THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. VOL. XXXVI. PLAINFIELD, K. J.. THURSDAY, AOOOST IJ, 1903. NO. 33- ct M< Una. as DM n As Hmtttm <u * la -—r Trr TO LEAVK SATURDAY. r tba aVacUty Dla- •*»b*r* *r H.r. T. M. A. to M-k. l . TMaa Da**j la LOCAL 1 RATE CHANCE I YOU MAKE "aaaaa of TIM* Who o«. Befor* tb* mam ban of Iba Obrletlaa A epaeial m**ting of tb* Hop* ddearor Booiaty af Wl INVEStn T. M A. waa bald al In* snaps! last IROULY SERVICE mat Tnaaday, Bar. Tito* B. Dart*, TOM IIB night Tba camper* will Mar* I formerly pantor of tb* Rumor TbM American Rifle Raml Sstato Dealer* Say th* irday morning al S 31. Tbaa* an It Ton Ai* a Boy and Can- Proapact*. of & V«w Boadwmy, chare* at Woud Break, WfH b» todrinndTwo Pointn tb* nanee of those was will make tb* add™** aa tb* -Growth TMB Would B« Pratawte Supply of Small House* Can- not You Will be OmU«d K«w Ornh«4d Wiring On Aocoaot of OhAof« In trip: George B. Cos*, Laones Teller. Tb* talk waa latonatlag for Uging Spwoial Quni. not Meet the Demand. Arthnr Caiaan. ••Bart" Buka, Alfre.l a -Kid." *od M«w Can. maay Itateaad ta County and State Batam, Barry Marsh. Harry Hoffman. BImer r. Dart* I* iimn LOCAL OFFICIAL TALKS IS ADVANCED TO $2 62 VICTOH Y UWOUE8TIONED APARTMENTS NEEDED 'man, Wm. Hoffman, Bdward tb* Mat* ObrMtaa Kadaavor Te>ier. John Kenny, B. Coll ID. Flnt- CRAZE STRUCK TOWN Teagne. Ha told iatareatlagly of tb* GENERAL NAAAfitR WMCATLCY EXAM brook, Wm N. Hnnyon, Fred Breem. rapid growth of Obriatiao Badaarw FINAL ACTION TO BE TAKEN AT MEET- 6CNENAL BIRD SfENCER TALKS ON HAKE GOOD INVESTMENTS AND ARE Raymond HoToy. Hanagw COM will SHOE DEALERS BESIEGED BY ARMY INEO PUIHF1ELD CONDITIONS. tbla ooaatrr .loo* tb*li ING OF COUNCIL NEXT TUESDAY. THE SUBJECT. AN ORNAMENT TO CITY. tear* after tb* ball gam* Balarday DEMANDING LACES. •rgaaiaalloa He aald tbat Ibere was moon. All member* an nq***t*d Ordered Cara t* be Bvtlt bjill af 1,000 sooletlM la tb*Satar.l la«r**a* la Prop.rt, VaJ- af r*.llure of Ca»- meat at tha ehapel Tbanday world daring tb* pact yaar. • Mirhl.o Ik* r*b* Are Platted la • Iltlef tain Martla, *f C*w**uy K, to •h«»* Hare Hard Work IB Flad •iBbt. Tim* rrom La«*e of All O*l*ra— Blab:* tb* Team- ailgnl lo Id*a Oaaaa from Camp Wimr- ta be rr*r>r*d. tb* Old Et*ta. •ailt-roU for KT*ryb*dy. Plalafteld la M mat balag omul* IMDIJJ GO DRY ib tb* ioo*J Board of Tbar* bav* taiiutly appeared In In spit* of ib* large nnmbar of • ROMANCE JJUl LIFE Tb* otan* of making aboo lao* watch by Iba offloial* of iba Pahllo Service lobe baa .truck Flatnlold. All oror it. It will ba certain metropolitan * papen report* mam which an being erected EXPRESSMAN DELIVERED PACKAGE norporalloa M a f*rtU* aald for li ORDINANCE ADOPTED CLOSING ALL tb*lr lnaritobl* duty to rale* tba lax faW* Kngland aaalaat •la city al pra—« than la, aay real ib* city. In Ib* home*. In th* atiwate, proTMMBU ia tb* rolling Moea, road BARS ON SUNDAYS. year from 91 50 to 91 SI lha American rill* team, which •elate dealer*, a growing demand for AND FELL IN LOVE. al play, al work and *T*n an rant* h-rt end winu of MM looal bnwh of Tbla laeraam af two point* la tbo rate tba Palma t roph t at Bialey. may he •mall boass* that will rent for |is to torn plao* to plao* Ibe PlalaBald •ha trolley road. Ttala IN fjlvm) oat la oaaaad by aa lamaa** af oao paint iipeetod, aad I abooting oraoka 9*0 a month. Eaob month pcopls Het In PlalaBald aad Harrlvd IB rail boy may b* men plat tin* fob*. Tb* Ida* Of the maanfaomr* if tb* jrttcrday br oa* Of Iba IMlloy OtaaU >••( Oamal*** Tbaf r Labor* ta* ro*Bty rat* aad aaa la tbroogboat tba boaatry bar* been tbia oltr in **arab of bonsai KllB*.b*tb—Kapt W*ddlaf who Mut that tb* lir *' af II Mato rat*. A tow na«ka ago tb* locai leea Intel aalil On esoellant Of thi* alas*. Tb* OMcblne abop* ar* trlnkata for FlalnSeld la rarlooaly •aid to bar* orlginaiad from namaroaa PlalaBald pacpJa had baa* I Ma a ad to by To* a'Clork. Board met aad aa (mid it la keeplog y ooawtauly pnting on naw men aad I aad In* croud barf already baaa iu old lf*i famtltaa here from other plaoaa and wilb namarona bora, mil II ,ag*M D-fa too ro anota prcHil will' bo made on tba the marriage of Edward Swlck, of waa psrhap* flrrt employed at Oamp looked o»er hy Oaa>aral Manafar 0*) tba part of oartala ot tl Deaplto tbalr effort*. b*w*r*r. II ibarg*, M reported, that tb* Ameri cine*. They an unable to And de- •wMeteft for them to in*iiwnaa tba •Irable booaca at price* within tbair who is oonnostod with tb* Wawayanda, tbe boys' oamp of the T. of tbla Iowa to cloaa ail plaoaa of aaa uad a apactal gaa In too *aa*i local branch of Ib* United State* li a A While at tb* oamp. there Together wilb eevaral *th*r official* ooanty and Blata Iniiiaaea •aaob. AooordlaB to tba raporta tbi and conaeqsenlly ar* forced to of tba road, UUH«> WfaaaMay oam* 1* ragmttoi *zo**dtaaly tbat board. pnaa Company, to Him Jolla Jocken, e two or thtee atormy day* and P—III oa baa d*v*lop*d. Th* Idea Lmarioaa team U aiiiiaaailbif aalng a ington, DeL . The wedding dnrlng Ihla time th* boy oamp*" to Ihla .'nj Bandar aad la In* oom-originated wilb Iba aotloa takoa oa Platnflald'a rate for tb* oomlag yaar rift* with a *pMlal jwanljnoatrary to popular dwelling pur 1 parlor oaf rod* of*r *aeb of will not ba tba tame M daring tba bonaaa far men of amall mean*. They look plao* April 22 bat th* annoooce- learned tb* trick. All ahoa laoa* part ef tb* Oonaoll to olom all tba raqatramanta, wbnnV «Upointed ient was withheld nnlil yesterday. iTailabla war* need ap for Ib* |mnmaa tba looal It***. Ai aaglaoar m wilb oa Monday. Tbla incensed aom* lost few 7**n, for tb* natnral lnor*a*« at* aad an tba party and aoeee wara mad* of ln»- n property valaationa waa depended generally an ornament to Iba city. It Hln Jocken aota* tim* afo visltad and whan th* young campera anl«wd people and aa *fforl to curry tb* Tic* rifle of tba I bey | friend, la Plalnfleld, and Mr. Swick bom* a«aln, tba craze had s*Oor*d a pmvatnaau that wat* Beaded la DM •meat am naaltad la an ordtoano* ipon nor* or l*m to k**p it down. Mldom tbat then la a vacant flat In road war aad iba ov*rb**d wiring. Thi. could ha** been don* had not tb* an apartment boas* In this city. In waa called npon to dellvar an asprem .troDg bold. Mow tb* fact i* well being drafted roomily- which provld** B*f>rdiag tba atory, Qanaral Bird ertabllabed, lhal the boy wb* can't A TI.1I WM asada lo Iba ear ba.ni and inly aad Btato nw takaa a Janp. Snwow, preaMaail of Iba National tbe Jackaon baitding tbo apartment* package to her. Tbe consign** tbat all ptaoee of baalnaaB be elnmd on trailed tbe notice ot tbe yoaog inka a watch fob 1* a "kid." lha car* laap*ot*d. Baaday. Final aciloo will b* taken la tb* mat- Btfla Aaaooiatlon, ha* tbia to my: '•(raged for a long tim* ahead in at the adjnamod mating of Ib* anticipation of pom ibis vacancies. piemman, and it waa not lone baton Th* abo* dealer* of tb* town bar* Uaa of tb* official* of |b* oompaay, Tba ordtnaaoe allows barber •bop. Tba rifle* naa« w«t* United 3l.tr. been continually bewigad by a »erll- whan aaked aboat Ib* naall of Iba Jooncll OB Ta*aday evening. Aogaat ommenl piooe* with •paelal bar- be aald of tbe Lincoln aha had aiao reoelred a coneiltni i remain open an til 10 o'clock In tn*IB, vkN tb* booka of Tax OotUotor data OD Weal Fourth ctr**l. of hi* affection*. The oonple wen able army, bnylng «hoe laoaa, which toar of tba city. aald to a Dally Praaa moralo« and a*w*da*Jer* to dlapos* of r*la. Ho prot**t bat or aan b* died of cotton and n yard and a half la reporter ye*t*rday. lhal Iba attention Smith will b* passed opoa. Real e.tate dealer, my tbat Plain- Tied in Elizabeth, almost foai their papars prior to a oartal* boor. anl*m aRainat practically all taaia* " th. ago by Bev. Dr. Thomas K. length. They come la awry known of Iba road'* management tiad baaa aiao allows milkman to make tbalr Major JimN E. Ball, lnapaetor of l*ld woald be an excellent plao* for oolor. Two laoea are need In tn* ollled repaatodl* to tha nondliioa of apartment bonaa* oa tb* ani Diana HI, of this dry, a retired Baptist roaad* before a ep*cia*d early boar. -rill* practice of tb* DiaUlot of Ool- •afaJgmK mannfactnro of • fob and thaa* an Iba traolloa iarrloa la Ihta oily.
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