«• * ' U*» BHMBB M M ■ m» fetdi 5* #* *ft tm rH* tl - CLLNTfoN RRFtRUUN. OFFICIAL MHR or THE COUNTY t LIMED EVBDT HU DAT. ET iMmUh & W** M*M • •• •••••• i M SSSSrHIE'.rini--::::: •l" H l*s tfMtwnw Nwifo'W, ihfss anwifcsfo- tk Oas vuarlDt salstaa, si ausiU,....^...... D ts Oass aeii * i ■«»<»«••< IM« • < llalfutoama* sts ss4*#*!*•»••••»• *#•••• »••* •• «■•••. V* ®S lls'f sMaaui. os# y a f, •*.* •..*#. .«,•■ ^ • * — * ED t S 'AIT1FJT. Oe« —iw—bWDs jrsai,..— ...... D ‘I 1*4 r»m4Mrfi| lk*r HifiHil I . M svev 4 Ttaos, g or f ar be msu * M|W mi the mi, «i VOLUME XII. OCTOBER NUMBER 19. iwysfoto, is mU ww,isa4-

Mi’muy SiMtNiL Tic N h .—TIis Sunday Corvamtiom or tiru« Aui»n->Th« New A dvcrtiscmcntv .—J. Hcattergond DRY GOODS. BIMIHUI MOTH CM* SIHniitER iRtp nkliraa - - — — —> — ( KbooU U« MdtKMint, Baptist And Coo A|«nU nf tin Detroit dstnd n# tbe Mer- A Co. announce In another column that ___ tmmd «m 4 | salklsl Vifti ••• *• • |W|tU“OAl Churches m tlm villA|r. held • ibanri' Imi**i Kipriw Company br»id (heir they are selling family groceries and domes- lAiuto t»y Hu sail **• Flout Iron M If IDE, DAT. 4, l»«. uuiofi |HC DA. last Soturds) , in that pliant hml annual m«rention in Ihrtruit, on tbc tic dry gMwfts at sweb low ratea aa to aston ­ lassniw I' v ► • ishwL * rrrasfcrrrse* fillsFt tot .w »Aa *#vt»tr.f Ur HMyltliNfi fr«4i »dAt,4 riii.rviytsUaff frst | reenrt known as * bum « ■ ■■ — pastimes, contributed it* important part to- Urge and a general piml feeling pretailcd store of A. Tcactiout, who has jyat returned NksltorrE % mes»IIr*MTI*MXt\T A lit.. ■sctt'i wavs Ait bveav. li ly ward a glad and merry holiday, which was The Post otHitain* a notice of it from which i*t •»>• A ft* at buerkir from New York with a large and varied VNB i enjoyed to the utuowt bj all the happy we extract the following : iwedutst of dry goods. Yankee notions, it A ierI>r| A TmcA mI I sf tu*»4 IsrMias •'M* ‘"f '» I-**.-*. t. tk. it no trouble to show goods, sdver- Lni W*IS HiMintH as4 •ivlKSt# dtA-.f4rr« la all •ta«aE 8ft ftIMto rassrMO*-, iHtW -*f S< rkSMfS IA I grove, where an hour was spent in an en Mr. Cliariea Ketch am. route ag*nl on the tisrment elsewhere. 4»at, r» >n. .ai or imn rods • i j-aurs 1 • - ; a -msI lb lasts aa4 tos, mmmimUsI* is »UacOut.tlU Ire - kwa A volost —Owing to unaioidaMe dr- tertaimng manner, in singing and listening Ihtrmt A Milwaukee Itadmed. lioth these FALL AND WLNTEB DET MfK, sD u.jwrwua ftC lj eumstaaore the issuing of the |»rmnt nuw 1 fol.lrrw. by lUrt Row, Cm.l.7 tn.l •#» .hi -(!»«foru.*r Nic w Sroci.—-We would call the at ten* WrWltelUM .LHA. A- U* e d.u. e.l T-.MI. TU ^Akcr. fell «r,tb lb. .Fr ^7 b^Lo* Tj S ‘l£kfi! tion nf nor readers t<# the advertisement of IDVKI.I BIBU A\l» • UTIVg Blll ft, ssi.4 sa foltreaol vabstoy* oa4 IS reals, sa4 I sill sss4 J. S. Itsnney, to be found in another col­ ■yjj •* •* rr# ""P* tU%t # ^ <>f !*»• Easton, and by short, neat and The pre** nUlkui wss rather sn impromptu At tbs< y«u SMae nliuht# iNfa|tll*-Ttou errises It ut nothing could le expected to . , , . ... tl f«r« U« srr^s* «*«f trltliUinl U.ulu us»r iHM.ly brick store of Mr. John ILch. h#r bl.oou * }___ _ . # . f k # a , (PmU ant down to dinner at the Itumell toilet articles, etc., ever lirought inti# this use Husseis's tuari h»* mc M ly rv^nsl the interest attached to the nest sud ILhmk *. The tables were set forth in ex- MILLENMl V OF LOW PRICES. village. Great Inducements are offered ; rtpuc o remove in o i a ma pri,|^||UI| feature of the pic nic —the pie nle cellent style, ndrcdig rmlit mi wi:tr hosts, Tahs wo mmv» « aplsassat saft I w* Pe«*p|e coming to the County Fair, and ■ uf* trsir4iM f»r ufofMeasani «ih | .Ui«jr* reas 4ueases tba Kovtai ijr. proper. The tablet were well spread and Whiilu^-k A dntl<*n«u*n. After full lattice rStfito fna Tei, eUA s roe l(ti ss»n«i Kiisrd lit tar sss Isrims hoes • . . , , .. . i bad Ikvii il»»nt- the cdildcs snd drtnkablet, w ishing anything in his line, will find it to ! Vtis Ukf Tai 5.tr,-Tl.r mI* of Und* for tWia **»■ -"*• lu.unc m Kr*.t Mr c j ,V(f) |,(„„on imL i,». —si their interest to give him a call. A 1*1* DRAW NABB1 NAT PIU» tnojw •PL.ENDID MTOCK Wee sA sssllli, ege «r testily , ea4 the t»»ve gf (he ep* O tstess.—The oyster season has fairly pseSe sea can he ss«nt-U t) (Mlusiuf At«pie ru>e» Set.4 * ftifoeSoS easetupe ar>4 *Umf> te Mtssfli LI'CILLI ( otntnenceil, sml thine who indulge their DKWAKBA, fttas*ab D, J*44* ftfoosr, Ifow VatE thy pr»*gn*ss or flic CiMii|MAity S|»petitr« with these luscious bivalves, can | laiv ljr.| ______AH |«rto>k freely ot l!»e feaat «*l g*«oil things Htsrtuig in <»ppnit*«» a great inoa*»poly always find a supply at the stove of J. Scat Schdav Sc wool Ioni icit.—llir l mver* «f>,} were made glad. The neit thing upon it had l»r**u ohiigeii to fight its way against ef it'U ert#-. n«e Iff u»»i *,** raised lltur?Tl terguod A Co., who receive them direct M aalmt Sunday schools of R.ley and lb Witt the programme was a ramble and for au strenuous nppotitiua, but this very contest GOODS, will five bn as -a 4 tbtvf«4k hsusfi, "U sasbte fas from liaitinore. Is slsep wsU.______K / Will kold A ovno*rt Al tl.* UaptHl CliuicN ..tb*r hour (K« «oo0. rv.oun.w « .th tb* '■•<* * ’**• '« aim * rnrr„v. .,„i .Her au Pop goes tbe Weasel. nse Wsssa A BfljawslAw lablarl Orfaui I* 1>« Witt .( merry (,rtb tbc .tnuifrat o^aiiiiatMUi ia BtlMWIUt-llHTJ I*. Uar.lnrr baa Cawautiag mt for ftiBsrent style# *U|U4 te svwit sa4 sscylsi sum , ISA. ______J gtv>uf«. »aml*n»i){ ktr» iih I th*r* at will tki« (uMtrt. II* rittrouu,] c--m|>lrtc ».t r**nt«l tbc Urtilgccill* (tiratint county) Ho f«r p» ta ps rteh Ktn t-sn (Mi or ftu*ss ... , , , . tnt<» tb* depth* «< tb* foreat, cUEibcnnt ••I*«-tu.B with tb* Mannw ia which tb« a/ ud la U«l» BrTant, for tbrw y*ar«. Tb* Vibtit, or ether trot .lj -^oml .t.storyW,_i;.r—for a millinery store, a*a. ' -'••‘-eeWM*- <►»* n. 1J?bt m.a*, n* wkt^ „ Herb «.tb A Urn inst. It i ger Nss-MeteMlIas er lurealisesre sf that all the woodland nymph* had ventured wonts of sdvwr to the agents urging them ' 1’nr.e. |rnt«iw»ti, luftaairnafi**n <»r wlS ef its •J6o a year, where «be will remove her en- A Matte * or l*m. —It is the solemn r* Alpacas, DsLalncs, Mo4«ier, or bvlsrys, w.• •*! the |»ru*ir*te iumi , , . , . , . v out of their hiding places to join in the to use all fair and honorable in«**o« to In u I st«*ae ir. the V*ta44« t, ralruiu*. rrerel nr l>it< k duet tie- tire Stock of psxts. about tire Ut of No vein- _ . , ^ , . rrrte tlm .d tkAir Loh I duty of every grocer lo refrain from selling And Mi Nat*, ssi %.. 4teea»ee of !lu Ut44tt, ktai.eye «*4 Srvp* . mirth. KvrrjthmgKverything passed off pleasantly. * ,, l%!0. *»t their respective local - At*a* ... - - - .-M.. _ »-^a to his cust*Hi»«*rs sn article for f««od which bcr. Mu* arrangements___ were admirably» adapted*i dies Mr. (1. J. IVtty vrlconmt theag*mts !•%« I# tO«. I In this fsetirsl, ami. in rwp»nw fo a toast. be knows i* very injunons to the health, Vss Iftiasotw's litis F.stsscv Ltcui A ssault a *d Batticht — Numa V \l*<' *® • ,rrr to exuberant s|Hrits, and i>r,eHy repliefl assuring hu tncsdi that 1,1 and he is deprned of all eicutc for so doing of lluplam, was ftm-d $10, on M**ndsv, by sparkling *i*d smiling (aces st»owe«1 tbe future as in the past he *h«»uldd«’ all in lOc lw Its. Vfrlwkeltf's K a tract Msst Is sa fa • • b w hen s better article tor the purpose can be **4 *>v r IS thr ft»ff • and Im-M to the pallid fSeek Justice Tripp, of this tillage, for assault snd 11 was a pic nic after the mo»t approv- In* power to previtu the hstrmmy ami wel- r I iMi it) is mctna|*(.(.«>*, Ultcr*. rommitlcd uF>m .m* >lr l*l»n. All tbc AebuiS Arc in a proper- Ur* ,nH ,,'* “TV Kt J1'” •>< «»•* readily obtained at the same rust. N<»w ir4 tf no trssfati nf is suh**itf «4 to, coi«»swpt on ta- j sanuy or eyt** yts ftts isttr M If ILm*. v« EEdtraUnd, w»« pr««oltrd t«* tb* '«»• on And » . H. lie Land A to., can always be had, and this Yankee Notions of all Kinds. HeiwtbsId Vs VI Ml A lixtrarl Barks to act. ‘ B'bia • bealtblul interest t*.» the gi*od |M»rtet! a aerwa of resolutions esprcaaive of 1. . , . . I yUsuM in in-*e and sd'a«retearra »s*sarr r a >ea fa suae Comer of Clinton and I*n>#jcct afreets, in ^»»rse of literary lectures for the winter »»i the afternoon. Ileiusrks were made by AAe* a Watt te Xse York. liAs an 4 Wst^iflss. Jt thi (triml iilmmi J9nrt **r w ,,, 4 T . u ^ |>lir n »iw,ui4i Ai..i <1 uii.ti^A V1i| i Mtwn, W. N. Strong, of l*etnMt ; A The Kiao or IU vaei * kindly permitted *«mo».*.ll*. .4 T<—ipktt*. D«nl.p, * — tb* «»'*«*■ u *» J-*Li X* e M.llcf. .4 l>r. J C. A>*r «•< b..* . cpj Ubrn ol Hootm and HboeN, *a4 after aawauUis* AN l> V *a rsiauea u> fob *r* J*rr; »r»ft v« t lirse to rt.i-ec*f Ikiraar; eaft Ctowiart. sei art li.# •*•»' a* 'it* 'tot mo be -Ht 1* IA.Y-, f<* |XW, wlicrv lir pttrj.w. *r*ct- 1 " * •*' * ** rr*0 *••* ’ Ann Arlw; ( ritlrnilrn, of linn.| IU|ntla j ( lUutli • n Myi IW o »H.*»a 1 kt.tu* of Vic lag a dwelling natam, tinder vkow au*|»irea thews ierture* Ford, <»f Jacks*»n ; lN»mero\. of Toledo, and lory, which la-fongt to the lU»arian crown Ttoa Heahaf foal, mm ft »lao*e af Nrrrf. Wild to vs yrtf»>4 l« ssd ll jWart] A*-«iat*>L A»i*ur»t * •* V -*Um N«n. mu tka ■ ■— —------*NTe u«ualfy procured. Hut, should it Wot many other*. Mr. J*ir»»ng, *»f In-triMf, rvsii • an«i stan!»(# i», «i.« '!,* 1 if .rs, V 'nie* anft |- ri qf • fi^Vtotct^r tto ioi t ram, at ft «r«a‘e la peSfo* Hf.fciot** —W. \V. Olds will preach at lie deemed adti*able fo form such a society b^brrs ftsjtu |*erw»ns who sent tlo-ir n*grets I'shce st Munich. The Hr. had it cant in iae*.tr to U«rFi«ee %'ti »«r* n.-att* <•( relief. Cto-r.l ia tbe Baptist Church In IK» Witt, on Sunday, now —which we tan i-ereeivr no propriety 11 fM>l U aU* Ut ,K* Frrw,t^ Bf»‘* »~»*^d i bosiae and hss presented it to tbe orty of m.gj #**r >«*#, f|" of rt. »*e» A tlPM* 1* J. , .tiiii . * . ... their friend* «*f tbeir In-art v txHinirrentw in Lowell, when* it staud* in tbe l**rk stnl Hi. ji li b|R >r li sari V -a--u 'r*rI' Ut L*e. 1’a the 14th inst., at 11 oclock a n st Sun in drlsving —we reronimtnd that our citi . . I4* . . / CHEAP FOR CASH ■ At AEAOLTID TO 1MTI TlitS, ’ ^ even thing which would tend to promote symbolise* the friuiunbs of both freedom Krreta el leslh. inons scboid-bouae, in K'lev, at • oc«-*ck f. nil* take thr initiative steps immediately, die iutere%ts of the etprvss cotn^*sriy. In and metlicine. Iler manufactures are the A • a eu0rr*-4 f-.f (#•*> L-or. N*tfR'v| m., and deliver a temperance lecture at the t«»w ard* prorunng a r«»ur*e of lectures f«»r tb# evening, by invitation, the agents as prwle of Lowell, and foreu*«»i aiu«»ng them rto*»4i»»r i'r*ea'i • lam. »*i «i! 'I* «ffe-Se n Ayer's medicine* make her name gratefully era I f#t-e te Ail all* Ra 1 .» *1 • fMlfe •*> -j fttrae*MO*E Be Icrturra tb* e»um U dclivrrvU l.v mm »*"», wbwt A rery plioul j rw.»mbrT*.l by tbc .innumtB-fr .1 mtfltit'iU* OUIRI tkr r ftp* b» e *r t« for »*» rvieft haf- time w c ve bo srr cured by them of afflicting and of * • ’ >e» l • . : tr# A ttbwtiob I'lMCwa.v —Thors will bs a llondy l*ay. • »f it irard Tay'*»r notoriety, or women po* # ten dangerous diseases. —ffoslva Juur^ii • oafo Ae mo fo) hlirraui/ tn foot bb.«a, regularmeeting of Kagte 1 ire 4 omptny. No. As ft ftee axs tLa* ke toi JiilIV ft 001*1 X. *e*atng tbe fascinating gt-nios uf sn Anns A sice supply of 1 imotbjr Need for sale tl If 4« « #4pt i-Nrtf, 5*w Tort. 1, at the Engine House, in tins villas, to­ It* SrRKiunn: Having u*cal your An ­ Ihckinson. We can procure borne talent st J. .Scatterg'MNi A t %*. ’*. T# i earuatpil fe*. morrow ^Saturday; evening. A full at­ of a lngb order for a *mal! j*art of the ri­ ti Cholera MtHurt during the cholera ept* Tie Bee El#* A Hi* A * iLljmuS au mi efrra ___ _ . .... __ i iii i * 1 0« toske is u*bciv»] in. ami with it come -'cfosrea ' » -. ■*-*!• * tendance of the company is eafiectnd. The pen sc |M»|Hiiar *|ieskers would detnanti. A | (ionic h« re last summer, and induced oth- THE LARGEST STOCK thr liiatMA I f »«4iih( si>4 Mint ifoe »«m •• rvarft; foe afor* fo foe ase -r- m .ft. #■• #» . members of the Hose arr re c...r>* .rf l« liifr. f„»m mm ..f ..ur SUtr, *** uf “»• ^ "f er» D, .lo (Im nmih -. in m ' !.at t.ad ai« t;.r tae! sera ( *M,rem| 4». n. H • * n v #*♦<*♦! *• Is to»> quested to be present. wilb a tern lortarrr* fn. — a Iwi.»1, n «h .IlrrA«ympt>NAs, ia e**ry rm»* if p*o*»ptly •At the tlP^c'xl >l>) r • lio;e« ei«-r; ailt try j th*r Brawaifft*-»«.. •• • a . #/•» «h*>«n haft a.ey le**t gratify the cravings of tbc literary •birrr *» Iltink <4 the unwclenuir H*.* cb*cki-d tbc diw-t*« I brlie** it U tb* b*»( ^SSIAN pr* «e fo ..noi,' 1 «•* eft-irrafo, N ew Saw Ml li.—Mutant. Hobcit Young il l; KV.V ).r»vVAl:|( A. xnijw>g mind kti-1 in*tttuic a net »v*tcm of rr.tcr- of tl.e i|>|m«tliii)|{ .(ItvAljf (I* | Mkctj lin»*li I* (Ubn tml tltarrbut* of Nw 14 fvfth fo«* I>nv OOODI9 feminent* winch mu*t hive a healthful ef- ^**®^*^* «.m< b«l by tb* bru»b uf tb* iimu .iI I r,cfy „U,« tb,-* urtiictcl t» try Bnvw twenty live buftwcpowvr engmr, witb Ns Treekle Is Shiv Gse4v. lalaraiallaei. ! . ) i • * — . f . »l i* b<—ry beatlml »ru.t, art w>Wig|t a j „__ \y U«*Wr, of tb* firm uf IWrbcr, tssr keeafkt uUa (tot asrke sew nag ta fart mf Infunr.st*-ei furraui*. I '« wr-ftsat a Uitneaft aaw twill vliKfa they an rnvimu at M«*rn* fr*>a«h «*f hair u*-*n e Saft #.e .1 or f«t s-«a - ♦ variety Ihr -s—giving t/j the Undera|tc Choate A NtU-r, Cincinnati. H.4 % ror.|*e fur tfoe (Hforiv. « f ha{*t-«, Utot* Lr«, Et •)- bvw s corners, in Olive. They are enter •all a*4 osmi as Ware p.ukuisf speakers te ne. e*e . tai tto -fotn. .anvi tfcr mo . a.f*, #l«rr *nft hrrcMtvo or bHtivinu Mviih _ *bat kovlinesa which w (peculiar to ;hc *cu foaawu(•• 'a •fo*«la«4 ai«fe-at itoT* ** fo*KI. ea* uig *** m* ••^•fAtsd Ml aj sgregaling fra mitre in length, srr The long bsdisst bar rain ha* n«*C Yrt Soi muh iu« own K'attu.—When yow I Hod r. CIUrilAX, (‘Wtmft. Il ly U lirvales;, N*e Terfo. papIBg ^ Iw-ing c«»n*tructral upon the tirvenbusb tt% •pprsrance in any niftiamt «)usn- hear s man u-e tbe pronoun I every lifth tbs Plai Is frsai eamety saft State Laws .—The Cuinty t'le k ha* re I a»«wit three miiea aortk of tbia lotn, ttty, and fears for tbe future srr nprvaard w.»rd in his ciiuvrrsstHm, >«-u may know be IIEI.VBOLI)'*) ri.l ll> EXTRACT mi addition to what have I wen heretofore j by Itooc who are tm hru-d t» indulge in fore i* Krt’a* only in his own fatimstnei ; but # HUCIIU ectved the treund voiutttrof tbe s«^*.( INC?, also pamphlets cxmtatnmg tbr law * at Jaksa (Motor t Tftt* Df A l*l«f k. glDNfoYB. «#BAVkL. DROrBT, ten f-et *,.!*; ... mil*., e,gbt f.n-l w..|*. '* ,‘* e **** '***"' '*•* l,r, n ‘ PTO .m* 1. .irtmn. a . tmy do I>r J W. Puland'* . UK«#4MC WKAKM8* GVItU. COM- relative to higtwav* and bridge*, thedutie* j ftum >» ftk te . PLAIN I A. UI.U.KIL likfolLirT. and one mile, ffte h-et wide ; ami all, two m.tre w Imk-a.mH than the «lut (J dust which « bile pme c*mi|A»und and humor doctor, fie ef high way n *r»m»i*si«mrre and uirrvevn ul Ai.4 foil aAMfo*«e k«f lA.* and a half feet deep The w«»rk is nv»rr we have U-«-n *wallo«ing m such etiom»«»ua yon may know they are reliable. • VERY CHEAP. Vltnf ART OROANY. L'gbwaya, mfur* of w hich cau be prortm d 'A > e briber SSAaUbt hfo than half (msplftej, already ; and a few Qwantlliea tiurmg the swturn er mowtba - ■ — ■■ ■ m ■■ i ■ i —— la M AT E OR rr.fi VLB, Aim auj asHI a * ai ae lew re: ee sa u wa»ek every holy at tbe Clerk's t-fflce by th **r entitled to I .ltr*. vitb tb* prr^-nt l*.r K* f-.rre en 'V C«»“*«• «-*..m-,1 t.. tbr..* in .|«t* ..( A kiiat i At is w fosit -L.se ton as* -O a *.) I.aalti frem afofotever CSfosr onfihfotias fot. 1 uu a*at*rv ef «e s toees«.«f TLt st; la mnyuj »ac4 uU> take e e.sa m say Ether see W# fosse ia e*u a fail Mfhf mi them , «*p)*wing rauoes. t n»pa have turi»*^l out HOW LONG XTAND1BO jraged, will iuffi'1* for its entire completion- r— — . --i**-nrr »•*. than w a* etfm led, and a ureal r aaCi aforut; ma; aorw# Li# f .me or 1 tool me eepraetaft • change lb* 1 character t*f tne grass suUtiEutMii * miy' for. titan and Uaat stil stndea uinmI , Mtbtfo* >«f»vsM«SA,v ssJ. Il«a4*rhe, they ibake ike Rail fretth .brae •< .r«u, ai 'be . us; turn let *i snide. V. * . „ . , - FAMILY GROCERIES, AaaBBT.—The lack of entertaining mat- toting taiue f»r wild graaaen — but have a st4 f-e. >-•«»*, If J**t •••!* •»•*! l.f* sni rn >4 kta.ih IKH Iit lA, MORFBCW, TAN, Irish aa4 En|U*h P*fliav ur.Ai.iu Ati* lurrxxui, 4# v*ru *RJ'« !*'(» D (’--r*. Y -f aale in toktlae *y J fo«#ft ter in tbe local column* of the liters Lit as U-nefwiai *anitary effect upon tin* surround ^ Swtrr I*or a Tot* j oat received by J Scat lArveyisia, ss*4 hf the 4rink st si! s*..» ne sal ! C I >toOf P atent;, ftrpeuft* aj#eO ;r«a;t w*e of fo reLafole tbia week, is eiplameil iu two wonla^ vu — country. Vte would a too meat loo tbe terg'vd & to. ns*. if. 1/ Aul layer! a iirLMBoi.rri* ultbact bucmv . editor abarnt. .Nula. a* well aa |ratr«»us * that f lie work of gf ad igg the State road |I»ROVINIO>N, Eatafoltaforft *1 afoift* ef 11 ;♦••#*, jeeparrft foy Co r Ptirr N icmis.—A hacking cougb, j A T. I* A CC A m. Will rejoK-e in his s|*w*ly and sal• re- ort* f m4r*h has just lieet* c«»mplrted t»y Korc Wen uc.—Two young men nimcd il. t. m.i vfitftii n, a *«»rt- throat and difficulty of breathing are 1>h I cicilB1, lloyd and Jennings, fn»iu Shiawassee county, B ack a oft Pia«; Celeaa B4 to fte**, fo -w Vacs, soft turn from the pleasures of an Loturn tour Messrs. Hvncroft and My !e* ; it is hoped in the result* of hard colds. C«ie‘s t'ougH Bal­ Youthful Appearance. enterfaiftcd our citisens on the aftermton Sf \f l’-#4 r* <* ‘h l*nfc -tir*(. I bi'aa«l;L>», 1 i to tbe duties ol the sanctum Pleasure at- 4,* rb • manner that tbr ftprmg snd autumn sam allays the irritation, given ease and rw*t DOMESTIC DR1 COODS. snd evening of yesterday by a series of Hr, to UetM fo*a Haaftrakr 1* 111# swbell* tend bun ad i/ftrun; we can le»pe he none ri,M M'd render this r»»ad iin|»aaaabfe. to the patient and i ffrvta s permanent cure iMfr far t nleinrl. — —— ♦- aa has often been the case. per form snc*** u|s»n a mpr, Mrvtrhe«l fnen ewlf bg Tforer I Mia ur eft #•#> >ua root#, tot tof tfoe of all lung ami pulmonary complaint*. 9 Aa4 eVfoov tkin^s tee suwsrest ts ars .ea fta.fo F.faraft Delaiae Elbctiob or Or» k At a meeting <*f — — ♦ ---- the i«»p of 1‘lmnatead ’s llsll, senw C’linttm P'*« la rates tto **c»fU. m» mi (for liver for |#t «o»piiy s«*4 tbe St. Johns l»rai)iat.c Club, be Id at tin .r -^ftWlRATiok or r l u uras.— Thc Cool avenue, to llwkv k Steels new bl«jer*ona presenting theniMdves as Llilnl, w her led a bam»vr over it, and one A f is* t a* a E’ ft 1 )»«• (has roah «o4 on4 l|<-4 "Will Convince ▲ Imtgm mmmmmxmmml sf •®l too ore t fo#«ee oMtrertMAt frum tke liver sol Genera? Afowgvr—O. \Y Murger. MseW IwfMa soft mynmm koerft v**rt) "Vi to*e<»." U.Bary ftireM. afot. fo a«e tfoe^caaee ef foiliaue ifmaa Asfi Mfwi^r—ll. I*. A dr ms. candidates fe teaching in tbe ss'lnads of earned the other hall wsy srnas it on his Ca I at rny S«(S DR il L COliTl N, ui truer*. JtrrWary Frances A. Kipp. Clinton county. A lecture will lie delivered I back. Tins will seem remarkable when we Ee|4 li, !•»?. Ijncllce* Clothe, Ac bene A« Maaftrafoe Pi I to cure tok ll> siarfor saft U Trmasurtr - J M CmrU r. tka______LJL.a.n# m-a - c*m*ider that tlieoe are fanner l*nva, who m ______Tins most mm I rM, n.c t«WNi| f..iw.irinf «rh •XAmmatKO. i ,„w u „ Th « Empr*.. t..«*n.* «UI u^- nothin* ftiaoMers of tfoe lexer inltmteft foe m’.ee sfoia, me left Lmdf* mf itrekmmirm—J. Q. Adams BOOKSI BOOKS! BOOKS! All CaVomv toMerfoetaiifo en enft'.ee unrl; sf either ’ ''*n#< wftin sra. ftraa^raane, ana e yrreel to!»( ef iw—C. A Brown. ■ f,*V •* V«tfW» EES At. JnkM. TR* j tt.r r>.|*. Will »nr r< A.l*n> I*, kind .-n*Hijjl. i -*•». M n ■ iw toft saft the ftosyM, The P.sfesie sr> i torG er f *>!• In tort mj etaefo u ef aeonaeae ss»i Uouuk. akua iMf Iks: tfoe fo\«v It *m a — ln*lilul« •!**■(<«e.1 (o *>*m* off .c M.pl* In f„r..r,| (b* iiAino. and rtrrui.«Unrtt of II ur Wes* «rer etoBf«v grty toll to4 to He ywtiifofal TV* us till 4a afoot as eof, f Grpvft or efoerrorloft #en4mufo •tutor. y> n a-Sre it# r»yi4 evavith eaft yror*u it* toil Fits.—Oe Monday n.pl.i laat. tb* SOlfc IUp» :• cn O*tot«r UtR. n imlHioitrly pi»l d*allnd»utblio).a«ba»*lbnrB*« k»bfo- ti»v "f It Mslei S toaatlfel ftrusiK. •••MM te ass AT < ’OHT ! Is short, tfoeae IilU om ; foe uoft oafo *ft*so»ofs tfc* dw*llin( Ihhw * uf O*o. Krull. «Uo r- «*d : keB b1 ““ ^ ~>»e wit total it. Try s hat tie soft As niEt H/vd MfoMetk Preperttosv, • •*' ***** • porffoiiee or fotoerotFrr orefthrtoe Is C•MSnU aierft tottle*, ww aaly 7A rau. I* ly rm ffoatl foam it!; mm foaoft a rwiin on* mil* nonh raot of Ibta tiliat*. *kaiia. EM-kaai. A.t,nu, nc y ’ myfif mi •VMBft. WAU. PAPER AT COHT! IVofoe Clin "If Vkrn-fo» Msoftrehe mito,** soft aos rss oWrre ikaf »foe fooa Ufoen —ea.i of tfoe ffotrtne ero oo tke wn loUlly destroyed by ffre, trgetber with ***■«) Rtsa*. '••••) The Sr. lx>t*is ind Saoieaw Plasb M A It It I !•’ ID. OaoeWHorut Dt«Ohf> oue «fom ia tke US etas* mi Csjm- rut ■cn*r«iiTT «are»Ma, saft ffoe #*fk«*r ia for* yer eni foeeltfo bII Ita oml»Bta. The in mates of the boviae, on-i. <>n4 nnsr. toiunis;, •• is Hot i».— A company waa organised at the kolft4^1 foy all luasgiers mum *m>i * % Pvaa a e#nts BiixmorroM-wiijirT-i* m.ra, a-fft ta. iast . if no« being wam*ury«r of cutatractinf . HaUb-f B. Wi.w>. Georrol W boleeole Aaeott I ***m*r hnrrum A Cm^ Tl TvV foa, Nea Y.afc; B. f llrue. 1*0 BaHwai rr ft* . toEE M yM Rmb EEAbW lo HOiitM tbe N-, r»»«»yo^knem»n*. ■. plank rvMwi from bt. Louia to Bairiuav. toitiaorr, Md , J -a I*. ) «ui N. L. car ef luailfo aft •Mae Be I OY8TERH, -Mao of tb* -ooftAgratMMi. Loaa, abuot fiaiEo. ' E-n **-u hmL*. T—V; !'* fb* SdUwring oSleor. were elected : NEW ADVERTISEMTS. V.r jr Ch*a pt W”minor to f iiK-MBaa(|,<»ha»i w^lfeer BT*vlar tftft «tft It-ll Nehw4 I* Yvtoft A»rto«, CU e«e, III.s rtouar Bratfow. •MO No msurmiu e Kl •ealhaeat oumer mi fteooaft a»4 Y»oe tor . kt tova. Me. N»»*y. II >*ClViHI Thuratoy, • SI prrswfra/—A. W Wright. n HUMS I, I flllN. >"!«•»• torv»-;r*»fiitonto Oil re. iM Vs foseo •folpfoi vs as • Atfo * Uk o «o me | yr. _ ^ FL-rVh^ Otlrs, ruAmw, Bee | Tmmxrrr—A. B Fain. aatamanli# foerr*».f.oa otoiM v*ftrf ffoe Ana I*alnta Paint* Paints ! Tub Pbcmii w LiaT —The premium list to i -Sna, M trtsrtof. R. St^rrimrg—C. H He Land S;i«4llrt faa* A. II»* *ke« eaft kftaa VraMa Tfoawfo- m, foaiAaftev bee 4eto»«4 to mn Imi maeef Tto ■y Name is Jacob, Am ftsissn for our west t«»OBtjr Fair, toigetbrr with Itr maw at .— A \>nrf eicitcment waa ocra- Tbe capital stock of tbe company ia $100,* fowii are la tfoe to«ft« •( ir**Ma Tfoeoifeea. eto vrul anile Si I foaeineae af «K# *44 Srta Direct From Baltimore. ▲oft I Ota Aa all I eey, ris •venes Ae bin a 4 ia«. ae tfoe fotiman baft;, r si fount eg tba rwfoaawd rugwlatiofia of tbe Hunety, haa *nm« d toward the close of Tuesday after :ftU0~B4O,0UU of which U d.mated by the MtcU. MIMA A. IIOOKKB,* Misa lUAiNA TlluUl'ivnV. Oils I Oils I Oils I Itha iaeauaete aaiare the fora • of rummer, begin* been prmted in b neat little |wmpblet, and noon, by tbe runaway of a team liebmging people uf Saginaw. It m pnipmwl to get IH JAwtog BUT It 4a is wiaft tfoai la WH eaft 4mag . ua, ere the tael# arnt einfrt arekre 11 now rf*ady lor distnlKitMOi. A number of f to Luther Mavm. Tlie horses, which were the lumber out tbe coming winter and c«*o* Msll Goods Ohsnpsr luuyia# snarl ; ere m tke lima foe s y-ryMret r; / » (’AMU (N> S\I.F. —**«.«* «rf M TVtT tofosftlAy mefttcioa la eskeuam. copras bora been mailed U» each director nf attached to a bm«l of good, ata-fed in front 1 struct tbe road, if prwatMe, next year. This V 1 gaii. ( ‘Hiiilr <4 ('linl.m, m. In tb* Vanhtoi toft Paint Inftn t On or About Novsnbsr IB# MnBTrrTkK « An»MAClT Kim.KN Freer eaft eiEitar of ifoe e Ule rl IImry A4e soft Tlaftnre Gv* • ram real ta all neirrf tke a aatrv Subva tbe Society, for tbe purpose *»f tiring cirru- of linnlick A Brown ’s drug store, and run- kwkft like business Wbat baa lacivne or Aftr. OUi-or*. NetKV le kervfoy C»ra, Itol for Tbas say etfoav tsss m tke >*fo. tbe fhymt »am oftiait, aul a*H ■,•#!' (for *#f ike • fbetr respective loralttirs, ami ft is nmg down the avenur turned the r**mer st the St. Jolma, Ithaca A 9t Louis Plank nrvee soft la Hmoae ef Imsm soft sa- dteafoee vfoeHl at pr*neat )#r a#tor »!• mfi • • Wee* N IfoeltT fMfdrft to MM lo ito 4a4a# aft Crr hele im ^•maU is aefl ’.foot it Mao, fur Ike r roar 4' tea t*M«4,b • I eaft 1 tot hopwl iSev will give the matter tbevr »m llanney** at full speed, snd came near cap : Ibmd ( umpeny ? 1 a aft fo*r tfoe «mM; ef Tlinlna* on-l foil# nf X Ckeairer thaa tke ftBeaseef . (hoa the aralafte Bui tfa*ifirsce di«wng*ged from T,,e I-tTTLr Conronat. fur October per |> isl ** the ta.rfh *«H Tel foe Bank mi RtoheB tto Altrol There fo te «m*e toil oo Nftrm Is ebtok ifoir eeeeiiMe mtns*M( ooft aeft« tofotl'e meftasne Cbwreb in this tillage ia now amier- of them clinging tmacnmaly to the reins. ***** Now la tbe boat time to suharrilie foae foileft le eoeft «ftl ifoe *-um|-to'af, vto* trim ftaiy Ike (kale -ft VI». m#• n , ai-o, i fo# M«*tfo lea (|a> era «ft Musical Instruments! «efo»ravt iea if iq** sarlatM MaatorS* eighymm**# int «»f the injury narmwlv eereprd *rri«M» injury ; Init f*rtu f,#r tliia attractive Juvenile, at the publ*sl»er Ike era* foalf < %) tf tfoe aed- erS qasr«er ( « • af see- »ar Brick Block, have E»Maft«*ael Ike . 0k< • ••■ •|-**ih«j# *»*i a a nr., by the gair of laat summer T « natrly no damage was done except some offers to send the Novemlier and December llaa aaaifoae «lt. fftl Is toeuBf a«aitoe« vss (•> sail eetofoe ifoto liarvaW rigpe*i bli tanie. aaft mnfovaa rl-e. mi Mtot aamfoer lira '%> Vto, la Ifos BlSftS sfolWatoi m a yr»« tttu soft earn fur all ike t earn of tkilM and € been strengthened by two iron slight breaks ia tbe hameas aemhrm of this year frn to alt new sub­ Ito toft una foto ft. lBi? Igeor. Tforer H tfoe ffotM# a*H Raftttl to *t eue r—ep, sen tiers for Iftflft that are tent before the ADAM RT'RBXY.r. ee Vo*! ee to 4y*ra fefofo eaft aerTess foBbrliam, enft tbftongb from ai«l# to 1# Sa Oaertoas of a»*ft Mtooee. iiorrrm:irA bitti it* a* i# ••*>#», utar, .J wBieb 4a mk mateviallr mar tbe appearance TrnrBSANCB Lac tub t— Rev. D. C. leaf day of October Grant tndocemenU •foil! ban yet MMfoi#4 ^ nwYieAur * 41.r. - Twfe.lt hA«ta# Wa Finn Htringa Greatly Reduced Prices. •film Interior, while they add mock to tbe ^ Detroit, delivered a highly in- j ars offered to those who rater Heba Price, M a«4e ia (tor ~*m4h ■ of a eervoMi Morteeea. rea | Wbsra as fosp* Is ass 01*4 to a»eewe| i>aWj sm4 Ato; CraAy la T Irani ty of the licutoaat. Tbe walla, a km, are Greeting lectera Bp lib temperance, at the one dollar a year. Add ram Alfred L New fwem A C * , toeriAf to»* Ike t*lk l«r ef Frfoair;. I ease tr, B coat ef cement. The fonds nee- M. E Church in this village, on Friday #41, pebtfebee, Chirac A. 1» !• >1. eaft r»»e4*4 ia tka dtor af (ke lue^arr ef ifoev that ts thin mm R Itoeft* f< r tfoe cMuair of C'»at.*a soft af MirfoL ALWAT# Off HARD. E Y Kit Y DO D Y for edbrtmg these repairs, aa well ae "*"•"* This selprct, which baa been e«r, to Yftfosr f| of X* 1 ft** 7 af fatonaire. A U Its*, •< I e'atoek r. a . vsafowl . tbe rbereb, have l«een pmcwr wistdered thread-bare f*r years, was rvn Tea Basb Bam lever w widely sprrml Ifoare to orwaaft tor for doe *4 tfoe kale of I fob* MM. ed by tbe energetic efowta ef tbe Indite of!______and of A little ra ycar-otd was sitting in r pm Mto.le* tovftH soft flrp ftaftore eaft r-efow •4#fo« OMIS. 04 to. I sHaeip il •■fU’-rto. aMft 'Oval ).|«f And all tbeir Frlendr. torfRI important* to I hoar a•-) 1 l ea*, toot tie- mol toss v«f: AH tfoei in mown ft*n i fft, wbHtnr they ef tbe Detroit Pietare Frenes Msfte te Ortor. Yehs sf ywefb aU. They are will add juel eo Bvucb to imew now label ttv&r'W.n' ef tbe Mr. W yes tbe Twefnlr V* IME « W* «s*Mh fo fo. .It -am wk .rf Ilw. bff. dwi fttfa aniWWMti mM fort, fo* fo fo rtE ..** •R» fo* fo* »H—< fo >kHk fo Ufo* *a « fo. J. S. Rabwbv If "*"* " ^ jyjj I

uam Gen Hcutt s will just probated, be- tin Tuesday, In accordance with orders Pirii rnou a ('ownan* ial Pout or ueat lie nearly all the |»n»|*ertn to bU from • «mt < • "hi, ( • of the «—sains- ViKw^-The la*ui|an Paris is IoagbUr, the nil of Col. Boott ■mother tiun uiH|(ir«U^a| I be Anderson* a good place to take pleaet^re In, ami a very • laugh lets • b Vnee ■ _ Iffffp join. weto their gravis NI»I OS ihp*4 Heturdey ferenuoa a mau named Oturg l cad r<4otbiitga»u aitmialamenal grviuMh.uroiOMli. KbU14 bi« reimi« inoval UU4 House, Tn tms Mi, byfteUfctlve HeU tico in iiig^r tifieenIni, Win «y « n d orretuiry^fc, on de cted iiu sight u4k «MUnd blueness On* l» An The 41 Jf. Jp MMs. Jhv Novjj '»l4s vfilhes lin at the instance of Chief of Polk*- Mrllrath. Ibs/tb a bale iwnigU • /lhajigmMlnetit is now uf ,st. Pant, «m rliargh it a ft-n ilmy% IwTed lu the Wsiw fhvmi of the I*letil- Mian , fbv The l>ra»ur venerated Pope of the Catholic Chunk, Portress Moiine . Gen. Orant ia e cuuvcTtolloo II ^ , and prolnililr f«n years ittu^far. a nmlusing murder of Hr II. Harcotirt, near thet Hfy, to understood wlim he since with two licpttbUran ( ongressiiieii,hssuien, in j leiitiarytrutisry buiUiiug.buiUliug. After tbe grsve (,P the brick do«irlrig wss t«*ple< lahalatenU timipee) entirely of runaway replying to a direct get We ( inal reroariW this abilitutka with to the rhril govern own! of np people. Ilk daacy, said that IfU Uit shouldshoubl seemseein1 to hetMi tb«the ! Tbe wimlowswindows Were then boarded*osided upun and j’ it depetnlsdepends 00 secret dccuous,duieoiws nbicbnbich <« an baha J™ slaves U|sm the ease, and his irvcstijpatioi^i have »fHoe Made Ptakiait tfavigk the crime of mnpl< should be imitated by bit tuuiatf “rill of I'mvhieiicuifee ausud the desire of tbe the door made secure, Secretary "teuton foretold bv no one, aud fora time after they ‘J • MW W 5fJS«- ‘2 »*!* U‘ul *}•» J- arr Mdf.oMi to kuuaa Uy to* a Sa! * UlZS vry*umi of the tnuat c*K»Y!y pUnued »v the of the present day. Tbe present Popf they jihwc «h pa rated « rimes on returd. la s the paMir t teditors uely *0^14 whet wr a not feel at lltierlv to rtwut kept at tbe War In -purlin* ut until 1 lev , ' . ,c a • V*m U* utehedeeh 5 ent, be would ■aeamcheeaher. '• ^ . ^arniU a#m ahou it Was saturmad Ou the lhc »ltvOJ»» * *i*V ’t»k oKint.y ibc sa >oNden had known Ur llarcourt, who a a n a Ai__ TomeiialdSIcefi On Turn lev the UslieTI !• wotne than on ti»* .t-i 1. 1 !»• KitJwkI pnttif rtigWih phyttrtlfi favoring (IticUin that were approved by till Tiliwdey the laalies, i« wor>w than on the outside The Prrnc h . . . -. . Butler a Ul prove t(i^n*s!Pti*rlout ini __ n **»«««U1 kin As nntcudeat Head writes to the ...... Mtaii»u*coU. and kwl lauiy the Democratic |Mta fruui om rad of the JnJlian liurcau from Great Salt Uhe, that r,lfc weiv all fem«weiprnmarv over the South ami brought repudiat^r* — os tbe aan will rise on a bright summer in Slower to all c«>tiimeiiU upon his timidi ­ sloward in St. l/wiis Here hm made Has the lastt LuMuuseusetion . other hostile triUw ano induce them to do ,v wal* e,J court s 004 us iu toner , and probably laid tht them bark to poorer ia the Government, ami gambling where vie? tghat tloee ------wm www,,p”v ' ' i ini Ktauiiug * ’ mom ,**~ WuAu do al)all the vwrkWvrk in Peru, and , likewise, and meet Iliad with his own h'ii fieen definitely scttlixl that the ty. has a single reply, fie says * It If all plans which lie atWrwwrd aarried *m\. . wee supported by the Ifemocrotk politiciaae TlMaJ btlul. In vie# UMlfd (lit Link Nukuroir is Uiu.tT lamil^ the me^Ve a worth lees Ipimhiers ami 'Indians and others on Clotali ir^rvation H**i* *H»I take place at tbe Novemlier very well for you to talk In Ragland ; but Tu the airing of Ml fe was In fct. Paift* .v*rtwkwr Vpm tW )M« twy went ’ wUIJookwltl-tJLof thieves. % v within sis or eight weeks term of the t iron it Court al HicbMiat «luiia re««*ntly luaite a speech on iW and by means of a decoy fetter, offering I«Iok tto |K’v*|iic Iwt feU. wh I wciv to"t«u U|WM (>^ Butk.r| „IM, wl„ —-Then* wriu vjuvu a. gf fet^ugliah j —A d hi pate If from Uwtvlcv, K mih *., of Judge l has*' has expiusse«l his intention of Horcourt the |>oaition of surgeon toe Wwu* refiftnw in IVwhftaw m4 40*1 aeUiS ifti* ho prodding, mid'4f th« rebel Kx Predduit not here iu 1"4^ ; I hw .’ The KrvttcbM*! U mu *i touiaiUUtiu.. K*«ry tuM. »uumm , Airt ^ ^ factories durin I the six inoVftTT-flfTl! ending in the 2fKb, says j ** The Kattsas "tate Pair is «ip«t. Paul, taking witb him a large supply of 4Tte IMfttfeb govemmeut bos Just arise, which will reoulrc all tne diplMinacy of current events and their significance I be war of tbe rebellion seventy om* million scirA. lad only thirty ufftxgA V Ibv 'uU*m you" tr large' and highly cmlitalde to this young * vrn taking into couaklemtSo*. tn eonsi* J me*Heines, surgical, inalruumnta, prfsonat several gu and ability of the Chief Justice to d«*cide. kn«vAr* that Andrew .1. dunum's furores or i tbieisand landlord*. The Puke of Cleve ­ In land to look o nlll frifflwn Mate, and give abundant evidonoe that as a I’.ri.i* not • gre«t inom -y i.mrk.t, I rtr* rt* '*«“* «*>****•'« “. >* «N««n t« TNI hft);u»M^ *tock and grain proilunng'Mat**. Kansas is The opinion It expressed that, even if havis * uii _ . , Alb*i the arrival id llsrcuurt iu M Paul, Uiiurr in the war he has inaugurated upon Tbe KarnHTs and Citixens ’ Hank of The Ned Turk ’(Wbf, tbe tain# sud landismi cuncsii rideri*u tweutir1 weui Y-iuiti' -three milesnoil's inrougnthrough * • ntni 01 fully e«|ual to snv Western State. "hall ap|M»ar the trial wilt In * cvoi IcmI ami and never can In * while this aacwrtalntv | L []|j|1 xfurii ulj iii ^piwil wr* f----- the iaurs uf lung non. in his hostile attitude t.i. .** 1 sm» i»«i. s^nassksd n >lltrrt,yy, ?• »* .^.uiiy a*. •hirkedf l»v the '4w%iovernioent. rww salivaand Mintthat IIFth« IAMI.lasts “ Ooapotisiu,| m h|w n I will I4IPI1Tunder alltthe llUlirname IPlof M ympa \tbe t|4? lU'^jUCUlsulwu«|uent Ulv^UgHUin«eatigationsf it sceiu- —A Florence s|icria! gnr» full act ouii U toward the heron; Generals vbst valor ! I^1 ljHfiasot?rmtsc in s bw niuriv tin U mmimii.I iutv . iii tbe rouatjr •' ‘Trwwrjf, *■ prisu of Garibaldi ’* Intended movemeat ami ^#5“* 14 * c’t nt liberty no bail government,* 1 is necemarily the ruin almost certain that he was ttaken down ffie lead iug editorial dtdlalai sit woriatiou of v 1, , ' , .. . e llt 1__ -*-l be corner stone of aOdti 1 «lt*af, dumb of Still, aved tbeAnion depends iltafftbif np.vn his arrest, lie was conveyed to the fortress { Still, there is reason to contradict such xu t ' , . , A ,, . , 1 river a few miles bv Vian "otcti, and ol Ocrkjr *k« l»uke of Hu km.«.a wlBd |U1I1 tocurt U|lWanl ,^il(Wi. ImprcNdon. Indications lead to the belief ot 1 enterprise, U'cmuse it destroys mdl\id- ____Iu-I___,|erw______4 m ^ W TheTl only object the .twm Of Uil'urv of tto" ItoiwCMtk 1 ^ lto**"*J "•«»* the IWIrnl, »uU all of Alexandria. Tl*i! arms, |mWm*wks three humfeialaiei tarty thousand (sni was laid im Thunslay, at Aloioila, ( al. etc.. illtauAii j that tb** fr»tt| i.! ^k # |if(H‘Pt,i|ptl vi itliy nil 1! ! U|H|IIMl fiifttn fin* jm *i|i.f ttitli^|n*i)t 1 u |m>() |in* &wtul criiur wia # |d utHAUi ILm? |mi pertft All Ka.m that if tto iHauorrmUc , ot "'»< l-rt> »kr acU ol ? 1 lu* ir**<»ps have l*eeu mutnld. ilia aarn au ^ tGat * vr»ana of the nn>^r imikortsnt hist a« irs; mid the Marquis of 11reads 1 banc con —Jobu Kirowu. an eV|H rt Knglish huger, it is thought!,It will .produce trouble, ow Ipg t°rJ the foresight or providence of a single lies 1, session tjf the effects he brought anda tt*v l«rtT rH» .low., ,1 ike viMuing etocUow. * b'* •OSulUr.lta*. I* ««to» uopri.le the ratielfkm will be <1 is* lose*l. Th* ! «ud iniimrU V, .11 tlir rel.tioiik of lifi- «n el- ‘ ntmuy which he wm known to h«»e. mi h U tu put down . vet, ^„, J,4mv^, 1 »,k1* »* n, ‘ ^ | What first excited «u*pici was the receipt of letters by tbe mother of uinn t**y, mufki Ih pulitlcau }iai t> smt !..*» kept iii ht* Csbi ' nowUNlgc. or Horcourt in r.rtglaml; one fr'sn her mm in ­ n'akluil ih* vauii) nf the country idual, can provide forming her of his appoint merit, and iriclo* net men wbo have formerlv Incu identified go Joan with it> -down |»ast ail hopi' of deoti, must in ing the decoy letter, and, afterword, a U-lu » with that )*arty, lie i* no Hcinocrat, no in answer to her anxious inquiries for him tiding agaiu. It it equally clear that if the iui|M*rtanc(* matter how tietvely flic Tb publi* *n» may from Van Sold) himself, both of which wtii Iferaocratis parly. . «*acd-e Archibald Poster, t Ilraaii s4 Were out in full force amt in the old tb* »r largi nettt ! ! . \ |.. OMI ulit« - i also f(»uny that, after the d fewppearancf of Hd eiwmirage'd by it to moke wot upon 1 very mrl1 **»**+"<*"'* «i Montgomery Congressional dutrict w iii have a< rv» under tillage; twenty six milium are lb*st.»n, died huinlay night >X i%-4-awe of thg elided with. IbtU (an wntn ly W mn H*et t*i it flirmurt, his friemfe iu St l/xih Usl several lliousoiid majont). Gen. Sway in? i t mirnMi directly in the interest* of trvaaw, I that tl. 11* luorrst• of the heart victcd in ItichiriMtid received letters, purporting to ionm Irons untouched by plough «m s|»adr, ami lie catiiuatcs the n<^ro majority at 10, in the rvereauey . of tbe tiisn, whih willing to "-There have lost vc death* at t him. and dated * in the wcnn U,** alt m "till be will I** inductal to sufaru Imldly w.wte lor ail agricultural and almost all •Mate M.lc r„(. TrrrfWI* IM.ra4.llMi. ins pnffey of oofrartarn agmlnat Ibjrdkll at dceipt e ven sdvantage^ wrhieb Ins derr lie (♦rwn Point, IsNig Ulaml, <«s>i- ■# «. , , v Ttotrw k i» l«i,l on i*,.'- * Ar I*. M H.t ^ ***/ “*?,****? 'WaM.'urii Hfnrr at lk«Atk i which were tm 0M* 1 1 lk' **li II (is far ui the l.<*refto lloo*e, *»r nine i^t»ifetaUa a horrib e instance human tbe "otith bfe •* T to It "4*4*111* that one t\ in. Ttichardaoii, a fiend dtdeav«/fing to ferret out the hiding place of r,rnmh who r-tft down the r,*| tto wafer tVu» ih.V fcW.w* nfvnfS. W< ttd to the decline hi A trier i< aa ► NWitNM prevent its Iwing made jhi Mi* Iwfore pre- Th*f. Pet Mi uni V Ni«i»y wa** in __ human shape.living on White Oak, until I ^ S*»|en. and of last, after tforkitig him towknf the General* who pdt l^gidoti M njMjrtcdtn p Halt the land In t gg|*nd left waste waft rmatj^ parties ana •f ntaiir n tc CM|fvg, the of %*iT«a y Kalatuarcw* mi Prhlay. lie was on atiuseion ' compelled>(t t*> flee the cunntrv tor fear 4 the i P*Oc« ti» pioec, leanie«l that b« was ia •elfeoti. and his course of l*old u*ur|»attuu that Tndtrw Johnson i». b» education uiid n k cultivated ouce The late Marchioness *>f iiajuidlag trouble* i *uro|i imp*iscd upon th«i employes iu the Ootcn j ♦r^m she Pp ddrnt to fin ** liitlilhl ” in wtigcaiice ol an outraged c^tumuaiiy, h*t this city. Saturday morning thnt oftker ♦y which be w'eks to exereiar the pm<^*w | lastin' t, by j>Viiv lpt« .Jiti'l ansuciatlou, a < Xatfold deptivetl her tenants «»t seven Good authority* stat<« timi the reaigao* incut printing otfutr not being dc<-nud tfewe parti hit aevond 1 wife,n im who," w , \*dying j , (OlJStgli'tl t'» arrived here, and giving Kills a photograph ti\cl of dicUbir. In other w.wds, a fVtti-j INmocrat uf the “strictest sect. II* made )uuiow«tgi** KtymU* mm slatua that CM ho care ber bal»« «»f scarce a month old. of the •up|HiM‘d umulcrvr, and the mtoru«a< •cratic victory. fn*#u the vary nature of the ^ * N* ‘^ *ith I democrats iu t'»c ilaya of j (Iiandlc^ha* Ufl acieptijL aud that C. paper C"NTC»powdfHs I Sunday la-(. the dead laaly of a man was But • .HoM tim< 4l1.fM.4-1 U iv.fr tlir t.fMtc * tl*»t !•<' **»» in wmc teuumi MM turned their fem» nit" deer facwU ur I r « .in (UWitsI,.rr r * hioiN^ a *c, Is a Johnson TH*t(wy, au*l there con lc lslavery a thrift un«t ilouniii«*ii, aud rsMffoh ^ - 1 rv«-vay wui itMOefii inm.*^ — Advices from Japan r*r»|-*rt |-*rt tuethe murder foonafound hinginghuigiug to thetbe limb of a trettree near rMiiarriMl dw in tin- tit^tliO'liiraifodptettlx- f* p wa.k-^ ^od oil tU* w lu 1cpopulation —Itumors of changes in the War h«p.*(i of mm American, two Englishmen amlthne Pokagon vulogt. 11c was a stronger ami BWbni U»I toto »m I4mx rnuail,* oM it 'Ur"''1 "" '*•' '• I" IrMttoo an hour no other meaning iu it. Cotigrrae adopted w^o sought a» v4vM ainaa iMlf J W Or lislundant, and capital lay h«a|»rd on incut arc again in girculotioix fel l that (ien. Chinc**e bv the Japanese. The Hrlt'idi supposed to bv a German . It could not be .a. beaten *cu*ile«i b> it a inlimuxa parent »*"'• »« »•»* ,'""1 «»•»• *1 whe»,- s plan of kH'intriMlMsi. The South was ^* r *haim I “♦** * *|*pteseed. He walked 1 he was employed iu tbu capacity of u.glii «»ur K. I*. Uiair ir., **r r«*m. l.smg, M*n., are t*» CVienl at Vokobaina was attac ked by a mob delliiilely ascertained h*>w long he had been or tT\mg for something to eat; then throw n uwptiug it. Kverytliuig protuiae*! 41U1I I hand in hand with them down to the very 9 *4 aau’ * • 4 In * ap|H»int«al within a montll aud kicbcd ami lieaten The Japanese hanging, but it wa» thought from *.M to ■'.*> u|N»!i the* fioor and N-ft lying there all day watchman. Since hi" arr* »t he has admitted that lie wrote the decoy fetters s|n*ken of verge ot reIsoiiun* p^rUi^ Ji ou iiuu amo Tm Viim S<«s,.v Mimm. - - P. M Ibfte uf 5c# tg#k. whfV*t wife f twtl itnpriaouing Japoorwc Chna hours. l«*tig. twining piteouriy. craving the wnr- and | w*ace olio more to a diaturlwal i^iuntry ami it i* now slim at u rtaiu that be is II Utu mtu JuktoMi'* huiil L..I D.,t Ux’d I'**" 0" onl .' w,,n '- *«•! t«S^I i»itt ft wonU I »vsr. ng tin iswl thier i\vwkf tUu New diud at BufTsk*. t»van ,ly 4 Iim U«*n held fbr ,14i4J- I he matter will is* investi^n»a ?»y •A man was reeoutl* kiiie*l at kclsimi/oi isbment wliich }*,, rlyluate emsdition re- Uial, it apiM # i *t dk Uk' was corned by ^ ^ Minister, aa the * b) I wing camiht under a fulling tfto. lie »4*iired to "tiMain life* i'ay after day it guilty of iliia horrible crime, t ifficer Me • tittrbe,^IvHlli witli Executive u>urp*i(.,ii | n^*in»l tl,, rk utnnev niirk« t has bivn gradually , . - . • * ^ ununder Rreneh ptatection wa« U)miii a visit to his brother and wolun would be left ctyiug. I*f#»trate u|eir* the Ilrith starts today for $t. Paul with bis ... , coavuUnui* nrc<-i im suiting au al>ortK»n prisoner, haring brought w ith him a rnrfufei (*v interrupt the ^«voi!»l w.^A.B I. (xrt.m u* ,btu* »* ,l"' m.uiieiit uMi*wiiig »;-*-wiki hr is* (afbv their aurremlcr His |w»iicy t«»-day i* • letnami h< «a Ur •/>. J anything to do with Iin^ttl«,d claims now at Usn in *i‘, Kansas, WediosMlay uigtit, in another put ol the field sowing wheat. had grown perfectly ^^*1 even with it" Oiorud to !U natuial and pru|K*r jufttitivn | ^ iwvbcy •»! tlo Ib-inovracy. of tnc trait->rs. ol autumn CUfflpjrj secms to tj^lH | »rc tfe* Wur f% paxtim fb whiih were* w os addrtwscdMill bybj ,"eoator Pmucroy, Kx bur. th«* deceas'd <*h* ppol this tree ami waa shoulder*- ft" forebt^ul * ,,M *o f-*r *»ut in front of tt* bnl a» to almost «*>n«s*nl (lur Gglssw l.eilrr. duty of the rvhe(|4|>fr t#^lipjr#^|hii* rl^wlnryjyp^^y^grow ing s* arc**t The New V**rk /' * *•» * i landing when be ume in tlm il«*p«rtitH*tii. Itoluuson, Mrs. Kii/xlwlh i .v*ly Muiiton and M]tn|vratly f-N.n l undenoatli it, d« id. within the I niuu before the If* leave* a wile .u»d lout « hitdn n ut the its • >(*, owing to its lyintf upon its I.A»I *"4015141*, Mf*t. W, l*0»7 — ltoU-rt Havs olieftipted In munlef LP "oaau jl Anthony. Kcwolutionfl "cu pa* id spring uiouths of Now the danger •lirc^ t that party,. and . to them d v* he 1 *ok1 : Ro»r explain# the ivi 1#' of the (airtrasing cooirnitting tin* Teuiperantc jHv^pb to ea-d. twe A 1 „ vV., 111I.-*« ituiiu1J >< >!i it*l1 forehead art a* lie VaksioinaXkV, a S«ittioh •o* iety, gsv« « wife In Mrookhn .Monday night She for thut strength and »up|>ort whiih ire* stringency as follows : ‘‘The I*scan market female suffragi and to the iiiaihtenaiK*'* of Whvtl it w ould cry 1 giond 4-ak at Wuluii^wi hniU Last Thurs* i* insi isrni \hat the t»ad man in tin* Preoi uin|»cd from a window feetlotlie ground — A in *w ami sharp thnltfc w%-* ]*racticed ' (‘ties finger, the Tern|ieraiKc law ot last winter, to the I t«>r food, they would dish ou^ ►•me In *oii * or 4ay. lb CityCocust Hand was in attessdai* * d. ntia! ehair, his. to his country a« he ha* uv‘ mm%t\ tw give 4**< |toitrs sues ess> da i* torty active, slid the rates arc %a*», with ami is prohahl) fatally imur»*d The uuui on ,*t funner in C’w»|er. AlUgan ooutily, a abrogation of which the German* piedgfd »li»>rt time since Sharper No. I batiybt a ■otP BBB o t rough diet and give it to one of the miuhf t.K.ih*r with th* dut la* elected to the ^tat4.* PdmUAtion .Hk; got * bar | e r No 1 to reltmjnfeh his 1 l“rnt hcj#t up until it became notorious *» catching |ag« with gremMii wrsUrea, h«jp icy or aim. Nor have the p irty ever com* of thi frub I rv*o»uiv. t hg halaiv*e of i«^e n»*t c«*nCnned by the ^enub !t sccn! # that the rotuoiodet of his Unit. He will * in II IfeartU11, \»v» iat< Iu*ti< » of therrmere w%a alreadyiirri iy an incumf*entin of the office liargain finatlv for ffffto .*a"h exit l»*/th i throughout the nainh bur hood. Then the^e { ping on cl** dal. perambulating on tfe horufe plained that hi** pyiay«iid av*4 haravurr ) gnanl avM J *okf coosuiuptidtv, ag<*d Ml ferring' the caw' to the Attorney Genera) Hie Manlndl t *rr» "i^mdeut of the i ear", I he (biki i* i*ow in the ban*!* ul its ... , -\T «wd that is to < beckmste the party that tor his cowardice -f*>r the la* k of that firits •*"«»ic time |*ost, .vii I \fi Md ’ulkicli wa«* aud receiving his decision, the Preaidcnt Ja'k»on «fates that, on Friday last grandmother. In all probability it will die, , ‘ >t •»» th* rvs., drmktiig a —A part) ot IV) ui«*ii, w< much and has decided not to rrnt»»ve hint and eppoint i "UuWnaiiors aud sustains him by support net* and sltcuea wtuil wcami h >v«r i«il aon< winced to have proiuis*.**! that the there w* re sev* rul severe flai*lir» «»f liglitniug larg* irU"* >t raw whisky without st<*f»piti^ to cldldr«*n will leave lhwton next m<>nth to Mr. licy triumphant That |««*lic\ wI boUncc should not In * ailowc*i it* im'feasc. out of a comparatively clt ar "kv. one of take bn ad*. at»«l a th'-uoand and «*in of tho** iug life word tncosuna and encouraging hi* «c*ttlc near Netawaka. *hi the Kicka|NM» —A tiiUgraui from llou. N. b. Is)* /r, which kill**! two horse* with which a min ! cutire-l) »atfefactor)- -all that could be but »lioii*t I*.* oh pletrd et’U fertme. Tlo* AlUKKIM.X* VM» ( * 4"ll III "IN k— , ifitwrratiag and «harn*inir liltfe 4mm** whreb in**st evil designs It will be remembered I (enervation, in Kansas t'lamniiaioacr of ludi.m Affairs, received a! was drau'Xing a pic* ’v if ground • *n tin farm r*-tolly 1* lorn to nstiro and little U»va. Uit a* iloairesl—it was designed to put the Ip*>licy, however, u i** clamni, lie nos with what defiant tour and vulgar threat* —•The only daughter ol •* >}Mtnd Tail,* tne Indian (anv % * (hir * otim il w .th ot Mr. Ilustuvr, ab >ut * mil* west of that Merchants of every de«cription who have which ths robust •*•*» ul Nvti» ww so muck city. The lightning killed fe*th horsca, Nndrxw Jobutou 'swung around the rary on the very summit of |s*litical |N»Wi-r suddenly revennd, and t«mr of live millions the celebrate*i Indian * Ui**t. fe M finishing the lisliaiN at Noith Pintle w vs ^ rli tl) m "tifler«-d from Im**" which they incurted by f< 1 h*» strisigih ami tnatilixuaa. A sniall rvw tearing tin *li *g t«i piece" ivnd ktes king and feuUiW, hut thvi uiaai was A fell ana. isai°f grecnl»*a* k- have tkeen taken in and her education at Omaha. SIm* fe learning satisfactory, and pr**"|KH U of pint* «• w *.U t*s» much ciclit iu 1#0d, are now naturally ort uTTtd t»n tlis ground U t"»«u sin* N ♦»!« b • < iiclc,' iu bfe disgravcful journeymgt a the man «! »w <\ b i» n ? injuring him v* r\ | nun and Insliinui. c*ra"i<*v)«d by thr fre* < r*t»» could not anfewsi It* nd th*4r armt t*xjss locked up «luriug tht last ww * It . safes t K afag Itaiiwu and play 4k pian* the Indian" art* inor< flattering than at any \<4rago. Ami how his moath tMd«wnl, time. ITic Apackre, Arrspah"**". Kiowas, avriously. UUKiU" *.*» ilo a cash liOsiorsa. lu la< t. uuMiling 't the two tv at natwaai hrvurog«ja tstiufir fall fit lleiJ'V, if w« have mu* h to th. I mm tto*e gr« —U.. K >«■: I l» u ,r .It IUpti.1 utiui-i. r * pa* ilipso ” i* the dutate of -altty and nanuiv : S• >tt h snutl and Irish wlusky. A po­ Hid he resumed at least the ap|N*arancs of . . * . , . ^ . . x. was arrested at Minn* »j*ol)% Mum . on a ( iiiiMiclici ami tio niUv * t feuiiii'"s are • The rohslo C*v * ..**•♦.*( <*ai a that an old tn ks have Uvo draiuid out of the tnuik liceman prstornt *u« * *""i«d in l*rvakiti«r th* h-wiftry and obaervaoce of law affet the feai from the s brimi of the President. charge of bigamy ami amirvd in default •' witling, il other * b*)tunes wife not make man * atm- to ti.at city W edim*daj fr»an h)* wisdom, la* suae the financial and 4*>ditical |w a- c. to subjugate th< m. if tin (tovcniUN nt aiulotU: in Nsrcli ot a*laiiMht« r who had left i "jam. and ros««/nng an ("pnlit-nun* tol «wct for evil, cannot powth' ly fed, oft the aauy puidtftlivd Jefleriou Davis will be cooeuiefed in CaH «»t I* ddiug his rrtoorces in hand. N«»w it |Bi wtuti T iM atrr, lost I* r t •d the IbruiocratK |tarty ami k« treasonable A rumen having Ura ore ulaUd th*i a and •fvrrvl rlilMrsa, and ** *»*-tth"l *l«*wn a « r*'»J#sl h'ajto and * full 1'UfM' Miss Ik Bar hor ihs patty an w ih hag am l eager lo sustarn ; •Utn.M-nU u( ttir Trr»«u< > buMM- *rc “«l n * rv **°K Vclww the Attorn.. <..i..ral at a is*ar«ling kKKle tn ioiedo. 'N ith the is a (XNK'rasiuQ of all traders- -even th*** |*ottcy. So il will be again with a similar give* any ottt< iol direction^ family hvitig in I'emu*, near Napio. had t .» a gr*wt fa>«*nu with U»e •"acrinaw p**»»|*le. and »"fitlance i f an uffro't tbe o! l g* utlemau verdict from the pcnrple. But give him him in wrong doing, amt only denounce and made out as uol t*» show what |>art of the seattervd |s»ia*»n to bring on the < holer i, a who do not advertise, that the custom their Us»t wiah*» fidfew h*r wberevor sbr oiav r**|**»rU"I l alOiMe tl lie coin, ilxld -hit ^ •pjntolC—OTmghlin, one of tbe Lmo- run mob ottaca«"1 them one uight^ aruusi with f'und hi" daugbb i -who was of age and a repudiate kau ketuusv s* ts.iafe #• oumpsih T.cdof yellow frvor on Uie 19d which th*y have heretofore' obtained by #>• 11tan*erratic victories instead, and who can hatchets, povgtisrds aud guns, ami mans acred widow i and frictl t«» prevail upon her to —T Imj m w Mali Isaug built bv Mr. Ja*km»n, in currvnc) • afeulate the limit of his usarpatroo I Tbe all the evil they may desire. Rnmi what­ mat. An «»f tins cuuapualorv have been i them tmliscntuinatrlr . The fauilU cua> i« tinii to tin- parental roof, but *l»»* »aid hi* advertising, ha" gem roily I rein from men 01* Washing!**) Hire#, is ra|*i llv a#»rua£k>r* alniv of the lfepuhlk today dupuufe a# ever sourer they ussy gather victory, all the v ary attcntiv* to the sick at Dry Tort tig** "iatod of an old woman, two young men t«nd family was ootth icntiy large without h r, With 1 ash in 1* art* 1 who Unight freely at o/tnpUTion Th»« llall is to the w* «od flu*r, advantogvs and |N>wcr of that victory will A t m.vn < K row fi uvil Ht nai'ti IN • A man in Alton, lows bos t%;a|icl ! two little childrvn. Neither og** m>r infan y and would n»t luiisi ut to leave the man who and Will a*x-o*-«dat* over 1,000 ptvuoi Its much ujwin the UiaintvuaiKA* of the Ue^>ul> tin fewest mark**! rati**. When lotrchaiitt ceiling will b- *1 fact high, and its ►tag*? .‘10 f*«t liRi a Bkii viN. — Bhak4|»eare s|NWk • of a from puufehim ot for adultery baenusc* the wasstvand. A liUlr gul manag**d to t »n was dealer t*» her tl*an any other mortal. be given to aid in th« enf orcement ol his isdverti"'* * g'"*l bargain"/ it attra«*t4» the deep, with all tl**' appurt*nazev-a of a first k\as* n wn j«ar ty in its upholding of law ami rleana highly educated prusecuting Alfrvrnry had ceal he rsclfrati l under a fable, watehcrt, imruct 111 "ayiug that —Two uaii, skill; on lliwi way burn* U- to. tooatructroQ, oa did its »umw to give kt* own van crim* in I'm hail, b^iwever. Iieni previously so seriously 1 h*4B of the man to whom vb«* had Iknu V»uth >ag?naw hut Saturday night, about 1- l*oud*nt of the l*»mlon ftfer(o is cormh uiarrie*! more than twenty rears, but ou the •Uxngth aud cuviuur«vgt*tmut to oar •oldierw ' which gon na U«*in Lfeu a^Mti^nsA that the -Mr. *fe#arel ha* wrtten to fVu*"ul wounded that no h<»(>♦«• in* entertsine*! if nothiug find* more to prom*He a cash bud- odork, were «n#H bv two roughs, who knocked n the tfeld during the darktwf |vcriudft of'^*^* *** ^ (hirefort- thfe wouhl seem Wj t»e tbe case of Mr. Thurehm at Twreutci tk at Ute an, or sty proc- her rrsrovrry contrary, vw d»l to 1-c rid of him The ii' w than '«drc/f«4#'*v. :hi*ni down and attempted to “ gv» thn orii ‘ father went l*.u-k home Without the laugh Ih«racii; in bfe liHufWi bill foe the ex^viishm lamatkui off^-r* no immuuhy to I>r. Iba* k r A II* > b "(icf'iai (aiw:»y" p«»r auth »rity i them ( hie of then* 1*0*1 th* presence of aiiid (he war Th*' vupre un wwim of ffe j ^ admonish tl*c loyal pcvflr tint I ter, who !• fewirnl to stick * to the man iioui NcUisei bailor ‘ tftirn, who if under a charge of felony fi»r sap a plan ha* t«cen travuifiitted in the **«c Willis. * it** ) MV" MH"ki.n b*1 the to thnw his wallet, containing over ft.VO, into of M'fllOMV in GrtsU iWi ioui "l»e h•?(-*, how» v* r gifi’.tr they l»*th may l»c cotmUy't salvation :* tha issue that is to Im mual b} ^Uin ( ongress in thi yellow fever plot. retan* r4 thi IVcoaury whii h, it I" under U in fit of the human race, it i" hut u p*»»r tbe dil*Ti, and thsuby saved It. All the rob- his fellow ret'^nners for a moment con tom in a moral, religious an* not a ura* papas in ♦ return in have imitatent start tip and claim < warrant has hen resu«d f *r th* arrest of « W4 if thej would surely frustrate the iuad pfet"» ife p^"i • '> j the tight of female witE more than A.dOrilulscrifari, aud financial men of New Y »tk. who have r*.n It is to liu decided whetin r 1 «>agrass. tbs v*Nilt«*ra Item*. merits f*»r their articles which netef existed Pat Kal**', wh«* was iw ignistd as oo* of Ihe tobuiK" of the I'n toid. sit, which. If mm-1 i»iflragu Iwiag i*r!a4t l within tlm Mnf#fr not m single niw"paper publuhcr who h a j h rred cm the su»oe< t I y meant of '• hi< h It -Hltllisai it) N» w Orfevu* fe m arly at m r*blxT» law making power, shall 1* tusUiucd In its petic cx«vpt in appcwranoc. ^incc Hall’s A «*ge checked^ nt# 1rflAlW^ frunw 1 m t • of their movoment , yet, if the iD^rur* man of We*IUt »wa1 aUadtng in bis com-1 will be pnwAicahk t.* 00*0100 1idi -| stamlstdl, ( ti account of the vrllowr lever — Th* IkiB piut-i>upaytuenU in firefive jre*myears, retiren tin- .1!all the nation ­ table Siclliiti II lir Ren^wer h\" Irecn intro- repaired g* u* rally, at a »j4jjU>W» I#tuU,fe>fff* uuulicajfe'n at X the startirti: <»f kes*ping and di«|mntti«w» of an ttmr|*ing j I bad Outer of Uxfistanai and Capt. J. W sutwtitutc greenlaw kv a" the sol* urn n* y fitab* 1 raluahle preparation hate l*een so plain, a kotr l Vi i.ro iug ita crisis, bgt jt wu| p- a'trt the wiffiin the sfatute the new bill of tbe couutrv, give arsiputi *ud the Dictator. r Danphy, a note*l Reman organiser, have — The u.*t* U1.4I air* b lately Uxii I* gi'-n have owntnenced in.inufa*Turing their l s*M m i with Tchkkv .—A to-n»»4» ua im|N*ndiug calamity if tbe j>re>pie will twit ' orr,^lM',»‘h * ‘t ^ #4t of G-W, dual of refto* fever. Iiiturpow »«.♦ tto —fprrtrt 4u.I N0,n*» ttol in Jl acG woreU _____imputing *»van of Bwiiiork, says that the South int* r»*sts ot all wilkm yr.*r (ii thr Vnitlicra Stat* * i* unprvs V- a value for wtiiet* tin' h<*ldcr rwvivre its German Mat4*s ore now fsu. tu juiu the t on | value, white the other i» worthless and ‘re »«g* nt in Turkey for the vale of Dr. J. t\ * lus letter nn-utiv publiahrel, tavnnng yofist ttor^tobeorito retol ,b> ,umM.wl,ur«*n, 'cr '.t« tl; large. I tu# 1 >" 4 '*l.»ld> (<*tili ‘ lll"f' fniermtion of the North and make Germany '-The IJIrera • pa|iet> o f Pram publish palmed off up#n the unwary. The effects TaStorfttoM*lQ4Jd ^M.»ctorr.;j Kvcrv I,.. «- tolu.k toto, cU . unto, tto!, tin following confidential>n nd circular tied by than emtujcb for iioiuv < 'it"urupti‘*n Ayer A (o « ncillcintk diivrn by th** •n* nation »*f Hall s >icilian Hair Renewer u|*«>n the Marshal Baasme while iu Mr\nuy j. lutotof ^rf«lbMoc yZZuTimktknown to ti e tr'*»p" Vt in! », Gcor^ift w!ii« h wil* c**-i HIf00,000 more rexvn, built his warch«»iree in t'urretait Thia alicgoUua mi simply absurd, be In-t-Tc it t<> its natural color when it has the valtialdr iuVrrruf t* i, in !«'• n* K-" r»M the •au>ng tto ■•S^c lr'anxltl". A n n |.-r rt tie ifV*l ». I lotion in any fans; whereas Use eopfrer will be put to death. No ri'h.’*i»ge ife - i »»e Vivk"Ouii( Kf Hit'f lfb*ft ‘if** U i go# authorities The Ituaire of a ticighlwiring ; that the great principle for which we con any woman I add enough tu seiac ou the It is re*|»r>fted that Kelly and Hews ! prisoners will be made fire the fata re < kir 11 **' report t«» sUtwp laiaing v* a bu"u»c"* in ti*'whir'll overlooked the prrmki - bead party, through iu rrexigmird leader s tangled i^atnsi rtbi!fe.»; are u**0* fee I ms lliioapi l *i~ * i» o )>|hi «*i to pro advantage gaine^l by this overnight —-if the Fenian |inaon« ri wbo were recen :r, soldiers tmist lie made thoroughly arc | The bills afe'und iu IT riniida and journals, has hinted at repudiation in secure'. ^Taft loans may pbit■ ruin, and hil’ttory h*|uor laws. It saw ~ lhr argu- demanded a large pmwuit iu tuoec), whiefe >cnt tu. n w ui i ’"aid tbe felt1) *aa* •* a ai d* ia MmA t f j thst they ought n*A to surrender thi fr srtus grass, si ui would ul! id p^turag* to 1111 *»«> sutc in ito I niun. ! rnniUeuU prute unlJitoui to tUyir tnut. ,T __ • s was refused. They then aj jrtird to Uic det>; i. at tlie hustings ? from Lkfrrwxd nvy eutmgh grain or leqrv t*» tin* diatiiler er hrrvvrr. la?- olw"tU‘tr law. which ha I Uvn dfei *vard«"l the Ren ions p>a f Utreift tK*i rftU#fe of the * entered upon. On l*otb sidre to U ki Uod re rota and cjpperhcmla. Thia question of to pause m Ibfff mod far##. And aft the of Pennsylvania steali)) increased, until in to support tn< mseives fire »»,h * >v *1. Hence muse the IvtU r ma) luakr an artn fe out of two hundred years, requiring him to take printers now umlcrgoing sentenct there, necessary. w« tnuftt s.fil lands, in '•ru de"|s uling hands i" not complete iinlcas w«* bob! iHvine lV»t* ul drm*>liti«vi Minasiae tbea ap|»liid («* uutwitlistaudiug the vast extia expeteh have not a doubt that the rrpudiniurs will J tu. (rv.imo«4t}MMMunUxrMif4-; "■* rh .{•« top* ttot T| Irmn. m. tb«*ito country. wi«rx «re Mill i h ucc primarily rewponaible kv dealing flu* Ainrricaii Mnuslrf. win* notituni tli« t find thwir boose in Ure national copperhead I i|pMii#AAVT ftH^isAH AHOisfeAw tiirea cntai by tlie war. it has been a" oft Cnllfcrtua, show g ug*t*nai increase m "t^ will n**t la dito*.*uraged *y their ia*t cnoouv «gmg. It is ooafi 1* utly be lie red a mn Ii m superabundance of artidre «*a|*a'*fe Sublime Porte that American pi>>p«jtv m property value of ‘Hup vud land ao*l Rt«« and ealnirU them to rmryvniw and *rgani/aii >n That party al*horred tbe war I Hoc of the nxwt notable events of the atrodily diminished, and i- now l*'«s thai* audit uriK’) of torn will Ik : fern rated k*r thr of pnxluclng afeohol* could not Ik * thus trifled with and ’that ,1, ts and man* * T*-s^h ffn again to the lilwratiou of Itnrm w mb and nm witiw *.f the oaintry . The the demolition must cease. Then com- which tbe gowsrutuent was compelled to si* day was tbe recent arnat of Garilmldt by MVS'MvitOiiwasMm-toi ZZ\:f‘sricu,tM' r,,“' lie Uila the Lilxrxi party uf Italj ilzl til, price fe * tprct»*d t*» rule frr*in fiftv to MKI.1IV. id dtiseua of Hnvwnnvilie, I lne ®erd lb<> ^ t4 Mireftthnait p»r gift la, and now wants to cheat tbe men ' order of King Victor Rmurenuel. A tele only suiqe fr.' ►fil*»,ft0“ nf aeftnat 4nd« bt* d A .lu(M.Kb (V».|.xo«(44.. Tc-rnu^v u^n tUcn. .nd lh«„ , |„wM I ^ .,^.x / lt_ < vancat H»n and promises, r *ut no real redrew* ____ . . x i __ r .1 nauous ae\i *4*"lv *w sit il,#* moult f the#I _ . who bad tbe confldetioe to advance money grain from Florence stated that be was tie#. Buchanan was a Ifetuucratic Prrai aniKHincta the Uvorable prvgrcua of the n»u« h Iwttrt tin*** (■•t#w#*4 yyear.' ■ii «u*d••••"« itas noo o ,r*»* tfs Url'1 t| i * •'U4f> • u*t F• |Mlly Miniatrr Murri. Ufon^l,Iir r§ 11 ttomit# •# iW1 ftOmi act mo in the present crisis. P ,rticular» to the na tion to onrry it on. This imdinct captured as he was entering tin* Ifepian drut i. he wud mto ollfec vvfeUc liuic were servry uf U m; Northern Pacific Hailrond.l aUiuity hap)H*n* tu it bch'rv? harvest it wili a»t, at vvhk h s preamble and ruaulutMus |f their dt-ntt'dationsprciiatmti continued, he ali«*ufel show that the not* last week w« re wioru 11*vitribiitc great!) toward the reli»‘f of our wire s«lopted, ri'commemliug the evlmatirvi order the ^.N., "!ji|w uf w *r to entin fli* territory * Tbe P*|w hod hi# ear s# wm< h luillioa. in tbe trrwary . to reUre.1 leneinx ft"** 1 (Mil 14 ttoiV’tiMteMM to* is nsturol. Tbe slaveholders rebellion was •" * i» •‘oinplrb'd aerioua than at first rcp*vt«d. In w*oav *i **f (Tie black*, universal sufl’rage and noi-1 Brwpfe'n)* im*! ewe* Ayei** mcvliioi a democratic rebellion, anti of cowree tbe atarmol at the proclamation of Garibaldi not a dollar there. lftor*U»w[i** i cities the troops were fre*4«ently uMvgad U. I B P Gen Banks. Chairuiaii of tl*e H u#*r use the Iwyouet ami •ofnetimes to tire tn»*»n —thirty wumentu Munlg*HiHry,Alshania, eeisal amnesty, tin. iiirui'Ni) of the two warediooae w*mld not U? alone n^iffres A ropperbends of tbe North loth to pan fee a radical invselon of tbe States of the (crmtto Oorerenr r* IWs fftbtc. ! stroke ot ho> pen could have laid Ibe wtofic are . tVvnniittef on Foreign Affairs, has ororpted the people Manly cHiretv» U>4 rUVArrn nl!"Hen ai omi ard IKin inrthe .. . , k * *»-. K «f that citj, In »lnrti ttor .Ii. iar. t«ruUti m .Jhmi W g.i l.auU iu baml. M too i bsckcrl b> met) whu are not schoolediu the they should hear to ousd that In repudia ­ lytng detevbcunuftOof knfojmy ok # «J»ver the r.»uutvy fcw tbt4r w|#sn*b ring o| tuny him tn Mexico. A similar invitation wounded Los lam extended to Senator Morton. • that they arc suflering f**r the ahouluU | a Urge public meeriug in Texas, in open ( less*Hi* itf fear This brought them to tb« ir ting tbe natrons) debt they ore not punish tinted them in Rome, for the purpoae uot |U< public money -sr* corrupt were they —A Wsshttigbvi diftimt* h dated A pt They np# tn l'Wve cm tbe fttk wf (fevftwr kuc i senww and speedy mlivw Miivarisn he HOth says: * Judge rnderwond and IK If. nvcewrenca of life, and can get m» work w ith ( j*#**-* T n'SMliiti*»«)s without a riot. mg tbe original sobecribevs to tbe loan, but only of protecting the_____ city ____from ______invasion and their olhfw# that they became known m — Theme healthmaunPV mof IiHoarvimIIhi fftofwi«rcn«—a toit /«__ j,' u rwn ...... ___ - v . whichwhich toto >(ii*i>ortftill’jHirt lucmthiui"elv*» an 1 thill now arrived to this country, b* prasut the t a rUhig of the people tbe •"fiaiy thieves Notwithstanding rapidlyrwidlr improTiagimproving lie i. .utount.all, (’handler. f« f.• W.»*• fHstrict Attorner •»fcr \Mr r tol,.lea. rbllAren. Ttoy ,, ,.;.T I w« to li..^ that tto r. j,4-ne- , u> wur |W|MrlM..ut for tbe thousands of third parties the widows without. I*ut agwtti" • ..€ a).— I. !. I a I * 1. u____ .1 t . . Ta aMiaUM" Iton tl.r I "f “**-• * ‘,yU' '• ‘"H1* At length it is aouicthimiAg to say among tb* \od the orphans, and the retired drisen within There aretua hi be no doubt that tkor scandaioua reoonfe. thr Ifemocratir party asks to be reebwed to power on tbe tt&WnirmEttfiii &»*££*««■ irsstr people of the earth—4*! ani an American wbo to reeled Ids all far kk future support nt and lr*Hi) Hr. I ^ the people uf Iksni* do syui|iatbise with plea of h« meaty and eyjoocay. Vrriljr, the ~..wahoping <- M— .Mb. Jj* “g*.. ^rj* ; Ib~ w.1— -m.*have I wen closed. Purer. A« v""irwna lately chsrgt.'tl with eitmen ! f'Jvft who fe tbe |wiweruting offWr In the cere. I in these obligations uf tbe government We GoribekH in bis effbrto for annexing Jfemc lea/lHb Mb# %skh Afttoft wfi wrer ttoyt meeting of rucigre#. having uttered e*uK* very ridhufeus aa well to the Kfn|pt»»ui uf Italy, and inaki^i^thc will, it is imderatood, be governed in his regret that Gen. Butler has token the pool utter tbmr words. —4 fee Kshcook. id l iataMli Bunday VN 41 LIU G4 M.UAl tiuiNT btAtUft. 'Ir. as disparaging re-marks respecting the negro. Tiwics first kxHprit" an 'wviwkfc* oim P evening in a fit of jealousy fired three shots action rntirelv f by the sdvicc ot Mr. Suui tion be bus, because it will be n stain upon natioual copanlj' Tt,^ aftffbAt of Gari I wry. Judge l mWwaod snd Mr . C handler J. \\\ Forte) u lt^rsphx frou* 'Vashiugliin aBl] a Ihvmxmtic mcfnlorr of Cwngre'wa frevn K1*' l,mui •®*f altonngh nothing bos yet Tm. Ftov oft Crnmore tTU Titr. Wmt, st s woman io a fernse of ill fame. Missing tbe RepubBcni party, of which be bos been baldi must la formidable, os telegram* from T_iTT^Uff bulb of the opiniuu th# sufli» touticut tasti-test! J fe,|M im Ptaitohlphtoiplilfe paper,J*.*|i the uf .g.h* nt*d Uk hi as autfevritv on the fi'-w id [**** 'llsimvcrail to erwlir#s the ft *rmer f»K Stares the large receiptsts of graingrai at the her, b«i toot btmeeM bribe f, it 31,»tiNViy can be iimrluced t** convut Havk, ... member. Tbe repud iation of Paris state that Louis Napoleon has sent IdiuaefT three times In Hi*r t rednewfey, the follow iug I au* ciHiv iimud |^c Huusc The Professor, however, has fetter may »k * easily hv th* Use » hnfftArn \ , provi*Uspro vi 1 the case k allow ml to take the ! debt naturally belongs to tbe y to Rome to sustain the Pope probobly die. coorw, without any intifferemw *'iat the pwplt ut the 1 nitc.l Ifttate* have I of fling's \eg* UMe .IimU *ii Wm kr»sm Ti a^aiiMt tto OaMtathiian HiDMh' •*Thc <* •mtmty trow N*w York to tto i ego lor “I 1 written a letter iu whfeh be repudiate* alike Pendletons* tbe A Him and — A retired t.ngliah sea < a|»tain w ho had tbe friends ref ucvvi bad mure #*uudant reasuos far grati- iMCU^. Mdlto w-nliiurnt .lthUit*d SV Wlr to Ife ’ tto RUWdgM Md their oop^artoad fellow *|>Mrh ot OarilMkli a* «.«**»a, abuwa tliat j "«*» RUirr tto flrxt at N«»initor il ia made the tour of continental Kumue and from the authorities here th* Havk, toclodtng hk bond ■* aw-ert th# tndo to Uv cao I Grout,and far rrpvwing the ^ f hv ••*! rvm*vs frivii the s«mtp ill ittkluf estimator thai II trill require at frost Airty the Holy I An*), was asked how he w»* ef|4 No bos hi* **l hums tut what imjiressf il t»j his visit t4» ** irriiatwms, w i#etbei cousol l»y dong aft t tody illions of dollars to move the crop to the •* Jenna IA#/* oobf BkT> iff i iafc i SSWAs ffimr; —- - «•»- - ■— Tm lUpuMivona if Kichimvid * Ktf huutoT",______at U mi same time msmiUbu to » di tto of esfetem i "’1C —B—SO——I——O the hair that gios**v and beautiful lout su n all and every effect to wankrei ibe hah i f grt ^ of that * pestilent institution coifed sealmard Tint 4:rw pi ace 1 visited S There is n*4 a «lmp of i relict meat against hire ” te rn rat ITiaysr, Nmatof in kuugresa trum ^ vicinity arc making nn that jndit i# m* |h J Nebraska rt^iusvl, ami reported tu Iftcneral ^ •• Jatwar, late revenue rollertiir, and a# b Pope "Usli lv shoru >4 iO®» 1^* Atlantic rifles bod nooity all tbe J I^otest JiMtatoi Mittas uriW4 to*too M4 4M-IM* "*■ «■! of Ital) it is surpnotog tot first ucvatoiiasKVi as Brigadier Ibvad are |icraMfx» who have beerwne tNOtag oototarfty. responded la this wtaTi of tto North wto tNtoltto* "II «W nf theTlitWfii (Mfffelic j vamry Ivmacb of industry. Daring the next rittAcnsthis ofpfioclamothin. Aklsiflsa who have have been been U-furo pan!mte«l the | Honor#,« and hefwrro wh«oo the mu#. .inti- . • •••Mtmts__ • »-^4 A ttat try , ^ ^ j ^jToa,^fikjjt^|ij^^||H r the I. ""ul deal rd +.9 ,______tto Mnl 4»war ot tto1 Cfe—S Ol(toongkawt tto world ib ml 4i w«»*l»* tto w«| pill tor* •*» fell *tore to run it a« -Complete returns frnsn 4 #Ubm»a abrew lhM*«u of IfeciMrmtfew wMck wv wow r* I nM « rvltoow* to*. uMS tm Urn—, li Uax ttoMonxi D has decided that tbe the Ba|V»# dore * nr fcr*toWai •• svfcoiV ft" Iv Si (»«>«-' iff the needfal funds to start new enter *u tto lltb «wd lUmtod tto rUU to to ...... ____ , . ^ I. Gw 11^. UM* rei,«l tto •* "U tkkmonmg tod «vdy ru4#4striftcUxi».dftofe.s>toi Sfei»i.i» Gorham 0,004 TheH Ikwrds to reffmt to regisft-r them end tli^ deU toot taotf Mao tattoff upon re# « * lion . t Wm fca td ii«i»u|Btaftbfftf ttae entire vefitiuo is having token tb«* oath U» the Pcmtaient. Hk decadency ms) refi find • antkdp#ing th# fer iths to ounnftry by * r Wf v*'«. ref* bVMURluvtn i|i|**m" h .Arp 1 gtwoory on eidulge of Alalmma wbo nos %4 ^ fy^ds in Oreigldki. ami remfiaUy I fitted Btates amt affeiwaM si«k *t «9ie ,b#l Rutarv ka vary uuprn

: £«ns^r t .w s!f«*i I ' * I .4*1 ii»l{ U§-:3 . r»,fi uit- t* ? fSLiiH1 r X B Ifyi * B 1 «.

■*Tf? 84 <’ w-9~2 * *-.*•* y«

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