TO LEAVK SATURDAY. r tba aVacUty Dla- •*»b*r* *r H.r. T. M. A. to M-k. l . TMaa Da**j la LOCAL 1 RATE CHANCE I YOU MAKE "aaaaa of TIM* Who o«. Befor* tb* mam ban of Iba Obrletlaa A epaeial m**ting of tb* Hop* ddearor Booiaty af Wl INVEStn T. M A. waa bald al In* snaps! last IROULY SERVICE mat Tnaaday, Bar. Tito* B. Dart*, TOM IIB night Tba camper* will Mar* I formerly pantor of tb* Rumor TbM American Rifle Raml Sstato Dealer* Say th* irday morning al S 31. Tbaa* an It Ton Ai* a Boy and Can- Proapact*. of & V«w Boadwmy, chare* at Woud Break, WfH b» todrinndTwo Pointn tb* nanee of those was will make tb* add™** aa tb* -Growth TMB Would B« Pratawte Supply of Small House* Can- not You Will be OmU«d K«w Ornh«4d Wiring On Aocoaot of OhAof« In trip: George B. Cos*, Laones Teller. Tb* talk waa latonatlag for Uging Spwoial Quni. not Meet the Demand. Arthnr Caiaan. ••Bart" Buka, Alfre.l a -Kid." *od M«w Can. maay Itateaad ta County and State Batam, Barry Marsh. Harry Hoffman. BImer r. Dart* I* iimn LOCAL OFFICIAL TALKS IS ADVANCED TO $2 62 VICTOH Y UWOUE8TIONED APARTMENTS NEEDED 'man, Wm. Hoffman, Bdward tb* Mat* ObrMtaa Kadaavor Te>ier. John Kenny, B. Coll ID. Flnt- CRAZE STRUCK TOWN Teagne. Ha told iatareatlagly of tb* GENERAL NAAAfitR WMCATLCY EXAM brook, Wm N. Hnnyon, Fred Breem. rapid growth of Obriatiao Badaarw FINAL ACTION TO BE TAKEN AT MEET- 6CNENAL BIRD SfENCER TALKS ON HAKE GOOD INVESTMENTS AND ARE Raymond HoToy. Hanagw COM will SHOE DEALERS BESIEGED BY ARMY INEO PUIHF1ELD CONDITIONS. tbla ooaatrr .loo* tb*li ING OF COUNCIL NEXT TUESDAY. THE SUBJECT. AN ORNAMENT TO CITY. tear* after tb* ball gam* Balarday DEMANDING LACES. •rgaaiaalloa He aald tbat Ibere was moon. All member* an nq***t*d Ordered Cara t* be Bvtlt bjill af 1,000 sooletlM la tb*Satar.l la«r**a* la Prop.rt, VaJ- af r*.llure of Ca»- meat at tha ehapel Tbanday world daring tb* pact yaar. • Mirhl.o Ik* r*b* Are Platted la • Iltlef tain Martla, *f C*w**uy K, to •h«»* Hare Hard Work IB Flad •iBbt. Tim* rrom La«*e of All O*l*ra— Blab:* tb* Team- ailgnl lo Id*a Oaaaa from Camp Wimr- ta be rr*r>r*d. tb* Old Et*ta. •ailt-roU for KT*ryb*dy. Plalafteld la M mat balag omul* IMDIJJ GO DRY ib tb* ioo*J Board of Tbar* bav* taiiutly appeared In In spit* of ib* large nnmbar of • ROMANCE JJUl LIFE Tb* otan* of making aboo lao* watch by Iba offloial* of iba Pahllo Service lobe baa .truck Flatnlold. All oror it. It will ba certain metropolitan * papen report* mam which an being erected EXPRESSMAN DELIVERED PACKAGE norporalloa M a f*rtU* aald for li ORDINANCE ADOPTED CLOSING ALL tb*lr lnaritobl* duty to rale* tba lax faW* Kngland aaalaat •la city al pra—« than la, aay real ib* city. In Ib* home*. In th* atiwate, proTMMBU ia tb* rolling Moea, road BARS ON SUNDAYS. year from 91 50 to 91 SI lha American rill* team, which •elate dealer*, a growing demand for AND FELL IN LOVE. al play, al work and *T*n an rant* h-rt end winu of MM looal bnwh of Tbla laeraam af two point* la tbo rate tba Palma t roph t at Bialey. may he •mall boass* that will rent for |is to torn plao* to plao* Ibe PlalaBald •ha trolley road. Ttala IN fjlvm) oat la oaaaad by aa lamaa** af oao paint iipeetod, aad I abooting oraoka 9*0 a month. Eaob month pcopls Het In PlalaBald aad Harrlvd IB rail boy may b* men plat tin* fob*. Tb* Ida* Of the maanfaomr* if tb* jrttcrday br oa* Of Iba IMlloy OtaaU >••( Oamal*** Tbaf r Labor* ta* ro*Bty rat* aad aaa la tbroogboat tba boaatry bar* been tbia oltr in **arab of bonsai KllB*.b*tb—Kapt W*ddlaf who Mut that tb* lir *' af II Mato rat*. A towna«k a ago tb* locai leea Intel aalil On esoellant Of thi* alas*. Tb* OMcblne abop* ar* trlnkata for FlalnSeld la rarlooaly •aid to bar* orlginaiad from namaroaa PlalaBald pacpJa had baa* I Ma a ad to by To* a'Clork. Board met aad aa (mid it la keeplog y ooawtauly pnting on naw men aad I aad In* croud barf already baaa iu old lf*i famtltaa here from other plaoaa and wilb namarona bora, mil II ,ag*M D-fa too ro anota prcHil will' bo made on tba the marriage of Edward Swlck, of waa psrhap* flrrt employed at Oamp looked o»er hy Oaa>aral Manafar 0*) tba part of oartala ot tl Deaplto tbalr effort*. b*w*r*r. II ibarg*, M reported, that tb* Ameri cine*. They an unable to And de- •wMeteft for them to in*iiwnaa tba •Irable booaca at price* within tbair who is oonnostod with tb* Wawayanda, tbe boys' oamp of the T. of tbla Iowa to cloaa ail plaoaa of aaa uad a apactal gaa In too *aa*i local branch of Ib* United State* li a A While at tb* oamp. there Together wilb eevaral *th*r official* ooanty and Blata Iniiiaaea •aaob. AooordlaB to tba raportatb i and conaeqsenlly ar* forced to of tba road, UUH«> WfaaaMay oam* 1* ragmttoi *zo**dtaaly tbat board. pnaa Company, to Him Jolla Jocken, e two or thtee atormy day* and P—III oa baa d*v*lop*d. Th* Idea Lmarioaa team U aiiiiaaailbif aalng a ington, DeL . The wedding dnrlng Ihla time th* boy oamp*" to Ihla .'nj Bandar aad la In* oom-originated wilb Iba aotloa takoa oa Platnflald'a rate for tb* oomlag yaar rift* with a *pMlal jwanljnoatrary to popular dwelling pur 1 parlor oaf rod* of*r *aeb of will not ba tba tame M daring tba bonaaa far men of amall mean*. They look plao* April 22 bat th* annoooce- learned tb* trick. All ahoa laoa* part ef tb* Oonaoll to olom all tba raqatramanta, wbnnV «Upointed ient was withheld nnlil yesterday. iTailabla war* need ap for Ib* |mnmaa tba looal It***. Ai aaglaoar m wilb oa Monday. Tbla incensed aom* lost few 7**n, for tb* natnral lnor*a*« at* aad an tba party and aoeee wara mad* of ln»- n property valaationa waa depended generally an ornament to Iba city. It Hln Jocken aota* tim* afo visltad and whan th* young campera anl«wd people and aa *fforl to curry tb* Tic* rifle of tba I bey | friend, la Plalnfleld, and Mr. Swick bom* a«aln, tba craze had s*Oor*d a pmvatnaau that wat* Beaded la DM •meat am naaltad la an ordtoano* ipon nor* or l*m to k**p it down. Mldom tbat then la a vacant flat In road war aad iba ov*rb**d wiring. Thi. could ha** been don* had not tb* an apartment boas* In this city. In waa called npon to dellvar an asprem .troDg bold. Mow tb* fact i* well being drafted roomily- which provld** B*f>rdiag tba atory, Qanaral Bird ertabllabed, lhal the boy wb* can't A TI.1I WM asada lo Iba ear and inly aad Btato nw takaa a Janp. . Snwow, preaMaail of Iba National tbe Jackaon baitding tbo apartment* package to her. Tbe consign** tbat all ptaoee of baalnaaB be elnmd on trailed tbe notice ot tbe yoaog inka a watch fob 1* a "kid." lha car* laap*ot*d. Baaday. Final aciloo will b* taken la tb* mat- Btfla Aaaooiatlon, ha* tbia to my: '•(raged for a long tim* ahead in at the adjnamod mating of Ib* anticipation of pom ibis vacancies. piemman, and it waa not lone baton Th* abo* dealer* of tb* town bar* Uaa of tb* official* of |b* oompaay, Tba ordtnaaoe allows barber •bop. Tba rifle* naa« w«t* United been continually bewigad by a »erll- whan aaked aboat Ib* naall of Iba Jooncll OB Ta*aday evening. Aogaat ommenl piooe* with •paelal bar- be aald of tbe Lincoln aha had aiao reoelred a coneiltni i remain open an til 10 o'clock In tn*IB, vkN tb* booka of Tax OotUotor data OD Weal Fourth ctr**l. of hi* affection*. The oonple wen able army, bnylng «hoe laoaa, which toar of tba city. aald to a Dally Praaa moralo« and a*w*da*Jer* to dlapos* of r*la. Ho prot**t bat or aan b* died of cotton and n yard and a half la reporter ye*t*rday. lhal Iba attention Smith will b* passed opoa. Real e.tate dealer, my tbat Plain- Tied in Elizabeth, almost foai their papars prior to a oartal* boor. anl*m aRainat practically all taaia* " th. ago by Bev. Dr. Thomas K. length. They come la awry known of Iba road'* management tiad baaa aiao allows milkman to make tbalr Major JimN E. Ball, lnapaetor of l*ld woald be an excellent plao* for oolor. Two laoea are need In tn* ollled repaatodl* to tha nondliioa of apartment bonaa* oa tb* ani Diana HI, of this dry, a retired Baptist roaad* before a ep*cia*d early boar. -rill* practice of tb* DiaUlot of Ool- •afaJgmK mannfactnro of • fob and thaa* an Iba traolloa iarrloa la Ihta oily. U •mbla, Bationai Omard, oonoarotaf aa those la New York, Iboogb, of orosmd and reoroemd. Th* flnl*h*d WM with B TI.W to aarertaiatBg tba scale. Altboagb Recently, tbe brldtRroou's brother. for tba day fobs ar* a half inch square, tboagb iraa conditions tba* a flat! «M M** BOY in •neb bonding* woald mean a large WillUm. waa married la Elisabeth, 'Tb* rlfla* nnsd by tbe Engliah they may be mad* round. to Plaintaid. On Taaaday **wala« tb* OonnoU ONLY FIFTEEN YEARS OLD AND HAS outlay of money, tb* retnrn* would aad Edward waa tb* bsH man. Tb* •at for lha parpoaa or iiaaaiaa; tba *r- ell worth Utter did not, however, Infon Vow rail* will ha otdarod ud wUld Inane a oa 1M aaooad leading Tba STOLEN NUMEROUS SMALL SUMS. Tb* sal** are po*iti**)y astonlahlng. raplao* too** BOW la aa*. Tba praaa at brother lhal b* had already preoeded On* well-known sfaoa dealer la Iba •bbf waa Iliad with nlllnna. nearly • In ara Iba ^i|in*l rail* laid ika) tba i apes** I to iu i Iiilln Aa two of if tb* oentoet ae did Ib* Bcttnb heart of the city *old fifteen baadrad mad WM KwiH aa>d la awjay plain, tba m*mb*ta of Iba OMwStT war* lawM betwe*a naif part oa« aad 9 ara praoiloally worn 0*1 Tba official "Ia tb* reffolatioa* which bad bam I o'clock yoatorday afternoon. Wba ••id Iba* tba a»aihaad Wtrtag woald adopted for th* .hoot It waa ttipo- tb* comlcnmnDt arrlT*d nearly forty Aftbar VaaHaaa'a lamnnni la tba latod that tba HUM aboaJd *a* gm> SOMERSET rREEHOLDERS •mall boy* awarmad the ttor*. each 1 REINHART AND BAKER WITH PARTNERS seeking laoaa In large or small qoaa- ' Bow aboal Ibo rolling Mock >" ta town baa baaa vioa riaaa af tba oooatry they ropre*- REPORTED ON THE COST OF BRIDGES qaartad llta Interviewer. by tb* police Walter Oarr, n Ib* en** of the United LOST IN BEST BALL FOURSOME. • This earn* dealer claim* h*T- •New oar. be** baaa ardorad from •ftoaB-y*ar-oid colored bay who t woald maaa the Kiag- IN THE SEVERAL TOWNSHIPS. seen tb* wont oaa* of th* erase a St. Lanla ooaoara for tb* aniiabeth H mmm READY M la tba nw of boa*** bask of naad tb* Knuj, Oxford •BdCmbrt jet derelopsd In town. Thi* waa thai •ad Newark dlvi*loo." **id lha offi- PraBOb-a mill, waa caaght In Tail A) bat bad aarnal gnna aqalppad wltb a Vtetarloaw In Tbalr Play A««ln«t DI*c**a*d Other Matter, of Int*r*et • mall boy woo rod* part hi* *tor* cial, "aad ordon will b* plnoad with WILL PROBABLY BE COMPLETED EARLY Gardner'* grocery aton thla morning Pop* barrel, which had eight laatoad Aaaericaa Colleg* ream. at Tbelr H*»U*| la on a bloyole, hand, off ih* ten and la a faw day* for a larva aammtr of and it wa* found that b* bad we s red of f oar crooT**. Tbe banal la aiao boairy engaged In weaving on* of tb* IN THE FALL. Oxford and Cambridge golfer* won a*w eara for tb* FlalnBald earrlo*. dollar ia nickel* from tbe cash allgbtly lonfar than tb* regulation iair match at tb* Myopia link* ye»- fata Tbaa* oan will ba of tha •ls|l* track drawer. Krag. bal otborwlM li tb* nun*. Il erday after a moat "citing atraggl* SomerTille, Aagaat 13 — Allfaotigh Tb* choice Of polar* li left (o tfpa bat will ba loa(*r tbaa tboaa r>Taribl* Oarr visited tb* store shortly after weight and oaat tbe nga- with tbe American Intercollegiate then WM not vary much baalnem Ihe maker. Tim oolor* *old make It aow aaad b*r*. Tb* la.tat appliaaoaa o'olock thla aaoralag wilb his anal latioa cartridge. combination. They won by Inn* I by tbe Oonoty Board of Free- ible to make fob* representative la Irollar ear maoblB*ry will b* or- -bo dealrad to purchase aom* gro- tagnlatloBa goreralng all oontaata point* to twa BelnbaH and Baker, bolder* in aemion here yesterday, of Tale, Princeton, Ool im bla, Har- darad aad tba oar* will ba iraatiy Im- •rl**. Whit* tn* woman waa being In which Engllab marksmen partial I was transacted was important. vard, and V. of P., together with th* Somvtbiag wiU ba doing before long of PlalDfleld, witb tbetr partner*. pravad." waited on, yonng Oarr dimppaared tar pat* provide tbat tb* gnu* naed ihall oat both of tbeir mMchea. All tbe member* were In attendance. color* of tbo two looal High Scboola ragardlag. tb* a*w boapltal, according abort Urn* before rejoining bla nanl b* approTfd by antborltloi of tbe A new petition for the construction and tbelr gndnallng alas***. Snob BAILEY AUTO LAV NULL. i* tai«miat af a paraoa interea**d aad leaving tn* atora. When Mr. Ko«li»h BTMaala. Member, of In* Tb* oontaat wa* a fl»e a aide beat of tbe road from Davidson's bridge, fob* And ready disposal at nra CCDM In In* bnlldlnc of th* Inititattoa Par ChaaTvar* R**d Only T*ot Horn Gardner, of tb* In, wont to tba itlng that oonDtry had a ball fonraome. and after the Brat four through Basking Ridge, to BJann's oe and are now worn la largo I time past work baa been bald up ooopie* bad Bni.bed tba aoora WM 2 Corner waa presented by Mr. Bolro, Wban Tboy Kid* ta Bow V*rn. drawer shortly afterwards be •paotal barral mad* and Mated by th* ban by botb men and girl*. owlag to a lack of fuda. bat froap thai tb* moDey had baaa takaa 3oT*rnm«it Aratoal Board and need point, each. On Ib* ra**Jt of tb*of Bernard* township. Thia wa* tiled. Haw Jaraay awnnw of aatonMMUa Ml indloatlona II looks aa iboacb matoh belwean D. F. Bamaon and C. Basra. K. W. Hoagland, B. B. rajotood M*nda* am tb* now* tram Oan has b**a wpeoted of small ihe rifle in the oontert. Il had an RESULT OF TRIP. tba Board of Oorornon wtll aaoai b* theft* of money In tb* aton bafar* ilgbt groov* barnL Mo protest* were Day and W C. Chick, tbe young Hoagland, Jacob Treeland, T. E Oib- Maw Tort inal tb* Ballay aoiomotoU* to go aa with tb* work ot batld- Harrard player, and J. V. Baker, son and Andrew Latklna, ware choeen law la ibai Wata waa d*clar*a nnoon- ibl* bal bad n*r*r b*aa> foand with fll*d by either aide • •tner JOIN Claim* She HrnoTid lac *b* part llfcaly to ba n**d*d Ibis any of Ib* a>oa*y When ha retamed baa already bean Mated, it WM a -ho played Mcond on tb* Prinooton __ proonn tb* ballot boxes Tw*at»-nv* Chlldrea ITr.m .11*.l by tba Ooart of SpaolaJ Saa- II la ooaadaatly aipaetod that nun, tbe lane depended. onder th* naw election law. •loa*. to tba Stan later la tb* morning, he bitter dlmppotntment to Jermyman Employmaat la Bab way. tb* boapltal will b* raady lor oooa- qaaaato**d aad aaanbad by Mr.tbat ao rapri—Btatire troM tba State Tbe quartette were all iqaar* on the Tb* following poaaibl* Tba proTiatoaa of tbla U> raquirad paa«y by patient* before October. In laat green bnt one. and to tba last Tbongh •• Mother-' Jone* wa* ...fen Qardaar. bat atostly denied tb* tbaft- oa the mn, bat tb* faot that ridge* In tb* napaotlv* towaahipsa rold reception I* tbla city, ana Iba owa-r. of aatoaaoMla* to raclaaar Ittoa to tba patteata' ward*, tbar* nol* Bameon bold bla approach pat and borongba for tbe oarnnl year wttb tb* Saeratary of Saaaa, ab—ln Uaxdner anmmmwd tba polio*. Ool. Brno* piokod a winning team, ilaim* lhal bar tirade* again*! child other portion* which tb* Board • all argemem and won tbe bole and tb* match. era reported by th* member*- oarilfloaaaa and diaplay tb* namban on roe to oamptato ale*. Tbia, It i* L Low and T. M. Hutn, tbe labor nave not baaa utterly vala ia Badmlnlater, 9a.o00; Bernard*, 94,- • of tb* taotory town* wban abo Ida baok of tbalr *ablel*«. Tb* oaa- beltarod, will ba doe* laadtn« Emli.h pair, war* ail eqoara 000; Brldgawater, 9o.000;Branahbarg, (•eiioa Is tba t**a «aaa wbiob aaa>* Oarr la tb* llttl* oolarod boy who•hot aa any on* of in* eight man •*- has apokan. Bar New Voik trip, aba Tba wark af ralatng fanda for tbe ole a rig from la front of Dr. Tbat Ool. Brno* did not In- wltb F 1. O. Alaop and bi* Yale con- 91.800; Franklin, 91,100; HUlabor- bst*r* tb* Mart waa tbat tba tawa*w Narar-s' Ham* la progiamtag . V. B. Oampbell, on tbo borne •ay*, ha* been or soon* vaUa, at i**et reach'* r**ldan»* two weak* ago and i team thai they wonld be *i- :h, 95,000; Montgomery. |l,600; in bringing about th* ramoval of favorably, allbongh tboaa la charge o, nor wa*' It nntll four extra North PlalaSold, 91,800; North Plala- of ataeblaaa aad omltaad tba i took tevaral af bla (Mend* to rid*. B* tO qualify after reaching tw*aty-flv* children from work In tb* woald Ilk* to aa* • .till aaor* liberal i also aanfimia tb* theft of 9S from BlaUy, proved disastron* to tb* popu- hole* bad been played tbat tbe Tale Beld borMgb, KOOO; Warns, 92,400; factarar* fiom lu provlatoaa. one*. Thi. ia aiao trne regarding lao* mills at Bahwav. She state* that ,11 * Qardaar'* aboal thna weeka lar captain of Oa BL Tba tim* that Mai, 9K),10a •be foetid ohildten nnder fonrtaaa •abeenption* to tb* new hospital. Another match which rcqnlrod two Th* annual appropriation for tb* 1 ago aad amallar Inert* from tim* M he woald bar* **td for keeping him- yean of age al work Ia many factor!** Ib* blga wmyi aaarly a* Mwsb M pri-Tb* warn in baa* to bare tb* Harm* LIT* hole* waa that between O. D. nrrent year was Hied at 9190,000 and I H* will nonlr* a bearing to- self lo praotio*. waa devoted to ooaoh- in New Jersey ai well u Pliiladei- *ato owiara la diiplaylad »b* ••• Bom* oompUtod aa M*a after the morrow in J**t)o* H*s"a eaaiL ,b*r. of tb* team who Bam* and G W. Bavarldg* and tbe be clerk waa authorized to certify kMsmUal aa pamtbla aa It will b* o Harvard men, O. Owen Winatoo. he earn* to th* Ooonty Board of bl. She .poke at Oarndm laat war* weaker. Tbe aaledion of tbe night and from there will go direct operating tbam, bat tb*y w*n mary for lao aaraat to hare a gnat triampb lor N*w former Inter-aebotaatle ohampion. .momon. Tb* County Collector waa amptod tim Ib* provlaioaa af tb* Mn a**** by tba laatltattam. aad A. A. Mardoefc. wno were *mt- nibartaed to borrow O0.000. to Philadelphia. boron«b, patrolled hi. baal *a Booiar York BteM, a* a majority of tb* mam- law ' . in WM* from tbat plao*. aally defaatad. Eaeb of tn* other Tbe Board will meet to rl*w th* CHASES EMBEZZLEMENT. aat traat laat ev*alng aa> a bicycle mitnh*a. oerlooaly *ao*gb. waa won road from Far Hill* aad Paapaok gat- BOY THREW STONE. wltboat a lantern aad collided wilb a Captain Martin baa feyearnea t efiort attained a poaition la tb* Kattoaal by four op oa tba Bfteaath groen. day at II a. m. wo aiao 9m a wheel. Both fell O. Reinbart paired wltb L. H With B*riom* KMIIU t* O«M Hol- tb* f roaod Tb* woamaa did not nave Oaard of New J*ra*r of which be oaa ba JastXy praad. He I* a crack abot, Oanklla and laat 4 ap and I to play. ALMOST CAUSED DEATH. Tb* Ooaaiy lUpabUoan eomnU i*r laatota llajbtod nad tba offloer WM J. W. Baker, witb bit partner, W 0, playlng bftblnd tb* Taylor inaMa ta aaa bar In ta* fa« until tb*y a strict dlaelpUaarUn aad treat thing* Chart** L*t»*d Wa* Trri.t to Can ••I laot tmlu at Ellaabatb aad dia- an • IT l am of tb* Company of which Oblek, waa defeated by 1 na. bolLdlng oa North arena*, mat an- Tb* Im- will meat thi* mornlag d Xe*rlj Klll*d alog. Own Hellenbecb. of Mather- a C Kamp. wba I* at t alaglea, aad la tb* afMmooa and If. wood, was straok In In* eye wltb a Blao* tn* Am*rtoaa team bu r* •mall WM thrown by a play mat* A U| Ml li* p waaa«*}allat Sawark. an tb* nrved from >>MI< than ba* baan o|Ilihn*a will TlMt the Kaeei Ubarlse Lalnad, an atnployi of L aman II.-n.o. P Kaaa, Oaaaly i'-* af tb* Oradt* dj comment regarding tbe oantry Clnb. where tb*y play All '. Randolph's drug scan, bad a nar- large gaah waa cut la hi* aheek and navy Jama* O OatvaM aad otb*t*. Ooaipaay.of Haw Tort.whlob *bar(«* of tb* riO* mac* al Baa laaaaehaeetu on Friday. row oaaap* from fatal Injary, while tb* eyelid waa torn almart • quartet of an tnob. Tb* lad wa* taken to tba prapand tba fona wt paatwan a* b*him wltb *mbaaallng ITS af IM fvnda. I mi " - la tb* Clerk* Trolley Ride. lying la a hammock al hi. bom* on r. It 1* aaid that Haw Jar**? Sanday inhaling a oompoallon for bom* of Bagee* O-Railly, of North praaaatad to tb* olt* rlarfc aa* alaw bar* at tb* T*aBy«a eapporte tbla ran M aad yet The Retail Clerk*' Aaaociatioo an Iba aamaa aad andamaiiat* af aawdl- aald laft a hoard bill tb* oar* ef a heartatih* Tb* competi- me, whern tl>* wound wa* dreaaad. plaulng for a trolley rid* to Boyo The boy Una with bit (liter. Mm data* tar nantpe afloa and *aMtI«a aa bat .Beach. Tbsnday *TMing, Attg. tion ooaiBiaanl aonis aald la tiqaid dalanMM ia a taaliruw af tb* party form and thla ran oat of a metal ease James KoOonaaU, of North arena. Uadnra aad Ibta into hi* month, aald tnal a aimaingai bar hich will ba bal* In boning tb* Itmaea mvaraly. named Smith threw tb* •ton*. a at Baa Girt, bat tt la -NMtaia'i 1* tb* plan* (or bai- Otrealar lallway Oan. •lantl* Ctty, Saaaambar 8 aad 9 I tbla do** aat a*r*r •*- Tb* lad waa greatly frightened and be«t OfaMf J. J- Btabl. David Bodlaa, Jacob _ ••!•!•* a* tn Wban Ib* •nine. Rockyford ax loot, tb* Dr. Oncar waa aammoood from Hep* • railway I i waa seat to But**, New Jaraty that Georgia predaoea. aad Dataware Obapal, wban be was attending Ban- • of Ttar'a Mahal flrmoa*. a* Baat Third *•**•«. nbatad tba laiiaat abas* of tb* Ilia Im an aold there -Prto- dar-schooL (.ale* appiioatioo* of tb* to Walter B. Ball, af HUwaak**, aaa ahiaclylo*. Ckrefal 1 trade i Sail, broagbl tba ladan balng pat la position. They at* 1mm Tbe o M HaaniM Brother*. oal Ot nmagar and be la aaw able I* twenty-four In aambar aad aaeb It atyla *f llakal. astd aalil Ibay Mra. E J. OaBaaUy, af Btobaaoad allbonib be Mill bnilt aa hold two p*reon*. Tha rail- Ik. new order foe g " •MM, I* aalartaiaiBj Him MoOaba, pain, tb* raaalt of way wlU b* ap*n to patraaa oa Bator- af Maw Tort. CONSTH UTlOtf AUST

SUMMER TOILET*. OftESSY COSTUME*. FASHION NOTES. WOMEN SHOPPERS. U*T or TVIM IpENSmVENSITIVEE GIRGIRLiL Aarf aaaia af the n»asaat I no, tiiiai rvmiuta Th- I MotbbBt to aaiart*T at French water- j \ in a certain sacceBerul play there to an»w MM *r wwri • tna; placea than the new wide tnrbaaa II -artety at rtadia. afl of fashion, with tbe aklrt a jary scene, and one or tbe Juror, rell with tinted I i trtaanMd with red and white enrraata j W ' gives vent to moch cynicism about la Vaadyh*'* Hlvbratea* a**tar« at the beat wit* Ou*e aarraw baada af fan at ta* ada». and tbeir own foliate. They I Oa'lae I- la iiwr beta af lae jraaat. alml "a*** ••«* *» *•r ITT the sensitive girir "Why. what do yon know on tbe «ub- kU ar* for tk« rigkt haad Wllkle to made b * wltb which tbey ar apeaker waa a j toetr sneers a fellow Jnror.' aalated « k*TM -ukuat » Mt fa*a> Maa the d«d« ,bt t dresaed and vlvscfon* ••Oentlemen, I know Just how flend- toe at «*>• amath Akf >V>, Is hi* gr*a* m«i1 with tat baaaa Taaaore aUk la bdnc rcrlrcd. bvt P matron. toh a woman can be," reiterate*lo * picture, -TV* IJI.I IsrtgMsal." fcft* la a hi by far tka aaataat and aa a rule It to mor« practical than ba- m»n "I an a clerk in a dry rondi tredar«. Charona bark. Br»g*#U, naailai It to vary popular for float atonr taw Oalrk pata-ter. in • fricier* of ~Taa P M ... eaata and oaeful traTeling fracka, Then Is a good deal of eanas for his WL* MrB ..f <•• East- Hki>| ib»tr d with fiwihni aiatwMataa tt to tnexpmalre and wean -Everything." returned tbe speaker. bttteraeaa. (if all tbe "angra'stlng' •feel** I" Ik* lafant J**iw r«pr»- 1 j hue, aad In nearly ererr caae waabea wen. aa expreaaton of pain croaatnf ber women, shoppers are tbe wont. Why NIM un* i.f fb*at (!r*aaad la a Jar*» of as Bcmnnoa ptalt Innne-naely tone floating aleeraa an pretiy face. "1 need to be a aeaattlv< on earth will a woman peralat In look- Kbit* rnrplKt, booted and (purred.of- a feature of nearly all tbe Bmari *ren- Ctrl myaelf. would you believe it ftrlaf la« a>«l'l of a Dale* 7« g*m Everything; tbat It was possible for •hip »r Joa»-a Reya..!.!. rat, OH su. li a girt to anffer I aaffered. 1 would of hta portrait. l»« h.t. hare been a wretcbed and good for Thar* era uumrr^m .mniir errors, not lit NK woman If I had not met Paul. all awt lu lift I eanaol ai iba From tbe first be coaxed me along, HSMftl irn k«U of • liat of laesa, made fan of me Kently, above all be- ea*a a wrHer m tfc- New Tsrk l*r*.». lieved In me, em-miraged me to have BOB* .b-unJUw* arc in We.rmin.ter confidence In myself, to act on the sup- ball. Sir < I l'«>i Knovrl t. ore«*4 position that other people liked roe and la • ROIMI .saraa. aarf saaAali. bat wanted me around, until out of tbe •beer hypnotism of tbe suggestion I be oa his head l. a fi(:- w4* of 1b* *la-bt**nlh rentnry Th* dnke of came really popular and forgot t ROTkinch• in it arrated la ta* roaiui* fancy myself injured and aliichted al of a H-m.i. *mt*r<.r. wa4l* hi. .IWUM tbe time, as I used to do." fa In In* mart dr*»» >.f ta* Ix-crf* "Another caae of the value, of matrt III. p*ri<-rt Tlatmvt la a pie tors •tony; it cores nensttlvrnesa/' laughed •rfclrh rtpmnli "Tb* Israeli!** natt- ering- Maaaa !• th. Wllderaeaa" baa "No you marry armed H.emea with run. Paolo Mai- man. I know •ockl la hi* a/Wibnlfeal paielinr "f aensltlve woma married l sensit! Tb* Koiir Elimrnu" rrprfcnti the man. and all tbelr life baabee beenn apen spentt aa* bj |h* Hill hy nvlrm, flr* tnIn wlaetff iinnljsloanalysis.. In l marlirfnar naryy qaarrrl quatraina by • Minuter and air by a esmel. andand dUTfrrm'M.difference*. Evidently ba wii«u...k a raairl fnr a "It"It certainlycertainly Ilas aa harhadt thinthlnrs fo forr a rir! abancleoa, waieh traaliloaallj llvea be gowns. A gray moosaellne de note to be sentitlve. I remember one such oa air. i recently was trimmed with lines onforinnntennforttinnte atat tbthee hotehotell wherwheree II staye atayedd of tbe palest n»uve velvet The cor- lasthut summer. Sh8 bee wa waas alway alwiyas mopin mopingg PICKED OP SPILLBD 0T8TIR3. ear* WBS fintobed with tbe long float- byby heraelherselff witwithh aa bookbook,, lookinlookingg sadl aadlyy Bag aleevea edged wltb tiny rocbee of it of the corners or her eyes at the chiffon. It ta a matter of choice wheth- group*groups ooff laughinlaughingg girlglrla* ahsl unpp anandd trytry?? HardlHardlyy a a fi r girlI bu batt r«r tbii nHtnnv. •• ooca«ion required, proportionately short but however ing one way while shhee walkwalk-a anotheranother?? fancy dictates their disposal they an This In s crowded store, wherv (>vf>ry I i • brown taffeta wrap, with ft beod sally Jolly anil a good companion, bat itore. when* every fageaient walbvA a fiaaH*ioni;er » boyaed with coral pink. always smart and pretty. rpeiwnsitivencsa kept her sway." Inch of room Is preciousions.. ResultIte-ulL. •col- "! precark.ntli b*laaclaa; oa hi* iboalder Brown la certainly • rather trying Tbe bolero continues aa popular as "I know of another girl who made a Union, ham knocked aatt angle-angle* oofr fortyforty-- • lanr* » hallow tray, covered by a low- lifelong enemy through ber eensitlve- five rtejtmc*. trains rippedrlpiH^l miandd trodtrod-- SomeBotne ooff ththee neneww hatbatss I nId chi chipp ar aree Tk* paid* 4h*l he ra«M k**p fr-im •"here an ao few colors which look turnedirned uopp abruptlabruptlyy aatt tbthee aideaide-s towar towardd Wby will women bring small children dropping it did not tons- coaUnt. for lly nice when traveling, and Mack tbthee bark,back, wherwheree tbetheyy araree almpl-implyy trim trim-- wltb them 10 nejiartmi*Mjr while It the* beeaaie apparcat that th* pr*- aaly remains for women to wear gray aaoat becomin* atjh>. Bwimmlng tolleta perhapsper ha r* snan ostrichostrich featherfesther.. TbeaThesee ar aree tbe poor mite* lofte their balam-e and elotia cargo was composed nf bine btecidt shad-, and nary blue ar» oaaally rat la prtnceaa faatilon or smar■martt andand aatt tbthee samaaroee timtimee serviceable serviceable,. bang first into tbl« one and tben Inlo point* oa the half •hell. Ojsteraand Currant, are a feature of the new tba bodic* to aepante and alicbUy forfor thertheree llaa nothinnothingg oonn themthem.. I fIf th ethe that one, not to speak »f Iwlng walkni •bell* parted company. and th* crest tranche* of red and •aaed Into a deep band for the. waist. featherfeather bbee omittedomitted,, ttoo fregett npollespoiledd b yby cracked W on which «h*r had one* rants look delightful, and tb* A. ftaah or ararf to uauallj worn with windI oror rainrain.. AA favoritfavoritee ba batt ba baaa strai againn WhyWhy laIn IItt iliMthatt aatt ththee ha batt •••••-.u-r counter mlt used by the beat milliners to ao tie bathing- Matnme. bat a abaped t into favor. It Is called tbe "Nell when run hnrc removed jour hat I band ta prettv. or even a smooth patent come into favor It la called the “Nell when you hove removed your bat and toby no menMabatton. la fart. It Qwyna."Gwynn." IItt Ilas ververyy largelarge,- take takesa mos moatt veilT'-II iiii.andl iii:n!.made• younvlyoar-elff nimfortnlilcomfortablee a a walk. «.. the h«y oi*rroa»e with leather belt If tba walat la •mil! and •mlns line* and la trimmed with woman compH around Immedlulely and Tbe Illustration shows a dinner walat Ha to be tncreaalng. and npally woa- Mod. The Bwtaa Bhape I. also be becoming line* and la trimmed with woman comes around Immediately and sbaate a* fear? «» Tbat la not th. af yellow lace wttrlthb blackblack velvevelvett bow*bows. derfu! ImltatloiM are prodoced. beautifubeautifull feather-fnnbera comincomingg ououtt alalll rounroundd poke-pokes undeunderr youyourr bathal?? XbaThereM ar eare way of th- retnureefnl Sew Tork de- eaoinit If th* bodice la allowed to bag I tn* crown and Just overhanging plenty of other straw Hhnpea iirunnrl. JUDICJUDIC CHOLLJTTCHOLLCT.. X gmtt many arrordlon plaited ef- back aad front, and It abonld be of.from the crown and Jost overhanging plenty of other straw -(tape- around, lU.rr boy II- Hooped- down in a de- Mta are to t* roe brim. batbnt shabee simplsimplyy roustmust se-ree ththee partlrulR parllmlarr liberate meaner, arranged all tray, tba material trimmed with braid or one which your hat concealR. MODES AND FANCIES. aOtcned ta nrwa all around the edcra. Tbe Illustration shown a toque of one which your hat conceal*. aad proee*d»d la rat her op ihe blie of MOOES ANO FANCIES. The rmvv for apotted m«i iaU ia bj lack utr&w trimmed with two wln£s* Whyby IIss IItt thathatt womewomenn aua-kk foforr lee. arranging ibrm In aa *vea livw. Then are tome charminjc linen rotx* JfDICJUDIC CHOLLETCHOLLST.. •ample*plea anandd thethenn trainedIntelImmediatelyy pro pro-- Th*B he irraPlT"! ">« shells at ref- with hematltrbed bordera to be had ceeceedd ttoo lose!"-'• thethemm nuoutskler .!•• ththee ntnre store?? alar Interval- na thta bed. the oyatera hy Is II that a woman will cDHnge rmnaialBK faJthfnl to nuke, aa tbej are already USEFULUSEFUL GOWNS. Why Is It that a woman will change all tb* while lilag oa tbe flagvtco**. Iba linen frm* In many phaaea. Vrrj difficult to herlier minmindd afteafterr a■ checcheckk I1-s lnndmadee no nult Laat he plrkrd up *arb ay*t*v with tbej rcqolre ear* In tbe siwl oblige the clerk to write tt all orer eharmins and altople are the coarac The rat vbown a dlnix-r dreaa a Very often If tbej are •ft Make ml Ifcaai TaWai MM* and oblige the clerk to write It all over hU loa;*:r*.an>t fin..* it. r.rht en.! f,.re- (owns, bat for real painted chiffon and lac*. againn JnatJust l>ecnualierauaee nli-liee babaaa decidedecidedd t oto •toat. In*., a ahrli of Hltable als*. JCI>IC CHOLLIT. take tht!»ee parceparrell witwltlih heherr lnxteaInsteadd o f of will hide tbe deflcleoetea. •prrsdlag the napkin ewe* all h* w*at trimmed wltb drawn work and hand af linen tbla year, and tlwy an really -endingHIKE It?U1 WhWhyy iiuildn'couldn'tt xli-heo mikmakea u pup whiatllar "a hi* errand. Very pretty aklrta pan be. booghl mind In tb* first j.lni-c? Why in It • Inairilnna and retoiap. Ia aptt* FASHIONFASHION HINTSHINTS.. ready to wear, many being aald with t aerrlceable wear because tbey do her mind In the nr-t place? Why Is It • «pi>.ir-n' liinplirlfy thla faahloo crease "o esslly and are so much that womewomenn wilwilll lolow»w theitheirr shoppin-boppingg CASE OP COSTLT COUKTEST. an extra lenalb of material, which. easily and and nockctbonhfl under the halea ti-ea a good deal of labor, which la when of cloth or other aaltable fabric. aaaler to waab and Iron even If tbey do Hats and porkrthonk* under the hales aerhapa the r^aaon of Iti a Uttle tnort at firs*. ofOf good-gnndu oonn tilthee coiiiiterunnierr nnandd the thenn se sett can be cttnverteil into a smart little whole il>>|>.irtii.>'iii to wan hlnjr for ad aort*aa. To wenr wltb country frocks there la bolero or aark coatee. Tbe nanal length feature of tbe early mitumn will the whole department to seal* Sting for The bodice or blouse of almoat a Jaunty little maro,ular hat which la be checks, red and white, brown and them?them? allowed I* two yarda In a doable width, Wliy !• It that the ILV-TUJJ.- woman fro.1. la flnMbed wttb irt la chip or tulle dnlabed with and Into to ample. white, green and white and bloe and Why Is 11 that the average woman r aad a ynke of Ur» knife plaited ribbon. There shop|-*r•boppr seemsceiuas ttoo IIISIK-QSdl-praarO witwithh he herr kind* of bows and rosette* Tbe coatnm* In Ibe mt la of pale bine thinking apparntu* il.-- minute she. told la a London pnlle* eoart r*r*t.ily: A rny pretty blacnit mlorvd nen. with the collar of embroidered thinking apparatus the minute abs i area rerentlr had an Inaertad 1 materials which enter*nlern ns Morestore’? A nun waa -•" "* I* a comfortably n. JCDIC CHOLLET. Goodnem, fall car. «rben a woman entered and 70k* of nil* ecru embroider? with Goodness only knows! ralaed black -i->t« tbereoa. Uiiiiml BEATRICE MILLER broke th* law* by haai>r. •» pathatie MILLINERY NOTES. d*sp*ralloi.l..lbe*id<.f a.trsp. GaV- ahoaMeni. In nrhii faaUoa. waa a acarf tared Into the embrotderr with It afterward A CHIPPENOALECHIPPENDALE BEDROOMBEDROOM.. laalr* supervened, tb* nn roae from as an affair at wUt.-ti rijrbt to expect niie A smple Am.|-r«m at Fa rails re aW »• I Hi a. breaking tbe law. but A pretty bat entln-lj conpoaed of red tl. Tbe next morn- lallaU* r»f • in.hiri 11..0.. by doing >o he broke 11 hima*lf. Then. ad white carants was made on a Ing -:.,• met Ibe hostess on the street, TheThe cliortntiichartnluge beilronbedroomm IInn tinthe- cacutt Ilas nndatlon of ml and white tnlle. It ber eyes filled with tear* and alie entirelyentirely furnishefurnishedd witwithh ththee ChippenChippen-- man ent*r*d and alt p*»aas •aa worn with an rrru and white linen without bowinit. The daledale stylestyle oofr furniturefurniture. ToTo g ogo wit withh were ejected, mil the man ••• foreed dreaa and the whole effect waa very hostess did not «v Ibe team, but sin- thisthis thertheree IIsn Ha qnalnquaintt ololdd fanhlotx- fashionedd to walk how*. food- •awsaw thetbe cucutt directdirect,, aasn susitee thoughtthought,, an andd win.lowWindow havinhavingg smalsmalll squara.|narve panepane-s o fof On the way any number * Bed Is eitrrmcly popular both here •heshe hashas neveneverr linbadd tbthee frirgirll a att he herr boum bouse> glaa*(laas drapedrapedd witwithh whitwhitee dimitydimity. ThThee can nai.eil him. which rafwsad i and In Part*. Some dear lawns In the windowwindow form*forms a rco-nsrecess,. anandd inIn thi thisn Is Is .nd km m new abade of currant red arc quite -herwltlvcnes* 1a a good quality In a placedplaced thethe roomyroomy,, senallikarnaihlo? dr<«slndryingu t* ta»- that HH beautiful. proTldm they an toon) way."ly." saiaaldd anotheranother., -foTorr 1I bathatee a a gir girtl chivalry gave women. Hut k down by exiulalte lace. thatthat nothingnothing cacann affectaffect,, babutt II roastmoat sa anyy Juries were nott i***«>«•»r vetyet.. He received Many French people" an wearing: no ItIt ververyy ofteoftenn degeneratedegenerate** IntIntoo morbidmorbid- - Ml - •- i -•>''-,t b*f< valto at all. still, taktnf It all In alL nraaness anandd IItt certainlycertainly laIs a triatriall ttoo havhavee B polle* furl, tofpl eeils are general!]- worn and some ar* toto listelistenn ttoo ththee wallwallsn o off th thee eensiUv sensitivec W*ta other ..frifi"' who had (Innd ta Tery bet-omia.- Tbe blaarre, lara* pat- person. -Ob*Ob.. deadearr meme!: II wonde wonderr wha whatt ear*. Th* enaduetnr 1* the matter with\ illi T me! NoNo one avnu altaatloB aad i. 1.1 k< toto carecare foforr ate'.me! NoNoww Busa Hasani Brown Is polllrBe.. that marie ihe pr.noaer w»•o popularpopular anandd yeyett sbshee 1la* eaoo lou loodd voice Tolcedd break th* law. bnt It waa all of ao avail and• ad noisy!nolsv! II neveneverr d doo anythin anythingg ou oatt o off tohha Tnenia»..ti«'e'etttetn-*,'hiqi thehe waywar anandd yeyett peoplpeoplee araree alway alwayss do do-- to pay a «•<• nf three •hilling* and iwe lugIIK thingthingss ttoo buhurtn mmee an andd I 1neve neverr ge gett aallllrr- for e> Invitedr.viteil toto ananyy ofof thethe reallreallyy JollJollyy thingsthings,, . CULLS FOLLOW VESSELS. and•nd iiff I1 ddoo gegett thertheree I1 notic noticee tba thatt no no oneone carecaress ttoo taltalkk witwithh meme.. OhOh.. yea yea., theyhpy sometimessometimes ddoo IItt oaoutt ooff politeness poHteoraa.. but:mt I cacann seasoe tbetheyy don' don’tt reall reallyy wan wantt lo.;o. ThaThatt hahass alwayalwayss beebeenn tb thee way way:; I I have alwayalwayss beebeenn oaoutt ooff thing things* eve everr To ft* travel*r <>a I'm*t soaadtaera sincesince I wawaas aa littllittlee girl girl.. I Iaoppoa supposee If aIf- la aotklag that so holds the laterest becausenee I harharee sucsorbh aa bomel homelyy figure figure •.a I he da j '• I rip (mm Seattle «•• V *- | andand aucsuchb aann awkwarawkwardd wawayy aboushoott torU. oa V»Bfi.m»f l.laod. a* da the. J me.’ etc.etc.,. oorr elselsee tbthee sensitiv sensitivee gir lgirt •eagulU Hi>r birds liminctlj are wallsi : '*1I noticenoticedd KuaaHunann Braw Brownn didn' didn'tt tit* feat are nf the trip, rrenier In xitj t to me this morning. What can I rcipert. thar Moasl Raialer ar Moaal' have doner And there follow a aool TftrnBMi. aa il I* ~*'l kiowt to tha ' Tbej sometimes do tbe doty •earchinit examination and aelf torture Inl settler.. *ad *hVh rb*s for' af plain dock In tbe between eeaeona when perhaps Susan was In a harry or th»«aad. • 1 feei ,.-«r,: U* aoath- ! tb* country bat wltb tbe addition of ~ do duty oa chilly days. Tbe Parl- cast; greater total** WrmpisaBKtaa- aaft gain or two. ae always baa a check dreaa In ber "Give me the Jolly girt who is per- tat* r»B»e ci !>.* between the Hats made of linen embroidery have •Ml* fectly natural," remarked the first aevad a«d the Paciac. and which take* tbe place of tnoae of maatin and dreaa of that dew-riptlon should ba speaker, "and who takea tbe world aa Tbe long curtains are of wh aald and drear 1« •» nm proportion*. when worn with a frock to match have rc t\v\ag place to In*, tailor made, decorated perhaps, but at Irnt* It and the people an she finds figured in blue. Tbe wall paper a :hetn. too. without worrying over the other funilafainRs also carry out t * The •••*>- «f Pag*i loaad ar* an a derided chic af their own. nets and tuH*. KBTJ tbe BUM time neat and useful, with a jupreadlon she la making and without The Dolly Vardea hat will always atae spotted tnlle Is wore wltb the all akirt neither too short nor too long. A rrettimj over small slight*." color scheme. 1 have Its admirers, and It to very gtrllah btaw bat. aad It anltB women with good charming model waa made with nar- Tbe furniture Is, of vourse. mab [ BlaiTr.f Wa^iBet^'aarf "^ British *»a*t*d frttMted end*. The hem and pretty trimmed wttb It* butterfly row box plaits on tbe hips, down the MAUD UOB1N8ON ny. with tbln lines of fnlayinit. ! I Calaaihi. To kill a •eairall Uaarlaaa *« waa n-i:-!i«t with blat-k r bow* and strlnca and Its almple wreath Brown retla an charming with front and In the center of tbe back, for ft iTinniry bedroom, where expi'i BBBMI —alskaiaai »* *«lft aad tar* t* and the viMi waa encircled < of Bower*. brown hata. Tbe finest ffnaalan nets with a skirt Ju»t to dear tbe. groaad. be eonshlered. tbe almple HUP* | M^«hoi,c.D,«>, -^ •» Nark laffHa. Many of tbe Imported hata for men are becoming to the majority. The bloaae bolero waa also bos plaited A lady noveibtt says that blonil tbe furniture coald be equally well c In* wear «re In coarse pale wtrawa. \ery Kveryihlng pertaining to tba pelerioe with a •boulder piece of very coarse -omen are the mMt econamica] wives plait all the way deVa of Cn**taa tat. with Ibe brla* lined with dark abapr Is fathkmable. Certainly tba Italian lace and aotne Incrustations or (mm the viewpoint of tbe hnxhanu's de aote, t n lie ar vei- aa*j peierlnea ara atach roon bUck velvet. Tbe watatband was of millinery hill. "For." sbe declarea, -a fl M wreath of ftowera ar t«ag tbaa tbe Bat statea of paat n*. and there was a eaa- blond can wear a poor black without bird nn tap. Wins* went oot with The** ar* asw ctrtag way to tbe pet- of tarqnotee chiffon at tbe neck. h (rouble, bat If a brunette at- ' Here IB what a pent Ionian aald la I the approach of tbe bot days, and the ertne collar or~n1» to wear anything but tbe hest 1 speech recently, and tbe worst of It '.* la tb- fall will be tremendous. calffon. and to tbe lare acart draped hi Ocal gown auKnble for many occasioa*. black the, result will be dJaaatroos. A that It is true: "Tbe responsibility nt rat Abnar* a bioe cloth taller thin fwhton. The cat enow* a coetumc of spotted brunette can wear only tbe strongest redeeming tbla world MM wllh aenxi aaade trimuinl witb fringe Tbe caff< Tbe bat In tbe pictan la af bine canraa. wltb a box plaited bolero blacks. A pare wax; blond to tbe bto women, and It will take a ion* straw trlaiicrd wttb a blue and whlu Manned with embroidery and tassels. only type that can properly wear time hecaoae there are. BO few.'* It la Jl Die CH3IXBT. JITIIC CHOLLET. whit- aot altogether woman's fault, however. auk wrf. JUDIC CBOLUTT. THETHE CONsnrunONAUSTCONSnnmONAUST

GIAJfT ECO Or fiPTORHIS. BATTLE WITH MOSQUITO. DEGREES OF TEMPERA«C«. Kcbard and Iherrj hVarton, wfca Kansas City Couple Married aave recently brought out iu England and they rnun that hvUum la a new edition af Gilbert White's 1m- Ih* oaly gas waste* ha. »ot been ob- perisbftblc book, "Tb* Katnral Hls- r •* (klxlr;. A rare and r-markabl* enri.-Uj ia tala*d la the *a*d atae. Aa ntaTaut- Without Their KnowledgeKnowledge I wry of Selborae." Illustrated with tfce ibapr of id. largest .gg i" l»« mg rant! of th* experiment* was tbe photographs of the birds, animals and Loud war crtea and much .heading Among the regular qu*atlona to hw dewKMMtratiost that, although etn- insert* described by White, adopted •f blood marked the battle l*l»«n *»w.r^ by appHca-U for admla^o. JmsHot MUde * Sorry Btonder, Bat the Knot He Hmi 7W methods of getting close to their aub- Beeorder Jacob Q. Post, of Bloom- t* the axamlaations in. tlM city of, hall of t*» Anwrln* n><»'um <>( laal activity taskd* to cease at ex JecU without alarming them which •atural hiafurt TW am belonged trvmely low temperature*. yet Unexpectedly Bound tie Young People Together for weld. N. *, «ad a moBMtcr mosqnlto Mew York i. tb« followlna;, »ays A. M. •aoria. which hi kavwn to aosss— are worth tb* attention of amateur of tbe Orange Mountain apceiea. The *•*, in Md-lure-.. "Do jon us* I*- *• • giga*;*- »•«»••* "*•»• •»i»«» «*• photographer*. Sometime, they con- iiicaUng beverage.. a«d if ao, U» powerful affichies taaa aay JJfe. cealed themselves and their camera in recorder bad held court all day aad loiktUnf beverage*. an •*p,..rnt«, f .mi. rl> inlial.Hing xl.r other ilrmml. Is capable, evan wbea a stusTed sheep, and aometlnte. It was be ilept like a log until shortly after *Ulwhat uiraiTextentr liIt wa. • Vnnkee who wilds of th- I-taad «.f Nari>fi<««r. a to th* *aUd state, of aoaa- CA SC where a couple all the caatomary questions aaked by th* > stuffed cow that they employed. Oa midnight. Then be waa awakened replied:replied: "5o."No. bmlliktbut 1 lake a drink." B-4 This fcuf* «*ab*f of )!•<• bird king wlth liquid hydrogen. Such a without tbe kaowWai* and tadg* tb* wmli. Ihinaah the ilher occasion, the; built an artificial by a loud, •trident, iwiitent jell of: H was a Swede who carefully estimat- ai>e>. for WM wtamn reason, was .Uow, aagnmaaaiad with a acaiaat ta* wisbe* of both ami Mr. made th* proper answers nollow rock near the haunt of the -nim T" ed tbe exteat of his Indulgence at "on* alUrninilKl la r»mf*rat.ve1 y receat iinjr-Tf. waa produced when ap ia Ih* rsroruar's oaVe la Kansas City During an ihii time tb* other couple bird, they were studying. Somettmea So tdctoui wa. tlie alogaa, an sig- glass of beer la ten dajs." The blr*>i; l>m Ha I.~.II rrp th* waUg awarla aad liquid hydrugea ruwatly. FionfHU Ptca.cLH ana appeared to be too much engrossed with clothing, colored like the graaa or tbe nificant of a raging Mood thirst, that t* of a, man Who wrote that h* did Wl fr.gmea'ary rmiiM of 1IM were kept at a temperature of -IHi >aaqual1na Novalll. In oompaay with a soil, served their purpose. They photo- tbe recorder trembled aa he awoke, latoxicatlng ber^ragea "but not aa ii.i-.i. ••• *• f»»nd. I as m I Camtlgraw*. equltalent to such older couple, Loca P1ca**lla aad but u the lodge handed tbe young man graphed not only bin.', on their nests, struck a lighl aad begaa to search occupatioa" !• not recorded, but From the Imfh aad siie of the PUoa»*aa Bolilta. entered the o*ce and h» marriage certlfieat* th* elder wo- aad feeding their young, but flsh In the for an Intruder. He found no on*. nationality of tke mournful ap- Hal, .nrt feat Ik* birds km aairi by »y the Bid of aa Interpret* r declared man •wsdaaly darted forward and —.ter. Bad dragon flira and beetles he thought that perhaps come aUcaat wbo also drsnk. but "not to •rteall.t* t" bar* been arohabl.r twice heir lateatloa to get married. A llreuai matched the paper from his hand. For ..jting on leave, or sterna, and em passing late drinker had amased him- ■MCfu," may well bs ■ matter of ,,r ihr» lhM> the h«tgk« «f •• «H * mad* i moment ah* stood comparing tbe pa- snakes In the gra*>.~-Youth's Com- self by blowing one of tbe fiendish foabt. On# applicant of »lmplv vocnb- ttVk, of which Ibey ar* awppo"*d tn TWTh* prtaeprincee ofot WalesWale, hla noMll by say per with tb* one given her by tbe judge revolving bicycle whistle*. Be •Vorybiry woowas fonunicontent t-»ir> respond:respond: “Yeo—"Ya«— be • dlatlnet group. Tl«y w*r* pow. mease!"•> thetb* oolyoaly royalroyal philatelic.pkllnteliat. ItIt ui. tie earlier. Tben she began talking looked out of the. window, bat caw •lld"Ua," whilewhile anotheranother addedadded thetbe saawr-aasur- erful and ever dangerous creatures to said•aid., indeed,indeed, thatthat everyevery royalroyal familyfamily rapid!, to the young couple In her na- the street. As he turned imi_»ce thatthat hake draakdrank laIn aa -gentlemanlrvntlemanlyy ho-.n Ih It 1- r»Ut«d thai they lIna IEurop a ropee haahaa a eaembermember whowho laiscollee collect-v tive tongue. For a moment they stood The making of pine-needle oil la an way."»ay." »tlllStill .motheranother soughtloughl toto rtaw*remova carried ••* •••"I- ••d .bwp and ih. In!•«g stamp*P* .;Probably tk.tbe M.Imoat Ml-»-al- U tnoogn itunned Then all twian talk- Industry of the Ttinrinffrn mountains aUsll prejodieeprejudice fromfrom theth* mindsminds ofof th«th* whit. Inba^tunls had U» walk about sue collectorcollrctor Ishi PriseeoaPriaeeae (lemeattaeOemeatia* laging andand pmttralstlBSgeatlmlatlng wildlywildly withwith theirtheir " "ermanj. The needles and voiing examiner*examiners byby atatlng.latins- thatthat behe newnever with IUB« tlgrr. to guard and pro- ef Belgians.elriom. AeShe haebaa aaadamide a etndystudy ofof hands. The babel of volets grew deaf- aa of vaHoiu *piH>—enprcia'lly of wedused anyany “beverages"beverages" atat aU.all. andand dmoaa t*et ibtwfhM from tb«ir attack. stamps aad U regarded a* an author* •alngand finally the Judge.almoat over- la pnmilUo—are collected late In of his companion* admitted^ using ty o. tbe Hbject. Queen Wjlnelmina May or early in June, and are exit of hi* companion* admitted using The e.tranrdlnarj si** of th- r«, come by the din. shrieked Into the ear of them, thoafh “not affectively." f Holland and tbe king of Srrvia bare ihe Interpreter "Here, for hcaven'B sake small pieces and put into a cyl- TheThe coaaoMitebismMMil answeranswer toto thethe qnee-que*- which to Mrir a foot km* by un or year* bees pi.nag elama* in beau- stop that noise. What are they snouting indrical still, though which .learn ia (Jon consitts either of the tingle word Incur. In diameter. U vividly shown tiful albums, but of Iste it Is aald their passed. The steam in tben tiqnefled tloa consists either of the vlngl* word about T" n a condenser, when the volatile oil “moderately--moderately" oror ofof aomesome equivalentequivalent by er.mparlson with a h*w'« egjr. -Why," stammered the Interpreter, phrasephrase,, which,which, onon thethe whole,whole, seemsaeems toto which •**« nothing b»t • «•**• waned. Pope Leo XIII. haa a collec- •arried over ii skimroed from the ' examiners tb* most suitable re- •pH-k in romparlwou- tion of exceptionally rare stamp*, and "they fay they didn't waat to get mar- Lnrface of the water. The portion the eramiaera the moat suitable ro- Uon of exceptionally rare lUrape and ried." of tbe steam condenacd fn the cylin- ■sponsepome.. ParhapaPcrhap. thethe hoaealhenesl aoalsoul whowho NearW half • hundred hen fRi frequentlyfrequently hebe spendsspends hishis lei.areleisure moWo-- r*portcd, himself "almoat lemperata" e-.-.M he parkad Inside, say* the New ts In examining them. The pre- "Didn't want to get married'" Tke der falla through the bottom, carrv- reported himself “almost temperate" mewts In rnamtniag them. The pre- judge's voice roae with each word In as- l rcsinoua, albumlnoas and tan- WwaaM a fairfair repreaenentire.represent a live. Somelfm*Sometimes York roa>n»*rel*l-Adv*rlis*r. Oaly late.l of..f thethe ehchare archh areare awareaware ofof hishla by a slip th* applicant will writ* th* • few perfect egg* •*•• *•" '«»*• InterestInterest Inia them,them, andand wheneverwhenever theythey nated substances, and thia' extract la by a alip the applicant will write the "No, they My ibey dldnt want to get vutrated In a special vacuum reeara*reverse ofof whatwhat hehe obeloealyobviously Intended,intended, They command • high a***. w»lp« earn theythey nendsend himhim newnew trrtnmtreasures forfor evaporator, when It is added to th* aaas whenwben recentlyrecently oneone eald.aid "Immoder-"Iroroodar- to their amrdty. averaging f«w» roliectlon.—Golden Penny. ~ to give the necessary perfume, atlon." and another replied: "Yea, to •100 to tSOO a pi"**, going to waK and be married by a prieat. ation.- and another replied: -Yen, to They thought that yon were only making oil la put up In jar* aa a remedy no extent." TbeswHre bargain, and flnda to be out the, lloens* " for rheumatic and almilar com- lade in the plant world equal to any The •urprtae groom her* advanced. nt«. The fibers left in the .till picked ap In old curiosity .bop.. tb* earttfleate. In hla band, tb* otbar are separated by a apectal machine. • lime ago a Glasgow geatleman -.^ and two women bringing up in the perfumed with the oil. and put op lv*d from hla .oa ia Egypt aa rear. "No marrlcn. tto marrlch," ha In package* for stuffing pillows. envelope fall of paas. which were MO MARRICH. NO M ARRILHT" shouted, extending th* paper to tb* A t ' "I k.eper I* the City of Mexico. aaM to have been found in tb* toaab and Justice of th* Peace William •b,» place -a. alw.y* brilliaatl. of the Pbaraoba. He seat Rumor haa It that a ball* of this lighted bj electric lamp., nppsfenlly Hicka. having be*n summoned by tele- -They want you to nntl. the knot," A FIERCE. WINGED,-INI; MONSTER a friend of his phone, appeared upon the aces*. explained tba Interpreter. SomeoneSomeone who«ho no*was Interestedinterested InIn ththee city broke her engagement with a witi_v«i regard lo *•»•*. "*• iw>«tlj factfsct hashas discovereddiscovered thatthai whilewhile Ameri-Ameri- towardtoward hishis bedbed a fierce,fierce, wingedwinged monmon-- certain Waahlugton club man, "Just ! Bat*, who sowedxbaia. ~s* Brat couple to be married waath* After considerable dlnculty the Judga can women are shorter tban their Eng- bee#.-. uncled bj • local Judg* for mad* the couple understand that Ibis cas women are shorter than their Eoy- sterster withwith aa lonylong billbill likelike tbothe bled*blade ooff mse ha carried hit money la a" stealiag from the electric lighl com- They irew ap lato pwata^af threasone America for thisn womelies lan the fo yreatr rockin loveg andand ofof a mostmost atrociousatrocioue disposition.disposition. at all; and aa for one who keep* • Una uf »33.T0. anri. u an aildltinnai to get married V Th* interpreter nodded of the American women for rorkloy Tha recorder smashed at tbe mon- bis change in It; he is simply beyond paa.lty. waa •• Chronicle. py. rock by the hour, were she not dis- darted at him again. Once more tbe as little and close about everything •bed, perhaps not. knowing that the darted at him ayaln. Once more th* aa llttl* and close about every thiny The Undlord who attempted to SEES DEATH IK DREAM. STRUCK BY UGHTMIlrO. turbed. perhaps not. knowlny that the recorder•uriler mademade aa mlyhtymighty lunyslunge atat hlhlaa *U*.eUe. YonYon maymay notnot noticenotice Ittt duringduring »v..l, Ibe electric companj'* ch«rp;e« the betianjnf " mere mocemert employed to keep the assailant,lailant, butbut ayalnagain hehe missedmiaaed . ThThea the enyayement. hat It will cams wired hla h«rD of Elinbetb wu a »ery ly of flesh.—Washington Poit. onon baseballbaseball tactics,tnctica, forfor asaa thotha re-re- litUlittle* pome,purse, andand beginbegin dlyylnydigging down] Ing the matter at a later daj. ll< also material. Gremio. in "The Tamlasj of Students of the occult are finding A fe.w daye ago a. W. Poacher, of Of flesh —Washington post. cordercorder swunyswung aa highhigh blowblow thatthat wouldwould IntoInto It,It, halfhalf thethe tlm*time thetbe iRtlemile piecepleoa declared that h* had. »<.'<• the ettr- k* Shrew." alludes to 11 •* one. of the macb food for thought In tbe murder of Sturgeon. «o . II years old. waa struck havehave battedbatted hintbim awayaway farfar beyondbeyond ofof leatherleather notnot belnybeing capablecapable ofof hold-hold- rent for "o»)y a moath." The com- npartant artielea of I -kfrpmr la Fred Teaadale, \ rancher of Bridger, by lightning and given up for dead. A yoodgood storyitory is1. toldtold showshowin layg thetke HobokuaBobokus thethe creaturecreature swoopedswooped down-down- laying thethe amountamount thatthat oneona wouldwould oror-- panr had Ita snapirloas aroiued and ilt city manaioa. Before the la*cntioa Mont., by a tramp who refuse, to give Bat he live, to tell the story. Poacher rapidityrapiditj withwltk whicwhichh thingsthings movemove now-n warwardd andand plantedplanted bisbis billbill InIn oneone ofof dinarilydinarily paypay forfor a simplesimple froch."frock." if carpets the rooms were spread wilk adays.adaya. A esrtalacertain servantaerrant wentwent toto her thetbe smallersmaller arteriesarteries ofof thetbe ealfcalf ofof And the matron to whom th* malie an eaaroiaalion of th* botel the dead man long ago and that Teas- mlstreaa and gave notice. the recorder's right leg. young belle confided the caOM of tha 0 rnabea. e*«a ia the nol.le»t mansloaa. mistress and ga«e notice. th* recorder's viybt ley lirhi.r r •!«•». which WM r^"'* - lad Rhahespeare haa many allasiona la did him a deadly wrong. TmTin goinggoing toto bebe married,married, ma’am."ma'an Hla honor dropped th* stick and broken engagement was heard to re- with the t*anlt of rnMliit th* .. tlil< old ru*i..m la w*rda pot la the 1 bad a queer drsam last alght. only -To whom?" aaked her mlstrra. witwithh na mightymighty swaitt ofof bisbis rightright handhand mark afterward that ahe "would not fraud The lejai p"'»t of laWreat la- noatha of larhbao. Oleadower and wu notnot reallyreally a dream.*- said Teaa- "Do yoUu rememberremember thethe ffunera l JOB laid the mon.ter sprawlinsprawlingg onon tbtho* b* surprised If tber* was not consid- »ol«.l la th* em*e hlafed npon the dale. when he went into the weld In the allowed mwee toto gogo toto threethree weeks ago rug. _ . It measured nearlynearly threethree InchesInches erable truth In what ahe bad heard, delmiina of the word "robberj.- morning, addreaalng several men. 1 ma'am? Well.Well. I'mI'm goinggoing tcto marry tbe frofromm tiptip toto tip—thetip—the mosquito,mosquito, notnot and. while It might not warrant most whleh the dlitrfrt rod* ihna elwi- :hought that I was livingliving longlong , longlong agagno husband of the corpse." thethe rugrug.. girls breaking an engagement, still. dalea: "Jlf r..mmJii robb*r]r who PmeUrally only tbe bnikHacs are and did a fearful wrong to a man who It aubaequrntltrollyy transpiredtranspired thatthat the TheThe recorder’srecorder's woundwound hiedbled soso propro-- It was a thing for them to ponder pniWM hlmaelf of a moraU* Iklaf uuud ia Eactand, and tbU tax tbe '•* my Irivnd We parted and widower toojkk sa fancyfancy tolo hisbis fiancee.fiancee, fuselfuselyy thatthat hehe sentsent forfor Dr.Dr. F.F O.G. Mcapaat pay.. Tber. I. now a paged aa "ahe waa tbe only cheerful party bctiBfii ir to another, wlthoat rifffat » the only cheerful party Shoal,Sboul, who»Jm treatedtrrntrd th#the e«tcat withwith KEROSENE AMD MOLASSES. and wlthoal th* consent of the per- itroor movement in favor of i*i» there."—London Kiprcu. septic dressing, and after some aoa eotilUd by law todiapoa* of it." lion of "rrosad reata" aad "alt* vat- antiseptic dressing, and after some oen." and tb* introduction of tbe timtlm*e succeededsucceeded Inin stoppingmapping Ih#tbe flow.flow. I I t TheThe raosqnltomosquito waswas thethe largestlargest everever EXCHANGE OP CHILDREN. pUa of Uylna; aaaeanacnt. on prop- Fish caught on the coasts of France seen•n Inin thethe neighborhoodneighborhood ofof Bloom-Dloom- for local Improvements, aa ia In tb« men were worklBg. about noon. nd Italy are now transported alive by fleld. country. It U vljorooaly op- ramp appeared In the field anil «•] n! il to Germany and Rusila for the field poa«d by tb« wealthy claaa eaperlally market. The living fUh are placed in Cormmrrrr—dull,Commerce—dull, pro«*le.prosaic, mailermatter-of of-- b* ii'it to work. He was Kiven em- TWO UNDONE BY BEER. fact commerce—plays queer pranks. by the dnkea. who own the ground 7ment. When his eyea fell on Turn*. cred aquaria, or citterns, running fnct cotnmrrce—play* queer pranks. m wJilcb London t. built.—X. ¥ small wheels, anil stored in wsgon* OneOne of'of thetbe queerestqueerest isis played, inin thetba j dale be turned pale and atmicgcrFd «* If kerosene trade. Almost all th* kero- i heavy blow. the purpose, Tbe watevslerr ofof ththee kerosene trade. Almost all the kero- terna is renewed continually by senesene oiloil thatthat IsIs shippedshipped fromfront AmericaAmerica The Eacbaac* of < hi.....-.., itlnually by nonoww goesgoes outout Inin greatgreat oilofl tanktank steam-mteam- adopted by sonic charitable p-ople _ >• your i>pin poor workmanship. Thia angered thf an. of a motor pump, and a system -What-rTha ia your opinionp a* to loay( of pipe* connected with them.—London shipsabipa andand bargesbarges—vessel -vesselss thatthat areare B*rlin last summer, and aill be re- gagcmvnuT*a_-emeBla??- queriedquerieid thethe jouagjounf manman ramp, and hot word* followed. Sgri- “ft"It waswan likelike this,this, youryour honor."honor," saidsaid practicallypractically nothingnothing hutbut mightymighty float-float- vived tin. spring, says tbe New York whoa* »pri»rti—» '••«? "a-"^ '»™«» denly Teaadale leaned forward and John McNnlT.i tt. Justice Hennessey Tribune. 1 tie promoter* arrange for whose springtime fancy lightly tamed struck the tramp In the fare. John McXnlta fV* Justice Hennessey inging kerosenekerosene ran*.cans. TheTbe oiloil IsIs pumpsdpumped Trlbone, Th oter* nr toto thought,tboufhu ofof aa matrimonialmatrlmoaial nature.natmn. •TBrCK HIM ON THE LEFT 8HOVT*- ofof Chicago.Chicsgo. “We"We waswu. gain*goin* pastpast datdat IntoInto them,them, andand thenthen theirtheir ironiron batchhatch mthe temporarlenpnra y interchangterchangee, or ciiy “They're-They're lb*the worstwont ever."ever." answeredanswered "Curse you. that's twle* you hare DER Green—Sey.__-een—-Say. 1I understandunder.tsnd youyou toldtold car and we see. da door open. VVs covers are screwed down, says tbe and country children. Children of tba man who bad (.mint it accessary wronged me In thU world." (boated the t'poses de company la trratin' and we covers are screwed down, says the the man who had found it necessary Iramp. "but It will be tbe tut ." Blank 1 didn't know any more than a'poses d# company la treatin' nod we ChicagoChicago InterInter Orwan.Ocean. working p*nple there hegtn to nm- toto combcoamb bishia hairhair with"ith aa towelio»cl forforlo io., at bi* residence, ten miles youraur yellowyallow dogdog.. Justjust takestakea aa casecave oror so*<• of o fbeer. beer . WeW e Xow.Now, whenwhen thesethese tanktank vesselsvessels carrycarry tribnte to the npport of the family theae maay moon*. "A long ripp- Tben he drew a revolver and Ired. south of Sturgeon, and said: Brown—NeverBrown—Never soldsaid anythinganything ofof ththe* waswua drtnkln'drinkin' toI.I dedy could have been found do.—Cincinnatido.—Cincinnati Enquirer . pumped out of them, they are sealed ferent froa. that on th* farm. ,n**ct. of a baahrupi athlete the tJm* I wa* struck I would •gain and superheated steam ia forced Henc* BOBi* ehariUbt* woman of kav* hat them my farm against a glass T»' •as-ttllM *r«i*s«. -Well." he said. "here', a football. Since the introduction of the Ber- nto them until they are perfectly Berlin ..rrani^e.t a freahnlr ecbeOM. Hod as new. Take It and look at it. ot buttermilk that I waa don* for. Ullon system la France 10,000 persons clean. Tben the hatcben are reopened by which Ih* children of the poor Mkat am I offered to start ItT* "The lightning struck me on tb* left wbo have committed crimes and who and molaases ia pumped In. m... ••Chan** ptau-aa for a f«w A eollera boy la tke crowd (Tabbed shoulder and burned me to my toes. ware coneealing their identity, haee To put molasses into tanka that amnfha fn th* rantmcV Th«a* f It. started It wltk a kick, and wbca Both shoes were badly tora. and in the means of the system, been iiientl- haveive beenbeen ause sodd forfor kerosenekerosene wouldwould tbe fan*, eoaae lalo the rily. whieh UM heard from It wa. .till (oia«. go- photograph her* you can sc* for your- and brought to juatice; and ■•relyirelv b*he th*the Instlast thingthing thatthat mostmoat la a »al«»b** #diM-alloi»al expertenr* setf bow It treated my rli-.ihets Well. ng all these not one mistake ia person,trsom wouldwould thinkthink of.of. ButBut comcom-- for them, and thoav n tbe rit.v ha** known to have been mad*.—If. T. merce does it. an ..pi-rtimlty to enjoy a HttU for a few minute* [ waa daad. The country life, without depriving th* boys gathered around me and I heard parenta of ettWr of their urtxa oa* of them sav that 1 died easy. A few years ago It would have •The boy* told aw It wa* rally M “ManIan wantswants butbut Utilslittle herenere below.**below," seemed absurd lo premise that tb* IBUTH baron I nond. and th* first algbcdsighed thetbe atmlca*aimleta manman with»it h thethe baggybaggy great commercial port* of the world at the hr..l-(n-r«er. wher. aa thing I said waa a raquast for water "i1 be made absolutely free from rhaar* U arranared. This was brought to me. and I drank -What man wanta." aaid the squar*- danger of Invasion by BU<-!I epidemic Then wfcy la It aU of It. My companions aaked me Jawed mother-in-law of Ihe party ourgea aa cholera and plague, but that all bit. of brifht repartee what physician I warned, and I told aforesaid, -is a woman to set him an careful investigation of the elf While niimntf .n M>*k*». WHMam ! railed Sallies?- S V. Ttnaea. "~ "" 1 would be dead b*for* any example in tbe art of getting a move cots of danger and a rigid en- Ihinb.m. ft Denver. ..sited what of thoae at Stargaom could be told OB himself.™—Chicago Daily »*.. rcement of quarantine regulations considered tb* high*-* waterfall ! BSBSM ire made all our cities exempt tbe warld. It bean tb* ladiaa naa •s were racked, and whal- from Infection. of Baaaaseaehlc. and la located an*. C* 1 bad possessed In for- The Brooklyn bridge has lost plsc* IM miles w*w* of tb* etty of Cbiba mer day* daaarted ma. In an hour th* i one of tbe »ndrr* of tbe world: In a rt-ent article in a widely haa. near tb* summit of tbe Slen (patroaixlagly)— doctor arrived, gav* me am opiate, and ainc* the building of the Williama- read magazine on "XIel. Plnaon and htadre mooatataa. Th* elevatl*. I 1 aert they mwat be frightfully •atava aad lakea to JaU He aa, I waa brought to burg steel bridge, a mile farther up OIBCOVERED BY Hla Heating Baya" It la aald: "All the mountain I. LK» feet abov* m give hla name, aaylac only that Twaa- night, aad th* next day th* Kaat rtver, and tbe bridge now rinty near lb*the Beltiv-lt LineLine railwayrailway at the world might now have smallpox level. Tb* raarSHl* fall* t?» f*w*. dnle ka*w him aad (bat he maraly took boBdiag to Blaekwell'i iiland will be Oeventy-alxth street he found a re- without f*ar of disfigure men ta." •ad'hav* te play it by kaa r»T*n«e lor aa Injury Jon* hla many a«ora wonderful than eitbrr.—Iadtaa- frigerator car with th* seals broken r*d light treatment wma ezpart- Tear, before Tb* tram* showed ladi- several case* of beer missing. A l*d with long before and much K catloaa of haviag at oa " Dreaming that she was patting tip her trail of beer led from th* car and VAC* that publication, and tbe ra- iwl f*.riw>»'ti^>M-- Wm Caha'a two prtnciaal export ktgh Boattloa In th* world aad hi evl- saii- aad h.* ion dlasci snlt. akiow the quoted statement *• „. --bofaa, and aedar. Od Biobba—Scribbler has bad no 1c he followed it It ltd 1I. aa empty ^wnt ka. d-cM*l » «* tangling It from her fingers, Mr*. Ida car. where he dbeorcrud lfeNuIta aa» -f >••'>••' maanary. the nr.t undervofaay land, may »llU be b..a«kt *a Whalen. of Loganaport. Ind.. wok* up tban* rejected. aad Henry Weat rapidly opening bot- the H»n»lT"Ogh -\e«laa»«iai< t« Death. tat other night to ind a aaak* colled Slobba—What i« be doing low! tle* and disposing of the contents. the Tonto Haaln •<•*- 'hat will ereata artoe la .uadilr BdvauHa..->X. T. S -Writing essay* on the decline of tl le venom o( snakes contain,s only Mary Mr A adrew. an amlaMe aad prat- -I Uke yonr story vary well," aald totermediary bodies whieh ___ _ in the vaUey. of th* upper !*alt rlv*r ty factory girl, aged IT. of Scraatoa. Pa. rama "—Cleveland Leader. J nut ice Hennessey to tb* prfeoaen. l and Toato cr**k th* targwt arti- slightly OL Her roapukai Is woald not be virulently poisonous. ficial Uh* In tb* world. It will Irrt- "but I fear I shall have to impose a but the normal blood serum of an*. Cbollv—My uocle la rery rich, as. Bt tap on the -riil. It win be *3O eeptlble animal, contains the safe. I am am aol* heir. b. which triflintrillingg .earn.son. I ouppo>« stances which, by conjoint act ton H*thi»clah it «•> (h* m»a wba lied Edith So wonder he bangs on 1 • kave about yon." with th* totanaediary bodloa of tb* I their a(*.—Claelanatl Enqairvr. life so:- -Judge. venom, cause tbe deadly poison lag. ly aoM Ua bwloved Ommmrm swMw Hi.*, ml War. „*«*, to tab* a** I the v^rcetf ot i*erlla doctors car* TJ, Firs* Lawyer—Tb* j*t.g* * Stella-Bui >B.i g*» have the rirbt «.f way. Even tbe nineteenth century IN cwa, Th* a*»t week he Baked MJ sweet oa taw wianw. towa for fta-acia) aM. aa he <-"«»-*«| t*Lb«boajB*. L the duke Ua L*--- •• " the emperor's rarrlaie mint pause , numberless iKea and over tSO> awyer—Wkar you ft this on* la th* algkt Bella-H* u ><• I wbca a doctor"* vehicle la aha at t • ewt 00 were lost in fmlila effort* to that th* bog a i uausw-"—Pfiacata* Ti«M. aad carried tt Into tba bedroom. V. waS, •JS It* path. tba worth pola. Ing upon th* baa «*> tt V the aaeaajd laalag, oaly two The Constitutionalist >ai«g stdi otf bla dellTery. ENNSYLVANIA Reading System k Ma pm too laaa, uowwir, RAILROAD. mnioii P Mew Jcr»«y Central. off blm hi tb* Bret tw* Innings fb* taelifl Rdlrnad *f ,M which, Utuplirl Wltb * few error*, lost MJI1EUR GOLFERS tba panso for Bom*. Bop* deosrvee greet credit for then Alia Un«xpwct«xily BMtn by ehowtsg, ooMluwrlng tb* fact that th* BMtsrdOB boys bav* eady 81, Mixy • in As Bxetttof • this season, ud that «t th» OraL ttrtk* octi la Bla* HUM Marti• C tat >hM II t aamed off tba batting honor* of tb* -1 •Mm Ibe (****** CHy A 8PLKWDID SHOWING 1*1 HOP* DOWN IV DUST d«y. Bereral qaeationable d*ol the told medal. Tbo pabllahere Malts* Weetdeld, Asgast 10—In tbe ooa- by tb* nwpir* whloh did |he* Ibar* >M oti iMN bth a—Ills mt the peelimlBetfT plaj SCORE ntOtApLV THE LOWEST EVE• UMP1K TREATED THE" UNKINDLY, aot based! tba Hope teem aad which she Pmsdewt's OMapeatUM a* tbe not MM tb* approraJ of mai - CBOZ*UK VU> mm Hmo to protect them. MADE BY AM JUlATCUI. Weetlold Golf Clab, •> •alarday, K. HOWEVER, AT HrSH BRIDGE. . ite. for CtareJand In referring t* the adm raalhaor ud L D Ossapenn Beaeearal Air I4o*'s*pt**e, i r. p t* Uon pravalllB. I* a*w*pap*rdom at Park Ct*>b Woaktj qaallfted. Ibeii s*OI for Is OWB lowest mark for tbe lab. Tba final soora was 5 advertising which aader vartoui and MSBbHetUB' a n*w rsissl. STEPHEN VAN BUHKN KILLED A M 3. Tbo Hal ate scored the winning guinea oreeps lato Ih* news oolomaa. Usder eoodllloif that war* Ih* beet. CUCKOO AND PAID HEAVY FINE. after two men w«r* put ooi Li The oooaaioaaJ laeertloa ef a fro* aa- •Md* tbe olreull of eighteen bates, Ib* nr*t half of MM ninth Inning. Tbe UM for a regelnr advertiser Is a mat- #* strokso. OB Ib* onlwsrd JoarDey I* waa s Itl-BetMtM • toams war* avuly matched. ter of baalBeaa dlanrellaej Ibal will Heiahart look thirty-*** atrokaa sad Hellber acored nntil Ib* third, wbea •Ot be interfered wltb, bat Iba ma home la thlrty-foor Tbla soora Ceeper, of Warrwavtlee, Charged Kavanaogb. for All*, oroassd tbo rub- CLINTON AVE., 9; NEW MARKET, 3. •atqalteus preaa ageal wht worn ibe prebaUy Ib* i*w**tv*t wdi la th* Hlaa Om ftSO. ber. Ho more rana were mads nntil Tb* Clinton Aveaoa tun won fro paper* for frae nadlBg matter Bad aad Betabart'a work oa SsspbM V*nBebr*a. of Bowtb Ol tb* flftb innlni, wb™ tb* Saioti •ew Market on tb* latter'* grooad Bamrday hasp***! food reeelM la hie ford street, Brooklyn, bad a rather Ullied twtoa. In tb* aiztb and Batardaf »fteniooo by a nor* of 9 to t. Bqelera, tba Mew Market bos tlear by tba emoaol of epaes be twos pUy iDiiT* TIIII among friend* at Ml ssventh loninge Alle eoorsd one rn» FOB Ctrm kUr-Kxpm*. 100 ni«ht, dally •rlM, WM bit freely aad at Iba right —as res wllbaal pay, will lad II neeb bridge players. B*lbel on Sal*rday. B* ia vary toad •aoh aad that was all they conld tlaie. Bolner. tb* twlrlar for Iba FOr I^ke Pladd iTbnnvb dleeplo*? Oar), more dlBaall to g*t bla matter pub- Tb* taooad and third boaore far tba of bantinit «ad wbea be left home be 5*5 p.m.. Moodmj*, Wesmdijt bud Fn- Tultort, bad good control The fea li*h.ii. (leapt at advertising rate. Ootf OommltbM cap ware woo by H took fall ion with him, fally a pvailed la tb* igyC tare* were Ui* good fielding of Pang Advertising spue* la tba chief asset ei H. Stockton Md H D Blbbard. This bag to oapnr* • good b»t:ol rislb toatof, wbea Brarlqaet. for Or (be CaUklll* (Throunh Pmrlor C«n. born of the Tlaiton and Neiaon'a goo< • newapepef, and whan a pobllabei Stockton • total of II , potass. •neb to bla surprise bo mot Oust Alii, got a fra* paaa, rtola aeoood aad wotk behind tba oat for the fapm< give* II away " " "'* flviag awn] Blbbard baa > total of foar •aid Tut Wardea O. M. Hawhlaa third aad oanM boot* oa A fanibl* and turn. Tb* I toe op: •»rf eat of th* caafa drawer. By i polBU pot blm Dcpaty Warden U. O. Wyektff, tha wild throw by Ocooey, 1T1O« the LehlKli Vallev kamuad. • thoroash esdsrstsnding sad tb* iftb poeltioo. lattar at* Ib* borough. aoora. ew Market—Fiaicber, Sb; N. Nel eon, aa; Sqniar, p; Waglow, 9b; Voor MIBIMMO* of bermoBloos b**lo*i rboae aearea were posted for th* Tba foaad a cncioo la Taa- Who playfd firat for the LIA'I *nrjTH rtiAiiiniLD, m. j. beea, lb. Paddington. If; Ljon, of relation*. Ibe Philadelphia pebllabai Oolf Committee oa p I Bnhrsn'a poaeeMion and II was eoon Saint*, gare aa exhibition thai 1 m m.d»i]j ;eioept 8und«ji loca: to Mauch will b* sbM lo iaereeao their pradu. Praak O. Retnbart. dfi, (h-U: Icaraod that be was a ocn-re.ident of aot bear rnjartlng In Ifalt city. Ward, rf; A Nelaoo. c t L u. dmllr for luuu, Wiikw-Barr*( , at example M h* emeUled by oompet . Block too. TH, 4- 74; H D I the 8MM. a* WM takes before Jas- plarod what ean b* atrietly tarnaed Clinton ATB.—Herman, o; Seltaer, ttocbesi^r, Ffuffaln and principal ^ *r- Lag aawapapara la other eltiea. " bard, m, ii-7«; J K. Krtosaem, tlc* Jobn P. Cooper, of Warrenvlll*,. "dlny" Mil Ha knocked a fly to Sb; Dodd. Hi BeekraBD, 9b; Baker IBCBTB Jail* and flmpT™ 78; WUIard Wadawertli. W, B- The latter i»pOB*d * Una of f*» 48 for Rlchardaea, ran Into him aad triad to lb: Pangborn. rf;W. Hagne. If; F Hew Jersey'* tax lawa IB regard M Arthar Marpfay, ahoollag the oaekoo sad M8 M for ba- mate bin drop tb* bell. AM Hag*a, of | Bolmer. p. >unk, lltiitiim. I'II 11 •% ii ..• mill Shvnaa- Ib* salllag of potsooe and polmoooi H VaoBoeherrk. W, t—80; L. H. Vsa a non resident fonaer. Tb* time bo bald Qaatmejer oo Bret aft*r Boor* by innlnga: 11 •arootioi, bavs oflM eaaead trouble tb* Utter BMde what aboald bare Ollntoa In .. S 0 0 0 « 1 0 9 x—1 Barre and 8cr*ntou Kxprr** Scil'd vtvtl- Barsm, «, 18—81; Waller Pcteraoa, prlaaa*r paid hi* laa and IB Ibe r>ul« mlD to Wiikot-IUrn- Tbpourh Parlor la Ibo peat aarf ar* e fraq; Sff, •—Ml; LeigbMO) Oalklns. 90. S-St | n will probably exerolM more tbree-baw bit; aad New Market 000009001—1 hr ffi D.IH.H.K to BonDton *nBoek*r*k. M, 1*—«i. ta the eboioe of boating groaeds. uotbtr time he lalerfered wltb the JUNIORS, 3; WILLOW GROVE, 2. 141 p. m. daily (except Sunday) looal lo. lu- Plalai*ld WOCBBB ester Burrow*. W, i-%—«t | Morria J. ball. Be aboold have beea pat oa apothecary abap and eased for ; OlBf SaafBtsd, B6, STRONG STKEAM Iba lama by Iba aspire. Tb* St. M*rj Jooior. played a great Buffalo. Tonmlo and Chica«o and princi- laadMua. Her *bj*ot la baylag II—«7:K. J. pBttenon. 114. IS—M. pel Of ball Saturday afleraoon, al pal IDt*rnHlliUiutloH*i«pt ItochHUr. Chief Do.!* Aaaemneos BMBIU of wss talcld*, her sliampt foUowlng a Thla la tb* etajsdiag by potBte for igblla aad Haoer, the Stint* Lambert't Oamti, derMllng tbe Wll Telephone. 1U-B long sicklies* and daapoadaaoy. Ib* dolf Oommltes* oop at Ibe Hill T>»l. 0f New IUIIH Dm- gettlag IT* bin off tbe former and low Orore A. Q l.y *he eoore of 8 lo bw)iog tba i>Olaaa, *r>* Offered ao •Id* Toanla and Oolf Clab partweiii May Buy. Alii making ••**• off the Uttc; Eleven Unlsgi were rcqaiied. pwMiloo of iba eass to wblnh ah* lift T. O. Daaae, of tb* fire de- Tbe line ap: Airi*dl am Iqinvi •! Millt Walter Petermoo 1*1 rO Botb Cormier aad Mallay backed e_ faded pattlag II aad tba olark i St. Mary Jnnlorc—DeOoaroj, > PLAIMFIBXD iinTurrice. partment, ha« givee oet eom* laasi their pltoben la Bo* *tjle. while Ike OB« apan* III, •inaaa I •. m. waited epaa bar raqalred BOB*. Th* B. B*.v****efcio«:;;;.';;•; fignree ragardlaff tb* test of tb* of Iba plaj«n pal op a good lootroaa, p; O'Halll, aa; O'Loaghllr, m Haturdar'* aloe* «*if hour later. weemaa look a l*r«* daae after rea-ih AngBMaa R. flak delsgs nonie tried on Waal a; Maldownar »b; Kielj, Jb; Don - -bar Marphy article of pall. tag home, aad Ml fat the prompt dle- 1.. Oleaaey Fourth street, last week. Th* it ream Tb* aoora In detail: oally, of; Doty, rf; C>raler. 11 Swvery ef bar ooamtloa aad tb* Praak O Rrtnhert aent 100 fe*t In tb* air in a vettl Willow Grtr»e—Slllea, lb;Ryco, Sb BMdUia aarvioM of s physician w Robert Abbott ,..„ cal direction Bud 1«7 feet 1B * borixoa Clark, M ; Brokaw, If; Darhy, rf; N, h**a aacomplUbad h*r purpose. Th* O B- H«rSu ...*.. ... tal dimiinn Tbla waa accomplished Lambert, ef; Wblllock, p; I) Darby, wwman'i haabaad Immediately coo H D Hlbbard 1 • OB* BOd one third lack noialt Sb ; L Lambert, c K B. 8ho*m*k** salted a lawyer with • view is briar K T. Hewhirk at * premur* from tb* bydraat of TV Boon br iBBloga: lag salt MMM Ih* apothecary al Ida. Wltb tbe other kind of i 8t. Mary Jr'a 1000000000 t; Weatley Abbott 1ILTI, tt.T^-M, T.-A1. 1 tbroaBb inlm wbo** store ibe laedaaem WM sold. Marion S Ackcrmaa sow la fegslar a*e in tns depart- WlUow Qnrr* U000100100 0— S 7 Ciiy with boat*or Penn Ma was lafMSesd thai h« had so eaea, ~ He T H Barrows ment ih* fartbett s stream oaa b* sent laewen as th* Uw surely providei _ __JM Brtaksea . horlsoatally la 140 at lbs aam* pres- DUNELEN, 9, BOUND BROOK, 6. II W. B**h* thM Ib* dngirlM eball stale tbe aa htorrl* J Domonl In • gtuae ouaraoterlaed by ragged tor* ef Iba petsoe) Be la MIIIBI an' J Wbllnay Baksr playing ana gaaeraj dlleallafaotloa, let weak'* test WB* preliminary label lbs bottle eoaUlnlag It, Both ' U. H*wdersoa. tbe DnnalleB A. O. defcatad another will ba mad- M a rim* eat M« further *> rvqulnd of him. Thli lott T. Barrowa . Bound Brook MUD Saturday afMinoon _ H Bowlaad by Ooaaeilman R L. LM, shnlrmaa Sbaald aot h* as. lo nearly ersry by a More of 9 to 8 Eittnger wu la Dr. r. O. Ard of tb* Bre cosalltM. At this test H' - - \ Other nmmurm St***, th* l*we gore's-O. H Bqalrea. poor form and WM batted freely by lbs fr* eeglne will be altaohed to lag Ibe ealUaajef aeaeeua are stringent. §. H. Petteraon tbe viaitora. Whltlaj, although at For tlaw froai Deebroaaa* and CorUaodt • K Irvm«agar three plage Md will dlecbarae tbtoegb straataeoiMBJttoceJ time-table* to be mro- Tbe ptfisa beflsg la reqalred ii oaadlag In fanning Us man waa alao, enred from acenta. B. d*P. Wri,hi of the sew aottlaa. Bbould tbl* SCOTCH PLAINS. 6: WESTFIELD, 3. refltater his B*M sad seal* wbelhsi hemmered considerably. A one-baai Oos. T. VaaBoohsrek leal prove satlafatftory II Is probable Polly J.000 lover, of lbs MstlonsJ b* latsBd* n*tns Ih* poieo* far »!• drive bj MoTnlbao WM loM ID the a eel of the new appliances will m* gathered about lb* Bo om. w. BOTDD,. Mlf *r aa*th*r , »ed la obliged alas 10 PARK CLUB. w*eda and reanltad in a bom* run ba ordered for lbs department. Ulaa diamond Satarday afternoon PERB0NA1. east* th* medleiBal eeaa to which be Tb* weekly i and aaw Ib* crack WeatSald aggrega- Tbo line ap: a palling it la torn* plaaie • President'* and Park Oalf C WHAVS THIS 7 tion so down in defeat before th* Dnaetlen—Ettlngei, p; Brown, o; IM Mary (irlawold, of UBdaiaon i ord»r froaj s pbyaiataa Is da- an lbs Park Oelf Ciab eoara bMvy bitters of Ibe 'Plain* turn Dally, lb; Lair, Sb ; Hmlfat, Ib | Ol!**, avenne, la aammarinj at DaaaTlUe, ta, BM with wbleb poison lay afternooa, broagbt a bo Tb* eeore WM « to 3 -Bed" Waller. i; Onlg, if: Oiddee, ef; Smaller, rf. M. Y. te abta.laa.hi* IB Hew Jereey le ai Oeneral Auctioneer >bang*s la the ataadlaf for II wbo ba* long been • terror to bate- Bound Brook—Wbitler, p: Malbawa, HIM Sadie Brown, of New York. )• •wahtodly a Mmptelloa ta m**y of Personal Property aolIdiAd iropbie* L**a R T her low Tramp* will aow gin Maw Bnaa- i, proved aa easy mark for tba I Caenllae, ]b; J. Mornihu, Sb; Hh* advaalaa* of It when ibe dost ?. O. Box 191, Dunellen, H J , or ad be fOMI of Miia Bllmm. ol Somcraal hoaor* for the PrealdMI'a ci, Bad, la fad, MMdlaaas OoaMT. looala what betted blm for a total of Grlaool. 9b; M»hooey. aa: Maaon, — of OonBtitutionaUM to "Sheas* off Ibla mortal eaU" b Met. a wl«a borfa beaaaM at a reeaal aee- ikma hits. The visitors could do bat McDowell, ef; Kants. rf •Sails sv*rpow*ne« Ai Morn*. Jr., aseared 1 ataa ml Ibb Beard af r»ebeM*ra It little with Dem.-* delivery. Tba Hi** Mabel Conger, of MsaaUtn «v* af seMde and erlm*. lag pot a L Fax the other *a ewalded aa rvrtT* the baU aad'Pbdne boy* hod tb* vtsttan sei renae, IB vlitiiaf ralatlrea la PUIW- mad* paaaiUa M traos ••« msi, T. W. Msrtm, Jr.. • •••>. la otwar la rid tba eouty from tb* tofinulag. maklac oa* Tilie, Oonn. aemssa. wbIM W oe la «. of trmnipa A barge ---Wr of bam IB tb* Irti, tw* la th* thirel. Md two William Borrow., of Maw York, a Bed Herbert B R**ei. «w aad ahaiae will be ecdarad Bad all &££-.JeiEDSj irmer leaident of Ihla pitrr. mm* a pswMm T. O. Dually. Jr. tramp* oapiared will ka pe.1 M wort YOUNCSTERS ENTERTAINHENT. C.-_ —•ifc'MFn Meal TI.Itor fa* the PrasMOM's T%\-. wbi BdwBid Wbtu ud family leave to- m\ Freab Air C a 11 Are* : .-; 3ON! day oo their aoto lor a trip tnrosgb f rurc-...- I for T* «u I. Ik* Bl bl*. •*W Eouland.

1 Ilia* Belli* Lawler. ot Jotan atraal, •a of th* Ohildna bu beea eajoylai a pleaesnl trip to HdlovU ky all tha aawaaaaata that M BethiiBSBiJ Bntwday Boynton Beacb. b*»» aaaej Aa a* '. III. afternoon by BuperlatoBdeait Oecrg* Mn John MCK«BD, of Wait Front Mtarlagt aad aiotnaaV rHapli Itaaaa Oeorie T Bafan, 114, •*_M; T W. •. BaU. «f th* Park J A. WOLFF, treat, Is viittlDi fiUadi In L*buoa to bar lor ib* BBBM TTIIBB that tbay Marrta, Jr.. •». »-*»; Barton & Cbs rah 8nn day-school, Manufacturer of wa(*w weeka. i Jgo w> look at IM taaeaad BM im tba 101. It—•>; •*«>. Dr H K • of tb* Tiinliiri /rinH at atMaid aaa at "Ckrrlt' lie. »1 -M. haw Tew* Tb* children did not carry out tb* M» Hammer Lane, ot 8om«r*lll*, j)-: Mi. l«. !»-••; rra-b • gll . IM, •a been ri.itlo, .t tbe horna of Jobn iplet* programme u arrmnged be- CIGARS. [ Malloa* IT-Pi. J. a BMOII, m. td-M; U. •e tm» of tbslr number WM fast Perrioe in the boronBh Tb* way M O. W*Ua, HI, MV-t4i W da ta K. Him UU Aaybora, of Sevaaab. I owild labor le aewJIy **d Mlmlv. Tbe Aadersoa. 100, i-M. A aarlptar* but bant waa oae af *.. la tb* anfji of Mr*. F W. I tmllsal NiWaWf a*v*t aaeaaaall. the faataraa of tbo kftaniooa aad 111 OOBgar, of Moaauta ••raa*. j M maob B* tb* man who trie* I* mafcs This it tb* «••«•» *r petaej IM [ lbs east af ailatlag iinisma**a* tb* PruMdaoi* Mp M Us Park Oalf OrlBtk Jeakla*. of Bill * Bb«pfa «fna wen awarded tbe winnan ^1 Mia* DmsUla Roberta, af PUlnficId Ot-)*: aa*, wb*> lafl Moaday a»oralag for Other gan>ae war* playrd. Tneaa wb reaaa. hmM reinroed from a two . ft* betid apaaj them T« MM 1 hrnwt am* ism lamaily aboa! r. 1' % bi* baaM la WUkaawarre wbar* week* *i*it el Atlantie Oily. ••leea Beayoa, Miae Beariatta Cnm- •BM what d*a* no* la eta ally fall la I. A. VuOlaef of Horuf r»ill*. hat Jo* O. ltcKal««j .... *« lag, Mra. D. M. Bonyon. MM. wllb ***** viawe Is to defeat Ih* par the viettaa of praolloal Jvkan wfcwa AGENTS WANTED. returned from a rim with hi. partnti, **- H. M- Oaxroll Obarlee TaaWInklf, Miat Floreaoe Me* strive*) fnr Mathar Jeans'* at W Horrla. Jr araiJ hUtraia. A party of eight Llf I M T. iniTT TtLBUI, by kl. *M. Mr. and Mrs. AbratB VanCUef, of of Ma raeiag Boa frlonde aaaamblad rklna, Mia* Oora Brosaw. Mia* Elm place. hwli OB lha Prsotdeen M* Mbers n rditott of CbrtMian Bnli Osry hook j at tb* dapwl aad ahoweRd him witb Marloa Hall. Owarge K BaU aad ! fmwmt renal apaa b*realf aad thno* «d tr T.i^nr f«™tlT. Fj«iBO«p™«t oas tbe recent |Bf«ta al Ib* rloa. A hvrga package waa banded Joaepb M. Hewkioi, aaeiaMd by eem* •he rltiif M •. aiding. HIGH BRIDGE, 7; HOPE, 4. far •mb who «t qmick!T. Ooili tea Hotel Brighton, LOUR Branch, ar* a ar WM of Iba party aM la II waa of in* Btnbm of tbe JBBIOT Socitty. Wri*e i.aHdiaicly d^JUt »CII™S U*NMT. ; __ Mia* M. E. Garry and Jobn K. )y • qeart ol rtoe, planed la Mob Tb* Int ganM of ibe esrls* to- Btoaat. PBOL, Pa. aftnUoa thi. pap« CaralTal *• tUrltaa H. 0L W*Ua..T.. Keelfj. of PUlnBfld taaaai lh#*. wbea apaaad, tba rlcw NN tb* Hope T. «L A sod Bigb Crcl#r« Take Sotlc*. aratar earaival la batag Ralph W. Hillock Herbert % I feU la ererr dirvotioa. Bridge haaabaU leaau letslitil oo Chief Hift-wt William Okmpbell, Bemnal P. T. Wilbur, nf Wraterrclt «M BMaabara of Iho Saw Br*aa- R»* 0. I. Ooadrtcb Batarday, al Blch Bridge, la fnvor of •f the noraagb, baa laeeed a warning avanna, baa ralernrd from Aabary ! Boat Clab fat tb* a*oalag M Pi |-H TTH—Bwaal . S »l J McCixbii. th* Bonresdoa Oeewty ball team after •a «ll blcyclitti ngnlaet riding opon Paih, wber* be haa been CDJOTID* a >, a-ptaHtor », oa Iba Bart L«*a B Tbarlew .IB* iastogs of la ud out pUjtmt tb* atdewalka of North PUInflald. •ojoorn wni, hia family. Mw ai K> w Braaawtek. art Woolston & Buckle, . Friday alghl at tba Hotel Roaell aafa Wltb •• Rsbe" ••mesy pltcblng, tba Tb* habit ha* grawa Bad many nar- I baa baaai M*MHM br Ae pa* Mr. and Mn. Edwin Baiei, of Weal foe oaaelag a raw wbila la a drvBkaa ip stato boys *«peotod la e**d Man- row escape* ban been experienced by I «f !•* Braaawleh for tha aanl PAINTERS. nrtb BtrMr, bav* been detained from ager OOM'I colt* bom* with a white enjoying their vacation on account of eel far 3 orloek BaJerday aftaraoon. Wall Paper*. Painters' Supplies tba lllacoa of Mrs Bate*' mother, wbo P Velltr War. the jadga aad •II -f--t rt rh* line with them. They will plan to 141-1 V North !'•*• rh. «tty a llUla UMt. THTHEE CONSTITUTIONALISTCONSTITUTIONALIST.. Sanitary Plumbing BrkkindPivtiMiF.n OMFIttl«I.TIllHppll.»,

Rumor That Colors PoopU H U Two WITW A«r«« Hot to of Fourth Ward Will Voml. Inatftut* CrimlDal ProoMd- OM of Th«ir JTombwr. Tbe faaeral sotvtoot af Mn. Jefaa 1»V Pwopte %O Oppoae Thaan. Fonher mwimuu for tbo raos Tbe following despatch appeared ta Having assooWd mnelf with BBW Hafaer wars held Mooaay afler | stoat, wbtoh is to be bsld at tao Plala- this morning's Naw Tork Ban: Jasttr flembwr. AssooUtton of Saw DOO at 1 JO o'clock from tbo laM Tork City. I employ none bat BWJB POSSIBLE CANDIDATXB HE MAT RBTURN HEBE Lorraine. N. J., Aug. 11-Almost class mechanics and non-union. a«B&. MOoatral tnujmDOAMrm.voTnio « ^SJ^J^S^Z, • rerybody in Lorraine baa been bant- ! believe in every man runnbaf MB i a hasps na D*. ANDCRSON HA MED, IUT DOES NOT ag held Moadar night In David ing today tbe boar tbat attacked Joha iwn business, at all time* and la SIBLE CANDIDATES FOR THE CITY HIS SECOND WirE LIVES ON CAST rioada gatbaroa. Bar. Joaa I naiillsj'i offloe, oa North avoaae. Sbravs lut night oa Woatftold avaaac, ll« wiTHW THE WARD. ray, pastor of ibe Moaro* , COUNCIL WIRE DISCUSSED. proaaat were: Mayor N B FIFTH STKET. tbo glare of the eleotrlo lights. Obareb, ofSclaiwd After i Braallay, David Smaller J- V- Joha- •I gates aia kept looked, ead all *"b. W. LITTELL, C*l*r*d WmmpU •V-riptara lillilliwi and a TboaMS BrMtiagbam, Mnahaad Mas Moaa la Vow Tork tba children ar* ander atriot orders Ho. US North Ava.. Plainfleld. X. *. ir»v«r. E. E Baayoa aoog a f In the Ward—Tkeory Tbo* SIM Coddisgton, Jamas Davis and Stone- City—Asroeaaoat to Live Wltb Mis not to go oat of Ibo yards until the of tbo i wall JaoasoB. Tbo list or tba beat has been caught Tonight's meet- rreaerty Ow-tn Aa>*a« TCawa Ptalaaeld Wire — Dlvore* Pro- Krerlaatlag Am," Me Me whooB ootrj blotiki are to be B( ff tbe sewing circle was postponed Iboa f allowed with an apato- ware goat over aad Ibe btaaka wore nsslHafs WlU Oo by Default. because tl was to bo bold tbla week al Polllioal aapbyre ara batog wafted lolk la which be referred la Tbo pjopoid i rtanBoi to tbo oraat*a •*•' ont •* oac* Th« entries That Bald win F. Straoes, tbo maota tbe home of Sister Jones, wbo livri lly to tbo heavy aflHetiona that tiow woro -!i aarrlad Brooklyn lawyer, will eoeope off tb* road, aad tbe members dlda't etraai* nuori OBS of Ibe latest la loacfe. laot Mo-day by UM PUi.ft*M I »•• «*"^ **•• •*» t" P»"-» •*- prooMBtlM as a bigamist now aeems want to walk eroas-lota with their PATENTS Ibai ao effort will be wade at Ibo HII DaaMoraUo Olty OoaimlHoa wbo mat I •• «-«••-»* •«•« "» wlawra. irobable. aoeording lo tbe latost de- sewing on account or th* boar. •antelpal aleellea to have tbo colored ibo Democratic baadqoamn on] Tbm **•** oo-mlttea repomd Ibat ilopmen U In lha oass. The folks are ont In force, follow- population of tba ally rof;roieatod la t f H ia said that a settlement has been log tbe trail of the bear and of Ibe Tboro war* a |ml aiaay haartiama tbe i maw Uoaaeil Tbo ward tbaa UMOItr OMBOU war* alao coa- Until a poo by which Mr. Btraass soft-shall crab* tbat saved John Boral tribalM. la«la.4iac • pillow JH ie ba reprsssalod will be the Foarth. aidand. potting it la nrst olaaa condition to this oity aad take Shreve's life. Bhrev* bad been crab- flea Ibe •!«««» aad brother*, a pillow fer lo that part of Iba city tbe mm Tha BMoHag wu praatdad o»ar by ia sis aad fonrtoea iaobes of soil a again with Mrs. Ida bing to tb* Kabwav. and waa earning the baabaad, a wreath fro™ UM Jortiy ot Ibe colored people lln. h* abalraua. J. V. R Dtlkaa. who will ha laid oa the praam ir Parkins fltraaes, wbo bu bean knows hone witb a netful tat* last night. lr*a and BBOtber fro™ UM •lace PIBIBBOM beeaae a elly there atrodnad John Moody, of Oiaaford, Tbf* wlU be raised with gravel as win No. X She lives on East lha bear oaaf bl him within a ID*. There IH ataa a toecblag o of UM Daarocratle Ooaaly bioder wblab make axooedlagly faat street, near Watebaag avanne, hundred feet of bit home la Westfleld rlbate from Mr Haraex'a —plnjn CoaaolL It ta aald Ibo*. tbere ue M Moody ipoka it liatais. aprtagy aad at the mm* 1 raoae, tbe pratt? id aaatarwM Other flower* tram rela- •, ••• aolorod people la the olty aad irov David 8m ml ley amid Ibis m Mn. Ida Parklna, is "I bad Jest passed an electric VwJ and frieaaa. •owe of the leaders among Ibem have ng that when Ibo repain ara n I asylag yosterday: "I light," said tjhreve today, " when I Tha murn«D« took plaoe la Hill.idt tbe track will ba one of tbe fastest la •os to ss* BJ father, bat keea talkiaf of ptaelag a au on Iba doee BO* cover tbo groBod tboroaghly. board * rustling in lbs com Bold on OeB>eierr aod tba pall-bearere ware ibe Btate and tbat better raring tbaa WOOD or where 1 oaa not say." J Mote* ibis fall. Wbea saon Soaday He *JBt> olalmad that It woald place Ib* aide of tbe road. I supposed at ObaaMr B Deaala. Gilberts. Martin, has bean BOM ta tbla elly In years eae of ibe prominent colored meo said too araeb power to the hana a possible oaodldate. rote against tbe •ante." Mr. Btraaaa will permit the divorce cage, but be Isa't. I knew tbe OB John nreet, last Monday, by Whaa ashed about II last Mooday ba I* Pl»li( OB tb* iDter proceedings lo so by delaolt. bear was saining on me at BVSTT iwoaty yonng friends. OaaMS, reol- Coanty Commiltoemao Andrew GABNEY BROS, i.i.l ibat .nrh talk could mean noth ~ Idwtn F. Btraaai disappeared Jump, Pretty soon I cnnld bear him talloa* OBd danatag were enjoyed aa- Rolaa, of tbla olty, orged the Demo- Taa» A^alaat Oxford aad Ins aa lie la not a resident of th< about th* time tbe discovery woe breaths. Thru I fell him breathe. II til a lota boor. Mia* Elisabairr Cairt- crat, to be oarefBl in retina, at tbo MADISON AVENUE. roortb ward. Be lives jest oeUide special election in September. Be made tbat bo bad three wives, hot It was like one of those lOBthwest winds gan aad f. Mtehael Caftrey enter In tbe practice play among thl hnw Front ud BMOtid BttMto of the w,rt Foarth etrool booodary •Bid tbat the matter had not boon oaa learned yesterday that the mis« i dog oaya tlaod aoooptebly wlih vocal aod ia- ngllsb sad Amcnoaa gotten. MOB Ira* of In* ward. When asked if h* made clear to tbo voter, as to bow tag basbasd nas been la New York "Finally, 1 tell a paw on my leg ramental select leaa, • day al tbe MyopU Hunt Clan coarse. ksaw of aay other peraon wbo had bey aboald mark their ballot* if they and part of tb* time bas been at tbe and tben I knew I was done for snlei Those prcoBBl wore i Misses Mary Hamilton, Frank O. ReitTbart defeated been msarlooad aa a poaslhle DODIDN, •iabed to vote againet tbe ftmend- jome of hi* mother, oo West Oo* toroed aroood and made a flgbl O'Brtso. Minnie Holland, Mary his opponent, H. O. B. Kills, of Ox- be told it us. Tbe best Uanera, tbe boat DO* know of any maa bolag decided itor of "Tbe Wlsard of OB" by Ibe bear's body I fosnd a plaoe where S lee Baba Baseball Waa Otvea a the two by* bole*, tha match ending lumbers, and tbe boat gas-QUata b> epoa oa a oaadldate for a W York lolervtewer oaa nlgbt tbe ball was hind of thin, und planl«4 Us seitlon. We as* bone bat <•• Uogo—loraealBs; a Dtaoaa*. oa tbe si'teealh on aooonni of dark HbMld a iood colored BuprlM Party by meads. s Majestlo Theatre last week. • Ibe orab right ibere. It got a good sry best of materials, and our wock Be*. Dr. Hboadoa, of Brooklyn, lade a Tl, while Ellis sp (or oSloa tbe colored people are lo boaor of tba Blalb I Mitchell, who ii undoubtedly tbe nip and bang on. ways gives BatUfactlOD. a>ya «I wbo {inoot»*d m* tbe First P»pti»l aiad* aa Hi. In tbe morning Bela- _11 kinds are made here. Tiowoaa probably atroa* aaoogB, oamonouly. t bar birthday, Miea R«ha ManhaU, olererest man in bis line In tbe bast "The bear growled. A nipping ii rob, last Saaday. dallvared two made to order. Kaogts, brick aaa 10 carry Ifca Foarth ward for tbeti daughter of Mr. aod Mra. B. W. Mar. hart made an 81. In the • up of BOM, gave ths following soootnt reply Jnat one spot wouldn't make him let portable furnaces. Hnnunry plumbtaB. eermoa* of e«wptloeal intsr*M. The saadleau. iball. of *» Uraal aveeB*. was glvoi ibe intercollegiate team Ralahart ant "First, an attractive appearance of me and be kept aqaeeslog >v™ing dlsooarss treated of th* negro i sarpriM pariy Monday afternoon. J. W. Hater ara ajiong tboaa who wll eoond, Inlelllgonoe: third, dancing tighter. I bad my piescnoe of mind FRIEND OF MARTINE. •aee qBeotion. Dr. Bboadoa predicted Tb* yoaog girl went to visit i play tbe BBgltan loam. ibllitj : asd foorth, a good votes. witb me sod calculated thai I oonld DIME oeigbbor aod when aba retaroad etx bat tba altlMte DIHIOD of th* Uack Ik* D Tbat'i aboat the order In which I stand the bQfCiOg for about fln m! emu. me*, now being ednoatad in bnodreds foand aboat twanfy-lve yonag folki TO EXAMINE MRS. NELSON. should rate the requirements. Tbt les more. ibroplat, Waa a rroqooot Vial tor of schools and oolleges tbroogboat tbe galbsrtd oo the lroot poreb. She 1 oboras girl abonld weigh abool "I knew I bad a dozen crabs left, at Ootfar Brook. •Btry, Is to beooBM misslonartos to Savings Institution, was vary bapplly sarprised and Jastie* lMgTO Appoints Comnli- a handred aod twenty-nv« penods, be I worked carefully and took out one William X. Dodga, the great pbll tbe people of Atrioo. He said tbat th* afternoon was pleasantly JUSSIIII elooor Boeaaa*; of Her III Health. about flve feet two or three tnobe itCat a time so as aot to drop any. aalbroplat who died 1B Mew Tork leal Mi oooBlry atade one of Ita Mcgaat in playing ganei, after which refresh- George Pataam Smith, Satorday beigbt and poseas a good flgars. It Is I distriboKd >m all over ttai Of PlaiDfield, I. J., week, waa a frequent visitor at Cedar iiiiikn aftar giving tb* aegro bis Bkoole wore served- Mix MarehaU waa appointed by JoMice Dogro, In all essential thai a girl BDOBIO b* bank and held on to each oa* till I Brook, the home of Jamas B Martini. freedom by giving bim alao the 1 rooalrad a aamaer of gift* «° Saprsme Coon, of New Tork able to road ronslc.' fslt sore be bad nipped. i now receiving depoalta Tba farm waa iba borne of Ibe dead [legs nf the ballot erant as oae IOBK to be re Blat*. a commisnoner to taks tl "Oat of tha doaon I geeoa ten got a intereet, allowed no all sunu I aaa's father aod aaol* yean ago. A this connection Dr. Bboados sold A despatob from Boms annou iBMay Of Mr» Hannah Nelson, hits Into tbat critter's bids and bsog %* to », •••11 plso* of Iroa was recently tomat tbo oolored maa waa not in tha tbat MOBBI TesoviBs has g7own i Nsw Market, tb* mother of Mrs. en and kept nipping together. ey the | iinsl owaer. Mr. Martin* Mo Diphtheria at Caaie. prop** condition to rooslra so maeta Carolina D. Fair, wbo was killed, as aotlve dnring tbe last few days. 1 tbe time I tot tbe sixth orab located J. FUKI HCBBAKU, Prealdeot, why h upon inveotigalloo proved ti The riacr Ibat tbera wen twe taally las overflowed 760 feat, hat la well as bar hosbaao, Charles U Fair, Ibe bear began to weaken fats strangle On.. V. BoOKru.Lcrw, VIce-PiM. be an eld staaeil or braodiBg Iroa tot tars of dlphtberlo at Miss OarrT'i inad to Ibe npper part of tbe moon- •erveat lo tbe creator power at tbo B an automobile accident al Troa hold on me and to waste his breath J. O. Ton, Troaauret. lered "O. L. D," ibo loltlale of Netherwood Freeh Air BOOM la ao aim. At night (he eruption presents demagogue and Ibe polllloiaa. •tile. France, about a year ago. In a bowling. I hardly bad time to ptaal David Lew Dodge. ily wttboat foaaaatloa. Tbo oasa , magnlnaont bat terrifyinB spectacle maalpalated accordlag to tbol •olt BOW peddlag wbt«h Mrs Nsli tbe last crab before Ibe bear qotl, of diphtheria, which developed at Ibe a baralBg showers rise to a great Honey deposited on or before J Upon vtsii of Mr. Dodge to 0 iwest wilL Tbe proaebsr also mado and other ralotli of Mra. Fair have dropped down on alt fours and teitfat Tbe above oablecrass i air tenth will draw Interest from Brook farai recently, Mr. Marline refsrOBoo to "lyooh U«" aod char- began to ssear* her estate. Tbe qees- streaked for tbe cornfield again, from tba camp 10 a qaaraa abvwa to Hoary J. Pain, too lam told bin of tbe Bo at of of the piooe acterised It as a disease which nas de- loa aross as to wbetbei Mr. or Mrs. guess the crab* stayed with him, for I od boaaa aom* dlataaoa away. Tba aatborily oa eruptions, wbo Is trod. Us was greatly lalereeied aa( veloped In a oertata low class of tbe Fair died Irat If Mrs. Fair BHrrlral beaid bim growl all tb* way across laat two aaatba at tba oaaip. wbieb lii-mat Bl Manhattan Bsaob, Uonay •aid It aiast bav* baloagod to hi Booib sod ie BOW spoadlag aatil only bar haabaad, Mra. Neleon aad he i oomnsld and Into tba woods. IsUad. After ooosaltlng tbe dat. fstbet *U yean BSJO. The Iroo wi foer State* of tbe Hnioo have esoaped famUy became sntJUod to Mr. Fair's If I bad those orabs bask I'd lal his disposal, ha said that there Is no fannied oo 0 blaofe walaol board and dlpblbaria, ware frosa paaaoioBla large estate, whlob woald have gone i go alive Into tbe Babwar ag»t», aangar from too present ebnllition. It BOW ptlaad as a famUy rsllo. aplaal •.eniaiiiii. Too -amor that te bis wife. I feel so gratefaL " The boiling op of the lava has been there la danger of epidemic is satlrely RACES AT RAW TAN. Mrs. Hermann Oelrtoba and Mrs. too gradual to do any d*m»«e soil JohB Bhreve Is one Of the well- HISTORIC 8ILVBK. I K. Vaaderbilt, Jr . Katry, there is BO fear of somie dlstsrbanoM. known citizen, of Lorralns, and there fsaaaats lo the tattoo. Boon after the at. Mary'* Fair. •on Be added tbat tba stadj of ernptions isn't a soul hers wbo doetu't Mary* baseball olab baa do dsatbe of Mr. aad Mm Fair, Ibo do- bear story or wbo woalil oars bint OWBO4 by Ooorte Meat, or Kalry blaaki from tbe Aantaa taaght bint bow to make tbo • oldod *o hold aootbsi fair at Ibeli fondanBi, who are tieten of Mr. Fair, I Bhrsvs invented It jaat as aa ox- Driving Asrooiatioa for Its Iwo-dar fsotallsa al Man holts • Beach each tmin" groaada oa oert Tharaday BMda a oompraailaa, by wbiob tbo CDSS for coming borne without any '»<•• i. HFM, Of meet. Wednesday aad Tbaraday, Sept. light, where Tosovtas doss really •mli| Iba »Mb. Tbo pastpooi familT aoooptod fi*o,000 ta has,. hie. SI aod M. nave baoa rooalvad by local blow Off Its bead" and overwhelm ajoata of the laat fair aad tb* short lant of thai r elalBM. Boon after raliee of Neceleoo'a reaqaesfa In Q*r « owaora. The aseooiaiion will ncMioe of lha laal ABBS mado II wara they kigaa the salt BOW pead WELL-KNOWN FARMER. •aay daring tbo Ire* ••cade of ibe give 9J0D la parsos for the two days. lor all to Wood wbo d* asasrUai that Mis. Oalrlobs aaa Bandar RxeinUs to Mao«b CbaaK. paat oentary. Inoloded are pewter Tbe f veo t« have baea arraagod so Mrs. Tanderbilt bad deoelvod them Tbo Now Jersey Central will ran aa Charles B. Bag*, (Of Ualoa Village, BBd lha affair will hs upSOSH af eeotmaaloB eats, bautag tbe tat alI classes will bo eicloslvely by reaaooeatlag tbat Mr. Fair bad ic.r.ion H Maach Ofanak en Sanday, Mod Last Night After Counsel lor-at Law of a goodly aamber. Tbe et I:M, wbleh are said to have bosB for trotter* or paaare and tbera will sal-rived bis Wife, whereas she had L««. IS, IflML ROODS trip, $1.00; Ui Waoss. ball team, from WestSald aad Sososb f Commissioner of Deeds, Hi ealasdbytbe "LHtla Corporal" while • mixed racio« 11*04 oaUd, fee., from Plain•«Id at *:M a. Coarlee K. oafls, a well known far- Plains, bbjotbor wltb tb* chanoery, Notary PnoUo. edaasdav's svoats will be a » iJO m. Maucb Chnnk la one of tbe most mer, died at 8 o'clock laat night at Dorner c Fark avenue and flayer.. wlU awsad In a body did . Wit class trot, > W oloai paos aad > JO amlaod before •*-Jsstlos Keener la ' obarabaimitnm g mountain reeorta in this some la Union Village. Ba waa There ... aloe several .liver Dtlit»nH«« fi«M#ratwli lut pace Tbaraiay'a raees will in sapport of thU e Isetjajoa. Tba trip ovar the gravity sixty-lve years of age aad is survived wBleb Skay have beloagadi to Man: r. Sarah PowHooa, notbor of J. led* a 1:16 paos, • At class trot aa* railroad to Bammil aod Ml. Plagab ta by a wife and three SOBS. Be bad ALBERT nEDD£N Lather Tha eagraeiBa oo Ibem eka* . A PowltaoB, of tba Iroi of Powltsoa I 15 olaaa trot, Thar* will be a •ISO Arrldeat to Trolley. owe of aoento grandear aad a trip lived for thirty years to Union 1 that they were preea-lxl to Iho groat Jk Jeor., Moadoy oslebratad bar pores for earn raoa. Each wtl] be for Two trolley <•an, bOBTtly loaded will never be forgottea. After tb* lags, durin* whlcl. time be divided) Livery ftBoardin g Stables refetmar by elarob BJSB. eightieth alrVMay let three la ITS boats. with |BBBOBgeil, a*ar|y collided oa trip over tbe 8witeliba«k yoa tboa Id bis altaation between farming and oa avtnai BiBiaj-fOwr letter* of Record, mod* OB aatd aftar Labor Arllocl ', Satnrdoy afMrnooo. go M Glen Unoko where JOB will god he milk businrse- Tba body will ba rouRTH mrr. > the rroaa aor frtoade la (his aod other Day. Sept T. will be no bar to the darlag tba ra.fc of epaetator. fn boaattfol little oaoeadea, caverne and taken to Cromwell, Ooaa., tb* 4 between Watchung utd Parki Eotrits will oloss Moaeav, baasaaU gs—a at ibe oval Oao of Ftrst-cUs* Urerr. Horses liaaia o>l«b*at»*1 tbalr arrival at oltiee. IHMl lea's boyhood borne, for burial. T week or month. ~ Bspt. 14. boi Biollad oalrtro oearla« , **• feaaorB was brakea and ripped off MaiH^wwaw trom M*w York Otty. DajuM BtaUd. H of lo. 11*. poetaurk aot later thao 10 a . Sep* of one ear The north bound trolley Moaday attefBana. by Boatlaf a Ma Daalol F. DBMBB. a Urge Brooklya, B. T., bavo baoa spsadtog —F. W. Cleaves, of Oodiagtoo i 'it, will ba aopBPtad- Ko ooBdlttoaal olartod ep Before tbetaoth booed cor la tbto eJty, has two IIMI at tbo bean of Mr. nor. has secured o permit for tbe " kd eairl*. .HI t» receivod Ao owa.r was fairly OB tha swltsb. MoOlalvy arraatod penalt for tbe arwottoo of Mra. Lewi* VaaPJeoB. of Doer Mi •rrciion of a Iwa-atory frame dwell • welllas* «• 1 ' flBlaasIB OlU Botr*tbe«. as oa DeKsib avsBBe, aear Front Wm. A. Woodruff street. Oroaad will be broken lm- I a dinner party In Oraac*. las* Fire aad Ufe ewgagsmeai of Mlm Mary BMdlately. by 4 p. m. » th* last day of us V. BeaaoU. oaahWr of Ibe CASTOR 1A INSURANCE AGENT, omos, ;*. .. wncr Front St. and Fark bm rTalnfleW. If. J. 4 Jaoeaba M. a Bool Batata for Sale Cbanh reossMly, bavo iBtaiasd f i Excbaaws Mpmrnr :o loan A lastr haasfmsso spool la TitasvilU THETHE CONSTITUTIONALISCONSTITUTIONALISTT ARE OF THE PHAGOCYTE. KWGLISH HOUSEHOLD TROOPS RANK II PLANNED b* rnrt f«r Ibi b* parpeae CHOOSES HISS MAHGARET HART, OF t»* tb« TIM Tbe pHtileges of the household THIS CITY, AS HIS WIFE. ossl ••Ihortly sad M ••>• ta**B d* hope of mankind." ssye troopa. which are now being caUod III BYIUJPWI k#». -^depend* npon the • re M well M de 1 Kta • I in 1 - r of proyr restriciioB ol tbe phagoctyte." Into question, date from the estab- ; in St. Marys Cbarob- i>* oaart wtta. powf r to elg* «B* Funenl of Popular Borough- lishment of tb* reeiment* from Two Days' B*O*M tor Good Vary few nooprofesstonal men Charlea II., according to tbe London rtm ud Iwrw wfalcb lb*y •**• know what a phagocyte is. and even PTOYUIOO* Uw Conititu- Imy. togetber with th* dimllir, it* Atunded by a iMXf Chronicle. A fortnight before kla -Pura*. to Taka Place There •introu. pbyskisBB try to grt alonf coming from Holland ha selected M an H •MMtttvl* the O*ar* of Obaa- Crowd of P*nonal Fitonda. without hating made ita acquaintance, cavalier g-enticmen. and formed them Tb* wedding ef His* Margaret Hart During September. •**?, l»l the MM m * boiy I* • ** while moat .wdlcal handbook*.Ignore into a corps of life guards, under sd Thorns* WaaiTM, Jr.,both of this the thing, and the few dictionaries, IMPRB88IVB 8BBVICB8 Lord Uerard. Increaaed to 600 men,city, took plaee IB 81 Marys Church BIZ EVENTS ARRANGED ADVOCATES ADOPTION mentioning It describe It wrongly. they formed the king's bodyguard, Wednesday, Aaa> S. Rev. Father 1 Beetle* Iitlk* jaeUelary a****** Her* 1* Prof. Met echo ikow's defini- aad escorted him into his own again. Egan officiated la tbe praano* of a »CCU«S THAT AMENDMENTS AUt BAYOMIC MmiSTU HAS CHARGE Of tion; "PhacocTte* conetitat* the po- Parliament disbanded the Ironside LOCALLOCAL HORSEMEHORSEMENN TOTO MAK MAKEE ENTRIE ENTRIESS >la»*e M tb* BaarewM Oaart aad Ik* lle* of th* human body. Aa a big Urge eengregatloB of friends. Jtmlt Oaattt. The aaaaHtaHa of army, but an outburst of tlfth mon- i*e Jeanelte Bart, sismr ef FOR B16 AFFAIR. fOU BEST INTtlTHTS Of fTATI. SERVICES AT THE HOUSE. city cannot nt along - It bout officer*. archy fanatics in Jaausry. 1661, af- FOR BIO AFFAIR. ncwtia natiH ••lib—gai The of the law to keep crime and vW oo- forded Charles a pretext for main- bride, waa maid- of- ban or; Patrick Mttw* t* h* H*I4 •**>- wbM of tb* •ajiniim Jawtt—• of tbe der control and the moral atmos- taining troops for hla personal pro- Wearren, a brother of tbe groom, Bud CsictrU to b* • restart »* press* Court mm/ ba la ana.** t or phere pare and wholasomc, •" health tection. Out of Monk's disbanded acted a* bee* man. Tba bride won a Purse IB Ksrh Inst |i,-<) MM by law. bat asset as* M IMI la impossible unless the ph»rocytes army the king increased tbe life gown ef wfait* satin trimmed with two. Tb* OlraaM OdUN at* to cxerrlte tbetr proper functions in tbe guard by 500 men, raised a regiment lace and lha maid-of-honor waa attired Tb* Conditions of tb* Id IB tfifj OOBBSJF t*y oa* ov street* aad channels of onr Interior. of foot guards, transformed the Cold- la pink silk. Both carried toaaa. •Tha(re. means eat, devour, absorb; itreaai regiment* into a second eorp* •m or Iba JeaUoaa of tb« ••praaM cy t * is th* Qrvck for cell. Th* phafr°- After tbe wadding a short reoeptlon Plata Bald horaaniaa ara amazing ONiNlN •*)**(« IJ f oart or • Jsd * appointed far iba Ia tb* pr«a*BB* of Ibn* bantlred 1 if foot guards, and converted troopa s p*«r>e fmaeral cyic then. Is an abaorblnf or eating of>f Cromwelliafoot guards.n cavalrand yconverted into roya troopal a * bald at tha borne of tbe groom. to make entries for tha Rarltan DrW- INHtMM •—bar of tb* BUM Bar, parpaa*. Tb* tnt WMdant author cell; on* mlfht term It the *e*veng«r of Cromwelliao cavalry into royalie oeaple subsequently departlag for kM iMid Ibli lat*r*iti»g liMNirat isins af John Henry Carney wet* horse guards. The Third regiment i| AMoclation fall naet. Bis raoa* • Iba Mart to ail ia dirlatoM at of the human body. Bo much science oborasf foo tguards guard a waThe* establishe Third d regimentIn a abor t wedding trip. Upon their re- bar* boon sohedoled to Uka place at M aptati «b- «lwl of Ik* aropoead •*•>• or different tlsaaa sod place*, lid st tba boas* of bU father-in-law, reeog-nixed long ago; also tbat ita of foot guards waa established la mar rre*bol4*r Jacob Vo*tal, on , IB honor of the union with lorn they will reside in (tils otty. tb* Rarltan Drivtmi Park. Tba matt I Iba N«ORd strikes Nt tha lut main food eouista of bacteria, th* ITU.Scotland la. honorThe ear lof o f theUnlithgoir.' nalona Thwithe brid e reseired a large number of ml***** la IM people : »*n*r*M all***, Wednesday, Aug. S.elements of organs peculiar to tbe Hrotlaixf. Th» earl of Linlithgow*a '111 he bald oo'Wadaaaday sod Thar. Uriph. to that |M Jcrisdlctloo to fnsiliera were brought to London and andsome presents including out day, September M and 34, ud Ibt '•Th* •»iew ;«dgm«nto of Ik* Otreall Tb* aanh-ea ware its preserve la larvae stage and other noxious mat- convertefBailiera dwere int obrought **Bcott* toa Londonguards.* *and thatr •i**plleity. They were ipoa**" ter*.*' converted Into "Scott's guards."last, aUverwara and furniture. para* for aaob of tb* six raoes will bt «oM part to the Jadlciarr Iictiaa- vert by *rll ol arroc M? be Ttlid These five regimrnU formed the nu- Miii Hart it a resident of Wetter 150. Tba wtaaan'moat gal three oat tallr »h«« U • • hue* la th» pa—r tolmtirtlj in Ifaa Ooart of Brrora and a Mle, "JMH Lov*r ef Uj Toe author eastlnnee. according to Theaens ofAre th eregimenu UriUah army formed. the no- Soal," by Klsaer bolting Bar. Dr.tb* Indianapoliv Journal: ' "The cleua of the Uritiah army. veil tvean* and 1* well known in tfa« ot DT* haasa. graph* raUtlM hi the pardoning DpeaU. Tha Irat of th**e iMtd above, my biological and bacteriolog- city. Her lather Inlaw'* gift it a power oi IM Eif. ititi and is • pan- •raM will •*"• the peblio OMTM Hlllard Onsi, paeeor of tb* M. K. Tb*ra wtll ba three raoes for paean ical iBTeaUtstloni and experiment. CAMELSCAMELS IlitN LOUISIANALOUISIAKA.. hoot* at Rock>T«noe on Second street. aad three for trotters. Tbe raoei for (iM* r*i**tB« to IM appelaieacni of i*•• list* powat to tb* Owm- faetnrafacture ooff lumbelumberr unda underr th e thefirm Arm d should b* well palronlaed by lo- namename ooff CablCablee A ASimpson Simpson., in thein . thevi- vi-Chiirfl h — Now on Honeymoon. oal paopls. Tba aaaoetatloo it desart- etvU "There la ao land tbat I hare ever ctnltycinity ooff CovingtonCovington., I n laSt . St.Tamman Tammanyy HimMii s MargareMargarett DayDay., davgbta daagfatarr o f ofMr Mr. if ol topport. takaa provides for tb* oontlnaaaoe •en so curious aa Japan," said RobertRobert . pariahpariah.. LaLa.. St. St.Tamman Tammanyy paris hpariah has anandhaad lbsMrs.. JohJohnn Day Day,, of Easoft FourtEast hFourth "The sli jedfea •• the Ooar of Kt i ofBoa ef the ObaaoeUer aad tb* W. Brlnkley, of Yokohama, to a Wash- a vervaryy ssndaandry soil aoil., an dand Sir .Mr. Cabl Cablee con -cob■streetract t anandd JoaepJoeepbb Atkinso Atkinsonn Hfaeedy Bbaady,, IJTBRARYT sattc** of tba Soprani* Ooarrt Bo- ington Star reporter recently. "1 bare celceive redd ththee IdeIdeaa o f usinof gualng camel scamels la inBrooklyn , wara married Augtut ran aad lUnnili p*awia*s tm ta tb* U**d in Japan for tbe put 22 years ththee haulinhanjiagg ooff log* logs.. of Brooklyn, ware married AagaatTbeTh e firstAral artlolartiolee i n TbIn e TbePnpals rPopelar •*a»rilallna af 1044, war* a survival arding la their isafirtln oosaaat* S6., aMt S 6 o'olOOo'clockk a t asSt Mary'St Mary’ss K. O . EL zieixc0.e Mootbly for Aogasi Is lh* on., and prailta* that all Jadge* At tb* grave th* *ei id il ia to me slill s sort of wonder- ThatThat wawmi lonlongg befor beforee tb ethe tiayi . daysof Oboreof b by Re*, father Egao, assisted Science Monthly for Aegeet is tbe ml tb* < 'on noil which with th* Oever ot tb* Odd Fellow*. Tb* ia- ad. thetbe loge-inloggingg steaateamm train train.. Horse Horaees snd andObnrcb by Rot. Father Egan, MoistedRomanesRomane s LeotnreLectors,, slragivenn b yby Si rSir (JH*e Oliveri set BBder th* Ooostitatioa of 1771 and Ouaaoeller aad Tioa ObaaoaUore "One of the strsuge features of the mnleamules werweree unserviceableunserviceable, becausbecausee of ofbbyy BarRoe.. FatheFatherr Delahantv Delahanty.. Lodge at Oxford, the prua report* of Shall bt appointed by th* Governor, t wa* in the M. E. Cemetery "One of tbo strange features of tbs Lodge at Oxford, the prom reports of eoaatltated the Ooart af Errors aad ire ban* by pall countrycountry »le thathatt alaUl crop cropss an andd f mil fruitss ar eoretheth e sandsandy; soilsoil. In 1S4In S aIMS her da o f herdTbThe a ofwaddinwedding g wawaaa a aquie qoiett one one.. Mu .Miass whichwhic h hathavee attractealtraotedd nioo reachh attention attention.. Appeal* aad pa**t—in tha pardoalag with th* advlo* aad aoaaaat of tb* almost certain to deteriorate. I hsv* camelcamelss wawaas importeimportedd fro mfrom Arabia Arabia,, DayDay wwaau attaodaatteodedd b y byba rher lister airier,, Mla a MiasTbe lecture now pnbllihed for Ibe MM Unit the Odd Fellow* almost eertaia to deteriorate. I hev. Tbo lectors oow pobllahod for tbe aoww. sad the Knights of Pytbis*. They beautiful peaches ST-own the drat throughthrough NeNeww Orlean*Orleans,, Hn dand pu t tpato ElisabethElisabetto h VV.. DajDay.. a saa bridesmai bridesmaidd an d sadAralflnl timlimae la lacertsinl oortalalyy of anosna of oaoaoall io- In- ••Tb* Bessie took tb* leclsiailrc "Tb*aalj MW thlag la •*-' * yeayearr frofromm stocstockk importe importedd fro mfrom th e ^orkVortbe k haulinhaulingg lofc-logsH t o toth e theaaw sawmill. tbemill. groo groomm wawaaa attaoda atteodedd by Lanceloby Lancelott were Jobs H Ooaa, Horyaa Tnrton United Stale*. The second year they The venture wai a big' success. The terest,st, si'inlivingK aa clea clearr an andd oampreheD oomprabsu-- power of Ib* UoMBoil, bat tb*** por eat I* Iba prerlatoe for the appoint L'aited Slaie. The second year theyThe venture1 waa a big success. StevensonStevenson,The , ooff BrooklynBrooklyn,, a saa bei tboot man .mao. acconnt of tbe new diicoverW id Andrew SaSroo. ef tbe Pythiae werei stilstilll fairlfairlyy gt>odgood;; th tbee thir thirdd seaso seasonn queer-looking beastsbeasts,, withwith thei r their,Tb* hrid e wors wliie illk muallao* d« uve account of tbo new discoveries MOM ot their amwetlv* aad Jedielal ieal of th* Tioa Chancellor*. There Ig*. naessaa Dull John Beoher. poor and after that unfit to eat. Noth- alouehy•touchy e^itgait,. haulehauledd log- logs» to thto e themil l millThe bride wore wbla silk mnail ana regardingregardinda g thlbse breakinbreakingg n pop o f ofth atbo ato matom power war* gives ta tb* **s ledge*. a no provHioo for noh officer* ooder poor and after that cnAt to eat. Noth- soleaole anandd carriecarriedd whit whitee roses .rosea He r andHar tb a ItrusmnUtlon of matter ., and Heory Nisebwiti. ef Ib* OMing- Ilan thtbee vegetabl vegetablee worl worldd woul wouldd see mseemandan d haulehanledd ththee lumbe lumberr to thto e riverthe , river,bridesmai d wore pink silk mulle and and tbo (transmotalioo of matter. "Tba pardeelag pawar i* one ot tba e nieaaal Oaaattntlesi. aad tb* ip Fellows The ntaal of the Odd Fal- toto retairetainn itItss excellenc excellencee fo forr so anyy lengt lengthh whichwhic h leledd toto Lak Lakee Poac Ponehartraln.h art rain, ove roverbridesmaid wore pink silk mails endPresidentPrealdeB t JordanJordan,, of of(Stanfor Stanfordd Uai - Uni- lauaaat of them ofioare, 11kb that if time. If is a bamboo countrj and which the lumber was carried in oarriedcarried pinpinkk rote*rosea.. •ruity, oontribotai an artlole on tbe fsaotloa* of tbe flsersilv* aad tbe • w* WM r*»d at the g rave la the of time. Ip la a bamboo country andwhich the lumber waa carried Followinla g tbe wadding a reception versity, coo tribe tea an article oo tbe Uoveranr aloa* '*n aafally «ra»t a all other Jo diets) teeeacs of tb* Immediate faailly aad everythingmrytldng revertrevertss toto th ethe bamboo bamboo. arhoonersschooner * ttoo NeNeww Orlesna Orleans.. Som e SomeFollowing tbe wadding a rooepttontrainingtrainin g ooff ththee physician physician,, wblc whichb lik e like tba CJovei Jative*. Chaplain a M. Raybert, Reauliful lu»h prase covered many a yearsyears afteafterr ththe* firm Arm dU*olved dissolved,. and wmanda* tenderetenderedd lhthea brid bridee u dand groo groomm at at ythinK that be wrltei oontains p*rlia Tba Uhanoellor ud tb* IWaatlful" ' 1 and yelusht I t grassrivet ncoveredo nutrimen manyt to a lha bild.e'1 reaideno* on Eait Fourth everything that be writes contains •on*t O*a*rat i red Btckd aad 8 H. Bohlelf war* plain aod jot It fives no aotrimewt thetothe camelsMia ware sold to a man tbeout bride*a raoldoooo on East Fourthmanmany y mnoww uandd inggaitlv anggootlvoa ideas ideas.. rattlele . GardeGardenn vegetable vegetables* loo lookk sa aafine Anawest. That waa the last ofs herdthe . herd,■treat, , wherwheree a lea wfew friend friendss and sadrein - rela-Tb e lotion nomber of Serlbnar'i lilnl efftaara to advise • astir of cereajooie*. as sny frown is the United States, bat an fhr as Mr. Cable knows. gathered. A wadding trip of Tbe Action n ember of Seri boar's this oBBjeot. floral display was baadassM. wheaa anyn cooke grownd the lay thehav Unitede no taste States.. Tb ebut tive* gathered A wedding »rip tagaalnof a haa become an InilltDtioa. when rooked they have no taate. The twotwo weekweekss wilwilll b e beenjoye enjoyedd an dand whe nwhenFoMagaulner fonrMa haan jtm beoome It baana appeareiariltntlan.d "Than ara etveral aaiaadaiaaU Bel pie©** were eonsptoaova and Bowers are of- gorgMua hues, but ANIMALS Off ANIMALS. ratani Ibev will reside in Brook- tb* ward ' Agalaat' M Ifa* smooi others eraa oo* large piece, tb* they are without perfume. they return they will reside la BrookFor ir y Angnifonrtonot wil byearn Iti wealtit h baaof beanappeared- I to Article TI fdv all tb* ai*ani1*»MBi yoa aaat lynlyn wharwheree tbtbea groo groomm is employela employedd as aasevery a August with Us wealth of beau- j ate ebatfe i (1ft of tb* Odd Fallow* lodge sod "Bui evrti with these imperfections Parasite* Ihii Take 1 v Tkelr l»4r- draughtsman in a large manufactory. tlfal illustration, auoh of It In color, tba balbN M prialad If ta*T* la MJ toother from tb* Pyt blast t is s very Interesting corner of the draughtsman la a large manufactory.tiful Illustration, much of it In oolor the Irat aaoUeej, wbleb aaaiea tb* daitol joa da aot to vato earth and many things recommend it...... ru»-. «. itsitaBM.. iborshortt storiestoriess b y byfamou famouss wliMn writers,, •aarta In wbt*b th* jedlei*! pawar I. II Bare Birds. ■ and tbe tint remarkable sterlet of en- •* *ltb«r waj, ibii »aiilmil at; Its inhabitants arc In their way a One ! While gathering water ores* in tb* endw tbe Arri remarkable stories of an- ba eM**U*d bj lla** drawa kcroa* tt jl*. In the rural district! particu- AlAlll animalanini.iis botbotbh grea , an d.„d small ,„.U., ' t IIrelytirel*>“y unknowunknownn writer“•writers s wh whoo soo soonn be - be- brook back of tb* Old's place, a young oame fjimoo*. Tba flotion number tbii "•aatlwa > Of tbl* article relate* M Iba ballot." larly tba native* ar* the most honor- •uS.r .. «•....!> .. mammal. I. |lb. ma n wh»"*>*o i* viaitta~« °'**>-g bare ,Old', surprise plaM.d a .came ro.o. famooa. Tbo flotloo no mbar ibis tb* Ooart af Error* aad Appeals. able beings I «ver mettet. . InIn th thea citie eitieas r ofof parasitesp.r»lt..., say s uftLeslie' Lnile’.s , ““ »*>» la <1.111.1 tar.. .arprlmdyea7*orr l aIs .a anotabl notablee saooeuo snooeasorr In tinIn- this th«y ar* sharper mentallyrntally,, bubatt nonott Moalbl}.Ifonlhlv . ThTh.e parasit e of the ostricof hth.pai u.trlchr of handsom. Pair eof Englishuboo.h phasut E.allaha w . pbuanMAa tba earllaat attempt* at aaaUra* thai tba OMrl tball oMSitt of T. J. HANDLER BURIBD. Ius a. formidable-lookinformid.hi.-looklncg example .xamplt.. Th *Tbo&• I» o.*rth a banlb.k otankf th a ofstrum th<. ThUraama series. Tb.An tbo tarllori attempts at tha Otuusoallor, tb* juatJaaa of tha IN NEAL ESTATE. »rlj- ao scrvpnloas." most interesting of the pigeon's para- bird! are very rare in tbii vicinity ooloroolor printinpriatlagg I nin a nan America Amarleaan roans- mags- Hmpresi* Oaart aad *ii ]****• t* b* moat ulnl.rf.llbf of lb. pigeon',,fc pun- bird. u< »»rj ran in ibl, linrlotnlt;e appeare d bere. It i* flttiui tbat Id! m* Horn* *f Danl* *• WILWILLL STUDSTUDYY OLOLDD RUIrTS RUIHS-. sites is the one*>»• know *n■■ —«as th -e slende - r , and are soppose. todd ta... bar .oppoMde escaped bbltlfrom sloe MO.p.4 appeared float bare, 11 Is Attlog that app*i*t*d tor six years II 41**cU riM« UMmMl la Tkroagh tb* pigronpigeon lonteloo.... whicwhichh is.suppose ....uppo.eed to todo daaom e .0(0plac■ epl»c. In tbot, neighborhoou,, ..ubbarhaadd at thetb* baibest..t modermodernn oolo oolorr plotare plot oresi sboal sbooldd tbat tba sii JsdKM shall arrang* tb*m Bt. Mkrj'a Cl»«teff, of Wllll goodgood servic."ricee ttoo th lb.e bir birdd b jhj thinnin IblnnlnglUg it* the y|h seeme, d very tame. 1 adornadorn tblibise nninb*rBomber. TheTbtyy ara areof grea of tgreat BSITM e* Iba* tha ***,t of oa* shall b* Throo(h I g] bm'.y plumage ss tbp weather grows 1 rariety tn method and deilgo. Tbe Faaaral a*r*i*M orar tba rana a •r.i.. body plumage as the weather grows variety In method aod design Tbs Taaated eaob year, aad that they shall Vllllaai F. J*fiary, tbaaa daala ia FisFlabh sls alsoo iiav fhave parasites parasites.. The The1 Hypnotist to Hypnotistlour. to oovsrooreTear,r iiss aann alaboiat elaborateo an andd beautlfo boaollfsll re re Meet** a pet dleai •MpeaaMtoa . that of tba IIM Tbaaaai J. Haadl*r, wboto legsleg* ooff ononee variet rariefy whicj whichh inhabit inhabitss the theJ . FranJ.k TrumanFrank ,Truman, tba loca l thehypno local- produotlokypno-n of a dealga hj A. B. [tad TITIITIT at MIUM Plalaflald pnpartr D*T* bMi cOoaad carp and pike are attached to the pos- prod action of a design by A. K. •be Beetatary of Met* •hall b* tb* daring tba paat woak: Rapheeltpbsel Pampellj'Fumpelly.. whwhoo ha abee bee n beenc.rp .ltd pik. ... .inched to tb. pomtis t dm.ii bnaI.y preparlabo.r gpoparing a subject foa rrabjwlForlngerForiogsr fox. barg Hospital, wit* bold Tfaara chargedcharged bbyy ththe* Carnegi Carnegiee institutio institutionn teriorterio r paparin ofof it sits anatomy anatomy,, so d andcon -con-tanriog trips. Tboaa wbo know Mr. elark of th* oaart, Sold tor tba lawaiton' Raalty Ooa stitute p»d(Ilei by mean* of which the the Chancellor aor tbe jastioe a* tb*dmy M 1 90 at tba boat* of Iba 6**i withwith ththee exploratioexplorationn o fof Btuaia Russiann Tark Turk-- stitute paddles bj means of which theTruma n ipeak well as of his power. JIM IN HARNESS. iblld-a iNlt. Tboaiai J. HOOMB, of my to Santa A. Tail, of Baat Third estanulit habaas arrivearrivedd a t atSt . 8t.Petersbur Petersburgg organismorganis m carann changchangee It Itss boa hostt an dand de -de- •aar**B* Ooarl shall lake pait la th* part to pay ita attentions to another He ha. bad several patients la Plain- LlaoalB plaoa. Tb* Mrrtoaa war* •tract, propartr on Wott Fourth ttreet, withwith hihias aonson.. K K.. W W.. Pumpelly Fumpelly,, to proto -pro-part to pay its attentions to anotherHeld . * ire Bore* Wounded Ia Flank It ftearlag of eaieaa la wbtab th* •old for WlUiaai Bimll, to C the fii i Cb* loTMtora' Raalty Oomp*ny, tbi ereted b.i the skin of the Ssh. And•roundaround CapCapee HorHornn ' beforbeforee ther theree iche s in lenjrth and at tba tlnaliB«*«loa Tb* reset] coapli Baeords of Ummt Batata Trajutora cult era and the dlacovery of the Capofice r as telling tbe follow ing ttory on af aaoaaaoliy af tw* of ib* Jadgaa. ooff GooGoodd HopHopee rout routee to toIndia Indie.. Acer as telling the following story on •rmooo and apen ibelr retem wlU •• S*at*ra*t Coaat*. TheTb* partpartyy will willremai nremain aevers l severalhimselfhimself: : reado* la lh*U aawly fanlafaed Tb*aa inaaf*ra af roal aataia prop- monthsoaths,, samsomee ooff ih thee member memberss pernap perhapsa “It"It WwaaM durinduringg ou ourr pursui pursuitt of Chieof Chieff away wlih a eaeead appeal from Ol ■ Joseph," tsid th* general. "One ex- ELECTION OFFICERS. on Jaakaoa aveoa* Tb* groaa ia an ty ia Hoaiaraal Oouty, of loeal U- longerlonger,, futurfuturee worworkk bein beingg determine determinedd Joseph.- the general. “One1 ax •alt Oeer* **•**. Il ta provided tbal •employe BBplot* Oeff II the Electric Light Oom bbyy tbthee maltresultss o f ofth ethe presen preseatt recoa -recon-eeedlnglyceedingl y normstormy) nifrhnightt w wee encountered encountered the J«rtMH«tl*a haretefeta •Mad la iraat ba»« taaaa recoidad ia lb< naissance. oonn oaoarr marcmarchh i n inlh ?tbe Rearpa Rearpaww moun moun-- BM of Tha.* Wbo Will Supir- CoBBly Clark't offloa at OoaiamUa i talns afew woo Br14- •( • rrrr. tains a few woodrhoppers* cabins. The wlaa tb* BlMUoaa In tb* ahall b* *«*t*d anlBM**ly li OalTia D. McMnrlrj. ibtrltt. to woodsmenwoodsmen werweree nonott incline inclinedd t oto be bever teryy Mary J. B—dtord. .«•!,.« North Lord Monaon and Mrs. Turnore. hospitable,hospitable, bubett wwee finall Anallyy Induce Inducedd the themm OMrt of Brrota ••*- Appeals Tban 1* la ciiraUllo* m oMatarialt PUlnlald; *l.*00; Alfnd UaiTaralty lufhtar of Gen. Boy Btone, L". 8. A_ ttoo shartheree witfwitha u sea th rthe protectio protectionn tfaei rtheir These periOB* bare been chosen a* "Th* F*VB*BM »*- ,fff| of Ib* *a d*Uar a*to M tb* Morrlaaowa will be married soon, according to an- huts afforded. to Martha UMdaiM, *t at. North t made at London. Lord huts afforded lection officer* for tha Tarion* ward* Iraa MaUoaal Baab. Il hi alma* p*r- PlaiaOald. «J,|00; Alax. B. Fabar. “TbejeoBerried,Tbeycoaseatted. howeverhoweter., onloelyy upouponn In tb* oily for tba oomtng year: firn tbe Jatl.-iar* srtict* ta m r*U*v* th* f**t M ta* fan*. Ml *> tba ravara* Monaon ia the na-pbew of Sir Edmund condition that they should aot under Jr., at it. b>0an*llM B. Oalick. II; Monsoa. the British smbaasador to road it ton that they should sot under Ward, nr.t dlatrlot—Andrew J. Btlg- Ohaaaallnr aad \hr )iHH*a ef the Ba •I** ib* laaltolloa OM a* *Mlly di sayany circumstancecircumstance** bebe compelle compelledd to to hti. David 3. Donavan . second .. »•••!* • • i^ *^ory aaaara ia wantwant aa winwins* forfor sicknes uckncaas or foorr for mm vau aa pi a • l a**, ay law. aa^oe* aa^a ^^» entertainments don't take cheap, wb^ #toll *a*r*toi tk* larto- -Urn bTbTpT Canada's <«ly araesal b entartaiamenta don't taka cheap, Her aaala arteriev run ejoa* to- — waterwateryy wine winess bu t butchoos chooaae a first a fir,: frofitleT. and ia r**e of war cowld ala*,class oldold,, fulfulll bodied bodied,, hig highh grade ily Iw ot by ra.da, aaja a British wine fromSpeer's Passaic yards. ' Sold by Druggist*. taw>W* ra£. Aadresi^A^a HEHE coNSTrnmoNAusCONSTITUTIONALISTT (Mil I EPWORTH LEAOUE. ff TRIED TO KILL HIMSfLF CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. WM WJHl DKHR MKF1I KJMKTOa TOOK forSON -tKEVtRAKCE LOWE, K. Of f. in TUESDAY SAY* WttTHtLD TERDEB ELABORATE KECEPTIOfi. IN lo tfceaa. PoJtow B. Onlcht»l 1 will noake yoa aahan af Oa* af ta* trot aad DMOC bav Fnrthar OompUoatloiia In t*» Its AppUcaw portant qnallacatkon* of a •WLiitaaful Snlt BrooRh t by Mrs. Ad«l« I can tart, which. tbongb not M eaally deaned. la Moarly -l*»bsr«otParMTeranc*Lodga. W«tt. of th« Borough. No blandcrtng. T«, Kalgbts of PythUa, taraad oal ia tnuwor rail !•*«* IM*. Fridays* taa noopttoa THE C0-RB8P0NDBWTS kf • fall from a roof Taa It requires a gi«n la honor of J. B. Higglns. the) person of canUmoaneos. of Intrllls^oce. tfftCTS ALL POUTKAL PAJTT1EI HAV- Baaaaart, af Aa«aM T, aa* master of •ssnna, wbo bas tbo rsoard tful skill, wbo. instead of alarm- TWO ACTRESSES INVOLVED IN COUN- I«C CANDIDATES AT LAST ELECTrOH, tt that Prnniatto* altaaiptad to pataaa ind drlvins away the ot.jwt of of a thirty years mssibanblp ia that Tb* •taadard baa tkU to My bla desire, will lead them to him In -ganlsstloc. TER SUIT AGAINST HUSBAND. oaaoaralag tb* affair : S*>rb a way that tbey themselves ahall Tbs eatsrtalamoat was entirely by JoMph Pwatagtoa. of Pialaaaid, be' oDiiMWIoan of It- Men, like flan, •oal talsai. Several tenor solos war* CHadys bad a clew* oall Taaaday. and it WM beaHate to he caught, even when tbelr rendered by Elmer Cntting. M wall a* ;oartra|a( gum Prejaalsed Mmr be bad beruan very familiar only tbroogb tao heroic *SorU of Dr. oal "a saltation in concerned. They a few by Tommy Hair. William N. by Mi-. Wau-Rafasad to «!•»* i Uis ally* today. ire wary of the net ot Miration, and ijoo accompanied on In* piano, • af that CUM of i • inleM those wbo try te. win them are Aeeonat and Trodbl* Foliowi. i [ Poaalasttoa » a slater in tb* employ "as wise as serpents and a* bannleaa Joseph Lonjrbhead presented sons Farther oomrlloatlona In an already T»s Ht pria»nry eleoiloa I * bad largely I of a ataa naiH Uravaa. Gra*M bad mwierfnl MbBctieoa oa tb* mandolin mplex legal OSM la the dlvoro* r rlirk DM 1*M than daj» dovea" tbey are more apt to frighten prior to said pftmaiy alsetla*. •**- - —— —ntraot in Weatflsld aad (beat away from tbe kingdom than to aad banjo. Tfa* Lodga Jswa harp coarts w«re added Tbnrsday ia tb* NU' Md for Ihi* IMM ib* party oa tb* lob WM Pan- lead them into It- Tbe wlae man Mya. quartette also entertained. salt Ot Mti Adele. Watt, ot RMekvlaw leaden b«»» booa Maanvortag to k sball prepare th* balloM at V*aa* aad dlatnbaM Ibaas Tbe latterleft hi. co-worker* "He that wlnneth souls Is wise." -Win' Ths "OoonOomedy Company" qaar- us. Against bsr hnaband, Arcbi- ••*• el*ar Ita proTtiiM* One of the Is the correct word. Soul* are to be latte gar* aoaga and some first OIBM Watt Gladys Bsaanaw. as best efaeidatlaaa la that Bad* *y As- among tbo vartosi eltciloa boards on won. and in their winning a very neces- a UM day pi MBdlag UM baek dancing. ••Skinny" Wilton, ths aotrsss, served a aotlos ol app*anao* t*»bl;waa E. •- O.tokul H- H)I sary qualification on the part of tbe lagsr, was eapeolally astlvs with Bgh bsr attorney, tormsr BenatOT irlmary alsotlosi. Bash party win bi«iowrfi(ri tor Inn. r la tact. (•part: Me wa* prawiaar af (Tint Ha aboat Mi alnnaa*. Soon tb* attention tost sad won lbs contest of tbe Frederick Werner, ot Naw York, la ••Tb* •»•" »W instreot* bow, wtmo ticket far fvery : Pant exemplifies in a large measure diatrtot, aad tbs aaat«* of all eadnrvd all tblnae for tb« aak* of Jean-. ot tbo man aa tba roof waa called to ae necessity and the anrceMfnlneM of book danosrs by Italy rsmaikal tb* oooatar dlvoro* salt bstweu tba M4 *bin to ooauncl the prlsstrtes wbo bad vnrolM biat a* a ooldter. B*' bU aetioaa. They borrled to him aad work. Th* qoaitatte neit got to work faaabud aad wit*. »d by whom Ut«r shall be condaoted | dates far offlo* of daUsjas* ta a party tact In dealinx with men from a rell- .veatloa la each *|*«tioa diatrtot wa* la irtJv. aerrlc* aad maat taav faaad that bo bad takaa pcriaoa and standpoint. He was a great aonl on a watermelon eating ooatoH ha* lbs oaodldates may be DOniMWd hla Bhan I tbtbr anffntegffnte * and '• ' WM In botribl* agoay. B* wa* Md M winner and most aucceeefal In devel- rblefa sons record breaking time waa HIM Baasbaw la oas of tbs twa ••d tbe MINI U which Ib* dal*< hardship aaaaaaa to *lll d oping Christian character And one of mads by alt. Each oooa WM *eate kit political "Oa r*e*lTla« tbla lickat yoa tionalltie* and claaaes of people waa band* wan tied behind his baok, and row for M BUJ oaadtdatn anrt band. By Mrvlag Itas papers yester- pertUs which. W iba last • lee t too, . Dlmmhl" aaddowa to keep him [artfulness. "Unto the Jews," be at tb* word, tb* satiag began. Tbs gatta M yoar diMrlot la anittlad to "I became a a Jew that I day HIM Beaabaw tollows lbs exanpl* polled for awkm of AaMmbty M ind tnai* e«sac to asarty n-err deadly ilamber that folloi B B*r put away hi* half melon in ' Bar. Oaorg* Vas Ds Water, tba aad oraw. with blaofc poaeil, one. Trry few bav* a nmn aherbercd , binds of pouonlag. Dr. Lairt naad a _ it gnla tbe Jews: to then that ••aad-a-balf mtuates, aad wa* least I a par oten of Iba lirtal tou '« tborooa otb*r ihu ihooa lor ar* voder tbe law, a* under the law, scoi*l isotoi, who li named aa and tecnptatloaa. Adverse steaaaeb pamp oa Psonlngtoo aad that I might gain them under tbe law; awarded a melon as a prlM. oorisspondent by th* hushaad la hl« which ,on *Mlr* to voM. Th* law tree mast be roet_ Tba way I worked over bin for nearly aa boar It a ortat* for a atataber of oo* t»lhera thai are without law. as with- Ia tbo asm* of th* Lodge, William for dlvoroe against hla wits. Hr. hey are treated rery largely „ motm. Aa ambalaace wte sent for N. Ran TOD presented a mammoth polllUooj party to atga bla oan* to Oal < Ptatoa#W Md taMr la %h out law; • • * Ui the weak became I Tan De Water Slsd notioe of appear- "BsraafWr, tb* Irst registry day M " BenrtHTe 'na™^ ** * ***•*- as weak, that I uii«bt gain the weak; boaqnat to Hr. Hlggina, accompany- ance and also a bill of part loo, I art. taa Ibe priMary of both partlM .hail any patitloa pnrportiog 10 mdoraa aay II**- Tlmotlij. shrink from tbe rude lam made all thlntn to all men, that I Da M * oaadlldat* (or offloa or • rsMovsd to tb* lag with a brlaf address In which be UM Ete-nshaw'B action. It la said, ha held at tbs Hat time, sad tba shoriw and are Inclined, as perhaps be. light by all means save some." Tbe Merited to htm the bonor Justly dae a la th* reaalt of an attempt on the part slao* shall bs designated by lbs eily d*laa>ta to a waa. to atokl aa much aa po-aible tbe "PsaaUftaa ia a smarriod man and •ae, in any ig- polltloal party. iber wbo baa served the Knight* of John 0. Shsw, Hrs. Wall's ooanssl, el*rk Tb* poll* ahall be op*a from I things. To all snch tods! aa* tbrsa children. It la not known thln«* to all SO long aad faithfully. Hr. Hlgglns floor* a itatetaant from her sbow> i* Ih* aftsraooa, to » at Bight, on In* "In* objoot of tb* lav WM to atak* warning exhortsUon of tbe aged spot- why ho took tb* poison or wbors hs waa not one thing to a Jew tie rtogs ant like a bncto call "Snl Line that was I neon* Is tent replied with well choaaa worda ot Ing how afa* •pant tba SK.OOO ihe la •rooad Taaadny ta September, and Ib* prlaiary alooMoa a asor* import •bank*. aoeklng to colleoi Iron Hr. Wast. It aat factor la paltrtaal aSain, and hardship with me. aa a good soldier to a Roman. UP studied the tvary msa who la •alitlad to vot* oa dispositions of all classes and adapted Tba entertainment was oonoli said tbia sam was promltsd her by •Mellon lay bat tbe rlgbl ta vot* at whoa It la bacUr aadonMod It will himself to tbelr pecullsTitles nnd tbelr r Ib* (election ot a committee of r. Watt tor absenting baraalf trosa •be prlmsrv. •ffactiT* Mrrlo* la tb* loUrM u When an much l« being said of 1 wants that be uilsTbt win them to twenty-fire member* wbo departed for iw Tork Oity following a mutual good gararaaMai'' "str.-nu.iii* life" and athletics are .Christ. 11. talked to men in a Inn- "Upon enuring tb* poMlng plaos to popular Hit. appeal for tbe deceit 1 Iba beef home and presently returned agrsement. ***• at a primary lbs voter asks for igange they could, understand nnd pre-each, bearing a hage melon right Judge Delabanly, In a ooott of Bps- !!L.hOU^' *«IDEMT "OHDAY, AUS.3, FOLLOWED sented rliri-' rrnn! ;i viewpoint that H oftoial pnaisry ballot of Iba party ero not ajrtat Off tba icf. I.I BsMlona In New Tork *ome tints Is' WboM priMary hs desires lo par- Ihij- .i.u111 comprehend, and thus only th.t fauhaawM will ran* nai BY DEATH AT THE HOSPITAL. can any one tie nutve«ru! in dealing Walter I. Metfleld, William N. Ron ago ordered Ihst inch a lUtsmsDl bs ticipate. H* Ibaa rotlr** I* a Vonth RfSTORED TO PfNSIOH LISTS to fall both In dotlra to be daoa and In 1 with men In tbelr relntlon to Uod Inyoa, rjbarlM HoOinlsy, William Mai Meared and it is tbe lnienion ot Hra. and pteparM hla ballot. Bo baa tbesuccaOui EFFotn OF JUSTICE tb* Btialnwmt ot prranaal atmctb l Faaoral WU1 b* Monday Attcraooa Jesus Christ. tox and Slater puMlag ware the com WaU'a atiornsy'a to force the mandate, righi to «OM foe aay psrsaa was** pf1irii>n« H»1 Toe pr*«anr* and atrlf To be able to adapt biinsplf to the mitie« in onatgs of tbe affair. t Months* baviag failed lo make Baas* la not prlsMd oa hi* parly ticket • ATTISON, Ot THE BOROUGH. M Bttaln ctrollrnn- and position li j —roeallarlj Bad peculiar dlnpuHltlon* of mi1" rpquirrd oat tbe ItemlMd bilL by addisg Iba aaane to tb* ticket, H* bwln*M and nrofeenloiial Ufa are nan thought an) ftlodr on tbe pnrt of the PEEMANEKTLY BARKED MB vota only for tbs B am tor of dais- Mr.. HoaAllay, WMiw of »«HHw, ipostle. A Jew bad to be dealt with The Colored People Hot Allowe NEARLY KILLED. gsMsor oaadldatea to wbiob lbs dla- n one way and a gentile In another, Irlot in whleb b* vows >• satlltod. ind to deal with each In the proper Eater O»t»la'* Park, KH h.rlei baffler Tbrowa From HI* way required a certain kind of knowl- OH Tbrnradaya. Onrrlag* la New Marfeot. '•The ballot la foldsd la asob a way r re- sbs was taken Tbanday evening for edge which cau only come from study M to dlMloM Ib* alty clerk'• oaslal Hrs. Lydla A. Bsadlay'a claim tor torn. Tlnjldlty eonrts del wtaa'na optralion. Aagwt S, while Colored people bar* bsea denied the Obarles Lefllar, a nepbew of Hit, aek paasian WM proved by Jasttoa ,nd experience. 1'arentB to deal suc- n ot GalTla's Park a* all linn and It. while coaraa* captore* victory. llaga cessfully with children, teachers with M Charles Pair, who WM killed a year Uean ballot* ars depot! tod la tbe Us-Hattlsoa Tbanday aad Uncle I in» ! Bataar ssddoaJy ateppad off a chair, people »nd If tbay paralat in attempting to eatai In rranoa with ber hnibano In u psblkcan ballot boi aad tb* D*n*o- pisMBisn th* poor widow of penpl* own- of the spirit In CbrtaUa1!1i" i oaanai a raptars of a blood vassal la Chriatian people with the unsaved and wilt b* forcibly ej*oted. Last Tbara omobtle accident, and wbo for- if hla soldier boys of 'M tbo sta work with whirb we train for aad* nmst study their particular day a number of colored people went ly lived at Haw Market, had a orailo ballot* in tb* DeaMoralla boa Mtt tennis lo-irnstnent*. golf cl ', tba abdomen At list bor condition by Ib* •laclton offlosr* ef Iba different Of ttsl-»' la payaiant at arrears Mrs. dispositions and thus learn bow to to tt.« plaoe. from PlalnBeld, and wen row escape from death Friday reach them. Tbe aqulrement of eoch told that tboy oosld not *al*r. (•ortle* A ballot deposited la tbo Handler, asms baa again b**a piaosd Oa tbe "BTidiron" a yonng fellow will, •*•• D* w- lomptoo Browning WM Is driving ibrongh Onion Town- apaa In* pansioa lists, satllllag her skill require* time and labor, but It Mr. Ualria makaa tbe diatlnotion, ship. Tb* bon* b* was driving ba- *roa« bo* will not ba ooaoMd. At braak a lew. an Bna. a rib, and glory In railed la, it WM decided that an should be cheerfully given. Men study Iba oloM of tb* primary *l*otlo* Ib* tar pain if by bis grit and skill be oparattaa WM tb* ooly thing that men thai they maj be succeaaful in be sar*. beoanM bs la obliged to by oam* nnmanageable »ne willing to give the time Uoally boyoottlog tbe plaoe, baa led again and boeo»a a widow for tb4 OOB and utiftprlnit in YouDfilln In Trouble. Ml Member ef votM Is Ib* whole ward • Cbriatlai Tbs death ta a partloalarly sad ii> to «o underatand him to deny them Ita prlvilagM at all M f-aadldat* of aay party fo» aay •oooad tlsss, bas bsoa rsaisroo t» tb« Den (hat WP maj deal with them sne- time*. There is aom« talk among some Edward Blmble, Fred Ooaklla, Wil- ward onVe thai I ba tb* oandldat* list* for poastoa. WlUtam E. HaHi wasfully ID the salvation and sanetlO- Of tb* colored people of this oity of liam Ferry and Peter Allen, ..11 Piido- thai party for that offlo* Tb* psrai mo, tba JasUo* of the Peace, B**M Much Mlrln- la siren from todnt .it!..t. of tbelr w.iiis'r Instllntlng salt against tbe manage viU* yoatha, were np before Beoordvr IM* MO dlwoversd an old law which Dond In tb* borough court l**t Fri- rsoelvlag tb* highest onasbsr ef vo WM la tbe twanty-Ifth year of be: I* *aofa altctloa dUtriol a* delegate ioBbl*4 blBJ la B are a t PTOT. xl. 30: Dan. rll. 3; Matt. IT day charged with disorderly oondaot. Wbo dwell* with pi«amji* oa tb* •** a«d was tbs daagbMr ot Potei I1* -•>. X. 16; 1-Dt,- v. I 11; Rom. sr, 1 DEATH OF FORMER CITIZEN. Manhal Fahn ohargsd tbsu witb hav- a patty ooavaaHoa, to lao ssteat ot pension liM for a pool widow of Iba at SoMervllU Sbs leave* a Ib* SBmbsr ef deiegaiM to bs slooMd boroagb, tba* sttaaUd. fault* of otbert only ronfeaM* that be I 2; I Cor. X, 31-33; II Cor. xlL 28-30: ing taksn a atrost roller Into tba basbaad, a soa. flvs yaara old, TUn. IT. 10; Jas. v. SO. Alexander Baayon Died Bnaday In riddle of Ib* road and endangered I* that distrtot, aball a* tbe delegate*. Hearing of that i Mr*. LydU daagbMr twa years old, two brother* Beadley-VaaAilwlok, of Jansy Oily, Iowa well Know Her*. iraffla Th* Recorder fined them tacb "Tb* abalrmaa of Ib* coeatv roo e on* f*ar-tne frar of Word. bM been received by His. ajlitM ef oacb patty pa/il.ipaling la ilaoed bsr oas* In JUMIB* Haltisoa' ja 91. Young Allan's father threatM* te lands. Bbo proved that aba WM tb* Tba faasral servlcsa were bald The Italian w.fklj paper VH Jeremiah VanWinkle, Of Central ava appeal tbe oaae to Some rvll*. the priMary may aiipolnt two par Eviini'i'lii 3 hereafter will hare In if tbe death of ber brother •a eaeb *ls«tlon dlxrlot, who I widow of J*r*sslafa Headley. a private from th* late bom* oa Monday after- noon at S HO o'clock and ery number a -in 1 :.ii nage relating to Alexander Runyoo, of Bohellabetg Mora Oy.ter*. ih* right lo hoar aad a** tbs ballots Ib* Sth New Jersey | Christian Endeoror In Italy. Congressnan Howell, of Haw Brnos- offera immunity from I was at Billaids Osmetery. ; Iowa Hi. Baayon bad jaat completed eoaeied sad 10 cballangs a voter ostsi • iba war of '« HIT bn ad di«d In tbe iinnual meeting of tbe Bul- id term aa mayor of Sobella wlak, la Mid to fsvor an appropria- aad ana snarrlrd a Hr. Vaaartwlch. •ti -r 1,1«. but dope offer an anchor in ' garian Ur angel lea I wwletj and ID t*g to *ota. Th* eaadldaM wbm {be "inrrii berg. H* was well known In this city tion by OongreM for the oonitraotiea »••>* u prlat*d on ib* official ballot of Jersey Oity. The latter «i*d re- summer scltool be Id In Hemako' of tb* propoMd tideway betwsea What In truly done is beaotlfntly wa* voted to recunuuead to ull evaagel- although bs left It at tbs age of alx bM Ib* MM* |-ri»il*g». A »O«t Maily aad bis widow BM been bav done, and If It is not beantifully done Hanasqnan rlvsr aod tb* head of lag a bard tiats eking oat a llvoll Iral pastors In Bulgaria tb* organUe- teen, He was Mventy years old mat he ohslleaasd for oot being a legal It ta bmnw It la oat tralj dane.—Ivaa Uon of i.'hristis.n Endearor aodetlea. la snrrlvsd by one daoghtor, Hrs. J. Barnegat Bay. which II la claimed v**«r ta tb* district, or baoaaM ba Is bood. Panin In Chriatlan Endeavor World. These reaoluUoiu "ere printed and ~ Shea, of Cedar Rapid*, Ia., *nc woald open tboasanda of acres ta • ot a mssBBOr at tb* poltilenl party Her brother ID Uw, William N ant to erery pastor as well as pub- • stster of Ibis oity. oyster and clam growing ID Ibe appar Taagbara, ot Linden sveoo* part of Barnagat Bay wbM* iMiket be has asked fat. This world is a machine shop to lished In tbe weekly paper Zomltsa. Hi. Banyan died Aagait S, after both OMM lbs voter bM tb* right to . up tb* OSM aad pat II li Tbe latest staUMln give Spain a to- four week*' alekaess. fit waa tb* Jastloa HattUoa's baads witb tbs r*. make mechanics of n*. Tbe machinery tal of nrenty Young People's societies. •aleld* of Aaj*4 rarsasr. *w*ar la hla vote. si not meant to hart on Tbere I* noth- SOB of aUisba Banyoa, at on* time (SscOl ts The D«ilt Final suit »ba( Tbarsday ah* rsoslvod fni. - tnc sn-kdeotal about It. though acci- Junior and aeren UotberT "Th* saadldata for a ward offlos. JO. iba asaaant of poaaloa dna bor from Weak There are SB2 acUv* mem- lataflsld'a oity Jadgs, •mervllle. Aug. 8— PeterG. Qsiok, •ach M freeholder, alderman dents ocmr while we are learning to aiy-two years old, a waaltby UM H»B sbs asado bor claim aad a manajre It. [f we lose oar balance and bers and 707 luwoclate, so that tb* Waklag Up at "The Hoi • oommiarlouer. Is soat lasted by atonlbly aUowaaos of US. Spanish EndesTorera have passed the farmer, oommflt*d Hlolds at bla home a iliast rate of UM party voter get a hand eanfht in tbe machinery la thousand mark. Tbo Bomarast Oonnry Telephone isax Bomb Brunch yastarday morale*. ike ward. Bsrsaftsr Iber* will be ao tt the faalt of oar Father la heaven? Hearts SwIUerUnd • committee haa been Oompaoy. better known m* lbs Horns, I* became mslaaoboly ovsr tbs pro- Oas In No. Wb*n we fall tt ta against (Jod's •std eoavaattaas. miigaati will oa! established for tbe publication of a on ao Independent basis, hav- longed lllasss of hi* agsd wif*. He Tb* plalnteld On Oaaipaay will Tet It ts God's will that by that atontUy Christian Endeavor paper. lag cancelled Its lea** to tbo State W tlerted to tb* city, maty, St* bad hard work k-oping race witb I fall and from that machinery we boliorod *bo was aboat to dl* aad sals) Md CoofrsMloaal ooavsatloaa. Ta* b a Telephoo* Company. Bpsaosr Waart ha woold kill hlmaair, grawlag doa»aad for gaa. RaaldMt* •] learn not to fall, lean bow to vu simple IndLfution. It Is s sctea B**sea of tb* candidates fat ward oae tbe machinery, that we should be tlflo (act ihai mil CS*M cf heart dto- saootedad Hr. Atkioeon as presi- f tb il b b axpert through experience, workmen •eae, not ornnlc. ar* not only traoa- There hi a Junior society In Mewdent, sad tb* line* aro being rebsilt BaaJ Batat* Sold. that nerd not be aehamvd tbongb they •bts lo, but in th* di«ct MtU ** Tort state composed entirely of chil- pot In a fint-cisM oondition snder William Jsflsry aad ,W. B. Tertian* •**T*Bitoai will ba prlaw4 oa lao cany sears. —Sanday ftcbnol Time*. BBaWasdoa, AU ieed mhen IMS nW dren from a mlaaion district, smong tbo saparviaioa of tnrsmaa Wm. Tram- rooaatly *oM a larjr.e piece of property atamaoh which falls ol T*rtwt* *cm- woom tbe comrorts of life are un- known and to whom their Junior so- ball It is axpsoted tbal tb* aarvios to Ooorg* p. Hayaard, of tbla oity. "All Tba land la located at N*w Rir»rbeM, •ebllo «Bo* m for »Uo»ioa M d»l* All who would renr-h tboa* la ta* sufnng It as against the bean. Thw ciety at a Tcry bright spot indeed- ill 1 IniaHeUs wtnVln* sctton ef tbe HIM Urace L Jone*- •atM M tba prlaiaty oaa hav* taoli lower walks of rife and adfaace thear Large Bant atsallasd. BOOM* ploord «PM> tba eBotal ballot t*mpor*l and *plrltB*l Intrrrata mnat a rssalt of tbs obarlty «aobr* Landlord vs. Tasaal. by ooaiplylag wllb th» fallowing approach them in a taeadly. cordial T*w*h L*wtan Ear-ll-i-Bl. Ths landlord and tenant oaM af and *ymn*ttH-tlr epliit and adapt tn*m- Tbe Tenth legion enrollment haa DO- glT*a at tba Hotel HMbarwood Tban. r*t*Ulloaa: A pMttfoa la ajraaaatod gwwn to ta* splendid Bawee 1BJS23. day *T*alag tb* mm Of *33S was real «v* agatuit MoGallsm la Jaatlas e*lrr« aa mncb as peaBlble lo their aa- taad's court has be*a aMtlad oat sjf t* ib* alty r|«vk, «tgo*4 by a*i IOM Tb* wedding of Hiss O*a*v*tv* n tor*, character aad ilrniaiBtaBi IB Aa lasd w prodt tor tb* Hetberwotk tbu tan Ugal voMta. wbo ar* we pat aar**lT*a In otbera1 plare* we rrssh Air Horns. Q. H Brown. • Mil la a manner aalUfaotory to both W MSSS political party and „."„. Ooas . and Hartsa Oelltapte can bewt w thine* fTMB their rtew- la U>* Mate •UoUao -dl>-1 ^ Wosdaaoat. Oewa.. will b* oat* polnt mml atMV-ntand b*-t bow ts r*- ot Ih* affair and at bla U>T» and brlp th*m.-rr*abyt*rUn. s rvnlabad nfrMbMeata to tb* Tba engage***** o! WUllaM Hoot- addraosre, Md stating llwa Ibsy . ^.% .„ wall kaowa Is Ibis SjW !«'. B U. Wm Topeka. Kan -Tbe Orat MM, of H«KiDl«r place, to atkai Tonne People* Society of Christian Amy Obadwlek, ot EMS Baveatesatb E as formed Feb. 2, i»jl, ta Eat All Taa Waart. street, «*w Turk, ti anaoanoad. WillUton church, rortlasd. He., by tb* ihlod witb tBdlg*stioo pastor. Ber. Francis K. Clsrk. Then to eat all they waal If DHTIII Oat tb* Ba*My. ar* now orer 63.000 aocteUr* In all will take Kodol Dyspepsia Oar*. TbeM are th* daya O[ cold*, ahara ports of tbe world, with a membership remedy prepare* tbo stoaaaob for md s*dd*n. Bltaoklng throat and or 3 >•->-'••'- no it, and laadlns; Is oottasqasaoM aaa do*, not like to tblok aboni Avoid fbrtf-er sxpoe*'- aad fl|Lt las enemy of health snd comlnrl with «nViaJ pflMary Psrry Davla' Palakiller. th* femilr standby for .is.y yaara. lic^ a cold In a day. Bee tbal yon gat tbo •»stWT*Hlaa1aT«W»araalmtioa sUsata ar. ^> an Ideal p«l j right artirlr. There i. bat oa! Pala- * oa* ot la* stawsr*. ***! by U W " fH- t «. RANDOLPH. kllbw. Perry Davts'. THETHE CONSTITUTIONALISCONSTITUTIONALISTT IHO III BE I POPE PIUS X. FAINTSJ If IRONTO. OB*., AMK. IS.—Th* dfa> Mnsfartton fvim«l over tbe m*n •ad Strain of Audience*. aer la whk-h tb* Amertrto rballengvr MOW for the Canada rnp bad been sailed In IISI 101 I1VC tuIPLEIE BEST. tb* first two rare* led to tbe summon- ••pportars ol Mr I«n C«r- CASTORIA ICST 101 liti ColPUTE EEST. _ from New Tork of Mr. A. Ilnnnan Were Subjects of "Mother" Marriage of Miss Sarah BJ im tn ts take cbante of tbe Irondequott. 1 t*io That Ha Will B« a For Inflmto «ad Children. Mr. Hannan went almnnl the yacht, Jone* Speech on Watchung and Edward Clark Attended and tbe Irondeqnoit tnrneil tbe tnbln South Jwttyaiin. The Kind You Havs on tbe Stratbnmn. He waa In full Avenue, Saturday. by Many Friend*. The Kind You Have mend. Skipper James Barr acted PASSIONATE HARANGUE IDW BTOU8 HAVID AT HOME OF THE BRIDE AlwayAlwayss BoughBoughtt AllAll co—llllon*conditions favorefavoredd her—her aa roarncoursee with foorti^n miles of reaohln* In It •Hi JAM • lOttftJ&NAlSO MERTIOHCO with fourteen mllea of reerblng In It LARGEURGE ANANDD GENERALLGENERALLYY RESPECTFURESPECTFULL arcd to b* do* to b**rt w and plentplentyy ooff windwind,, neveneverr lele—m tba thann 6R00MGROOM IISS SOSONN OOrF THTHEE COUNCILMA COUNCIINMN ve mile* an boar. It surprised no CROWD LISTENED. 1 M A POMI8ILITY. BearBearss ththee / t Hi* 1II.IIII.H- WUH it-rv iniifli asitatad, twrtw mlW an boar. II surprised no CROWD LISTENED. / Ot rtllt be in.tJ.ifHl ii|M.n adUillllriK to mm thathatt tbI bee Anierfc-aAmericann boaboatt abonl*houldd ANDAND ISIS IINN BUSINESBUSINESSS ININ NEWARKNEWARK. r the way to tbe Drat bnoy. After bear bto QHIM all v^n-tlun* wbo bad abaw the way to I bo Brat booy. After OM Man J aar ad aad Waa Thrown ber performs n.-p In a reach on Satur- to Boon- pnrpooely lo att«nd bar perform* rve In a reach on lUtnr- Ooapl* Well Known Among , Signature /Au day It seemed th.' most tin turn I thing la Out-President Rooievvlt Vu atfon. Thfj numherpd about day H seemed the B>o*t natural thins la the world that nh*> should drew away iV>" Circle of Krltmli ||ull,, tb« mam bre*n In tb« Panl- tk« work! that -he ■ bon lit draw away' Bitterly Alluktd Tb. Mother I tin- BtrattH-onn. Pkipper Jarvis Ine rbappi. ami tlw air wan rHIatrd. from the Stratbrona. Htipprr Jarrta De«oratloaa Were Beaut irnl - carried every poxelble nail and over- Rxplalaa Bar MUiion. vltb Uw trmpmtnrr aborp 00 deicre^a. carried every po—ll>ie aall and over muled Erondeilimit Junt n trifle, but he In a tirade against Praaldaol Booaa- TIN eaBCSMii! of Mr. Eeaa are a* The pope bad already Riven tbr com- ha a led jurt a trtllr. but hr Brtds Charmingly Qo«m4. rasat leest threp-qnurtem of a mile alt and tho (Jovernm«ct, "Mother" mttnlon lo am [-^.].l.- wbm bp l*»«n to waa at leaat thrrr^inanrm of a mil* •aw* tbal Ib* •* it Oovarao* abosld be Atern at tbe flnlnli. In the pneenoe of only relative* aod feel 111. Tbow about him BOOB i*r Jones loetnrad to font hundred people la tba presence of only relative* and a o-aib Jeraeyamaa aa tb*y *» that iar friend*, htiaa SBrah Iasb«a« wived that In- wna.not bliuwlf lij bli The offl.lal rinis l*vy for IWM will ba made aad »* ami tmpat^nif. wblcli i>tnrt. HSH'il.H; fini-h. Eaat Fonrtb atroei Batarday eTsnlng. Blimm.limm. yonngeeyoungestt daughtedaughterr ooff MrMr. uandd •aMeeUd. Oa tb* other baad, Ihe splf TV-1 rt-ii hi- altpndant hand 3:19^)6. Similr ,,i:i. mart. lliM):35; fln- Tha object of her visit, aha declared. Mr*!n. JacoJacobb BllmmBlimm,, aaandd EdwuEdwardd •aaoaanta Of Mr. Keaa ar* aa coal •d him lii« aprrtarlM. WM to tell the people of tbia oily OsbornOabornee ClarkClark,, aoaonn ooff OooDcllnaCouncilmano •awl that Ihe a*M Ooveraor eboald In and Mrs Robert Clark, Jr.. of Juk- He pushed tbrm nWde and ilrpw an- BASEBALL SCORES. •boot tbo economic condition* In and Mra. Robert Clark, Jr., of Jack- eaase from North Jeney a* they are other pair from hln pocket. Wbra an- Philadelphia and to awaken public aon avennearenne,. tbtbae boronghborough,, weweren msx mar-- •Vat the ftiM'i laooai* froai corpora otber attendant tried to ti- ih.> rlbbotu dli nt TaolildW|"B fimmtrm I •entiment against tba employment Of riedrlad MondaMondayy nlgbnightt aatt 7:87 800 o'cloco'clockk M at Maa* has ontsblr deoraaeed within tb* Use oT bla robMi i- ii.n.i be tole froas that *ad ol - BhilMi. howctcr. kr>pt his prea- f PEHI'KNTAQ1'KNTAOnC cornerirner ofof thtbee larglargee doabldoablee parlor*pari ore., tb ibe* •late. Tbe Bopablloaa* liter* Thirty Years of mind and ordered the Sirlaa Jones arrived In town bridalbridal partyparty aiandinataodlngg InIn fronfrontt ofof i a d aot object lo Ib* Mloetloa of a (ninli to dear a *pa<-p about the pon- BSWk: Saturday afternoon and made her bankbank ooff palmpalma* anandd fernsfern. a TbTbee room roomsi ad Slate* Beaator wltnta thatr tiff. BmHLin* aalta tm broaKht haaU- boadqnartera at the Hotel KtnelDgton. war*were brilliantlbrilliantlyy lightelightsd witwithh manmanyy dBt to*, bat fret aad last Ibey \j. and they bad the declred effect. TbeThe platformplatform wawaes aa chaichairr Uandd o ono ItIt Inoandaaoonlincandescent lamplamp** anandd werweree madmade* lalat that Ibe party eaadldat* for Dr. Lapponl 1ms thought ft more pru- * ft atat 8 o'cloco'clockk SaturdaBatardayy nightnight,, a atal talll attractiv e thronah the oae of palni, iruor aMot h* a cltlsra of Boa dent for his hotlne«i not to leave hla atlractlie throuah the in of palm*, AMEKICAN LKAOL-E. ■•tnkeinkerr lntrodnoelntrodooedd ththea "Mother,"Mother."" aa fernferae* anandd flower*.flowers. SoutherBoo themn itnlUe mi ilax rtmeDt and not to (to lnlo th* gar- At •" i- TorkICKM— AX I.KAOt'E. i, with enow white hair, CASTORIA of tbe Vatican, a* be dwilrpd. The Wunlncton 0 I 0 D 1 0 0 « I little woman, with enow white balr, entwineentwinedd aboutabout tbthee balustradbalaalradee inla thtbee amall dark bio* eyea, a determined doctor fnrtbfT In-l-t.-il on email dark blso eyea a determinedhallway way formeformedd a pleaalnpleatingg p*tpailt ooff tb tba* odtenecak • obln aaandd aa volevoloe* wbiobwbieb,, altbosgalt boughb decorationadecorations . ThThe* prevailinprevailingg coloooloren i nla I oisik la Oaaaoatf, b*l la thii weakenedweakened bbyy constanoonetanlt neesee,, oonloonldd bebetbatb e parloparlor*n werwar#* greegreeno anandd whitwhilee an andd •aaa. aa ta aaaae other*, Ibey prove MINES ARE CLOSED. beardheard dlstlnotldiatlsotlvr altnoealmostt aa blocblockk awayawsy.. in the dining room green and red. Opening ber address, Ibe agitator In the dining room green and red. eh* isl* and II la entirely safe to *ay Opening ber Bddreee. tbe agitator tie bride'i gown we* of white Ia fact, asaay of the** B*peblicaas told tb* people ber object in trying to Tba bride'a gown waa of white Mat Ib* gnat majority of South Jar NEW BOOKS. told tba people ber object la trylsg to crap* de obine over taflet* *od WM •eeret of tbe fact tbat ts*r Batter- •ee President Roosevelt. She said that crepe da ohlae over tafia la and waa s*y Repvblioaas an sappvnlas Mr. efis Omb nu*rt«. eee President Roosevelt. She eatd that omod with real l*oe. She oarricd would *ek ao more weloom* work Son* of ttbo B*le«UoBi Added by CHIPPLE CHKEK. CMOL, Aug. 12.- on June 1, the employes of tbe textile trimmed with rani lace. Sba carried CBIPPUB CKBJCK. t1*>.. / os Jana 1. tbe employee of Ibe textile ihower booquet of white rose! and lhaa tbe opporteaity to eapport Mr. ua PaMir Ubrmrr Dvrtag PracticallyPractlollj aleUl tinthe- mlnmine*w InIn thin dle- nilla ID FblUdeJpbla strook for flfty- a ehower bouquet of white roeee and aeptionei ability aad qoallBeatloaa of Ii lie,*-of-the-valley. Her attendant. fowler for Halted Blatee Beaalor, aad th» Moitk of Jaly. trlrtrtett exceptexcept Uthew PortlanPortlandd saandd those op- millsIve honIs Philadelphian * week an atd rackpay forfo r fiftytb* li Ilea-of-the-valley. Her attendant. BBWU eaadidatM, bat reelte, oa *v*ry [ Ibaai la beard espreaaed the erated by the Tn* Investment com- five honre a weak and psy for tbeHla a Sadie Brown, of New Tork, Tba following art aalootloaa from erated by the Wi»d« fnre-tre true amoant of time. She aaid that Him Bad la Brows, of New York, • in i II iba fact thai Sooth Jorsvy tbal Boaator E*aa aad MMU- > are doapd down in consequence 'a* gowned' in gnen French veiling booki »<1d»d to tbo Pobho Library be strike bat uraolioallj been won. waa gowned la green Frenoh Telling •M aot had • Repablioaa eaodidaw lor Stakes will enter on an agreement ofof tbthee uniounionn miner*miner*'' striketrlke.e ‘KNTAOnt overrer greegreenn anandd IbIbae trimmintrimmingg wwaau em em-- d o n a t Jaly : The number of mtnem on strike Is fat Ooveraot alaoe In* defeat of Oea< to aid each other, because, a* they The namber of miner* a "Child aUTery" In Che factories broidered obi (Ton. Her bonqenl WM A boot. Toll*. -Btlmated at 2.Tnn. Itnndrmis of mln- broidered chiffon. Her booqent waa awaf C Bird Urabb, aboat tweat] i*lt*ve, II would rseall In tbe defeM eet I staled at 17nr» Hnndr* »aa expUlned by the "Mother. " She pink rowi. Ths beat mm was Albert era an> lenvlnr the camp for other lo- pink roeee. The beet man we* Albert yean age. and that the partj baa not Adj. J aaid ttiit in PeBDiylvanla obildren are Clark, brother of Ihe groom, and the if both, aad In tbe aosBlnatloa of aa> calities. At the miner*' union bead- Clark, brother of tba groom, and the had a fUpabiioaa Ooveraor fi Bryoa, Ooatamporary biography. pat to work In tbe tectarlei at tbe age laaator Jobaaoa for Governor, wltb qturters It wan awwrted that no more ofnabe be ren werweree HarrHarryy BllmmBlimm,, brothebrotherr ofof •Mr. Jersey also* Governor Olden, la Olamana, Aaiarioan olalmanl of ilz to eight yean. Wltb bei she ihe canvas* for United BtatM Senator ore will be shipped from the camp to -US theth* bridebride,, anandd OarCarll I-L. BmltbSmith,, o f of Corne, Oardlnal de Bioballoa. said aba bad children not yet ton yean •Mg la fact, aiaay of tb* more opaa to anybody, Oharlea N. Fowler the mill* and smelters of the United Philadelphia.Philadelphia. atlhefa age wbo had never aeen tbe inside awwaeoas aad loeally parttealar Ra- preferred Davldaaa, Alaxaadt* Domaa. States Refining and Reduction compa- Klbrl i PrlSr Cist SMIehMltr. •Ml* the wedding march wai be- SEW YOKK. Aim. 12.-Threatening of a school room. While tbe wedding march waa be- i thai pan af tb* 8 tat* say Doraa. Kal|bta aad Ibotr daya. ny and tbe American Bmelrin? and Re- NEW YORK. Aug. 12 Threatening ing nndered on tbe piano by Mr. II la aot to be aaaenMod that Mr. weather kept thv attendance down at ing rendered on tbe piano by Mr. I Ol«*a was . Mi Fall m. How to do baataaaa. fining company nnlll they concede an weather kept the attendant down at Tbe ohlldren of the great city aa Vawlar la la any way connected with the Empire ("ity iCTind Hrrnit meeting. Wsetervalx.Weatervelt, thtbee bridabridall partpartyy entereenteredd •yass, aad that Boatb Jersey Qoorao, Annala ot tbo qaMM of eight hour day and agree to pay tbe tbe Empire City grand -in-tilt meeting. well aa in tbe country lowna are oaUln* of paaalMlItle* or prob In tbe Westcbeoter stake for three- (be parloparlorr frofromm aann adjoininadjoiningg roo roomm r baa never had a rUpebl SpaU. inlon m-sle of wages. In tbe We*trbe*ter stake for tbree-aaorlfloe d for tbe greed of money- abilities, or that bo ba* aaooaragod or yearyear-old old*s TlreleTtrele—m nol-oldd foforr «3$»>0 toto $58500 andand looktook itlie* poaitlopoet 11 onn inla fronfrontt ofof tb etbe HQ(O, QoalraTlagt-tralaa. taking capitalist!. If one half of tbe will aaooaraga aay of hla political Tr**»ea,l Kirflnir TBeHlaaa. forfor thtbee field, bubatt Ethel'Ktbel'es PridITMee tootookk th thee making oapilalleU If one half of Ibe officiatingofflolating olerfynaanclergyman. ThTbe* oeremoo oeremooyy Bottoo. Litorary laadaurka of Oi- lead and hcM It to the wire, with Mary people living in thla oooctry were supporter* lo —gig- in any sort Of WASHINGTON. Aujt. ll-The trop- lead and held It to the wire, with Mary people living in thta ocantry warewee rae paperformedr formed wltwithb aa ringring.. ConCon-- •A ’AfUIINcnoN. •low serond. In Uie next beat aware of the condition! existing be- "Ib* Boy work which will entangle him either ical hurricane was apparently central Cage a cloae aeeond. In the next beat aware of the condition! relating be- gratulation!;ratulBtlons warewere thethenn abowereeboweredd npoa pooo The argument Iroa aad atoal tajtitato, JoamaL rath of tbe central Cuban coast and EtheraEthel's PridebrrtkPride brokee satt ththee totopp mmtarn,. anandd neathneath tbelrtheir eyeeyesa tino tbtbee larglargee faotorlee factories,, be young couple by tbe goeiU, I..T or aaaiaet Mr. Blokes or Mr John- Tlrelt— won. Tlw dniiRhter of Dlrec- tbe yoang ooaple by tbe guest*, Uksrafora, fcootaty of telacraph «| , Jonrnkl curTinjr northward. lt> exact course Tlrwleoa won Tbe daughter of Hirer they would be aabanted tbat they lived .fter which enpper waa Hired. Later ( Aa ta wall kaown. be has long tnin niflde no mistake in the ncit lir-at, they woaid be ashamed that they lived after wblcb enpper waa served. Later J Idl innot now be detPrmlned. bat It tl tom made no ml-take Is tbe next beat, American flag'' Some n th* evening many of tbe younger •Bat it waald aoi omij be tbe petal I staaaeh pollUoal friend of tba winnlriK It anil the racf. Thp 223 pace beoaalb tbe Amerloas flag." Some In the evening many of tbe younger Kirkland. Bolldaya abroad. dangerous for TPSWIA to Ball for south- winning It and the race. Tbe 2 22 pace figures were Riven showing tbe per- of laJaaUoa for Nortb Jei Jeraey oaaioato for Governor. a quit* ami hot rnof. Al Beck figs res were gives shewing Ibe par- eelaet enjoyeenjoyedd aann InformaInformall danoedance. lAFontaln*, Contra *t aonvellea. j»rt*- It has paMted over Santo Do- *ra« a quick and hot race. AI Reck lag* of child labor In tbe faotoriee. th* right la name th* I II equally tru*;tbat be reoently mingo and Usrtlniqne and Is probably •old at tWO prrn ncstnnt tho H.-lrt. .ml oeolage of child labor In lb* factorise. Mr.r. anandd Mra. ClarClarkk lefleftt earl earlyy i nIn th tbee Lock wood. Handbook of ceramic art. add at tioo even aratnat the field, and protest against the intellectual i fat Go vert aald to a Tribaae oomapoadent that ipproaching tbe eotttb Cuban coast, hbee gavgavee bihi*s barkerbacker** nnoo trniibletrouble.. "I protest against the intellectualeveningevenin g oonn Ibeitbelrr honeymoonhoneymoon.. TbeiTbctrr Btelliar, Book of tbo roe.. der Ol children to »tisfy the aa. If ba waa not pledged (o aay oaadldala with indications of recurTtng, but at reorder of children to satisfy tbecoachcoac h wawaaa elaboratelelaboratelyy deoor*lf- what angle tbe weather bureau offi- greed of tbe mill owner, because tbe white•bite ribbonribbon,, anandd aa dinnedinnerr bel belll playerplayedi PrtBM, Taat lit* in In* Holy Land. BARATfKlA BPBIXaS, N. Y.. AOR! ^ af the Repoblic depend! upon ka tbe Bias*, and might eaabl* Ib* pre—lag aa eqoally warm admlralloa cials ar* unsbk to state. A r.-port ■ AH ATI Ml A Hr* I Ml*. X Y. Aug f^nxe of the Republlo depends upon a merrmerryy parpertt inin tbtbee tend-off eead-off,, Ih Ibee bel belll Roberta, Kindred of tb* wild. 12.-12.—Anothe Anotherr enl R. T. nation Upon tbelr retorn they will aaa that a aoaiber of their leadan which extata a* between Boaatei REMARKABLEREIAItKABLE TIMEPIECETIMEPIECE-. th* Florida «m«i up an far as Jupiter Thomas' llnntcr Italne. who heat U- T. knoknoww abouaboutt tbthee conditioncoodltloee* existinexistingg inin i np housekeeping in South Wilson. Jr.'*. Hlnhlnnder for p]a<-«- by take np hoaeekeeplng In Booth «SJ aald thai ei Senator Biota* wil and CoagrMoaiaa Fowler, aay ibat storm wamliiEs to Atlantic coast Wilma. Jr ’a. Highlander for plate by tbetbe factoriesfactories.. OnOarr destinatiodee* I oat nloo wawasi r-nth street, Roaevllle, wbere the Plays Taawa aad Haadi Oat Cheek* halfif a ienstlengthb IInD thtbee Htrctih stretch.. JameJamess R .U Seventh etieet, Roaevllle, where the ba acwaiaattd by aoeiaaiatloB. Mr. FHoke* woald eorioaaly, polnta from Jackonn to Charleston. 9. C. OysterOyster BaBayy wberwheree ww*e intendeIntendedd plaoplao- groom baa completely fnrnlibert a a« Kowley'i Stars. The weather bureau regards it as ex- ■Keene'•war'sM Hm\' •]• Bru^lRru-hi i:filly i •. BircRlrcbh BrooHrnomm groom hae completely fnrnlehrd a •al aot by aa* aiiani all of tb* fatally. jeop*idis* his won thehe thirdthird,, na sellinsellingn rnt-erace,. frofromm log before theih* PieeidenPieeideatt tbtbee trutruee con con-- borne. Frank Rowley, tbe Waet Fraal tremely im» i— for vemw>ls to sail for oblld slavery in tbe fao- Berth Jeney Repebllaaa laadon aaa lidate for Ooveraot if b, inlf or Cuban pnrta or the Huhan Flara by a neck. ditions of child slavery la Ibe fee TbeTbe bridbridee wweeu ththee recipienreoipisatt ofof a s*et dngglst. la *KhlHttoc aa torlee. I wanted him to recommend a ■ aahen acoept Ihla vl*w af the polltl •oojpaet with (net nnw. The stnrtn was central handsomekndjome arraarrayy ooff glftagifie., includininclsdingg trloate Take clock at bla .(or. Civil H'lF Was *T • l.riinlh. bill to Ooogreas to protect them. We •al ateaauaa aa fl-ei Bar oaa It hi BOW or h*r*aJ**r, peadlag Klnjtutnn, Jnnml.a. blll to Congress to protect them. Wasilverware, Iverwsre, cat-g)*aacot-glaee., farnltorferatlar*e anandd aa aeartj aeven r*et blah and la BT. LOUIS, AUK. IH.-The festure of got tbere and tb* Secretary amid to me aaM that Ib* leader* la Booth Jeney lease convention bt. Lons, auk- 13 Tba fcatwvofgot there sad tbe Secretary said to me two substantial check*, one from ber the card at I>elmitr. an all aged sprint two substantial checks, on# from btr awa a ••>• la fa*** of th* Kasioatlo so arranged tbat by dropping a aickl. Cilw Li-- Dnwi h, l.fc-r vm the card at Iielronr. an all aged sprint •batihal tbetbe President'President'ss sympathiesympathiess araree o oon father and another from Ibe «r(rnai of six fnrlonsx. went to Croli d'Or. tbe falLer sod another from Ibe groon af SI ffoaetor Mokes. A aaaibat c in th* alot yon bear a papalar tana. ef six fnrionr*. went to Croix d'Or. tbe recordrecord Ilan tbthee Stat8tatse ofof Ne Neww York York. In a larg* circle of acquaintances r »*T. of every frteetd of Oeagna*- xxwroRT nwi, vn.. ABK. 12.— longest pricm] horw In the race. Short- la a large elrola of acqaalnianoes •atta JetMT rUpebltcaai of prom Bad at tb* aaaM Has* yoa got a check longest priced h*>r«c In the race Short Said be. wben tbe President wai Oov- • F«wl*r la Ib* State, aad, a* Tbe color line ba* lieen .Irnwn hy a nn ry after the Held broke the Bald be. when the President wae Got tbatb* coupleooaple araree popularpopular. TbTbee brid bridee for th* vala* of voar Money gooc ly after tbe field broke Fltakan*. Ibe " iw Tork. a bill went Beaalor Kaaa'a elooeat political ton labor organization hen- Tbe Ma- heavilyrlly playedplayed favoritefavorite,, nrawasa cumlt downdown,. ernor of New York, a MU wealIs e membememberr ooff tbin*e GermaGermann ReformeReformedd •f th* oplalea that Ib* neil Republl parebaaa at tb* atar*. Ooeaaioaally chinists' union of Newport News, tbe through both bonaoa pioblbltlsg chil iBde Bald, referring to thai aodaad MineMis* MaMaee DayHay.. playeplayedd bbyy manmanyy t oto throegh both booses prohibiting ebil Oberab.Obnrob, anandd ththee groogroomm belongbeloogs* toto tb thee oaa) aaadldate for Oovernor .hoeId b* cheek* wonb from two to Bve Ham local braiH-h of tbe International Aaao- win tbe event, waa thrown out of her dreadren workinworkingg iian faotorlefactorisea a att a nan agagee Trinit y Ke.fnrine-l Obnrob. He holds af a Mofceo-tteaa aWaaoo aalj re- rlatlon of Marfelnlsts. voted to serer win tbe event, was thrown mat of her Trinity Reformed Oberob H# hold* •aat wiU b* ii I sat mat PsMawew amoant of tb* coin dropped aro stride.BtrVte. CroiCroixi dOd'Orr anandd UalateMalsterr wer weree leas than I*. a i-oaltion ae bookkeeper In Ihe Iar|* "Joaa K*an I* able t* laa. Its afliutlon with tbe Central Trades a position aa bookkeeper la the large •eaaral Wiutaai M. Jihaiai, boil rewatvod. Tb* clock le brlUlaaUy out In front running ad a team. Com- "Tbat bill ia inadequate We want bat nanufaotory of Wbartoo A Com- cars *f hiawalf. HU following ta the aad Labor council. Tbe latter recently out In front running aa a team. Com- hat ipan a factory of Whartoa A Com- asaaan at his eatlaeal Btaeae loi tbe lighted, making a great attraction inging IntoInto thtbee slreti-stretchb MlMl—m MaMaee DaDayy wa waas not a Bute bill lint a federal bill pany, of Oommero* street. Newark, Btase baa beaa entirely too largely admitted representative* of negro la fiftb. She paaaed Mainter. bnt could Bias* aad bsoaae* of ■fib. a be passed Mai* ter. bat could '111 cover tbe grannd thor- dlsooant** aad lajadieioaely mlarep- aals of B»l Beta**. bor nalooa to Its membership despite not catch Croti d'Or. wbo won by a of wblcb firm bit father Is tbe Joalor •BO* aay, freaa every ton of faotloaaU not catch Croix d'Or. who won by aongnly . Everybody knowa wbere be raaaaMd by Ua tew tta protests of the Machinist** m length. member. Tbe beat wlabe* ot a bost of aataaglaiaeai. aaa la* . F. Jtffery, tbe Park member. The beet wishes ol a boat of baa Ib* cell, aad b* will ba hi* awa wblcb I* tbe stroneext and moat Infln- stood tboo," erled tbo woman, "aad friend! go with Mr and Mr. Clark. af a—aaetiag blai with BBT of in* • dealer, yoaterday fries da go with Mr and Mra Clark " Then ar* bBsareda of eatlal labor In the city. Other Reporter," turning to Tbe Prea* AmongA irons, tbaIb* go**tgeestsa presenpresentt wew*r*n ptepeo- sBBtMaal peltetoaJ projeedlaga of ihe Brooklya propartlaa. Oae withdrawal* from tbe Central council CHICAGO.CHICAOO. AUKAng . 12.-Beiml12 He—lee McCa McCarr K*pabJloaaa who do aot agree with •lentative. "yon ean tell them pla from New York. Brook Iff, Nsa- BM* at praaailag bkglalaiar** Th*a* Boitoo Hall, oa* of tb* etoekboUon mi j follow. tby.tny. tbtbee outsideoutsiderr IInn thtbee bettingbetttng., proveprovedd for me, everybody kaowa wbere Ibla atalaiaat aa la Mi an eaay winner nf tbe mile snd a quar- ark.ark, Rahway,Rahway, HeNeww BrnDxriokBraaewiok., Puil*Polls-- Bapsllanao* •»• •*« la aay way m**V of tbe luveston- Baaily Oompaay. an easy winner of the mile and a quar- tb* Preiidenl Mood wben be ordered rapaoiiT or tolUwtag. bat lh#y pretty ter handicap at Harlem. She had speed delpbla and Platofleid. dbMaa with itit siaeMrof ibe laauaoslaa trooklya | aad KIEV. Ha—!•. Am. 12.-Tbe strik- ter handicap at Harlem. *be h*d speed d’lpbla and Plainfield. gea*rally adaill tbal a* le hy fai to loan and raced bead and bead wltL oat Ibe soldiers to Croton dam to c •a laaata* Kaaa. Ua lha voatrarr, er* have rompletety paralysed liastoeas to loan and raced bead and head with tBtelllgBBi I* favai aay alllaana wltb Bondage for a mile and an eighth. pel tbe men aad children to * Oompaay. a property at 1170 Fnltoa and will not allow HniBhed machinery Bondage for a mile and an eighth BIRTHDAY SURPRISE. •her are leaviag thai atattof la aa Then *be drew away and won as sbo •ere under gona. a eaadidate for Uovernor wbteh woeld t* be delivered from manufactories. Then she drew away and won aa she aastMly ssnoao'ary pasiit**. M that of •tre*t. Brook lym. pleased by tbree lengths. Bondage tired "President Booeevelt ooald not nee The men turned girls oat of dreeamak- pleased by three length* Bondage tired 'eadered John MCKCOB -KWW •B* eeUctloa of Ib* Bevablteaa eaaai- at tbe end and t>nrely fp>t tbe plac* tbree little children, representing the lag ami other workshops under threat! at tbe end and lervly got tbe place •ad Dsaelsf Bajoyed. •BBW far iir..«.t They •>•«. aw fromfrom JohnJohn HcGrarfcMrtinrk.. tbthee favoritefavorite.. white slaves of America, bat bla Con A birthday surprise waa updered aasaptina to B*aa»ar Ktaa aa bif o«a diem, according to these artvloe*, and great will at their next meeting appro All* w4 -mna-cr- la 11-Id. John A. McSeoo. Jr., of We*t Bnd easusssr al Ibis IIBF. Bor I* it si all abootlnx oecnra dally. Tbe prVe of prUt* «M0 a day of oar good money ••'• th* CklMna. ST. I.OriB. Aiii- 7J J)-'.ir Rbodea, M*IT that they wtll do a* ealvas a bread haa rtaen IM per cent end ta) Hill to keep three yaobta at bia service so Park. ProgreaeJve enobn waa tbe fea- ty aiae af every *•« haadred wbo has ••*«'• a prisoner at I'lsyton. St. streJalag af la* •nrmt up The troofw are working the nre of tbe evening. The woman • •• that cblMraa bav* 1 tba* be oaa live at bit eaao. I,.-" - en tuty. was l,-]il ta await the prlaa was woo by Hlaa O'Kell.oi »•• iiMawanof the the pniii'1 Jury In tbe fllleged "Tbere waa aa awful ery recently a it Ion of the grand Jury In tbe alleged Tork and tbe geaUemaa's by Andre* t»eB*a**tl -Hncer- caw al Deimar race track le about tbe oraelly of ROHII 1 bellave dlaordan ar* al 1 _ P. MoKeon. Mia* MoOaun aad Mr. sBiaatlsa **ey aoparaaUy are paytag whichwhh-h aann ae«agedl b«m»b.ew- wswass •ubntttate•ul-riinledd that Buala la wore Immaoe tbai Kadol DyeaapaU Oan I* Jaot ^ too* IONTOSUA. DA. S. T-. Aar 1?- H for and •ent to llw po*t n« a two-year- Fnuee won tho booby prise*. BafrMO- a* atsMtiaa t*.lb* fr*qe*atly n flpankllns. a IU:ff ' • 1, r..,«-> tor and sent to the port a* a two-year 8be dOM Dot kill ber chf 1 far ehildiaa aa ll la far aaalta.' OUU old. tnWHe by name. In tbe opinion mente ware served and dancing wai a that Baaa*er Ssaa aaa* bound from A n*"*'~fln.i 't ?*j'm old. t'nvroe by name In tbe opinion by allowing (hem to work la fae liinv. oa U Wbaa yo* go I* bay Witch fi r Btoaae bav* formed a oaaa- rU tbe towpatb of tl. • ferna —.«-] wa« of Justice Campbell the information toriea wbea they thogld be la • enjoyed. Friend* from Brooklyn. Hew Solve look for tb* BBBB* DeWltt oa Orient tr> warrant tvililiai wberaby law fanwr U to drowned about t»-o ml!e< n1n*Te Sprsk- waa (Offlrimi lo warrant holding ladle." York aad Jersey Oily were p •vsry box. Tb* pure, aaadaltoraaod Rhodes. rt blsseelf aad the bMter la to ho •Ca. He lost control of his in.-i. lilne. Daring tbo meeting, one yoang man TUB Cutral St.. Maahvtlls, Wlteb Baaaj la aaal ia aaafciag De- wblcfa bounded Into tbe canal. Tbe Rvpalrlag Culvort. the eaadtdete rot Owvaraat. The*. laagbad Ia derfdon of tbe apeak Taaa . my "My Itttl* hay la Wltt'a Wltoh Baael Sal**, which ta •wdy WM r>--' ••' -1 On It win found men are engaged in npalrlBR WASHING' i remark! and tb* latter directed ikm jaan eld aai baj " tb* heat salve la th* world for i • Sew TL-* rtmtt for fSjOOft tb* Carlton avenoe oalvwrt at tf ard him a toagae-la.blac wbleb fnoa laallgaetlaa bBBBB, brai***. boil*, eaaaaaa terfelt aar *>ii - - i-~r <• -Ttflnt** Tbe Juncliou of Watofaaag avenne. Tb* general app-p--i- • "f 'Ii- i»'» (< nM aad tbe yoang fallow to retreat la has*. I have k. „ ™ ™™. „ pUaa. Tba popularity of DeWieV* oalvart dnricg heavy ralm ii not lam* OWERfi. \. T^ \uc. l'\-A bear; to be e»<—n»-»* r->" (i>t<">iaied to 4I~ great coofoiton amid the jeer, of th* BaahvUU. hat falkai to 4o aiss say Wltnh Ha eel Salvw, «a* to I la ma 1 eooaib to carry off tbo water aad in haUatorm «nni-k here. rt..ins hravj eelve carefnlfc— - •• -' •" - y It 1- rest of tba a«dteaoe. good AfMr esiag <»>* bottle of Kodol cure*, haa caaesd iiMrau wavwah ord*r to make It eqaai to aa* ••»•(' lowia* wbleb Onat- damajre to srentl fine Hell!* atNltae In ImltatVm of •! • •»-*»• •' *M ^.tflert be is a well haay. I raaaaia>ead II t* coai*rr*iia to ba plaoad aa ta* awrkM. I*ncy the ooaraa of Ib* stream o"T >. Fowler haa co- Tbe wfnd '•'••"- dam mnny tie** letter P. TSTnv- •" *• " •—«• «" TB* gssrolae bean th* B*MM of B. O which 1| 1* built will b* •tnllhlcnad. I aaaaerioally about tovn, tmm * of M-i •'- - I MM aniea Tbe Mlaeea Belaa aad U«n H D* Win A Oa., "^'Tlgi S*4d by L. Me li«bt wlrm witii hare tbe namber T 1 ' "(A. Tbe lattar oa Ib* w**t aid* of Ibe t**erral RepaUtoaaa of tha State, 'fit by L. W -MM, of Kew York, ara viilting Ml*. al Harrlgaa, of tbia city.