Is B^Paihqted; Arrow Wladow Shad* Compaay Heater Building,' Will Attend the Group from the Salvation Army , Time, To/^See Its Posslbnitles
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C r . V y 1 * • X 'V \ . SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 9 ,19W^ Avsnm DiUljr Ntt Pnss Bsn / TIm Wsstbsr PAGE TWEL^ / l i n i n g For IfcoWaA IMsd fW M M i M D. a W«MSw isMSS Ai«. as, itfs Partly eloiMy and warm .taiiflglM useful'information__ _ Blood Program long*vl^ which has come X 10,630 with rhaara df thaader ehnwats.: mall. The'consensus seems .Jie Leitihati-McVeigh Wedding - CARRY ALL ar Mm AaSIt n Pair iuMI eoaUnned hoi lomermw. iwn Hedhl Along Mdin Str& that many crow* live far b e ,, ^ Need Stressed l e a d in g b r a n d s 0 t OreahiHMM the 12-year average allotted' by the ^y-.^^^'<JUaneh€9ter~^A CUy o f VUlage Charm ib«ra of the. ftuxUiary Police \Streei Migratory Bird authorities. \ Arthur Drug et ht the Fin- And on Some o f lUanchnttnr^Si nn» of the letters sent In rePBTt^ ____ 'rest Importance that CONN.. MONDAY, AUGUST 31. 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS ..'^st. .__ge, Monday at *d two crow* which are part of the not relax our effort's In sup- VOL. t ^ x n , NO. tS2 V (Clasalflstl AffsiiiMi^ aa liQ XTOURTBEk ? AGBSr ^ 3 0 p.m. will be eUrted on animated decor of a tlnig store in ____jg the blood progrsm." a /conatruetii of a pipe line oh the - We wonder how many of the j allow lawns and W etable »«Jen * Iowa, aged 18 and 31 respectively. z. people who crowd Main 8t. during and two row* oMwupe*. and they ipokesman for the local Red Cross ground* time. No meeting These were captured as fledgling*. fD R A / b u y in of tl win be held Mon- Uie*^Thur*day evening shopping', passed It by lo t yekrs, until the Both talk fluently, do trick* and all ^ Id toflgy in calling attention, to day, ^ Labor____ Day. hours are touched with a Wt o f , eariy 20 *. / but wait on store customers which M ^haster'a -next Bloodmoblle VENETIiW BUHDS Red Threat nostalgia for their childhood day* , It re m a l^ for Frank prompted my correspondent facs- D a y ^ Wednesday, Sept. 2. Terry Ivaniekl, of the State at the* sight of that brave little J a newcomCr In Manchester at the tlously to suggest that the proprie ' ."Despite the cessation of Korean / C a li Is B^paiHqted; Arrow Wladow Shad* Compaay Heater building,' will attend the group from the Salvation Army , time, to/^see Its posslbnitles. He tors o( Old Crow might find It hoetmth^ there is no truce *n —lairdreeaera' Convention at the conducting their service* amidst' was a,/bulldcr. employed In Hart- worth while to train crows to talk S4S N. Mala Ht. Manchrater T o Country flgHp Bfhlnft dlsesse and rtesth— Tel. M1-S-S047 '^ otel StiUer. New York, tomor the hustle and clamor. ford And lived nearby on WOpd- up the merit* of the beverage In re- a fight.. In which blood and Wood row and Monday. There never was a time, that we ' briwe Street. Accordingly, he laid t ^ outlets. derivatives play an ever-increasing \ can recall, that the Salvation , out the tract in house lota and a Sincerely yours, T Alterations at the S ^ n d Con Army was not around. Sometime* street wide enough for improved Stuart Little, ts^^ive ThaPks Held Great A recent puWtfcaUon from the gregational Church haV^ pro a group will gather to hear thy'sldewalks. The sites sold readily Suite 405, national blood program office, Indi- g r e s s *0 far. It Is probable serv ser\’ices and the music and to get and Mr. Phelps saved a lot for 1 East 43rd St., . Washington, Aug. 81 (/P)— himself, and'built a home at No. New York City. catee how varied aiid^vttal-are th# ices will be resumed Sunday, Se'pt. some Inspiration; sometime* thgre uses of bipod ss a llfesaver. Atty Gen. Brownell laid to- S, If not In the redecorated sanctu- would be none to hear the sp^ker- 36. sold It. and later occupied an Besides whole blood gsm Wins yreedoaivfrons Beds •ary, In the large Sunday school o^4he song*. > other at 51 Phelps Rpad. whlfch Editor* Eat Crow? FILMS 1 df^Monieetli: Cofhmuniflta are he and Ijl* wife have continued Klobultn. with whose p u r g e s W* Festivities room. The congregation has been w e' remember the l^g-gone The following article appeared public Is now fsmtllar. DEVEI.OPED ANIL ,"a g ^ t e r menace now than imlUng with the neighboring davS\When, In the city of^ur birth. to occupy since. on page one of Thursday’s edition uses for plasma and fo i^ th e r PRINTED at anv tinje” and that ‘T sup- North Methodist Church during whlch\la ies* than a ntplllon miles The.friendly Phelps couple have 'o'f the W*:il Street Journal:/ blood ^rivstlves are cpnstMitly 1 here A(;e more in labor the summer. from here;-, the Salvation Army sii^eeded In surrounding them New York—Who’s intefeated In 24-HOUR SERVICE Promised V selves with the most nelghborl.v being fouhd. , h r ’ . unions than anywhere else.” used to march into Aur neighbor old crows? Apparently quite a Plaama is being usgd succe Film Deposit Box Im m igrant hood on Saturday ./nighU during group of families yoU wt^ld find flock—including some 50 news ■'Hot concaptratadSn the clergy?” Pt^uvda Charges Annexation James O. Rogers, son of Mr. and fully to hasten the^ healing of He was asked during V r ^ 7'’^ t e d Mrs. ^ h n E. Rogers, 1103 Mid the summer. / • anywhere. The home owiiers are paper editors, hundee*!* of readers decubltls ulcer* ot/ptd sores In At Store Eptnhcf / And all the neighborhood would for the most part business and in interview.with the magaUpe U. S dle Tpkh., East, was recenOy pro and at least one national columnist stead of having tfl tesort to sur- News and World Report, moted to. corporal,' while serving gather around to hear the service* surance men and the houses are who devoted sn entire article to A c t D e la y and sing the songs. Do any of you all two-story and ample for the gery war foTi^t’ly n«c«M«ry in replied, "no.” - < \ 1 U. S. with Slander Afgumente with the 612th Ordnance Heavy the subject. '' •ome cGAei. / KEMI " By AtJEX.OlRRlXI Matthew* Nat MiwIhMird > Automotive ■ Maintenance Co. In remember "Brighten tHF Comer average sized family. ■ This sudden Interest -boiled up Antl-hemophlllc globulin hw or any of the other* that, prob What Intrigues usjs the hosnital- The parents *nd fiancee of There was no mention of the'; Korea, A former student at Bluff- when Stuart Little of New York been used 4 o »!>•«« ,VP ,hame of J. B, Matthews, former! ton, Ohio, College, he entered the ably, are played right here on ity and unity of the'sgroup. When wrote a Jetter-to-the-edltor’ and Ensign Andrew'L. Riker, 111, Is Proposed W ax Warm properties change hands the new- Clotting tlrfe In hemophiliar* and of 680 Spring St„ rejoiced to I stsK. director of the Senate Inveati-1 London, Aug. 31 (;P)— Prav--*»•<». excluding th# 7 o,7 So service Army in March. 1952j and arrived Main St. 7 • , ' ^ sent it off to 250 newspapers over ■in other hemorrhsge case*. Floro- ; gations gubcommltiec headed by | In Korea last October. , And we remember, too, the big Comersare cordially welcomed, and the country' Uttle. in a garrulous day after learning last night d^acrused the United St.Ws M 7 iu “ pr!Tvdr ,,id. Trieste, Aug. 31 (/P)-—This bass drum that was tipped on its the deputing families are tendered gen. another derivative. 1* alsc /Sen. Mc(?arthy (R-Wis). Shortly at-, W sshihtrton, Aug. 31 (/P)— vein, allowed as how he was Inter used p6 stop bleeding In prolonged \ that Riker is coming home ter Matthews was hired by MC- today of trying to slander held only i.4»7 Japanese big Adriatic free port went Epworth League mertvbcrs will side for the really appreciated do farevfell parties when they regret ested in everything about crows Sen. W Stl^s (R-Utsh) iQhl j Russia by reopening the quesx'cbnvlcted of crime* ”*nd 97i per- nations to a really appreciate fully leave the neighborhood. surgery; f ■\ from Korea as a repatriat*4l (Jarthy, the Afnarican Mercury-'pub- about bu.siness ag usual today have a reunion at theiSouth Meth but particularly their longevity. ' lished an artlcla'in which Matthew* PreftWent Kjseiihower today j missing Gegman ah(f\“ *>* perpetrated *eriou(< cause. How we loy e to drop the We have just one suggestion to Would readers of the newspaper Serum albumin has been.Xiaed prisoner of war. The news, St-! odist Church tomorrow at 7 p.m. ,r Bome time to combat^ahock I wrote that “ the largest single group he believes fh^^’^publicant W orld Af^nte*■ swm againstmpaassiaev thel■■e; 9x^isaiscfv*:bine»* people P®^P>‘ ^ *,clarnoroua' worn Those who have snapshots, slides pennies on the drum head and hear Phelps Reader* — .that they unite writ* him about old crows they ficial now beyond a doubt, who wer* therefore subject to i'betwet-'n Italy and Yugoslavia the drum rumble Its thanks. for the outefcor Ch rist mas decora ■out now reaearchera apa using u - supporting'the (TOmmunist appara are in a "stron g position” on'yy^pjj * .....