sister, Mra. Wtltpn Newmarksr | ed to her home in Hollis. L. I., i November he/had been on a strike want to return meeting tomorrow mother.... ----Mr*. '■-igSh even 'tocjny holds honorary mem­ Oct. 1. .aive action, after appareUtly being \ aecond strong protest sgsihst T h e cefeniony uniting M*.^ the Italian Social Glub/, of Hollis who aprftt the day here. r ■ , - -V’ - o'clock at the Watkins Funeral American . assistance to C))iang C. Koh.en and son 'Vincent, W 79 bership in the district board of Tenala 'Tbunvey Funeral will be helil Wednes­ hit by flak. None of the members T Bolton residenta anxiou.s to get Home. Thomas Longatreth. locpl Behfend and the former Miss' Kai-Shek in the plot to detain" Walnut St,, have been spending governors. Minnie Hunnlford. was performed Senll-dnar games will not be day at 2' p. m, from the Burke Manchester Evening Herald i of his own squad saw him. but behind a drive to 'purcha.se a re- Christian Science render, officiat‘d played today at. Henry Park In Heaf Greets Ten Bajjiea captured Red Chinese soldiers. the past two weeks at Rocksway The stick-together attitude of by the late Rev. Jacob A. Biddle, Funeral Home. Burial will be at North Coventry correspondent, Liwif A, WiTHtasr. Faso FobDMAIS, Near Habi Y M- Cook. DmUmi, pilots from the Aircraft Carrier auscitatnr for the town have run and Jamea MyKay presided ,at the the city's tennis tournament. They MBS. B. Collins Eocaz, F. A. Nosman. Btibtl, Mas. Rhza Scott. ITsir- Fbanz C. Clabzi. Dmm- The broadcast said Red delegate Beach, N. Y. the population in general has been who wws rector of St. Mail's Epis­ Grove Hill Cemeterv. Friends ipsy Mrs. Walter S. Haven, telephone * »*«, ff'rr. "No other ci|- kmry. Comm. "For 40 rears Alhml. JI«j|,"Camclazi*e Vee* Cat. "In 35 rears Tom. "Mr Camel dart ga Kearsage saw a parachute descend smack llito another altuation, born organ. *• ' Lt. Gen. Lee Sang Cho protested reflected recently in the experi­ Will be played tomorrow...Satur­ call a j the hmer'al home tomor­ Pilgrim :-66ttt. LootoMiMt.,Trmm. "i v* Comm. ' Talk abour resu! Heat wave has not In any copal ChiilTh. 1893-1903. For 37 rears 1 »e been arette hat ever been able I're smoked Camels, two me more plfature than fve fouiKl rou can't get . bock to 1917 and forme and land safely. of the town's rural character Burial will take plpce roday in that Chinese Nationalist agents Mf. and Mrs. Dean l^hOvit. who' ences of Eaat Germans who defyi day l.eo F I a h e r t y defeated row from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 9 preferred Camels since Camel mildoettand ricb- no other brand comat up __^__'i For several days and nights.. waV affected the Hb‘*rmty Mr. and Mrs, Behrend have lived ' I9I8-*rhea I was a Red provinz Camels are the to win me asrar from packs a dar, with aoching aor osber braisi|, and have 'Ward at Manchester Meihon*! which would make the\equlpment the .Oakwood Cemetery. Town- landed at the Allied POW camp at have )>een living in Jtown for two Communist threats and come to Saturday Leo Flaherty - defen ted p. m. » Priest-d<>ctora of ancient Asi- bur pleasure at cbcrctull!'’ for .33 ysars pik|a!~ oets hi aor other brand.'’ to Camels.'' other 4>lanes flying in the vicinity uselesB' -there’a no one 'In Bolton shend. Vt„ with John McClure. in town all of their married Mfe. Cross nurse ia France." dneai smoke there ist" Camelt — io JO rears!" Hospital. Kojs Island laat Wednesday and months, while Mr. ^ h o v it was in- j West Berlin to pick up. free Amen Now retired, he w a s'* cabinet Bill Liuidecke. 6-1. 6-4; John Fiir- Syria kne/w that sea kelp would reported seeing " ’down pilot " sig­ to operate the machine. Christian Science reader from the Thursday to induce Chinese POWs phey defeated Earl Schindler. 6-0. Talcglvllle itenas are now han­ help keep wounds sterile and that i nals, probably/fropi a flashlight. Four births took place F ri­ terne at Manchester Memorial .lean food parcels. maker and employed bv Cheney The' fown'a Are departlnent Is First. Church of Christ Scientist, not to retura to the Red mainland. Ho.*pital. have returned to Iowa police attempts to wrest the 6-0: Dale Harned won by default dled through iIm Manrh-ater Eve­ goiter was helped by burnt sponge TTiese. signals disappeared after day, Including twin eons to Brothers' In the carpenter shop. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Piela of complelily volunteer; wltnpiit a Hartford officiating. Peiping /Wid Oeh. Lee told the City where he ill enter bis senior packages from the returning bor­ Tliey have two children, Lester, over Roger Flaherty; Frank Bar- ning Herald Rockville bureau lo­ although they pro'oably did not about 10 days. 'Wonsan If a heavi- single paid flreman who would be hero defeated Harold Luetjen 6-0, cated at ene Market St., lele- know that the results were due to i Iv edneentrated enemy area, and 36 Birch St., two njorh births U. N. del^atea "that these actions year at medic ' ■chool. der crosaera have resulted In fist who is a guard st the Aircraft I on regular duty at the Are hbuae. ^ Robert Carinl fights, at various railway alations. 6-0 pimne Roc/ltvllle 5-818/ _ ^ • the iodine content ,p(_lheir . retnc- • the RIker* were eonvlnpad llMlr -occurred Sunday and four more ;/ Funeral seJwicea were held this are. in yiqiatlon of the armistice olant and a dsiiehter,,.Mrs.' John : Neither is there a ifclice forcU In agreeir^ t and demanded an .Im­ Miss'Tli^y E. O'Dwyer of 278 ReporU of imiistial violence call-_____ ■..... Sunday T>bh'Shannon defcaltd dle.*.: /■ —^— sop was captured‘arul taken pri*-j ,1ip to 1 p,.fflV. today...... , 1 Bolton;-or any other full-tl morning at 14 a.m. In Rose Hill Heffron of Rockville and One Of the last 10 births, the mediate end to them.” ' Oak SC./s spending her vacation Ing for action by . Ruaalah troops'gi^^dchild. Thomas Heffron. "■ David Daviie 6-1. 6-2; Boh Dtitda ------on»» oTwar. i l6wh agency employing^a . Funeral Home, Rocky Hill, for at Hanmton Beach, N. H. rfefeatNl Joseph Horvath 6-3, 8-3; ice Open Riker had been oh active duty malea-led, 7 to 8. , t'who could operate a resusdtatoi Robert Cirinl, 8-year-old soh of Pusan, the U. N. Command eleven Nationalist repreaenta- Chet Numerych defeated Clarence aboard the USSyOrlskany in the and answer calls In an emergency. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Carinl, Hallch«.r. 9-'7. 6-3 and John Fnr- For Regislraliong Pacific after receiving hi? wings who met death by -drowning In visitsd antk-Red Chinese town's artesian well as Love These smokers The town's lack of a reausclta- iWs last week in U. N. camps L a ^ haa been In 34-hour opera- phey defeated Leo Flaherty 6-1 at the Pensacola Navy Air station James Downing. 65 Overlook Dr.; tor, as "well as that of a resK^nt Ibwer Bolton I-ake. Friday after- 6 0 In Florida. He was graduated,from on Cheju Island. tlpn since-Friday, 8ew«r snd .Wa-j and - . John Asiklar. 465 North Mals St.; physician, was dramatized Friday jnoon. Rev. J. R. Yeager, pastor of Court Cltoes Heard High School . Principal Edson Ponffret School in Pomfret. and eight-year- thCyUnlted Methodist Church. Bol,' A U.N. Command statement said r Department personnel said to- | Bailev announced today that the 956 Mre. Abigail Adams, Andover/ in the drowning of day. ,Tbs -well w*s started a, few I Hazel Pearl I.,ew1s. 46. Talcolt- haum C. B. CAirtNTia, 1C|a«- attended Trinity College and the Miss BsYbara Hughes. RockvllW; I ton.\ officiated and burial was the Nstio.nalista reassured the Chi high ^hool offlce.^will be open eve­ C ^ E DicazB, old Robert Carinl ncSe tthat they will not be forced days ago whan the town's Roaring vllle. received a 20-day au.*pended . Tot s iL mi A CampsiLL. Norfolk NorngotiKk, Comm. "For cbofs)*, N. Y. ''Jl/raat* University of Colorado at Boulder Mrs. Viol\ Rettingtr. Floral Park, In. that tragedy, flremen from >Hoso Hil) Memorial Cemete sentence in. Rockville CItv Court fVry day 7hlsthis week to eroept reg-' Vi. "No other cigarette ; before entering , Naval aviation Hill, return to Red China. "The repreai Brook Reservoir In Giaefonbitry 37 rears I’ve been a I've smoked Cnrnrts and N. Y.\ Philip McGehsn, 36 M ar­ the ^ u t h Maijcheater _,Fire De- this morning, following her ron- Istratlona of new stiidenta who SI. auin me like Camelt! And .^1 still cnk>r tbaa mat og training. bearers were Irving tatives, the statement said, ^Iso dropped down, to 65,000,000 gal- hsVe arrived Ih town over the Camel smoker because to shall Rd.; Ihneat Kearns. 220 East partment resppnded '' promptly | \The urged the Chinese to cooperate ' Ions, about half its capacity. With vlction on a breach of peace I ve been smoking them me Camelt taste, beat!" ; as ever." A member of Sigma Chi fra­ Middle "h'ke\; Terry Boudiieau, LeWis 'Nqrria Jobiiy’ ' Musa pummer. 'TeEN5 ■eadilr since 1914!" gaiTB CilMEIS when called, but Bolton residenta when they are turned over to the ! no rain falling lii the past several charge. ternity Ensign Riker entered the Bolton; Mrs. Marie Seaward and feel their town shouldn’t have to Lout* Cagink Before ■ passing sentence. Asso­ The -new registrants Will swell <^C Navy in 1950. He .first was as­ neutral nations repatriation rom- { days, the reservoir has dropped fo an advance high school enrollment I daughter, Hartford; Mre. BUsabeth dejiend' on Manchester for aid of mission, which will decide /'their if.OOO.OOO gallons. ciate Judge Thomas L. Larkin * « * a w - / signed to Pensacola for pre-flight ScofieM, flR ld ri^ e St.; Mrs. Roee NAnniversarjc- M a a s ------that already atands at a record this kind. • ■ fats. — ..... ' ■ . 7 . . gave the accused s stem warning training and then advanced to Milllx, .37 Pleaaaht Si.. Rockville; Nor do they want to have to An anniversary mass for the re­ t/” hi-rth of l.S.'M. basic training climaxed ‘Tiy six for talking out of turn' during the Mre. Freda Nelao'D. 71 Delmont rely on the Tri-County Mutual pose of the soul of Felix Farr will court _ session._____ Bailey also announced a slight takeoffs and landings on the air­ St.; Mias Ellzabetlv. Psnlcako, 54 Aid syatem to which they belong: be said tomorrow morning at 7:45 Haiigons Celebrate Today's appearance was the aeC-'-change in the scheduling of the craft carrier VSS Monterey in Spring. St..'Kra kvlll^-. Andover, the/ nearest member In St. James' Church. ond of the month for Mrs. Lewis double sesslong, which i\jll be In the Gulf of Mexico. Public Records effect for the aecond year in a pow DISCHARGED SUNk)AY; Mrs. town. Is abou/five tnllea away, the "V Silver Anniversarv for disturbing the peace, growing After advanced training at Cor­ Florence Girard and daugtkter, 71 lame Uistanfe. approximately as out of neighborhood quarrel*. She at the high achool. He said the pus Chrlsti. Tex , Riker returned ^ ^Uon St Edward, Cormier. M anchest^ but help from that McIntosh Store Warraatee Deed / waa fined ,825 or Au/. 3 for the afternoon s-ssion v.lll start at Boys to Pensacola to qualify in his com- 92 West Main St., Rockvilla; Robert source haa never been requested. Dominick Andreo and Mary Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick W. Han­ , same offense. 12:35 Instead of 12'!40; which will hat-type aircraft and then was as- up Autumn St.; MrK. Grace Boltoit Volunteer firemen, mean­ Andreo to Lot-eh Andrep and Mar­ son. esiebrated thsir 3Sth wedding Other ca.*ra heard in court this ; permit the afternoon achool tc?' Bigned to Corpus Christi to com- coUins, 4 Green Hill St.; Alfred while. have railed a apeclal meet­ Scorched bv Fire garet M. Andreo, property on anniversary yestbrday afternoon THE GREAT morning include: - , i;loae at .5:05 rather than 5:10. plete training and a.saignment to Henneguin. 843 Main St.; Mrs. ing at the flrehouse~for 8 o'clock Bush Hill Rd. and evening, with "open house" at Leland M. Pearl. 21. Storia.J Juniors' aeniors and gollege “W H O KNOW " active duty with the fleet in thetvivlan Gavello, 27 Florence St.; speeding S18; .James J. Dullaiy. preparatory sophomores attend the DqL'CLASCtZCOtY.Neti> A. R Stow. Wooaiii tomorrow night to plan a cam­ (biltclalm Deed their home. .131 Hollister St. They io old A. StzALIY. fiUtkmrtk, Pacific. - Svliella I.a'rkin. 12 Oakland St.; Quick action on the part of Com­ 27 Weal Hartford, speeding. 83C; . momlng session while the remain- Mas.' CAiaii L F , Yer* 'C at. "It’s been 30 ''In 33 rears rvn Riker has throe brothers and a Eugene Moquin, 325 Highland St.; paign to solicit funds for the pur-, panies 3 r.nd '8 of the South Man­ Earl W. Knofla to William A. were m srrl^ 25 years ago on NofomtU. N. Y. "I ftrit Pm. "I’ve smoked Camels fouod no other brand hag\ chase of a machine, which Fire Sept. I. by Rev. Marvin Stocking, John fi: I,*nnon. Jr.', 2F. Hyde Ing.sophortiorea and freshmen at- Ask fbt 40 rssrsof eniorment. roars sine* I stamd likiog sl.ster. Auatin. 23. James, 21. an j Mrs. Myrtye Wier. 63 Tanner St.; chester Fire Dept., averted possible Knofla. property on MiddI eTpke. NEW Parh, Maas,, rule* of the road, con- tend the afternoon clagses:______fouod out in 1923 bow Mildness Tests Comalt best. And 1 still - ^ t mild, rich Carnal' / airman 2nd cla.ss who ia now train- j paul Helwlg, South Glaatonbuiy; Chief Peter Maaaollnl haa esil- serious damage to the McIntosh M arr^e IJcensea who was minister st the 'tlm# of rich and mild Camels arc. For me no other brand like them best!" smootboett!” /) Ing as a B-38 ;gunncr; Richard.'ll ; Mra. Arlene Byer*. 144 Grasn .mated would coat between 8400 Boat Company on 41 Purnell Place, Abraham ^on, 95 West Middle the North Methodist Church. .f Ther't* still mr cigarette." will ever do,” and Eleanor, 9; both students a t : Manor Rd., Mrs. Janet Car- and 8l«K». ■ i Sunday afterpoon. ' ' Tpke., and Ramela Townsend Co- A large mimbe.r of relatives and' If a machine is purchased in this Firemen limited th« damage to friends from this and other towns, Highlahd Park School. itUchael, « Charter Oak St.; Mra. , bum. 95 ^ s s t .fiddle Tpke., Sept The Buil4tf*t P rknd a J. airsslSi rviims Cs.. Wlastm-ailm. a. c. Riker’s fiancee. Mias Fisher Is ^ I v ia Lapenta, WsWedgekrpoil Dr. manner -snd one Bolton woman, one comer of the building. More i *, South Methodist Church. called during the reception hours WOODY .. .the daughtkr.xit.the. laU.'R»kcrt' .T, -L... - ;Mlaa who lost a son by drowning, haa thw » . .Hbrry.'.. MklW- ...HQwUnd,.... ,TL. to offer th#& congratulation. Tha Fiaher fotmtr hc4d...... ,fiv football coach/Matguerlte ■ Jarvis. ■ 5W Adsips"Sl,; ' ‘fep'dl-tedry iBireyed 'K large' doiui- TeatfVmOfl' liOinmuM KT th* AW nr WK YffUH A «t»«TY n n r“W»oi2. FiBher, former, l_caa,looti}ai ^ Mrk; t^ h b rf 'arehler and 'ion. W tion. 'get the catniimlg* tihder- snC Helen Mae , ^ ..z_. at Harvard. Ing. None were (tsifiKgaff. I H siritt, Astoria. N. Y.. Sept 5 ^ outdodfa. They were feinea. t n m m iiAunw...,iMTt ^ Th» mdra t#»t Cermaif^ th# inora Deepwooq p r ;; Mr*. Lola Tbomtoiri way would enable.ibe: town -iq -.-Gatlaeiff Uiwfin was «mdeterml»- ; itev. -AiiKM Tosrr; of the SiKTond 4>e*ed by appropriate .-j^ ts .. .is and son. 10 Fepwicli Rdr------Iget away without inersaaing-ita eid but fire-officlale oaid it may Congregational Church. Jf silverware am) currency. The r*- paopta eliwo»a CamOlf—for ! BIRTHS SATURDAY: A daUgh- budget with an, additional appro- have spread from a liearhy Inqln- Francis Edward McCullough, of ception rooms were afUsUcklly MIGHTY NNi GflfaiON AT..; / Ite’e'thT'IWr."antt Mra.-'Wlliram'V1eiir,-i''prtattlmit'-for^the‘-T«f8tiecttet4xr; eratwRre.' 'A'comer tff •^-twlMtag tf*Kf6w r diifi v*i«rrr-j«ma“itft(f;+ dbearatM •■with'flawwrfar tb* stfi '12 Hyde St,: a daughter to Mr. and ; But it wa.s beginning to appear was scorched. ... ser. of 99 Baldwin Rd. ver Wedding. Mrs. Ruth Field, ANDERSON y • T"hink.of the continuous testing tJbese veteran' Mrs. Walter .Manley, West Willing; ‘ dopbtful that the town could get Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meintoah e( Clarence Roland Cook. Jr., of sister of Mr. Hanson,, who was.: BROTHERS ADMITTED S A T U R D A Y: I Ion. | away without extra expenses in M Harvard Rd., operate the bust- Los Angeles. CsIK.; and Margaret maid of honor at the original cers-1 smokers have given Camels — for genuine mildness George Spellman. Eaat Hartford;] BIRTHS SUNDAY; A daughter to ' any event.- since Maasolinl lias ness. V Shannon Brosnan. of .S3 Washing> mony assisted at tha csisbratloa and taste-pleasing flavor! What it means to you Is Harry Shapera, Rockville; David | Mr. wd Mrs. Cslvert Kirk, 41 > pointed out that there is no one Company 3 was also called out at ton St., Sept. 7v at St. Bridget's. yesterday. | J ohn C.Szowiy, Nop- H. F. Dviaig. Ahrem, 1;0S this afternoon to extinguish a LABBVCLABa.Ft. Wmrmo, vor Bisaell St.-Fred Mirabelle, Nauga­ Capital for the new corporaUon S izes CAMEL tuck; Mr8. Aim Maiahall, ISaHaw- '^is 850.000 divided into 500 shares Fire in a bundle of shiDglcs, of common stock st 8100 par val­ pay. TanaateTit yaor paakatbaalu 3< 2 to 6 thome St.; Rev.. Leonard Stryph- , which, was believed to have been Town (Toiies Shop Early on TIRE WEAR er. Tolland; Roy Helm, 30 Cooper started by the intense heal of the ue each. Starting capital is list­ O sMmIs agi«e with jnora pe^ 2 St.; Terry Ann Gommlngs, Nsugh-, sun, caused alight damage to a' ed at 843.000. FOR THE BEST IN FLOORING. STAIR nlK ' ' Soaring- temperatures drove A warrantees deed transfers For Front End Alignm ont The whole crowd is talking ton Rd. I truck dv^ied by Ray's Roofing tov/n employes' out of the’ir DISCHARGED SATURDAY:, shortly before 1 o'clock this after- i property off Keepey St. from the lUILDING and INTERIOR FINISH SEE ateat swell looking, longer Harold Hoering, 12V Prospect S t.., noon. working quarters in the three incorporators to the firm. wearing, eomfortablo Ge R- than any other dgarettoP 3nlSC m h Rockville; Miss Joanne Giles, Cald- j Manchester Fire Dept, responded! Municipal Building today at 2’ The incorporators are Ralph R. Call Bruno at M 1-S-4 1 M. RERICHS. Jack tells Jim p. m. three hours before regular Kurts. 347 Keeney St.. Frederick about them; Jim lets Harry ^ o m ^ o lo o i ^ 8 0 Pleas Bread I well, N. J.; Alfred Woodward. 257 ito s still alarm at the home of Ray-1 ^ANDERSON BROS.WOODWORK!NO COJ nc West Center St.; Mrs. Ekfoa P a r-' mond Jscksoii at 1344 Tolland Tpke. i quitting time; K, Kurts, 38 Erie and Edward .in on the deal and soon every SMOKI ONLY CAMILS FOR 30 DAYS W. Kurtz, 47 Brgtton Rd. kid in the elasa is sporting a A t k S ker, 16 Huntington St./''Ariette Jackson is-oaej>f the ownsrs of the As the thermometer rose this COP Pie.ASANT VALLEY ROAD ( ROUTE 5 I psiawv Isa. usi Quey,. 73 West St.; Allen Tomlln- busineas. morning. General Mantuicr According to the corpq.ratRm MANCHESTER O fO l TUISOAY oM THUUSDAY UNTIL t PM, new pair of GERBERICHS. •nd 1*0711 why Cowi»lt or* Am*rico-'s m*»t p*pulor brand! - -aon, 570 Center St.; Florin* Rich- Asphalt shingles In the rear of Richard Martin sent a dtrfletive 'tfertifleate, the Arm will engage, s o u t h W IN DSO R , CONN. TEL . 8 - 6 3 9 8 Get' n atop with tha right in the manufacture .and handing creavtL Get yoar pair todayl /ards. 60 Drive A; Mrs. Ruth Oool- the truck caught fire. The shinies to All departments {hat offices •1 CtfNTEB #tBEBT ' ey, 70 Orchard St.. Rockville: Mrg. were removed from the truck by would close early because of of tool*, dies, gaugeo, Jigs, fu ­ m o t o r s a l e s Eugene SMHva. 167 South Mam firemen and damage to the truck the exreasive heat. ' — tures, maehine parts, and ma­ .4* S t ; Mrs. Leona Bl*ii. 26 Drive G; was slight. chines. w \ "in. MANCHESTER EVliNINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONNi MONDAY, AUGUST »1,1968 PAGXSpVBKi' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, ITER, (X)KK,. MONDAY, AUGUST 81, Bomara, starting at 8:80; 8*|(t. 8. than one day Cqr amarganeiaa. Bept. B batwaan and four tn ^VAGE SIX office .«#- Ih*' WBRB—Mf,''■ go . » Columbia all new peraopnel report at achool June 26, Windham High School th* aftarnoon prtaelpal, Patroa, at tha Uonal law ar«dt on raeord with a whith was hot has tura ry a k t^ ______Gct.-8#. fall cpntorene# of teach--] i . i m a f a ^ g w ondering of TlnaMvrVBt»l,~ttr“Who IMtUm tejl r w ^^^^uaarsd sad W MIts. Ha-laat •toaU at adepts* a budget. treatlea tha *anaH ratified in th'e New York (*- Nothing brings^! Instead of miealng from his homk tor more' o t 8*0,484 ‘for lMS-54. This Bgure ai*s of diatrict, no. achool. Oct. 30.; «d pv«ry inmlnc Bs Stalls U. S. Plane the beSt in men like trouble. That WHAT-N«rs; Momma SUr JUvMw annual convention df ''Cbnn'sctlcut t r . aaaaion Just past would have been lave, warm- th a n 24 hours. 1* tll,tS4 over the laat year BRIVIKirLESSONS ~ "“ HrSTsSrassfi $1 and BoUjdya^ ■nttrM at it what is wrong with mankind - ^ sun^that State nollce Lt. Harrjr WTirr-Broakfast dub. Education Assn. In Hartford, no _„1oa at Manehtatcr. ble' if tha Brlcker amend these curious, upright creatures ~ b^tM sun that ahi: upon u t WTIC—Thstloi 01 Melm.*. budget of 8II.80Q du* largely tb U t M pw y f yM Jw ywar Mc i n i m tM f. IntfyM iM i Rd cnaaa Mall Mattar. Burbank. CaHf., Aug. SI (Ah— us. commanding of fleer of the W m -Joa air-*-. WKNB-Nsws; Tes Favel. tneraasa* in taachara aalartas in achool. Nov. 11, A rm istice D ay, no \ CAU MItebdl 3-llO r ^ were in the Constitution, who so often find a horixontal death . Twin brothers who arso’t lawysrs, ith w ith­ fdrd Springs Barracks, said the NER’S W T U ^T ouba iddet Browa. Brin WO.lt) MU.II »h Ihe Rocord. tuition foeo for local studanU .who school. Nov. 26 th ro u g h 27, iM trM tlwi M Iw n N diiii CBBtw l e a r by ffspBri- BUBaCRIPnOK IU T « Ami neat. In what the Herald : Wi„* by fighting * “’‘''a •• wcoo—NewaT seic. ^ WHAY—Campans lUl HalUno. Payabta In AdraMa but spend plenty of time studying | while seeking peace out .height, height withoutX depth! body was diacovared by Stot* la My RaiiM. WUN8- Jack Downsy's Wasworka. attend Windham High Bchool.''A Thanksgiving rscsss. no sichool. WnwtRT. AbM hitB 8«f«ty. Day o r / a s k Foil URVICI MANAOIR (^A |L) TM f a .a a; ••••aM ...... "S' Tribune calls an "astonishing" ac­ law books hsva slapped a wnt o i ! wara. , . One toot in the hell he makM him­ Trooner Staalay Naaiatka. Jr '1r«u art cordially Invitad , Old Rseerd n o R (tia-wccc-Nsws; i m h iu . music suparvisor ha* bean angdged Jan. 4, school ra-ep*nA after V O B lIl* ...... tion, the association’s Honae.y of aVsehment on one of Uncle Sam's I When times are wont, they are self, am does little to chang^and about 800 feet from tha road. Tha i-Nswai Jo* Olrtaa, jT T C —N. w c Tom (larder for thia eomlng year alio. Inatruc- Christmas rsedss. Fab. 22 through Moolto ...... at their best. It s been like that throat had bean cut with a raior WHAT'—H***; Dinah ahore. W M ^ D ia l for Dollars; Music (or 25, wlntsi! rscsss. no school, Mhrch __^OBtk aaaaaaaata* Dnlrgates, which makes final da- million dollar Globemaater planes the other foot unhappy excep\on to oHm yo«r'child to WUNi—nnl by Bcison. . tkNiat aiippHaa aied textbooka costa iktaf a aa aa'aa aaa aa# • groundihg same. „ a blade, Taylor aald. .lust Pitln BUi . hlt-W DitC-BInc aings. 1st, school rs-opsn*. April HS lermlnatlon of the organisation's differences,j«. with " " stone • w hamrners f i" ." sr. ziun zris/us. amount to V4,S00. Inc. ;la CRpy ...... Df. Wendelln lAickner. Stafford .RnCNii—Bcoreboato; Baseball Mati-1- ei44—WHAT—Fstnoiie Trials. through 23. spring reesas, no CORCfNERxAUTO SCHOOL reach without reason WnC—Lea Paul and Mary fbrd, Hehadl Caleadar 'X / stand on various issues, went on a riid “,he7i"L‘de“puty t~ k ‘S.Vs^." iialnst each othen skulla.^And n ^ You give a fellow a fair place ol Springs medical exapilner, aal* y . nee. school. April 26. school rs-opsna. y - M i o i n n O T B jg . ^ entire clvillifitlons are able to des­ GARTNER'>^ / Site—WTIC—Front Psa* Farrell, • iU—WDRC-^Newa ■ Th* calendar for th* aehoel yeaf ■n, / m . C «34 Ce n t e r s t r e e t \ TH* ASSOCIATB^r RKS8 , , lecord In favor of the Bricker Sion of the plane at Lockheed Air peace and he'll go to war to get Vogel had committed itilcldA isia—WHAT—Croany auarler. '•t*lr-%DRC-Animr Oopltay. May 31, Memorial Day. no aacluaWaly troy each other at a blow, as Indi­ WTH'lCMy TriMnWory., ia aa foMbwa; No An«w ^ !a ‘*‘'-nilat toe Dollars; B suball KKHB—News t . S A b u s AH rlfhta of In tK^-»R0P» f»r »bmH '• --'„rth7world’-. oldiat to grab a rocky pastiire outside, ‘Sor chiWri«'®ii Mstlnes. li:ia—WDuc—ArtiiutArt nut tieatitie dlapatchaa her law had voted against, 64 to 12/ month. _ x'-- lakers -’teen 40 and the grave ■ I mind. ■ :U —WDRU—Curt Masssy. WHAT-ttallar Music. buy an apple Juat to s4e what kind Th* aged man was reported mU- WHAT—News, WONB-Paula Stoas .. aaMMpMMk igfaaatSM m m Full aerrlca ellaht of N. won in the House of Delegkttr by The ivirpiTslrtk legal action was accustomed to the fact that life I*:sa—WTHT-Wbisa*r«i . the latest move in the long feud of worm is In it. -■ sing bAhls aon aafly last night , FRI.orSATi \ WTIC—Notss snd Quotas. Ice, Inc. vote of IW to 86, / sometimes deals the bottom card after th*\son and hU wfe had |;M —WONS—Cecil Brown. News. i*;sa.-wnpc-ArihttKMari«y> between Georg* and Charles Fiph, you don't want from the top of the ' Master speculator, vmlversal WHAY—At Bat with DIplomst w n c —Bob RtaSix It was a lucky thing fo r^e dis­ dunce, laughter of animals, pitiful aearched tor him. throughout the BvsBias W UCC—News^^uale. SB. and th* United Stales govern­ deck. WONS-Newi; Mystery \ BVRk tinguished W y»ts involved, w* prisoner of himself, time, space, day. Bloodmunds from th# Beth­ SEPT.4 oiid5 • ;ia-WONB—News. m ent. y It doesn't fit in your hand. any BarrackV participated in the WTIC—News. WHAT-d*mme MU*|eaH., )NB. think, that th ^ were nbt In any It all started eight Worse, tt doesn’t fit in your and that fourth dimension God WHAV—■ports; Supper Berensds. WiatBe-'DIal for DaUarsX Vole* what, a restless thing man is! He search todav but they did not lead WTHT—Newi. Joe UliSCa. Msifcheatar. z court with someXyf t^e' arguments in a dispute over another plane, a dreams. Put you have to play it or l*tU—WTHT-Wben aTlIrl Marrtaa, surplus C46 Flying Boxcar, which can change everything on earth ex­ aearchera to thA body. Taylor said w n n e —News. get out of the game. To me. and I Vogel had beeli described aa de­ , Y bfl W IU RiCIIVE AISCJLUTIL? W II WKNB-News: Sport* Scrapbook. . WDRC-Arthur Oo^rev they used. the twins claimed thjeV owninl but don’t criticise those who .have a cept himself, make rivers ruif W(?CC—Uood Evening: Qnnd Music. . WHAY—Hustca B T ^'E dlla. spondent for somV time by meffl' O N I SILVW TOM i PORTRAIT The chief arguoAtt used on be which the goveminent aelaed. The different idea or even choose a backward, tear ddwn mountnihs diU-WONS-Psller By Psierson. w n r-lt Pkys uTBe MarrtM. In The Maneheatar Branlpd Hamid. bers of hla family; WONB—Patter By Pstersos. l*.-sa- WONS—N>Va. , half of the lacker amendment Finn brother*, tot-mer Air Force midnight exit, It has always been 1 with s molehill mind. But he Can W n c —Bob Steele J Spbrts. ll;#e—WONB-iidl** Fair. Dlapla.v a<>etUalnf clpalni houra; Children from three months to ai* ycara old will arm more fun to Stay In the game and i not call back one o t his kind who is WPRC— lark Salman'; T h lf^ Bolttra WTHT—W*/Th* Women. was the arg>fment that the as­ pien, purchase^ this plane from WTIC—Stoke l; KU-li. Faa Monday—1 P* >n* k^lday* tha Vineland School District, near trade sn old dl.toPP<»inf"'*"I I”*" * b« photoRraphed WKNB-Slar Time. / Tuaaday—1 P- m. MoMay, sociation Itfrif had previously en- .In an age of Inaecfa with six C^auli flow er ^o ld • ;IA WDRC—New*■■ and iW toealher. WDR(>-Ar'hut r.'dfrey. For Wadnaaday—1 p. Bakersfleld. Ualir. The district had new card. C—Wsalhet Bureau. WHAY-Italla In Marrls. ■ p® Thuraday—1 p. ^WMnaaday. dorsed ityand atipported it before But why do we'a* * species of legs and wtnga. he haS no wings WKNB-N«wa . S40 Club. been usin^'^the surplus plan* as a .:CT t H IXnolmab'osmme II. IlilA-W TM 'lXwe. The Womea. F fr F rld a.^ 1 P. m. the Jud)ciary Committee at Wash­ temporary schoolroom. life have to stack thi deck against to fly and only twd legs. He la -Al AuctioIrMact! Cm Oin Portrmt *• a FamMy WTKVBmU* Cote Ole* Club. v&. Mtur* twins .flew the C46 to t a. »■ ______North or South Pole. Ralea at th* Mairtheatsr A'wtion WKNB—Dial lor Dollars: 8l*r Tim*. 11:1* -WONS—New*. TATTON as well liquidate tha House of NewNev/da but the government seised 1 we do from one another,,And one Marl Sunday, totaled »I,5*B.30. WHAT—New* liXlWIlan. Han mouths s cry for eternal There is no charge (:4S- WTK'—Three otar BstrC II :M Make lip Yniiv.Mlnd. /• M onday, A u g u st 81 It/tlhere. Federal officials said the. i destroyed in anger 1* one less to Them were one-half bukhel | WTHT^port*. ■ - Ilalegatea aa a sours* of influance IvinA Boxcar ws* sold to th* share a pleasure with. When ^pln peace and is never more Industri­ Thin Portrait hi given ahaolutely FREE aa a WTHT—Doubt* or M^hlag. r ijr t baaketa of tomatoes, oftoced.Theflft . . .VUN8>.,Uueeii..lur a Day..... in Ihe Cohgreaa ^ the United Schoollying ^ Dlatrict .. for educatiorfai killed' Abel h* -not only lost a ous than he IS'while destroying hla ------good will offering h / j-~~—X'/------"T i^M iU ...... brought a high o t $2.10. a low I;*a WCN8—Fulton Lewis. Jr. \ WTIC—The Phtoaa That Pay*. „ •\ purposes and it could not be re- brother, he set a precedent that- own kind, then w-eeps for what he W(.-cC—N urt: r< Hundred and 80 Stotas.” ■ ^ /' diminished a small world, a world $1, and an average of 81.74. Gli WDRC—Famlly Skeleton. \ HU*. *As if Uiere w ere n o t enough Another speaker said that ^ch has lost, and those he has lost. WTMT—Weotfier, Hendlln* Edition. Well.'you play the game--and cumbers brought a high o t 82 and ''WKNBe'^'Dial for Dollars; 145 Chib. trouble in Ihe world, two of our “ ¥h‘.re'’t o M 7 ‘*iri.s of i.g.t no larger yet for .11 the growth WTIC—Philo Vince. WHAY-Muilc. . a reversal of stand n^ould i>bder- call for the next cards. Man ask’s a low of 81.45 for 87 bushels. Thsre i 777 MAIN 8T. rHAY—.New*: Supper Serenade. IriM^WHAY-MusIca. . X-, settona in th* matter. Lest Friday | WkNS—News; Songs by Jo Sislford. AM) alUea. lUly. a member of the mine the assoCiatlon'i '^tellac- cineia /sKfMinBkl • wf41 Of I All th® RnO Mil tJI®, iRnu for everlasting sugar an.d makes were 181 bushels of shell beans of- MANCHESTER HW'xWliKi",- IKmemery. \ . fered for a high of $1.50 and a low 1:iA—WONt —lelu- leel. WnCvSecood Chance. North Atlantic Treaty Organisa­ tual iniagrlty,” trrhma"nt from Municipal Judre on earth cannot Rive you the fun hia own pre.sent vinegar. , WTUT-rElmer flevU yvirAV\Ro«/;..ni l'll■Jram. To eraat# thirwondorful collection, Statton dati9naf8 of 81.15. 1 TEI.. MI-9-S448 WDRC—Johnny H<-rrer flliow. tion, and Yugoslavia, the Inde The main argumenywas not, in The\vrlt was obtained in connec-1 that people give you a bought Some one of these 4Ay.s the in I v r c r A. Friend of T onrt., acre make you laugh? Can a JlOO .sects ma.v get togeytor and spray, Cauliflower appeared on the-, a ’KNB—Natlonsl (liiard Show. , 1I;M-WTHT-Tum to a Friend. ^ ranged tha counties of historic Maryland pendent Communist nation which Th* writ* waa obtained in connec- I 1,SS4WONS—Usbriel Heell$l '\ai**rneo» othar words, that/-the Bricker bill ? At 42 1 would mo^tgA^e m.v-. the hurflen raee..^lth DDT. .Cer­ market Sunday for the second time j T i.*- taridy our ally because It is tlOn w lth .th eir suit fo r I'J.BBB dam ­ WTIC—News of Ih* Woi 12-aa Wpltr-'w'eiidv Werrea. s'aarchmg out tha bast antiques of that area. amendment was r^ht and sound. ages for loes of the C46. The gov­ self to a bank for many years If tainly it ia their' moral turn. this year‘and brought a 8l.70 high V WTHT—T.j)n* RSnser. WCCC>-Mak* Mine Music. against. Russian domination; arc Tha main argument was that the by that wav I could rent, back for a ’KNB—Tops In P( WO.NB—>.ur‘. MSaaev Time. ernment hsA 6ve days to answer I:«i-^WDHC—Ed Murrow. WTIC—New*; Weather They icalad.tham to tha naadi of today's smaller hemes, fhreateuing to start a private war a.(t Digeat; Perfy alive again of a few flesh-vanished- WONS-Top Ture*. 220.00 of their own. Th* Finns told reporter* they WTTC—On* Men s Ftrallr, romn Show. added a host of wonderful functional qualities, decision and*^ ito stand, even if it spirit-remembered friend* who i:** -a’DRC. Buepenn*. WHAY—Newa In lullhii; Muaioa. Their belUgerent gestures are. had/ been reading up on Isw for Ii:l* WDRC—Aur.l Jenrti* a Storias., mikht have changed, its mlnd .on months in the county law: library died, for .one reason or other, ini WHAY—News: Keynotes'by Carl*. WONS—New*. constructed them with the care lo typical of Sfetton, of rourae. 'ovar the lerrltBfy of WXJC—Ri'llfosd »*nur. ^ , the-actual worth of the propqaal. and then decided to attach a gov­ the deadly business of living. Xl WONS -Advenlures of the FsIcob. WTICnC'-Mei -Medhry , . Time. ^ ~ fffid finished them in a rich, sunny biiga Cho&Be^ w h a t you need Who has kno'.vn loss, and doesfi't | WTHT—Your I-sAd snd Min*. WHAYT^Jamm*•7—wawssiMiw Program,* a'e^am*.., x T rieste. Th* main argument was that, if ernment plane. "We picked out this lt:U--,W bna-oiUi~AI]sw#Pt ----- ICuoIr n t^ There Is only one sound solution the aaaoclatlon yiaided to what U97 (the'^GIobemasteri simply be-! feel that way? I Schu 5 Hair Cutting i:IS-W H*» —nit nf^lrelsnd. Jack JMrch: K^wo . and that anhancas tha glory of tha choice Appalachian maple. WTHT—Travel Diary, _ , , WPAtb^r. from Watkins many of the problem of Trieste. m ight be its p resen t view th a t Uie cause It's government propert.v | Well, yearning may carpenter Ito-W D R O — Artntii Qodfrsy Tsisnt Iria—WCCC—Nawa; Mak* Min* MuSl^. Sea them today, in Open Stock selections, at Watkini; valuable enough to cover oiir many an Impossible .dream what, WONS-Hall nf Fsnltsv. WTIC—Marjori* MUIt. That happens to be along the amendment la not good, that WTHT—Chautauqua Symphony, claim.” said on* of th* twins. *^ur i caiflej it does build'in our rhtnds! : WON9-^om*a'* Pag*. for badreoms, dinettes and dining rooms. \- Open St€mk Groups lines the post-war victors aggeed would lessen ito political Influence aim is simply to establish 6ur - buf. in ths winter of our heart | Iren Like WTIC—Music By M*nio»*nl. WDRC—Bomanc* of Hsien TranL WHAT—Western Csrstsn. / WHAY—I.S Rsaa Program. upon when they first faced the and undermine Its reputation for right to operse sn sir cargo line It doe* not chknge the weather we | • :*a—WDRC—Bummer Theatre. - WKNR—Man oh to e ktreel. 73.00 Ibsue. At that time. Ruaaia was -(‘inteUactual Integrity. with an airplane (the Flying Box-lendure pr that predicted by the] WTIC—The Telephone Hour. •* 13:44—WDRC—Our 0*1 Sunday. carl we say is ours." | tJ. R. Weather Bureau, even by a; WON8-BII1 Msrry sad the Nsw*', iriMT—Perry Como. 'championing the cauae of Yuge- This ram* rather cloa* to saying ' Renorter's Rnundup. WKNB—Th* Fatttea Their damage suit 1* directed i loM" range forecast. ' WRAY—News; Weslera Caravaa. l;* -W D R t Ttriews. alavla, and the wesUm powers that influence and integrity de» h v ■gainst fhe'U^,'8. government and! ,>'B>iY:ti'tbil exercises the muscles #:3a-:w‘0N8 Show Tim* TUne, " YmC.:.:N4hra';'" ' "— " ...... \ that of Italy, and they could not pend upon sticking with a wrong Col. J. I.. Ulricaon, commander pf'j of our bodies so does trouble WTIC—Bend of Ameriea. WCCC—Manchastar Matin**. 1*:**-WDBC-W*lk a Mil*. WHAY—Nawa,, . • agree On anything mors than an decision even after you know it Nelli* Air Force Base at Las V tg in . | .stretch dur minds. We grow by WHAT-News; Nit* Wstrh; WONB—News / international regime in Trieste, Nev. They named Colonel Ulricaon ; loss as welkaa by gain. Sometimes WTHT—New# of Tomorrsw. W titT —Ken and Carolyn. is wrong. as a defendant becaus^Xhe C48 we become higher as life erodes WONS—Frank Fjlwsrs*, l:lf.,.W D R)—Ms Perkins which would amount to a nautrali- Anyway, in result, it would seem w n c - Hollywood SpotHghl. WONS—Yankah Food Show. plane which they claint is their* Is the altitude of bor **<> away. U ;is—WONS—Miien. lyiver • Hour. WTIC—Rosa. Th* Mualeai Hiller. ration of the territory. This, the that th* alabriatlon's taction ' On being held at his base by the gov­ So many people can look at the W1»AY—flatly Kimball WTHT- Straw Hat Muslcsle. , WKNB—Keyboard Sketch**. only thing they could agree upon, interbational ;law espreaeed tl>* ernment. ^ ' human race priests, philosopher- 1*:IS -WTir-Cllflon/Utley; Star* from V' ItSS -WOKC—7••■>'>a Or Maien*. hippSited to be tha best possible businessmen and sbientista, social Psrle. / WCCC—Newa; Huslr Room. conviction of its membert,. and iti WDRC -News; Moods tor RonuuK*. w rilT —I'aiil H*r»»v. Slilution. Unfortunately, this adln- or otherwise—a'nd. come up .with a 1S:*A-WHAT-Nrtr*.. BOSTON RED SOX Itouse ♦>! Delegates its official II :##-sir Sttlinn*—New*. WKNB-Dial for DoitaeS: Raaeball 2,.'5(Kl HoineleSg ready answer. And the world still Msdnee. tion baa never been given stability policy, and that the two contra­ WHAY—Nll/W atrh. reels through wrong toward what, . . . AND WTHT—E d j^ C. HIJI: ValenUno. l-.U-WOKO-.Tb* Ouldlng UghL for two reaaoni. ^ dicted on* another quite complete­ In Texas Flood we hope, is right. But ii\e only i WORKS HIRE TOO! II :IA-WTHT-Bj|prts Reawt. WQNS-^^rle* K a^r. First, the Rusaiane never did pattern humankind ha* achieved laj vVHAT-eNi;* Wstrh, WTHT-—Guy Ixunbardo. ly. WONA-Wsswotka. t:# a - w e r e —Mtiel. S/^M Y WmTE says agree upon the naming of a neu­ that of father and, toother and WTfri—News. WHAV—News: Yeeterday's HU Pa- child- the trinity of existence that New intffnriffwiiiq fu l red/’. tral governor for the sons, to ad­ fOeedaeea fraos Pago Oae^ WDRC—You'snd th* Wortd. WDRC—Second Mr*. Burton. That Coot or Living rules both house and man. And end! partefime to l^ Kelp .. l|.-a_WDF*0 I’nnM- D-ntice Program WONS—Conn. Ballroom. 52.00 minister it. town Vlikes that w as up to 8 feet wolves. 11,3 0 -W n c —Surprise Bereoad*. W TIIT-Nenh; Ton Hit Tim*. And second, In the Italian elsc- Tha news that tite'roat of living j deep lagt night. It covered 8 square Her^ we are on the pale frsg- stock boy. > w d Ri’ .kyniuhi/r.. -lell. WTIC—To B* Aonounred. ''MINE'Sx^^MUSCO-PEDIC" lJ:*a—Wnc - News; Bob and Ray. WKNB—New*: Baseball Matinee t-fons of 1M8. when we were cam­ continues to riA* to hew recori . mjle*. / WDRC—.'IMM. t:Ut--v» DK) —perri MAaon. paigning might and main tor tha levels seeni*' nons*naical It also Sinton had a T-inch cloudburst' In Tamarraw WTIC—Curbatore QuI*. I less than S hours yesterday, mak- *:»#—WTIC-Prayer; Frank Afwood. 1;2»~W0n £—Newa r*pulse of the Cdmmunist politi­ atirs,memory. S:SS—WDR»;—Farm Program lit*'-WCCC—New*: Music. had been getting up every moiHing. I ing a tOtgl of almost 30 inches i #:U-WDRC—Hymn Time; Y*»n Patrol WDRC-Mor* Draar cal threat in Italy, tha United •It. seems nonsensiliral . tbecause since T hurify. About one-fourth of *:tS- WTK New*. WONS- Connecticut BaUlroom. with s Muflch-Pedic Bedding was recom- States made a campaign promise a t It's i:*S—WONS—Yshke* Bspress-. t:4» WDKC—Brigtuei 0*.. mended me so I bought a set. Now I never have On the upper 'I'a^as roast at E^y WDRC—■rswn^SIrol. WTIC-New*. \ that TrieatA would be returned to time for tb* cost of living to sub­ WTtC—-V •*ttier> FrenS Atwood WKNB Philadelphl* V^.,DeirpiL bscksch and I wake up mornings fresh as a daisy, City, 80 milea southYveat of Houston, ' w r c c —Freskfast Neweboy. / IlSS -WOKC—IIIM-IM- Hni-I


-V A ' y . \X. : » '■ ■ X ■ V 4' " j I ■f- ' \' MANCHESTER EVEI^BtfO kEBALD, MANCHESTER^ C O N ^ MONDAY, AUGUST .lly 196S. PAGE s ■ . ' • ' ‘ .' ^ ■'■ X ^ - / ,y MANCHESTER EVENING HEBALD, MANCHEgTEB, CQNN., MONDAY. AUQUST.31.1958 1 ior, 8rat, Marilyn Miller, East lette,, fourk;* Sandra Hayes, Suf- ing Shorthdrn, Wallace Simmons, PAGE EIGHT East Granby, chahiploh; Brown K Local 4-H’er» Wiiv Granby, aecond, Bruce Winters, field. - , v //s DAILY CRp^WORD PUZZLE First Redetidns Lukewarm ./Junior dbstacle, first, Robert Swiss, Kennath Deven, Windsor. FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHRBRGEB Windsor Locks, third, Orsc# Ann Pbultry: Gena OhrutI, Rocky Get The Best ; t o o n b r v il I b f o lk s BY FONTAINE FOX Clark, JEast-Granby, saednd. Miss Sense and Nonsense . Ribbons a| •Vltes, East Granby, fourth, Mlsg Miller, third. Winters, fourth. Hill, champion. Antwiiir to Pravioin Pu «i« To House Trade-in Scheme Cassada. flftb, Judith Nielson. Hiss VieU. . (. Vegetables: Hartford , -County Uiltr-SiMM Dry CiMHiis r b t u r n e p P r i s o k e r P emonstration Nancy Wllco^'^aiul William Western trail, first, Dorothy Stock, flrst, Hudotr, second. Home, Warehouse Poin^ - ' ■ Fomous Fjilks Gillette, Bristol, aecond^ Miss Cross-cut sawinf cdnw t: Sen­ t)I,r,ANER, HOKTER CIXmiKS. BRIGHTER -* - »5 ------r>. u w r ~ Thet Father—you can't mayry ny TtIB A880C1ATF.D PRR8K ii^.a sample ckea in aiiburbah Sti­ Klesch won rUmoitM as resilrve Miss Vltes, third. Winters, foirfth, I I T M e ’n’ without permiaalon. . Nielson, third, Hudon, fourth. Schwarm. ior divislan, Rudy Bcbnahel and S COLORS. NO ODORS. NO SHRINKAGE ■ \ My wlMy came to me and aald, First reactlona to the govern- ver Bpidnfe, Md'. where they found champipns,liTthe Dairy events at g FOB FICTOIP CALL Mitchell 9*n^S ACB088 / DOWN Swooning Swain—Why nmT Winters. English three-galted, flrst. Hiss Louis Fsvlsr, Blihsbury, whrners; "It'a JM^ain day. my dear.” Sad­ ment'a newIy-launchYd expert menta an "out"'of elyle” house/to which Father-Remember anea a of applying the used car trading the 3-day^Hirtford 4-H 5'alr held FnKlIsh trail, «rst. Miss Crosby, Buck, second. Miss Casay. third, junior divtiidrt, John OroUTOn, I American•n poatMMt ti AinaAin ly’Jahook my weary head (for FHA asaigned a value of 98,500, at. -WJiMsor Xocks-liver .tbs week­ Altanch Yntnor______i techniqu*'to home buying' havel •Most ' of- the ‘other dwellinga- in second;' Joyce ■ FullAt^....J8ufl(ieid, Mi8%,.Croewla? courage the remodeling of old j peris looked over the hoiiae;.,And Some 4,600 persons attended the ior, flrst, Wooism, second, Patricia Miss Gillette. Pie Bating eontdst: Larry Fra­ 12 Old Cloth I Baby's toy ahe, "Don't act ao queer. I know Fair which Had a program that NMiimiiiimiiiiiMUiiiiiiiniiHiHiMiiiiiiiniMiHiiiiiiiHiiHiixiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii measure you need both eocke and ties, and. houses to make them more attrac­ decided tbe appralaal copTd bo Huntington. Windsor, third. Miss Pole bending, fhnt. Hiss Vltes, zier. •7 Watch Watching art inebriated man try varied from a ple-eatlng contest to ISOS I Open court I ahoee and ,work-panra, loo.” 1 aaw tive buys and get builders to ac­ boosted to $15,000 hy reirtodeling. Gillette, fourth. Hudon. fifth, Billy second, Hudon, third. Miss Oll- ..ithout apeceea to unlock the dopr cept the older dwellinga as down The Improvements^/Would In­ a horsa show. Paul lundermsn's Schwarm, East Hartford, sixth, let(e, fourth. Miss MlllsT,.. V, U Eaier 9 Roman poet the gitam within, her eyea, and orchestra provided a band con­ 26 Mexica'n 40l>crfume gave htr tan and aald "Surpriae! to-^lato IllB bduie,,aIK)U»e,.« pt^lt-Ciiiwaapoliceman aak^ •- payments on new ones. clude removing a rtarN w m , al­ Benton (iueilette, Hazardvltle. Musical chairs, first, Mika Mil­ /is ls Mohammed’f r ‘ ■ 10 Exist test and a variety sKow was eon-ki­ 11 Poems laborers 41 Distinction She amtied, “n i follow through,!” he rtrtild handle the key fo^hlm^ After home owner and builder tering the Interior, ' lnatat|lng a Pair clasa, flrst, Mary Ellen and ler. seqond, Schwarm, third. Miss 27 Most snobbish 42 Graceful horse Thep off to town ahe gaily went, "No thinks." agree on a deal, both the'remodsl- downstairs balbroom and tWplac- stafcq by 4-K .members. Shelia Leary. Windsor Locks, sec­ Glllstte, fourth, Hudon. l l |tavin( IT Iridescent - ' Home Bliew Wianrrs GLADIOLI AMESITE DRIVEWAYS^ meiBor. substances (coll.) 43 Simple I sought my arm-chair, quite con­ can hold ing'and old home tum-ln would be ing the a^hait shingles with a ond, Miss Casey and Mariann Other Wtauiers English model: Aral, Joan Ca- WE AMESITE E(U?IPPED FOR LARGE I I MoiVindol 44 Bewildered tent . . to dream a dream or house." financed under FHA with the new exterior'.. The Job would cokt Jones, Suffield, third. Miss Buck Winners In other contests and 19 Goddeu o( 28 Impudent builder taking the package, giving .sey, 8uffield, second, Elizabeth TENNIS COURTS OR SM ALL JOBS 20MlliUry peace '29Wilea 46 Jot two. M y wife came back at half $6,300. ^ ^ and winter, Windsor Locks, events follow! -- BOUQUETS PARKING LOTS MACHINE SPREAD—FORMS him a chance to profit (mm tWO B ^ k , East Granby, third. Sylvia asfiitanU Made of a 31 Muse of 47 Title paat three, with packages galore. W illie- I've neve/ seen aucl^ The remodeling. Said Barringer, fortrth. Miss Nielson, and - Miss sales instead ot one. Crosby, WsYrenvIlle, fourth, Glenn Dsiry: Holstein, Everett T, M B M . Y C U T - AND WALKS MET—POWER ROLLED t l Metric ard wood ' astronomy 41 Graduate Said 1, "L efa opei^Them and see dreamy eyes. , ^ Huntington, Windsor, Ylfth. Miss The purpose of the plan la two­ would bring the home “fairly close Hudtm, Collinsville. Bahre, Suffield. champion. Davet- MATERIALS AND W’ORKMANSHIP GUABANTERO meaturct 24 SMken fence 33 Splendor . (slang) . the pants and soejea and ties .. . • Slllie—You n^er sta.yed ao late to the other houses of t)ie com­ Crosby and Woolam, sixth. Miss ta McComb; reserve ghamplon; f r e e e -s t im a t e h — t e r m s t o s u i t y o i :r p u r s e X fold;. First, to fulfill the FHA-’S Western, flrst, Dick Woole.m, 42£rai)i----- 35 Nights before SI.Rowing .50 Beverage _ Uk .me,, you .purcbqaed. pt... the before.. ______--v' ...... munity -anlT-add yeses .to.-U* SCO, MUIac and.^en«.NodweU-BMffleM, Jersey,-■PTttlip" Brown.--Bioomfleldi WOODLAMIX - '--U P TO--S•■y e a r s T O -P A F — atore.” My wlfey blushed a lobster 'frtl*rtbh ■ » r impro/tnE ' hounnr WifiKduiiB Fblrtt; eeftfnd, Ptiytllr at Creek goddeu nonilc life." - QuagllarilF-.yYtndsor Locks, third, English equitation senior: first, champion, Nancy Wilcox, Man­ 1 > 0 red, and in'^a contrite tone, ahe Money can’t get >^u friends, but . standards;-’ second,- to. sps;;k the ot youth 1 « s r vast home-buying potential repre-- Tbe family owning-.the houae Hudon, fourth, Brenda Erickson, Miss Casey, second, Miss Buck, chester, reserve: Guernsey, Rob­ GARDENS 2| Fruit. \ said. "1 got aome thlnga for me. it can get .you a b e l ^ class of couldn’t' afford the improvements, third. Miss (Jrasby, fourth, Miss ert Lipskl, Bloomfield, champion, DEMAIO BROS: k You w . my dear, they had a hat, epeniies. ‘ , sented by the 4 out of. TO would,-be Windsor. 16» WOODLAND STREET SINCE 1020 aTitealth reaort' a \ 4 purchasers who already own houses and Barringer auggeste m ers are starting trade-in testa Iq equity to apply as a down pay­ wife, what’e the/Use of ironing the M Timber tree Zl it stuff. Ten dollars, dear, was not wages of sin this year. “ So__I •^y* enough.” I simply heaVed a sigh'. six cities: Cblumbua, Ohio; HarT- ment towards another, better 37 Soon \ house." clothes wh^n I ejtn m angle them you on one' sh ot?" K t ■ — Karl Flaater. ford. Conn.; Washington, T>. .C.; 6-31 -S3 39 Building tlU i IT* / P Smith Was relating his experi­ The builder, after making the -V, / Oklahoma Ctly; Shreveport, LA., 40 Handle 11 ¥ ences in South America. $0,300 worth of Improvements, ST Don't think that every sad-eyed Smith I was taklhg my usual and New Orleans. MAJOR HOOPLE 41 Head covering % man has loved and lost; he may Spot checks by the Associated would have about $16,'300 In the O U R b o a r d i n g h o u s e 1 morning dip when' I spotted three BY J. R, W ILLIAMS 42 Violin maker Bn have got her. Press show that the atlll-booming house. . O U T O U B W A Y 45 Disturbing gladiators making for me. eo I Barringer added, however, that eSAO, MAN/UM ! tiOV5. 1 I play golf 7 the experiment 4a still. In its in- HARDlV 6 6 T A , SI Auricle n r * D an-N ot bad but I still pre­ something like a crocodile* eling that a much bigger loan BLTI r/V\ AFRAID X CAM'T TOUCHED FULL- ■fanby. : Your last saitcgion i fer the way other people play it! / Smith Well, what are gladte- Thk FHA does not expect prsc- would be. Justlfled. T^e FHA /' ,/DISE9T DlS DE'_|6hTFUU THE DISH.Xrf ^TRENSTH ‘ S3 Internal fi lii \ w tors7 executive estimated that the Im­ CATFISH TURNOVER/- \ tlcsl lAformstlon on the tests un­ pood CHAP/' ^ WHIFF OF (preflx) Unfortunately ttk) hiany Witfl; Jone.s Gladiators’ Why, they re proved house could be sold at a / -.vMV ^CTOMACH tS 5P\M- ■ n r Do til some time this fell end the pic­ , .•ROBABLV th e thinks, M Small (Scot) — nothing to say do say It. -/ 1- a sort of flower grown from bulbs. ture may be differenl hy then’. '” proOt for about $16,600, ™-:---- NIN© — X A IN ’T ’•A SeiXURE I'M SET- , S5 Endure In Hartford, FHA Director T. J .' f 6 l t l ik e DIS S3 u ■ Right now, however, the tone Is TiNiG Dizzy SI Sea weed U Murphy said the new-home market b y d i c k T U R N E R one of Indifference by builders. in <5lMCE X WAS VERTiSO' ST Baacball.. i CARNIVAL Is so strong that builders don't give A CANOE,WC 6, 1 " 1?' In Coliimbiis, Karl W., KumleT player, - said local builders don't have to a hoot about trade-ins. THE RAPIDS/ -----willlami t t _JL 2 3 look for trade-ins to help them New Orleans 5'HA Director Harry Dumestre said some builders in his B U G S B U N N Y dispose of new holHea "Home Imllders are selling \mlts area have shown considerable In­ / ns fas’, as .they build.^them,” he terest in the Ides. Fred I/oOcks, said. president ^ '^e New Orleans Horae i im ITS PART OOPS! But Finest G. Krltsehe, head of Builders Assn., aald three or four ; OP A iORRv; the Coiumbiis Home Builders transactions involving trade-ins are ' WHATSA IPBA 0’ CHARM ' Assn;, said the basic ldea\ Is a being procesaed. I WAUCN' around COURSS IM good one, although builders are But I-oucks said the trade-in pro-.] VOTM THAT TAAIN61 ITS gram needs to be worked oiH •OOK ON V»* SuPPO^tO TO approaching it with I’autlon. He I NOMtN' improve MV added lhal--trsde-ln transac.tiort? thoroughly. Neither builders nor- POSTUR»! bring up severe problems for homrirwners, he said want to rush hiiilderr who lark the fscilltlese into such deals without studying all mnnei-tions and experience needod the angles. for selling the old house. hpu-ucks said the program should j Thre-Y tents of the trade-in deal encourage owners of older houses are bei-ng developed In the Colum- to keeep them in top shape. He pre­ hus area and applirationa for FHA dicted the trade-in program in real estate is here to stay. S t ’s a approval are pending In Washing­ 6TR0NS DISH ______ton. u’ ^ ------—- . . «j Wtu.i»»^ *-3l FOR STROMS MENl^e-jiTTSTT: The turn-over of new"homes Is HEgOCSAKEMAPE-MOT POCK) « - — » ■ •« • ft P>K . sc aw ift in-Columbus..^ howf.v«f,. l . that the experiment hsd tough go- j Good Morning BY V. T. HAMLIN FRESH GANDY | A L L E Y O O P log at the outset. In one eSae-ths > £ Home Builders/As.sn., thought' 11 | WMtmnn. 8ciif«m* f « m , p; * OH. I TELL YOU. WHAT'S THIS? HMWte! COULD IT BE * hari a likely prospect for a teat., a Candy candy Oapboprd OSCAR. I'M SOAP? A RA2DW BAXTER BLAIR HAS S case hut before^lhe trade-in deal i mighty A RIGHT A BUNDLE MET HIS MATCH AT LAST?? • ^ could b« lined up the new home I Arthur Druf StorM < _ TO THINK SMART OFTOLET Involved w'as sold. FELLA.' articles? NO...rLLNOTrb, PLACE TO A bog of lethargy mired the ne\V IPOURUTTLE______TLE PLAY OUT OF OUR man as it was Int/odueed in the HAIR.' Pistric'. of Columbia, -Tom Barringer, director of the ■„ ''• k Pistriefs FH A insuring office, said he canvassed all of the .7.10 SERVICES / i builders and mortgages in his area That Interpret The Wishes ] WHEN THE SUCK BAXTER but got only two or three replies. ; BLAIR THOUGHT TO USE* Barringer said that a thousand / Of The Family OSCAR BOOM AS AN AIDE iingofd homes were hanging over IN A GIGANTIC SWINDLE, the local market as of June but j HE IN OVER HIS this spurred no interest in trade, OEPTH...NOWHE‘S A "What do I do now, Ktlly? I laid the cornor»tcn* on top ins among builders. / j JOHN B. BURKE "PRISONER" IN MOO. of my dedication spMch!" ‘-They-.- Just- aren’t'' hungry - FUNESAL HOME enough to undertake ttade-lns," he - In A Far Land BV RUSS WINIERBOTHAM Nol Good BY EDGAR MARITN said. . ■' 87 EAST CENTER ST. CHRIS W ELKIN, Planelfei B O O TS A N D H E R *BU . So solid was the indifference, he added, that not a single test esse Tel. Ml-8-e8«8 A t that AiOSIENT A JET PLANE Thirty mour-s uater- Tt\* VORYST BBM6TO . r o o -PUG! H b \ .V O l has been put. In the works yet. AMBULANCE BERV10B .^rpWA

4t»B »y MKA.tnritee

B Y . a L VERMEER FINN Bad S ta r t! LANK I.EONARD PRISCILLA’S POP The Arrival FAMOUS nRST-OU ALITY DELUXE PINO YOUR AUOWANCi NTRE TIRE '1ST PRICE . With 2 5 * tr a d e-in ' SIZE (YITHOUT t r a d e -in ALLOWANCE and DELUXE SUPER-CUMffl YOU PAY ONLY \ th«n smy ether kind. AMO you pet • fwB Ne wender we ceN this snle ewr preefest 6 . 6 0 x 1 6 tmde-ln nllewnnce I*r the eld Hres $20.1 ©♦ • f the yeer! These ere net h»st ardlnory B14.P5' •n your

' TkMJks w r Y no«Ry, sviiEP! -■yeAH.~ witCr ■ ^ l w T y ~ ^ iefcor . MMMN. COU-ECtORs 5 0 i«B 0Py wiiATb 6 . 5 0 x 1 6 . "“*" 24.80* (S-COWtiSlj -SII.I. I '1 ..MIS---7-T; T^r. .... ■«a.sA4LAi4gjnw*rt‘'-'^r*s«i*M*»i .JB.60* IfA4XI eau-h wi'xA A.-U'' J ai»K*»8rT0«.T«a ME VJONrr TAUC ASOUT WtXTMU’0011611 \ P riS WTH lONJ HIS BRCAKSde UP WITH CRO^SNOKBUI » HAIF 05TE I BEARDS! PH0U«5l CAN0Y--rANO TM 7 . 6 0 x 1 5 2 6 . 7 5 * /BUT NOBOPf COM ANXIOUS 1b HEAR ALL ' 2 0 . 0 0 * Yoii'N chop OS much os Ve off nexT winter's fuel blNs SAll M id . ABOUT (T/ r— ■ TK MUTION B A II PRICI •UMTHOR n e sMYiMes a u o , o m by^ switching to c Io o r oil hoot todoy. SIPER-eiSIIOI $ . 0 0 x 1 5 2 9 . 3 5 * by 22 .00* With oil hMt, ropoir and mointononco bills oro G O O D /iU R 4IO ob/9EA R $ . 2 0 x 1 5 procticoRy hD. You got steady,,*von boat at aN LIST PRICI 3 0 . 6 5 * ' timot—doy and njght. No fumoeo to tend, no cohos- flin tax and ilST M id Plus tax end 22.95' $14.60 your racappabit „ $ 1 6 i 5 5 yo«t racoppobi# TIRES! | * W » TAX tohoul. PIUS TAX lira 6.00x16 'HU$ TAX — .*70x15 PhoM MI-2-459D. Wo'll sond our hooting spoclob >. 1^1 1st to moho OR analysis. Ho'li givo you on occuroto THE NICHOLS TIRE CO. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNK Strange 'Thinffn BY WILSON SCRUGGS V IC F L I N T The B rd Pops Off tsfimoto of total cost. Wo will gudrontoo sorvico. lO tt MAIN ST., OPP.HIGH SCHOOL — TSL MI-3-4M7 7 U MAIN STRUT — TEL MI-t-53W PiLLt SAVS M A Y P i------ITP A U t.'1 POST M eanwhile . the lOl* |SHR vuas MEBS Wt«N ksOW MOW THfe"“ the letterpox, x s e n a v« sl J GRISWOLD'S SERVICE STATION U9TSN. PRAM. F


I '•

• f »r.. ■ . ' ' V • \Jl '' ‘ .1 t ' Vv U. . ’"■■1. J ' K< . ■ \ •' V /

X \ 'MANCHESTER EVENING HSBAl4>/MANgHESTER. CONN, MONDAY. AUGUST C A G E E L E ^ z M ANCHESTERW W ING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- MONDAY. AUGUST 31, 1958 N- i7>s II i ' ■ .L' >1. -r* ^— '"7^" " —— — — — THE Herald from American Sluggi \ ./■ ''a \ EARL W. YOST Mporta Rditor J l i a n d l y Q|>i^all Bam|uel al Armory St "the etching General Hoapita. ^ Normftn, Okift. - - ( NBA > — came from behind In the atath in­ bff an upeet victory over the more r a t h e r than restrict en- As Braves Get Eight a 10-6 /rat game triumph. ^ ■■ I"'*' I ]!' ' ' ' ■ . "*** in Framingham. Frey la P*fR>y*** '1"'^ it’s a day ning to hang a defeat on the *tperteneed Dor McRae yesterday tVles " to the low handicapped \* M A im Bud Wilkinaon'i comment w «i ■ Windsor L^Ks All Star*. The final Pij.uls>a* Cleveland’* Indian* stretcha4 from the waist down fh''<’wvnB « ,*’"j^ * ‘ **"L * iftft|ipy enough when naked how In W i n o v e r r i r a l e s , their winning streak to *lx gamarf to win the Preeidenfa'Cup by a km ate ur a and pros, the fall off a cliff in Korea last May... /Well spent althoi^h It s^a laie n w ___ .woMtotar ■ ' score was .5’ to S. Windsor Lock* ----- rnm s f v«A hia Oklahoma Boonari shaped up Pio,ros> R la n k a Y a n k s beating Boqton twice 6-5 and 8*6 hustler behind the testimonial ban- when f deparl/for hofhe. ' consisted of memljer* of the Vup margin that was carried to " ^nd''Monda'y. Tf(l!BSI>AV -WITHA APT o f TUB for the coming aeaeon. rieree pianKs i auKn wiiiiama’ *i*th horn# huiler behind the testimonial bab- ' " ANO » 001.0— < Alumni team with the addition of ■ Agenda today calls for n InutoRy "No good,” ha moanad in the '/ _ B-ii ■ run for the Red Sox. J the S7th hole. , , Sept. 21. Amateurs only will be qual for the Uglon couid?y^a •N-' several American Legion playera. Ir MCOrd breaking R7 degie^ hc«t ^nowed to plav on Sunday while 8 •all-. CnilfLtrV CIUD beat Iftchrymoae tradition. 1 I Allen Johnson started on the, i Rookie Don Larsen hurlad ’ 4 Which had caused moat of the 1^^^ Monday wlU hk restricted to the That ain't the way we hear It A^ortated P*'"''' Iwo-hit 3-0 shutout for th mWutSrTii th* busZt part of th.^ | w h e re ^ e 1 |hlH .fo r ’ ’Manchester snd held I The slugglng-mlnde.1 National Browns but Wash ton In ioonerland. Oklahoma la ratad I*'**’.’** riuiles* for four , Hhve. E cloEf'Up of namE pro* ft- emew-ta wm It i eighth atmlght wt* vnff i vrineiiwutowjM’.d. .h?w ,e ^ b a a k "u l^ . Sig a 1-up advantage. teurs, ______. Jim Furrier, . Putrh HurrlEon, Big Seven championship ,-flnelud- J^stnmVout five mem Ronnie Sim- i home ruq record, stole the thunder of the doubleheader, » looking for. s photo gd In ac­ the yiaiting third baseman who others with 22 circuit blows in bleheader. frohJ-'Phlladetphla** Ath* played oh Saturday and .Sunday, like an oyen. both rontestanta'bat­ and Policemen, ssy* the date of tion. alongAvith many more pny- parked it over the left field fence: seven game*. lettcs, 10-1 aild 9-1. Sejit, t2-lS> Eighteen holeswill be ____A .: S e v e n . ■ ' • / ^------*’ ■ tled aw'sy without either being the game has be4n moved back for^lay starn and slmon-^''^et*- with Ivfo duck* oft th* pond. Sim-‘ Here are the records set Sunday able to build up an advantage. played each day. from Sept. » to Sept. 6 because tVeglher is hotter than a blast . ? mon* pitched good ball the real as Brooklyn’* lead in the National Going into the 3.Mh hole one down. f of the. Jewish holidays. Several key furnace and 1 retreat In Ihe shade Morris Kay, Kaasa* of the way and wai especially e f-; was cut to 10 games by Milwaukee Oordan unleashed a long tee shot I members of the Barmen are of the ,afte/an hour under Old Sol. Creel geftftlag*. Mlaaeariaeoun feclive in the last inning when he despite a 20-4 romp with St. Louis down the middle, spanked a high Starza Attacks ! Jewish faith. . . Night at home. Holly Mandl.i Just as he Is leaving T Jerr.v Mlnalek, NehrrehnUdui disposed of the heavy end of the and New York's S 'l margin over Local Sport arching pitch shot to the green and I TPKSnAV after'turning in a 66 round best T—Roger Nelaoa, OklahanurlahomaX batting order without allowing : Chicago untouched when the Yap-' got down in regulation putts for stout Steve Owen of the foot, of any amateur during the dsy, O—J. D. Roiierta, Oklfttoniailfttonia \ them ,to score. In the three in-' kees divided a douhleheader irtth a wdnning par fotir. McKee, after Slain Baiig^Slyle hall New Yorlj Giants pens greet- and then watch Alex Hackney tee O—Boh Hantia, Kaasa* 'that he worked, the former-the White Sox- Chatter a fine lee ahot. missed connections '->5? \ lings from the\Gtants’ pie-sehson off. • . • Alex haa-several rooters D—Uoyd Brown, Mlaaoiirl .... I^eague no hit. no run pitch-' • . . training ba.se and the day’s a.m. QB—Buddy Leake. OfclalMiNa I Major league record ' lied: • ' PHYSICAL examinations fof Writh his approach and caught the Greenwood lyske, N. Y.. Aug. 31 „ . yielded three hit* and one of ^ p guarding the front of the HB—Veryl Switaer, Kaaa. Ht. the hit* was an outfield pop fly ). Eight borne run* In one game Manchester High football candi­ Challenger Roland I-a Starr.a , | HB-—Carroll Hardy, Colonido . by Milwaukee. The Yankees hit dates will be given tonight at 7:16 ^een. reached in three and then expressed his admiration for ; tlRrxM Hhq] that waa lost in the sun. . two-putted for a bogie five. n> jOeerge"'gfra. Nebraaka The heavy hitting for Manches­ ; eight on June 28, 1989. at the school. Head CToach Walker '* Rocky Marciano today but in an . Holly^MandlynUHaeJnKf.M17 W.of Manchester, shown above «v, *t>the left, ...I* -flight Briggs annoiinces that s ptactlcb \ Stepping tip to the 36th hole all '51-sb '* ' Uirfh ic.e.dtv the hst / f the Jaycees. sponsors of ter was done by husky Dave Golaa National League record* set: outspoken burst of oratory said , partur* of three-quarter* of Its by Herald cameraman Cinch Ohara congratulating Boy T o .,^ after 1. Eight home ran* In one game session* will start Tuesday momt W n . Oordan spanked an eye fill­ that the heavyweight champion's ; 'eastern colleges. . 1 the ev/nt. , . . Evening out again ye^ •vho connected for three for three. ing No. 6 iron to the green leaving Manager Dwight Perr/ls h visitor , ^ „^,inight is the time of arrival 1952 dream backfield and All- th'e latter won the second annual Insurance City Opeh. yesifirday at by Milwaukee. (Seven teams had ing at 9 o'clock at th< Weal SldJ -slam barig. atyie of fighting is.gdr.i. the Watfieraflald Country Qub. Toak:’*' winning uco'.f' *co;jr'^ was 269. One of his hit* was a home run liim about a Ifl-footer. McKee waa -rAnd--1» repoHs-work la pr^ home' ...... Amarloa- cantar Tom- CalUn.— - wilh-no-one- oiv-bsuie- in- th*. second .i.hit.aeven.L...... ' - ...... _____ .. Oval. Tw o iJrtJIa win 1j« held daltjS. ing, to make Rocky "aoft in the ^ n g on\the opening'home foolhall I ■ f KIDAY Handly had a MO four-aiy’ tofsT and 'Bniy’ 'TTi'orntoii^ Lsn^of Man 2. 12 homers hit In doublehe»«ler The first from 9 a.m. to 11:30 ai)6 * Just off the front edge with his tee Buddy' Laak* shift* to quartSr- ndiy\iitarted inning. The second Manchester: «.■« ...... r.. ------ahot. chipped strong past the hole head." 1 game program. The ; Kig, i^xig, which annoiihced ft back, dafenalve halfbscks Larry cheater, fired a fine 286 on, acorea of 72, 71, 71. 71. hn. I tio : ruft ws* scored In the fifth inning’ by Milwaukee. (The Gianla hit 9 the second from. 6 p.m. until dark'. "He's gonna get hurt." aald Ro-V strong with a 68 but had a poor second .hound of and waa left with a tough, curling, be dedicated haseball excursion trip yesterday., Origg. knd Jack GIng become of- t nn * a t 'whe’h Guav and Keeney surcesa- 4a a douhleheader In 168*1 • • * f land. "Maybe not by me. If I don’t ' final two day* with 72*.. downhill putt, Oordan trying for do it somebody else will. He talik^a Mantelll, one of the ; jp^^rvantl Vicht ps.sses along the fentfva, end Max Boy;|a][on la at fully pulled a double ateal, Keeneys 8. 12 home run* In twq *uo»'ea- MILLER’S Restaurant copped his winning bird, charged his at­ full, and the Sooner Spllt-T Is in going lo second and Guay coming j alve game* by Mllnaukee.\''hcl'1he W loft, t. ami and presentation presentation of of a a Pete Pete Beckwith. Beckwith. Each member or ofi T^Vday , Ttfe^ of the long and anxiously , thing to hapP<^ " " sports feat sd Dooney Harria in San Fran countenance until 1952’* strong ahead 4 to i>.^The final Manches­ on the r o ^ in 1949). great flchter. He’* the rhamplon.” O 4aque from members of the team the the .stale stale champion.shlpJeam championship team re- re- aw a^d softball game between the . scene. Already a goir toiirp \ Ciaco, April 13, 1867. JtMMV ROACH returned to Then he caniAiOut with hla ex- hnlah. To sustain' the momentum ter run was scored by Golas when 5. 100 runs scores by Stan Mii- OOINfl INTO /Hw 57th hole. n co-sponsor Matt Moriarly. A t ...... ceived_ a . trophy . , leamand team piciiire, picture, white ^^hlte collar collar workers workers ,ann .and me com-the com-| j wa.s aisged was h D and several other proj slal- of the Cardinals for the 10th actio/yW enday afternoon on the plosive remar:•ks in the midat of a Sports in Brief jUiere’s fine halfbacking by Ed ^ To Mari/in December , he scored on Charlie Pickral’s ' Gordaii appeared^n have -l^ t h s /. i' 1.I t tie'rightft.ieYKf Matt xfnHjirtvMoriarty t«is nrrrot*.accept- In Rddltlnn.addition, each boy will l‘pcfiv«receive j oojiinfirpoaing r^m . I.I, Hhaveave loEtlost »l^rpsleep for ectE.eels, .bf besides the baseball trip and ■ ground out. consecutive sesson to break his diamoii/ aral led Bolton to ft • to diacusalon On what the average PiUsburgh, Aug. 31 lA’i ” If any­ ' Juljr war a^art^ Mcrrifleid and Boh Schoonmaker, j 3 win \oveK Coventry. Roach chance to w in ^ e big one when his date— ,\iig. SI. T h e babe m " " * tng the plaque from nephew a Jacket from Mr. Moriarty. | more,nore than\4wothanXf'*-'' weebil" '“ hi trying:trvine tot o : bciwtlng:howtlnir leas:u<*.leaeiif «>f pi«nn#o m eran ball playars. Hal Newbouser. by little Tony I Batch Amum. classy Windsor own league maA(. fight^ * fan/llkea " * y ...... to. 'see. It was inspired passing played second b*"* and’ came driv« w»E/bookPd into th« Ii k ^ body breaks Babe Riitli'.s record »f U th on Sept. 2. / ------^------’ " '■ i figure ■ out a , iroper . batting order the fall.. . John HeHlund report.^ The flrat American fighter to Vern Stephen*. Max Lanter and rugged defense Wethersfield. A u g/S l iJh- Bob Locks curve ball and Aflutter ball National USgue records tied: agreed M all concerned that'.the] However, Ruth cpHected his . '•I having befn ap-jhe ha.E tendered hl.^ reEignEtiqo I Scardino, and a with two ■ hit*. It was his first bordering-^he first fairway for a slam bang action and 60 homers in one ses.sop that cll’rly- for my team.'I having befn win the middleweight champion­ Barney McCoaky wafe among anchored around center Uoyd vi'on th# tOR/priee of 52.400 pUcherr had Manchester: eating 1. Twelve nine in the seventh fans \y,rant help the Braves win a few ball i hV the ."Uinif: salary! a* auperintenilent of Rrrrealion Alagir Num bers—^ two striTke penalty. Howev-er. his 47th hoiiier in liipT33rd game. pointed coacha ah. ship was Tom Chandler. He de­ those released mi* Jtily. put of hla hando untilO..L.. thei..- sixth..A... In- Inning "by Brooklyn, (rhirago’a aU rt »ino« blood/ headed kid in the coiner will do .M.athewk, with,/<3, already h.i.s games. RE laat vear wherhs^no game waE I for the Town of ManrheEter. effer- — .-in the Inaurance City Open Golf hopes" q>''cl'>y »hot skyward when ••;rhal’a not for me. though, MAJOn LEAGUE Nebraaka la durtlng off past , ning when a combination of the i Cuba soared 12 rim* In seventh on j last April during ft\il*nche*ter it.’’ I played in 133' contests so he’s "Evervbody’s thinking in terms , played. Everything[''is arranged Itive I 1 I V»* Sept..nfjiv 11.a a . ' .f Johnny - ..... has...... ■ been disappointment with versatile John I Tournament^sterday, and what Bunik 1.5, Yanks IT terrific best plus the bombard-, -May 28, 1925). j, High gam*. Jim enteriyNew York Mr^e. trying to P"*" ' ] Snsaj^rt l-a .»»•••Starrui, _...... who gets - his crack of me breaking Ruth’s record.- .4 dvnnt#)r^. followed with **^*^” **^ /«\4 .-^-1 Tliat was Mapaser fharley net’ually . fplir games behind the field secured, an umi....;,npiye. n.,all ..equip-'4...1.- , unhappy *''■for some time,------and the- ment of the not to be denied Man- j 2. Five runs balled In by Brookr Military■y Academy- nex\ . month- •avan.ax'-. ,he iakV Bothl fd .Marciano’s crown in the Polo Heck, Babe was 32 years old and i Bnrdogna at tailback as th* key : do you thihK he’s going to do with Gi imm of the Milwaukee Brave.s pkre. ment w-hen In andI behol^beh/d at Ii3dl:.3c' change shouli)...... he gisid for .--.i.both New York. .Vug. .31 i/h——The' cheater team drove him off the' lyn eatoJier Roy Campanella to Ricky kopplln hurled the win for^ r ' > In his 13lh year In the majors be-’l Editor Alan Olmstead, k- scribes, on the new automatic pin­ > the' weekend . . . years and touring the rirrult for lion of the town champion Little run output lo/.008. only 92 »hort morning that Wednesday night adit back Cmjck Hoag. On the credit three. SnnUy acored hla first mnjor a total equalling 17 of Yankee voung Gordah an/ the experience Uic NaUonal | thin^ Ruth hever existed, •.lolly 4. setting lanes at the playground. Olh are Wally Fortm j League X’ankees. of its all-lin>e mark set In 1950. from 8 to 9 o’clock all money Heftv .447 Mark^‘"i’orked oh """ 27-ycai'-<»ld Nruro In The Business aide are lop-flIght enda Paul Leoni golf victory here— "ThlSi wwa the wins or (Tiirivgo White SUK Boat on 1 RiiUi colic, ted. •■’•2 houses ,U.V the ; * everything.' ,.5 ':“ ns?’i;:'N * Volk,J ,l.V^, „ .and...... I roll. a.. . 94...... then a 102- _ and I have on their eating ’’shoes’.'- "At of Windsor I.«cks to. Deld a team National. Wt only nine home rtins youth who was injured in Korea. six of the Bra\r^^' I'i homer, roail X-iUi the 's- h,,.n; am treated with praise as if I had aopKs vie at quarterback. ton. Maao.. about 62 mile* north, Nytierican league ftag. yesterday to raise it* season total Rfd Sox Ehigger, Ted WiniamE 1e Pendleton hit Uu/e in the itpmei no i.u» PievN I Wrist power, brain.s. everything. Kiu.<47.«*vr/ki. t'moimiKii and tonight’s parly atHhe Armory . . , I for the game. Yankees to esta^.sh fhe m * !'"'. if anvbody breaks Ruths record, it .Iim.-V si ljr.,ii.. liiT. bent Nick' Tronsky. Actually. McKin n ey brothers Iraakaway threat Carroll Har- and hla thrilling triumph was wit­ I .vfASrhe.ler S.L. All Ktan I5I td 740. 11)* league record 1# 973 |n The R i/ i* l CTommltfee working bEttIng * hefty .07 with eix home and Mnlhew.s bairgf’d two .m i.U« Nvno P.oggini, oneXof the best MANCHESTER TIRE and Roy , I ague jccoid. It *t V* »U .... Xfnafh.^ »Hi« I>t»ribl*'A MuairI. Str. leOUis. York,4.1; Snider. '.ij; losing a lane With Sn automatic X brightans th* prospectus for nessed by his father, four slaters AB K H PO A K m the/rrangement* for 'he 6th runs among his 17 hits in timeB Xirat game and addfd another in , ! Will be Mathp\\E. Maybe not IhlE ftKK'kljIl. 34; n»in>i7k7k. New . Yr»rk. .T2, , handlers of ydiingstiXi in M-sfi- r> r. %e - ...... 1 n n i 5 n Motors will clash tonight in the Arathcw.H* „etghth inning hom» r • but you Ju.«t wait and see-. ■ f'lh.uio. Ri finkivn. Boti. cthrinnati *nrt iI pin»Eelterpin-setter wa.swas fpiite interesting SIWAGE DISPOSE COe, _ .dahkhorse band of fvdanulo and tw o‘brothers. Bnggtnl T ’- - • A n n u / Manchester Open O of up. He has knocked in 14 ruHE, the n.ghtiap ee tlie Bia'.’cs ...... V...... J... - ___ f'uvnio. R,’f>eklvn. I- l oester. is another wetiMvp'ied vtsi- second'game of theif best o f three Oiamplonship has forwarded invi- h two abfTnrri in the IiiEt game | . .... iand certainly a feature of the fii- Buffaloes, ably manned by veter­ To vyln. the 26-yehr-o1d. 126- Maho|p|ria. lb. r . . , .. / / SPEARHEADED by rookie Jim trounced the/Pimte.s UM and ll-o. Grimm then turned and pointed' t p lor. .Vino guided Brown and Expert worfcniaaahlp. Hundreds of antlafled honai owner* a ^ posted round* of Moh^ntoal. r. Ih game playoff In the Intermediate There 1e definitely » housing so rslablishi'd a new National .... ■ .Mllwsiix-. • ...... n. PrfH'kI13. K„n.l.. I'hicsK" hrti- m. . . • 1 H"c sieaKSBtAaks were deliriou.soem u.u.s, ----an*. ,---- Dal------Ward------perked up the of- pound s'lugger ..------|/ Pendleton s three homers in the tatrun to sll those who competed MafKewVrV three. . Imnicrs ran lii’^iaiE^ to rencllelon the rookie Rubbing ... mm.*ai.i*.., Beaiinve to the Alumni LiUle doseas at Indnatrlal flrma.who rail us for sewage dispaanl prob­ Johnano- ,p. If . * T’ ' mnd thVM Kv HfRth^WR League. Game time I* 5:45. Winner l/this event a year ago. This af­ problem for fiEh in the Great I^ake i.ra;,ue’^ rci oMi and'tied a major .s.-hlmiii. rhlls'l-lphis an,I II, imi-. ,Si steak I should .say. When 1 left, fena* shifting guard Roger Hunt : 06-66-70-67/-269, a scorching 15- dolaa. .3h ...... 1 I first game and three by Mathews -ox* total for'lhe sea«nm to IJ. This put for the injure^r And;* Pafko. Pen^ League ha,;iebah title (or the iw - lem* will testify they ran ALW AYS rely on McKinney Brother*. , , to blocking quarterback. ] under p*r\on the 6..541 yard in the twin bill, the Braves of thU series will play the Bantly fair. which is the largeat single of Pambodia In Indorhtna. Approx* league mark of eight homers in iiiii«. ;Fred Post snd Reed Bartman of n>'lnnfl» r. rf ...... ,,'agu...... dieton's three homers .in the open- find year this season ; , , Afternol We also Install sCptle tank syitems and sewer line#. / t BUI Meek could pack surprises ■ Wethersfield Country C’ "’" d'ORv. rf ...... crushed the lowly Pirate* lSf-4 and Oilers for the playoff crown. The Imatrlv ino OOO tons of fi.sh srr I the sliiicgrr cren vvitli Kutli’s r«'- one game .set liy liie ^ ankee* in er gave him the distinction <>f ....4 3 ". T...... i; is < ^ y ; ir - , h ~ ,11' 4 n III* — Middletown Press_ wet. tied /’ golfing event locally, has growh .it the lake with the family an' at Kansas State, well adapted to ' Toski shared \the lead with four Plrkral.'rf .. , . 11-5 to practically assure them­ joiiers defeated the regular season each year to the extent that It Is tsken snnuslly from thr Iskr. lord-setting |i*cr of ifll, , on. this 'f'J30./f'evefi'''clillis previously held being only the second rookie to [Wneiis B.m.kl,. n. K .Snid, r. Brot.kivn, orn..«ivn, ;...... for eating...... honors. . .Put another Fro-hoW. If . . . hit that manv in one -tame A3: B-ll. (qncinnnii k-t , fchalk ptark on the wall as the ma then to the Armory''foi- the ban, \ ‘ one-platoon football. TTiey never t otljer* -Thursday, and with -Jim if. 3h .r ;f . selves of second-- place. Oth“* champion Police: and Firemen in„ CiX^^'otionnl League maik of I hit that many m one game. Bruu.n. Milsaukev. 24: |. ’ , -„,nine Is spent qiiet honoring the Aiheriran I..e- SlmmonR, p Braves' homers were hit by/ofin two straight game*. Mathews iwhat again?) accom- BriH.klyn, is liiMiam sn,l R..IV- Jtiv part of me evening is speni - i - I had enoughiign material msi-rrini w to go bothjFerner ""»** j r errier ofoi Sanoo.. Francisco and -/yi'n homerii in one game. gion Junior hasehall champions, i ways. The Wilpoat* have *. One I amateur Frank Stranahan of To- L'4 S 7 21 s 5 ny Logan (two); Del Oandsfi. Joe /. Xine Adcock's inside the park nlixhed the feat last year. i In.f.n, BrrKiklvn. 13 .kinder, Br,,nkl\n home. VI-;vSTKKnA\'K HK.HI Totalif ' , I txnfl R^'inip^r. PiltBhiiich. 1.3 V\RI>NESDAV r. s s long, drawn out a'lfsir on J all around alar tn Veryl Swltser. | ledo, Ohio. Saturday, National . Windaor Laicka Att-Mar« (3l Adcock. Sid Gordon and Jack Ditt- dwo-mn homer in the seventh In­ I’Urltmc r;oF. Ri iklvo. 9-2. .M8; one of the hottest Rights of the one of the nation’s top defensive | It was .a popular victory. _’The | PhiIahta 4””4. Cinrinnati .-3 AP n H PO A K mer,. ■ I BurflV-iic. Milwmik . t'V.3 .K13 Sj.ahn. ! Best publicist the .Msnehester McO'nnf'M, ?b 3 1 0 3 3 0 ning of the nightcap helped Ihe years . . . A camper for the tirel halfbacks and Just as capable at ■ mighty mite won over the galler- j Milwaukf'*' ITUn DittMivuRh 4-5. Only one other rookie besides Trial Dogs Place \ Biavea ctlip.se a National l-eagu« ji Mllwan-Milwank*'^. 19-.5, f92: Kii>k>n| Rrook- (.'oiintry Club hss had in eight York t'hiraffo Mooro. r( , .3 0 0 f) 0 0 SixI Wild YT i l E i »Pilchccs P i " - 7-5. .773: M^v»'r---- Rr«*ok«,vji.. .14-5, 1 EEEEOnE,seasons. Tomm.VTommy fOEgrOVeCosgrove pnonesphones time umr im.*»this .tfnnim,.season, Mrs,*Edi>B min, c/tim* .Hhd- Inc. lugging the ball. 1 tea front the opening daV and next j Brooklyn 2«i. St. T,omir 4. I Warwick. 3b . .4 1 .1 13 0 Pendleton ever hit home run* in S*12£^’ .ucia«4 -.o£, to hosiers,in twq^'on^ Aniprirun \ Pohorylo. se. p T4 S 0 J 1 0 t 5 2 A1 one game. That wa* Mathews Secijtive gaiues and nine hdniers in J>»nH/In>ftkcjk.ihA,..jtriR. fri4ML)je .to Omnecrtcut's JujlHi 'p :j _ III Rhode Island Iowa .SInle. There are a couple o f ! former Natlonsl Open cnainp. wa.s 8^8.* ' -*»«iewic a floiiblelieader ; l 3 o i l h l ^ l l t * H l l O r rRnrtctrit-:—-Brn^ Rrook4 vtrvtn X ftral grsl publicity pulillctty mEn in*n named named beii^hbeftch , - . . . The The Rev.Jiobert Re.v..Jioberl h KeatX Waxhtnpton 3-9, St. A-.3. I BFonifi. If. fS * " *-f * .l.niiiftj,niii.«. 127127 : : IlHftdix. llailillv. Si .Si 115;: Sim-.Sim- w..•by the . . club . ...u^who . umm .hai Kas^n.been-----j _ Hriincrdoing ._ _ - m a jpg’s address nnrone of hiMi best Heliv delivered good boys like fullback Max * favorite. Boro* closed ift lUh ....Detroit lo-9. f‘hllafl»*lt>hlR 1-1. ■i Boyle, rf .. . ii a 1 0 3 n now is- onlv four home runs be- The.... . I’lrule*...... set the tuii-game ni<'n!«. PhllEd* Iphtn. IH ‘ Sidwav. ih . Weekend activi'ty o'n the sport’s ibd per cent Job all EeaEon long . . H s hsnquet In Msnehester In Burkett' and quarterback BUI! spot with 276, but playing well. vk York l>Mi. ('himRo ♦>-1. 3 ? V S » a hind Babe Ruth’s pace when the ihurk In IH'?.’. and Ihe douhle-head- | .\mrrirfin hTAMHNtiS ’ Arnum, p . . . ___ immo.-talimmoriai home nome run luii king blasted Si'cne raw the«.*. ushering...... in of - the er record was esIabllsWed by the Detroit, Aug\ 31 Id*, In Sun­ Faarly a.m. vlallorE this week have years . . . On. e again II is a late Planan - but not enough of them, i Toski's 67 yesterday was fpur- Raltijig— V< rn«n», vVaffhinirton. 328; • • • j under pax on the 35-36- t I laydtit. Tnia! ...... 29 3 5 IS 1! 1 60 In 1927. The Babe, however,, hit start of another bird dog field trial .Neu '\ork tiliintn in liiStt. The day's douhleheader between the Rrtprn. t’lpvriftiul. 32.5 . I ’hira- been plentiful, during .Ihe buEleEt hour when I arrive home. HERE ARE CARS AT ■ Probable tram ranking*; Okin- j His iron* were '■working smoothly, i Punff. . . in. W'anfirk. • (7o)as. IT in September. !i .snoaonr..A.s>#%n a«as th#the famithemSouthern Rhode h \ t ankees linitl the major league re­ Philadelphia Athletics and Detroit gM. .315 Mitrh**ll. Clcv»*lHnfl. ..■112: portion of the diiy. and it ia diiffi- SUNDAV cm. IcLtaI -TohYiaun 2 ' tU Tigers. Ihe pitchers not only had Rniii-r. .Ww Ym’k. ciilt tryi'ng to make the ^new Highlight this warm day is the homn. Missouri. Nebraska K *a -! and it-was just aa well, bccauaa j-,., plfh^'rho. hnm.’ ‘ Hin;. (;.Iisv^7rw^rk | , BrooklVn’s 19-hit assault on four Fifjd Trial Club offered tLs cord of 13 In a douhleheader, also niin.<—M.'n«».*n. ChicHCf. 95; Vrrnf.ti, nmh, a.j.Mpi, ...... >RE-W AR PRICES ar* , pioirin KaArF. CvK iJoirf. (Juav.lav. Kp**n^>; Cardinal h'urlers. made it sa simple , a.iniJaln.'iniJal fait progrAm ofo* five siaKessiAKea trouble finding the plate they Watihlnsion. 91: MantL-'. Ww Y<»rk atvi gportE dradllnrline of H10:.30. nn hour second annual Moriarty Brothers’ ' Colorado^ K m im 1 state. lawa - he barely beat out the Austrahan- .'hira estnblisheil in 1939. I born Ferrler by one atrokf. Per- c'l^‘velanrt ... rtouhlp plavff. p-ihoryio i« to'./'matter . fnrfor rarlCarl Erskine to regis-iregis-j over thnthe «4xnan.aesexpan.ses of the PeacedaloPeacedalc Mathews, playing only his sect often roiildn'l even locijte their Yf.1.1, WH,-I|i.nxtiin, k7 R..a<:n. I'l.uc- io,,rlater thanfh«n inIn nrevihlis previoiiE monthsrnonths . . L'tlle League family get-together 8UU. BihuIoo ...... Sifivav i«f( on Manch land. 85. at (Thai lie Pontlcelh’s . . The at­ Tier sank a birdie on the 18th to Wa.ffHihirUtn . k5 WiiKli«or-r>>rk8 7. basiM on halls. Johh- ter his 17th victory. of the season shooting Preserve. ond .sea.son 111 the majors, thok the cstcliers. Riinii Ratted ln- R£*«-n. (’!• veland. TTiIe iE the day of our annual Phila^li-lphia 51 •>VD 1. Slmnionu 2. Amum 3:1: wirikwyatff. against five defeats. Miss Florence Harw’arth, promi- . There were no fewer than 122, B 'lia . .NVw Y«»rk and . ___ ...... tendance IS twice the figure of a NEXT: MiMotiH Valiev ami , draw that close. MANCHESTER... recort’-hreaking (eat„r - nonchalantly.------...y.- ...... *'X pilgrimage to Storra and the A fig u s t - SI ranahan. warming up for the D*’troit , ...... -47 Jimn.' •5. ’Stmm<»nw.- 3. Arnum 4. i ruhi bvby Alvin Dark.Dark, nent wlocal n i hirrtbird doerdog enthusiaiit.enthuaiaat, or-oc­ It was great," he .said. "I Wi.sh ' wild .pitches during the sloppy pro- Wn.hinei.... M. Min,...,, chirse.., A ainic...... St the...... University. ,.■■'‘91 • • • Sotihall.Softhall gamsgame b< Itorky MouBtalna. Si. leouia ...... 4^ pohorlyo 1: hit by nilrh^r. by ^ H4«f>ne, li»’tiou. "A. __ , _ _ ... . .« i 1 _ *-vi___ A . - 'National Ani^teur next month, NKlinnnt ■ ira.spyK umpirrff. Varami-AI^men> , Bobb> Thomson. Wes West rum cupied the role of judge In the,^ e / I CO,lid hit that manv in every ' ceedings. of Con'h.Sclicut. Athletic Director I tv.rcn the -males, and females is Hu.* — VFtnon. WaAlil»»gt"i I. 173. • slippedallpped to a oneroverop^rffi^^-r 72 o-* yesterday ,vx r»*. • BriM«klyn .. . i . . . . hk’k i*nd butyl Spencer powered the Open All Ape and Open Shooting game. Babe Ruth's record 7 I'm , ■ Ed Monahan made three and Kii* nn. Deimil. 171 Ro.*pn. (M "volnnil, Joe Christian and his staff and Avon by the latter'with (liristiiie m top the simph Puras with 274 ...... Ml Giants ui a 10-1 victorj- over Chi- Dor ittakes. Two local dogs rnsde not even thinking about it. \\\ T Frank Fanovich two for the A e 1S2 ; rhlll**-'. Phii«d*’U>hla, Iftd. Ru.«hj...... 7!T gets new carriage shipments of the 154 Publicist 'Frank Soltys are, as , fyiPIsnle hitting a home run in Ih Clearance Sale PhllaUeiphia- ’ cago hut the Chib* came back, to Wa.-huiguin. He had been n aerioiis Ihrcnt NL Louiii ...... 7U 57 551 Old Tony Freitas their bow in the current season want tn flo iE pU'y every game and . and Al Aher one for Detroit. , ; I>*ublr?* KHI’ Roep.nnn andnnn, . V':* i usual,iisus I. theme e;;ce.llenti\-;f:e.iiem hosts.m Floyd , ninth inmng: with two nirn on win the second game 6-2 on Man­ ' Waj«tnnRt«»n.,^ B5; J^n^f We are really .sellinR intofiooblle* in volume down here throughout. Sf'vr York ...... 61 6?; . ’173 2R an au.spicious one by taking honors ' ‘'•chvvartiAvaldec of .Syrscuiie snd bdE^ . . . TTifliliE Hmlburt eIe'i Right behind Xf>*hi and Ferr »r CtnclnnAtl ...... 5fi 73 .4.34 33 ager Phil Cavaretta’s pinch hit 30 tloodrnao, Ro.otnn stHiirri for the fairer Erl . .lor folks. Ta^ke advantaRe of this sale and compare our rhlcago ...... 50 79- .3S5 39 Wins 2l8t Game at the trial*. Miss Harwarth smoothest whiskey in 173 years! i*hicag" 27 I .lonnJohn Mruniignr>%.tM McLsiighry .of i-kAmherst nni»:i on iUM.ihold were Tommy B o lt of Maplewood. double with the bases loaded in handled her "Donna’s Sammy,’’ an Tnph- Rivers I’hli-H*,, U lh-r«sn. [.Ih, major spotlight of the day prices. We cordially invite you lo examine theae cars PiltwburTh ...... 41 95 .»»l 5i»- MiEtreUa «nd Mike.SihnnEZ harl A N. J.. Fd Oliver of P*lm Springs. TOII%Y’hiH and BnaUy. Waah- i blbnchcrE which"* will be l^ble lO Call who heads forAhe National Cel* ' vs Millikdi (5-3i Freuaa pitched for the CSncip-. Karl Drews'won his eighth in the OHEVROLETS ; Doesn’t the ball become dead the Only ingtnningtrn, 11 t i . __ ... accomodate over 1.5.000. The three britles Open this weekend .it f Ameriran...... nati Reds and Philadelphia Ath- Phillies'-4.2 first game triumph PltrhiriK N'M’ Y»'rk, 13-3, .813 moment It strike* the runner? - SUP IS SHOWING atory presa box Is s trip in ilaelf W as Sale Price A. , Ye*, and the rtmner score*. Betheada. Md.. along with moat ot at ri-'vcir.nd iniqhn—McP»r- letlcs in the early .30s. despite a triple play by the Reds, StoEriV Sir 8-2. .8oo; Trurkp. < hi- MAURICE P. the first in the National League New York (N E A ) . National ri»co. IMi .750 Foi'H ‘ N«'W York. l.V.5. aitd the view from the roof i.s 1951 4-Dr,— R, H, clean...... ;. $1195 SI 225 ! If the p itA entered the »trikc the other blg-nsme pros who were ni'.ii iM-iii vs I'.nrcia iifcTi I - The 45-vear-old righthander. gross i(ate' receipt* r'rom profes­ :SA; P..ij»rhl. N»*w Y'trk. 12-5, .70«. excellent of the picturesque uni- here, "that was the victory l.need- this season." SiriktHMiiP P»rr*^'. I’hlrEgf*. 181. lixoac before becoming dead, how- .■^hm'ut"i'S.7i 1 «•»» .pitching before many of sional Bojetng In 1947 were 13*A veraitv buildings snd countryside. 1950 4-Dr.— 21.000 hoRCfit milea. . . . .$1295 995 wl to five Tne the conBdence I : Pliiladciphia at DctrOtnU itui-nisliii his Stockton mates were born, won Trurkp Phirug.i 1^3 CmriH. nrvrlRod. CORRENTI over. the hatter la charged with a BI1.LYD ...... •PIEBCE ...... outpitched...... Jim million, dropped to four and a half 112; WA*nn. <'lpvpl%nd. 110; Pariv*!!. The ilConn’s will have to supply 1950 2-Dr.— R, H. H**"**"* **"*• H29!» 995 Bvrd (Uv-161 vs N. »'soni\udij vs Bran-; j,*) ganies for Modesto in the Class strike. If thi* la the third atrike needed.” McDonald as the W'hite Sox won) million tn ’.’52. A KTITCH IN TI.ME .SA%'KS .M.VE Rojtton. 1*18. the preEE with helicopters and FOR A LI. FORMS OF 1948 Bus. Cpe.—OrieiiUl jet black. .. $795 J95 and third out, the rtai does not ' I c UaRU* two years ^go.^ parachutes for the press *mx is 1946 2-Dr.—______R, H.______dflx, maroon. . ■. ---- $695 _575 ‘ mnuit. .. Women’s (^Iculla ^lleved to be the highest n he INSURANCE ! Q. What happens If two runner* ..•-Life.. • Casuall.v. - JEOT^'roRK awl m i* FORDS l are hit by the same fair ball? I I ' a ; oaiy w f am vwnier m « t t Flnalfr ^ h etlu lcd 1951 Ciwtan 4-I)r.— R, H,-green «n«kes,.4;dpperHeads snd ' ' ’'’"'''P M l " -8M Birch Ktr»el I Mtaiiae Me Im II I* InaiantYy diNid. moc.CBSina. For this reason « 1950 Cuatom 2 -D r.-R , H, bWck. .. . ^11295....,^ -Q.HHow manv tmnaatatod- triple Flnia*' WomehU CaltuUa Get Bus/Oii House Fix-Ups illegsl in' msny sections of the _ son. Elgin Zatupky. ^"^nny Csna-, Tel.;MI-9-1215^_ 1950 C«atoiii4-Df.— R, H,0.D., green. $1295 plays have there been In major U, .S. (or huntera .to kill, ft king.i ykeU Baer, and Eddie flollina, , 'ISStF C i«iN *e r **lNr^c-'Ji«a4e4r t L’.-.n. IV"'’ Seven, yjeal Ball made the . Country Club w i» be i^SyearThir Yito Yellow and black...... ,$ 1 2 9 5 , $1095 I first oae In IfiO*. aad there have week between the Virginia Th(>rn- Over The LAor Day Weekend 1948 DIx. 2-Ur.— R. H , black...... $825 been other# by Oenrge Bum*. ton-Lucille Carvey team. Mr*. 194T Ryper 4-Dr.— R, H, blue...... $695 I f l i iBrale Padgett, Glean Wrigh. 1 Thornton and Mr*. Carvey de­ -/SOUS Rolled window frames, splil Hiding, broken porch NOW IS THE PME COMPLETE [ 1946______CIb Cpe_ Super— R,...... H, spec. .... $595 « » 5 i Jimmy Cooney and Johan,v Neon. feated Peg Steven* and Georgia Doubi* yo«r cImnicm for a serf* La­ siep.s— we’ll show .vou how lo do these repair jobs before I Billy Wambagnas* made the oaly Lambeck bv 1-up in the aemi-final TO PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR - OTHER MAKES AT WHOLESALE PRICES one In a World Serlea, against round Sunday. Earlier last week Ihe.v grow Iih> big to handle. RADIATOR Brooklyn, la 182#. the Anderson-Gangwere team de­ bor Day w*«k*iid on tb* highway feated Nrtlle Johnson and Peg smoothe$t mrlJnu'fst rjrhfst WK’RE HOME-SHOPIMNG NEADQII.ARTERS .1951 Buick 4-Dr. Stiper—R. H...... $1745 $1595 Nftw WK eia re«t; too? It took 173 1951 Kaiacr 2-Dr.-^R, H. black...... $1295 S1047 Chanda after a long, close "W tc" yatra to bring tbift wonderfol Blend Straight Rond For the past .18 years, Manchester folks have liked our AMESITE SERVICE 19.51 Stud. 5-Pa6« Cpe.—R, H, O.D. Remember Yanks w'hich was finally won on the 23ru by U8 ghf* your cor th* w*H- lamM K. Pepper wbiftlejr... high standard.s. fair pf-ices, friendly terms’. We believe hole. . c V B H E Q B e R io wreeti...... $129# S1()95 Winnert In th* 'Thuraday Sweep- direct deteendant of the nrifinnt 4” you will, t4M>. • c l e a n i n g luiewN BROWN-REAUFRE SAFETY 4/5 qt. 1950 DeSoto Clb Cpe.—R, H, Auto., ^Tio Set Reeoril? stakes were: Peg Ch#"**?' J ? '* ,!' Kantveky whiskey! It*« the enAiefti* •AI.L READY FOR YDl’R WEEKEND JOBS DRIVES midnight blue...... $1445 $1295 14' Barbara'WlUlGm*. 108-2!^—83, to*t«k« drink in Dixieland, YankeeUnd, • REPAIRING Carolyn Laklng, 96. In the week­ Chi-Namel Paints. Pla.sticrete Hagstone.*. Majestic e EFFICIENT GUARANTEED 195Q Plymouth Spec. DIx. 4-Dr.— New Yprlt, Aug. "31 iff*)—Can CHECK. V and. all Canada too. Try it.today! You'll Fireplace (O l’TOOOR) Vnils. Pl.vwoods, .Sea.soned end Sweepatakea th* victor* »;ere: RELIABLE WORK MACHINE SPREAD • RECORING R,H,...... $ ^ 5 you name the.New.York Y*nke«a Cor* Anderson. M-aiV—:74; Julie $hmnk Ml fhm the bitttom of your glau! Lumber, Bruce Flooring, Balsam Wool Insulation, As­ POWER ROLLED 1949 Dodffe 4-Dr.—R. H. fluid drive. $1095 $1025------who established th* major league Faulkner, 92-16-|^76; Carolyn hiiKiiimiiniiiiijiB phalt shingles. record of eight horn# run* In one S*« us EARLY In th* w*oh. WE HAVE THE PROPER EQUIPMENT Prompt service for *11 make* JONEY DOWN ON TflESE SPECIALS game which wa* matched by the *^^e^uallfylng round for the Fall Order Materials Early This Weiek In . our specially staffed radia­ Milwaukee Brave* at Pittsburgh Tournament has been extended MaarJwater AutomaUva AND KNOW HOW—DON’T DELAY—CALL TODAY Hudson 4-Dr.—Hi, H. As is special...... -$395 yesterday? U was on June 28, ■ Closed All Day Haturda.v, Sept. .5 and Labor Day tor repair departmenL another week by the Tournament LUBRICATION Chryaler Bus. Cpe.—Full price...... :S129 1989 and the Yanks beat the Ath­ Committee. ’Hila tournament U Dealera’ Aeaedatlep' Y TERMS UP TO 3A MONTHS Ply, Clb Cp6#—^*ood BiotoTa Sot letics 83-2. divided Into two claaae# to. Interest Aa a memory refresher th#y- Pontiac Clb Cp^.-^^lcan for itRrycar.------$95 a larger group of g o K ««' „ JAMES E. PEPPER PLACE YOUR FREE were. Joe DlMaggio - and Babe A huaband-wlfe Scotchball will Dahlgren. two each; Joe-Gordon. BROWH- N«w 'S3 PtymouHis for m Hm Spot DoHvory be pUyed Sunday. Pairing* will be • Tommy Henrlch. Bill Dickey and The original Kfmucky u hi.ilry^ ORDER NOW , ESTIMATES posted' ffaturday so couple* ibay frOP AND SWAP WITH JACK CLANCY George Selkirk. ■ Bom ^'ith the Republic (est.-17HO) BEAUPRE And the Yanks cam* right back arrange, starting time. There will BROWN-BEAUPRC ORBDAM OnAT to win the second game of the be mystery prise*. ^ Look far ihitfamtmt Jnme$'KyFepper traiiemnrt THOMAS COLLA Incorporated doubleheader 18-0 with Gordon hitting two homers and DlMaggio. Whe'n Native Dancer scored i n w w B g T k aiia,' i 2h « i iems tp. nue ti. e « tma auiui span, k .i wof. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 3 0 B I S S E L L ST • TEL. M IT C H E l L 'i V. '30 IISSELL ST. Frank Croaattl Snd Henrlch one at Arlington Park ha boosted hi* e n w r smiorr H M MBST. s 1EIM u . K nw • lom Y siiu^ PHONE MANCHESTER. MI-9-S224 SOUMENE,!"^ each. 'The 13 in two successive S-year-old eardtags to 8438,076, MANCHESTER CONN! TICU! 136 N7HAIN 8T.. MANCHESTER TEL. Ml-9-5253 MI-9-S234 I games !■is • a major league*0BJ[UR sstraamark s», I whichw amount —--- wa* 8229,000 ' j more ■ n o a m t lEMS IX IE W • illMESl Era AH.. lU M Il 434 CENTER STREET—MI-3.5101 the Biravea failed #"• ^ ®‘***'^ **”” * during -.'I , etpiali » _» ' a A----.. _ '1 • ‘ 'x,' X’ e- 7 : \ ■ V-“ . V ’ I.'- y ' K ' / - .,' •\ - r . >-' \ \- \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 31,1953 PAGETHmm BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C0 NN..^WGNDAT, AUGUST SI, 1988 ^HRAfiB T T W n /T B Rooms wUlmiut - W ad tha' fiOmmlsdion (the National M Sammor Homss for Itoat 67 Hoiisss for Said 7* Hougsi'for Ssis 72 Saburbsn for Bsle 75 Help Wanted—Female 85 Help WpiitoMed—Male 8« A r ti c k a f o r S a l* 45 Complete line of home ~ lurity T faln lsc Ckwnmiaatos) X^tor Report Automobiles for Sals 4 HousehoM Services ROOM FOR Rent, Kitchm prtvt- GOP Farm Aid ra^t^ tba foasIbUlty . and -izs: ‘flropl Ter. COVENTRY Laka-:^Ntce five MANCHEStER VALtJES KANCHEST two acrea, dx TOLLAND—Yaar old Caps Cod, 2 Local Stocks Offeted 13-A FULL AND •art tlm# aSIas help PAINTERS and Painter's helpers EIELO STONE f« flr^Uca y d ra - l^ea. Woman er eoupla. “ ' cotUge. Modem coavenleoo kitchen, dln- badrooms and laig n unflnlMMd dt6t$smlity of oparating a milt* IMl PONTIAC 8«iil*n. Good clean talnlng walla. M. Francb, Oovan- furnlihlngs, appliances roooi hooaa, waifted. ipeiienced prefe:iired. wanted. Top wages. CaU Glasttm ------' ' - MltcheU l- is n . T h n o bedrooma. AvoUaMa uotil lag aleovo, phtmMag, oil rdorn, fins Utrlng room, axcaUant Tio Be Att%d£^ traiolnc program to supply Frees IWver dependable traneporUtion, $160. WEAVINQ of bums, moth holes Harrison's, 649 bury 1-2463 after 8:30 p. m. .' try, PDgrira 2-7181 ■ Four rooma ax* kiteban, alactric stova, bath and ____jd nen*vatoran ratervea w*Ue X O a hO T A ified No down payment. Smalt monthly and tom clothing, hotaery runs, Apply In and TV. Low overhead, I > Sopt. • and after Sopl. 1$. Coll ■teaim haat, traso, ona Main Sti 150 GALLON water tank (extra ROOM FOR GENTUBMAK. 91 ro s­ Oawaatnr PUgrim 24677. • Ma, doim er wiadowa, eO hast, minute to il2,IOO. ohowar. Also has t rooms and hath at tha aasie tima cqntlnuiiig Induc­ payments. Cole Motors, 486 C^n* handbags repaired, alpper re­ wia^rrfcD-*Man to work srtaintl location, largo lot. Sals basement apartm ent giving $M tion for service. : > placement, umbrellas repaired, WOMAN WITH sewing axperienca, AMod___ __ car lotlo and garage. Steady heavy) wiq» fittings and pressure savings for you s t / ^ ter Street. Cortton Hutchins. By Democ)»|^ ‘.LM ST Deputy Judge Rnte* No Advirfinimnb ter. Mitchell 8-0980. control. In exMllent condition. $25. COVENTRY LAKB-AvanaMa An 641^6-4164, ______monthly Income. Wonderfol ^ at *Tt has botn, said eostUsusa to Bid Aokad men’s shirt collars reversed and to work in dry cleaning daoMt» work. Excellent working condition. guat four room tumtabod bs, tbs contanttw of tha American G f o iu m I s for Gmtle? I960 CHBVROLET8 , radtos, heat­ Douglas Motors, 333 Main street. J, jossie, {^Hilliard St. Mitchell $11500. Georg* J. Coleman^ Brok­ Pint IMUonol Bonk CLAM lI^D^VT. 'replaced. Marlow's Little Mend- merit. Apply In person. New CHAMBERS FURNITURE cottega;.wateifratit AU cotivaa' TPCi^AMILT, flva and tin , er, Hortford-Cann. Tniot Co. Bldg. a) tegtoa that tba proaaat method to of Manchoaur .... . S3 87 ers.'Both styleline deluxe models. Model Laundry, 73 Summit. / 6-492S b etw ^ I a. m. and~2 p.. m. Country Bosr#— X Two Tandly, Ilva. and . FlVa—' tion; Suves Record WOT. Fordor black, tudor green. Excel- . Ing Shop. Wa n t e d — carpenters. Steady loncaSi $16 wosMy, PUgrim 2-6631 dda Sbwiy covarad, now hot all :.^el. RockvUle S-404mor'5-4710. . lamtr in th a t oaly • o m out ■ of * atx■ Hartford Notional At The Green Resorts 60v Plua four room axpandabla dngla, ell funaca. Two nalnutoa walk to ^ m ..... ,-Ypr expected twgtotnnU actually oorvoa in the 8;1S A. M. to 4tlp lent condition. Douglas Motors, 333 uuw .WANTED—Woman for foldliw and ' work. Good wages. Call after 7 p. Bonk aad Trust ;. . 29 31 FLAT FINISH Holland window HflUto and Accwatorlw 46 nlca lecotlc^ vary larga lot. Bud- otoroa. kus Una, ooheela. Om flat jpUy f.45. Fine of armed forcoo. The flve or six wha Hartford Conn. Trust . 80 83 > controiHaflOB in th* raport of s Main Street. shades, made to measure, checking in laimdry. Apply m per­ m. a t 6 Moras Road, or Mlichell oaos poadlilUUaa. Bettor eall-o o »«ar garage. AU city tr e-9f93. A’tLANTlC ApartmanU, Block la- ' W iRtod^Rtat M vacanty, axpandabla to aavan Bllesater of LoaMOna. oocepe eervtoa end tho ordooto of Mancharter Trust 80 — piiyatcton Who axamlnild a n u n COPY CLOSR4G TIME metal Venetian blinds at a ne,w n« son. Msple Dry Oetners and 26 FT CABIN Boat. Being sold tor Hours. 9:30 A .J iifto 6 P. M. land, B. I. ApWtmenU sUIl avail- this ona, FuH pries $Ifl,SM. rooma.' Raaaonable. Np' aganU, CCH' ■ Income,.vocon- of ArkaiMSB. M ayhank of FOR SALX3 or swap for older model Launderera, 73 Maple St. conflict, also escape the raoerve Phoenix Btate Bank ortgthany ouqiectod of driving tin- and cash 1952 Plymouth Cam low price. Keys made while yaif EXPERIENCED Truck drlvsi '^balance due, $445. Call Mltchfll abla until Sept. 12. Rooms by tba i t t ^ r h s p TO Rant—6 'or 6 rooms. Pbena M lt ^ ll 6-7776. _ ,;a J. - Coleman, ^ ^ w. Carolina, Robortaon of Vtiu obligation which to poosad on to . 56 ‘ '6 1 - FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT» 7:30 P. M. to 8 :30 P.M . Idled, children, good refers and T riirt ...... dqp tiM Infhienco of .liquor OMad m ^ e sedan. Low mileage. Make W'sit. Mgrlpw’a. WANTED—Girl for general counter wanted. References necessary, 9-t717. waak and Waektnd, no rasarvatlon uobmuIsIi / Cape Ckid—Four rooms oxpand- D ^i^cr; ^ I?*"**’ Ooorgla and the reUroii.” Flra Inortaaes Cmnnaalea MON. THRU FRL needad. Writs and sUta whan Can MltcheU 6-44N. MANCMIETBR GREEN - Now Bldg. B ^ville 8-4048. J»r of N orth Ohrollna. d lffe rd ThompooB, 55, of 874 Tol­ me an offer. Mitchell 9-3962. z: work. 8*4 day week. Numerous ply .In person. Old Colony Co. COLDS POT Refrigarator. Magic able, hot water heat ell, modem He said tha Legion addad its A etna F irs 52 54 10:30 A.M . Hard St., Manchester. , ^ you’ra coming and how many. P. throughout, near bua Una, aioa eon six room ranch stylo home. FuU 6-4710. \ ^ ^ *^t goes alao for Soutbeniers .158 land Tpke., in ascopiiig eonvietton Building—Contractiric 1.4 benefits. Must apply In person. FIVE H.P. Outboard motor. Excel­ Chaf gae yange, new mattrese. WANTBOH* or 4 room fumlahed Or basomant with - M u t f . . L arge strength to supporters of tha Mc- Hartford Fire ...... 163 1939 DODGE 4-door. Considerable O. Box 64, High St., Block Idand, ditlea. gala pries $10,6(M. mo^lnclinod to support tha party Carran-Walter Act on immigration National Fire jy/... . 6314 55H in Town Court thto morning. SATURDAY 9 A. M. New Model Laundry,, 73 Summit WANTED—Man to work4n hard­ lent condition. CaU Mltchall 9-1329. used twice, gae water hfster. Tel. partly furnlohad apartment by ------a--n A^awsh■fRrwFI _ ^ ROeXViLUB - ku eu^or Mock work oh it in past year. Bums WE CAN BUILD a garage R. I. oUndNan other national taouas. aad naturalisation ”and have Phoenix ...... 96 . 10 1 / some oil ahd needs paint, but is St. ware department. ^Ilng exper­ MRchell 8-7960. qutet reliable young couple. Tel only. Wm. Kanohl, A4l3ar. Mitch ranch, attachad gn^v,N,^S bad' Thompaon, who was pr*aanta< on for $898 complete need one M itchell 6-6144. rooms, living room, dloiO|ra|c<>V4. such aoBtas. Lyndon B. 'Johnson helped prevent direct attack dfl I4fe aad lodemalty loa. Poq. charge of reckleaa driving, won TOUK COOPERATION WUX. dependable, easy-driving car. *200 GIRLS WANTED for >art time ience helpful but not necesimry. XSig Room Capa Qod—Bx^lanl aU 1-7776. of Taxaa. >hp S«Mto minority Aetna Casualty ...... 113 120 It's a bargain, ftimates also BuUdiiiK Materials 47 COMBINA'riON Gee and oil atpva condition, loaded with extras such outstanding Uto'kltchsn, ctMtoni th a t law.” orresUd Aug. 11, oftor tha car ba B E appreciated or make offeiv^ Call Mitchell | ;ea, breeze- work, six or seven hoiir ehtfta. Contact Mr. dlfWrd at the W. G. Apsrtmsntoi—FIstm— W A im iV -$ o r 4 .ro6sq''unfuniish< leader. Bporlmtoiiof Atobama. the Aetna LIfa ...... 75V4 given on large Glenney Company, 386 North Main Excallent condition. For further as eocktoll room, mirrbrod doora, SDC ROOM Ckipe Cod. Five finish mads catatoMa, tils bath, cameo] Vice Prsaident Richard M. Nixon wOa driving rammed into th* rM r 9-9669. ways, porches, irs, etc. For Morntngs or afternoons. Apply 18” Colored Shakea - - per aq. $12.50 * informaUon Cell MltcheU 6-9840, Tenements 83 od aMrtmafK IM you^ working ed. nraplace, oil haat, redreatlon asphalt floor. Set tubk 1602 Vice Praaidsnllil nominee. will Aeflver tha keynote address Conn, deneral .'...... 165 /2 0 2 of a cor park*d on kCoin S t, Mor W. G. Mc- ' Lady Self-Serve Lauiidro- St. colored .Ula bath, etc., ate. CaU; ef Tinnesae* and the Hartford kUaih BoU. . 4|'^. 45 Dial MI-3-5121 full particulars om^o. CM Miteken 6-rrei be ni ten you more, iaio"" price room. tHorm windows and acreena. storm windows, vane this afternoon. Secretary of Navy Grove, about I a. m. / Auto Acttssories-K-TIres • NaltiyA'SOns. T h MltcheU 9-9992. Maple St. Apply Monday. 7-Ctf r r . -KELVIN ATOa refrigera­ ROCKVUJLX 2^room furiililifd. .„.torsep. 6. A-W., WdcA-P.te...... Waat fltda.. CqU MUchaU 6:1925...... inds, - baaullfiil—wpodVork. to from tte North Robart Andarann will, apeak to­ Travelere ...... T25 745 Wednesday afternoon, 2 to 6 p MAJOR FEED Oompaity semng*] W eslenF Ffhm inf rper $12590. - — :-r ...... - Deputy Town Court-Judge j A n-J. - ’ tor. Vary good condition. Tel. apartment', private bath, no objec­ lOut, outsida tarmca. AU and who ar* up ferYptoldC-' night and Secretary of Stats John ■...... ;■ ...... O'Oannor found Thompaon not BATTERIES ■— Famous makes, SPECIAUZmO Ir custom built direct $6 the farm needs two sales r e l i a b l e Cbu^e and two cKU WEU*'CARED tor thra*-tamlly m. No phone calls. meivAge 35 to M for this area. Mitchell 3-6670.. tion to children. Inquire 24 Grove city conveniences, an Sxcelicnt lion. Foster Dullea wUl give a major Conn, tight Power . . 15 , I 681 guilty after pointing out that th* Lost and Found $8.95. Written guarantee. II down, garages, concrete floors, also Shsatbing i x I ,...p e r M $67.00 Street, Hillside House, Apartment droa dealro | 6ur or' fiva rooir Maneheater—W. youizre- Inoking home. Furaacaa, two^car garag*; I In a weekend Conn. Power .y<\. .. 87',4 36H $1 weekly. Cole M o^rs, 436 Center | WOMAN—Age 25-45, lo work full or part time Work. Must have COMBINATION OIL and electric buy a t $13,800. George J. CkriS' .policy address Wedneaday. •xomlning phySicton’s report, mod* teraU ons,/ add'tions, cabi 14 in the rear. aputm'ent qr house. Tel. MltcheU for a quality honia, whether it be larga garden eMce. Quick ctera- man. Broker, HartfOrd-ConnectI' alyals ef prbhl«na likely to come Hartford Elec/Lt...... 50 62 I jOST—Installment Share Book No. street. Mitchell 9-OMO. time in High School cafeteria. Ap­ car.'Feeding or aalea experience Electromaeter stove. Oil burner 6-1607. poncy one apartment.- ilS.600. after the odor of alcohol waa dotoet- , Ceilings And dormer erectlon/C^ll helpful. No investment. Unlimited Select Oak Flooring, per M $213.00 a Capa Cod. Ranch. Colonial or hut Trust Oo. Bldg. Tel. RockvUle befm tha nextvoaorion of Con- Hartford Qede Co...... 35 38 ed on Thompeon’a hraath, in om ; 14164. Notice Is hereby given that Frank/contoil. Mitchell 3^5322. ply. at High School Cafeteria, used very little. Good heater. TBREE ROOM heated apartment, Madeline Imlth, Itoplh •M ltcheU greai that the agf^tonU aHua- So. NewJraglOnd BUDGET CENTER Extra, whole­ Franklin Building. Tuesday, Sept earnings. Write Box U, Ker'gld. WAMTBb TO Rsnt-Ons or two-car Two Family, Just calKjia and you 8-4043 or 6-4710 place said Thompaon f f m A t Installment share book No. 14164, Chrome pipe. Reasonable. CaU attractively fumlahed. Private will ba atnased a l the Sim valu'aa 9-^642 or MltcheU tion.^ contrlboting^ "disturbing Give Two Shower* / T . V ...... 33*A 85*,4 . issued by The Manchester Savings sale prices on tires. Goodyear, INTEND TO BUILD 1. Hours/9 a, m. to I2;80 p. m. - — j ------, MRchell 3-SS96 after 4 p.m. gangs. CaU Pma Contolt. Mlteh- slightly intoxicated and, in anothar, Firestone, Goodrich, Pennsylvania^ Flush Doors— bath, front and rear antraiice. We have to offer you. BOLTON 4*^ room Cape Cod. $6 ■igna in the natlon’e ^annfhetortog Oompanlss that he was eto>able of operating a , and Loan Association, Inc., has - new home or do any repalr- Clear Stain Grade ..eve. $8.05 Residential eectton. Ideal for three all » U 22. MANCMESTERJSRBEN SecUon. 700. Artesian well, Rueco windows. Am. Hardware ...... I4h^ 16Vi , been lost and application has bejn Lifetime guarantees, lifetime road WlUlam Kanehl, Contrac- CASHIER, Age 25-45. High School Dog»~Bird8—'Pets '4l THREE Cushion Hide-A-Bed liofs Six room Cap* fk)d. four finlshad, For Mis* Bro*na|i •4 _AA’ A« motor vehicle. hazard guarantees plus- allowance cafeteria, hours 11 s. m.-2;30 p.-m. teachers. Phdne Mitchell 2-4160. If WANTED--Four or 5-room unful^n- Good view. CaU MltcheU 6-26M. “Farm prtdqs have Arrow, Hart, Heg. 40 made to said Association lor pay­ Or and Builder. Phone Mitchell One maple couch. Both n^wly cov­ no answer,. MItch'ell 6-4106. THE ELLSWORTH MITTEN iad, abed dormer, fully Assoc. Spring ....;. 36rod w i t h / two b r ^ Fafntr Bearing ------38 stay on in any kind of atorpi, and old A.K.C. registered. H. p . ly attracUve 3 bsdroom ranpbT at- route. Lot 180 x 200. Beautiful Ic^ Hart Cooley ...... 40 involved, the state would havn hod car. Capable experienced gutters, conductors and roof re­ Call Mitchell 6-K>n. THREE ROOM fumlehed apart­ RANCH HOUSE of 6 rooms on catipn. low taxaa, raady for occu­ Uiera or* merely minor «racka in ■howars. no coae against Thompaon, aad ApnoUncemenu 2 Bright girl to type memos, re: CSisce-, Harmony . Hill, Hebron NATIONAL BUILDERS tsched serage, patio, wqodad lot. lot 100 X 300. Choice location. 314,- Landerf, Trury, Clk. 36 tor. Cordner Auto School, pairs. Call Coughlin. Mitchell Road, Bolton. ment and garage. $80 per month, pancy. Coll RockviUa 55633. an otherwiaa solid economy or The first, a,greenback shower, 34 that in view of th* contraditioa of ell 9-6010. ports and maintain records. Di­ FLORENCE SPACE burner, two f * Businsas Plroparty This koma is baing o^lKcoaiplat*- 200. Madeline Smith. Realtor. whether they represent the begin­ New B rit. M a ^ . Co. CHRISTOPriE|l ROBIN pre-klndcr 8-7707. SUPPLIES lit shift aircraft worker preferred. ly fumiabed at eonpIderaMa sacri­ waa givan Jtfy *xgroup of local North and Judd ... 2d the report ahd tha taatimony of versified worK with a congenial WANTED—Good home for I'.i year burners. Reasonable. 18 Griffin Phone Rockville $-7818 after 4:30 for Ssl# 70 Mitchell 6-1642 or Mitchell 3.44!76, nings ef a trend which could 'ha frtenda undecr t ^ chairmanship Thompaon and his wifa, who was garten school re-opens Sept. 14. BALLARD'S DRIVING ^CHOOL^l atmosphere. A Job worthwhile in 420 Davenport Avenue fice. The furniture' is modem and RusaeH M fg...... 11 fir old German Police and Shepherd Rd. p. m. / Wanted—Real Estafe 77 delctcrieua to our people.” \ of Mrs. Frank Bickiiitoe of Wash injured in th* aeddantt, thara wars Limited enrollment for children. ‘‘Manchester’s trfdest.’V Owner- vestigating. New Haven, Connecticut MANCHESTER—Boned for bust only a few mostns old. Bring your Stanley Work com. 43 3V4 to 5. Call Mrs. D. L. Ballard. GREAT ^ASTERN dog. Preferably on farm with HOT POINT Elaoatric range, three toothbruahm ove right in. MANCHESTER Thus fOr. none ef these poten­ 'Ifigton St., ahd Mra Ebuer Bice Terry Steam 88 no grounds for convictlan. CertUied by AAA. and. Board of | adults. CsU MRchell 6-3969 after Telephone B-Tste- 7-3697 nsaa. Good year old 40' x 24' build OONSlDERINa BKLLINO „ tial. iflOd .Banator candidatef has MRchell 9-1696. ~ Education. We offer/training. **■ “ ROdPTNG AND------aerVlce bumera, deep welh cooker, “ Ing on lotriOO’ X 140'; BxceHent to- ti8.700.^pnHv«n R. Howland, R*al- SL.^______Torrtniteton ,-rr\-x j'r r r r 38 Thompson said h* had-puUod hto- 5:30. BtisiuMfl Loestfons YOUR rttOPlW fY?' Indicated he. ie voluntarily abaent- Saturday evening relaUvca .Md car to th* right to avoid a coUtoion perlence, latest memods. Mitchell | GRAY RESEARCH and oven and utensil drawer. Excel­ cation tor smalt machine shop or tor, 548 Woodbrldga St. l^chell Without obUgatkm to you, we Envelope com. .. 79 ‘'NEVER USE35 anything lik e -41” CONSTRUenON CO. lent condition. Coll MltcheU 6-1686. f o r R e n t ■ 84 162 Deepwood D riv e -^ room Cape ing hlmaelt from the meeting, as friends from Washington, Ckmn^, 'S. Envelope pfd. .. 59 with .an oncoming car whoos UghU , says users of Berlou Moihapray. 9-2245, / DEVELOPMENT CO. GUARANTEED Singing canaries, 'Tllataondfl—Watcht*— any type of wholeeale buelnesa. arUI appraise or make you a iaah Gtoatonbury, Hartford. East Hart­ 24 Oak Str^t ' For partlciilara call Alice dam- Cod. Cabinet Mtchen..^ full cellar, Sen. Holland ip:, FU.> said hs '^eeder-Root -----. . . . 39*4 w*re hlindiag hint and addad Uiat Odorless, stainless, and gusMui- .Hilliard Street—Manchester 110. Red Factor canaries, $22. COUtfTRY Uvtng,'yet in ktanches- offer for property. S*e us before ford and^ls town gave her a sur­ ENJOY A DBIVfcR’8 UCENSE. '“ A Good Place to Work” J e w e lry 48 pel, Rultor, Phone MltcheU lot 60’ X 164’, trees and ehnibbery. would do. , 'The above quotatlims are not to h« did not sea th* cOr h* bit until ■' teed to stop moth damage for five For expert instruction In new. In­ MltcheU 9-2949. tor; New 6 room Cape Cod; you aell.- Holland aald in i n Infierylew prise mlsc^laneous shower. The th* impact. RE-SIDING SPECIALISTS WMring Apparel—Furs 57 STORE, 2b' X 40' with full baaa- /IM 44I. , ' ' BRAE-BURN REALTY be eto|(rtnied aa actual markaU. * whole years. Housewares Dept. jured, A. A. A. approved dual cbm I WAITRESS Wanted. Full time. No LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re­ ment. Inqutra M Cooper Street. acre land, nice large kitchen, oil 74'Spruce Street, 6 room single, yasterday he is declining ah in­ party was held at the home of her Thompson was repr«a*nted by ■ > Basement, ’J. W. Hale Corp. asbestos, Olaatic pairs. adjusts wktehes expertly. hot water beat. Price $12,900, Phone aatchell $-5273. cousin. Mrs. Raymond Hickey of frol car, enroll now at Manches-l Applicators of Sundays. Apply in person. Garden Poultry sod Supplies 43 MAN'S POLO COAT, Mt. Rock BE YOUR 0«m bpaa. WeU eatak- donler lot, older home. Priced right vitation to attend the Chicago Atty. Harold Gorrity. ter'i most ' recommended - auto iMulsted siding and wood' shingles. Restaurant, 840 Main. Reasonable prices. Open daUy. camel hair, size 38. short. Excel­ STORE —Green Road, excellent liahed service alatioti cortiar ■mall deposit, low monthly pay­ for immediate sale. , ^ Bcssion because he beUevea the O'Leary Dr., this/town, who will In being cleared of tho charge. school. Day, everiin^and Sunday Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce ments. Call The Johnson Buildihg ARE YOU READY to eeli your be her matron of honor. The dec­ P e rs o n a ls specializing in Llfs Tima sluminus BROAD-BREASTED Bronze Tur­ lent condition. Mitchell 3-4867. parking, sultabla for many types Spruce end Ifldridge Sta., Men- home? We have . buyers waiting South has nothlng^^tb gain there. Weather Balks Thompson was able to ke*p intact appointments. Car. furnished for siding In color. EXPERIENCED Sales clerk. Air- street. Mitchell 9-4387. of business. Phone MItchetl 36273. cheater, Connectlciit. Building 66 Company, 963 Main Street. Mitch­ 883 North Main Street- 6 room This was an obvious reflection of. orative scheme . was pink and a driving record that goes back to conditioned Btore. Apply in pereon. keys, fresh frbaen, 10 to 22 for 4, 5, 6, 7-room ainglas and 2-3 t h e p r o s p e c t Hill School for road test. Manchester Driving pounds. Schaub’a Turkey Farm, X 24, three bay*. Floored attic for ell . 3-7426. Bveiiinge Mitchell CeRS Cod. OU heat. breercT.-sy and famlliet. Gatto Co., Hartford Dixie resentment over the civil white and the bride^lect un­ 1916 w ithout convicUoh. aven , young chlldmn will reopen Sep­ Academy, PWrini. 2-7249. Mitchell 3-8271 Marlow’s. Rooms without Board 59 storage. Cellar, ceniral heating. garage, copper plumbing, I 'j lots. rights stand token by the party wrapped her lovely glfu which though tha acpldent brok* hte ra- 188 HiUstown Road. Garden—^Farm—Dafry 5-6166, avaninga 5-3666. Manches­ were placed in a large decorated Salvage Work tember 9tl».' Transportation furn­ A. V. LINDSAY — Owner Beet in equipment for tune-up and Many extras. ter Jditchell 3-6646. ■t last year's convention. cord of never having had oa acci­ ished. Mrs. Lela Tybur, director. FOR SAFE and Courteous Auto HIGH SCHOOL NEWLY DECORATED, beautiful wheel alignment and wheel bel­ CAPE COD, in established neigh­ basket. Driving Instruction with insdred Producto 50 borhood. 4 flhished rooms. Expan­ HoUand said that iintil the dent. Phone >IItcheU 9-576T. Articles for Sale 45 ly fumlahed and spacious room ong! Completely atockedx also c a s h WAITING for any typa real The hostess was assisted by. her On Enterprise In anoflter csw* rtemmlng from dual control car call Larson Driv­ ROOFING, Siding and carpentry. SENIORS sion space second floor. Aluminum South la ' taken into full pariMr- mother, Mri. William Pickett \pf ‘Tbs moot completa light house good lilcome on gss, oil and acMS- CARROLL-DRIGGS estate, you .have to sell.. Ale* ilM- sfatp in th e-w riting of the plat­ an accident, OavaUte Daento, 29, of JERAL Hospitalization and ing School, Phons Mitchell | Alterations and additions. Ceil­ v-VENETIAN BLINDS GLADIOLUSES For Sale at 864 keeping facilities available in sories. Frontage 100 x 85. DroFin screens and doors. Full basement. Inga wanted. Call The Johnson Washington, who made and deco­ jical plan offered by Mutual of 9-6075. ings. Workmanship guaranteed. PART TIME POSITIONS Bush Hill Road. MltcheU 3-5994. 2 landscaped lots. Quick occupan- form and the selection of presi­ WlUimantic, waa fined $50 for Highest Quality .Only Manchester. You will marvel at for particulars. Owner retiring.' AGENCY / Building Company, 653 Main rated the shower cake, which with (Contlnaed from Page One) evading responaibiUty. Polic* said )maha. Inveetlgate. Phone ygut A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn Also Reconditioning th'a claanlinasa o< this buUding. Low In price. Will arrange terms. Madeline Smith, Realtor. 7.54 Main Street . street. MRchell 3-7426. Evenings dential nominees, the national pink^ .flowers centered the buffet local agent. Mitchell 9-7375. ' I960 BLACK Plymouth business street. M itchell 3-4860. High school seniors who TOMATOES- S Ibe. for 35c. Bring MRchell 6-1642 or Mitchell 3-4676. party is going to continue to And of thehe dollars and pounds—moneypounds— Dzenia's car ran off the road on Tapes and Cords by Yard ChUdren acceptad. Central. Prietd East Hartford Mitchell 65018. table Woodbridge St. near North Elm coupe. Very clean and mechanica.1- would like to enter a business your own basket. 57 Florence so' reasonable you’U gasp I Bs detections below the Mason and Mist BrOanan wilt be marriedd to ' consigned originelly by Swtoe BALLARD’S DRIVING lO O L - ly sound. Private party- Tel. RAY’S ROOFING Company. Gut- office next June may now CaU Street. 72 JUNIOR FARM at 110 Broad St. TelephSn* H srtforif 8-4164 USTTNOS WANTED — Single, Dixon Lins. St. Friday toorning, sldeswtpad a ••Manchester’s oldest/*'Thousands aura and oea this ona. Mrf, Dor- Houses for Sale Immedlkt^ occupancy, eubetantlal .. 1. . J <31arence Roltotd Cook of Los An-: benksto New York banks. fire hydrant and hit a traa and M itchell,3-7379. ter woik,' roof iand chimney re- riNDHU-L MFG. CO. aey, 14 Arch streat. ' or Manchester, MltcheU 3-4480 twO-family, three-family, buri- Sen. Byrd (DtVat. who helped |_g,„ Monday, Sept. 7. at 10:00 Knew'Nothing of Money of accident free instruction hours. palra. Free estimates gladly work afternoons with assur­ TOMATOES Pick your own, 60c seven room..home. two extra lots. then continued' on without stop- 1951 BLUE FORD convertible. Ex­ MI-3-4865 basket. Bring baskete. Ckimer SAVE TIME MANCHKSTKR iieaa property. Have many cash awing Virginia to President Eieen- Bridger* Church, These o2$cials said they knew Hundreds of ssfisfied" ■■ ‘ students. given, Ray Hagenow, Mitchell ance of full-time work after LARGE FRONT room for rent. $13,200. Madrilne Smith, Realtor. buyers. Mortgages arranged. hower in last yaar'a elscUon by plng. Certified. cellent condition. Whitewall tires, 485 East Middle Turnpike Bush Hill Rd. and Bell St. South Mitchell 6-1642 to: MltcheU 2-4676. MAN(JHE8TER — ExecUent three nothing 6f ^ y big shipment of Owner AAA drained. 9-2214. Ray Jackson, Mitchell graduation. Some Saturday West Side. GenUeman preferrsd. -Four bedroom homes. One ranch Pleaae call Georgs L. Craotodio, refusing to beck Stevenson, said he money aboard the Flying: Enter­ Alao this morni^, Harry Dob- MUchell 9-2245 radio and heater. May be seen 8-8325. PARAMOUNT Triple Track .corn- Manchester. styled on an ncre and a half. Full flat, fly* rooms each apartiiMuit. ler. 35, of Ellington, waa sentenced evenipgs.- 73 Waddell Road, ------work.^ Visit our Home Office MltcheU 3-4403. MANCHESTER — Three bedroom Price $17,000. Ph,won world-wide fame by RIDERS WANTED from Manches­ Phone Mitchell 3-8177. lust, off Main Street. Nice ystd. ment, fully Insttoted. A nice quiet I farm. Manchestar, Bolton, Vemcn ert Martin wizs fined $20; Jelm A. types. No job too .small. Peter ing roofs of all kinds. Also new on various jobs. Earn while ROOM FOR Gentleman. Garage or Oni car gafqge. Pries Is $16,800. will be prniid to own. Priced $12,- could arrange his echedule to at­ I sticking tn, $20; An- Pantaluk, 40 Foster street. Phone you learn. Convenient bus FLAGSTONE—Stones for walls, free parking,. Country, setting. All dreja ’Tomo^, 58. of.221 North Call Mitchell 9-1526. cleaned, repaired, 26 years’ ex­ Blight free. Pick your own. Bring ronvanlencea;- Private entrance. Mitchell 9-6297. 610 Main St . Phone Mitchell 9-6207. i en. What Mve you ? ktortm ea i Johnson said in a French Uck. attended a bon voyage party Sat­ He Jumped into'the sea at thq test Mitchell 9-7303. service. Connecticut Company house fronts, fireplaces, etc. Also own containers. BOc a basket. AIRCRAFT T. j. rROCKKTT \ _ ---- ...... RTTRAIpra- Iv, MRBtlBgS, Elm St., $30 and SO days suapend- perience. Free estimates. Cajl Heatalator fireplace forms, 28” Mitchell 9-66S4. I Ind., speech Saturday that if the urday morning aboard the Dutch moment and waa gaved by a WANTED—Ride to Aircraft. 1st Howley. Manchester MHcheil Ashley ^reet buses stop at Novelli, Mountain Road, Glaston Realtor MANCHESTER GREEN— Attrac MANCHESTER GREEN -Spacious MltcheU 6-1107. ad; Robert L. TUdep, 46, of 107 at $45 each. 6” x 6” x 1/2” elate 244 MAIN 8TREET \ 6 bedroom ranch. - One year ______1 RepubUcana continue ’'catering to liner Maasdam for Miaa Doris British tug. shift, 7 - 3-.SO. Vicinity Campfieid work, 3-5361. our main ^trance. bury. PLEASANT, WELL fumlehed room live $ bedroom ranch. Attached I . ------3.^:------1 big buslnese and daatroying the Commenting on reports the Rprt HoU St., $30 and BO days au^and- Rd. Mitchell 9-0261. ALL KINDS of carpentry hMrth tile. Bolton Notch Quar- Phones; Mitchell 3-5416 young. Attached garage; FuU base­ .*d; and Alton W allace, 4S, o< 13 Reasonable rates. MHtchell •9-4291. for gentleman, at 272 Main St, Right now Is an' garage, paneled fireplace wall. , 1 .., - j little men ... we shall have a FIrato o( New York C5ty and Mrs. tro Is working several.miles''frm ALL KINDS of roofs, gutters and PERSONNEL iiy ,^ ^ tc h e ll 9-0617. parking. MltcheU 3-4071. Residence; Mltghell 6:7751 Number of extras. All utilities. ment. Plastered 'weHe, oek floors, Phyllis 'Moxley of Manchester, the apot where the JBnterprta* F alknor Dr.. $20. ^ excellent time to combination ndowsI and doors. Hitchhiker Hunted ! I^m~raUc Itouse and Mnau in WINDOW SHADES made to order chimneys repaired. Prompt serv Housahold Goods 51 get one ef Uioae Convenient, to school, bus and 1665 and a Democratic President daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Harry went under—42 mile* from the \ In othor cases dispdbtd of tltte Automtihiles for Sale 4^ ice. Guaranteed workmanship DEPARTMENT _ ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port­ FURNISHED Rooma, ladiei or gen­ shopping. Imnisdlste occupancy, Convenient lion. I-trge land- Frederick M. Ronrett. 28; and installed. Venetian blinds able and itandarid tyi>ewritera. g a ti Jobe at ‘the MANCHBBTER ORBCM — 3 bed- S ih 1657.’’ Firato, 99 Plymouth Lane. The- channel port of PI)imouUi—Lon- 1947 CHEVROLET-AKR08EDAN. aiid curtain rods* 24 hour service. Terms. Mortenaen Roofing Co, THE CONNECTICUT ALBERTS DO IT AGAIN! tlemen, kitchen privUegea. Tel. room .mneh. attached garage $15,809. Warren E. Howland, Real­ scaped lot. Pric-'riced-toi tell at $16,- sisters. acconiNMled by another don.’s Daily M all ask ed . “ia. It the ^ Middle Tpke., was fined All makes of adding machines THIS TIME ITS THE A ircraft.’ We $78.'Warren E. Howland. Realtor. In Bronx Slaying ^ Three Southern Democratic gov­ Radio, lleater. Fine condition E-stimates gladly given. Fagan Mitchell 3-7691. 9-5092 after 6 p.m. have m ere Jeba*— screened porch, romMnation win­ tor,'' B4k Woodbridge street. M itch­ friend, sailed at boon Saturday for Flying Enterprise?” 43S fof^'operafiiig a motor Vehicle MUTUAL LIFE sold or rented. Repairs on all “SUNNY BROOK” ell 3to()0. PhoM IdRehell 6-8600 toty Urns. ernors have reacted in varying without a licMioe; Oiochino J. throughout. Beautiful tutone .blue Window Shade Oo.. Route 44 a t makes. Harlow’s. need a wider va­ dows and doors. Wall to wall car­ ways to the calling of the CJhlcago a two months trip\to Europe. If Ifi really the Flying Enter-' dug- INSURANCE COMPANY 3 ROOMS OF BEAUTIFUL IN PRIVATE Home, pleasant, com­ peting in living, dining and hall­ (OentteMd freoe Pag* Om ) Qacbldi. 31, of Willimantic, apeod- finish. /P riced right to see. Ddi Bolton Notch, M itchell 9-44TX Heating—Plumbing 17 fortable single room for gentle­ riety of ekllla — 8DC R(X>M Cape'Cod. Faatures, oil MANCHESTER — Leaving xatate. meeting. Landing at SoutHImmpton, Eng- prise that ia being salvaged. jUie las Motors, 333 Main street. BE SURE — Buy Cinco all alum­ NEW FURNITURE way. M l^ fine features,. $16,200. l.vnd. the travelers wHl first visit paper added, the wreck must have ing, $18. and stop sign violation, 140 GARDEN STREET O ^ N —L—Y ; man. Referaneea required. Tel. than In n long, beat, storm windows and doora, Four beautiful larga rooms. '-^Ex- (Jov. James F. Byrnes' of South RAl LENNOX Furnaces and.warm air inum windows. Also Self-storing long Ume. I t’a n Warren E. Howland. Realtor. 543 pandablt. AU conveniences. Iln- Poughkeepsie east of the city. He London and ptheC part* of Great drifted for miles Just un^r tha $8; and Richard'S. Zavarelte, 16, of FOB A.GOOD Used car or a new illy guaranteed. $3 per house HARTFORD Mitchell 3-8183. Woodbrldga Street. Mlt<;heU 8-3600 screens throughout, three or four Carolina said hs was not invited 128 Lakewood Circle North, vlote- heating. Earl Van Comp:'MItcbeU doora. CaU MltcheU 9-9095 for free 1563.17 read opportunity bedrooma, large fene*d-in yard. mediate occupancy. Saciiflce/- 'T eeX M]d a hitch-hiker he saw atanding and wouldn't attend If he were. Britain, toifoi* going oi\,to Bel­ surface before Anally ainKin^te 01(toobUe with Rocket engine CaU for T.V, $1 per house caU for estlmatee. Bill Tunfky. ------^ Which Includes; tions of rules of the:^road. $12. roiitact Al Catalano, at the Man­ > 5 8 4 4 .\ SPLENDID Opportunity to earn $1$ for men wbn, 46-FOOT RANCH, ultra modem All city utilities: Asking kl 1,600. MltcheU 6-SS21. on a street comer al^7 p.m. (DSTi Byrnes,^ who supported Eisen­ gium; Gerinany, Switzerland, Italy the bottom.— radio or save $ and bring them to BEDROOM SUITE have wonted the and France. In Italy they pfon to The Roetro,"« single funnel ves­ Alao, Birger T. Cnclmaa, 82. of chester Motor Sales. Mitchell 17 Maple street. (3all MRchell during school hours. No exper­ CHILDREN’S SWEATERS for back kitchen-dining room combination, B arbara Woods Agency, MltcheU lest night reiembled pictures of hower, told the annual Govemorr Somerville. Mass., forfeited a 835 PLUMBING shop at your door. u v i N o ROOM sum s, aecurity and od* BIGHT ROOM-'Ideal location (or Ooitference in Seattle this month visit their grandmoUigr’a aiwr, sel of only 536 tons, already has 3-4134. 9-6535 or MRchell 9-6716. No time lost. New work. Altera­ ience neceeeary. Write Box U, to school at low mill, prices, direct fireplace, large srtlsUcaUy pan­ 0-7702. prefaasional and living purpoaea. Howell. ’ bond posted for operating a motor Herald. DINETTE SET vaacem ent ep* elled living room, three bedrooms, that the Democratic party in his who ..lives in Turino and whdm unloaded bundles of banknotes, tions, coppef piping, fixtures, hot from Manchester Knitting Mills, HEALTHBEST MATTRESS portunittes which 100 LENOX 8T. Beautiful 6 room I*arge corner lot at bus stop. IJv- Poughkeepele City and ToWh they have never met. and in many^ stock shares, typewrtvers, watches, vehicle Without a licpnas: . Frad- ■ i939 BUICK Sedan. Good, depend- POWER BURNERS and Range water automatic heaters. Youngs­ Retail Salesroom at Manchester H l i TV SERVICE tile bath, full cellar and attic. ■late can back any national ticket trick J. Schaier, 68, of Norwood, ■•/ able transportation, $95. Written Burners expertly cleaned and DEMONSTRATOR $25-$40 dally. HEAVY SPRING Competent oerviee bjr qoali* we e S e r.' Near hue and school. $14,800 home; air condtUoned gas heat; ing? room 28 x l». ’Thtee bedrooms 1 p,,"^ Dutchess"county:klher- it chooses. He also said h* would other nieces where they exftect to 'a^cer balls and toy* at the French town sinks sold. Estimates glad­ Our lingerie, apparel style show­ Green. 2 THROW RUGS Immaculate condlUon; grounds on tlrst floor; studio on second. plirt of Morlaix ahd teter at.the Mass., forfeited a $1(1 bond Jor y guarantee. No down payment. servia;d..Lct us. service re­ fled technMaae. Hooee caUo Carlton W. Hutchins, MltcheU Two baths. Naw .'O.E, fu rn a c e . I'ff * depuUes In radio cars were not attend any future national be they plan to meet friends. passing a stop oign; and Arnold Small monthly* payments, cole ly given, C. O. J^orentsea. MRch^ ings are sensation of party - plan BOUDOIR CHAIR . 99-W; JPhemr 5 0 B t2 6 » — yw beauUfully .|andK ap«d; 62,000. de-. . Among those wbo .went to .New. Belgian port pf . Ooatende. Tlte pair your washing machine or .re­ ell 9-7636. LOAM, Dark, rJch cultivated grade 6-6162, 6-4664. . dH ve-rbrd^fitd'tb fb t^u ii iUBpect. convention that demaada,advance Urdlmg. 2T,‘ of Merrew; forfeited Motors, 436 Center. Mitchell 9-0980 frigerator. Metrp Service. Mitch­ selling. Isabel Sharrow made $258 No. 1 83 cu. yard. Grade No. 2, $2 VANITY LAMPS" posit, approximately 676 monthly. pieces of aupport (or the. candi­ York Faturday to see them off bai£hptea ar* being dried out in a — 11 days sparelime! Free outfit. 2 PILLOWS FDR CaU The Johnson Building Com­ way. Garbage disposal. Other fea- The New York Oty Police BruasM bank. a 85 bond for making a U-tum on ell 9-0883. PLUMBING AND Heating. Copper cu. yard. Delivered In truck load dates it chooses. were Mr. and Mra. Firato and Mr. Main St. 1940 BUICK Super sedanette. Good Beeline Fashion. 4145-HN Law­ 1 PR. BLANKETS pany, 90S Main St. MltcheU 3-7420. turee. Xomld easily be converted I ,i,r m for HoWell daacribed him Hewever, Gov. Hugh White of and 3fra. Thomas Ferguson, The Rhiitro steam'ed hack lo the JOw cost tranzportatlon. $95. No water pipes. Complete plumbing lots. Screened sand, stone, fill and GOODJOaS to 2-(aitoly houaa. 10 Pine street. | wanted folr pArole violation and COMPUCTE Hand add power lawn systems. Complete heating sya rence, Chicago 30. '' gravel deUvered. Order now. Nuse- COCKTAIL TABLE N otice Evenings MltcheU 0-0010. a Mississippi, who plans to attend - hrother-in-tew ind sister of Miss spot agal^ast week end was there ,• down payment. Small monthly in connection with a homicide. Although people with normal vi- mower sales and sendee. Motors terns and oU burner. Time pay­ dorf - Construction Co. Phone 2 TABLE LAMPS GOOD PAY Taken by virtue of an execution MANCHESTER—Five room ranch the Chicago meeting, has said he Firato and Mrs. Mqxley. pday* As ^fore, the Rostro re- payments. Cole Motors. Mitchell WANTED—Girl to care tor chll 1 9 X 12 RUG MANCHIETBR-^ Duplex 6-6. Top Deputy Inspector Martin Donlon aion are aware of objects within a tuned and overhauled. Pick-up and ments arranged. -Electric sewer M itchell 9-7408. Entire, Partial Estates to me dlrect^/and will be sold nl plus sun pol<^. and attached ga­ expects It to ask that the 1956' 'used to accept radio phone calU circle of 180 degrees, eome people / 9-0980. dren two hours in the mornings. 1 FLOOR LAMP check Condition. Steam-oil neat. Modem said Howell wsa believed to have ijifl wireless mqssagcs. (Communi­ delivery service. Olbson’k Garage. cleaner. The Vincent P. Marcin Vicinity of Princeton Street. CaU Aqtiqncs, Chin^ Glaaa public vendue to the highest bidder. kitchen. Hardwood floors. Fairly rage. Full oalter with recreation convention abandon the loyalty who have a vision defect called MltcheU 3-5013. v Co., 305 Main street. Tel. MltcheU COOK THE Modem way—See our 1 SMOKER PRiATT A WHITNEY room. B«*ufl^ lanwaped been driving a car seen in the pladge. cations ofBclali'\ln London eald 1948 FORD super deluxe tudor, 9-2564. 3-ply stainless steel cdokware. a t 22 Bitch St , in the Town of priced. Escott Agency. Mitchell vicinity of the Lewis murder. The “tunnel .vtolon” see only in an arc radio, heater, original Jet black 3-4848. 32 Pq. DINNERW ARE SET ^ Complete AIRCRAFT .Manphester. 14 days sflcr dale to grounda. locataAon the'W est Bid* Unless this is done, he said, Give Art Teacher standing calla haVe been in to the FURNITURE Refinlehlng. antique Useful gifts given With each dis­ 26 PC. SILVER BET 8-7651. car was registered in the name of "you'll never have another Demo­ Rostro for 10 daj^all without of about 20 degrees. finish. Clean throughout. Douglas furniture, a specialty, chain caped WANTED — Woman for general WE Households Dlvtslen ef United Aircraft SRtisfv said exe<-utlon and my a real c'utle akd only $13,600. Motors, 333 Main.. GUARANTEED Plumbing and weekly cleaning, one day a week. play. No obligation. Connecticut 18 YDS. FLOOR COVERING OLDER SBWEN room house, sound CaU the EUswortlAMItten Agency, Howell’s wifa and waa found Sat- cratic FTealdent." Surprise Partv response. and rushed. Anson F. Thofp. heating. . Alterations and Hew Lustre Craft Co. MltcheU 96434. REFRIGERATOR—or .Store Stocks Cerppratton f--es therton. the following de­ uiday near the Manhattan home of Call MltcheU 9-0868 after 5 p. m. scribed property to wit: One but needs repairs.- AA wont, larga Realtor. MltcheU MOOO or Mr. White supported Stevenson. 1936 CHEVROLETT sedan. New Phone MltcheU 9-5735. work. PSrma glass electric and TELEVISION SET BUY E. H artford S. Cbno- lot, in egesUant raaidehtlal area. Whltcher, MltcheU 0 ^ 1 her parents, police said.. Gov. -Allen Shivers of Texas, Appliquad Monogramt gas w ater heaters Sold and in­ SLIGHTLY USED Revere tape re­ CALL ANTTDUS Smith-Corona Gas Ststion Regis­ — y ' - ' valve Job and battery. Good run MANCHESTER T. V. Service BAKER'S HELPER. 12 midnight to LOW TERMS—FREE STORAGE! CaU MRchell 6-8363 before 8. fled After Goaplay which went- Republican in 1952, Walter Vf|v - Arsdale. noted ning condition. Will accept best stalled. Time payments arranged. 7 a. m. Apply momlnge. no phone corder and radio combination, Original price for all t^ie merchan ter. , artist, formerly of New York City, Wall Tailortd radio and T.V. specialists since with extra reele. Write Box T, MANCHESTER * - Wert Side. $13.- Police said the drivar of the car has roads it plain he is not eager ETfS, offer. MltcheU 9-9369 after 5. Sl^elley Brothers, MltcheU 9-8714. calla, Kay's Pastry Shop, - 183 dise waa $825.46. Some fortunate ROURTM.ItEID & SON Dated at Manchester, this Slat ULTRA MODERN 600. Six room Cape OxN full base­ apparently waa waiting to pick up to see Stevenaon nominated (or who a year or two ago moved to \ 1934. House service call $3.60, North Main St. Herald. day of XRg. A. D.. 1953. HEATING From ,A to Z. Conver­ person can purchase It alt for only Phone Manchester BOtchell 6-716$ ment. tile bath, oil hot i^ter heat, tha slayer, -Edward iSnakasl President In 1956. Shivers waa on one of (Coventry's old houses, and BEFORE YOU Buy a used car MltcheU 9-2186 day or night. $563.17. 201 M AD i ST., 5IANCHE8TER Attest: Irving Silverman _ (Ireptecc: extra large lot\ A. very Ryan, 4.5. who was, shot to death Elsenhower's aide in the contro­ haa continued to Instruct pupils at See Gorman Motor Sales. Buick sion b.umers, boiler-burner units, ELECTTRIC Portable welder, on Deputy Sheriff NEW SIX-ROOM CABINET MAKING. Good work complete heating systems. All rubber tires. Uses 1-16” to 5-16' SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT good .ixiy. E A E Agency, 310; by a policeman Just after the slay versy ovsr title to submerged his interesting home, and at the . Sales and Berviefe. 285 Mam Help Wanted—Male 36 p h o n e MR. A U E R T FINISHED MOin St. Phone MltcheU 9-6»7. | mg of Lewis. The driver sped sway local "Y". _,was honored with a streeL Mitchell 9-4571. Open eve­ manahlp. Reasonable rates. Esti work guaranteed. Time payments rod. Ford V-8 engine. Governor lands. mates gladly_ given. Moulton’s EXPERIENC:HD, Broadleaf tobac and controls, $150. Mitchell 9-9931. HARTFORD 5-0358 , ' \ ' I during the gunplay. party last evening at the Phelps nings. arranged.'Moriatty Brothers. Tel “Since 1607 By Reid. Woodworking Shop. Pilgrim MltcheU 3-SI35. CO help. Tel. alter 8 p. m. M itch AFTER 7 P. M. 46-4690 j N otice BEST OF EVERYTHING, 1 Lewis, 35. president of — Local------• . • Rd. home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Her­ 2940 BUICK super four-door. Very 2-6695. ell 3-n33. KITCHEN TABLE with formica A —L—B—E —R —T —’— .S I t’s Been Of Goal11 ^ ’■ lAits for Sato '7 3 ,32-B of the AFL Building ServitSe , I ^ C r i o n l l U e S t l O l l S bert Finlay, both of whom are art top, and four matching rhSira. 43-45 Allyn St.. Hartford AUCTION '■ Town of Manchester 14 HAWTHOj^NE s t ; — : Employes Intemstional Union, wai ~ C - C enthusiasts. He and his wife were clean. Private owner. Call Mltch­ BULLDOZER for hire. ExcaUant Also white combination sink and By order of Tlw Hartford-Cona. Treat Oo. Admr. eU 9-6860 after 6 p. nri. Moving—^T^cking— 3LECTRO-MECHAN1CAL I Invitation to Bid killed by flve buileta from Ryan'e invited to dine with the Finleys, for back fill. Landscaping and ASSEMBLER set tub, with chrome faucets. ATTENTION Ladies! Slip-covers Hartford. Cana. REAL VALUES — 109 Branford • S t o r ^ e 20 and drapes custom made. Re-up- For the ESTATE of MRS. BERTTE F. BARNES at her late ' Bids will be received for furnish- Street. Six (tnlihad rooms, fire­ BUILDING LOTS gun outside Lewie’ Bronx apart- Air jSudget Slasli but it waa a surprise to the teach­ ,, INTERNA’nONAL Truck. Panel gramng. Reasonable rates. MRch- Phone Mitchell 9-9577. ' Ing grass seed st the office of the Young man to assemble, wire holsterlng. Beautiful fabrics, home, 67 SOMERSET ST.. *(f Sites Deane Highway place, oil steam heat. ' amealta meat. er to find 34 of his. adult pupils body. Very cheap. Good condition. eU,9-0660. AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO-. • Oenersl Manager, Town of Msn- were also guests. • Call hUtchell 9-0059. 37 Marble St. local and long distance moving, and sodder small parts. Must have GIRL'S HAWTHORNE bicycle. Ex prints, stripes, solids. Expertly WETHERSFIELD. CONN. drive, one-car garage. $12,800. A few choice buildin* lotaf A witness jotted (CMittaiMd From Pag* .(Jiie) DOORS OPENEriT keys fitted, previous experience. Radio repair cellent condition. $30. Storkline finished; $5 down, $2 weekly, ! Chester s t 3 P. M„ D.S.T., Tii’s- 368 East Middla ta m |d k a -r- Six- At 7 p.m. a chickenNtorbecue packing, storage. Call MUch^ ' WED.. SEPT. 2 S t lOi.lO A. M. I day, September 6, 1053 at which in excellent locations, A and “ "*• * ear wbiai Ttsd of i and spaghetti - meal ' was ' .served SACRIFICE — 1949 Kaiser 4-door copied, vacuum cleaners, irons 3*5187. H artford 6-1423. background helpful. esurisge, adjustable back, $20. balance one year to p a ^ Cidl (Rala or.Stilae, Tent If Stormy) room colonial. 15 yaara old, oil been cruising slowly beside Ryan persons lined the two miles MltcheU 3-8641. » Mrs. Pinto. Mitchell 0-7863. ] time b!da will be opened in publio. steam heat, ameaite drtvtf, base­ AA-tone. se he fled from the mdrder scene. 'outdoors; with tossed salad'/.Ital- 4 sedan. Radio, heater. A-1 condi­ guns, etc., repaired. Shears ' Few AJiUqueev—Pr. Hitchcock Chairs, Mohog. Pedeatel IteiMt curbs to watch replicas of locomo­ knives',, mowers etc., put Into con­ MANCHESTEB—Package Deliv­ GRAY RESEARCH end I Bids, sealed and marked "Graaa ment garage. Electric stove and The car diaappearej)^ Ryan-De­ ien bread, watermelon, 'coffee 'Md tion. Tel. MltcheU 9-2809 after 4 C!ERAMIC KILN and supplies Prop Leaf 'table. Dated Coverlet. Hoop*kirt Rocker, Candle- tives and Ixix cars, reminiscent of p, m. ation for coming needs. Braith ery. Local light trucking and DEVELOPMENT CO. USED FURNITURE bought and { seed", must be in the office of the stair carpeting Included. $11,900. scribed as a hiiMKiller—and Pa­ France of 191$. cold drinks. The diners declared Flight cage and two breeding sold. The Woodshed, it Main atead, 4 Empire Mahog. Cbairt, Empire Bureau, 1 Small Orieatal I ■ General Manager before the time Both homes available (or immedi­ SHERWOOD A. BEECHLER they had been living on salads an& ■Waltc. 62 Pearl street. package delivery. Refrigerators, Rugs, Slerliug Flatware (service ior 6), Decorated Chiao, etc. trolman Vlncent^angan shot It out. Pretty, high prancing major­ 11953 CHEVROLET Belaire, sport washen and stove moving a Hilliard Street—Manchester rages. Also parakeet nesting street. Tel. MltcheU 6-8184..^ , I stated above. The right ia re- ate -occupancy. Elva Tyler, Real­ R ealtor' The poUcemertw-as not hit. cold cuts during the recent torrid boxes. Phone MltcheU 3-6981. Be^ey and Gay Bedroom Ret, Mahog. Repro. Lowboy, Oov, Wlq- ettes led tha drum and bugle corps coupe, tutone gree'n with all ac­ AN’HQUES Refinished. Repairing special^. MltcheU 6-0752. \ I served to reject any and all bidj. tor. Mitchell 9-4460. Phone MI-3-6969 . Howall formerly wee employed days: that the hot meal tasted cessories.- Must sell-, lea-ving - for .‘‘A. Gw d.Place to Work” GAS STOVE, Frigidalre, love>eat, throp De*k te Mahog.,. Chippendale Style Mirror, PIrepteM -done -on a n y Ynmttur?.- -Tiemai), AIRWAY^atotizdr'vacuum cteahe'r 'and ,two cholta. Tday' be 'bowhi JIlL.oJda must conform to the oa-g psBlTOtuel. clerk *1 tha.Xoak-- “ Th**^llrt«oi^ did-thetr )Mt W iniility g(^^ fun Kept up service. CaU MRchell 9-9418. 189 South Main street Phone BIG PAYING Jobe in South Amur- Equip., 4 Poster'Bed.'DIvaii Sod Cllam, Boakeaae,'Bd«lte, Tf^~ { opecifiratlooa and. bidders forms PmCE REDUCED! Boltoh: tbra«- ars I^toaway at Yonkers. N. Y. Ha . ^ •laaOitun(lt a latrtlate hour.faratIP Paiating—Psperlng 21 with disposable bags, AU attach- separately. Priced for quick -s m Wagon; Stands, Lamps, P tehe*. *«c, Garden 1 *0010. Lawn Mtnrer. b^room custom. IqiUt home, 32 ft. TWO LOTS, aouthwart ,cotnar et nsatqh 'Ute .marchers on - color as MltcheU 3-5643. lea, ^ ro p c , Aeia;. Africa, Hawaii. niehta. Some never uo^. Excellent CaU Ckiventry Pn'grim 3-7807 atflei j * which may be prbciired from the Windemera atraet and Irving wap'released, on parole from Slhg well aa notee, waving balloons *nd Mr- Van Arsdale’s pupila In ap- OLIVER’S Canada. Alaska, Auat'ralia.'Men.all Lonob—Chnir*. Inspection;—At snie time only! J Superintendent of Parks, Room -living room, ^replace, knotty pine Sing PrUon In September', 1949, prerlatiop of hie patience ahd help- FURNACES Vacuum cleanad. oU PAINTER AND PAPER Hanger., condition, $39. Call MRchell 9-9338. 5 p.m. kitchen aith. dining atya. Bath street. High and dry with sewers flags. sires. Oerical; profeaaional'. and It.. 18. Municipal Bulldlng. Manches- 4a stz*ed; Jii«nto*. $4i^ white aan rtn g .a 5-,to-lQ year term . .jn » mato,.$tosade;ofc.tltf-itoh-veity, fulKeaa composed an eppropriete :J3i. i< in^; J i-l-.-bUTMapa -nKvta«d'.':-For.'«xpieit-azidr- 33 yeszs: axi9)rtei»r6 .o BslIris cUpn. ‘•WSfcHiSinW KOUtYM . RHOiAON, AUCDONIillS-^^^ I : plus,3avaip*y*LJwt-ti**Bto*. -harts for': :'«hii:h'“ w ii Te*d;'^iU(d 'iiifc prompt service call Bob Cart­ guaranteed. Wallpaper books truck drivers, etc. Free trsnspor Ml MAIN ST. PHONE MI-6-716ff' Garage., acre. Only $11,900^ tton, a iO-hour affair, will come available. Raymond Trudeau. I Horact Murphey Carlton W. Hutchins, Mltchall GLA8TQNBURY—New aecUon Jurt Police said Howell ie a long-time tomorrow. preselited to him the gift of $25; USED CARS wright. Mitchell 9-6446. tation. Monthly pay approximately RAYMOND R. REID T E U MI-S-74SS I • • ' ‘ . in a'novel way. Using .a sketch MltcheU 9-1614. 9-5133, 9-4694. opened. AA zone building lota, all fiiend of Lawrence (Lar) Lynch, Gough, In his report, said the MASON, STONE contractor and $500 to $2,000 and up. Thousands of .1— 100’ frontage. Paved road. Chert- 45. 6f Hopewell Jnnction. Dutchess book, which was equipped with Jobs in foreign countries, all types. nut Hill Section. Etecolt Agency, planned reduction in the total ~ ^ AT cement work. Valentino BeUucci Clounty. who was held .the day strength of the Army means "in­ charcoal pencil, eraser and other Fern street. CaU MltcheU 9-5451 EXTERIOR PAINTING — Free es- Write to; Dept. MJ, Turner For­ RANGE and FUEL OIL M itchell 6-7633. after tha shooting on a parole objects, each embryo artist drew a By Reid creased reliance will have to be tlraatee. Mitchell 9-1383. eign Bureau (^., 248 Fifth Avenue, “Mac* 1607 sketch end elgned it After Mr. ; CENTER MOTOR SALES 6 to 8 a. m. and 5 to 7:30 p. m. LARGE LOT, ten mlnutei walk vtolation charge. Police officials placed on the reserve and the Na­ New York 1, N. Y. It's Bee Of Cauive" said Lynch haa been uncooperative Van Arsdale had leafed through COMPLETE. Repairs by Stuart R. PAINTING— Inside and outside. 24 Hour Delivery Service AUCTION from South Main atreet. CaU own­ tional Guard: y 461 Main Street In queationing about the Lewis the book, laughing and comment­ Wolcott, - A-1 Repair, Salek -Paperhsnglng, floor sanding. No MONEY FOR Your spare time, er Pilgrim 3-7607'any tima. He said the reduction in man­ man .or woman, part or full time, AT THE LEGION HALL. MANCHESnU. CONN. murder, and hta arrart followed. ing on the. pictures, he found the washing machines, vacuum-clean Job too small. Reasonable. Mitch­ MALE and FEMALE Oa LM oard 81.. *ff Main 81., Oppoalte 8tete Armory power strength will not be at the ell 8-8372. to call ' by appointment on piano LMt Racetrack Job fxpense of combat unite but will gift in an envelope and warmly 8970 ers. motors, small appUances students who will welcome your Lynch lost a $2,000-a-month Job thanked Mr. and Mrs. Finlay and .*62 CHEV. BEL-AIR — Only Welding. 180 Main s tre e t Phone TUESDAY EVENING. SEPT. 1 .1fS3 AT 4 P.M. Suburban for Sato 75 be achieved' through better use of 13-43 visit. Music teachers may also ap­ rio m INSPECTION AFTER 4 PJd. SALE DAY as a “trouble-shooter” for the manpower end elimination of un- the donors for their thoughfulnesi, 6,000 miles. New car guar­ M itchell 9-6678. MORIARH BROTHERS Applicofiom acetptEd from I for Grocory. not only for the party in his honor Use workbaaket scrap* far tb«w Bonds—Stocks— ply. For details, contact: The Uni­ Yonkeri Raceway — reportedly antee, . _- HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE--SPINET PIANO VERNON—CkHUitry MtUnf, no de­ necesaery overhead and aupport This good looking two piece •ppUqued monogram* of th* daya- GUARANTEED Top (Quality tela Mortgages 31 versity Society, Inc., 75 Msple S15 CENTER STREET TEL. Ml-il-SlSS Moot Olid Prodoco Cloriu. because of Lewis. Authoritlee said personnel. but (or the gift. outfit ie ideal whather you're cam­ Ave,. Ridgewood, N. J. FOB THE ESTATE OF CORA T. VANDEORIFT velopment, custom built .ranch, ThU faU he expects to have two o(-tha-week and then (Inlah tba vision service. Calls received be­ By order of THE TRAVEUCRS BANK A TRUST OO, Ezec. fireplace, large living room, three Lewta. whose unkm local rapre- Speaking bn foreign relations. pus-bound or off on a naw career. towels with a quick touch of th* .-•62 CHEV. DE LUXE—Like fore 9 p. m. Will be serviced sam e FIRST AHD Second mortgages aented raceway employe!. Ob­ Gough said he was pleased to note children's claaaea at the "T” in ] Tailored to perfection with flatter­ bought for our Own account. Fast, WANTED-Full, and part time cab ApplieotioRt oeeoptod from fomolos for Grocory Repro. Mahegaay silem Cheat. Mahog. 8 Drawer Cheat, bedrooms, two twin size, large addition to hia adult pupils. iron to praaa off tha amuMng onl- new, fully equipped and night. MltcheU 9-1847.______kitchep, oil hot water heat, full tained Lynth’i removal fromythe that many recommendations of the ing lines and nice detail. confidential aervlce.' Mancheeter drivers, also school .bus drivers. Makag. HImIe Bed. Stodta Caurk, (M ar Ckaat, Maple Welsk “trouble-ibooler” Job becauze matad vagetaWaa. Enough aottfa guaranteed. Cloriu lo Mowclioxfor oo fuN-Hme bmh. Onpbaord. Niwla Drop Leaf Table vrltk 4 Ckolra, Sewing CnMnet, ' ceUar, only $13,700. Carlton W. Legion’s Foreign Relations (tom- left to trim other Un«ne. Inveetm ent Corp., 244 Main Apply a t City Cab, 55 Purnell Lofneh’a brother, James.* was en mlsaion,on Far Eastern policy, to­ Pattern No. 8870 ie a aew-rite HAROLD A SONS. Rubbish remov­ street. Phone MltcheU -3-5416. Place. , Tnrtatin End Tnblen, aM Waak Stand, etc. Other gatto Items. Hutchins. MItchaU 0-0133, 0-4664. al. Call Mitchell 9-4034. Far MR. AND MBft*THOMAS F. FINNEGAN (moving official of Lewie' union and Lewie ward the United Nations, and in perforated p attern In sizes 13, 14, Pattern No. 6888 oobtalna trodag ’60 CHEV. FORDOR—Black feared chargee of a union-man­ regard to participation in Euro-, Hospital Treats ^ 16, jS, 20; 40. 42. Slia 14. 8 7-S r with white walls. WANTED-YOUNG MAN MANY KNEFITS te Cnllfornte). Removed from their home nt 155 VERNON—$10,800. Thfee-bodroom (or day-of-ihe-week latters phw ap­ Edgemont, Ave., West Hartford. WHITNEY (Chicago) SPINET ranch, .full ctUar, sUtUng clonet agement tieup. pean defense ’-’hav* now been ac­ yards of 42-lnch. plique directlona and 8-color trao* PIANO In Mnhog.. Orooa Uphalotered Mvnn, Pr. Flrealto doors, metal . cabinaU, baked Donlon «ald” *Howell and Lynch cepted' and implamanted by the Four Dog Bit^* (er (or 20 motifs with traiMfentag - ’49 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN High School Kradoate. Must be alert and have apU- Paid Holidays Pension Plan enamel tile bath, leas than one present admintetration.’’.-.. For this pattern, sand SOc in and Unnderlng dtractkxia. SEPTIC TANKS Mahog. Secretary, Mnhog. Swing lo-g ftrep_..lifa7 mning have been acku*i>>^ ■* .)9"8 coins, your name, addrees. size de­ ° DE LUXE — Exceptionally AND SPECIALIZING IN tude to team coat work. Job consists of record filinK, Fivs Day Week HospitaUution year old. Larga lot. near bus and time. Perhaps If waa from tha CrttMsca UMT Policy TabtoT Mahog. 4 Peat Dasrtle Bed. 4 Peat Daubla HMtywaad Bed. school. Carlton W. Hutchins, - He crltlclaed opponents of uni­ Four dog bite cases have been sired and the pattefh number to Send25c in Oilns, your naaw, Od- i ’ -^dean. Good Starting Wage Group Insurance Mnhog. and Maple Cbente, Comb. Radio and Record waterfruni “rh^y definitely knew treated at the Mancheeter Memo­ CUSTOM BUILT HOMES dye cost caiculatioiui and order checking. Mitchell 0-0133, 6-4604. each other from the trotting versal military training and said SUB BURNETT. THE MAN- drsaa iund the Pattern Number to PUIQGED SEWERS Sick Beneflls Vacation With Pay rorde, Breakfnet Set, Porrh FUrn., Dunlop Power Mower, OUbort rial Hospital emergency room. C H C Sm EVENING HERALD. ANNE CABOT. THE BfANOnB- Along with this position goes on excellent oppor­ Drill Preoo, 40 ft. 'EZt. Ladder, Pbliro Elec. RefrigM Quality Ona tric k the Legion has made some pro­ ’49 CHEV. TUDOR SEDAN GENERAL CONTRACTING TOLLAND—H-mile from RockviUa gress toward a UMT goal. Priscilla Gtbaon. 10. of 48 1156 AVE- A6IER1CA8, NEW TEE EVENING HEBALO. IlM —^Fully equipped. tunity to learn to becone a textile dyeing supervlMr. Stova with HenUng Unit, (oM model). Many other nne offerlnge line, 2 year old ranch, b'reezaway, Donlon also said yesterday that Turnbull Rd., was blften on tha AVE. AMBRIQAB, H*w T * tk 88, MMhiM OltaitA Lynch had baan “doing'WaU at tha “Pravtouaiy,” the national com­ YORK 88. N. V. ___ REMODELING AND REPAIRING attachad garaga, 2 axcaUant bed­ mander said. ”lt waa the opinion right thumb. H . T . ■ _ Apply In Person to Mr. J. J. Kelley AppKeotioos oeediMod for work lo storo oo *^OTHWI^IOURCr-8i-- Aeoortment of neaehlalat’e toote. choote. rooms, bMutiful kitchen, fine liv­ racatrack and with labor aetlvl- M att MIodzinskl. 32. of 35 Dover Baaic Fashion for ’53, Fall and .■’47 CHEV. DE LUXE—Blue. Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, Sowar tiaa” after parole from prteea for ef the Prsaident and the Defense PzManttag th* H*w Ann* Oohrt FREE ESTIMATES — MORTGAGES ARRANGED timo bcuis. Apply oo TooRddy botwooo f0:00 ing room, lot 136 X 126, fuU cement De)>artroent that UMT could not Rd.. was nipped on the upper lip. Winter, la a complete guida..la » Completely re<»nditioned Ilaea Installed—Cellar Water- ceUar, immaculate condiUon, $13,- a nightclub stickup. WiUtem Alley, 2. of 83 <3ieatnut planning' a prOrtical. sawrstan^ Ne*dl*work Album. DtractloHi-lar- guaranteed. Propllng Done. ojo.-5:00 p-m.. at AGP Sopor M M iot. 174 W oili- ^ ROIERT M. REID A SON, AUCTIONEERS 600. George J . OUeman, Broker, Police said Howell, wte ba imptementod v'ae tong as it waa pimpet mittena. borto *mbroiii*y ANERIBIN DYEIN8 CORFORATION necessary to draft men under the 8 t, -wras bitteit on tba right hand. wardrobe. Gift pattern printed iogfdo Stn Hortfofd, Coim.'^ tO IM ^ W S T . - ^ Hartford-OonnecUcut T n trt Co. "John Makley” and "John Han­ Robart Bourret of TalcottvUte tnaida the hook. Bend 25 cento stitch** aad gnad d*q|ad on McMNNEY MOS. ERNEST A. RITCHIE RAYMOND R. RBID ______MI-8-7488 ley” as allaaes. haa a criminal re­ selective service syitem- 1>47 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL lot EAST k A IN ST.— ROCKVILLE, CONN. Bldg. Tel. RockvUle 6-4045, was bttiM oa -Um right ana. today. printed la this I8MM. 88 dB ti. SEWERAGE DISPOSAL OO. is LIBERTY .ST. TEL. HI.3.8IT2,. MANCHESTER ------ICMMinCB. CONN. $-4710. cord dating back to 1987, “New the Pnrtdeht haa diract- . DE LUXE—Reeonditionefl U f t m Pearl S t TeL BO-S-SSM *' snd^gnsnntoed. V ■ ■ U ' T''~ I ~ 1 ‘rT'ii ^*“P S»‘ ?lT ■^ , '•*••■ .A-7*A . ■ . '-' i - - .. ' ' /7 ‘A "' ■ ;■ } .7: X / ‘-r •A

\' / -7^- 1 \

. ' i ■i \ ■ .-' ^ x;- MONDAY. AUGUST 81, X958 PAGE FOURTEEN 'V X AV«nu|d Dglhr Not .Pmm'itm iNantlf(Btnr 1Et»ttins li^rallii F o r Um W eak Walod Tho Wdothor ■ ,A«ir.ss. IMS at O. a Wootfeir I The AoMZieaiiNLagtdn AifxiUuy from the pastorate of thh^^hotialeh' 1 0 , 6 ^ will have a i^actaf^Matlng to w h t PastO T H ^e Norwichtqwp Methbdlat nriili,and Voir and worm tonigmiiJl , ►ut Town in the Legion halLIM |mtaB to the EricksdnADeW itt W edding gxMgta to assume his new X M smkar jd t Mm Aodlts,. bet and mere hnmM ti recent state eohvehtlM will bub\ airly in the fall. Hit work O m a n i t a m Manche$ter—^A City of rUlage Charm Mr. and MhL Edward C. Kluc«- mlt their reports, and a aeport wrlll y III New Post moatlv be la this country fre ' wicB of S4 W^RvCanUr St. anter- be read by the auditing cob quent UiM to India. He tThlamilng t/iined Major aoia^ra. David A. Officers aie reminded to in a thrae^iMMjia toUr trf'lndla,"thU BACK to-SCHOOL / - ■ ■— 7 “^------Cook, who, with twe^ two chil- their badges for use at the McLaughlin Ac- fall with the exMotatkm that Mrs. ▼OL. LXXfIe NO; 888 (COmIUM AdVhrtMng on Pag* IS) MANCHE^ER. .CONN^ TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, 195.1 IRTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE C E ^ drm, Juat ratumed hiim Clark latihn, Tuesday, Sept. 8. H e McLaughlin will .accompany him. rtald in tha PhiUpplnux^Bafora / -CiB|»U to Indian It will be recalleoity many Man- BELL-RINGERS W dinner. Major OooK anowad ' The Brltlsh-Amerlcan fShb chaater friends thatNQ^ Family he had taken there, in Im hold iU monthly meetifig topSor- Medial School Boara Orat went to India; as^Retbodist and other placea he had row night at 8 o'clock at thp^club- miaalonaries lir 1933. n O s'.K c - Balloon Landskrn Doiaware Bivpr fW Swap X' Major Cook has been aaaigned as use on Maple St. The Rev. l^llard J. McLaughlin, iMghlins expect to reside in inatructor to the Untveratty of former pastor df.^e North Metho- city until other arrangoments Maryland. Mrs. Cook is the slater be made. X 3. Monnierp.' brother of diet Church Here Slid now of N or­ W i l l , of Edward Klucawica Lawreiibe Monniere^'of this town, Is Entering died op-^Aiig. 24 ^ Brawley, Calif. wich, has. accepted'* call to be \ Manchester Lodge No. T.^ A, executive eecretary o^' the Vellore and A. M. will hold the first rneet- Organist a^Wnce W. Helsing of Christian Medical College Board. Inc., with offices at ISf Fifth sfwT Last We^ inff of the fall season, a t Maaonir Emanuel ^theri CSiurch, who SIGNS Temple on Tuesday evening. Sept. with his family avlng next Ave., New York City. , a l l KINDS Vellore, near Madras,, India,-ia 1, a t 7:30. The new d i s t r i c t week for Rockford. Itt^^ where he Panmunjom, Sept, 1 (AP)— ',1i . . .d^uty,.j:redecick.J.. Links... deputy has-.been engaged-aa- organist and the outatanding'Christian medicali ED'S^IGN CQs Y f y center' In Asia. More than 4() de­ Th* Korean War ■prisonar 'gx- of the sixth Masonic District, will choirmaster of Zion Lutheran ehange moved into ita fifth make his official visitation and In­ Church; and J. Philemon Ander­ nominations and societies in MiPchti ^-R2SR Iba g k -to-sc h Idol spect, the work on the Entered Ap U. 8. A., Canada, Great Britain. and possibly last week today X son. who has been assisting. The —- ^ _ \ - BELL-RINGERS prsrhtlee Degree. At the conclusion Rev. Carl E. Olson for the pa.st Australia and. New Zealand .are with 100 more Americana k - cooperating in this institution to of the work there will be a spdial year. Will be honored with a fare­ tum inr to freedom from z : hour and refreshments and the well reception tonight at 8 o'clock htalu available the best In moderp OUR SMRT medicine and aurgery t« the people North Korean prison camps. \ members will have an opportunity in Luther hall. Mr. Anderson will PmnMse 18# Mnr* . M ovie H ouse ‘Dei^oliahetl by Exploaibn to become acquainted ^th the resume his studies at Augustana of Iqdia and Asia. Prominent SHIRtS U. s: Tries Th* Communists promised to ^ a rirpi p N ( ^ neA^,Grand L o ^ e representative. Seminary; Rock Island, III. He has among, the cooperating agencies sre the^tjongregsttonsT Church, the FoAuaruixv couvoirnDfeo ^ IComfoltable Sport hsnd back another TOO Americans been in charge of the youth pro­ ISblrta ore the only tomorrow, aa well gs 300. South gram, has occupied the pulpit on Baptist XJhurch. the Reformed Pfc. Gilbert T^ Wrlght. son of Church, twoLuthersn synods and RlrlliMr Drac B ttrts 4 Ikhtd a fellow ehould Koreans for s total of S(M>—ths Rail Strike Mrs. Helen E. Wright of 29 Elro numerous occasions and has. made B y ^ I Wear. We have plenty smallsst daily total nines the dra­ [arshal calls on the parishioners, the .Methodist Chui-ch- , » ■ 'X St., is now i^crgoing post-truce Tlie Velfore X>nter is composed lof ’em In iyery yslor matic swap started 38 daya ago. training with the 3Sth Infantry of a hoapitsl. scnqpl of nursing and ■ under the ebo-r-priced Beetdea the 100 Americans. S3 Division ill’ Korea. An ammunition Gustave Scballer of 626 Center nt a medical college Vhlch meets th* Icp yen eon all British. 1 Turk, S Aust .Airs Views bearer . in the Heavy Weapons St., reached bis 87th milestone Ihe nerds for die rom- snd 230 aouth Korasns retiii yesterday. 'The birthday was cel­ high standards of-thKMsdras State OMnpsmy of the division's 2Tth end India govemmenhi. There Is a llng eehbql term. Sizes freedom Tuesday. Wa-hihigton, .Sept. 1 (A*>— Regiment, he has been in Korea ebrated by a family dinner at his IN FER WEEK v. N to so. N Riding happilY into BOhmunjom home which was attended by seven, datl.v census of 900 patnntif in the The government stepped in’ since April. hospital. 178 student nihiws. 237 on open trucks, today war* two T.ondon, Sept. 1 (/P)—M*i’- t)f his ten children. He also re-' FRRTTIME iPrieMi start At high ranking AjUdd ^ c e r s , both twlay to try to hold off a rall­ shal Tito’s government todW cfived a cablegram from his son, medical students and a raff of ie d strike planned for Sept. Mystic Review, No. 2, Women’s 201 *quslifled doetora and nhiaes. \ 6-9 EveninKS. All Day with many mofiths of Red captiv­ formally accused Italy ot^ Benefit Assn., will meet tomorrow Leon. Who is in Swltscrland. He ity behind them. 10, possibly the'first of a is. enjoying good health, a t. the Mrv 'tocL aughlinT ias . reti|imed_ frontier xrrovoeattofva - - alifL------a t * p. m. in Odd Fellows hall, '-'r-8»turd»y-,-' — ■■— - Lf. 'CW. ■ Jam es T*"’ .senVs ' o f' forthcoming' rail present time, and was remembered wamert that Vugoslayik will Shate Field Director Mrs. Grace Will hire six men to train for CspsaTcommander of the flrst bat- walkbilt threats. Best will be present to Install Mrs. by useful gifts, ^mostly in cur­ taiion of Britain's gallant Oloiices- “di.scard all reaptf^kibility” -:N rency. |,nipervisary capacity, taeome Meeting (MIed Hajsel Fahey as president and Mrs. .,0-rpil y. Na^W ... ghoraateed. If yon qonlify. tefshlre regiment, which was all Today'^ meeUng called by the for what might happen if the _ Belle Schors as vice president. The DO YOU KNOW but wiped out when cut off in the C^m ander Earl C. Peterson of MRS. KENNETH ALFRE ERICKSON where yon con buy beoatlfnl. National Mediation Board con- incidents continue. guards will practice floor, work In ily In peraon, 7:8* P . M. Im jli,R iv er battle in April 1931. cernn only a dispute between the Delivered KUff Proteet preparation for the state conven­ t^ ' American Legion Post, and Nen-rm, Reamfree Nylon Hoee T *bnri>> Tuesday, Sept. ], Man­ Cghie. puffing a pipe, hopped off Charles Wigren are attending the Miss Alice Ann DeWltt, daugh­ in the church social room follow­ $1.15 pair—8 for $3 ^ciriiers and the ' Conductors' A atiffly-worded note delivered in tion the coming fall in Waterbury. ing the ceremony, the mother of chester, High School IJbrary a^ed truck and told Allied offl- linion, but all the major rail tin-, i Rome today protested "energetical­ - Mrs. Irene La Palme, Mrs. Ann/' national convention in St. Louis, ter-of Mr. and Mrs. James L. De­ room. M s^ed men mnst bring CEHOllSESSON rtrs who greeted him "It feele ly’’ against t^st It called "the Hartley and Mrs. Aides Qiitr.m^ Mo. I Wltt of Coventry,-was married the bride received in iridescent silk BLAIR'S wivee. ions arc drawing up new demands:' and ro.se taffeta, Copenhagen blue /grant to be back.” The 33,000 Conductors g rm p j Of;med demonstrations of the Italian will serve on the refreshment com­ Saturday to Kenneth Alfred accessories and corsage of pink W E GIVE dWf G R EEN STA ^^ The other top-ranking repatri­ unMs along the Yugoelav-ltalian mittee. Mrs. Lorraine Wegner HJalmer k ate wan an American, Li. Col. A surplus Army observation ballmm. piloted hv Donald Plceard, scheduled Its walkout Sept. lO'Irr of 123 Waddell Rd. has returned Erickson, son of Mr. and Mrs. rosebuds with blue ribbon. The OUR lOOth ANNIViRSARY YEAR son of the worM-famous Dr, Jean ITcrnrd, llghter-lhnn-alr *lyjit behalf of a longitanding d^and Ifronfier.’; bridegroom's mother was attired Paul V. Liles, a West Pol'nter who for pay rates graduated icfOrding ! TTie note, a* lummarized id a home from the New England Harry Erickaon of Andover. The spent almost three years - as a pioneer, Inndo on the Delaware Rl« r r n m r .New f:astle. Del.. In i. The Willing Workers Group of flanitarium and Hospital. Melrose, in steel blue lace taffeta, naify to t'>* power of Tocomotives on : Belgrade". Radio broadcaat. also the South Methodist WSCS will Rev. Stephen Chamberlain per­ piinoner of the Reds. apnrto mee with farrign sports cars. A paaaing motorboat hltelied Maas., where she underwent a ser­ accessories and her corsage of - line to the balloon and lowed It to -hare where It took off later trains manned by conductors, I "expresaedXgxpcrtation that Ihe _ resume meetings Wednesday at ious operation five weeks ago. formed the ceremony at 3 p. m. in : yellow rosebuds and yellow ribbon. He told a grim tale of syatemst-, „ - ^ .. . . ^ . . . . ftngineers and' firemen already j Italian goyertbnent will renounce . the church, be^niiihg a t'10 a.m., :X ' ’ ■ ■ '♦ Ic Communist pressurt on piiwn-! * enech snowed, an dnninge. In the bnllooii bai^et and nhroud the A ndover Congregational . Baskets of garden flowers and Haoa were five perooaa larliiding tn o Motnen. have stick a pay sygtem. giving ! auch methods sO. that these acta with a pothick luncheon at noon Mrs. W. W. Eells and Harold Church. Mrs. Edythe Birmingham ' candelabra with lighted tapera ers to maks them sign confasBions them higher pay ^ trains with , might not become'* precedent in and a business meeting at 2 p.m. Eells who have beeh for the. past played the traditional organ music t decorated the social room. and make propaganda broadcasts. I more powerful ezines. the further relations between the Liles said ht and a group of pjtis-! two count rtea." month in Bogota. .Oolumbla. South and white gladioli, palms and I When the couple left for a motor .X'-' TTie meditatioit Board called in The monthly meeting of the America, are expected home to­ laurel leaves decorated the church. ' trip through northern New Eng­ oner# who had been nealfy starved i representative^ qf the inion and The Italian Forei|pi Ministry In Ladies Aid Society of the .Con­ night or tomorrow. They made the Given in marriage by her father, land. the bride was wearing a to death were foresd by tha ftedn , of railroad asaociations to try to Rome confirmed that the mlgrade cordia Lutheran Church has been a s m to broadcast over Pyongyang ni-; IIN Must Reinstate I note had been received but derllncd trip by plane and are returning by the bride had for her matron of \ beige suit and henedicUne acces- get the strike callyd o ff pending postponed from Tuesday. Sept. 1. adr. They stopped at Miami; {a- honor, her sister-in-law, Mrs. Clif­ sorie.s. A graduate of Bradenton, •\' dio. He eaid the aitamativa waa ' efforts toAvork out a solution. j to comment on iU contents -'for'Hie to Friday, Sept. 11, a t 7:30 p^m. riiaica; and at Baranqullla and ford Erickson of Willimantic., Fla.. High School, ihe is employed a 100 mite- mafch over froaen' Meanwhile, nearly a' score of This general view abow* the ruins of the Onkley Theater on Chicago’s aide after an ep time being." Cartagena, Columbia. Three days Bridesmaids were Mrs. Kenneth by Niles-Bement-Pond, West Hart­ highways—“tantamount to a,; other rail' unions are planning to aton nsd 8re egrly .vesterday. WaM* were blown out aa the roof mllnpoed and hatomobileo parked P™‘ I The border incident was magnl- were spent in the jungles. Mr. White of West Hartford and Miss ford,______death sentence.” Employes It Fired make .new. demands Jo r pay raises hind tt»r. Ihcatgr. .WWICL Ity- the debris. - Tho owner- of an adjoiatnr shoe shop wae klHed. ■fied in importance by the latest Eells; Whose hbhby’ls photopaphy, Lee Scully of Covchtry. ' NEW INDIAN ' With the exchange mo’vlng Ihle and other benefits. rflarcUp In Ibe 'T-yesrK)ld feiid be- The bridegroom was graduated I tween Italy and Yugoslavia over secured many fine pictures. (31fford Erickson attended his from Windham High School and is Its Anal days, the ^ d s , a t of PracUrally sll the unions have brother as best man and ushers Tuaaday, hod returned 2,937 1 Trieate. wit,h the U. S. Navy a t Newport, United Nations. N. Y„ Sept. 1 (/P)—A United Nations High • mmatorium__against I Italy has "categorically" denied were Robert Wheeler of Columbia R. I. Amarloaiui of the 3,313 they otig-. and Ralph Kiister of Manchester. ihit blend Tvtthont end I Totally oaid they held. The ComV Tribunal ordered the U.N. today to restore jobs to four em- bn thf carrie^.Xh™ ban'which ! ihe Yugoalav charge and a fqrelgn Brf^k in Si j Ministry spokesman in Roma said ployes and pay damages totaling $122,500To seven others. All under previous agreements has ap- The bride was gowned in nylon I ths accusation waa "absurd and OLtlE'S tulie over satin. theNpHe embel- ^CmHkined on Page tlrirtean) ’ of them American citizens, they were fired because they re- some workers for nearly I’Ollo'ws Floods! A Y v ^ • * fantaattc." \ llshied with Schlfll embroidery. The X fuaed to answer V. S. goyemmentY .* ■—‘— ■* ! years, expires Oct. 1 Th* note warned that If the, AUTO BODY fitted bodice had/a Peter Pan col­ *25 t o questions about aneged Oommualst) Th* Conductors contend their In SouthTexaslAs border Incidents continue "the' home comfort lar and long pointed sleeves of the Has. J cohtract allows negotiation on Heat Lontinue yugoalav government will of nee. ■A WELDING embroidered tulle. The bouffant West Reveab Appea l to Cauri— Second Atom their graduated pay rate demand . ___ - ' I e*fdty be placed In a position to akirt was of chapel length. Her el­ 5 The 4-member International "'OTatorlum but t he R o b d t ^ . Tex . s i p t- 1 (► -ITtood ★ AUTO ROOT and * ao t h e a o c ia t e d bow-length veil of lllu.sion was board, highest arppeals court for) Bv M PBESS MORIARTY Bros. dined to negotiate on the ianu*. I Xinalded with receding ' a FENDER REPAIRS draped from a croWn of pearl-en- 7(9 Apjf. . Mmhmdis* New Red Plot the U. 'N. staff, held for an em- Blast Set Off No general break in thr* “ th# need arise, place the 1 3 1 5 CENTIR ST erusted satin and she carried an ploy*- to tnrvnrjce the U.- 8. Fifth V lAoklng Ear Fat Boost...... MsyTliut threats of disease fmmmer aeason’x longest anii . records for the date, as of relaUonr between the ^A COMPtETE CAR Some indication that the unions lingered after^JO days of south well sa for the month of A u^st. fwo coud orchid on a lace-covered bible. 7(9 A t/.. Ovtrdut Ulls Amendmeht invrefuaing to answer hotte.st ’heat wave appeared in . , .. ii - — -----Jfriea before a competent FAINTING were broken in many cities.I. Tern- '! fntematio^li forum." SILENT GLOW The matron of honor wore a For Eleetioha auch queations did not violate any By Russians Texas rloudburS)* . .sight today. More hot and LAOQDER and ENAMEL gown of cotillion blue nylon and To Maaf Im a r g tn ty U. N. staff niles. , o'n'"* Thousand* Flee^Home* peraturea in some sections of the This app^red |o be a Uireat to OIL RURNERS Monty n»*d But the tribunal upheld the 3r- hood of Railroad Trainmen (BRTI, I Thousands forced from their liumid weether was the im- awelter-bejt have hU 93-or higher, put the UsueNjf Trieste befdra th* riet W'lth jacket of matching lace. »... doctor, - r i QR -(C J -)'H Bonn, Germany, Sept. 1 rAb- - Washlngtdm Sept. 1 lAh 1luas|.a 8 Griswold Street Jler colonial bouquet of pink pom­ TTia Weet German government said Ing of------nine others seven - ...... involved ...... j . j ... . , t>i8K**t of the operating unions homes remained ' in emergenev mediiite outlook for swelter­ every day for^e last week. j United Nations) daiitfst, hoMpital. . .a n d / IIILIIIM pj whose memi-er* work on moving ehelter* again last bight as health. 'The W esthelk Bureau reporte*! ’ ’The note cam k aa no surprise, Td. MItelME 3-5138 ___ _ Tel. MI-9-5025 pons Was encircled with blue lace today it haa.uacovered a juw Com- *" Communist inquiries and two baa produced another stnmic ex- trains. ing millions .from the Rockies and tied with pink-streamers, similar bllfs. ~Ab ObUpiation T o TK c C o m m tm ity munlst plot to Wroek next Sun-1t*»r non-political reasons- because plosion. the government aa- autharities gave typhoid innocula-' readtnya of 90 or higher from a|l ’Belgrade Radio ta^nigh't said such ITre. bridesmaids wore identical Tile trust and confidence ’ placed In the The BRTs 14-man wage-nilex tioria and warned 's id d .n t. of thla *''‘ '» " tic atstes es.vt of the Rmkiea yeater- a protest would be Handed to Italy. CHa a i* AoymAAl lift f a r AAdtBlfcWfc day's,national election by destroy-1 tbey wary "lempdrary-lndeffnlte" not'incfd last night, and evidence committee, meeting in Cleveland, gowns of lace over taffeta with Oulsh Fnmral Home Is n constant Inceatlvn Ing voting stations throughout the ' ''’'P***^** whom the IT. N. Secre- thus/far available to IT. S. experte wide Gulf Coast area near C o r p u s There was no heavy;>■ dav. But the mercury soared above ; In Rome, however, tehaion appear- matching lace jackets. Mrs. White Amownt AfWAvnt •! Monthly f AymoAtif*^ Chriati to boll drinking water. ' rainfall 19 prospect for at 100 in many placea. i ed to be lessening. •UOAN 12 MO. IJ MO. MMO. to keep standards high. Service Is always country. General eould dismiss If he , iw j^ .te s It Was. not a hydrogen (Ceatinued on Page Thirteen) in maize and Miss Scully in coral. S M % S.M complete. TTia Federal Press Office said! Ibought such action was In the in- blkst although perhaps of consid- Mo^ay waa the first 'day since Meant a couple of davs— if not Many-cities have had no heavy I Warplane od Border' Their tiaras matched their gowns. I M 1D.U $ D M A .n top Rad agenta captured in an at-' l**'**‘*UresU of the internallohslinternational ocean- organ- yrable power. \ last Thursday that heavy down- loncrpi- ' rainfall in weeks. Several have re- r The Belgrrade radio said^hat an $ M 29.27 24.25 19.25 pours skipped this flood-plagued TTiey carried bronze pompons with 5 M 47.41 29.94 29.99 tem pted 'm ass. sneak. Ts.ya*ion of (***lon- ' ■ / The date ws* Au, .LI ihf kItaUtn warplane had circled over goWfoto lace lac trim aird maizb and-coral Ten oT ths II granted reldstaty’Atomic Energi- 7t 'brnjnfaiaion ‘ cllv and nearbv Sintmr. Morre than'’ --U 3^ Reported Uvater h as berq reslrrcted. i \ ugoslav territory yesteixlay. Thfft* 9rh«4Ble9 ol rppdVRbMl iBcl»4« *11 Klt8rtt9. West Germany* during the _ last - anM*9 , fM-- dtamao'** . .H«rf , •d%od-alldtr4 „ l r mnH slreaTners.ilrearhe Thdjf 97* 5*9*4 BA prMHft iBBBiWy ^iie*el9. [liii^rall three days had admittsd the Oom- Blent or damages had *o-call/d > ( a ECI statem ent itaid. the Hill Advoeatfes tHK.u “ '“"v'’." ■ Some of the hotteet spots .vea-ves- ' '...... while in the evening there ' tyaa to carefree reception for 150 guests nunlst plan. It waa to tend squads permanent contracts of employ' explosion was. id the same range during the downpouri, \ tributei to the week-long rtwli*I>eM of I teixlay:teiday: Hageritown. Md., 107.lOT. the machinegimmachinegun Are anand rifle shootIr TillFHONE • WRITE'* or VlUT ment. of energy release as our recent rr->higheat reading In 23 years; Fred- , oh the ItaliarXide. ’ The broad- of riot-trained toughs to 'attack TTi* lith employe. Riitl would h t some lime befoTe the oily son.* were overc*ome hy the heat. -■ — ^ election officlials, destroy ballot raw -; pjevada teats, and would appear Loyalty Pledge ericksburg. Va,. 106. top mark in oast described these alleged inci­ f washdays! ford, former information o leer for to b?. part of a aeries." is free. Of flood waters. . A lake ai-; The' -... oppressive weather al.-orteil Dosi9ntd Spirtlla m MAIN min , . immS new ' id V ^ ' factories Wer» MANCHinU • Phtm t MITCNIU Mt«t callsd for groups of 30 hardened main residential diFtnri »nd the ' . ■ * -- *v- __ * ,n a dispatch from Bel^-ade that Fouodotieiis — CoE^ Ogoh Mow. TtfOf. Wo4. f,i. f.JQ 9» 5:|» 221 M f l I W S t munist party, terminating in 193fl, intelligence indicate* irtformation Washington. Sept. 1 oPi-.Sen. business district was slowly drj-lng * .\cslerd*> as the mei- (fontlaned on i*age Thirteen) Yiigoalavia planned to re]^udiate •nG TKorWays tiJO fo R • CIm o ^ Reds to descend on each voting but was fired by former.Secretary , of gyeater .interest." Mrs. Elsio Minteucel station, ths preas office said. hill (D-Ala) said today- it's too oul lost ni{^t. .__^__1______provlston* of the Italian peace FRIGIDAIRE General Trj-gve Lie because ahe | I hhre were blasts of varying po- early for the ' Democrats even to -tieaty that call for the establish- ' Ths captured Red agents were refuaed to tell the Senate Internal 1 war in the ll-shot series which the Health and sanitation here re-' \ Pheno MI-3-7737 quoted as saying this was the talk about a 19.">8 presidential malned the greatest problem. A ' ment of a "Free Territory” of NEW INDIAN HEAD Security Subcommittee who invited , United States conducted last: nominee but that party' members Trieate, under United Nations master plan behind the. tnyasion of hfr to join the party In 19.1.5. : spring at ItSproving ground In the who participate in ae.tection of a total of 1.800 typhoid innoculations Communists from E ast Gjarmony. have been given and residents were ' sponsorship. Italy, the United The appeal of atill another i Nevada Desert, and to which the national ticket should pledge their TVuman’s Korea Move States. Britain and France already Porcelain Pair PRINTS THAT Federal border police apd local "permanent" employe, • Etigene , ^ ;C cbmparedrttie latest Ruaaian 1 loyalty to It ■warned to boil drinking water. Of­ have/renounced thla part of the polirs have arrested 4,300 of these Wallach. a language services ateno- effort. X , j Criticriea Southernera ficials of the local health unit said agenta along the -interzonkl fron­ that since flood waters covered treaty. .C r o m p t o n typUt. was referred back to the The la^ one. on June 4. was I Without naming them, the Ala- about 1.000 pit privies In the town'* 1 Gs^led ‘Right’ by Nikon (Tlnjfs correapondent Jack ROy- pastrami and CORRELATE tier srpsrating West and East Staff Joint Appeals Board for an-, genertll,/ described as the largest ' b,nia Senator criticized Southern Germany. Most of these piready outskirts that all flood water must I \ I mond (jiioted a Yugloslav spokes- COKE other hearing. He had appeared | atomic explosion ever to be set off 1 colleagues who have said thev will ' ^! man aa saying his , government CordurelUit have been sent back. before a federal grand jury inves- ^ |n the United .States proper. It not be bound in advance to support I be ossumr'd to be contaminated. ] 4Sc AT 35 OAK B u t' hundreds slipped through i Mayor Dudley Dunlap of Robs-' St. Ix>ui3, Sept. 1 (/P)— VMce*State Dulles make.s a major for- ' waa returning to its 1946 clalfils BEAUTIFULLY WitH tigating aiibveraion. The U. N. in ; waa estimated to be the equivalent the nominee of the party’* next for the incorporation of the entire before police clamped down^ strict announcing hia #ring said he had of .50,000 tons of TNT. or about rtj town said no damage estimate was, President Richard“ ■ ‘ M. Nixon ‘ elgn _ policy , . epeech . tomorrow. ' ' “ controls on travelers from \ Com­ convention. available. . . j ...... __4; . 4 u- - I for today the frolicking I>e- Free Territory and the City of / ' ■ not given a complete account of times aa powerful aa the bomb Hill said if this question is going aays the nation a next big jol) ,v„„n.ct .aide to munist East Germany. 'Today the former employment sa required by j dropped on Hiroshima ahortly be- Although the heavy rains ' to.be brought before the ^emo- skipped Robstown and Sinton vea- IS to make' it impossible for J^arle for hours through steSmy (CoBtiaued on Page Thlrteea) THL PLAIN COLORS border police said hundreds of U. N. regulations. . for* the end of the war with : cratic railv in others may still bs 'getting In in Chicago 8epy-14-L5.1 terday, the heaviest in nine year* | another Korea! to happen. jT'iJowntown St. Loui.a. Of the 11 employaa in whose I Japan. ’ *4 suggested LET US FILL YOUR through' laolatad points on the favor it deeldad, tha tribunal I- Effects of the.U. .S. blast i by Gov. H ^b W hite flooded Uvalde In the goat-and-1 it. g. Faces Ijirgr Task For many Legipnnaires it wa.x frontier. of MIssiac ppi, he intendii to be on honey country west of Sen He told the National Convention the highlight of the 4-dav annual hand to speak his piind on the tonlo. Rain In Uvalde's' city lip The 10,000-man border police (Conttaned on Page *Nlne) (CnnHnaed on IHige Orven) I of the American Legion yeaterday i-onvenlion the chame to display force—Weot Germany’s elite arm­ issue.' a lasting foundation for peace must rolorfiil uniforms replete with ed unit—was ordered Into full -A "I think' those who take part in (OoBtlnued «e Rage .Se.vM) Bulletins ti>4 party's counrtla and who re­ be built, now that the, Korean even more colorful decorations. 3 6 • Soil'd Colors 8 9 *^ yJ- alert atatus to check the Invaaion. shooting ia over. And he said It was the day for everyone to from the A P^ircs Backed by more than 100,000 ceive all of the.beneflt* and.honors President Eisenhower can lead the of the party .ehould be. loyal to U have a good time. ' ' ’■Si regular police, the border force United States to victory over Com- Put aside for the day were the CaOed for aiid deliverid . will remain ’ in a atat* of alarafi Pilot Ready and to its riomlnees," liie..decl*red munlllm without a war. in an intgirview. _ . . . . expected floor fights over the Air 'TOWN CRITICIZED pronptly at no extra \‘ ■ / / until th* voting enda 8>unday BighU „ Nixonjnade one point olear=. th e-.y ^„ tmdgvt enta and ' thi* n*c ‘HarifeTd.^ rSept. "I ■ 'f^hstsBaelf Ike jnlnlsti^ aald.' 7 ■On th^Other-hand, Qov; John S ' News^ Tidbits Knr^An rnnflirt was n*<«*BBArv< .7 . . eliarfe.'■' '' Korean conflict, waa necesaary. ■ tioh's participation in the United | Hartford wan singled out iedaf Weot German official* charge Battle ''^of V ir^la, said hr,' wdi "Let’a recognize right now," he , paBa.'up..theXAl8:.cflnvention.. unlesa. Chilled from AP Wires Those iasue*—probahty; l^--4ttnte- CivU-DeCeue-Dlmda - that the Red agents -are -being For /S|)^^ Try eaid..-"that t'he de'ciiiSn'to'go thto ,.omc pumped into the country to stir I he ’ has "reasonabie assurances" I will come up. tomorrow Wlllinni Heiiketh an he exp— PINE PHARMACY "5km. • t that the- party's-pledge of lovsitv A sprthkim g'of flo:table,.1„cli)tf.i “nerions' r oqiff rn‘'"BV*r ______I Kvs.e,ai:A amswiMnmifC V-Ao;. ■ .MP. fLoa...iange1oe,. -.JUpU.-. .a-—) X -BrmM>-O T*rseosr--A4rwaya -Corp-.' OAiLMI«9<^98f4 ^ rslUes this week and on Sunday, Tfo" I Marine Corps ace today read head'Rlr Miles Tliomaa says dally ^rhJ^f^Preikkilt^idhr ha^d population reatern. He appearMi When some 33 million voters go to dropped. Often differed with former P re a t-^ ''f those excitingly new-looking corduroys While I the Douglas Skyrocket for "I would think the party leaders round trips between New York and r rltlral .over “Urge h (Hi sing the polls to siset a new parlla- world sp*^ recoiA assault after Is>adon will be made by 1960 with- dent Truman; but on this issue i ” *• " •'’** •^”''*•0 conflict 1 manL realize now they made a terrible jn the parade expected to take deveio'pmenls Just, completed Are you picking patterns for setting a new unofficial altitude 'mistake in setting up the.pledge/' out stops enroute... Canadian De- Truman waa right andi, and other caaatructlon la tha They said th* invasion was mark of 83,333 feet in th* needle­ puty Health M inister G. D. N. ! »>* deserv;ea credit for making th at ! P*-‘« s college wardrobe or dieamliig up elaborately planned by th* East Battle said yesteifday. He played Traffic Blocked Off tow*.” clothes for the entire family? Make it easy nosed craft. a major role in the Succrsaful.light Cameron aaye doctor of tomorrow ; decision.' F r ig id o irG Frigidair# German Communist oecurity pol­ Xoocna To New High will be more concerned with help- conflicts over The marchers assembled at 10 ^ 36” for yOui-Mlf by. choosing exciting -1 9 last year to seat convention dele­ WAINWBIUHT WOBHENH W h i i ^ ice; The agent* ware eq u ip p ^ with Lt. Col. Marlon Eugene Carl, 37, Ing patient* Uve better life than n*Mon»> «aecuritv ' 'DST) and began the event practickl fabrics like Crompton Cnrdurella, false papers, bale* of Red propa­ gations from Virginia, South Caro­ Hah Antonio, Hept. I oFi—Gen. A u t o m a t i c those rich, long-wearing corduroys. . of Quaiiticor Va., told a press con­ findinrfinding wavway to helnhelp them live' live *hd other '““f*issues seethed »n the j *n hour irar. Trartlc in the area Filtra-fhatic PLAIN C O I^R S ganda, Wsat German money and ference yesterday he sopmed up lina and Louisiana despite their longer I Legion’* comniittees, ready to " •* blocked off and streetcars and Jonathma M. Walnwright, 70,' See the handsome, aolld colors in great variety, to th* nevf high A ug. 31. climbing refusal to be bound by the pledge. hero ot CorTegldor,. has suffered -28 colors. East C.erman policeman racing 1 ■* ****!ons tomor-1 ------a second stroke and la In rritlcal W a s h e r - . Clothat Dryer *14^ See the Indian Head dregses in our front window j Thirty. (Ceattaaad an Raff* NIac) the fine! 1 % mile* on momentum truck from Soviet sector across' t®"’ Thursday. Secretary of 1 (UonHnned ea Page Two) You'll lov-e tbe supple, teautiful hand after exhausting 8,000 pounds of V (Ceatlaned en Pag* Two) ■ rondltloB,. Brooke Army Hoapt- CisolsteSit of these corduroye . . the choice guarded border into West Berlin hi | ______^______- tal announced today. ' Prtgidaira't Liva Wotar Action gati Now dry clolhet anywhere lii your ei«ht plaiiLColor* that make ao many combinations in fuel In a little leas than three, min­ killed as car skids and crashed Into »i"-49 yd. of cotora and prints. They wash magniflcently, utes. the * deep - down * dirt ordinary house, any tihie, without filling the sre naturally moth-proof since they're Ike to Conclude lamp post.., U. S. Agriculture De­ FORMOSA ESC'APFJi WIND neparatea. Beautiful new printa to combine with plgin Pointed up at a SO to 40 degree Mexico Facing partment eatlmatea 393 btliioa wdthing oction can't touch. And room with sticky lint or steamy made of cotton, and their reputation angle, th* rocket plan* shot up at New fork Launches Probe Talpeh, Formosa. Sept. I iJn for long, hard wear is famous. rigarattes were ronauined year A typhoon with winds of 19# elotha* ora In/hot water all the moisture. Dry them fiuffy-Mft. and colora. '* Rockies Vacation probably 1,000 miles an hour at Its ending June 30 ~ S’i per'cent In- fastest rats. F ocmI Shortage miles an hour roared Into tlw tifflo, not half-in, half-out. New tweet-smelling. Needs no pluml^ creaie over 1932. Formoes Channel today aM 36” Ths new mark exceeds by nearly Communist Czechoslovakia Is Of Yonkers Raceway Jobs Float-«vor riming action, Ropidry ing or'vents. Check these featureel AU Crompton pinwales, combed and carded, Wonderful Too For Draperies, Bidapreads, Fraser, Colo., Bept. 1 t#i—Presi­ a mil* th* 79,494 foot record act in headed toward Red f'hiBa. A dent' Eisenhower ends a 8-day Mexico City, R*pt. 1 IP)—Mexi­ going to inward Soviet-style badges Spin, needs no bolting down. SAFE in eotid eolore and patleme, and all th* same aircraft Aug. 13. 1931, sudden ebaage ia course spstred Automatic .temperature control, PRINTS vacation in th* Colorado Rockies co's President Adolfo Ruts Cor- and diplomas to its honor pupils New York, Bept. I UPi--lhvestl-1 No date or place for th* meeting Formosa from a direct hit Crompton tkiekeete, in solid eolot^e and Slip Covers, etc, by Douglalas test pilot Bill Bridge- tlnes warned hia people today they « id THOROUGH for A ll Uothe* automatic Timing Control, IBgnel' today and .jeturns to th* summer man, 87. Bridgeman also estab­ according to a radio broadciat gation of the murder of a- fa'bor Immediately. patUrne, carry the Certified Washable Seal face a business recssaion and an heard in Vienna . . . H arvard. Cbr- James said he wanted —oven new AAiracle Fabrics. Ught Interior Oxene lamp. Whit* Ho«i** at Denver. lished a . world speed record of leader has led. to an order for a to "see V. 8. AID FOR IRAN of the American Inetilute of Laundering. Get your cmitetf bl«ik at Hule’s Fobrk or Rottem Th* President arranged to leave 1,238 miles an hour In the DS38-3. Increasing shortage of food. poratioa relnatatea Dr. ■ H e I c iv what can be done" about the altua- W'aahlagtoa, Bept. I lAV-Tba .89 the ranch of hie old friend Aksci CoLCarl. credited with 18 Japa­ The President, |n hi* flret„"stat* Deane Markham as associate pro- state Investigation, of the employ­ tion. He said he did not recall the X'alted State* was reported to­ Custom fitted yd, Dept, for Poroot't Mo9ogiiio "Sow for Soptom^r" Nielaen late in th* day for the 70- nese plane* during World War II, of the nation" report to Congress, feasory declaring .It can’t flad ment of two ex-convirts qt the nameS'Of the two men involved In day to be drafting sa enwigeacy $299.75 $259.75 mU* drive back to Denver. plans to try tomorrow to exceed said he was eonfldent "the trulh proof she I* wider Coumraalst Yonkers Racew-ay. the reporta, and declared his ac­ flnmnrUI aid program for Iran by experts! eootoft. There he will headquarter again Brldgeman’a epeed mark. He h*i about our problems. Instead of domiaalhiB.” - M eel|» .Arranged tion waa based on press accounts. to-bolster Ihe governmeat led by . Boy This Porcelsin'Pair On New Low Tcrau a t Lowry A ir Fktrc* Base and live made two triea in the past few’ frtgtenlng Ofir people, will spur . Navy announces it li Conducting " Henry M. James, chairman of The two ex-convicts named as Premier ZahedU 575 MAIN STREET at th* home of Mrs. Eiaenhower’a them to.lncreaae effort* to solve aeareh fer two men who stole the New York State Harness Rac- former employes of Yonkers Race­ days and failed. L t. Ooi, M arloa E. Carl them .” G.re«n Stamps mother, Mrs. John 8. Doud. The He deecribed hia record altitude launch while under dlsciplinary I ing Commission, said at Hudson, way are Lawrence Lynch. 43. of FRE.NCH CRACK-DOWN ' routine in Denver wilt be bueines* He said tjie two moat serious control and escaped from their I N. Y.. last night that he waa ar­ Hopewell Junction, N. Y„ and Wil­ Parts. Sept. I joumaliatic 33,300 fast. I had il little Wouble ■ - A A i ^ ployment of two men with crimi-'. urea in th* .investigation ' of th* | ranea of aadeclasbd capttai U« 788^MAIN STREET MANCHESTER canons of decency .aiid-saapanslbil- nal fnaaids at the trotting tVaok I (OaaMaoad aa Pago Two) lighting the first teyo of the four (CoatiaiwA ea Pa|* Twe) tallaff 89 hilUea f n i l b («ML. GFftn StoBiBa Given >Vith Cooh Sola* (OeptlBDed * • Pag* Tw o) Ity. . I in subwban Yonkers, N. Y. - (Osirtiaaed ea P*ce 8U ^ 714.999). J-