C r . V y 1 * • X 'V \ . SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 9 ,19W^ Avsnm DiUljr Ntt Pnss Bsn / TIm Wsstbsr PAGE TWEL^ / l i n i n g For IfcoWaA IMsd fW M M i M D. a W«MSw isMSS Ai«. as, itfs Partly eloiMy and warm .taiiflglM useful'information__ _ Blood Program long*vl^ which has come X 10,630 with rhaara df thaader ehnwats.: mall. The'consensus seems .Jie Leitihati-McVeigh Wedding - CARRY ALL ar Mm AaSIt n Pair iuMI eoaUnned hoi lomermw. iwn Hedhl Along Mdin Str& that many crow* live far b e ,, ^ Need Stressed l e a d in g b r a n d s 0 t OreahiHMM the 12-year average allotted' by the ^y-.^^^'<JUaneh€9ter~^A CUy o f VUlage Charm ib«ra of the. ftuxUiary Police \Streei Migratory Bird authorities. \ Arthur Drug et ht the Fin- And on Some o f lUanchnttnr^Si nn» of the letters sent In rePBTt^ ____ 'rest Importance that CONN.. MONDAY, AUGUST 31. 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS ..'^st. .__ge, Monday at *d two crow* which are part of the not relax our effort's In sup- VOL. t ^ x n , NO. tS2 V (Clasalflstl AffsiiiMi^ aa liQ XTOURTBEk ? AGBSr ^ 3 0 p.m. will be eUrted on animated decor of a tlnig store in ____jg the blood progrsm." a /conatruetii of a pipe line oh the - We wonder how many of the j allow lawns and W etable »«Jen * Iowa, aged 18 and 31 respectively. z. people who crowd Main 8t. during and two row* oMwupe*. and they ipokesman for the local Red Cross ground* time. No meeting These were captured as fledgling*. fD R A / b u y in of tl win be held Mon- Uie*^Thur*day evening shopping', passed It by lo t yekrs, until the Both talk fluently, do trick* and all ^ Id toflgy in calling attention, to day, ^ Labor____ Day. hours are touched with a Wt o f , eariy 20 *. / but wait on store customers which M ^haster'a -next Bloodmoblle VENETIiW BUHDS Red Threat nostalgia for their childhood day* , It re m a l^ for Frank prompted my correspondent facs- D a y ^ Wednesday, Sept. 2. Terry Ivaniekl, of the State at the* sight of that brave little J a newcomCr In Manchester at the tlously to suggest that the proprie­ ' ."Despite the cessation of Korean / C a li Is B^paiHqted; Arrow Wladow Shad* Compaay Heater building,' will attend the group from the Salvation Army , time, to/^see Its posslbnitles. He tors o( Old Crow might find It hoetmth^ there is no truce *n —lairdreeaera' Convention at the conducting their service* amidst' was a,/bulldcr. employed In Hart- worth while to train crows to talk S4S N. Mala Ht. Manchrater T o Country flgHp Bfhlnft dlsesse and rtesth— Tel. M1-S-S047 '^ otel StiUer. New York, tomor­ the hustle and clamor. ford And lived nearby on WOpd- up the merit* of the beverage In re- a fight.. In which blood and Wood row and Monday. There never was a time, that we ' briwe Street. Accordingly, he laid t ^ outlets. derivatives play an ever-increasing \ can recall, that the Salvation , out the tract in house lota and a Sincerely yours, T Alterations at the S ^ n d Con­ Army was not around. Sometime* street wide enough for improved Stuart Little, ts^^ive ThaPks Held Great A recent puWtfcaUon from the gregational Church haV^ pro­ a group will gather to hear thy'sldewalks. The sites sold readily Suite 405, national blood program office, Indi- g r e s s *0 far. It Is probable serv­ ser\’ices and the music and to get and Mr. Phelps saved a lot for 1 East 43rd St., . Washington, Aug. 81 (/P)— himself, and'built a home at No. New York City. catee how varied aiid^vttal-are th# ices will be resumed Sunday, Se'pt. some Inspiration; sometime* thgre uses of bipod ss a llfesaver. Atty Gen. Brownell laid to- S, If not In the redecorated sanctu- would be none to hear the sp^ker- 36. sold It. and later occupied an­ Besides whole blood gsm Wins yreedoaivfrons Beds •ary, In the large Sunday school o^4he song*. > other at 51 Phelps Rpad. whlfch Editor* Eat Crow? FILMS 1 df^Monieetli: Cofhmuniflta are he and Ijl* wife have continued Klobultn. with whose p u r g e s W* Festivities room. The congregation has been w e' remember the l^g-gone The following article appeared public Is now fsmtllar. DEVEI.OPED ANIL ,"a g ^ t e r menace now than imlUng with the neighboring davS\When, In the city of^ur birth. to occupy since. on page one of Thursday’s edition uses for plasma and fo i^ th e r PRINTED at anv tinje” and that ‘T sup- North Methodist Church during whlch\la ies* than a ntplllon miles The.friendly Phelps couple have 'o'f the W*:il Street Journal:/ blood ^rivstlves are cpnstMitly po.se 1 here A(;e more in labor the summer. from here;-, the Salvation Army sii^eeded In surrounding them­ New York—Who’s intefeated In 24-HOUR SERVICE Promised V selves with the most nelghborl.v being fouhd. , h r ’ . unions than anywhere else.” used to march into Aur neighbor­ old crows? Apparently quite a Plaama is being usgd succe Film Deposit Box Im m igrant hood on Saturday ./nighU during group of families yoU wt^ld find flock—including some 50 news­ ■'Hot concaptratadSn the clergy?” Pt^uvda Charges Annexation James O. Rogers, son of Mr. and fully to hasten the^ healing of He was asked during V r ^ 7'’^ t e d Mrs. ^ h n E. Rogers, 1103 Mid­ the summer. / • anywhere. The home owiiers are paper editors, hundee*!* of readers decubltls ulcer* ot/ptd sores In­ At Store Eptnhcf / And all the neighborhood would for the most part business and in­ interview.with the magaUpe U. S dle Tpkh., East, was recenOy pro­ and at least one national columnist stead of having tfl tesort to sur- News and World Report, moted to. corporal,' while serving gather around to hear the service* surance men and the houses are who devoted sn entire article to A c t D e la y and sing the songs. Do any of you all two-story and ample for the gery war foTi^t’ly n«c«M«ry in replied, "no.” - < \ 1 U. S. with Slander Afgumente with the 612th Ordnance Heavy the subject. '' •ome cGAei. / KEMI " By AtJEX.OlRRlXI Matthew* Nat MiwIhMird > Automotive ■ Maintenance Co. In remember "Brighten tHF Comer average sized family. ■ This sudden Interest -boiled up Antl-hemophlllc globulin hw or any of the other* that, prob­ What Intrigues usjs the hosnital- The parents *nd fiancee of There was no mention of the'; Korea, A former student at Bluff- when Stuart Little of New York been used 4 o »!>•«« ,VP ,hame of J. B, Matthews, former! ton, Ohio, College, he entered the ably, are played right here on ity and unity of the'sgroup. When wrote a Jetter-to-the-edltor’ and Ensign Andrew'L. Riker, 111, Is Proposed W ax Warm properties change hands the new- Clotting tlrfe In hemophiliar* and of 680 Spring St„ rejoiced to­ I stsK. director of the Senate Inveati-1 London, Aug. 31 (;P)— Prav--*»•<». excluding th# 7 o,7 So service Army in March. 1952j and arrived Main St. 7 • , ' ^ sent it off to 250 newspapers over ■in other hemorrhsge case*. Floro- ; gations gubcommltiec headed by | In Korea last October. , And we remember, too, the big Comersare cordially welcomed, and the country' Uttle. in a garrulous day after learning last night d^acrused the United St.Ws M 7 iu “ pr!Tvdr ,,id. Trieste, Aug. 31 (/P)-—This bass drum that was tipped on its the deputing families are tendered gen. another derivative. 1* alsc /Sen. Mc(?arthy (R-Wis). Shortly at-, W sshihtrton, Aug. 31 (/P)— vein, allowed as how he was Inter­ used p6 stop bleeding In prolonged \ that Riker is coming home ter Matthews was hired by MC- today of trying to slander held only i.4»7 Japanese big Adriatic free port went Epworth League mertvbcrs will side for the really appreciated do­ farevfell parties when they regret­ ested in everything about crows Sen. W Stl^s (R-Utsh) iQhl j Russia by reopening the quesx'cbnvlcted of crime* ”*nd 97i per- nations to a really appreciate fully leave the neighborhood. surgery; f ■\ from Korea as a repatriat*4l (Jarthy, the Afnarican Mercury-'pub- about bu.siness ag usual today have a reunion at theiSouth Meth­ but particularly their longevity. ' lished an artlcla'in which Matthew* PreftWent Kjseiihower today j missing Gegman ah(f\“ *>* perpetrated *eriou(< cause. How we loy e to drop the We have just one suggestion to Would readers of the newspaper Serum albumin has been.Xiaed prisoner of war. The news, St-! odist Church tomorrow at 7 p.m. ,r Bome time to combat^ahock I wrote that “ the largest single group he believes fh^^’^publicant W orld Af^nte*■ swm againstmpaassiaev thel■■e; 9x^isaiscfv*:bine»* people P®^P>‘ ^ *,clarnoroua' worn Those who have snapshots, slides pennies on the drum head and hear Phelps Reader* — .that they unite writ* him about old crows they ficial now beyond a doubt, who wer* therefore subject to i'betwet-'n Italy and Yugoslavia the drum rumble Its thanks. for the outefcor Ch rist mas decora ■out now reaearchera apa using u - supporting'the (TOmmunist appara are in a "stron g position” on'yy^pjj * .....
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