22 pages Section one t~ree ,sectIons THE WAYNE eight pages' I --._~--- HERALJD EIGHTY _I'll NTH _YEAR 1'lr('C.n'~t'f~~·II"ul::I~~~~.u7;1I::;I~IIIII"':'~1 WlIlIit', .'dln,"kn WAYNE, NEBRASKA 63787, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1964 NUMDER TWENTY,TWO ~~<l~() Centennial Comnlittee Editorial . Expect Participants "LUCKY 13" <:?'<>'~' < Discusses Fun.d-Raising ,Trimester Schedule Permanent at WSC ('~)Il nIv ('1'111 "nn i;ll 1)(,;1 rd I ' ~'itf·i,.,ing :\(J1hl.'.Ig" .,IIJw.n allo a . .\"I·ar .i(J 1J;,i.V ;--'S'.O".~U•. II ~I.. 1~ikl':L Lar- For Ldna Contest ( \' I 'nlll j.~ III tilP I' r {) ~;;(ill". It I"; It s Uw In>;-;l bargalll \\' a~l'll\:-; han' About 400 n rIi and 4·11 ml. ~ "k. ~ .lolin FI(·l·r. th('lr ("H'lllllllnJty (·hl':->t. I':":f/:,~,':i;,:,:--";,:.",,, ,:. will COIll,,' If> Wll~(' S(~pl. 2{lto_ 0.&"" 0", 1,Jr.a ... on fllnd ,\I!>llda,\, ;-:I·pt. :2~ mark,i t f \\'<l\IlC'S INormalrBoard Gives Approval to Plan ~ight t he ~;tl(· ()f -"0\1 V!' ~i~~I:~I~~_ l;~(l.~.:~~l' I/:ll~e '\ h~:l n;.IVI~~tdg ~'l'~ Drawing ('IJlllfllillllt \ (·Ill'.il drive. III (·rw.it we 11", 11111",,1"1 '1')Wdlil,· ,11 \VaYOt' ha\'l' (,Ill' 'll( tht, tillf'sl or ril~ Thl' '-,1.,'., ( "il.· '" h.", Ill", ..d "Id of Illl' OJ(' WlIy/11' (,hl.ll~llJ('r of commerce,l) County oHicers are Terran.. e I, Area Bands to Perform 1;~ "',."II!'W!lI,d 1.(,:.' Iq Ill" IWl'lllU. Soil Con.s{,l'vaql)r\ Sl'l'vict.', locnl • )eeds Winner J.ln~!>t'n, pre5ident; John H. ('h(',,,;[ 1'.'-'l'JIt." Hg'e Wee~'s Temperature l rltH~ IAt University Band Day ASC OffiCI' a/HI L1w I<:xtension i Rcthwl~ch, Carroll, secretary; ag ormt·d and I S('\,('ral arra hands Will partlcl I "I 1.,\ (1"1"""111 ",,11110' \londa)-' S('fVic'1' I A jackpol of,' $·100 ;JwaJl~ ,'I,rlll Jean Boyd, Winside, treasurer; \\ ill !'olitillllt' tt! perfo undiOll." for I 1pat!' In til{' traditional ~llnrl IJa) low ,,11"1 I! ... '-,'.I!<- :\"1 rlL •• 1 n"ilrd \'ul ~hOPPHlg III \\ ;1\ 11(' Il)\~ Participants wi 11 evaluate lucky pPrson Don Reed, city chairman, Clar· I'll!" 11, it:-; citiz ts .\·f)llllJ.:"stl·rs. St'p! II~) I Thur.~d<lY 11)J'o~ram at the CnI\'l'fSlty of ~(' .rulh"rll!' ,',,11 solis., topography and poblble I'vening. SIIlCE' ,I\ln It \1 ence Schroeder, He-skins, co­ Tllirt"t"!1 ;l).(I·ll{·i(';-, ('olltiI1UI' dll'ir !]fi I br<l~Ka Oct, 10 S('ld , "!L.lli ell "j : 'I' .'I"TI,·r.,:,'d ~("hl'd land uses lit four field sites near Hrittl'lI, Laurel, W:lli not III "11" ,d chairman; Mrs. Howard Witt, WII!').; Tlllrll'('11 a. O:-Wtl to JI!JJI ill , Among the 65 Nebraska high Sl'pl 117 ,I \\.,\." Wayne. ConteSl'ants will register thl' slol't's Wlll'n h,']" n,am{' wa,~ (',.II publicity; Leland Herman, agri­ :1 ( (' /l hara:-'l:-'> (lUI' riti­ I Iichool band5 will be the band, :wpt'lf! Thl'O(\ ye.ulo ogo the board at 8:30 a.m. at the 4.H building pd lDst w('f'k. sh(' tTlls~('d culture and fair; W.lnda Owens, /'l'll;-; wi1 h I rl lor.\' obligatioll...,. ! from Laur:el. Pierce, Plainview S(' pt II ~l II! dnlcd .. WSC roque,,' to try on the fairgrounds. A briefing on $:J50. ConseqtH'ntJy $.'",1) \,a civic; George Langenberg, Hos­ (:hl';-;I, WI' <lg'n'l·. I Wakefield and Wayne. SPill :.'1I I" tht' thri:'t' Icrm,-.·yollr pl. n, soli judging will be given prior til the jackpot this wl'j'k It',";l fille:, all kinS chairman; Mrs. Lester ~I) ~t'pl ::!l .1 With :\ II IIIH' \,'all (111I' wa'llh ttl Bands and twirl£'rs will parade tho provl,ion th.t tho trio to travel to field sites.. A lunch· If you a 1'(' l'f·gl.~ll'n·d lalld ~flll Deck, Winside chairman; Phil I through downtown LlI1coln and ,"'l"pl'::!:.' m010hn be gIven /!II three·Y••r eon for contestants be s(trv· ,n!·prJ n'gi~t('r '(lnly onc(') ~{)Il ("1111(! Ol'>on, Carroll chairman; Mrs. \\'!i1'K III I;' wnl I ,,,,, Tho !rll'll period cmdod with lUllily ('Ill'st',.., l,Jsl ,\'{·ar. rH"rforrn in th(' a.ftprnoofl at half ed at the City Auditorium. IWill Ihl' $400 If you Oil"!' Jt1 "Ill' IJf III{' Don Wightmli'n, Wayne, and Hill t llmf' p·!"t'lllqnies uf thl' !\'.. bra"ka • tb,· 1964 'u,rlmcl' ",,,Ion, end Local hll.\ilWSS firm~ will he partjcJpatmg "ion's al H P III Thur\ Jean Boyd, finance chairman. TfJ(' t'ailu( I) I h(·ir ..,!lart· {'()llld ...,tifll' ('aro!J!l<J footlJ<J11 ).!.<lll\(" Rock~ounds to Gather W.lyne offICIal. roportod their '\"\1 llll'I·1111" h pl:l11r1(·rj Ill"!. <II'i\'e'~ l'l III,';! \' t'los\' l",flJJ'l·. ~~~{~~~.()l::./il::I:I:;~o:j\{'lru~~~O~ll~U:l'~t~ ~;:~;~{~~~l'n tIll' WlnnHlj; 1\:11111' 1\ ;111 1II\' At W,ayne Courthouse !llldlng1o to thf' board. 1~ I \'111":-' ;·itizl·II..., ha\'(' IH'I"nnll' • ,11)~l'r II'e " \ Ill' "I \ 1,1 11 , 111,1 J' II" I'nt IOIl!\ nf'('ded If) SllW'rvlsory and rrlatpd i ~(Jrl 1~1·,('1 \"\n .1-10. Lit". k l'llrnplac l itl'll how wt'ari,,,onll' a fund "'1 II, 111.1' h' t\lllr'r tl~" ;I~I \~ All Accidents Were \lUII' I' S' w wI \ ,\", 1,.110. 'II' I 1.II'lIll11·~ ~i~~'~)I' ~l~ll(ll(:.u::t;l\\l(:·l~\t 2 r:[,I11Wj2tn~'I~~ i r;IJ."lng. hr('l' l'I'hS can III'. /{1'(':lUC'-;(' 111,1 p<l'. SIIIU\l.ljtlrl l;t III ,011.[ \1 1'1 .1 .,ludl·lIh 1'1 \\';(\'11 .-t has lH'I'!l :.;() III I pnd of the pro):.I':!Jl1 Backward Last Week r 11'1 \ i'i1"lI" ( II' \, ill :II~" (·dU('!ltloll II tIlt'· "a\,(' goltl'll tl)(l .~t'nl';-' Everyone invited to partici- [Awal police repurled a oj lI"ddl<'illl': ~\ " .1I1 til" {pl"lrl ~ 1'(' Iii! :-,-('lfi ...,h pate as there are divisions for . arrph'nh JlI rt·vt·I'.~I''' thl" wl'('k I 1"'.'ld .t!11! 11)<1111 {'41"1-, d \'ulJ gi\'(' til Ihj' ('OfllBllltllly IT.~tlltmg adults (men and women) in ad· ,-d! JIl mllwr damage I" Il",j 1111" [,1,1 01111\ L. \\1'1"1,', dition to FFA and 4·H groups. nds' h;l\·j· 111'I'll ;-;ug'J-~,t,'"dl'd. (llll' , ()Il SPj!t 12, iI jlilrkpd rar 1H' I • 1\ \, j'(' k '" "II 1)11' 1>1'1' ~ Lll1d llil" hl'conlo' <I <1\' 114'1' nltlllt!1 . n'all,\' 1111t a IliJ-~h longing to lid! !lenKlllgyr of ::!ll ,,'lw,lllj,. ~uff('l'L'd appn)XlmatL'!~ ular l·l!\l('ation In I ':l'!'I\ (·d. A ll[)tlH'r sugVI'stillll has Shl'I'lllilll "'I .r)"" 11,1, .U"hll·Vl·,j \flJI,~ 1l~1' ilddr('.~,~ uatmg :IIHI i;lIld dallL<lgl' at that wllt'n " ,Il II l'lll" 11ft." ~u rl' or {'onlt'\1 J....111 t'lllllinH!ion prillI' to I ~I II "1'1" •.r ~llId}' ,lllli ( I,· l( ,..:.,..:. Ihall tIll' a\)(I\,(' 1l1('lItil)lll'd H~S""" bv 1I1'1).!.ht.~·M,.' Iv"" """, sinU!;11 ,,1;111' ,111'1 IlallOnal ('Oil of l"ln;' W"y'\1 ne M'ln'lsters I1I11 I'. !I.l I "'llllll'1I' I))I,!I' fig~re.,:,all JI~nH' Ill,li(,\'(' tll.or,!', l'1·;lIisti{'. ('1".-tailll.\'. t:()ll­ fl',\l ~ n ""Ik 11\ .,Iwll'llh aflrl ~i,[](J tributiQtts>I'm \\'111 :\(ll k('!']J lfll' (,hl'st g"Ulllg . l.al(·r II~h~;ll'~~I~~\I:~~I: w ;ll;~t: ~ II', .. !l1 Elect Officers, Tlll"" I, 1·t'III"!H·I', More :iR: 'tlt·l·d(,d ' OWIH'd bv John E Lcnnart 'lui 1,1,'11,'1 !I'I,rllly ~t!ldl'll! hl,~ A1!;lili 1 1;[1" till' ('onII1lIIJlity Cfll·."t ])()Hrtl or 'lr ;11-1 Walnul rl'{'{'I\'ed ahout $;,() D' P' I 1,,\ Ilw II 1i11"~ll'r lip Legion-Auxiliary directlil''" :11'1' rill"'- II'" all (I}lill)rllillit.\" t(l 1"I]J1l"ilJlltl' wh,'o "acked InU, I" ISCUSS rOlects l·iti/.I·ll~ :ld\'allt~W(' [l{·hm. 7:11 I'ull' 1l('lglih . In 1.1(1 ..1 ~lllIble m,liorlty of lly plt·tlV11IJ,-", \\'1' III g-,' 1.111' I,) takc' Iii W:l)[)l .\lllIl~tITI,LI \ ",,,',·11 I (In S('pt 1~1. John I... lw(·r of '.Iud"n!', !hl' fat! declared th"t this Tl1l'tll!ld 1'1' dtlillg mIlt'(· fIll" oUI" l'lly and our chiIdl'l'l\ 11\('1 \1111101.1\ I. ward Service Pins lJackpr! from thl' curb at " Ih~ "Ir11o,tcr "Thfluencod tholr 1.1·~lOn 1'1rrl~,I' a dlill;l!" II)" 1\\(! a IIH!llth. Tll!', (·tll>.-;t will llill ,\'ou (,rat'l' 1,11111111 ,11Ii ,I.·' /\I"llil :.11 \111l'l'Il"an <lnd iI-1 alll and ~trlJ('k tht' \ollth chorco of W"yne Stllte. At rcgh· Ill('j'('aSl~ cd HI'II Fr,lllk l'I,cI"1 1',1.1"1 ,I AU\III:!1 \ 1111'1111)('1';-, lIu't at Wayne !It'l'ill(li(';llh Ill: hi..; \\',1\' .\'(1\1 (";111 .\'0\11' {·.llll- hO\lnd auto of ".....1r~ Dick K{'rn Iratlon limo;>, 1111 ,tudl'nh hlld rrllJlll~ (~l!t·~t FIr.~1 1\:1]111'1 1·111111'11 III" I'i, \\lolll:III', cllll, I;);-,t Tupsday tl'il'lilitili.
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