22 pages Section one t~ree ,sectIons THE WAYNE eight pages' I --._~--- HERALJD EIGHTY _I'll NTH _YEAR 1'lr('C.n'~t'f~~·II"ul::I~~~~.u7;1I::;I~IIIII"':'~1 WlIlIit', .'dln,"kn WAYNE, NEBRASKA 63787, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1964 NUMDER TWENTY,TWO ~~'~' < Discusses Fun.d-Raising ,Trimester Schedule Permanent at WSC ('~)Il nIv ('1'111 "nn i;ll 1)(,;1 rd I ' ~'itf·i,.,ing :\(J1hl.'.Ig" .,IIJw.n allo a . .\"I·ar .i(J 1J;,i.V ;--'S'.O".~U•. II ~I.. 1~ikl':L Lar- For Ldna Contest ( \' I 'nlll j.~ III tilP I' r {) ~;;(ill". It I"; It s Uw In>;-;l bargalll \\' a~l'll\:-; han' About 400 n rIi and 4·11 ml. ~ "k. . ~ .lolin FI(·l·r. th('lr ("H'lllllllnJty (·hl':->t. I':":f/:,~,':i;,:,:--";,:.",,, ,:. will COIll,,' If> Wll~(' S(~pl. 2{lto_ 0.&"" 0", 1,Jr.a ... on fllnd ,\I!>llda,\, ;-:I·pt. :2~ mark,i t f \\'t'n, pre5ident; John H. ('h(',,,;[ 1'.'-'l'JIt." Hg'e Wee~'s Temperature l rltH~ IAt University Band Day ASC OffiCI' a/HI L1w I<:xtension i Rcthwl~ch, Carroll, secretary; ag ormt·d and I S('\,('ral arra hands Will partlcl I "I 1.,\ (1"1"""111 ",,11110' \londa)-' S('fVic'1' I A jackpol of,' $·100 ;JwaJl~ ,'I,rlll Jean Boyd, Winside, treasurer; \\ ill !'olitillllt' tt! perfo undiOll." for I 1pat!' In til{' traditional ~llnrl IJa) low ,,11"1 I! ... '-,'.I!<- :\"1 rlL •• 1 n"ilrd \'ul ~hOPPHlg III \\ ;1\ 11(' Il)\~ Participants wi 11 evaluate lucky pPrson Don Reed, city chairman, Clar· I'll!" 11, it:-; citiz ts .\·f)llllJ.:"stl·rs. St'p! II~) I Thur.~d (lUI' riti­ I Iichool band5 will be the band, :wpt'lf! Thl'O(\ ye.ulo ogo the board at 8:30 a.m. at the 4.H building pd lDst w('f'k. sh(' tTlls~('d culture and fair; W.lnda Owens, /'l'll;-; wi1 h I rl lor.\' obligatioll...,. ! from Laur:el. Pierce, Plainview S(' pt II ~l II! dnlcd .. WSC roque,,' to try on the fairgrounds. A briefing on $:J50. ConseqtH'ntJy $.'",1) \,a civic; George Langenberg, Hos­ (:hl';-;I, WI' on, Carroll chairman; Mrs. \\'!i1'K III I;' wnl I ,,,,, Tho !rll'll period cmdod with lUllily ('Ill'st',.., l,Jsl ,\'{·ar. rH"rforrn in th(' a.ftprnoofl at half ed at the City Auditorium. IWill Ihl' $400 If you Oil"!' Jt1 "Ill' IJf III{' Don Wightmli'n, Wayne, and Hill t llmf' p·!"t'lllqnies uf thl' !\'.. bra"ka • tb,· 1964 'u,rlmcl' ",,,Ion, end Local hll.\ilWSS firm~ will he partjcJpatmg "ion's al H P III Thur\ Jean Boyd, finance chairman. TfJ(' t'ailu( I) I h(·ir ..,!lart· {'()llld ...,tifll' ('aro!J!l1'1' ~ Lll1d llil" hl'conlo' I'm \\'111 :\(ll k('!']J lfll' (,hl'st g"Ulllg . l.al(·r II~h~;ll'~~I~~\I:~~I: w ;ll;~t: ~ II', .. !l1 Elect Officers, Tlll"" I, 1·t'III"!H·I', More :iR: 'tlt·l·d(,d ' OWIH'd bv John E Lcnnart 'lui 1,1,'11,'1 !I'I,rllly ~t!ldl'll! hl,~ A1!;lili 1 1;[1" till' ('onII1lIIJlity Cfll·."t ])()Hrtl or 'lr ;11-1 Walnul rl'{'{'I\'ed ahout $;,() D' P' I 1,,\ Ilw II 1i11"~ll'r lip Legion-Auxiliary directlil''" :11'1' rill"'- II'" all (I}lill)rllillit.\" t(l 1"I]J1l"ilJlltl' wh,'o "acked InU, I" ISCUSS rOlects l·iti/.I·ll~ :ld\'allt~W(' [l{·hm. 7:11 I'ull' 1l('lglih . In 1.1(1 ..1 ~lllIble m,liorlty of lly plt·tlV11IJ,-", \\'1' III g-,' 1.111' I,) takc' Iii W:l)[)l .\lllIl~tITI,LI \ ",,,',·11 I (In S('pt 1~1. John I... lw(·r of '.Iud"n!', !hl' fat! declared th"t this Tl1l'tll!ld 1'1' dtlillg mIlt'(· fIll" oUI" l'lly and our chiIdl'l'l\ 11\('1 \1111101.1\ I. ward Service Pins lJackpr! from thl' curb at " Ih~ "Ir11o,tcr "Thfluencod tholr 1.1·~lOn 1'1rrl~,I' a dlill;l!" II)" 1\\(! a IIH!llth. Tll!', (·tll>.-;t will llill ,\'ou (,rat'l' 1,11111111 ,11Ii ,I.·' /\I"llil :.11 \111l'l'Il"an , 1111 ,tudl'nh hlld rrllJlll~ (~l!t·~t FIr.~1 1\:1]111'1 1·111111'11 III" I'i, \\lolll:III', cllll, I;);-,t Tupsday tl'il'lilitili. 11Ill' ('llnltl1l111it,\' alld ;-;ttll ....;utfer ,rf'sllltHJ~ in an {·,\tllnaled $7U dam opportunity 10 return a que&lion· ('\ ('Illn~ tol III'[)IJI' long,tlllle melll· ilnd .1f1illl \\ \ ,,111 i',1 101 "I I' I ,·~Il\'l,' I l.11l t)('r~' , lwlil'\(' 1Ia\-,(' tn 'Iill it hurt.:--;. la~~'h()I'IIV ann mlllnight SI']ll :~IJ 7l~(~:~er'a~k,~~9de~~s~:~~r 1~~:rt~~f1- Speakers included Ray Stef· ~1111 LJ~on n·tary 11"'.1~11J 1'1 ',',,#,~t'(,' it'll liliit .\ !HI dllll'l ('lIOllj.dl. I an auto' tH'IO!l,'-:1I1g 11) .'..... ,, <)1 not Important in their deci. j{('\ l-: J !krlillill fensmeyer, B'-eemer, District III 'and p;nkt'd 111 fronl of hh n'~1 .'011, Of 1,301 who replied, 272 ______,de!lcl' al 70D !'Pilrl l'('('('Ivl'd':lp commander; Mrs. Mabel Han· IllIH!l-1 ;11111' 111111'1 ,I'll I'i' tr 21 p ... r cl'lll ~aid it wal de· son, South Sioux City, District J W('II' !I('\ NOT ICE' I rrox11Jlo awarded a $100 check by the Ak group tor :11 \\·1· ... t scholll T\J('s three weeks in October. Tax i • churt'l\ "I '0\;1\111' Till' ('()llt'h" were III of prt'sl'n1in;.: equipment purchase Lescberg wo<, awarded the gold medal and,' The' folloWIng proieds Wf'rC" .I11111'lIlll'd (" !'Ilkr pn, unday holz on a state .. wide level. I"m, In The Coin Containers Placed 1('("1 ,11)'1 till' flnilntl;d con.'1lJ!Lulh Men receiving 4S-year pins Enro ment at WS mornitilg service!> to Dahl Re­ ,.f Ill!' !IUdI'd (111 lllllidinj;t a 4(j{J lwrj Booths were erected for boys N 2 000 M k (,')JllIiI~X were John Bressler, Ralph Car· .nd p"en" to t,y the;, h.nd., For Muscular Dystrophy I trememt Center, college !.tude-nls iI',rlllll!)r)- , hart, Frank Heine, Herman Lutt, ears or and churches' ministry for them, i Historical Society" games of skill and chance. Var- Iv;m Beeks, Chief of Wayne FIre I Bernard Meyers, Paul R. Mines, Educators Visit ious projects were on display. bejl

Dallas Garfield: John lIam'm, Ralph 01- r i son. :'IIcrlin l\1

~~;~~~\~ ;;~rr~~b~lt ~a.~~~~s~~~~~ I han: Don the county conven­ lion. Sppt 30. at 1 :30 p_m. in the \\"

wU~.'"'l ]I"rald ,j''':H rl"J ~r:-".:~-"-,-,----,-,,-=-,:--,na'-::--an"d06' Asmus and Terry, :\udolk, .\11' ..;,: Fnday iHl tht, Vernon Behmer! 1,1,., .. , v 'd)l"'. '1'I"'"''/''''' :"'''~'''Y III U:'I 'ucc:1-'~Qd tu-:' tret! Donald YmvHcr, Kelly and T,Jdd, hor~'rs, ,Howard Gries, entered i 1",1" CilHoll, ,,\11".'). lI;,lttie !'nnt.T, Put Lutherar Community H.~spital I ~~'~;IIII~II'~'il's(:'lall;~:~~:~ Hot'lIlan .\~l;l,~!: Wcdoes¢iav evening and under. ~"\\'''I,nlll'r or lh.' ('II)' of \l'n)'ul', Ille COUJI'Y ! \ .., .... uri.... "",I II... "-lul.· 0' :\I.·I>rn..kn WillliJm IJt'("I\. '\lrs, Walter we-r.t' su!rge-ry Thursday morning. ------'--- Mf5. t;erald Bruggeman and lJJ. Claus fLltllllllln ent('l'ed Lutheran ane, Mrs. Clarence Schroeder i.lnd C(llllmulljty It 0 s pIt a I ThUrSliaYl ",', Mrs. J. E. Pingl'!. da~;r.ln~;~:lllll.~I'l's. Edward Schellcn. LEGION AUXILIARY MEMBERS- receiving 35-year service pins 1)('1').( wClit, vrsll,lrs Fnday ev('nin~ are left to right, Mrs Hottie McNutt, Mrs. Marie Love, Mrs. Walt-

--~----;:;-- Ladies Meet in tht, ~lrs. Hattie Lund home'l er B'ressler and Mrs. Charles Sieckmonn. Lalhes t;,..'t·to-geUwl' md at Slan!c~n ------~:I;t,;;. ~~~·ne,c~I~~~~~ay.J~~lt~~.~l~on.bur~\i .\lr. and :\ll"s. Wilbur Anderson ,Mejerhenry, Mrs. Cal'l Hinzman.] Mr. and Mrs, Gerald BruRgeman member5j;; were present :\h.~ were dmlnl'l" guest:>, last Sunuay in Ffrw.in UlrLch anu Dav(' Mtllt'r. Iand family Wl>re dinner guests Nothlng-bul nolblog- OSKINS ·NEWS Charles' Farrow, Wi[}sidl~, was the Marten J\nul'rson home, Ran· C"" Sunday' in the O. W. Christensen takes precedence over Mrs. J. E, Pmgcl _ Phone 73 guest. Card Jlrl'lL'.~ went til .'\Ir,~ dolph hurches Ihome, N-orfolk, iin honor of Donald your health needs. ..:....;.-t------.:...--.::.:.~;,:------:Henry AsmuH. 'Irs..Johnny Krau,.;e 1\11'. llJd Mrs. Claus Rathman - •• Christensen, San Pablo, Calif. fnndth~lL~~::.lneWl~·~ng~~:ll;:~S,: Slu,ondn,"~; ,',,]1' :ll1d .\II'S (;('orge WillieI' I~enry and Mrs. Charles Farm\\'. Oet. I Trinity Lutheran Church Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Wilson, First and foremost, we are nt'r guests Sunqay in the 15 meeting w'ill he at the- Mrs "'jj,',h,". g 'C, Wisconsin Synod IMary. and Neil w.ere visitors prescription speelilists, \1' I', dun I'J' )'.III"·;!S Surday if] 111l' Langenberg, Sl',' home. I Juhnny Krause homf~. h Thu d it th Vi to \1.11 \ III \ 'dtll'l' home. ~1r', llllLl MI's. Ed Green anll EI. . ;\;1:-. a d .'\1rs. Erwin Werner, . (G. B. Frank, pastor) Clo;~e:Yho':n:rnoon In e e r professionally skilled in dispensing -:: :,: . \11'" 1;11'111<1 ((Jinglll'i1. Ml!]-' Iller SteppaL were picnic <,linner J\orlolk, :\11'. and Mrs. Henry Fnday. Sept. 25: Announ('('ment5 ~dr nd M~ LIM rotz d med.icines to your doctor's exact ()~ :. ;~ni~it(>M(1 rl· •. ,.,',·ltlwd"'I·\n,l,I:~.:. ~~IH:sts last -Su.nday in the OustVach. :vIr. and Mrs. Melvin for Communion, altcrnoon and 1'\"(" M~ ~n~ Mrs Oliv~re Kje8s8u ~r:.e " H('itiernnnn home Niobrara'r- " ~', Jnge olservcd IS blrl\l ~I~i~bactl an~l S~:.,An,n ,and Mr.i. nmg, parsonag(', ~uppergues-ts'Thursd8YintheMrs, order-and tn provide you every :':-:::: In th~' IlhITy Ilrumpl:; '\-1r. and Mrs. Edward Gni;k and day TUcsU~~. (;l1csls w{'re L~sle J\],lllsk(' v.el~ puests at a Sunday. Sept. ~7: Sunday school, Ella Marotz home, Norfolk. possible service when you need it. ::::;;:: :-: family spent Sunday in the Mrs. and M,rs. Clmt~n He-her, :\'11'. \\d~('rm('1on [('cd 10 the August 9:45 a,m., servlcc-", tommunJon . Arthur. Watchorn home, Leigh'l M.rs, CIa. r?.nce Syhroeder, :VII'. :1!l:1.. .\ll'll'rlH'nry hOHlt', Wednesday cve- 10:30 ' Karen Walker and M 0 n I c a Mr.,>. Watehorn returned home with Mrs. Erwm Ulrlt'h, Me. and ,\Irs rung. 1\1 ~ n day, Setp. 28: You n g I Schoof,. Omaha, were weekend profe;~:~~:lt~~II~:~~~~;,ea~~ ~~~ an~J gue~t~ sum:l!!!:; llll' (;mrks for a two week stay, Lyle Marotz Mr. and ),1rs Karen Walker, Omaha, and Oi- People's Bi-ble dass, 8 p,m. . i iD the .Awalt Wa.lker .home. and substance ot our duty to you. .I. E. Pingel spent last Monday Harry Weiher.. Lards were play~d ane Kehtens, Hoskins, left Fri· I VISitors Fnday evemng In the 1_ alt al ()s.mO~d an~I' was a. dinner guest Iw".~ pnzes gom.g to. 1\1rs. ErWin day for a two week vacation 011 Evange,lical United Brethren A"i Walker home were -Mr. !'walt Walkc'r w('n' III till' HIli Broe-kemeier jr, hom~. UlrJ,.ch, Lylc Marotz, Mr. and :--'1r,~. tbe wes, coast.' Cnurch Ianll Mrs. Fred Frevert, Mr. and I\'l(,nday iJl lhe' H"x I I'ilr' and Mrs. Erwin Ulrich and Retler and Harry Wt'lher. fI.'lrs. (lll'n l<'lorentz and Glenda, Sundav Sf' t 27' Wor h' "I Mrs. Ernest Frevert, Wayne, Mr. S 1101111', Norfolk Othei' ~lrs. Lizzie PuIs VIsited Sunday! - l\:lrllta, ,\linn., left last .\londay vice' 9~io·· / ~. Sl mh ~ 1~'1 s( r-, and Mrs. Herman Martin, Mr. and M,~rth Pills, hourne. ~a., left Tuesday morning Church Mr. and Mrs. Hans A~mus enter. Bob Lund, Ph.rm.clst and Owner lind ,\ll's ,Io-hll Sehmldll'l' visiting in the home of Mr. and trist III conferencc secretary, NIl'S. after a len day visit in the' Her- (J h ESt t) tained me'mbers of B'irthday club Mrs. Harry Schwede. Erwin Ulrich and Mrs. Clarence man l\1

f (he k 1M!; l«Ir~e selection ,•, come in to­ d«lll ',• We've got ourtradin' pants on! L02Z A - 51 CHEVROLET 2-TON TRUCK Two-speed axle, 8.25 tires. Very good me­ Ichanically z3sA"-62 iNTERl-~ATIONAL Y21.ton PICKUP IGood rock, low mileage, one 'owner Z431:-57 CHEVROLET Y2-Ton PICKUP IW,th Bell Telephone equlpm~nt Sharp Like

t31re~O CHEVROLET Y2-ton P~CKUP IRuns dandy .. Very good tires: Looks a little . !,ough, b\'t plenty of service left. PICTURED ABOVE at t,he Legion-Auxiliary Awards dinner Tues~ 338~-:58 day are left to right standing: Chris Bergholz, finance officer; CHEVROLET)-ton • A. L Swan, Paul Mines, Bernard Meyer, Ralph M. Carhart, IWlth or Without stock rock. Fine condition. 45-year members; Ray Steffensmeyer, District III Commander, GOOd tires. It will .dO the job for you. Beemer; seated left to right are Herman P, Lutt, Fronk Heine 3378 54 GMC %-ton PICKUP ond John T. Bressler, 45-year members and Jean Nuss, Lcgio:1 Tokay adjutant. . ~ood tires. Four-speed transmission. Good ._-_._--- hape Report of Condition of II!' r . grapes 21&5.29c 35C-+-57 INTERNATIONAL Y2-ton PICKUP Formers State Bank Del Monte of Carroll in the State of Nebrnska Stock rock, heater, fine tires. A beautiful at the c1o~e of bu~iness on.June 30. 196--1 sweet peas red job. Look this one over. ASSETS :1:498-48 CHEVROLET %-ton PICKUP Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items In process of collection ..... , __ "'. ... . $ 4,1,445.86 Four-speed transmission, heater. Runs every United States Governm.ent obligatIons. direct an~l guaranteed 167,,986.50 day. A price"you'li like. . Loans and discounts (meluding $815.19 overdraft~) 244,198.33 ISc:S $1 Bank premises owned $451.50. furniture and fixtures $681.00 1,132.50 Z40A-63 CHEVROLETY2-ton PICKUP Other assets 64.72 Three-speed transmission, heater. One own­ TOTAL ASSETS $457,827.91 ~: er. LIABILITIES 4 $1 .T2A-62 CI;IEVROLET 2-ton TRUCK Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora- tions _"___ "...... ,..$209,605.62 Sharp. Four-speed transmission. Time and savings deposits of individuals. partnerships and 344~52 CHEVROLET Y2-ton PICKUP corporations .. .. """ ".... 121.509.51 Deposits of United States Government (including postal sa\'" Four-speed transmission, stock rock, heater. ings) _","- . 9.787.14 Feady to go. You'll wont this one. Deposits of States and political subd~visions 54,848.75 Certified and officers' checks. etc. 707.05 T4B..,57 CHEVROLEi %-ton PICKUP , TOTAL DEPOSITS . $396.457.07 tour-speed tr<;tnsn'tission, good stock rock, (a) Total demand deposits . 5274,947.56 I fY2x8Y2~ hois~. (b) Total time and savings deposits $121,509.51 The best in stock for the age. Other liabilities ...... •...... ~ . 347A-57 FORD Y2-ton PICKUP T(fAL UABILITlES $397,865.97 Brand new stock rock. Just arrived. ~:~Yj" k CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 60 CHEVROLET Y2-ton 'PICKUP capitai~ (a) ,Common stock. total par V31ue S25.000.00 S 25.000.00 Silver Dollqf'Night: We participate in Surplus ...... __ .. 25.000.00 Fleetsid'i', lotal job. We'll sell it. Undivided profits ..-- .. 4,886.94 Drawing in our Reserves (and retirement ,account for preferred cjPita}) 5,075.00 Redeem the Wakefield drawing store Thunday TOTAL CAPITAL ACCO~TS $ 59.961.94 Kellogg See' The .New CHEVY'S CORN FLAKES at8 for $400 I Saturday night r TOTAL UABILITIES AND CAPITM.. ACCOUNTS S457.827.91 Newspaper MEMORANDA Coupon .iAndO'tDs Toda'! Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other here purposes (including notes and bill$ rediscounted and curities sold with agreement to repurchase) 41,982,50 I, Phil H. Olson. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly af- COR~ELLAUTbco. firm that this re90rt of condition is true and correet to the best 01 my Bask~t I:~::--J:,ir' knowledge and bellei. Phil H. Olson. Cashier I' ,I Correct-Attest: B'ill's Mar et Perry Johnson WAYNE and WAK£FJ£LD - PIUCES ARE SAME ftlfBOTN STORES 112 E.2!'ld 'Phone 375-2121 Geo. H_ Owens Directors nn .Sheldon. Lind 'II"

~r\l ~f"~~ 1~1 don', Drown, d;,.u 1/1 jqj'i To'./) bl'(}I]'l'f' 1111t1 1:;[" ! • • J 7' TI W H - I .:'aJ;~\Jlr~~:~~~~"II~1t;::dllll:'J:' :~,/I~>t~r~l~n J~J'.~ 1;(J~~~'l(_ldl'(:' I _.~; ... Il m" 'I(I'nlOr C10U"...0 I -t------:'--...;--:-.;....;.---..;..----~C Gyne (Nebr.) .fold, Thursday. ~pt.m1M .. 24, 19G4 :1 ',nil!, j,1l1 :lL ii' ,',I < -.e;. . I $aturday. St.'pt. 20; Conrlrmntlonj (111'\ \1,11 IUi!)r A.I'; Brown,Wllynf',I1ndnlllll lIPn(:'1' \lr-_ I"T 1\.ld"·~ ~ ]elll,ssell.,.. • I ('anWlllf'I"!t . ~,1 ~rl{'ttt' Olt~. W.kcfh·ld: WIUhqll~'C" Wllyrw"Nt'l)ralilkli '1 '!l'llrhl' If',t·!/) ~lbolJt OUI' '~II!.1tl1i'a INOllsnjet'('sanrln('pht,"~ IluMr \Ir I" '" l':ll·kl.', J pm! i i sumJa~, Sept 27, Wortlhlp, 8,3011~uallt}' Jo:J:f.: ~tnrk(!t 8 !IC01Kte, ,ltmonon: John W.r.tcl' I lH pr()'~I'''''~ (·h.:.rlt~ Ch~rC'h CyHnd(lr~ Wl&~cncldi , , Sppll'tll\)t,J' 22 Inn'l 111)11 a \ 11·, 11:1\\ W'JLild I \11 I" 'I I'rl',l"11 Sl'pt IS: Mr. and Mrs_mOhertllo.m.; Iichool, 0:35; wor" "win 8 i Tnltn , ElIlJll'f 'l.ni.ntl" , 1>"lIt' Mr, Editnr, ' I Y{)~l 11'1'1 II, ~'Oll w('nl 11) ill'lli. ,vollr V'lll,1. I Jill' l!' .! 1;,'1'" Ml" 1'\('1' II 'f:aylur, L.;)ureJ, ,I daughter,: 6 11,5 ...ShIP , 11, COUpll'S elub, 8 P,lII, I (·'!f'llwnh VI'rlUlzl'r :1, II . I r..chl ('mu·n; 1o~lalno lIafll'rn, W. Qkcr.,', A,~ .tllll'I~~lltl,111 ~f.ptll~~~,n~\~.h:~~lt::~s I~ttrftl~" yoU hav(' no doubt heard Iialt, 1i:1V :lrl!1 .)1(' lold Wayne HlqJ. :' 11,1:1,'1 JII,:,I ,\!'d H :Honald St. John', Ev. Luth....n Church '\ TA . JI,'J IO'J'rt(\ld; HI)1l Wakrf!(+ld," I fl-/" N;I1I~lIHd Farmt'rs org'llliz'l: j Yl/lJ 111;ll .\!l1I \~{'/"l' IJl)lht'l'lrt;~ lllm I Ilall(' I dl ' ! "nil fHI> W.'n..trand, W'akl'fitlld, il son, 8 Ihs., ~ Mllleu,1 5yn,.d Il~h ~('on'.~ 1'.rOl·lIl SWICI. 218, I 0 f •. mi ••• dt Jonnn tJontll."', (~;r.,()). i.~ hliVill~ h;lldi~,! 1'",.I,.'I'I',;,l,~tl'I,',I,,',',',','I, t '.h.",1 a. "/".";"11 ',·,""tlJ,·I",',,",·,'''','/'.,',','·I,'.' Churches \'l', \[1" 111'11" (E' J n hi' I :\1'rrJ'l (lullafsun :wI1· Nil: Ncbr I , ,I ~ h t .I''! 1 :.\" C:~ i~· . I' " , ,,' ,, ',. I' OlllOn Illi \i,'alw{ield hospital. ernl a, tIlte.'r m ,pastor) , Wftkt"llold; Shl'rwoot! l Ml"n; ,I( IHIIl Oil llvc'litot'k at 1Iw JlI'{'st'nl 'I 11 I: I'· I ••• St,hl! 15 Mr. urid Mrs. Itob<.'rt II T h tl r s day, Sept. 24: Sunda" HI I l , 1U12, John Dr:erc, 2850. 1lcnry Whrrtlmann, Wftk('!tl~hl. l,.imp, .Ni"f) 1l1(~mhl1rS 'ill'ik Ihe ('0' (~rll ,u) ln~:' w.nl ~ ,wc. • t' " UpI'I'iJllOn of'farm('rs It) kc('p tt,wJrll:1l1V", dl1jJllI~ ,111(; I .1 ••d' hS h I .JtOJIl~t'll, Wnkl"rit~ld, il t.I<1UghU'f, 8·~(.'h(lol teachef traizuns. 8 p,m. ' 'WlJllarn JCIUWfI, t:;m~mllOn; .1""11: 11 li\l~~ltod. off !Ill' 'fnilrkC'L 'for Ilic" hnlrllrl~ i!c;I,I1Hl rr yrJlI !,~l't slC·k,. Redeemer Lutheran Churclfi Winsl e H,g '00 lb~!l 01.. Wnk£'fieh.l. hospital. ,Saturday, St.'I~t. 26: Junior dlOir, I akefield Hospital Jt'Hrf')", ATh'n; nMulyn Wtn"'tr!lI!fl, tlu,l:nlion ..or ,,Ow holdin~, Il('llon, : ~;:~~ ~~1';~:'; ;~~'~:)I~IO:;i:,I~';'I,o~rJ~I~\i'~;'t. i;;': .. (~,'~' de .T,'·n.('~e, pa~tOl') Sf'pl. 18: :\tr. and ~1C5.. Duan<.119 a.m.; Saturday :tchooJ ilflll <.-on·l I Wlkl'fleld; Jolin ~Wnrr 0 'I m n n HI Ihl' NI'() 1~.1t bnr/-!illl1lTJl~ aJ~I'IH''' I' , , 1 ,. I, ,", , IhuISd,I)", Sept, ;::'1. Parents ('I StrudhuCi, Waynt.', a son,l l{cvlnlfifmatlOl1 mSlruction. 1':30, I 'Wnk... rield, Clnra Hokl'r, WQkc'" r(~r Names Class Off'leers l.t'~'. 1tJ-~ Jts f:ll"IlH'1' rllernbt'rH lis Pill:. ; ,J YdUl, (' JI)r;; I).! 1:l"Ir! \\I,r1, 1111 !('l IlJinlll'nts Illi'('l, i:l au lun. 1 WCfVIC'C: lill'll \\l'llstrand. Wakefield; liar· I rllin(" 1 aylor, I..aurel, "_:.....~",,.., pHd,pl', Olt' dlli~' Jl'U(,~.SSIl~· llC~ I ,YOUI' ,C(~(lPl'rlll.1Un wl1l fT\!Ilu' !hr'. ,Junior ('hoir•.' :~O; "COnJirmalion. se.nsun \\ llh all r'lIfn]JlfIt'nl 'f nt!, 10:: UZs, Waynf! hOSPltill.: ISunday school. 9:30 a.m, !~r,lIn pnlc{'ssOr:-f~ Lr II' cu:;tJ~~I(~! l/lflpl~~'rl'{"r', Ill, vnlll' 111.I\1rt, ,Inri th,e t'lillss, 2. ~,~ ,student;; t·!.l', .Ill!l)lct to ....:.In.te ..' UlJlIl}, Ill{, . "', l;U' nl a glvr'l1 1IIl' ~na a;» 10, W~Jth('r' League zo~c r~I·I.\" and Mrs. Schmitt. ~C~I ~lI~H!. 10 fcrtJllzt' In'es nnd II \'~c's Chlx , 1 5 I to I;I~I:; or who call pr(jcl'~" carsh~'l\"l'4:i III t 7 ',1"n'~hllH'Il' \1:lrkWJII,JlI·.",.J(knl.,,~hrlllJs IS mlhe spnng and (,~lrly 111~jl stores: AlJu' Johm.on, :~ll :~J\I't1 it. L .' D.., re urn Pill" I 1rJl',~IIIl,I d summC'r I '48 ]' II [, ""5 I "'1'1 (;1\' a eIHllmorlil.v, .\\J11 rs M.!rrlorlnnt..'\('spt'r cO/llllluninn Sel"\l('l', (f :1'J .:()I... )",1 \11(' plC'SI l'nl,' lam J ; 'U eron s, 00 UIl( ...... lllll jill' lilli' .\'l';lI' Thus N!<'() tlH'lll M It U p.m. !l'l"l'sa Slr'II\~.I,II, ,('( :)l~nll:I • IScratch League I Ill.'!''' Will InlllW what prl('l'S llll'\' I lUI ~d L .1:" Monday, Sept 28 IJllo club, H :\11t'lll~nn, trl""\,II"J, fJUL,1. ,Belden Yout~ Commended I FaIr Slore II ~: ~I] .I·:'cr'~\'t· 'ne~ 'W :a~elf~e,II~1 l~la,ll ~ our ,1:11' tll"lr prlHllIC'l', oil(' af p.m., ,I "1:"11<'1" .SplIl.bil,l, '> .:n' .\11 'For !High Test Rating 1 Heneke Hybrid 4 .\IClJ III ,UIV,IIl('\""I I. TUP'sdav SI'pl.2H ('hurl'h {"'llll Ilt"ud .Iltrl ,\11, 1\\11., I ,', W k'l' 'Id N 'I B' k 4 I ItI~llHv hOtlk~ 1('11 \I.~ lhal nil II' h.ln(',rUl lor ~Irs Arlhur ell, 7::W ·r;,rn Stlldl'nl ('IJIIIll'JI 1lj)lr nt'l,l!;hbprs III lh{': 10 CarltlOlgl': S n. In 19:15 thed' " , g pI ayel, 10 30'1 Luther league Foil Rally , Thursday, Sept.' 24: Youth thoi:-, " !ll1od III hplp b('ar the tax, n,lO\,pd !J,Il'k 10 a Jal"m np,lr Wak0' A bl iG d Ch S 't S d t R d I h 13:45 p.m.; chancel choir, 7:30; De'l Thursday Nlte Handicap w I pllpulall' lilt' sehooi~ llnd I fwlcl :\lld JIl 19·18 nnd moved I s~em y 0 0 urch I~, un ay a an 0 P :borah Circle 8 I Emerson Liq. Io~eTt. 11 1 p~ cllllrt'hl:'.~ ~lj'. va~, e.~, ?a~or) ,\!'I)r.I~k.I, L~I S~Pt.· cit It :Ind .k(,('P their nlr"l into W'lkr'ht'ld.. . d:C'u Su r/ .vIc I :\.)rtl1l'ast the r I SUil::lay, 27: Church school. 1 .John Deere 8 4 O,L0fJl'ap IJ Im\)} ,11)\"(\ tht'l\ lhl',~ sl~nuld SPl' :\1;1) 2, IUGI, ' 11.0' ann~I~, \~Pt: .7. Sll~ a~,sch(}o,1.'r.l':1!.~II., Fall Hully)s p:,mnedIIO n.m.; wor:-hip, 11. Schenck Clothing, 8 4 uman " L, l!lal f:lrllll'ri mil <;1 stl{',k ![lI!('I!l1'l' Sun'!\'IJ"s III l'1 UlIr' l\I'll dHUI;I:!pr-l'I'''l.'nri',e·' \ors.hl~j )1~ <.l1lIdrenS,SUr1(j.:1Y, 27 al St, John's ~ Farmers Elevator 8 4 d Illil)' nol a~t'e(' With or CO'!I' :'Ilrs. Ruby .\IlleS, St Charlcis, ])1., ~nd ~v~:' P·n:·,-w~ ~!rst~~mbasador Luthr'I';lll H:.Joclolph, l.'he Salem Lutheran Ctiurch Tom('\) 71,-2 41,S! A. 1/ Ul1dN.'st lit.;h't s\\i1ch on our wvll, i inc Norioll~' ~ brother i.\IarLill (Walter Steltkamp, pastGr) I will conduct the business meet- "l't \\1', all'usr 11 he-cat ,1 h1gh I , m ThulSda) ..!l l\LbS r!lllp I :Il ~ '"I In :\Icrl(' i t'l .~~U~~~1 ''''''~~~-: what kllld of people your neIgh dolph i\1l .:\lllIel {llcd Sept fU Saturday sePj 26 Mass church I or llllrrl grade:>. hOl'<; 1 e,lll" at (' Al c they selfish at 11 Norl\ lk hospItal 8 am, mstJ llCt ons 1 30 to 3 pm,' glPedy, 01 al(' they challtable? Re~ Otlo Buellll:!1 offiCIated at [CCnfeSslOns, 430 to 530 and 730 i I lhC Now for n word to 1\11'. and MrS'l lItes. BUllal \\as In Hailmf( to 9. , See By The Herald : Fal'llwr. Whose side arC' you on'? Ion Sunday. S('pL 27: Low mass, 7 /;;.: D(l yOH want 10 farm: keep .vour Dale son of ~Ir [a.m.: high ma~.:i and prO{'e.:iS10ll, ------11 chilcl,.t'Tl on God's green earth and anel ),lrs. , ,\\:lS born se.nior l'hoir, 8:[10 a 111 ; J('\\ m':L~>', Mrs. Harlan Kratke and Debra I Sl'(' VOUl' neighbars farm'? Or do I S('p!. 3U, 1~)37 at C'llcndge. tIt', 10 . anr.i ..\trs, L('~t('r ..\lenkc and B}.'ron. you ~'ant to see two out of thrce !was i'l ;'\J,Hc'lnlll'r 19.J~ III I :'Ilonday-, Sl'ptl. 28' 'lass, chapel, \ISIIt'd T\I('~da\ in 11ll' Otto Test, of lIll'nl go broke so you can sur: 1\1:11'y al POtlca liP h\·cj[6:30 a,m,; !nilSS, dlLll'ch, 8: ('\'(:" Sl". herne, t;;ll,.~b last Thursda)- viv.c, and owe your aH£'giance 1,1 ~ at t:rofto!l and lIartlll,::';lon befor{'! ning devol10ns, church, 7:45 p.m, I JIl Ihl' Test horne \\('1'1' :\11', and I tll(' ll1on('y lenders'~ A banker sai(1 l'()mlll~ 10 H,:nddph,.. I Tuescl-ay, Sept. 29 .\lass, chapel. :\Irs, .\rt Long, I L tl:e o!her day that a man los(' SUl'VI\'Or,S lIlt'lude hI? \\'ldow: , I 6:30 a.m.; mass, church, 8; clos Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chinn re-I Ill" frepdom as soon as he sel. famara and a son, Dale, Iing of 40 houri devotIOns, church, turned Sl.1nd::lY ailc.l'. a four·week fool on another man's property Jr., al hI,S narents, :\'Ir 7:45 p.m. \·3('atlOn. T1H'v \'j:-,lll'd 'IL and 'lIo:v righ.t, he was~ Farmers ,e club, 8 p,m. : I to tell him what you have to have ~r at Dubuque. The. couple I~ved Munday, Sept. 28: LeW retreat. i to coVer the eost of your produc- In Boston, Mass. unt]} 1910 \\hen I Poncll, 3 p.m~ I ~.'Oll ,~ed.neSday,,1 tion andfe~Clive a fai'"~c....•".rof.it? I~chrc~n~rtl.w)' . !ll.)\.Pll. to~ Dl.:b.llqlle. 1\11'5 I Sept. ,30: Senior START'~G Very farme)s hithom~'I high spent nlll1loC'r1:~9 of ycars IchOIr, 7:30 p't· . I ON DISPLAY SEPT. AT , market: Thcy keep the m ChIcago and.lO she moved Thursday, ct. 1: Altar GUlld. 24 price will keep r,ising to gi; e(them k ~Vay~e to reSlde "Ith her daugh· 2 p.m. " I a 'better profit. They pathc ':when ter. 'FaI~p. In 1962 she moved to --- " , the market drops and they sell. 1 the nursmg heme at Grand Island. , First M thodist Church I Processors know this and they i 1\1rs, Schreiner was an instructor I (Cecil Bliss, pastor) i m. a~e t.he usc of'it. '.Vh. e. n. they d~ in at't needle\\olk 1U a department SaturdaJ , 'sept 26 Children's I I ~I S~RVICE want m'eat, fhe.Y raise th pr1cef slore Ul Boston and she liad \\OIlIChOlr, 2 pm rl\~!lY ED WOLSKE 4UTO • ., supply IS ',used] honors aud pmos lor her Sunday. Se t 27' Mornlll.ll wor, ., 'and -, n~~diework WhIle In Wayne she ShIP, "Laught r IS Holy TQo," 8.30 216 West First, Street i ;~i,~~~~ ~~~n~~~b~h~df~:~S~) ~~rl~~27ehU~~r ::n~o:lhl~~ Nch~r~~oS~h~Ol. 9 45, I b~~s,~we daughteI,MI~~E(F~~) M~aY,s'Pt'~~~SSJ~SI~~~~~~~~~~~_IL -_~_- --1i------~~--~~-~~;~~

I~ ~ t II ' 'I II I ,I ;j . ' fier? d, Thur

Amerlc3n Legion POli't 43 SO~IAl I Fir8t Methodist CirclCIJ . FORECAST [Thursday. Oct.. 1 Altona Trinity Lutheran Thut'sday, Sopt. 24 dny. SL Paul's :LCW birl/~duy parly 1J(lng'~ O.1ughters, Mrs. HlIy,l!" Nj·jJ:lihor~1 ,I-count.y con· 13p~tICr V\'nliflll, 1:I'IlII'lI iLngan Homemakers, Mrs. wilbur Ladil:~ Dl(Y ill c,)llnl.ry Club Npltc FridllY, Supt. 25 Sf. Paul'l) Altar Guild, 2 p.-m. WOtll~Ul's Chll} lnl('r-county con· Kcn Lore, Mrs. Max Hcndrickfion \'('1111011, fl,I'IIt'\'Ill('j' L u the ran CardeH{~, Mrs. A'llton Nethcrda ('hltl'('h t1n~~ir;lt~~ii~P~~~~().Ci!llService, Edon Ikh(·J'ilh L{)d}~t· Sunday, Sept. 27 .'-i1.. I'aul':; ('Ollp!t·,", CIlIIJ', R p.m. I'l'('shylj'l'l:ltl :\lal"lll('r~, ~ p,m. SERVICE NEWS MondilY, Sept. 28 (;l'aCt' LlllJu"'rilfl 'J)1I0 C.lul) New Addl'l~ss: 'Tuesdny,. Sept. 29 I'vt. Larry R Mitchell (;(W, .\lr,~. 1l1,IIlW I'denioll U S, 55736248 WSC Sf.1I1!l-nl \\,111'('.,> . /)l'lta J)dt, iv!I'S Will.lllm ~Kl~'ber 606 Ord. Co. (AMMO) Wc:dr1~!..:IQY. Supt. -'j'lf ~ Flo Dix, New .Jersey

RECEIVING -10) EIAR PI~~S ore Legion Auxiliary members left to right, Mr~ 1 L Swan, Mrs, Warren Shultheis, Mrs. Paul G:mtlemen . Mmes, MiS Henry I Johnson, Mrs. Frank Heine and Mrs. Hot­ t,e Hall ,---- t vnl I ;111(! ('arned hronzC'" and yellow 5an dra,asGI 'veas SI'Clly "I,,,w,,, ,ingbeRr·

L ,'ohown, Lincoln, was Verdel. Johx-,on in Uwen Jones, Carroll,

The I",,,,,,', moth"r wore a green Rites Septa.. ber 1 l'lh('lnhl(' und lht, bridegroom',> i\ln IIf llW!lll'1' l'!lO:-iP a blue wool sbeatll \\'lJl jlHlIlil h

Admitted: !'Ill'S. ('lifford Strivcns, II 1'11-('1, Arnus Ikckt'llh;IU('f, vVaync; ] JUillH' :;ll'udhofr, Wayne; ILlrnH'lI'r, Wayne; Dora !\lr,~. E. 1'. (';:lau~!c, Edwin Vern :Vlr:;. 1)all' John­ !\1eeo\\', Wayne; Harrison, Wisner. ' Dismissed: :'\lrs, Borge Kastrup lIll. L:lIlH'I; i\lr.~. L('s1(>f IIan- ,"11 :1:. I rLlu;..:htel". \\·,1\,11(,; !'Ilrs. Fay Carmll; . Chris Baler, Fn'd Dangberg and Wayne; Kevin Victor, Mrs. Clifford Striv.ens, Lllirel; 1\11"s. Rose Thies, Winside; DISTINCTIVELY NEW for 1965 i. the Delta 88 . offerod. All ore pawered by Oldsmobile's new \Irs. Ted Bahe and son, Wayne; a delll~e companion to the D.ynamic 88. r:h~ 425 cubic inch Super Rocl~et engine with on 1\lrs. Ie:. P. Caauwc, Wayne; Mrs. ,Hol~~~~~~~own is one of, three models qptional Turbo Hydra-M~~:_ t_r~nsmissjon. Duane Strudhoff, Waj'ne.

We help ~alance

i I your bu'dget

I ! ! Is keeping your household budget in bolonce one of your principal probl~ms? You can find plenty of ~r~ctical help in so~ving it in the pages of this news­ paper. Seasonal trends in food prices will ~elpyou to plan your menus mare thriftily ••• even stack up for weeks '.' ~ead at savings 0. f you. have a freezer). Home improvement hints can he,~ you fix up your hom,.e for less money than you have expected. Be sure tq Jeep a keen eye on t~e adver­ tising columns beca\lse that's where you'll, find the first news of the best buys in practically everything your family ItJeds or wan~ The more you know about price trends and values, the be~r you can buy ... and the best place to get the most information of this ~;nd the fastest is in the pages of this newspaper. II

vv.u I I I

The Wayn~ Herald

110 Main Street Woyne Phone 375-260( li: .• i! ~.i.~~~~J4*t~+-h~-++~~-""O+~""+-4 ~; I Ir"1 ,.. " .,' . ." ... ,.. ,-.... !Wi.1yn~High ·1', FHA Girls' Mrs. Larsen Is Guest Two Guests Pre ent for Two Guests DeltaDek Tho Way e INebr, I H.~rald, Thursday, Septembor 24, 1964 At Club 15 Wednesday St. Poul's Sfu'd'Mcetillg Meeting Last0' Tuesday jj~(I:£atu1,ictub'etub Club 15 met last Wednesday '·Or'ganize·September 15 i '\66"112 nllon"d.thi, Sl. . D(·lta Th'k nwt Inst TUl'sda)' Twa Guests Attend Club DfternOQn wHh Mrs. Victor L. I Paul's 'Evening Stu 'y mcw-Ung with Mrs. l.oyd 'Jlm~(·n. Mrll. Don Student Wivos Mootlnt " Knlesch~. Jl!~I'vey fo:I(lVNI rnl'mbc.'rtl" (It ,Cht-Ckt'r ~. !.ant Tb..day evening 80 girl, Mrs. Larson' Mond~y eyening. lIcsts were ~trl'l, ,.,.,"-,-:,-:... +1+."'·.....-,...,.,.--4--+-+·'1.,....,.·--4.,...------Swnnstrom .md AIYcra Vi· tlu~ met FrldA'y with Mr!, Ito~a' Hold Tue,sday Evenlnt r was a guest. Six members were Ml'S. John,'rheil and Mrs,"J:t'Well k"n \vrre lI:ucsl-ll.' Priles went IQ '~rs. Il}'nl' State, S,uden.l .. WlVCf' ~wely~, romlWay,~e ,~~~s~::s~ i;'h~':'~yS :il~"1,a~3~~~lf~r~b~f;'IF~Xl o~l prescnt. Shock' Who bcctlme 't.~mbc.rs. Duker, Erviug Dorlnll li.ntl w 1 : MrJI. Un} UUlIllllL'r """,re gUl~~tS'. \(,.t 11l.'l1 T\UllidilY e-v.tmln,q ,AJ the:: Mrs. Alvin Meyer was In Pastor Shirck ~ilV the Bible ~~~~n~~~H1:~' l\~:!J.tl!~$il1fan~ ~~~: ,n~em AHell~;FIrs r Sllll Wa); llO.~tCSJ;. Next meeting is Lessman chairman;' !\111drl'd 'gi,Ve the les­ Art DI'; nSI'lkn, "tn. Lln'ern Turu('nun nnd Mal'(lel(c J·leob.!' 1lI1·(h·HI~V. ~h· ~:~ ~?thir a fi;S~.n~.e~~:~~he~~tu~~ Vl"W Auxuliary met last ,Mon· W(~h~rahutHier IJdmPI' '1'l'lllllw a HI :viI'S. 'Od. I. C 'd ti S_IO.': "l':xercisc Jpt :',a':' Lifetime." nuTtier nd Lydia )iOtl Fonll1,,11 wa~ B~:rlJl maa~t ~:~: day 'wHh nine memb~rs at fhe tlw 'mo-oUna:; i g, ..I: hal. I I,i', ,ea 00', the stud:ent center. Forly-eight ~1 ~::~ir:'('r~ict~~~C~~~~Sl~:~~;' ~~~: Mr IHll ~Irs. ,\rt J)runllclkll thl'lIIc. NNl:1 IIWt'Ung llil St:pt. 29) ~hUl'Ch(')i, members were present. Woman's club room. On the weret J.:,u'sls. lIost WN!' st.1 .Johrl':-; 'H F··· B 'd torhln: serving, committee were Mrs. ,,,,d Lu· Sat.urday '23, ,nnd Mrs, Yale' Kessler introduced Jlan"ey Larson.: \'lcc prcsidC'nt; lIardt'rs wit! 'host the Ort 2:1 1',·",,,,,1'1,,. 1",,,1«,,,1,,'1 ·onor uture n e' Jim Kaihl{'r, Mrs. Tom LivcrinJ~' ~.,ccretary; BPW Has Dinner Me~ti~. ItW'tan; !l'iJllca. H.(~J~istral.iou ,til- three sponsors .. fJiom the Wayne new members with 5h"lrt rhymes. Mrs. Hubcck, Mrs. meeting. Comm'ittee members we r, e house, Mrs. Lloyd :Vlunskc and Wl·~t, trt'liSurN; Mrs. Harold Tuosday at Wayne Hote,11 ("II,d 1Of!. . ",' nssoClaUon attended t.he District At Shower. W.edne.sd:ay Mrs, Lyle Seymour, Mrs. Fred Mrs. Ray Nelson. Ingnlls, I:el>:)rler. Oet. 13 mcet· Set Da e for Banquet Ahullt' 12 lltlt'nd~() the .I;IPWi;, PaHtur O. l\lal'qu,lnJt, 'S!)uth I[ convention in Stanton. Mrs. Att('nding the [)jstrict' III call; Dale, Mrs. Rohert Clayton, ing is with :\lrs, Hoy Albert· dlnrH'r IJ\N'UnR TU(J!'day ('.vCIJIN~ si~)llx Cll¥~ gaVt· 1ll(lrnin1l ka, was glH'."-1. W(~:Jker. wiLh Mi'ss. Jorgenscn were Mrs, HOSKrl\'S-Mr. and ;\·lrs. Wi!" :'Ill'S. Edith S~qlRing, Minneap­ gf~~I~~ h l;~~hAI'~t~~;k~~' a~· ~~:.~. :~ t~~.~"n;Vl;~JlH~I;~ln~~t h~ri,l::{ JnS1allillg,orne('I' I'llstqr Il'lorn· -Chris ,Jol'grnsen, Mrs, August lard ~'1aas were honored last olis. was a ,I!.ll('st. Oct. 27 meet· i:.:rv~~ ~~~~~li~onwRiiZ::~eMt~~ Elect New Officers at ~. ~I(,ll illslallL'd the follo\\'in~~ of" Hfonzynski: J.lldY Bron~ynski and' Saturday evening at the Bro· ing is with ~:rs. John Goshorn. Clal'cnc Hedrick. Mrs. Doris (;undcrtlon. Oct... :':.I.. 'I oet. 6 meeting. Happy Homemakers Meet thNhood Building in honor of mt'etJn~ h with Mrs. EYcrct~' fkers: Mrs. 1l1!1!ll'll, Jll'{'sid(~nl; Mrs. Alfrc( Bronz(ns1d. Mrs. S hulz, Mrs. Weber Mr~. Claytlll1 St"llrlJf'd1'l', l.aur('l. As.<;isling'in the kitchen we!e their 25th wedding anniversary. Huhm,. . ' ; T~~r~d)a~ 1:~:(';~~('rbUild7ne~ Eighty guests were present. JE Club Meeting Held Mrs. Me, er Has Cardette yat JE mel with Mrs. Alfred Sy· Win Prizes atKon Lore . . .. ,1 ~',il~":\Vil~.I,r\~I:(~l~; ';,I.I':l'tl·:'~~;;~I~~:~·' ~Il~::; S~';I\t~~~Ia~~~~~. ~::'L:r::~: ~ Patricia and Kathleen Marten . i d Mrs. Mit Meyer entertained wiht Mrs. Ernest Siefken'. dow Tuesday. Mrs. Ed Grubb Mrs.!lurry- l'~isher wa,s ho~lcss I Sun~.v Mr, .nd Mr•• otto. -';~,~:t, had charge of the !gm~st book \'l~ltcd !Hrs. J,()l'('l] Boolt, 1'011(',\, tn'as, MI'Ii. Kermit G.raf, Mrs. Melvin Ca·rdctte Thursday evening. Priz· OWcers elected were Mrs. was a guest. Mrs. R. E. Gonn­ to Ken Lore Bridge' club Thurs. Isr., Mrs. Mary I.lInd .f,t Ja es were won by Mrs. Cletus Bruno SIllittgerher, president; Mrs. 'g ll'y and ~lrs. Ida Canning won day. ~rs. Budd Bornhoft and ,the (hilS Melllorlni home, pl;ln~~r;. ~:~~I;,~o:~.nd 1',ISlol" Ifill;:. 1 'sLllral ~~~~.oz~~~~lcM~~;bb~l~~l~rs~u~~~f cake andW,reonMrs. Wihl'Mal v.ih outSrhroe-tho Sh.sr£r, Mrs. John Elnung:, jr., Mrs. Fred Frevert, vice prcsi, prizes. Mrs. Henry Arp will have Mrs. 'thel Schulz w(:rc gut'!'its Guo~h TUOldllv evening ,In, )~. ~rs. I ~l's, and' M·rs. Joe Lowe. Tony ·dent; Mrs. Preston Roggenbach, the Oct. 13 meeting. Illwtig, Harold 'Huetig, Edwin nnkousky p ured coffC'e M. rs. S hulz allll.Mrs. Ed W{'ber H. II. HanSl'Il. hOllW were M.r '.' :.•..,Ild, Ml'~. RobCl-t Wobbenhorst, Mrs. Nether a will Ilave the Oct. 1 secretary·treasurer; Mrs. Carl de.•. ,. assislC'd with s...•' rving. Mrs. won PI·,izes. l\f~~. Max !lentl· Mrs H,lymond GucJt8ch, and Mr; D.'str'ct 'Officer Spea.ks and Dorothy Koru p ured punch. Ilerherl Abts, Mrs:, Charles eeUng. Frevert, reporter; 1'11'05. Edwin Officers Elected at flcks?n will host the Ocl. IIanti Mrs. Walter (;octtlich, UoJst~i.~! Mrs. Erwin Ulrich, M.rs. Clar­ At WWI Auxiliary Meet Ilintz, MI's. Clayton 'H;:J.lleen, Caauwe, heallh leader; ,Mrs. meetm'. i Ia 1\-1:l's: Pallli J,nl'son,' Wall~a,. Dis­ Bernard Spliltgerbcr, reading ence Schroeder £lad Mrs. Ezra Friendly Neighbors Mrs. Bob Harper, Mrs. 'Louise Mrs. ..nay AglC'r was hostess trict 1Y II'rt'Sid(,nl, sJ)f)kc at tllt' che enbergs Mark leader; Mrs. Delvin Mikkelsen, Jochens were on, the kitchen ,Heuck, Mrs. Ed Kiefer, .Mrs. ~ last Wednesday to Friendly THURSDAY thru MONDAY WWI '!\llX ri;Il'V mOl'ling' MOllrhlY music leader; Mrs. Kenndh Fre­ cQmmittee. "Floyd M~l1cl', Mrs. Vic C~ster, ;\ieighhars. Nine members Matlnoo 2:00 p.m. Sund.y (,,'-pning. Thirly-1.\vo j\'\l.-:ilnry vert, citizenship leader. , an· j lVII'S. 'Bc~nal'd DeLozier, "Mrs; Anniversary Monday sw('red roll call with favorite Early Show 6:00 p.m. Mond.av llnd Blll".JlI,.'tkS 1ll(,Jn'I)('I·.~ jOined Howard Pcte~son, Mrs. Don An­ A family covC'rcd dish dinner PI'easant valley·Meets TV program.s. for hil1cIH.()'I{ ." is planned for Oct. 2 in the Ber­ dl~rson, Mrs. Fred Pflanz and HOSKINS---Guests in the Ed· Wednesday at eo Room Mrs. l"red Beckman reported Mrs. LI'J:lian Edwards 10,tll of Mrs. Chris Graf. ward 'Schellenberg home last nard Splittgerber home. Oct. 15 ,..pleasant Valley et Wedn('s- on a new medicine far arthritis. I.Iw Qf ol'igin "The Star Span!.dt'd Miss .Jorgensen will marry Monday evening in, honor of meeting is with Ml's. Arnold day at Miller's tea room. Mrs ;\lr);. Agler pre-senled a poem Banner,,;'; J\ial11pd to 1,1)(\ Ilflll\i­ Siefken. Eug{'nt' Bronzynski in Randolph their wedding anniversary were Erwin Fleer and M O'i. Earl Ben­ )\'1('mh('I':-:I discussed achievement Wt']'C nallng roI11111iltl'c Mrs, Lil- Sunday. Mr..and Mrs. Henry Sweigard, nett \H~rC hoslC'ss s. Eightcen tI,ly, Oct. 9. Neosha, Minn., Mrs. 'Hattie ~:~;~'k 11I~~~1~:~:'((11 \, r /'\1,:; ;lllk(:1; ~l':·rll~'~ Honor New Teacher at members ·answere( roll call Offiecrs elf'cted arc Mrs. "Hope in One Trophies" Lund, Mrs. Ida Ohlund, Stan­ with "M'y Favorite Teacher." Amas EdJ!enkamp, president; A gift wils spnt- Lil thv So!dit,l''i ton, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bro­ No liast Supper Friday Mrs. Charles Nich Is and MI·s. uIHI'Sailors Annc·;.;, Nol'foJk. Mrs. Roy Day, viee president; Wan at dolf Thursday gren, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Seven families from 'School Russell Preston ha charge of Mrs. i'"rcd Beckman, secrelary· DistAcl Ill. COllvcnl,irm is Sixleen ~adies turned ou't for Seidschlage and Kevin, Norfolk, District 40 held a no·host co­ entertainment. prj.1es went tp tl'{'llsurer; Mrs. Gilbert Krall· plallllcl! Oel. -1 ill South Sioux golf T1mrsd Y, at the Ladies day Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bowers, operative supper Friday for their Mrs. }<"lecl', Mrs. Mae Young, man, reporter and music lead­ City. Hegislrntion, hegins. alII event at layne Country Club. Joanle and Barry, Winside, Me. new teacher, Darrell Grothe, Mrs. Ervin Hag mann, Mrs. ('r. Mr,s. Julius Baier, health a,m., for hoth Auxiliary lind Bar­ Mrs. Richard AreU won the event and Mrs. Harlan Herbolsheimer, his wife anel two chl1dren. Mr. Walter I Baier and Mrs. Lydia ll'at!t'l"; Mrs. Orville Nelson, read­ racks Illt'mhel's and "I1ope In One Trophies" Jeannette and DyAnn. Paul Grothe came here this year Fleer. (leL. 21 me'ling will he ill!~ ,\rid eitiwoship. Ocl. 21 meet­ 1\ J)olll'll'k supper j's planned were presented Mrs. Fred, Gil· Schellpepper, Pierce, Mr. and from Pilger. . at Milll'r'li lea rOOI ing "',-'ill be with Mrs. Day. OeL l!l, On tIl(' co!1l d('r:;lueve, Mr::;. J, R. Johnson Mrs. Clarence Hamm and Mr. millet' Monday wpn' Fn'd I ,Inti Mrs. Charles McDermott. and Mrs. Dallas Schellenberg Beckman, 1\)1'.';, Sil'l'klllilil and Procccds were given the City of and family. j\'1rs. Hallie I\ll'Nult ' I lo~)c. /'Ioslrsseli were 'Mrs. Arctt i3nd St. Paul's Women Sew Eleven members of St. Paul's Open House to' Honor ~'~'~~;kl:~~al~;ee~i~~ertr~hi:~,~~i'l~ LeW ,inet at the church last Wed­ +,f'lI he presented 'tournament win~ nesday to sew and for ppt-Iuck Mrs, John Lienemann ncrs. annnunced last. week. dinner at noon. Next ~ewing ,/' Mrrs. Leland Ellis and' 'Mrs. meeting will be Oct. 21. IIosKnys -I'~l'i('ntls and "h:·Ja- Chris Tietgcn were hostesses for livl'S of MJ<~. ,john Li('IH'll1(tnn, tllt' bridge luncheon. Mrs. Jose· Twehtt"twa Attend Aid Handolph,

NO fROST AnnU1l1 Convention to Be Held Here Friday ~~h~~~~~erator ...

in the Freezer, too!

I , I, I DYNAMIC 88 HOLIDAY COfJPE: Notice its longer, lower, wid~r proportiollB,and impressive new lines. Insidei new luxuries land comforts everywhere you 10Qk. Even rides new, thanks to smoother-than--ever, four-coil.-spring All-new from ev ry view .•. Great new OId~ Dynamic 88! suspension. And just .wait till you action.J.test INTERNATIONAL its 425-eubic-inch, 3l0-h.p. ~uper Rocket V-a! FILM FESTIVAL Pick from all the Dynamic 8~s. including tree new top-of-the-series deluxe Delta 88 rna elB. Early S~ow 6 p,m. Wedflesdav Plus a whole new' Oldlil Rocket Action' lineup I! There's plenty to get exciwq about in aids for '65! The NinetY·Ei~ series is more el~gant than ever. The Staffire and Jel<;tar I baa.<;t a fiery new 370-b.p. Starfire"V-8 that makes~oing' Olds an even sportier proposition! Jetstar 88, Vista-Cruiser, F-85-whah:~er you like? ~bout them before yoo.'lllike even better now. See-,your Oldsmobile Dealer-where the acliQn isl I

~ HEADQUARTERS fOil I1I1iETY-EIGHT, S ARFIRE, O'(UAMIC as, JETSTAR I. JETST~R 88; VISTA·CRUI E~ .f·,as --- ___ SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORllEO OtliSMOBllE" QUAL/TV DEAi.ER ••• WHERE THE ~C,IDH.ISI i . 11 " CORYELL AUT COMPANY, 112 E ST THIRP STREET ------:-- ·'-1" '" '" _...... ".~ ...... ,:--".1'".._. -"'''''"'"'"i' -I- ,·,,~Ilil" I"

MON., OCT. 5

ij:dJ:,1 ,W~¥NE,COUN'TY fARM

I "" I ,known as the ~MMA RAUSS fARM As:Exe~lJtor I,~lll sell to ',the "highe st bidder at east front door of the cCl~rtho,lJsel in. W~yn~, 'Neb~~ska, t he following describetl property: , ' , ~ ofTotal Performance pr'65 .i~~Q4c~eWaYrJe County Farm r------~~~ ,Lo~~te~ii9 Imjl~~i s~u~h; "2miles west and a quarter mile south of 1W;~ ':liWi1ne~Nti~,ti~ka. ~~~.,. 1MP8QV,E~ENt~I,NCLUDE,: Home, Gara~e,. Chicken House, (orn crib, Barn,1 Gralnerycrnd other sm.n buildings. , FARM~AND:140 acres under cultivation and balance in pasture Qridtiuifc(ri 'ite. I- Li~'AHBE~2R " ,i~ ~South o~e-ha I~ (S %l of the Northeast one-fourth 'Ii I' .(llIt~) on~"ith~i ~Qrth one-half (~%l of the South-east one-fourth . (~~~li of,~~f~ion '34, T~wnship 2 , North, Range 3 East, in Wayne hbest year yet to go Eord! ~" ~p;~~ty,f.'I~brasko. ! i ., 1 , I ' i, rever~ible ~,"ey d-~ew e\'e~. ~ew wi~er n~ handsomer, betteJ' buys than ever_ AI livelier. F,rom a new,'," to a br1n, q.uictest ride tread, .... spa- 'I ser~es, smoother nev.:,, 6iX,,,-,,2 hotter V-8 OJjtiOTIS. 3- ~ luxury the '65 Forqs ate so new rOll Just clOusness. new BIg SIX engIne.. . .• Fast~ack speed Cruise-O.M,a~f optional. " ii~tj~~;~~~~;M~t;:i~1::e5~fOri~SP' have to see'them for youqelf. i New "cool" world of Mustang ... tion prior ,to saledate at any reason- New world of elegancej ... 17 soli. quiet 2+2 joins .the HardtoP and ~onv.erUhle·1 New world of economy .•. 13 Falcon WIth flp T to 15~o gTeat~r fuel e~onomy as a nelli~·c:~i('r Ii '~bl~ ,~i~~,'lth,,:J,,~ersi!lned~j!I Fords, including a new shper luxury series- j\fany l~xunes standard. New optIOns mclude I how it to any interested buyers. Bids Six teams WIth optional 3'speed <.;:rlll~(;-()­ the LTD 2- and 4-Door Hardtops. Ne body, front diSC brakes. .' . I '11~~~~U~1~~~~tti:;;"'i:: ':;:;::;: -;::ves~ frame and suspensions give the sm othest. New world of value ... 8 Falrlanes, bIgger, :\fatic. !\ew battery-saving alternatorj n.~nt~ T~i~i,i pr~p'~ty is ~eingold to seule thlfEmma Rauss es- ",.'I, ',:j,~ I '!' i' ',I' "!., III I: . '. ', ,! ii' !':'!'! ~ ,,.. " ,-J " I tate." , Ii 'I, i,l ,I' TERMS:' -15% cash on day ahaIe an balance ,of purchase on approval of , sClI~'.~bst~iict will bel,furnished; Sale willrernain open for at least one I ','1,' , : 'I hour. : i ,I" I FOR IFURTHER, INFORM liON, WRITE OR SEE I """""~"""""",, I CI~r~'lle "i'~abss~ "CH~rles ",1', ,; ,: E.' 'iMcDermott, \ , ,;;: I I: II ,A, l~';~i!!, .•.TMA~Ea~~!~ i '1!i'I'" ,I Ilttorney WO , '1Iidl"""'""I., -'!,,,,,., ""\"(,,i,,,' toi' 'bi' kG 'Ph 375 2080 ii!':i~i'~fLe.r~;!: - :~;;~""~Y'':'~~;'; ""~< -. alS~ '0 '~"",:. ,G,ne ," I- 1 1 11 ~ ~ ~ "111 II p, I1(,1 I' I If: • , I I" "', 'I" , ; I 1 1 ,1' 1i ll II I )1 11 i > , ,, \ \ 1 I II If III: IIIII l I 1 II1I 1 I II "'I·""·· ... ,... ;, .. ,.: ., ,.. ". I ii, II, I U II I' 1 I I I I ( I

I II I 'rl'l III )1 I ""I ,::; I II I 1 1 I

'!:!::I' I i I II 1 1 ;ili'lihl';ii::

b.lO/,f."I. Y,fJ.u,r d.pctor·s RX ~~Z:,:i:(qu. \Vl~~I~Ni~A~~~('t I' :.. _'!'..._':_ .. ~:-,L. ""'...._·.__.~ ~~,~,!:",:~:?ort, Ill. s 10.24p DO YOU WA l;-roD""'()"SOME~ You,~,n bring these strongers to your sale by using aha (Hlr-SS nOXA HOl.srJ.1l~iN' and: (;UERNSl'}f - - _.-_.:.... -' -- ~ ---~----_.---- thin~ abou.l y ur drinking'! Write Wa,yne Herold Farm Sale Service ,., 'Big, attractive SQ~~ .•! ~'i)h{'l~~ :1'1~:~92~TonE ! FOR SAt~~, rugged pur~ bred AA, Box 83, Wa ne, Nebraska. nlSH bills .that are ~Qsy to reod, made by trained personnci who have 1I~mpshlre !31,g FOR RENT' ~_.~~--_ "~'.----"---'-'-'--_,- . ,,;;'., o3U HEAVY -SP-RINGING HBIFERS 11 .. "ho.ars,: Top wmne!"5 ...--- 1tudlcd and know how' to layout a fotm sale bill rrght! --~'-----. ---,rd-,,_··_-- Als!)': 3()'O.700 Ib, Hcl;fr.,rs at ,recent Wayne faJr. Leater ..Chll- F $J,I:IW DAY *:fnJ"t,!pr EJecldo fIlUJ.LlCK.A Il.HOS., i cott, phoue 529·6744. Two block' ----- or the Best in (.al'l)(~t Shllmp'Doer wllh purchase north o[ Motcl, Winside, Nebras· HE-F1NJSH THOSg OLD FLOOHS. R d' TV" R. FORDS of..Wue Lustre..:VlcNatl J-lanjwan~, 3 miles west of Handolph ka. a28tf H's easy and inexpensive when a 10 an epdlr DATES and.',; W;l,i-'rH~; Nt'I~l'aslw, 052.1 Phone '46-,J20 s-deC:n you rent our floor sander and edger Phon 375·3690 ..._'''.''_''_'' __'. __'__ ''_''__ ~'''_ FOnSA,LE'; }-Iolsteln Springers on and refinish with our quality seals, We'Servi e All Make. PtdNT l1P~ Ii~}~ UP T[l\-H::, Com­ fi'Or~,I,.SAL·E: ..WOO 1m. steC! grain .~and a,t all times. Financing. varnishes and waxes. Brighten CLAIMED MEReURYS plete li~e l>.f ;~aints, bCJlh inside hin', brooder house, 12 x 14, LeVi LIonel GJbb,s-, Clearwater, 'Nchr., your rugs by renting our carpet SWA SON TV PHONB " "l'I'nd, outside, ':tb:wj low 1)I~ices, 1\ ' Wayne's 0 deat TV Store 375.2600 Ind will hl·l~~(,S, Gi:_S~:__ 1,.",_,_.,~L_~_.~_,_.~~l~.~ I ~~~'~s~~:'~~b~:~'~-Boars ~~2!~~~ ~:;~~oer. Coast to Coast StOj~:i w. linseed ?i1, !hipner and If como to YOUR FARMI l'\ecosl-iol'Ws., Stop ill Coast 10 Coast ·1 62 Ford Galaxie red hogs wit.h more rod meal. FOR RENT: Furnished two-room Claim Your Salo olt. StOl'CS. Wu)"ue, f()l' nil' your pain: . FOR SALE I TYP'!WRITER and add· J01/~ ElIPEaT 4·door sodlln, radio, 'h.~tor; ing needs. a30tf THACTOHS 'Located mJle11''iOut!1 of Wayne. apartment. Utilities furnished. ipg machine ~C'pair service, Hub, Early. ,, ChIck The•• 1951 .TD n tractor AI'no!d Stuthmnn "iml Sons., b17tf 814 Windom aZOtf powe" dtterfng, Crullo-o.mille baJ~'s Servire.! 1113 Pe.o.rl Street, Datel Firat! transml~510n. F 0 It SAL J.:: WPI1·lrllflwn hrund HlIiI' ,m :J()l0 Die~d FOR RENT: Modern farm house. ~~i~:.:.._!~_~one: 3?~~3~!2711 lypewritel'. Only $!ij n month. ~;:~~ ~ ~'y~t~:'~,: gj~t~~~ ----.---1- WritJ, Box !'.iIH, Norfolk. a20tf lB W',ANY·..lD 31/2 miles from Wayne. Call 375· 7. Combination nowspaper jan PICKERS t 3828. 'IOta w~ service all makes of Radio anp TV. Why Dot enjoy both to of $lillIe ad and sale bills Ie· HlCQ JD 227 w./gl'cm,er APARTMENT FOR RI~'N-~B--;';;d up, which makes your ed ,er­ lhe fullest. I 1%:1 .m ~77~ c}einonslrulor IWANTE~ c~~~I:-iliYD;;lace new. Stove and refrigcrator furn- tlsing crmPlete In ono lo~, 62 Ford Galaxie • GOOD SERVICE lU5,5 .10 227, overhnuled I logs. Hardwood preferred. Can iahed. Carpeted living room. 112 WAYNE HERALD ONE-STOP B. Less l!l pense, lell driYlng 4.door sodan, r"dlo,' he"t:or, Ill5!) ~I,~;~'~ ~h~l~tt~laCh. w.ayne Herald, 375-2600, giving Professional Building, Phone 375· McNatt's I FARM SALE SERVICE and t,lrl1., needed in pOIUng; stondord Iron.miuion. " and' 1!}5fl A,C No, 17 w/017 mtgs. • name, location and phone number. 2134. s17tf INCLUDES - fewer sale billa needed, QUALITY PRODUCTS' 1952 mc 2 M picker .. _~ FOR RENT: Two·hedroom home, Radio & TV Service 1; FREE Listing in the news­ 9. Your newspap.r ad in pll~er 1958 ,TD~~~~~~)~~~~?US WAN TED se~~f:n.DO~;~~~~e ~o~:~ial~e~~;: Phon'e 375-1533 If 'IIpaper's Calendar of Coming 91v05 farmors opportunity! to 1963 JD No. aOO·42·CI. elevator Dead or Disabled livestock 307 Main. Phone 375·2145. ,17'3 Sales -. to proted the date study your salo l-h' oyer Are Ail We Hove tl!' you have selected. 61 Chevrolet Biscayne, Spreaders, No, 33, L, N Phone Wayne 375·3165. Collect FO:R-RENT: -N~~.'-'-T~Iarg~tl;N=O=T;;;I;;;e=E;;;';;;'=;';';=="+= :~~ef~I;~ldi: t;~irt~=" ~rOt~~e'; U!--icd imp:1ement trailc'r bedrooms, basement apartment 2, Your FREE sale bill print. . Offer ... But They Wayne Rendering Co. they may wish to buy, M,~'ke Benso~lmplement CO. YOUr Used Cow Dealer Near cily school,. can 375-2538 I ed in bright and a"orted the Di'ffl.rencel Phone 5 81 Pcndrl', NC~{4 f26tf ~~~~~_._~_____ s27t3 1 ~C""H""I""C""K""E""N"""-A"N"':D-""-H-A-M=-S-"U~"'P"'.p"'E"'R""'-= :~1:::. of· regular sale bill 10'. If you cannot get in to The Herald offlcto' soon, just Clall PIANOS WANTED, liny kind in Bethany Prqsbyterian Church 3. FRE.E farm sale arrows with 375·2600 colletct: We'" be out. FOR SALE: Two childrens' wintet,: repairable condition considered Carroll. Wednesday, Sept. 30, serv: coa~., 8,~i S~nd R,EAL ESTATE "'r:u~i~;;;e ~;;:""rl:treld:: _ size grt:!y pile woven ,Charewl removal. description, ing starts ,at ':30. Adull's $1.25, tyh::' MOND;\Y, SEPT. 28: Mrs. Henry 6,1 Dodge Pioneer frlbrie, like new; 'ize 12, qecp rose p one number, price expected to I~======~ children under 0, .60. s24 Kieper farm sale, located from color. One girl s coat, size 14, Box PR, % The Wayne Herald. -FO-R--SALE~T·h-rc-e-..h-c-dr-o-om-,-o;; farm sale. W~''!'i18. 2·door 'odon, rodio, hG~r, 1-----+------:.·-"- 4 miles west a.. Pit Torqullfllte transmiSlilon, grcy pile woven f bric coat. Phone . ._ s17t3 story house, Near sehocrl. Rea· f 4, Experienced help in drawing milc-s north. Sale begins .2:30 3R :lI77.55--3FI!!'90i!:' +' :'2~7.~P I-;:::::-:--;;;:::::==-.,-.,-Isonably priced. Walter L. Moller, CARDS' THANKS up your farm sale ad; to p.m. Auctioneers, Troutman anti -c HELP WANTED Realtor, 307 Main, Wayne. Phone make it the kind that DRAWS LagI;-; Stafe National B II n k. Low Interest Rate - Long Term ' ' ~'375-2145. s27t21 ~~~==*=====,.,., I A CROWD, Wayne, Clerk, Fe'deral Landi Bank Loans OUIt GRATEF L THANKS to all 5. Use of good livestock and FEDERAL L' NO BANK WANTED: Full or part time. AJ- TO BUY TO SELL who rc!"emlJ 'fed LIS with cards, pqrebred pictures in ad and MONDAY, OCT. 5: FExecutor's, 60 Buick LeSa.bre ASSOC,I TION, flowers, visits and I)lclp at home Sale, Emma Rauss arm, eat m~~~:t~l~t~~~gY. f~ppmiyen~~ ~~~s~~?~ REAL ESTATE during our st y ill" the- hospital. sale bills. front door of Wayne ,County 2·door sedan, radio, hoat.r, Special thanks to Pastor Saxton, 6. With. your sale ad in Tho Courthouse lit 1:30 p.m" For power steering, power brakes, DC~,~rtmert Store. s10t3 Property Exchange Dr. Calvert an the hospital. st~ff. Wayne Her.ald you reach more. information write or see automatic transmission, . God bless ,you all. Mr. and Mrs. more farmers than In any Clarence Rauss. executor· or 112 West 2n_~~_~ ~, Otto Ulrich a'n Amelia Schroeder. other medium. Charles McDer~o_t!:_a.!.'_o,!,_ey_._ ,-I< TT~NTlONFARMERS FOR SALE: Two.sto.ry, four-b~4: __~ . .~ ~_ __~~:'ll '~ .. II room home, .121 W~,,~t 11th' '31,' :WE WISH TQ EXPRESS our sin-I A :SJNCERE THA.:~'K :'fOU, 10 1 ~'\~'I';Jr,l~;' I" Wayne. Ca,ll Wisner 529-6182 a. ....>. ~.,er. ..e thanks or the c.ardS' mem- I rr.lCndS and relatIVC.'~.'Jor.. ~]~ls, I . ,\1> 60 Falcon. Pi'"p Now Yotl C n hove complete farm liabilify cov­ 5 any evenmg. ~als .and m ny expressions (If Iflowers, c.ards, and .VISlts dUfl?g t:'" :-1 erode alon with your outa and farm truck, all dhess ,show us during our be-I my stay In t.he hOspItal. SpeCial !:1 .. ,.). Ranchero, radio, hoater, stand. in one pali' y. . reavemcnt. special thanks lOI t~ar.ks lo Rev. H. M, I:.IIlpcrt, D~s. . /:~~;I:~.~" ard transmission. ( Pa,stor Johnso , to the Doctors and Robert ~nd WaItei' 'Be~thack· and! It IlPpi'drill!.: Farmliabidty up to $109,000, auto and truck up hospital staff for their 'care and lhe hospItal staff for their cxccllenl l"r cHllr! to. $300,000, 'alt"(;ombined. Save up to 20% on kindness 'show our mother while car~, ._.Joyce ~anberg. ~23p :11.~lIi',"I,'<\" l your present policy. Full coverage, medical, col­ s~e was in -the hospitaL The Fam- i\1~ANY ~l\-IA:0y THANKS to each: rl'nl. ':"1'11" il¥ of Mrs. J\~ hU_:~~,:~:_~4 and ~very~ne [or the cards, gifl", ,,~I/'~III'I':,"I;,I,,\, "~I"'''''''~ STOP ANDSE.E US FOR lision, comp"rehensiYe, onimal collision. 60 Ford Galaxie ~AY I TAK this .meads of ex· and flowers which we received dur- or [(dlll,!Ii~Tl'llli"l-: Ilt'~r:- 1J:~;;"l\>~Yt"aR[jIII(i -I< -I< preclated. Mrs. ClIff Stalhng. s21. Elva; K. Farrall, lJ:uardill.n. If, 11"11 I WISH' TO -EXPRESS--~y--;'incer~ :~f;)~~~...r·.~:,JI ~,~:.~\\~' I", II", l"lI'W""'" 59 Ford Custom 300 lhanks lo all who senl cards, let· I IT IS FI·/tTJlI·;!t IlHIH·;JtI·;I', fh:iI ' 4·door sedan, radio, heater; t~r~ and flowe.rs and to t~o5e who ~:I1:"~~J:;~'lc~tlr \\~,l,'!~~ ;;;·:.1'~~·)]"::2 f!rl~l:~:~:,~~~:~'/ standard fransmissi0l'!' vlsIled me dUring my slay In Wayne wpdj.'l in the \\'a~'Il" Hf'l"all!lrJ"], 4·door sedan, radio, heater, JU/lf!;'" or lh,' J)I!ltrJet Court Ford·a·matic transmission, I :~~l;~r~~ys& Addl""n fl1,111 Publicr -J' Notices 56 Chevrolet 210 LEGAL PUBLICATION 2·door hardtop, radio. heater, Powerglide transmission. ORDER TO ~1I0W r:,\lTSE In th", Illlf * * ofJ rl~:l~.~e J/I~'~f~::;~~.r 6~:rd\~~II~~t~~~ 54 Chevrolet 210 Estutt- of \\'iJliam (irandon, Ii min­ or; Chf>ryl Grandon, a minor; Cflrftl r:rand"n. a minor; Jarn'!!> (lrandon. i~ millor; Lynn r;randon. a minor for L"av,' to ~f'll I(f'al Estate. 1:pon rellliing- thp pl'UUon. doly Yerinpd, of Elva K. Farran, guard- :;~~Il.Ofa th;ir~~~,~t~~:r:ill~i:~d~~~n~ KeglerElectric; Co mioM r'"ol ""od''". a mio",·. Ph ne 375-1112 Wayne ~~li~e~U~~~~OI~l.aflan~jOnt2r~r ~:snei;'~ 1 upert Washer Se"IC:I ~:~.n~o~i~O~~i~~f~ar~lr~dL~~~~ei~r~~;• ~ith Genuine Marte! Porta Registered HereforJ Bulls For Sale , We couldn't make Comet much tougher, sd we made i more At our form 4 miles SO~~heast of Coleridge li~elier, more beautiful beautiful. Made the outside sleeker, sporti~r-\!romevery angle. Made the interiors more luxurious.• Made every, engine bigger, Pioneer No. j,},Si.re of t~ese young bulls was from the 200 cu.- in. "6" through the hefty n~w 289 cu.-jin. Grand ChamPj'IDjPt the NIE Nebraska snow and $~quel to the World's Cyclone Super V·8 (225 hp). Made the ride even tmoother, mbre solid and silent. The one thing not n~~. in this r.aey '65 seque~ is sole in 1960 ot Norfolk. ' the stamina that made Comet theWorld·'s Durability Champi?n. I)U'rabjlity Champiofi You wouldn't want t at to change, would 'you? It did "~to Come and have a look. We think you'lIlikec 'em. he Home of Firie MR. AN D MRS. SAM WEIGER Automobil!ls Coleridge, Neb" .! Phone 283-4282 J. I',,~ I s2412 Your 1 .,/,_:.-:,:;,":di(,: RD - MEIlCURY!; . ',1,' ."" :' . DEALER" DID YOU 1KNOW !!~I,,'6R'tMAN .AU!O .. COMP~tlY \ '.' ll9 East 3rd Street . '~+;";;~~~*~";:';;;:;:;~';';:':;"~:;"':;::::-'_"':'''''R'DE .W~"T DISNEY'S "AGiG SKYWAY AT THE Foeo 'IOTOR COMe'NY 'I.'ONOER RDTU'!UA. "EW t WlJRU)"S , \' ".R~Ul'tl arl) ~n (!I(' (r('shm.1fI ~Cht"lr elly ("Olllllu"mOf/llh.ll.t tim uk, ilh South VI'kota U. upd iUl('t' 1l0clt'1Y'1l achl(!vcmt'nt Wildcats Tamed Saturday; Augus ana,. ~~~~~~ dollrr1'l ot IUe Itumnncc Wis er Wins 20-0 friday -- , Wis ~I' played host· to O'Noll1 \Vuym'jlty SChOf,b Supcrlnhmd·r Punts and Fumbles Blamed Frida.' night und wuJked away with enr F, H, lIuulI lIttendt'd a North a 20·0 'victory. Centrnl Il/wclntlon. or, ColloR:(I,!l. With no game sche,dtllcd this -~-,_._----_._--_...... :....­ ~aync_ Wis cr, SCOJ'4.'d once in the .firlit,. and Sl'COf~ Jary ScI.100h 1Ilf!.".tinu Ill. week,: State grldders had _. Wit,,", hit thr.. of 'en for 37 ...,hcc '0 the third and again in the Orn~hl1, S 'pI. 22·23, HAlin In lUI fi~~~l~ ~~,~~ IJ~~ th~e~~~~o~~~r N~~a: yards, MI.sourl fOur fOr 11 for fourth period, lHl~llj()ry I1H~lIlb(."~ to tlH' com· Frl a)' night Wisner t1-lI\,l+:l to mlslon (Ill Iwcondltry schook ' b'lltk.' lit Kellrney State. Oct. 3 SO. The Wildcats also had time :to The punting statisties, however, L)'ons -- pontlcr went wrong in a fr~s. tell the stQ:oy: Wayne"s three • l,'c!lx JJUnek, mnnal:cr of; P'ed: lTilting 108s Inst Saturday to North. kicks for 95 yards, Missouri six for­ • Wa efield Ramps 47 _ 0 ('ral I.,,;ld nank .A"oclatlun, I Wilk."f1eltl.l uttcnt!I'd tlw convention west Missouri State," 18-0. 251 - a whopptag 42·yard average. ~n Practicallv everything went Fumbles also tell a story, Wayne • eCiel,d had no trouble at nil of thl' OlJirrlct F'cdcraHon' or rod. wrong "hat could, Including, the ~~s~~~c~~ree of five, Missouri 'none ~.~~~a mc~~~~t, 4~1.~. Uley' trouncel1 ~~:~[l I;~n:~m[~h~k Munugern SCpt. woather which duniped clouds of Wa dield 'scon.·d twice in the ~. rain before the "am~' and through • ~~r~e ~~r~~l~' u~~~c a~~ ::~ces~~o~~~ most of 'the first' half, ' Wayne State Frosh Play Pensio s Aro Av,ailabio The host Catl> found themselves fourth. To Vet rans' D.ependents eaged fl'om the eai'ly moments as Ho er wil1 play host to Wake· Chris ar~holl. WnYllc county Ll result of u lost fumble on their Buena Vista Thursday field ridar night. VetcrIllls ~Sl'rvl('t' OHker, '(lnnou'll~ I fil'sl play. I,'our plays and 35 yards 1<11<..'1', Northwest Missouri's Wayne State's freshman football ~:b:~~u~a\:~~o:~'c~I~:~~r~~~I::rt:j(~~!~ Beareats had six points. tea'm will get its first game action copncctlldi death pensions, ThclI~l , ~I ,From that time on, the visitors Thursday night when it meets 1.--+.1------1are wid~"1's nnd minor children· of 1 OUCHDO\tY.' ! Jl\rry Wehrcr broke loose in ,the "th"ird quarter enjoyed the advantage oC calling Buena Vista's frash at 7:30 in PHYSICAL EDUCATION" dasses ot' "'(ayne State College have ChC ord Dahl spent lust Tuesday WWl and; H, and Korean conflict 5~ y~rds t~e" de~ ?nd ,scampcre to paydir.t to score only touchdown the tunc, They adopted a punting Memorial, Stadium. been tak!jng 'physical fitness tests the post week. The test is I~ G and Island presiding at the veterans In thc. WaYl1c-IPlal~vtew q:mtest 'Friday night:: Donie Grein booted ~tre s~:~; Dic.7°C~~li~~graand 59';,y~rd 600~yard todlan oC n child who It! a reudeDt , ond giyc Way c'0 lO..;i.rJctory, . of thee uate assistants run, dash: softball throw and the walk-run, Gor on Ncdcrgaard, (llstrict rep 10C Wayne county, complete an BP- fte~; E~'en te~ resen atlve Cor Lutheran Brother plication or th" bencrlt The Sel'· ',Blue ,·'s' R d field, also becau"" the kicks came Larry ManfulL The {esults WIll be .compared with notionol standard,. The 1,1 " eeor on second or thi~d downs. The game is open to the public: group Wit be re tested In SIX wceks and a cdmparison in their hood nsurance Co , Is nttenamg a vice OfC1C is lncutl'd ,It 108 Muln '1r Wayne, meanwhile, could" not no admission charge. Two more physicoI conditioning mode, Ibanq ct loday (Thursday) ID SIOUX WII)'ne I,' .At ,-IJ1M;lh '0-0 V;(I,ory ~~t.. I~.:~ ;;'lt~I.~·f:::i~~:.g~:~:: I-':....:.::.:::==...:::-:::c~.--:.::::~=-'--.':"".'.::.:::::..=::::=:.:.:.:.:~~::...- _ l ~fi~ot:reYfi~;re;.n , A [j'I-Y the t'y, Thompson, rigM. A promising Wayne effor'!: ailer j'!uil1\:ip\\' ,loul, (l\'I'!' on thl'ir OW]) Wed, Nite Owls w the second-half kickoff ran down 20'Yilnl hili' and rt'lailwd. POS~'it'SS ,Barncr's Appliance 1-1 on the Bearcat 44, whereupon the len wll('[1 lilt' qU:lrlpl" pndcd 'T)-I('",' Wagon Wht'el 11 vi.'iitors marched to thc!r third TD" \\,['I't' 10 Pllllt on ll"l(" fil'~l I'ilgt'l' {'orne!' SCl'\'ICl' 9 Irvin going the last 27 yards.! play 'Ol wCIJIH! period g'ivino..; BrallHJ('r's Bar !l 7 Thon,lpson's third cxtra·point ef· Wayrw till' ball 'Oil lhe Devil 2:1. Funk's {; Hybrid 9 7 luijt went wide. "1'\\'11 plt was good and Cath.it':T1lO111sen 8 8 Erwin"s Sen'ice 3 9 Wayne held' a 10-0 lead with Bra~lllg(d-C1l'gg 8 S I Avon 1 11 a~out two. milmtes left in the H0elH'r.Dran~('lk(' 9 High SCGres: Florence Wagner g~me. : I Woud·Gl'imIll III and Imogene Baier, 182; Florence "P,l!l~nyil'\\" mov{'d the ball re:l1 Docscl1l'r-SIe\'C'l'S 10 Wagner, 499; HC'dlgas, .544; Mari· \-vell 1

1m Store. 818. IPioneer. . W I '1 S,", eptember 27 Busine1>smen's I Wolter s S~r\'lce . 0 Ii D .11' . :: 8 Wayne Grain & Feed 0 ,ft,,·"'liI, 1'30• P'M.•• I' a 1 5 Blll's Cafe 1 . II S\\ an':HcLea!l 16 8 Wayne Book 5t e 3 'YNE AIRPORT ,,\aync l!erald. 10 8 I Dahl's Retiremec;t 4 WA \\ ayne (.reenhollsr J.i 10 I Kern Farm Equip. 4 -+-_~~__." ._~.~~_ Coryell Auto Co. 10 __~'~~ I Oll.C Boys 4 " Felber's Pharmacy 4 I' ': i'~ Heier Bdv~ 5 Cedar View 'Country (Iub I59H6'lgBh~\,t~~"~E;f~~W:~.li~~ ~ "i '~I i Ken Dahl. 213 aod ,.,,,,.; ; ~I ,'; , ; 1"l'S '--afe, 916 and 2681, Laurel, Ne~rasko' M"nd.y Nite L.di~' w I 11~.. _ Huw's this for spor' with .. -1Jemational flair! there's ~Ip to IBO hp avail.M. In the n.W Co:s~ I I Hotel MorrISon 7 1 ~.-~,-r 'The longer, wiJer design gi\·es.'"~ll closed models a series, u to 140 hp in the 1t'fonza and· 500 sene.~. ~', , " FarJ~~l"'~ Hybrid 6 2 W'f~.. !Bf!!. hardtop roof. along with more !iohoulder and _<\I.~o a~' tter ri~ing indepco.dent 5uspem~ion, ~r~ Wlll'INFO\ll11AllV OPEN I I ;:;~::r,"! 1 'IAn- .... '""""""". ,,"Ow '" .;", "" " .. W, '">""'" ""~, ,00'""'"-'.- . Salurdayi,Sept.26 IE~ji~~~ r! !""...."'·,.···~·;IOr··R-Yc·JLL'·AUTO·"co;1'ANY"·-·' .....~~ ALL' GI)/!FEiisw!l:~OM~ . ~~.::sE:::;:.L L o1fri, ~ ~ ,' . nnd 569, Love', Signs, 801 ano 112 EAST.2n,d,'.,S.. TREET ',WAYNE, NEBRA!;KA I PHONE 37~.3600 2383. _ _ ~':!'~~~:;~~__""+-I~':':'='::'====----+I--~·\~I ~-- I " PaSI,or RobeI'I Johnson; wro1conl(,. nOOn wer('tMrs. GIC'nn Magnuhlm W'A-',YN' W1I11on Wallin; J:roup SJlIgillg, It>ll!and Veillon. Iby Cliff-,ml, "l"('dricksHlI; loast td (;lI('~>L~ TlH'stlay L~\'('ning in lhe TH' HERA_ . D"", CONCORD NEW'S Isons, 11\ W L lI,trlsen !lJ,lst to I /,1( k El...... m horn{' \H:rc Mr and Mr•• Wilfred NDb~ _ Phon. 584.2135 f.lllll,IS \~(>rHltlll !llllson, IIldriO so I !\lIs Alh('l'! lIuetlg .,r ,t_," lin 1(ml 1'.J'\\.1Il vOLal solo. Verdel Mr Dnd Mrs KpOIwth Erickson • glJ~st Thursdc;-~·-'t~;b~-;·24-"1964---:-·--'·-S··_' ,.----:-~~~ Er.... l11 sp('.lkl'r PastOi DII'II and Kl'\ln \\-ere guests Sunday at ---s9thYcar - No. 22 Wayne Ncbrasko-68787 ,---'''r- ..-.... Ahtx -Llnn.Honored Mrs l.eRoy F' Johnson, MiS AXi'] B{'rtlllrd~oll Tlwhol" L II t h t' r hnlOl)1\ llhtl 'hornH!I'; IVlln J(hlO:;jon hom(!. GuC!sts were Iand Mrs Alphonse Heil'ks Pelers. h ~~d, r.-!(,~. Anld I ctefs ~. day and Mrs. Melvin .r.tab~USOII Johnt;(Jn. Wllkt>fll1ld, Ml'. and ~tl·;, !ltr nnd :'Ilr.. Bowl1rd (Jputit a'~ld Mr. nnd Mrl>, Da.le "Pcttrson; M,r. Fathor·Son Banquet ~--- ; burg, • u '~lS Sunday a(h.'moon ID ·the: \loas a ~uest F~day. K('nn('~h Ohmn. 1J11\'lti lind r\rdl'lI, I tUll.'!!Y IIml ~tr IUlil ~rH, Oul() Jlnd MrB. RVC!'ft Johnson, Mr. nnd A Fnthcr~Son hanqlwt was Iwld MI", and :"1rs. (;h'nn Mugnu"oll: I\i' Ad' . n over. Fred Salmon home werc ~ r. and I Mrs, Earl Nl',lson I.l'ft Wednesday and Mr. and Mr~, H, II :-1I,'h;I('h I'l'lp'sun Ilndlfl1l1l1lY " '. Mrs. Pa~, Erwin, Mr. and MI's. JJ'm Tti~sd"'y' (!'\Il~nlng at Concordia 1..11 and (:Ioria WI'I'(' I-ttwsts Thursday I n' 'I ~m~ ~~S~l.~ wa\ a , oneen Mrs. ,Dall' P~arson and, fam Iy and IevenJnj,t after 51)('n,d',ng a WCC,k III and lion, En'llln,t: ):lll· ... t~ \\'I'fl'· ~l I' , \,~lIt',"b \\'t'{ rWJitlll)' "\-'C'IlIUH jn',tho" Mrs ('~enlng gr-IKI;r:h'IF~~Sthe,.t ~~naka~deHatrorne.J ~:f ClJfI~ S~allJnc hOJ~lC. 'llllr:,('h:lrle.~ W,.~u~ Nelson,I . Albin Pc..tcrnon, Mr. theron church parlors. The prlJ· In Ow )'Irs. :'.'!lOlntlS .. and 1\1r,s, Harvey 'fay] r aU,d U,le . and M,r. Art ,JOhll!\-lJll, \lr Stld'rh,t'rg'hOmVI nod '~~~:""~!,~_.h..I,.~,r!C_',k_,~~n"""",M.•,r,', II,:!.,...d ",g,_ra,_~,o.,l1isistCd oC dcv()!lons hy Win hllrnc. GUOlilt'i l'ruJay after- amlly. Mrs. Ed"ln Forshel g and Bcr· Mrs. (.1 nnar JUhUSOll and 1\1 ilt'Jl i Ildd, \\('1'\' 1MI'. Imll Mra 1"'r~tl .- - - - ~------,- Mr. and Mrs. Roy JohnsOJu and ~rs. Dean Salmon lind family nlCC were guests FrIday aCtl'rnoon and Mrs Olclln Mal:lHboll. r"Hl'llh • ... - Morris Johnson were g.uests Sun wo:re gucsts sund,ay tlftern JI1 .''lltn thl' Arvid Peterson home. I ~l!" llW! .\Itl~ El"n(',~l s,'wa'n~~Jf1 dUj. afternoon In the (Jcorge An the Evert .1(,>I1,":.on h~IIH' Mrs, Garold .Jl'Wl'lI and Mr::;. I ,!lId !.l11llly ~\~'r,· dllllll'r ~'\11'sl!> SUllo dl'r.~on a~d.~lIS,. we~t' Cjal"L'Ill'~~. dl~'- Ch h 1"I'~oIl1ln' illlt;Il';.ill~I' I.unof:. ". . Mr; Fn.tz I.lt',',tl Pearson attl'udl'd a rc es ... ,.1",;- JlI !Ill.: "1111 I LUC',sts WLdtiC'sday afternoon In dinner guests Sunday I£l tIe EI· I trict 1'-. A meeting in South Sioux Cone rdill Luthort.n Chure" d"1\ , I tlw. (,('orge ~ndcrson home were mer KnapIJ hOllle. Wahoo. ICity Thursday afterucri>n and l'VC' (n<,bpz- JOllibOII. \'Il',\' 1',1-11'11 I !llfllll'1 ~:\ll."'\l" Snndu)' in tht' MnL ~~s. Roy ..'(Hinson and Mrs. Wy- ,MI'. all~ Ml'.~: Claren,eL' ll:arson!ning. , Sunday, :'i('pt 2-/: 'sllnday \('11<11.1 : '\,llIon !"'ll'I"'ll huull' }\'('fl' .M~',~, 11)1"1' Wallrn. , were guests FrJday ev('nmglill the I St('\,(' Colsden was un o\'('r01gllt !I /I Ul' !lOrnllli' "lIr~Jllp Hl \\ \ fll' 1" \\ .lil, 11 :'.11' ,Ind ~!I'!i, Will. l~ears~n Thllr~d ~hr I Guesh Monday eveninlg in the Roy hOlnt'. 'I gum;l .Thursda:.' 0.1 Jrm Kirdmer, y, (It"!' I Jr ;'01\111111.[ 1.1l'!' :lLI,:II11.\O¥l jllId fallnly lind Evert Johnson home to ~elp Millie J'\l'lsnll l"eturlll'd 0 1H'I";Li.lrI'Y and AJan ~ohhc were o\-'('r' tUIIl l:Jq JllIl, ~l IUllJUIII,lllOt1 .lIul ,\II:, \\'lI~loll W'lilin jlllO flim Carla celebrate her fourth bIrth· Irvlne.Sunday after-spl'mlin' somC'I'f!lght gucsts l"rlday. 18:30 ll~ I' day were Mr, a~ Mn, O.le Oint' In Omaha and Fp'trhH t I Mr and Mrs, Jerry Martindale I __ :"ltp'pn 1:1I1.\1~' TlU'.~ilJlY 111 tlw j ~Iz~ IW/llI~.\ld'n! Pearspn a,nd famllv, MI". and C:.ndee and l\Ionlp I'l,II501 sppnllMalk and Stc\-c and E J Ht.:ghcsi f\11 ,wi 1\.1/1 (1,11!- \\11' \11" ".\IIlOlll \Llllln Mrs. Jim Nels.:mand family, Mr, Sunday III lht (larPIH.:p I carson "ere supper guests Fnday In t1H'I011 IIl1d MI,':" and Mrs, Iner Peter-son lind hume Mr ,Jlld ~11~ J)t',l Pl'ar I han Clark hon\(' In honor of the ~Lllltnda l' hOllll Itol'urgco ArltlPl!l>-OIl , familv, Mr. and Mrs. Marlen son and family jOll1ed lhcllllll the'buthdu}s of Malk Martrndale andl Mrs Hilph Ih.ldhl ;'\\1' 111\ \11'- ,llid :1111.\ 11(lruld BUj'f\.'j IIll!l Jo·hnson and familv, Mr. and af\clnoon IE .1 Hughes 1110/1<1 BUJtOll .\tl~ I.lli .wil 1.1111Jl\ \\'\!l'" Ig\ll'.~I.'\ SUllda>, C\'e·, Mrs. Art Johnson, Mrs. Otelia Supper gmsts TUl'sd Thursday evening in thelhome Ison and famJly Mr and ~1rs 1I11nSln00/1 gill' Is \\111 :\'1 ,llld \II~ Mr. .lind Mr~. Bob Shorrv _,rnJ istic hexagonal ,shope inlkceping with the Cfisp comportment because their low .. toncd whirr was ~1{'r{'dlth ,johnson homc to help lhel Mrs Don Kadell !'I:III.'1 "I I-'t:"llltill L. anti' El'lde !lOll\('. .,1,.1 \lllI'rt Ilt'ltll I,'rank (':1l1~1!11, 11.1/1'1 ..\11111111 ,\11' «'111f .'1lalllll/o: n:llll"lwcI huorl' anrl Opal \\1'1'1' .J! SIIIP!;l.' (rO!l\ W"kt'fll,ltI ~hll:ipil,l,tl It'rlloon. II Illf', ...rdh,n''',IJI '\111('1" ·,11l' li;lIl 1IIv!t'rgolll' SUn"',I'I'Y," I Mr. 'Wl.\II" 1',111 r"If'l'II, ,\1 'II :Illd MIl< [.a\,('l'rW Clurk-if/Ill flOld,,,,.'lH,.r I ;llld J)on, TlIOIII,!.' \\1'), \\ltll' l.:1l1''''1.'' .'1lllIdllY, ,t'\(,IlIO" in Uw NE GIFT gu«'~ts S /leluy In 1111' 1)1"1 hl'lli I 'Iltl ~IHljlll~: 'hOllll' (;lIt'st:i 'l'Ul~S~ hOll]e, d.l\ :dl('rliooil Wl'l'(' Mrs_ Arnnfll . I jl,11.~. J. '1'11 .JlllLlhl)1I a!ld UIIII\ \I,'jll" dlld \11"' FrIll 1\l'llt'IlH't" alld \\1'1'(' gllt,I,I" Slllll!:t\ :dl('llh>I)1I JlI 1',\'('111t1~( g(lt'~l~ \\'~.'rl~' l\1r 1 til(' Art .J~)hIL"'()fl IllIml'. ;11111 1':1'1 Ifl 'Krac/Ill'r and .Jol1l. I Mr. alldl1\II .... , Hoy .John'()11 ,.j'I'111 I Sunday III IIll' \'PI'II .)0)111',011 /1"1111 WORKS '1-'1'010001.['"10''''' .1"1",,,,,, "·",,.1 I See B, y The Herald ), hOltH' will tllt'lll all,t.]' .~jJl·/ldJl1~;' ...;".;,... ~ past Wt'e III till' .Johll.~!111 !I1)1I11' I Mr!o. Gcn Gordon, Norfolk, Jlln· ~Yes, t\'lrs. W, 1l10l'l' \\,Jlllll :11111 \11 your one gift works many wonders •.• if you give enough. Re­ I~~I ,t;~I.r;;~:JII:;, (~'i(~;~~~11~~ 11~~~:~{s.'rll\;~I~~ I{;l'orgl' AIH!t'l"son \\1'11' l.:lInh 1'1'1 ...... I dayt afterr,llwn In lIH' Hoy .hlhll"WI 1:1 \' ,lIklllll[)n with Ml's. l)a1l: member I this is a UNITED DRIVE for 13 separate agencies •.. not 13 Waynej's IhO~l\ll~l~ p,Lrsol1 \\a ... ,HI .1\('llll).olt! «;11hllall Mr. and Mrs. Otto Field, Win- ' 'guC'st 'I'Ul'.f;dil},' In 1111' ,1':,r/1"'t :;1\ ;111 I ~ldl', ;Hld \1 r I and Mrs, I<:mil Bllr$-:- individual collections time after time. Show your appreciation for the ~(~~'I'~f~~r ·gll~:tl'~,~:.'ltd;~~;llllit ~:l;~:'h 1·~.:l~II/:I(;IIII)f;\J~;~aytl;~o~)uakl~l~l; I \1:1, ;1 II chance to give ohce ••• for all • by pledging 13 times as much Mr. and Mrs. Harold Browner, 1',llIada, ~ll)lIl;ll1a and the Blaek Co~~u~it~ Chest Canby, Ore., called in thQ Deo IlIi}! ... llwy vI~llt'd Mr. uhll Mr~ . .150m home Thursday aftcrnoo.-;J. l{l.~t':lr Fll'ld, Carrington. N. n., CIS you would to one. No down pay ment is required and you can take Dinner guests were Mr. and Md. Inl! :viI ... Iklllw AevCl£iann illld 'Eric Larson. I r,lIlll:Y 1I,IVl"l Mont • up to one year to pay. Guests Tuesduy ('\I'IlI11 III II (I Rev Frank Pedersen took ~5 Ernest S~ansun honll' tl) III III '\1l'1 d Ulghh I !tut!l Alln to Wheaton, Dr~ve celehrale ,her It'nth IJlrlhday and! lJl., la .. t Thurs~lay where she lll­ I Lonnie ('e:Jf'br:.dl' hi.'; !l('('ond !lIrLh II'ruls Wlwaton COlll!g:C.' Enrouie /lay were Mrs. Virgil P('"r.~IJ/l :.I wi , IIH'y vjsil{!d in Waverly, ta·. 0'1 Alyce. Mrs. VI'rJH'al P('lpr"on ;ulli lii~ rl'!llrn Mr. I'edcr~cn vhllh'rJ Have Your Pled~e Card Ready daughtl'r~. Mr and :lJI-S 1':1'('1'''1 hi' r.11I1I'1" :11 Dt,S Moines, ~:J., I .John~()11 a:nd family, :\11' ;111,] .\11 1\11, I I) I'dl'!'~oll alld falluly, OUf Neigh~o~ Wall,H'p A~d('r,"IJ~ and .\11 Bl;lIJ :lpd /{I'v .. .J()l'J ll. Kem- 1964 When Your Calls! and :\-1r.~, ,P<~L 1·,r .... J1l ilnd - Quota Tla.: lightest, rig!Jtest shaping lur yULIng curves: • Sept. 28 -pet. 10 IS

ROC~ 'Ni ROLL long-leg panty by BESTFORM Just a tOllch of..control ,' .. tr.r' Destform touch~.~ to slim and trim you '~m()othly under your skin':' niest pants, your slinkiest skirts. And extra­ long legs keep your thighs sleek ... no bulges ever! Of Lycra Spandex power net with soft, soft backing, vertical stretch front and back panels. White only, . $4 9S t, sizes S·:M·lrXL. • j ot

I '!;:'i \ . , . I' r I I

2 Th~ ~ClynC (Nebr.) Iier;ald, Thu"d~y, September 2~, 1964; and}!,'o. Waller Relhwl,eh. Next and ~lark. Rand"l"h. ~Ir ,nd ~1r1. 11.1mlly , Mr .. and ) ro. Chester Ivbitors Wodn."la.v evening in 11"r;'r!l'. :lOd :\tn.· Ed J':alin, ~,tr,' :lno ,Wa:.'.u{', ',Vtlfe ralleT;, W(l~ln401'::';d~~:. mCc.othig will be Nov, 15 with Mr:"l. But.z HolHlc and family. l.:'\!r, and IIJIlvlmcr and tamil,Y, If. lind Mrs. I1t~l1fj' Wnrrelman horne, Wnke- :'tlr.~ Howard Hnnsen lind Plllnno,l ufternuun in Ill\! lfOrl'l'!it .. Nelll_i.•. ,IE" Mc"~odd(!h 'RRO'It' 'N"'I" W'5 flarold Stoltenherg" :\trs. Lloyd dud MT,!Herb Schnffcr, Nor! Ik nnd Mr.lneld. Rnd :'tlr. and Mrs, Clan'Del! KAlin I ton hOlllf'. ". • i', ," : .:.... !". ..1 :.' '.",: ::,' '.' ...... :-, cn ,nnd A,rnold (' H ·~11 }r~ ,e;_ loU~C I K~arney I~3ckas, Darrel Nesc ninl: in tbe Loyd Fi"h hom(~ . U.,U('~I~ W('rlrlt1~djq in tlw (jt!or:I"~ y ~f>~r,.~~s ~hurCh. .~Ir ~lrs, (~ronC' 'I'lH'1fdaY l{l the I;'orl'c!ll Nettleton Shipley, Norfolk and: Mr, and Mrs. U.'". el'.CHon of Offlcerlsaml all wer.c vhulors s.,unda In the V.,cr- Sa.t rday' .and Vernon Ardu,'icr visited Byron I. ,.,.nil Iluht'rl Ncttleton, hnmr ' , '. .'. home Sleve, Nettleton, 'Winside. young.o;,tcrs o( freshman hIgh school, non Hansen home. sChodt 9 a'01 .. . I'Mcl.ain Monday aft('rnoon. i P\'h'('n and !\nthl("('n NC'ttlelon, More ,CARROLL __ I'a~lt' II :\-'11'. a'llll Mrs, "ulius .Menke nnd Mr. lind Mr~, AdoJpn Rohlff a~e Will he guests. , ! Mr. and Mrs. Walt Llige Were S d 'se' t 27' I' 9 I Dinner Q.,.lts Sunday In the I' _:._-_. _. _..... ,~...... ,._~...., "ll('.~l." from California we r c were -visitors Saturday evening In -:-. visitor\! Sunday in the Orville m .u~u~iia :,ilOol' 9' ~rs np. a. Ervin Wittier ,..,hom. wer., Mr, l r , ,~~------""'-';"';", <, '.'':('~"~:':~ ~:I~.'.il(Jr.".. WcdrlcsclllY afternoon 'it ,the Gus .K/,lU ho~e in honor o.t Hillcrest -Meeting Luge home. Pilger. ., Y <: ,.. and Mrs. Murray Lelcy and Du· j I .,....- ~_ '. ",' . Oil' ,!,<'s1t'I' Menke hom('. , Mrs, :Koll's birthday. Hl1Icre~t project club ct Tuml· Mrs, Tifl Froendl., nr\lc~. and I-Presb ·.erj'an-Con r atlonal 4r.~, Shol.. and Mr. and Mrs. I ! //Ma}les all other·pennanent.'l ~ '. ~';i. :\!'It";!lIi .Jr;hllson was an ove.- M-r.' aruJ M,rs. Melvin Shuf.elt,

United Presbyterian Women United Pl'l'sbylel'ian Woml'n rod I Wednesday afternoon ill til(' l'hureh social room with 16 ml'mh('rs and I, Mrs. Owen Joncs. Mrs, Erwin I Morris. Mrs. Fran-cls Axen. Mrs IEdwin Davis and Pastor nail Ax­ 'I en, gucsts. Mrs. Marion Glass was in charge of devotions. The following new officers were elected: presirtent. Mrs. Clifford Lindsay; vice pres-ident, Mrs. I Leonard Prilchard; secretary, Mrs. Milton Owens; t$l'asurer, IMrs. Wayne Williams; program chairman, Mrs. Marion Glass; world service, Mrs. Lester Beth­ une; white cross, :\-1 I's , George IOwens; local service, Mrs. Owen Jenkins. Mrs. E, A. Morris was elected for new member of the nominating committee. Next meet· ing will be Oct. 1 with a pot· , Now Is !the Time to Be Prepared With a luck luncheon and clean-up day, III. It Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Halleen . John Deere 237 Corn Picker were visitors Sunday evening in the Sanny Halleen home, Lincoln. -Mr, and Mrs, Hans Stolz, Dan· "High Quality at Low Prices" bury, la., were visitors Sunday in the George Stolz ,home. Tuesday evcnin~ visitors in the Clifford Rohde home. in honor of :,.Brandstetter Impl. CO. Mr. Rohde's birthday were Mr. and Mrs, Ronnie Halleen, Wayne,. 116 West 1st Phone 315-3325 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rohde, Mr Iand Mrs., Jerry Arduscr, Eugene Executors' Sale Home in Wisner and Two 80·lJCte Tracts In :Cuming Caunty, Nebraska Property af the late Anna K. Guthordt Will ¥ sold at, Public Auction at the west front daar of the courthouse in l '; West Point, Nebraska, on SPECTACULAR! Biggest, most towerru! \'cr~i()n<; of new Torque Command '-,1', '65 Classics ever-new convertible, seda s, harJ­ Y·K n[1tion'>, ur to 270 hr. ~[ W' f) \'. !ir,lf (". RAMBLER CLASSIC tops, w3!:ons. SEl'SIBLE! Increase, srace . optIOnal. Double·Safety Bra,,!:,>. New Intermediate.Size Ra~bler I Thursday~Oct. 1 outmaneuvers other U.S. makes. \,-;[v.-! 1 hrce terns front and rcar, standard on 2:00 P.M. PARCEL 1 - ~ '65 Twa-stary frame hause, modern, in excellent state of repair, oil furnace, RAMBLER; electric water heater and two-cor garage, located an lat 10 in block 25 in ~irst additian ta City of Wisner, Nebraska, Lot is level, 60x140 feet, and ~ell located. • ~o~~~ Economy King.. _. I PARCEL 2 - East half of southeast quarter of section 9, township 24, range 4, i'\cum., SPECTACULAR! New: opti.~pal 6, .sm?o.thcst,[' New Torque Command Sixes ir-g county.;, ,) mos~lhUSlaS(IC. In an. y t~is is an unimproved and highly praductive troc, of land. coril~ct. SENSIBLE! New VS Choices . ~~~ S championship! , l'i'eco y. '10 sparkhn~ Torquc Command-v.-orld·s moq adl,3nccd Si,­ PARCEL 3- m NEW! Sport boosts both po\-\cr and economy_ Three pO',>,cr ranges; '~"'nship o' ',including aulo Dr 10 232 CU, in.; 7.main·bearing crJnk.~h;).rt vdlh ~ West· half af the northeast quarter of sectian 29, 24, ,range 4, in' ma . -tor manu.al floo counlcr\-\eight~ (t',>,ICC Ihe USU

TER~S y Cecil H, Moeller, E.e.ufo, 41 MAIN STREET . "'1NI~..", Neb...k. . Fremont. N~mk. HERIJ'S R COMPANY I kIClh.~~i K~~I~"PI~eet" D.llas ,'S. MooDer, Executor "'r" t~,··~~~t~;-~'-!l:.r~~I9i,. .., "". Wisner, Nebraska ______t-watch the Danny Kaye Show on CBS·TV. Wednesday Evem"g, ------,-- :T:h:e:W:Q:y:":e:':N:o:b:':)':H:<:,rQ:-I:d:,T:":":"~'~~~:,~_' :1~~:I~_tr::n~'lb:-1r~:V:~~I:';" :1~_6:1::lh~I<:-' -:v=e::,"~,~ !r--j("iiii~i~ii~iiiiiii[j~ii~iii~~~iiii~iEDI~lr.~~f~~f~:TI1~~~~~jj:~:;iiiii;:=-I~~~~-l P."lger I(,lll '(" \\('1'1' J\lls" W<,gncr :m,1 her I tllOtlH I H('~ Hoh{'I'tSOli nnd Esthor Layton _ Phono 4981 1'1 Charlr_~ Siegert I MI' and MI" II I" I '·1 ,md d,J1I)~hl!'l' and :\1rs. J~ -Pes- . i s. any JP (' la V~~ l Il·l I Plll't'llll.'i(·d IIII' '1f1ll'flCl'(' Witl(, farm ~ "I t M I't\~('s rs~. [orrn('r1y qn..cupic'r! - h'y MI'. a/HI I, (/\ W('I'I!. Ken Car'_ j i\'ll's. W, C 'jl.,terS('11 ~'h(l flUW li.v,' I solI all! :\1r"s. AIVlIlIl Sll~~crl. I 11(:(11' Wayne, ~ ..-',,- -- , ~. ITo Sponsol" Luncheon i Hu New OffiCI) I !.:Hlil':-' Aid ;01/1 LWML of St. T)H~ l'l'lt,1' ChJ'i.~ll'n~l'l1 TrlJ('kinr~ i,,/ollll'''.. 1.111111')'0111 church, Pilger, COlllP:IIIY !las U IH'W ()fn(~I' ill (fil': I~ld . I hllr:"r1a y aft{'I'noon. Mrs.: LN' l!urL' iJuiJdillfl ort('[' occup!l'd' t. ilrl SI11thlllilll ami Mrs O!gll Tiet, I by l'iI~(!1' Post Offit'l' I Jf·tJ Wf'n' hostl'SSeh." 1'hi.rl..v.ciMht I I \I'('n' pf(·S(!1l1. (jll('S!S W('I'(' Mrs. W.oslev Class Meets i /'om.. Vogel. ChaJ1/ll'Il, and Mni. i Wt'sll'Y C'lllss flu't MondlJY f~VP I Cllffl!rd Knell. I nirlg in t/if' MI'!lwdist f'hurrh par. I Paslor II. :'If. ({/llh 1t!r1 devotions! )01'.'1 wHIl Mr :Lnd :'\11-.'1, f;jfford and .pn·:',PIltl'r1 Ill(' tOjJIC "1\ Place I HlIl'I'i.~ .Vlsito,I''i W('l'(' :vIr and ~~)l Sf:rvH'e f~J~·. All," followed by I 100 FREE ,.(~UCSllOn .1\11'.'1, /\I\'!I'I StPUll1lark and 1\'11', and I d Til I IOrJ I KING K9IlN STAMPS U ,'Ill'S Char!ps· CnlsPIIIH'I'J'Y' II h.(', group wJll sponsor .1 cover· l.ol'l'1l Burris "how('d 'Pif'IUf('s,: l:d'dIS~l Illn,l'h('nn Mjssioll Sunday,! WNCHE"ONMEAT i\lr and ,I\:ll's. \\-'.111('1' LuyllJrJ will SI~I~1 2! ,. I J '4VItd"nMlld $tile." Ilt"'hlJsts (le.1 12. I Jill' ZrJlle'N.J. f.('!' hl!slf·.~S I LOllis sIlJfel'l'l! a heart attack I SHRIMP l .. mad. w,ftten by ..t.. mod .minent aU+horil/et. Witt. of "flU"; 51­ I Sppl.!1 1he llud Zab£'! home. hutwIr." c BONELESS II 1udrdions, It II 01. ",.ful .nd jnttr.t1nv for upp.....ad.....~ Vicl;y Peace Corps Slides If)m!lha, and is improving

w.erC' (jlnnE'\' guesls Monct8..Y in the 'I Hnny K;HY home. .Johnsons ar- l'l\,ccl la~'t Monday to visit Mrs_ , Elizabeth Kay. Mr. a d Mrs. LeRoy Clarkson 1 '-- .....__~_~~I~~~~k~~d ;~v'1h~c~i:~r~·'K~e~~m~~e Luscious Ice Cream -Made with Rieh, "\-Ric'h Cream. Choice of Your favorite 2~x6gc Not.hing will ever replace the cook in the kitchen. But there i$, Flavors, Of Course. Get Some at I ASSORTED 'FLAVORS a way for th~ cook to replace the gu('t;sworkh...·ith confidence. And NATIONAL Todey - end Seve. ! JELL-O ...... ,.,.... lo=,f you can replace w~tching and 'waiting with the certainty of an cxpert chcf. 1\11 this is possible with modern gas cooking. You can SWANSDOWN SAVE A~ NATIONAL have a Burncr,with-a-Brain. an Oven-with-a-Mind, keep-warm * * temperatures that are evcn and constant, a meat probe that Lemon Flake, Devils Food, White, au'tomatical\y roast.s meat to perfection. Cooking convenience you never dreamed possible is yoUl'~ with the new automatic, $1 ~. j~-_.:--~~ time and temperature controls. It's yours with the instant, ~ ~'. accurate respons~ that is the unique advantage of gas flame. POST CEREALS Gas takes the guesswork out DUNCAN HINES IUTlERMILK 3 44 Raisin Bran 14-... PANCAKE MIX :r e of cooking. LOG CABIN 591: If Post Toasties 18 ... BOY.AR~ SYRUP :.2_ PK~S. SO FRESH CHEF CHAMP '. ,... $1 SALAD DOG ~~l~ -:5·5-c YOUR MAPLE . SYRUP BotlIo 3 CHOIa; PIZZA! AlphaPOIiIl-oo..Pl.. Bits...... 33c

LIPTON CHICI(EN NOODLE· SOUP ..... 2 ~.3Ic LIPTON ONION SOUP ...... 2 ~ 350 LIPTON CHICKEN- Noodle with Meat,2:'.39c


SO FRESH P1NEHUmeut PEANUT Green orWu. tpeoPlesNatural~as:~"­ :;BUTTER BEANS N N~t"r,,1 Di_isicn OIl Northern Gas ComPany illli T I -I

Mrs. Sterling Borg - Phone JU-4-2877

Your W'oney's Worth More at SAFEVV,~~':

~ " ' : \ .. , NOW! In Beautiful St. Anno's Plans Supper Under the direction of' Mrs. I.e-Hoy ·Ct'camer and Mrs. Tony Decorator !\lr McGowen, cD-chairmen, plans have r;II1III.\ Iwcn completed for the annual fall PLAY 1l110rl III supper sponsored by st. Anne's HrJp Design Jilillll' parish. The event will be held I'll Mr. o/lnd Mrs. Herby Hanson, Dixon auditorium Sept. 21. Tom Stoneking, Mr. and Mrs. MYF Hayride Held CANISTERS Loren Hanson ,1nd family, Pier­ son, Iii., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rot:k TuesdAY evening 21 Methodist .md f. Free luhbcrstedt. Wayne, tcnd('d a hayride. Refreshments Yourself Mr.

II, .'1. ,,'\l I I I ! ;, tir 111111 1\,1', ;1Ill! 1\11"; Donald ,rp J.!l'J1~.l·n iH1l1 ,lillllll)' and MI'!'i! The oyne I Ncbr.l Herold, T,hunday, Septomber Z'l, 19&4 '5 11\~I':lll:!n~!atl~;:.~~ ~lilclll~Jl, ~t'Ill{' Dixon I I .. Slanll'Y Wrt'lill.: . , W('I'(' ':lll",h 't(Juday PVt'· I' ,.,~~I;~I;I;;~'al:;:n('flwi~,""r·" ~'~lr"lt,II'rn,d"llll"I'I~; !in til(' ,O'.l('~ PI'It'/'!' 11\lIlll' Mr and h'Hllj', I.all 1'1'1 , SlIllIb)' a,'h'fllo/nl (~(mthJlwf1 ((',OtH Puge "4) , " "1'\ I St I r 'I I I, II I" J r,~ lIJl~H1 I~ (J Ii -----..:...--c---', ill th.' I.owl'll S;llmdl' /,S home W "." Sllt'lI hOl11l'. L.lllrt.]'.' '\, .. '.( • rill "Ill 111." :1I11 t IC'y .,IIl- "I" ;llId Mr .... 11 Ull - i, :1 I) ('I·lel'll";llt' Br;Hl'.., third birth· 1 W('re UIIl'Sh tlll'fl' SUII(\;I)' Ht' !(lllll'l'llll1l' .I.I11I' :lIlcl ,ti'\llt. ultl'llid, Mnl". $:lllil" Hl'itH'V W;I:; :l 1:ltl'~t " h\J ~ J's. Hess Gill,ert, Emersml, and ninK, ('d Ill!' \,'I'ddlll~~ hf Shh(I'Y WlW(;r I:l~l ~dr ~I~~ ,~tr,~' ~1.itcld {,1~1 ~n~11 ~In i.~I.1.d \\'l.'~IC'V Will~llj Wt'(!lu'llil ill 111;, IJon l".khlc'll ;lIld .,"11", 11('1'111,111 Bircherl, I :1.lld ,G.I,t.n .. Mr, IInll WIlll;1l1l 1II'.lnll'r, Wlll.I.alllq ,ul .• bl~rll hOlllt': Norf'olJ, r.:llIl"·] \\,,:)'(, \i~il(Jl"s Monday Stc. til \\lr, gUllits Sunll,l) (v~- ill'fl. ~ ontlav mtlrnln~ fnl' SilHl\ "1!ll/"lli!V c'\'I'llllll' Mr, lind i\1Jrs Oall' SLlnll'y and Jil llw !Jullald Knoch 'Ili.n~ In the lit.·lth _KUfIll-'!i hOUl(', IVall~, S D-, :lIHI Lt'd~I'l'Wood,;": \11' and .\11";' i'hub Smith \.'h.il, fumlly weI"; diJllI~'1' l',lll'sl~, Slll1d:ty !lIm,u,n,la. _ ,0, (01 a \\'I~t.'k's \·,trallon I'd III lh" IItll ~Il\l\h hOllH' Sllllrlil)f In lilt' Nt.;wl'l! S1j11l11 v '11 III ' r r I I : VI~ltO,rS Fnclll)' In I~w O:;car i Pall' TiI'tgl'll ."pl'nt la~l "'I'rk ;l!ll'I'!IOIIIl . Mr, /lnd :\1:'-'; !'>llrll)l'II,'II'I""lIl.1 .\II'~ l(j~!, rll~lt;(,)~II' S·;:\I':II;~:I~YW\\~ IB(:n,~ IWlnt· \\'('n' Ar~Il)~d BOfg,il'I,ltl lith ~II' and ~tl' .. .I~II1I'n \11 :llHI \11'" Wal"rpu J:ltl"~"n wer(' dinnt'!" :;;lIi"jl', III 111/' II' ill' ('harnIH'rs home. i W.lkoIJl'ld.. J\o.C'lll'lIe I"l::-icolt lind l'I'It'lgt'l, ;111(1 Lllllily \ I'dl.'d tn th.r 1I1'Il~Y Tom l':l1'k ItOIlIl',' SJ'I'!.\ ,\lr ;,lld :\-1"', (;;11')" SUnlon, I ~lrs, ,~ll1flln KoC',11. Mr, (Illtl ~Il"\ OIJ\"1'1' Sl:lllllll Ilr·!llll.'tl h"IlH', ('OI('l"HI':I', SIllllJrty "'11'. lIud :\II"~ Bllrl Ibm,f)rl.ll.il'li·I·I, v,dl' ;>,iLOI'S Thursday I ~tr~ IILII ~loort~ 011111 children, i WI'l't.' 'In'sls S:llurd,lY t'\'l'1I111J.: III ..Lf!t'rnoIJll DoreNl and ,!Iill .... 1'1'1' dinllPl' 1'\"'lIitli,( in 11ll' Lynn Kuhl horne, I\lll'n, and '1r~, ~loofe':<. Inuthc'r the l\1lrtLO !\ladsl'n hOlllt, I \1r :llJd .\11"' l.1u,'d '\I('F;tll, ,S I) \\'I'J"t· gll"~l~ \\iI'flrll"HlnY t'\'I'- :t l'!ll'l'I'!pa!lI'l"'" {IIII((' ;.1 !lll' (llli .\Ir (;I'III'gl,' Book and Mrs. Cuth- I ~tfs Bill Chambers was a vl'!Jl. ,Mrs, Juhn Kuhl ,mel dllldrl'll IlIlll' III lht' \' I. ~1{'V;Hldl'il h"nll', V('I!lJty nf :'111'11111" Illildy PI lie ,I ,mel Frankl .nr ;llnr Sunday afternoon HI the1Jlf~tl~'l'rt' Ul'St .. Thllrsd;IY llfll'I'llOOIl 111, \II 111111 ~Il",.. \' I; ~h'Fllddell GlH'~ls Ldl([I'J~ ~or.L:ellsen '~;,rlill' l..oll~l', ~ort,'lk SlIrld'!\llll III(' IlnH[11Jllll.'.')HllY I C, b' 'I -'- jllll'f honH', Allt.'n, Algllst hOlllt', FOI·t1yl't' 'WI'rl' III !\fn'Hlay Sunde'll bO/llt, WI !' \11 fwd Mrs ~II .nlll M~s 1..0"('11 Thompson TI-I~,,1965 RAMBLER Ilineup includes the widest taillights and numerous other styling changes. I VIsitors Friday aftflfnoon in till;" Sun _y Mr. lind Mr•. Art 01. 1 \Ir .. Ed IaJlt'r :lIltl Mr~. MlUi Don Solloll(, III I dolu~ hil'I ,1I1d ,Inri fd till!) ..... (, t.' VLsllfll:-; Sunday selection of models in American Motors' history The Classic line for 1965 has a distinct curbstone : I.y~n Kuhl htlmp w,C're ~trs. Pat'! .on lind fllmily .ttend.d a pic- 1St II II! \\'1'1'" ~ll,",h :nlllrsllll)', u(~ ~n:y).o ~~:;: ~;'llfr~' 1 ;:tJ\~II!n :)~J g~:~~y,ur~~la~'~'~: ~:cm:l ~:r:~:hl: ~:~oOrndofKc;;~~ tt'l~;l;.)()n;l/':~ l.u~~'I~I\~I:~l h;:~~~'nt:w (il')I,r 111;111 1:l::l;;;n::1 )f(It:lr r till' Hon,lld Hers with convertibles offered for the first time in the identity _ as do the Ambassador and American I Amlin Urwlll'r and i' l;l;;_ .. Gavtns POlnl I 1'111 ~l"t SlinddY III the ,J L completely - restyled ~ Classic and Ambassador lines - and includes 0 full selection of two· and ! J.'L. Saunders was a slipper! Korth who l.ft for the Armed and Ining in the W. C. Heikes home iSundllY in Ih\' Earl Mason home. Illume, Wakefield 10 help the l'"hnngl'r ?ome,.. llUrns 'liturdilY al \\'ITl .. tll(' Id'l\ lin th,l' t'arrl'n .JlImurmf, hO~10 ~nr. a~dl' .\~J'.~, II;Ol,lI-~:I' l,li,~!lIlc,I.'n. il~JI'c, .'\:ed~I( ~fS hLrs,tes~ i('r~~~~'t 1~1~~~alaI:tis~l:u~~:s ~~ ~~~ ~trs :.I:'II.\C;rl::!t~)':~ll~'III~('I:t\~I:ld~It;:' J'CITl3~tm <...... dilY evening in the 'lobC'rt. 'I !Io1. 1'. Kavanaug-q was a observc l;er birthday, i Mr. and lIoy (;r;iflfll,Id ,d f.1I1 tl!.-. ,ml Mr, ,n,ll! ,\11~, i Sp,lln .hulllf'. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Ilerfel viSItor Wednesday e\'Puing jn the I CnUfi!:~s Sunday afternoon In the'. g " 'i wen' {jllnl'r ~lll'-~l... SlIliday tn !!It' ..' ~ r~red Garold'~cw('l\ SO~lth (.ll'l1 Magr.ltl!'.111l :11111 (i!llJrJ.l, and i\.1rs. Allen Prescott and were callers Friday evening in the M

'~:~:lS(~lr~ld;III~~r 111111 ~\ls'~ll'Ii'(JI'nl.'llllh"~lr\I, 11I1l1 .\[r,-,;. Myron Dirks and ~altvan~f~~~n~~~e,lfl the Vlflcent ~~~legUP.~b Jl1 the O!lvpr Nue 'Ie ~~~~~d~l~mf"M~~~de~('rnelJl Gade, ISocilll Club Meets I~:~~~tt S~l:~~~i~" t~Va(;;:~:;g'SUI:~lt;l\. i Joh~s?n a~d" ~uests H,IlS~ ~nd Glll"V1I1 ,0[ far11l1y WI'!"C' visilo]'s Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Milo .Supper Sunday in the I Hoxanne and Mrs. I.in-I Sholes Social club met al the iaftprnopn. ., TO LIST NOrfolk ;;~;:;~Il~n.~ III Ill" Ll'on W('ddingfeld sons were supper guests I, nday In I Bill Garvin home were Fr. ?a Spoj)mel' and baby wc.r1 guests Cornhusker Hoom Wt'dnesday nf- I ,Mr. la.nd Mrs Lloyd fhinklull YOUR SPECIAL Mr. ;11111 ~II'~ the Clarence Nelson hp-me. I Clement Bracht, Mary Bracht lfl the IFrank Johnson home. l/,rt!oon with Mrs. Shirley poppe,! vI,sited I In till' Hay ,Spahr [wnw, Mr. and J\lr~ Supper guests Friday evening Mr. and Mrs .. Sterllng Borg a~d and Ida Bracht, Omaha, and Mr. I Mrs. Paul Thomas and Mrs, hostess. Guests Wl're Mrs. ,John IDIxon. l,sunday eVl'nlO~ SERVICES gUt'sl:; Sundll.\' III in the Ml'lll1g be in the. Lamp I Mrs, ,uUus OHll'rdin/-t and .JodI I 1.l'll lh'l"fl'J IIf'llll' WI'I'I' ,\II'~. (;I'lll'~1' Mrs. Ellis Hartman and Joy and ker~ attend~d .8 PJstfict .Women S . VisItors .Sunday even. 109 m. the ~Isltors Sunday allernoon lO lI.le Lounge wllh Mrs. II'CIll' Ttl'tgen. land MIs Vi.nCI'Il.1 Widhal.m" 1(;ln; WAYN.E. HERALD Hll~lIl1l!'.sNI ilnd J\lrs WtllIH'r !I('I'- Mr',and Mrs, Floyd Bloom and Society of Chnstluo Service exec-1:'-J'ewpll Stanlt.>y home. IJohn Young home w(>re Mr. --- dolph, spl'nt Monday in Ih~' .Jill' tl'l ' family. utive meeting at Plainview, "I Paul :'-Jot' was a vLsllor lasl Sat· and Mrs. Larry JCllsen and .lulle, Vir. and Mrs. Ray .Jcnsl'n, Illinkll' lome Mr and !\lr~ I11IlkJl' DIRECTORY ,DitllH'r ,~Ul'SlS.,. iii.. 1hI'.I :\oIl'S.:' Stl'l.,I<1 Jf.l.nes, Lin. coln, wa. s Mr. .a~d. Mrs. ?'"'rank J~hns~n Iurday eve.ning i.n the Earl Peter, I C:'..!~~~_~~._ ~d Mrs. Vpl"Ijn Bloomfipld, wpre gliPsts Sunday visited I in Lh~ Hurry SamLl'l"t!JtI (,eorw' blekholl \\-'011,1' :r \'I!'.III)I" \\1'nl's(lom,oI

C Todoy, the overOlle Amencon ~~,~r;~o~~ ~~::':t9~fYeOv~rryl~~1 Gigantic Carpet SaIe ~~~';;Yd~::d:f ~":;m~~a:;~"~. c~~:c"~;o<"m,.-

\ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 24, 25, 26 gCHUCI(', " , @L~DE C~ LUXURIOUS CARPETING ROA.tl1 USDA. Choke with S.VT.' FREE SPONGE RUBBER CUSHION ~_1::::~3_7'I 57.'\ eRUelC 37 t FREE DELIVERY TO YOUR HOME sK~;t Ribs '"27' ,ROACT . lb. FREE EXPERT INSTALLATION i~~~~~.~~~ak '~ C:~,~:~::~~,,",47C 501 CARPET •••All Nylon Pile '" 57' • Scroll Pattern Lb Wears and Wears $' 5 :~~!",.~~.~ ~'E'E'"~;:' • Resists Stains, Soil .7 9 'pL B 49 , " Carpet, Cushion Ii 2 67: C"O', $1 • t ... " Won Shed Dr P,li and Installation S d C • Naturally Mothproof q. y . Bacon Thin K 97 • pi:kgS~i:~n tallil~~n Multi-level textured loop pile in a .hondsome tweed Baker's Semi.Sweet 39 c S699cc J Dr .... MOND (RUSHED N 1 $'1 pattern that is so~r,actico I for active fomi lies.. Nylon Chocolate 12-oz. Pineapple "' '''C'D 4 ,:" ~ the longest-wearing carpet fiber - In continuous Ch.·ps pkg, Georgian 10 roll HAPPY HOST filament yar(1s. Toilet Tissue ""0. PurpIe PIurns 4 ",".:,1'_I $1 Del Monte 5 $' CONTAOINA WHOLE DEL MONTE GOLDEN We reserve Sweet Peas s:~ 10' Tomatoes 4 ":.;[, $1 the right f ~SOl ftN~ Carpet ••• All Ny,lon Pile eo to limit Good Value Whole Un peeled . quantity I N~~~~2 C McCullough's Exclusive Pattern $ '795 6~~;~~M$1 APRICOTS 3 89 • Very, Very Durable CREAMSTVL'"' • Won't Fuzz or Pill Carpet, Cush;on Sq yd WHO"","EL Pkg. of 6 • Naturally Mothproof and Installation •• ICans SaWEETi\ ROLLS 4 pkgs. $lQo • flav-O-Rite - Pebble stone pattern lends itself to any decorating scheme. Densely packed pile of long-wearing nylon E~~ v"A'iiH:-nIY BREAD I-lb. I.oaf 1?.~., in a carpet that bears DuPont's 501 quality label. \(£ (R NeOpo\\tan C '1\. - Chocol.te· Brickle DELICI

Thll W?ync (l"~c,br.) Hcro,Id:'Thur~doy;:Sp.ptclr;bcr ~1, 1964 ~~Y~;"~r~'1n:~m~~;~;lIIF~;;~~~~.: i;~~~:: ii~~?!!I••IIi'iI!••••••••••••••••'THE '"WA-V',:jj: ~F,~~~g[~-I~-~¥ ~SALE 5E;'RVI'cE •••••••••••••••••••i!la homl/. Dintkr guests Sunclay, i.n day morning In the Edwllrd Os· Ihl! HlllI'cer~' home Wl'fC. Mr. lmd wa1r1 'home. ·'Carroll· ',l\Ir~I H. I-In 'tWit-f, Mrs. .1. C. lIur. Mr.' and Mrs. Georg& Boden- (COlllil.lIIN] (J'Hll' "I'lUJJ(' ':~) , t JlH,j~,l', ~OI' l}I{" and ~tr, lIud Mrs. ~~:~~ngr~~~~~:e,~~t~~~; ~~~: , Harold Itllhl1l'iN, BI'vprly ;lInd 1I11 11!'. BYl'I'ly \I'll!> i II w(~(,~I'(,lId ['Jennie. Mr. and, Mrs. Tip l]'rol..'ndt, ~UOl:it ll~ l;(~iJn~t· III/)d(,ll~,ll'ad! guc~ts th~ lhl' II l J)illne"r Hunduy in, Bruce lind Brenda, Coleddgc, were WAYN.E, NEBR. KIEPER home I M IIII M visitors SundllY evening in tne I I; Dln~('r g-lwsts Sllt1~[ay in Ill!! ;ml;t 'M~~~l ~1~1~~so~a:i~~~~" :~dc A~'~ RUS5~1l Hall home. li'orref;t Nt!llI<'!oll !lun1/' \1.'('1'1' Mr. Mrs. Blllm!l McFarren and MrH. Allen Frahm and Mrs. llIHl Mr,s. IllIhprl Net1lH"ofl. J)yll'C'tl :.!'jJ)it, Odi'gaard joined them Merlin FnLhm were visitors Mon· llUd Kulhll·(!tl, WllytLt> ~Ir alfd tht' allc'I'noon. day aitc'rnoon ill th(~ Ervin Wittler Mn, Edward Osw;dd, ,Hid DIJLI:', Mr lind ~ll's. V(!rllOn Hansen home. las \\'(~"t.' Sll,P)'('" glll:s!.'! illld larlJJJy W('J'(' visitors Sunday Mr, ilnd Mrs, John Rees and Mrs 1I11lwl't i\l('LiJlrY ":ilS a l'I'l'ning in Ill{' Dean Owens home, Holly were visitors Wednesday guesl .w('dll(~sday ,dil'fIlOiJIl In ill(' Mr aIIII Mrs. Hurty Hofelclt ,mp~ning in the Heach Hurlhert J11;~':~:Yk 1!II')l;;:i::\. h;:::(\1.', drnily, Sioux ~~;::~SI~)or~:II~~la~(~lJ;~mI~~rcn~~W:~~ h~r;. and Mrs. Archie Lindsay, Cily, W(,I'I' \'I:-;il!)l'~ SIOllLJ,v- Jll IIll' SI;l1l! !lo)nl', {inlvH, In. ra~jlrel, and Mr. and Mrs. Larry .roy 'I'll!'lu'r 1101111' ;vir, lind Mrs, Marion filasti, Sue wL;rn.yd,a.,y'w.Br.'.v",ds,.a'O'SaF",d"dayA'.'Ov".: Mr, and 1\11""'; 11'1 ill j;r;l\,t's and SIH'lfy and Mr. and Mrs'- Vcr· n visitl)L~ Sunday HI lillO' ,In.hllson, Norfrrlk, were dinn(!r ning in the Clifford L.indsay (;nl\'es !lOItH', Olll;~ha~ ,g,llCSI~ Sunday in th{~ Mrb, Eunice . home. ' Supper glll:,sLo; Slll1~J:IY t~~,(>n,Jng Glati~ home, Dinner guests Sunday in the ,John iMn,... I,I1<,'.""A,t!"',~n\V,I,",I,,.',.',,':,~~,! .L,I,'.,',',n,l,p,·I','",w,.',',',,",' Mr~, Merlin IAnscotr, Patricia Hamm home were Mr. arid Mrs, AR I ALE " "s ~~ ,j('i11l ,JIld Jjptty Jane nnd Mrs. Merle 'Hamm, Debbie and Pam· Mr. ,:cl Ferguson Ithe Clarence BoJlng home. c:~!"~ a Gue's!:; in lhl' Ll'on~lf(l Ha[ken Wl'nl vi'.4ilol's Saturday in the Mr. and Mrs. Henry War emun. auction at the farm located from WAYNE, 4 miles west land 1% miles north •. from I ;(':Ir;.;r l1orll'n~t('dt home. dc, Winside, were afternobn and ~11'~. Iton~ild Kuhnhenn wns a, suppel' guests Sunduy in the 11~iles s~.;~th ~i1~s..~ast gut'S'! TIHIl'Hday afternoon in the George John'tton home. LAUREL, from WAKEFIELD, 12 miles west ° ° hOlm CARROLL, 5 l'larry lIofetdt home. Mr, and Mrs. Lowell Thompson 1 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Her· and family, Dixon, wer~ visitors meier, Gering, and Mr. and Sunday afterno'on in the Ronald Mrs. Leonard Halleen were vis· Rees home, ~orrs~ ~e~~~::~'e7;et:~ei,nN~hr~ i1------folk. . I See By The Herald Mr. and Mrs. EUjZcnc Nettleton, Tammy ,1o, Ten'sa 'and Brenda J('an, . Wakefield, were visitors Eldon Habrock, Emerson, was a I Saturday evening in the Forn'st guest in the John Lutt home last ;-.Jelilelon home, Wednesaa and Thursday and he Mrs. Ella }i'ol'esboc. Mrs. Rus· and MI'. a d Mrs. Roy Habrock. sell Hoffman, Sioux City, and Mrs. Emerson, and Herb LuU visited I\ennt'lb GaJrdener, South Sioux Monday, II'. and Mrs. Bud Lutt City. we're guests Sunday after· cnlled Fri ay evening noon in' the Merlin Linscott home. Mr. a d Mrs. Russell Lindsay, Visitors Mon{lay afternoon in sr" an Mrs. Art Auker joined ., lflt, Edward Oswald. home were Mrs. E. Lindsay for dinner :I1rs. lIarry Hofeldt, Mrs. Martin Sunday, Mrs, Andrew Nielsen Iand Sale starts at 12:30 po m. Not rei ponsible in case of. accidents· I ~;)':llJlson and Mrs. Forrest Nettle· Mrs. Ju1ia Perduc were afternoon guests, ~ir. I and Mrs, Frank Havener, Mr. and, Mrs. Harry Jones, Oma· : Kansas City, Mo., were visitors ha. and Helen Vath, Chicago, vis· I \lond W. 8th Wayne Bbone 3'15·2822 Wayne, Nebr I FIRE Call 375·1122 I ~ I Hoy stacker Dependable Insurance HOSPITAL 375·3800 PHYSICIANS Fuel barrels Lard press' Large meat grinder FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS rotor~ Phone 375-2696 John Deere4-row hoe, good 3 hog feeders, need some repair ;·';·'iC(i>ean C. Pierson Agency W"'YNE COUNTY OFFICIALS' 13ENTHACK CLlt~IC 111 West 3rd WaynfC Assessor: Henry Arp ..375·1979 215 W. 2nd Street John Deere manure spreader, 1953 model L 6%/1 Skil Saw, new Clerk: C. A. Fard 375-2288 Phone 37~-2500 Qrme~s Grou~ Judge: !=, 1)1$urance Wayne, Nebr. 2 feed bunks -';, 4 good hog troughs ALL Yd'uR INSURANCE NEEDS David J. Hamer 375-1622 Bear Cat grinder Fulk hay sweep '"FAS1'· FA~ hLundeU; ,,' ~~CE , See The Herald COMMERCIALB~G HENRY K EPER !Phone ,375·1616 Wayne WANT AD PAG~! Ph.me'375-25$ W.yn. AuctiDneers: TROUTMAN and Loge, Winside Clerk: S' ATE NATIONAL BANK, Waytle D\I-c ,-,'I" TRE WAYNE ~1.1) FARM SALE SERVICE .,~ III' "} t I " • I \ I IBroc}imcm and family .:lnll K~v:Mr Iltl,8rin~.III;)rtin~l,on. ','<11l host th~ 1903 ~a'l :'frs \ndcC'\on :md Ted hO~I,ifal". ('1~:,.. Tho Way+_ INcb,. I Hcrald. ·Thur,day"S.pt.mbor 2,1, 191i-\ . I ! DENN nW5, ?nd Mrs. gd Brockman and ,'I,O"W Le"p!('y, j JO';('ph Siou:'1: Coh~rfd~c. I-"'--~ ~ IJ. I: I In .. -- j \lOft' BE'LOEN I ~. I, I' I LnWr(:Dce- Pllch~ nnd Pete and! C ~Dmm ,. II Cf b M' . I JlI::L'S I EE KRU~GiER I'1,~d('rs('11 l!1~brllte 1 -~ ~l i--77.~~[::-:~?':~:··i·~j·':'~--:"~:==::=~:::.;:;;;;-::::;;,;-;;::";;;';';·';;~"·~"i~"~~l MRS. DUANE _ PhonO YU $..2832' ArlYIl and pun Pedcol'. I Anniversary 1 - (' e -I u\ eets . " ., " , " ,!scn, Omaha, left [<'ridoy to spend! Mr. lind "r<;, '!'(·d StOlpll'man, Co' i~n~J ~,Itll C UJ lI~ct m ~Bopl)Jc If f sl~veral ic~lt'brill.inl,:', an'I\\:~I?e ~t\~r~y tt've~1I1~, u(~ SoftbiJlI Leagol.'! Formod I'l:~~l M',~.~' 'n ~,rre 'N"f'(!~(>, ~1\ .J)~l. ,wI~sINn drlYs antplope hunting in IllIvl'rsal'~' tlll'lr ·1;,1/1 wpdding r~~I~o l:~C ~'rs :.I~d(. fi l So I I' '''', (',I~(,(\;,JIJrlhl'l'll Four Softball Conf('r'; . ll(~rr,', ~I.'i. ~1r\ ,Nehraska.IA~aplcy Sf'pt. 1:1, I'nl{'rt;linl.'d l1iriJoo).!i ~l ' oHll'r ha," 1)('('11 flll'l'IlN! wit.h Wvnol ·1 : I' t 1 Arl} ,I (tI( r· i ,Mr!l, O"r,.. ld .. ttended rJ Itheir l;'nlhln'll ,md farnillf.'s at the! t('f\'il!(-' P nnd. "Supt. I red Ue· St'. ,:'i'anels·.' Handol;)h. Ol)f!rt' atuj, 'i\~("c~(' t r!l; ~,~trl !!ark~,. ,. dl~lril't Sunday :;dlOol lnt~eting in Cornhusktor Cafl', Hilndoljlh. (;lu";ts 1{;aI'V (lsh( ~nrs'M' G,:ll'f M ~~:Hlnj~~,S Ikld('n with n'pl'f.'s('nlalivc teams L )rru' \tlfJ\nr~IC1 ,':I ',n sr t ~.rs, ILaurel P:cs!Jyt{'l'ian' church Tut's· : werl' ;'tIl', and :\11;"", Clar('lJ('p' Sta· ,J;,.,~ • Frank SW'lnSOIl. lfor the fl('wly ;emo(;~le~Jl~i~e ~~~::~ wlfl learns fliOIll t!lu Obc~l't :Du,j~(' ~rueg('l' horne "";IS BonnelJc S,Q'c,efy 1- iand post office Oct. 21. Congress· ..._...._,_ IBe~Jatnm. Coleridge" A :·'·;t;1', • M ••• IRoyal Neighbors ~Ian Convention l,.na~ Hal~.h B~el'mann will be guest ,,' ,',., ." ~tlppcr guests Saturday in the It,"[&\1.Dcu~ty eets . !I'ractice wus held Tuesday af.1 spciJkf'r I¥ IllS previous sp('aking TM, ~.s: I ',ill ,1 Ilal~t,i wa,' ,,11 f.:lwst Murvl!l Loeh home wen~ Mr. and ' M~,.La~rence Vogt. aS~:I1s,ted,by !('rnoon and Wl't!rll'sr!ay in pl"la_lenzagt'l11cnt:; permit an open ,1tl:Sd'IY III the 10\'1 BOW~'l's and Mrs, ,Jim Tag.l{crt, Yankt.on and Mrs: 'l}ppw Buerman, Creighton. ration for till' T·'.C t n~ 1., ,datt', ".;11'1 (.(J!l('Y IiIJrnt1s .. :I'I.llIlVI('W, .\tinnip :v1ad!i£'Il, Bl'ooki01~s, Ore, {',r~ler!.amer] cS(~,ven m(!~bcrs an,(~ :'-Jelghhol' Lotl~c ~l"'f'tr~I,? ~ePtJ~~~. 1--- Get your \~('('l\f'~Hl )~ll('Sh:HllJll~.~rs, 001'-1 {;UC>I.S :rUCSdllY moming of I' 'l:h~r, .J-:~~n ~ ~yn~, ~f S,t. ~ury s I FoJowing tll(' morn ng s~'s~i'otl, (ilt" ,Leonard .Furback, Coleridge, and Winterite Right! OII~Y,' Whlpptr, honf~ w('r¢.jI~Mr., Hnd Mr,l;. fed Leapley were Mrs. Hob; ~' Sotlrty I hUI stlay aft( Inoon. IUnion· Prl'sbyleria - Ladies Aid i Walt Ilu('ll~ .\Irs J ,1\\I'('nCI' 1,'ul'll:; ['"('lr-hrat. lyn l'eders{,!1, celebrated his fourth den,ce, Scouts and Ipaders partici: 1"?yd :\Idler, .\Ir, <.tnd .\-IfS. :'I'l--r, anI! Mrs, Loyd Fish visited Mern Mordhont lind Don Shorbahn I,d hpr Thursd,IY ,111(1 was tllrthdny Wednesday, GLles!s in lhe patmg ,w(,I'(' Debbie Staplemall, Oms (Jraf, :\11'. and :\lfs. '1 ed i Thursday with Byron McLaLin at! 614 Main III , t'\'l'I~lng,wl-ll'n th{' ,l'edt'l'sl'n hom(~ wei.p MI'. and Mrs, I~{'n('('> (.raf; .JanlCE' Lan?c, Janicl' IL~'!:IJ~lcy and Mr. a,nd :viI'S. Ch;ll',CS ,St, Josc]Jh hospital, Sioux City. i 'II < ,!;Itl''itS arnv{'d to 110n,Y1' i I'etl' I'{,'([cfsen and Janc, Mrs. Don ~Jlthl)( ~s,. Kathy Me Lam, Kathy III1I1tz The evenll1g v,. ,IS sJl~nll !VII' dnd Ml s Merle Gubbels I ______~_._.~__ ~ .._. __ ..__~_~ and leggy Blandow and Patty plaYing~~delsoncard'i MIs Lpaph'y .I d and daughters VISited Sunday af I======_==_~ , Krul'ger Ltnd"r'i Mrs Duane' 1('('CI\(r! 1111-,h d d 'ternoon WIth B}ron McLam, St __':""" ...J ~;::~ -lr------~lli!-~=-=-~~-=~~=~~-===_==_==-=~~~~~==~====-=~=~~~'~'=~'~==~=~-=~-~-~

noon wilh Mrs. Floyd Miller, Mrs, Wayne VogC'! was a guest. Mrs. Clarence Staplemati and MfS. Bill Brandow won prizes. Oct. 28 'Mrs Robert Wobbenhorst will be host·

U and I Bridge Club Meets U ;lOd 1 Bridg(' {'!Ltb mel Frida, Clflernoon with .\ill'S Ray Ande'l: son a,~ hostess. Mrs. Ted Leaplev I won hif.:!l score. I\lrs. Robert Wol; D~'[lJwin~ bcnhol'st wm entf'rtain the cluh' rhurs'j Sept. 24, for $400 Ort. ~. --' ' Cosh Drawing Every Thursday at 8:00 p.m. Green Valley: Club Meets I $10 Consolation Prize If Not Present ,r".iv(' IIl('tlllH'rs !If (;r('t:11 Vt Church Ladies Aid. Four­ B~ttef teen guests were present. Mrs. bon's 'Shoes Sherry's Richard Burgess presented a book . F'fll:ietPhJrmacy State National Bank report, "United States and :New .'Doesc\; r H4we. Shrader-Allen Nations." The birthday cake was baked by Mrs, Burgess. Mrs. Vpr­ ,: Gam Ie Store I" Super Valu non Goodsell poured. 'F,i"rs,f, N, ation I Bank ,Swan's Ladies' G!,iess Re all Swan-McLean Walter Family Reunion Held' Walters family rebnion was • ' Larsf,n 'IDept. Store Tiedtke Appliance held at Laurel city auditorium Larson.jKuhn Triangle Finance, Sept. 13 with 32 families reprc­ ,.Bill's Market Basket Wayne Herald sented. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dirks, Coleridge, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDonald's 'Wayne Book Store Loeb, Belden and Mr. and :"lrs , McNatt Hdwe. Wortman Auto Co. Dan Danielson, Laurel, weTe ho~t- M &is Oil Co. WayneSkelgas esses. Mrs. Sophia Walters, Wake­ field, was the oldest membcr Fredrickson 10il Co" Hotel Morrison and Melia I prcsent Collins, Cole· . Kern Farml Equipment Kinder Service Station, 1 ridge, the youngest. Mrs, !vlinnic Little BiJlis Bllr Nu-Ta.vern IMadsen, Brookings, Ort'., came ,the farthest distance. Mr. and ~______~ ~~o_t~o_g_raphY Mrs. Harry Bartels, Wakefield, _l_yman Iand Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Burns, 1 :


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'I, ED WOLSKE AUTO CO~PANY "E,QU1,PMENT 216 WEST 1st • Phone 375-2355 I[ Wayn.;Nebr. I " "'':'::''

Fr~d Dc(ervJl1c home, Sioux, City Hahne. Mrs. P~UI Hines and Mrs. ained at a p~rly ror farewell folk, l'rh:1. ;;and ·',Mn. Clill Dcmp· IT.lben~I.'''.!,' 'Wlll<.idl', ;HII1. ''Mf''.'.I.''.~.·.:ll.'''''.;:.I •. ;'.·..';(' ;~;::+t:;:::~====it:tiJ:;:::;:;:;::::;;:-:::lansay, dS!'And,erson in Cole~idge, Jack Erwin, and Kevin, Concord, Mr. and ,Mr,s, 'Walter' Ginscben, Wobbcohorsl home ,were Mr, aod ,iradu.Uon of Marlynn Strll1;A r lIilllldllY In till>' t:,~'~lI(" All(',m'lln"'! at Omaha, :\(H~HSl 111<111 JI~jtt .I'''~ ~),,1,~'I.~,':I.('I~.'1(',',1'YII,:,(II{O;I).'I;'.ui',',I,,.. '\l:,.ylll1"dv,"IJIII1,I,?. (~f)1~~I.id~~E! .. ,Mrs. ',Marvin,' lJcrscheld S }lpCr ~ue5ts sun. d~Y. in the El· Mrs. Willard Holdorf and Brent ~oonsocke~" ,So D., Mr. ~lid Mrs. Mrs. Ted 'Stephens 'and familS'. Tech hi h school, SClt. hOlill'. "trs, .\11... . R, 'I.' ., ...... dnd! dllll!lhlcr "nnd Mrs. Gene Plc, Ayers' home' were Janice and Mrs. Max Holdorf. John O'Neil and Mrs, Boyle, Denver 'and Mr, 'and Mrs. Larry 20. ,,(·tI lht'1ll for sUPI"·:r. .' I" HI tilt,! Vci'nlJll Goodsdl IWf)l'u, J ~ W" 1 "t I TJ La ge ,and Mr. and Mrs, Dick Guests in tM Harold Huetig' JtlekSOD~ spent Sunday visiting S~hultz. Long Beacb, Calif. Mr~., M. k St~lng.r Will' gue t Mr. end Mrlll. tiowoll Rober•• and. , Doro~hy d\flIl(~r ~t1I·tll!I M-HI'liJ.l .P/l\llltdllllISL! 1, C()ler,~dJ.:i.~. 'd~~I';~::~~i~g l~it~i~~ M~jl ~~d .~~::: JOIigens~n' ,a~d da~ghter,' Wayne. home Mond~y afternoon were Mrs. the GroUo ,B~ West Bend. la. They (iucsts SundaY' in the- In the, Da IllS G,I!ford home. L11. hmll>'. Wahoo. Wt'!'j' .1 w. l.l~. till bye'l'llj.4hl 1-(11 ~sl S~tunluy Clif," 'D(~iPJ;!'i:.l.,Y, l\,nd infant, son in ~:l;lests Sunday in the Ray An· Albert Huetig and Mrs. Dan Dan· were overnight guests In the home Whipple home were Mr. and Mrs. coin, Suod y tmd M,ondayw Sutldny III till' T 1'. Hohl'rls hIHl1f", ! in fhe Art-h)ld 1Jtdtl)'lll~1 hom~. ti I Ch,ljl J r' '~'elJ home dcrson home were Betty, Lou An- ielson, Laurel, and Mrs. Marvin of Mr. and Mrs., Norman Wilber RI;IU,aJd Whlpl}le and daughters, Gu.." ond'lV In the Jun. P r· Morcodo. Rood, Frc-mont, 'Pfllt : , n' j . I S:ll Y III lh(' I~t~, a~n~I' ~r;~, slcl Lock" GI!erl. IIII With Mrs )rv(! Hoi,d.-, ,I 1'1';'n,I,~.'yl}(."J'I"k~".,',',',sl)S II,o,ln'1" "w"r" Mr. '" f lk C II W d d f .,. Bert Mitchell homo were Mr. and Mr, and fa. Mark Stringer. . Mr, ond Mn, Ed Nluon' and " ... .. " dry~' S. f)" wt'rc' guest's Saturd~y 0 D. inner "u sts. S\(~nday in the tl,.aM·arr'YIn' ·Lon.eb' haOYm~ tewr.oreoonMrlns, I, Mrs. McCullough~ Lllur~. In Murphy re· Glore~! sJlt'II1 SUIJ Friday~of MI'. and Mrs. Chr'is Arduser home were Mr. and Fr.,\i,tz and Mrs. George Rath, Lau· Chu'r.. c·hes .. Dinner guests Sunday in the utr~ed ho ne last, week from va· Palnc!l. 'Mildit'll, S D, ".! lHll~ Ml'~. AnJla .hm "ell, Laund, M. C. Thompson, Sou(l~ Sioux ,Cily' M.fS~.Bk:~ndu.rdg:er,~su'·,.rn antdh.:famEialYrl' • John Seyl home were Mr. Jlnd eallonlng in 'Colorado. Mr. arllt Mr'. D-nd Mr!l, Wilmer Marra and, Mrs, Bill Eby, Mr. and Mrs..lJ.t\1:7 .Mrs. Earl Knud5~n and son, .Pueh- Mr. nnd Mr:i Darn'lI ~lfJurc' lind! 1\11'8 .•John Sdll'lJ III , M-r:-;' Katio f1o- were M:r. and Mrs, Howard L,cap· n~ks: home Wene Mrs. R. E. Mu. M~~8Fra~~~inB~:~~:r~M~~~~~~~l~~ U~ion Church ~~tH"(I.~ la ll 'ry .olson and famIly. Cole • 10" Colo., arc vUliting in the Pill ,h'rf ",('n.' ill lite' .JUIlUN i ~~m~;n."lI1d ~1I'.~. Ni l lJokunjl , '~~~~~iday to IVhillcl:1Y guests in' 'the tn'D' and, daughters, Sioux City. Bierschenk and Mrs. Don Helms (Kcl'th Cook; pastor) ,M~rphy ep and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis . h me. SlIndvlek hOlllt'. Sprlngfj\'ld, S, 'f).;', (ium,ts Sunday In the J\rlal:lin Clain~ Sulton home, Omaha, Were Mrs. Roy Bauermeister and Ju· Tuesdayo morning. Sunday, g t.· 27: Church servo Rosalie. Dinner. gUlts", ,Sund.y In ~he Sunday, , . ,:i II IJold'{)j'f IlOJl1(', Yankt< n, \\'()l'C Mr. Mi'. and Mrs. Manley Sulton and Ile visited Satu~day in the Dave Guests Thursday evening in th Ices, 9;30" a.m,;, Sunday school, Mrs. Charles Bierschenk, ' Gcreon ;\1 vln home were Mr. und Rev, and Mrs. Paul LUCAI and! lind Mrs. Jilek Erwin ilnd falll,i~YI Kal1l!n. Bauermeister home, Norfolk. ,Darrell Johnson home were Mr 10:30. Don Helms, Belden, and' M.rs, Ose I' Pehrson, South ~ioux family, j)(lllH'I', ~illl'flt Ifll' WCillk'! j\lr'J~and (f~(lk Kavanau~h Duane Biersehenk, Leeds, S. D., City, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Sundell, ('11(1 ill IIII' Hollt'r! Lillllh· luun'i1.1 Conc'Mil, :\'1!'f" Don Mr, ilnd Mrs. Merle Guests Tuesday evening in the and Mrs.' Elmer McDonald an Methodist Church {Illfl famIly, ·[\,nrfo.l,k ; Wd !l.lri·~I~:::llld and" sons utten'dcd <1, dinner Sun· Mrs. Otto Casf home were Mr. SP /4 Larry McDonald, F,ort Sa visited Tuesday, itfternoon in Nor.' Wakefield, Mr. a:nd 1tt~s. John lind \'bi'lf'c1 hi,~ Jllll't'lll.~, Ht'v. and i:. fami~ (Richard Burgess, pastor) folk. Surber an I .Mrs. Albert Anderson. :'ttrs, W, B I.andl, •. .;. it;; Mrs. Mnx "oldo!'] lay' at Sl. Frances church, ftilO- and Mrs. Genel Donner and, Houston. Tex. Sunday, Sept. 27: Sunday school, I jl .John dolph. Guest$ Saturday afternon in Mrs. S. E. Samuel.on returned Mr. ,ar.d .Mn. Honry Polntlt~, '; Weehrld J::lI('sts lhe ly, Wake#e'ld. Mrs. Carl LundaJhl was a sup 9:30 ,a,m.; Church services, 10:30, O'Neil h(J1'nl;~ WCI'/' Mr. and Mrs, Guests Sunday in the Chris Jor. Afternoon call1ers Thursday in per guest Thursday in the Ve the Howard Leapley home were Sunday cy ning aftcr spending the, California, ,i\lo. lIttd .'\11' anti Mrs~:; Walter (;ensiclH'n I Woonsocket, gensen h,(i,m~, to visit Mr. anll the Mrs.' VerMe DeLong home no,O Goodsell home. St. Mary's Catholic Church Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crammer,' weekend i the Stanley Samuelson (;porgl' 1.'Olllll'l' ",.\\ 11.1'\.'.',.'''.'' :~l()':l.'!.;' •. " I\\'('n~ "lIl'~IK S. T),. '" '. ' Mrs, Cliff ':Dcmpsay and son were w~~s~~~r~~~!~~'h,'~~~_i~~pM5ipU:~t Vernon Hokamp and Mitche 1 (Father John Flynn) Grand Junction, 'Ia., nnd Mrs'. home, Ly ns. dllll\N alld IlVI'r1111:hl I Supper guests Fr ~,ay 'in t~e Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cook and K were callers Thursday, afternoo Sunday, 'Sept, 27: Mass, 10 a,m. Helen Fridell, Emmetsburg, la. ne~ln~~~d ~e'~e~~ ~:.. ~~~ s:~~: ~ul~~I[lI~)I1I::., t!r;lt.:II;;~;" ~~'II~~.At~~~~:! Loyd Fish hqme \V Mr. 8f1d Carol and and ~,fS. Dick Jor· I,ast... weekend ~...,.. the, R,onald Ech- in the M:rs. Katie Hokamp hom . ~.~ r"f Mr .. Slllltla~'. Mrs. Ellery Pearso , Mr. 0rd gen.5cn und Ghcti. ' tcnkamp home ~,Sioux City. Mrs, Don Cook and Dennis, Cal1e~~: !~ednesday evening in .WAN'T Lawrence Libengood, Union Gap. IIllIHl , sjll'lll aHI'moun n,,,.,.!. I., ' READ THE HERALD Wash., M. and Mrs. Hilberl Lib· ('\'('nlll~ 1Il I~\l' :\ndrl'w t~ltJ'kcJ',; Mrs. Russell Pr'csto and M~s. Mr. dnd Mrs. Dick Munter and Guests Mon ay evening in the Norfolk.'Mrs. Jack Erwin and Ke . the HaM'e'y Eddie home were Mr. _~_~~S_EV_E~~~ ':~~_~_,~amilY Ma~le Walkington,. alancha~d, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Arduser vis- Marvin Jones home, Norfolk, in, Concord, and Mrs. Max Ho· and Mrs. Otto Opkis, Randolph. and William hOllW. ; Mich. lied W('dnes([uy evening with Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller, dorf spent Thursday with friends Mrs. Melvin Lunda and family, Ibu('s1.s SundllY aftp'noon in the Sylvesler WinklL'bauer at Osmond Laurel, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mil· in Omaha. , Broken Bow and Mrs. Clyde Cook Jjarvt1Y I';ddic hOHlt· ere Mrr and hospital. : I~o'w,and family and Debbie Bran· Mrs. Glen GraWs and rdr, and Carol visited Wednesday in J\-fl'li. l(eDfu'lh IIllf( Pierre. and Guests Sunday elvening in the de Lawrence Larson visited Monda the Chris Jorgensen home with M1'. ,unl Mrs. Ilans Hethw,isch, Mrs, Otto. Case home were Mr. Guests Sunday in the Mrs. Mary afternoon with Frank Nelso, Mrs. Cliff Dempsay an4 James, WaY]J(~. and Mrs. Gene Donner· and family, Leming and Sofie Gunther home,' Hartington. Mr. and Mrs, John McClain, Mc· Mrs. Carl Lundahl Hid Mr.' and Wakefield. Creighton, we,re, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Gubbels a d Lean, Mrs. Rudy Ordway, Ran· MI:S .•fohn St'l"her vi'itcd Sunday Din'ner guests Sunday in the Lawrence Vogt and family. Mrs. Gene Gubbels. Randolph, a d dolph" Mr. and Mrs. Ronald .M-e- ill the W,dlL'1' crfrori home. Ollie:, Childs home, Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bauermeister Mr. and Mrs. Merle Gubbels t- Clain and daughter, Dakota City, . Mrs, Cliff Dell1jlsa and ~J'l111eS were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steph. and family were Sunday afternoon tended funeral services Mond y and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schoonover Ellg(~IJe rclunwd to t.heir home ens 'and damily, Denver, Mr.. guests in the Dave Ba'uermeister for Clarence Weihs, Westphali, and family spent Sunday at Nio- • hnllH' Thul !-ld,ly from losmond hos- and Mrs. Larry Schult:i:, Long home, Norfolk. Ia. brara State Park. ]lII<11 B«;tach, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Dianne Bolken, Coleridge, was a Spending Sat.urday at Lake A- AM/2 Gene Jorgensen, station. , SUPP<'1 gll('~l~ TlI('~.daY m the Robert Wobenhorst~ ,and family guest Wednesday evening in the des were Dennis Stapleman, Mr. e at the Quantanamo Navy Base, Pdc f\nluIS('1l horne welc Malk, ii'and Cathy Huetig, Belden. Chris Jorgensen home. and Mrs. Alvin Young and Ric y Cuba, arrived home Wednesday HOg('1 ,inri Scoll Pcd rsen Mr. 'and Mrs. Rollie Granquist Mrs. Melvin Lunda and family, and Virgil Young. to, spend a 10·day leave with his MJ ;Hld MJ s Ih'll'y Kollbaum nnd Timot.hy, Wayne, were dinner Broken Bow, were guests Monday Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hart a d wife, Carol, and other relatives. 11lkndl'd qw fllnc.t:.d ser.viccs gljest.s Wednesday in the Cyril to Saturday in the Mrs. Otto Case family, Creighton. Mr. and M,s. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McDoI'ald W('{lnesdny:f()r William .Kuhn, 77, Smith home. ,.- i home., Garry Nelson, Norfolk and ~,\announced the birth of their 20th , 1'1 I '. Mrs~I,' Ralph Coulter was a din· d M E H t B II hId al II ill'Ilng ,Oil. ,I . Supper gtil'sts Sun(lay in the an .r~ ...zra aI', e (e~, grandChild,. Sept. 18 to SP/6 and 1\'11'. ll'Dd !\'Il's. Darnell Gra'r' and Bliss Moseley home were Mr. and ~=~e;u~~~s~nhu~~~.y, in the Law- a PClO1C Sunday at NlObra a Mrs. Harvey McDonald, EI Paso, SOils visited l·'ricl'ly C'Vening in the Mrs. II. M. Auker, Wayne. State Park. Tex. The infant has been named IJ).'\\lJ~"'~)I"l)I~,llhl'lh('rJYII",,~II',~.lUel"n tile BI,h Guests in the Chris Rolh home.' Dinner guests Sunday in the Mrs. Alvin Roth attended l' Douglas Patrick. .. "" I ~urcl 'fuC'sdw evening were Charles Hintz home were Mr. Night Out club meeting Thursday Following a miscellaneous brid- .I1al']lpr hOlOe wet'!' MI'. and Mrs. MI'. a'~d M~s" Alvin Roth and and Mrs. Ray Rose. South evening with Mrs. Paul Hinrs, al shower Wednesday evening at Ralph 1I,lrpN, Wo'otl, is. D. family. i Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Dale hostess, the Union-Presbyterian church for Mr~., John Wobbe.nhorst was Evenirg guests Wednesday in Hintz, Mr. and, Mrs. LeRoy David and Mary, children of t. Cheryl Jorgensen, the children of hostess Mqri~ay at a 'coffee lhe' Gene Mitchell home were Mr. Hintz and son and Jackie Hintz" and Mrs. 'Floyd Miller, partid at- Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jorgensen and honoring Mrs.; Ted Stephens and and MIlS. Ronnie Halleen, Wayne. Norfolk, and Roseanne Hangman, ed in the Norfolk 4·H show M n- their families held a reunion. Mrs. Larry Schultz. Other guests Mr. and Mrs. Don Whipple and Hartington. day. The Miller children ad Families present were Mr. and . were Mrs. Phil Fesmire, Mrs. Sharyn, Sta,nton, visited Friday Mrs. Alvin Roth entertained at previously shown champion ni- Mrs. Marvin Herscheid and Mar- Fred Pflanz, Mrs. Bliss Mosc· ~vening in tile Mrs. Dorothy Wbip- a coffee Monday afternoon. Guests mals at the Cedar County 'Fair nd· Ius, Winside, Mr. and Mrs. Dick ~~ber~~~b:e~dhor~~.aplev. Mrs. pl~;l:~S~~e. Sunday evening 'in the ~·f:~ A~~~·s~n~i~krs.~;~~fd D~~:: La~~~~ ~i:re~\~'C~r~~~W~mpIOYed at" ~o~~~nsae~d ~~~. G~~~r~'Jor,i:~~~~: Guesls Fl'iday <~venin).{ in the Harvey Eddie home were Mr. and Mrs. J,im S~echt, Mrs. Donnavan Randolph telephone office, en er~:1 :Cheryl and Jim Jorgensen, Nor· Earl Bethune I1qmo, R;1Udolph, Mrs. Ernest Qraharn, Randolph. wm:.q MI'. lWeI Mrs. Melvin Graham Visitors of M'rs. Lula Graffis, and''':rumily, Wakefield, Thursday. were Mrs, Guc!lls 'rllesday evening .in the T~d Graffis and Randy arid Mrs, ",Arnold Hcitmllll ho'1~c wcn~ Mr. Glen Graffis. Today is '65 PontiacDay., ,'land Mrs. ClurenC'(' Volk, Colcrid,l!;e. Visitors Tuesday evening in the MI'S, .Joe- Langt' was a visilo!' Arnold Heitman home- were Mr. Thul'sd:lY ,tflcnIoon in the Mrs. and Mrs. Ho~kr Heitman lind Todd Otto Cnsl' home. ancl Mr. Barker, Sioux City. ~_:arofthe Dinner guests, Sunday ht 'the 'G;~~1di~~i~few~:~k~nr~;f~~~~~~r~~ 1965: The Ouick Wl e'-Trac/(s .L~ERY ~ring h.o¥tc were M~·. ,and

1\1,·s. Arnold Bartels and family. '0.,l(l~un.:t.• ',s~l~~~~~~~lay evenin" in the ·M1: .. p~d Mrs. B:~b Harper visit- o ed 'Sunq

"Skillful Iister:lil'ig," said a friend" "is mean~l the be~r remedy for loneliness, 10quat\Pus­ What do we y"quick"? Just this: Anew-all-over Pontiac Pontiac offering a new Turb I Hydra-Matlc ness ond laryngitis," -the silkiest, swi est-shifting automa,tic transmission you ever touched a toe to; eager ne Trophy Y·U , ,1<. 1<,1< I , pow~r; new stllerin agility; a surer-footed W. ide-Track ride. And a new Pontiac Tempest that's become even BLlyingaca~? yilu I~ok under the hood. more of a Pontiac with new style, new length and Pontiac-quick reflexes to match. You ne er knew cars You kick or check the '"tires. You investi­ .could be so beauti I, and so keenly alert to YOLlr touch. This is your year to drive a Wlde- rack-quick I g;ote wharyo~o ..egetti,ng. , Fillancin$.,anew car? It might pay you I ' t~~~Ol

price sO;I!~~~?n so ~UCh 'car. I I " :;t:E THE NEW 80NN VILLE. STAR CHIEF. G~ND PRIX. CATAUNA, lE MANS AND TEMPEST AT YOUR AUTHOR1ZEP PONTIAC DEALER. fl" r I - ED\ WR~t ~~!~L£OMP1N I \ I' " 11 I lj ~"')11~; II· .1, 1 !11 ,Iti I ,~,',4""~ ~ ~II, "I" II ' >j~ III III :.:: :' !:,"1 ' :i

11 II., :;: II fiJI;,

Illl with ,15 ",.",bers and were Mrs, J.loUie be led by Cindy Ellis and deVil' I 1 UC W" Be~tcd 8.. ,'S.t".p.rCSCII,I.,Girls. Slllll'KD.rcnwarreport .. n.rprC'.IOIHtrlct vice.. I.D",n..k,.".prpresIdent;.. C,..",d.,...,C... '.'I.;.M,.r.'.,RDndY.ElIJ"Mrs Merle Rubeck. lucktion. lunchbr'Glendnwill beJdlrcy/:len cd A omPlIl,1 I' III convention Is Oct, 15 at West liccrelary, and Mrs. Duane Lund, cers and sponsors \\111 hold an THE AYNijI HERALD "":'i""l:+O:*r'!""-+...... ~...... -I~•.. P~~,~lt.' . lre~sHr~r· Hostesses were ,Mrs, executive mcctJOC ~t 6 30 P Jr. I, I ' I ;: I, " . ',' ,Nora Oean, ,Mra, .Connie ,Lindab --~ I ""'"" "_~ n.~, ,1.1,'f, .. arid.,MrS"C()lo~; ..·..J9.h.Il., SC,".!,:'.I,"guc~tsto. .. a.n,d,'.. ,M.,r,S,.,.B.. et.',Y Gotcb" Mr, .ndwer~Mrs, Ferrest.s,".•Iil an.d' 89th Year - No, 221 Wayne, Nebraska 68787, Thunday, fPtomber 24,1964_~_ Secti.n~ 3 _ 'ago. 110 Ii mont,' 'were'supper ---.-- 1 family dinner guests Sunday -- .. , , T4~:s~ay"~' 'Mr:"'and ~ 'MrH,I'!'~lHp~ LeW'1 $~'tl 'P.~ ,or Mr, and Mrs. Jim iWcrner andl Mrs. Wal.t Krause," Mrs. 'C'.E. ',An. Mr. and ltlrs. Wilt Victor, Wake' benns 11 a jar. bnllel di"ln'i~f!(.. ,1'1 W(!(.h1lt;;~IlI}' ;)(l\tr, ',~nd Mt~:' Vft~Ji~ E-m~~. !~W n()~(·S!i. rJOn·ce~I't'. ~ " ', :Wlll.,"par~rs',:meet in the ·Lutheranp.m~ lamiJy. , I wer~ derson.~Iurlel Mrs. Ibrv,P.~fS;. Prouse,~Ezra Mrs: field, .ttended 'a re.ceRtio,"Gor~ld for .M,r, wildcath~&1i a i.orrn, ilht~nd,'dtWl1rt· IJnllc~LlIt.!lOIl .10 '!tllp MrA, l•• Throtlgh UndoriJfandll T, ", .. cllurch Oct. 1. at 2 Mr. and Mrs,. Jack Mitchell Warner, ,Christ· Mr. and Mo, Grone m 11, II Cal lad)', II twu Iwr blrthflny. . 'I scnlhlg Allen at the. C~rpet R.~, T",,:rlanned';', ,,' tor, t~)(~.Jr annllaf, bjrthday. party. dinner 8ucIJts SundayT00 Mr. a~d cqsen_ and .Mrs~ B~d ,~itt:hell. Wayne. at- the Uo.mlck, Iowa, Metho' lady, fQur gUllles_ 'or pl'ilCtl, U'llton, 1 ' ...._+ oux y :!~,c~ion ftikJxilia~r,.: pla.::nnin~ thl'(~c P-TA 1cbnfercnce,1 South ISl clt ' is' Hitrlcl I' 'I'A l'UTlVe I Mr" LIllI/iff MOfrb, ~ " :, day' eve,,, , ,OIrl 'SCO\lts l ,~pori- parlors Sept, 27 al ?,:30 p.m. Top" Mrs, Af\'ern Anderstm,.Mrs. Helep Mrs. Ken Linafeller and famU~·. Kindergarten. Uon, &uth Sioux CII) Mr:-. J\' ISUlldolY uiltJrIlun _ I, 1 LeU:lo:n IAuxlllary !~..tt, t :, soted "by th~ 'cli.ih, preHent~d a pro. ic.. for the Senior~ '!wlll be led' by Nelson, Mrs. Otto Nelson~ Wak~· r. and Mrs. John Karlberg wert' Understanding or hvlng and non nold W Ht. \ lslkd Thursd.l) ~Il ~ Ron Bloch loft Friday mornInG Allcn1Le~ion,AUxillary held t.l.l~i~ ·gram.' Ne,~ .members arc "Mr~. Dennis Mitchell and ~evotions by field, Mrs. Carric Peters, Mr~. upper' guests Wednesday, ' hYing things were stressed in our Forrest Smith und HHk} \1~ll(,tll'OI !'!('hou! lit Lllwrcncl', K,an.• ~f. ~,.p,' I,e,Ill.. ber '.n, I, c"etili,', g .jn, ",'... I",~."e"~".L.,,e" g,',iO.,1;·',..~~.en ~,_"_~:,':':":"r,'~""".a,",~d.",.,,.~:~._!=,_('~~,.,,,-, W.._hl,'~~..,,-.r.Y,.~~uniors topie wHl Emil Rodger_~.: ~:s~'!~~L~_~ ·Mrs. AlvJnLRastede and 9cien~e program this week, Con· Friday, Mrs. llill Snydt~1' .hroll~hl 1('1' _~lwnllln8 thll Kummcr ,WUh:II~;hl ~~~=~~~±~d~~~~E3~~3~~E~~=±~'===~==~=~===~=~======~======~IC~~ci~~a~~u~~rcl' k" : 'bk "lllart'nl~:mll"rllnlcrkc~."",~ ~, c~ '~"."ll"ml,M.:,:~ .- ",1: ':' , learned aDd used: thel\1C cIa,I tens$ In as to IihO'l\' I'Mr.•nd Mn. Goor,.... :r'.'.'.I.'. '.' t.iI'S'::'I'~!I'i'". ,:i , _' I Flrtt Gr". _' ' UIIIJ. Ul'llin s\J'llnt tho woo cnd!:;:ln~: ,i~~!:" '-N"II~!~,'l i Senlor5~ hOl1lo~ e'CIt.~ ! 'AI""I;", I;"T.""I""'1""0"","i,.I,'.' '\N":":','"A' L First Grade prest,lnlcd thelr an· cli1s.~t·lt~d,'dfJfJi(,i'r,~ TIlt'~·! IIII' Hoy~"drlm( Ar~hlPllwnB.lr.rm.~n.. ' 'EK nual fair,Fripay to the se('ond Se'nlol Mr.• Mr$. • grade,; kindergarten and opportun- arc, PI", -~ldl!nl, Lyll' (;('1/;('1'; \'1('" 1',WIlI I htlr~llay t·\'t'lllllg In, ~~IO .~~n -' SWEATER WE •• ity room. "Many mothers, fat..hers" preside It. Nancy EllLs; :oiCCft.t,U"y'l Lass hO!O(L :"'~., ::1: I ii'~ 'I" -;'~I' " , ' I grand'mothers and grandfath'lrs at- Judy C rl~on [Il}d 1~'('ll:-'\II'I'r SII'Vt' Mr, and Mn. Co' ~A" • -'rd'",::~.~'" ~IJlt'ht'11 'I'EAjrE ,S tended also: There was an unus- !\toscm,lI. K. H, IS t'l.a:-." Ilufllt'd Saturday frol11 .LQl(c Co,r.: SKI S" ual exhibit of fruits, vegetables" Illlur

SWEATE~ I BAR 11 your car had to set out iln I\ the near-zero weather "an~ YOU CAN iii was hard. to start, you pro~· CHARGE IT \ ably envied those who ha~ LARSON.KU~N AT garages. II, COAT STYLE SWEATERS , "Yfhy Not ~ujo~~ ..~av~!!.~~.?.. FROM LARSON·kUHN'S FABULOUS COLLECTION

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10 Years Ago Sppt 23, 19M: Ab'.,ut 300 persons aH(!ntINI the ,,!Ii; ojH'ninl! of WaYI1(' Counlv's' historical IllUI!t.'um Thursday nigh! at the cmirthouse, Guesl S\leakl'r 21 •. 1D3~: r:I' tape lind t~.e .rule" impoHed by un udu­ of lilt" ('vcning \V'lS Dr. James C. Olsou, Lin­ Sept. With ,ome excepllon•. mn,t (":110. Supt'I'intendent of the Nebruka State His­ ellitle! on tho "eohl! noor nr the ""noltol,'1i hlUI\ maht 4'rid, raiceless hurenu'Cracy; rc~dy torical 'Juciety LarJ.!e crowds tll'rued out school w(!re thIs fIlornluu (Ol" the opcnlrlJ;( 'rhuf~day night (or Wayn("s annual taU opcninj;:. ~:~ehl:r t~JI~~~ln:~~~eS~';1 ~i:~lCtl~~II~(~~ ;~Jilir(i~1)~ ... GoodNews I FNt~.rC uttraction of the event was live lTlodels (hsplaying Jatt,'sl fall fashiolls ... Joe Sublet, standpoi~t of t!xh.lblts Bnll f'lnanees, nCN)I..dln~ tq Th~; con~ume~~ of': 4the country goot WSTC freshmlln, won The Wayne Herald's first rCJ)ortli compiled bv .. thC! fair board . Dr;· RoMe good. news, from \V~~HhiJ1gton 'the football conlest last week. lie correctly named ~:~te~dnIJO~~~nfnd~lrit~'~t:.~leS~I~r(II~~ :~~t"I'I~~II~~~~' winners in 18 of the 21 games. other day. It took the form of u report and economic conditions tn, Europe. stl'(l!fSIIll: lito that the Administration hus tentatively war' llituation .. \O'BYI1~ Pluycl's repl·l.I11!tl lIWlLt deeidEiU to rEiqUest the repeal of a num­ play "The Bad Man" !t'r1day l\nnllll-t lit thl' liU· bel'· of the federal retail excise taxes 15 **Years Ago clltorium us B library benefit I\ . rie"t year. Sept. 22, 1949: SCVI'n1y Re.publicJln.'l from 10 ~ 'fhMe levies which are precisely northwest Nebraska counties aHl'ndcr! Ii district' the same as Bales taxes - "Plliv to iuch meeting in Waync Friday Gene Perry. 30 *Years*Ago \ tirliver.~,~lly used m'ticlcs, HR c'oRmt!ticR, Wayne, showed the grand champion IIprpford handbags, ..,iewelry, foy.ptain penH and Rent money fro,m the ':::~~::I==:..::..:=:..== S!l'l'f at the Ak·Sar·Bcn Livestork stww in Orna Sept. 30, J934: WayJic plIbllr seJlOnl carrit;d orr sciioot cdu~·atioria.l Wllynt~ 'HQ on .. And it is an irdTI'y that most of lands goes into the temporary ha , The ~oodwill organization, "The Lill('~)ln first bonors in the l'xhihil,,' lit th~m'were,passed {~mcrgency baH ­ school fund which is apportioned , ShowPl's". Lincoln, came into Waynl' ill Iwo bust,S eounty fair last weekend, !lcoring ;Wl points ..'. qn an ~1ajn bou~Jlt WUYII~ lJnll~ is during World War II and the Koreun annually to public school dis~ Tlll'stlay l'vening. They 'doltl't1 stre-pl with Hobert E. Chittick. jr•• ttl{' triets. gent s their red hat~ a.nd tips. They fllll·d the kids' company the last of th~ wc(!k frolll J. W. Vntll War, al1d it was'generally believed that pockets with suckers. later ~ retired to the hotel and look possesaion Sunday Dt'nnin~ tilt! they end with tho"e conflicts. a~ wouli:\. Request Court Ruling for dinner and a program then wen' on t1ll'ir W;ly. Constitution, of the United Sla!t·s 11 f{'vo!lllifJl\" Bul they ·are still on the book" all these ary. Clxperlmental and 8C!\'l'lIlurOlls dOCUIUl'1l1 d ""The Nebraska Supreme Court years later. ~ ** its !l1Il,e, Dr. J. G. LeWIS spokc' hl'fOl:1' Kiwanis has been asked to rule whe1her olumn ob.~('rvlllion.()r The apparent IfaCt that the Adminis­ ,.' club Monday noon In (·(lnstitutlon U. S. Supreme ~ourt decision on lIluctitl~~ tration's d,ecision is de~cribed aH te)1La­ :-;....f--f------,,20 Years Ago Day . Wayne girl l;cout ('(Jund!. at a interrogation of"'suspected crim­ Safe rain Storage Pays Sept. 21. 1944: Miss Doris Nelson has resignell Tuesday evening approved !('!tf'rs rt'("ollllTH'ndini~ tive po~es a qu~stion mt~rk. A!leI it is inals ha's retroactive effect. a question mark that shlpuld be elim­ If ou fC' building Dr buying hc'· position 3s 5th gfnd(' t£'nchef in Wayn(' city Mary Ella Pllc and Dorothy !look for gold"ll The issue was placed before new acili ies for stol~ing grain sC'llOol Laverne K. Grose and Jamcs W. lIa_o.~_e_~g~~~~~~~__~ ~_ ipated.', The a~ticles involv~d cannot log­ the Nebraska high court when ically be cHl.ssed as luxuries in our kind this all, here are some ideas Paul Douglas, Lancaster County that ill elp ensure safe stor­ lic bewl or disc ben('uth the bulb "Tomorrow's 'Challenge" as income tax rat('s at !Ill' ro(·k 1ml· ~ tom ngger or 20 Il('r ('pnt. In i Rodety; Numbers of them are abso­ age f corn or milo. hl reduce glare. For relatively seen by the State Home Exten­ ~l~~:~~~Y~o:~P~':~i~iQ~ g~:~~i~~e~ short, Mister Edlto'·, nil Ihut Iu e necessities. As a mat1,er of simple short 11 work periods, a lamp ·tion Countil, the State Extension new trial t6 Maryin Edwin Tay· - cone/ete floor should in­ money they bcen wasting In ,iustice, repeal should havf! taken place' ,elude a v por barrier to help ('quipped with a harp that. per­ Advisory Committee members Iong-· ago. lor. 22, Line.Jln. Washington, like plIyi"nJ.( $!itJO keep roun moisture from spoil­ mits the W.e of a 150-walt while and by Federal Home Ecol1omics window curtains and ljuch Taylor was, convicted by a jury indirect·]ight bulb is satisfactory. Extension Director Dr. Margaret ter WURhinl'\'ton report" say that the plan ing gain, Use a sheet of poly­ 1temB, WBS ·being paId by IIIP )il· also calls for repeal, or reduction of r01'-" of the robbery of a service sta­ ethlye e 0 lapped, rolled r09f,­ Choose a li ht·co!ored lamp Browne will be featured at the tion in Lincoln. However Dis­ 9 tle man, us one·gllllus boys. tain The~e in~'o top of a thin layer of con­ shade that is slightly translucent Thursday afternoon general sess- other'special taxes. are like trict Judge Bartlett Boyles grant­ Up till Ed (lnnounc{!d thcse the retail sales taxes whicfu one govern­ crete hicij has been placed 0\ er or 'Opaque, with a white or off­ riggers, all the fcl1{'I'.',i. think· . ed Taylor's motIon for a new io~ banquet and installation of W~R.':' be at least B'h: inches across the was paying most of tIll.' frt!ij.(ht. U.S. Supreme Court decision was ~I:o;o~~e~Iv~~~~~Sv;~;~~i):~I~i~~~ top, 10 inche·s deep and 16 inches ence Thursday evening. 'flle rea.son given for the ;exper·ted Arl­ applicable. - oncrJte will be strong('r if :leross the boltom. The bottom ~:;nft~;e ~~l, k:;~~ f{,~~l'r~al~a~:~s m~nistration moVe iH that ~'ercal would The U. S. Icourt held that fail­ of the shade should' be 15 inches ure to grant a suspect's requests k.ept wet ,f'kr 5 to 7 days after cd, a resolution askin,: 1l1(' I'rtJoi have a salutary effect on :thc economy pouri g. This can he done by frl'm the desk top. Ident to 1ul"I1J off all lIw lights In time it )H\ sbrtillQ" for legal counsel during prelim­ at a when might n c'ov,er'ng ,oncrete' with straw. L 0 cat c thc study center the White House [Jftt'!" Ii p.m. downturn. That iR import m1. But it is inary questioning violates the ag:linst a wall that is n1ain and sixth amendment to the U. S. earth or uilding materil. in thorn wml10ws flor (·w·laln'i. Constitution. front of a window, where it is ment finally keeps its wor(l and rplie"" Judge Boyles said evidence dam' To Ikeep moisture III new On ac("ount of tlll' Jittl" 1111111 us of theRe "wartime emergency" hurd­ con~r*'te . rom . cam.;·ing gr,lJIl difficult to control glare. Avoid paying llw bills. Ill' aill't t){'t'll was racking that Lincoln police a surface COveTed with "busy" ens. had properly informed Taylo-r Qr spOIl' 'ge, a plastIC sl1eet of two speaking IllS fllC'('f' 10lJII ('rlOIlI:h mil t ickn ss can be"put on the distracting pap.er or a dark col­ It! thes(' math'r.'> his rights to counsel and to re­ or. In a room with dark walls, fusc to answer questions. floor befor filling with grain. Slim al!Dwpd as how t!lp gn·al. He s'pid in Kansas the nveragc usc a 1ight·("olored bulletin hoard trou91e in Wll.shinglon was lb~i1 Capitol News . . cost of purchased power for ru­ - F-rrame storage bUIldings will over thc desk. This helps to re­ our "Ipf't('d fI'pn'''('nt;J1ivc's f(H'(' ral dis'1riets is 8.02 mills per Seeks More Money '~y ;rZt~t~Ctri .;;Jl~ flect light toward the working a right-ttll'n ~JgnOll wlll'Tl t!ley kilowatt hour, in Iowa 11.76 T\'cbraska's boundary problems the grain fr.om area and to reduce the contrast was lalklng f{'f (JIlIJ11l':Llion ;t t111n~( in ~~~vh~ p\?Og~;~l~~ ~~o~~~a:wna~:~~ .~ ~~ :~::~::s :::u~~v:~ cent of income made by all t'he this cncration to ('nlrr or l{'ave A total Of 21. Nehraska com· Approve Plan ::::t;t day morning. Featured speaker untreat~ at this session will be' Russ 'Ma­ millionaires in the United States Wash ngton with no tax mOfil'Y munities now discharge ~:'A. '. ,\ weat erti·gh art the eaves and '~~nt.~1C F~~l~ra~·\~~di~a~o~o~~i~n~ ~ ed sewage into Nebraska waters. A 'state plan for ohtnining fed- /) #_... han, Extension specialist in Hu­ in 1963 it would've run the Guv­ in it. ' ~~ Iroof ridges.' Openings in these ernment 39 hours, If they took But it could he, .\11ster Editor, bJ be' availnble, forever - and The Nebraska Health Depart- eflal grants to help build C'ollege ~I.': plac s w~t snow blow in on man Development and Family all the profits of folks making the fliers at the store complains even·. !so. there is just so much ment hopes tha,t' eventually the· ":,,classrooms. science labcratorie's ,the tored" jgrain, resulting in Relationships at I'Owa State Uni­ ··~~:v~~r~t~4~a~;~~~~~~~d ~i~~~; versity. Mr. Mahan wilI.,discuss $25,000 a year or more it would too uch. Fer JD.~tant. .Joe had monet·" practice can be elimin';tted. i spoil ge. ~ntHators on the roof keep the. Guvernment 3 days. , a bu per crop of anples Uds Ka!I1'~as ~.. ~ds "the Family of the 1960's. FHipi s·aid that in and , abIes sh'Juld also be Education Commission. ;or Mark~ting And if they ttrJk all personal In­ year but he was fussm~ Thurs­ Iowa many sewage treatment cons ructed 0 keep out snpw and Phillip Dwoskin, Power Costs The plan goes next to the' of­ come over $10,000 the Guvern­ day night on account of thl'y plants arC' constructed without rain. Economics Division, U.S. Depart· A Nebraska public power of­ fice of 'the U.S. commissioner of ment would eat it up in 18 days. wasn t no rotten ones fer the federal money and. that Nebras" - H natu al air drying will be ment of Agriculture, will speak ficial says Nebra'ska rural pub­ education for r~view. If ap­ The 1iggers showerl that 80 hogs. ka would do \veU to follow this on "Research Improves Family lic power districts - on the av­ .... proved, it cculd make some $2 per cent of the nMional budget Yours truly, example. ~:~d a~de ~~~l:~edsh~~~~r~e:l~~l~~ Nutrition" at the general session erage - pay less for purchased million availahl(' for Nebraska Thursday morning. was paid by thc folks that had Unc~e 'Zeke Som~ Nebr~ska towi1i; have electric'al power than rurals in iny nstrue~ion starts. In large bul~t colleges and· universities between £1at torage4, the system can be Uieir facilities with'out help other Midwe'st states. nGW and next .July. builtl so the! main air duct can from t1w U.S. government. But .Paul M. Peterson,1 controller The State plan is b,ased on a FUipi ·said· during the past nine serve as a storage partitio~ in anti chief accountant for the proirity method giving consider­ I years "morc and more have re­ addi~on to Iproviding air dlstri- LUllP. River Publi~ D.i-strict, said ation to present nnd prolcet~d licd on federal furids. " recently the average cost of pow­ enrollment incl'easps. usc' of pres­ bU~ Aeraii' ,n systems also are In' 1956, Cangres's pa.sscd a faw er to Nebraska's 34 rural dis­ ent facilities and the' amount 'Of imp6rtant atd should be included -which· permits-30 percent mateh­ tricts is 7.32 mills per kilowatt matching money en hand. ing funds for loc'al wat.et poIlu­ hour - a cheaper rate than in Nov. 30 is thC' dC'adlinC' for Thank ·goodness that ",daylight ;~e~ ;~ai~ :i~h:rj:t~r;-~~h ~~~te~ Uh~er. Urn control projects. this Iowa, and. Minnesota. private and public institutions time" business is ovEU'.). Wp.'at Nc?r'~ka abo~lt }\HSSOii :capa ity 'of 2,000 bushels or law has Ireceiv9d Peterson s d the cost of power of learning in Nebraska-includ­ with Nebraska and South Dakota mol'. Are~ti'on help~ keeo grain $1 JllllllOd"annlalll. Th~ law IS to tJw· 27 r als served by the ing junior collegC's-to make ini· cn standard time and Iowa and cool and helps prcvent insect and ~ .l.; , schc(ltHed to exp re ne t ye'ar, Nebra-ska Pu ic Power System­ tial applications for somC' of the Minnesota on "daylight" it was mol dam..a..~. It also helps pre­ ", athough -Congress could give it operated joint by the Loup and 'federal mcney. a mixed· "up mess. Kept you in vent moi,st e accumulatmg o~ exfended life. Phhte ¥alleY power. dis.tricts­ It was reported that Kearney a tizzy trying to figure 'Out wha,t the top ....of stored grain. Next year wi~l, a. sp h~ the Jast wa~ mills per kilowatt hour. and Chadron State. Omaha Uni­ time it was. _ Stoi1g s should be- built to versity, 'and several church-re­ Always seemed like a childish keep ouf r ts. In frame stor­ y~u S~ft lated C'olleges are planning to game of pretending that it was ages a ?4-i ch strip of hardware if have a passiou L shoes, submit applications. five o'clock when in reality it cloth (hail screen) should be The' commission said if the was only four. You got up at a plac betw en the sheathing an~ satisfy it with NaturalJer's Tourist state plan is approved, federal time that would normally be the iding around the building money will be made 'available about the middle of the night just 'bove he foundation. A gal­ Rich calfskin ... airfoam C!Shioned lining .•. flexible, sole. All part of to hire a permanent administra~ and you went to bed in the day­ vani ed me a1 strip 8 inches wide Naturalizer's irresistibly fre h, new walking shoe silhouette that's slimmer, tive ,staff to administer the plan. light. Maybe nof quite that bad. ~~3~1 Ofb'k~ a~~~d~~~sih~~o~t~ Delay Rent Increases but darn near it. Who bene­ I trimmer, lovelier. Graccfull shaped hand·finished heel. $1395 fited by virtue' of it? Well may· ·the h rowa cloth. Black or Brown The State Board of Education­ be a few golfers and a few gard~ al Lands and Funds has rescind­ eners, but it looked sort of fool­ ed an earlier decision to up rents ish to screw up the deal for a on most school land leases. lot of people in order that a few The board said ·it prefers to could be accomodated. If these wait until later tu increase the dudes like "daylight" time so rates. "We think it is better to well, why can't ther get going tryout the new schedules on an hour earlier and' quit an hour nSlon the 1965 lease renewals," H. earlier without upsetting the ap­

Blackledge of Kearney j the board ple cart for people' who want" tG chairman, said. observe a normal routine. Notes Nebraska owns approximq.tely When next spring rolls around ,,1.6 million acrB'S ()f school la'nds, we will probably be in another most of which are leased. to far­ . hassle over whether to get up an With the Ifirst days of school mers and ranchers. and the st~t of homework ses­ Last spring, the board agreed ~~~ro;a;~: bO:d/~~~r i~ ~~. sions'just a ound the corner, now to :revi,se, rental rates by' rais· f.or a civilized man to rise and is the time get the hom e' study in& ~~'Qd valuations. It was gen­ shine. Personally there isq't any­ eenter in orkiitg order. Pro­ er:.alIy agr€,ed that th~ state­ thing that I can think of or that per llghtin of the study eenter Q~E#t land was under~yalued. I need bad enough to make me is of utmos~ i~portance and can Una'~r. the law. the relit must give up an extra hour in a morn­ be provid~ in an arrange~ent be fixed at six per cent of what­ ing' pursuit of it. which willi give enough light eyer valuation is determined 'by !\nyway if they do decide to without gl'are, shadows or sbarp the ·hoard. The lands currently hav~ this "daylight" time again contrasts. a~e assessed for rental purpn<;es ne~! year (and I hope they dOIl't, Select ~ J~n,:t~ tall enough a~d 'at dose to $4-0 million. lfo;w­ let's make it universal. Then With a pro~'ei: SIZed shade to dis· ev:er. I Iroard secretary Oscar we ca'fl all suffer together. They tribute lill!!t up and aro1!lld as aSj~~' 206 Moin St. Mahl~ says they are actually say "misery love&- company." , well the work are,a. i Make sUMirnas-a glass or plas~ '":Qlt~ about $80 ~W~un. •

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130 MILLION AMERICANS I· . ':'\\10 I~lt' insurance, lml how I1lnn)' itt·t thl'.Ir .I moncy's wqrth'r I..t'l U!I h'lI you llbuul Northw(\f'Il.

NJRT~'~~~~lRN MUTUAL ~IFE INS. CO. Phone 375·1811

Plion. 375·1611 Two· ~egjstered Pharmacists to Serve You Wayne, Ne-br.

Buick ;65 Buick

See Sandran face the toughest cleanability test of them ?II right in fran.t 9f our stare. Watch people walk on it, tramp dirt, grease bnd grtme. on It qnd see how easily Sandran comes clean. The beautiful, easy,clean floor for your house. Come early, come late, qnd see Sandran t'ake the test! ., Come in and see our huge selections of Sandran patterns and colors. There's a Sandran pattern for every decor! oSee Sandran come clean easily ever after hundreds of people walk over it all day long! I, We changed the Buick a lot this year. And you may never be the same again yourself. I" '~.SAND~_ I We doubt you'll want to be the same. Not once you set eyes on our new Buicks. E On the Buick Special and the SkylarkThe LeSabre, Electra 225, Riviera. And on the. sleek, modified fastback of the wild, wilder,Wildcat in the pictur~. ~~~ True, there's a new high-style touch. But that's hardly all. Engineering Vinyl stilI has the emphasis. It's a Buick tradition. So are the extras Sandran Vinyl Buick'ispends a little extra on. Like finned brake drums that do a little better. WALL COVERINGS

Arid smo'other drivelines. A tuned suspension to smooth ribcage roads. FLOOR D,RESSING • Smart vinyl wall coverings that wear well, look weill " Nqwadd Buick's SuperTurbipe transmissions-and you have an idea Won't yellow the lightest fl09rs -"-yut up a ,wall at a time ••. It'~ easyJ. of what Buick owners have'always liked about Buick.We think you'll feel the same. when used as directecj. . , So easy to clean. . • Pe!1ect for behind stove and sink. $15~ c Quart Per lin. ft~ only ...... 60 Friday, Septembe'r 25 Wouldh't you really rather have a Buick 9:00 a;m. to 5:30 p.m. COME IN AND REGISTER FOR A FREE 9x12 VINYL RUG, 150 Real Orchids to 150 lucky ILadies ••• Balloons for the Childre#c SEE"¥OURLOCALAUTHORIZED BUICK DEALER. AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALER IN THIS AREA: ... Sandran Facton' Representatiyes will be present . 't,'if:' . to answer questions on Sandran HERB'S BUICK CO., 419 Main St(~et " McCUllough Furniture' , Wayne•.Nebraska

,r~ '1"" ~ .. -., A. ~~ .,~.,r:~ ..... ,.. " I 4 of ,~; FORDS <~ -- 1,"1,;1<1' A.'ll) (; ItAI:-.', 'I.\;C. " h~GAb:)?'U~.~ICATI_O.~. ,Ie ,\!J1IJ~(J>; .•\ll'.\j~. fI~H:li and

NU'.'U'Jo) 010' )'llUlI,S."·::"!" WII.I. ('~'IHll~' ('

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g'''lJl:~\~: ~::;::.~:~~;".I'''lllt "I \\',1.111\'1 ,O'I'WI'; 0)" 1Il,:\H1J'ld; l.... III till' '\lntl,oj' of "I 1'1-:'1'1'1'10' FIIIt 10'1' \1, L.orll. I,. \Val'lli, ~1':'l"I'LI':\II-:"I' HI" \('('UI :\"1' Friday, Sept. 25· , ~tld,~ "r ~,'llr"""\"I, f'l' l'lIl~a: :'\olh'{\ 1111011 IiIHI

tll'lI!"111 11"1,,'111, oJ ••;'::,:::' :::::,:':,:',"'.;':,,::~. lj"I'lluIH'" 1.11)(, r"p,~ dllltl'lbullflll "r Ih,' AT ]".ll'llvnl or 1'111111 llhll"~'l~ whl"11 111 thl'" Court (Ill toll"l', I ~H;~" lit !l


LEGii[PUBLICATION ~.-_.;r-----,..---- ortman Auto NO'I'I(~I~ HI,' tll~"HIN(1 n~ ~~!I'.~~;;:~~~~~ ~,~::)~: 1:\'.1.'\1 l-:!'O'j'

1' ;/~){:'~:~;:~-1. ('011"1 "f '\ ·I1Yi.l ..4:,'-'I'I1\\ l'IHl<' :"<,, :1[,]4 )':11-:" ~I) EKtlltp lOr I,"f Rtn,le or N"hl';l>ll'' 1-:1\'('11 l),al " • flctltlun 111lfl 1ll"'11 rtlr-d h.\ II,,' ,',\" Di~is~n cutOl~' of th,' la.~( \\'11 I 1\1101 ["Kl', In the 15 Year History lof the Ford Inelll.of lht] Ill",,'" 11:1",,'<1 ']"<"·"H,·d, See the Most Chan ed Ford Cor UPPl'oVl11 "r 1I11 illl"I'·!,){"\I(III';' nceounl, for tlH"'l'H.~llll'lll "r illhen­ tallrc taxe:'!, [Ol' proratioll "I' ["(1<'1"­ n~ estate tax, :Hlld 1"1]" partial dl"';- 111,,11"''''·'''·' tl'ibu,lIon of "'flald whkli iitioll will "b'e' 1'''1' ·noll Court :oh O('\"bt'l o~(Jhll:I(( 1'.,\"- VIol (Hl'ldl' [Ial'id ,I. I \',,,11111 10jl.iO B.lIl. Nit-lmllrn,'ing' froT' till' 1'1 \.1';11" "I the will, till' l1l'M'<.'n\ of tll, Iwolwrty nf Ill"

WORtMAN "AUT c . TEST DRIV~)QT4L P~RfQRIMN~E '65 •.• TO lAY 119 East Second Street ~~~ ~r~:m~~d (l~~~~fn~"l~~i ~~:~;:~~~i: 0(~~l(n~~';:('~~h~~:lJ~r~'~~:~~\.~, \y~~t~~ I~O:l?~r:~l~~~~~~~~~.' C:tl~..' ~~r.:-I ~~~~~~ l~~~lr(~~lll~;c~\~r~n~. ~;~;"! The Way 'c (Nebr. 1Heratd j Thundov~ Sept:c D(~('k l~url.,Duerll1"; prOllraJl~'. WnYIll.'" IWilmer twcumc a member. suck, lhc former Martha Itehmus, and Mrs. I''". 'I' , )~.J.r. nnd Mr~._ Ollo Field und1 l\1rl'i. Vf~rnon !\1~1I('1' rc.. d "Call dh~d in a Long UI-'ueh hospltnl, Mr, 'and Mrloi. BiU l.'cnlike. ilud lIo~ard \ milt, ~tr~ nnd Mr~. \~l'r11, GUlih Morrd.y ttlth. A:.H;,'H,~f'i,_: famlly were VIS1(ors !"ndny You Hl'lllly Wash, HI Cold \Valer'!," S~pl. 11. Imblki,ty, ,!\tnc Hkhard Caf8tt'l'~' ~:~~~CIJI:t.O (~~~~~~l l' Il'~·t llnd Mr. nml: '>('11 ,hU':H \\'('r(l CIII'1 .Mlllcr;~'r~Ji~~;" Gladys i Rcicher~ '. Phone 28~4594 eve-I I•. ! ,_"', "". nhHr Jil the Harold Siphley hOUle '1'11(' I{'~.son, given by ~lrs,t....J 031e l"uncral services Were held in The exCX"uUvl' eomml,ttt·c m~('l~ Mr., I Mr., Bill Schmitt end I ~\JIII'1 \'nll,'y, hI., Will/I"'.!,' I~ft!jri, ttl visit ,fnc Slphley whn returned I\'on S~gJ.:ern, was "t":xen.:is(' for Long Beach ~cpl. IS. Survi\'or-il OCt. tI. and the regular feeun g will Chorv nn Bohmer. Suo Ann i WI'!>! Pullil, 1I1ll1 Anna ;\Inu, ,W~n~; e l LcavC'a.'!t'r.' Ethopla ', di!lr(~r in ,~O~r9i~" WcdneJiduy in h()~~lr",' If,I,·,ol·Jm~ll,I.~I,' who"jSI,P.'ln·,IJI.,""kide.'.··n,!! a,'", L~:fltll,m,.cl'·''','. (,:l y';'02 l Dn~cc~kll,ng will ~~~~u•. d~ouhrert1r~~~~~il~~e~~. °hedr'U,gnho: be Oct. IS. Gill', 5 ndr. Frink and 'J.,cklo I """'~.'I:':'::~:I1::.". 1\11:. rmd MI',s, LlO)'d nehm<.~r a,nd! hm.IC>.1' of her bIrthday, .In the uf· 101 j' ,~ .\ n '" StoVeft tt neted th hoe I d _, Ann l!tld Mr~. John Zlnne<.'kht, llnd, J(H-noon they vlsHt!d Mr.... Archi(~ Mrs. Hurm.m Bilkl'l'man, NOIiulk, I ~ thM", ),Irs. Pauline Hehmus, and Hold Guest Day er c1111~c :.°tho Univ:r:Uy S,,'~r: 1 ~,." •. ,I Chl'isl hw SIW, LilH'loln, touk Lon·, Hal·tells Nc'wmun Grove. wert' \'l~ltol':- Sunday afternoon III Club Elects Offlc:en hrothl'I'S, Frank ,and LOms Heh: TrinH>' LutlH'ran Chun:h W" d ' Iljl~ B~~hllller ~Ie a~d llll~rs iJhst;~~'ed ~u~st {~~~'.'iIS 10 Oma1lfl Silpt. 1.-1. Mr. Mrs. Alfred .Janke an'd 1IH.' !tenl'.Y B.USh. hom!', Norfolk.. I' '.lrs., i).wayne w. w. as hO.Stl.SS. mus, all of Long ,llcach. men du,)' last Thun· in til(' VNon Miller I' J[>fl by vlmlC fo1' the World's I"nir, RanUy y..'cre dinner guestl:l SundllY :\.fr, and Mrs, VflrnOn Mllh~r and to "~Iod('rn :'tfr,~" Bndgc club last d,ly aftl~rnQo~ SeVt~nty·f1"'t~ lnt'llI' Iwnw 1,'1' 11;1\' ""'Plltng (u:~ Iln~nt',~ Nl'W Yd'rk City. hMtJr(~ ,Joining otll- in the William .Jlinkc home, They Ml'i>. AJj(',~ Uoyce, Wayne. lltlended W{'dnl';,dav aftf'rnoon, :\1rs. (;I{,Qn~'.' Attemt Meeting " bets all(~ I-:UCl)t~ \\'('re .l'1'~~l'nt. Uunl hift Itlny Wl'!'t' :\It', ilflll "1'r~'I' f'1' P{,llly: Corps vohjlll~er!'l on thpir werc'afternoon visltorH in the WH· fllnt~riJl ~cn'J('e~ for Bernard V,llia ,Illcg{'r was elC'ctt,'(J preSident; Mrs Th(~ (ollo~& members of 51. Mrs: ~al~ nClch(~rt w.n;'i In ch~q;c Warren ,lal'l't)t~ IHid falllll)', Mr. I~l.hiopia. S~lOrt w~rc Norf(~Jk, ~lond,IY Lut,l~cran ~! ~hc "'t('s~ lttl M:ltthl'~ way In sl.ops Ham Heier' 'home, in Ogallala 'Warn'n .J'lcohse-n, viee preslflpnt; Paul's (:hurch allendt'd b09,\k. t \, J · \'f°W'i alld Mrs, DUll IIllel !'iUH:; nlld n:lIldf' lit Homf', II:lIly, fWd Athen'3, Mrs, Bertha Wendt' spent Friday and :\ll"s, HaIry Sueill. !l('t'r,I~~ the LWMh!ione rally at Ponta last l' amlll. \\;1'" R~<"\ !olleakcr. e Mrs, (' J Bu\'\'t' ;llHI I.mdll i (,!'t'N'j'. aftcrrrooll with MI'I>. Mil1nil~ Ander, Soc,"ef'y'I!'" "treabun~r Tuesday: ,MI'S, II. M. Hilpert, "Irs., t()l~~ of ,h~~ \\~o.rk, ~~ .51~~lt~1. Am:rk~, W,IYlle,' " son. In the evening )lr,.;. WencH, •• Bridgt~ pri:ws ,{'ere-won by Mrs Gus Kramer, Mrs. William Jank£', ~11~,. Jd(k KIlHg~1 ga\c tlw \HI· l I l'I'~!I~~;,,~;U~~~~,h';~"I;I;,'.~;'nl~'~~ I~h\~~ ~j~~"~Il~::,,nA~~~.~!I~O~~k~ v,,,, CI~I~ 2~u:·~;~, Hljlph Anderson, i)~~I)!~~enm;::~~n~!~:.,"S~·enl~r:~~~ ~:~::h~~~~~~P,.wit, .nd Mrs. ~"ed :':~~ No Ho,t sup~. Les ."e . :\Irs, I', C, ,Jmls('n~lilYlme.,·- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brudigan Ah'in Carlson ,1 [', !"'w I Mr, Ilml Mr,';, HUSlfH'1J BlIin) Wl"l'C, Norfolk, entertairwd Club 21 Sun- Trllllt} t ulh!.'1 an Churrh 1\1('n B) n, Goorge Buslclrk \ II~lll'sls Thllr~c1a.v ~w('ning in the: and family were SUPP()I' guestH dily evenIng :\11', and Mrs, Art P·TA Meetinliil Held and theIr famlh('s hphl al music department of the high lo.... mg offlccls ",ere ('!('('h'ti Lt'o E\lll !hlli'n (lull '>)lcnt \\todlll'S I family SI){!llt Friday f'V("nin,g in the family wel'C visitors Tuesday eVl'"lll Jnl,eting wil) be In the Fl'a~k lhpir fJI',~1 meetmg 1

Adolf Mlllc'r l'l'lul'l1ed home fldlll tertained the ,following guests at !'rlrs. K(~nneth Brcckmollel' antl!:\lrs, ,WillIS HltZl', :\11',. rind .\lrs, Corsages were presentecl the _ , Amos Ue('kl'nhalll'l' "nil lillUgh lIll'. hlispillil ThllJ'M.lay, dinner last Sunday in hO!lor Mrs, Willard .Jeffrey \.... NC gupsls: ,\IarvJn Dunklatl cnlrrtilln Od, ~O. teaehers, The. members voted. to Auxilil!lry Meeting Held , . fl'r .~IJ(oJ~t SIHld~(y afl.l'rn.oon \\'.Jtl;, ~'II''', Wdliam ,I'i~!ll\e, i\-'1rs. LI'slc1' Lonnie Behmer: Mr. and Mrs..JolliJ :It Scattered i\'pighbors dub 1Il Ill',' I ,sp-.msor a phYSll'ul chcek-up clImc WlIlsidc Ll'glon Auxilial'y Illet 1l\1r.~ (' r.v \lr(,I1I1'1' 1'r:'I\\'i!~, Zc'.oi~nn,C('kM"r", 1,',i.;~.·,tinA.lbSe·.',1P1' ~11 r~, 1\1 rs. Franl,' J)anghel'g .,n,n",! CMh. aL,','"l Mrs, Charh's Jackson home b"ll Former Resident Dies Ifor, local stuuents. Commitl{'I' iSaturday with six officers and 15 1' ;md \1 :'tl.lr\'ll,1 ;\1-"'11'1' 1111(\ ,\Irs, Jo'I'I'd Mll('lll('impl' I'nfer- 1: ,~ Wedn('sday aft('rrH.)Oll .. Thlrtt'I'rl . W.ord.ha.~ !w('n re('t'lvcd by rela- chalrJm'n namNI W('re: budget andllllt'mbel's present. District,. con. aud IJl'llJl(' \\.l'I(' \1~lto,r,> I'~lday tilii\('r1 Martha ~'lI('g('1' at il lllC'r, Norfolk, Mf". and Mrs. Vel' 1l1l'mbl'l's w,frlc pn'sl'nt HIlll call!II\'I's oj Ith!.' uealh of :\11'5, Ht'nry rinanfe• .\11', and 1\Irs. Aldn!vention will be held Oct. 1,12 It!Ul t~It' .-\llgll.~l ,lfId (,lrl l'hun ... --.-'--,------~, ----"'".- -.~------~,~-_._~-~.~ IWest Point. ~ll's, Martin Pfif'ffer IhOIlH, ", , . ,.' •.nnounl'l'·d that rag s('wing will he . IIcn.rY .1.lfll(JW '1.'''.'. ~Oll \..'(:1'(':.'''. Monday, Sept. 28, S!ou,\ (It)' \londa}' lllal'ktllll~: Hostesses were Mrs, Frank Wei· hog~ i bl ' ' d ,r~.1\1 ' ('~c'0" voss. Octo· .'lr~. (feOl'g" Buskll k was a dm. '"t e ,m Ige ". ~lll' t SI' II \" C bel' hostcssps will he Mrs Harold npr . lllli l'son. ant rs.J aek s('jn'lIt'lkl' h{)lHl' ',Anna Andcrson ~ere Vlsl!hor~, SAat. (;!ol'l

tlOS Pl1alj , :'tIl'S ,\Iall)e (,[illk('llll('anl and Churches ••• :\11'5 .- rnold !irlldl;.:am \'i~lt('d St. Paul's Ev. Lutheran Church ;\-lr{ HI sst'll S\;,ui~hll'[' at ['I'n

910 dIn, \\OrShlp Sl'r\ICl', 10201 \11 .I,lll "IllS lild 11I1l1)\~ \\('11' in;~(:~d;,~~. Sl'pt, 28: Councll meet '~"~~l~::::~'~' ih~:;::~i;'''- 11\, 111(' 111'nry ;"11'. :!lId :\Il's. lI('nr\, :\llll'lll'r, Trinity Lutheran Church [o:1I11'rS(l l. ,w('['e din,III'J' l.',\l('.~t .... (II. F. Otto Mueller, pastor) Thllr~d;IY III lhl' \\/illl:llll l"en I , £0',1' ida y, Sept. 25: Children's hOI1H' '","C~l I 'Ir~ C"hOlr, 4 p,m, '\11" ;I!lld ,0\11)1:1'1 l. Nelson Saturday, Sept. 26: Senior con, wel'l' 1I1! till' En'ln S<'!);Jlk hlll1)1', flrmation class, 10 a,m. ~Ill{'r~o~. Sunday, r l T;:~~~~~~11 ~\\~:(\I;II~, 1l,llf:;:;"Il:~;II~,il Sunday, Sept, 27: Sunday school. h1t::l\:,I' ilO a,m,; worship service, II, Mrs.: Wilbur Utecht 'I!lnd Mrs. ,- Emil Tarnow attended at Luth· , (0\ T~eo~~~~~eCh~::~or) , eran ~hildren'5 meeting at Co- 1 SundeI\-, Sept 27: 'Sunday :.;choo), I i~~,bUa\(J~Ul~:d~"~;\d '9:JO ,!,IIl,; worshIp se!'v I('(' , IO:3IJ,: ;]1' \\;"Ji"!] 1h.'II't'lI" R f d Ch h I ning anl! ;11 H(lhl'l'l 11:1ll"l'n"i 'I' mmanue~ ,e orme urc : da\-' I'\'dlllnl~ (.John E, Saxton, paslo:) \'j"iloh., lasl W,E'l'k 111 1l1l' Hil .. ,Sunday, Sept. 27: Wornhlp ser· dolph tl..'llllllll.'r honH' \\'('1"('. !\'lr, ; IVice, 9 a,m, and ~lr F C Ilamn1('r, )1,'11' and ~ l\lrs, I ny Ifaflllllf'r, \lrs, Emil I

Methodist Church (:1'('\-'(', ~\Ir, and ~rs. 1"1'('(1 Hilson. 1 (John E. Horner, pastor) J,fr, ,mil Mr~. :"ItH'I'!, S'JlllI'S, ~lr Sunday, Sept. 27: Sunday school, and Mr~, :\lill"\'ln 'lcwr and Deb 10 a,m.; worship service, 11, bie and! ~lr, and :\1rs, Eltnl'r Holt I ======J Before you pick your-·cor, p.ick the best Object: to help you toke advantage of gel'. I I Mr, and Mrs. A"B. Janke and Mrs, Ie. W. ;"'lc(;uir(' ami Mrs Auto Loon from us, .. you'll be glod you the best dea I on the new or used cor ~arlha and Bert,lia Janke were Geor;.:C'! B\I~kJrk Wf'l'(' ('nllflrs Sat vIsitors Sunday In the -Leonard ul'day or 'II'S. Frank l'arkc'l'. I~c'll ~~ did. And whenever you need cosh for :you wont' A low_cost, money-saving anl~ Janke; home, Pender. dcI', attended funeral :-.en-l('('S any worthwhile purpose, it poys to visit Auto Loan from us providesthe teady Dinner guests Sunday in the John for Frank McGuire, Redel home were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Arnold Brudigam and our Loon Deportment first, Service is cash you need to own that c-;;r, quickly, Paul Braesh and Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. r"able Clinkenbeard at­ fost, courteous ond confidential. with convenient repayment terms. Darrell Braesh and Debra, Ben· tended i the Friendly club meet· nington, and Mrs, Elsie Nelson, ing at !the William Tonjes home Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cary at- Friday" tended funeral services for Wil· Mr. dnd \lrs, Elmer Bottger, liam Kelley at Gibbon Tuesday. I Ben ndttger and 1'1'11'. and Mrs They visited relatives at Kearney ! Willia~I, Win~('('a~p" Thtlrsto~, and returned home Wednesday. Iwprr \-'If;Jlors Sunday In the ErVin i Mrs Paul Zoffka entertained all Bottger i home, , State I'National Bank . .. \11'. aind Mrs, Henry Greve and Member F.D.I.C. Ia supper Frlday evenmg for Lol'- .:\1r, .anJI ~rrs. Glen Siebrandt at Ietta Voss, Omaha. Guests were tended the Ak.Sar·Bcn program i~ ~~ ,M~:~.~_r~. __ ~e~~_:rt Jaeger, Omaha,! '- f-======-======::-----~------=------~------:: ------=. I' Jani~e Sampson and Fern An- ~~ii;;;.;;:===;;;;;;=;q ~ r~OTOR CI'.!Slor~ li•• A PPGDdCT CF COHPANY • WKOUI ders.on.l returned Saturday from ~ Portol"" Calif. Mr land Mrs, Joe C~melka, Sioux qity, and :vII's. Nina Pflueg· IeI', Wisper, were breakfast ~uests ;\-,londayj in the Arnold Brudigam home. !

I Announcement: •Tear out thi~I reminder now! ORDER NEW Ford Motor Company introduces an hood, the full-width gtille. the unique front pillar lights,) The ride is new. It's COLOR 1 smoother, solider, quieter. Inside, there's a wide selection of options for personal EXTENSION customi:ing-Iuxury f6q.t,ures once ieserved only for the most .expensive .c~rs, ~ERN FARM entirely new kind of Mercury for 1965 ... The idea behind all this newness is to bring you the most luxutIouS, best-tIding SERVICE' now in the Lincoln Continental tradition car in its field, , , a Mercury that reflects the Lincoln Continental tradition. tQUlPMENT Call our business office: See how well the idea works-at your'Mercury dealer's. No medium..-price I 375-1700.. We ptedict that many p'ebple seeing a 1965 Mercury fot th,e fitS( time will ~75-1616 automobil9 has eyer I .A4LIb ~~i.h~J I Phone Wayne. Nebr. ,vander: "What car i~ that?" Metcury is that new, The look is no\\'. Coinpletelv. come50nearinluxury i.,," ~,~~"""'" sleek,~,~autifully Low, proportioned. (Notice the long, low prol'ortions of the to the high~prl(~ class, .~ I . '.-";",,' _.:...~ __ .... , ,_" .• WORTMAN AUTO COMPANY 119 East 3rd Street .;..:...;.!-i-;..:.'.;;;..:.:;.;.;;;;;..:....;.0:;.;.,;;,;.;;;;;;.;.,,.;;....;._.:..._...... ;;;;;... R'DE WALT DISNEY'S MAciC SKYWAY 1\1 THE fORO MOTOR CO~1PANY WONDER ROTU~W,l., rmv YORK 1'I0RlO'S FAIR =1 r- "I;,

6 Tl\~ Wayne I(Neb, I Hcr~ld, Thursday, September 24/ 1964llf'I' Spllttgel:hC'1 a~ co host(,~!11 Sun Cor each rponlh of the ye,n. SWC(!,P' I.e"iC)' presented ,the "second\huH dist· hoSPital", Omaha. Lester Taln·' p, M, CGUI,C und(lrw~nt IUlrgcry "t Mor~l'. Wllk{!Ch\ld I ~Ivlu ! I oy Sldp (lardcn f1ow~c1Ul) members slakes winner was Mrs. of tbe ,lessoD, "We Confess Our- ler remaJns a PIUtot at Mctho· West Pol t hospltul. JohnWe~t Pllgl'lrs Mr. and M.... Goorg. MaUhu.on 1 I'dl'! I:tC,W,Inklc, Mr. ard Mrs,' Wes "'d.'ft· guesh The ShDW was Mohlfcld, Wayne, Trl-ier Meth,dl.t Church chow, San~ra SChwartz and Col- last week to vlsH In the. Clirl NI'I Mr. ~nd, Mra, Horhrt' ,Por,ry, MI'. lind M.r,~. H11',II:lrd {,ra~h:ml, -;rH'nl WL'dllt'sday (,vl'ning in the (Keilh Bruning, pastor) leo MC(.JUI. home Sunday from West POint hos' 50n home Wl~n' t1ltuwr' glll'"bl Slilurlin In thl.! MI'. lwd l\lrs. Carl S('hjl~l'llljl'r and t.lHI~IIY .'o'J,'illed, :-:illnday ('velllnj,: IBlllrJ(J Spliltj!t'l'!lt'r home. S nduy SCIlt. 27' Sund J 001 pital aller a caf accident. Frllnk Mr.. anta Bomer and Mr., Mldlllt.'1 I'('~'ry hOllll'. I.lJIC( In, Au ViNih!d in lilt' Cli110ll BlIl'I'j~ hilln<:, Illl~~JI~~. 'J~~~~:~~~JI:llll:;;~~'~~'/lll~~I(l.;;., Lvnn, 'l'Lu;.~day c~:ening MI'. and Mr.s, 9:~l~l.a.m";· ~orshi~ .sen·i~~, S~O\50; S,lck.net Injured IJeller ent~red West Point hospJta~ Charlc.~ ichol... nnd Connlt, 1l11l'nt nlh·Iu.Il'l.! tilt' NI,lu·t1.".ku. So tli' q,lI,,' ... ~~:~cdr~~<.'ll:,~.t(,~I:~i(:~~;l 1~~I;:ol~~rH~:.~~~;. Holly und' I),lwn Wl'rt~ callt-rs Sun I BrullO SpIJttw~l'ht'l: and Lyrl;llctt and ~IYI', 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Jlm Means e~ere~~~~_~~~~al",p~~~,_._~~:!~~~~Sund~~~~tt'rnon with Mrs. Lillinn kotl\ (outbidl }l:Jlill' meier in 11 Nodolk Ituspital MoJll' day uftCl'noun in th(' Arlhur Lipp i :\11". ;lIId :\lr~.. (,nry Spllttgerbcr - '--'-T--:'7 !l reiand daughter t'bltcd in lhe Walt~r Congregational Church day uflt~I'IlOOll, o~IIIO;HI;IY I\Il's. l'I'l':;!(lll HOg~:('nJI~Spl,illw'rbl.'r hOI,nl'. '" ..(Reinh.old Abele, pastor) 1 Mr. ,JIll! J\-ll's, J[ellry Hl'undil'ck I hiS d S I 21 S d h I WCl"e visilors Iu,..,:l SuriLlluy t'VCnilig hach and D:mn '~el'l' dlllll('l' gm'sh I H ~ll!j(t;?: 1'\'I'nll~j /lsltor~ In ~I e d ~~ ~y, ~~. :, u.n a~i SC lr:.o'

,jn Ihe Donald 1\1 :ltthil'~~ hOITl(', In A~ltr((;'ll;~,'h/::;:~~~'r:l{/ig~.:'.:~I.~~I~',>1i-~ ~c. Corduroy STORM COATS j~'~~~';ER~,~1. Size 3 to 6x MR. POTATOIiEAD PAINT-BY-IIlUMISER MILITARY UNITS ~])~ OCT 3 ~;~a~~t~ ~i~~~:es, 71c ~;So:i~ho:O~~~~s~ut. 77c 1 'iBlliBillBiBiBillililllfilillBIBllr 'II Pal,!,olive Soap Savi"gs Pile lined convertible col­ I ' lar-hood, patch pockets, Regular 2 bars for,33c' Both size Palmolive soap Colors of beautiful red or at b price you can t offord to 10 $1°° camel. Drawstring belt. mifsl Stock up now and save' bars'

, Sizes 7 to 14 i Save on Women's Dove Skin" Panties I Sp~cial purchase for Employees' Sale, Women's fir¥t quality, rayon acetate, satin stripe elqstic leg brief. Reg, 59c value, White, 44c,

I i 81-in. DURALON@ CURTAIN ~ANELS Men's Golden Fleece Work Gloves Popular Trulon"', panels for sheer beauty. All Stock up 'for winter at this low price' Special pukhose of rubberized double thick fleece chore rayon panels are hand washable, need no starch­ gloves, Compare 3 99 ing or stretching and $1°° Wijh 55c values. prs. ',C very lIttle ironing. NOW, ., ... , .. , ..

25-Piece Co!"pare This Valuel TEA SET , Comfortoble, Cool JERSEY DRESSES Misses' sizes 12-10 Half sizes 14Y2-22 I/z.

c'hoose from two styles in smart prints and as­ sorted Fall colors. Won­ derful quality and styl. ing; li"le or no ~ron. Olive drabwith camouflage ing_ Completely wash­ leaf. Pistol, dog}tags. able. 77c 77r;

" "I Perfect for school, BE'N:·'~~"FRANKLIN, work or play 5-10 5-10 Special purchase of button:down collar sty:ies in '. ~ . Jessie Jeffrey stripes, checks and plain irIdescent colors. All L 0 CAL L YOW NED .... N 'A '1 ION ALL YK NOW N Dept. R combed woven fabrics ... comparable to $2.99 ',' \ ~\ .. Y<;llues. S-MCL. .I

I .1 i I . "I Ill:.:·ll"::'41!im:,j,.i~:I~ ;= - .r(~hMOn; _~~om(', w~re Mr~. '~agnU80n ~ Past -r Robert nOfln Glenn \ I , I ', . ~,il1~lrlJ, ~A hy'Winl(ll(liH,)rdW:lIliJl;Vredrid~S()Tl;g!'uup t< <1st letlto JIlll-. t;uCS!SVcldoll.Tuesday (,vl'ningI ' in the. ERALD_ "1 I<;ons: by W, I~,. Htlnson; lr ast to .Jack El,jn home were Mr .. and . , I .\ f~~'~;'~ ~~v~~I:I ~~~~O~l~l n~r' III till' I'htl Gu~sts Wednesday afternoon ID dInner guests Sunday In. the El· trirt P·TA meeting in' South Sio1JX Con dla Luth«tran Chu-rc" llt'll 1 I th~ (Je~rge. ~nderson home. we.,.e. mer Knapp home, WahOio City Thursday afternoon and eve: (HObe -JOhll~~Hl \il'e p.IS\f~I) lJllIlHll" J:lIJC~t" SIIJ1clll~ U1 t~'oIl\lI'l' M s. Roy ,Jonnson and_ ~rs. W)'· 'M.I and Mrs Clarencel Pearson nmg Sunday Setn.. 27' {Sllndll~ SClllf!Ol I (\Ihm I'phtl Hml h~I1l(' Wt'r' Mr. more Wallm. - were guests Fnday evempg ~n the Steve Q?lsden was an overmght 9 a In TI ornllll-:' \\orsl,Jp HI W\lIWI{' W,lllin l\n .uld l\I N, \VII' Guests .Monday eveninlg in the Rely Pearson borne Iguest Thursday of Jim Kirchner Th""r~I)-, Otl I II ~'ql\flllh,l J 11'('1 lI.Llgll ll1ion lind flt~l,i1y llld MI, Evert Johnson home to help Millie Nelson returned L~) her Lapy and Alan Nobbe "r'cre over lion, i, PIn, SI l't~OIUlUatloll IllHI"Mi/'; Wlnt(1O WIILlln 111111\ {1I1l~' Carla celebrate her fourth birth. home Sunday after spendlLngj,somc OIg1ht guests Friday I 8 30. \ U> l I' day were Mr. and Mrs. Dale tunc m Omaha and }<'remon Mr and Mrs, Jetry MlirUndal~. Sllp)ll'r l~lI('~I~ TU(i~dllY jill tit ,\ Pearson. and family, Mr. and Cyndee and Montc Pcarsqn SPl'lltlMark and Steve and E J. Hughes I Mr. till l\lIs, 1\,IIl tJ,lIk \\ct~ :-'hs W>mOl! W.IHn hOIll' \-\1'1'1' Mrs. Jim NelSQn and family, Mr. Sunday in t.h,e Clarence' ,Pqarson w.c-~e,s~lPper gu.es,~~ Frlday In. the dinner ests S~ndllY Ill IUlC' ,Ilin" MIS 'Atblll Pct\'l'HOn u.m Mn, and Mrs, ~ Iner Pete...son and home. Mr. and Mrs. DeoU':ljPear. rvab Clfllrk home' 10 honQr Qf the Marlind e hOllle . (d'orge J\nd6h"Un, II family, Mr. and Mrs. Marlen son and (,anuly joined them n the bll"tbd.lys,of Mark Martindale ,and Mrs. tnlph nJildlcc, ~trs. Buy M,'

Johnson and family, Mr. and aftc'rnoon. 1 E, J. Hughes. rnood.ll ton, Ml~' J';ad t'~i1'ry alid t.wllly won' gueflt~ SUlid y ~ C\r'll,l Mrs. Art Johnson, Mrs. Otella I S.".'ppcr guests TllleSda y.. iI, the GUests s.unday 'l:l1.ernoon in. the ~rs. Cl. enee nllhlqlll~t ijaltl'lIdl'd .lIlD g III 11.,.(' KI.'tUlcth TllLl~~. _hom.,•. Magnuson, Mr. and Mrs. George Millie Neiso.n home we. ,e.'. M'I. and osca.r Johflson' home to .helP the a rctre. I at 0'/1111' Polk Wriduy Tht'y.. wo.rc ~llt:st!i .1.l'rldtly,tVCl\.hH: MagnusO;I1, Mr, and Mrs. Emil MrS,,;, Ernest Hypse. FrIday uf· host ecle-btllte his birthday weI'e and Sal day. In Ihe Kpllt18ltt HoUlind -110 'c. ,I on~ Clar{ln~'(' '~. SwansonSW. an., andMr... fiamlly,and Mrs,Mrs.ErnestOgla IMr.ternOoD.and guestMrs. wasLavern NelsonHlYpsc.Pellt Mr.and Mrs.and Mrs.LawrenceArvid Back~rompetel'.i1on, Mr,.and DnhlqUl.DLnne\ g. ues.tsll{)m~'·SUlldU.}'were 101'o1r,Ihe 1J'J1l.und I glll~sts1\-fi' un... !i,unduyd. l.rs, '.Cln,y'1lHlornoon•. 11.('yd< IT-.w.'in •...thO.''..'••... r! .. t 1I.1\~;ld·IBUI:~s. ~mnc. B;orklund and Marlen Bose, SaVurday . m tilt' Mllllc I\(",'.,on family, Mr.. and Mrs. B dd Han· Mrs. C: n'lln' Dahlqubl. ' AnI'\" - I <;uosts Thursday evening in the home., . Ison and famlIY'IMr.. nl¥1 rs. Ha~s noon. gl sIs W('n' l\1r iln?1·~_~lr~,· Mr. and'. Mr~. a~b· Sher V,-.nd, M(~redlth iJvhnson home to help the Mrs. Don Kardell and f, mdy .Johnson and famIly, Mrs. ,Bill .Roy Ha \'on ilnd Verlln, - '--'._famlly~ Mr. Ina \Mra. 8i~Ic:O:~ host celebraLe his -birthda'y were Iwere guests Tllur.sday aftemo n in Shutack and d~Mr. anr! Suppc· gtle~ls Tlll'sday illl the, RobertI Ind Ray Mr; In. Mrj; ---~ r~-- ·~~~·~~l·;lt:~~o£:~i:;;':,r:I<~:,:::~t.~~~: ~~:::tt:.~[j~~~~~~r ~~'t~~ ·1 S (~ [n-~ \'.1'-,,':,.,-'-. .'.------,, ------_. -- - ,- .-. -'- -"-, . Hnrrl .[ Mr, llll· 'i " ~ I ISunday In the V('rn .J611n"so/l llOllll', I n I Id- I'., I n , ., NY WON Fromonq MO'.Tb .JOhn"", r<'ll."'''''~111 See Dy The Her \.' .. ORKS home wi h th¢m ani·l· spl'ndinl-l lilt' I ~ d' '• -" ' past we k illl the .Johnsoll _('. I" '1- ' wor~s ~ive I Mnl YIllIre Wulllfl anT'M':-I i Mr!>, Gcri Gordonr JI,Iqrfo K~ ~an. V,s, your one gift manlywoJers ..• if you enough. Re­ (;eOl"l::~ I nde son wcre gue.~l!j 1."Jr'l' IpI t;ord; '€lvermgl t guest Friday. w(~(!k vaclitioll ill the a' OtliH, c"ance to give once .. • • ~or all • . . by pledgorng13 times as much Mr., nd M. r,s. Harol~ Br,owner, !can.a.da, MonLana and tJ~," V'I~.·'O.k Chest Canblj', Ore" called 10 the Dea lllll:; They vislteu Mr. aid I~'I)' Is,~,m ome Thursday afternoon, Osc:.l,r Field, ~arrin,1A;t(,)D., ,N , _~' "1 j aJ you would to one. No down pay ment is required and you can take DmnElr g_uests were Mr. and M. irS. :.ltlil· MI'S, Bertba A~vef'm nn 1- nd Eric L rson. ,fami1y, Havre-,I Mont\ ,., u~ to one year ~o pay. J " ' GueJt· Tue~day evening in tlt~, .-Rev.\, Frank; Pederse '~k,."ll ErI;ie-sf wanson,hom~ Lo help Aht.l ~dllug'htcr, nut11 A~ll,,'l ?Culin, l ,celeb.r~ ty"he.r tenth birthday aqj) 111., !t.ist T.hurSd.ay \.wher-e.. ·...It.. c.... ".1<. D,riv Lonmc ee\)(!brute IH.s liccond biJ-tt· lem}t> Whcatoq 'College. Enr0fcw I I t1~'Cy', ~-,~I< I day we e Mrs. Virgil Pearson and I v:;-Sitrd' bt-'wavcrlyJ Ji,. I, '\ Alyce, r~. Verneal Peterson anti hIS 'I'dun Mr. F1Cd~rli~n,\. vial ed.· Have Your Pledge ar~ Ready daughl rs, Mr. und Mrs. E:vl'T{~l his (;llJIi'/' 'at DC's "MoJ CH,' Ja., .Johnso and\farniJy Mr. and Mrs, I Mrs. L, t). I'~tcrson', and family, O~t wallac And~rson '.;nu [um~ly, Mr.1 11lal.".\. a~~l Hev.! Joel KCJ~I~ .1964: When Your Neig bor Calls! .and M.li. Pa,l ErWlll and family, ,I,llll'((" ': ~--~"-_.",-,, . ---, ,- I" --j'- • . I' . Q~Gta . The lightest, rightest' I' , shaping for durves: lIP ' I • Sept 28 -,Oct. 10 ,


'/ ~,1VE Y UR FAIR SHI'~ \ I II I\" I I 'I Your Dollars Help These 13 AGENCIES -AND CHARITIES: I ! * :Medic.i Res~arch Pr~gram * American!· ocia Health "* \Amerlian R~d\ Cross * Salvation rmy * ~ocal Emergency Fund * Florence Citte .ton Home * Nqtional Travele~s Aid * Remedial pee ~ Clinic

I ,'I: . II I \I , 1 : , .I I . 1,.1

2' M;~,. W~~1er 1 ~venro~ nli~., IWaYn~j ~,l.ln.',~&,.t1aY and. RethWhch. Ne!X.. t. and :\Jark, ROTIl.JOlph. Ylr. nn() Mrs. l'aiml1j',n~v,en.cr :M'r. and. M,M~.rb. \eh I$tcr l'dslloB Wednesday in the. MI'L.I,ndMrStllo\~ard..Mr,'J , nnns~n.Ell h..• \f.. r. :uwl \V".I~..eire efi-lftt"["t.'It'.e~~•. W. meeting ,will be Nov. 15 with MrfL II BIlt2! Rohde and family, Mr. ,and IH~rb and family. and Its. Henry wnrrc.Jman hO. m.e. Woke' nfld f).llInn, e, Ia(tern! mf~,.on t1w ... No..;{t.. It.1 •.'. Harold'Stoltenberg. I" Mrs; Lloyd McF'adden and Mr. Scha!fer, Nor!ol and Mr. 'fflCI'i:l. '. And 1\1r 'urnl Mrs. ClnnlnC(l Kolin tt>tt h -. ",,' r'" '.' i1.n~. C;;~orge Coleri(h{~, Mr,~nf\d JC)ln~jw.o.r.o Unlt~,- ,' . I MrR, Darrel McFadden and atlid M,rs.'M-a~'_~Frank I. lave cr, Kn,s3s Mr. llnd Mrs. Su~dny Gronl' ()r~rmtl fnlnlly, ('\'~nin!t \V('re visit- l.ttl~~b1r!l.·G.Mo~dny1'.:. ev'nl~iliin... , un.lte~lYouth] , fa Ilr. ~('nrney iCjty. I:' were~Irs, dinnerBenshO(~rgLlesls in thfl 10ndny In t',ht!~f Harry 8Urjpc ~lohn8un Youth m"t "V£'dnl'sd-i!r I .lr., -and Mrs. l.ackns, It' -""-.' , I I Irene home, 'Cullhmn home In honor Miko's Uta(P rry ho "",' f I,'::, " I evenmg' ~t the Gonj(re~atlOnnllGwen;, .Lori and ,Shel.ly wer£' visit- I hurc'he~ I Mr. nnd Mrs. Wa)/ne Williams Ibh1t-h ny. ',J!.-l.r, latlfl 'l\1r~. ,Ltm }O'- I.II~" 'Anil ---I-I-+-....-I------i-I-:---I:-.--....-ichurch,.'!IOclal room for II 6.30 slP- ods Friday £'vt'nIng III the Darrel ;) ••• were visitors .s~day evening in ~f,. ,and, Mrs., rqlery ~enn'on, .tnn'~IY! and Mr,. nnd fl'ff Marlin' Illllto~ 'Edtvl1r(~ mem~ers ~rese. raf ~o-me. guC,~ls ~Ht('m n~, 1':ll):I'pP Nt nnL TlI'n'lmy Mrs. Oswalfl,· Mr. and per. Seven. were t. 9 Belden, I St. Pavl's LutheranI Churc the ClIUord I:4ndsay home. wcn', Sllpp(Or Frid!!)' eve. r llI't1nglrln, VI'I' dhllwr, '''' \\.'l~k('fitd{, .we~.e dlll.ne.l.' gU¢s,t~ Mrs. F:d~in, Bl'o~r,~n and· Earl Next n.leetm~,~wIU b~ Oct. 21 W~h ,.' Mr..'> . .'~nn. a !lanse.n ,and Arn.old ,( H. M.. Hilpert, piasto.r): Kej)rn~y .L.lIe\kas, ~ar-re.1 NC'se nlng.'.. in thC'. I,.">.'d ..F.iSh hom,e,. 'ifll(~S.t.'...IV.e.'f n(,~.dl.1Y. In l'h.O .(hu)~.Ii'~~' ;'I'II{'''dJI~V in t if· Ffll'rcst NetH{Otot~ Shipley, orfolk and, Mr. nnd, Mrs, the electl~n l offlCerl'i. and 'Il ,Wert! vl.9.lIo:r~ .Sunday In the Ver- ISaturday, Sept. 2tL Ch' reh Iand ~ernon Ardu!ler v15lted Byron 1\1r: and ~1t1rS. Htlhl'rt Nettleton, ·Grone 'h(lmt!,l , 11'1I)lW. : Steve N(> tletqn, Wln~de, youngsters of ~ reshman hIgh sC'hbollrion Hansen home. sdhdol, 9 am. " ,McLain Monday afternoon. Dy,le{'n Dntl J(nthlf'{-'n Nf.ttJNoQ, Mot"', ~AAAOl'" _ tl~ 'u ~ I' MI ~ Jlj'IIIIUSI Menke' n. n.,d Mr. un ,',Mrs, M)olpb 1l-o!t-Iff a~e IWJlJ be guests, , . ~r-, and Mrs. Wall Lage were Sundat Sept, 27: Wqrship a. l>inner suetts Sund.y In the ~ ._...'._'_~ .. _ .. ~.. __ ._ ~ ~,. I~ .... ~~, .' __ .\__.._, . '._ ..."',_~ '1Ii'~l~. fr'om Cni1o~nla we,r,~e wt>l'ei villillors Sarturda~ e~enjnJ! In -:- 0 IVls~tor .. S.l'nda y 10 the Orville Sllnd'a. school, 9:5(1. .. Ervin Wittler hom. wer. Mr. '. , .. ";';i~~------\.;...:;;;.:J:I'I-:,,: ."", '1~11()r (~lIS HIIl~resf J. l.~g hO,~e, ~lljo(er. ""1.; y .. ',1 j Wed f.'I>d.'lIY ai1.esilQun, :in Ithe KoU h9me: In honor of Me Luge . I-r- " and Mrs. Murr.y Lelcy .nd Dv;- : ...... ' '\, ,. -...... ; I L,.,~tf!.r ~ .1.-fll1Cl'estF1prPJec~ Bruc~ ~n~ perm~nErnts I hI'. mi.'•. hom.f'. ,1., ; ,M. I'll ... KOllIS .birthday; , Clu,b ,m.ct Tues- M. rs. l.'.p F mendt, , " ! Pres6yterian-Congregatlonal ano, Sholn and Mr:. and. Mrs. ... /.... MaIzes all Q.tl.ter l!.lr';~ .II) llson was nn' {1V~r- i Mr ,HP M,r~., ~~lv,tn Shufelt; da~ after WIth ~h,. W. R. ~re~da, Colendgr. \\-ere VLs!t@rs "Church Irvin WIIU"ml and family, Lin. \. • _ ' .'. :11::.;ll;,I~...;~I~~~. !o.e,~~I.t~S~I.. a~o~:~., II~~~.."I ~J%~f\II~, t~e~~~/i~i~S~~~(.$e~u~~~.eve- r.~.r=~t~h'M~~~V ? 7Iem~~.r.r'~J:.~dw~~.: I r~~~~~:t 1.. nB~~~U~. ~8~:~.q H:1l s~.O;:;.I1 Sund~;.u~e· ~.x~~~ Kr~~~~/ 1 I c;~.'ncr guests Sunday In the El. ~::~ -.. ~e~,!:.old•.faSh~~~_;-:.;.- \11' :~nr\ Mrs 'I"tn~1 Tietgen were' It Present. Roll call W&,ii answered guest Wl'dnp~d3Y 10 the LeRoy S ltd' Phi 11 p, a, lery Pearson home welt¢ Mr 8'nd . ~_-=:-=-":i'" I \ :'II"r~ Sunil Y 'uftetrnoon in th€ ~th a Christlmas custom. t)la~.s l,Speaker )lOJnP, Randolph" ~ u ay sc 00, , "I Mrs. Beach Hurlbert, Mrs. ~fnblC ~ ~w:;r, " _. I1~tg('n Soc-ely w~re. all~l, ,spe~tll"1 Ou~ -;r~ ~. ; "" 'I lomt!', I"··· made to attend the lea ,it Jny Kt'vl.n Havener L dy (,f Sortows Walk.ington and Mr. ,and: IM1"S, John .'t' \11"'; !{jeh l,d Wolslng~'r anll Social Forecast' Wmslde Oct, ,9. . : Mond~y I wJlh Scot1 Hayener 10 Cat~olic Churdh IFIlzsrmmons, Cook, Mlnn, ArlYIl PERMANE : ~ , 11I,f,,,rah W('lt' 'l'U.('Sljuy mormn~ Thorsday. Sept. 24 , Sever~l '!I~,mhl'1's .~tt~~d~'d t?~ :the Dalla.'> lIa,:Tner _home, ' (Father Meyer, postor) Hllrlbert, Todd and Scott and ~1r. '. ,! '\'...... '. 1hr Lober~ Kan~ '~ ,,~ \ :,llul"'1 In 1 Harold Merr Makers Jo'bn Gettman State Extem:jon nledlO". at La I Jimmy apr! SllSY and A.Jlen I ~Sunda Se t 27' Ma's' 8.30 m I and Mrs:, Jqhn Rees, Penny, Tim. ,. .I .~ . ,"", Y 'r" " J lumbus Sept. 24, . Fitch WE're visilors Wednesday af- y, p,. $". ," my and Holly joined them for the w.lth New PlIik Creme LotIon and Pjll.'n ne , hl'~\\l', ilnd, Jr~ Wnyne fKt'~S.tincll F7>~~~by~h~~n25 _ CongregatiQDal • Mrs. !. P. Roberts read,~ pOf-'m, (('I"tloon 10 the Mernll Baier home, - Methodist Chunch I afternoon. NEUTRALIZER - SHAMPOO.CO.ND no ER '\ _~, ~ (·.\'!ltlll~ :m"d 'omtny were ViHltOrs ~llnda''y s<\hool tcach~rs meeting ~The, }~rd~bO.~ jC.hutClh 'oM,rs, Bobby II'.a rr~H'ier, Norfolk, spent . (John E Horner pas-tor)' - r"r. aJJd Mrs. Mar"ln Juden A .'Asr p('rmanent is COli mode.rns;, N~Prt~- \t::"" / TII",~ditV ~V.'. R~bert y orl~!iI,' e~ g~~g.1 Nel~on. ~'45 i. ing. 1n thl' TueSda. · Sept 29 . . °t M group 51 th..• W•.•. '.l'nr! In the.. H. arry, Sunday Sept 27"' \Vprs-ttip and family, Bell, .C.llf., were shampooinl{. Thcl'cndy.mixed neu(r liZ.er ..l"!ln,~"il h~)mf' I WaY·O~t~He;e, Lyle Miller. ~e~(son ~~ ~~~~~trn::v~(~li:aa;efOOde home,", . a,m ; SU~day ~cho'ol, U: ,. vlaltorl Tv.ld.y '!fternoon In nets as n shampou-conditioner lhic:l 1'(>_ \11", Ed.wn d ()swald and Dpug-· WednesdaiY. Sept. 30 I.,. Mr. dnd Mrs. :Maunce Hansen the Glenn Lob'brg home, mOVl-'8 all traCt'S of wave odor: 0l'~ fln- h, '\ I. !tonj: MondaYl after· r Unjtp{j Prelibytelrian chureb - \\-('re VISitors Sunda/y 10 the Roget Mr. an(l Mrs Kf'arni~y LaC' as, Mr. and Mrs. Lestl'!'f Menke, - iahcd hairdo will s) (1W off '1'",11 th!' Hlchard W61s1upper Happy Workers ,Meet ILlns('ll homf', Fr-::tnont. Gwen Lori and SheUy 'were '.'iSit- ,Patty Ann, Karen, Chatles and By~ the IOng-lh!ting~wate. I~~ 6k~ h'dll' I . Happy Workers~ith,Mrs.met vThursdayI~orn'laI Manlyn Ilnll, SIOUX City, was lors Thursday evening in the I :erle ron, were visitors Monday evening . nt' t I ~ng h t" \11' 1:<;t in the home OflaUbbel home. ,[, lin M~-.the Julius Menke ho.me, I so~OO~O'~llIm:eUl~y.o~l;veuur?-o ,n COle.ridge, ....P'ktll, Knittinj:l C.lUb met Friday after- were. eight an- I. her pan:nls, Mr. and Mr...,. Russell; Mrs., Pearl' Jensen, Marjie, I.Art : a.nd Mrs. MerrllJ Bai.er and.1 rlay.~ in the :ftuli.qell lIall 'nnon in the Mrs. ,Eunice G'la,'J.!l SW~f'.tng roU ('al~ b~ telhnlJ: who IHall. ., ,nhct Pete were visit'or~ Thur day ~~amll'y were dinner guests SU~day JllRt Ul( n pcrnmne~t. ) 'JI111' " i home with 14 members. Mrs. thel~ f,ElvorfiQ teachu was or of i Mr. and Mrs_ John Fltzlum- evening. in the Cliffond Lin lsay Im, the John Sherman home; Dlxon. ' SUPER REGULAR "0 Mr. and iMrs. Glenn Loberg Dpwy Jor~es was a guest. an !nlf:.'d.ent 10 .'1chool day;". Mrs.! mons, Cook, Minn" were- visitors .home I I Saturday evening, visitors in the I .c '.1,. ,md family at~ended a picnic O. J:! Jones and !\1r.~. Clarence: Saturday in the Beach Hurlbert I Pammy Hamm, Norfo k is end-I Emil 'fletgen home were Mr, and II ENTlEor, - .h. Sunday ilt the Cosper Juden ! Saddle Club Wins Awards MorrHl Wl'r(' guests. I hom~. Orie Hurlbert joined ing a fC'w days in I the ohn IMrs. Al Tietgen und family and unlE IGIRl.'S pa. ll hont~ Pri~eh Adol~h ~lbr. h"''''.f Hartjngton, In of i Approxi\mately 18 dj1er-s Uf the w:l,1t to ,M?, I. them for the evenin.9.' II.tamm home whilc pa 'rntS' I'MI" and Mrs, Max Leu: NorfOlk,. : 'lullu,.P.i.pgll M, ,11nd Mr . M~rvjn Judct\\Bnd Carroll S.1ldQlc clu\J attentled play Rohlf!, M~s. ,1I1'r~un ~roc~man I Mr [lnd ~r<; ,.James Benjamin, Iare va-cationing in Trx,\s Mr, ~n.d Mrs. MaufI-ee I~anscn I !! f,, i 2 1 -M . S' W Ph 37 !J922 l' \ Ivan Didrickson, A regular b ----Th.wn and Country dub met and :\-1rs. AI llaVl'llf'r and fnmily, " Mr, nod Mrs. Allan Fr' ~lIn, Gwen, Lori and. Shell)'; Mr. and, Din t. ,Dyno ,o~e "'f'ol>~1t :' ~n('ss meeting was held. Next ct- Monday evening WIth Mrs. Stanlry I Mr, and Y1r", JIm I1avenpr and l'nonnie, Hodgl'r and n1ark 'ere M"r~•.:..,~JO~.~Lo~w~.~.",n":,d~f:".a";m,,,'iI:".y,.:..W::.ayn~.:-.-, ,-,I~*~~=--======~=~~"':""==~F--= ~ ing will he Oct. 21 with Mrs. i\lvin Morris for the fIrst m{'rting or thl' ----- ~~._._ _~. ~ 'Longe '\, season, T(m m('mlwrs and OD(' f:.~. ,)~S M S 'Ch ~,I gue;l, Mr, Arnold .June" WPn' ost weepIng £anoes, \. present I 6 i,;~::r:i:~:: ~~;"~~d:~~~~a~,. ~::c<~. SPEcr.1\C~i '~" RAMBLE.'R ANNOUN i ES THE S.ENSIBLE.· lA, R ....•..•,.,'. ~·~~;r~~e~~~r~~r I~;q~n~: ~:o~,; IN'3 n'f:£' S' N''3 n'f:£' Wh Ib N' 7S ~'ul :'""" :~~ ~~~;in;hr~i~'~:. d:~:'~";f,ns' i,;'I:t~ I CW. lZCS. i ~ses. :--:--+---...... J":'-__+_..."I Paulson. I 11erent ew, 1lcrent ee ew. pectac ar· ngines.

United Presbyterian Women I l!nitrd i'n'sbvlerian hwt : We~ln('sday aft;rnoon tlw church I 'soclnl room with 16 TJlC'mhpr~ imd Mrs Owen \1 I'~ Erwin! ,Morris, Mrs ;<"lrs I Edwin DaVIS and Pastor Ax ; en, guests. Mrs. \1arill!1 (;Ia<;s in charge of devotions. f Thp following new o.ffic('f'i WNC Ielected: pre'Slclent. ....frs, Cliffmd t~~~I~I<~~I:' ~~~(~;'('h[t;·~·t~id(,~(:~r{'t~l:: I Mrs. Milton (!w.pos: lrl':!suJ"pr. I I ~~~~m~~~·n('M~'JJI;;:;~,·~;ion ( 'I I world servic:e, 7I11's. Lesler B('th- une; white crbss, \11':- (;('org{" owe.~s; .local srrvice, Mrs., O\\'rn Jenkllls. Mr~, E, A. ;"Ii!orns &j,>,'as If"lected for new m{'mhcr of the , nommatmg committrl', :'oint meet ~i •.J I ~L, T' • B .. e j W'th ing will bp Oct 1 with a pot· i~l!h~' $ DOe Ime.o e "r parea I ItIl lur, luncheon ,nd dc',n,up day.

j '.. 231 (.oJ. p. k MI., anrl Mrs, Lf'onard Hallepn '«» ~ n D..ere .,r" Ie e.r were vi,itors Sunday evenmg in ... lhe Sanny Halleen home, Lincoln i "H· h Q rty' t L P' II Mr. and Mrs. Hans Stolz. Dan· ! 1'9 uo I Q ow r.tCelS bury. la., WJere visitors Sunday in th;u~:(~~~e 1'~~~fn:O~:i'lors J...d I' I' in the B, ran stett~r mp . C00 ~~ffO~~h~~~<"\i~~~~vinw~~~orM~r '16 H, 1 \"" pOl. 375 3325 and Mrs Ronnie lIall,en, Wavn,'. ' ,:vest st "one -, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rohdr. \'11" ~-= and Mrs. Jerry Arduser. EugenE' iExecutors', Sale i'lllme il'l Wisner ana Two SO-acre Jrlllds Cu~ing ,.~ I .. .¢ou... ty, Nebraska '" Pro'perty'of the late Anna It I Guthardt ~ WinI,b¢ sold at Public Auction at th west front door of the courthouse in " West Pbint, ebraska, on th...rsddy; Oct. 1 'I I 2:od P.M. PARCEL 1 - TWo-s.~ory frome house, made~n, in lexcellent state of repOir,. oil hlrnac~.. electrif wcl~er keoter and two-tar g~roge, located on lot 10 ,,, block 25 In fJrst a~dition to City of Wisner, Nellroska. Lot is level, 60x140 feet, and well locuted. I ~RC~L2- ' E'ost ~alf of southeast quafter of sedtion 9, township 24, range 4, in Cum- ing cqunty. '. Thi~ lis 0 ... unimproved and hlghly ~r oductive traci';of land. ' ,.. PAR~EL3 -\ I". West half, of the nortl),east qu0fter of section 29, township 24, range 4, in Cumi 9 cbunty. , Ther~ are' on th~"ct 0 dwelling" barn, and a numbdr of smal'l sheds. Wat r i!> piped obout the plal:e. RE ,connected. " i ~ERM OF I~ALE: 20% cash.1on d.y~f sol.; b .nce in 60 days. A~S.".cts of tltl. will b. furnish. C, e, Ta Ii .will be paid'iup to lind lneludl ,1-963. 65s£15., ION:'" March 1, 1965. on far.ml,and; wh n final ~ettlement, ,is; ma~tJ on the home. " " \. 1 :., For furt"~r inf rmatlon ,contal:t I II \H" M. Nlcholsen,! Attorney I" Cecil H; M~lIeY'~ ,Executor I Wisner, Ne~faska I Fremont) Nebraska

, Rlfh.•. f.d. .KIne, ..l!u~.r D.n.. $.. Mp.Ile~,lfx.cutor I,. I W"".. sb W...... ':I"'i••"'" , "fteI>·r I--"-__~---'_~Wat h the'Oanny Kaye Show on CBS-TV, ~ednesday iEvJntrgs ---f----'---~Tr_,...-'--,": ~---~--- ','


), ,I', ,I I 'I'. '" : Top Ta~te iOlE~I '

~9c It bf., 9;c IQt! -1-11-----.;...-.:..---irI'rL"1I.;...-....,.-:-'''-- , Natco Ito*j,j, "'bod I Ii ~ See ~y The :Herald tATSUP, FitIOUR'" I It'~~J~:d af~I~J~~\e;~:~;;d l::h~~: That's hOW'W~' prepare the con. d

and lln SUhda from 12 Noon to "i S:J~lt~. ~~~c.M~:iifC"I,HMfOrrsd, JPlorhne'nocne' 8:00 PM (dos d Monda,yl. 1'11 I 1\1('Yt.'I' aml Mrs. Elizabefh Kay

! ~~:~~~:/i~l~I~' ~~t:~ ,M;~~;od~ ~hr~ ; ri\'erl la~t !Monday to visit Mrs. ,Elizaheth lK.av. I 38th Summit .I Mr. and I Mrs. LeRoy Clarkson Sioux City,. Iowa '



.','.1 I'lHEiWRST·CUT Green or Wax '3DJ BEANS cANS 2I 1 1 I Iii I 1 I I ' , ~ oyne I.Ncbr.1 Herold, 'J;hursd.y Septel11ber 2~, 1964 PcnJOrick. Mr~ 4nd Mr~ ioenoy I h noon and evening In South Sioux naugh, Mr. and ~rs incc~t K..-v Pcnle1'lck and fa lIy and rand C y anaugh and 'Vincie, uAnn B'Urn Mrs. Ronald IP Icrick an Kay I Mr an 1 I\Hs. Frank Gilbert and, llPdl Mr. atld Mrs. Jac Kavana'ug tenc. II Ji rry, a}.-nc, were visitors Satj; ,!nell !ami1;y, 5 --- , . II I Uf ",ching 10 the Max Rnhn Rocllelle Ptjcscott was a r'"torl home. Frld.t; to SU~da~ in the Ml:i. TjJ·, Mr'.•md 'Mnl. Fred :Mattes and Church' +..;..----+-....;..---~-...:...,.-+--- U.C'MJs.de!~obD IIKhOenn,ec·dyL.auwre.~.t ('.0' eLyaeVnO,nnngc w,·nerCthBcuesw·ts"II·iWs edsn~hsdu'ltYZ Thllr~d~ hirl h(!;IY WPl"ll; \M'r, and Wimdde, . qawiwere visitors Friday af erooan birthday. , ca~cchism. '9:30 a:ID.' ilIl", lkllwrl 'Karll!':i I~nd {urn'H,Y Ml and M s, Dirks'--and in t~? Jfrs. Delia I Erwin ho IC., ' Saturday afternoon Mrs. Ray :r,tron Sund.y; ~Pt. 27, :Ln~L.~r7.('l'1;;:.lr:(i~..I~ I.U~lIrbllQk, Calif.'1 ~~s~~: -c~:n'n~~~h~~J~~S(i1~~~: anJ~v~~;t~~~~i~;O~id~i~ i~ ~~~ :fa~~y~i:i~~~p~~f.' Edwin Caauwe Fall supp..~... ~ Dixon the cve~, ~ : W a 1'$. red Matt s and HIli, Judy Carlson and Christine . 2 c' Fall supper 1 Mrs, M, l' K IV;lllilllgh wn:> a as ta second year student in: pre· Lav~e at cndtfd t1hc enton- Ellis. ch :arJ.pr.s. gll(:-.l "/1(1,1\ nl'llIlj.' 1fI tI\l' (rCreJ~ Idenit-al Jones wedding last Satllrd y IeVe--- _Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Borg and "'Sept. 27: \Vor--sltip ,\,~~ 13n~:IJI;~I' )lIld~(I:r~'~vakcfl('ld I~' n!n:g at Waterbuty. Anna.." WN"1 vi'sitars Satlfrday eve· 9:30 a,m.; Sunday set 001, 10:30.----" ., '--., eveni~g I\? oel V Wednesday Mrsl Fred ning in tjC M"aT-ioD QUist home. Tuesday;" Sept. ,29: YF. ! ~ II ,L1J1IH'! I II( ,I ~londay In the i , .... • Wolter and LIO:d, W?'ter: were Kevin hambers. DaK-Ola City, / I' ,Ill I I kl II illJll I I ~cial Fo eeolt ..• I guests in the, Jim Gelger'l home. spent the weekend I in the E. ldred. ,,/ \I? \ldrvXI1 i Ison nnd (1l1l Th rS{l.y. 580 . 24 Alletl, to help. L e ho~ts Jbser.\1c Sr;ith ho e. drIll \\\11 11"1111 \ rtllll!lday In the lethodu;t WSCS fall 5U~~ theit 20th aDllllvfrsary., Supper uests Wednesday in the l 1<11(),,' J\lhlltl Wlllt' eh reh parlo·s '·,.Mts. Clarence carson al1d Mn;, Alden 'Ser en home to celebrate \l~" IFr~aY, J~ \11 Illrl H.onuld ])('nleflck Sept. 25 GaroJd .. en ltendcd ..<1 1 .'P-TA [JUdY Kavpnaugh's sixth birthday :md K:I~'I('III" \\-'; ItHl!?l{~, W(')'e VI~- WCTU Cou ty Convention Spring- distn<:t co~venti, n ThursJay af- Were Mr'rnd[Mrs. M P. Kava. ::::~~~ t./~~~~t\' ~1<1;~;~IPing. In lh.e Wi!· , ~~~~.~:i~~~:.' ~7hurch. 10 a,m. ! - ----·--~~I-I ------cr"------c~~t---~+-- \11" H,III,II!1 was ;1 vis· St. Anne's. Fall Supper, bixoD 11(1[' HI 111 the I aUditorium.. I Ilr,tlkl;] Tucaday, SORt. 29 l~\J " wa~ ad· Mrthaolst ~outh Fellowship, 1llIIII'II II, :'I-lt'lhodlst .---, I .. 'I ( ~ Sunshine Clu~ Meets iW~~~~~:I~~ ~~~~~oo~e~~~~s Le~f~ , :\()J(', homel. Sixteen attended. Mts. ..\. 'r~. StingJh was a guest. Mrs. 1L('slie Noe was as'sistant !hQs.tess. 1;'-1. 21 llle('t~ng will be at the' ¥. ,I hOlllC~ ~ 1 Spahr 'wI In Beautiful i St:Anne's ~Ians Supper Le~~(~erC/~l.fme~ir~~~on ~~s; Mra: I I Decorator 1'111\'<1 HJooJl~ and McGowen, ctl--ehairmen, plane have Ir,rs Sunday'aft!'T­ beer) COlllPl1tcd for the annual fall noon 111 Ilw Jl '\. ~1;JrlJrI Lltorju supper spo sored by St. Anne's Design

hU1111' 1 parish. The event wifl be held at Mr. Bnd Mr , ~hr~y: Hanson, !~on audit rium Sept. 27. Tom "Stonckin , Mr.', and Mrs, L'onm Hanson' and fa'milv. Pier­ MY F Hayride Held Tuesday' evening: 21 Methodist. son, J"., Mr. II d Mrs. Earl Rock ~~~~ ~,~~ '.~ ,I' ..n'd family, Si ux City, ~r. ~nd Youth Fqllowship members at­ ;••,"m..... Mrs, Free Lu b£!rsteclt. >,Wayne, ({,.nc.led a ha Yride.~RtnreShJP.ents j Mr. e,nd Mr·s. Kermit Grllf and were SNVCO at All n park, A'dults family, Betde~, ,lnd Mr. and assIsting were M. and Mrs. Mrs. L

me-eting is 1 J?lahned at Hartington, Oct. 11. Tpwns represented from :the five.co~ntYI area were Laure.'. Beef '. B,ef Allen, No olk, Hoskins, Harting­ 1·~Hindq ~. ton, Wake ie-Itt, Dixon, Bancroft, forequarter .. rfers I Emerson and Fender. Among those USDA ChO''''''LL ~~u~s.·,;~"c pr~sent we!;"e Mr. and Mrs.' W1LliallTl c &feB~-aRd ur 59c DONETTES :Mrs, Wright"a-' :~.i~~np~~~elF~~E r:..no;:~ .;"::1 ,::~ § ~i;.~~nc~:tIF~~E rtoy~:: 1~U::ifl::' 115Tulips, Hyacmths. NarCISSUs, tionl: Rib Stub or Roedl, Ar -ellt .~ lionl: T..fO/l' Stu~, ~rttrho~I' St.. , I ':'Pllffodils; Crocus or Iris. Silvelr Dollar Night uh savese29 StU.1a or Routl, 7·Bon. SirlOin. StUD, R~ndl or SWill St" • ~t- D Rump Ro.d, SIIWti TIp St..h or I' D~al"in~ Thursday Pkg. C :::r;~·~,~ ~ U/l~.Rout £:1 Ill" Sf.winll • I

1 r I

Pork Steak Sliced frO~ Boaton BUlt·. .. .•. l. 49c I" I.! If '.oinr ;~(~~:ll;,[j'J. Boneless Pork Roast ~~~i~~ Butt.. ~.:59c St:#.U~ber 26, in , 1Wayne _with purchase of. · ddS'h' ,. .Ttrophy Brand- 1 '69c Klng-ske Tube Breae rlmp 1~-lb. Pkg., $1.59 •_. g. eo..... ', ...... m TOOTH Brown 'n ServeSa~sages Swift's .. ~g.49c I, to t quantiUeJt, PASTE No~ale!! to DeaIm. ·l· Tower Brand-' ~ lb. 79c Frankf.ur ers slilnIessl .., .' I =:r~·~~l~: I Pork Ribs '."" Ib. t Beef Li.ver. Beef Tongue,. . desp¢lc~.sover! Features' Varl'ety. Meals' Beef Heart, Your ChOIce •. ib. 4 CP1s~rlucfion~'6pencoil 1 wiQ'q.ronge c?Id, con· ' hF'II t Captain's Choice- ' . .1 1b. 49c .' $2'P~ food warn;mty.:, FIS '. I eS Perclt.rCod ..; I g... . ';1 ("',CU•.FT.iNo:n,i ~ !~"WN' leef'Sausage'SafeWay Brartd I f

\·,1' \ :11 I l~~lli .,' '1 I ", f ---~. :lll(~ :\~I'S. Pl~' ' • - ..... '[ w· IlTld :\tr :',nOllll](1 IJN~7i~~nw;~~nd r 1I d Mr~ Th W'~ Scptot:"bc~ , ·x'on' (1"/",<; ;lnd f:1I1HlY'1 am y t;1) e all Ie (Nebr H!Jrald, Thu.rs,d9Y, 24, .19t?4 ~Ir~,! ~tnrll('iy S~day A~r D. \1 r, and :\Jltchcll, II evening niH! Mrs ' . J ) I -.) 1',:lllrt:l, WI'I"(! )~lft'sls :\1~mday l',lvc· Lcsl~'r Putton wcr~ visitors in the hi ~11l' Pll~ r l~tt'rs. home.. M,r. and IhOnl\'. Latln'1. Sund~y, II tt.'.,loMon: __~__-+";'+-.l-_.....,_IIIIJll: III thl' l.owt'll S:lun'r.l('rs home W tl Shcl~ homlL IJuurel Mrs. Ed ~tl'tllhman or Rl'.Illtluh1h, I nllli tlwy 'lind till-. lIud Mr.. JutlU!I i '. ,- . ('I'1ehralt' Blr"d', third .birth- B G'If; E I were cursls. Ull'rc Sululny, 'e\'l~·lolhl'rdhlll,."llllW nth,",l, S~ldil' hIl ~ W~'lltjlnf.l I MI"$, BrineY 'S css cr, mcr:l)on, am n.lng. /" r Ietl ttH' ui 'Shh'll;'Y ",Vlttle'l' 1:\l>t wet~hpd in th~ ;md I\lrs,! 1!lertlliW' lIirchert. ~~r I Qnd Mrs. Glen r.~ac~('m and I Mr, an I Mrs. \YilllllJtl JI~l,n\l'r'J IIml Wl'slll\'" WmliHlHl lit Whl!lld~l", be.I'U hOllW', ~(Jrt LillIrH.'j \\,prl' , ,.isi!ol's', M.ol1day f .e'lc~ we~r{'. gu.ests un ay eve· left Mon,lllY morninl-: for Sioux !$:llurd:1Y tlv,tulIa:. ' ) Mr. and I\tl',~ In,!,thf~1 DonalC:1 Knoell ~t.f IOlt c KeIth Karnes Il..?mc. F,1l115. S. D., lind Led~t.'f\\'ool!, N.I~I MI'. IHHIl\rll. Ch\lh Sllllth.. Vj~Il",'·'" fp.mily.w.l'l'e din I I I~J.O.~, D. F'I . th 0 0., (mi, a ~'l'k'~ \lllcllqon. 1~'t1111 lin, til I Slhlth liOIll(~ 1'11111(18)' i;n the Nt·well :->1 I \Irs. Hust, "~I:c;tOri. LauJ'('1, was 'n !~Sl o;s fI{ ay 10 C ,sen.r Palt~' icllH'n Apt'hl' I:HI~ . wf'l,k· J:tflt'I'tW(~il".' I Mr itnd :\Ir.~ d SlIppt'J )~ll;t'~!1 lasl Silll\rday in wor~ Iic~mcH wjcrc AI~~O~d :J;Jorg,! ~'~d "1~t1l Mr. ant! Mn;. JIPIll'S \11', lind ~11':4: WIlI'l'('1I :JlInN1H~1l 'W~re dinIler .~,:t!(' III till' tlw 'Ir~ I'dll] qlarntlt'rS hQme. :'If ~ P1\1 "" oe W11 c tescott llnd fll'tl-!cn , and f"lmlly :\'i.~lll·el !h~ ttll' Ih;'llr~ I 'rom J>a~'k' ImnH' :\Ir and J\I~s, (;:1,1' .... ',SUnton. ' I)s." artm Koch.: MI'. 1n 1 Mrs, Ohvt~r StU ll\lll 11I'ltillUII IWJW. Co!('rllh:t', }:\lIullPI 1:·1 '1l:1~,I:;rHl, ,\\.'f"I'~ :V.l"it(),r~ l ~. Mr litHI :'\11"' La!,1I'1'L T1l.urSdllY !'iff's. Bill Moore lind, -children, were lItUt;'.ls Sutdhlay l'vell.in.: III afll'I'1,lHlItl., ,' •• Dorc!'n enid .J II '\\1'0' dmn{'r lfl; tht' J"ynn I\uhl borne. ' Allen, and Mrs. Moore smother Ihe !\Ill.rth Madscn homt:'. ,MI' awl tl'~. hltl)'~' Md"nd4tln ) guest;; '~(lP.dClY iii !11f: (h:',II" ,Jobn· 'SlI'l ;IY III the', Lloyd I from ~tn.sa('husetts were vlsitors., C, S, II 05l'l1, eotl'ridr.t~, \~'IlS II and family null Mr, nJldlMrl'l. Dllf-· son hO/T~{'.' I, 111](1; !lOlTJ(' I\\!'H' MI .md Mrs Tucs!jay III the Mrs, Alice Hc~~~\ ~ucsl 'I'h rsday . In the Murlln l·t'l M~FlIlldl~I1'und,snn, :lIot SprlQ.~'tll ! Sl.lt,urdbr .....I:.tn' illl'ntlld III 1\ \\lJll;t!lt ,lOti Ll'lltlll~ Mr and hOIllt', J' . Madsen !I>me, ,S: D" wl-'re J.:l\tStS\WI'lhU.'~lIIlY (l\'l~' a e!H'erll'IHI!'l's 1\ 1)1 [Jill 'al (,j'OI'gl' BJ~llk hnd ~IJIS Cat~·' ±' ! I' ,J', Mr~. BJlI Chnrnber~ was .IJ ypJi! lA'rs., J 11m Knill, nnd chlldn~1l Illng lin tht, V. n ~h:l·'Htdr.n·h()mr, v£'rslly of :"Il'hra kd (t Illl 11{'ldy ~'()nca d~d v'rank i •.'~,f;~, ..~< ~:"';"~"'''-':'''::~:I;,'-i.'1,.''',.:;: '~";·I:'''':ls ~lT\dy.Y in II 'Charl(i~ l'ily )Il Llll.", SIOUX (I.'y,. spc~t end tn the Max Hahn hom, MI'. and Mrs, George FredriC',k.. Mrs, Jack Kavanau'gh' nd MI~S, " Sohn hon)~fl's, Pel11'1 MutpnKly, \11:-'1[or, TlI('~rll\\' in In t!l~' :\'lr:-., !leila RrW,1fl Mrs. Marion Quist was ~ guest Keats. Kan., left Saturday .after. EU,. ,KessJer werp guest Frida Rona,ld ecs a~d Ann, and Mr, Sirux Clt~, and M.r. nnd Mrll, John l ISh .1 lill' ,John \'lllIJlI' Iwnll' wl'l'(' Monday' afternoon :in the NI s. C a week's VIsit in the ton ev,ening in the ,Vincent avanaug ~~d ~~s., ~harll's. 9h~pman, HOl' EV!lns' lltHl Lindy, Lo~ AngeHc-H., HC~SI(' !\ndf'r~,or; ,hay O· es d~ns, gU(lsl.~ ~ I:lnd \-Irs, HhO!!

U.S.D.~. Choice 1,,1 Tlm~b ~'eHUef( D(!ys Gilly ThursdaY/I friday, SoturdaYi Sept. 24/25 i 26 I ~->- I ~'i':::~'''~'''o, R50~T A Aiil~~~it~TI LUXURIOUS CARPETING Hormel's . ie"R·• Chuo;ce C FREE SPONGE RUB8~R CU5HION ~Si%~,zl~er_s\ '1Ib~" 1 -+-1::::---.;;3;",.,,;;;.7--l-• 1 ". 3'.'17.·t,'· U.S.b.A. Choice! I 1 "I DElI~ERY FREE TO YOUR HpME I , J Short !Ribs L .. ~REE EXPERT INSTALLATION' i('hA~tk St~a C ~.41c 57 !, I IChuck R ,aSI 501. CARPET All Nylon Pile I-u-.s-.O-,-A-.-C-ho-;-ce-B""on-e-Ie-,-s+1--+--";;;;---,..1 ,.s of r I. Ihe :!DmO(J' C Scroll Pottern \I_~_~,e_.,~"""an9-e~-,~-~W_'--+_&' ~r IliFri~.;f~EY::'"';:::EJ':~~~ ~::~" _i6..=.....;;.7_·_ FcOlger.'osRe9UlaFr.. :::- ',!49 'I! • Wears and Wears $' 5 1 $1'. • Resists Stains, Soil ' 7 9 I ,. Carpet, Cushion P~G' ~on! •.. "'(on t Shed or PIli, and 'mtallation d Sliced Thick or ,9.7. C,' I' II ' I' Naturally Mothproof Sq. y . 'I Bacon. ITh;n • • -+------+--"""-1 'I, Bak~r's •~,emi·Sweet C. Deming Retipe '.1&. ',DIAMOND ;~~~~~~ ~:~~ Multi-level textured loop pile in a handsome tweed i 39 "Pink Sa'imon tall can 59"... 'r I 4 $1 Chocof~.te pattern that is so practical for active families. Nylon II 1-,....----01--....:..-1 P neapp e '''/ - I Geo~gian" 69c HAPPY HOST - the longest-wearing carpet fiber - in continuous ChIpS' Toilet Tissue Purple Plums 14 ~;;:;y$ll, filament yarns,

DE~IMONT~ GOLDEN We re,e"e ~~::otPeas 5 for $1 T;;~;;~~ !~ N;~';:'$~ I ~'SOl Good,Value Whole' Carpet ••• All Ny,lon Pile 'i "DRN '~: ,;:~' I '-' 'I, quantity McCullough's Excll"sive, Pattern $ 7'9 5 v~;~~~$1 ARRICO Very, Very Durable I 6 conSl, Won't Fuzz or Pill Ca,pet, Cush;on . Sq yd Noturally Mothproof and In,lallalion . .• • ( Pebble stone pattern l¢n8s itself to anyIdecorating scheme. Densely ,pocked pll~-~~ng-weanngnylon in 0 corpet thot bearsDuPqlnt's"\lOl quality label. . I ,; Modacr~'ic I. Acrylic i Pile l Handsome Scroll Palner.. • Random Sheared Pil~ $g95 , ' • Carpet, ,I LUl'urious Hand II C.,hion' Sq yd • Notur~lIy IMoth~roof and •-. • Installation , Very luxurial1s carpetil'g with superior crush resist­ 1'1 ance, excellent wearinlg qualities. Acrilarl acrylic t and modacrylic blends resists stains.jDeep, dense " pile in a swirling sdroillpat~ern. ;~

I THiURSD~Yand ~~RNlTurtE , ...... __--...... ;...:--+--..,FR-'i-,D""'A_Y...... N_IG_H,..T_S__ 'M( 'IULlQU H STQRE I iPriceseffective ept. 23thr~ Sfpt.,26 WAt~E, I I NIEBRASKA . \" ,~. " ~e Give ,& H Gre~n _~~umps

1;1 .,,' I I II ,:.~LL:" ",q.,~."",., I 'II .. j... . c> .',. ...,,1.. " '-''1'' T , I I i I I '~


Not responsible in· cas i

Easy I Flow fertilizer spreader '

1 MACHI ERY J~hn!Deere 53 gear;!th $x) . bo~ ~n~,hois,' l 1CJS2 Elictric wh el gearwithSxl01 ohrman baxi J~hn deliv~~y o~ '~teel JOHN I Deere ide rake Wag~n r~ck ~nd DEERE hoi t .' Hay gear John I Deere' 1°11 single row ~icker ," ,II , MODEl Irofessibnql 2-ro~ ~orn pit~er SO John: Deere 00 TR~TOR '0." good ~i ceIlC!ln~o!u. I 1

15ft. John Deere disc, good I

! 1 ",Ife s ,:' W, A. KbEBeR, 'b. D, OP110METRIS John D~ere 4-sedion, harr~w, Igood I, (et'enI mixer wi~' IIIO!Gr [, UI.1 wes~ 2nd: Pha e 375-311.' i Wayne, Ncbr i"~c:t~r chains "L Wheel ibarrow .. John Deere 2-14 plow J ~ INES I, ood and cob tank ..ter, I. No... 8 .John. D)e. tra~tor miwer, good Elec:tri~ ~ fee~er wtl'l~re~s Tiedt~Pll,lm i~g . 1 brpoder Chicken Cind .. J.! Heotirg .Qnd ikp I·irnces Clipp~r fanlli" mill· ElecfrlCl d'llI AMiERIC~N ST '.'\!ltD John Deere 2-row cultivator, good I GENEI\AL ELJ;;C .",tlC ,1 B qoder house (12 x 16), good -Bbone-'-3~-2822 -, Wa, ne," Nebr Hay stocker Fue~ barrels ' L~rd press Large meat grinder PHYSIClA'1S h~e, g~od Joh: Deere4-row rotary ! ~ og feeders, need someJ~eril' WAYNE! COUNTY 0rFICIALS Assessqr: Henry Arp __315-1979 215 W! 2nd 'Str:eet John Deere mgnure spreader,11 1 953 model L: V2" Skil Saw, n~wi. : Clerlli Ie. A. Bard ..... 3-75·"2288 Ph"ne 37~-250~ W~~ne. Neb~. J'udge:1 II ~ feed bun ~ i : 4 god~ ho, t~oughs Dhld 'J. Ham.er ""1_.37501622 ~. F~lk Sher~ff! Don Weible __375-1911 Bear Cot grinder I hoy sweep! I I ,II 0bales:;"traw, ~964 ~ro~ , D'i:~~ Hailey .. J~75-13CS 'GEORGf IL, JOH ,I M.D. frt1dOrpla~Jer, I' ; Supt '. IGlany.'5, Porter f·37SC.I777 , PllYiSIC!AN A!ND'S\JRqEON JfhnDeere 2-row good " f~irb nks-ivIol'se No; 1 railtoOdi,c~ Trea'le,,~ 1 Leon ~ B' hdeI """" ... _.375-3885 114 tast 3rd.s·'1'e,etl. distribut~ INSURNCE -.BONDS Clerk f D strict Call t: Office' Phone 315.14'71 I Blue fertilizer Model 45 John Deere manure loader,like new I To' Fit All Y'1U~\,Needs 0 r - I' A:~~~l~~~a rl~~:r ""::._3115 2260 1----+1------\1:-'~-- In Reh ble Conilpanies . McCull~c ~aw, S~er ne~ 'Harold Ipgalls ...... 375'3310 ELECrrR'C'1'N$ J~hnDeer~ end~ate Uk~ chain NO.1 ,3, 'ilt. ,,.1.. State Notional Bonk Assistamt Director: seeder, I new -~5~1l10 J ', .21.~o~ cra~e~ Phone '" ,122 Maill Mrs. Ethel Martell 375'2715 tlllDTKE EtECTt'lC Wagfn jaJ:, I 1 :, I I A/torneu, L SERVIC~S : Charl~s MeDermot 375·2080 CING I CONTRA~T RS 4b~ft. John Deere! elevator Wi~' speed iack; Many lot 'er items too nu":,~rousi o,e ,fion weter~s Service 0 ·cer: m _ Rpme . Conjlm rcitd Cbr Bargholz ...., ..375-2764 ~ .,., j nl. SWAN~ Ty i APPL ,, , Ph 'e M~28.,.. W.Y.,... Nebf. , . ALL 'ES TV SERVICE Com~itsioners: . ADMIRA - ~IOTOROLA Di& 1 Jo Surhe~ V,£TEINARI TERMS: CASH -i,ClPRiOPERTYiTOBERi Nt . D.,~..2 ..·e · G.e ge StolZ " I . i I HA,MIL ON - WHITE '. ,I Di t. S-- Henr Hahneke ! AYNE I Phone 375--36 0 Wayn~ Distr etl Probation 0 ieer: 1 ' \Yillialn E%on 375·1250 VJi:.1TE.~~~'~~r.2£LljNK

FINA"'C!, fOf v.et tinarian on duty ,~ M~ ,tiO est 1st SIr""t , I: . TR P1NGLJ: rFIN1

), ,I ,\ 'I ", I \vt/ I I I 'I ~~ I a Mr .L' ~.'E 'I~ ~~~c~l':nl'l~n~ .c:k':::ly t~ K 11~.rllngton, will host the 1965 g"~IJ, Anderson ODd Tod !An ley,1 ,Jo,

ill EI'Win. ,£dwards DanaJ,d,' "~ , '!, Cook,pasto'r, all 0 at 'd~~, 0~t.'20. \l\fr~. ~~fsse?;tO;:;:l~<;·"i,~'nn., . "1 'i! i , \II, MId ~lrs, 1 Mrs. Arn Id If ltman enterl~m. -+-: ' WIll entertain \r do t .Y'i: MorriS Klnno<\lr. r ,lieived a j \\ dJ . ,r ;' cd 12 ladi! S ,fll II merchane ifie ~ebe~ahs "Meet Friday ning meetin, ,\"0"C' a an eve·' ~'d laceration Frida~ when he .1' 1.lda)..,. P\,('Tlll g gUl's!jji j!n. the :PUl'tiY .Tues ay...' Hernoon. 1\ rs. Bel,d,en Rebe~ hs. Lodge gather- _ g ~.. a.tidentally fell on I t.h~ fo.ol (,f'nt' \lllc-ht'JI hJllie wprc iVIr and iMah"dohne aul, O'mond, cond ct- cd Fr'lday evem g 10 100 Lodge s~raper at Belden sc~oal. \Il.·~ Il'II':·~'11 .1r 'lII"O[J ani! (lall~'.h, i~d the sho ing " lIa.' "",ith f(,~ven ~embers t. Grafs Mark Annl,.ersary Roland family reuniop was hel"'~ l h'l:- LUll (1. I. I ' ,Mary Lou dnugh'lf'r of Mr. !nd A bLismess'" meetmg was eld fal· Mr. and Mr~. K:\ermit Graf who Sep\. 13 at a 'Fremon~park' Sixty " ~~ (.'!'k ~'.'.I.d :C:lll'>':S f)f 1:\11'.. 'arid fI1 r'i..•' Mj'r; .. B.. ('rna Al'dul'cr '. celebI" t"<1 " I~W. cd ~y ",a d scu.s.~ion, __ f, plan- {'~Iebrall.>d. lbe.lr 18ih .. wedding an- Irelative,.. a..ttended, s.ec et8.rieS (0 /11;,1. J fld~ZI ~\', t' ,~.1,r, lln~). Mrs.llwr 12th bi thday Thut'srlny, ith mnl; ,for. tile ds-trl(:~-t me

MI s: ChDrll',-: Hintz ;lfHl Kurpn r ('my, Cil!N'ldge., 63 of Belden Girl Scouts had a 1 Mrs. Don Helms and f'flmily, MI 1dmne! guests Sunday m the Ro h·l'c! 1'11:I.nJ. '! Scott, son lor, VII'. and Mrs, IAr. cookout at the Floyd HQ t resl land MiS }-LlY Ander"on\ Mr and :Iant! beLng home I ,'.nc.' I' lH'hs, C-vlt'P. rat. 1.lyn l'ederS('n CCleb.l'.ated his fourth dc-nce Scout,!,; d d leaders partlcl MI S Floy~l Miller ~rl 'anfl :"I1rs Mil' Iand Mrs Loyd F1Sh vlsl,ed j')l\lr.'Hh~Y. and, was! bIrthday. We( neStillY. Gl~.CS-ts jn Ithe patmg were D 'bbH~ Sta leman, Chns G1 alf. Mr Cl'IVCI! hIgh and ternao WIth Byron McLain, $t ':"==:::':::'::":-===L:==-:-f---....---....-..;.--....------..;.f'/ ::;i;:;I~~:~~; -~ '--~ ~------:-~ I t :::t::: e aftcl' I - _0_ '" --- - -i-.-

noon WIth Mrs. 'loyd Mill r, Mrs. I Wayne Vogel w s ague , .Mrs, i Clarence Stapl,e an and rs, Em I ~ Brandow won p izes. Oct. Mrs I.. Ro.bcrt Wobben orst will ,e ho.~t: ~S.nd ll';d.~CIUb ll I Met• ·1' i U and I B~idg club met Fridrl\ aft~rnoon wlt.h Mrs Ray And{'l:-, I Ison as hostess. rs. Ted eaplev'

won high score. Mrs. Robe . Wol)- 1 berthorst will entertain t e club Oct. 2. I ; Green Valley Clfb Meets Im~ll1bcrs II ' Five of {;l't'l'n', Valley

l Soejf1l. cluh I1Wt 1 Thllrsda:,!', af1cr n~(jn m the 11OI1lP (!f Lena Ebmei{.'c Iwlth roll call, .. 'r 'Ill or Vllctation " Mrs. Ervin Staop em,an is hostess Oct. 22. I 'I IWSCS Meets ,W nesday I" .WSCS of thl(' dhodist ~hurch met Wediesd'ay afternoo~' cele- ~~::r ~~6r~t\ ;~i:l~ ~iJ~ eF~~: teen guests wer present., Mrs, Richard Burgess resent~d ~ book report,

I 1 j AbO'o'G llle Coupe lie I lie b~ rm the longer W~~\I~ s~ rl'd"QO~ :er~~ghll"'. ~:t::"~~l:~~::l,~~~~~:~~~~n:~~~~~~f,~ Tho1965 .. ,"" to stop. Its re~a:Aable styling-elegant, If\ajesticlarlQ impressive as nev~r before-establishes it instantly "$ In

all-time Cadl]lac great. knd not only is'it an inspiration ko look_at-it is a revelttiOn to drive! The marvelous res;o~IS;v'eness) I i-I ) ~ .. , I of Turb.. Hydra-Matic is now staIjdaid on all elevJn !)lodels. A new conce t of frame and suspension give~ the 'i"'lr

incredible steldiness:cia le~elness of ride~eve~ under the ~evere~t conditions of cornering and handling, And Ih;i~ rS~qu~et"'::" qJet beyo/ld anything yo~ ll1Iagined possible in a motor car! CaJilla~'s ne,,, and more spacious in~J#qrS~11 I ',I \ luxuri'?i'~landI ihclt,ld~! hi'~nd I I are marvdously rich and suc personal options 1an e"clusive tilt telescope stee, pg admir~r_YfU1 wi~hout ,I JHhed. Cadillac owned>r Cad$ae owe yoursdf a journey at the wheel delay. 0/ II, , 1 1 I \ I ~ou will,know at onc¢ that this is-in every way-the new Standflrd of the:World! I I

SEE AM> D;;rViTHE NEW 1965 CNDlLLAC-NO}V N IDISPLAY AT YOUR AUTHORIZED CADIL~AC Db.L~'~ .. I ' ; \ Iii , ED' WO~KE . ,~T~ ~0'r'P.i,NY II, ~' ~ 1 iAM I 21f WEST ,.... 375- ' ;1 : Phone I ,;

.' I' '-,I I' .. II 'II ~ I l' yne IIN~br,);H'eroIJ'ThursdOY Septembqr24.19 Fred Dlter~i1Ie home" Sio x Gil; Haboc, Mrs,Pa~lHines and,~lrs, tain~d at a larewell 'pa Iy I r lolk, M'" ~nd Mrs. CUll Demp· II" ! )1.1bC1n lQ;l, Wln'I';~, ,nd ~r:" an'll -' ,', II' oInd spent Thursday' visit! g tIer Jake Meyer. Colerldg«!. Linda D~'nklau. an oper tor, t ~klp S~e ~~z a~d say and I lIy and Jorgen· I By The Herald Mr. 1:1I'ln;l, HefW., , U,von· .1IId II 'n Bring home l'rc colt husband who is a pptlent In the Mr. )frs. Earl Schd'onover her home hUfsdny evenlngj Cue. ts seno'ueBaetlsde I nday 've!in In the rMicj\a 1. Ml, Iiii'd Mr:t. uurV IK~I>" II .:Iid m the CI rent, Y~lmg 'h me;: St" Joseph hospital,. SIoux City, attended funeral. services Friday pr~SInt ,ere Arlene Sehut~. Ma , ~ •w 1 -I-_..:.__.'~_~....;.IINorfol , 11ll"lvJtI Intl'I' In the il,[·1 ~1erldan, Lyl~ eel Idu} 0, to visit Mrs. J hn Mrs. Glen Graffls and Mrs. for Schultz, 49. Wausa.. . Belt. Liada DUDlQau, LSand a Rollie Gr~qUlst hom~ were Mr. I ,to~·nl)OI. B Id aDd Mrs. iss Mosele1y Mrt" Mi,k Stringer Ind Oavld Mr. _pd Mrs. Ed lAmo". andII L 1011chell wcr Me and Mrs B rt LaWrl.'lncel Lnrson attended funer- Spendm,g Tuesday in the Don B,re lng, Jdann MeDonaJd II d I (Co-DUnned t Oml Plqll;C 7) I M ~ hell' . I jnl servIces Monday for Mrs ,Fran- qook borne, N'otfolk, were Mrs. She Johnson. Weekend guests In the Robert a'tend~ tbt;! practical n~lrBlng IfamJly, N,~H~Il)lk, Wfllo (linnlll' l-(ul'I'lH'J M~ nnd Mis Ihchard Demps~y cis Anderson hi Coleridge Jack Erwin and Keviri Concord. rL~nd Mrs. Waller Glnscb , W()bbenhor home wete Mr. aDd graduation of Marlynn Sl~lng(tr ISunda 10 the L(\"~I(, AlltllUllnl ~lrs l\1nl'~, R< S!lIS~Cr and '1010 Cl'r'lendgc, ~1'$, Marvin IIcrsch id Supper guests Sunday in he El· :Mrs WiUtird Holdorf' bod Brent W nFc:~et,~, D. Mr. and M s. Mr,s..T~d Step\le~s, and family, at Tedh hlgb school, Omaha, S(!pl IhomeJ AUJ.{lIsl /\IIchum,uJolu- \ ('venlnl~ daug~ lOS I R1'Sslsl(!l" {'ullod Tue II y arid r and Mrs G DC mer Ayers home were Janice ,and Mts Max Holdorf I Jo n 0 Neil and Mrs. Boye. Denver, anti: Mr. and Mrs. Larry 20, I ed fu n 01' .!'lUplJl'I I 1 I· 'in lhe VerzH)n G lodst III home J~tgensen' WID~lJdc vlIHtcd thu s. Lange" and M'r~ ~ and Mrs Dick Guests in the HarQ:ld Huetlg Jackson, spent Sunday ViSit g Schultz, LQqg Beach, r,a.uf.. Mrt, Mark Strlng.r W.. I gunt Mr. t Mn. Howoll Rc>b.rh.•"d lIhu~\)r MUllin Pap~nh Hl!;{·t COlcrldgj( d. y even; g "\lth'Mr. and M s Jorge;SE!D an daughter, ayne home Monday afternoon were Mr~ the Grotto ~t West Bend, Jr., Tb y 'Guests $ dB)" in t e Dorothy In thel Dalhl9 Gifford home. Lin· ClImil)' Wuhtlo, \H'I l' "Uolit,lJ? ':'1 \\ as nn 0\'('1 nigh gUC Snturdn (,11ff Deml say :mel. m~nt sJn 1n Guest$ Sun ay in the RyAn· Albert Huetig and Mrs Dan Dan- werq overnight guests in th;e ho e WhiPpier hq: e were M . Bnd Mrs. eoln, Sunday\ and Monday. I sumlfl~ In th\) '1' P Ilpb~\l'hi I"l.)ln~l, I i~ ~o-rn(' W~i 'r~nd'Y M~rcCtdOi fr,m~nt, the <\1 nold HI' tUllln the Chris 0 gcn:scn home I derson pome ere Betty u An lelson, Laurel, and Mrs Marvin of ¥rJ and Mrs Norman WUb r, Ronald pie and d ugbters, Gu.sll In the Julia Per. If{ood, Iptnt, I Olnn('l' gu('sll; S\ltd ly m th :Mr anql 'Il Estel l..ock, pr~g- derson and K rer LaFavo , Nor· Loeb ( " Spencer, la, Guest!s,~ nesday evlening in the due home "'ere Allan Perdue and Ih!\l \Hchml WiUI MI!'i J~VO ltu(:~1. Henry Ilokamp bOil c w~'rl' M o~>' S I) were gues~s Sat~lr ay Calk I Callers Wednesday afternoon bi --- , , Bert MptCIlI lJ hOQ:1c were -Mr, 'and Mr a,d M~9. M'l'k StriniCi' Mr, .and Mrs. Ed tf ."It •.,dl ~ne ('VC~lng h~ pnd Mrs "ownll "*m Wall In' Bob Harper; hlj>m. Dinner-I] gue t5' Sunday I the the Marvin Loeb home were Mrs. I Mrs,' Cy ~l CuUlxl.gh, L-aureJ. i Mr. and Mrs. Pat Murphy ro- G10r(.lj ~PClIit Suntlny jl~,tho co~nV ~~t's utrnc~ hilI, Mr ,Ind MJ s er R'lrter Guests Frlflay of MI ahd M s Chris Arduser home were rand F'rltz and Mr:s George Rath, Lau- 'hu--h r' Dinner _a e9t9 Sunday ;in th'c borne last week from 'Vn· Palace, Mllld1l'lI, S. J) /1 I r B~nard m J:ohn Seyl'l h~me were Mr, and eationlng 10 Colorado Mr antt Mr. nd Mrs, Wllm~r Marr. and nnd Ml S Annat /l1nsqn Lnlll'l', MC TholtJj:fson, South SIOU"l, C ty Mrs rduser and a lly reI '-I' .''. •• t 'Mrs ,'nhn SI III ,l 1 NITS KatIe II wete Mr anI! Mrs Howard ~eap. Week nd g ests In th Earl Mrs Bdl Brandow entertained I Union C.hJreh Mrs. Bill If; Y. Mr, and Mrs. Mrs, !arl Knudsen and son, Pueb Mi' lIul 1\11 ~ nUl n'U IVlooll! 1t1~d kamp and :\lrs :"hnli lIo!t.lmp le~ f B4rks orne ere Mrs R Il':: Mu Mrs Franklin Hefner, Mrs. Charles (Keith Cook ip'as r ry Ol~,on j nd family. Cole ~o. C 10" are Visiting in tho Pat~ JMr cr~ ~lle~t~ In trw Julh}l BC'I,ol'n I l'rJday th ohdllv gUCfits ~n the mta an daug ters, Sioux City Blcrschenk and Mrs Don Helms Su!nday, SJpt. 27' Chu ~e~v- and .Mn.' ~ d Mrs. Lewis Murp y h~me. I , Sumlv ck hOlnt', !"llllln.gflcltl, S. I,. ~'" L' (~tll'st<; Sunday m 1hc Marll\n C1illl(' Sutlo hOme, Omaha, were I Mr~, oy B uermelster lI od Ju· Tuesday mornmg.. Ices. 9'30 am; Sunnay hobl. Rosalie, I Dlnfor guelts S"nday In the I SllJIdn ' > I Holdorf hom!' 11,lnklon, IACI C Mn II Mr and Nfl Man]oy Sutton and he VISI e.d Sa urday in thtt Dave Guests Thurijday evenmg ID the 10.30 Mrs\r Chlarles B1ier~enk, Gereop Aflvin hom.e were Mr and Rov and Mra flaul LucII and lind MiS Jilek !'J\~ln lInd famll..", Kart'n " Bauerm,{Hster home, Norfjlk Darren John~on home were Mr Dom rel~,. Belden_and Mrs. Oscar- Pehrson, South Sioux: fnnllly, ,Denv{'I',' 'ljH'nt the Iwe(1kJ Y Mr ConcOld :\of! an l MIs non Cohk I MI and MIS Merle Kavanaugh Guests rrues a,Y eve~mg 10 thc and Mrs Elmer McDonald and M~thodilt Church I Duane Bie schenk, Lee{ls, S. D.• Cit '1 . and rrs. Carl SUndeI1. 1l'!UI, Ill, th,t' Hnhi,'l'I Ltllllb ,hOI,n'(1 nnd filnnlv Ntll ()lk dnd Mr and and SOijS ,lthmded a dmner Sun Mrs Ottd ea e ho~e w re Mr SP 4 Larry McDonald, Fort Sam (R1Chard~tBurgess. pas or-) visited Tile day afternoon in Nor. Wakeneld. Mr. and Mrs. John: rc ~Ilmlt'l'. ''lJltl ~lVIll'nig:JH RUU!l~S:~J Supper 9uestr Fridh In tho MI'. and Mrs.! Clyde (:ook; and Mrs, Caroline Echtenkam spent ~ere callers l'~ursday afternoon Sunday, Sept. 27: Mass, 10 8.m, HI' F 'elI II E t b II 'Dln1er g,:,~&ts of Mrs. A!1" Sw'n· Suuda,y in !tIl' 1\1I:s.1 MJlI"~ lIOl'~t~· , LO,yd Fish .hom wero Mr, an~ !Carol and Mr. upd Mrs. ,Dick J'or- last werkend In t~e R,O"!a]d Ech- In the Mrs. Katie Hokamp home, ~~:.~ Dey ~unday were Mr. nnd ,Mrs. lORn IWIll!', T ll'y 'nll!cl Mrs,. Hqrli{·:.'." ~np'l llfl{1rll()f~n"lU~dl;·.' Mrs. Ellery'~ P arson, Mr. an~ I gt'nSI'1l and Ch('~i. " tenkam~ home, SIOUX CIt " Mrs. Don Cook and Dennis~. Callers WednesUay eve~ing 'in EAD tHE HERALD WANT Lawrence Llbcngood, Union man spt'lll. !-IundllY est~n Mrs~ ~1l", ~ldOnday Norro~k, R Wash" Mr, ond Mrs. Hilhert· Ll!l' "vcning in Ill" 'Amlruw rur1\er,' Mrs. Russell P and ilnd ,Mrs. 1 Dick jlvIiunter and GuestS: evlening in the Mrs. Jack Erwin and Kev.-, the HJrvey Eddie home were Mr ~ EVERY WEEK;g:Od. ~nd family ,n~p':l"-~_!,-,,olC . ,.;,Ir-~ ~~c~~ Wolk'n ton,! eloncho,dj ~l(:d ':::;!d~~:~~I,,~C~~~~'!n~r~~:~r;;: ~:::i~r 1~~:sMr~O';:f~ert ~iW~~: ~drfC~~~~~dTh~~~d~rS~it~a:ri~~I; ,n~rsrke?~i~ ,~~~~~ ~:%d~~~~iy: G\lPsts SIl~d \'1:-.11('<1 i"nd IV ('venm,g In the \lr~ II, :H'I AukC'J', Wayne. rence tarson home. State Park Tex. The infant has been named non [)ou,lthl'l'ly lomc. (;tWsls in hl' Chris HaLh home" Dinner guests Sunday in the Mrs. Alvin Roth attended Our Douglas Patrick. 1>,\\:('('~('lld gllC',ts in Llw lbb Laurel, Tllj'sda y {'vening VH're I Ch:rles Hintz home we e Mr. Nigh~ Out .c]ub.·meeting Thur~day Following a miscellaneous brid- l1:lljI('1 ~li~lll,('. W~ll"C' :\1~" and 1\lrs ~\ll'. and 1\, rs. Alvin Hoth and a~ M~s. Ray ~ose, South evenmg With Mrs. Paul Hmes, al sho,,:,"er Wednesday evening at ILtiph ILII]!(l. Whlld, S.,Il, family., ,I SI~UX,Clty, Mr. and Mr. Dale hostess. -eumon.PreSbyterian churchJor IMrs. John Wobbenhorst was Evening *,ucsls Wednesday in H~nh, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy (J David and Mary, children of Mr. heryl Jorgensen, the ch,ildren of hostess Mond~y' at a coffee the Gene M~tchcl:l home were Mr, Hintz and son,'and Jackl Hintz, and Mrs. Floyd Miller, participat- r. and Mrs. Chris Jorgensen and \ hOnOring, Mrs. ~ed Stephens 'and and Mrs, Wlnnie, lIalleen, Wa:yne. Norf~lk, and Roseanne Haogman, ed in the Norfolk 4-H show Mon- their families held a reu~' , Mrs. Larry Sch Ih. Other guests Mr, nnd ~I]"S' Don Whipple

i . "lkil,fU, listen;>ng." said ~ frien

4 'yV1111 .it be BENEFICIA, tOj 011 1 con~hned;>' , i S me "eople Iive by it-lsorne do,,~t, We cOlUld a ways use a few mo}e, thoughI i i< 11< i< "f.,nd there I was," a c nVlct said, makln!\J big' money - about quort~r of an : IlC~ ~aa liang" I , i< ~ i< ' ~ , 5 otlstlclallS collect fa~t , and drqil their 0 n c~~fuslons, 1_

,:','1 NALSWE trE~ WEEK. • • , I I sKlsVfEATERS Ever popular ski style teat«tU in popular Jacqu~rd pllnerns and colors. Srj ht co};rful contrast in lIuht \ grQunds and dark grou ds. . 95 I $1295 0 $17 " - t Stylrd by Do Yop'Remeimber r Puritan ~nd Jersild : • I " .' i " I' , ,'\ Shop Larson-Nuhn'fComplete ,Last Winter? I I '! ,I \ : "'f"- SWEA1ER iBAR ,If your car had to set Dutin \1 : the near-zero weather and YOU CAN was har1' to start, you Rrob. II CHARGE IT ably en,vied those who had J ,J ~"I, I AT LARSON"KUHN garages. " . #- .-' Build,~ Gar~ge? (OAT StYLE SWEA ERS· . Why Not LARSI~·KUHN'S FABU~OUS . You can have, aJ garage built· on FROM COLLE TION I I you; lot~oyourspefific:ations~or Choo$e from rows and rOws o~ new fam~e sweaters in popular cardigan'. Available in coat styles, .b rtfn or zipper fronts. You'll find your favorite n 'little or no down paY!'Ienf. Austr~l~an alpacas, Jamb'& WOGll j wool, worsted wools, ollons and -all populrr blends.' I ' and months to P.,'ono~r 95 f9 to ~2S00 easy payment plan. _\ ': :

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@ Catalina • Corwin .Are a Specialty of Our [~~nf~a~t Se'ryice

I at dome in today for free estimote. Y~u'I;" ' ~arson-Kuhn I -be surprised how reasonably you, can proh,et I: your car and lawn items year-round. As low as .... ThiS is just one Si'dnple of puritarl~ f" Larson-Kuhn Ibeautiful brushed mohairs and wOil Is Headquarte;~ fC/r All Imohair blends. Colors ranging frOr C~Jd Last Winter? Insulate Today! " deep blues to bright golds anl!! olive. Famous Name Sweaters J . 95 95 $10 to $19 I ~~1~~t~~~~:a I

I your, needs .1

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I . I' Authenti7 Jacquards in wool and m~hair are a favorite 'with all ages. Choose from all the latest

new fall c ~ lor 5 and designs. AvaiJ~ble in' all sizes -~t larson· Kuhn. ..' 'I I.

I ,. I I GAI~AIG --4--f----'----...... -H--+---H---+r----- '1'/11' oli 0,.;;/,11 ;h,'lf/rlmI'111 of (J' t"i'~k y . fwi­ pn/,j r i,I' (/1/ ; n/!fJrJaut dt'!J(l"ll1It·"t.lf'I~rtJull it IS om: (li'rJYJ!l',1 rJpin';oIJ of trJpiq (!If1(' CPTl((' 'fl most of /hl) !nlllr.,... ~I i1 Ilu' tlulj! p.l "till /'(}j/orifll 1t'ritr~1 to /'llrclJ fJIl qhflltll},[r' /tld$ bl'/rJ.,.e IIf' shr dr/wllji / (,Irllt'. Fror.rl t/'i~ !I( ~is 'h~ H'ril/'r J·ltOl!(tJ fu lIb~ I give, (/ ,/ fir plein fJlf lmp~rlllTl' tOPJI".f· ' .i AP bUc Service Record; The lUI g .dl'awn out c1ntI'0~~1' leg 0\'''1' me"t ng t he medical n~eds ~f he l'ldl'I'ly an the indigent, alonll' wit th· er puhlic h 'ulth problems, have un 0 bt- The commm~rR of the country got t.>dl\' shadowed. CVt'n ohHcured. the st ry Rome~I'Dod news ft'om \VuRhington the ~)j' free m(diriJle'~ uchievemc.lt and n~ other clay. It took lhe form of a report at.titude 0 the medical profcl-Ision in that he Admi'nistrntion haH tCltb'ttively ~;~.'i!i~!~;;~:~(;,~,;;(~:ir~~~:;~~~:;~~I'~~~~ ~:~:~~.,f;:~::::,~:I;:i:~j~,~::(~i:::;::

thillg'~ whr'h :-Jhould hc'!p to set the ec- the 8 me as Rilles taxeR - appl:).' \olsuch (Ird strlli"d t. unive sally used articles' as co~tncticR, J.'ir."t, .1.) million Americans, \vhpi in handbags, je\velry, fountain pellA and :tll.Y ()th1.~11' !PCriOd would have died, " re ~o Qn~ And .it is ~n irony that 01Ol'lt of ali\'l\ 1oda.' thanks t.o new, l(~ clim- 11'1I1 III I']'(._'q ITwcli('al fate rtnnuaJly." ipate~, The articles,'invo]\'(~d {'an not lo.g- Thn(' i,,,; ckrtainly I~()()m for honeRt if- icalIYtbe claflsed a~i IlulXuricH in ,()ur kincl f'TI 11(""-'; oQ opinion H.'l to jlURt how' ny of HO ietv. NutnhefH of thHm are ahs~)- ll,~il 11l:lrj1h{,alth noed should be et. . lute' eC'eR!'dtieS'I' AI> a mattc'r of simple }\'f: 11:1\'(' plenty oe that, and in ~c .iustic _, repe~t1 should ha\,(' taken placp 110111' rUIl p'lhlic opinion nnt! feeling \ il1 IOng~, ~o. I r,rO\'ldl'tht final de¢igO,~,S_ But it wo Ild W' ghil,:Hrton repol't~ ::-I'l.\' that thp pltm \H' a Irag dy if that. 0 inion ~o1idif l;d also calls fall repeal or redLidinn of c..0r- il.c;('lf Illl',il haRi~ of emot.i n co,upled w tho tain thflr Hl~c('lial taxe~, Th{'~';I' .are like :lll iKllor11nte of the Rulient .fatts. Kn w- the ,retail RaleRI.taxe~ which one 'goH'rn- ~t'd~'T is t h ' essential prerequisite to t ny ment 'officiail de!"cdbed as "),11. crpn,c;it'ig: , liltpilig'l'fli deci~ion, ,i the C st of qoillg' l)\,l.<.dn('I~~." \ , To -quo.e Ill', WeNh once m re, Thi reasoh given for the expf '(Pel Ad- II "1'.I'(lgJ'('c;~; ,land f'l'epdorH, arC' 1.lOoted !t~- minJi.'ltration mnvp i.e; that ]"P1WU] \\'ou]cl . f~'1 t 1H'l'." A HI this i,,, th!.} m9~t ,imporqtnt hav> a ;.;alutary effpc1 on the ('COllom:v IHdllt of al . l\Tedil'lline, or Hny~hing ('~~-e. at" time when it might· 1)(' ~1artinl! :1 Vfl("; ["i)rW 11'd' when tho~(' 1Nho arJI a do\: nturn, \that is important. Hut it is jl;\r! of it ian' frpe to srek, ,'lo exp ri- even more Important that thl' J!,'o\,{,'rll- .Il]('nl, In f(l~I()\\' thpir own guiding Jig tAo mCllf. finally keens its \yord allil rI'Jle\'() o ,\ll'diciIH'. liikc Hl1ything pbe, tnUHt lit Lg- U~ of thc!-\e "wartimp ('TllCt'gf'llCy", hllrcl- _!~lItf' when lit; i~ lJound nnd ·b_,_,r_ie_d_i_n_',+-e_d e_n_s_. -t-- N~ws· ,He s.aid in Kansas til(' im'pl'age Capitol . . cost of plll'rhascu powe'I'1 for ru· ral districts is 8.02 mills per kilowatt hour, in TOV>1<\ 117G ,Stale ICommunitie$ M~ mills, in :'\'fissouri 7.49 and in Minnesota 1048, Peterson silicl lh0 19f)~ stalis, ,tic~l rcpnrt40f then Rural Elrcll'i. Begin Ii Sewage Tr· alment fic'ation Administration (RIti\) shows the aVCI'31ge revr'llUC per lL1NCJLN ~ Nebraska com­ in ~ lO-ye r p()Uulion abatement I kilowatt hour of the Nebraska munt!it:'" whi. h arC' UIAPing un­ program, imed at eUminating all I rurals was lower than that. of IrC'atN! sewa e' inti riv'cl'S and dUITlping untrtrcltea waste. ' : 'ariy ­ Such com unities should qot stat~ thus far. But the ouneil ka, rurals is '26.97 per ccot. This. rrly too h a vHy 'Gn federal has a~ree It may be neerssary cO'mparps with 21.26 for Kansas, grants to hel defr~y the c'On­ to enforce water control stand­ Sl\-udion cost', Filillti said. He ards, e blishE~d earlie this ,20.77, for Iowa, 21.48 for Minnr­ ~ota/ explainC'd tha, "we're going to year, unl ss sOfIle comm nities and 29.85 for Missouri, ac­ so~· cording (0 thc REA figl1rps. 1,1,1\"(, to stu11t poll,l,ltion abfilte­ show activity soo-n. l\1('nt prograrnjs on o~r own with­ A total of 21. Nebraskal com­ !Approve Plan oul thC' hC'lp f0:! fe~er~l govern· I munities ow discharge untreat· men!. Feder 1 aid'is not going ed sewage into Nebraska ""atex-s. A state plan for obtaining fed­ t.. 1 bc availab e for€ver - and l The Neb aska Health Depart· eral grants to help hulld eoilrgc {'\'cn so. ther IS just so mueh ment hop s tha,t eventually the classrooms, scipnee labcratorie-s moncy." I practi~e c· n be elimina.ted, and lihrariC's has l'f'ecivC'd the ap­ proval· of the ]\kbraska Higher Filipi said t~at inl Kansas and Education Commission Iowa Illany ~cwagb treatment Power Csts Thc plan goes nC'xl to the' of­ ~Iallts arr cq.n-)itrutted without A ,Nebr ska public poV{.er of­ fice 0{ the U.S. rommissioncr of and jthat Nebras­ N~bra'ska Jt'drral monCYt ficial says rural pub­ leduratj'<)n for rC'vi('w. .If ap-,' k base·d on a Filipi said dl! ing th~ pa$t nine and chiefl' accountant for the prOlrity n1Plh(lc! gIving COTIsidcT­ o~'tl:~~l~~'al nt~m~:r:, hal/lc re- I L04P RiV~ Public D.tstrlct, said 'ation to prrspnt anel projccted recently t e average enst o[ po'W­ Icorollm0nt inNC'<-lsrs, u'sC' of prrs­ In HJ5{j, conk;es!'i passed a law er to Ne raska's 34 rural diS-I ent facili!ics and O]P amount 'Of :\hll'l1 ppnnilS13.O pc-rtc-nt matd.I. triets is 7.32 mill.s per kiilowatt matching OJ] . lnc; funds for ]oca~ ~v~t€r polIu­ Hour - al cheaper rate than in Nov. 30 is Thank goodness that "day ight til n t'ontr(l! p ojcct". Under this Iowa, Mi~souri and Minnesota. private and t~mc'" business is OVEtf. J WlI'at 1:1\\ ;\cbraska las recc~ved about Petersonl said the c'Ost of power of learning in with Nebraska and South Da~o-tq ~~'h::~l~;l~~ ~~ ~l~rl~e ~~~t la;~a~~ to the 27 Turals served by the ~ng junior col1rQ<:rs-to make en standard tim<} and Iowa h.nd Nebraska Public Power System­ ~jal apPlic8. tion~s.f some of the Mmr:esota on "qaylight" it "'~S f('dcr~J1 atbough Cong e5S 'could givc It operated jointly- by the Loup and Itlcney. a mlxed up mess. Kept youj In \ rxfl'ndcd hfe. PlaUe Valley power districts- , It \liaS repo t that Kcarn?y a. tizzy trying to figure 'Out Wl~a.t k;Howat~ ·~and C'. L ~ ~C'xt l~_a~ \\. ~alsol be t1~e- last was 7.44 mills per hour. Chadron... Omaha Dni- tIme it was. ' vel'sit~, 'and scveral church-re­ Always seemed like a Child'~'h ated college'S arC' planning to 'g.ame of pretending' that it w s submit applications. fIve o'clock Iwhen in reality ,t ThE" ('omm~ssion saldl jf the w,"·~ only fou1,". You got up at a ~tate plan is approved. I feder,al time th&t "'fould n{lrmallY~b~ money will be made available about the mIddle of the n h~ ° Hire a permanent administra­ and you went to bed inl the ay­ !,lve staff, to administer the plan. [light. Maybe not quite ,that bad, put darn near it. Who ben~. Qelay Rent' Increases . fited by Virtu~f it? Well may- I The StJte Board of Education­ e a few golfe and:a few gard· ~l Lands and Funds has rescindi eners, but it 1 ked. sort of fool­ ~d an earlier'dedsh:m to up rents Ish to screw up the deal for a bn most school land leases. Jot of people in order that a few The bO'ar? said it pre~ers to could be accomodated. If these waiJ until lflter tv incroase the dudes like "daylight" time so tates. "We think it j~ better to well, why can't they get going ~ry lout the, new sehedlul~s on an honr earlier and quit an hour the I 1965 lease renewals," H. JUa.ckledge of Kearney, the board :;:l~:rt\~~O~~k:i:~;~~~tt chairman. said. observe a normal routine. When next spring rolls aroUnd We will probably be in !iDother I~i·.as bi~:i~~aof whicha~.;;;."are leased~~.~:;.' ~:~~~to . ,hassle over whether to ge~_ -up a~ With je first'ldays ofl school ~er and ranchers.'ot. : an~ hour earlier or enjoy the eqp1· the tart, of I homework ses­ L st spring, ,the boara: agre sions just around ,the c~rnEr, now o evise rental rates by IS­ 'i~~ ;fc~~U2e~e~:~()it~e ~d ng .and valuations. 'U \ya gen­ ~?ine. PerSonally there iSD..'t any­ cebteris the... li!"ij~.. Ie worto gat- gtheor.der:.bOom. e.,. stud=qvPro- r:'!1 Y. agreed that th~ tate· lJ1iug that I can thil!k of or that per lig~'fIg of t e study center wn land' was under·t~u _ need bad enough 110 mike me is ,of utinl'l'! im rtance and can it b~ proViq,~ U d~r, the law, tilt rtbp.t ust ,ive up an',extra hoyr in a morn- m , n arrangement e f ed at six per cent' w at­ g pursuit of it_ I whieh giv enough light without tg' e, shadows: 'Or sharp ve valuation is dete ine 'by Anyway if th~y 110 decide to . he :board. .The IIan ~llrr.ently have this "daylight" time again ~~ll.enou'gh re !assessed for ren I ~urpos.es ~~xt hO~ co=:::s- lamp and :rear (and I they dqIJ'.h ~dsh. '!an Sioux City, observe IUs ,birthday Sundells. B8ck~r alternate· stlJdm;t council .Mr.· ,and Mrs. nal wrney" \ 'ere recently eleele thel.1t.OIl~."';1..",':' nlandy, loux CltV) Wed elday~ Stlml y ereaing, Mr, and ,Mrs. Herman no'se and Study Clrcl. elu :MHtI Micbae Jones r ' honol~cf on their bl hdll)', (Opt.- cheerleodc .1: J \I1hcttt q- e t, ~'tt'rt r' : 'I' Mrs. l\- a t.le .}01).05, Alb uerq\l~, th' · the yde; Bakers, to Gcrald Bodse ;, ... TtoheNy l'·,f.nl'k•.de Bredin \ wceJ(end visitOrs 111 game!! nnd rnN'S were "'\In I by . ,. 1 r A.nderson,_~erwent ~ur,gery T R'cttard)Ro~der" Roger,Se~ul'man. OI,ck~N d.,Y in tIC home of her;g andsqn Mr. and Mrs. Dale ues. uJ:! ID . - d the home -Frc1'. Richnrd Wlrlkel· and Slllldrn Munt r. ,.,.!"i r c ::.. ·W·nitdh M' GErr,·mesnl, Arnedj,·,'trISv'~. and fam I, Lowell Nc\\~o . Sun·· Tom and Steve~ were luncheon Joseph h~spltal. d C - I • I mont. ~ " bauer nnd Keith Uurbat'h. Mrf'l. --'_ '1."1 W th <';'" day' after n they took ~tr. . JOM..! g,'ouD.S'.t' S~nd'IY ~l Ernest Ander- IjIsuen"VIYing~:o·stpl.ttahle jW.s'tkf,F~ir·llday o~f: Mr. 'ameli Mrs. J!oe Eric.lc~'on en· Visit rs Th Irl;,~a.y evenI'1B In' uIb TlernflY scrved luodl, tHlslste<1 by Clirl llocr~.r ~ _..rolo~, ,o~.. ".:. _ having dinner n' the"Art Mallum 10 VI·!·,,·t n thn Mrs. I"U", No·~'. I a t.ertained'iat dinner Sunday'Rev. C rl f 'I" I ,. balTIc last MonUay. ! I t h m b "rt .sv ~ Mr.. Vhdel Lund observed her. ternoon ere Park Hill club mem- and Mrs! Fred, J~n'l~ Mr. V~nd r~~I~~ M~~*n~c:,eO;d~~"lii;s~ ~o~en,M~nnton, ., ,_,~ ..__'__ ,~~_~~ ..~_~~!~~_~~~!.~~~~~"~~~ SAtu~d.y~' Ander'so~' ()~lr ~ aC~d ~r~. fewt~J, l:Ierrns~sIMpr~c'k!:re.viMIDs.'hElg,nre"ln'M,~1~~·. l Mr~.' ....;------~~~'i Mrl;' G'eorge' alilt! I AI· Lowel,l , birth a)' }3.$t Tuesda.V, when Mrs. and Mni Letvl , Heler.n't Mr.. Rudolph Wilke and TOmmy Ii""---.....-r-----I---... II; an, Dakota ,Cit , visited the Ker· and childr n werc· ::iupner guelits Erne. C ,nderSOD, Mrs. .Th~roD It <,; .. '-' William Schl,eb0t'!t end M ch,ael. Peterson, Hartington, a~ m. It Turners S tUl'day n ternoon. sundn.y In the Lo'W.ell ,and..lup" i Culto, rs.. L.yle iobansoD, dMrs. WoltMrs, G*s Schulz and Mrs..Will sonDonver,and.Mr.Gwen. Mn.Garland,EI I.Car.01. AI'r, and 1IIrs.' I')ulIl Andrew' and 130 M·I.LL ON '·AM.ER·ICA·N,S Mr. nnd Mr Hemt Erlckl'jon home'. 0 b(! 1. I Hjal er ..und came to spen the 'cr. ...., d Gh k I I ~ ].v Mrs Ivan Nixon and Janice michael, :Wayn~', Mn. ~arVln Mr. an Mrs. .Donald Andrew and cro ee,' 8_::. w_e-+....._~'i~~,~~~_~_._~~ •.~d ~~~~__~~o "_?_~~~~ oo~ _~ an'cLMrs. Merlin Nixon and Vaughn Borg, Torlry, LY~e'l.nd MI k and family, visited Sunda,y tn the GH. were' in Lawrence~nson home, Mr. and Mrs. OWIlne Erl bon. bert :Andrew home,' Lincoln, Mr. own tire humrance" but how mnny' get tIlelr P,tOQCda.rro'lnSaJIIlOrtlhn'soYna. ft. noon to ViS-: .Mr.. andl) Mrs.: Deon Dal~lgren; and Mrs. C~ayton Meyer and {nlll' , money'-s worth? Let ~tl (c)1 you ubQut Norlhwclit. <,; Jaria and Paul ~d Mr. an~ Mrs. i1yl Walthill, bnd M~ and Mr".

'JO~~(~~~ ~:~~'i·:I~~~'o~nnds~:r~~~ ~~l~ ~~~~~l~~~.~~~e~u~~t~ar, ~~t;~~~:~~~~:·,:~:~"oWmlalsh.'n· ern MU1:.\ \ ' Nebra-s~a torfootballthe gam". I - South Dakota ----.....----I-!--land Dean Wil,un, Omaha. visild NORTHWESTERN., . MUTUAL LIFt INS••CO In honor uJ their wedding aoni· R d' I h I last S~nday mClrning in the Everett versary, ]\11"\ apd Mrs. Albert an Oi p , Burley he-me iH.d wcnt to Osmond 112 Professional Bldg. ~~~~e~~~~~~\e~~~~~~re~ndM~a~rd~ Mrs. Richlrd MCDon,J. 10 Pi'k-."l'f.,Y~i1"'.'~._. __._ll...... ~-.-.---..,..:__-_-'-....----" ...... J Mr. and Mrs. Deh-hn Swanso~)------""---+i'-'"e Oakland and Mr. aQU Mr::i. Gary High school classes of Ralndolph O. Nelson. at dinne,- Sunday in public school re~ently elect~d the Hotel Mornson, Waype. f'OlIowing 'Officers: Senior _I presl­ Mr. and Mrs. L!()Y Roeber and dent, Dcnnis Sellon; vice--president, sons' ~nd Mr. and Mrs. Honald Jim Ehrhardt; 'secretary" Gary PcnlcrAck and daugJ!{'r attended ~ud·~nmlC2os ; n't~e"la. sR"rlo,rh'.·rDda.HrjuL:.~ldiSli the NOIiolk Air show Sunday "<,; u lJ IWa ~ Tuesday, ATrs. Lloyd Roeber at-, a ternate stu,ident council, Lynette tended LWML rally at poncll.. Witte~ Junior - president, Doug

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bofenkamp WAuitkt~r; .. 1 ~si::-rPerle.Slr·Y~_elnret'asuGreeDre,.1 'Cv.~n ,SANDRaN. and Mark were OVe~night guests .. "" It $"a~urday In the Leo ,ehulz' home men Backer~ student co~ncil. Ter· S\lnda~ the Itwo ~fam lies hud eo- ry· Chapman; alternate 4tuden1 operative dinn('r in the Mrs. Gus council, Clarence ,Olberding;1 Soph· Sdlllz home' for 'her birthday omore - president. Linda: Seyl; Othllrs in the family grou·p were vice-president, Greg Witte; secre­ Rw FYdJilIe FELBER WHARMA Y Lawl~dncc tt,. P~armacists Mr. and Mrs. Blatter.t, tary·treasurer, Vand McGraw; Phone 375-16 1 Two Registered to Serve You Wayne, :Nebr. Mardelle Rlattcrt, Mr. and Mrs. student eounci!, Dwa e UteQht; al· ··~I! Randall Blattert, Mr. and Mr,s. ter.nate student co nei Bradley I ' ------:--~ '~"~

~ I I i! " ,~ ~I 111/; _ ~"~'-LlIl""~ / ~I'r.~,']1I!/~/~~~~~J~ . ~',~ .../)4 I, , ' 'lf~~...-1~ :-/4'" "·X_J'';' ~~ /1 \:-;-;1'~ '''''~ . T Y '-;--. 'to .l.j , ./ ~ • .• r 1 ... / 1~'r"''' ...... • ,. -/ :\. ,• ... 1\ I 1 •

- - - ~ - / SEE THE AMAZIN\,G' .... ,j SAN 0RaN® TORTURE, TEst See Sandran face the toughest cleanobility test of, them all rig,"t in f,~o~*,< of our stare. W6tch people walk. on it, tramp dirt, greose arid, grime on It '. and see how easi Iy Sandran comes cl ean. The beoutiful, easYllean·. floor, • 'i. for your house. Com.e early, come late, an,d see.Sondran take. t.l,e tlt~ 51.•... '..... • Come in and see our huge\ selections of Sandran patterns w· r I and colors. There's a Salmlran pattern for every decorI ,"1.J f ..,. :, I. . S OSee Sandran come deaR easily e~er after hundred. peOPle. . .' I;' walk oyer it all day lorjgl of , I ,. l",unnfn,:( ::..1;' I ;, , F~~ I I' eha~ged ~car.' 4e the Bufk a lot lhis And you may never be the same again yolJrselt SNDRat4.,; . .>f : I ' , We doubt yoi/ll wa1t to be t~e ~ame. Not once yd set eyes on our new Bliicks. ~ ~I: On the BLiick Sp~cial and ,the Sky ark.The L pre, Electra 225, Riviera. . i And on the sleeli, modifie~ fastba k of the wi, 'lder,Wildcat in the picture. TJfue, there's a new 1igh.stYleitouch. ut that's hardly II. Enginfiering : stih has the cmp asis. It's a Buick raditiort. So are t xtra~i Sandran Vinyl Buick spends a Ii tIe extra on. Lik finned br~ke drums thatldo a little better "'I WALL And smoother d ivelines. A tune suspensioIiJ. to smooth ribcage roads. FLOOR DRESSING _Sm.rl v;nyl w.II<.ver;~.1 rhaly(a'r, nsmiSSion~-and j wall, I~ok weill \'." i·' I -, Now add BlIiCkt'SlIperTurbine tra. you have an idea Won't yellow the lightest floors Ii Put upla wall al,a lima ~ • WI a••\il· I: of what Buic.k 0 . ners ha,ve always liked abo t Buick.We think,:. you'll feeI."the same. wh,!,n used as direated, _ So easy r. cla.n. \' .1' .· .. 11': be~iftd\ '1' ·.i,. - • Pe'rled for stove.a "fSi6nk·Oc' , Qua1rt .$159 Per lin. ~_.t,.,~ .only' :, j 1\ I ' Fric/ay, "ShPt~n:'Jjer 51.', ;I Wouldn't you 'reallyIrather have a Bu ck t. ' I

iii I I '\' ~ ( COME IN AND ~~~i; 1~t;g~3~PF;E 9~1'~ VI~YL1R~~i 11 ~alloo,s I:1 'I'! i, 1SO ,Real Orchids to 150 Lucky Ladies ••• foJ the Chilf:, I," I', ', '1 SEE tOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED BUIC.r.DEA~{R. AUTHD. RIZED • Sandran Facto,) Rep1resentat;ves will be prese'nt,l. I1 I HERP'S ~ltK 1(:0.,119 Main St~t MC"Irc;'gh"'i·F~;~ture' ll:.... i .,..;:.-~~:....:...::;---\~'~-"--4--+-~_--.,It---_---jL---,--!-r----r---+--r-t-,:1_> [1__.:...--[...,;.,_u ,~I~"bl:o:.:Ja~;;::;.~~.~,·~~~~== I. ~ I !I I ."",."",,'." '. r""""" I I' I 'i ! 'I of I !. ,.,....-. F==-'1-'-....;.--+~-;-,!.'" \I" ~"II'L<.rl.h('d i~JJd p:lll

~;:;;~'::':;';;'j:::':':';:;:;::'::':..Jr-l I ;:,:::::':',,:::1, :"'::,,':':"~~':'::;~;'::~;"~~':~~: 1'.\J)))\I.", ,·-...i,\: .\1 q,[;.;()X, A~l'"v". g'nd' i ~21L~ •• ',. .', I 0;;)'1'10.) nl~-' 'non'\'l';;-~~" '1\ ll-~-- , L~~AL r-UBLI_CAII_ON Cnlllll~ ('Ot r t ,I \\ "' IHl l '"u,Ll \I N,hlll'>lha ,""uIH 1:'HI' Pllun\"'1] x" 1\11 'I XI II I. [! 1IIlII ('''\Ill or \\'Il.VIHI ~~~ll~t~:~/ I < :i l,'"Il"I"1 l~tlH "fl'; MER,(URYS /:"1,1; r 11" C

g~~~u~ldlt'~::I~;I'I";,:I'~Il~:;ld\]:'!!~T":1 (~I"II~ I 1,,1,1,\ ghlll tllfiL fl fI'I'OI~llTI,t\1 ~11,,1< ~III llnd (Ol th." "r II II )\'" I" " 111.d fOl Ill" IHo- ON DrsPllY ~~l~li~~ n;b:'x i~:III:~ )~';':H \~'~:;I':l~ I ~l~:l' I ;;'( '~:;,~oi~tlJ~=:I'~ %~C\~;7~:~ l::: l ;0' on St\ptembf' 28 1'16t, at 1- 3°1 1'1'(1,\("" 1\1\ '·~",utJix lhl'I'O! b l'ln,rlt I',!l~ ! 'I II lr "I I, I. rOI 1I(l!l1In!> 11) tllili ~~~~\ I I I( :"1 "_,101,,, '1 1lf;4 II I IIII 1 \ ,I , ]~i:)I('Jl~~ L"EGALP-UBFICAT'ION 11 ))llld 1

NII'l'I(ll 01 11:'\i~-~I~~II--::1

In 111, I "UI \\ t < '" II ' \\ l\ 'I COUlllY, :'\l'bl'l "luI. III 1111' :'111111 .. ,. of I)"l' !l:'dnl" LOl'll I.., 'Yilt], w"l'tl'l, J) ~"\,,i'H('d, Friday, Sept. 15 . :-Jtull1 "r N'lol'll>llfll, 'II \11 ,'"". , r) , e"l'uf'd: ' :-':otll'o III h. n'lo,\' glV'lll thai Ie IH'­ tlll

_~_EG_A_L_,,-PlJ:::.-:::.jjF=="- .ortn:-on Autq

• ("OUll 1'~' ('OI!'I'1 "t. \\'" \'111' 1'''11111 \ N~br'Il"I{',,,, • ('I1I"I'~' :t;,H I',,,nl{ 9, l'ng,· ~II g~tllt" "f ,tJ,,'~]If' ]\;111['1111111, 1\,'. N'll.~{'d. 1 Tilt' !:31nlu lur :'\'ch,'a,~]'H, .T" All Compal:\Y ~O~::~II:~t""!:~ 11+rl'bY g:lv"I\ lhul II )\1'­ I ,t . ). tlUoo 11"" bl"" fll,',1 1'''1' Ill,' IlP- _I' I, ~~;::~,~:;I,lt~,i ,l::':'I~~~I~' /~I';r\;!.m:~";'I{"'I~ will !or; fI'I' IH'llrin~ III lhi" ""Ill t. ofl t )ctnh,'l' Ii, p'64, fl ~ 11 n'['I!"'I, .-\, ~T Bnterl'-

Chlll'lf's E .\d:p"l'lll".tl, ,.\Itnl'lll'y i . ~ 17 I:; COFFEE and Donuts "'L"EG"'A"-L"P"-U"B;it'IC"'AOCT;C'='ON--­ N"oTIQI'~ -',-r----.-" -.--- .. - N:;'(:'~~~~, ~rs J~yc~es CO\1ll of \\'11,\'11" ("'11111\ Served 'by the .• ('e:~~:.t~,tc ot l'imma ]~l\!'III'lllllllrr, 01('-

~1H' .c:tnte lor N,.hl'rt~kn, 'T'" .\]1 ('Olll'C".]]"d: I Nntkc 111 j",I'<'l)~' :-:iv('11 Tletltlon hall *"'1\ rj1l-d 1>., H~tory cutOI~" of Iht'l Ill:;t wil] yeaf! the Ford Divisto. lIIent. or llH' l\ll"V(' '*, fqr app,.ovul "r 1111 i \ nc('oun't,' for lHHl'g.~n\~'nt tltnl'e il~Xl!9, f q. prOI'HtI,," nl estalo tux,: 111)(1 fLll lrlbutloll nf ~dol tlliot! will bel ~"I t 'au rt on ljct~' hr., '('~~;:;':' 1'.,\1. r i )~E:A:' ;~~~t~~~~~'_ \

NOTI('''~ T(~ anknI'I'OU!,;' 1I1••~HS, llEVISES. A. D I.E~.A'I'l!lI(~" in the Cuu lt~ COlli t f" n\ 11' (OII::l,lrl;eN~~:~~~,l\'nr Ill .. E~t,.-'1"' "I' Horace ()llv~rl, .111""'1"... 01 Thf' State ~)r ~elll'a!:

, \ I

·h ••,·,i; The 'Private World ~f Thunde~bir~ ...• I ' , . ...: '.' ~i,!ii

Q,i99t~, (hQllle ,in the 26-year HistOlJ of Ir..rcul

;( ~ORr~~N ~. DRIV!JW'~~'~.AvrrO , >, ii.·· ... TEST .. 1.TOiIlTII 119 East Seco,d Street . i: , ~ ".~ j~ ~.~"" ~ ~"! ___-+_+-__-\.-+t-'"I".... I...I__ I .1. :... "M ...... ,_.:. 'W' ".. ..," Tho WtiynJ I Ncbr. \ Iiorold. Tflu"doy Scptembo -_....f,..,.... ~"., resid~nl.l.. ,,;,~rs. .•. ~ftller~ L..; ·_,"W"."' '.' at d 1\1r. and ·Mrs. Fred ,F'ro'vert, Do If 1 Was Club President '. Y'Mrs. '=:mer WiDsl4e .. Loeb- erDon me benJhlp. Mr I I Wayne WlImcr Deck became a member. sa~k. the fb rmer,artha\nChmU5 Dnd AIt's. Earl DUe I 11l"; prqgralll, lIow~rd Vog~ .Mr nrlfl Mr Vern Gua t M f. I th' R ... 0i~ Mr. and Mrs Otto Ji!Jcld and Mrs Vernon l\Ullcl' read "Can died In a ~ng cn)ch hospital, Mr. and Mr!i. BUt I[.'cnllktt. and Ie '1~1 ' 5:' • I. on IV n , •••'" ~1rl fllmUy were visitors FrJ~ay eve- You Really Wash in Cold WtJ'\or'!" S~pt, 11. pubJiclty, ,Mrs. Richard Carshms, ~:m~~' Kc~n~th eer and ~h, nnd , Hen hOnl--(' were Carl MUJ.orl jnd. ,( lo~uneral ~~i Schmlt~ lo.ll~' -459,4-. i ni g in the Harold SlPhlqy home The lesson given b]! Mrs. Dale service were held ill The executive committeo Imeel!! j rMr. Ca°nel Bill net ROUI'I \fullt'Y, In" Willlftflt -41,.:....;..-,;.,;,-41-...... _ ...... ,...._110 ViSIt Joe Siphlcy wholreturned Von Scggern, was "Exl!r<:ise tOJ: Long Beadh Sept. 15, SUl".,j,vors Oct. 8 and the regular mecUhg will Choryl Ann B'ehmer $ W(·~t 1'olnl II HI Annn MOll Vi ------1--..... "i: l1n t Lbav&-." for et opia- , dinner In orColk Wednesday 10 h me from tim hospital IF~day a LIfetime" Oct 21 mc()tlng will include bc~' wjdo etj two. daugh· po Oct. 15. Gle.1 Sandra Frink ~nduJ ·~kl. ~{._"- ""-\""~:ri.-.- \ .n"nlr·•. 'n'(nlllM·~'!~r,s ,oLlllony~,lnnne.I~~.klne~ J,anke, C arence PfIeffer, band, and V\)c~ number, "PatnotJc relary. and Fred Wittler, trensur. Dick (il'ewe Monday. !l"lpl\ !'JJn('(> 'tlllllSdllY Ilftl'rnoon :\lr and irs Lloyd Beh~dm en Scattered Neighbors Meet I ~ll's I' ( Wltt•• ~on Wacker and Prayer" (lr \dol[ :.\-lilll'l r tllilled hOllH' frdlll te-rtame-d t b £0*1wmg: gU(sIts al MIS Kenneth Brocknl'O cr and Mrs WJ1lls Illtze h Mr and :\lr5 Corsages w]Cre presented thc Alnus Dcckcnllnll('l anti dau~h till; h(l~pJl111 Th\lISd,IY dmner last Sund y in ho OJ oC, MIS Willard Jeffrey wijr guests Maf\m Dunklau crtcrtam Oct 20 teachers. Th~ members voted to AuX'lIiary Meeting i-4eld tel swent Sunday uftern(lon with \lr-.; Wilham J.lnl-e ;o..!Js U'ster LonmeBeh ier I and Mf,ll,JUhDlut Scattereu Nf"lghbors du6 In th' - sponsor a PhY9.lcagCheClt.up clime Winside LegIon Amohary I~ll~t MiS C W 1\1l'(;1lIH' PI,HIIII M a din bel' hostesses will be Mrs. Harohli !n~r gtl('~l Sunday III tlm W. C. '~nly Qi.lirln and Mrs. Don Quirin. ,Rmg home. . Mon y IS the hIlf of it ___ I 1\-11'. and :'\11''<; ..A.rnolJ Brt\(ll~llm Mrs. Howard Iverson. alid Mrs I~I~~~t S~~t~~~)~~II~~ :l~n~~rfoU' at lhc

·1 A~na Anderson ~ere VISf.~.~S' Sat- I Gloria Hunsen is vlsli\n~ at the urtlay aftetnooNn m the Oh:rls An· Wilbur Utech!1 home while 11('1' mo. derS'On home, orfolk. ther und baiJy .s.i~tcr are in the 'h' ihospi~ul. , , U,,'II" "5' J Mr~. M:Jble Clitl~~l1b(,llrd ..and Wia DEAL .IN' Ch .. ~ ••.e Mrs. Arnold Bru(!lgalll VISltt'l1 St. Pa..Ws E,v. Luthe·ran Church 'Mrs. Russell Slallghtl'l' lit l'clj('ll'r '~~~ \. ~(H. M. HlIpert, pa.$l'Or) , iho~pilal Friday. Friday, Sept. 26: Membership Mr. and :'III'S. Pall] lI.ensrhke AU~OMOB!llES class, 9 p.Jil1. ' ~' lund fillllil}', \11'. '.llld i\'lr.~'. Ellior TOO s .•.. tur,day, Septl.2: Church !.HenS~hke.and family and ~H. and ===:<-~ ~ch'ool, 1:'OO~3:15 .v.rn.; un day .Mrs. ErVin Bottger and E1dlth al· Sfhool teachers class 8 ten(il~il the 'bIrthday ob.~crvllncc Sunday, Sept. 2~': su~ci,~y sCho?I, ~;~e:~.ay ('venlng for Adolph Ifl'n· 9:30 a.m.; worshIp serViCe, 10:20. Mr. and Mrs. FI't'd Tarnow were Monday, Sept. 28: Council meet· visitorli S\ln~IH'y in, lh(' Henry ing, 8 p.m. Tarnow home. ---..;.... ,_ I Mr, 1lnd Mrs. Henry ~lIel1cr, ' Trinity Lutheran Chur~h . ~nl'cJ~Hon, were dinn~ glH'.StS (H. F. Otto MueUer; pas or) Thur.$r)ay in tilt' William llami('n ~ rid II y Sept. 25: Ch· dren's home. choir, 4 p.~. 'MI'.

9:30 a.m.; worshIp service, o:~o. l at Wendell Kllrthf\" 'fllcsd, Thurs· , (J~hn E. Saxt9n, pasto~l ., d.aJi~i~'(~;~n7~.';t wetk at the i.Sunday, Sept. 27. WOfiShlp! ~r\~ d.olPh Hamm.",. h. me .. were :=:=:=:::::\ ~' 9 a.ill, and Mrs. F. C IIa;mmer, M.r. and Methodist Ch~ch , I ~;:~c,R~;'. ~~~m:~;.' F~erd<;' B.i~5~~~ I ~~~~i;;~~ (John E. Horner, pastor)" Mr. and Mrs: Albert Soules, Mr. ~::::<~:~~ Sunday, Sept. 27: Sunday school, and Mrs. Manvin Meier and Deb·. 10 a.m.; worship serVice, 11. U hie andIMr.-and Mrs. Elmer Boll· fore you pick your cor, pick the best Object:- to help you toke•Iadvanta~ of I' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Janke and 'ge~rs. C. ~v. McGu.jre and Mrs.­ uto Loon from us ... you'll be glad you ,the best dea I on the new or used car . Martha and Bertna ,Janke w~re George BU'skirk were callers Sat ~~~~~~~I visitors Sunday in the Leonard urd.ay of ~lrs. Frank Parker" Pen· d d. And whenever you need cO$h for 'you want' A low cost,. money-saving Jan~~ hom~. Pender: . der, and attended funeral se~vices o y worthw~ile purpose, it poys to vis',t A....to Loan from uS provicl~s tHe ready Dmner ~4ests Sund)iy In the John for Frank McGuire. Redel hom~ Were Mr. and_ Mrs. Mrs, Arnold Brudlgam and o r Loon pJportment first. Service is cosh 'you need to oWn that 1-;;-r, quickly. Paul Braesh and Mt and Mrs. Mrs., Mable ,Cllnkelibeard at· f st, courteous ond ronfidentiol. with COnvenient repoyment "terms. Darrell Braesh·and !Debra j Bell· tende-

,{f 1 ".:

~tJi~O N 'I (OMPANYI 1191Eq5t 3rd Street . ~.; ,. .' 1 .;.I;4=;;.;;;f.·,;;.";;:.:.;,..;;'~.;;~;..:.•..:J.~,;,.;,,;;.;;:~;J;,;....:.--,...:..:..~~ ..:;:;~.--+'-....,....-'+'-__=;;. RIOt WALT DISNEY'S 'MArne SKYWAY ",rTHE FciR5 MOToR bOM~4NY W~ONOJR R~T'~~riA;llrjE~V yORK WORL~'S FAIR ~ '...) '--I'

'i ~ I 1. I ,I i I " I 'ic.j':., I fi.fl 'I/i.:" •••• / ,.(,..,,~: (. rp.~·~".·_-,·\ '~~ '-~'" , ',." ~,~ ~'I " I: I I ,:1 I , "1 .\ I· !' ! ,; I ;, I tor£~pllttgerber.s eo'~ e~ll mont~ol p ~ey ~Il ~t M~f$e, .w.kellol'~ G y 'te••. Sl'n· Cor the ye.r.llwek • 'presented 'the '.eond dist hosp,Il.I, OnlE'b•. Lesler J.ln.[PJ McGuire tlnde'Went surgery I, ,I.. ==:t;=:\;:====::itr.-;.t;:;.:-;;;;-r.:j;t,"';::-In Ide Garden cltl membe s stakes whUle~ wrt. Mrs. 1\.IV\lI or f leSSOR, "We 9'Pte,s ur tor ....m.l.... .U~nt.t M:Jiho. West Polnl hosplt.1. Joh\1 PRgel, ~r. I~d M... '.,gl MIO" .on 10. Re ~nkle, Mr. fr.d ~s. Wei wcr guests The flow show Wr~ Mohlf Id, Way e. Tri«'!Qr wiJiIlt!;l"~ " Roll call w~r..L,~nswe ed dllt hospital, 0 aWn. Mr:S':f'Leo Ir~t~med lJomo f m Wc~t PoInt IC li'rlday to 8 llnd tho weo end Ko~h· Walker~ ~embers. ~urGust ' = 'lt, Pf}uau, r 'Ind Mr. 0 o.d S'i, dis used and games ere playc ,was r:s Sharon Pllser.:bY Mrs. Le-lcy Hell returned h me after ho it- hqspital. I In he l..uth(", Go dber" home mit. ! i amer, ~rrlson, III; Aw~ d of distinction, Mh. r• ~tY~.11 aUzaUoD. 'Mrs. Harrkrt. Drc IS I se In. find with other f('lnt vel. ~lr itt ~OsPltaUz~ t A ' WJlh and Mrs BernaB~ Barelm In -On Walkler, Pilger; award. of m·...... -:.u~~u~nBr. Wg:':::~:t:r ~t ~ 11) We'Jt Point hosp!tal. J~J Mrs, Villi"",~lIH.I S'u~'Illdhm" '. 'I '"' and t~Mr, WJllilun Iman we • It. Balbara Kay BreItkreutZ. , e •• u . .11m Murphy. p.tient in MethOtllst, 11 I,See y e Herald . rrv. B••• ,und.rlY.nt h'()all~al,,ur Irv ' , is Stulhnw n~un l\Il I 11 s Mel gue Sunday JI1 the usscU Ba . "Littctlbug" display also WOII tIler....,.... "b Uk I' S• hqspltal, Omaha. Mrs. MafthD I SCI, 10) at St .Jo!'l0J)h W- ,'i 1 "fn Slut! VlsltP In lite t)l Lue ('l1n,jll home and 10 til MiS Er a It. I t at'e tml air 8 on a nursing career Schwarz entered W,st Point bOI' _ SJo x City tic Is In roqll' 364M Ho i Mrs. runo S~ittgerber Idcrs hu nr, NorCol , r Id~IY eve Tue '(;'1' home, Ch.1I S -----4- ~II faU. They are I CODDie MaJ· pital. Michael MiUcr rktuted I I "0 W ,kind, Omlh., .rr1ved wll Uc hospitalized !ltw.tl-rn1 W ~k~,. ' , _ p J +·_""_S_2_33_94 , nln~ M,' .nd Mrs Ca . M.thodl,t Church chow, ~.ndf' SChwartz .n" Col· Irome Sund. from West oint M, falt week 0 VisIt lin. the ClIrl Nfl' r. Ind Mn. H.r~.,t P rr~ -+I...._ ~ t~c ~4!Ii ~o~ i\11 11 d 1'.11 S !lU;hardl Gr.lshorn spe Wednesday c (Keith Bruning, pastor) Mc(lUI, . Y. r "'" home.: we dinner guctib Snt,jfday I tho' Ml-'. nnd -'ll'li. 'Cllrl S('hicl'mi('l" ~~~h~a~ IJes\IW~~s~~I~~~ Icl'vcnmg HI' 10 Splittgerbcl I sundlay Sept 27 Sunday schobJ ---' 'I pltal after a car aeclden. Frnnk ~Mn. Monte BOi,r Ind M ,,; MI 11101 Ilerry hOTlllJ, J.lncoln, ~All p service~ en~red IIpc~t J)JI~ visited in 11 () (;IHlon BUlTis hom i T wsday cvcnLOg Mr. pnd Mr 945 am', worshIp 1Q.60; S"lck ItId Infured I I 1 Heller West Polttt hospital aries Nichols AD< Connie ntt( uled the NcbrAllkll· South Sunday aftt' 'noon ~r lI_nel Mr<; Mrs restOn Hoggenb Ich. Lynn llru 0 Spliltgcrber and lynnett a MY? 6 30 P m ~rs. Jim Means enter~1 Metbo- as a medical patient. Mrs toUis IjInday nCtcrnon with Mrs. rLl1Ifan kat ootbnll "LI1nc. I Shl 1. I Il II SI HuJly a d Dawn wet e (" ~leJ 5 Sun l' -I ".I ermcI('r V1SI~r'!( nro ( (' uer dll 'lfl~l~oon in the Ad~hur L1PP Mr ami Mrs. Gary SplIttgerb - ,I' I I. ------',- -- -- ,~-- m"icr In u NO! folk hospItal M0n I y , and daughter vlslte9 In the Walt Congregational Church .~~ • day afterno n 11O~Il~Oda 1\115 Preslol)1 floggl'n Sph tgerbel ho~e, , ,I (Remhold Abel~, pas,tor). .. t t f· .... SE.pRM'BER' I g M'. ,md liS JI(,.nJ~ B,.rundH.~.'{k badl all( 0,1\\0, "'('Ie d.II1'f.c\.gllC',.,IS . S nday .,CVCl)m . ,Vis1ors in th~.·1 Sunday, Sept 27: s.u.nd.•Y,SChOOI. 0 , S,~. _I '..,1; ", S•.•. I ".1', were vlsitor 1. afternoon, WIth' lI·s. Wal- RCJn.h.ardt j Mit:;· Ernest TrlOity ,Church - -- I --,------.-. -- ---;', .,,- -. -- Sll'fken, Ml'!i. Arn'1ld 1\!I an~. njoyable chat by Long Distan~e. Tonight! tl~ns were Sunny qide ~arden clllb, Esther Cirfle Meets , ...... W1Sn{~r in HioLo loop design in color-t 1ed :Iight a ' I , N h t B II and Hoving Ga ideners, AI- Esther CIrcle met Thursday af- .I ' . I it wes ern e 1'llIa. Thomo was "jlc luty Around ternoon in the social rOom of christ Fabllious fabric offerings in fine, dripfdry cottons dark stripes: Non-skid latex bacl~, frinIJed en~s " clispl~ ~ ~~~ran I Usolarea codes for faster service. I I .! the Calendar," __ church. Mrs, William and, miracle 'blends, Perfect for sportswear, Decorator colors, r ii', I ' " I " dresses, blouse's, ;and all your Back-to-School I sewing.;Start your. sewing today! B~n ')~iuQupon I . Franklirlg is worth ~N Oft the purchCl$~ of a full G,irl's Wide-Wa~ I ;;J"r hox (3paJrs) of , Corduroy . 'I, .~~HOSIERY STORM ~OAT~. Size 3 t~ 6x Ii M~. I'OJATODiEIUli ~ .])~ ioxrt~t~~~Sfae{eeS:' T:"",o f.xlO ll pictures, 77C $6,8' , elc. 77C 011 P3 int & brusll. 1

Ppe lined con~ rtible col­ falmoJive Soap Saving Iqr-haod; pot!: pockets. Regular 2 b.·ars for,33c(Ba,rh size IPalmRliv~ soap Colprs of beau iful red or at a price you can t affordlto, il$l l l 10 o0 come!. Drawsf ing',belt. miss StocklUP now and sove b~rs' '\11 i·" '. . '. ,'" ..••

,I ', 81-in. DURALON® CURTAI~ PANELS Popu·lar Trulon~ ~anel~ for she~r beauty, All , rayon panels ore hand wpsh'able, need no storch~ in~.;?r stretchin and $1°° vetylittle ironin •.... , •...• ' I 2~PjeCe CG!"p~re This V,aluel rljA SET ,Se~Jice for 4! Pin~ Comfortable, and] white plastic. I Coal i 77c . I I JERSEY iDRESSES ~iSS~S' sixes 12~20 1a1f ;i... 14 V, ,22V•.

Choose from 'two styles in smart prints and as­ sorted Fall-eolpn. Won­ derful qualitYiand 5tY1· ing; nt!tle or i no ironw h ing, C~mpl~.IY wash• 1'1' • hle. M~' i1", rau $,011 S!li1{,IV( Perfect for sch,C;»0I, ; $2'1111 , w~rk or ploy , ·1 Special purchase pf button:ctI.own' boUar styles in I~~ripes, checks and pla1n trIdesc¢nt /qolo(s\ .AU I c:lIlibedwoven frbncs., •• compara~IT to $2,99 val\Jes. S-M-L. " .,I .., .. \ ' ·r·· i

\ \-'-r